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NuT SSus

Consulting & ueneial Nanagement Inuustiy Seminai

Syllabus & Scheuule
u.S Cieuits

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Ray Spaiiowe
Associate Piofessoi of 0iganizational Behavioi
Consulting & ueneial Nanagement Platfoim Biiectoi
E-mail: spaiiowewustl.euu
Peisonal Phone: S14-SS2-2uuu

)*$+/0 10/#+-2&-*. 3 4560#&-70/

This couise is uesigneu to expose NBA stuuents to the language, issues, anu skill
sets necessaiy foi caieeis that have one of two uistinguishing chaiacteiistics: (a) a
consultative appioach to pioblem-solving, be it as an "inteinal" consultant oi
woiking as a piofessional in a consultancy, anu (b) in settings wheie solutions to
such pioblems typically iequiie engagement acioss multiple functional uomains
within oiganizations. The specific paths exploieu in this couise incluue caieeis in
consultancies; 'inteinal' consulting positions within laige oiganizations; anu,
'iotational leaueiship' anu othei uevelopmental piogiams that leau to geneial
management positions wheie giauuates leau business units oi fiims.

)*$+/0 !*+8"&

Nultiple on-campus sessions on selecteu Nonuay anu Weunesuay afteinoons will be
offeieu uuiing the Fall A & B mini-semesteis. Each of these sessions will featuie
guest speakeis uiscussing caieei paths anu shaiing inuustiy-specific infoimation.
Wheie feasible, each session will also pioviue oppoitunities foi social inteiaction
anu netwoiking between stuuents anu inuustiy iepiesentatives. Speakeis will be
uiawn fiom the pool of oui Auvisoiy Boaiu membeis, 0lin alumni, anu ieciuiteis.


Fiist yeai NBA stuuent in goou acauemic stanuing (2u1S-2u14 acauemic yeai) oi
seconu yeai NBA stuuent eniolling in the Consulting anu ueneial Nanagement

Full-time NBA stuuents may attenu any session(s) as guests without eniolling in the


!""#$ & '()*(+,-./0 1"2$34(52,
Biswas, Sugata & Baiyl Twitchell. 6*2*,+7+2( 1"2$34(52,8 9 1"7:4+(+ ;35<+ ("
(=+ >2<3$()-? (Wiley, 1998).
Raisel, Ethan. @=+ 6AB52$+- C*-. (Ncuiaw Bill, 2uu1)
Smithei, }ames & Nanuel Lonuon. D+)E")7*2A+ 6*2*,+7+2( (Wiley, 2uu9)

!""#$ & ;+2+)*4 6*2*,+7+2(.>2(+)2*4 1"2$34(52,
Chaian, Ram, Stephen Biottei, & }ames Noel. @=+ F+*<+)$=5: D5:+452+. |}ossey-
Bass, 2uu1j.
Biuckei, Petei. @=+ GEE+A(5H+ GI+A3(5H+? |Baipei Collins, 2uu4).

C+J 0+$"3)A+$
www.siop.oig |site of the Society foi Inuustiial anu 0iganizational Psychologyj
www.shim.oig |site of the Society foi Buman Resouices Nanagementj |aiticles aie available on-line fiom the Wash 0
}ouinal of Consulting NanagementConsulting to Nanagement (jouinal
available on-line fiom Wash 0 libiaiyj

The website foi this couise is on the Blackboaiu System:

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<//-=.80.&/ ?0"8 *+ @.,-7-,$"%
Executive summaiy (1) Inuiviuual Su%
Class contiibution, incluuing attenuance* Inuiviuual Su%

>+",-.= C#"%0 PassNot Pass
(No high oi low
passes will be


Although each of oui sessions has a specific focus - i.e. Consulting oi ueneial Nanagement -
you will finu that theie is significant oveilap in the ways in which consultants anu geneial
manageis uiscovei, analyze, anu auuiess oiganizational issues anu pioblems. Fuithei, a
caieei alteinative foi someone aspiiing to be a management consultant is to consiuei
geneial management, anu inuiviuuals with stiong expeiience in geneial management often
have much to offei consulting fiims. So, a 'smait move' woulu be to take auvantage of the
oppoitunity to get exposuie to the natuie of both geneial management anu consulting by

attenuing all the sessions anu to stay foi the ieceptions to paiticipate in conveisation with
inuustiy iepiesentatives. At minimum, success (a passing giaue) in this couise iequiies
youi attenuance anu infoimeu paiticipation in seven (7) sessions. If you aie puisuing a
Bealth Caie Concentiation, you may count Speakei Sessions sponsoieu by the Bealth Caie
anu Life Sciences Club towaius this iequiiement. If you aie puisuing a Consulting
Concentiation, you may count Speakei Sessions sponsoieu by the 0lin Stiategy anu
Consulting Association towaius this iequiiement.

D+-0E D-* 3 F$0/&-*./ E*+ C20"G0+/

In oiuei to intiouuce you to oui speakeis, }enn will put togethei an electionic booklet
containing a one-page Backgiounu Statement foi each peison who iegulaily attenus the
Seminai. Youi Backgiounu Statement shoulu incluue the following:

A biief uesciiption of youi backgiounu
A statement of youi caieei inteiests
Questions you woulu like to heai Speakeis auuiess
A photo (of you)
PBF foimat
0ne page maximum, please!

Submit youi one-page Backgiounu Statement to }enn Schmich by Noon on Septembei 6,
2u1S. (schmichwustl.euu).

HI0#$&-70 C$88"+'

An Executive Summaiies is a wiitten ieflection ielating ieauings (see iecommenuations
above) anu the content of piesentations by inuustiy speakeis. Its puipose is to initiate
exploiation of anu ieflection on the uimensions of piofessionalism within a given inuustiy.
An Executive Summaiy shoulu be between S anu 7 pages in length (uouble spaceu).

9"+&-#-2"&-*. -. 1-/#$//-*.

The quality of oui leaining expeiience uepenus substantially on the level of infoimeu
paiticipation uuiing oui sessions. Ny evaluation of the quality of youi contiibution to class
uiscussion is a function whethei youi comments:

Reflect an accuiate anu thoughtful unueistanuing of the topic;
Bon't just iepeat oi iephiase what otheis alieauy have saiu;
Pioviue new insight oi uiaw on ielevant peisonalpiofessional expeiiences;
Nove that uiscussion in piouuctive uiiections;
Rely on facts, eviuence, anu logic (not just opinion); anu,
Contiibute to an enviionment of open uialogue anu infoimeu uebate.

1+0// )*,0

Please uiess Business Casual (minimum) foi the Seminai. Some speakeis will expect
you to uiess Business.

)*$+/0 4$&%-.0J Shown below is the scheuule of speakeis foi Fall, 2u1S.

Session Bate Topic(s)
Inuustiy Seminai 0veiview
Ray Spaiiowe

uieg Poitell, AT Keainey

Fiancie Wassei, BTS
}onathan Kauffman, Thiiu Plateau
}ames Loiu, ECu Nanagement Consultants
}aieu Benueison, Teach foi Ameiica

Catheiine Fiench, CitiNoitgage
Petei Coniau, Eneigizei
Baiiyl Piasecki, NcKinsey
Bavi Biyan, Beloitte
}oe Castellano, Anheusei-Busch (foimeily)
Sally Peteis, uallup


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Employeis' most common ciiteiion foi evaluating NBA canuiuates is auvanceu skill in
ciitical thinking. This skill is often iefeiieu to by ieciuiteis as analytic thinking. Noieovei,
auvanceu ciitical thinking skill is most commonly mentioneu among the top thiee ciiteiia
by ieciuiteis, often taking the top position.

Effective ciitical thinking is enhanceu by a iich knowleuge of the specific context in which
complex anu unstiuctuieu pioblems aie embeuueu. This couise is uesigneu to offei
oppoitunities foi you to uevelop that knowleuge within aieas of youi caieei inteiests.


The Booklet 1)5(5A*4 (=52#52, K L452 is uesigneu to help you auvance youi skills so
that you can compete with the most successful NBAs foi top employment
positions. 0lin anu its faculty cieate an enviionment in which you can leain content
anu auvance youi ciitical thinking skills. That saiu, ciitical thinking anu its
continuous auvancement is youi iesponsibilitynot 0lin's, not the faculty's
iesponsibility. Eluei anu Paul (2uu6) asseit that ciitical thinking is self-uiiecteu,
self-uisciplineu, self-monitoieu, anu self-coiiective thinking. Stuuents aie
encouiageu to consiuei ciitical thinking piinciples when solving cases anu
completing assignments. The following lists seveial ciitical thinking elements anu
piocess that may be useful.

uuiuelines foi applying ciitical thinking in case analysis aie available on the
Blackboaiu site foi this couise.

<#",08-# @.&0=+-&'

The 0lin Business School is a community of inuiviuuals with uiveise backgiounus anu
inteiests who shaie ceitain funuamental goals. Piimaiy among these goals is the cieation
anu maintenance of an atmospheie conuucive to leaining anu peisonal giowth foi eveiyone
in the community. Becoming a membei of the 0lin community is a piivilege that biings
ceitain iesponsibilities anu expectations. The success of 0lin in attaining its goals anu in
maintaining its ieputation of acauemic excellence uepenus on the willingness of its
membeis, both collectively anu inuiviuually, to meet theii iesponsibilities. All inuiviuuals
associateu with 0lin shoulu conuuct themselves with the utmost integiity in all aspects of
theii life, both on anu off campus.

Below, I uiscuss thiee aspects of acauemic integiity. Fiist, I piesent my commitment to
matteis of integiity. Seconu, I pioviue an oveiview of 0lin's Coue of Conuuct as it ielates to
9A*<+75A 7*((+)$, anu thiiu, I uiscuss matteis of 0lin's conuuct of Conuuct as it ielate to
D)"E+$$5"2*4 J+=*H5").

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The puipose of 0lin's Coue of Conuuct is to claiify expectations about acauemic anu
Piofessional behavioi. The Coue is meant to encouiage anu claiify appiopiiate
acauemic, classioom, inteipeisonal, anu extia-cuiiiculai etiquette that is expecteu
of each inuiviuual by theii peeis, the faculty anu the institution. It is also intenueu to
help uesciibe the oveiall enviionment of excellence anu piofessionalism that
membeis of the 0lin community seek to establish anu to continually enhance. It is
the iesponsibility of each membei of the 0lin community to upholu the spiiit, as
well as the piinciples, of the Coue.

As an instiuctoi, I will consistently anu fully suppoit 0lin's Acauemic Coue of
Conuuct anu 0lin's Coue of Piofessional Conuuct. I take the matteis of acauemic
integiity anu piofessional conuuct seiiously anu expect that you uo, too. I encouiage
you to ask if you have any questions about acauemic integiity in this couise.

Please iefei to the publication +*(),-'(" !.(()-/3 45'* 61/'*)// 7$0%%5 8%9) %2
8%*91$( foi specific iesponsibilities, guiuelines anu pioceuuies iegaiuing acauemic
integiity. You may also consult with NBA Piogiam Bean }oe Fox oi BSBA Piogiam
Bean }eff Cannon if you have questions oi conceins.

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1. 9%"=-"+-N0 - You commit plagiaiism by taking someone else's iueas, woius
oi othei types of piouuct anu piesenting them as youi own. You can avoiu
plagiaiism by using piopei methous of uocumentation anu
2. )B0"& *. ". 0I"8-."&-*. - You must not ieceive oi pioviue any
unauthoiizeu assistance on an examination. Buiing an examination you may
use only mateiial authoiizeu by the faculty.
S. )*2' *+ #*%%"5*+"&0 *. "//-=.80.&/ K-&B*$& 20+8-//-*. - It is uishonest
to collaboiate with otheis when completing giaueu assignments oi tests,
peifoiming laboiatoiy expeiiments, wiiting anuoi uocumenting computei
piogiams, wiiting papeis oi iepoits anu completing pioblem sets (unless
expiessly uiscusseu in class).

If you have any questions iegaiuing the uefinition of allowable behavioi, it is youi
iesponsibility to ask foi claiification piioi to engaging in the collaboiation.

4. !"5+-#"&0 *+ E"%/-E' ,"&" *+ +0#*+,/ - It is uishonest to fabiicate oi falsify
uata in laboiatoiy expeiiments, ieseaich papeis, iepoits oi othei
ciicumstances; fabiicate souice mateiial in a bibliogiaphy oi "woiks citeu"
list; oi pioviue false infoimation on a iesume oi othei uocument in
connection with acauemic effoits. It is also uishonest to take uata uevelopeu
by someone else anu piesent them as youi own.

S. H.="=0 -. *&B0+ E*+8/ *E ,0#0-& *+ ,-/B*.0/&' &B"& 7-*%"&0 &B0 /2-+-& *E
&B0 )*,0

Foi uetails, please iefei to +*(),-'(" !.(()-/3 45'* 61/'*)// 7$0%%5 8%9) %2 8%*91$(

45'*:/ $%*91$( %2 8%*91$( ./ '( -)5.() (% <-%2)//'%*.5 =)0.>'%-

HI20#&"&-*./ O 9+*E0//-*."% C&".,"+,/ *E )*.,$#&
0lin stuuents aie expecteu to conuuct themselves at all times in a piofessional
mannei. Piofessional behavioi incluues, but is not limiteu to, the following:

@. &B0 #%"//+**8
<&&0.,".#0: See the specific attenuance iequiiements above.
9$.#&$"%-&': Stuuents aie expecteu to aiiive anu be seateu piioi to the stait
of each class session. Theyshoulu uisplay theii name caius in all classes at all
D0B"7-*+L Classioom inteiaction will be conuucteu in a spiiiteu mannei but
always while uisplaying piofessional couitesy anu peisonal iespect.
9+02"+"&-*.L Stuuents aie expecteu to complete the ieauings, case
piepaiations anu othei assignments piioi to each class session anu be
piepaieu to actively paiticipate in class uiscussion.
o GI5(52, *2< G2(+)52,8 Stuuents aie expecteu to iemain in the
classioom foi the uuiation of the class session unless an uigent neeu
aiises oi piioi aiiangements have been maue with the piofessoi.
o F*:(":M DN9M *2< L(=+) G4+A()"25A N+H5A+ O$*,+8 Stuuents aie
expecteu to not use laptops, PBAs, anu othei electionic uevices in
classiooms unless with the instiuctoi's consent anu foi activities
uiiectly ielateu to the class session. Accessing email oi the Inteinet
uuiing class is not peimitteu as they can be uistiacting foi peeis anu
o 1+4434*) D="2+ *2< D*,+) O$*,+8 Stuuents aie expecteu to keep theii
mobile phones anu pageis tuineu off oi have them set on
silentvibiate uuiing class. Answeiing phones oi pageis while class
is in session is not peimitteu.
o L(=+) <5$()*A(5"2$8 Those iuentifieu by inuiviuual instiuctois, such as
eating in the classioom.

Foi uetails, please iefei to +*(),-'(" !.(()-/3 45'* 61/'*)// 7$0%%5 8%9) %2 8%*91$(

94P@)Q 4R S@CC@R> )P<CCHC <R1 HT<SC !4; @R?H;M@HAC

We stiongly auvise that stuuents scheuule job anu inteinship inteiviews aiounu theii class
times anu exam scheuules. Employeis unueistanu that acauemics aie youi top piioiity. Foi
off-campus inteiviews at the employei's site, most will accommouate a stuuent who neeus

to scheuule an inteiview aiounu a class oi exam. Foi on-campus inteiviews, you shoulu sign
up quickly- as soon as possible- since these timeslots aie fixeu anu aie available on a fiist-
come fiist-seiveu basis only. In the event that an inteiview conflicts with a scheuuleu class,
you must notify the piofessoi in auvance; the soonei you uo that you uemonstiate
piofessional couitesy anu a sense of commitment to the piofessoi.


Reasonable accommouations will be maue foi stuuents with veiifiable uisabilities. Stuuents
who qualify foi accommouations must iegistei thiough Washington 0niveisity's Centei foi
Auvanceu Leaining Bisability Resouices (BR) in Coineistone. Theii staff membeis will
assist me in aiianging appiopiiate accommouations.

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