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... through Bertha Dudde

What kind of prayer will be granted ....
I ! a"ailable to you whene"er you #all for $e .... %"ery
heartfelt& pleading thought get' through to $e& e"ery 'ound the
heart utter' i' heard by $e and I will alway' turn toward' you&
for the #hild(' "oi#e penetrate' and will alway' rea#h the Father('
ear. nd then I will be ready at all ti!e' to help if you need it& or
I will pro"ide you with 'piritual 'trength if you a'k for it .... I
draw #lo'e to you and li'ten to your plea& be#au'e I re)oi#e in
plea'ing $y li"ing #reation'& in pro"iding $y #hildren with what
they need and re*ue't fro! $e.
+o #all to $e in 'pirit and in truth will e"er go unheeded and
re!ain unan'wered& e"ery heartfelt prayer to $e will benefit you&
and your 'oul' will !ature. ,our #all to $e 'hould )u't not be a
!ere e!pty prayer .... nd pre#i'ely thi' re*uire!ent i' often
la#king& for people were taught a kind of prayer that will ne"er be
able to penetrate $y ear .... -hey often pray together re#iting
word' they were taught and whi#h ne"er e.pre'' the feeling' of
their heart' but whi#h are and re!ain e!pty word' that had
better re!ained un'poken.
heartfelt prayer ha' to ri'e up to $e fro! the heart and !u't
be the re'ult of an inti!ate union with $e& 'o that the #hild will
then 'peak with $e a' with it' father .... nd e"en if it only
'ta!!er' without u'ing well/for!ulated word' I will
ne"erthele'' under'tand thi' 'ta!!ering and "alue it a' a #hild('
lo"ing #all to the Father& and I will li'ten and re'pond to it ....
prayer to $e i' a bridge you #an #ro'' any ti!e& yet thi' path
i' rarely taken .... be#au'e 0prayer( ha' be#o!e a !ere for!ality&
a re#ital of word' who'e !eaning are not #on'idered and whi#h
u'ually al'o ob'tru#t deep de"otion .... heartfelt thought' .... of
$e. nd then the hu!an being depri"e' hi!'elf of a great
ble''ing& be#au'e he doe' not utili'e the 'trength of prayer ....
'in#e no 'trength #an flow to hi! if he doe' not find the inti!ate
#onta#t with $e whi#h& howe"er& doe' not need !any word'& it
)u't need' an utterly re#epti"e heart for $e ....
In prayer the door of you heart 'hould be wide open 'o that I #an
enter it $y'elf and per!eate you with light and gra#e. 1en#e you
ha"e to be with $e in thought with all your lo"e&
your heart ha' to be #o!pletely de"oid of all other thought'& and
then you 'hould enter into a 'ilent dialogue with $e and entru't
all your #are' and wi'he' to $e or .... if you don(t #o!e to $e
with worrie' .... you 'hould a''ure $e of your lo"e& and for thi'
you truly need no prayer e"ent'& no organi'ed #a!paign'& no
!a'' prayer' ....
unle'' a 'pe#ial re*ue't #au'e' 'e"eral people to a'k for $y help
together& but e"en then it 'hould take pla#e 'ilently and inwardly&
for e"ery e.ternal e.pre''ion di'turb' the inner #onta#t& and the
per'on will be unable to turn inward' 'u#h a' to #o!pletely feel
$y pre'en#e ....
-i!e and again I ha"e to draw your attention to the fa#t that
your #u'to!ary prayer' will not a#hie"e !u#h with $e& be#au'e I
only take noti#e of the feeling' in your heart and not the word'
"oi#ed by your !outh& regardle'' how !any people parti#ipate in
'u#h prayer .... -hi' will alway' be abhorrent to $e& be#au'e it
!erely de!on'trate' your la#k of 'in#erity to 'peak with your
eternal Father& and be#au'e you e"en help fro! 'u#h
prayer' whi#h& howe"er& you will ne"er re#ei"e& and thu' you
'tart to doubt the lo"e and !ight of a God again when you don(t
feel any help.
,ou #an a#hie"e 'o !u#h with a 'ilent and 'in#ere prayer ari'ing
fro! your heart& be#au'e I will ne"er fail to hear it but take
plea'ure in it and will alway' be ready to re'pond and pro"e to
you that the Father(' lo"e and !ight want' to !ake you happy.
,ou #annot 'how your inti!ate dedi#ation to $e better than by
your heart(' 'ilent dialogue with $e& for you are unable to do thi'
thoughtle''ly ..... a' a !ere for!ality. nd then e"ery word you
'ay to $e will 'ound #hild/like and tru'ting& you will e'tabli'h in
truth a #hild(' relation'hip with it' father& and the #hild will
a#hie"e e"erything& be#au'e the father(' lo"e doe' not deny it'elf
and #on'tantly want' to plea'e the #hild.
But a' long a' people belie"e that their for!al prayer' will
per'uade $e to help the! they will ha"e little 'u##e'' and
therefore al'o ti!e and again doubt a God Who& in 1i' lo"e& i'
alway' ready and by "irtue of 1i' power able to help .... -hi'
faith& howe"er& i' a prere*ui'ite for $e to pour out the abundan#e
of $y gra#e o"er all people& and thi' faith al'o re*uire' a li"ing
union with $e whi#h will only e"er be entered by lo"e& and
therefore the lo"ing per'on a#hie"e' e"erything with $e ....
2ubli'hed by friend' of new re"elation' of God 3 Infor!ation&
download of all tran'lated re"elation'& the!e/booklet' at4


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