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Brian Tracy. All rights reserved.

The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any

form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.

Brian Tracy. All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.

Become Unstoppable

The most important single quality that you can develop in your lifetime, the
one quality that, more than anything else will guarantee you great success, is
the quality of becoming unstoppable!
One of the great rules for success is to recognize that everything counts!
Everything you do either helps you or hurts you. Everything either adds up
or takes away. Everything either contributes to your success or moves you
away from it. Nothing is neutral. And there is perhaps no place where this
rule of everything counts is more applicable than in your process of
becoming unstoppable.
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said that, Every great success is ultimately the
triumph of persistence. As I read book after book and magazine after
magazine, I notice a common thread that runs through the stories of every
successful person, no matter who they are or what they are doing. Every
single one of them, without exception, has developed that wonderful quality
of resilience that has enabled them to bounce back, to persevere, and to
finally, become unstoppable.
Set Goals
In a detailed study on goal-setting and success conducted in New York some
years ago, the researchers came up with a most remarkable conclusion.
They found that people who set goals succeeded in achieving their goals fully
95% of the time. That is an extraordinary success rate! Imagine! The very
act of setting out clear, specific goals assured a 95% success rate.
However, there was one reservation that the researchers added to the study.
It was that people only achieved their goals if they refused to quit and
continue to bounce back from difficulties along the way. In other words, you
can achieve virtually any goal you set for yourself as long as you keep on
keeping on; and refuse to allow the inevitable setbacks and disappointments
dissuade you from your course.

Brian Tracy. All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.

Be Remarkable
Sitting here at my desk, I am looking at an invitation to the Horatio Alger
Award Winner Luncheon. The Horatio Alger stories are from 100 years ago
and were extremely popular at that time; thousands of people read these
stories. Many men and women attribute their success in life to identifying
with the heroes and heroines of Horatio Alger novels.
Each Horatio Alger story told of a person who had started off in limited
circumstances, with tremendous obstacles, and who had through hard work,
perseverance and determination ultimately rose to the top of his or her field
and became a great success. You could almost say that America was built on
the spirit of Horatio Alger.
This invitation that I am looking at is to attend a luncheon with Mr. Tom
Harken. Listen to what it says: This is your opportunity to see, hear and
meet one of the most remarkable men of the 20th century.
Theres a good question. How do you define a remarkable person?
Invariably, it is someone who has triumphed over failure and frustration and
overcame by being resilient and having scrupulous character. It is only
through the exercise of character, and persistence is the foundation of
character, that a person becomes truly remarkable. And this should be your
goal as well.
This invitation in front of me goes on to say, Tom Harkens started with two
strikes against him: Polio and illiteracy. Eventually, he became a door-to-
door vacuum cleaner salesman. Later he entered the recreational vehicle
business. Currently he has founded and operates an extremely successful
chain of restaurants and was the cover story of Parade magazine with a
circulation of 38 million nationwide!
Tom Harkens topic for this Horatio Alger Award Luncheon is Overcoming
Adversity and Becoming a Winner.

Brian Tracy. All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.

Imagine! What would you do if you had polio and you were illiterate? You
could neither read nor use your body physically. Would you look upon these
obstacles as insurmountable barriers or challenges to be overcome on the
way to your goal? People like Tom Harken who look upon these difficulties as
challenges to be overcome are the true heroes of the American system.
They dont cry and complain and wish that things were better. Instead, they
go out and they make things better. They dont wait for opportunities to
come to them. They go out and seize whatever opportunities they can find.
And if they cant find any opportunities, they create their own opportunities.
They are unstoppable!
Learn To Overcome
Some years ago, I rode in a limousine to the airport with a senior executive
of a Fortune 500 company. He was famous throughout his industry for
having selected top people who eventually became successful executives and
built and managed successful branches of his company. He told me a story
of a joint interview that he and one of the managers had recently conducted
with an extremely attractive candidate for an important job.
The candidate had an excellent education from a fine college. He was
extremely well dressed, physically fit, handsome and articulate. On the
outside, he appeared to be everything that the company would want in an
employee who could be groomed for higher responsibility.
After the interview, the manager turned to my friend and told him that he
thought that this candidate was outstanding and that he could hardly wait to
make him a job offer. My friend stopped him and told him that he would be
no good at the job.
The manager was shocked. He said, Look how good he looks! That is
exactly the kind of person we want in our company.
The executive pointed out something that the manager had missed. He said,
He has all the qualities we would desire but one. He has had an easy life up
to now. He has not yet learned to overcome.

Brian Tracy. All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.

And of course, he was right. The new job would require a tremendous
internal strength, resilience and determination to overcome obstacles and
difficulties and succeed in a competitive marketplace. The candidate had
come from a good home and had had an easy life. The candidate had had a
fine education and all of his needs had been taken care of right into his 20s.
The candidate had a nice car and bank account although he had never
worked. He had not yet learned to overcome.
Dont Quit
Over the years, I have used that simple measure in evaluating candidates for
a variety of positions. Your ability to overcome difficulties, adversities,
obstacles and setbacks is the most valuable quality that you can develop. It
enables you to use all of your other strengths and abilities to their fullest.
You can learn the technical and academic skills necessary to be successful,
but you cannot develop the gravel in the guts or the fire in the belly any
other way except by facing and overcoming adversity so many times that it
becomes part of your character.
There is a famous poem called Dont Quit which has the lines:
Dont give up though the pace seems slow;
You may succeed with another blow;
Success is failure turned inside out;
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt;
And you never can tell how close you are;
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when youre hardest hit
Its when things seem worst when you must not quit!
You see, the way that you become unstoppable is by refusing to stop. It is
not a quality that you develop in a week or a month or by reading or listening
to something inspiring. It is a habit of mind and character that you develop

Brian Tracy. All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.

by practicing the quality of persistence over and over, in every circumstance,
until it locks in and becomes a permanent part of your character.
Persistence requires, more than anything else, the quality of self-discipline.
Self-discipline is defined as, The ability to make yourself do what you should
do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.
And persistence is self-discipline in action.
The wonderful thing is that, the more you discipline yourself to persist in the
face of adversity, to bounce back from defeat and disappointment, the
stronger and better you become. As you become a stronger and better
person, your self-confidence and self-esteem increases. You become ever
more capable of persisting as you persist. Just as by exercising you
strengthen a physical muscle; by practicing you strengthen your mental
muscles as well. And you ultimately become unstoppable!
Failure is Opportunity
In America, we have approximately 3.8 million millionaires, almost all of them
self-made. For the first time in history, we have self-made billionaires and
multi-billionaires as well. Virtually every one of these people began with
nothing, and sometimes considerably less than nothing, deeply in debt. The
one quality they all had was their ability to keep bouncing back no matter
how many disappointments they faced.
When Fred Smith was building Federal Express, against tremendous odds,
fighting with the government and challenging the status quo in overnight
delivery in the United States, he ran into problem after problem after
problem. At one point, the company was completely out of money and the
payroll was due Friday. Fred Smith took the last of his personal cash, caught
a late flight to Las Vegas, arrived Thursday morning and began gambling with
his last few dollars in a Las Vegas casino. By the end of the day, he had won
enough money to make payroll. He immediately got back on a plane to
Memphis, arrived late at night and the next morning was able to issue payroll
checks to his staff. That was the low point and the turning point in the

Brian Tracy. All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.

history of Federal Express. The company is now a multi-billion dollar
worldwide success that has completely changed the entire industry of mail
and package delivery.
My friend Charlie Jones says, Its not how far you fall, but how high you
bounce, that counts!
Henry Ford, who went bankrupt three times before he managed to design his
first automobile and subsequently became one of the richest men in the
world, once said, Failure is merely an opportunity to more intelligently begin
Positive Thinking
Vince Lombardi, on an occasion where the Green Bay Packers had lost a
football game by a narrow margin was asked how it felt to be on the losing
end. Lombardi replied, We didnt lose at all; we just ran out of time.
As far as Henry Ford and Vince Lombardi were concerned, success was what
took place at the end of a long process hallmarked by temporary setbacks
and defeats. But they never took their eyes off the ultimate goal of success
and achievement.
Persistence Pays
My friend Les Brown tells about playing a game with his son, ten years old,
and beating him every time. Finally, Les says, Why dont we go to bed and
play another time?
His ten year old son looked him straight in the eye and said, No one is going
to bed. Its not over until I win!
What could he do? He continued playing for two more hours until finally his
son beat him, fair and square. Then the boy said, Now we can go to bed.
Let me ask you a question. Do you think that little boy is going to be a big
success when he grows up? You can absolutely take that to the bank. A ten
year old boy who has learned to be unstoppable is going to be an absolutely

Brian Tracy. All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.

formidable adult, no matter what field he decides to go into. He has the
foundation quality for great success locked in already.
One of my favorite role models is Thomas Edison. We all know the stories of
how often he experimented with the electric light bulb before succeeding,
continually viewing every failed experiment as just a successful way of
identifying one more method that would not work.
But the best part of Thomas Edison, and perhaps the greatest contribution he
has made to the American way of thinking, was his entire attitude toward
invention and business development.
Thomas Edison believed that, once you had an absolutely clear goal of what
you wanted to accomplish, success was inevitable. He believed this to the
very bottom of his heart and soul. He believed that success was now a
process of systematically and intelligently eliminating all the ways that would
not work until there was only one way left, the way that would work.
Thomas Edison conducted more than 17,000 experiments to find the ideal
plant variety to produce the kind of latex that the American auto industry
needed in the tires on which America was driving. Throughout his entire life,
he conducted thousands and thousands of experiments with the one idea in
mind that success was inevitable if you kept learning from every experience
and getting marginally better each time.
Determination is Fuel
These principles are equally true for you as well. There is nothing in the world
that can stop you from succeeding except yourself. As long as you continue
bouncing back from short term disappointments and failures, you will become
stronger and stronger and more resilient, and ultimately more unstoppable.
And when you refuse to stop, nothing can ever get in your way.
If you want to become physically fit, you have to go to a gym or engage in
what is called cross training. This is where you use different muscle groups
at different times to build endurance, flexibility and strength. Overall physical

Brian Tracy. All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.

fitness requires that you do a lot of different things that enable you to
achieve a balanced degree of fitness for your entire body.
Mental toughness, resilience, persistence are all measures of mental fitness
as well. And you develop mental fitness by mental cross training. You
engage in a variety of mental exercises throughout your days, weeks and
months, each of which is aimed at strengthening your attitudes and your
character in some way.
One of my favorite mental exercises is what I call the use of the two magic
questions. This simple method was taught to me by an executive who
started off as a salesman and who became extremely successful at a young
After every difficulty or setback that you experience, stop and do a post-
game analysis. Ask yourself the two magic questions.
The first of these questions is, What did I do right?
Then, write down every single thing that you can think of that you did right in
that situation. Even if the situation was a complete disaster, you did a
variety of things correctly and it is essential that you identify those and sort
them out from the others.
The second question is, What would I do differently?
If you had this situation to go through again, what would you change or
improve in some way? Write down every single answer you can think of.
Write down every single lesson that you learned that could make you
stronger and better next time.
Here is the most important part of this exercise. The answers to both
questions are positive. Your determination to review what you did right and
what you would do differently focuses your mind on the most positive,
constructive and helpful elements of the situation. Even if it was a miserable
failure in the short term, you can turn it into a victory by learning so much

Brian Tracy. All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.

from it that it will virtually guarantee that you will be more successful next
The continued use of these two magic questions, What did I do right? and
What would I do differently? every single day, will make you one of the
smartest people in your business. If you are in sales and you ask these
questions after every sales call, I can promise you that, in 30 days, you are
going to jump one or two years in experience. You are going to learn at a
rate that will amaze yourself and everyone around you.
Reflect and Learn
The great philosopher, Aristotle, once said that wisdom is an equal measure
of experience plus reflection. What he explained was that when we have
experiences and we reflect on those experiences, we extract from the
experience every possible lesson that can help us to be better in the future.
The great problem today, with television, movies, socializing, entertainment
and a hundred other things, is that people do too little reflection. They have a
myriad of experiences, coming at them at a more rapid rate than ever
before, but they seldom take the time to sit down quietly and reflect on what
they have gone through and what they have learned. As a result of this,
they keep repeating their previous mistakes because they dont take time to
learn from them.
The roots of resilience come from your deep down understanding that
everything you do can teach you something valuable that can help you to be
more successful in the future. You become more resilient to the degree to
which you absolutely know that your success is inevitable if you keep learning
and growing as you move ahead.
One of the things that helped me over the years is called mental rehearsal.
In its simplest terms, with mental rehearsal, you decide in advance, that
whatever happens, you will never, never give up. You decide, in advance,
that you will bounce rather than break. You decide, in advance, that nothing
is ever going to stop you, no matter how bad it looks or how discouraged you

Brian Tracy. All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.

feel at the moment. You will rebound. You will come back off the mat, like
Rocky in the movies and you will continue pressing forward. Once you know
that, deep down inside you, you become unstoppable!
Stop Making Excuses
As you listen to this message, some people may be thinking that the
problems they have in life are far too great to be overcome by a few positive
reminders on an audio program. Well, lets look at this for a moment. You
know that the difference between successful people and failures is that
successful people make progress while failures make excuses. In fact,
unsuccessful people fall in love with their excuses; they use them at every
opportunity to justify not moving ahead.
So, what are your favorite excuses? We all have them! And if we can remove
them or eliminate them all together, we find that we have no obstacles
between us and any kind of success we wish to accomplish.
Here is a key point. No matter what your favorite excuses are, there is
someone else, probably hundreds and even thousands of other people, who
have had it far worse than you could ever dream of, and have gone on to be
successful nonetheless. And if hundreds and thousands of other people have
been able to be successful with far greater obstacles and challenges than you
have ever experienced, it means that you can do it as well!
Do you feel that you are uneducated or under educated? There are hundreds
and thousands, even millions of people who started off with insufficient
education and who have become extremely successful in every part of
American business and the professions. Instead of allowing their lack of
education to hold them back, they looked upon it as a challenge and they
went to work on themselves to learn what they needed to learn in order to
achieve what they wanted to achieve.
Do you have a physical handicap or impairment of some kind? Countless men
and women who are blind, deaf, in wheelchairs, and suffering from the
results of terrible accidents, have gone on to accomplish extraordinary

Brian Tracy. All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.

things. The most famous and respected physicist in the world, the best-
selling author, Steven Hawking, is suffering so badly from Lou Gehrigs
Disease that he can not even move his eyeballs. Yet, he gets standing
ovations from rooms full of the most brilliant physicists in the world when he
is brought in in his wheelchair. Whats your excuse?
Do you have poor language skills as a result of coming from a different
country or not having had a great education? Well, I meet people every day
who have come to America from foreign countries with no money, no
language skills, no education, no contacts, no friends and no experience. In
case after case, these men and women go to work on themselves, learn the
language, develop the skills and apply them relentlessly, day after day, and
become some of the most successful people in their fields in America.
Did you have an unhappy childhood that has left you full of doubts, fears,
anxieties, guilt and an inferiority complex? Well, join the crowd! Probably
99% of us had difficult childhoods with parents who knew little or nothing
about bringing up happy, healthy, self-confident children. But remember, it
doesnt matter where you are coming from. All that matters is where you are
That was then and this is now. Even if you have had a terrible time in the
past, at the very least, you have your life, your health and your whole world
in front of you. Resolve today to forgive, forget and to get on with the
marvelous possibilities that lie ahead of you.
Are you physically unfit, unhealthy, overweight or generally tired because of
poor nutrition and lack of exercise? Well, you can join this crowd as well.
There are more than 50 million Americans who are more than 20%
overweight, officially defined as obese. But every single day, hundreds and
thousands of men and women are making the decision that they dont want
to live like this anymore. And so can you.

Brian Tracy. All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.

Start Right Now
Starting this very minute, you can begin walking 30-60 minutes each day.
You can begin to eat light, healthy, nutritious foods. You can begin to take
vitamin and mineral supplements to bolster your energy and your immune
system. You can join a health club or a diet club. You can make the decision
that your future is going to be vastly different from your present.
And here is a promise I can make you. If you decide to make the next 12
months the healthiest and most productive learning months of your life, and
you work on it every single day, 12 months from today you are going to look
back and be absolutely astonished of the progress you have made. It will be
as if you are in a race with a lot of other runners who are just strolling along
and you decide to jog. As you begin to jog, you will find yourself moving
away from the pack and moving ahead at a more and more rapid rate. A
year from today, you will not believe how far you have come.
Some people feel that they have too many debts, too many family obligations
that they have missed too many opportunities and perhaps it is too late or
not possible for them.
Again, I have met men and women with ruined marriages, deeply in debt and
even bankrupt, sometimes with several children working in terrible jobs
surrounded by difficult family members and immersed in a social circle of
people who are going nowhere. In fact, almost everyone starts off with one
or more of these challenges facing them.
But your job is to learn to overcome. Your job is to become unstoppable.
Your job is to bounce back from every conceivable type of failure and
obstacle that would hold an average person in place. Your job is to move to
the top of your field, to become so resilient, flexible and persistent that
nothing in the world can stop you once you have decided upon your goal.
In the final analysis, the only real limit on what you can do with your life is
your desire. When you intensely desire to accomplish something and that
becomes a burning desire that nothing can satisfy except ultimate success,

Brian Tracy. All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.

you will find yourself developing all the other qualities necessary for high
Decide today exactly what you want. Visualize it every day until that picture
is crystal clear in your mind.
Once you are clear about your goal, be flexible about the ways of getting
there. Question your assumptions. Try different things continually.
Use mental rehearsal. Resolve in advance that, no matter what happens,
you will never give up. This will mentally prepare you for the inevitable
setbacks and obstacles that will come your way.
Resolve to learn from every setback and obstacle. Ask the two questions,
What did I do right? and What would I do differently? Learn from every
Resolve to continually improve. Get better at the most important things that
you do. Read, listen to audio tapes and take additional training. Dedicate
yourself to continuous learning throughout life.
Take excellent care of your physical health. Remember, as Vince Lombardi
once said, Fatigue doth make cowards of us all. Eat the right foods, get
plenty of exercise, take care of your weight and get lots of rest. This will
enable you to bounce back better than virtually anything else you could do.
Finally, persist until you succeed. You become unstoppable by refusing to
stop. You become resilient by bouncing back from defeats and
disappointments. You become like an irresistible force of nature by deciding
that that is the kind of person you are.
There has never been a better time in human history, than right now, today,
for you to achieve all the goals and dreams you can imagine. And
throughout history, there have been three simple keys to great success.
First, know exactly what you want, write it down and make a plan for its

Brian Tracy. All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.

Second, learn what you need to learn and become absolutely excellent at
doing what you need to do to achieve your goal.
Third, resolve to bounce back from disappointments and persist, and
continue persisting until you eventually succeed.
If you do these three things, set your goals, learn what you need to learn
and persist until you succeed, your future will be unlimited!

Brian Tracy. All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.

About the Author:
Brian Tracy is Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International, a company
specializing in the training and development of individuals and organizations.
Brian is also a founder of iLearningGlobal, the preeminent online Business
Training portal in the world.
Brian's goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster
and easier than you ever imagined.
Brian Tracy has consulted for more than 1,000 companies and addressed
more than 4,000,000 people in 4,000 talks and seminars throughout the US,
Canada and 40 other countries worldwide. As a Keynote speaker and seminar
leader, he addresses more than 250,000 people each year.
He has studied, researched, written and spoken for 30 years in the fields of
economics, history, business, philosophy and psychology. He is the top
selling author of over 45 books that have been translated into dozens of
He has written and produced more than 300 audio and video learning
programs, including the worldwide, best-selling Psychology of Achievement,
which has been translated into more than 20 languages.
He speaks to corporate and public audiences on the subjects of Personal and
Professional Development, including the executives and staff of many of
America's largest corporations. His exciting talks and seminars on Leadership,
Selling, Self-Esteem, Goals, Strategy, Creativity and Success Psychology
bring about immediate changes and long-term results.

Brian Tracy. All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.

Prior to founding his company, Brian Tracy International, Brian was the Chief
Operating Officer of a $265 million dollar development company. He has had
successful careers in sales and marketing, investments, real estate
development and syndication, importation, distribution and management
consulting. He has conducted high level consulting assignments with several
billion-dollar plus corporations in strategic planning and organizational
He has traveled and worked in over 80 countries on six continents, and
speaks four languages. Brian is happily married and has four children. He is
active in community and national affairs, and is the President of three
companies headquartered in Solana Beach, California.
Brian is also the President of Brian Tracy University, a private on-line
University for sales and entrepreneurship.

If you have any questions about Brian Tracy learning programs and services,
please email or call 1-858-436-7300.

Brian Tracy International
462 Stevens Ave. Suite 202
Solana Beach, CA 92075

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