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Installation Guide for GNU Radio:

System Requirement: Linux Ubuntu

Pre-Requisites needed for GNURadio on Ubuntu
Development Tools (need for compilation)
o g++
o git
o make
o cmake
o sdcc (from "universe")
o guile
o ccache (not required, but recommended if you compile frequently)
Libraries (need for runtime and for compilation)
o python-dev
o FFTW 3.X (libfftw3-dev)
o cppunit (libcppunit-dev)
o Boost 1.35 (or later, but not 1.46, 1.47 or 1.52)
o GSL GNU Scientific Library (libgsl0-dev)
o libusb and libusb-dev
o ALSA (alsa-base, libasound2 and libasound2-dev)
GNU Radio Companion
o for the GNU Radio Companion (GRC) you need to install python-numpy,
python-cheetah and python-lxml
o for the WX GUI components you need to install python-wxgtk2.8 and python-
o for the QT GUI components you need to install PyQT4, PyQwt5 for Qt4, QT-
OpenGL, Fontconfig, Xrender and Xinput (python-qt4, python-qwt5-qt4,
libqt4-opengl-dev, libqwt5-qt4-dev, libfontconfig1-dev, libxrender-dev, libxi-
Other useful packages
o doxygen (for creating documentation from source code)
o octave (from "universe")


Step 1: Open the Terminal on Ubuntu (Ctrl+Alt+T).

Step 2: Install the Dependencies from this site.

For example: For Ubuntu 12.04, install Precise Pangolin (12.04)

Step 3: Installing GNU Radio-

Enter this command for installation of GNU Radio-

gi t cl one ht t p: / / gnur adi o. or g/ gi t / gnur adi o. gi t

Step 4: Configure and build GNU Radio-

Enter these commands in the Terminal one by one-

cd gnur adi o
mkdi r bui l d
cd bui l d
cmake . . /

Now install GNU Radio for general use-

sudo make i nst al l

Step 5: Provide path for GNU Radio and Python

expor t PYTHONPATH=/ usr / l ocal / l i b/ pyt hon2. 7/ di st - packages
expor t LD_LI BRARY_PATH=/ usr / l ocal / l i b

After this step open GNU Radio by typing gnuradio-companion in terminal and check for
osmocom Source and RTL-SDR Source under Source Block. If not present, follow Step 6.

Step 6: Follow this site ht t p: / / sdr . osmocom. or g/ t r ac/ wi ki / r t l - sdr

The rtl-sdr code can be checked out with:

gi t cl one gi t : / / gi t . osmocom. or g/ r t l - sdr . gi t

Step 7: Install libusb1.0 from software centre

Step 8: for installing RTL-SDR Source-
As previously enter these commands one by one

cd r t l - sdr /
mkdi r bui l d
cd bui l d
cmake . . /
sudo make i nst al l
sudo l dconf i g

Step 9: Building UHD software-
Follow this site ht t p: / / et t us-
apps. sour cer epo. com/ r edmi ne/ et t us/ pr oj ect s/ uhd/ wi ki / UHD_Bui l d

Install Prerequisites-

sudo apt - get i nst al l l i bboost - al l - dev l i busb- 1. 0- 0- dev pyt hon- cheet ah doxygen
pyt hon- docut i l s

and then install UHD

gi t cl one gi t : / / gi t hub. com/ Et t usResear ch/ uhd. gi t

Step 10: For osmosdr Source-

gi t cl one gi t : / / gi t . osmocom. or g/ gr - osmosdr

cd gr - osmosdr /

then continue with

mkdi r bui l d
cd bui l d/
cmake . . /

Now build & install

sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

Step 11: Install UDEV rules so that your USB dongle is loaded when you plug it in
Follow this site ht t p: / / f oxgul ch. com/ Wor dPr ess/ ?p=615

~/rtl-sdr/build $ cmake ../ -DINSTALL_UDEV_RULES=ON

Step 12: Now test for the device

r t l _sdr t est and

r t l _t cp t est

Step 13:

In order to be able to use the dongle as a non-root user, you may install the appropriate udev rules
file by calling

sudo make i nst al l - udev- r ul es

Step 14: Now if everything is alright then you should be able to open GNU Radio by giving
this command gnuradio-companion else follow above procedures and sites carefully.

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