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Take sth out on sb (phrasal verb with take)

to treat someone badly because you are upset or angry, even if they
have done nothing wrong:
I know you've had a bad day, but there's no need to take it out on
Take it out of sb (phrasal verb) to make someone very tired :
Digging in the garden certainly takes it out of me these days .
Shell out(Phrasal Verb)to hand over (money); contribute;
Barb noun [C] (REMARK) a remark that is clever but cruel and
unkind::: I tried to ignore their barbs about my new jacket.
Come over sb phrasal verb with come: to influence someone
suddenly to behave in a particular way (1) I am not quite sure what
came over me. (2) I'm sorry! That was a stupid thing to say - I don't
know what came over me.(3) (humorous) He gave you a present!
What's come over him?
(Up) to the hilt Something that is done (up) to the hilt is done
completely and without any limits:
The government is already borrowing up to the hilt.
Sway verb [T] (PERSUADE) /swe/ to persuade someone to
believe or do one thing rather than another:
Her speech failed to sway her colleagues into supporting the plan.
Pip noun [C] (SEED) /pp/ UK (US seed) one of the small seeds
of a fruit such as an apple or an orange
Impress sth on/upon sb phrasal verb with impress : to make
someone understand or be familiar with the importance or value of
something: Mr Simmons tried to impress on me how much easier my
life would be if I were better organized.
Precise: adjective (CAREFUL) approving: very careful and
accurate, especially about small details:
Years of doing meticulous research had made her very precise in her
working methods.

Puny adjective / small; weak; not effective: a puny little
man My car only has a puny little engine. The party's share of the vote
rose from a puny 13 percent in the last election to 21 percent this time.
In style (or in grand style) phrase of style 1. in an impressive, grand,
or luxurious way:
The ultra rich who want to fly in style while surrounded by dozens of
friends and colleagues are turning to manufacturers of commercial
planes instead of relatively puny private jets to buy massive,
personalized luxury liners.
'That won't cut it' means something is not good enough. When talking
about the amount of work someone is putting into an effort you might
say 'Bob started studying for the test yesterday. That just won't cut it'.
Bide (verb) /bad/ bide your time to wait calmly for a
good opportunity to do something:
She was biding her time until she could get her revenge.(2) Maimuna
bided her time until the rainy season was over.
Kink: noun [C] (TWIST) /kk/ an unwanted twist or bend in a
wire , rope , pipe , etc. that is usually straight :
There must be a kink in the pipe.
Succinct: adjective /skskt/ approving: said in a clear and
short way; expressing what needs to be said without unnecessary
words: Keep your letter succinct and to the point .
Ditzy: adjective (also ditsy) /dts.i/ informal a ditzy person ,
especially a woman, is silly : She played the role of a ditzy blonde .
Ruminate: verb [I] (EAT) / specialized: (of
particular types of animal ) (1) to bring up food from the stomach and
chew it again (2) the act of thinking carefully and for a long period
about something:

Crass: adjective /krs/ stupid and without considering how other
people might feel : a crass remark crass behaviour / ignorance a crass error
of judgment: He made crass comments about her worn-out clothes.
Snot: noun [U] (FROM NOSE) /snt/ /snt/ informal mucus
produced in the nose
Gratuitous: adjective /rtju..ts/ /-tu..ts/ (gra tu a tus)
disapproving (of something such as bad behaviour ) not necessary ,
or with no cause : A lot of viewers complained that there was too
much gratuitous sex and violence in the film.
Mull sth over phrasal verb with mull /ml/ verb [T] to think
carefully about something for a long time : I need a few days to mull
things over before I decide if I'm taking the job.

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