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The World Development Federation

Global Super Projects Conference
November 2!
"mancipator# $ceanic %acro&
) *Ne+ )tlantis,
in 2!
Centur# Tunisia&)l'eria-
Richard B. Cathcart
1608 East Broadway, Suite #107
Gledale, Cali!oria "1#0$%1$#&
)818* #&6%8&##
/here appears to -e, +ii+ally, a 10 chace that our world%ocea1s sea%le2el will
rise 31 +eter -y the ed o! the #1
Cetury, a rise which will lap the 4editerraea Sea1s
315,000 6ilo+eter%log Basi strad7 the crudest esti+ate o! the total cost o! coastal%
protectio )'S(#00181 +illio9lieal 6ilo+eter* results i a !iacial -urde to the
Basi1s ta:%payig residets o! appro:i+ately 'S(#001815 trillio; <s it really, the, so
di!!icult !or e:tra%Basi hu+a populatios to !atho+ that geographically i+portat
regio1s weltanschauung o! weltschmerz= /o acco++odate this e:pected 1 +eter rise,
Gree6 e:perts ha2e proposed a &.$ 6ilo+eter solid causeway%-arrier da+ -e e+placed to
isolate the <er ad >uter /hessaloi6i Bays at a eor+ous, yet ucalculated, +oetary
ad e2iro+etal cost.
Such ugly local costructios?e+ergecy @techo%!i:esA?
+ay ot -e uderta6e i! the Earth%ocea sea%le2el rise is e:cluded !ro+ a!!ectig all
4editerraea Sea Basi atios )at a +odest local or glo-al cost o! less tha
'S(#001810 -illio*.
/he ulti+ate !or+ o! @ladscape architectureA, a ter+ coied circa 18$8, is
4acro%egieerig. /o hoor the !irst cetury o! the pro!essio1s !or+al e:istece, the
(+erica Society o! Badscape (rchitects )orgaiCed 18""* desigated the year 1"6&%6$,
-egiig Due #8, the Ceteial Eear o! Badscape (rchitecture. Fowe2er, it was ot
util circa 1"6& that @+acro%egieerigA was eologiCed ad !oud widespread
pro!essioal acceptace. /he (+erica Society !or 4acro%Egieerig was esta-lished
i 1"8#.
Gracois Charles 4arie Gourier )177#%1857*, i 1808, re+ar6ed that hu+a
ar+ies o! idustrial tool%ar+ed persos would -oldly su-Hugate the Sahara, @/hey will
e:ecute wor6s the +ere thought o! which would !reeCe our +erceary souls with horror.
Gor istace, the co+-ied order will uderta6e the coIuest o! the great desert o!
Sahara7 they will attac6 it at 2arious poits -y te ad twety +illio hads i! ecessary7
ad -y dit o! trasportig earth, culti2atig the soil ad platig trees e2erywhere, they
will succeed i rederig the lad +oist, the sad !ir+J. /hey will costruct caals
a2iga-le -y 2essels, where we caot e2e +a6e ditches !or irrigatio, ad great ships
will sail Ko the+LJ.A
)( arrow ad shallow SueC Caal was !irst opeed to high%seas
ship tra!!ic i 186".* By 1877, Moald 4ac6eCie )= % =* pu-lished /he Gloodig o! the
Sahara, a geographical !iasco%to+e proposig a e:ca2atio !ro+ North (!rica1s (tlatic
>cea strad to the @-elow sea%le2el cetral SaharaA per+ittig a )i+possi-le*
su-+ersio o! a large area o! that hostile hot desert;
Be!ore 4ac6eCie, howe2er, heroic
Grech +acro%egieers had cote+plated a si+ilar pla, -ut !or aother locale7 their
speculated arti!icial @la +er iterieureA was to -e situated etirely withi +oder%day
/uisia%(lgeria ad was pro+oted -y Gracois Elie Roudaire )1856%8$*.
Curretly, there1s o !ier +appig o! the aciet >ld Oorld tha the
cartographically stadardiCed Barrigto (tlas o! the Gree6 ad Ro+a Oorld )#001*
edited -y Richard /al-ot7 +ost o! the 4editerraea Sea Basi is topographically
illustrated -y 19$00,000 scale +aps, although there is o detailed pla o! i!a+ous
Carthage. /he ladscape, as !ar as it ca -e 6ow today through paista6ig
geographical ad historical @itellectual recostructioA, icludig chagig sea%le2els, is
show as it was durig that historical period, ot as it is owadays. /he 4yth o! (tlatis
still !asciates our world1s pu-lic, as the #8 Mece+-er 1""8 issue o! Mer Spiegel clearly
idicates7 o! the +ay sites proposed !or the locatio o! legedary (tlatis that are
loosely docu+eted therei, oly the s6etchy circa 1"50 Tritonis Palus K@/rito Ba6eAL
sceario de2ised -y Ro-ert Ra6e Gra2es )18"$%1"8$* co+es close to the -elie2a-ility o!
Ro-ert G. Sch+alC1s geo%+arie theory.
< 1""#, Sch+alC retired as Pro!essor E+eritus o! Geosciece, ha2ig ser2ed 5#
years as a !aculty +e+-er o! /he Pesyl2aia State 'i2ersity1s Mepart+et o!
Geology ad Geophysics.
< the Ge-ruary 1"76 issue o! the College o! Earth Q 4ieral
Scieces1 Earth ad 4ieral Scieces )Rolu+e &$, No. $* Sch+alC postulated with @<
Search o! (tlatisA that a !a-led lost ci2iliCatio, atecedet to all other 4editerraea
Sea Basi societies, oce actually e:isted i the regio orthwest o! the e:tat city o!
Ga-es i souther /uisia. Fe preseted a good circu+statial case, ot su-seIuetly
!urther docu+eted, that (tlatis1 shallow sea ad its seaports -eca+e isolated -y a
localiCed eotectoic Earth%crust +o2e+et )the e+ergece o! a sill ear Ga-es*,
resultig i Ba6e /rito1s su-seIuet disappearace?its co2ersio -y co++o coastal
geo+orphic tras!or+atio )atural shoalig* as well as e2aporatio ito the Chott el
MHerid, a 1$%51 +eter (SB ele2atio iter+ittet salt la6e wastelad?with the highest
lad ele2atio closest to Ga-es, /uisia.
4ight ot his theory -e i2estigated +ore
thoroughly whe #1
Cetury Eura!ricas e2etually erect a Sahara /et Gree-elt
co2erig a part o! this dry lad
, as proposed -y Riorel Badescu ad R.B. Cathcart=
date, our world1s +ost spacious greehouse is situated i a a-adoed clay pit i
southwest Eglad.
Rigorous e:peri+ets -y agriculturalists ha2e pro2ed seawater ca
-e success!ully e+ployed to grow co++ercially 2alua-le !ood ad !i-er crops.
Misregardig the ulti+ate cause o! a sea%le2el rise, a su-Hect o! great geoscieti!ic
cotro2ersy, oe prospect is clear, +arie iudatio o! the 4editerraea Sea Basi1s
littoral poses a +aHor threat to the log%ter+ wel!are o! its per+aet hu+a populace.
E2e a well%regarded sciece%!ictio o2elist, Da+es Graha+ Ballard, has i+agied the
4editerraea Sea Basi1s orther strad as @/he Bargest /he+e Par6 i the OorldA, i
Oar Ge2er )1""0, pages 75%80*. Ohat +ight sti+ulate large u+-ers o! ra+-lig
orther Europeas to +igrate to the 4editerraea Sea1s strad= Gradual de2elop+et
o! a 6illig +ega%Greehouse E!!ect, !oresee !or circa (.M. ##00%#&00, could -eco+e
a etirely su!!iciet cause.
Ballard1s o2er%crowded so%called the+e par6 is a Euro%
MiseyesIue @Bad !or the MyigA; Ca a @New (tlatisA -e i+agied !or the
4editerraea Sea Basi1s souther strad= Ees;
Besides !reshwater )0.#%&0 salts* reser2oir storage, it is practica-le to chael
large Iuatities o! seawater )5&.7#0 saliity* ito so+e o! our world1s great iterior
draiage -asis that lie -elow preset%day sea%le2el i order to dya+ically cotrol our
world%ocea1s 2olu+e. ( atural potetial si6 adHacet to the 4editerraea Sea is
Egypt1s Sattara Mepressio.
( arti!icial potetial si6 is e2isioed as a ow low%
ele2atio regio, the +ost easter part o! the Toe o! Chotts, which e:teds westward
!ro+ /uisia ito (lgeria.
Murig the period !ro+ 1"$7 util a-out 1"88, uclear
eergy researchers i -oth the 'S( ad 'SSR cosidered the +udae purposes
achie2a-le usig +udae tools?peace!ul uclear e:plosi2es )PNEs*.
Gouded i
1"$6%$7, /uisia1s lad co2ers 1$$,5$0 sIuare 6ilo+eters ad is ho+elad to 3".$
+illio li2ig persos )o! our Earth%-iosphere1s 6 -illios*.
So+eti+e -e!ore 1"6#, /uisia scietists co+prehesi2ely proposed a @Chotts
Mepressio Sche+eA to serially -last huge craters i the Chott el GedHadH ad Chott el
MHerid ad su-seIuetly iudate the resultig depressio with 57.$%58.$0 saliity
seawater chaeled !ro+ the 4editerraea Sea. 4ii+ally, 3&,"#0%$,560 sIuare
6ilo+eters?aroud 1950 o! /uisia1s atioal territory located #$ 6ilo+eters west o! the
seaport City o! Ga-es?plus the %#5 +eter Chott el Gharsa was plaed !or !uture
uatural ocea water iudatio. <t was !oresee ad cote+plated that (lgeria1s U51
+eter Chott el 4elrir could e2etually -e coected too. Plated alog the 5&
parallel o! latitude, ideally, the colossal chael%depressio was to ha2e -ee !or+ed via
ie:pesi2e +ultiple PNEs ad the Chotts Mepressio Sche+e was to result i a
recreated Ba6e /rito; >! course, old ad -uried (tlatis1 archaeological site would -e
Hu+-led )rapid stratigraphic displace+et ad e:tre+e arti!act +i:ig* or destroyed
)istataeously 2aporiCed* -y asty PNE use?literally, a treasure 2ault 2ioletly sprug
ope ad its priCed cotets highly disrupted ad lost. Because o! the dry cli+ate
regi+e, the shallow water -ody therei would e2aporate rapidly, icreasig its saliity to
3#00V0 salts, thus producig a cotiuous !low o! sea%water through the chael7
/uisia +acro%egieers aturally 2isualiCe that cheap ad relia-le hydro%electricity
would there-y -e produced as a direct result o! this costat curret )steady i!low*.
)/he Suaterary history o! the salt !lats ad hypersalie la6es o! souther /uisia is
-eig i2estigated -y Mr. Nic6 (. Mra6e.*
Fow -est to produce hydro%electricity= Girst, a +a%+ade chael )100 +eters
wide -y 17$,000 +eters log -y $ +eters deep* +ust -e e:ca2ated -y a !loatig dredge
capa-le o! swi!tly ad ecoo+ically re+o2ig 38$,$00,000%100,000,000 cu-ic +eters o!
roc6 ad loose Suaterary sedi+ets to Hoi Ga-es )populatio, #$0,000V* with (lgeria1s
Chott el 4elrir. /he cost !or the +acroproHect1s iitial diggig phase ought1t to e:ceed
'S(#00181 -illio. Spoils !ro+ the +iig, heaped i use!ul +ouds )arti!icial earth
-y desig, !or+ gigatic geo+etrical -er+%-ordered pods wherei seawater
+ight -e deposited te+porarily )pu+ped%storage power plat*
or calciu+ hydro:ide
e+placed to a-sor- car-o dio:ide gas !ro+ Earth1s at+osphere.
( sigle !loatig
e:ca2ator ca +o2e $0,000 cu-ic +eters o! +aterial per day7 the !irst%phase could -e
!iished i less tha !i2e ad oe%hal! years7 the tric6iest wor6ig +o+ets will co+e
whe the auto+ated dredge arri2es at the two places where the Caal eters the -elow%
sea%le2el chotts. Secod, se2eral pre!a-ricated !loatig road%rail -ridges
with pre%
istalled @tidal strea+ eergy +achiesA
ought to -e towed ito their proper !ial
istallatio sites, ad therea!ter su6 to !or+ a ship%passa-le pierced lad trasportatio
Rotatio o! the eergy%geeratio +echais+s withi this per+ea-le -arrier
will there-y produce a iter+ia-le electricity supply that /uisia +ay wish to sell out%
o!%coutry, use itsel! ad share with (lgeria. /here is a 4editerraea Sea Basi
precedet?although ot !ully co+para-le?at <taly1s Suaterary resurget caldera
located i the Bay o! Naples, <schia <slad.
( s+all har-or, Port d1<shia, was dug durig
the 18$0s -y +acroegieers who !looded a lad%loc6ed 2olcaic crater that could -e
coected to the /yrrheia Sea. <talia wor6ers spet two years diggig the 2ery short
chael with had tools, poy carts ad wheel-arrows7 luc6ily, they !ollowed the trace o!
a erupti2e !racture W10,000 years old that +ade their e!!orts easier.
E:ca2atio ad su-+ersio o! Chott el GedHadH%Chott el MHerid ad Chott 4elrir
!acilitates pro!ita-le co++ercial coastal ad high%seas shippers, ecouragig the+ to
ser2e ew ports -uilt alog the ew strad, perhaps +ieral ad agricultural e:portatio
would !lourish. (d, -arge%+outed deep%drillig oilrigs could !loat !ro+ e:ploratio
site to site rather easily. /uisia1s cli+ate regi+es will chage, perhaps so+ewhat
/oo, it is possi-le there +ay -e so+e worries o2er potetial !uture
hydro%seis+ology owig to seawater loadig o! the depressio1s crust sur!ace sice sea%
water is less dese tha the +aterials that ha2e -ee !orce!ully re+o2ed ad redistri-uted.
>e uiIue i+port would -e rich, !ertile silt o-taied at ad carried !ro+ the !reshwater
reser2oir created -y the (swa Ma+7 large%scale reser2oir desiltatio ser2es two iterests
-ecause it could prolog the operatioal period o! the (swa Ma+
ad +ieral%rich silt,
especially i! widely spread, could pro2ide suita-le soil -ase +aterial !or a -arre, arid salt
!lat i /uisia%(lgeria.
Ships that ow use -allast water, ad oce used stoes, ca -e
adapted to use a appropriately !or+ulated thic6 +ud slurry cosistig o! Nile Ri2er
!reshwater ad (swa Ma+ Reser2oir sedi+et. Gourier1s @hadsA ca -e supple+eted
with ro-ust solar%powered ro-ots, o!!%sprig o! those N(S( RQM has de2ised ad
roughly costructed !or use i the ear%ter+ !uture e:ploratio o! 4ars.
Realistically, this ilad oceaographic creatio wo1t -e easily predicta-le i its
hydraulic -eha2ior, as the Dapaese ha2e disco2ered with their pre%+odi!icatio co+puter
+odels o! the Seto <lad Sea.
( !looded Chott el GedHadH%Chott el MHerid%Chott el
Gharsa%Chott el 4elrir will ha2e +ay o! the distiguishig oceaographic
characteristics o! the 'S(1s Great Salt Ba6e
i 'tah ad the Salto Sea o! Cali!oria.
/uisia1s Gul! o! Ga-es is the +aHor +arie regio o! eergy dissipatio !or preset%day
4editerraea Sea tides.
)Bocal tides i the 4editerraea Sea geerally ha2e a s+all
rage.* Strad coditios ha2e chaged greatly !ro+ those o! aciet ti+es.
4editerraea Sea le2el, higher tha i olde ti+es, +as6s a ru--ish%strew
)uderwater* seascape ad a -adly cota+iated 2olu+e o! seawater.
(s D.4. Coe
elucidated, i 4arie Me-ris, Sources, <+pact, ad Solutios )1""7, pages 7%1&*, ad to
our species1 al+ost e2erlastig sha+e, 2ast regios o! the 4editerraea Sea Basi1s
cotietal shel! is -urdeed with rottig +a%+ade +arie de-ris; ( strog ocea
curret +o2ig towards a re%coected Chott el 4ilrir will, o! course, redistri-ute this
Hu6, gar-age ad other uideti!ied stu!!; (lso, ships -alaced usig -allast water, ad
eterig the co+pleted Chotts Mepressio Sche+e, ca -e e:pected to tras!er ad
deposit plats ad ai+als !ro+ aroud our plaet;
CoseIuetly, there are li6ely to -e
algal -loo+s ad e:otic +ieral iteractios producig, i e!!ect, a horiCotal -u--ly
la+p Ka la the popular Ba2a BiteL e!!ect7 this uiIue graduated coloratio e!!ect ought to
-e Iuite oticea-le i Earth%or-itig satellite i+ages o! North (!rica; E2ery 2essel
passig through the Ga-es%Chott el 4elrir Caal will geerate ship wa2es ad retur
currets that hit the -a6 o! the Caal.
(s a result, -a6 erosio ad da+age to -a6
protectio structures will dou-tlessly occur7 usta-iliCed -a6 +aterial settles o the
-otto+ o! the Caal ad +a6es +aiteace dredgig ecessary. Bi6e the SueC Caal,
ti+e%ta-led ship ad -arge co2oys will tra2erse the Caal oe%way, with the Chott el
4elrir ser2ig as a sa!e turig -asi.
Geopolitical disputes are -oud to arise with the iudatio o! this large watery
regio; Sice it will -e a 2ery arti!icial sea, legtheig /uisia1s preset%day 1,1&8
6ilo+eter%log shorelie ad icreasig its o!!shore 8,#$0 sIuare 6ilo+eter su-%
4editerraea Sea area, how ought it to -e appreheded -y iteratioal law= (d,
(lgeria1s ew ilad sea coast +ust -e cotiguous with /uisia1s, su-Hect to !oreig
cotrol o! trade Hust li6e (!rica1s ladloc6ed states; Nowadays, there are strog
argu+ets o2er the Caspia Sea1s di2ided geopolitical status;
/uisia shares a "6$
6ilo+eter%log -order with (lgeria. Bogically, there +ust -e a strog iteratioal
agree+et )-i%lateral treaty* ad -idig 'N>%-ro6ered iteratioal legal accords
-e!ore a grossly re2a+ped Chotts Mepressio Sche+e e2er -eco+es a ew Ba6e /rito;

C. Perissoratis ad M. Georgas, @/he role o! the earth scietist i assessig the i+pacts o! cli+atic chages due to the
greehouse e!!ect, two case studies o! Xprogostic geology1A, /erra No2a, /he Europea Doural o! Geoscieces 6, 506%51#
)4ay9Due 1""&*.
See, R.B. Cathcart, @<stallatio o! a /esioed%Ga-ric Sea Chage Scree at Gi-raltar Strait, Creatio o! a X4editerraea
Sea >ceaariu+1A.
See, .
Charles Gide, Mesig !or 'topia, Selected Oritigs o! Charles Gourier )1"70*, page 180.
Gro2e Yoger, @/he Great Sahara Sea, ( <dea whose ti+e has co+e=A, 4ercator1s Oorld &, 18%#5 )4arch9(pril 1"""*.
4ichael D. Fe!!era, @Brigig the desert to -loo+, Grech a+-itios i the Sahara desert durig the late ieteeth
cetury?the strage case o! Xla +er iterieure1A, Chapter 6, pages "&%11&, in Meis Cosgro2e ad Geo!! Petts )Eds.*, Oater,
Egieerig ad Badscape, Oater cotrol ad ladscape tras!or+atio i the +oder period )1""0*.
See, http, .
B. Ma+ati, @Folocee la6e records i the Norther Fe+isphere o! (!ricaA, Doural o! (!rica Earth Scieces 51, #$5%#6#
)(ugust #000*.
Pig Biu et al., @Fistorical ad !uture treds o! the Sahara MesertA, Geophysical Research Betters #8, #685%#686 )1$ Duly
#001*. See also, 4a!red Ge-, @Gactors !a2ourig precipitatio i North (!rica, see !ro+ the 2iewpoit o! preset%day
cli+atologyA, Glo-al ad Plaetary Chage #6, 8$%"6 )No2e+-er #000*.
See, Riorel Badescu ad R.B. Cathcart, @1Big /et1 SciGi (rchitecture, ( #1
Cetury Sahara /apestryA, )No2e+-er #001*
2iewa-le at www.wd!.org .
See, .
See, http,99+e+-ers.ho+e.et9waterplus! .
E.P. Borise6o2 ad Eu. (. Pichugi, @Possi-le Negati2e Scearios o! Biosphere Mya+ics as a Result o! (thropogeic
(cti2ityA, Mo6lady Earth Scieces 57", $81%$85 )Due%Duly #001*.
Oalter S. New+a ad Rhodes O. Gair-ridge, @/he +aage+et o! sea%le2el riseA, Nature 5#0, 51"%5#1 )#7 4arch
Ro-ert G. Bryat et al., @4arie%li6e potash e2aporite !or+atio o a cotietal playa, case study !ro+ Chott el MHerid,
souther /uisiaA, Sedi+etary Geology "0, #6"%#"1 )4ay 1""&*.
/re2or Gidlay, Nuclear Mya+ite, /he Peace!ul Nuclear E:plosios Giasco )1""0*, 55" pages.
See, .
O.N. Blair, @(rti!icial earth sculptureA, Tealadia 1, &7&%&81 )Ge-ruary 18"0*.
(6ita6a Firatsu6a, /. (rai ad /. Eoshi+ura, @Seawater pu+ped%storage power plat i >6iawa islad, DapaA,
Egieerig Geology 5$, #57%#&6 )>cto-er 1""5*.
Eugeie Sa+uel, @Scru- the plaet cleaA, New Scietist 16", 1& )51 4arch #001*.
Richard G. Post, @4agle2, ( New (pproachA, Scieti!ic (+erica #8#, 8#%87 )Dauary #000*.
M.D. Bulle, @/idal Strea+ EergyA, Oater Power Q Ma+ Costructio &6, 1#%1& )Ge-ruary 1""&*.
See, http, .
(. /i-aldi ad B. ReCColi, @/he space pro-le+ o! caldera resurgece, a e:a+ple !ro+ <schia <slad, <talyA, Geologische
Rudschau 87, $5%66 )1""7*.
Bei! Eger, @Esti+atig the E!!ects o Regioal Precipitatio Cli+ate i a Se+iarid Regio Caused -y a (rti!icial Ba6e
'sig a 4esoscale 4odelA, Doural o! (pplied 4eteorology 50, ##7%#&" )Ge-ruary 1""1*.
(drew Y. Ga-riel, R.4. Goldstei ad R.G. Bloo+, @ERS Radar <ter!ero+etry, (-sece o! Recet Sur!ace
Me!or+atio Near the (swa Ma+A, E2iro+etal Q Egieerig Geosciece R<<, #0$%#10 )4ay #001*.
M. (ders Bradt, @( Re2iew o! Reser2oir MesiltatioA, <teratioal Doural o! Sedi+et Research 1$, 5#1%5&#
)Septe+-er #000*.
Fide6i 'eshi+a ad 4oriyasu /a6arada, @/idal Glow Cotrol as a 4eas o! 4arie E2iro+etal Coser2atio ad
Ehace+etA, 4arie /echology Society Doural #", 67%75 )Gall 1""$*.
See, http,99www.suspot.et9cgi%-i9editorial9prit2ersio.cgi=storyidZ11$0&"0#165$&Q-readcru .
Yi+ (. >1Coell, @/he Gorgotte SeaA, Badscape (rchitecture )Ge-ruary #001* pages $0%$&.
4.N. /si+plis, @( /wo%di+esioal tidal +odel !or the 4editerraea SeaA, Doural o! Geophysical Research 100,
16##5%16#5" )1""$*
R.P. Pas6o!!, @4odi!icatios o! Coastal Coditios i the Gul! o! Ga-es )Souther /uisia* sice Classical (tiIuityA,
Teitschri!t !ur Geo+orphologie SB81, 1&"%165 )1""1*.
B. Guillau+ot, @Pollutio <+pact Study i Ga-es Gul! )/uisia* 'sig Re+ote Sesig MataA, 4arie /echology
Society Doural #", &6%$8 )1""$*.
See, http, 7 http,99www.i2asi2especies.go2 ad http, .
( pri+ary wa2e syste+ is -uilt up i the !or+ o! a pressure +a:i+u+ at the -ow ad the ster o! a +o2ig ship, ad a
pressure +ii+u+ de2elops alog the hull o! the 2essel. /his distri-utio o! pressure will cause a water le2el ele2atio at
the -ow ad a drop +idships. (s a coseIuece o! the pressure distri-utio o! the pri+ary wa2e syste+, a secodary wa2e
syste+ -uilds up with shorter wa2e periods co+pared with the log wa2e periods o! the pri+ary syste+. /he whole process
results !ro+ the co+ple: iteractio o! -oth wa2e syste+s.
Ste2e BeRie, @Sea or Ba6e= Fut !or Caspia >il Sto6es Border Geuds (d (rcae /heoriesA, /he Oall Street Doural
CC[[[R<<<, (1%(# )5 (ugust #001*.

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