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1. Launch QuarkXPress and create a new document by clicking File > New Document.

opens the New Document dialog. Choose !" Letter #rom the "i$e bo% and Quark& will
supply the ' 1() % 11 inch paper dimensions. *nter +, points #or each o# the -argin .uides. /#
the de#ault units o# measurement are setup in points0 you don1t ha2e to enter pt a#ter each
number. Click each o# the 3acing Pages and 4utomatic Te%t 5o% check bo%es. The data
placed in this dialog sets up the de#ault master page #or the document. Click 67.
). 4t this point Quark will insert one blank master page 8which it calls 49-aster 4 and which
you can rename: and one blank document page into the document. Click File > Save0 name
the #ile techdoc.;%d then click "a2e.
4 master page is a page you design which can be applied to any document page. -aster
pages gi2e a document a distinct and consistent look. <ou place te%t and picture bo%es0 page
rules and other ob=ects on a master page =ust like any other document page. The big
ad2antage to using master pages 8like style tags: is that changes made to one master page
will re#lect on all the pages o# your document to which the master page has been applied.
5elow is the Document >iew showing the blank page.
+. There are three 2iews 8or displays: in Quark. There is a document 2iew0 a master page
2iew and a thumbnails 2iew. Quark doesn1t e%press these 2iews in e%actly these terms0 but
they e%ist0 ne2ertheless. <ou shi#t between document and master pages as you work. 6ne
way to shi#t between them is 2ia the Document palette 8below:.
The Document palette is di2ided into three sections. The top section contains blanks #or
creating new master pages. There is a blank #or single pages and a blank #or #acing pages.
The center section contains the master pages that ha2e been de#ined in your document and
the bottom section displays the document pages along the spine o# the document. <ou create
a new master page by dragging a blank #rom the top to the center section. <ou apply e%isting
master pages to the document by dragging them #rom the center section to pages in the
bottom section.
<ou shi#t to the document by double9clicking on any document page icon in the bottom
section. <ou shi#t to a master page by double9clicking on any master page icon in the center
The 4 in page one o# the Document palette shown below shows that page one is based on
the 49-aster 4 master page 8de#ined in step 1 abo2e:. Double9click the master page icon
49-aster 4 #or the ne%t step.
?. 5elow are the master pages o# the spread created in step 1. Click the /tem tool 8the
top button in the Tool Palette: to prepare #or the ne%t step.
@. The #irst thing to place in our master pages will be page guides #or ob=ects to snap to. <ou
also can place page guides on indi2idual document pages but when each page re;uires
guides in the same positions0 it makes more sense to make one set o# guides on a master
page that will appear on e2ery page o# your document.
The $oom #actor a##ects the precision o# the placement o# page guides. <ou determine the
$oom #actor by trial and error. The $oom #actor you choose in setting up your own master
pages will depend upon where the page guides will be placed. /n this case $oom to ?AAB.
/# the rulers and the -easurements palette are not already showing0 click View > Show
Rulers and View > Show Measurements to display them. Drag the mouse #rom the top ruler
downwards watching the -easurements palette as you drag. Chen the y9coordinate reaches
11).@ points0 release the mouse button.
,. The y9coordinate will be displayed in the -easurements palette so long as the mouse
button is held down while dragging a hori$ontal page guide. Con2ersely0 the %9coordinate will
be displayed while dragging a 2ertical page guide. 4s soon as the mouse button is released0
the coordinate 2alue will disappear #rom the -easurements palette. There is no way to select
a page guide and position it with the measurements palette by entering 2alues in the % and y
coordinates. This is why the $oom #actor must be worked out be#ore creating or repositioning
page guides. Page guides are deleted by #irst selecting the /tem tool then dragging the page
guide into the ruler and releasing the mouse button.
D. That brings us to a 2ery important point about using QuarkXPress. 4lways record the $oom
2alue used to position page guides in the e2ent that they become inad2ertently repositioned.
5eginning with 2ersion ?.A?0 Quark has included the .uides -anager e%tension. This utility
will enable you to lock page guides and pre2ent their being mo2ed by accident. Prior to the
.uides -anager0 it was o#ten #aster to ditch a page and recreate it by pasting the page
ob=ects on a new page than to try to #ool with repositioning page guides.
"till0 / recommend making a printout o# a master page and recording all the speci#ications o#
page guides and repeating ob=ects 8like te%t bo%es and rules: in addition to the $oom #actors
needed #or positioning page guides. !se the printout as a map #or creating catalogs0
newsletters and other periodicals.
'. Drag another hori$ontal page guide to D+E.@ points and release the mouse button.
E. Fepeat steps @ through ' #or the #acing page. Chen you ha2e completed all the steps up to
this point your master pages should look like the image belowG
.uess whatH Ce1re going to change the top and bottom margins. / put this in the tutorial
because you are probably going to do this in the real world. <ou are going to make changes
as you go because this is a creati2e endea2or.
1A. -ake sure the master pages are displayed. /# not click the 49-aster 4 icon in the
Document palette. <ou can also click Page > Display > A-Master A. 4nother #ast way to
switch between document and master pages is by using the .o9To9Page pop9up menu
located in the lower le#t corner o# the document windowG
11. Ne%t click Page > Master Guides... to bring up the -aster guides dialog. This is the
dialog used to modi#y the margins o# your document. The menu selection is grayed out i# the
document is displayed. <ou can only access it i# a master page is displayed. *nter 1' points
#or the top and bottom margins and click 67.
1). Femember the dialog when you #irst created the document 8accessed by clicking File >
New > Doument:. There is no other dialog in Quark& like that #irst one where you can
make changes to your document. <ou might wonder how to change the page si$e and
Ce aren1t going to make any changes0 but to do so you must #irst display a document page.
Ne%t click File > Doument Setup to gain access to the Document "etup dialog 8below:. The
menu selection is grayed out i# a master page is displayed. <ou can only access it i# a
document page is displayed. This is e%actly the opposite o# how to access the -aster .uides
dialog as in step ). The whole point o# this is to knowing how to control all aspects o# creating
1+. 6kay0 so with the master page 49-aster 4 being displayed0 we are going to reshape the
main te%t bo%es into something that1s easier to read than one column that takes up all the
a2ailable space. Ce are going to setup the layout using a one9third(two9thirds #ormat.
3irst make sure "nap to .uides is turned on. Click View > Snap to Guides. !sing either
the Content tool or the /tem tool select the main te%t bo% and place the mouse on
the top center handle. Click and drag downwards until the top edge o# the te%t bo% snaps to
the top page guide.
1?. "imilarly0 drag the bottom edge o# the te%t bo% upwards until it snaps to the bottom page
1@. Ne%t set the width o# the te%t bo%. -ake sure the -easurements palette is displayed and
enter +,A points in the width #ieldG
1,. The te%t bo% 8still selected: should now resemble the image belowG
1D. Ce want the two9thirds page column to be on the right side o# the page. !sing the /tem
tool0 drag the te%t bo% to the right until it snaps to the right hand margin.
1'. Ce1re getting there. <our page should now look like the one belowG
1E. 4lt9drag 8CindowsI: or 6ption9drag 8-acI: to scroll to the #acing master page on the le#t.
Fepeat steps 1+ through 1' to resi$e and reposition the main te%t bo% on that page as well.
)A. Now we are going to make the le#t9hand column in our one9third(two thirds layout. "elect
the Fectangle Te%t 5o% tool and place the mouse somewhere in the 2icinity o# the lower
right corner o# the new bo% depicted in the image below. Click and drag towards the upper le#t
as shown to create a new te%t bo%.
)1. Now0 in case you are wondering why / went #rom the lower right to the upper le#t0 it1s
because old habits die hard. The reason is that / steer clear o# page guides when #irst placing
the mouse. 4ll too o#ten0 / would click on one o# the page guides and instead o# drawing a new
bo%0 / would accidentally mo2e the guide setting me back about + days. 6kay0 now continue
with the motion in step 1 abo2e. /# you released the mouse button select either the /tem tool or
the Content tool and grab the upper le#t handle o# the new te%t bo% and drag to the upper le#t
corner until it snaps to the guides.
)). Now grab the lower right handle and drag it to the lower hori$ontal page guide until it
snaps. Don1t worry about the bo% width. <ou will set it using the -easurements palette.
)+. Chile the new te%t bo% is still selected0 enter 1,@ points in the width #ield o# the
measurements Palette. Now is a good time to sa2e your work.
)?. "elect the Fectangle Te%t 5o% tool and drag a new te%t bo% upwards toward the top
margin until it snaps in the upper le#t9hand corner.
)@. !sing the /tem tool 0 drag the le#t9center handle to the right margin until it snaps.
),. Cith the te%t bo% still selected press Ctrl9C 8CindowsI: or Cmd9C 8-acI: to copy the te%t
)D. Ne%t press Ctrl9> 8Cindows: or Cmd9> 8-ac: to paste a copy o# the te%t bo% onto the
)'. !sing the /tem tool0 drag the new te%t bo% towards the bottom margin until it snaps.
)E. This is not its #inal resting place0 but it1s in the 2icinity.
+A. "elect the Content tool and place the cursor in the top
8header: te%t bo%. !sing the -easurements palette0 select the #ont
#or the page headers. /n this case we will use Poppl9Laudatio
Fegular0 5old /talic0 1' points. Don1t worry about leading because
there will be only one line o# type.

Note: There is a difference between how the Macintosh and Windows
versions of QuarkXPress handle bold and italic fonts. In the Mac version
the bold font or italic font !ust be installed on the s"ste! to be available for
Quark# to use. In the Windows version however if the bold or italic font is
not installed Quark will $fake$ the bold or italic font. There is no wa" to tell
the difference within QuarkXPress alone. In the Windows version the onl"
wa" to be sure a bold or italic font is installed is to check the installed fonts
with a font !anager such as %TM. It is not a good idea to fake the bold or
italic font if "our docu!ent will be sent to a service bureau for out&ut.
+1. Type the words0 "ample Jeader in the header te%t bo%. This is dummy te%t #or position
only. /t will appear as a de#ault header on each page and is pre#ormatted #or easy editing.
+). Cith the Content tool still selected0 place the cursor in the bottom 8#ooter: te%t bo% and
click the mouse. The cursor changes into an /95eam.
++. !sing the -easurements palette0 select the #ont #or the page
#ooters. Choose Poppl9Laudatio Fegular0 /talic0 1A points.
+?. Type the word Page #ollowed by a space0 then press Ctrl9+ 8Cindows: or Cmd9+ 8-ac:.
Quark inserts a page number place holder which appears as KLM on screen. Page numbers
will automatically appear in its place on pages based on this master page. 4ny style
#ormatting o# the place holder itsel# will be applied to the numbers appearing on the pages.
+@. Ce are going to need two new colors #or the document. To add them click !dit > "olors.
/n the dialog0 click New.
+,. /n the *dit Color dialog #or the new color0 click the -odel pull9down and select C-<7
as the color model. Then enter A0 )A0 DE and A in the C0 -0 < and 7 #ields0 respecti2ely. *nter
.old as the name then click 67.
+D. <ou will see the new .old color listed when you return to the pre2ious dialog. Click New
again #or the second new color.
+'. /n the *dit Color dialog #or the second new color0 select C-<7 as the color model0
then enter 1,0 E'0 1AA and 1+ in the C0 -0 < and 7 #ields0 respecti2ely. *nter -aroon as the
name then click 67.
+E. This time you will see the new maroon color when you return to the pre2ious dialog. Click
"a2e to #inish and e%it the dialog.

Ti&: %lwa"s use the 'M() color !odel if "ou &lan to out&ut Quark#
docu!ents in %dobe %crobat *P+,- for!at. %lso !ake sure to
configure the +istiller PP+ file *Post.cri&t Printer +efinition file- to use
the 'M() color s&ace *PP+ files contain instructions on how to &rint
docu!ents to a Post.cri&t device-. /efer to the %dobe technical docu!ent
nu!ber 011234 at their web site for !ore infor!ation:
?A. Ne%t0 select the 6rthogonal Line tool to draw the page rules #or the header. . This
tool is #or drawing hori$ontal and 2ertical lines.

'aution: Make sure "ou don5t accidentall" select the 6ine tool . The
6ine tool is for drawing lines without an" constraints. (ou !a" inadvertentl"
draw a $hori7ontal$ or $vertical$ line with this tool. If "ou do it !a" not be
true hori7ontal or vertical but onl" appear that wa". 8ven if "ou set the line
to true hori7ontal or vertical using the Modif" ite! dialog *b" clicking Item >
Modify- or b" using the Measure!ents &alette it is too risk" to have such
an ob9ect floating around in "our docu!ent. :ne slight click with the !ouse
and "ou won5t notice it until it is out&ut on fil!;
?1. Place the mouse on the le#t margin then drag a line to the right margin until it snaps.
?). 4s soon as you release the mouse button0 the Content tool is selected by de#ault. Place
the cursor directly o2er the line until you see the cursor shape shown below. Double9click to
bring up the modi#y item dialog 8or click #tem > Modi$y:.
?+. /n the Line tab o# the dialog0 choose ? points #rom the Line Cidth pull9down and .old
#rom Color pull9down0 then click 67.
??. /n the -easurements palette enter ?1 points #or the y9coordinate. The %9coordinate should
already be at +, points because the line should ha2e snapped to the le#t margin guide.
?@. "elect the /tem tool and press Ctrl9C 8CindowsI: or Cmd9C 8-acI: to copy the line.
?,. Then press Ctrl9> 8Cindows: or Cmd9> 8-ac: to paste a copy o# the line onto the page.
?D. 4 ;uick way to tag colors is with the Color palette. "li% View > Show "olors to display
the palette. Chile the pasted line is still selected0 click the -aroon color swatch in the Color
palette. The line will change color.
?'. Ce want the -aroon line to lie behind the .old line. Click #tem > Send to &a% while the
line is still selected.
?E. Ne%t enter +' points #or the %9coordinate and ?? points #or the y9coordinate in the
-easurements palette.
@A. This is a close9up o# how the lines appear.
@1. "elect the #ooter te%t bo% with the /tem tool.
@). *nter a y9coordinate o# D@?.E) points in the -easurements palette.
@+. "elect the 6rthogonal Line tool.
@?. Draw a hori$ontal line #rom the le#t margin to the right margin until it snaps.
@@. Position the cursor directly o2er the new line and double9click.
@,. /n the -odi#y /tem dialog0 select ) points as the Line Cidth #rom the pull9down. 4ccept the
de#aults #or "tyle 8"olid: and Line Color 85lack: and click 67.
@D. *nter a y9coordinate o# D@) points in the -easurements palette.
@'. This is a close9up o# the page #ooter and hori$ontal rule. 5y now you should reali$e the
ad2antages o# using margin guides and page guides in combination with "nap to .uides #or
the positioning o# ob=ects as you draw them. <ou make #ewer trips to the -easurements
@E. The le#t9hand page o# the 49-aster 4 spread is now complete. The ne%t thing is to copy all
the ob=ects 8e%cept one: and paste them on the right9hand page o# the spread.
,A. Cith the /tem Tool drag a mar;uee #rom the upper le#t corner to the lower right corner o#
the page to select all the ob=ects on the page.

Ti&: With Quark# "ou don5t have to totall" surround an ob9ect to select it.
(ou can select an" ob9ect b" clicking or dragging an"where within the
ob9ect5s bounding bo<.
,1. Position the cursor o2er the main te%t bo% and "hi#t9click the mouse to deselect it.
Ti&: .o!eti!es it is easier to select e<tra ob9ects then deselect the!.
,). Press Ctrl9C 8CindowsI: or Cmd9C 8-acI: to copy the selected ob=ects.
,+. "croll to the le#t master page using 4lt9drag 8Cindows: or 6ption9drag 8-ac:. <ou might
be wondering why we are not replacing the main te%t bo% by pasting a copy #rom the other
page. Doing so will break the linked te%t chain established when the document was #irst
created. "till0 we could re9link the te%t chain to the pasted te%t bo%. *ither way would be all
,?. Ne%t press Ctrl9> 8CindowsI: or Cmd9> 8-acI: to paste a copy o# the le#t master page
ob=ects onto the right master page.
,@. !sing the /tem tool0 drag the selected ob=ects into the upper le#t9hand corner until they
snap to the margin guides.

'aution: .hould an" of the &arts of a !ulti&le selection beco!e deselected
b" accident delete the! and re=&aste. This is where "ou have to be careful
not to !is=&osition ob9ects. In a co!&le< la"out it is eas" to !ess it u& =
es&eciall" where tra&&ing is involved.
,,. Check the -easurements palette to make sure the %9coordinate is +, points and the y9
coordinate is 1' points. <ou shouldn1t ha2e to enter data here because "nap to .uides is
,D. "elect the content tool and click anywhere in the header te%t bo%.
,'. Click the right9alignment button in the measurements Palette.
,E. The header te%t is now right9aligned.
DA "imilarly0 click anywhere in the #ooter te%t bo% and repeat the abo2e step to right9align the

Ti&: This e<a!&le is a good reason to !ake colu!n=width te<t bo<es. (ou
can >uickl" create left center or right align!ent without re&ositioning the
te<t bo<.
D1. 5elow is a 2iew o# the #inished right9hand master page.
D). 5elow is a 2iew o# the #inished spread.
D+. This layout calls #or another master page used only #or the opening page o# each chapter.
/t is #or right9hand 8odd9numbered: pages only. /n the Document palette drag a blank single
page icon into the panel below it to create a second master page called 59-aster 5. Chile
dragging0 the cursor changes to a shape. Felease the mouse button and a new 59-aster 5
page will appear in the Document palette.
D?. Drag a mar;uee around all the ob=ects on the right9hand page o# 49-aster 4.
D@ Press Ctrl9C 8CindowsI: or Cmd9C 8-acI: to copy the selected ob=ects.
D,. "witch to 59-aster 5. !se either the Document palette or the .o9To9Page pop9up menuG
DD. This is a 2iew o# the 59-aster 5 page. 5ecause the de#ault margins #or the document are
+, points all around0 we need to change the top and bottom margins again.
D'. Click Page > Master Guides... to bring up the -aster guides dialog. 4s in an earlier step0
we want to change the top and bottom margins to 1' points. Click 67 to sa2e.
DE. The new top and bottom margins will appear.
'A. Ne%t press Ctrl9> 8CindowsI: or Cmd9> 8-acI: to paste a copy o# the 49-aster 4 page
ob=ects onto the 59-aster 5 page.
'1. !sing the /tem tool0 drag the selected ob=ects to the upper le#t9hand corner until they
snap. 4gain0 take care to mo2e all the ob=ects as a group so they remain in the correct
relationship to each other.
'). Check the -easurements palette to make sure the %9coordinate is +, points and the y9
coordinate is 1' points. 4gain0 you shouldn1t ha2e to enter data here because "nap to
.uides is acti2e.
83. Using the Item tool, select the header text box.
84. Press the "Delete" key to delete the box.
85. This master age is not art o! the text chain by de!a"lt so it has
to be man"ally linked. In the "#e$ Doc"ment" dialog %$hen the
doc"ment $as &rst created' there $as a check box !or "("tomatic
Text )ox". *hen this is checked, the de!a"lt master age $ill sho$ a
connected chain icon in the "er le!t+hand corner o! the master
8-. The ")+.aster )" age $as not art o! the text chain beca"se it
$as made !rom a blank single age. This doc"ment $as set" $ith
facing pages. The )+.aster ) age has a broken chain icon,
8/. There are three stes to link the text chain to ages "sing this
master age,
0irst click the 1inking Tool on the Tool Palette.
88. #ext click the broken chain icon in the "er le!t+hand corner o!
the )+.aster ) age. (n animated dashed o"tline $ill aear
aro"nd the icon.
82. Then click the text box that is to be art o! the text chain. In this
case it is the main %right+hand' text box on the age. ( hea3y arro$
$ill aear ointing to$ards the text box !rom the chain icon
indicating that the text box is no$ linked.

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