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(CXXI OF 2002)
1.Short title, ete!t "!# $o%%e!$e%e!t
3.Li%it"tio! o& "((li$"tio! o& thi' Or#i!"!$e
4.Po)er to li%it ete!t
5.A((oi!t%e!t o& Chie& I!'(e$tor, De(*t+ Chie& I!'(e$tor "!# I!'(e$tor
6.Prohi,itio! o& *'e o& *!re-i'tere# or *!$erti&ie# ,oiler'
8.Re!e)"l o& Re-i'tr"tio! Certi&i$"te
9.Pro.i'io!"l or#er'
10.U'e o& ,oiler (e!#i!- -r"!t o& Re-i'tr"tio! Certi&i$"te
11.Re.o$"tio! o& Re-i'tr"tio! Certi&i$"te or (ro.i'io!"l or#er
12.Alter"tio!' "!# re!e)"l' to ,oiler'
13.D*t+ o& o)!er "t e"%i!"tio!
14.Pro#*$tio! o& Re-i'tr"tio! Certi&i$"te et$
15.Po)er' o& e!tr+
16.Re(ort o& "$$i#e!t'
17.A((e"l to the Bo"r#
18.Fi!"lit+ o& or#er'
19./i!or (e!"ltie'
20.Pe!"ltie' &or ille-"l *'e o& ,oiler
21.Other' (e!"ltie'
22.Pe!"ltie' &or te%(eri!- )ith re-i'tr"tio! !*%,er, et$
23.Li%it"tio! "!# (*' '"!$tio! &or (ro'e$*tio!
24.Tri"l o& o&&e!$e
25.P*!0", Boiler "!# Pre''*re Ve''el' S"&et+ Bo"r#
26.A#ho$ Te$h!i$"l Co%%ittee
27.Filli!- o& ."$"!$ie'
28./eeti!- o& the Bo"r#
29.Po)er to %"1e r*le'
30.Po)er to %"1e re-*l"tio!'
31.Pe!"lt+ &or ,re"$h o& r*le' or re-*l"tio!'*' (*,li$"tio! o& r*le' or re-*l"tio!'
33.Re$ o& &ee', et$
34.A((li$"tio! o& the Or#i!"!$e to the!%e!t'
35.Po)er to '*'(e!# i! $"'e o& e%er-e!$+
36.I!'(e$tio! ,+ i!'*r"!$e $o%("!+
37.I!'*r"!$e o& ,oiler'
38.Re(e"l "!# '".i!-
(CXXI OF 2002)
November, 2002]
to amend and consolidate the law relating to boilers and pressure vessels.
3HEREAS it is expedient to amend and consolidate the law relating to boilers
and pressure essels.
AND 3HEREAS it is expedient to proide !or regulation" use construction"
installation and repair o! boilers and pressure essels# prescribe uni!orm rules and
regulations !or boilers and pressure essels and !or matters ancillar$ thereto or
connected therewith.
AND 3HEREAS the %resident is satis!ied that circumstances exist which
rendered it necessar$ to ta&e immediate action#
NO3, THEREFORE, in pursuance o! the %roclamation o! 'mergenc$ o! the
!ourteenth da$ o! (ctober 1999" and the %roisional )onstitution (rder *o. + o! 1999"
read with the %roisional )onstitution ,-mendment. (rder *o. 9 o! 1999" and in
exercise o! all powers enabling him in that behal!" the %resident o! the +slamic /epublic
o! %a&istan is pleased to ma&e and promulgate the !ollowing (rdinance0 1
45 Short title, ete!t "!# $o%%e!$e%e!t56 ,1. 2his (rdinance ma$ be called
the 3oilers and %ressure 4essels (rdinance" 2002.
,2. +t extends to the whole o! the %un5ab.
,3. +t shall come into !orce on such date as the 6oernment ma$" b$
noti!ication in the o!!icial 6a7ette" speci!$ in this behal! and di!!erent dates ma$ be
speci!ied !or di!!erent proisions.
25 De&i!itio!'56 ,1. +n this (rdinance" unless there is an$thing repugnant in the
sub5ect or context0 1
,a. 8-ccident9 means an explosion o! a boiler or an$ part thereo! which results
to wea&en the structural strength and render it due !or !urther certi!ication.
,b. 8-d hoc 2echnical )ommittee9 means the -dhoc 2echnical )ommittee
constituted under section 26.
,c. 83oard9 means the %un5ab
3oilers and %ressure 4essels sa!et$ 3oard
constituted under section 25.
d. 83oiler9 means a closed essel exceeding twent$1!ie liters in capacit$ in
which water is heated" steam is generated and superheated or a
1 Substituted by the %un5ab 3oilers and %ressure 4essels -ct" 2013
2 Substituted by the %un5ab 3oilers and %ressure 4essels -ct" 2013
combination thereo! under pressure" !or external use b$ the application o!
heat !rom combustible !uels" electricit$ or external thermal energ$" and
includes an$ mountings or other !ittings attached to such essel which are
wholl$ or partl$ under pressure when steam is shut o!! b$ isolating ale
mounted on steam generation e:uipment#
,e. 8)hie! +nspector and ;eput$ )hie! +nspector9 respectiel$" a :uali!ied
person appointed to be a )hie! +nspector and ;eput$ )hie! +nspector
under this (rdinance#
,!. 8;epartment
9 means the +ndustries department o! the 6oernment
charged with the en!orcement o! this (rdinance and#
,g. 8;esign speci!ication9 means the speci!ications or standards as speci!ied
in the codes re!erred to in clause ,&. to which the boiler shall be designed
or manu!actured and examined#
,h. 8'conomi7er9 means an$ part o! heat exchange sur!ace that is wholl$ or
partl$ exposed to the !lue gases !or the purpose o! recoer$ o! waste heat#
,hh. 6oernment
means 6oernment o! the %un5ab.
,i. 8+nspector9 means an inspector appointed under this (rdinance#
,5. 8+nspection -uthorit$9 means the organi7ation other than manu!acturer
and user approed b$ the 3oard authori7ed to carr$ out inspection during
manu!acturing" !irst registration and $earl$ inspection as proided under
this (rdinance and includes the approed third part$ inspection
companies and insurance companies#
,&. 8<anu!acturer9 means the compan$ or !irm recogni7ed b$ the 3oard"
competent to manu!acture complete or in parts" a boiler" or !itting" and
completes the products and is responsible !or the product according to
an$ one o! the !ollowing codes" namel$0 1
,i. %a&istan 3oilers /egulations#
,ii. -=<' ,-merican =ociet$ o! <echanical 'ngineers.#
,iii. 3= ,3ritish =tandard.#
,i. 2/;#
,. >+= ,>apanese industrial =tandard.#
,i. +.=.(. =tandards# and
,ii. %reailing internationall$ approed code sub5ect to the approal o!
the 3oard#
,l. 8(wner9 includes an$ compan$ who is in the possession o! a boiler or
under whose name it has been registered#
,m. 8%rescribed9 means prescribed b$ regulations or rules made under this
3 Substituted by the %un5ab 3oilers and %ressure 4essels -ct" 2013
4 Substituted by the %un5ab 3oilers and %ressure 4essels -ct" 2013
,n. 8%ressure 4essels9 means a essel along with its !itting other than a 3oiler
which is capable o! being used to contain" distribute" trans!er" process or
otherwise handle gas" apors" li:uids and store energ$ under pressure
internall$ and externall$#
,o. 8/egistration )erti!icate9 means the /egistration )erti!icate issued under
section 7# and
,p. 8=tructural alteration" addition or renewal9 means changes and deiations
!rom original design in the pressure parts but shall not be deemed to
include an$ renewal or replacement o! a pett$ nature when the part o!
!itting used !or replacement is not in!erior in strength" e!!icienc$ or other
wise to the replaced part or !itting.
,2. 'er$ re!erence in this (rdinance to an$ boiler or economi7er where
proided shall be considered as integral part o! the boiler.
75 Li%it"tio! o& "((li$"tio! o& thi' Or#i!"!$e56 ,1. *othing is this (rdinance
shall appl$ to 1
,a. -n$ boiler in an$ steamship or in an$ mechanicall$ propelled essel#
,b. -n$ boiler appertaining to a sterili7er or disin!ector and the li&e used in
hospitals" hotels" laboratories and other industries etc." i! it does not
exceed ninet$ one liters in capacit$.
,c. -n$
boiler used in relation to the nuclear energ$" and
,d. -n$
boiler or steam1pipe" belonging to or under the control o! railwa$.
,2. 2he 6oernment ma$" b$ noti!ication in the o!!icial 6a7ette and !or
reasons to be recorded in writing" declares that proisions o! this (rdinance shall not
appl$ in the case o! an$ speci!ied class o! boilers or steam pipes.
85 Po)er to li%it ete!t56 2he 6oernment ma$" with the concurrence o! the
3oard" b$ noti!ication in the o!!icial 6a7ette" exclude an$ speci!ied area !rom the
operation o! all or an$ o! the proisions o! this (rdinance.
95 A((oi!t%e!t o& Chie& I!'(e$tor, De(*t+ Chie& I!'(e$tor "!# I!'(e$tor56
,1. 2he 6oernment shall appoint a person to be )hie! +nspector !or the proince" who
ma$" in addition to the powers and duties con!erred or imposed on the )hie! inspector
under this ordinance" exercise an$ power or per!orm an$ dut$ so con!erred or imposed
on ;eput$ )hie! +nspector an +nspector b$ or under this ordinance.
,2. 2he 6oernment ma$ appoint such persons as it thin&s !it to be ;eput$
)hie! +nspectors !or the %roince who ma$" in addition to the powers and duties
con!erred or imposed on the ;eput$ )hie! +nspector under this (rdinance" exercise an$
power or per!orm an$ dut$ so con!erred or imposed on +nspector b$ or under this
5 Substituted by the %un5ab 3oilers and %ressure 4essels -ct" 2013
6 Substituted by the %un5ab 3oilers and %ressure 4essels -ct" 2013
,3. 2he 6oernment ma$ appoint such persons as it thin&s !it to be +nspectors
!or the %roince !or the purpose o! this (rdinance" and ma$ de!ine the local limits within
which each inspector shall exercise the powers and per!orm the duties con!erred or
imposed b$" or under" this (rdinance.
,4. 'er$ )hie! +nspector" ;eput$ )hie! +nspector and +nspector shall deem to
be a public serant within the meaning o! the %a&istan %enal )ode ,-ct ?@4 o! 1860..
:5 Prohi,itio! o& *'e o& *!re-i'tere# or *!$erti&ie# ,oiler'56 =ae as
otherwise expressl$ proided in this (rdinance" no owner o! a boiler shall use the boiler
or permit it to be used1
,a. Anless it has been registered in accordance with the proisions o! this
,b. +n case
o! an$ boiler which has been trans!erred !rom another %roince or
territor$ until it is registered under this (rdinance#
,c. Anless a certi!icate or proisional order authori7ing the use o! the boiler is
!or the time being in !orce under this (rdinance#
,d. -t a pressure higher than the maximum pressure recorded in such
certi!icate or proisional order or under which the boiler was constructed
and stamped# and
,e. Anless the boiler is in the charge o! a person holding the 3oilers
'ngineers )ompetenc$ )erti!icate re:uired b$ such rules and not more
than sixt$ $ears old or less than twent$1!ie $ears o! age.
;5 Re-i'tr"tio!56 ,1. 2he owner o! a boiler" which is not registered under the
proisions o! this (rdinance" shall appl$ to the )hie! +nspector" under intimation to the
insurance compan$" to hae the boiler registered. +mported boilers which hae been
operated outside %a&istan will re:uire an examination certi!icate !rom an insurance or
third part$ inspection compan$ o! the countr$ where the boiler has been in operation
con!irming integrit$ o! boiler in line with the guidelines !or the 'xamination o! 3oiler 'nd
%late to Burnace and =hell Celded >oints issued b$ the -ssociated (!!ices 2echnical
)ommittee" AD or countr$ o! origin" 2he application shall be accompanied b$ a cop$ o!
bill o! entr$ and eidence o! pa$ment o! custom dut$ and such application shall be
accompanied b$ the prescribed !ee.
,2. (n receipt o! an application under subsection ,1. the insurance compan$
shall !ix a date" within !i!teen da$s or such shorter period as ma$ be prescribed !rom the
date o! the receipt" !or the examination o! the boiler and shall decide the inspection time
and schedule with the owner.
,3. (n the date re!erred to in sub1section ,2. the insurance )ompan$ shall
proceed to examine the boiler and to determine in the prescribed manner the maximum
pressure" i! an$" at which such boiler ma$ be used" and shall report the result o! the
examination to the )hie! +nspector.
7 Substituted by the %un5ab 3oilers and %ressure 4essels -ct" 2013
,4. 2he )hie! +nspector shall0 1
,i. on receipt o! the approal certi!icate !rom the insurance compan$ shall
register the boiler and assign a registration number !orthwith within three
wor&ing da$s# or
,ii. on receipt o! examination report !rom the insurance compan$ declaring the
boiler not !it !or approal" re!use to register the boiler.
,5. Chere the )hie! +nspector re!uses to register a boiler the insurance
compan$ shall !orth with communicate re!usal to the owner o! the boiler together with
the reasons thereo!.
,6. 2he )hie! +nspector ma$ randoml$ chec& or counter chec& the :ualit$ o!
inspection and the procedure o! examination o! the insurance compan$ but not
exceeding twent$ E !ie percent o! boilers o!!ered !or !irst registration.
7.2he )hie! inspector shall" on registering the boiler" order to issue a registration
)erti!icate to the owner in the prescribed !rom authori7ing the use o! the boiler !or
a period not exceeding twele months at a pressure not exceeding such
maximum pressure as ma$ be prescribed b$ regulations.
,8. 2he inspector shall !orthwith cone$ to the owner o! the boiler" the order o!
the )hie! +nspector through courier or registered post. 2he owner shall within seen
da$s o! receipt o! /egistration )erti!icate cause the register number to be permanentl$
mar&ed thereon in the prescribed manner.
,9. 2he procedure !or registration o! a boiler shall be completed b$ all means
within thirt$ da$s o! submission o! an application !or registration o! the boiler sub5ect to
the !ul!illment o! all applicable procedures and technical re:uirements b$ the owner. 2he
cop$ o! all the documents submitted b$ the owner o! the boiler along with orders and
notes o! )hie! +nspector and insurance compan$" shall be sent to the 3oard !or record
and computeri7ed data ban&.
<5 Re!e)"l o& Re-i'tr"tio! Certi&i$"te56 ,1. 2he /egistration )erti!icate
authori7ing the use o! a boiler shall cease to be in !orce E
,a. on the expir$ o! the period !or which it was granted#
,b. when an$ accident occurs to the boiler#
,c. when the boiler is moed !rom one location to another unless it is
registered as mobile unit#
,d. when an$ structural alteration" addition or renewal is made or to an$
steam E pipe attached to the boiler# or
,e. i! the )hie! +nspector in an$ particular case so directs" when an$ structural
alteration" addition or renewal is made in or to an$ steam pipe made in or
to an$ steam E pipe attached to the boiler.
,2. Chen a /egistration )erti!icate ceases to be in !orce" the owner o! the
boiler shall hae the option to appl$ to the insurance compan$ or the +nspector !or
renewal thereo! under intimation to the )hie! +nspector !or such period not exceeding
twele months as he ma$ speci!$ in the application.
3.-n application under sub E section ,2. shall be accompanied b$ the prescribed
!ee and !orwarded to the )hie! +nspector under intimation to the insurance
compan$ or the +nspector" as the case ma$ be. (n receipt o! intimation !rom the
owner" the insurance compan$ or the +nspector" as the case ma$ be" shall !ix a
date" within !i!teen da$s or such shorter period as ma$ be agreed with the owner
!rom the date o! the receipt" !or the examination o! the boiler and shall gie the
owner thereo! not less than three da$s notice the date so !ixed.
%roided that" where the certi!icate has ceased to be in !orce owing to an$ structural
alternation" addition or renewal" the )hie! +nspector ma$ dispense with the pa$ment o!
an$ prescribed !ee.
,4. (n the date !ixed under sub1section ,3." the insurance compan$ or the
+nspector" as the case ma$ be" shall examine the boiler as per approed applicable
code" and i! the insurance compan$ or the inspector" as the case ma$ be" is satis!ied
that the boiler is in good condition shall recommend to the )hie! +nspector !or renewal o!
the /egistration )erti!icate authori7ing the use o! the boiler !or such period not
exceeding twele months and at a pressure not exceeding such maximum pressure as
the insurance compan$ or the +nspector as the case ma$ be" ma$ determine and as
ma$ be prescribed b$ regulations.
,5. Chere the insurance compan$ or the +nspector" as the case ma$ be1
,a. <a&es recommendations as per the approed codes to an$ structural
alteration" addition or renewal to be made in or to the boiler# or
,b. +s o! opinion that the boiler is not !it !or use" the insurance compan$ or the
+nspector" as the case ma$ be" shall in!orm the owner o! the boiler in
writing o! !indings and the reasons thereo!" and shall !orthwith report the
case with recommendations !or orders to the )hie! +nspector.
,6. 2he )hie! +nspector" on receipt o! a report under sub1section ,5. ma$"
sub5ect to the proisions o! this (rdinance and o! the regulations made there under"
order the renewal o! the /egistration )erti!icate in such terms and on such conditions" i!
an$" as he thin&s !it or ma$ re!use to renew it.
%roided that where the )hie! +nspector re!uses to renew a /egistration )erti!icate" he
shall !orthwith communicate his re!usal to the owner o! the boiler" together with the
reasons thereo!.
,7. 2he aggrieed part$ ma$" within seen da$s o! the order" appl$ to the
board regarding re5ection o! his re:uest !or the renewal o! /egistration )erti!icate and
the 3oard shall issue appropriate orders either approing or disapproing the order o!
the )hie! +nspector within thirt$ da$s o! notice o! order o! the )hie! +nspector.
,8. *othing in this section shall be deemed to preent an owner o! a boiler
!rom appl$ing !or a renewal o! /egistration )erti!icate at an$ time during the currenc$ o!
a /egistration )erti!icate.
=5 Pro.i'io!"l or#er'56 ,1. Chere the +nspector has based on the !indings o! the
insurance compan$" reports the case o! an$ boiler to the )hie! +nspector under sub1
section ,3. or ,4. o! section 8" he ma$" i! the use o! boiler is not prohibited under sub E
section ,1. o! section 8" issue a proisional order to the owner in wiring permitting the
boiler to be used at a pressure not exceeding such maximum pressure as
recommended b$ the insurance compan$ and as ma$ be prescribed b$ regulations
pending the receipt o! the order o! the )hie! +nspector.
,2. - proisional order issued under sub E section ,1. shall cease to be in
,a. on the expir$ o! six months !rom the date on which it is granted#
,b. on receipt o! the orders o! the )hie! +nspector# or
,c. +n an$ o! the cases re!erred to in clauses ,b. ,c. ,d. and ,e. o! sub E
section ,1. o! section 8 shall stands cancelled.
405 U'e o& ,oiler (e!#i!- -r"!t o& Re-i'tr"tio! Certi&i$"te5 6 ,1. *otwithstanding
an$thing contained in this ordinance" when the period o! a /egistration )erti!icate
relating to a boiler has expired" the owner shall" proided that he has applied be!ore the
expir$ o! that period !or a renewal o! the /egistration )erti!icate" be entitled to use the
boiler at the maximum pressure entered in the !ormer /egistration )erti!icate pending
the issue o! orders on the application.
%roided that nothing in this section shall be deemed to authori7e the use o! a
boiler in an$ o! the case re!erred to in clauses ,b. " ,c." ,d. and ,e. o! sub1 section ,1. o!
section 8 occurring a!ter the expir$ o! the period o! the /egistration )erti!icate.
,2. when a boiler cannot be o!!ered !or inspection b$ the owner !or reasons
which in the opinion o! the owner are be$ond his control such as the existence o! an
" the owner ma$ approach the )hie! +nspector" who ma$ authori7e the use
o! the boiler !or a period not exceeding three months a!ter the expir$ o! the /egistration
)erti!icate. 2he owner ma$ also approach the )hie! +nspector !or grant o! a proisional
certi!icate not exceeding three months on pa$ment o! the prescribed !ee.
445 Re.o$"tio! o& Re-i'tr"tio! Certi&i$"te or (ro.i'io!"l or#er56 ,1. 2he )hie!
+nspector ma$" at an$ time" withdraw or reo&e a /egistration )erti!icate or proisional
order on the report o! the +nspector1
,a. i! there is reason to beliee that the /egistration )erti!icate or proisional
order has been !raudulentl$ obtained or has been granted erroneousl$ or
without su!!icient examination# or
,b. i! the boiler in respect o! which it has been granted has deeloped some
de!ect or has ceased to be in good conditions# or
,c. where the %roincial 6oernment has made rules re:uiring that boilers
shall be in the charge o! persons holding certi!icates o! competenc$ and
the boiler is in the charge o! a person not holding the certi!icate re:uired
b$ such rules# or
d.Chere no such rules hae been made" i! the boiler is in the charge o! a person
who is not maintaining the boiler in accordance with standard operation
8 Substituted by the %un5ab 3oilers and %ressure 4essels -ct" 2013
%roided that where the )hie! +nspector withdraws or reo&es a /egistration
)erti!icate or proisional order on the ground speci!ied in clause ,d." he shall
communicate to the owner o! the boiler the reasons in writing !or the withdrawal or
reocation" and the order shall not ta&e e!!ect until the expir$ o! !i!teen da$s !rom the
receipt o! such communication.
,2. 2he owner shall hae the right to appeal to the 3oard against the order o!
the )hie! +nspector.
,3. 2he 3oard shall issue appropriate orders either approing or disapproing
the order o! the )hie! +nspector within thirt$ da$s o! notice o! the order o! the )hie!
425 Alter"tio!' "!# re!e)"l' to ,oiler'56 *o structural alteration" addition or
renewal shall be made b$ the repairer in an$ boiler registered under this (rdinance
unless such alteration" addition or renewal has been sanctioned in writing b$ the )hie!
+nspector. 2he execution o! an$ modi!ication as per the approed drawings shall be
eri!ied b$ the insurance compan$.
475 D*t+ o& o)!er "t e"%i!"tio!56 ,1. (n an$ date !ixed under this (rdinance !or
the examination o! a boiler" the owner thereo! shall be bound1
,a. to intimate the +nspector regarding date o! inspection and also to the
insurance compan$ selected" to proide all reasonable !acilities !or the
examination and all such in!ormation as ma$ reasonabl$ be re:uired o!
,b. to hae the boiler properl$ prepared and read$ !or examination as per
written down examination procedures con!orming to applicable codes# and
,c. +n the case o! an application !or the registration o! a boiler" to proide such
drawings" speci!ications" certi!icates and other particulars as ma$ be
,2. +! the owner !ails" without reasonable cause" to compl$" the insurance
compan$ at the expense o! owner shall re!use to ma&e the examination and shall report
the case to the )hie! +nspector who shall" unless su!!icient cause to the contrar$ is
shown" re:uire the owner to !ile a !resh application under section 7 or section 8" as the
case ma$ be and ma$ !orbid him to use the boiler not withstanding an$thing contained
in section10.
485 Pro#*$tio! o& Re-i'tr"tio! Certi&i$"te et$56 ,1. 2he owner o! an$ boiler who
holds a /egistration )erti!icate or proisional order relating thereto shall" at all
reasonable times during the period !or which the /egistration )erti!icate or proisional
order is in !orce" be bound to produce the same when called upon to do so b$ the )hie!
+nspector or the +nspector.
,2. Apon the non1compliance o! an order" the )hie! +nspector ma$ adise the
concerned 6oernment !or necessar$ action such as decerti!ication o! the boiler.
495 Po)er' o& e!tr+5 6 -n +nspection ma$" !or the purpose o! inspecting or
examining a boiler or an$ steam1pipe attached thereto or in case o! non obserance o!
an$ proision o! this (rdinance or o! an$ regulations or rules at all reasonable times
enter an$ place or building within the limits o! the area !or which he has been appointed
in which he has reason to beliee that the boiler is in use.
4:5 Re(ort o& "$$i#e!t'5 6 ,1. +! an$ accident occurs to a boiler" the owner or
person in charge thereo! shall" within twent$1!our hours o! the accident" report the same
in writing to the +nspector and to releant insurance compan$. 'er$ such report shall
contain a description o! the nature o! the accident and o! the in5ur$" i! an$" caused
thereb$ to the boiler or to an$ person" and shall be in su!!icient detail to enable the -d
hoc 2echnical )ommittee so appointed to determine the root cause o! accident and !ix
the responsibilit$ !or such occurrence. 2he same shall also be reported to the 3oard.
,2. 'er$ person shall answer trul$ to the best o! his &nowledge and abilit$
eer$ :uestion put to him in writing b$ the -ccident )ommittee# nominated b$ the
4;5 A((e"l to the Bo"r#5 6 ,1. -n$ person" owner or compan$ aggrieed b$ an$
recommendation made b$ the insurance compan$ or !indings or decision o! the )hie!
+nspector !or E
,a. /e!using to register a boiler or to grant or renew a /egistration )erti!icate
in respect o! a boiler # or
,b. /e!using to grant a /egistration )erti!icate haing alidit$ !or the !ull
period applied !or# or
,c. /e!using to grant a /egistration )erti!icate authori7ing the use o! a boiler
at the maximum pressure desired# or
,d. Cithdrawing or reo&ing a /egistration )erti!icate or proisional order# or
,e. /educing the amount o! pressure speci!ied in an$ certi!icate or the period
!or which such certi!icate has been granted# or
,!. (rdering an$ structural alteration" addition or renewal to be made in or to
a boiler which contraenes the design code" or re!using sanction to the
ma&ing o! an$ structural alteration" addition or renewal in or to a boiler
based on approed drawings ma$" within !i!teen da$s o! the
communication to him o! such order" re!er appeal to the 3oard.
,2. 2he 3oard shall communicate the decision in thirt$ da$s o! receipt o! an
appeal" and pending !inal decision o! the 3oard ma$ grant interim relie! to the owner.
4<5 Fi!"lit+ o& or#er'56 -n order o! the 3oard under section 17 shall be !inal and
shall not be called in :uestion in an$ court.
4=5 /i!or (e!"ltie'5 6 -n$ owner o! a boiler who re!uses or without reasonable
excuse neglects1
,a. to surrender a proisional order as re:uired b$ section 9#
,b. to produce a certi!icate or proisional order when dul$ called upon to do so
under section 14# or
,c. to hand oer to the new owner o! a boiler a /egistration )erti!icate or
proisional order as re:uired b$ section 14#
shall be punishable with !ine which ma$ extend to ten thousand rupees.
205 Pe!"ltie' &or ille-"l *'e o& ,oiler56 -n$ owner o! a boiler who" in an$ case in
which a /egistration )erti!icate or proisional order is re:uired !or the use o! the boiler
under this (rdinance" uses the boiler either without an$ such certi!icate or order being in
!orce or a competent boiler 'ngineer or at a higher pressure than that allowed thereb$"
shall be issued warning b$ the )hie! +nspector and" in the case o! continuing o!!ence
liable to closure o! the !actor$ and reocation o! the /egistration )erti!icate and in
repetition o! o!!ence" the 6oernment shall be noti!ied !or appropriate measure !or
en!orcement o! the proisions o! this (rdinance and o! the rules and regulations.
245 Other' (e!"ltie'56 -n$ person who E
,a. Ases or permits to be used a boiler o! which he is the owner and which
has been trans!erred !rom one proince to another without such trans!er
haing been reported as re:uired b$ section 6.
,b. 3eing the owner o! a boiler !ails to cause the register number allotted to
the boiler under this (rdinance to be mar&ed on the boiler as re:uired b$
subsection ,8. o! section 7# or
,c. <a&es an$ structural alteration" addition or renewal in or to a boiler without
!irst obtaining the approed drawings when so re:uired under section 12#
,d. Bails to report an accident to a boiler or when so re:uired under section
16# or
,e. Fampers with a sa!et$ ale o! a boiler so as to render it inoperatie at the
maximum pressure at which the use o! the boiler is authori7ed under this
(rdinance "shall be punishable with !ine which ma$ extend to twent$1!ie
thousand rupees.
225 Pe!"ltie' &or te%(eri!- )ith re-i'tr"tio! !*%,er, et$56 ,1. Choeer
remoes" alters de!aces" renders inisible or other wise tampers with the registration
number mar&ed on a boiler in accordance with this (rdinance or an$ law repealed"
hereb$" shall be punishable with !ine which ma$ extend to twent$ !ie thousands
,2. Choeer uses the boiler without getting it registered under this (rdinance
shall be punishable with a !ine which ma$ extend to !i!t$ thousand rupees.
,3. Choeer !raudulentl$ mar&s upon a boiler a registration number which has
not been allotted to it under this (rdinance or an$ -ct repealed hereb$" shall be
punishable with imprisonment which ma$ extend to two $ears" or with a !ine which ma$
extend to !i!t$ thousands rupees or with both.
275 Li%it"tio! "!# (*' '"!$tio! &or (ro'e$*tio!56 *o. prosecution !or an
o!!ence punishable b$ or under this (rdinance shall be instituted1
,a. -!ter six1month o! the commission o! an o!!ence# and
,b. Cithout the preious sanction o! the )hie! +nspector.
285 Tri"l o& o&&e!$e56 *ot withstanding an$ thing in the )ode o! )riminal
%rocedure" 1898 ,-ct 4 o! 1898. no court not in!erior to that o! a <agistrate o! the !irst
class shall tr$ an o!!ence under this (rdinance.
Boiler "!# Pre''*re Ve''el' S"&et+ Bo"r#56 ,1. 2he 6oernment shall
constitute a 3oard to be called the %roincial 3oilers and %ressure 4essels =a!et$
3oard !or the purposes o! this (rdinance which shall consist o! the !ollowing members01
a.;irector +ndustries o! the 6oernment who shall be the )hairperson o! the
,b. -n o!!icer not below the ran& o! ;eput$ =ecretar$ o! the ;epartment#
,c. )hie! +nspector and two ;eput$ )hie! +nspectors nominated b$ the
6oernment" )hie! +nspector shall be the =ecretar$ o! the 3oard #
,d. (ne member to be nominated b$ the @ahore )hamber o! )ommerce and
,e. 2wo members !rom the manu!acturers o! boilers and pressure essels to
be nominated b$ the 6oernment"
,!. 2wo members !rom users o! boilers and pressure essels to be nominated
b$ the 6oernment# and
,g. (ne member !rom the insurance companies to be nominated b$ the
,2. 2he 3oard ma$ regulate its own procedure and the conduct o! business to
be transacted b$ it" the constitution o! committees and sub committees o! members and
the delegation to them o! an$ o! the powers and !unctions o! the 3oard.
2:5 A#ho$ Te$h!i$"l Co%%ittee56(4) 2he 6oernment shall
constitute a
)ommittee to be called the -dhoc 2echnical )ommittee to execute assignments
adised b$ the 3oard.
(2) 2he -dhoc 2echnical )ommittee shall consist o! the !ollowing members0 1
,a. )hairperson to be nominated b$ the 6oernment on the adice o! the
,b. (ne ;eput$ ;irector !rom the ;irectorate o! +ndustries o! the 6oernment.
,c. (ne member to be nominated b$ the Bederal )hamber o! )ommerce and
+ndustr$" +slamabad"
,d. (ne member to be nominated b$ the @ahore )hamber o! )ommerce and
,e. (ne member !rom the manu!acturers o! boilers and pressure essels to
be nominated b$ the 6oernment.
,!. (ne member !rom insurance companies to be nominated b$ the 3oard".
9 Substituted by the %un5ab 3oilers and %ressure 4essels -ct" 2013
10 Substituted by the %un5ab 3oilers and %ressure 4essels -ct" 2013
,g. (ne member !rom users o! boiler and pressure essels to be nominated
b$ the 6oernment# and
,h. )hie! +nspector who shall be the =ecretar$ o! the )ommittee.
2;5 Filli!- o& ."$"!$ie'
56 2he 6oernment shall" within sixt$ da$s !rom the date
o! occurrence o! a acanc$" !ill the acanc$ in the 3oard or -d hoc 2echnical
)ommittee under section 25 or section 26.
2<5 /eeti!- o& the Bo"r#56 ,1. 2he %owers o! the 3oard shall be exercised with a
:uorum o! at least seen members o! the 3oard in which representation o! the
manu!acturers and users shall be mandator$.
,2. 2he 3oard shall meet once eer$ three months to reiew the
implementation o! rules" regulations and other matters on the agenda.
2=5 Po)er to %"1e r*le'56 ,1. 2he 3oard ma$" with the approal o! the
6oernment b$ noti!ication in the o!!icial 6a7ette" ma&e rules !or carr$ing out the
purposes o! this (rdinance.
,2. Cithout pre5udice to the generalit$ o! the !oregoing power" such rules ma$
proide !or all or an$ o! the !ollowing matters" namel$01
,a. !or prescribing the :uali!ications and duties o! the )hie! +nspector" ;eput$
)hie! +nspector and +nspectors#
,b. !or regulating the trans!er o! boilers#
,c. !or proiding the registration and certi!ication o! boilers in accordance with
the regulations and approed codes under this (rdinance#
,d. !or re:uiring boilers to be in the charge o! persons holding certi!icates o!
competenc$" and !or prescribing the conditions on which such certi!icates
ma$ be granted#
,e. !or prescribing the times within which the insurance compan$ shall be
re:uired to examine the boiler as per approed practice or code o!
,!. Bor prescribing the !ees pa$able !or the renewal o! /egistration )erti!icate
and methods o! determining the amount o! such !ees in each case#
,g. Bor regulating or adising -d hoc 2echnical )ommittee en:uiring into
,h. Bor determining the mode o! disposal o! !ees" costs and penalties leied
under this (rdinance# and
,i. 6enerall$ to proide adice !or an$ matter which is" in the opinion o! the
3oard" a matter o! local importance in the %roince.
705 Po)er to %"1e re-*l"tio!'56 ,1. 2he 3oard ma$" b$ noti!ication in the o!!icial
6a7ette" ma&e regulations !or carr$ing out the purposes o! (rdinance.
,2. Cithout pre5udice to the generalit$ o! the !oregoing powers such
11 Substituted by the %un5ab 3oilers and %ressure 4essels -ct" 2013
regulations ma$ proide !or all or an$ o! the !ollowing matters" namel$01
,a. adopting code and procedures as laid down in international boiler code !or
materials" design and construction which shall be re:uired !or the purpose
o! registration and certi!ication o! a boiler under this (rdinance#
,b. !or prescribing the circumstances in which the extent to which" and the
conditions sub5ect to which ariations !rom the standards laid down under
international boiler codes ma$ be permitted#
,c. !or prescribing the method o! determining the maximum pressure at which
a boiler ma$ be used#
,d. !or regulating the registration o! boilers" prescribing the !ees pa$able
thereo!" the drawings" speci!ications" certi!icate" particulars to be produced
b$ the owner" the method o! preparing a boiler !or examination b$
insurance compan$" the method o! mar&ing the registration number" the
period within which number is to be mar&ed on the boiler" selection and
regulating the rules !or +nspection -uthorit$ and nomination o! insurance
companies !or boiler insurance.
745 Pe!"lt+ &or ,re"$h o& r*le' or re-*l"tio!'56 -n$ rules or regulations made
under section 29 or section 30 ma$ direct that a person or compan$ contraening such
rules or regulations shall be issued warning b$ the )hie! +nspector and in the case o!
continuing o!!ence liable to closure o! the !actor$ and reocation o! /egistration
)erti!icate and in repetition o! an o!!ence" the %roincial 6oernment shall be noti!ied !or
appropriate measure !or en!orcement.
725*' (*,li$"tio! o& r*le' or re-*l"tio!'56 ,1. 2he power to ma&e rules
and regulations con!erred b$ sections 29 and 30 respectiel$ shall be sub5ect to the
condition o! the rules and regulations being made a!ter preious publication.
,2. 2he rules and regulations so made shall be published in the o!!icial
6a7ette and on such publication" shall hae e!!ect as i! enacted in this (rdinance.
775 Re$ o& &ee', et$56 -ll !ees" costs and penalties leied under this
(rdinance shall be recoerable as arrears o! land reenue.
785 A((li$"tio! o& the Or#i!"!$e to the!%e!t'
56 =ae as otherwise
expressl$ proided" this (rdinance shall be applicable to boilers and pressure essels
belonging to the 6oernment" Bederal 6oernment" local 6oernment or an$ other
%roincial 6oernment.
795 Po)er to '*'(e!# i! $"'e o& e%er-e!$+56 ,1. 2he 6oernment ma$" b$
noti!ication in the o!!icial 6a7ette" with the consultation o! the 3oard" exempt !rom the
operation o! this (rdinance" sub5ect to such conditions and restrictions as it thin&s !it"
an$ boilers or classes or t$pes o! boilers used exclusiel$ !or the heating o! buildings or
the suppl$ o! hot water.
,2. +n case o! an$ emergenc$ the 6oernment ma$" b$ general or special
order in writing" exempt an$ boilers or an$ class o! boilers !rom the operation o! all or
12 Substituted by the %un5ab 3oilers and %ressure 4essels -ct" 2013
an$ o! the proisions o! this (rdinance.
7:5 I!'(e$tio! ,+ i!'*r"!$e $o%("!+56 ,1. 2he insurance compan$ shall carr$
out inspection o! boilers at the !irst registration as well as subse:uent inspections as
de!ined in the (rdinance.
,2. 2he insurance compan$ shall be approed b$ the 3oard !or the purposes
o! this (rdinance" and shall hae :uali!ied personnel and necessar$ s&ill to carr$ out the
inspection and examination o! boilers within the scope and under the guidelines o! an$
approed code.
,3. 2he insurance compan$Gs technical personnel shall be approed b$ the
3oard !or the purposes o! this (rdinance.
7;5 I!'*r"!$e o& ,oiler'56 -ll boilers shall be insured against damage due to
accidents as per the existing laws and standards.
7<. Re(e"l "!# '".i!-56 ,1. 2he 3oilers -ct" 1923 ,4 o! 1923." is hereb$ repealed.
,2. -n$ boiler registered" certi!ied or licensed under the 3oilers -ct" 1923 ,4
o! 1923." shall be deemed to hae been registered" certi!ied or licensed under this
,3. *otwithstanding the repeal o! the 3oilers -ct" 1923 ,4 o! 1923." the rules
and regulations made under the said -ct" and in !orce immediatel$ be!ore the
commencement o! this (rdinance" shall" mutatis mutandis and in so !ar the$ are not
inconsistent with an$ o! the proisions o! this (rdinance" shall continue in !orce until
repealed or altered b$ rules or regulations made under this (rdinance.

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