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Subject:Linen - preferred for healthy living

Date:Sun, 2 Jan 2011 21:52:4 -0500
From:Su!ette "#M#
$o%inson &Su!i'paintedtongue#(o)*
To:Su!ette "#M#
$o%inson &Su!i'paintedtongue#(o)*
re(eived through +o% ,ells
May 20, 2009
inen - !he "referred #abric for $lothing of %ealing, %ealthy iving and
&ell 'eing
(t the electronic cell)lar level, fla* cells are highly complementary with
h)man cells+ prod)cing a benevolent effect on the h)man organism. !he h)man
cell is capable of completely dissolving a fla* cell. ,t is interesting that
fla* thread appears to be the only nat)ral material )tili-ed for internal
s)t)res in a s)rgical setting.
.cientists have discovered that linen fibers reflect light. !he light energy
aspect of living organisms has been meas)red by many individ)als within the
.cientific comm)nity. /obel pri-e winning 0r.1tto %einrich &arb)rg
identified signat)re fre2)ency n)mbers of the average h)man at 30-90. (ll
res)lts with n)mbers less than 50 were identified as the signat)re fre2)ency
of chronic disease. (ny n)mber less than 45 was identified with those having
a diagnosed inc)rable condition s)ch as cancer.

!he meas)rement of linen fabric meas)res 5,000 signat)re fre2)encies. %ow do
other fabrics compare7 "lant fibers li8e cotton and hemp are not a healing
fiber when meas)ring its signat)re energy o)tp)t. .tandard bleached and
colored cotton meas)res 90 )nits of energy. !he good news is that 1rganic
)nbleached cotton meas)res 400 )nits of energy which is a :normal: b)t not a
healing fiber. !he sil8 fabric meas)res 40 )nits of energy which wo)ld fail
to s)pport health in the h)man body. $o)ld it be a low n)mber beca)se of its
origin7 .il8 is prod)ced from an :)nclean: insect. $o)ld sil8 be also )se of
so many chemicals that it is an )nhealthy fabric. ;ayon meas)res at 45
signat)re fre2)ency. "olyester, acrylic, spande*, lycra, viscose and nylon
meas)re -ero and do not reflect light. ")re wool meas)res 5000 )nits of
energy. #or any individ)al desiring to be well the best recommendation from
the instr)ctions of the %oly .cript)res is to wear linen. !he 'iblical
warning of wearing wool and linen together proved in scientific st)dies to
be acc)rate: the energy of these two fabrics p)t together <wool sweater on
top of a linen o)tfit= collapsed the electrical field as well as wearing of
blac8 colored fabric. &here the two te*tiles meas)re 5,000 signat)re
fre2)encies, when p)t together, these cancelled each other and bro)ght
meas)rable wea8ness and in some tests even pain to the h)man body.
.ince the earliest times, fla* has been 8nown to have healing properties.
;ecent st)dies o)t of >apan and posted from the linen te*tile man)fact)rers
confirm this tr)th. ,n the atin lang)age, the word fla* means ?being most
)sef)l? and the %oly .cript)res certainly emphasi-ed this material over all
other fabrics for the %oly attire. !he original %ebrew lang)age gives the
attire of (dam and @ve as a linen robe of light <Aenesis B:24=. ,n
establishing the protocols :stat)tes: of health, the prophet Moses received
specific instr)ctions. $leansing a :leper: meaning those :inc)rable: gave
only three distinct fabrics of attire: wool or linen or leather <evitic)s
4B:93-9C=. ,t was emphasi-ed as forbidden to wear linen and wool together
<evitic)s 49:49 and 0e)teronomy 22:44=
%istorically the bea)tif)l white linen attire of the %ebrew people was with
(lmighty Aod:s specific instr)ctions, the decisions as given in the
instr)ctions :!orah: as ordinances <@*od)s B9:4-B4=. &hat special 2)alities
were in this linen material that wo)ld restore life7 $omprising a m)ltit)de
of ho)sehold items, fla* possesses tr)ly e*ceptional hygienic properties
that heighten its val)e in cons)mer prod)cts and e*plains its widespread
#la* is an ann)al of the family inaceae. !here are over 200 varieties of
fla* plants that, depending on the regional conditions and climate. #la*
blooms in cl)sters of bl)ish, navy-bl)e, and, more seldom, violet, rosy and
white flowers that open )p at dawn and close and fall at aro)nd noon when
heat sets in. @ach flower blooms for a few ho)rs. 'ees collect close to
fifteen 8g of honey from one hectare of fla* field. ;esearchers fo)nd that
one will fall asleep faster, sleep deeper, and wa8e )p in a better mood
after sleeping in linenD /o fabric o)tpaces linen in nat)ral strength,
l)ster and d)rability. (ncient healing secrets revealed in the %oly
.cript)res instr)ct that this fabric is considered %oly attire and part of
the sanctification path. inen is an ideal fabric not only for attire b)t
for yo)r table at every meal as a :high energy: tablecloth and nap8in.
#la* fabric is an e*cellent filter protecting against chemical e*pos)re,
noise and d)st. - inen clothing red)ces solar gamma radiation by almost
half thereby protecting h)mans wearing linen. -#la* fiber retrieved from
contaminated soil appears to be totally resistant to harmf)l radiation. -
inen )nderwear heightens positive emotions as well as possessing rare
bacteriological properties. ;esistant to f)ng)s and bacteria, fla* is fo)nd
to be an effective barrier to some diseases. (ccording to >apanese
researchers, st)dies have shown that bed-ridden patients do not develop
bedsores where linen bed sheets are )sed. &earing linen clothes helps to
decrease some s8in diseases - from common rash to chronic ec-emas. -inen is
highly ?hydroscopic? meaning it rapidly absorbs and gives )p moist)re.
(dsorbing water as 2)ic8ly as a pond s)rface, before giving a feeling of
being wet, linen cloth can absorb as m)ch as 20E of its dry weight. !his
e*plains why linen cloth always feels fresh and cool.
inen does not ca)se allergic reactions and is helpf)l in treating a n)mber
of allergic disorders. inen is effective in dealing with inflammatory
conditions, red)cing fever, and providing a healthy air e*change. .ome
ne)rological ailments benefit from the )se of linen clothing.
inen cloth does not acc)m)late static electricity - even a small addition
of fla* fibers <)p to 40E= to a cloth is eno)gh to eliminate the static
electricity effect.
inen possesses high air permeability and heat - %eat cond)ctivity of inen
is five tmes as high as wool and 49 tmes as that of sil8 . ,n hot weather
those dressed in inen clhothing are fo)nd to show the s8in temperat)re
BF-9F$ below that of their sil8 or cotton-wearing friends. (ccording to some
st)dies, a person wearing linen clothes perspires 4.5 times less than when
dressed in cotton clothes and twice less than when dressed in viscose
clothes. Meanwhile in cold weather linen is an ideal warmth-8eeper.
.ilica present in the fla* fiber protects linen against rotting - the
preserved m)mmies of @gyptian "haraohs were wrapped in the finest linen
cloth.inen reGects dirt and does not get a f)rry te*t)re+ linen and
linen-containing articles are easily la)ndered in hot water, may be boiled
and dried in the s)n, besides they may be hot-ironed thereby ens)ring
ma*im)m sterili-ation+ inen provides a sensation of gentle, nat)ral relief.
inen:s smooth s)rface and matte l)ster appears bea)tif)l and feels pleasant
to the to)ch. !he more linen is washed, the softer and smoother it becomes.
&hen wearing 400E linen, many individ)als have testified that their healing
was rapid. "ost inG)ry or s)rgical pain was s)bstantially red)ced <witho)t
the )se of prescription or over the co)nter dr)gs= when )sing linen bandages
and wearing linen clothing.
!his information which wo)ld be a little noticed matter e*cept for this
research which demonstrates why it was a necessary part of the path of
faith. ( most remar8able testimony was shared by a Haraite >ew: %e testified
of his linen tallit, <prayer shawl= that was precio)s to him. !his prayer
shawl was so familiar to him that it was similar to a well worn %oly
.cript)res whose pages had become reg)larly to)ched with )se. ,n 2)estioning
him as to why he still had it, he opened )p to share a remar8able testimony.
!hirteen years previo)sly, his wife was in labor and delivered an infant
that failed to breathe. $alling the emergency 944 team, they waited gripped
with the inevitable loss of an infant in :stillbirth.: Arief stric8en, he
grabbed his prayer shawl and held his da)ghter in his arms for an agoni-ing
B0 min)tes. %e recited the prayers of faith while waiting for the team to
arrive. Inbelievably, according to his acco)nt, when the paramedics arrived,
and had not yet to)ched the infant, there was a dramatic color change for
the infant and breathing had res)medD %e testified that this special child
has a brilliant mind and does well in school. !his ama-ing miracle involved
)se of a specific linen tallit that wo)ld be :swaddling.: 0id this linen
prayer shawl contrib)te to the healing of this infant- demonstrating the
benefits of obedience to the specific divine re2)irements for linen for
religio)s ceremonies as revealed above as recorded in the %oly
.cript)res7!estimonies from many individ)als confirm that this 'iblical
clothing protocol bro)ght healing their bodies.
!he %oly .cript)res prescribes the wearing of linen or wool <separately of
co)rse= for those that are ill and :inc)rable: in evitic)s 4B. inen is an
ideal fabric not only for attire b)t for yo)r table at every meal as a :high
energy: tablecloth and nap8in.
,n s)mmary, if yo) wear blac8 clothing, standard cotton clothing, rayon,
polyester and nylon stoc8ings, these will hinder yo)r health by discharging
and e*ting)ishing one:s electrical field light. &hen p)t into nat)re law
depletion, there will be dar8ness. !he h)man body will str)ggle with 9 areas
of opened windows within the h)man body v)lnerable for attac8. !he areas of
windows in the :nerve b)ndle: regions of the h)man body :lea8: s)btle energy
fields with the reserves of mineral charges. !he dead battery effect wo)ld
drain )ntil the cell)lar f)nction wo)ld be termed )seless. ,f yo) have good
fla* ne*t to wool or other man made :fa8e: fibers, the energy signat)re will
:discharge: and one will s)ffer the conse2)ences. !his is the law of nat)re
principle. &hat is at a higher level will come down to the average of the
lower amo)nt )nless shielded. ,f yo) )se cotton, rayon, these are not as
strengthening to yo)r body and may serve to 8eep yo)r health :average: with
the typical western illnesses. ,f yo) want optim)m health and healing and a
strengthened imm)ne system, yo) can choose to follow the instr)ctions of the
%oly .cript)res in getting yo)r holy wardrobe 8nowing that yo) have the
highest blessings available. 'less the 1;0 for this new 8nowledge and see8
%,. ways.
?(nd to her was granted that she sho)ld be arrayed in fine linen, clean and
bright: #or fine linen is the righteo)sness of .aints?- ;evelation 49:C
!he description of the !abernacle, which formed the central point of worship
for the tribes of ,srael, the historical record tells )s that the c)rtains
were of fine linen. !he )se of linen was to have holy garments for the
priests of the nation for glory and for bea)ty <@*od)s 2C:2=. 1n Jom Hipp)r
the %igh "riest alone entered the %oly of %olies, to ma8e atonement for his
ho)se and for the people <ev. 4K=+ on that occasion he wore white linen
garments. (aron, the high priest, entered the holy place, he p)t on a holy
linen coat-and girdle, and )pon his head was a linen cap, !his shows the
)ni2)e place held by linen in the history of ancient times, and the
reverence accorded it is f)rther demonstrated in the /ew !estament, which
states that when the ;evelation of things to come was vo)chsafed to >ohn,
the seven angels, who held in their hands the past and f)t)re of man8ind,
were clothed in p)re and white linen+ and a final 2)otation from the same
'oo8 of ;evelation actions informs )s that the garments of those chosen for
eternal life and happiness will be of fine linen. !he )se of linen for
priestly vestments was not confined to the ancient ,sraelites, d)ring the
birth of the Messiah, we 8now that linen was a common fabric )sed by the
people and the !emple beca)se of its p)rity.
&hat prophecy has been of fla* relating to the tr)e Messiah7 ?( br)ised reed
shall he not brea8 and the smo8ing fla* shall he not 2)ench: he shall bring
forth G)dgment )nto tr)th.? - ,saiah 92:B and Matthew 42:20. !hese are
prophecies that wo)ld identify the Messiah to be a light to the Aentiles
<,saiah 92:K=.
#iled )nder (bo)t inen
5 by >illian
.pread the word

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