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The concept of freedom does not exist within

unity consciousness, it is only a reaction within
duality consciousness to control being placed
upon an individual, being, or entity without
perceived control, there is no need to be free
from that control. The freedom wound is the
fear of being controlled, and while the security
wound can be perceived as the fear of the
freedom wound individuals doing actions that
are considered unfaithful, impulsive, and
unawareactions perceived as a threat or as
the source of their pain, it actually goes all the
way back to the origins of duality, to the initial
drop in consciousness from eternal

The unity version of freedom is sovereignty,

where an individual is fully responsible for their
own beliefs, behaviors, and reality without the
need to control, or the risk of being controlled. Spontaneity is the ability of a sovereign individual to act
and create from pure inspiration unimpeded by the fractured being state of fear and control.
Spontaneity is a unity consciousness concept, and its dualistic halves are impulsivity and resistance,
all actions done within duality are either/or, as the security wound acts impulsively to control the
behavior of the freedom wound, and resists their impulsive actions to break free from their control, and
the freedom wound resists the impulsive controlling of the security wound, and acts impulsively to
experience a false sense of freedom. A man will be attracted to a woman that he believes he can be
free with, and may even cheat on his current partner, to achieve this illusory freedom out of the frying

Resistance is the reaction of the security wound when confronted with the possibility of pain, and of
the freedom wound when confronted with the possibility of being controlled. It is directed at the source
of the perceived pain or controlling behavior, even if it is played out passively, or has little effectiveness
or punch to it simply slowing down compliance can be felt as a successful attempt to resist pain or
control. In the case of freedom, if a persons ability to effectively resist the control of others is crushed,
their will to be free decimated, they may find a sense of power through controlling the actions of others,
even if if is just controlling their children to feel powerful the logic being, if I remove the freedom of
others, at least we are equal in our misery now. Equality is a popular theme for those who wish to
feel free, where all are equal in their subservience to an ultimately powerful and controlling being or
entity, or where all are equal in their ability to rise to the top of the hierarchical pyramid, to gain the
It is a social and societal stereotype, and for good reason, that women control the relationship, which
is why their men desire to feel free from it with porn, affairs, a longtime mistress, sports, fighting,
competition, and other freedom pursuits. Men may get around this by intimidating and physically
dominating women, or emotionally manipulating them, to gain an artificial sense of freedom in the
relationship, but this is just a poor workaround and an illusion theyre still not powerful, and the
relationship certainly isnt deep. Conversely, women also can manipulate the situation emotionally and
seuxally, and grant a counterfeit sense of freedom to the man, this will cause him to work much harder
on the relationship, but ultimately, the woman is still controlling, shes just allowing him to have sex

It is also a social and societal stereotype that men control the finances, which is why women feel so
free when they are able to shop, decorate their home, travel, and other forms of spending money to
feel temporarily free. Women can get around this through seducing men sexually, and manipulating
them in order to gain the freedom they crave, but this too is a poor workaround and an illusion, theyre
still not powerful, and their relationship with the man, and to money, certainly isnt deep. Conversely,
men also can manipulate women with their money and financial success, to grant a counterfeit sense
of financial freedom to them, but ultimately, the man is still controlling the finances, hes just allowing

A power struggle is the struggle for domination within a couple, partnership, nations, or other dualistic
opposing forces, where one is fighting for supremacy within the relationship (sex), and the other is
fighting for the supremacy of controlling the material (money) and survival needs. Sometimes an
imbalance will happen, when one side out manipulates or dominates the other, where the winner ends
up with supremacy of both the relationship and the material needs, allowing for a false sense of peace

In summary, the security wound comes from not feeling in control ones own life, both sexually and
materially, causing them to seek to control external others to feel safe. This projection of their fears
onto others, along with their actions that attempt to dominate, manipulate, and control, causes a
reaction by those that feel controlled this reaction is called resistance, and is the freedom wound.
Equality is an attempt by those enslaved by the security wound to break free from their prison, the
freedom to rise through the hierarchy of prisoners, to a higher level of the prison, or to experience
fairness within their prison, as misery loves company. The ultimate controllers, those with the most
fear, are more than happy to grant a sense of equality to their slaves, as long as they agree to stay

To get out of this back and forth drama between security and freedom, between order and chaos, an
individual must eventually let go of their belief that controlling a person or situation has the potential to
make them be safer, because it cannot. The freedom wound is not the root fear, but it does
perpetuate the fears of the security wound, the freedom wound is a selffulfilling prophecy that the
security wound created, natural proof that those being controlled cannot be trusted with freedom. The
freedom wound is ultimately a devastating side effect of the security wound, and the fear that initially

1. Maybejustmaybe,controllingthesituationorpersonisntgoingtomakemefeelsafer.
2. Maybejustmaybe,controllingthesituationorpersongrantsmeanillusionofsafety,but
3. MaybejustmaybeImcreatingpeoplewhoresistme,whoseekfreedomfromme,
4. MaybeIcontrolothersbecauseIamafraid,andfeelpowerlesstosoothemyfear.
5. Maybejustmaybe,controllingothersdoesntactuallyprovidemewithpersonalpower.
6. Maybejustmaybe,controllingothersdoesntactuallysoothemyfear,butisjusta
7. Maybejustmaybe,Ivebeenthecreatorofmyexperiencefromthebeginning,andthat
8. Maybejustmaybe,Icanallowmyselftofullyexperiencemypowerlessnessandfear
9. Maybejustmaybe,whenIfullyownmyfear,andrelaxintotheworstthatcanhappento
10. Maybejustmaybe,IcancreatethelifeIchoose,freeoffearformysafety,andfreeof
11. Maybejustmaybe,IforgotthatIamasovereignbeing,andIcanrestoremyselfbackto

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