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SUMMARY drawings show a symmetric row of vortices in the wake.

nrake development behind circular cylinders at Reynolds The first pictures showing the alternating arrange-
numbersfrom 40 to 10,000 was investigaterl in a low-speed wind ment of vortices in the wake were published by Ahlborn in
tunnel. Standard hot-wire techniques were usecl to study the 1902 (ref. 5); his visualization techniques have been used
velocity jluctuations. extensively since then. The importance of this phenomenon,
~h~ Reynolds number range of periodic vortex shedding is now known as the KBrmBn vortex street, was pointed out by
divided into two distinct subranges. A t R=4O to 150, called (1908, ref. 6)-
the stable range, regular vortex streets are.formed and n o turbu- I n 1911 KBrman gave his famous theory of the vortex
lent motion i s developed. The range ~ = 1 5 0to 300 i s a street (ref. 71, stimulating a widespread and lasting series of
transition range to a regime called the irregular range, in which investigations of the subject. For the most part these con-
turbulent velocity$uctuations accompany the periodicformation cerned lhemselves with experimental com~arisonsof real
of vortices. The turbulence i s initiated by laminar-turbulent vortex streets with KBrmBnJs idealized model, calculations
transition in the free layers which spring from the separation On the effectsof various disturbances and configurations, and
points o n the cylinder. This transition Jirst occurs in the SO On. I t can hardly be said that any fundamental advance

range R =150 to 300. in the problem has been macle since KBrmitnls stability
Spectrum and statistical measurements were made to study papers] in which he also clearly outlined the nature of the
the velocity jluctuations. In the stable range the vortices decay phenomenon and the unsolved problems. Outstanding Per-
by viscous diffusion. I n the irregular range the diffusion i s haps is the problem of the periodic vortex-shedding mecha-
turbulent and the wake becomes fully turbulent in 40 to 50 nism, for which there is yet no suitable theoretical treatment.
diameters doumstream. However, the results of the many vortex-street studies,
I t was found that in the stable range the vortex street has a especially the experimental ones, are very useful for further
periodic spanwise structure. progress in the problem. Attention should be drawn to the
The dependence of shedding frequency on velocity was success- work of Fage and his associates (1927, refs. 8 to lo), whose
fully used to measurejlow velocity. experimental investigations were conducted a t Reynolds
Measurements in the wake of a ring showed that a n annular ~ ~ ~ m b well
e r s above the ranges examined by most other
vortex street i s developed. investigators. Their measurements in the wake close behind
a cylinder provide much useful information about the nature
INTRODUCTION of the shedding. More recently Kovasznay (1949, ref. 11)
I t is always difficult to determine precisely the date has conducted a hot-wire investigation of the stable vortex
author of a discovery or idea. This seems to be the case street (low Reynolds numbers), to which frequent reference
with the periodic phenomena associated with flow about a will be made.
cylinder. Although the effect of wind in producing vibra- Vortex-street patterns which are stable and well defined
&ionsin wires (aeolian tones) had been k n o m for some time, for long distances downstream actually occur in only a small
the first experimental observations are due to Strouhal (ref. range of c~linclerReynolds numbers, from about R=40 to
1) who showed that the frequency depends on the relative 150, and it is to this range that most of the attention has
air velocity and not the elastic properties of the wires. Soon been given. On tile other hand1 as is well known, periodic
after, Rayleigh (1879, refs. 2 and 3) performed similar vortex shedding also occurs a t higher Reynolds numbers,
experiments. His formulation of the Reynolcls number UP to 10' or more, but the free vortices which move down-
dependence demonstrates his remarliable insight into the stream are quickly obliterated, by turbulent diffusion, and a
problem. turbulent wake is established.
These earliest observations were concerned with the rela- The present interest in the vortex street is due to some
tions between vibration frequency and wind velocity. The questions arising from the study of turbulent flow behind
periodic nature of the wake was discovered later, although cylinders and grids. Such studies are usually made at Reyn-
Leonarclo da Vinci in the fifteenth century had already drawn olds numbers for which periodic vortex shedding from the
some rather accurate sketches of the vortex formation in the cylinders or grid rods might occur. However, the measure-
flow behind bluff bodies (ref. 4). However, Leonardo's ments are always taken downstream far enough to insure
I Supersedes N.ZC.4 TN 2913, "On the Development of Turbulent Wakes From Vortex Streets" by Anatol Roshko, 1953.
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