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What is a Mini-bar?
A mini-bar is a small, private beverage bar in the form of a mini fridge often found in
modern 4star and 5 star hotel rooms.
Typically, a mini-bar comes in the form of a small refrigerator with a counter above
where different snack items are stocked . The room's guests can take a beverage or snack
at any time during their stay. The bar is commonly stocked with small bottles of alcoholic
beverages like whiskey, rum, gin, vodka,beer can, uices, soft drinks as well as candy
!sweets", cookies !sweet biscuits", crackers !savoury biscuits" and other small snacks.
#rices are generally very high relative to similar items purchased in a store, since the
guest can consume the items enoying the comfort of the rooms. $any hotels have
progressed further to offer non-food items.
The mini-bar or mini-fridge is provided with a mini-bar menu which lists down the mini-
bar contents, details of the items, the %uantity of the item and the price for each item a
guest would be charged.
Steps of managing a mini-bar:-
i" &aily consumption of mini bar items in the rooms are checked by the staff responsible
for mini-bar checking with the help of $ini-bar 'onsumption (heet.
ii" The items which are consumed are noted down in the mini-bar bill and send to the
front office and they post it to the room charges. )f guest is present in the room, he*she is
asked to sign the bill.
iii" The items which are consumed are refilled in the mini-bar accordingly for further
iv" &uring check out along with other charges the guest settles the mini-bar bill with the
front office.
v" (ome hotels also have facilities where the consumption is checked and entered as soon
as the guest takes out any item from the minibar through computeri+ed systems fitted
with the mini fridge and posted to the room charges.
Maintaining Inventory of Mini- Bar items:-
i" &aily inventory is taken at a particular time and matched with $ini- ,ar consumption
sheet and accordingly the guest room mini-bar stock is again refilled.
ii" (hortages are recorded.
iii" -e%uisition is prepared on a weekly basis and mini bar items are picked up from store
every week for consumption in rooms.
iv" The items which are near to e.piry date should always be released for circulation first
and then the new stock of items.
ormats !se":-
i" $inibar 'onsumption (heet ii" $inibar ,ill
/0T12 )/$
$)3)-,A- '03(4$#T)03 (/11T

-oom 3o. 6hiskey 7in 8odka -um ,randy 6ine (oda 99
$)3)-,A- )3 '/A-71

/0T12 )/$
$)3,A- ,)22
7uest=s 3ame55555555
-oom 3o.55555
&uring your stay the bar will be checked daily by your minibar attendant, and the items
consumed will be charged to your room account. 1noy your drink>>>>>
)tem 4nit #rice 'onsumed
(cotch 6hisky !?; ml" 45;.;;
-um !?; ml" 4;;.;;
7in !:<; ml" @5;.;;
8odka !?; ml" @;;.;;
,eer !AA; ml" @B5.;;
(oda 5;.;;
$ineral 6ater !AA; ml" ?;.;;
Almond @5;.;;
'hocolate!Temptation" B5.;;
Curkure 5;.;;
(ignature5555555555555555555555555555 $ini-bar attendant
A22 #-)'1( A-1 )3'24()81 0D TAE1(

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