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Pastor ........................................

Andy Gans
Visitation Pastor (Ret.) ............ Tom McNeil
Music Director .......................... Rick Roberts
Executive Assistant ................... Chris Muramatsu
Nursery Attendant .................... Tammy Keeslar
Proofreaders .............................. Susan M. Jensen and
John Stewart
Contributors ............................... Members of Ft. King
Assembling ................................. Phyllis Altonn, Bobbie
Burns, Sue Chancey, Kay Dahlen, Joyce Gauntt,
Eleanor Hayesmore, Pat Merrill, Carol Primm,
Roselle Pringle, Alice Reffner, Judith Simonin,
Aileen Zimmerman
Bulk Mail Handling ................... John Stewart
Office: (352) 694 Office: (352) 694 Office: (352) 694 Office: (352) 694- -- -4121 4121 4121 4121
F FF FA AA AX XX X: :: : ( (( (3 33 35 55 52 22 2) )) ) 6 66 69 99 94 44 4- -- -5 55 52 22 22 22 26 66 6
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Worship: Sundays 10:00 a.m. through August 31, 2014 Worship: Sundays 10:00 a.m. through August 31, 2014 Worship: Sundays 10:00 a.m. through August 31, 2014 Worship: Sundays 10:00 a.m. through August 31, 2014
Greetings in the Name of Christ,

One of the greatest blessings I have at this
church is listening to new members tell the
Session why they want to join this church
family. So often I hear, this is such a wel-
coming church, we felt right at home, eve-
ryone is so welcoming and friendly. As a pas-
tor these are great words to hear! I am thank-
ful this church family puts so much emphasis
on welcoming all of Gods people and truly
living out the Everyone Welcome banner
that sits at our entrance.

Helping people feel welcome has actually be-
come part of the theology of this church. We
are living out a hospitality theology when we
truly welcome all of Gods children into our
worship, activities, studies and to the Table.
By providing a space of welcome we provide
a witness to the love and grace of Jesus the

The open arms of welcome shouldnt stop at
the front door with a handshake and a smile,
it shouldnt stop with short conversations in
the pews, and it shouldnt stop at the Com-
munion Table where Christ welcomes us all
to experience and remember His grace. This
is why we serve gluten free bread for com-
munion, so all may feel welcomed. I have had
several people tell me that the gluten free
communion bread doesnt taste good and
that we should switch back to regular bread. I
respond by saying that the Table is not the
place to exclude people, or to make them feel
left out. There are several people in our con-
gregation that are gluten sensitive, and there
may even be some gluten sensitive first time
believers that have come to understand
Christs love for them and they want to partake in
the Eucharist. We must help those with this al-
lergy feel welcomed too.

The worship ministry continues to work on find-
ing gluten free bread that is tastier and less crum-
bly, but until we find the perfect mix I urge you to
understand this is another way we welcome all
people to this church family, and to the arms of



FKPC Financial Status as of June 30,2014

Our Total Offerings for June exceeded Budget by $296.17. This halted our negative trend at 2 months. For the
year we are still under budget by $5,878 (3.96%). June had 5 Sundays while July has 4. So I urge you all to stay
on course with your Commitment.

Our expenses are $11,444 under budget. A good thing indeed! However, as has been the case all year, certain
bills for June will be paid in July. Also, our Ministries maintain a cost level below their budgeted allowances.

June is the midway point for 2014. If our trend for offerings continues, we will come in at approximately $12,000
below our expected estimates. Shortly, you will be receiving a midyear statement regarding your individual Com-
mitment. Read these carefully and if you are behind, please, if you are able, get caught up.

FKPC is the most wonderful, generous, caring congregation. It is a privilege being a part of this congregation.
Give this financial data some prayerful consideration. I know we will get back on track.

Steve Layendecker
Chair., Finance Ministry
Thank You

Fort King family,

Since November 2013, it has been a long struggle to get back to normal um, for me. Almost there Heh
heh. Nilsa and I thank you for your kindnesses and prayers. Being there for one another really counts when
the going gets tough. Thank you so much.

Tom and Nilsa McNeil
Total Offerings Actual = $142,189
Total Offerings Budget = $148,067
Variance = $5,878
Total Expenses Actual = $136,861
Total Expenses Budget = $148,305
Variance = $11,444

August Birthdays
Welcome New Members

CONNECTIONS (continued)
Ice Cream Social
August 17th at 5:30 p.m.

Bring your favorite kind of ice cream to share on Sunday, August 17th at 5:30 p.m. We will be collecting
school supplies for the teachers. See Mission Ministry article and school supply list on page 8.

Canned Meat
Canned Pasta
Ramen Noodle Soup
Boxed Mac and Cheese
Peanut Butter (Plastic Jar)
Jelly (Plastic Jar)
Pudding Cups
Fruit Cups
Instant Oatmeal (Single Serve)
Granola Bars
Pop Tarts
Fruit Snacks (Raisins, Etc. - Indi-
vidual Packs)
Cheese or Peanut Butter Crackers
No Candy, Please
Rally Day - Teacher Appreciation Breakfast

Please join the Discipleship Ministries as we celebrate Rally Day and Teacher Appreciation Sunday with a cov-
ered dish breakfast on August 24th at 9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We want to show our appreciation to
all the fantastic teachers that taught classes from August 2013 through May 2014 as well as celebrate all the
new classes and teachers that will make 2014-15 another great year. Our theme this year will be Love One
Another with Helping Hands. In support of this theme we are asking that everyone support Food 4 Kids on
Rally Day so that we help start the new school year with a large contribution to this program.

Bring your best breakfast dish to share, your Food 4 Kids items and your excitement to help begin a wonder-
ful new year of classes.

The list of items for Food 4 Kids includes:

DICIPLESHIP (continued)
Womens Retreat

Calling all women of Fort King. It is time again to start planning for our annual Womens Retreat. Our dates for
this year at Montgomery Conference are October 24-26, 2014. Mark your calendars now and plan to attend this
great weekend. Becca Gillespie will be our spiritual leader again this year, bringing us spiritual refreshment and fun
filled experiences. The theme for this years Retreat is P.O.W.E.R (Prayer, Others, Word of God, Equipped and
Respond). The cost for the entire weekend is $130 for an Inn Room or $110.00 for a cabin. Other options (ie.,
one night or day only) are available. A deposit of $25.00 is due by September 14, 2014. If you would like more
information about our retreat, Bernice will be available August 10th in the Session Room following worship to an-
swer any questions you may have. Reservations and deposits will be accepted at that meeting or any time by call-
ing Bernice at 694-6798.
Adult Class

The Adult Discipleship class is continuing its informal discussions of The
God Squad column which appears every Saturday in the Ocala Star-Banner.
The column originated as a joint effort with Monsignor Thomas Hartman and
Rabbi Marc Gellman. However, when Monsignor Hartman was stricken with
Parkinsons, Rabbi Gellman continued as its author. Rabbi Gellman has a
deep appreciation for the Christian faith and the columns are written from an
ecumenical perspective.

Rabbi Gellmans book, with Monsignor Hartman, Where Does God Live? was awarded The Christopher
Award, and they also published, Lost and Found: A Childs Guide to Overcoming Grief and Loss, and
How Do You Spell God? To give you an idea of Rabbi Gellmans humor, he has also published Always
Wear Clean Underwear (And Other Ways Your Parents Tell You They Love You).
Join us in the Session Room at 9:00 a.m. every Sunday morning (through August 31) for a lively and informa-
tive discussion. Copies of the column to be discussed that day are available as you enter the Session Room.

Sassy Seniors

All widows and single ladies are welcome to join Sassy Seniors on Wednesday, August
13th at 1:00 p.m. Augusts luncheon will take place at Logans, 2621 SW 19th Ave.
Road, Ocala.
Card Making Ministry

Card Making Ministry will not meet in August. This ministry will meet again on Friday,
September 12th at 10:00 a.m. Please call Prudence Pritz if you would like to join.

Crafty Ladies

Crafty Ladies meet on Thursdays from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We hope to see
all of you there. If you would like to join our group, come for a visit some Thursday and see
what we are doing and how you can help. We welcome new people and new talents!
Mens Night Out

Mens Night Out will be taking the summer off. There will be no meeting in August. The next
Mens Night Out will be on Monday, September 8th at 6:30 p.m. Your host will be announced
in the September Link.

Presbyterian Women Circles

All women of Fort King are Presbyterian Women and are invited to participate in all activities of Presbyterian
Women. The Presbyterian Womens Coordinating Team as well as the Circles will be taking the summer
months off. Join us in September. You are cordially invited to attend one of the Circle meetings. Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah
Circle Circle Circle Circle meets at the church, in the Session Room, on the third Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. The meet-
ing in September will be September 16th. Esther Circle Esther Circle Esther Circle Esther Circle meets on the second Monday of each month in the
evening at members homes. The meeting in September will be September 8th. The location will be an-
nounced in the September Link.
Domestic Violence

The Presbyterian Women will continue to collect items left in the white basket in the Narthex for the Domes-
tic Violence Center. Please remember to continue this effort during the summer months. Check the basket in
the Narthex for a list of needed items.


Tools for Teachers

The Mission Ministry would like to invite you to donate Tools for Teachers. Bring in any of the needed items
listed below. Local stores are having school supply sales along with the Tax Free Weekend on school supplies
running August 1
. Thank you for supporting our teachers from FKPC!
Michele Danley, Lorraine Fuller, Debbie Gallaway,
Courtney Lipscomb, Donna Lavery, Sally Layendecker,
Cate Martin, Tracy Orme, and Beverly Scott.
Blood Drive, August 24th

The Mission Ministry wishes to announce that on Sunday August 24
, the Bloodmobile will at Fort King Presby-
terian Church from 9:00 a.m. 9:45 a.m. and from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. A Mission Ministry member will be
in the Narthex to sign up persons interested in donating. All blood types are needed especially type O. Please
help. Thank you.
Copy Paper
Spiral notebooks (college ruled)
Construction Paper
Primary pencils (fat Ticonderoga)
Crayons 16 or 24 count
Water color paint set (Crayola or
Glue Sticks
Liquid Glue Bottles
Pipe Cleaners
Prong folders
Pocket folders (goal is 30 of 6 differ-
ent colors)
Pink Erasers
Index cards (3X5) no lined
Post-it notes
Dry Erase markers
Dry Erasers
Fiskars Scissors (child size)
Hand Wipes
Plastic Sleeves
Printer Cartridges # HP92
Manila Folders
Blank CDs
Amazon Gift Card for purchasing
books and music

Elder Nomination Form

(Tear Off and Place in Offering Plate or turn in to Church Office)

I would like to place the following members name into
consideration for Elder:

Name _______________________________ Phone _______________ E-Mail _________________________

(Please obtain approval from nominee before submitting)
Session Notes
July 22, 2014

The Session interviewed and examined Rosemary and Peter Messmore, who wished to join the church. Their
questions of the Session were duly answered and the Session, on motion, approved their addition to the rolls
as active members. . . . They were then warmly greeted. They come by letter of transfer from Countryside Presby-
terian Church (PCUSA), Ocala.

The 2014 Audit Committee reported on their audit of the churchs financials for 2012 and 2013 by letter from
the committee. There were no discrepancies found. The Session voted to receive their report.

By motion, August 24, 2014, immediately following worship service was set for the called Congregational
Meeting. The purpose of the called meeting is to elect the members of the Nominating Ministry. The Nomi-
nating Ministry recommends the new class of Elders.

The Session voted to allow a networking group, BNI Strategies, to use the Fellowship Hall on Thursdays at
7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at a donation of $350 per month. They will be asked to provide a certificate of insur-
ance. The Session approved this use, if the way be clear (insurance).

The Rev., Dr. Glenn Dixon will preach on August 3rd. The Worship Ministry is reviewing the summer wor-
ship time of 10:00 a.m. and will seek input from congregants on the possibility of making it year- round. The
new PCUSA hymnal Glory to God (2013) is being reviewed.

Something To Think About
My Ego and Love
A Self-Reflection and A Soliloquy
Matthew 5:44ff//Luke 6:35 Matthew 5:44ff//Luke 6:35 Matthew 5:44ff//Luke 6:35 Matthew 5:44ff//Luke 6:35

And I say to you: love continuously your enemies. And I say to you: love continuously your enemies. And I say to you: love continuously your enemies. And I say to you: love continuously your enemies. Really? Really? Really? Really?
am the center of my universe;
- I live for my self; self; self; self;
- I define and decide the meaning of my my my my world and my my my my importance in the world outside of me and
other people who are not in my my my my world;
- I not only create the box box box box of my I/Ego,
- I create my self self self self and determine what is important to me;
- I insist that relations with other people serve to fulfill the meaning of my life, that work/jobs I
do enable me, my I, to thrive and benefit, not only to enlarge the scope of my Ego, but to reinforce
the structure of my Ego I am right so I can be in control.
- I can never be wrong, unless my box of Ego can be reinforced, made more secure and impene-
trable, unless there is an actual potential for self-improvement on my terms, not someone elses.
- And because I am right about how I live my life, and because my view of me works works works works for me, I
insist that
* everyone cow-tow to me and my opinions because I am right; and,
* I impose my self on others to think and act in the same way I do.

And if you all would do this, the world, especially my world, would be a happier place for all of us. Just
think: Be like me, and thered be no conflict wed all be friends - and totally bored!

For Leviticus 19:18 to say: You shall love your neighbor as yourself (because) I am the Lord! is an
absolute absurdity: I am supposed to love someone else in the same way that I love myself? Because this is a
commandment from God? Really?

Those who subject themselves to ME (the big I am), who cater to my way of thinking, my way of do-
ing, I will consider my friends they can serve to enlarge my Ego/I, to benefit me, to support me, when I
stumble or, more likely, am caused to stumble by someone else.

If I am forced If I am forced If I am forced If I am forced to cooperate with others for a purpose or a goal that is supposedly greater than all of us,
my question is: What am I going to get out of it? Whats in it for me? What am I going to get out of it? Whats in it for me? What am I going to get out of it? Whats in it for me? What am I going to get out of it? Whats in it for me? Thered better be something in it for me for me for me for me,
otherwise, Im not going to cooperate. This is called enlightened self enlightened self enlightened self enlightened self- -- -interest. interest. interest. interest.

And if I I I I decide to subject myself, my I, to another Ego, then there had better be a good pay-off for not
being my-self self self self, for reflecting someone elses big I. To love my neighbor as I love myself? To support, care for
the big-I of someone else to the same degree that I support, care for, my own big-I? Um, thats asking a lot, so
give me some rules and regulations, some guidelines (tell me how), by which I can say that I love my
neighbor, and then tell me that God approves of those guidelines and of me!

WORSHIP (continued)
And then theres Jesus Love your enemies! Someone who is totally against my way of thinking, speak-
ing, feeling, acting, hoping; someone who insists that its his/her way or the highway, who insists that my Ego-
universe is totally irrelevant and meaningless; someone who, quite frankly, doesnt give a hoot about me as a per-
son, my enemy enemy enemy enemy, I am supposed to love continuously love continuously love continuously love continuously? ?? ? Was Jesus serious?

Or, is this just another supposed commandment of the Lord, to be modified (as Paul did in I Corin-
thians 7) by a law that softens the blow and makes it seem like Im doing the commandment, when all Im
doing is a ritual performance that doesnt get to the heart of things at all?
And if I were to put this soliloquy out in public, the public would know the truth about me, and Id have
nowhere to hide my bloated Ego.

Hear Shakespeares Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth Act V, Scene V lines 23ff:
Out, out, brief candle!
Lifes but a walking shadow,
A poor player,
That struts and frets his hour
upon the stage
and then is heard no more.
It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
Signifying nothing.

A wasted life? As the lady says, Ybetcha!

What Leviticus 19:18 and Jesus of Nazareths continuously love your enemies offer is a different starting
point for our own self-estimation and our relations with other Ego-imprisoned people. Results are not guaran-
teed or under our control, because this is the seed growing secretly (Mark 4:26ff).

If we understand the world and life as the other person understands it, this will mean
a. the end of the tyranny tyranny tyranny tyranny of my Ego on myself, the end of I did it my way;
b. the end of the tyranny tyranny tyranny tyranny of my Ego on to others, the liberation liberation liberation liberation of the other person from my Ego-
control; and,
c. the beginning of a possibility of new communication communication communication communication with the other other other other person and hopefully between
us, what M. Buber called I II I- -- -thou. thou. thou. thou.

Could it be that this is precisely how we participate in the saving of human life and community? Jesus of Naz- Jesus of Naz- Jesus of Naz- Jesus of Naz-
areth thought so! areth thought so! areth thought so! areth thought so!

Something to think aboutand do! Something to think aboutand do! Something to think aboutand do! Something to think aboutand do!



WORSHIP (continued)

Recently one Sunday morning, I met Bob Schlegel in the hallway and he asked me if I had seen the new Pres-
byterian hymnal Glory to God. I replied, Andy had brought me a copy from the General Assembly meet-
ing. Bob mentioned it had a lot of new music and I agreed. Then he said It even has Leaning on the Ever-
lasting Arms. I assume that this is one of Bobs favorites since I heard him mention before about the hymn
not being in our present hymnal. Im with him. Its a great hymn that expresses a strong message of hope,
confidence, peace and comfort.

It took teamwork to write this hymn. Anthony Showalter wrote the chorus. Sam Duncan wrote the music,
and Elisha Hoffman wrote the verses. Talk about teamwork! Heres how it all came about.

In 1887, Anthony J. Showalter was in Hartselle, Alabama, leading a singing school in a church. Afterwards
he gathered up his hymnbooks and returned to his boardinghouse room. Two letters had come and the young
men from South Carolina, who wrote were heartbroken, each having lost his wife. He wrote back to the two
men and he looked for a verse to use to end his replies, and found Deuteronomy 33:27:

The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms . The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms . The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms . The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms .

He thought about the words of that verse and the chorus of Leaning on the Everlasting Arms came to
mind. He finished his letters and then wrote to Elisha Hoffman, telling him he had the chorus, but did not
have any verses. Pastor Hoffman sent back the verses and Professor Showalter wrote the music. Elisha Hoff-
man published the hymn in 1887 in the Glad Evangel for Revival, Camp and Evangelistic Meeting Hymnal.
The hymn has appeared in over 1000 hymn books and translated in just about every language.

The actual uncredited composer of the music was Sam E. Duncan, who was a student at Bridgewater College,
near Harrisonburg, Virginia, under Professor of Music, Anthony Showalter. Sam was given an assignment in
class to write music to the poem. That evening the teenager wrote the tune. Anthony Showalter was Sam's
uncle, and the piece along with several others was later published under the name of the professor, and men-
tion of the students who did the composing was not made. A bronze plaque was made commemorating his
composition of the music of the hymn in the Oak Hill Brethren Church, of which he was a charter member
in 1900.

When I think about this hymn, I think about the how it came about. Teamwork! Remember, the year is
1887. There was no email, Facebook, Skype or any other technologies of communication we enjoy today. It
must have taken weeks for this collaboration to come to fruition. I believe that the Everlasting Arms had a
hand in its composition. The Team was being led by God Almighty Himself. Now thats a dream team.

Verse 1 addresses the joy of fellowship and the peace that is ours. It is a wonderful blessing to have a fellow-
ship with our Maker. It is a soothing peace to know we are safe in Gods Everlasting Arms. I can tell you
Ive depended on those arms many times in my life and those arms have always been there.

Verse 2 talks about the sweet pilgrim walk and the bright path that lies ahead day to day. Many times, we
wonder what lies ahead for us. Will I enjoy good health? Will I be economically stable in my later years?
Will I have to face overwhelming sorrow? I sometimes ponder these things and I find great joy in knowing
that I can lean on those everlasting arms.

WORSHIP (continued)
Verse 3 says we have nothing to fear, nothing to dread. Blessed peace is ours with our Lord so near. Wow!
What a confidence builder! It is tremendously reassuring that I can be at peace because those everlasting arms
are wrapped around me forever.

But, you know, when I sing or play this hymn, I think about our marvelous team right here at Fort King. God is
the captain and we are the team. We are the extension of those everlasting arms!

I have joy in our fellowship. I have peace knowing my teammates are ready to reach out in prayer and concern.
I have a sweet walk through my life because you are walking right beside me. How bright is my path because of
your overflowing love. What confidence I have because we can see thru each others faults and lift up each
other. Praise God! Go team! Go team! Go team! Go team!

The chorus might say it all:

Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms; Leaning, leaning, Im Leaning on the everlasting arms. Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms; Leaning, leaning, Im Leaning on the everlasting arms. Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms; Leaning, leaning, Im Leaning on the everlasting arms. Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms; Leaning, leaning, Im Leaning on the everlasting arms.

Fort King, you are a great team. Im glad I am a part of it. Im blessed to
know that we all are Leaning on the Everlasting Arms. Gods, yours, and mine.

With a song in my heart,


WORSHIP (continued)
Flower Calendar

As of this mailing, the following people will be providing flowers for the remainder of 2014. If you would
like to provide flowers on an open date or during 2015, please call Nancy Hall at 694-3221. Thank you.

Please note: Please note: Please note: Please note: If you would like to commemorate a special event/occasion/memory etc. for a specific date,
please call me as soon as possible. It is never too early to select your chosen date. Please dont hesitate to call
me if there is a Sunday you would like to commemorate by sharing with the church some type of flowers or
plant of your choice. ( It could be fresh, silk, dried, etc. from your yard, a supermarket, a florist, etc.) Thank

Thank you to these people as they share in donating the flowers for the following worship services:

August 3, 2014---from the Ruarks
August 10, 2014---In celebration of 50 years of marriage from Anna and David McChesney
August 17, 2014---In honor of my mother Ruths 94
birthday today from Cash and Gwynn Pealer
August 24, 2014---From the Clegornes in honor of the Clegorne family birthdays, sons Nicholas and
Patrick, and Anthonys mother and father
August 31, 2014---In celebration of our 35
wedding anniversary from Frank and Heidi Lawson

September 7, 2014---In celebration of our 35
wedding anniversary from Bruce and Gouley Andrews
September 14, 2014---In celebration of our 67
wedding anniversary from Glendon and Mildred Shank
September 21, 2014---In loving memory of my husband, Bruce, and other loved ones from Prudence Pritz
September 28, 2014---From Dorothy Roth in loving memory of Merl on their wedding date

October 5, 2014---From Jack and Sue Harshman in honor of our 62
wedding anniversary
October 12, 2014---In loving memory of Julien from Kay Dahlen
October 19, 2014---From David and Martha MacKay in celebration of their 29
wedding anniversary
October 26, 2014---In memory of Daisy Rowland, my grandmother, from Rosemary and Peter Messmore

November 2, 2014---From Debbie and Larry Bush in celebration of our 28
wedding anniversary
November 9, 2014---OPEN
November 16, 2014---From Joy Hunt in memory of my beloved husband, Jim
November 23, 2014---From Buddy and Anne MacKay
November 30, 2014 through December 28, 2014---Poinsettias in the sanctuary

August 2014
Italicized items are non-FKPC activities using FKPC facilities
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
9:00 - 11:45 Library
9:00 Adult Ed. &
9:30 Choir Practice
10:00 Worship
11:00 Discipleship
Youth Ministry
5:00 PYC

5:00 TOPS (FH)

5:30 Mission Ministry

6:00 - 8:00 Marions
United (CE)
10:00 Prayer
Shawl Ministry

5:30 Connections

7:00 Boy Scouts


5:30 Worship

7:30 - 9:00 BNI
9:30 Private
Event (Choir

11:00 Adult

11:00 Crafts
7:00 AA (FH)


9:00 - 11:45 Library
9:00 Adult Ed. &
10:00 Choir Practice
10:30 Worship
11:30 Congrega-
tional Care Ministry
5:00 PYC


5:00 TOPS (FH)

6:00 - 8:00 Marions
United (CE)


6:00 Finance

7:00 Discipleship

7:00 Boy Scouts


10:00 PW

1:00 Sassy Seniors
7:30 - 9:00 BNI

11:00 Crafts

7:00 General
Assembly Dis-
cussion (1st

7:00 AA (FH)


9:00 - 11:45 Library
9:00 Adult Ed. &
10:00 Choir Practice
10:30 Worship
5:30 Ice Cream

5:00 TOPS (FH)

6:00 - 8:00 Marions
United (CE)

6:00 Session

7:00 Boy Scouts



7:30 - 9:00 BNI

11:00 Crafts

7:00 AA (FH)


2 Cents A Meal

9:00 - 10:15 Blood
9:00 - 11:45 Library
9:00 Rally Day
9:30 Choir Practice
10:00 Worship
11:00 Congrega-
tional Meeting
11:00 - 1:00 Blood
5:00 PYC

5:00 TOPS (FH)

6:00 - 8:00 Marions
United (CE)

7:00 Boy Scouts



7:30 - 9:00 BNI

11:00 Crafts

7:00 AA (FH)



9:00 - 11:45 Library
9:00 Adult Ed. &
9:30 Choir Practice
10:00 Worship
5:00 PYC

1 2
13 N.E. 36th Avenue
Ocala, Florida 34470
US Postage Paid
Ocala, FL 34478
Permit #100
General Assembly Discussion

Come join a town hall discussion about the actions and atmosphere of 221
PC(USA) General Assembly.
This will be a great time to hear from commissioners about what General Assembly is and to discuss and ask
question about the actions of the assembly.

The meeting will take place Thursday, August 14
at 7:00 p.m. at 1
Presbyterian Church, Ocala. Please try
to attend this gathering of area Presbyterians.

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