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Subject: Re: Request for comment on the record

From: Andrew Lewman <>

Date: 07/22/2014 09:22 AM
To: Rachael Tackett <>
CC: Tor Project <>
On 07/22/2014 07:14 AM, Rachael Tackett wrote:
Dear Tor Project,
I have some questions regarding US government financing of the Tor Project. I
assume all parts of this email and responses to this email are on the public record.
Hello Rachael,
Thanks for contacting us. I've answered inline where we have answers.
Perhaps looking at our financial documents will answer many of your
questions, And
perhaps this will answer some more questions,
#1 Did the NSA's Disruptive Technology Office help finance the Cyber-TA program?
We have no idea as we're not the NSA. Please ask the NSA about their
Did Tor Project, Tor Solutions Group, Moria Research Labs, Roger Dingledine, or
Paul Syverson accept any funding that indirectly came from the NSA's Disruptive
Technology Office?
We can only answer for Tor Project, and the answer is no. Please ask the
others directly, as we cannot speak for them.
#2 Which US government office or agency is Sponsor O?
We cannot disclose which funder maps to which sponsor. This is for the
protection of all.
#3 Was anyone at the Tor Project aware that the National Democratic Institute
was using Tails to help them in elections monitoring in Belarus and collect
personal information on Belarusian opposition supporters?
As you're aware, we are not the National Democratic Institute. Please
ask them. We do not control or maintain Tails, they are a separate group
from Tor.
#4 Why did the Broadcasting Board of Governors give Moria Research Labs a no-bid
We are not Moria Research Labs, please ask them directly.
Re: Request for comment on the record
1 of 2 07/25/2014 07:56 PM
$5 Is any of Tor Project's funding from SRI International either directly or
indirectly from the US Navy SPAWAR?
We have a contract with SRI, as disclosed in our financial statements.
We believe partial funding for our contract did come through SPAWAR, per
disclosure in our financial statements.
#6 Why is Tor Project not listed on DARPA's open source catalog, even though Tor
Project has received substantial support from DARPA?
We are not DARPA. Please ask them directly.
$7 Are there any other direct or indirect sources of government funding that are
not listed on Tor Project's sponsors page?
Please refer to our financial reports.
#8 Will Tor Project, Tor Solutions Group, and Moria Research Labs release copies
of all its contracts for direct and indirect US government funding?
We can only answer for Tor Project. The others are not us. Please see
our financial page. We at Tor have been publishing our financial
documents for seven years now.
pgp 0x6B4D6475
Re: Request for comment on the record
2 of 2 07/25/2014 07:56 PM
Subject: Re: [tor-assistants] Request for comment on the record
From: Ximin Luo <>
Date: 07/22/2014 09:34 AM
To: Rachael Tackett <>
CC: Tor Project <>
On 22/07/14 14:22, Andrew Lewman wrote:
Did Tor Project, Tor Solutions Group, Moria Research Labs, Roger Dingledine, or
Paul Syverson accept any funding that indirectly came from the NSA's Disruptive
Technology Office?
We can only answer for Tor Project, and the answer is no. Please ask the
others directly, as we cannot speak for them.
#8 Will Tor Project, Tor Solutions Group, and Moria Research Labs release copies
of all its contracts for direct and indirect US government funding?
We can only answer for Tor Project. The others are not us. Please see
our financial page. We at Tor have been publishing our financial
documents for seven years now.
Hi Rachael,
It's possible you're mistaking "Tor Solutions Group" for "Tor Solutions Corporation". TSC
is a subsidiary of Tor Project Inc, explained here [1]. I do see mention of the former in
BBG's documentation [2]; I assume it is a typo, and that they actually meant TSC.
Re: [tor-assistants] Request for comment on the r...
1 of 1 07/25/2014 08:02 PM

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