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Indian Polity #7 | Study Material :: General Studies | IAS Help
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Governors and Li eutenant-Governors of states and Uni on Terri tori es have powers at the state l evel si mi l ar to that of the Presi dent at the Uni on l evel
Governors presi de over states whi l e Li eutenant-Governors presi de over Uni on Terri tori es and NCT Del hi
The office of the Lieutenant-Governor exists only in the Union Territories of Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Pondicherry and NCT Delhi. Other Uni on
Terri tori es have an Admi ni strator, who i s usual l y an IAS offi cer.
Keywords: India, ias, upsc, exam, civil service, study material, general studies, Indian polity, free
Conditions of service
Governors and Li eutenant-Governors are appoi nted by the Presi dent for a peri od of 5 years
The Governor or Li eutenant-Governor can be di smi ssed by the Presi dent on the recommendati on of the Pri me Mi ni ster
Unl i ke the Presi dent, Governors and Lieutenant-Governors can not be impeached
Keywords: India, ias, upsc, exam, civil service, study material, general studies, Indian polity, free
Executive powers
Al l executi ve powers of the state government are vested i n the Governor
The Governor appoi nts the Chi ef Mi ni ster and the Counci l of Mi ni sters
He al l ocates portfol i os to the Mi ni sters based on the advi ce of the Chi ef Mi ni ster
The Governor appoints the j udges of the District Courts
The Presi dent consul ts the Governor i n the appoi ntment of the j udges of the Hi gh Court
The Governor appoints the Advocate General and members of the state Public Service Commission
Legislative powers
The Governor summons sessi ons of both Houses of the state l egi sl ature and prorogues them
The Governor can di ssol ve the state Legi sl ati ve Assembl y (Vi dhan Sabha) on the advi ce of the Chi ef Mi ni ster
Bi l l s passed by the l egi sl ature can become l aw onl y on the assent of the Governor
The Governor can return non-Money Bills to the legislature for reconsideration. However, i f the l egi sl ature sends i t back
wi thout modi fi cati on, the Governor must gi ve hi s assent
The Governor can reserve certain Bills for consideration by the President
The Governor can promulgate Ordinances. These ordinances must be approved by the legislature at its next session.
Ordi nances remai n val i d for no more than 6 weeks from the date of conveni ng of the l egi sl ature
Financial powers
The Governor causes to be l ai d before the l egi sl ature the annual state Budget
Money Bi l l s can be i ntroduced i n the l egi sl ature onl y on the pri or recommendati on of the Governor
The Governor can make advanced from the Contingency Fund of the State to meet unforeseen expenditure
The Governor constitutes the state Finance Commission
Discretionary powers
When no pol i ti cal party gets a maj ori ty i n the Legi sl ati ve Assembl y, the Governor can appoi nt the l eader of the l argest party or
the l argest coal i ti on as the Chi ef Mi ni ster
The Governor can recommend to the Presi dent i mposi ti on of Presi dents rul e i n the state
Keywords: India, ias, upsc, exam, civil service, study material, general studies, Indian polity, free
State l egi sl atures i n Indi a can be uni cameral or bi cameral
The l ower House i s cal l ed the Legi sl ati ve Assembl y, and the upper House (i f i t exi sts) i s cal l ed the Legi sl ati ve Counci l
Currentl y, onl y si x states i n Indi a have Legi sl ati ve Counci l s: Bi har, Jammu & Kashmi r, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh
The provi si on for i nsti tuti ng and removi ng Legi sl ati ve Counci l s i s enshri ned i n Arti cl e 169 of the Consti tuti on
Keywords: India, ias, upsc, exam, civil service, study material, general studies, Indian polity, free
The Legislative Assembly
Legi sl ati ve Assembl i es consi st of 60 to 500 members
Members of the Legi sl ati ve Assembl y are di rectl y el ected
The Governor can appoint a certain number of Anglo-Indians to the Assembly as he deems fit
Keywords: India, ias, upsc, exam, civil service, study material, general studies, Indian polity, free
The Legislative Council
The Legi sl ati ve Counci l consi sts of not more than 1/3
the strength of the Legi sl ati ve Assembl y and not l ess than 40
Members of the Counci l are i ndi rectl y el ected as wel l as nomi nated (by the Governor)
The composi ti on of the Counci l i s as fol l ows
Members el ected by el ectorates consi sti ng of members of l ocal bodi es
Members el ected by MLAs from among peopl e who are not MLAs
Members el ected by el ectorates consi sti ng of persons who are graduates of 3 years standi ng and who are resi dents of the state
Members el ected by el ectorates consi sti ng of persons engaged for 3 years i n teachi ng (not l ower than secondary school )
Members nomi nated by the Governor from among persons havi ng experti se i n sci ence, arts, soci al servi ce etc
Keywords: India, ias, upsc, exam, civil service, study material, general studies, Indian polity, free
Conditions of service
The mi ni mum age for membershi p to the state l egi sl ature i s 25 for the Legi sl ati ve Assembl y and 30 for the Legi sl ati ve Counci l
To become a member from a parti cul ar consti tuency, a person must be a voter from that consti tuency
The term of the Legislative Assembly is five years.
It may be extended by the Governor duri ng an Emergency, but not for more than si x months at a ti me
The Legislative Council, like the Raj ya Sabha, is a permanent House and cannot be dissolved
The term of members of the Council is 6 years, wi th 1/3
reti ri ng every two years
Keywords: India, ias, upsc, exam, civil service, study material, general studies, Indian polity, free
Presiding officers
The Legi sl ati ve Assembl y has a Speaker and a deputy Speaker
They are el ected from among the membershi p of the Assembl y
The Legi sl ati ve Counci l has a Chai rman and a deputy Chai rman (who are al so el ected from among members)
Presiding Officers of both Houses have the right to cast their vote in case of a tie
Keywords: India, ias, upsc, exam, civil service, study material, general studies, Indian polity, free
Functions of the state Legislature
The Legi sl ature has the power to l egi sl ate on al l subj ects i n the State Li st and the Concurrent Li st
Money Bi l l s can ori gi nate i n the Legi sl ati ve Assembl y onl y
The Counci l has 14 days to recommend changes to the Money Bi l l
Elected members of the Legislative Assembly are involved in the process of election of the President of India
Each state legislature has one electoral power in electing the President
Amendments to the Consti tuti on of Indi a can be executed wi th approval of hal f the state l egi sl atures i n the country
Keywords: India, ias, upsc, exam, civil service, study material, general studies, Indian polity, f ree
24 December 2009 | Tags: state government| No Comments
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