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Cover Design
Andrew Hale and Brad Kelley
Interior Illustrations
Andrew Hale
Layout & Interior Design
Brad Kelley
Benjamin Durbin
Playtesting and Additional Design
Josh Bennett, Matt Bogen, Greg Dinkelman,
Kevin Kulp, and Brian Lasater; with Keith
Pogue, Christine Pogue and Hank Woolsey for
Jellija for Sale
BA03104: Heroes of High Favor: Halflings
ISBN: 0-9720416-4-8
Copyright 2003, Bad Axe Games, LLC
Heroes of High Favor:
A d20 Supplement
by Jeremy Baldridge and Benjamin Durbin
This product is produced under the terms
of the Open Gaming License v1.0a and the
d20 System License v5.0. A copy of the Open
Gaming License may be found at the end of
this book. Open Content consists of rules-
related text only, and will be clearly marked
Open Content at the bottom of the page.
Use of this product requires the use of the
Dungeons & Dragons

Players Handbook,
Third Edition, published by Wizards of the

. Dungeons & Dragons

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of the Coast

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to the terms of the d20 System License
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The following items are hereby designated as
Product Identity:
1. The name Bad Axe Games as well as all
identifying marks of Bad Axe Games, LLC.,
including but not limited to the Bad Axe
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2. The product name Heroes of High
Favor except for its use within Section 15 of
the Open Game License;
3. All artwork, illustration or graphic design
including any text contained within such
artwork, illustration or graphic design.
All artwork contained in this product is
Copyright 2003, Andrew Hale. All Rights
Reserved. No copyrighted artwork may
be reused or reprinted without the express
permission of the artist. Used by Bad Axe
Games with permission.
Sample Pages
Open Gaming Content
Open Content
Open Content
Chapter 3: A Vagabonds Bag of Tricks
Halfling Graffiti
Though halflings have no formal alphabet
of their own, and borrow their characters
from the Common tongue, they do have a
written language of pictograms that have
been passed on from clan to clan and down
through the generations. It is a way for
halflings to mark trails, leave messages,
indicate safe drinking water, designate good
places to forage or hunt, or advise fellow
travellers of settlements that are kind or
cruel to their people. These pictograms, or
graffiti as other races refer to them, are
incomprehensible to non-halflings, perhaps
due to the fact that no two ever look alike.
In addition to serving as mere markers,
halflings can infuse their graffiti with a
bit of everyday magic, passing on a bit
of their innate luck and goodwill to other
travellers. Although the markings themselves
do not radiate magic, they can be activated
to produce a magical effect. An active piece
of graffiti is a supernatural effect.
Halfling graffiti may only be drawn on
immobile and durable surfaces, such as trees,
walls, statues, boulders, bridges, or other
relatively permanent fixtures, as most of the
magic they can create pertains to a fixed area
of effect.
Both scribing and activating a piece of
graffiti require a successful Decipher Script
skill check. The DC for this check varies, as
shown in the examples below. Activating a
piece of graffiti also requires an expenditure
of experience points, as noted in each
individual entry; the cost is paid when the
Decipher Script skill check is successfully
passed and the graffiti is activated.
There is no limit to the number of times
that a particular piece of graffiti can be
activated. Each time a piece of graffiti
is successfully activated, the marking is
magically renewed. The fact that halflings
are somehow able to create these magical
markings without any arcane knowledge
perplexes many scholars, though the average
man, left scrubbing away at his barn or
fencepost, is left merely wondering how the
halflings leave such seemingly permanent
marks upon any surface!
Be Quiet
DC 10; XP 10
Although this graffiti does not warn of any
specific danger, it is a call for the vagabond
to tread lightly. When activated, the user
gains a +4 luck bonus to Move Silently for
one hour.
DC 10; XP 10
It is an unfortunate truth of the vagabonds
life, but all too often a simple request for
a hand-out is met with demands of Sing
for your supper! Many inns and taverns
are marked with this graffiti; when there is
no other work to be had, oftentimes this is
the halflings last resort, and it is better to
travel prepared with a jolly song and dance.
When activated, the user gains a +4 luck
bonus to Perform checks
for one hour.
Danger - be alert!
Tell a pitiful story
Be quiet
Thieves are about
Help the pious
A fence lives here
Danger - be alert!
Tell a pitiful story
Be quiet
Thieves are about
Help the pious
A fence lives here
Open Content
Open Content
Danger! Be Alert!
DC 15; XP 15
Used to warn travellers against anything
from a small but vicious dog to a highway
used by orcs, this graffiti grants the user a
+4 luck bonus to Initiative for one hour.
Help for the Pious
DC 10; XP 5
Though many religions call upon their
servants to live a life of charity and other
good works, even the most generous priest
has been known to turn away yet another
halfling seeking handouts. However, by
showing a bit of interest and knowledge
about the faith, a clever vagabond may yet
be able to persuade the local priest for a bit
of assistance. When activated, this graffiti
grants a +4 luck bonus to Knowledge
(religion) checks for one hour.
Hospitable Folk
DC 15; XP 10
This graffiti is used as a way to indicate
settlements friendly to roving halflings,
offering handouts and services such as
darning clothes and a bath to wash off the
grime of the trail. The user gains a +4
luck bonus to Diplomacy checks for one
Good Cover
DC 15; XP 20
Similar to Good Hiding Spot, the Good
Cover graffiti provides protection against
incoming missile fire and melee attacks,
even if the graffiti is drawn on the floor out
in the open. While the user is within ten
feet of the active graffiti, he gains a +1 luck
bonus to AC.
Good Hiding Spot
DC 15; XP 10
This graffiti is drawn within spaces used by
halflings for ambush, holdouts and retreats,
as it makes them much more difficult to see.
The user gains a +4 luck bonus to Hide.
Rabbit Hole
DC 15; XP 5
When a traveling halflings burden is too
great or he must dispose of stolen items,
this graffiti can be used to safeguard items
until he can come back for them later.
When activated, this graffiti provides a +4
luck bonus to the users Hide skill when
attempting to conceal an object within ten
feet of the graffiti.
Rest Here
DC 10; XP 5
Out in the field, this graffiti is renowned
to have saved lives. Wounded halfling
scouts drag themselves through the bush
and collapse near these scrawlings, waking
up hours later with renewed vigor. Their
locations are well known to halfling
explorers. When activated, this graffiti acts
as a successful DC15 Heal check: it can
stabilize a character with negative hit points,
provide long-term care, or treat a caltrop
wound. If the graffiti is activated at the
same time as a saving throw is made against
poison or disease, the Heal check of 15 may
be used in place of the victims saving throw
roll. Only one application of the graffiti
may be chosen per activation.
Halfling Graffiti
Danger - be alert!
Tell a pitiful story
Be quiet
Thieves are about
Help the pious
A fence lives here
Danger - be alert!
Tell a pitiful story
Be quiet
Thieves are about
Help the pious
A fence lives here
Open Content
Open Content
Sign of Kilroy
DC 20; XP 15
Kilroy is a character in halfling legend,
supposedly the first to have started using
graffiti to mark his passage. Whoever he
was, halflings believe that this graffiti
brings a supernatural protection to whoever
stands near it. The user gains a +2 luck
bonus to saving throws for one hour.
Smokeless Bonfire
DC 10; XP 10
While a blazing campfire can save one from
succumbing to exposure, it has the side-
effect of creating smoke and light which
may signal enemies. This graffiti provides
the comfort of a fire without giving away
a campers position. When activated, the
user can build a fire within ten feet of the
graffiti. This fire gives off far less light and
smoke than normal, imposing a -4 penalty
to the Spot checks of any creature trying to
locate the fire by sight or scent.
Sweet Water
DC 10; XP 2
Even in the most serene and unpolluted
areas, water can be filled with bacteria or
other unpleasant substances undetectable
to the eye. When activated, this graffiti
purifies all water within ten feet as if by the
spell, purify food and drink.
Tell A Pitiful Story
DC 10; XP 10
Some folks see the dirty, chubby faces of
halfling vagabonds and their hearts swell
with a desire to help. Most, however,
require a bit of enticement to loosen their
purse strings; this graffiti marks the homes
of such folk. When activated, the user gains
a +4 luck bonus to Bluff checks for one
Thieves About
DC 10; XP 3
Not all halflings are thieves, and not even
the most scurrilous vagabond appreciates
having his belongings pilfered by another.
When this graffiti is activated, the user
gains a +4 luck bonus to opposed Spot
checks against Sleight of Hand checks.
Thousand Words
DC varies; XP 5
This picture literally is worth a thousand
words, as a message of that length
(approximately four pages) can be concealed
within the graffiti, in any language known
by the maker. Spells cannot be scribed in
this fashion. This graffiti is a favorite of
spies and informants.
When scribing this graffiti, the user must
make a Bluff roll to leave his message.
Subsequent users must meet or exceed this
result with their Decipher Script check in
order to activate the graffiti.
Unfriendly Territory
DC 10; XP 10
Although not as strident as the Danger!
graffiti, this image is a call for even
the most cautious halfling to take extra
precautions. When activated, the user gains
a +4 luck bonus to Spot checks for one
Chapter 3: A Vagabonds Bag of Tricks
Danger - be alert!
Tell a pitiful story
Be quiet
Thieves are about
Help the pious
A fence lives here
Danger - be alert!
Tell a pitiful story
Be quiet
Thieves are about
Help the pious
A fence lives here
Open Gaming License Version 1.0a
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and
is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (Wizards). All
Rights Reserved.
1. Definitions: (a)Contributors means the copyright and/or
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the
Coast, Inc. licensed for public use under the terms of the Open
Game License v1.0a;
System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of
the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and
Dave Arneson;
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards
of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,
Skip Williams, Rich baker, Andy Collins, David noonan,
Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, based on original material
by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Heroes of High Favor: Dwarves Copyright 2002, Benjamin R.
Durbin; published by Bad Axe Games, LLC.
Heroes of High Favor: Halflings Copyright 2003, Jeremy
Baldridge and Benjamin Durbin; published by Bad Axe Games,

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