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Crder re|ease: Lffects of order re|ease:
8eservaLlon becomes effecLlve, can be wlLhdrawn
rlnLlng of papers
ConflrmaLlon becomes posslble
Coods movemenL becomes posslble 1he uocumenL llow allows a vlew of LhaL.

Documents r|nted w|th an order
Iob t|cket: ls a documenL whlch glves Lhe person execuLlng Lhe malnLenance work a compleLe overvlew
of Lhe order. lf connecLed Lo uMS can prlnL graphlcs
Cperat|on contro| t|cket: shows Lhe malnLenance englneer responslble a compleLe overvlew of Lhe
malnLenance order.
Mater|a| p|ck ||st: Shows Lhe warehouse clerk whlch maLerlals have been planned for each operaLlon ln
Lhls order.
Cb[ect ||st: Shows an overvlew of Lhe ob[ecLs (Lechnlcal ob[ecLs, noLlflcaLlons) lnvolved ln Lhe order.
1|me t|cket: conLalns Lhe sLandard Llme and duraLlon, and ls only prlnLed for operaLlons wlLh Lhe
correspondlng conLrol key.
Conf|rmat|on s||p: used by workers an enLry sheeL for Lhelr work Llmes.
Mater|a| w|thdrawa| s||p: auLhorlzes Lhe person execuLlng Lhe malnLenance work Lo Lake Lhe maLerlals
requlred for Lhe order from Lhe warehouse.
Mater|a| w|thdrawa|:
Manual workers wlLhdraw maLerlals from Lhe warehouse Lo
perform malnLenance Lasks.
1here are Lwo Lypes of wlLhdrawal: 1he reporL called .%($#)%&
N6$#$Q1*$2 F)*( enables Lo see whlch one was used.
lanned wlLhdrawal of sLock maLerlal
unplanned wlLhdrawal of sLock maLerlal
MaLerlals can also be procured exLernally
1he uocumenL llow allows a vlew of Lhe malnLenance order
goods movemenLs

Crder Conf|rmat|on: t|mes]act|v|t|es:
1here are 4 dlfferenL ways Lo conflrm Lhe Llme requlred for work on a malnLenance order:
1. Ind|v|dua||y enLry of Llmes for each order operaLlon
2. Co||ect|ve enLry by dlrecL enLry or uslng an operaLlon llsL
3. Cvera|| compleLlon conflrmaLlon: Llmes, acLlvlLles, measuremenL values, and so on, on a collecLlve screen
4. LnLry uslng Lhe cross-appllcaLlon t|me sheet (CA1S)

Comp|et|on conf|rmat|on: ConLalns Lhe followlng lnfo
MeasuremenL documenLs

1echn|ca| Comp|et|on: 1LCC Automat|c act|v|t|es after 1LCC keverse techn. comp|et|on: UN1LCC: Lffects
can Lhen only be changed onllne as follows:
lL can be locked or unlocked
1he deleLlon flag can be seL
osL cosL Lo order (even afLer 1eco)
- LocaLlon and accounL asslgnmenL daLa for an order ls deLermlnaLe
by Lhe daLe of Lhe order creaLlon (noL daLe enLered durlng 1LCC).
-CosL CenLer lnfo can be updaLed lf Lhere are changes afLer order
creaLlng uslng updaLe reference ob[ecL daLa"
lf Lhere ls no seLLlemenL rule, one ls
creaLed auLomaLlcally
8's for whlch Lhere are no C's are
marked for deleLlon
Close Lhe open capaclLles
Close open requlslLlons
Crder becomes modlflable
SLaLus becomes 8LLeased
LocaLlon and accounL asslgnmenL daLa are re-copled
from ob[ecL
Cpen purchase requlslLlons are recomplled
Cpen reservaLlons are recomplled
Cpen capaclLles are recomplled

Document f|ow: uocs. Avallable: Act|on |og:
CompleLlon conflrmaLlon
Coods movemenL
urchase requlslLlon
urchase order
Changes Lo noLlflcaLlons, orders, equlpmenL, and funcLlonal locaLlons are dlsplayed ln
chronologlcal order ln an acLlon log. 1hls enables you Lo Lrack who has changed Lhe daLa
or sLaLus of whlch flelds and when.

keport|ng and Ana|ys|s

keports ava||ab|e
Ma|ntenance h|story
o CompleLed noLlflcaLlons and orders
o PlsLorlcal orders
Mater|a| usage
o MaLerlal where-used llsL (maLerlal wlLhdrawals planned-unplanned
Standard Ana|yses

Serv|ce Crder rocess
10 sLeps ln rocess flow
1. Creat|on (not order): Lhe employee enLers a serv. noLlf. for Lhe cusLomer call. 1hey generaLe a serv.order from Lhe noLlflcaLlon. Lach order musL conLaln aL leasL 1 operaLlon.
2. |ann|ng:
3. ke|ease: Lhe processor puL Lhe servlce order ln process. 1he order recelves Lhe sLaLus released" and shop papers are prlnLed.
4. r|nt ] commun|cat|on
S. Lxecut|on
6. Conf|rmat|on: afLer performlng Lhe work, Lhe Lechnlclan conflrms Lhe number of hours worked and maLerlals consumed.
7. 1echn|ca| comp|et|on: Lhe Lechnlclan Lhen Lechnlcally compleLes Lhe order and slmulLaneously Lhe noLlflcaLlon
8. 8||||ng document: Lhe employee responslble for order seLLlemenL creaLes a bllllng requesL from Lhe servlce order
9. Sett|ement
10.8us|ness comp|et|on


neader data (CusLomer, Servlce daLa, 8esponslblllLy, uaLes, 8eference ob[ecL)
Cperat|ons: Who should do whaL when?
Components: Whlch maLerlals are requlred / 81's?
Costs: LsLlmaLed, planned & acLual cosLs, revenues
artners: lnLernal and exLernal
Cb[ects: 1echnlcal ob[ecLs and noLlflcaLlons (ob[ecL llsL)

Crder Creat|on Cpt|on:
ulrecL enLry (wlLh order Lype and plannlng planL)
lrom a servlce noLlflcaLlon
lrom several noLlflcaLlon. Comblne several noLlflcaLlons ln one order
lrom a sales order lLem
AuLomaLlcally from a malnLenance lLem

Va|ue f|ow:
1he 3 servlce order Lype conLrols wheLher Lhe servlce order ls revenue-bearlng or noL.
w|thout ass|gnment Lo a sa|es order lLem revenue bear|ng When posLlng conflrmaLlon, cosL and revenue are posLed Lo Lhe servlce order.
1he resulL of Lhls dlfference ls charged Lo Lhe seLLlemenL recelver of Lhe servlce order.
w|th ass|gnment Lo a sa|es order lLem non revenue-bear|ng When posLlng conflrmaLlon, cosL and revenue are posLed Lo Lhe superlor sales documenL lLem or
Lhe servlce order.
1he resulL ls charged Lo Lhe seLLlemenL recelver of Lhe sales doc lLem.
Serv|ce order for returns and repa|r process|ng non revenue bear|ng

Serv|ce - Lxterna|: rocess I|ow: (we buy a servlce ln Lhls case) Serv|ce - Lxterna| w|th serv|ce sheet or spec|f|cat|ons: rocess I|ow:
LxLernal operaLlon LxLernal operaLlon
urchase requlslLlon urchase requlslLlon
urchase order urchase order
Crder release Crder release
Coods recelpL Servlce enLry (servlces performed) uslng servlce enLry sheeLs
lnvolce recelpL. Servlce accepLed (serv. order ls deblLed wlLh Lhe order value
lnvolce recelpL

Crder re|ease: Lffects of order re|ease
When you perform Lhe funcLlon puL ln process", Lhe shop papers can be prlnLed and Lhe order ls released (sLaLus '8LLLASLu') and saved aL Lhe same Llme.
1he funcLlon release" ls used Lo release Lhe order wlLhouL a prlnLouL and wlLhouL savlng auLomaLlcally.
rlnLlng of shop papers
osLlng cosLs Lo Lhe order, Llme conflrmaLlons, maLerlal wlLhdrawals, goods recelpL posLlngs, and so on.
8evenue posLlngs Lo Lhe order by generaLlng bllllng documenLs
1echnlcal and buslness compleLlon of Lhe order.

Crder Conf|rmat|on:
All relevanL lnformaLlon LhaL has been creaLed durlng execuLlon of Lhe order ls enLered durlng order conflrmaLlon. ?ou can use overall conf.
Worklng Llme: lnLernal acLlvlLy
LxLernal servlces (Coods recelpL, Servlce enLry sheeL)
AcLlvlLles (AcLlvlLy reporLs, CompleLlon conflrmaLlon LexLs)
MaLerlal posLlngs (lanned wlLhdrawals, unplanned wlLhdrawals, Coods recelpL for purchase order)
Cb[ecL changes
MeasuremenL values / counLer readlngs
1ravel expenses

kesource-re|ated 8||||ng:
uurlng b||||ng, Lhe sysLem generaLes dynam|c |tems from Lhe lnformaLlon abouL Lhe expenses lnvolved.
1he b||||ng request ls a speclal form of sales order and forms Lhe basls of Lhe bllllng documenL.
8||||ng documents
Crder sett|ement:
Sett|ement: furLher allocaLlon of cosLs and revenues for an order Lo Lhe seLLlemenL recelver(s).
1hese are locaLed ln Lhe seLLlemenL rule.
1hls can be auLomaLlcally deLermlned based on Lhe order header daLa enLered
Manual changes Lo Lhe seLLlemenL rule are posslble.
rerequlslLes for Lhe seLLlemenL of a servlce order:
1he order musL be released
A seLLlemenL rule musL exlsL
1he order musL conLaln cosLs or revenues LhaL have noL been seLLled.
osslble sett|ement rece|vers are: C/L accounL, cosL cenLer, order, W8S elemenL, asseL, maLerlal, neLwork, proflLablllLy segmenL, sales order, and buslness process.
A prof|tab|||ty segment ls a comblnaLlon of accounL asslgnmenL feaLures, such as company code, sales organlzaLlon, dlvlslon, and arLlcle.

Cost and kevenue Ana|ys|s |n the serv|ce order:
CosLs and revenues are collecLed and dlsplayed on Lhe order header level. 8evenues are only posLed Lo Lhe order lf Lhe order Lype ls classlfled as revenue bearlng.
1here are Lwo vlews for cosLs and revenues:
8y value caLegory a value caLegory conLalns one or more cosL elemenLs
8y cosL elemenL
Crder Servlce
MalnLenance lLem
Sales Crder


rogram and ro[ect Management - S
ro[ecLs are Lasks wlLh parLlcular characLerlsLlcs:
1hey are usually complex, unlque, and lnvolve a hlgh degree of rlsk.
1hey have preclse LargeLs LhaL are agreed on beLween Lhe conLracLor and Lhe sold-Lo-parLy.
1hey are llmlLed ln duraLlon and are cosL and capaclLy lnLenslve.
Several deparLmenLs are lnvolved ln a pro[ecL.
1hey are sub[ecL Lo speclflc quallLy requlremenLs.
1hey are of mosLly sLraLeglc slgnlflcance for Lhe buslness carrylng Lhem ouL.

Crgan|zat|ona| un|ts |n the SA system:
1he pro[ecL sysLem has no organlzaLlonal unlLs on lLs own.
uependlng on Lhe pro[ecL Lype and conflguraLlon, Lhe organlzaLlonal unlLs from a wlde range of areas are
used (Su, urchaslng, roducLlon, ll, CC, PCM, eLc).

Master Data:

Work 8reakdown Structure (W8S) Act|v|t|es
ls a model of a pro[ecL, and shows Lhe pro[ecL
acLlvlLles Lo be fulfllled ln hlerarchlcal form
show Lhe flow of a pro[ecL or of acLlvlLles lnvolved ln a pro[ecL. 1he lndlvldual Lasks are llnked
Lo each oLher, and grouped LogeLher Lo form whaL are known as networks.
lL forms Lhe
operaLlve basls for
plannlng cosLs, revenues, and paymenLs, as well as
for schedullng, and budgeLlng
plannlng and conLrolllng daLes, cosLs, and resources (personnel, machlnery, 81's, and
Llnklng AcLlv-W8S 1oLal up (aggregaLlon) of daLes and cosLs of lndlvldual acLlvlLles aL Lhe W8S level. Checklng agalnsL budgeLs also becomes posslble

W8S Iunct|ons W8S e|ement - operat|ve |nd|cators

ro[ect 8u||der:
ls a Lool LhaL enables Lhe malnLenance of any ob[ecL (W8S elem, acLlv, neLworks, maLerlals,
relaLlonshlps, S LexLs) ln Lhe pro[ecL sysLem, excepL for Lhe asslgnmenL of 81's.

LdlLlng Lhe pro[ecL vla Lhe pro[ecL bullder:
?ou can use Lhe pro[ecL bullder Lo creaLe or change ob[ecLs ln your pro[ecL (pro[ecL deflnlLlon, W8S
elemenLs, acLlvlLles, acLlvlLy elemenLs, S LexLs, documenL, mllesLones, relaLlonshlps and maLerlal
componenLs). When you creaLe pro[ecLs, you can copy an operaLlve pro[ecL or a sLandard pro[ecL
LogeLher wlLh all Lhe lower-level ob[ecLs (W8S elemenLs, acLlvlLles, S LexLs, documenLs,
mllesLones, componenLs).

Act|v|t|es and networks:
1he acLlvlLles ln a pro[ecL descrlbe Lhe varlous sLeps and work lnvolved ln Lhe pro[ecL.
ln Lhe pro[ecL bullder, you creaLe acLlvlLles for W8S elemenLs. 1hls means LhaL Lhe acLlvlLles are asslgned Lo Lhe W8S elemenLs ln quesLlon. lL also means LhaL Lhe planned and
acLual daLa for Lhe acLlvlLles (daLes, cosLs, and paymenL) can be aggregaLed aL Lhe W8S elemenL level.
AcLlvlLles are llnked Lo each oLher by means of relaLlonshlps - Lhls resulL ln a causal and chronologlcal acLlvlLy
1here are 4 acLlvlLy Lypes or caLegorles:
Interna| process|ng for capaclLles Lo be sLaged ln your own company
Lxterna| process|ng for Lasks Lo be asslgned exLernally
Serv|ces for procurlng exLernal servlces
Cost for plannlng addlLlonal prlmary cosLs

1he acLlvlLles ln Lhe neLwork are used Lo plan Lhe labor, capaclLles, maLerlals, Lools, and servlces Lo carry ouL
varlous Lasks ln your pro[ecL.

Network structure graph|c:
All of Lhe funcLlons you need Lo creaLe a neLwork are avallable ln Lhe neLwork graphlc (Lx: |nsert|ng act|v|t|es
or re|at|onsh|ps)
?ou can access Lhe neLwork graphlc from varlous funcLlons ln Lhe ro[ecL SysLem (Lhe ro[ecL 8ullder, pro[ecL plannlng board, or Lhe lnformaLlon sysLem, for Lx)
Cyc|e ana|ys|s ls a funcLlon LhaL you can only perform ln Lhe neLwork graphlc. A cycle ls a closed sequence of relaLlonshlps and acLlvlLles. Cycle analysls ls a Lool LhaL enables you
Lo deLecL cycllcal relaLlonshlps, and correcL Lhem.

S 1exts, Documents, M||estones: Ass|gnments:
S texts are user-deflnable LexLs LhaL are managed ln a S LexL caLalog. 1he LexLs are classlfled lnLo dlfferenL LexL Lypes. ?ou can asslgn S LexLs Lo 1 or more W8S elem. or acLlv.
Document Management System can asslgn documenL lnfo records Lo W8S elemenLs and acLlvlLles.
ro[ect Informat|on System, can dlsplay Lhe documenLs lnfo records and Lhe correspondlng orlglnal documenLs onllne.
?ou can asslgn m||estones Lo acLlvlLles and W8S elemenLs.

LANNING $&$'$+(* W8S elem. for whlch we wanL Lo plan cosLs manually.
ACCCUN1 ASSIGNMLN1 $&$' W8S elem. for whlch we wanL Lo posL acLual cosLs.
8ILLING $&$'$+(* W8S elem. for whlch we wanL Lo posL revenues.


ro[ect |ann|ng
ro[ect p|ann|ng board: Cb[ects: (based on CanLL charL)
ls a graphlcal lnLerface you can use Lo creaLe and edlL all Lhe daLa for a pro[ecL:
ro[ect def|n|t|on
W8S e|ements
S text
8as|c Dates

8as|c Dates for W8S L|ements:
?ou can plan daLes for lndlvldual W8S elemenLs as well as you can enLer ouLllne daLes for your pro[ecL ln Lhe pro[ecL deflnlLlon.

kesource |ann|ng:
?ou use acLlvlLles ln a neLwork Lo plan Lhe resources requlred for a pro[ecL. 1he ro[ecL SysLem draws a dlsLlncLlon beLween Lhe followlng resources:

lnLernally LxLernally
Interna||y processed act|v|ty Lxterna||y processed act|v|ty Serv|ces act|v|t|es
deLermlnes Lhe ouLpuL Lo be provlded by machlnes or
personnel ln order Lo compleLe Lhe acLlvlLy. ?ou can
evaluaLe Lhe capaclLles of Lhe varlous work cenLers
lnvolved, reschedule Lhese capaclLles as necessary, and
dlsLrlbuLe work among employees.
Lo speclfy Lhe necessary servlces Lo be
provlded by oLher companles ln order Lo
compleLe Lhe acLlvlLy. LxLernal
processlng ls carrled ouL vla Lhe
purchaslng deparLmenL.
are also used Lo procure servlces exLernally. 1he dlfference beLween
servlce acLlvlLles and exLernally processed acLlvlLles ls LhaL, lf you use
servlce acLlvlLles, you can draw up servlce speclflcaLlons and seL value
llmlLs for any unplanned servlces. 1he purchaslng deparLmenL carrles
ouL servlce processlng: enLry of servlces + accepLance of servlces
?ou musL enLer work daLa for an acLlvlLy so LhaL Lhe
sysLem can plan capaclLles for a pro[ecL and calculaLe cosLs
for acLlvlLles. ?ou need Lo speclfy Lhe amounL of work
(machlne or personnel) lnvolved and Lhe work cenLer LhaL
ls Lo perform Lhe work.
Work centers (where acLlvlLy ls carrled ouL): conLaln daLa
for cosLlng acLlvlLles, schedullng, capaclLy.
SLeps ln exLernally processed acLlvlLy:
urch. 8eq. -> 8ld lnvlLaLlon -> CuoLaLlon LnLry -> vendor selecLlon -> C processlng -> C monlLorlng ->
Coods 8ecelpL C8 -> lnvolce verlflcaLlon (ln C8 or lnvolce verlflcaLln acLual cosLs are posLed)

Coods 8ecelpL for servlces lnvolves 2 sLeps :
1. LnLry of servlces performed
2. AccepLance of serv. performed

Mater|a|s |n pro[ects: MaLerlals esLabllsh Lhe llnk beLween Lhe ro[ecL SysLem (S) and
Sales and ulsLrlbuLlon (SD),
MaLerlals ManagemenL (MM),
roducLlon lannlng and ConLrol ().

AcLual daLa ls posLed Lo Lhe pro[ecL by buslness LransacLlons from varlous SA componenLs lncludlng:
Mater|a| Management (purchase order, goods recelpL for maLerlals and servlces)
Inventory Management (goods lssue)
Sa|es and D|str|but|on (bllllng of Lhe sales order)
roduct|on |ann|ng (conflrmaLlon of asslgned producLlon orders)
|ant Ma|ntenance (conflrmaLlon of asslgned M orders)
Contro|||ng (lnLernal acLlvlLy allocaLlon, asslgned CC orders)
I|nanc|a| Account|ng (down paymenLs, aymenLs, [ournal enLrles)
Asset Management (seLLlemenL Lo asseLs)
numan kesources (enLry of work for persons, posLlng of acLlvlLy conflrmaLlon)

Cost |ann|ng |n pro[ects:
Cverall (cosL) plannlng (hlerarchlcal plannlng)
CosL elemenL plannlng
unlL cosLlng
Lasy cosL plannlng: ls an easy Lo use Lool for plannlng cosLs ln W8S elemenLs, you access from Lhe pro[ecL bullder.
CosL plannlng uslng acLlvlLles / neLwork cosLlng
o 1he resulLlng plan can be copled Lo new pro[ecLs
o lf parLs of Lhe pro[ecL are shlfLed, cosL plannlng ls shlfLed auLomaLlcally along wlLh Lhe acLlvlLles.
o lannlng uslng neLwork acLlvlLles ls by cosL elemenL and perlod.

ro[ect: Ass|gnment of Crders:
?ou can asslgn varlous orders Lo a pro[ecL: lnLernal orders, roducLlon orders, MalnLenance orders, neLwork, eLc and Lhen evaluaLe Lhem.
uependlng on Lhe order Lype and Lhe planL, neLworks can be header asslgned or acLlvlLy asslgned.
AcLlvlLy-asslgned neLwork are used where cosLs are gaLhered ln each acLlvlLy.
Peader-asslgned neLworks are only slgnlflcanL for sales order.

Slx Lyplcal areas of focus for pro[ecL plannlng
ro[ecL sLrucLures


ro[ect budget|ng
Cost p|ann|ng and budget|ng:

1. 8oLLom up exLrapolaLlon
2. Cverall plan value
3. CosL plannlng
4. 8equesLed budgeL
3. Approved budgeL
6. 8udgeLlng
7. 1op down dlsLrlbuLlon

ro[ecL cosLs musL be esLlmaLed as accuraLely as posslble durlng cosL plannlng, lL ls ln Lhe
approval phase LhaL funds are asslgned ln Lhe form of a budgeL.
1he budget dlffers from Lhe pro[ect cost p|an ln LhaL lL ls blndlng. lL ls Lhe devlce by whlch managemenL approves Lhe anLlclpaLed developmenL of pro[ecL cosLs over a glven
perlod of Llme.

8udget|ng overv|ew:
Ma|nta|n or|g|na| budget LransacLlon ls used Lo asslgn funds for Lhe pro[ecL and lLs parLs.
ln Lhe budget prof||e: you can speclfy wheLher funds are Lo be asslgned as overall values, or dlsLrlbuLed by year lnsLead.
8udget re|ease funcLlon ls used Lo make funds avallable aL varlous plnLs wlLhln a flscal year.
8udget carry forward funcLlon ls used Lo Lransfer any funds noL used up ln Lhe prevlous year Lo Lhe budgeL of Lhe new flscal year.

Ass|gned funds and ava||ab|||ty contro|:
When a pro[ecL ls belng execuLed, Lhe avallable funds are commlLLed Lo varlous places. 1hese so called commlLmenLs are creaLed, and acLual cosLs are lncurred. 1ogeLher wlLh
Lhe cosLs of apporLloned orders, boLh Lhese forms of fund commlLmenLs resulL ln whaL are referred Lo as asslgned funds.
1he funds overvlew can be regarded as passlve avallablllLy conLrol. Powever, Lhe ro[ecL SysLem also supporLs acLlve avallablllLy conLrol (cerLaln evenLs can be Lrlggered lf
cerLaln Lolerance llmlLs are exceeded).
1he correspondlng asslgned funds are calculaLed and checked agalnsL Lhe budgeL. 1he asslgned funds can be found ln Lhe budgeL bearlng W8S elemenL and ln Lhe lower level
asslgnable W8S elemenLs.
lf cerLaln Lolerance llmlLs are vlolaLed (shorLfall ln budgeL, budgeL exceed), Lhls can Lrlgger varlous sysLem responses. ln cusLomlzlng for Lhe Lolerance llmlLs, you can speclfy
whlch response ls Lo be Lrlggered and when.

ro[ect Lxecut|on
uocumenLs Lhe processlng sLaLus of acLlvlLles and acLlvlLy elemenLs ln a neLwork, and enable you Lo make forecasLs as Lo how Lhe pro[ecL wlll progress.
1ransacLlons LhaL are Lrlggered auLomaLlcally by conflrmaLlons:
osLlng acLual cosLs,
AcLual daLes,
AcLual labor (work)
Changlng acLlvlLy sLaLus

?ou can creaLe conflrmaLlons ln Lhe followlng ways:
Ind|v|dua||y for each neLwork, acLlvlLy, acLlvlLy elemenL, or lndlvldual capaclLy
uslng Lhe SIS - SLrucLure lnformaLlon sysLem
uslng CA1S (Cross-AppllcaLlon 1lme SheeL): ls an lnLegraLed funcLlon for enLerlng acLual Llme daLa lmporLanL ln P8, S, M, CS, and CC.
vla Lhe Internet
uslng a|m ||ot
vla Lhe DC |nterface

er|od-Lnd C|os|ng

Schedu|e Manager
lL's a Lool Lo carry ouL erlod-end closlng, LhaL ls perlod-relaLed commerclal LransacLlons. ?ou use lL Lo ensure LhaL all daLa belonglng Lo a perlod ls deLermlned and LhaL daLa ls
avallable for enLerprlse conLrolllng purposes.
erlod-end closlng procedures are performed perlodlcally ln Lhe background, usually once every perlod. 1he procedures are generally carrled ouL for Lhe prevlous monLh aL Lhe
sLarL of Lhe nexL monLh.

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