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Khoa Ngoi ng
&#NH CH( KH)A *+ TA H CH,NH -I
I. H/NH TH0C1 23(RMAT4
5 6hi g78 hai 9h:n 1
A. ;< 6h=>?6 6i?ng 2;INGI@TIC@4
A. ;< 6h=>?6 6i?ng 2;INGI@TIC@4
1. Phonetics and its main branches
2. Phonetics and phonology
3. The production of speech sounds
4. The classification of English sounds
5. Phonology: the sound patterns of language
. The syllable
!. "ord stress and sentence stress
#. $ntonation
%. &spects of connected speech
1. 'onceptual and associati(e meaning
2. )emantic features
3. )emantic roles
4. *e+ical reations
4.1. )ynonymy
4.2. &ntonymy
4.3. ,yponymy
4.4. ,omophony- homonymy- polysemy and metonymy
4.5. 'ollocation
5. $n(isible meaning- conte+t
. .ei+is- anaphora
!. /eference and inference
#. Presupposition
%. )peech acts
10. Politeness
Ph1n Bi2n3Phi2n d4ch s5 bao g6m nh7ng n8i dung li2n 9uan :;n c<c ch= :> sau :?y:
1. @inh t;
2. 'hAnh tr43+B h8i
3. CDi trEFng
4. GHn hIa3gi<o dJc
5. K hLc
$.G. $I"N &'CH 2TRAN@;ATI(N4
1. '?u 1:
ThA sinh :EMc y2u c1u d4ch m8t :oNn (Hn ti;ng &nh OhoPng 3003350 tQ sang ti;ng GiRt.
STranslate into GietnameseT.
2. '?u 2:
ThA sinh :EMc y2u c1u d4ch m8t :oNn (Hn ti;ng GiRt OhoPng 3003350 tQ sang ti;ng &nh
STranslate into GietnameseT.
1. '?u 1 :
ThA sinh :EMc y2u c1u nghe S3 l1nT (U d4ch m8t :oNn (Hn ti;ng &nh OhoPng 3003350 tQ
sang ti;ng GiRt. STranslate into GietnameseT
2.'?u 2 :
ThA sinh :EMc y2u c1u nghe S3l1nT (U d4ch m8t :oNn (Hn ti;ng GiRt OhoPng 3003350 tQ
sang ti;ng &nh STranslate into GietnameseT.
CDn chuy2n ngUnh Bi2n 3 Phi2n d4ch bao g6m hai ph1n chAnh lV thuy;t ti;ng (U bi2n3
phi2n d4ch tAch hMp trong :> thi c=a mDn thi 'huy2n ngUnh (Wi thFi gian 1#0 phXt. .o
(Yy thFi gian hoUn thUnh ph1n thi ph?n mDn lV thuy;t ti;ng lU I 9hJ6 KL thFi gian hZan
thUnh ph1n Bi2n3phi2n d4ch lU 12I 9hJ6 2Bin dch 60 pht, Phin dch 60 phtT
iP8 6hi 8Qn Dh=>An ngLnh RiAn%9hiAn BCDh SL 6Tng DUa 9h:n S< 6h=>?6 6i?ng KL
9h:n $iAn%9hiAn BCDh. 2GI INM4
A. ;< 6h=>?6 6i?ng 2;INGI@TIC@ % V iP84
1. Phonetics [ Phonology S2 :i\mT
2. )emantics S2 :i\mT
1. Bi2n d4ch : 3 :i\m
2. Phi2n d4ch : 3 :i\m
A. ;< 6h=>?6 6i?ng 1
ThA sinh :<nh :Xng c<c c?u tr]c nghiRm (U trP lFi :Xng c<c c?u h^i lV thuy;t.
$. $iAn%9hiAn BCDh
$.G. $iAn BCDh
3 TAnh chAnh +<c c=a bPn d4ch: thA sinh OhDng :EMc thay :_i- b^ sIt hay th2m (Uo
nh7ng thDng tin OhDng cI trong nguy2n bPn
3 TAnh lEu lo<t c=a bPn d4ch: thA sinh phPi di`n :Nt n8i dung nguy2n bPn bang ngDn
ng7 d4ch :Xng (> mbt tQ (cng- ng7 ph<p- (Hn phong.
3 TAnh tc nhi2n c=a bPn d4ch: thA sinh phPi di`n :Nt n8i dung nguy2n bPn gidng nhE
c<ch di`n :Nt tc nhi2n c=a ngEFi bPn ng7- ngDn ng7 c=a (Hn bPn d4ch OhDng b4
nh7ng Pnh hEeng ti2u ccc tQ ngDn ng7 c=a (Hn bPn gdc.
$.H. PhiAn BCDh
3 TAnh chAnh +<c c=a bPn d4ch : ThA sinh phPi tu?n th= n8i dung thDng tin c=a ngDn
bPn ngu6n.
3 TAnh lEu lo<t c=a bPn d4ch : ThA sinh sf dJng linh hLat c<c cgu trXc ng7 ph<p- tQ
(cng- (Hn phong th4ch hMp trong ngDn ng7 mJc :Ach.
3 TAnh tc nhi2n c=a bPn d4ch : ThA sinh phPi bi;t chuy\n :Po :hn (4 ngDn ng7 cho
phi hMp (Wi c<ch di`n :Nt ngDn ng7 :Ach- bi;t c<ch t<ch hobc ghjp ngDn ng7 gdc3
ngDn ng7 :Ach n;u thgy c1n thi;t
Nha Trang, ngy 20 thng 04 nm 2013

Bk Clm B$nm P,$nm .o',
1. The "orld BanO has blocOed a p232 million loan for a road3building proqect in the
Philippines to consider allegations of corruption in the bidding process. The "orld BanOrs
board has postponed a decision on the nes loan so that it can read the findings of an
internal report on bid rigging during the first phase of the road proqect. "orld BanO
spoOesman Peter )tephens says the report sas published on the same day that phase tso
of the proqect sent to the board for appro(al. t$trs actually a delay shile se looO in depth
at a report on corruption and measures to deal sith corruption on the proqect. The board
has 9uite properly asOed 9uite a fes 9uestions about shat sort of procedures in place-t
said )tephens. $n the first phase of the proqect- the "orld BanO says it reqected tso large
contracts sorth p33 million betseen 2003 and 200- because of e(idence of collusion
and e+cessi(e pricing in some bidding by companies. The banOrs internal in(estigation
unit has since drasn up a report. The "all )treet uournal reported banO in(estigators had
concluded that a 'hinese firm- 'hina )tate 'onstruction Engineering- had tried to rig
bids sith a cartel of construction firms. BanO spoOesman )tephens sould not name any
firms in(ol(ed in the probe. ,e says the "orld BanO and the Philippine go(ernment ha(e
established anti3corruption measures in the second phase of the proqect to pre(ent such
problems. tThere is an independent group of ci(il society that monitors road construction
and maintenance- a group called /oad "atch- they looO at this-t he said. t"e also ha(e
put in place nes auditing- nes bidding procedures.t Philippine cabinet secretary /icardo
)aludo says the go(ernment is committed to curbing corruption and is sorOing sith the
BanO on transparency on all proqects.
3 allegations of corruption: c<c c<o bu8c (> tham nhvng
3 bidding process : ti;n trwnh :gu th1u
3 postpone a decision : trw hoBn 9uy;t :4nh
3 an internal report : b<o c<o n8i b8
3 the first phase : giai :oNn :1u
3 bid rigging: gian lYn trong :gu th1u
3 go to the board for appro(al: :Ea ra trEWc ban 9uPn tr4 :\ ph2 chuxn
3 a delay: sc trw hoBn
3 e(idence of collusion : bang chyng cgu O;t c=a c<c cDng ty
3 e+cessi(e pricing : gi< th1u 9u< cao
3 'hina )tate 'onstruction Engineering: 'Dng trwnh +?y dcng c=a Trung zudc
3a cartel of construction firms: tYp :oUn c<c cDng ty +?y dcng
3 establish anti3corruption measure: :Ea ra c<c biRn ph<p chdng tham nhvng
3 monitor road construction and maintenance: theo d{i (iRc +?y dcng (U bPo trw
3 /oad "atch: t_ gi<m s<t +?y dcng :EFng
3 put in place nes auditing:
3 cabinet secretary: b8 trEeng n8i c<c
3 commit to curbing corruption: cam O;t ngHn chYn nNn tham nhvng
3 transparency : minh bNch
2. *eaders of 'hina and the European |nion are to open a summit "ednesday in Beiqing.
The E|rs grosing trade deficit sith 'hina and the safety of 'hinese imports are issues
that are liOely to dominate the talOs. E| leaders gathering in Beiqing are e+pected to bring
up a (ariety of trade issues sith 'hina- many of shich ha(e created an increasingly
complicated relationship betseen them. The safety of 'hinese products is liOely to be at
the top of the agenda. $n recent months- 'hina has scrambled to clamp dosn on poor
9uality goods to try to build confidence in the tmade in 'hinat label. & string of safety
scandals in(ol(ing seafood- car tires- toothpaste and childrenrs toys ha(e led to bans and
recalls o(erseas. Earlier this year- a leading *ondon toy store pulled tso 'hinese3made
products from its shel(es after paint on one type of toy sas shosn to contain high
amounts of lead- shich could cause brain damage or e(en death. The |.). toy company
Cattel has also recalled more than 1# million 'hinese3made toys because of unsafe le(els
of lead. }n Conday in Beiqing- European |nion trade commissioner Peter Candelson
said that ensuring consumer trust and confidence in 'hinese products must be 'hinars
priority if it sants to maintain the e+port grosth rates of recent years. t.uring the
summer- some 'hinese officials pointed out that less than one percent of 'hinars e+ports
to Europe had alleged health risOs-t he said. tBut Europe imports half a billion euros
sorth of goods e(ery day from 'hina. )o- e(en one percent is not acceptable.t ,is
comments dres an icy response from 'hinars top trade official- Gice Premier "u Ki. )he
insists 'hinars go(ernment has taOen unprecedented steps to ensure product 9uality and
food safety.
3 open a summit: Ohai mNc h8i ngh4 thEMng :~nh
3 trade deficit: th?m hJt mYu d4ch
3 dominate the tasO: bao trim ch= :> c=a h8i ngh4
3 & (ariety of trade issues: m8t loNt c<c (gn :> (> mYu d4ch
3 agenda: chEhng trwnh ngh4 sc
3 scramble to clamp dosn : n_ lcc Oi\m so<t
3 string of safety scandals: m8t loNt c<c (J tai ti;ng li2n 9uan :;n sc an toUn
3 brain damage: t_n thEhng nBo
3 recall: thu h6i
3 European |nion trade commissioner: =y (i2n thEhng mNi c=a *i2n Cinh 'h?u u
3 allege: Ohng :4nh- tuy2n bd
3 dres an icy response: :<p lNi m8t c<ch lNnh nhNt
3 taOe unprecedented steps: thcq hiRn nh7ng biRn ph<p chEa tQng cI trEWc :?y
3. The anti3po(erty group }+fam says global sarming is altering the human food supply
and threatening some of the sorldrs poorest people sith hunger. &t the |nited mations
'onference on 'limate 'hange in Bali- the group argued de(eloped countries should pay
to address the problem- and costs could top p50 billion a year. 'limate change- shich
many scientists belie(e is fueled by human acti(ities- alters rain cycles and causes
increased droughts and flooding. /ising temperatures mean some traditional crops do not
gros as sell as they used to. The |nited mations predicts that in some &frican countries-
crop yields could fall by half. }+fam researcher @ate /asorth says coping sith these
issues sill be e+pensi(e. t}+fam has estimated that for all de(eloping countries to adapt
to climate change sill cost at least p50 billion a year-t she said. t&nd for that to be done
sith qustice se belie(e that the rich and the most polluting countries should pay the (ast
share of the money to maOe possible for those countries most (ulnerable and least
responsible for causing the problem to cope sith the nes realities they ha(e to deal

sith.t & report released by }+fam at the conference on Tuesday says some countries are
already feeling the effects of a sarming planet. $n )outh &frica- farmers are planting
faster3maturing crops to adapt to unpredictable rainfall. Bangladeshis are creating floating
(egetable gardens that can thri(e in spite of floods. }+fam argues the |nited )tates- the
European |nion- uapan- 'anada and &ustralia should be among the maqor sources of
funds to help de(eloping countries sol(e their climate change problems. These countries
ha(e agreed in principle- but one tasO of the Bali 'onference is to find out hos much
indi(idual countries are silling to spend on climate3related issues.
3 The anti3po(erty group }+fam: T_ chyc chdng :Ii ngho }+farm
3 global sarming: hiRn tEMng gm l2n toUn c1u
3 alter food supply: thay :_i ngu6n cung cgp lEhng thcc
3 pay to address the problem: chX trLng giPi 9uy;t (gn :>
3 be fueled by: g?y ra do
3 rain cycle: chu O mEa
3 traditional crop: hoa mUu thDng thEFng
3 crop yield: sPn lEMng hoa mUu
3 cope sith the issue: giPi 9uy;t (gn :>
3 adapt to: thAch yng (Wi- thAch nghi (Wi
3 qustice: sc cDng bang
3 pay the (ast share: chi trP m8t OhoPn ti>n lWn
3 (ulnerable: d` b4 Pnh hEeng
3 cope sith realities: :Ehng :1u (Wi thcc t;
3 fast3maturing crop: hoa mUu thu hoNch nhanh
3 release: cDng bd
3 floating: n_i
3 thri(e: sdng cZn
3 agree in principle: :6ng V tr2n nguy2n t]c
4. The &sian .e(elopment BanO- in a report released Thursday- says grosth in the &sia
Pacific region should fall to # percent in 200#- half a percentage point loser than in 200!.
$n 'hina- the regionrs largest economy- the &.B is predicting that if go(ernment
measures to cool the economy taOe hold- economic grosth sill slos to 10.5 percent in
200#- from 11.4 percent this year. )peaOing in ,ong @ong- uong3"ha *ee- head of the
&.Brs }ffice of /egional Economic $ntegration- said the region is facing greater risOs
nos than qust a fes months ago. & hard landing of the |.). economy- for instance- could
ha(e an impact on the regionrs grosth. tBecause the sharp decline in the |.). consumer
demand sill ha(e an impact on the |.). import demand and through the trade linOages
sill ha(e the impact on the &siars e+port to the |.).-t he said. *ee says- hose(er- that a
sharp slos dosn in the |.). economy is not liOely. |.). economic grosth is dosn from
2.% percent last year- to an e+pected 2.2 percent this year. The &.B is proqecting it sill
slos e(en further in 200#- dri(en by a seaO |.). subprime mortgage marOet and related
financial marOet (olatility. }ther financial risOs in the East &sian region include a further
tightening of global credit- abrupt adqustments in e+change rates and the continued rise in
oil and commodity prices. $nflation due to higher food- oil and commodity prices remains
a concern in many economies- particularly in 'hina- shere inflation hit an 113year high
in mo(ember. *ee said policy maOers in Beiqing are adopting measures to help control
inflation. But he says the &.B belie(es 'hina needs to loosen its e+change rate in order
to effecti(ely deal sith the problem. tBecause the more appreciation sill help to reduce
price inflation of imported goods- especially grain and also oil. &nd also the increase in
e+change rate fle+ibility sill help reduce li9uidity in the domestic financial marOets-t he
TYong 8Z6 R[n R\o D\o DQng R] hQ8 na>^ Ng_n hLng 9h\6 6YiPn Ch_= O 2g`i 6a6 SL
A&$4^ nbi Ycng 6d Se 6fng 6Yghng iinh 6? 6Yong ih= KjD Ch_= O Th\i $knh &glng mn
gi[8 o=]ng 6pi 8qD rs 6Yong nf8 HIIr^ 6ht9 hln I^*s mo Kpi 8qD DUa nf8 HIIu.
Ti TY=ng -=]D^ n5n iinh 6? Spn nht6 6h? gipi^ A&$ 6iAn vo\n SL n?= Dhwnh 9hU B=>
6Yk D\D Rien 9h\9 SL8 gi[8 nhie6 n5n iinh 6?^ 6hk 6d Se 6fng 6Yghng iinh 6? mn Dxn
GI.*s 6Yong nf8 HIIr^ mo Kpi GGs 6Yong nf8 na>. Ph\6 RiP= 6i Hongiong^ Qng
yong%zha ;{{^ 6Yghng Kfn 9hxng HZi nh|9 Kinh 6? ih= KjD DUa A&$^ nbi Ycng ih=
KjD nL> vang 9h[i v]i 8}6 Kpi nhng YUi Yo Spn hln mo Kpi Dhd KLi 6h\ng 6YgpD v_>.
Ch~ng hn nhg^ mj o=]ng B]D 8nh DUa n5n iinh 6? M mn Db 6hP [nh hghng v?n mj
6fng 6Yghng iinh 6? DUa ih= KjD nL>. ng ;{{ nbi1 $hi Kk mj m6 gi[8 8nh K5
8qD D:= DUa nggi 6iA= Bng M mn 6\D vZng v?n 8qD D:= K5 nh|9 ih= DUa M KL
6hQng =a D\D SiAn he K5 6hglng 8i^ mn 6\D vZng v?n KieD o=t6 ih= hLng hba 6
Ch_= O mang M. T=> nhiAn^ Qng ;{{ Dho Ycng ihQng Db 9h:n DhaD SL 6d Se 6fng
6Yghng iinh 6? M mn m6 gi[8 8nh. T Se 6fng 6Yghng iinh 6? M gi[8 6 H.s
h7i nf8 ngo\i o=]ng Don m] Bj ii?n H.Hs 6Yong nf8 na>. A&$ 6iAn vo\n iinh 6? M
mn 6fng 6Yghng Dh|8 hln na 6Yong nf8 HIIr Kk 6hC 6Ygng vCa ]D M KL mj 6ha> vTi
Db SiAn =an 6Yong 6hC 6Ygng 6Li Dhwnh. Nhng YUi Yo 6Li Dhwnh ih\D h ih= KjD Qng
O Rao g78 KieD 6ha6 Dh}6 hln 6wn Bng 6oLn D:=^ D\D Rien 9h\9 vi5= Dhdnh vZ6 ngZ6
6Yong 6d gi\ h]i vo\i^ gi\ B:= KL gi\ D\D 8}6 hLng 6i?9 6D 6fng. ;8 9h\6 Bo gi\ D\D
8}6 hLng 6iA= Bng^ B:= KL 6hjD 9h8 6fng Dao hln mn Kn SL 8]i =an 6_8 DUa
nhi5= n5n iinh 6?^ nht6 SL 6i TY=ng -=]D^ nli 8L 6d Se S8 9h\6 SAn 6pi 8qD Dao nht6
6Yong GG nf8 =a h7i 6h\ng GG. ng ;{{ nbi D\D nhL SL8 Dhwnh m\Dh h $aD Kinh
vang \9 Bng nhi5= Rien 9h\9 vP iiP8 mo\6 S8 9h\6. T=> nhiAn Qng nbi A&$ 6in
Ycng TY=ng -=]D D:n 9h[i 6h[ Sng 6d gi\ h]i vo\i vP gi[i =>?6 Ktn v5 8Z6 D\Dh Db
hie= =[. ng ;{{ nbi1 $hi Kk 6d gi\ h]i vo\i DLng 6fng nhi5= Dhng nLo mn DLng
giJ9 gi[8 6d Se S8 9h\6 6Yong gi\ D[ D\D 8}6 hLng nh|9 ih=^ v}D Rie6 SL ng D]D KL
B:=. ML KieD 6fng 6wnh Sinh ho6 6Yong 6d gi\ h]i vo\i mn giJ9 SL8 gi[8 Sgng 6i5n
S=_n Dh=>Pn 6Yong 6hC 6Ygng 6Li Dhwnh nZi vCa.
*. &lthough fertility rates in poor countries ha(e declined in recent years- the |m has
estimated that the sorlds population should stabilie at appro+imately 10.2 billion
people by the year 2100- shen the number dying sill match the number being born. This
figure is tso and a 9uarter times the present sorld population. & long3held and popular
belief is that population grosth in poor countries is the maqor cause of po(erty. The
population e+plosion- it is argued- is siping out any economic de(elopment shich the
poor countries may achie(e. The remedy to po(erty is seen- therefore- to be increased
birth control. This (ies has come under se(ere criticism by poor countries and their
supporters in sealthy nations. They argue that large families and rapid population grosth
are conse9uences of po(erty rather than its cause. Cany of the poor consider a large
family to be essential for sur(i(al in poor countries. $n a society lacOing social selfare
payments- children are seen as a source of security in old age and shen illness or
unemployment striOe. 'hildren are also regarded as a means of bringing in additional
income at an early age. $n addition- because child mortality rates are high- a large family
is considered necessary to ensure that at least one son sur(i(es to adulthood. &nother
argument is that employment opportunities and ade9uate social security schemes are the
Oey to falling birth rates.
TYong nhng nf8 g:n v_>^ 8}D B 6 Se minh v h D\D ngpD ngho Db gi[8 o=]ng^
nhgng ;iAn Hie9 -=]D gpD 6wnh Ycng v?n nf8 HGII 6 Se minh 6 mn Rcng nha= KL SJD
vb B_n m] 6h? gipi mn Tn vCnh h 8qD ot9 od GI^H 6d nggi^ 6fng H^H* S:n mo Kpi B_n m]
6h? gipi hien na>. ;_= na> nhi5= nggi Dho Ycng 9h\6 6YiPn B_n m] h D\D ngpD ngho
SL ng=>An nh_n Dhwnh g_> Ya nn vbi ngho. @j Rng nT B_n m] vang h= hoi 8`i
6hLnh =[ iinh 6? 8L D\D ngpD nL> v v6 vgD. &o K|>^ D:n 9h[i v> 8nh DQng
6\D minh v Db i? hoDh vP 6ho\6 ihi D[nh vbi ngho. T=> nhiAn^ =an viP8 nL> RC
D\D ngpD ngho KL 8Z6 m] nggi h D\D ngpD giL= 9hA 9h\n ga> ga6. H` Dho Ycng gia
vknh vQng Don KL B_n m] 6fng nhanh SL h|= =[ hln SL ng=>An nh_n DUa mj vbi
ngho. Nhi5= nggi ngho o{8 gia vknh vQng Don SL D:n 6hi?6 Dho mj m]ng Dxn DUa
D\D ngpD ngho. Con D\i SL Dl mh v[8 R[o Dho 6=Ti giL Dng nhg SJD ]8 va= ha> RC
6ht6 nghie9 h nhng ngpD ihQng Db 6Y Dt9 9hJD Si o hZi. Con D\i Dng SL ng=7n
nh_n SjD gb9 9h:n KLo KieD 6fng 6h= nh|9 Dho gia vknh nga> SJD DhJng Dxn nh.
Hln na^ Bo 6 Se 6Y {8 6 Kong Dao nAn gia vknh vQng Don 6h|6 mj D:n 6hi?6 vP v[8
R[o DhaD Dhan w6 nht6 Db 8Z6 vqa Don 6Yai m]ng mb6 Dho v?n 6=Ti 6Yghng 6hLnh. MZ6
=an viP8 ih\D Dho Ycng Dl hZi 6k8 vgD KieD SL8 KL v[8 R[o R[o 9hJD Si o hZi
6hjD mj v\ng vgD o{8 SL gi[i 9h\9 Dl R[n hn Dh? minh v h= hie= nht6.
X. The natural sorld is under (iolent assault. The seas and the ri(ers are being poisoned
by radioacti(e sastes- by chemical discharges and by the dumping of dangerous to+ins
and ras sesage. The air se breathe is polluted by smoOe and fumes from factories and
motor (ehicles. $t is little sonder forests and laOes are being destroyed and e(eryshere
sildlife is disappearing. The irre(ersible loss of biodi(ersity has a serious impact on the
ability of maintaining species including humans to sur(i(e because humans depend on
species di(ersity and healthy ecosystems. The destruction continues despite the sarnings
of the scientific community and the deep concern of millions of ordinary people.
o(ernments and industries throughout the sorld are intensifying their efforts to e+tract
the earthrs mineral riches and to plunder its li(ing resources. The great rain forests and the
froen continents aliOe are seriously threatened. ,ose(er- se can create
en(ironmentally3clean industries- harness the poser of the sun- sind and sa(es for our
energy needs and manage the finite resources of the earth.
Th? gipi 6j nhiAn vang RC 6tn DQng B BZi. $iPn KL mQng vang RC Q nhi8 n}ng Bo
Dht6 6h[i h6 nh_n^ Dht6 6h[i hba h`D KL Y\D 6h[i vZD hi Dhga o S<. KhQng ihw
DhJng 6a 6hh Dng RC Q nhi8 Bo ihbi KL ihw 6h[i DUa nhL 8\> KL o{ DZ. Cng
Dh~ng 9h[i ngD nhiAn ihi Yng KL h7 Dng Bang RC 6Ln 9h\ KL D=ZD m]ng hoang B
iha9 8`i nli vang Ri?n 8t6. MieD Ri?n 8t6 8L ihQng Dq= Kn nTi DUa va Bng minh
h`D v 6\D vZng Yt6 Spn v?n ih[ nfng B=> 6Yk mj m]ng Dxn DUa D\D SoLi Rao g78 D[
Don nggi Kk Don nggi 9h 6h=ZD KLo va SoLi KL 8Qi 6Ygng minh 6h\i SLnh 8nh.
Cho B gipi ihoa h`D D[nh R\o KL hLng 6Yie= nggi B_n 6hgng RL> 6 8]i =an
6_8 m_= maD nhgng mj 6Ln 9h\ Kn Dq 6i?9 Bin. C\D Dhwnh 9hU KL ngLnh DQng
nghie9 6YAn iha9 6h? gipi vang nT SjD ihai 6h\D ng=7n iho\ng m[n 9hong 9hJ KL
ng=7n minh K|6 B7i BLo. Rng Y|8 nhie6 vpi Dng nhg D\D SD vCa vbng Rfng vang RC
v{ Bo nghiA8 6Y`ng. T=> nhiAn DhJng 6a Dng Db 6hP o_> Bjng n5n DQng nghie9
6h_n 6hien Kpi 8Qi 6Ygng^ ihai 6h\D nfng Sgng 6 8}6 6Yi^ gib KL mbng RiPn vP
9hD K Dho nh= D:= nfng Sgng DUa DhJng 6a KL =[n S< ng=7n nfng Sgng hn
h= 6YAn 6Y\i vt6 nL>.
u. The confirmed death toll from ,aitirs de(astating earth9uaOe has risen abo(e 150-000
in the Port3au3Prince area alone- a go(ernment minister has said. 'ommunications
Cinister Carie3*aurence uocelyn *assegue said the count sas based on the state
company 'mE. Cany more bodies remain uncounted under rubble. The search for
sur(i(ors has officially ended and the focus has shifted to aid. But there is disagreement
about hos sell the aid operation is doing- sith the head of $talyrs ci(il protection ser(ice
maOing highly critical comments. uido Bertolaso- sho is in ,aiti to co3ordinate relief
efforts- also criticised shat he sas as the presence of too many &merican soldiers. ,e
said they had no training in running a ci(ilian relief operation. ,e called on the |nited
mations to establish a procedure to follos shen maqor natural disasters occur. $t has
become clear the 12 uanuary 9uaOe is one of the sorst natural disasters to ha(e strucO in
recent years. )ome say the !.03magnitude 9uaOe Oilled as many as 200-000 people- shile
an estimated 1.5 million people ha(e been left homeless. Cs *assegue said that the
authorities sere still far from Onosing the total number of those Oilled. &t least !5-000
people ha(e been buried in mass gra(es since the disaster. /elati(es ha(e also burnt the
bodies of some of the (ictims. Thousands of people qoined open3air church ser(ices in
Port3au3Prince- *eogane 3 the epicentre of the earth9uaOe 3 and elseshere on )unday.
Ceanshile- a fes signs of normal life are returning to the city- sith street stalls starting
to sell fruit and (egetables and some shops and banOs re3opening.
MQ 6 RQ 6Yghng Hai6i Dho ha> Don m] nggi 6hiA 6 8ng 6Yong 6Y_ n vQ ng vt6 Ka Y7i
YiAng h 6hU vQ v SAn 6pi 6YAn G*I.III. $Q 6Yghng ThQng 6in MaYi{%;a=Y{nD{
yoD{S>n ;amm{g={ nbi 6hQng 6in nL> Bo DQng 6> CNE DUa nhL ngpD vga Ya. Nhi5= o\D
nggi Dxn RC DhQn Ki Bgpi v]ng vT n\6 KL Dhga vgD 6h]ng iA. C=Q D 6k8 ii?8
nggi m]ng mb6 v Dhwnh 6hqD i?6 6hJD KL na> 6Y`ng 6_8 SL n SjD Dq= 6Y ma= 6hiAn
6ai. T=> nhiAn vang Db 6Yanh Di K5 6i?n 6Yknh Dq= 6Y^ ihi nggi vqng v:= voLn
I6aS> Dhd 6YwDh nf ng n5 hiA = =[ DUa DQng KiA D nL>.
ng G=iBo ${Y6oSamo^ hiA n vang Db 8f 6 6i Hai6i 6Yong 6g D\Dh vi5= 9h]i KiAn^ Dng
Dhd 6YwDh KiA D =\ nhi5= Swnh M Db 8f 6 6i v_>. ng nbi =_n vQ i Dhga vgD h=tn
S=>A n vP 6ha8 gia Dq= 6Y B_n mj. ng iA= g`i ;iAn HiA 9 -=]D 6hi?6 S_ 9 Dl Dh?
hLnh vQ ng vP v]i 9hb Kpi D\D 6hiAn 6ai Spn. R YLng Ycng 6Y_ n vQ ng vt6 hQ8 GHIG
SL 8Q 6 6Yong D\D 6h[8 h`a 6hiAn 6ai 67i 6A nht6 6Yong nhng nf8 g:n v_>. Cb nggi
v\nh gi\ m] nggi Dh?6 6Yong 6Y_ n vQ ng vt6 u.I vQ RiDh6{Y Db 6hP SL 6pi HII.III^
iho[ng G^* 6YiA = nggi KQ gia Dg. $L ;amm{g={ Dho ha> D\D Dt9 Dhwnh =>5n Dxn
Dhga Y 6hjD 6? Rao nhiA= nggi v 6hiA 6 8ng. ,6 nht6 u*.III nggi v vgD DhQn
Dt6 6Yong D\D ngQi 8Q 6_ 9 6hP. HLng ngLn nggi v 6ha8 gia D:= ng=>A n 6i PoY6%
a=%PYinD{^ h 6hC 6Ytn ;{ogan{^ Dhtn 6_8 DUa 6Y_ n vQ ng vt6^ KL nhi5= nli ih\D KLo
hQ8 ChU nh|6. TYong ihi vb^ vang Db KLi Bt= hie= D=Q D m]ng Rknh 6hgng vang B:n
6Yh Si 6hLnh 9h]^ nggi B_n Ra6 v:= R=Qn R\n KL Da hLng Da hiA = 8h Da.
1. i>u tra c=a Ban ThE OV .i`n :Un .oanh nghiRp GiRt mam thcc hiRn tr2n 234 doanh
nghiRp trong (U ngoUi nEWc cvng cho thgy mDi trEFng Oinh doanh trong nHm 200! OhP
9uan hhn nHm ngo<i. mhYn :4nh nUy cvng tEhng :6ng (Wi B<o c<o CDi trEFng Oinh
doanh 200# do mg?n hUng Th; giWi (U TYp :oUn TUi chAnh zudc t; ph<t hUnh trong :I
+;p hNng Cyc :8 thuYn lMi (> mDi trEFng Oinh doanh e GiRt mam. GWi nh7ng O (Lng
lNc 9uan trong m8t (Ui nHm tWi- %0 sd doanh nghiRp :ang :1u tE tNi GiRt mam cho bi;t
:B cI O; hoNch me r8ng Oinh doanh tNi GiRt mam. Tri\n (Lng Oinh t; thuYn lMi- me cfa
th4 trEFng (U cPi c<ch do GiRt mam gia nhYp "T} (U tHng trEeng c=a th4 trEFng trong
nEWc lU nh7ng lV do chAnh Ohi;n doanh nghiRp me r8ng Oinh doanh e GiRt mam. Ni diRn
cho c8ng :6ng doanh nghiRp )ingapore- &ustralia3 nh7ng :di t<c thEhng mNi lWn c=a GiRt
mam- cvng bUy t^ sc tin tEeng (Uo sc ti;n b8 c=a mDi trEFng Oinh doanh GiRt mam trong
nHm 9ua. lng Paul airhead- 'h= t4ch chi nh<nh ,U m8i c=a PhZng thEhng mNi &ustralia
S&us'hamT Ohng :4nh rang c?u chuyRn tAch ccc (> sc tHng trEeng Oinh t; mNnh m5 c=a
GiRt mam- cing (Wi mDi trEFng chAnh tr4 _n :4nh- sc thUnh cDng trong giPm ngho (U cam
O;t h8i nhYp 9udc t; lU rgt gn tEMng. )c tHng trEeng mNnh (U :<ng O\ c=a :1u tE nEWc
ngoUi (Uo GiRt mam trong 12 th<ng 9ua th\ hiRn mdi 9uan t?m r8ng rBi (Uo ti>m nHng c=a
GiRt mam.
3 i>u tra c=a Ban ThE OV .i`n :Un .oanh nghiRp GiRt mam thcc hiRn tr2n 234 doanh
nghiRp : & sur(ey conducted on 234 businesses by the secretariat of the Gietnam Business
3 mDi trEFng Oinh doanh : business en(ironment
3 mhYn :4nh : assessment
3 tEhng :6ng (Wi : coincide sith
% B<o c<o CDi trEFng Oinh doanh 200#: .oing Business 200# /eport
% TYp :oUn TUi chAnh zudc t; : the $nternational inance 'orporation
3 ph<t hUnh : be released
3 me r8ng Oinh doanh : e+pand business acti(ities
3 Tri\n (Lng Oinh t; thuYn lMi: fa(ourable economic prospect
3 me cfa th4 trEFng : open door policies
3 c8ng :6ng doanh nghiRp )ingapore- &ustralia: )ingapore and &ustralias business
3 PhZng thEhng mNi &ustralia: &ustralian 'hamber of 'ommerce
% sc tHng trEeng Oinh t; mNnh m5 : strong economic grosth
3 mDi trEFng chAnh tr4 _n :4nh: political stability
3 giPm ngho : po(erty reduction
3 h8i nhYp 9udc t; : international integration
3 mdi 9uan t?m r8ng rBi : to shos great interest in
H. C8t t_ng O;t mWi :?y c=a 'Dng ty nghi2n cyu th4 trEFng GG cho rang cI rgt nhi>u
ch h8i cho c<c nhU b<n l trong lnh (cc cDng nghR cao tNi GiRt mam. Theo Dng .a(id
"helan- i<m :dc CarOeting GG Ohu (cc ch?u thw hiRn tNi cI tr2n 500 thEhng hiRu
sPn phxm cDng nghR :EMc b<n ra (U hUng ngUn model cI mbt tNi ch?u - tNi GiRt mam.
'<c sPn phxm nhE :iRn thoNi di :8ng- sPn phxm cDng nghR thDng tin- ti(i chgt lEMng :>u
tHng trEeng cao- (Wi syc mua c=a ngEFi ti2u ding ngUy cUng gia tHng. Tuy nhi2n- ngEFi
ti2u ding ngUy cUng :Zi h^i nh7ng sPn phxm tAch hMp tAnh :a nHng phJc (J cho giPi trA
nhi>u hhn- trong :I :bc biRt lU :di tEMng Oh<ch hUng tr tu_i (U mPng mua s]m trcc
tuy;n s5 ph<t tri\n mNnh e Ohu (cc nUy. TNi ch?u - lEMng ti2u thJ ti(i *'. tHng 0-
gi< *'. :B giPm 3 l1n trong (Zng mgy nHm 9ua. Thcc t; thw ch~ mgy nHm g1n :?y (iRc
mua s]m thi;t b4 cDng nghR c=a ngEFi d?n GiRt mam mWi b]t :1u ph<t tri\n. GU :i>u 9uan
trLng nhgt lU c<c nhU sPn +ugt- Oinh doanh nEWc ngoUi :B ti;n hUnh do th<m m8t c<ch
chbt ch5 th4 trEFng :EMc :<nh gi< lU rgt ti>m nHng nUy. Theo nghi2n cyu c=a c<c t_ chyc
nghi2n cyu th4 trEFng tr2n sPn phxm gia dJng- nghe nhwn- cDng nghR thDng tin (U nhi;p
Pnh thw (Ui nHm tre lNi :?y sd lEMng c<c sPn phxm cDng nghR cI mbt tNi GiRt mam :ang
gia tHng mNnh m5- :bc biRt lU trong nHm nay Ohi GiRt mam :B lU thUnh (i2n chAnh thyc
c=a T_ chyc ThEhng mNi Th; giWi "T}.
A Y{D{n6 Y{9oY6 o 6h{ M M R{m{aYDh MaYi{6 Co89an> mho{B 6ha6 6h{Y{ aY{ h=g{
o99oY6=ni6i{m oY hi%6{Dh Y{6aiS{Ym in Mi{6na8. MMm MaYi{6ing &iY{D6oY in Amian
Y{gion^ &aKiB zh{San^ maiB oK{Y *II 6{DhnoSogiDaS RYanBm aY{ on maS{ anB 6ho=manBm
o 8oB{Sm aY{ aKaiSaRS{ 6hYo=gho=6 Amia anB Mi{6na8. Man> 9YoB=D6m haK{ 9om6{B
high maS{m Ya6{m inDS=Bing 8oRiS{ 9hon{m^ inoY8a6ion 6{DhnoSog> 2IT4 9YoB=D6m^ anB
high =aSi6> 6{S{Kimionm 2TMm4. Conm=8{Y 9=YDhaming 9o{Y oY m=Dh 9YoB=D6m ham
aSmo inDY{am{B Ya9iBS>. Ho{K{Y^ Donm=8{Ym^ {m9{DiaSS> 6h{ >o=ng 9Y{{Y 8=S6i%
9=Y9om{ {n6{Y6ain8{n6 9YoB=D6m anB onSin{ 9=YDhaming iSS B{K{So9 m6YongS> in 6h{
Y{gion. In Amia^ 6h{ Donm=896ion KoS=8{ o ;C& TMm ham inDY{am{B R> XI 9{YD{n6
hiS{ 6h{ 9YiD{ o ;C& TMm ham BYo99{B 6hY{{ 6i8{m oK{Y 6h{ 9am6 m{K{YaS >{aYm. In
aD6^ onS> in Y{D{n6 >{aYm^ ham 6h{ 9=YDhaming o 6{DhnoSogiDaS 9YoB=D6m =m6 R{g=n
B{K{So9ing in Mi{6na8. Ho{K{Y^ oY{ign 9YoB=D{Ym anB {n6Y{9Y{n{=Ym haK{
DonB=D6{B m=YK{>m^ hiDh inBiDa6{ gY{a6 9o6{n6iaS. ADDoYBing 6o a m6=B> R> 8aYi{6
Y{m{aYDh oYganima6ionm on ho8{ a99SianD{m^ a=Bio%Kim=aS 9YoB=D6m^ IT anB
9ho6ogYa9hiD 9YoB=D6m^ in Y{D{n6 >{aYm^ 6h{ KoS=8{ o 6{DhnoSogiDaS 9YoB=D6m
aKaiSaRS{ in Mi{6na8 ham inDY{am{B mhaY9S>^ {m9{DiaSS> minD{ Mi{6na8 R{Da8{ an
oiDiaS 8{8R{Y o 6h{ zoYSB TYaB{ (Yganima6ion 6him >{aY.
+. @hPo s<t (> twnh trNng bjo phw cho thgy- nam Th<i Bwnh .Ehng lU Ohu (cc cI nhi>u
ngEFi 9u< c?n nhgt th; giWi. mEWc c8ng hZa nh^ bj mauru :yng :1u danh s<ch c<c 9udc
gia cI d?n sd bjo nhgt th; giWi. @hoPng %4 ngEFi lWn e nEWc nUy b4 9u< c?n. T_ chyc K
t; Th; giWi S",}T cPnh b<o rang ch; :8 Hn thi;u chgt (U thi;u rn luyRn th?n th\ s5 lUm
tHng nguy ch b4 bRnh (U ch;t sWm. '<c b<c s cho bi;t bjo phw s5 dn tWi bRnh tim (U
(i2m OhWp. Trong danh s<ch 10 nEWc cI d?n sd 9u< c?n thw cI tWi # nEWc e nam Th<i
Bwnh .Ehng. mauru hiRn trong twnh trNng tr1m trLng- h1u h;t nh7ng ngEFi trEeng thUnh
cI (Zng eo 9u< Oh_. Twnh trNng tNi *i2n minh c<c 9udc gia Cicronesia- Tonga (U :Po
'ooO ch~ Oh< hhn chXt At. Theo ",}- %0 phJ n7 (U :Un Dng tNi gIc Ohugt e Th<i Bwnh
.Ehng nUy b4 bjo phw- hobc 9u< c?n. Thay :_i trong ch; :8 Hn (U thi;u luyRn tYp lU
nh7ng y;u td chAnh dn tWi twnh trNng nUy. '<c chuy2n gia y t; cho rang cI sc li2n hR gi7a
bjo phw (U :Ii ngho. 6 Hn gi< r thEFng cI lEMng calo cao nhEng thi;u dinh dEng.
mgoUi y;u td tr2n- rUo cPn (Hn hIa cvng gIp ph1n cPn tre mLi ngEFi giPm c?n. C8t sd
nhIm e nam Th<i Bwnh .Ehng tin rang bjo lU :p. Cyc :8 9u< c?n :EMc :<nh gi< dca
tr2n ch~ sd ch th\- tEhng 9uan gi7a chi>u cao (U c?n nbng. ",} EWc tAnh- tr2n toUn c1u
cI 1- t ngEFi trEeng thUnh b4 bjo phw. 'on sd nUy cI th\ tHng th2m 40 trong thYp ni2n
A m=YK{> on oR{mi6> ham mhon 6ha6 6h{ @o=6h PaDiiD im 6h{ oYSBm 8om6 oK{Y{igh6
Y{gion. Th{ 6in> Y{9=RSiD o Na=Y= im 6h{ a66{m6 na6ion on {aY6h. ARo=6 Vs o i6m
aB=S6 9o9=Sa6ion im oK{Y{igh6. Th{ zH( ham aYn{B 6ha6 9ooY Bi{6 anB a SaDi o
{o{YDim{ inDY{am{ 6h{ Yimi o iSSn{mm anB 9Y{8a6=Y{ B{a6h. &oD6oYm ma> oR{mi6> Dan
S{aB 6o h{aY6 Bim{am{ anB aY6hYi6im. In a Sim6 o 6h{ oYSBm GI 8om6 oK{Y{igh6
Do=n6Yi{m^ {igh6 aY{ in 6h{ @o=6h PaDiiD. Na=Y= im 9aY6iD=SaYS> RaB^ i6h aS8om6 aSS
o i6m aB=S6 9o9=Sa6ion R=Sging a6 6h{ aim6Sin{. Th{ mi6=a6ion in 6h{ 3{B{Ya6{B @6a6{m
o MiDYon{mia^ Tonga anB 6h{ Cooi ImSanBm im onS> mSigh6S> R{66{Y. ADDoYBing 6o 6h{
zoYSB H{aS6h (Yganima6ion^ aRo=6 Is o 8{n anB o8{n in 6h{m{ imoSa6{B DoYn{Ym
o 6h{ PaDiiD aY{ oR{m{ oY oK{Y{igh6. A Dhang{ in Bi{6 anB a SaDi o {o{YDim{ aY{ i{>
aD6oYm. Eo9{Y6m aY{ Siniing oR{mi6> 6o 9oK{Y6>. Ch{a9 ooB im o6{n high on DaSoYi{m
R=6 So on n=6Yi6ion. Th{Y{ Dan aSmo R{ D=S6=YaS RaYYi{Ym hiDh 9Y{K{n6 9{o9S{ Yo8
Soming {igh6^ am mo8{ gYo=9m in 6h{ @o=6h PaDiiD R{Si{K{ 6ha6 R{a=6> im 8aYi{B R> a
SaYg{ 9h>miDaS mi{. (R{mi6> im Ram{B on RoB> 8amm inB{o ^hiDh im a 8{am=Y{ o
{igh6 Y{Sa6iK{ 6o h{igh6. Th{ zH( ham {m6i8a6{B 6ha6 gSoRaSS> 6h{Y{ aY{ G.XRn
oK{Y{igh6 aB=S6m. Tha6 ig=Y{ im {o9{D6{B 6o inDY{am{ R> VIs oK{Y 6h{ n{o6 B{DaB{.
V. | ban ch?u u :ang :> +ugt s5 buD c c<c nhU sPn +ugt +e hhi phPi c]t giPm 1# OhA
thPi '}2 cho c<c loNi +e mWi O\ tQ nHm 2012. CD t ngEFi ph<t ngDn nIi | ban :ang
hEWng tWi (i2 c c]t giPm 25 OhA thPi c=a +e hhi lU nhF cDng ngh2 sPn +ugt +e hhi tdt
hhn. mgEFi ta dc Oi;n s5 :Nt :EMc ph1n cZn lNi c=a (i2 c c]t giPm nUy thDng 9ua c<c bi2 n
ph<p Oh<c nhE sf dJng c<c loNi nhi2n li2 u sinh hLc hoH c c<c loNi ldp tdt hhn. 'hi ti;t (>
O; hoNch nUy hi2 n :ang :EMc :Ea ra (Uo thy TE sau hai tu1n trw hoBn. 'ao u (i2n phJ
tr<ch (> mDi trEFng c=a E|- )ta(ros .imas- mudn buD c c<c nhU sPn +ugt +e hhi phPi c]t
giPm 25 OhA thPi- nhEng b4 phPn :di O4ch li2 t tQ c<c nhU sPn +ugt +e hhi c=a yc cvng
nhE tQ 'ao u (i2n phJ tr<ch (> cDng nghi2 p uenter Gerheugen. '<c ngu6n tin cho hay
:> +ugt c=a Dng .imas s5 lUm tHng chi phA sPn +ugt mD t +e hhi l2n th2m 2500 euro- trong
Ohi c<c nghi2n cyu Oh<c nIi rang chuy2 n nUy s5 ch~ lUm tHng chi phA e myc 00 euro.
'<c b<o c<o tQ Brussels cho hay | ban s5 :> +ugt mD t loNt c<c bi2 n ph<p :EMc thi;t O;
nham c]t giPm lEMng OhA thPi '}2 c=a c<c loNi +e hhi mWi e myc trung bwnh 120gOm
(Uo nHm 2012- thgp hhn 25 so (Wi myc c=a nHm 2005 lU 12gOm.'<c cDng ty sPn +ugt
+e hhi s5 phPi ch4u tr<ch nhi2 m :Ea ra c<c cDng ngh2 sPn +ugt tdt hhn :\ c]t giPm OhA
thPi. '<c cDng ty sPn +ugt +e hhi c=a ch?u u nhgt trA lU hL hEWng tWi (i2 c c]t giPm OhA
thPi +udng cZn 140gOm (Uo nHm 200#%. E| ban :1u mudn c]t giPm myc OhA thPi +udng
dEWi 120gOm (Uo nHm 2005- nhEng sau :I phPi :_i lNi tWi nHm 2012.
Th{ E=Yo9{an Co88immion im 9Yo9oming 6o oYD{ DaY8ai{Ym 6o 8ai{ an Grs D=6 in
C(H {8immionm Yo8 n{ DaYm R> HIGH. A m9oi{m8an maiB 6h{ Do88immion am
ai8ing oY a H*s D=6 in DaY {8immionm B={ 6o R{66{Y 8o6oY 6{DhnoSog>. Th{ Y{m6 o
6h{ D=6 im {o9{D6{B 6o R{ aDhi{K{B R> 8{am=Y{m m=Dh am gY{a6{Y =m{ o Rio={Sm anB
R{66{Y 6>Y{m. &{6aiSm o 6h{ 9San aY{ R{ing =nK{iS{B on z{Bn{mBa> a6{Y a 6o%{{i
B{Sa>. EnKiYon8{n6 Co88immion{Y @6aKYom &i8am haB an6{B 6o oYD{ DaY8ai{Ym 6o
aDhi{K{ 6h{ H*s {8immionm D=6^ R=6 am m6YongS> o99om{B R> 6h{ G{Y8an DaY
inB=m6Y> anB InB=m6Y> Co88immion{Y G={n6{Y M{Yh{=g{n. InB=m6Y> mo=YD{m ma> MY
&i8amm 9Yo9omaS ham inDY{am{B 6h{ Dom6 o a n{ DaY R> H^*II {=Yom^ 6ho=gh o6h{Y
m6=Bi{m m=gg{m6{B 6h{ inDY{am{ o=SB R{ am So am XII {=Yom. R{9oY6m Yo8 $Y=mm{Sm
ma> 6h{ Do88immion iSS 9Yo9om{ a 9aDiag{ o 8{am=Y{m B{mign{B 6o RYing {8immionm
Yo8 6h{ aK{Yag{ n{ DaY Bon 6o GHIg o C(H 9{Y iiSo8{6Y{ R> HIGH % H*s R{So
6h{ HII* S{K{S o GXHgi8. CaY8ai{Ym iSS R{ Y{m9onmiRS{ oY g{66ing {8immionm Bon
6hYo=gh 6h{ =m{ o R{66{Y DaY 6{DhnoSog>. E=Yo9{an DaY8ai{Ym agY{{B 6o ai8 a6
aK{Yag{ {8immionm o GVIgi8 R> HIIr. Th{ E oYiginaSS> an6{B 6o g{6 {8immionm
=nB{Y GHIgi8 R> HII*^ R=6 6h{ B{aBSin{ mSi99{B 6o HIGH.
*. BPn b<o c<o hang nHm c=a t_ chyc K t; Th; giWi Ohuy;n c<o rang c<c b2 nh truy>n
nhi`m :ang l?y truy>n nhanh hhn bao giF h;t. GWi OhoPng 2.1 t~ hUnh Oh<ch di chuy\n
bang :EFng hUng OhDng mi nHm- mdi r=i ro lan truy>n c<c b2 nh d4ch nhE &ids- )ars hay
Ebola hi2 n lU rgt cao. ",} thXc giJc phPi gia tHng c<c n lcc :\ :di phI (Wi OhP nHng
bing ph<t b2 nh d4ch- (U chia s c<c d7 li2 u (> (irus :\ giXp ph<t tri\n c<c loNi (accine.
",} nIi n;u c<c nEWc OhDng chuxn b4 thw s5 hyng ch4u nh7ng t<c :D ng tUn Ohdc l2n n>n
Oinh t; toUn c1u cvng nhE an ninh 9udc t;. Trong bPn b<o c<o mang t2n CD t tEhng lai
an toUn hhnt- ",} nIi c<c b2 nh d4ch mWi :ang +ugt hi2 n (Wi tdc :D chEa tQng cI
trong l4ch sf- mi nHm mD t b2 nh. @\ tQ th? p ni2n 1%!0- :B cI 3% cHn b2 nh mWi ph<t
tri\n- (U ch~ ri2ng trong 5 nHm (Qa r6i ",} :B +<c :4nh 1100 :Ni d4ch trong :I cI d4ch
tP- bNi li2 t (U cXm gia c1m. BPn b<o c<o nIi: )5 lU h;t syc ng?y thh (U tc mBn n;u cho
rang s5 OhDng cZn mD t loNi b2 nh nUo Oh<c nhE &ids- Ebola hay )ars trong tEhng lai.
B<o c<o nIi (i2 c chia s c<c d7 li2 u- cDng ngh2 (U O nHng trong lnh (cc y t; gi7a c<c
nEWc giUu (U nEWc ngho lU mD t trong c<c bi2 n ph<p OhP d nhgt :\ :Pm bPo an ninh
(> y t;.
3 BPn b<o c<o hang nHm: an annual report
3 @huy;n c<o: saysarn
3 BRnh truy>n nhi`m: infectious disease
3 l?y truy>n nhanh hhn bao giF h;t: spread faster than e(er before
3 hUnh Oh<ch di chuy\n bang :EFng hUng OhDng: airline passenger
3 mdi r=i ro: risO
3 bRnh d4ch: epidemic
3 thXc giJc phPi gia tHng c<c n lcc : urge increased efforts
3 :di phI (Wi OhP nHng bing ph<t b2 nh d4ch: combat disease outbreaOs
3 chia s c<c d7 li2 u :share (irus data the sharing (irus data
3 ph<t tri\n c<c loNi (accine: de(elop (accines
3 hyng ch4u nh7ng t<c :Dng tUn Ohdc : ha(e de(astating impacts on
3 n>n Oinh t; toUn c1u : global economy
3 an ninh 9udc t;: international security
3 mang t2n : entitled
3 +ugt hiRn: emerge
3 tdc :D chEa tQng cI trong l4ch sf: the thistorically unprecedentedt rate
3 mi nHm m8t bRnh: one per year
3 @\ tQ th? p ni2n 1%!0: )ince the 1%!0s
3 ch~ ri2ng trong 5 nHm (Qa r6i: in the last fi(e years alone
3 +<c :4nh: identify
3 d4ch tP- bNi li2 t (U cXm gia c1m: cholera- polio and bird flu
3 )5 lU h;t syc ng?y thh (U tc mBn n;u cho rang :$t sould be e+tremely nai(e and
complacent to assume that
3 O nHng trong lnh (cc y t; : medical sOill
3 bi2 n ph<p OhP d : feasible routestepmeasure
X. mhi>u :oNn tr2n dZng sDng dUi nhgt Trung zudc- sDng .Ehng Tf- :B b4 D nhi`m tWi :D
OhDng th\ cyu (Bn n_i. C8t tF b<o Trung zudc cho bi;t OhoPng 110 dZng sDng dUi t_ng
cDng .200 Om nUy :ang nam trong twnh trNng tnguy O4cht (U g1n 30 c<c nh<nh gIp
nEWc c=a sDng .Ehng Tf cvng :ang b4 bxn nH ng. mgay cP h6 chya Oh_ng l6 c=a :? p
Tam ,Mp cvng :ang b4 D nhi`m. CDi trEFng Trung zudc :B ch4u h? u 9uP nH ng n> tQ 9u<
trwnh ph<t tri\n Oinh t; mNnh m5 trong nh7ng nHm 9ua. 'hAnh ph= nEWc nUy :B cam O;t
lUm sNch .Ehng Tf- dZng sDng cung cgp nEWc cho g1n 200 thUnh phd b2n sDng- tEhng
:Ehng 35 lEMng nEWc ngLt tr2n toUn 9udc. B<o c<o :1y := :1u ti2n (> thcc trNng sDng
.Ehng Tf cho bi;t OhoPng 00 c?y sd c=a sDng nUy :ang e trong twnh trNng nguy O4ch.
@hoPng 14 t tgn r<c thPi b4 :_ +udng sDng nUy mi nHm. '<c loNi :D ng thcc (? t trong
lZng sDng cvng b4 Pnh hEeng nH ng- (Wi lEMng tDm c< :<nh b]t mi nHm giPm tQ 42!.000
tgn trong nh7ng nHm 1%50 +udng cZn 100.000 tgn trong nh7ng nHm 1%%0. ,6 chya nEWc
c=a :? p Tam ,Mp- cDng trwnh th=y :i2 n lWn nhgt th; giWi- cvng b4 D nhi`m (w thudc trQ
s?u- ph?n bIn (U nEWc thPi tQ c<c tUu che Oh<ch. TF b<o :I cho rang c1n cI mD t h2
thdng 9uPn lV :6ng bD :\ ngHn chH n (i2 c c<c :oNn Oh<c c=a sDng .Ehng Tf ti;p tJc b4
D nhi`m.
@{K{YaS 9aY6m o Chinam Song{m6 YiK{Y^ 6h{ !ang6{^ haK{ R{{n iYY{K{YmiRS> 9oSS=6{B.
A Chin{m{ n{m9a9{Y o=nB 6ha6 aYo=nB on{%6{n6h o 6h{ X^HIIi8%Song YiK{Y im in a
DYi6iDaS DonBi6ion anB n{aYS> +Is o 8aoY 6YiR=6aYi{m aY{ m{Yio=mS> 9oSS=6{B^ 6h{
Y{9oY6 o=nB. EK{n a h=g{ Y{m{YKoiY DY{a6{B R> 6h{ ThY{{ GoYg{m &a8 ham R{Do8{
h{aKiS> 9oSS=6{B. Chinam {nKiYon8{n6 ham m={Y{B am a Y{m=S6 o 6h{ Do=n6Y>m
{Dono8iD Roo8. Th{ goK{Yn8{n6 ham 9S{Bg{B 6o DS{an =9 6h{ !ang6{^ hiDh
m=99Si{m a6{Y 6o aS8om6 HII Di6i{m aSong i6m Ranim anB aDDo=n6m oY +*s o 6h{
Do=n6Y>m 6o6aS Y{mh a6{Y Y{mo=YD{m. Th{ iYm6 Do89Y{h{nmiK{ m6=B> in6o 6h{ h{aS6h
o 6h{ !ang6{ o=nB 6ha6 XIIi8 o 6h{ YiK{Y {Y{ in a DYi6iDaS DonBi6ion. AYo=nB
GVRn 6onm o am6{ aY{ R{Si{K{B 6o R{ B=89{B in6o 6h{ YiK{Y {aDh >{aY. Th{ YiK{Ym
a=a6iD Si{ haB R{{n m{Yio=mS> a{D6{B^ i6h 6h{ ann=aS haYK{m6 o a=a6iD 9YoB=D6m
aSSing Yo8 VHu^III 6onm in 6h{ G*Im 6o GII^III 6onm in 6h{ GIm. A h=g{ Y{m{YKoiY
DY{a6{B R> 6h{ ThY{{ GoYg{m &a8 % 6h{ oYSBm SaYg{m6 h>BYo%9o{Y 9Yo{D6 % haB
aSmo R{{n m{Yio=mS> 9oSS=6{B i6h 9{m6iDiB{m^ {Y6iSim{Ym anB m{ag{ Yo8 9amm{ng{Y
Roa6m. Th{ n{m9a9{Y maiB a Do89Y{h{nmiK{ 8anag{8{n6 m>m6{8 n{{B{B 6o R{ 9=6 in
9SaD{ 6o m6o9 =Y6h{Y 9aY6m o 6h{ YiK{Y Yo8 R{Do8ing DYi6iDaSS> 9oSS=6{B.
X. Trong ti;ng GiRt- tQ nEWc (Qa cI V ngha lU 9udc gia- (Qa cI V ngha lU nEWc- m8t
li2n O;t (> ngDn ng7 mU mdi rUng bu8c cUng thgy r{ rUng sau m8t chuy;n :i thHm (ing
:gt phw nhi2u nhgt GiRt mam: 6ng bang sDng 'fu *ong. .o phi sa b6i :]p c=a dZng
sDng 'fu *ong lUm phong phX (ca lXa :1y ]p nUy- tEMng trEng cho ngu6n lEhng thcc
c=a cP nEWc cvng nhE phong c<ch sinh hoNt O> cYn sDng nEWc c=a cE d?n trong (ing. di
(Wi du Oh<ch- 6ng bang sDng 'fu *ong lU m8t trong nh7ng :4a ch~ tham 9uan :p nhgt
Dng mam - O;t hMp c<i O Po c=a (ing sDng nEWc lung linh (Wi cPnh 9uan :1y phgn
Ohei c=a m8t n>n (Hn ho< (ui tEhi th\ hiRn 9ua c<ch sinh hoNt c=a d?n :4a phEhng cing
hoNt :8ng thEhng mNi. Trong Ohi nh7ng thUnh phd lWn nhE '1n Thh- C Tho- *ong
uy2n lYp thUnh th; (7ng cho c<c t~nh c=a 6ng bang sDng 'fu *ong thw mNng lEWi
O2nh rNch m2nh mDng lNi lU c<i duy2n cI m8t OhDng hai c=a (ing nUy. )inh hoNt (ui
nh8n c=a (ing nUy OhDng gidng mgy (Wi c<ch sinh hoNt c=a ThUnh phd ,6 'hA Cinh.
Tuy nhi2n :i>u :I OhDng cI ngha lU phPi OhI OhHn l]m mWi tWi :EMc 6ng bang sDng
'fu *ong :\ tho<t Oh^i c<i 6n Uo n<o nhiRt c=a thUnh phd lWn nhgt Ci>n mam nUy. 'h~
mgt chQng ba giF :6ng h6 bang +e :Z tr2n zudc l8 1 lU bNn lU bNn :;n C Tho- th= ph=
c=a t~nh Ti>n iang (U lU :i\m +ugt ph<t tdt cho cu8c thHm dZ (ing :6ng bang nUy.
3 cI V ngha: meansignifycarry a meaning
3 li2n O;t (> ngDn ng7: linguistic associationrelationtie
3 cUng thgy r{ rUng: recogniable
3 chuy;n :i thHm: qourney(isit
3 (ing :gt phw nhi2u: richfertile land
3 6ng bang sDng 'fu *ong: The CeOong .elta
3 phi sa: silt
3 phong phX : amplerichdi(ersified
3 (ca lXa: granary
3 tEMng trEng: representsymbolie
3 ngu6n lEhng thcc: source of food
3 phong c<ch sinh : lifestyle
3 O> cYn sDng nEWc: ri(erineri(erside
3 cE d?n : inhabitant
3 :4a ch~ tham 9uan: tourist destination
3 O;t hMp : in connection sithin combination sithcoupled sith
3 c<i O Po: mar(elmiracle
3 (ing sDng nEWc lung linh: glittering sater
3 th\ hiRn: demonstrateshosindicateperforme+press
3 hoNt :8ng thEhng mNi: commercial acti(ity
3 lYp thUnh th; (7ng: pro(ide a (antage for
3 mNng lEWi O2nh rNch: netsorO of ri(ers and canals
3 c<i duy2n: great boon
3 cI m8t OhDng hai: second to noneuni9ue
3 gidng: be similar tothe same asliOe
3 tho<t Oh^i: escape
3 th= ph=: capital city
3 :i\m +ugt ph<t: departure point
!. GHn OiRn ph<c thPo :EMc OV trong phi2n hLp thEFng ni2n gi7a &)E&m (U mhYt BPn
hiRn :ang di`n ra tNi Canila. '<c 9uan chyc nIi (Hn bPn nUy s5 :EMc chAnh thyc hIa (Uo
:1u th<ng CEFi C8t tWi :?y. Th^a thuYn nham c]t giPm myc thu; 9uan :di (Wi %0 c<c
sPn phxm c=a &)E&m dc Oi;n s5 thXc :xy hhn n7a 9uan hR ngoNi thEhng gi7a hai b2n-
(dn :B :Nt myc 10 t :D la trong nHm 200. '<c thUnh (i2n &)E&m dc Oi;n s5 bi;n cP
Ohdi thUnh Ohu (cc tc do thEhng mNi. )au th^a thuYn hDm Thy BPy- B8 trEeng thEhng
mNi mhYt BPn &Oira &mari nIi: tTgt cP c<c b2n :>u cI th\ chdt lNi danh s<ch c<c sPn
phxm :EMc hEeng Eu :Bi thEhng mNi trong Ohu (cc.t lng nIi :I s5 lU tm8t bEWc :i ti;n
tWi (iRc h8i nhYp Oinh t; nhi>u hhn n7a trong (ing Dng .t mhYt BPn lU :di t<c ch=
chdt c=a Ohdi &)E&m- chi;m tWi 12 thEhng mNi toUn c1u c=a Ohdi trong nHm 200.
,Dm Thy )<u- c<c thUnh (i2n &)E&m :B OV O;t l4ch trwnh tc do thEhng mNi Ohu (cc- dc
Oi;n s5 hoUn thUnh chYm nhgt lU (Uo nHm 201- sWm hhn nHm nHm so (Wi thFi bi\u ban
:1u. C8t th^a thuYn tc do thEhng mNi (Wi ,Un zudc dc Oi;n s5 :EMc :Ea ra (Uo nHm
200# (U c<c th^a thuYn Oh<c n7a s5 :EMc OV (Wi &ustralia (U mes ealand trong nHm
2010. T_ng thE OV &)E&m }ng @engg Kong nIi: t'hXng tDi tin rang :i>u c1n lUm lU
phPn hoUn tgt nh7ng gw chXng ta :B cI tr2n bUn- cUng sWm cUng tdt.t
Th{ o=6Sin{^ mign{B B=Ying an ann=aS 8{{6ing R{6{{n Am{an anB ya9an 6aiing
9SaD{ in ManiSa^ Do=SB R{ m{aS{B am {aYS> am NoK{8R{Y oiDiaSm maiB. Th{ B{aS 6ha6
Do=SB D=6 6aYim on Is o Am{an 9YoB=D6m im m{6 6o =Y6h{Y Room6 6YaB{ R{6{{n 6h{
6o 9aY6i{m^ hiDh hi6 GXIRn 2uRn4 in HIIX. Am{an 8{8R{Ym ai8 6o 6=Yn 6h{
hoS{ Y{gion in6o a Y{{ 6YaB{ on{. 3oSSoing 6h{ B{aS i6h ya9an on @a6=YBa>^ 6h{
Do=n6Y>m TYaB{ Minim6{Y AiiYa A8aYi maiB1 ASS 6h{ 9aY6i{m {Y{ aRS{ 6o inaSim{
6h{iY Sim6m oY Y{gionaS {oDhang{ o DonD{mmionm oY 6YaB{ in gooBm. H{ maiB i6 o=SB
R{ on{ m6{9 6oaYBm =Y6h{Ying {Dono8iD in6{gYa6ion in 6h{ Eam6 Amian Y{gion.
ya9an im a i{> Am{an 9aY6n{Y^ aDDo=n6ing oY GHs o 6h{ RSoDm oYSB 6YaB{ in HIIX.
(n 3YiBa>^ Am{an 8{8R{Ym mign{B a Y{{%6YaB{ RS={9Yin6 oY 6h{ aY{a 6o R{ Do89S{6{
R> HIG* oY {aYSi{Y % iK{ >{aYm ah{aB o 6h{ oYiginaS 6i8{Ya8{. A Y{{ 6YaB{ B{aS i6h
@o=6h KoY{a im {o9{D6{B in HIIr^ anB =Y6h{Y B{aSm aY{ 6i99{B 6o R{ mign{B i6h
A=m6YaSia anB N{ {aSanB in HIGI. Am{an g{n{YaS m{DY{6aY> (ng K{ng !ong maiB1
zha6 { R{Si{K{ { mho=SB Bo im Do89S{6{ ha6 { haK{ on o=Y 6aRS{ am moon am

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