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// MID Planet in Midpoint

// Planet in Midpoint
[1.1.2] Sun to midpoint Sun/Moon
Re-affirmation of desire to establish partnership.
[2.1.2] Moon to midpoint Sun/Moon
Deep need for marriage or partnership.
[.1.2] Mer!ur" to midpoint Sun/Moon
#horough-based relationships. $onsiderations of partnership. Intelle!tual attra!tion bet%een husband and
%ife. #he !oming together of "oungsters.
[&.1.2] 'enus to midpoint Sun/Moon
#he blending of (in and (ang into a harmonious %hole on an" plane. )rtisti! disposition* harmoniousl"
e+pressed !reation.
[,.1.2] Mars to midpoint Sun/Moon
-nergeti! interpla" of (in and (ang for better or %orse. Se+ual urge. Dri.e for partnership or union.
[/.1.2] 0upiter to midpoint Sun/Moon!e through relationship. 0oi de 2ealth" mental attitude* su!!ess through partnership*
e+pansion of 3oint .entures4 marriage* birth.
[5.1.2] Saturn to midpoint Sun/Moon
Serious - perhaps o.erl"-so - attitude or mental disposition. Inhibitions in the "ang-"in interpla". #here is a
tenden!" to depressi.e states of mind* or su!h a state of mind ma" be a !onse6uen!e of frustrations and
separations* or of diffi!ult relationships bet%een the se+es or of illness.
[7.1.2] 8ranus to midpoint Sun/Moon
-le!tri! relationship* unsettling atmosphere in marriage through the urge for freedom* la!9 of %illingness to
!ompromise* unbending attitude* rebellion - perhaps for its o%n sa9e. In transits* this pi!ture relates to
une+pe!ted :8ranian; intrusions into partnerships and the resulting disharmon". ) separation is possible.
[<.1.2] =eptune to midpoint Sun/Moon
Idealisti! disposition* poeti! dreaming* for loftiest aspirations. =egati.el"> tenden!" to self-
de!eption* to being o.ersensiti.e and tou!h"* self-doubt* inner torment. It ma" also mean disintegration of
marriage or relationship.
[1?.1.2] Pluto to midpoint Sun/Moon
S%eeping !hanges in partnership* reassessment of old premises* dramati! upsets in the balan!e of for!es*
[11.1.2] =ode to midpoint Sun/Moon
@etting along %ell %ith others* possibilit" of fateful ne% !onta!t.
[1?1.1.2] )s! to midpoint Sun/Moon
2onest disposition* !ards abo.e the table. Aonging to meet others.
[11?.1.2] M.$. to midpoint Sun/Moon
Mind at pea!e %ith itself. Bulfilment and !onsummation of partnership.
[for.1.2] Bortuna to midpoint Sun/Moon
2appiness and good fortune are sought and found in marriage or partnership.
[1.1.] Sun to midpoint Sun/Mer!ur"
Mind and !ommon sense* a thin9ing being* the po%er of intelle!t.
[2.1.] Moon to midpoint Sun/Mer!ur"
)%areness of needs. #hin9ing %ith heart - a thin9ing %oman* a "oung husband.
[.1.] Mer!ur" to midpoint Sun/Mer!ur"
Mind and !ommon sense* the po%er of intelle!t.
[&.1.] 'enus to midpoint Sun/Mer!ur"
1neCs attitude and outloo9 to%ards lo.e and se+. #houghts about se+ual matters. Driting about lo.e.
[,.1.] Mars to midpoint Sun/Mer!ur"
)gitated and !riti!al thin9ing4 e+!itement4 ner.ous dri.e4 energies to ta!9le a pro3e!t - argument or 6uarrel.
[/.1.] 0upiter to midpoint Sun/Mer!ur"
#he urge to enlarge oneCs mental horiEon4 an optimisti! attitude to life. ) good thin9er* orator or organiser.
Su!!essful tra.el* spee!h-ma9ing* publishing. Prote!tion and sponsorship.
[5.1.] Saturn to midpoint Sun/Mer!ur"
Serious or inhibited mental outloo9. ) pessimisti! attitude to life4 possible depression4 thin9ing about
separation or parting.
[7.1.] 8ranus to midpoint Sun/Mer!ur"
In!oherent and errati! thin9ing* sudden ideas* in.entions* a flair for applied s!ien!e and te!hnolog"*
organisation and reforms. )d3ustment to ne% !ir!umstan!es in life.
[<.1.] =eptune to midpoint Sun/Mer!ur"
#he pla" of imagination* flights of imagination* inspiration* spiritual or philosophi!al inspiration4 possible
de!eption b" others or self-de!eption. Driters* .isionaries and also s%indlers and !roo9s. #he e+perien!e of
[1?.1.] Pluto to midpoint Sun/Mer!ur"
Ma9ing far-rea!hing plans. ) dramati! push to ne% perspe! )n orator e+er!ising suggesti.e po%er.
[11.1.] =ode to midpoint Sun/Mer!ur"
#he in!lination to en3o" tal9ing %ith people* the state of being united in thoughts %ith someone else. )
good !ompanion. Sales presentations4 meetings.
[1?1.1.] )s! to midpoint Sun/Mer!ur"
#he tenden!" to !ulti.ate the e+!hange of ideas* the abilit" to gi.e and re!ei.e intelle!tual stimulation* a
fondness for !ondu!ting negotiations.
[11?.1.] M.$. to midpoint Sun/Mer!ur"
Self-!ons!ious thin9ing* the tenden!" to de.elop oneCs o%n ideas and !on!epts* the abilit" to stand for
oneCs o%n !on.i!tions and to spea9 for oneself. Intelle!tual %or9er* businessman.
[for.1.] Bortuna to midpoint Sun/Mer!ur"
Inspiration* serendipit" in problems.
[1.1.&] Sun to midpoint Sun/'enus
Roman!e* lo.e relationship* illumination of oneCs sense of beaut"* art* the ideal.
[2.1.&] Moon to midpoint Sun/'enus
Strong feelings of lo.e* an attra!ti.e personalit"* the demonstration of lo.e.
[.1.&] Mer!ur" to midpoint Sun/'enus
#houghts of lo.e* usuall" in an idealised %a"* lo.e-dialogues* artisti! trends or thoughts.
[&.1.&] 'enus to midpoint Sun/'enus
Ph"si!al lo.e* beaut"* harmon"* the artisti! tou!h* the ideal.
[,.1.&] Mars to midpoint Sun/'enus
#he urge to lo.e and posses. Pursuing the ob3e!t of lo.e* se+ual feelings* the appli!ation of !".
[/.1.&] 0upiter to midpoint Sun/'enus
2armonious disposition in lo.e* the artisti! sense. #he desire to get a husband* happiness in lo.e.
[5.1.&] Saturn to midpoint Sun/'enus
Inhibitions and strain %ithin lo.e relationship4 se+ual inhibitions. ) timid* diffi!ult or e+a!ting art-%or9.
Ao.e-si!9ness* separation in lo.e.
[7.1.&] 8ranus to midpoint Sun/'enus
Self-abandonment* %ildness in lo.e relationship* artful or refined lo.e* also finesse in lo.e* sudden lo.e
impulse. Sudden lo.e e+perien!es* free lo.e* romanti! meetings.
[<.1.&] =eptune to midpoint Sun/'enus
-ither idealisation or outright de!eption in lo.e. 8ntrue feeling in lo.e* in!lination to %rong %a"s or %rong
e+pression in lo.e* %rong ideas about true lo.e or about genuine art. Ao.e torment* disappointment*
aberration in lo.e.
[1?.1.&] Pluto to midpoint Sun/'enus
Strong e+!itabilit" in lo.e leading into!e and e+!esses. ) fateful lo.e union.
[11.1.&] =ode to midpoint Sun/'enus
#he desire to !ome together %ith lo.eable and 9ind-hearted people. Meeting under lo.el" !ir!umstan!es.
)sso!iation %ith art-lo.ers. )rtisti! e.ents.
[1?1.1.&] )s! to midpoint Sun/'enus
) and 9ind-hearted personalit"* lo.e of other people. ) lo.e !onta!t* mutual lo.e.
[11?.1.&] M.$. to midpoint Sun/'enus
#he lo.e-union. ) beautiful or %onderful human being* an aestheti! person* the* the of
nature* the artist.
[for.1.&] Bortuna to midpoint Sun/'enus
[1.1.,] Sun to midpoint Sun/Mars
#he %ill to li.e* .italit" and .igour* a!".
[2.1.,] Moon to midpoint Sun/Mars
Man in relation to %omen. Desire for marriage. #he husband.
[.1.,] Mer!ur" to midpoint Sun/Mars
Readiness for a!tion* alertness* the desire to bring plans to realisation. Bast tal9. Fus" tra.el. #he thin9ing
fighter or the leader both in a struggle and at %or9.
[&.1.,] 'enus to midpoint Sun/Mars
#he urge to beget !hildren. #he feelings of lo.e* se+* !on!eption* birthing. #he de.elopment of !reati.e
fa!ulties. Intense lo.e-e+pression.
[,.1.,] Mars to midpoint Sun/Mars
#emperament4 feeling atta!9ed4 possible a!!ident4 intensified se+ dri.e.
[/.1.,] 0upiter to midpoint Sun/Mars
) positi.e outloo9 on life* optimism* the for the attainment of po%er. #he fian!Ge* the $ Ser.ant.
#he a!t of ta9ing possession* su!!ess.
[5.1.,] Saturn to midpoint Sun/Mars
1bstru!ted .italit"* %ea9ness* pessimism* ina!". Diffi!ulties in energ" appli!ation* obsta!les in .o!ation
and profession* defeat in a fight or a !onfli!t* separation. #he suffering or %orries of the husband.
[7.1.,] 8ranus to midpoint Sun/Mars
Premature a!tion or hastiness* impulsi.e beha.iour* rush and e+!itement* o.erta+ing of oneCs strength.
Sudden e.ents* ad3ustment to ne% !onditions and !ir!umstan!es* !hange of .o!ation* militar" !all-up.
[<.1.,] =eptune to midpoint Sun/Mars
Disin!lination to %or9* la!9 of fo!us and energ"* feeling off the tra!9 . #he undermining of oneCs .o!ational
position* re! noti!e* disappointment* fraud. Aa!9 of .italit"* illness. #he de!ei.ed* defrauded or %ea9
[1?.1.,] Pluto to midpoint Sun/Mars
Banati!ism* for!e* ruthless appli!ation of energ"* uns!rupulous a!tion. #he o.erta+ing of oneCs strength.
'iolen!e* %ar.
[11.1.,] =ode to midpoint Sun/Mars
#he desire to su!!eed in team%or9* 3oint plans or underta9ings* meeting ne% asso!iates in %or9 situation.
0oining for!es to %or9 or fight for !ertain ob3e! Marriage !ommunit".
[1?1.1.,] )s! to midpoint Sun/Mars
De.oting oneCs %hole energ" !ompletel" to a definite !ause4 !o-operati.e effort or team%or94 being seen as
heart" and !onfident.
[11?.1.,] M.$. to midpoint Sun/Mars
#he tenden!" to do oneCs %or9 for the lo.e of it* to a!!ept responsibilit" gladl". #he demonstration of a
mas!uline !hara!ter* the !hara!ter of a fighter* the attainment of su!!ess in life. In female" the
meaning implied is4 8nion %ith the husband also marriage.
[for.1.,] Bortuna to midpoint Sun/Mars
#he lu!9 of the %arrior* all goes %ell %ith the plan.
[1.1./] Sun to midpoint Sun/0upiter
2ealth* 3o"* feeling great* su!!ess* re!ognition.
[2.1./] Moon to midpoint Sun/0upiter
) health" soul in a health" bod". ) harmonious e+pression of feeling. #he feeling of needs fulfilled. ) happ"
hour* a happ" or %ealth" person. @ood married life.
[.1./] Mer!ur" to midpoint Sun/0upiter
) health" outloo9 on life* effi!ient and su!!essful thin9ing* a good mode of e+pression* a nimble and health"
bod"* refle!ting on health :the medi!al do!tor;. @ood ne%s4 !on!lusion of a !ontra!t or agreement*
[&.1./] 'enus to midpoint Sun/0upiter
2ealth" lo.e-relationship* health" se+ life. #he beautiful bod"* good art. Re!ognition* honours. Su!!ess in
lo.e* the husband.
[,.1./] Mars to midpoint Sun/0upiter
) health" e+pression of %ill-po%er and of natural urges and desires* the urge to stri.e for something and
a!hie.e something in life* Eeal and eagerness* !ourage. Su!!essful a!"* the happ" husband* the
[/.1./] 0upiter to midpoint Sun/0upiter
Feing re%arded4 su!!ess4 a great .a!ation.
[5.1./] Saturn to midpoint Sun/0upiter
Disin!lination to do something !oupled %ith a !ompletel" negati.e state of mind. ) !ollision bet%een %hat
one %ants and %hat is demanded. In!apabilit" and in!ompeten!e* inhibitions :partl" !onditioned
organi!all";. #he loss of emplo"ment* of good fortune* of oneCs possessions. Aa!9 of su!!ess* illness.
[7.1./] 8ranus to midpoint Sun/0upiter
#he e+pe!tation of good fortune* e+pansi.e outloo9* the in!lination to spe!ulate and gamble. ) sudden
turn* sudden su!!ess.
[<.1./] =eptune to midpoint Sun/0upiter
#he mind attuned to things spiritual. =egati.e> a dissonant mood* high"* being feeble* loss of fo!us
and orientation.
[1?.1./] Pluto to midpoint Sun/0upiter
Pursuit of happiness and fortune. #he e+pe!tation of good lu!9* the a!6uiring of %ealth* the state of
happiness. Su!!essful efforts* great good lu!9* inheritan!e.
[11.1./] =ode to midpoint Sun/0upiter
Meeting happ"/%ealth"/su!!essful people* the for mutual and shared happiness* the urge to obtain
sponsorship. =e% plans %ith others that feel bound to su!!eed. #he %ish to marr".
[1?1.1./] )s! to midpoint Sun/0upiter
De.oting oneCs life to good ob3e! or so!ial aspirations. -nthusiasm* infe!tious happiness* su!!essful
[11?.1./] M.$. to midpoint Sun/0upiter
Promotion at %or9* happiness* lu!9 and %ealth. #ime of great fortune and so!ial su!!ess.
[for.1./] Bortuna to midpoint Sun/0upiter
@ood lu!9* su!!ess and fulfilment. #ime of great good fortune.
[1.1.5] Sun to midpoint Sun/Saturn
Illumination of ambition4 a%areness of responsibilit"4 testing if one is on the right tra!94 importan!e of the
[2.1.5] Moon to midpoint Sun/Saturn
-motional depression partl" in !onne!tion %ith organi! disturban!e. -motional inhibitions* fear* feeling of
inferiorit". Separation from females* in!reasing loneliness* berea.ement.
[.1.5] Mer!ur" to midpoint Sun/Saturn
Serious thin9ing4 gra.e de!isions. #he tenden!" to ha.e gra.e or depressing thoughts* the tenden!" to
ta!9le serious problems. #he inhibition of spee!h.
[&.1.5] 'enus to midpoint Sun/Saturn
Suppression of feeling* reser.e. Inhibitions in lo.e-life* suppressed feeling in relationship* feeling .i!timised.
[,.1.5] Mars to midpoint Sun/Saturn
Inhibitions in mental or ph"si!al de.elopment* se!lusion* the feeling of loneliness. Soul !rises !aused b"
oneCs o%n inhibitions or b" other persons. Running hot and !old 4 energies feel !onfined4 the sense of
[/.1.5] 0upiter to midpoint Sun/Saturn
) phlegmati! temperament* a propensit" to !orpulen!e* happiness in solitude. @ood fortune of a si!9* old
or serious person. ) fortunate separation from somebod" else.
[5.1.5] Saturn to midpoint Sun/Saturn
#he sense of diffi!ult"** depletion* !onfinement* dis!ipline. #he fear of loss* possibl" grief.
[7.1.5] 8ranus to midpoint Sun/Saturn
Blu!tuating attitude to%ards life* emotional tensions* sudden inhibitions* ner.ousness. #he !lash bet%een
ne% %a"s of doing things and the established %a"s. 8nusual !ir!umstan!es* !rises* separation* mourning*
se!lusion* imprisonment.
[<.1.5] =eptune to midpoint Sun/Saturn
Inhibitions in mental de.elopment* ph"si!al or inner pe!uliarities* la!9 of .italit". Sadness* loss of hope*
delusions %ithin relationship. ) mental* emotional* or ph"si!al !risis.
[1?.1.5] Pluto to midpoint Sun/Saturn
De.elopmental inhibitions o%ing to illness. #he threat of loss in relationship or health. ) pressure to !hange
oneCs entire .alue s"stem.
[11.1.5] =ode to midpoint Sun/Saturn
)sso!iations %ith si!9* %ea9* old or serious persons. Diffi!ult asso!iations* se!lusion.
[1?1.1.5] )s! to midpoint Sun/Saturn
Diffi!ulties in the de.elopment of oneCs o%n personalit"* possible threat to health* the misunderstood
person. Separation.
[11?.1.5] M.$. to midpoint Sun/Saturn
Aa!9ing the feeling of su!!ess4 feeling de.alued4 the e+er!ise of reser.e* feeling ill.
[for.1.5] Bortuna to midpoint Sun/Saturn
#he a!ti.ation of oneCs 9arma for good or bad.
[1.1.7] Sun to midpoint Sun/8ranus
Independent* e.en re.olutionar" spirit. Feing oneself and getting a%a" %ith it.
[2.1.7] Moon to midpoint Sun/8ranus
-motional e+!itabilit"* impulsi.eness* rashness. Moodiness* high impressionabilit". Sudden e+perien!e %ith
the other se+4 a ner.ous and agitated %oman4 g"nae!ologi!al !on!erns.
[.1.7] Mer!ur" to midpoint Sun/8ranus
Presen!e of mind* 6ui!9 and prudent a!ting* sudden flashes of !ognition* seeing things too anal"ti!all" for
!omfort. ) "oung reformer4 ma9ing arrangements.
[&.1.7] 'enus to midpoint Sun/8ranus
Sudden outbursts of affe!tion and lo.e* the tenden!" to fall in lo.e 6ui!9l". Romanti! or unusual
e+perien!es of lo.e.
[,.1.7] Mars to midpoint Sun/8ranus
Proneness to hast" ph"si!al a!tion* !ombati.eness* temperament. In3ur"* a!!ident.
[/.1.7] 0upiter to midpoint Sun/8ranus
Su!!essful reformer* in.entor or te!hni!ian. @ood !ognition and understanding. ) pleasant surprise !reating
3o". Su!!ess.
[5.1.7] Saturn to midpoint Sun/8ranus
Struggle for freedom. Inhibitions and diffi!ulties are!ome %ith e+traordinar" efforts. #he fight against
the routine* the old %a" of doing things. Sudden separation and loss !arried out in haste.
[7.1.7] 8ranus to midpoint Sun/8ranus
Intensified feeling of ego self-promotion. -+!ited state in a relationship* possible brea9-up.
[<.1.7] =eptune to midpoint Sun/8ranus
Inhibited urge to a!tion* blind Eeal !an onl" be detrimental. Possible loss of the sense of indi.idualit"4 self-
deluding s!hemes for ego-re!ognition4 threat to relationship and personal health. 8ne+pe!ted e.ents
!onne!ted %ith %ater* na.igation or fl"ing. In isolated !ases disintegration of the bod"* death.
[1?.1.7] Pluto to midpoint Sun/8ranus
#he demand for ne% perspe!* a ne% indi.idual realit". ) radi!al reformer* the urge to rearrange things.
Reforms. ) strong dri.e for po%er. #%ists of fate* tragi! e+perien!es* great ph"si!al suffering* sudden
ph"si!al restri!tion :imprisonment or an a!!ident;.
[11.1.7] =ode to midpoint Sun/8ranus
#he abilit" to ma9e ne% !onta!ts 6ui!9l". Sudden meetings* sudden e+perien!es %ith other persons* being
together %ith e+!ited or intense people* 6ui!9 ne% asso!iations.
[1?1.1.7] )s! to midpoint Sun/8ranus
) person easil" e+!itable. Sudden e+perien!es* ne% asso!iations.
[11?.1.7] M$ to midpoint Sun/8ranus
)n e+!itable and restless person %ith far-rea!hing plans. Reformers* in.entors* te!hni!ians. Ma3or e.ents in
support of big plans. Sudden e.ents or emotional uphea.als.
[for.1.7] Bortuna to midpoint Sun/8ranus
Au!9 fa.ours the spirit of !hange.
[1.1.<] Sun to midpoint Sun/=eptune
Illumination of"* imagination* aestheti!s4 possible befuddlement* remoteness* impra!ti!alit".
[2.1.<] Moon to midpoint Sun/=eptune
Moodiness* high impressionabilit"* .er" spe!ial inner e+perien!e not easil" understood* the emergen!e of
the un!ons!ious. #he longing for a husband* a %ea9 or easil" impressionable husband* disappointment
through the spouse or !onsort. @"nae!ologi!al !on!erns.
[.1.<] Mer!ur" to midpoint Sun/=eptune
Mental". Self-de!eption. Aittle intelligen!e* a la!9 of logi!al thin9ing* !louded per!eption of
ob3e!". Mental disturban!es* %ea9 ner.ous s"stem* possibl" defe!ti.e spee!h.
[&.1.<] 'enus to midpoint Sun/=eptune
Re.elling in lo.e impra!ti!alit". Reser.e in lo.e or in affe!tions. Disappointments* aberrations in lo.e or se+
e+pression. ) %ea9 !onstitution.
[,.1.<] Mars to midpoint Sun/=eptune
Magnetism* se+ual dis!". =efarious s!heming to e+alt the ego. ) %ea9 %ill to li.e* %ea9 mus!ular
po%er* la!9 of in!enti.e to %or9* %ea9ened or disturbed se+ life.
[/.1.<] 0upiter to midpoint Sun/=eptune
Su!!ess through inspiration or imagination4 a!hie.ement of su!!ess %ith little e+ertion. 1ptimism and
!apa!it" to en3o" pleasant things in life in spite of little .italit" or illness4 possible o.erindulgen!e.
[5.1.<] Saturn to midpoint Sun/=eptune
Inhibitions through illness or ph"si!al debilit"* an emotional affli!tion. Illness through mental or emotional
suffering* an impeded blood !ir!ulation* bad or unhealth" blood.
[7.1.<] 8ranus to midpoint Sun/=eptune
Sudden impressionabilit" or e.en ps"!hi! a%areness. Sudden upsets or e+!itements* ner.ousness*
!on.ulsions or spasms :epileps";. Sudden illness or %ea9ness* or an emotional !risis* mourning.
[<.1.<] =eptune to midpoint Sun/=eptune
#he sense of ego loss4 h""4 inspiration or de!eption4 illegalit".
[1?.1.<] Pluto to midpoint Sun/=eptune
-+treme"4 use of the spiritual* ps"!hi!* or illusor" as a for!e for persuasion4 fateful or tragi!
de!eption or illusion.
[11.1.<] =ode to midpoint Sun/=eptune
#he demonstration of a negati.e or %ea9 attitude in the presen!e of others. Support of the need"*
asso!iation %ith %ea9 or si!9 persons.
[1?1.1.<] )s! to midpoint Sun/=eptune
)" to others* true or fabri!ated. Diffi!ulties in being a!!epted* in!ing in life* a negati.el"
in!lined en.ironment. Support of the need".
[11?.1.<] M.$. to midpoint Sun/=eptune
Feing sensiti.e* %ea9* ill or impressionable. ) negati.e outloo9. Period of depression* h""* or
mental stress.
[for.1.<] Bortuna to midpoint Sun/=eptune
Spiritual in!linations.
[1.1.1?] Sun to midpoint Sun/Pluto
Illumination of po%er needs4 the need to !ontrol4 ne% perspe! !onfirmed in life.
[2.1.1?] Moon to midpoint Sun/Pluto
)ttempts to pro3e!t po%er and persuasion. Frutal suppression of feelings. Irritabilit" :possibl" illness in a
[.1.1?] Mer!ur" to midpoint Sun/Pluto
-+traordinar" mental pro3e!tion* aspiring intelle!tual suprema!". Pruden!e* organisation* aiming at an
ob3e!ti.e* restless !reati.e a!". )n orator or a spea9er %ith suggesti.e po%ers. ) ner.e-!risis.
[&.1.1?] 'enus to midpoint Sun/Pluto
$reati.e for!e* an understanding of the plasti! arts. -motional upsets* a tragi! lo.e.
[,.1.1?] Mars to midpoint Sun/Pluto
-normous dri.e** o.erta+ing oneself* ruthlessness. $ ne% perspe!* strong se+ual
interest. #he tenden!" to %or9 to the point of a ph"si!al brea9do%n.
[/.1.1?] 0upiter to midpoint Sun/Pluto
Su!!essful for po%er* the urge to e+pand and to a!6uire %ealth* international opportunities*
se!ured position.
[5.1.1?] Saturn to midpoint Sun/Pluto
Ruthless!oming of obsta!les and diffi!ulties* ph"si!al impediment* potential loss in relationship
through po%er struggle. Ruthlessness* separation :b" higher po%er* imprisonment;.
[7.1.1?] 8ranus to midpoint Sun/Pluto
$arr"ing out fanati!al reforms %ithout regard for oneself4 rebellion. Sudden ad3ustment to ne%
!ir!umstan!es :arrest;.
[<.1.1?] =eptune to midpoint Sun/Pluto
Self-sa!rifi!e in relationship or to a !ause. Impediments in ph"si!al or mental de.elopment* .er" high" or impressionabilit"* la!9 of .igour. #he undermining of health or of .o!ational position*
[1?.1.1?] Pluto to midpoint Sun/Pluto
Po%erful for!e !reates ma3or !hange in the life. Identit" !hange4 sudden prominen!e* e+hibitionism.
[11.1.1?] =ode to midpoint Sun/Pluto
) la!9 of adaptabilit"* fateful asso!iations* separations. 'er" spe!ial ne% atta!hments4 meeting the
[1?1.1.1?] )s! to midpoint Sun/Pluto
Ruthless establishment of oneCs o%n personalit"* the suppression of the en.ironment for the establishment
of oneCs o%n aspirations. -+perien!ing the ruthlessness of others* the !risis of self-preser.ation.
[11?.1.1?] M.$. to midpoint Sun/Pluto for po%er and !ontrol. 'o!ational !rises* ph"si!al interferen!e or .iolen!e %ith ph"si!al or
emotional !onse6uen!es4 po%er games %ith important !onse6uen!es.
[for.1.1?] Bortuna to midpoint Sun/Pluto
Au!9 is !ru!ial in obtaining po%er.
[1.1.11] Sun to midpoint Sun/=ode
-+perien!es shared %ith others be!ome important4 famil" ties4 the publi!.
[2.1.11] Moon to midpoint Sun/=ode
) !ompassionate sharing of feelings in asso!iations. ) manCs relationship to %ife* homeland and people.
[.1.11] Mer!ur" to midpoint Sun/=ode
1neCs attitude to asso!iations* the desire to e+!hange ideas %ith other people. Fusiness !onta!ts* ne%s*
asso!iation %ith "oung people.
[&.1.11] 'enus to midpoint Sun/=ode
Interest in artisti! performan!es. #he desire for asso!iation %ith artists or people interested in art.
So!iabilit". #he beginning of a lo.e relationship.
[,.1.11] Mars to midpoint Sun/=ode
'igorous %ith others to gain personal importan!e. #he desire for re!ognition* the desire to establish
oneself %ithin a !ommunit". )sso!iations based solel" on ph"si!al attra!tion4 !o-operation and team %or9.
[/.1.11] 0upiter to midpoint Sun/=ode
@enerosit"* ta!t* so!iabilit"* harmonious integration into the !ommunit". Publi! re!ognition and su!!ess.
)sso!iations %ith the %ealth" or international. Positi.e legal in.ol.ements. @ood fortune.
[5.1.11] Saturn to midpoint Sun/=ode
Reser.e* sh"ness* la!9 of adaptabilit"* inhibitions %ith regard to other people. Maturation* patien!e %ith
others. Bri!tion in dealings %ith the publi!4 separation.
[7.1.11] 8ranus to midpoint Sun/=ode
#he urge to su!!eed at all !osts %ithin a !ommunit" or to establish reforms. )ttra!tion to unusual
indi.iduals* upsets through intensit"* the dri.e for popularit". Sudden or upsetting e+perien!es %ith other
[<.1.11] =eptune to midpoint Sun/=ode
#he inabilit" to adapt easil"* the tenden!" to be easil" anno"ed %ith others* being 6ui!9l" disappointed b"
others. Disappointment in asso!iations.
[1?.1.11] Pluto to midpoint Sun/=ode
#he urge to use !ompulsion %ith others. #he desire to e+er!ise influen!e the masses. Publi!
[11.1.11] =ode to midpoint Sun/=ode
=e% !onta!ts !ome into life.
[1?1.1.11] )s! to midpoint Sun/=ode
#he desire to ma9e personal !onta!ts4 ma9ing su!h !onta!ts.
[11?.1.11] M.$. to midpoint Sun/=ode
)n emotional and spiritual attitude to asso!iations* the tenden!" to fight other peopleCs battles. Fe!oming
prominent through asso!iations. Briendships based on soul 9inship.
[for.1.11] Bortuna to midpoint Sun/=ode
)sso!iations %hi!h bring lu!9.
[1.1.1?1] Sun to midpoint Sun/)s!
Re!ognition4 being seen for %hat one is.
[2.1.1?1] Moon to midpoint Sun/)s!
Beelings and needs in relationship be!ome .er" important* espe!iall" for females or %ith females. Bruitful
a!" in !on3un!tion %ith others. )sso!iation %ith the female se+.
[.1.1?1] Mer!ur" to midpoint Sun/)s!
See9ing mental or intelle!tual stimuli* thin9ing %ho one reall" is in relation to others* a !riti!al attitude
to%ards others. $onta!t %ith "oung people4 s!ientists or business men.
[&.1.1?1] 'enus to midpoint Sun/)s!
#he impersonal lo.e of humanit"* an affe!tionate nature* lo.e of others. )ffe!tion* atta!hment.
[,.1.1?1] Mars to midpoint Sun/)s!
#he fighting spirit* the po%er to establish oneself in the %orld* industr" and diligen!e. Bighting for !ommon
interests. Huarrels.
[/.1.1?1] 0upiter to midpoint Sun/)s!
) good !ompanion* a philanthropi! or so!ial %elfare outloo9* gaining trust and !onfiden!e* a religious and
so!ial outloo9. 0oint su!!ess* publi! re!ognition.
[5.1.1?1] Saturn to midpoint Sun/)s!
Inhibitions* sh"ness* diffi!ult attainment of re!ognition. Diffi!ulties in publi! life* the sharing of suffering
%ith others* separation.
[7.1.1?1] 8ranus to midpoint Sun/)s!
#he desire to establish oneself in the %orld b" .iolent means4 agitated and push" beha.iour. Sudden
e+perien!es %ith other people4 upsets.
[<.1.1?1] =eptune to midpoint Sun/)s!
2igh" %ith regard to other people* the tenden!" to be influen!ed and led b" others* the
in!lination to be get upset 6uite easil". Feing duped* being disregarded* !alumn" or degradation.
[1?.1.1?1] Pluto to midpoint Sun/)s!
#he po%er through personal persuasion* the desire to obtain influen!e. Bated e.ents* a turn of destin".
[11.1.1?1] =1R#2 =ode to midpoint Sun/)s!
Personal a!6uaintan!es4 business !onta!ts* asso!iations.
[1?1.1.1?1] )s! to midpoint Sun/)s!
#esting the identit". Personalit" !larifi!ation through the rea!tions of others.
[11?.1.1?1] M.$. to midpoint Sun/)s!
#he desire for soul-unions* the see9ing of mental or intelle!tual !onta!ts* the attainment of personal
re!ognition espe!iall" through the profession4 the influen!e of the parents.
[for.1.1?1] Bortuna to midpoint Sun/)s!
) lu!9" pro3e!tion of oneCs personalit".
[1.1.11?] Sun to midpoint Sun/M$
Indi.idual re!ognition4 potential glor"4 usuall" su!!essful4 fulfilment.
[2.1.11?] Moon to midpoint Sun/M$
)n instin!ti.el" !orre!t understanding of lifeCs aims. Binding oneCs position in life* usuall" through the
[.1.11?] Mer!ur" to midpoint Sun/M$
#he gaining of e+perien!e* seeing oneCs %a" to a! goals.
[&.1.11?] 'enus to midpoint Sun/M$
)ttitude to lo.e* a harmonious disposition* artisti! interests* hobbies. So!iabilit".
[,.1.11?] Mars to midpoint Sun/M$
Strong indi.idualit"* the energeti! pursuit of oneCs ob3e!* the urge to fulfill oneCs mission at all !osts*
strong po%er manoeu.ring in the profession4 promotion and su!!ess.
[/.1.11?] 0upiter to midpoint Sun/M$
)n optimisti! and positi.e attitude to life* the pursuit of good and !lear-!ut ob3e! in life* a happ"
disposition. Publi!it"* fulfilment.
[5.1.11?] Saturn to midpoint Sun/M$
Maturation through sobering e+perien!es. Refinement of ambition. Aearning from apparent mista9es. )
negati.e outloo9 on life* reser.e* inhibitions. #he tenden!" to retire or %ithdra%* the mood of sadness. #he
ne!essit" to ma9e gra.e or diffi!ult de!isions.
[7.1.11?] 8ranus to midpoint Sun/M$
Re.olutionar" or rebellious tenden!". Sudden !hanges4 shifts in position.
[<.1.11?] =eptune to midpoint Sun/M$
#he %rong attitude to life* the pursuit of %rong ob3e!* apath"* indifferen!e* a %ea9 %ill to li.e.
Disappointments* !onfusions* la!9 of !larit".
[1?.1.11?] Pluto to midpoint Sun/M$
'er" strong dri.e for fulfilment of ob3e!* a .iolent attainment of oneCs aims* the desire to obtain
leadership b" the use of for!e. #he realisation of e+traordinar" and unusual plans* a tragi! destin". $hanges
in life perspe!ti.e4 upsets in relationships.
[11.1.11?] =ode to midpoint Sun/M$
#he tenden!" to pi!9 oneCs friends and asso!iates !arefull". Borming a relationship.
[1?1.1.11?] )s! to midpoint Sun/M$
1neCs indi.idual attitude to other people* de.elopment of the personalit". Personal relations.
[11?.1.11?] M.$. to midpoint Sun/M$
Professional fulfilment. @etting %hat one
[for.1.11?] Bortuna to midpoint Sun/M$
Au!9" disposition to%ards oneCs !areer.
[1.1.for] Sun to midpoint Sun/Bortuna
@eneral good fortune.
[2.1.for] Moon to midpoint Sun/Bortuna
Pleasant feelings and domesti! bliss.
[.1.for] Mer!ur" to midpoint Sun/Bortuna
@ood fortune through !ommuni!ations and mental pro%ess.
[&.1.for] 'enus to midpoint Sun/Bortuna
2appiness in lo.e or through the husband.
[,.1.for] Mars to midpoint Sun/Bortuna
) happ" se+ life and general good fortune.
[/.1.for] 0upiter to midpoint Sun/Bortuna
Bortunate !onta!ts* su!!ess and happiness. Au!9* %ealth and so!ial a!!eptan!e.
[5.1.for] Saturn to midpoint Sun/Bortuna
@ood fortune through older persons - the father.
[7.1.for] 8ranus to midpoint Sun/Bortuna
Sudden !hange brings happiness.
[<.1.for] =eptune to midpoint Sun/Bortuna
Inspired and artisti!. 2appiness in se!lusion.
[1?.1.for] Pluto to midpoint Sun/Bortuna
#his is test te+t relating to Pluto I Sun/Bortuna
[11.1.for] =ode to midpoint Sun/Bortuna
Bortunate so!ial !onta!ts.
[1?1.1.for] )s! to midpoint Sun/Bortuna
Fodil" %ell-being.
[11?.1.for] M.$. to midpoint Sun/Bortuna
Su!!ess and happiness in the profession. So!ial re!ognition.
[for.1.for] Bortuna to midpoint Sun/Bortuna
@eneral %ell-being and happiness.
[1.2.] Sun to midpoint Moon/Mer!ur"
#hin9ing on biologi!al lines* good intelle!tual po%ers* realism* pra!ti!al planning. Relations %ith the publi!*
a manCs relationship to "oung %omen.
[2.2.] Moon to midpoint Moon/Mer!ur"
#hin9ing %ith feeling. -motional per!eption.
[.2.] Mer!ur" to midpoint Moon/Mer!ur"
Mental stimulation about personal needs and ho% to fulfil them. Impro.ed !ommuni!ations. #he ad.i!e of
a %oman.
[&.2.] 'enus to midpoint Moon/Mer!ur"
#he sense of beaut"* an understanding of art* the feeling of lo.e* lo.el" thoughts. Ao.e in "outh.
[,.2.] Mars to midpoint Moon/Mer!ur"
$riti!al* perhaps ner.ous thought pro!esses. Jeen and sharp 3udgement. ) prote!ti.e !are of others %hi!h
is .igorousl" underta9en. Primiti.e and instin!ti.e thin9ing. #he pro!reati.e urge. ) passionate "oung
[/.2.] 0upiter to midpoint Moon/Mer!ur"
Sound 3udgement* !onstru!ti.e* so!ial or religious thin9ing* !omprehensi.e* s"nthesised* or !o-ordinated
thin9ing. @ood 3udgement* rational thought* sound planning. Interest in tra.el* !ommuni!ations* or
edu!ational institutions. Su!!essful plans* a happ" "oung %oman.
[5.2.] Saturn to midpoint Moon/Mer!ur" problems to gro% in %isdom. #he need for patien!e in thin9ing. Diffi!ult and slo% thin9ing* the
pursuit of gloom" or sad thoughts. #he desire to sol.e problems* !on!entration* diffi!ult s!ientifi! %or9.
Separation from the female se+. #a9ing lea.e* a 3ourne".
[7.2.] 8ranus to midpoint Moon/Mer!ur"
Sudden inno.ati.e thoughts and plans. Independent thin9ing4 irritabilit" about progress4 getting on %ith
things hastil". ) !onstru!tional fault. ) sudden e.ent in the life of a "oung %oman.
[<.2.] =eptune to midpoint Moon/Mer!ur"
)n a!ti.e imagination* mista9en thin9ing* fan!ies* %hims* lies. ) de!ei.ed girl* e+posure to lies and s!andal.
[1?.2.] Pluto to midpoint Moon/Mer!ur"
#he ne!essit" of ad3usting oneCs thin9ing to ne% !onditions4 ne% perspe!ti.es4 persuasion or being
persuaded. Spe!ial e.ents :ma"be a!ts of @od; re-orient oneCs thin9ing. #ragi! realisations.
[11.2.] =ode to midpoint Moon/Mer!ur"
Sharing thoughts %ith others* ma9ing !onta!ts* dealings %ith females.
[1?1.2.] )s! to midpoint Moon/Mer!ur"
Ao.e of !on.ersation or gossip. Sharing opinions. )n a!6uaintan!e dating from oneCs "outh.
[11?.2.] M.$. to midpoint Moon/Mer!ur"
Ma9ing de!isions* usuall" about oneCs profession or so!ial position. Borming a spiritual relationship to a girl.
[for.2.] Bortuna to midpoint Moon/Mer!ur"
Au!9" "oung %oman.
[1.2.&] Sun to midpoint Moon/'enus
Marital lo.e* prote!ti.e !are of the famil"* gra!efulness* appre!iation of the arts. )!tors or stage performers.
[2.2.&] Moon to midpoint Moon/'enus
Ao.e and".
[.2.&] Mer!ur" to midpoint Moon/'enus
#he longing for lo.e* eroti! thoughts* refle!ting on lo.e problems.
[&.2.&] 'enus to midpoint Moon/'enus
@ra!e4 good so!ial re!eption4 !o-operation.
[,.2.&] Mars to midpoint Moon/'enus
) strongl" instin!ti.e* emotional or passionate %a" of* a lo.e of tra.elling. )!tions !aused b" feelings.
#he desire to be!ome a mother.
[/.2.&] 0upiter to midpoint Moon/'enus
) happ" lo.e-life* an abundan!e of feeling* an affe!tionate and optimisti! disposition. ) %ifeCs lo.e
re!ipro!ated* happ" motherhood. Su!!ess in art.
[5.2.&] Saturn to midpoint Moon/'enus
Sternness %ithin feelings4 tightness entering roman!e. Suppressed feelings* inhibitions in lo.e* unsatisfied
passion* renun!iation. )n unhapp"* sad or si!9 %oman* separation from or a loss of the husband. #he sage4
the philosopher.
[7.2.&] 8ranus to midpoint Moon/'enus
Sudden romanti! feelings and atta!hments4 intensifi!ation of se+ualit" perhaps as a result of a glandular
disturban!e4 the urge to a!t irrationall"4 fits of emotion. Sudden e+perien!e in a %omanCs life* sudden
[<.2.&] =eptune to midpoint Moon/'enus
Dreaminess* impressionabilit"* moodiness* the tenden!" to be tempted or sedu!ed easil". Misdire!ted
feelings of lo.e* being duped. #he ne!essit" for renun!iations. Dea9ened or abnormal glandular a!".
[1?.2.&] Pluto to midpoint Moon/'enus
Po%erful a%a9ening of the amorous emotions* un!ontrollable desire for motherhood. )n unusual lo.e-
[11.2.&] =ode to midpoint Moon/'enus
Aonging for tenderness* the urge to be united %ith the belo.ed person* lo.e of famil" and !ommunit"*
re%arding so!ial !onta!ts* maternal feelings.
[1?1.2.&] )s! to midpoint Moon/'enus
)ffe!tionate beha.iour to%ards others4 being %ell-re!ei.ed.
[11?.2.&] M.$. to midpoint Moon/'enus
) heart filled %ith lo.e. ) %ife or mother. Fe!oming a %ife or mother. Beeling .aluable* su!!ess.
[for.2.&] Bortuna to midpoint Moon/'enus
1ne is lu!9" in oneCs relationships %ith %omen.
[1.2.,] Sun to midpoint Moon/Mars
#he %or9ing bond %ithin a marriage* parti!ularl" felt b" the %ife. #he po%er to establish oneself in the
%orld* for independen!e* a%areness of an ob3e!ti.e. Prosperit" through relationship and
[2.2.,] Moon to midpoint Moon/Mars
-motional e+!itement. -motional !on.i!tion.
[.2.,] Mer!ur" to midpoint Moon/Mars
=er.ous disposition* eas" irritabilit". ) "oung %oman* a %oman doing intelle!tual %or9.
[&.2.,] 'enus to midpoint Moon/Mars
) passionate nature* se+ desire* the desire for !hildren. #he desire and urge to !reate* shape or mould
something* !reati.e a!". Dish to be!ome a mother.
[,.2.,] Mars to midpoint Moon/Mars
Strong dri.e to fulfill needs* to let it fl". Disruption* h"pera!".
[/.2.,] 0upiter to midpoint Moon/Mars
#he lo.e of truth* openness* honest"* 3usti!e. ) su!!essful %oman* the bride* the happ" and e+pe!tant
[5.2.,] Saturn to midpoint Moon/Mars
Inhibitions* suppressed feelings* !ontrolled passion* a state of dissatisfa!tion4 a la!9 of interest in oneCs
%or9* a 6uarrel. #he suffering of separation.
[7.2.,] 8ranus to midpoint Moon/Mars
-as" irritabilit"* 6ui!9 perhaps .iolent temper* an iras!ible nature prone to sudden anger. ) sudden
e+perien!e in a %omanCs life.
[<.2.,] =eptune to midpoint Moon/Mars
) negati.e attitude or !hara!ter* %ea9ness of %ill* the tenden!" to %orr" a lot* the state of fretfulness or
grief* a misdire!tion of energ". ) misdire!ted emotional life. Se+ual disease. Renun!iation. -.ents affe!ting
the famil" detrimentall".
[1?.2.,] Pluto to midpoint Moon/Mars
Po%erful opinions* fanati!ism* moodiness. ) %oman %ho stands alone in the %orld. Periodi! disturban!e
%ithin the female organism.
[11.2.,] =ode to midpoint Moon/Mars
-nergeti! !o-operation %ith others. )n asso!iation of %omen* a %omenCs !lub.
[1?1.2.,] )s! to midpoint Moon/Mars
Personal enterprise* leadership :perhaps %ithin the famil";.
[11?.2.,] M.$. to midpoint Moon/Mars
Marriage thoughts* self-promotion* getting things off the ground. ) %oman %ith strong prin!iples. @etting
[for.2.,] Bortuna to midpoint Moon/Mars
Au!9" !onta!t %ith an energeti! %oman.
[1.2./] Sun to midpoint Moon/0upiter
1ptimism* !ontentedness* the lo.e of pea!e* the in!lination for learning and edu!ation* so!ial outloo9. #he
%ife %ho is happ" %ith her husband.
[2.2./] Moon to midpoint Moon/0upiter
Beeling happ"* being su!!essful* !ontentment. Religiousness and the 3udi!iar" be!oming important.
[.2./] Mer!ur" to midpoint Moon/0upiter
) large sphere of thin9ing* ma9ing far-rea!hing plans* the urge to learn and stud"* tra.elling. 8nion %ith a
%ealth" or happ" %oman. Su!!ess through spea9ing or %riting.
[&.2./] 'enus to midpoint Moon/0upiter
)n abundan!e of feeling* a harmonious nature radiating happiness* an artisti! sense. ) %oman artist. )
happ" and %oman.
[,.2./] Mars to midpoint Moon/0upiter
) health" lo.e-relationship4 lo.e of enterprise* for su!!ess. #he happ" %ife* the !heerful mother* the
su!!ess of a %oman.
[/.2./] 0upiter to midpoint Moon/0upiter
1pportunit"* re%ard* publi!it"* su!!ess.
[5.2./] Saturn to midpoint Moon/0upiter
#he inabilit" to be happ"* so!ial disad.antages or in3uries4 indifferen!e* negligen!e* in3usti!e* inner !onfli!ts*
being !ut off from happiness* separation from %ife. Su!!ess through and %ith old people. Disorders of the and the gall-bladder.
[7.2./] 8ranus to midpoint Moon/0upiter
1!!asional outbursts of hilarit". $onfiden!e* optimism* the lo.e of enterprise. Sudden good fortune. Flissful
[<.2./] =eptune to midpoint Moon/0upiter
Aosing fo!us of ob3e!* su!!ess feels li9e it is oneCs grasp* abandoning hope easil"* bad so!ial
!onditions. D%indling happiness* losses through spe!ulation* %astefulness.
[1?.2./] Pluto to midpoint Moon/0upiter
#he desire to start great enterprises* an e+traordinar" and unusual for possession and %ealth. #he
big pi!ture and the po%er to ma9e it appear.
[11.2./] =ode to midpoint Moon/0upiter
So!iabilit"4 su!!essful !onta!ts. )n allian!e4 a fruitful marriage.
[1?1.2./] )s! to midpoint Moon/0upiter
#he tenden!" to be happ" and !heerful in the !ompan" of other people* the !reation of harmonious
en.ironment. Bortunate !onta!ts.
[11?.2./] M.$. to midpoint Moon/0upiter
Popularit"* !onfiden!e* possible religious signifi!an!e. #he happ" %ife* the fian!Ge* the bride* the mother.
[for.2./] Bortuna to midpoint Moon/0upiter
Fenefits and good fortune that !omes from %omen.
[1.2.5] Sun to midpoint Moon/Saturn
Sobering times* feelings of enfor!ed !ontrols* possible separation in relationship. #he separated %ife* the
[2.2.5] Moon to midpoint Moon/Saturn
)%areness of ambition* strateg"* dire!tion.
[.2.5] Mer!ur" to midpoint Moon/Saturn
Pruden!e* maturit"* sense of dut"4 sadness and perhaps depression* espe!iall" among %omen. Separation.
[&.2.5] 'enus to midpoint Moon/Saturn
$hanges of mood* inhibitions in lo.e-e+pression* la!9 of self-!onfiden!e* the !apabilit" to renoun!e.
Resignation* the in!lination to stand alone in lo.e or marriage* illegitimate asso!iations* disappointment in
[,.2.5] Mars to midpoint Moon/Saturn
#he sense of real problems* inhibitions or feelings of inferiorit"* diffi!ult" getting off the ground e+!ept b"
.er" !areful* strategi!all"-planned e+ertion of energ"* self-!ontrol to the point of torment* inner !onfli!ts.
Illness or separation of %omen.
[/.2.5] 0upiter to midpoint Moon/Saturn
#he sense of la% and order pre.ails4 the sense of dut" and responsibilit"4 feeling !onfident about stru!ture*
appre!iating %h" !ertain !ontrol are ne!essar". Huiet happiness* separating %ithout sadness or
unhappiness4 a 3ourne".
[5.2.5] Saturn to midpoint Moon/Saturn
Self-!ontrol4 loneliness.
[7.2.5] 8ranus to midpoint Moon/Saturn
Rea!hing out for emotional freedom* e+ploding out of frustration or inhibitions. =er.ous tension* sudden
mental and emotional suffering* separation.
[<.2.5] =eptune to midpoint Moon/Saturn
Beelings of inferiorit"* depression4 melan!hol".
[1?.2.5] Pluto to midpoint Moon/Saturn
#he threat of loss* the need to rel" upon oneself onl"* the in!lination or ne!essit" to rise in life b" using
for!e and go oneCs %a" alone. 1rgani! suffering due to strong feelings4 separation from %ife or mother.
[11.2.5] =ode to midpoint Moon/Saturn
Aa!9 of adaptation and self-!onfiden!e* the tenden!" to shun other people. )sso!iation %ith
un!ommuni!ati.e* lonel" or si!9 %omen.
[1?1.2.5] )s! to midpoint Moon/Saturn
Inhibitions in de.elopment4 a reser.ed self-presentation. Meeting %ith si!9 or depressed people* mourning
or berea.ement.
[11?.2.5] M.$. to midpoint Moon/Saturn
Self-!ontrol* sense of dut" and pruden!e* ma9ing things happen !arefull"* stru!turing ambition. #he feeling
of being lonel" or deserted4 being ill.
[for.2.5] Bortuna to midpoint Moon/Saturn
-motional depression* domesti! diffi!ulties. Stabilising the home and famil" en.ironment. 1lder persons
offer support.
[1.2.7] Sun to midpoint Moon/8ranus
) ph"si6ue easil" aroused b" emotions. #he sense of free %ill4 ambitious aspirations. ) ner.ous male4 an
ambitious or mas!uline %oman.
[2.2.7] Moon to midpoint Moon/8ranus
-motional tensions.
[.2.7] Mer!ur" to midpoint Moon/8ranus
Intuition* a person %ith ideas* suggesti.e thought-po%er* great mental a!". -+!ited mental a!"4
e+pe!ting a surprise4 inno.ati.e ideas4 short trips* sudden ne%s. ) thin9ing %oman.
[&.2.7] 'enus to midpoint Moon/8ranus
Self-%illed in lo.e* sudden se+ual a!ti.ities* artisti! !".
[,.2.7] Mars to midpoint Moon/8ranus
-+!essi.e ambition* the ! for re!ognition* la!9 of self-!ontrol* the tenden!" to a!t rashl". )!ts of
.iolen!e4 in3ur".
[/.2.7] 0upiter to midpoint Moon/8ranus
)ims and ob3e! on a grand s!ale* ambitious aspirations. @ood intuition* !ir!umspe!tion and .ision* a
lu!9" hand in enterprises. Satisfied ambition* sudden su!!ess.
[5.2.7] Saturn to midpoint Moon/8ranus for independen!e in order to sol.e things4 the struggle bet%een the traditional and the a.ant-
garde. for independen!e* the desire to separate oneself from others suddenl"* the suffering of
sudden damage. Sudden illness.
[7.2.7] 8ranus to midpoint Moon/8ranus
Intensifi!ation of self4 impulsi.eness to fulfill needs.
[<.2.7] =eptune to midpoint Moon/8ranus
Aa!9 of energ"* %ea9ness* muddle-headed or !onfused aspiration4 things are un!lear and inse!ure for no
apparent reason. =er.ousness* e+haustion* sudden disappointment.
[1?.2.7] Pluto to midpoint Moon/8ranus
Fombast4 the fanati!al push for fulfilment of needs4 sensationalism. Fuilding ane% upon ruins.
[11.2.7] =ode to midpoint Moon/8ranus
Restlessness and e+!itabilit" in !onta!t %ith others. )sso!iations %ith ambitious or ner.ous %omen.
[1?1.2.7] )s! to midpoint Moon/8ranus
) restless and e+!itable personalit"* a disturbing influen!e upon others. )n upsetting e+perien!e.
@eographi!al relo!ation.
[11?.2.7] M.$. to midpoint Moon/8ranus
Mu!h e+!itement about ambition or potential gains4 sudden !hange of plans. #he tenden!" to ta9e a hand
or to interfere suddenl".
[for.2.7] Bortuna to midpoint Moon/8ranus
@ood lu!9 through a sudden !hange.
[1.2.<] Sun to midpoint Moon/=eptune
) deli!ate relationship4 the man tr"ing to support the %oman. Illuminated aestheti!s4 the importan!e of
spirit. ) sensiti.e %ife. Illusions and de!eptions.
[2.2.<] Moon to midpoint Moon/=eptune
#he a%a9ening of aestheti!s* spe!ial sensiti.ities* or the spirit.
[.2.<] Mer!ur" to midpoint Moon/=eptune
$ontrol of inner .ision b" intelligen!e and !ommon sense. Bantas"* imagination* artisti! talents. Sa"ing one
thing and meaning another* .agueness.
[&.2.<] 'enus to midpoint Moon/=eptune
2ighl" romanti!ised feelings of lo.e4 spiritual and unearthl" lo.e. Pe!uliar and strange tenden!ies in the
e+pression of lo.e* 6ueer* odd or per.erse in!linations. Renun!iation4 disappointment in lo.e.
[,.2.<] Mars to midpoint Moon/=eptune
Personal magi!4 h""4 %ea9ened s"stem in relation to se+-life. =er.ous troubles through
unnatural pra!ti!es. Irritabilit"* danger of infe!tion.
[/.2.<] 0upiter to midpoint Moon/=eptune
)bundant po%ers of imagination* fantas"* good understanding of others through a s"mpatheti! and
!ompassionate attitude* far-rea!hing %ishes. )rtisti! su!!ess.
[5.2.<] Saturn to midpoint Moon/=eptune
Pessimism* hopelessness and despair* the tenden!" to be influen!ed strongl" b" the pre.ailing and
temporar" !ir!umstan!es. 2ard %or9 to restru!ture ambition4 sha9ing off indolen!e.
[7.2.<] 8ranus to midpoint Moon/=eptune
#emperamental impulse4 emotional unpredi!tabilit". #he pursuit of sudden ideas and hun!hes* the gift to
ha.e sudden foreboding or presentiments.
[<.2.<] =eptune to midpoint Moon/=eptune
#he emergen!e of the un!ons!ious4 refinement4 be%ilderment.
[1?.2.<] Pluto to midpoint Moon/=eptune
) high degree of" !oupled %ith an in!lination to be influen!ed easil" b" others. -motional sho!9** !hange.
[11.2.<] =ode to midpoint Moon/=eptune
#he pro3e!tion of" and !onfusion. )sso!iation %ith sensiti.e or frail %omen.
[1?1.2.<] )s! to midpoint Moon/=eptune!e upon all en.ironmental influen!es4"4 the abilit" or fa!ult" to see through
other people. )sso!iation %ith sensiti.e* %ea9 or si!9 people.
[11?.2.<] M.$. to midpoint Moon/=eptune
) refined* sensiti.e and inspired !hara!ter4 artisti! talent and disposition. #he e+perien!e of being gripped
b" foreboding.
[for.2.<] Bortuna to midpoint Moon/=eptune
Au!9 through being sensiti.e* ps"!hi!* or though art or talent in art.
[1.2.1?] Sun to midpoint Moon/Pluto
#ight team effort in relationship4 spe!ial far-rea!hing plans4 emotional e+!itement.
[2.2.1?] Moon to midpoint Moon/Pluto
Keal4 intensit" of self-appli!ation.
[.2.1?] Mer!ur" to midpoint Moon/Pluto
Bar-rea!hing plans* the pursuit of !omprehensi.e ideas %ith great Eeal. #he gift to %ield a po%erful
influen!e upon the larger publi! through spee!hes or %ritings.
[&.2.1?] 'enus to midpoint Moon/Pluto
) strong po%er of feeling* po%ers of e+pression. Sudden intensifi!ation of amorous feeling and
emotion. Strong desire for motherhood.
[,.2.1?] Mars to midpoint Moon/Pluto
@reat !hanges of mood* eas" e+!itabilit"* the in!lination to outbursts of anger. Brustration and anger.
Huarrels and in3uries.
[/.2.1?] 0upiter to midpoint Moon/Pluto
) ri!h and deep emotional life. Au!9 and su!!ess.
[5.2.1?] Saturn to midpoint Moon/Pluto
) one-sided emotional life* gra.e inhibitions. )n in!lination to depressions* mental and emotional suffering.
#he pressure to regroup for!es and plan ane%.
[7.2.1?] 8ranus to midpoint Moon/Pluto
Intensit" that !an get out of hand4 possible ner.ous !risis4 fanati!ism* %ill to fight* the urge to do something.
Sudden upsets and !rises through e+!esses.
[<.2.1?] =eptune to midpoint Moon/Pluto
#he supernatural is added to the emotional life4 the feeling of fate4 ps"!hometri! gifts. Sentimentalit"*
depression* la!9 of %ill-po%er.
[1?.2.1?] Pluto to midpoint Moon/Pluto
-+treme emotional intensit"4 uphea.als4 e+aggerated ne% plans.
[11.2.1?] =ode to midpoint Moon/Pluto
8psets in asso!iations or in team-%or9 !aused b" pe!uliar emotional rea!tions and la!9 of adaptabilit".
[1?1.2.1?] )s! to midpoint Moon/Pluto
) .iolent rea!tion to the en.ironment* the tenden!" to !ause upsets in oneCs en.ironment through oneCs
!ondu!t. Man" upsets.
[11?.2.1?] M$ to midpoint Moon/Pluto
) highl" strained emotional life* one-sidedness* the in!lination to remain and to a!t alone and in
a!!ord %ith other people.
[for.2.1?] Bortuna to midpoint Moon/Pluto
) lu!9" e+pression of feeling.
[1.2.11] Sun to midpoint Moon/=ode
) spiritual attitude to friendships and se+-unions. 2armon" bet%een husband and %ife.
[2.2.11] Moon to midpoint Moon/=ode
)sso!iations %ith others* usuall" emotionall" biased.
[.2.11] Mer!ur" to midpoint Moon/=ode
#he desire to e+!hange ideas %ith the female se+. ) !riti!al attitude to%ards asso!iations. @etting along
%ith others* building !o-operation.
[&.2.11] 'enus to midpoint Moon/=ode
)ffe!tionate beha.iour %ith others. $onta!ts or !onne!tions %ith the arts.
[,.2.11] Mars to midpoint Moon/=ode
) .igorous ad.o!a!" of unions or asso!iations* energeti! team%or9. ) union based entirel" on ph"si!al
attra!tion* the desire to get married.
[/.2.11] 0upiter to midpoint Moon/=ode
@enerous beha.iour in asso!iations* an atmosphere of !onfiden!e in team %or9. Su!!ess through team
%or9* happ" relationship.
[5.2.11] Saturn to midpoint Moon/=ode
Inhibitions in team %or9 or in together. Sufferings disad.antages or losses through asso!iations.
[7.2.11] 8ranus to midpoint Moon/=ode
Restlessness in the presen!e of others. Meeting e+!eptional people or e+perien!ing unusual e.ents %ith or
through others. Sudden atta!hments.
[<.2.11] =eptune to midpoint Moon/=ode
#he potential of undermining of asso!iations or unions4 unions or asso!iations of no promise.
Disappointment through others.
[1?.2.11] Pluto to midpoint Moon/=ode
Po%erful for!es affe!t interpersonal relationships. #he sense of fated attra!tion. Separation through higher
po%er or pro.iden!e.
[11.2.11] =ode to midpoint Moon/=ode
$onta!ts %ith others bring assistan!e and !omfort.
[1?1.2.11] )s! to midpoint Moon/=ode
)n emotional attitude to%ards %omen in oneCs en.ironment* the in!lination to maintain inner !onta!t %ith
[11?.2.11] M.$. to midpoint Moon/=ode
#he !ulti.ation of emotional e.ol.ements.
[for.2.11] Bortuna to midpoint Moon/=ode
Au!9 in 3oining a union or asso!iation.
[1.2.1?1] Sun to midpoint Moon/)s!
1neCs o%n personal attitude to the other se+* the e.aluation of relationships for oneCs o%n benefit. #he
tenden!" or urge to see9 personal !onta!ts.
[2.2.1?1] Moon to midpoint Moon/)s!
Bo!us on personal needs and relationships to fulfill them.
[.2.1?1] Mer!ur" to midpoint Moon/)s!
)daptabilit"* so!iableness and the abilit" for entertainment4 the !ulti.ation of thought-e+!hange* letter-
%riting4 !reating !onfiden!e.
[&.2.1?1] 'enus to midpoint Moon/)s!
)daptabilit" to preser.e the lo.e in a relationship. So!ial e.ents that put one for%ard.
[,.2.1?1] Mars to midpoint Moon/)s!
-nergeti! self-pro3e!tion. #emperamental !hange at the slightest sense of frustration.
[/.2.1?1] 0upiter to midpoint Moon/)s!
2armonious relationship %ith other people* good adaptabilit". -+pansi.e !onfiden!e* gregariousness*
largesse* publi!it". 2app" and fortunate !onta!ts %ith the female se+.
[5.2.1?1] Saturn to midpoint Moon/)s!
Inhibitions in !onta!ts %ith other persons* the state of being depressed in the presen!e of others. #he
pro!ess of maturation. 2ea." moods of deliberation* se.erit"* depression. Separation from the female se+.
[7.2.1?1] 8ranus to midpoint Moon/)s!
-+!itabilit"* restlessness* a ner.ous beha.iour in the presen!e of others. Sudden e.ents in !onne!tion %ith
the female se+.
[<.2.1?1] =eptune to midpoint Moon/)s!
8n!ons!ious inhibitions* pe!uliar disli9es. Self-delusion is possible. Beeling %iped out. De!eption b" a
[1?.2.1?1] Pluto to midpoint Moon/)s! or obsessi.e importan!e of relationship4 a disharmonious relationship %ith %omen.
[11.2.1?1] =ode to midpoint Moon/)s!
Desire for !onta!ts4 importan!e of %omen as asso!iates.
[1?1.2.1?1] )s! to midpoint Moon/)s!
Bo!us on personal needs and relationships to fulfill them.
[11?.2.1?1] M.$. to midpoint Moon/)s!
#he building of personal relationship upon a spiritual basis* the tenden!" to e+pose oneself to the influen!e
of %omen.
[for.2.1?1] Bortuna to midpoint Moon/)s!
[1.2.11?] Sun to midpoint Moon/M.$.
) mas!uline soul* a positi.e attitude to life* .igour* spirit of enterprise* a strong lin9 %ith the mother of the
[2.2.11?] Moon to midpoint Moon/M.$.
1neCs strongest needs are out in the open.
[.2.11?] Mer!ur" to midpoint Moon/M.$.
#hin9ing and emotions are %ell-balan!ed and influen!e ea!h other positi.el".
[&.2.11?] 'enus to midpoint Moon/M.$.
Deep atta!hments in oneCs lo.e-life. Signifi!ant relationships are possible.
[,.2.11?] Mars to midpoint Moon/M.$.
Strong %or9-orientation4 promotion4 strength on the 3ob. #he longing for a soul mate. #he introdu!tion of a
man to a %oman.
[/.2.11?] 0upiter to midpoint Moon/M.$.
#he ri!h and deep soul-life* optimism and !onfiden!e. -nthusiasm* the 3o" of hope or e+pe!tation* high aims
or noble aspirations in life* a deepl" religious or so!ial outloo9. ) happ" relationship to the mother or the
%ife* a satisfied longing for !hildren.
[5.2.11?] Saturn to midpoint Moon/M.$.
-motional inhibitions* a person %ho is slightl" bad-tempered* pessimism* separation.
[7.2.11?] 8ranus to midpoint Moon/M.$.
2igh degree of emotional e+!itement* irritabilit"* ner.ousness. #he sense of .o!ational instabilit" or the
threat of pending upset. )n unusual emotional state* motherhood* birth.
[<.2.11?] =eptune to midpoint Moon/M.$.
)%a9ening of the aestheti! or things spiritual. Self-de!eption* in!lination to %orr" unne!essaril"* the
tenden!" to lose hope easil". Feing de.alued or duped b" a %oman.
[1?.2.11?] Pluto to midpoint Moon/M.$.
#remendous thrust for%ard* the biggest pi!ture* re3u.enation. Inhibitions of the inner or spiritual e.olution
b" mother or %ife. -motional sho!9s and uphea.als.
[11.2.11?] =ode to midpoint Moon/M.$.
)daptabilit"* a s"mpatheti! understanding of other people. Professional !onta!ts.
[1?1.2.11?] )s! to midpoint Moon/M.$.
)n emotional attitude to oneCs en.ironment* the understanding of other peopleCs spiritual needs.
[11?.2.11?] M.$. to midpoint Moon/M.$.
-go-!ons!iousness alerts all oneCs senses.
[for.2.11?] Bortuna to midpoint Moon/M.$.
Au!9 related to oneCs spiritual harmon" and progress.
[1.2.for] Sun to midpoint Moon/Bortuna
@eneral good fortune and emotional happiness.
[2.2.for] Moon to midpoint Moon/Bortuna
-motional %ell-being.
[.2.for] Mer!ur" to midpoint Moon/Bortuna
-motionall" !harged !ommuni!ations. @ood ne%s.
[&.2.for] 'enus to midpoint Moon/Bortuna
-motionall" satisf"ing lo.e life.
[,.2.for] Mars to midpoint Moon/Bortuna
-motionall" !harged period.
[/.2.for] 0upiter to midpoint Moon/Bortuna
@eneral good fortune and emotional happiness.
[5.2.for] Saturn to midpoint Moon/Bortuna
1lder persons !reate emotional tension. #he father. Restru!turing one s emotional response.
[7.2.for] 8ranus to midpoint Moon/Bortuna
-motional brings a breath of fresh air. Domesti! !hange.
[<.2.for] =eptune to midpoint Moon/Bortuna
Strong inner-longing for a more refined life st"le. Religious or spiritual stirring.
[1?.2.for] Pluto to midpoint Moon/Bortuna
Dramati! emotional !hange - a ne% approa!h to life.
[11.2.for] =ode to midpoint Moon/Bortuna
@eneral emotional %ell-being and so!ial su!!ess.
[1?1.2.for] )s! to midpoint Moon/Bortuna
Ph"si!al and emotional %ell-being.
[11?.2.for] M.$. to midpoint Moon/Bortuna
-motional satisfa!tion from one s %or9 or professional life.
[for.2.for] Bortuna to midpoint Moon/Bortuna
@eneral good fortune and %ell-being.
[1..&] Sun to midpoint Mer!ur"/'enus
)%areness of things beautiful4 the arts4 sunn" disposition. )n art %hi!h !an be of pra!ti!al use* parti!ularl"
s!ulpture* ar!hite!ture4 re!ognition.
[2..&] Moon to midpoint Mer!ur"/'enus
#he abilit" to shape plain surfa!es* a talent for painting or dra%ing* per!eption of beaut". ) beautiful "oung
person. #he emotions gain !reati.e e+pression.
[..&] Mer!ur" to midpoint Mer!ur"/'enus
Idealisation4 thoughts of lo.e.
[&..&] 'enus to midpoint Mer!ur"/'enus
Romanti!ising4 thoughts of lo.e.
[,..&] Mars to midpoint Mer!ur"/'enus
)lerting the passions4 ma9ing strong* emotional statements4 !". $raftsman* a metal :Mars; -%or9er* a
[/..&] 0upiter to midpoint Mer!ur"/'enus
@reat %ealth of design and or form* great desire to a!6uire ob3e!ts of art or anti6ues* 3e%eller"* a lo.e of
lu+ur"* an appre!iation of religious art. )rtisti! su!!ess. Publishing. Ao.e realised.
[5..&] Saturn to midpoint Mer!ur"/'enus
) serious attitude to life* maturation* trimming do%n ideals to be more pra!ti!al* !ontemplation in
retirement or solitude* !reati.e a!" under 6uiet !onditions. Diffi!ult art-%or9* !reati.e design or form
shaped from hard or hea." material* a diffi!ult artisti! !areer.
[7..&] 8ranus to midpoint Mer!ur"/'enus
In.enti.e abilit"* originalit" %ith ideas* e+traordinar" !ommuni!ation. ) mathemati!ian* a publi! spea9er full
of ideas and 6ui!9 at repartee.
[<..&] =eptune to midpoint Mer!ur"/'enus
#he po%er of seeing"thing in !lear pi!tures4 fantas" and imagination* inspiration :ma"be spiritual;*
s"ntheti! !"* gift of poetr" parti!ularl" if !onne!ted %ith the fantasti! and surreal. =egati.el">
deluding oneself about realit"* a la!9 of ta!t* the undermining of relationship.
[1?..&] Pluto to midpoint Mer!ur"/'enus
) tremendous !reati.e po%er* the re!ognition of art as a mission* sometimes one-sided or!ialised
artisti! ob3e! Pe!uliar !onta!ts or ob3e!
[11..&] =ode to midpoint Mer!ur"/'enus
Ao.e of artisti! e.ents and entertainments. )n asso!iation %ith art lo.ers* a stimulating e+!hange of
[1?1..&] )s! to midpoint Mer!ur"/'enus
Pleasantness* being %ell-mannered* a talent for ma9ing so!ial !onta!ts or the gift to entertain people %ell* a
sense of ta!t and dis!retion* adaptabilit"* the abilit" to !reate a beautiful en.ironment* appre!iated b"
[11?..&] M.$. to midpoint Mer!ur"/'enus
Possibl" a profession in the arts. #he profit from things !reati.e or appre!iation and en3o"ment of things
[for..&] Bortuna to midpoint Mer!ur"/'enus
Au!9" disposition to%ards* or an e.ent !onne!ted %ith* things beautiful.
[1..,] Sun to midpoint Mer!ur"/Mars
Manl" and bra.e thin9ing and a!ting* a positi.e or firm demeanour* determination. Putting a foot do%n4
ma9ing a point strongl"4 standing up for oneCs position4 en3o"ing a good argument4 6ui!9 de!ision ma9ing.
[2..,] Moon to midpoint Mer!ur"/Mars
-motions are added to the issue at hand4 arguments get an e+tra le.el of meaning. Huarrels* parti!ularl" if
related to the female se+.
[..,] Mer!ur" to midpoint Mer!ur"/Mars
=er.ous dri.e.
[&..,] 'enus to midpoint Mer!ur"/Mars
Hui!9 de!isions in matters of lo.e and affe!tion4 the tenden!" to fall in lo.e 6ui!9l". -+!ited plans about
roman!e4 !reati.e inspiration* insight.
[,..,] Mars to midpoint Mer!ur"/Mars
-nergised thin9ing4 ma9ing plans.
[/..,] 0upiter to midpoint Mer!ur"/Mars
$onstru!ti.e thin9ing or !riti!ism* sound 3udgement. Jno%ing ho% to sell an idea %ith enthusiasm. )
!elebrated orator* a good !riti!.
[5..,] Saturn to midpoint Mer!ur"/Mars
Deep thin9ing* good po%ers of !on!entration. Inhibited po%ers of de!ision* a slo% or sluggish mode of
thin9ing. #he desire to harm others* the tenden!" to sa" bad things* the in!lination to bring harm to oneself
b" e+aggerating. Separation !aused through 6uarrelling.
[7..,] 8ranus to midpoint Mer!ur"/Mars
#remendous e+!itabilit"* a!ting before thin9ing* the loss of self-!ontrol* frenE". )n e+!iting surprise* a
de!ision made in haste. #he danger of !atastrophes.
[<..,] =eptune to midpoint Mer!ur"/Mars
#he pursuit of fantasti! plans* fantas" !hannelled into !". 'agaries* de!eption* not telling all* a.oiding
9e" points. Intrigue.
[1?..,] Pluto to midpoint Mer!ur"/Mars
) fanati!al !riti!* an orator* a sharp anal"st. $riti!ism %ith a passion* 9no%ing 3ust %hatCs
%rong %ith the %orld* in.ol.ed in big arguments. #he misfortune of to suffer hea." atta!9s or
assaults from others.
[11..,] =ode to midpoint Mer!ur"/Mars
Dis!ussions %ith others4 easil" argumentati.e.
[1?1..,] )s! to midpoint Mer!ur"/Mars
Feing seen as a tal9er4 9no%n to be impulsi.e.
[11?..,] M.$. to midpoint Mer!ur"/Mars
Fra.ura4 a !hampion salesperson4 read" to %in the fight4 the abilit" to retaliate in the proper manner.
[for..,] Bortuna to midpoint Mer!ur"/Mars
Au!9" realisation of oneCs plans.
[1../] Sun to midpoint Mer!ur"/0upiter
) good intelle!t* %ealth of ideas* tal9ati.eness. Su!!ess in oneCs .o!ation. )n orator %ith e+pressi.e
gestures* an a!tor.
[2../] Moon to midpoint Mer!ur"/0upiter
-motions inspire impressi.e ideas and %el!omed solutions. ) pleasant !on.ersationalist* li.eliness. #al9ati.e
or li.el" %omen. ) li.el" e+!hange of thoughts.
[../] Mer!ur" to midpoint Mer!ur"/0upiter
@ood !ommon sense4 %riting4 publishing4 tra.elling.
[&../] 'enus to midpoint Mer!ur"/0upiter
#he desire to re.el in something or to be!ome enraptured* the tenden!" to dis!uss lo.e and beaut"* a merr"
[,../] Mars to midpoint Mer!ur"/0upiter
-nergeti! a!tion guided b" !ommon sense. Spea9ing and a!ting in !o-ordination* a su!!essful dis!ussion or
[/../] 0upiter to midpoint Mer!ur"/0upiter
Intelle!t4 thoughts about the spirit4 legal issues4 tra.el.
[5../] Saturn to midpoint Mer!ur"/0upiter
Inhibitions %hen tr"ing to ma9e a de!ision* the displa" of un!ertaint" during negotiations. Sober de!isions*
the desire to %ithdra% from dispute to a.oid a fight4 the lonel" stand.
[7../] 8ranus to midpoint Mer!ur"/0upiter
#he displa" of interest in no.elties* in6uisiti.eness and !uriosit"* 6ui!9ness at repartee. Su!!essful
propaganda a!"* effe!ti.e ad.ertising* a resour!eful orator.
[<../] =eptune to midpoint Mer!ur"/0upiter
Po%erful imagination or inspiration* magnetism. Aosing the fo!us of an issue* la!9 of realism. ) person
su!!essful in de!eption or spe!ulation.
[1?../] Pluto to midpoint Mer!ur"/0upiter
) person e+er!ising an influen!e the masses* a suggesti.e orator or a salesperson* dramati! persuasion.
[11../] =ode to midpoint Mer!ur"/0upiter
So!iabilit"4 the e+!hange of thoughts %ith others4 meetings.
[1?1../] )s! to midpoint Mer!ur"/0upiter
Su!!essful team%or9* organising abilit"* a fruitful meeting.
[11?../] M.$. to midpoint Mer!ur"/0upiter
1ptimism* a person fond of tal9ing* %ealth of ideas* a Eeal for learning. ) good spea9er* s!ientist or
businessman. Su!!ess in oneCs !alling or .o!ation.
[for../] Bortuna to midpoint Mer!ur"/0upiter
Au!9 asso!iated %ith good !ommon sense.
[1..5] Sun to midpoint Mer!ur"/Saturn
Ma9ing a go of it* getting do%n to %or9* dis!ipline pa"ing off. )rrested mental de.elopment4 a lo.e of
tra.elling4 repeated !hanges of residen!e.
[2..5] Moon to midpoint Mer!ur"/Saturn
-motional 6uandar"4 inde!ision be!ause of fear of losing4 frustration4 inhibited or ta+ing learning pro!ess.
Retarded mental de.elopment4 a lo.e of .ariet"4 in!onstan!"4 the opportunit" to gain abundant e+perien!e*
the assimilation and digestion of man" different impressions.
[..5] Mer!ur" to midpoint Mer!ur"/Saturn
2ard %or94 anal"sis.
[&..5] 'enus to midpoint Mer!ur"/Saturn
Brustration in lo.e4 fi!9leness4 needing reassuran!e.
[,..5] Mars to midpoint Mer!ur"/Saturn
Ris9ing"thing to ma9e oneCs point4 turning dri.e into t"rann"4 arguments4 no !ompromise.
[/..5] 0upiter to midpoint Mer!ur"/Saturn
@ood po%ers of !on!entration* philosophi!al thin9ing* logi!* reasoning* su!!ess through thoroughness and
industr". Su!!ess %ith ir9some or diffi!ult %or9* a fortunate separation* short 3ourne"s.
[5..5] Saturn to midpoint Mer!ur"/Saturn
Disdom through duress* maturation through depression4 the sense of hea." responsibilit".
[7..5] 8ranus to midpoint Mer!ur"/Saturn
@reat inner tension parti!ularl" relating to the old %a" of thin9ing about things and the ne% %a"4
e+!itabilit"* haste* in!ompatibilit"* ner.ous disorder.
[<..5] =eptune to midpoint Mer!ur"/Saturn
) state of depression* distrust* emotional !onfusion. ) 3ourne" b" air or b" sea* the longing for far and
distant pla!es* home-si!9ness* plans %ithout an" prospe!t of realisation.
[1?..5] Pluto to midpoint Mer!ur"/Saturn
#he tenden!" to toil and grapple %ith unusual or spe!ial problems* the in!lination to brood oneCs
destin"* feeling resour!eless.
[11..5] =ode to midpoint Mer!ur"/Saturn
Philosophi!al dis!ussions4 ma9ing !onta!t %ith hard-%or9ing people %ho ma" be helpful* a short 3ourne" in
[1?1..5] )s! to midpoint Mer!ur"/Saturn
#enden!" to aloofness and se!lusion* going oneCs o%n %a" in life* preo!!upation %ith oneCs o%n ideas*
ba!9ing off from responsibilities.
[11?..5] M.$. to midpoint Mer!ur"/Saturn
#he urge to philosophise* the abilit" to !on!entrate. Mind matter* %inning through planning.
[for..5] Bortuna to midpoint Mer!ur"/Saturn
Au!9 relating to or !oming from mental %or9.
[1..7] Sun to midpoint Mer!ur"/8ranus
#he abilit" to !reate a surprising mo.e or to grasp a situation 6ui!9l" - perhaps too 6ui!9l"* hastiness*
premature a!tion. #he ingenious or in.enti.e man.
[2..7] Moon to midpoint Mer!ur"/8ranus
) logi!al* thin9ing and pra!ti!al disposition sometimes prone to 6ui!9 mood !hanges. 'alid instin!t about a
[..7] Mer!ur" to midpoint Mer!ur"/8ranus
Impulsi.e a!tion4 pro.o!ati.e thoughts4 inspiration.
[&..7] 'enus to midpoint Mer!ur"/8ranus
)n artisti! disposition4 the abilit" to resonate or tune in to rh"thms su!h as o!!ur in dan!ing* song and
g"mnasti!s4 the tenden!" to lo.e spontaneousl".
[,..7] Mars to midpoint Mer!ur"/8ranus
Summing up situation 6ui!9l" and a!ting a!!ordingl". $ourage* determination* a sudden su!!ess and!ement in life. ) sudden realisation of ideas.
[/..7] 0upiter to midpoint Mer!ur"/8ranus
Impressi.e presentation of ideas* the gift of repartee* optimism and !onfiden!e* a far-seeing mind* long-
term planning* a !lear grasp of a matter. ) fortunate turn* su!!ess in the solution of a te!hni!al or
mathemati!al tas9.
[5..7] Saturn to midpoint Mer!ur"/8ranus
#he desire to liberate oneself from tensions* a sudden!oming of inhibitions through a!ting 6ui!9l".
#enden!" to intoleran!e* tr"ing al%a"s for 6ui!9 e+tri!ation* the attainment of safet" for oneself.
[7..7] 8ranus to midpoint Mer!ur"/8ranus
Intensifi!ation of the ner.ous s"stem4 a!uteness of thought4 sharpness* speed4 sudden tra.el plans.
[<..7] =eptune to midpoint Mer!ur"/8ranus
#he higher le.els of the mind4 inspiration4 ps"!hi! feelings brought into fo!us4 magi!al persuasi.eness4
dedu!ti.e anal"sis parti!ularl" %hen related to the !orre!t interpretation of .isions* apparitions and similar
phenomena. =er.e troubles.
[1?..7] Pluto to midpoint Mer!ur"/8ranus
#remendous po%er for %or9* a!tion* leadership4 getting the biggest 3ob done in a !ommanding %a".
[11..7] =ode to midpoint Mer!ur"/8ranus
$reati.e inter!hange %ith others* po%er to gi.e and re!ei.e stimulating suggestions. Surprising ne%s* turn
or !hange.
[1?1..7] )s! to midpoint Mer!ur"/8ranus
#he appli!ation of pra!ti!al prin!iples in the !reation of oneCs en.ironment4 !ir!umspe!tion* pruden!e or
deliberation4 organising abilit". )!!idents through fast a!tion or re!9lessness.
[11?..7] M.$. to midpoint Mer!ur"/8ranus
#he abilit" to thin9 about a parti!ular matter a!utel" and 9eenl" and to a!t s%iftl". )n in.entor*
mathemati!ian* ph"si!ist or astrologer.
[for..7] Bortuna to midpoint Mer!ur"/8ranus
Sudden lu!9 in finding a solution* serendipit".
[1..<] Sun to midpoint Mer!ur"/=eptune"* re!epti.eness* ri!h imagination* intelle!tual !". Impressionabilit"* dependen!e on moods.
#he state of being de!ei.ed.
[2..<] Moon to midpoint Mer!ur"/=eptune
-motional"* s"mpatheti! understanding. Possible paranormal a%areness. Personal impressions
dominate the thin9ing pro!ess4 misguided imagination.
[..<] Mer!ur" to midpoint Mer!ur"/=eptune
#hin9ing about %hat to feel. )lert imagination* spe!ial a%areness.
[&..<] 'enus to midpoint Mer!ur"/=eptune
Sensual thought* rapturous imaginings* e+pe!ting too mu!h of lo.e* e+pe!ting a great deal of personal
attention4 strong attra!ti.e po%er of short duration4 artisti! e+pression.
[,..<] Mars to midpoint Mer!ur"/=eptune
#hin9ing %ith a purpose* putting imagination to %or9 :the disposition of a genius;. Inspired planning pa"s
[/..<] 0upiter to midpoint Mer!ur"/=eptune
) ri!h imagination and great po%ers of fantas"4 the large pi!ture be!omes personalised. #he in!lination to
harbour great holes. Poet* a!tor.
[5..<] Saturn to midpoint Mer!ur"/=eptune
Dar9 thoughts* a pessimisti! outloo9 on life* inhibitions in thin9ing* a gloom" rea!tion to real or imagined
!ir!umstan!es* loo9ing at the do%n side of things* %hi!h ma" not be .alid.
[7..<] 8ranus to midpoint Mer!ur"/=eptune
Sudden ne% imaginati.e ideas* inspiration* going far out* in.entions* inspirations. Medi!al> !on.ulsi.e
ner.ous disturban!es.
[<..<] =eptune to midpoint Mer!ur"/=eptune
Beeling %hat to thin9* fantas"* spe!ial a%areness.
[1?..<] Pluto to midpoint Mer!ur"/=eptune
8nusual sub-!ons!ious a!tions4 the tenden!" to dra% highl" upon ner.ous energ"4 instin!ts supporting the
po%er dri.e.
[11..<] =ode to midpoint Mer!ur"/=eptune
$reati.e !onta!t %ith others.
[1?1..<] )s! to midpoint Mer!ur"/=eptune
#he tenden!" to open oneself to the influen!es !oming from other people* potential o.errea!tion* the state
of being e+ploited or de!ei.ed b" others.
[11?..<] M.$. to midpoint Mer!ur"/=eptune
) ri!h inner life full of imagination* far-rea!hing ideas and plans* intuiti.e thin9ing* s"mpatheti!
understanding of other people* spiritual a%areness. among the !louds %ith or %ithout pra!ti!al
[for..<] Bortuna to midpoint Mer!ur"/=eptune
#he imaginati.e fa!ult" deals a lu!9" hand.
[1..1?] Sun to midpoint Mer!ur"/Pluto
) persuasi.e spea9er* a 9een* !ir!umspe!tion or pruden!e and .ision. $hampioning an idea or
attitude that pre.ails4 !ommuni!ation s9ills. #he need for re!ognition.
[2..1?] Moon to midpoint Mer!ur"/Pluto
#he po%er to spea9 %ith heart and soul and !onse6uentl" !!e people4 adaptabilit" in thin9ing and
spea9ing parti!ularl" in relation to %omen.
[..1?] Mer!ur" to midpoint Mer!ur"/Pluto
#he abilit" to persuade4 !ommuni!ating ne% perspe!
[&..1?] 'enus to midpoint Mer!ur"/Pluto
)n in!lination to an interest in unusual and spe!ialised artisti! fields and also to ma9e propaganda for the
latter4 artisti! !ommuni!ation po%er4 ad.ertising4 an unrestrained* up front se+ual e+pression. ) marriage
[,..1?] Mars to midpoint Mer!ur"/Pluto
#he abilit" to grasp a situation 6ui!9l"* right or %rong* and ta9e a!tion !onfidentl" and persuasi.el"* the
abilit" to master great tas9s4 atta!9ing the issue %ithout reser.ation. ) bla!9mailer.
[/..1?] 0upiter to midpoint Mer!ur"/Pluto
#he art of persuasion* the abilit" to tea!h* diploma!". Publi! re!ognition* great su!!ess. ) !roo9 or s%indler.
[5..1?] Saturn to midpoint Mer!ur"/Pluto
) 6uarrelsome nature* insisten!e of a point of .ie%* unrelenting demands* nagging !hara!ter* irritabilit"*
s!epti!ism. =er.ous irritation through* the e+posure to hea." or bitter atta!9s* separation.
[7..1?] 8ranus to midpoint Mer!ur"/Pluto
)n irresistible po%er of suggestion* a fanati!al pursuit of oneCs plans. #he bright idea the da"4
e+treme self-!onfiden!e4 read" to !hart ne% territor". =er.ous e+haustion or brea9do%n through
o.erta+ing oneCs strength.
[<..1?] =eptune to midpoint Mer!ur"/Pluto
1.erdoing issues drains energ" and %ears out oneCs %el!ome."* the pursuit of pe!uliar plans4
!unning* falsehood* !alumn"* libel or defamation.
[1?..1?] Pluto to midpoint Mer!ur"/Pluto
#he abilit" to persuade4 demanding ne% perspe!
[11..1?] =ode to midpoint Mer!ur"/Pluto
Feing re!ognised b" others for persuasion and !ommuni!ation s9ills.
[1?1..1?] )s! to midpoint Mer!ur"/Pluto
#he intelle!tual domination of the surrounds* e+er!ising influen!e.
[11?..1?] M.$. to midpoint Mer!ur"/Pluto
#he abilit" to !ope %ith an" situation* resour!efulness. @ood po%ers of obser.ation* 9een po%ers of
3udgement* pruden!e or !ir!umspe!tion* foresight* the abilit" to arrange matters %ell.
[for..1?] Bortuna to midpoint Mer!ur"/Pluto
Au!9" e+!hange of ideas.
[1..11] Sun to midpoint Mer!ur"/=ode
Putting together a philosoph" of life.
[2..11] Moon to midpoint Mer!ur"/=ode
Sharing emotional thoughts %ith others.
[..11] Mer!ur" to midpoint Mer!ur"/=ode
-+!hanging ideas %ith others.
[&..11] 'enus to midpoint Mer!ur"/=ode
So!ialisation4 sharing affe!tion* interests and artisti! preo!!upationCs %ith others.
[,..11] Mars to midpoint Mer!ur"/=ode
Ma9ing things happen in group sharing* intense team %or9* partnership.
[/..11] 0upiter to midpoint Mer!ur"/=ode
#ea!hing* !ommuni!ation* philosophising* partnership.
[5..11] Saturn to midpoint Mer!ur"/=ode
Reti!en!e about sharing oneCs point of .ie% %ith others4 perhaps too mu!h self-!ontrol or modest".
#ermination of asso!iations. People asso!iated through !ommon or 3oint suffering or mourning.
[7..11] 8ranus to midpoint Mer!ur"/=ode
Stimulating ideas shared4 sudden business !onta!ts. Self-aggrandiEement that disturbs relationships.
[<..11] =eptune to midpoint Mer!ur"/=ode
Diffi!ult ad3ustment to !ommunit" life4 !onfusion about ho% to fit into the group.
[1?..11] Pluto to midpoint Mer!ur"/=ode
#he thrust of intelligen!e4 desire to be intelle!tuall" superior.
[11..11] =ode to midpoint Mer!ur"/=ode
Meeting others to e+!hange ideas.
[1?1..11] )s! to midpoint Mer!ur"/=ode
Ma9ing !onta!ts* an intelle!tuall" stimulation en.ironment. $onferen!es* negotiations* le!tures.
[11?..11] M.$. to midpoint Mer!ur"/=ode
Pla!ed in the forefront in so!ial and business !ir!les.
[for..11] Bortuna to midpoint Mer!ur"/=ode
Au!9 !omes from an e+!hange of ideas.
[1..1?1] Sun to midpoint Mer!ur"/)s!
#he in!lination to !ulti.ate and e+!hange ideas4 putting together a philosoph" of life4 the sear!h for
intelle!tual stimulation.
[2..1?1] Moon to midpoint Mer!ur"/)s!
Pro3e!tion of emotions to others. $on.ersations or negotiations %ith or about %omen.
[..1?1] Mer!ur" to midpoint Mer!ur"/)s!
So!ial attitude be!omes important.
[&..1?1] 'enus to midpoint Mer!ur"/)s!
#he dis!losure of oneCs personal feelings to oneCs intimate !ir!le* pro3e!tion of feelings about lo.e* intima!"*
and the arts.
[,..1?1] Mars to midpoint Mer!ur"/)s!
=egotiating %ith others4 de!iding on the best !ourse of a!tion in !ollaboration %ith ad.isors.
[/..1?1] 0upiter to midpoint Mer!ur"/)s!
#ea!hing4 su!!essful meetings4 sharing ideas easil".
[5..1?1] Saturn to midpoint Mer!ur"/)s!
)dopting a strategi! reser.e in e+pression4 %ithdra%ing from a so!ial !ir!le4 prote!ting oneCs position4
[7..1?1] 8ranus to midpoint Mer!ur"/)s!
Impetuous opinions !an ir9 others4 6ui!9 loss of temper4 being !riti!al.
[<..1?1] =eptune to midpoint Mer!ur"/)s!
=ot 9no%ing 6uite %hat to thin9 about something or someone4 the tenden!" to thin9 badl" of others4
openness to de!eption or slander.
[1?..1?1] Pluto to midpoint Mer!ur"/)s!
#he desire to establish oneCs influen!e people %ithin oneCs en.ironment* be!oming prominent and
influential* putting oneCs personal stamp on something*!ement in oneCs !areer.
[11..1?1] =ode to midpoint Mer!ur"/)s!
-as" inter!hange %ith others.
[1?1..1?1] )s! to midpoint Mer!ur"/)s!
Dhat one thin9s is on the line4 open to e.aluation.
[11?..1?1] M.$. to midpoint Mer!ur"/)s!
Re.ealing oneCs position4 ta9ing oneCs stand4 !ommuni!ating %ithout fear.
[for..1?1] Bortuna to midpoint Mer!ur"/)s!
1neCs attitude to%ards other people brings lu!9.
[1..11?] Sun to midpoint Mer!ur"/M.$.
) harmonious relationship bet%een bod"* soul and spirit4 forming oneCs o%n philosoph" of life.
[2..11?] Moon to midpoint Mer!ur"/M.$.
Beelings e+pressed through a sense of rightness parti!ularl" relating to %omen.
[..11?] Mer!ur" to midpoint Mer!ur"/M.$.
Bollo%ing oneCs %a" of thin9ing to the hilt4 !hanges as a result.
[&..11?] 'enus to midpoint Mer!ur"/M.$.
#hin9ing about lo.e and relationship and feeling right.
[,..11?] Mars to midpoint Mer!ur"/M.$.
Ma9ing a de!ision about %here one stands* usuall" %ith regard to the profession or oneCs so!ial position.
[/..11?] 0upiter to midpoint Mer!ur"/M.$.
) %ealth of thoughts* an optimisti! outloo9* the fortunate abilit" of self-9no%ledge4 the !apa!it" to
be happ" and re!ognise oneCs good fortune4 tea!hing* publishing* tra.elling for gain4 philosophising.
[5..11?] Saturn to midpoint Mer!ur"/M.$.
1neCs point of .ie% !omes under s!rutin" b" authorit" figures. #he abandonment of oneCs aims in life
pursued hitherto.
[7..11?] 8ranus to midpoint Mer!ur"/M.$.
Bormulating ne% ob3e!ti.es4 ma9ing a sensation4 thro%ing !aution to the %inds be!ause of great
!onfiden!e4 ner.e.
[<..11?] =eptune to midpoint Mer!ur"/M.$.
Self-absorbed thin9ing ma" lose the tra!9 on the publi! !ourse.
[1?..11?] Pluto to midpoint Mer!ur"/M.$.
#he pursuit of fanati!al aims* e+!essi.e ambition. ) ma3or turning point is possible4 the po%er pi!ture is
!lear4 persuasion dominates.
[11..11?] =ode to midpoint Mer!ur"/M.$.
1pen intera!tion %ith others4 telling the truth.
[1?1..11?] )s! to midpoint Mer!ur"/M.$.
Determining oneCs o%n attitude to other people* 3udging or e+pert ad.i!e. Self-absorption4 losing
!onta!t %ith others4 !hange bre%ing.
[11?..11?] M$ to midpoint Mer!ur"/M.$. oneCs point of .ie% !larified or re!ognised.
[for..11?] Bortuna to midpoint Mer!ur"/M.$.
Au!9 resides in oneCs 9no%ledge of oneself.
[1..for] Sun to midpoint Mer!ur"/Bortuna
[2..for] Moon to midpoint Mer!ur"/Bortuna
[..for] Mer!ur" to midpoint Mer!ur"/Bortuna
[&..for] 'enus to midpoint Mer!ur"/Bortuna
[,..for] Mars to midpoint Mer!ur"/Bortuna
[/..for] 0upiter to midpoint Mer!ur"/Bortuna
[5..for] Saturn to midpoint Mer!ur"/Bortuna
[7..for] 8ranus to midpoint Mer!ur"/Bortuna
[<..for] =eptune to midpoint Mer!ur"/Bortuna
[1?..for] Pluto to midpoint Mer!ur"/Bortuna
[11..for] =ode to midpoint Mer!ur"/Bortuna
[1?1..for] )s! to midpoint Mer!ur"/Bortuna
[11?..for] M.$. to midpoint Mer!ur"/Bortuna
[for..for] Bortuna to midpoint Mer!ur"/Bortuna
[1.&.,] Sun to midpoint 'enus/Mars
) strong ph"si!al lo.e4 artisti! po%er of !reation4 marriage* !on!eption.
[2.&.,] Moon to midpoint 'enus/Mars
Strong emotional impulses* an earl" desire for marriage. Bulfilment through the arts. Motherhood.
[.&.,] Mer!ur" to midpoint 'enus/Mars
#hin9ing influen!ed b" lo.e-impulse* the tenden!" to del.e into the problems of se+-relationship. )!tors*
[&.&.,] 'enus to midpoint 'enus/Mars
Beeling for lo.e4 roman!e4 se+ual relationship4 !" in arts.
[,.&.,] Mars to midpoint 'enus/Mars
Passion4 impulsi.e se+ual dri.e4 e+!itement.
[/.&.,] 0upiter to midpoint 'enus/Mars
) health" se+ual relationship* strong ph"si!al attra!tion* a ri!h soul-life and e+pression of feeling4 %riting
about lo.e. Su!!ess in the arts and/or in plans to ma9e relationships* attra!t lo.e* ha.e !hildren.
[5.&.,] Saturn to midpoint 'enus/Mars
#he sense of being !ontrolled in lo.e-matters* of losing freedom4 inhibitions4 possible relationship %ith
someone of !onspi!uous age differen!e4 renun!iation. ) separation in lo.e.
[7.&.,] 8ranus to midpoint 'enus/Mars
Intense passion4 high ner.ous in.ol.ement %ith things se+ual4 se+ual e+perimentation4 dangerous liaison.
Se+ual assault.
[<.&.,] =eptune to midpoint 'enus/Mars
Spiritual bonds. Re.elling in the desire4 self-sa!rifi!e to another or being ta9en ad.antage of.
Disappointment in se+ relationship. )ppendi!itis.
[1?.&.,] Pluto to midpoint 'enus/Mars
Po%erful se+ual dri.e4 the !on6uest.
[11.&.,] =ode to midpoint 'enus/Mars
)n e+tremel" magneti! personalit" %ith regard to se+ual attra!tion.
[1?1.&.,] )s! to midpoint 'enus/Mars
Sho%ing lo.e easil"* %ith fe% !onditions.
[11?.&.,] M.$. to midpoint 'enus/Mars
Pronoun!ed se+ualit" in attitude to lo.e4 intense relationship4 desire for marriage or the a!tual e.ent4
[for.&.,] Bortuna to midpoint 'enus/Mars
Bulfilled impulse to lo.e.
[1.&./] Sun to midpoint 'enus/0upiter
) %arm heart* 9indness* good %ill to%ard others* a health" bod". Feing popular* su!!essful* parti!ularl"
%ell-appre!iated4!ement in life. Fridegroom.
[2.&./] Moon to midpoint 'enus/0upiter
) good-natured disposition* affe!tionate and !ordial manner* !harm. ) %oman permeated %ith the 3o" of
lo.e :bride or mother;.
[.&./] Mer!ur" to midpoint 'enus/0upiter
2app" thoughts* good humour* a lo.e of entertainment* %riting beautifull"* !ommuni!ating %ith gra!e.
[&.&./] 'enus to midpoint 'enus/0upiter
2appiness in lo.e4 su!!ess4 humanism4 birthing.
[,.&./] Mars to midpoint 'enus/0upiter
) harmonious se+-life* strong po%er of %ishing* stirred-up feelings* a good time. De!isions are made
through the 3o"s of lo.e :engagement* %edding;. Pro!reation* birth.
[/.&./] 0upiter to midpoint 'enus/0upiter
Su!!ess in lo.e4 artisti! su!!ess4 philanthrop"4 birthing.
[5.&./] Saturn to midpoint 'enus/0upiter
Realism is introdu!ed to e+pansi.e hopes4 possible !oming do%n to earth %ith a thud4 !aution4 loss of faith4
[7.&./] 8ranus to midpoint 'enus/0upiter
#he !apa!it" to e+press 3o" %hole-heatedl"* the abilit" to be!ome popular 6ui!9l". Sudden happiness in
lo.e* 6ui!9 fulfilment of %ishes* 3o"ous e+!itement.
[<.&./] =eptune to midpoint 'enus/0upiter
) loss of fo!us in lo.e relationship4 a !hange of dire!tion for no !lear reason4 being ta9en ad.antage of*
being de!ei.ed. =egligen!e* la!9 of !orre!t beha.iour* falsehood4 a disharmonious and destru!ti.e
[1?.&./] Pluto to midpoint 'enus/0upiter
#he en3o"ment of an unusuall" large measure of popularit"* the abilit" to gain fa.our %ith the masses* a
state of great happiness.
[11.&./] =ode to midpoint 'enus/0upiter
Sharing 3o" %ith other people* an unselfish disposition. -ngagement.
[1?1.&./] )s! to midpoint 'enus/0upiter
) bright disposition4 good !heer.
[11?.&./] M.$. to midpoint 'enus/0upiter
#he abilit" to radiate oneCs o%n happiness* the demonstration of gladness and of %arm heart %hen meeting
other people.
[for.&./] Bortuna to midpoint 'enus/0upiter
#he 3o" and happiness of lo.e.
[1.&.5] Sun to midpoint 'enus/Saturn
8nsatisfied desire in lo.e* inhibitions in se+-e+pression* an unhealth" e+pression of se+-urge* %ea9 po%ers
of pro!reation.
[2.&.5] Moon to midpoint 'enus/Saturn
-motional depression !aused b" unsatisfied lo.e* inhibitions* an unfortunate disposition or diffi!ult
!ir!umstan!es in all matters of lo.e-e+pression. ) %oman separated from her husband or a
lonel" life.
[.&.5] Mer!ur" to midpoint 'enus/Saturn
#hin9ing about %a"s to feel fulfilled* to impro.e relationship* to feel %anted. =arro%-mindedness or
selfishness in lo.e.
[&.&.5] 'enus to midpoint 'enus/Saturn
@ra!e gi.en to ambition4 the arts introdu!ed to the life4 the hurt of lo.e-lost.
[,.&.5] Mars to midpoint 'enus/Saturn a %edge into relationship harmon"4 %anting more than is there4 fearing !ompetition* 3ealous"*
possible separation.
[/.&.5] 0upiter to midpoint 'enus/Saturn
#he preferen!e for solitude* happiness in solitude. Aearning respe!t for the status 6uo4 9eeping to oneself.
)n illegitimate relationship.
[5.&.5] Saturn to midpoint 'enus/Saturn
Suppression of lo.e feelings4 relationship %ith someone of !onspi!uous age differen!e4 learning trust in
roman!e4 tr"ing to understand pea!efulness and !alm.
[7.&.5] 8ranus to midpoint 'enus/Saturn
) .er" tense lo.e relationship4 the desire to!ome inhibitions or obsta!les in lo.e suddenl"4 3ealousies4
boredom* arguments* possible separation.
[<.&.5] =eptune to midpoint 'enus/Saturn
) !old heart* the %rong ideas about lo.e* preten!e in relationships4 thin9ing the grass is greener else%here4
dreaminess de!ei.es4 possible separation.
[1?.&.5] Pluto to midpoint 'enus/Saturn
8nusuall" strong tension in lo.e relationship* temporar" or passing state of !haos.
[11.&.5] =ode to midpoint 'enus/Saturn
$onta!ts %ith similar souls on the do%n side of life4 needing s"mpath".
[1?1.&.5] )s! to midpoint 'enus/Saturn
2iding oneCs light* sh"ness* %ithdra%ing* fear of not being a!!epted.
[11?.&.5] M.$. to midpoint 'enus/Saturn
Beeling unimportant4 su!!essful enough4 separation in lo.e.
[for.&.5] Bortuna to midpoint 'enus/Saturn
Inhibitions in lo.e-life.
[1.&.7] Sun to midpoint 'enus/8ranus
Ao.e ad.entures4 read"-to-go4 a nature 6ui!9l" aroused.
[2.&.7] Moon to midpoint 'enus/8ranus
Sudden e+!itement of fulfilment of oneCs needs in lo.e* in se+* in the arts. Firth.
[.&.7] Mer!ur" to midpoint 'enus/8ranus
#he abilit" to gi.e stimulating ideas* parti!ularl" artisti! ideas* to other people. #he sudden emergen!e of
[&.&.7] 'enus to midpoint 'enus/8ranus
@ra!e added to indi.idualit"4 being appre!iated* desired.
[,.&.7] Mars to midpoint 'enus/8ranus
Strong e+!itabilit" in lo.e. $reati.e a!". ) sudden stepping-up of the se+-life* pro!reation* birth.
[/.&.7] 0upiter to midpoint 'enus/8ranus
#he lo.e of art* a sense of rh"thm* inspired artisti! re!". ) sudden and passing happiness in lo.e*
.a!ation4 artisti! su!!ess4 birth.
[5.&.7] Saturn to midpoint 'enus/8ranus
) !ontrolled sensualit"* suppressed tensions in lo.e-life* passing se+ual inhibitions. #he a%a9ening from
infatuation* estrangement* separation. Diffi!ult birth.
[7.&.7] 8ranus to midpoint 'enus/8ranus
Intensifi!ation of lo.e desires and emotional e+!itement.
[<.&.7] =eptune to midpoint 'enus/8ranus
) pe!uliar disposition in se+-e+pression* eas" impressionabilit"* off-the-norm in se+ual e+perien!e and
fantas"4 relationship problems that are not eas" to define. Sedu!tion4 renoun!ing lo.e suddenl".
[1?.&.7] Pluto to midpoint 'enus/8ranus
Bated attra!tion4 potential notoriet"4 possible e+hibitionism.
[11.&.7] =ode to midpoint 'enus/8ranus
Intense feelings see9 out the same in others.
[1?1.&.7] )s! to midpoint 'enus/8ranus
) pro3e!tion of se+iness* the demonstration of lo.e in the presen!e of other people. ) sudden !onta!t* a
hast" engagement.
[11?.&.7] M.$. to midpoint 'enus/8ranus
@etting in.ol.ed %ith someone 6ui!9l"4 an affair brea9ing open to publi! .ie%4 su!!ess in artisti!
endea.ours. -ngagement.
[for.&.7] Bortuna to midpoint 'enus/8ranus
#he fulfilment of lo.e at first sight.
[1.&.<] Sun to midpoint 'enus/=eptune
Balling in lo.e %ith lo.e4 se!reti.eness.
[2.&.<] Moon to midpoint 'enus/=eptune
) dream" emotional pro3e!tion4 a small sense of realit"* impra!ti!alit". ) !haoti! emotional life* a dream"
nature* impressionabilit".
[.&.<] Mer!ur" to midpoint 'enus/=eptune
) s"mpatheti! and !ompassionate understanding of other people* imagination* an artisti! sense :l"ri!s;.
Drong or miss-dire!ted lo.e* a disappointed hope.
[&.&.<] 'enus to midpoint 'enus/=eptune
Ao.e in a s%oon4 eroti! imaginings4 artisti! ideas.
[,.&.<] Mars to midpoint 'enus/=eptune
Se+ual dri.e has a diffi!ult" being fulfilled4 there is magneti! attra!ti.eness* but trouble settling do%n.
Se+ual aberration.
[/.&.<] 0upiter to midpoint 'enus/=eptune
) ri!h imagination* romanti! re.erie* a lo.e of !omfort4 re!epti.eness of beaut" and art4 the tenden!" to
re.el in illusions.
[5.&.<] Saturn to midpoint 'enus/=eptune
Bear of loosing a dream4 inhibitions and sh"ness in lo.e4 torment be!ause of lo.e4 a ne% loo9 at realism is
[7.&.<] 8ranus to midpoint 'enus/=eptune
) strong longing for lo.e that ma" get out of hand. Intensified fantas" setting up impra!ti!al e+pe!tations4
sus!eptibilit" to e+ploitation through being e+tra.agant.
[<.&.<] =eptune to midpoint 'enus/=eptune
Potential delusion in lo.e4 feeling unre6uited4 !reati.e outlets.
[1?.&.<] Pluto to midpoint 'enus/=eptune
-+tremel" emotional4 strong longing in lo.e %ithout attaining fulfilment4 a tragi! lo.e* a painful
renun!iation4 se+ual needs pa!9 a primal pun!h.
[11.&.<] =ode to midpoint 'enus/=eptune
Misdire!ted feelings in lo.e* lo.e %ith subse6uent disappointment.
[1?1.&.<] )s! to midpoint 'enus/=eptune
) pe!uliar disposition %ith regard to lo.e-life* possibl" a libertine image* a union %ith su!h a person.
[11?.&.<] M.$. to midpoint 'enus/=eptune
) romanti! re.elling in lo.e* losing oneself in illusion. Profiting through artisti! !".
[for.&.<] Bortuna to midpoint 'enus/=eptune
Possibl" talent for !reati.e illusionism.
[1.&.1?] Sun to midpoint 'enus/Pluto
$reati.e disposition in lo.e* in the arts* and in general life-st"le. @reat !"* an unusual sense of form*
deep affe!tion. ) pe!uliar destin" in lo.e.
[2.&.1?] Moon to midpoint 'enus/Pluto
)n o.erl" intense emotional life* strong pro!reati.e po%er. Motherhood.
[.&.1?] Mer!ur" to midpoint 'enus/Pluto
)rtisti! talent or lo.e of art.
[&.&.1?] 'enus to midpoint 'enus/Pluto
@ra!e is brought to po%er. Impro.ed a!!eptan!e for the indomitable.
[,.&.1?] Mars to midpoint 'enus/Pluto
#he se+ dri.e dominates e+pression4 temperamental emotionalism.
[/.&.1?] 0upiter to midpoint 'enus/Pluto
)bundant !reati.e po%er* publi!it"4 se+ ad.entures on .a!ation4 problems in the !ourts* possibl"
[5.&.1?] Saturn to midpoint 'enus/Pluto
#he fear of losing lo.e4 the sense of traged".
[7.&.1?] 8ranus to midpoint 'enus/Pluto
Ao.e at first sight* fanati! lo.e. -+perien!es off-the-beaten-tra!9.
[<.&.1?] =eptune to midpoint 'enus/Pluto
) lo.e nar!osis* impressionabilit"* a sedu!ible nature* la!9 of stabilit" in lo.e.
[1?.&.1?] Pluto to midpoint 'enus/Pluto
Intensifi!ation of lo.e desires4 affairs4 !ompulsi.eness4 %asting emotions.
[11.&.1?] =ode to midpoint 'enus/Pluto
#he abilit" to e+er!ise fas!ination or an attra!tion upon man" people or a !ompulsion to asso!iate %ith
other people for better or %orse.
[1?1.&.1?] )s! to midpoint 'enus/Pluto
Bas!inating personalit" attra!ts others.
[11?.&.1?] M.$. to midpoint 'enus/Pluto
)rtisti! su!!ess4 lo.e affairs brought out into the open. Bated* 9armi! union.
[for.&.1?] Bortuna to midpoint 'enus/Pluto
$reati.e gifts.
[1.&.11] Sun to midpoint 'enus/=ode
Politeness* so!iabilit"* genialit". )n asso!iation on the basis of lo.e or artisti! interests.
[2.&.11] Moon to midpoint 'enus/=ode
#he desire to see9 a !ordial* genuine and !omplete understanding %ith others.
[.&.11] Mer!ur" to midpoint 'enus/=ode
$ommuni!ation about roman!e or artisti! matters to others.
[&.&.11] 'enus to midpoint 'enus/=ode
=i!e meeting %ith someone4 romanti! !onta!t.
[,.&.11] Mars to midpoint 'enus/=ode
) passionate disposition* the pro!reati.e urge. Relationship based on the ph"si!al attra!tion alone. Ma9ing
an important romanti! date.
[/.&.11] 0upiter to midpoint 'enus/=ode
-n3o"ing someoneCs !ompan" enormousl"4 a ri!h or happ" :and fortunate; lo.e-union.
[5.&.11] Saturn to midpoint 'enus/=ode
Inhibitions* sh"ness. )%a9ening from a lo.e-dream into realit". Dithdra%al.
[7.&.11] 8ranus to midpoint 'enus/=ode
Intense sudden attra!tion to someone. ) passionate affair of short duration.
[<.&.11] =eptune to midpoint 'enus/=ode
Re.elling or e!stati! lo.e-notions %ithout fulfilment. Ma9ing promises that are hard to 9eep. Indulgen!e in
lo.e. ) hopeless relationship or disappointment.
[1?.&.11] Pluto to midpoint 'enus/=ode
Romanti! !onta!t that ma" be e+tremel" strong and lasting.
[11.&.11] =ode to midpoint 'enus/=ode
Feing !ultural4 !onta!t %ith someone or an e.ent in the arts4 roman!e4 emotional meetings.
[1?1.&.11] )s! to midpoint 'enus/=ode
)ffe!tionate nature4 !ordialit"* popularit". ) lo.e affair.
[11?.&.11] M.$. to midpoint 'enus/=ode
Feing 9no%n for oneCs art or appre!iation of things !ultural4 signifi!ant romanti! fulfilment.
[for.&.11] Bortuna to midpoint 'enus/=ode
Bortunate so!ial !onta!ts - roman!e.
[1.&.1?1] Sun to midpoint 'enus/)s!
) harmonious disposition !oupled %ith a beautiful ph"si6ue* gra!efulness* a sense of art. Sho%ing oneself
at oneCs best in terms of appearan!e.
[2.&.1?1] Moon to midpoint 'enus/)s!
)n attra!ti.e and engaging nature* motherliness. )ffe!tions sho%n to others.
[.&.1?1] Mer!ur" to midpoint 'enus/)s!
) so!iable and also entertaining nature4 asso!iations through !ommon interests or lo.e4 hobbies.
[&.&.1?1] 'enus to midpoint 'enus/)s!
=i!eness4 being appre!iated.
[,.&.1?1] Mars to midpoint 'enus/)s!
)%areness of oneCs !harms. 8sing oneCs !harm or se+iness to ma9e something happen. )n impulsi.e
[/.&.1?1] 0upiter to midpoint 'enus/)s!
-nthusiasm galore4 a sho% of lu+ur".
[5.&.1?1] Saturn to midpoint 'enus/)s!
#ightening up the budget4 pulling ba!9 the affe!tions4 being 9no%n as frugal. )%a9ening from a lo.e-dream
into realit".
[7.&.1?1] 8ranus to midpoint 'enus/)s!
Intense flair4 attra!ti.eness to others. Ao.e at first sight.
[<.&.1?1] =eptune to midpoint 'enus/)s!
Booling oneself about personal popularit" or attra!ti.eness4 sadness about romanti! loss.
[1?.&.1?1] Pluto to midpoint 'enus/)s!
-+treme sho% of self-a%areness* probabl" in terms of st"le* flair* beaut"* or arts appre!iation4 !lothing*
gender pride.
[11.&.1?1] =ode to midpoint 'enus/)s!
Feing s%eet* interested in others.
[1?1.&.1?1] )s! to midpoint 'enus/)s!
=i!eness4 being appre!iated.
[11?.&.1?1] M.$. to midpoint 'enus/)s!
) sense of beaut"4 a re!ognised romanti!.
[for.&.1?1] Bortuna to midpoint 'enus/)s!
Bortunate so!ial !onta!ts. Roman!e. @eneral %ell-being.
[1.&.11?] Sun to midpoint 'enus/M.$.
Self-lo.e .anit" and !on!eit4 the desire to !at!h lime-light* the e+pe!tation of admiration from other people4
!onfident sense of attra!ti.eness4 su!!ess.
[2.&.11?] Moon to midpoint 'enus/M.$.
Deep feeling about roman!e* a %arm-hearted and !ordial disposition* a motherl" nature* the t"pi!all"
female 6ualities. Feing .alued for oneCs %or94 re!ognition of a 3ob %ell done.
[.&.11?] Mer!ur" to midpoint 'enus/M.$.
)rtisti! ideas4 beautiful !ommuni!ations for profit4 %or9ing as a %riter or some other 9ind of artist.
[&.&.11?] 'enus to midpoint 'enus/M.$.
Balling in lo.e4 reinfor!ing a deep relationship4 9ind support from others.
[,.&.11?] Mars to midpoint 'enus/M.$.
Impulsi.e e+pression of !" or of the se+ urge. ) se+-union.
[/.&.11?] 0upiter to midpoint 'enus/M.$.
) health" and !onfident attitude to%ard lo.e life* the abilit" to gain affe!tion of others easil"4 enthusiasm*
happiness* su!!ess.
[5.&.11?] Saturn to midpoint 'enus/M.$.
)mbition fo!used in the arts4 !ontrolling the lo.e urge4 loss of relationship4 being frugal4 fa!ing a !ut-ba!9 of
some 9ind professionall".
[7.&.11?] 8ranus to midpoint 'enus/M.$.
-+!itabilit" in lo.e* sudden atta!hments %ithout duration* in!onstan!". =e% ideas on the 3ob* perhaps Ean".
1penness about relationships.
[<.&.11?] =eptune to midpoint 'enus/M.$.
Imagination4 artisti! a!hie.ement. Aosing tou!h %ith the most satisfa!tor" %a"s of relating and
[1?.&.11?] Pluto to midpoint 'enus/M.$.
#remendous fo!us on an artisti! !areer4 !ultural e+posure* publi!it". )n unusual po%er of attra!tion. )
strange pro.iden!e in lo.e relationship.
[11.&.11?] =ode to midpoint 'enus/M.$.
)n affe!tionate attitude4 deep bonds of lo.e.
[1?1.&.11?] )s! to midpoint 'enus/M.$.
) harmonious personalit"4 the .o% of lo.e.
[11?.&.11?] M$ to midpoint 'enus/M.$.
Balling in lo.e4 reinfor!ing a deep relationship4 for%arding a !areer parti!ularl" in the arts4 getting a salar"
[for.&.11?] Bortuna to midpoint 'enus/M.$.
So!ial su!!ess and happiness at %or9.
[1.&.for] Sun to midpoint 'enus/Bortuna
[2.&.for] Moon to midpoint 'enus/Bortuna
[.&.for] Mer!ur" to midpoint 'enus/Bortuna
[&.&.for] 'enus to midpoint 'enus/Bortuna
[,.&.for] Mars to midpoint 'enus/Bortuna
[/.&.for] 0upiter to midpoint 'enus/Bortuna
[5.&.for] Saturn to midpoint 'enus/Bortuna
[7.&.for] 8ranus to midpoint 'enus/Bortuna
[<.&.for] =eptune to midpoint 'enus/Bortuna
[1?.&.for] Pluto to midpoint 'enus/Bortuna
[11.&.for] =ode to midpoint 'enus/Bortuna
[1?1.&.for] )s! to midpoint 'enus/Bortuna
[11?.&.for] M.$. to midpoint 'enus/Bortuna
[for.&.for] Bortuna to midpoint 'enus/Bortuna
[1.,./] Sun to midpoint Mars/0upiter
) health" se+-life* !reati.e po%er* the lo.e of enterprise* organising talent* pride* a sense of honour*
leadership. #he da" of happiness* the bridegroom.
[2.,./] Moon to midpoint Mars/0upiter
#he abilit" to ma9e fortunate de!isions guided b" feeling or intuition. ) su!!essful %ife* bride* e+pe!tant
mother* birth.
[.,./] Mer!ur" to midpoint Mars/0upiter
Planning !apabilit"* organisational talent4 publishing4 sho%ing the fruits of oneCs labour and !".
[&.,./] 'enus to midpoint Mars/0upiter
) harmonious se+-e+pression* ri!h per!epti.e fa!ulties and feelings* !reati.e artisti! a!". Bortunate
de!ision made in lo.e and marriage. Firth.
[,.,./] Mars to midpoint Mars/0upiter
) fortunate !ourse of a!tion4 !learing the air4 su!!essful !reati.e a!".
[/.,./] 0upiter to midpoint Mars/0upiter
#remendous energ"4 enterprise4 ma9ing things happen in a big %a"4 ma9ing effe!ti.el".
[5.,./] Saturn to midpoint Mars/0upiter
Diffi!ulties in ma9ing de!isions* the tenden!" to let good opportunities slip a%a". Struggling %ith impulse* to toe the line* pulling in oneCs sails.
[7.,./] 8ranus to midpoint Mars/0upiter
Independen!e* the urge for freedom* an a!ti.e resistan!e to guardianship or to tutelage4 e+plosi.e
e+pression* brea9ing loose* 6ui!9 determination or resol.e.
[<.,./] =eptune to midpoint Mars/0upiter
Imagining su!!ess4 letting realit" get a%a"4 being on a mista9en !ourse of a!tion. Dela"ed or diffi!ult birth.
[1?.,./] Pluto to midpoint Mars/0upiter
)n e+traordinar" or unusual spirit of enterprise* great !reati.e po%ers* brilliant su!!ess. People !apable of
ta!9ling big pro3e!ts.
[11.,./] =ode to midpoint Mars/0upiter
@ood !ooperation %ith others. ) happ" union* an engagement.
[1?1.,./] )s! to midpoint Mars/0upiter
Su!!ess in influen!ing the en.ironment* being respe!ted as a doer* opportunit" for su!!eeding through
other people. -ngagement* marriage* birth.
[11?.,./] M.$. to midpoint Mars/0upiter
#he 3o" of* the lo.e of enterprise* the !reati.e urge4 opportunit" for su!!ess.
[for.,./] Bortuna to midpoint Mars/0upiter
-+pansi.e a!tion brings so!ial su!!ess and general good fortune.
[1.,.5] Sun to midpoint Mars/Saturn
Dea9 .italit"* possible threat to the bod" or health. Frea9ing do%n under stress and strain. #he sense of
loss4 e9ing it out. #he illness or the death of members of the male population.
[2.,.5] Moon to midpoint Mars/Saturn
Dea9ness of %ill* a mood or a fit of depression* la!9 of !ourage. Illness* separation or death of members of
the female se+.
[.,.5] Mer!ur" to midpoint Mars/Saturn
#houghts donCt 9no% %here to go4 an" alternati.e seems inappropriate4 inde!ision4 separating from issues.
=e%s of mourning or berea.ement.
[&.,.5] 'enus to midpoint Mars/Saturn
-motions are !ooled4 frustration4 feeling lo.eless or unlo.ed* unsupported4 passionatel" tr"ing to ma9e
something %or9. Illness* separation* loss of female persons.
[,.,.5] Mars to midpoint Mars/Saturn
#he !lash of hot and !old* a!tion and !ontrol4 stalemate.
[/.,.5] 0upiter to midpoint Mars/Saturn
$on!entration of energ" upon a parti!ular ob3e!ti.e to the entire e+!lusion of other interests4 the abilit" to
render 6ui!9 %or9 satisfa!toril".
#he abilit" to destro" or eliminate something thoroughl". #he stage of impro.ement during an illness* a
fortunate separation* a .er" pleasant and eas" death.
[5.,.5] Saturn to midpoint Mars/Saturn
Putting a damper on things4 ups and do%ns4 inde!ision4 failing.
[7.,.5] 8ranus to midpoint Mars/Saturn
-+traordinar" and unusual po%ers of resistan!e* the abilit" to gi.e as %ell as to ta9e under pro.o!ation* the
in!lination to appl" brute for!e. ) test of ner.ous strength* inter.ention b" a higher for!e or pro.iden!e. )
sudden illness* a!!ident* separation or death.
[<.,.5] =eptune to midpoint Mars/Saturn
Dea9 .italit"* little resistan!e to obsta!les in oneCs life. $onfusion* feeling threatened4 self-torment about
identit". ) m"sterious death or a gra.e loss.
[1?.,.5] Pluto to midpoint Mars/Saturn
Frutalit"* the rage of fur" and destru!tion. #he need to ta9e !ontrol4 for!ing an issue4 strong anger. )n a!t of
@od4 in3ur" to bod"* death in mass.
[11.,.5] =ode to midpoint Mars/Saturn
#he !onditions of together %ith negati.e or si!9 people4 unsatisfa!tor" liaisons.
[1?1.,.5] )s! to midpoint Mars/Saturn
Struggling for" step of!ement4 possible health threat4 the ne!essit" to e!onomise.
[11?.,.5] M.$. to midpoint Mars/Saturn
-nduran!e* the po%er of resistan!e*!oming obsta!les stoi!all".
[for.,.5] Bortuna to midpoint Mars/Saturn
Restri!tions - blo%ing hot and !old. Serious a!tion ne!essar" to re-stru!ture one s sense of %ell-being.
[1.,.7] Sun to midpoint Mars/8ranus
) sound ph"si6ue !apable of sudden e+tra effort. )!ting 6ui!9l". Sudden ne% !ir!umstan!es4 strong sense of
self-!onfiden!e4 feeling in.ulnerable. )!!idents* in3ur".
[2.,.7] Moon to midpoint Mars/8ranus
-nerg" of life go.erned b" feeling* the ambition to a!hie.e something big* the strong need for lo.e4 a desire
for re!ognition. Spe!ial effort e+panded b" a %oman :birth;. )!!ident or in3ur" parti!ularl" relating to the
female se+.
[.,.7] Mer!ur" to midpoint Mars/8ranus
#he in!lination to dra%" on oneCs reser.e of ner.ous energ". Planning independent a!tion* a test of
strength !arried through !al!ulatingl"4 an a!hie.ement* perhaps an in.ention* thought out in great detail.
)n e+!essi.e irritation of the
[&.,.7] 'enus to midpoint Mars/8ranus
) strongl" passionate e+!itabilit". In!reased romanti! a!". Firth.
[,.,.7] Mars to midpoint Mars/8ranus
Intense self-a%areness4 tremendous urge to a!tion4 test of
[/.,.7] 0upiter to midpoint Mars/8ranus
#he !orre!t grasp of a situation !oupled %ith timel" a!tion. Su!!essful !ontests of strength* good fortune
and also a lu!9" hand in unusual a!tions4 good lu!9 %ith in3uries* a!!idents or operations.
[5.,.7] Saturn to midpoint Mars/8ranus
) !lash bet%een !ontrols and the free spirit4 potential battles and separations4 !ontrols !annot be tolerated.
) hea." in3ur"* an operation* .iolent destru!tion.
[7.,.7] 8ranus to midpoint Mars/8ranus
Sudden appli!ation of great energ"4 dominant %ill.
[<.,.7] =eptune to midpoint Mars/8ranus
Inspiration for .igorous selfhood :for better or %orse;. ) dream leading the a!tion* something !oming out of
no%here 4 a loss of the usual orientation. $unning and de!eitfulness* a lo% and mean %a" of a!ting* the
desire to harm other people* bad intentions. ) s%oon or fainting %hen o.erta+ing oneCs strength4 a fit of
rage or frenE". )n a!!ident.
[1?.,.7] Pluto to midpoint Mars/8ranus
Bor!e* .iolent inter.entions* higher po%er.
[11.,.7] =ode to midpoint Mars/8ranus
'isible e+!itement in the presen!e of other people. #he e+e!ution of e+traordinar" and unusual enterprises.
[1?1.,.7] )s! to midpoint Mars/8ranus
)!!ident-prone temperament and personalit".
[11?.,.7] M.$. to midpoint Mars/8ranus
)n infle+ible !hara!ter ta9ing drasti! measures* the person putting a gun to someoneCs head * an a!t of
.iolen!e4 e+traordinar" a!hie.ements. #he e+e!ution of drasti! and .iolent measures.
[for.,.7] Bortuna to midpoint Mars/8ranus
-+plosi.e and dramati! e.ents !lear the de!9 for positi.e !hange.
[1.,.<] Sun to midpoint Mars/=eptune
=e% plans are illuminated4 situational !hanges. Aa!9 of %ill-po%er* dis!ontent* a %ea9 ph"si6ue* little
.italit". #he danger of infe!tion.
[2.,.<] Moon to midpoint Mars/=eptune
-motional"* feeling off !ourse* inde!ision. Dea9* si!9 or mood" %omen. $roo9s. Danger of
[.,.<] Mer!ur" to midpoint Mars/=eptune
Imagination ma" lose an!hor4 %ea9ness resulting from drug abuse4 man" plans %ithout a !han!e of
[&.,.<] 'enus to midpoint Mars/=eptune
-roti! musings* differentl" dire!ted sensualit"* %rong ideas about lo.e-relationship* per.ersions. #he danger
of infe!tion of the 9idne"s or the se+ organs.
[,.,.<] Mars to midpoint Mars/=eptune
Inspiration4 imagination made appli!able4 personal magnetism.
[/.,.<] 0upiter to midpoint Mars/=eptune
) ri!h and !olourful imagination* inspiration* spiritual per!eption in spite of a %ea9 .italit". ) fortunate turn
or brea9 after suffering disappointments or also a disappointment under other%ise fortunate
!ir!umstan!es4 unhappiness or ill lu!9 in the midst of %ealth.
Pulmonar" disorders.
[5.,.<] Saturn to midpoint Mars/=eptune
Feing ta9en ad.antage of4 reti!en!e4 the sense of futilit"4 perse.ering in spite of fear. Disorders of the s9in*
%ea9 bones* to+ins in the bod"* an epidemi!.
[7.,.<] 8ranus to midpoint Mars/=eptune
-nergeti!all" follo%ing oneCs personal dream4 rea!hing for pie in the s9". $hanging energ" le.els %ith states
of %ea9ness emerging suddenl".
[<.,.<] =eptune to midpoint Mars/=eptune
$hange of !ourse of a!tion due to dissatisfa!tion4 going to %here the grass seems greener4 losing fo!us.
[1?.,.<] Pluto to midpoint Mars/=eptune
)pparentl" irresponsible attitude4 selfish pursuit of oneCs ob3e!ti.es4"-!are attitude4 the tenden!"
to !ause damage to others brutall" or to suffer li9e%ise. Dissolution* death.
[11.,.<] =ode to midpoint Mars/=eptune
8ndermining asso!iations through la!9 of stabilit".
[1?1.,.<] )s! to midpoint Mars/=eptune off a magneti! or off-the-norm emanation4 being definitel" different. ) la!9 of .igour for!ement in life. #he end of a union or an asso!iation.
[11?.,.<] M.$. to midpoint Mars/=eptune
)pparent loss of ego-!ons!iousness4 oneCs o%n %orld pre.ails4 losing !onta!t defensi.el"4 rebuilding the
inner spirit.
[for.,.<] Bortuna to midpoint Mars/=eptune
[1.,.1?] Sun to midpoint Mars/Pluto
#he abilit" to %or9 till !ollapse or !omplete brea9do%n4 passionate atta!9 to a!hie.e an ob3e!ti.e. )!!ident
potential4 inter.ention of some undeniable for!e or authorit"4 upset of plans that is irremediable.
[2.,.1?] Moon to midpoint Mars/Pluto
)uda!it" and daring* ta9ing a !han!e* impulsi.eness* ambition4 pla"ing a po%erful hun!h4 self-belief4
publi!it". )n energeti! and determined %oman.
[.,.1?] Mer!ur" to midpoint Mars/Pluto
Dill to realise plans fanati!all"4 publi!it"* effe!ti.e salesmanship. #he tenden!" to the
easil"4 e+!essi.e ner.ous irritation.
[&.,.1?] 'enus to midpoint Mars/Pluto
Passionate disposition4 se+ual ad.enture or e.en danger4 an affair.
[,.,.1?] Mars to midpoint Mars/Pluto
-+treme for!e4 persuasion4 !ontrol* brutalit"4 e+!essi.e effort.
[/.,.1?] 0upiter to midpoint Mars/Pluto
#he abilit" to organise and see an ob3e!ti.e through. 8nusual su!!ess* en3o"ment of oneCs freedom*
[5.,.1?] Saturn to midpoint Mars/Pluto
) person unafraid of hard %or9 no stone unturned4 e+traordinar" dis!ipline and appli!ation are
needed and usuall" pre.ail.
[7.,.1?] 8ranus to midpoint Mars/Pluto
#remendous energ"4 dangerous sense of atta!94 a !hip on oneCs shoulder4 fight first* tal9 later attitude.
Sudden disaster or !alamit" of great !onse6uen!e.
[<.,.1?] =eptune to midpoint Mars/Pluto
$unning strategies4 subterfuge4 plotting rebellion. ) disaster !aused b" %ater.
[1?.,.1?] Pluto to midpoint Mars/Pluto
-+treme for!e4 persuasion4 !ontrol4 brutalit"4 e+!essi.e effort.
[11.,.1?] =ode to midpoint Mars/Pluto
#he 3oint performan!e of re!ord a!hie.ements* the tenden!" to spur others on to better results* setting an
e+ample through oneCs o%n a!hie.ements* %or9ing %ith others to !hange the %orld.
[1?1.,.1?] )s! to midpoint Mars/Pluto
Sho%ing the hero image4 the fighter %ho dares the impossible. )ggression4 a!!ident.
[11?.,.1?] M.$. to midpoint Mars/Pluto
8nusual !apabilities of!ement in life4 self-!onfiden!e* ambition4 ma3or 3ob #he
misfortune to fa!e for!e %ithout po%er4 danger through the inter.ention of higher po%er.
[for.,.1?] Bortuna to midpoint Mars/Pluto
Sudden and dramati! e.ents. Disruption of the norm. Bor!es be"ond one s !ontrol.
[1.,.11] Sun to midpoint Mars/=ode
@ood !o-operation d"nami!s4 good blending of energies %ith others.
[2.,.11] Moon to midpoint Mars/=ode
-motional attitude to%ards others sho%s and leads a!". ) %omenCs !lub or organisation.
[.,.11] Mer!ur" to midpoint Mars/=ode
Plans to !ollaborate* !o-operate* share4 promotion through partnerships4 !ommunit"-minded4
salesmanship4 publi!it".
[&.,.11] 'enus to midpoint Mars/=ode
@etting together affe!tionatel"* passionatel".
[,.,.11] Mars to midpoint Mars/=ode
@etting along %ith others4 !ombined efforts pa" off.
[/.,.11] 0upiter to midpoint Mars/=ode
Dor9ing %ell %ith others* the sharing of 3o" and merriment %ith others4 ta9ing a trip %ith someone4
planning togetherness for the long term - marriage.
[5.,.11] Saturn to midpoint Mars/=ode
Something or someone al%a"s stepping on oneCs shado%4 diffi!ult" ma9ing the sale4 %ithdra%ing be!ause
of poor re!eption4 oneCs ardour is s6uashed4 loo9ing for more amenable asso!iations.
[7.,.11] 8ranus to midpoint Mars/=ode
1rganising others4 getting people stirred up4 sharing e+!itement4 sudden e.ents that affe!t lots of people.
[<.,.11] =eptune to midpoint Mars/=ode
Self-absorption %ithin a group4 !harismati! or off-putting.
[1?.,.11] Pluto to midpoint Mars/=ode
Re!ord 3oint a!hie.ements4 a .iolent or for!ed separation of a partnership. #he attitude others must get on
the train or get left behindL
[11.,.11] =ode to midpoint Mars/=ode
Meeting others to get the %or9 done.
[1?1.,.11] )s! to midpoint Mars/=ode
-as" !amaraderie* energeti! and .igorous !ooperation.
[11?.,.11] M.$. to midpoint Mars/=ode
-+!ellent team-%or9* partnership .alues important. Marriage.
[for.,.11] Bortuna to midpoint Mars/=ode
Dor9 or a!tion %ithin the !ommunit" brings so!ial su!!ess.
[1.,.1?1] Sun to midpoint Mars/)s!
-+!itabilit"* a lo.e of fighting* intense team %or94 getting in.ol.ed in arguments or operating in an
inhospitable milieu4 to ad3ust things for!efull".
[2.,.1?1] Moon to midpoint Mars/)s!
-motional temperament easil" sho%n to others4 anger and anno"an!e.
[.,.1?1] Mer!ur" to midpoint Mars/)s!
) sharp tongue4 .erbal disputes4 angr" letters4 telling someone off4 intoleran!e.
[&.,.1?1] 'enus to midpoint Mars/)s!
) passionate disposition4 lo.e and se+ are first !on!erns in relationships4 the art be!omes important for
personal e+pression. Bighting spurred on b" lo.e and for the sa9e of lo.e.
[,.,.1?1] Mars to midpoint Mars/)s!
#he fighting spirit.
[/.,.1?1] 0upiter to midpoint Mars/)s!
-nthusiasm and leadership4 harmonious publi! outrea!h. -ngagement* marriage.
[5.,.1?1] Saturn to midpoint Mars/)s!
)n+iet" !omes from feeling !ontrolled someho%4 frustration and rebellion4 others donCt !o-operate as the"
should. ) dispute* a defeat* suffering %ith others.
[7.,.1?1] 8ranus to midpoint Mars/)s!
#estiness* argumentation* temper* pi!9ing a fight4 in!lination to intimidate others4 ego-aggrandiEement. )
sudden in!ident* in3ur"* a!!ident.
[<.,.1?1] =eptune to midpoint Mars/)s!
Magnetism* !harisma4 out of the main-stream4 others ma" not understand4 %ithdra%al as an option. ) la!9
of energ"* diminishing !reati.e po%er4 illness !aused through %or9ing %ith others in a disharmonious
[1?.,.1?1] Pluto to midpoint Mars/)s!
Premature a!tion* .iolen!e* the desire to rule and sub3ugate others. ) for!ible ad3ustment to ne%
!ir!umstan!es and !onditions.
[11.,.1?1] =ode to midpoint Mars/)s!
-+!ellent team%or94 the guidan!e of others. ) union based on ph"si!al attra!tion.
[1?1.,.1?1] )s! to midpoint Mars/)s!
[11?.,.1?1] M.$. to midpoint Mars/)s!
) !omrade in arms or a fighter* a .igorous !olleague or !o-%or9er* the pursuit of oneCs interests* a 3oint tas9
a!hie.ed together %ith others.
[for.,.1?1] Bortuna to midpoint Mars/)s!
Self-asserti.e* d"nami! and !onfident a!tion brings re%ard.
[1.,.11?] Sun to midpoint Mars/M.$.
#he dri.e to be important4 self-promotion perhaps at all !ost4 the!oming of resistan!e or obsta!les.
[2.,.11?] Moon to midpoint Mars/M.$.
Impulsi.e and premature a!tion* strong emotional e+!itabilit"* the desire to impose oneCs %ill upon a
%oman. )n independent or e+!itable %oman.
[.,.11?] Mer!ur" to midpoint Mars/M.$.
)!ting %ith .igour a!!ording to plan4 important ne%s or strategi!all" important information4 ad3ustment to
a ne% o!!upation.
[&.,.11?] 'enus to midpoint Mars/M.$.
So!ial desires4 se+ual desires4 roman!e on the 3ob4 %a" to se+ual impulse.
[,.,.11?] Mars to midpoint Mars/M.$.
)!tion* fire* !hange of status.
[/.,.11?] 0upiter to midpoint Mars/M.$.
@reat su!!ess4 promotion in professional status4 energ" and opportunit". ) good organiser* a person %ith a
lu!9" hand in an enterprise4 a happ" atta!hment* great 3o" :marriage;.
[5.,.11?] Saturn to midpoint Mars/M.$.
#he abilit" to ma9e de!isions or to fo!us on an ob3e!ti.e4 the demand to bring energies and enthusiasm into
line4 elimination of the o.erdone or the e+aggerated.
[7.,.11?] 8ranus to midpoint Mars/M.$.
#he big push4 the 6ui!9!e4 %inning right a%a". Rashness* 6ui!9 temper* the in!lination to be!ome
furious or .iolent. 8ne+pe!ted set-ba!9s.
[<.,.11?] =eptune to midpoint Mars/M.$.
$" ma" be off the mar94 dis!ipline is needed to use oneCs talents in the best %a"4 diffusion needs
[1?.,.11?] Pluto to midpoint Mars/M.$.
-+traordinar" Eeal and great .igour* the desire to bring immense tas9s to a su!!essful !on!lusion4 energ"
promotion* publi!it"* po%er4 the big pi!ture.
[11.,.11?] =ode to midpoint Mars/M.$.
Aeadership 6ualities4 su!!ess potential.
[1?1.,.11?] )s! to midpoint Mars/M.$.
Self-!onfiden!e* gaining the respe!t of other people* the assumption of leadership.
[11?.,.11?] M.$. to midpoint Mars/M.$.
Re!ognition4 responsibilit" gro%s4 !hange of status.
[for.,.11?] Bortuna to midpoint Mars/M.$.
D"nami! a!tion in the %or9 en.ironment - earning su!!ess.
[1.,.for] Sun to midpoint Mars/Bortuna
[2.,.for] Moon to midpoint Mars/Bortuna
[.,.for] Mer!ur" to midpoint Mars/Bortuna
[&.,.for] 'enus to midpoint Mars/Bortuna
[,.,.for] Mars to midpoint Mars/Bortuna
[/.,.for] 0upiter to midpoint Mars/Bortuna
[5.,.for] Saturn to midpoint Mars/Bortuna
[7.,.for] 8ranus to midpoint Mars/Bortuna
[<.,.for] =eptune to midpoint Mars/Bortuna
[1?.,.for] Pluto to midpoint Mars/Bortuna
[11.,.for] =ode to midpoint Mars/Bortuna
[1?1.,.for] )s! to midpoint Mars/Bortuna
[11?.,.for] M$ to midpoint Mars/Bortuna
[for.,.for] Bortuna to midpoint Mars/Bortuna
[1./.5] Sun to midpoint 0upiter/Saturn
#a9ing destin" into oneCs o%n hands4 ma3or !hanges a!!ording to plans4 or* if nothing has been prepared*
be!oming gripped b" the status 6uo and to ma9e the best of things. 2app" solitude :ba!helor;.
Moodiness through illness :related to the;. ) !hange of residen!e* gaining e+perien!e.
[2./.5] Moon to midpoint 0upiter/Saturn
$hanging moods and/or relationships to %omen* an in!lination to be greatl" upset.
[./.5] Mer!ur" to midpoint 0upiter/Saturn
Stud"ing oneCs philosoph" of life4 spea9ing %ith great maturit"4 stud"ing hard4 as9ing the right 6uestions.
$hange* a fortunate separation* a 3ourne".
[&./.5] 'enus to midpoint 0upiter/Saturn
Maturation of romanti! needs and pro3e!tions4 feeling a little older than oneCs age4 a tou!h of reser.e. )
la!9 of enduran!e and !onstan!" in lo.e. $hanging fortunes in lo.e.
[,./.5] Mars to midpoint 0upiter/Saturn
)mbition emerges out of dis!ontent4 feeling unre%arded and ma9ing a !hange4 not %anting to toe the line.
Dis!ontent4 in!onstan!".
[/./.5] 0upiter to midpoint 0upiter/Saturn
Aa% and order4 ambition gi.en the go-ahead signal4 patien!e pa"s off4 feeling righter than right4 dogmati!.
[5./.5] Saturn to midpoint 0upiter/Saturn
$ontrol tempers Eeal4 opportunities are !arefull" e.aluated4 su!!ess ta9es on long-term se!urit"4 one has
made it happen 4 strateg".
[7./.5] 8ranus to midpoint 0upiter/Saturn
#erribl" upset %ith the status of things4 for!eful !hange of dire!tion* %hi!h ma" upset man" dimensions of
life. ) sudden loss of !ons!iousness :through illness or sho!9;4 sudden !hange in !ir!umstan!e su!h as
residen!e or o!!upation* et!. Damage to building:s;* stoppage of motors* the brea9do%n of a !ar.
[<./.5] =eptune to midpoint 0upiter/Saturn
Fe%ilderment* not 9no%ing %hi!h dire!tion to follo%. 2ard %or9 %ithout su!!ess* an intolerable loneliness*
losses. Damage to a building through %ater* gas or a terrorist a!t.
[1?./.5] Pluto to midpoint 0upiter/Saturn
#remendous perse.eran!e4 a person unafraid of an" trouble or %or9 in order to obtain the desired aims
slo%l" but surel". 'iolent !hanges* separation* restri!tion.
[11./.5] =ode to midpoint 0upiter/Saturn
Satisfa!tion %ith others* harmonious together.
[1?1./.5] )s! to midpoint 0upiter/Saturn
)n in!onstant and inse!ure attitude %ith regard to other persons4 9eeping properl" in oneCs pla!e4 the
[11?./.5] M.$. to midpoint 0upiter/Saturn
#he desire for solitude and se!lusion. #he philosopher4 thin9ing %ith grandeur.
[for./.5] Bortuna to midpoint 0upiter/Saturn
[1./.7] Sun to midpoint 0upiter/8ranus
) good intelle!tual grasp* an in.enti.e mind* far-sightedness4 ph"si!al agilit" or mobilit". @reat su!!ess4 the
illumination of oneCs best position in an" situation. Sudden ph"si!al happiness* birth.
[2./.7] Moon to midpoint 0upiter/8ranus
) good intuition* an optimisti! outloo9* a fortunate grasp and understanding of things* pruden!e. ) sudden
feeling of happiness* loo9ing ahead to su!!ess.
[./.7] Mer!ur" to midpoint 0upiter/8ranus
) person %ith man" ideas4 6ui!9 %it. #he gathering of ample 9no%ledge* planning a su!!ess* a fortunate
turn in oneCs o!!upation.
[&./.7] 'enus to midpoint 0upiter/8ranus
2app" feelings about lo.e* artisti! 9no%ledge and per!eption. #he tenden!" to fall in lo.e rashl"* a sudden
engagement. Bas!ination %ith oneself* nar!issism.
[,./.7] Mars to midpoint 0upiter/8ranus
Dri.e and determination to%ards su!!ess4 a lo.e of indi.idual freedom4 spe!ulation4 !hanging fortunes.
[/./.7] 0upiter to midpoint 0upiter/8ranus
#he big brea94 su!!ess or going oneCs independent %a" to greener pastures.
[5./.7] Saturn to midpoint 0upiter/8ranus
#he introdu!tion of patien!e and pra!ti!alit" to boundless self-pro3e!tion4 temperan!e e+!ess. #he
o!!urren!e of sudden obsta!les before the attainment of an ob3e!ti.e* sudden losses.
[7./.7] 8ranus to midpoint 0upiter/8ranus
#he big brea94 boundless optimism.
[<./.7] =eptune to midpoint 0upiter/8ranus
Inspiration4 gain from the une+pe!ted4 strange !onditions seem to heighten indi.idual a%areness4 a
lining. Balse per!eption* la!9 of pruden!e. Bortune turn after had losses :eg. gaining an inheritan!e;*
fa.ourable prospe!ts after the loss of a position.
[1?./.7] Pluto to midpoint 0upiter/8ranus
)n unusual for 9no%ledge and understanding* a strong a%areness of purpose in life* a far-seeing
!reati.e a!". #remendous dri.e to su!!ess4 publi!it"4 gains. ) sudden !hange in finan!ial !ir!umstan!es.
[11./.7] =ode to midpoint 0upiter/8ranus
#he pro3e!tion of a !heerful and hopeful presen!e* the abilit" to share 3o" together %ith others for a
!ommon purpose and to be happ" in the !ompan" of others. ) fortunate ne% a!6uaintan!e.
[1?1./.7] )s! to midpoint 0upiter/8ranus
1ptimism and personal self-!onfiden!e4 9no%ing the best %ill happen4 su!!ess4 fortunate t%ists in the %a"
things transpire.
[11?./.7] M.$. to midpoint 0upiter/8ranus
Bortunate po%ers of adaptabilit"* optimism* a lo.e of !hange and .ariet"* the attainment of good
9no%ledge and good understanding. ) fortunate turn in life.
[for./.7] Bortuna to midpoint 0upiter/8ranus
8ne+pe!ted but fortunate !hanges.
[1./.<] Sun to midpoint 0upiter/=eptune
Potentiall" misguided state4 feeling the spirit4 tr"ing to !apture the essen!e of things4 follo%ing a dream.
Self-de!eption* la!9 of self-!ontrol* a s6uandering of ph"si!al strength* being de!ei.ed.
[2./.<] Moon to midpoint 0upiter/=eptune
Dreaminess4 an emotional s%oon4 going %ith the %ind. Fe!oming in.ol.ed in spe!ulation* little sense of
realit"* instabilit"* %astefulness.
[./.<] Mer!ur" to midpoint 0upiter/=eptune
)n a!ti.e and intense imagination* ri!h po%ers of per!eption and .isualisation* the gift of inspiration.
[&./.<] 'enus to midpoint 0upiter/=eptune
)n eroti! disposition* a re.elling and idolising disposition. Ao.e of poetr" and %riting. 1ptimism in lo.e.
[,./.<] Mars to midpoint 0upiter/=eptune
Strong idealism4 the need for pra!ti!al fo!us4 the tenden!" to rel" on others foolishl".
[/./.<] 0upiter to midpoint 0upiter/=eptune
Idealism* grand spirit4 feeling 6uietl" spe!ial4 loo9ing ahead to ni!e times4 self-indulgen!es4 rumour and
[5./.<] Saturn to midpoint 0upiter/=eptune
Frea9do%n of idealisation* pessimism4 possible self-delusion. Disappointments and losses.
[7./.<] 8ranus to midpoint 0upiter/=eptune
$harisma4 intuiti.e inno.ati.e4 lifting the shades. -+perien!ing the !ontrast bet%een realit" and
imagination* the stage of !oming do%n to earth %ith a bump. Sudden re!ognition of a diffi!ult situation.
[<./.<] =eptune to midpoint 0upiter/=eptune
Spiritual "earnings. Religious e+perien!es - illumination of the mind.
[1?./.<] Pluto to midpoint 0upiter/=eptune
Plans unreasonable be"ond measure* far-rea!hing spe!ulations. Self-pro3e!tion out of hand4 ma3or
ad3ustment of life !ir!umstan!es :a great loss;.
[11./.<] =ode to midpoint 0upiter/=eptune
Pla!ing false hopes upon oneCs asso!iations* dealing %ith others naM.el" and/or simplisti!all"4 !ompan" of
s%indlers and/or spe!ulators.
[1?1./.<] )s! to midpoint 0upiter/=eptune
)ppearing to li.e in a %orld lighted b" personal imagination* sharing great hopes %ith others* spe!ulating.
[11?./.<] M.$. to midpoint 0upiter/=eptune
) .isionar"* a fortune-hunter* a spe!ulator* a philanthropist> the potential for all 9inds of self-indulgen!e.
[for./.<] Bortuna to midpoint 0upiter/=eptune
Spiritual e+perien!es bring ne% understanding.
[1./.1?] Sun to midpoint 0upiter/Pluto
Su!!essful use of e+traordinar" ph"si!al and mental po%ers4 doing %ell %ith all resour!es4 9eeping things in
oneCs grip. #he !reation of magi!al effe!ts.
[2./.1?] Moon to midpoint 0upiter/Pluto
-motional !on.i!tion guides a ne% start4 the desire to bring about so!ial aspirations and impro.ements* the
abilit" to influen!e the masses or go publi! through an appeal to the feelings. ) good ps"!hologist.
[./.1?] Mer!ur" to midpoint 0upiter/Pluto
#he gift of oration* the desire to influen!e man" people. Promotion of a !ause* a propaganda !ampaign.
[&./.1?] 'enus to midpoint 0upiter/Pluto
$reati.e po%er4 flair. Indulgen!e4 the of oneCs lo.e to man".
[,./.1?] Mars to midpoint 0upiter/Pluto
1rganising talent* leadership* the abilit" to inspire others %ith enthusiasm* the desire for a! great
[/./.1?] 0upiter to midpoint 0upiter/Pluto
-stablishing ne% perspe!ti.es4 feeling personal po%er and resour!efulness4 building the big pi!ture4 9eeping
in !ontrol of things.
[5./.1?] Saturn to midpoint 0upiter/Pluto
)d3usting the big pi!ture to meet more %ith !on.ention4 strateg" be!omes ne!essar". Inhibitions in oneCs
de.elopment4 diffi!ulties* separation.
[7./.1?] 8ranus to midpoint 0upiter/Pluto
Banati!al for impro.ements* the 6ui!9 e+ploitation of" situation. ) sudden reform* a 6ui!9
de.elopment* an ad3ustment to ne% !ir!umstan!es.
[<./.1?] =eptune to midpoint 0upiter/Pluto
In!lination to be de!epti.e* also to !heat and sedu!e people4 ad3usting the data4 omitting 9e" fa!ts4 %or9ing
a situation into oneCs o%n format.
[1?./.1?] Pluto to midpoint 0upiter/Pluto
#remendous optimism4 a thrust for po%er4 leadership.
[11./.1?] =ode to midpoint 0upiter/Pluto
Dor9ing together %ith others for su!!ess4 a relationship to the masses* politi!al a!". ) 3oint or shared
su!!ess* far-rea!hing asso!iations.
[1?1./.1?] )s! to midpoint 0upiter/Pluto
Feing 9no%n as an organiser and spe!ial a! Personal!ement.
[11?./.1?] M.$. to midpoint 0upiter/Pluto
)mbition* industriousness* hard %or9ing attainment of po%er position. )!ement and promotion* great
[for./.1?] Bortuna to midpoint 0upiter/Pluto
@reat* possibl" traumati!* so!ial !hange but for the better.
[1./.11] Sun to midpoint 0upiter/=ode
@ood fello%ship* a sense of so!ial 3usti!e. Binding a partner. ) happ" union %ith a man.
[2./.11] Moon to midpoint 0upiter/=ode
)tta!hing great importan!e to spiritual relationships. )n emotional and enthusiasti! pro3e!tion to others. )
happ" union %ith a %oman.
[./.11] Mer!ur" to midpoint 0upiter/=ode
$ulti.ation and e+!hange of ideas %ith others* organising and arranging asso!iations or unions*
so!iableness. 0oint or shared su!!ess* good !o-operation bet%een people.
[&./.11] 'enus to midpoint 0upiter/=ode
Briendl" and pleasant !ondu!t in the presen!e of others4 a gra!eful image4 affe!tionate !are.
[,./.11] Mars to midpoint 0upiter/=ode
Su!!essful team%or9. ) happ" ph"si!al union* engagement* pro!reation.
[/./.11] 0upiter to midpoint 0upiter/=ode
@ood relationship4 profitable asso!iations4 good !onne!tions.
[5./.11] Saturn to midpoint 0upiter/=ode
Dor9ing %ith others b" rules4 getting things perfe!tl" !lear4 holding ba!9 in strategi! reser.e4 slo%ing things
do%n for safet"4 ma"be missing the boat through !aution. #he desire for solitude* %anting to be alone. )
retarded .enture* diffi!ulties %ith engagement or marriage* ending an asso!iation.
[7./.11] 8ranus to midpoint 0upiter/=ode
) spirited and %itt" !ompanion. Feing in.enti.e4 ne% asso!iations.
[<./.11] =eptune to midpoint 0upiter/=ode
Aa!9 of !larit" about the ob3e! of being or %or9ing together. Sharing the spirit %ith others but not
mu!h else* espe!iall" in the %a" of grounding. @etting sober again* disappointment.
[1?./.11] Pluto to midpoint 0upiter/=ode
#he desire to ma9e pleasant !onta!ts %ith man" people4 !olle!ting %ell-9no%n people.
[11./.11] =ode to midpoint 0upiter/=ode
Meeting others4 ma9ing profitable liaisons4 !onne!tions.
[1?1./.11] )s! to midpoint 0upiter/=ode
Pleasantness %ith others.
[11?./.11] M.$. to midpoint 0upiter/=ode
Re!ognition for oneCs humanit" and agreeableness.
[for./.11] Bortuna to midpoint 0upiter/=ode
Bortunate so!ial !onta!ts.
[1./.1?1] Sun to midpoint 0upiter/)s!
#he !apa!it" to en3o" pleasant and !ongenial !ompan"* a preferen!e for so!ial !onta!ts %ith generous or
ri!h persons* the desire to !reate a beautiful home.
[2./.1?1] Moon to midpoint 0upiter/)s!
#he demonstration of happ" feelings %ith regard to en.ironment* a !ordial and %arm-hearted nature*
9indness and bene.olen!e* s"mpath" and !ompassion. ) good relationship to the female se+* a happ"
[./.1?1] Mer!ur" to midpoint 0upiter/)s!
#he in!lination to !ulti.ate an intense e+!hange of thoughts* delight in so!ial !onta!t* and of entertainment*
the e+!hange of good suggestions or of stimulating ideas. @laddening ne%s.
[&./.1?1] 'enus to midpoint 0upiter/)s!
)n affe!tionate relationship to people in oneCs personal en.ironment* the desire to en3o" the !ompan" of
other people* artisti! interests* lo.e of harmon". ) happ" lo.e-union.
[,./.1?1] Mars to midpoint 0upiter/)s!
-as"* enthusiasti! !ooperation %ith others. #he desire to establish a beautiful home* getting engaged* a
fa.ourable business asso!iation.
[/./.1?1] 0upiter to midpoint 0upiter/)s!
) harmonious personalit"* pleasant or agreeable manner.
[5./.1?1] Saturn to midpoint 0upiter/)s!
Positi.e> appre!iating the rules4 !onstan!" in asso!iations4 maturit"4 !omfortable %ith !on.entions.
=egati.e> inhibitions in personal de.elopment. )lienation* separation* departure.
[7./.1?1] 8ranus to midpoint 0upiter/)s!
)n optimisti! attitude* enthusiasm* a lu!9" hand in the guidan!e of other people as %ell as in ne% .entures.
) fortunate rearrangement of !onditions and !ir!umstan!es the da".
[<./.1?1] =eptune to midpoint 0upiter/)s!
#he tenden!" to li.e in hopes or e+pe!tations together %ith others* hoping for personal lu!9* the in!lination
to spe!ulate* pro3e!ting the ni!eness of things* not admitting the ad.erse. 8nfulfilled hopes*
disappointments* losses.
[1?./.1?1] Pluto to midpoint 0upiter/)s!
#he desire to e+er!ise a good influen!e upon man" people4 strong image4 influential4 leadership.
[11./.1?1] =ode to midpoint 0upiter/)s!
)n appre!iation of a beautiful en.ironment* a lo.e of pleasure and so!ial meetings. =eeding to be %ith
other people for their support and appre!iation of %ho one is.
[1?1./.1?1] )s! to midpoint 0upiter/)s!
) harmonious personalit"* a pleasant or agreeable manner.
[11?./.1?1] M.$. to midpoint 0upiter/)s!
) harmonious* pleasant personalit"* the good fortune to be in the right pla!e at the right time* su!!essful in
!onta!ts %ith other people.
[for./.1?1] Bortuna to midpoint 0upiter/)s!
@eneral good lu!9* perhaps Midas tou!h.
[1./.11?] Sun to midpoint 0upiter/M.$.
Illumination of oneCs purpose in life4 ne% opportunities4 re!ognition of su!!ess. ) health" ph"si6ue* being
able to ma9e the best of lifeCs opportunities. #he good fortune to li.e in pleasant and agreeable
!ir!umstan!es* %ell-to-do people.
[2./.11?] Moon to midpoint 0upiter/M.$.
) !heerful and harmonious disposition* a happ" relationship %ith females. Bulfilment of personal needs to a
high degree4 re!ognition.
[./.11?] Mer!ur" to midpoint 0upiter/M.$.
) positi.e outloo9* su!!essful plans* large-s!ale pro3e!ts or .entures* .oluble !ommuni!ation* publishing.
[&./.11?] 'enus to midpoint 0upiter/M.$.
) ri!hness of feelings* artisti! aspirations and aims* the !apa!it" for an abundant e+pression of lo.e. Su!!ess
in art-%or9* happiness in lo.e.
[,./.11?] Mars to midpoint 0upiter/M.$.
#he desire to !reate oneCs good fortune oneself4 !larit" of purpose4 abundant !reati.e po%ers4 a happ"
ph"si!al lo.e-life.
[/./.11?] 0upiter to midpoint 0upiter/M.$.
Su!!ess* re!ognition* good fortune* sense of purpose.
[5./.11?] Saturn to midpoint 0upiter/M.$.
$autious pursuit of opportunit"* respe!t for the rules. Inhibitions !oupled %ith an other%ise happ"
disposition* not ma9ing the best of opportunities presented* missing the right moment. )n unre!ognised
talent* dis!ontent. ) happ" !hange or separation.
[7./.11?] 8ranus to midpoint 0upiter/M.$.
) lu!9" hand in enterprise or ne% .entures* the abilit" to utilise the right moment. Sudden su!!ess or
[<./.11?] =eptune to midpoint 0upiter/M.$.
Pro3e!ting the best of all %orlds4 needing an an!hor to a.oid disappointment. Aa!9 of realism* the desire to
gain su!!ess %ithout effort. Au!9 established upon a %ea9 basis* temporar" or passing good fortune.
[1?./.11?] Pluto to midpoint 0upiter/M.$.
) su!!essful person %ith e+traordinar" a!hie.ements to his !redit. ) great gain or publi!it".
[11./.11?] =ode to midpoint 0upiter/M.$.
)n engaging manner in !onta!t %ith people* su!!essful and fortunate asso!iations.
[1?1./.11?] )s! to midpoint 0upiter/M.$.
) harmonious disposition appre!iated b" others.
[11?./.11?] M.$. to midpoint 0upiter/M.$.
Su!!ess* professional gains4 internationalism4 legalism.
[for./.11?] Bortuna to midpoint 0upiter/M.$.
@reat good fortune in one s professional life. So!ial su!!ess.
[1./.for] Sun to midpoint 0upiter/Bortuna
[2./.for] Moon to midpoint 0upiter/Bortuna
[./.for] Mer!ur" to midpoint 0upiter/Bortuna
[&./.for] 'enus to midpoint 0upiter/Bortuna
[,./.for] Mars to midpoint 0upiter/Bortuna
[/./.for] 0upiter to midpoint 0upiter/Bortuna
[5./.for] Saturn to midpoint 0upiter/Bortuna
[7./.for] 8ranus to midpoint 0upiter/Bortuna
[<./.for] =eptune to midpoint 0upiter/Bortuna
[1?./.for] Pluto to midpoint 0upiter/Bortuna
[11./.for] =ode to midpoint 0upiter/Bortuna
[1?1./.for] )s! to midpoint 0upiter/Bortuna
[11?./.for] M.$. to midpoint 0upiter/Bortuna
[for./.for] Bortuna to midpoint 0upiter/Bortuna
[1.5.7] Sun to midpoint Saturn/8ranus
Ph"si!al e+posure to se.ere tests of strength* the po%er of resistan!e. #enden!" to rebel4 ego!entri!
against !ontrols4 separation in order to find oneCs %a".
[2.5.7] Moon to midpoint Saturn/8ranus
Strong emotional tensions and strains* states of depression* in!onstan!". -motional !ourage emerges under
duress4 !hanges for freedom4 separation from members of the female se+.
[.5.7] Mer!ur" to midpoint Saturn/8ranus
Demands on ner.ous energ"* de!isions to be made about doing things a ne% %a"4 ne!essar" stages of re-
thin9ing. #he abilit" to hit ba!9 hard under pro.o!ation4 abilit" to organise resistan!e. =e!essar" !hanges.
[&.5.7] 'enus to midpoint Saturn/8ranus
#ensions in romanti! life4 running hot and !old* off again* on again4 feeling personall" limited.
[,.5.7] Mars to midpoint Saturn/8ranus
#remendous possible in rebellion* through a !alamit"** or an+iet" about ho% things
%ill get on4 !hallenges leading to a fight. 'iolen!e* in3ur"* a!!ident* arrest.
[/.5.7] 0upiter to midpoint Saturn/8ranus
#he abilit" to adapt oneself to" situation* a fortunate release of tensions. ) sudden turn in destin"4 the
misfortune of getting into diffi!ulties. Aosses* damage to buildings* motor damage.
[5.5.7] Saturn to midpoint Saturn/8ranus
#ension bet%een the a.ant-garde and the !on.entional4 ne% and old4 feeling !ontrols4 need to fight for
[7.5.7] 8ranus to midpoint Saturn/8ranus
Pop-up for ambition4 e+!iting the status 6uo into ne% de.elopment4 a 3olt to !onsider freedom4 separation.
[<.5.7] =eptune to midpoint Saturn/8ranus
#he inabilit" to fa!e emotional stresses. Balsehood or mali!e !aused through %ea9ness4 ne% .ision fighting
to be understood4 resigning to the ine.itable* feeling lost.
[1?.5.7] Pluto to midpoint Saturn/8ranus
#he desire to!ome a diffi!ult situation through e+traordinar" effort. )n a!t of .iolen!e4 rebellion.
[11.5.7] =ode to midpoint Saturn/8ranus
#oo mu!h !ombati.e energ" to fit team%or9 re6uirements easil". 0oint resistan!e to a !ommon opponent.
[1?1.5.7] )s! to midpoint Saturn/8ranus
Feing pla!ed in diffi!ult !ir!umstan!es* the fate of standing alone in the %orld. #he suffering of diffi!ulties
!aused b" others* e+perien!ing emotional suffering together %ith others.
[11?.5.7] M.$. to midpoint Saturn/8ranus
Ma9ing the highest demands upon oneCs o%n strength4 brea9ing a%a" from the old or from others4
[for.5.7] Bortuna to midpoint Saturn/8ranus
[1.5.<] Sun to midpoint Saturn/=eptune
Painsta9ing attention to hard %or9 to fulfil plans4 feeling alone in the effort. Ph"si!al rea!tion to stressful
situation* la!9 of .italit"* illness.
[2.5.<] Moon to midpoint Saturn/=eptune
-motional drain* feeling inhibited* la!9 of emotional maturit". Illness through emotional suffering. DomenCs
disorders or diseases.
[.5.<] Mer!ur" to midpoint Saturn/=eptune
Inhibitions in thin9ing* slo%ness of mind* the in!lination al%a"s to thin9 the %orst. Pessimism4 depression4
ner.ous disorder.
[&.5.<] 'enus to midpoint Saturn/=eptune
Deluded lo.e feelings4 inhibitions4 diminished emotional e+pression or se+ual a!"4 unre6uited lo.e4
longing for attention4 la!9 of popularit"4 appre!iated more b" senior people. Aa!9 of energ" and initiati.e*
faintness or feebleness4 inhibited gland a!".
[,.5.<] Mars to midpoint Saturn/=eptune
Aa!9 of energ"* listlessness* la!9 of !reati.e energ".
[/.5.<] 0upiter to midpoint Saturn/=eptune
#he tenden!" to be upset or depressed easil"* sensiti.eness* narro%-mindedness* egoism. Aoss of bod"
%eight4 disorders.
[5.5.<] Saturn to midpoint Saturn/=eptune
Suffering as a mart"r to a !ause4 losing fo!us4 %anting to gi.e up under stress4 denial.
[7.5.<] 8ranus to midpoint Saturn/=eptune
Irritabilit"* frustration. Illness !aused through e+!itement or upsets manifesting suddenl".
[<.5.<] =eptune to midpoint Saturn/=eptune
Aosing fo!us of ambition4 depression4 sense of being %ronged.
[1?.5.<] Pluto to midpoint Saturn/=eptune
Diffi!ult gro%th or de.elopment of oneCs fa!ulties. Strong depression4 feeling do%ntrodden4 tremendous
a%areness of potential loss4 fear.
[11.5.<] =ode to midpoint Saturn/=eptune
=ot getting easil" %ith others4 sh"ness4 %ithdra%al4 !ommon or 3oint suffering.
[1?1.5.<] )s! to midpoint Saturn/=eptune
Feing a loner4 feeling !onfined4 sense of being out of group. 1ppressi.e en.ironmental and/or famil"
[11?.5.<] M.$. to midpoint Saturn/=eptune
Pe!uliar disposition* a fre6uent !hange of mood* losing !ourage 6ui!9l"* %a.ering bet%een materialisti! and
idealisti! in!linations. Aoss of ambition* !apitulating to the demands of the en.ironment totall".
[for.5.<] Bortuna to midpoint Saturn/=eptune
[1.5.1?] Sun to midpoint Saturn/Pluto
Ph"si!al toil and* sparing no pains in oneCs %or94 threat of loss4 enfor!ed !hange4 separation4
potential ill-health.
[2.5.1?] Moon to midpoint Saturn/Pluto
-motional !oldness* melan!hol"* renun!iation. #he tragi! destin" of a %oman.
[.5.1?] Mer!ur" to midpoint Saturn/Pluto
Blair for resear!h %or9 and the of diffi!ult problems. Depression* morbid thoughts* star9 realism*
[&.5.1?] 'enus to midpoint Saturn/Pluto
Self-dis!ipline* lo.e of solitude and se!lusion* as!eti!ism. -strangement and )lienation.
[,.5.1?] Mars to midpoint Saturn/Pluto
#he ne!essit" to fight for oneCs e+isten!e in life. Frutalit"* assault or .iolen!e4 ruthlessness.
[/.5.1?] 0upiter to midpoint Saturn/Pluto
Plainness and simpli!it"* e+!essi.e modest"* the in!lination to sa!rifi!e oneself for others4 religious and
so!ial fanati!ism.
[5.5.1?] Saturn to midpoint Saturn/Pluto
#he threat of loss in an" area of life4 potential self-destru!tion4 hard* hard %or9.
[7.5.1?] 8ranus to midpoint Saturn/Pluto
Frutal efforts to start a ne% order4 an atta!9 regardless of potential losses. ) person unafraid of danger4 the
abilit" to ma9e sudden de!isions in the most diffi!ult situations. Sudden a!ts of .iolen!e.
[<.5.1?] =eptune to midpoint Saturn/Pluto
=ot being seen for %hat one is4 being doubted4 unstable life situation be!ause of the ine+pli!able or fear.
Danger through %ater* poison or gas. Shattered
[1?.5.1?] Pluto to midpoint Saturn/Pluto
#he threat of loss in an" area of life4 potential self-destru!tion4 hard* hard %or9.
[11.5.1?] =ode to midpoint Saturn/Pluto
#he miser" of the masses* !ommon suffering shared %ith man" people together.
[1?1.5.1?] )s! to midpoint Saturn/Pluto
Feing pla!ed in !umbersome or diffi!ult !ir!umstan!es. Sadness* mourning.
[11?.5.1?] M.$. to midpoint Saturn/Pluto
2ard* hard %or9 to rise again from diffi!ult"4 tena!it" and enduran!e4 se.erit"* perhaps one-sidedness4 self-
sa!rifi!e. )n as!eti! person* a magi!ian or an adept. Separation as a last resort.
[for.5.1?] Bortuna to midpoint Saturn/Pluto
[1.5.11] Sun to midpoint Saturn/=ode
Setting oneself apart for defen!e or for prestige4 appearing self-!ontained. #he separated husband*
[2.5.11] Moon to midpoint Saturn/=ode
)ppealing to senior persons4 sho%ing pre!o!ious maturit"4 6ualif"ing for responsibilit". Inhibitions in
!onta!t %ith the other se+. ) %ido% or an orphan.
[.5.11] Mer!ur" to midpoint Saturn/=ode
#houghts that appeal to others be!ause the" are sound* !onser.ati.e* and respe!tful4 strateg"4 ne%s of
sadness. #he in!lination to form oneCs o%n !on!lusions* diffi!ult" in e+!hanging ideas %ith others.
[&.5.11] 'enus to midpoint Saturn/=ode
Diffi!ult" e+pressing emotions to others4 inhibitions in lo.e-life4 a la!9 of adaptabilit". Diffi!ulties in lo.e or
marriage4 separation.
[,.5.11] Mars to midpoint Saturn/=ode
Diffi!ult surrounding situations4 loo9ing for personal freedom and release. Suffering through others.
[/.5.11] 0upiter to midpoint Saturn/=ode
Bondness for solitude* happiness in se!lusion4 the generation gap4 the e+perien!e of inner 3o" in sa!rifi!ing
oneself for others. ) fortunate separation from a partner* or from pla!e of o!!upation.
[5.5.11] Saturn to midpoint Saturn/=ode
Serious attitude in relation to others4 aloneness.
[7.5.11] 8ranus to midpoint Saturn/=ode
8psetting the established %a" of doing things4 un%illingness to bend under someone elseCs %ill4 going
against group e+pe!tations4 separatist a!ti.ities. ) .iolent dispute* sudden separation.
[<.5.11] =eptune to midpoint Saturn/=ode
#he feeling of being negle!ted b" others* of being misunderstood or of being lonel". $onfusion in oneCs
en.ironment4 !onfusing others about oneCs personal stand4 de!eption4 fraud4 lies.
[1?.5.11] Pluto to midpoint Saturn/=ode
#he tenden!" to sa!rifi!e oneself for others* suffering on a!!ount of others or together %ith others.
[11.5.11] =ode to midpoint Saturn/=ode
Meetings of a serious nature4 a lonel" position.
[1?1.5.11] )s! to midpoint Saturn/=ode
Pulling ba!94 appearing alone4 going a%a".
[11?.5.11] M.$. to midpoint Saturn/=ode
Standing alone in life4 little 3o" from a!!omplishments4 mourning.
[for.5.11] Bortuna to midpoint Saturn/=ode
[1.5.1?1] Sun to midpoint Saturn/)s!
#a9ing responsibilit" s6uarel" for oneCs o%n life plan4 %or9ing hard for personal freedom4 o.erta+ing oneCs
health. Diffi!ult !ir!umstan!es of* suffering from the !onditions of the en.ironment4 separation.
[2.5.1?1] Moon to midpoint Saturn/)s!
Diffi!ult" being a!!epted. Beelings of depression !aused b" en.ironment. Inhibitions in the presen!e of
others* ill humour* and disagreeable moods4 a person easil" influen!ed b" the en.ironment. Separation
from female persons.
[.5.1?1] Mer!ur" to midpoint Saturn/)s!
1thers influen!ing ho% one thin9s4 %anting to be alone* to get a%a" from it all.
[&.5.1?1] 'enus to midpoint Saturn/)s!
Inhibited and depressed e+pression of feeling and lo.e !aused b" influen!es %ithin the en.ironment.
'oluntar" separation.
[,.5.1?1] Mars to midpoint Saturn/)s!
#a9ing a strong stand against depression and inhibition4 tr"ing to put things right. Struggling %ith inhibitions
and !ontrol.
[/.5.1?1] 0upiter to midpoint Saturn/)s!
Indifferen!e* the tenden!" to ignore or to b"pass diffi!ulties4 being seen as abo.e it all 4 or one %or9s .er"
hard to re-establish a ne% order that is reliable and predi!table. ) !hange of pla!e or residen!e.
[5.5.1?1] Saturn to midpoint Saturn/)s!
$ontrolled or inhibited personalit".
[7.5.1?1] 8ranus to midpoint Saturn/)s!
) self-%illed and obstinate !ondu!t %ith others. -+traordinar" or unusual dispute* enfor!ed separation*
running a%a".
[<.5.1?1] =eptune to midpoint Saturn/)s!
) depressing and intro.erted life situation4 arguments about strange dimensions or obs!ure things4
ma9ing a point.
[1?.5.1?1] Pluto to midpoint Saturn/)s!
Suffering through .iolent or brutal suppression4 being put do%n b" others. $ompulsor" !onfinement or
[11.5.1?1] =ode to midpoint Saturn/)s!
Feing pla!ed in unpleasant !ir!umstan!es %ith others.
[1?1.5.1?1] )s! to midpoint Saturn/)s!
1neCs position of maturit"* %isdom* !ontrol* and patien!e is sho%n openl".
[11?.5.1?1] M.$. to midpoint Saturn/)s!
Beeling li9e the .i!tim4 tr"ing to 3ustif" oneCs position.
[for.5.1?1] Bortuna to midpoint Saturn/)s!
[1.5.11?] Sun to midpoint Saturn/M$
Aa!9 of !ourage to fa!e life* insuffi!ient po%ers of defen!e %ith regard to other people4 need to fight hard
and the !apa!it" to do so.
[2.5.11?] Moon to midpoint Saturn/M$
Renun!iation of one thing and adoption of another to fulfil needs better. Sadness or melan!hol"*
impressionabilit"* getting depressed too easil". Suffering from members of the female se+.
[.5.11?] Mer!ur" to midpoint Saturn/M.$.
Melan!hol"4 separation thoughts4 bad ne%s4 professional de!isions that are hard to ma9e.
[&.5.11?] 'enus to midpoint Saturn/M.$.
Impro.ement in 3ob situation4 dr"ness* reser.e* and sad feelings in relationships.
[,.5.11?] Mars to midpoint Saturn/M.$.
) battle in the 3ob situation4 tenden!" to gi.e in* pull ba!9* lose ground4 !ontrols adopted.
[/.5.11?] 0upiter to midpoint Saturn/M.$.
Plainness and simpli!it"* modest"* !ontentment. Doing things right* the %a" the" are e+pe!ted to be done4
9eeping things as the" are or !hanging things to ho% the" should be done for ma+imum se!urit". $hanging
fortunes4 !hange of %or9pla!e or residen!e.
[5.5.11?] Saturn to midpoint Saturn/M.$.
Ma3or !hange in the famil" or in the profession4 possible death !on!erns %ithin the e+tended famil" !ir!le4
the father figure4 an e+tremel" important time of life de.elopment.
[7.5.11?] 8ranus to midpoint Saturn/M.$.
#he great effort* the desire to attain oneCs ob3e! at all !osts. ) ne% %a" of doing things. Sudden !risis in
the 3ob or in the famil"4 surprise.
[<.5.11?] =eptune to midpoint Saturn/M.$.
) la!9 of !larit"* pe!uliar or depressing !ir!umstan!es. Aoneliness in!reasing %ith age* disappointment.
[1?.5.11?] Pluto to midpoint Saturn/M.$.
#he attainment of su!!ess in life onl" under great diffi!ulties. ) fateful struggle* a struggle ordained b"
[11.5.11?] =ode to midpoint Saturn/M.$.
Potential in the 3ob or in the famil"4 ma3or stro9e of fate ma" affe!t all de.elopments.
[1?1.5.11?] )s! to midpoint Saturn/M.$.
Dor9ing %ith others %ith !ompassion and serious understanding. )n inhibition of gro%th or de.elopment*
being pla!ed in unfortunate !ir!umstan!es.
[11?.5.11?] M.$. to midpoint Saturn/M.$.
Bo!us upon ambition4 professional !hange4 signifi!ant famil" de.elopment4 a ma3or mo.e.
[for.5.11?] Bortuna to midpoint Saturn/M.$.
[1.5.for] Sun to midpoint Saturn/Bortuna
[2.5.for] Moon to midpoint Saturn/Bortuna
[.5.for] Mer!ur" to midpoint Saturn/Bortuna
[&.5.for] 'enus to midpoint Saturn/Bortuna
[,.5.for] Mars to midpoint Saturn/Bortuna
[/.5.for] 0upiter to midpoint Saturn/Bortuna
[5.5.for] Saturn to midpoint Saturn/Bortuna
[7.5.for] 8ranus to midpoint Saturn/Bortuna
[<.5.for] =eptune to midpoint Saturn/Bortuna
[1?.5.for] Pluto to midpoint Saturn/Bortuna
[11.5.for] =ode to midpoint Saturn/Bortuna
[1?1.5.for] )s! to midpoint Saturn/Bortuna
[11?.5.for] M.$. to midpoint Saturn/Bortuna
[for.5.for] Bortuna to midpoint Saturn/Bortuna
[1.7.<] Sun to midpoint 8ranus/=eptune
@reat !"4 ultra-sensiti.e4 impressionable. Aa!9 of .italit"* a sensiti.e ph"si6ue. Bits or s%oons.
[2.7.<] Moon to midpoint 8ranus/=eptune
-motional !on.i!tion* founded or fan!iful4 the sense of being on the right tra!9 to do oneCs best. 1penness
to m"sti!al or spiritual influen!es* the tenden!" to del.e into the m"steries of the other-than-ph"si!al. ) fit
of %ea9ness.
[.7.<] Mer!ur" to midpoint 8ranus/=eptune
Preo!!upation %ith metaph"si!al or supernatural problems* the e+ploration of the un!ons!ious. #he mind
pla"s tri!9s4 high !uriosit"4 perhaps needing reorientation to !ommon sense.
[&.7.<] 'enus to midpoint 8ranus/=eptune
2igh"4 fantas" life4 re.elling in lo.e.
[,.7.<] Mars to midpoint 8ranus/=eptune
)pplied !" !an be .er" strong4 impatien!e. Aa!9 of stamina* misdire!ted energ"* the state of
lameness or paral"sis.
[/.7.<] 0upiter to midpoint 8ranus/=eptune
#he tenden!" to rel" on others. ) strange lu!9 or good fortune4 re3u.enation of the spirit.
[5.7.<] Saturn to midpoint 8ranus/=eptune
) !lash among ambitions and pro3e!tions4 the need for re!ognition4 !hanges of dire!tion4 sta"ing put !auses
depression and loss of self-!onfiden!e.
[7.7.<] 8ranus to midpoint 8ranus/=eptune
Self-pro3e!tion through imagination or spe!ulation or !"4 possible use of underhanded means
:artfull" rationalised; to do the 3ob.
[<.7.<] =eptune to midpoint 8ranus/=eptune
Aoss of ego-fo!us is possible if so!ial-professional position is unstable4 spiritual %orld is a%a9ened4
amorphous states4 irritabilit".
[1?.7.<] Pluto to midpoint 8ranus/=eptune
#he big pi!ture !ommands a !ertain !ourse of a!tion* %hi!h must be follo%ed4 .er" little option to do
other%ise. #he in!lination to remain at the mer!" of e+ternal !onditions %ithout tr"ing to ma9e a firm
stand. #he abandonment of resistan!e* in4 great losses* !alamities.
[11.7.<] =ode to midpoint 8ranus/=eptune
Feing s%ept a%a" together %ith others in !ommon destin".
[1?1.7.<] )s! to midpoint 8ranus/=eptune
Dearing an+ieties on oneCs slee.e4 needing s"mpath".
[11?.7.<] M.$. to midpoint 8ranus/=eptune
Supernatural !on!erns !ome into pla"4 guidan!e sought from other realms or tapped sour!es.
[for.7.<] Bortuna to midpoint 8ranus/=eptune
[1.7.1?] Sun to midpoint 8ranus/Pluto
#he urge for independen!e and freedom4 great tension4 re.olution.
[2.7.1?] Moon to midpoint 8ranus/Pluto
$hange through for!e4 indomitable emotional !on.i!tion. Daring* auda!iousness* ambition* !hange.
[.7.1?] Mer!ur" to midpoint 8ranus/Pluto
Intense thought a!"4 ne% ideas* plans* personal perspe!ti.es4 for!ing indi.idualit" into fo!us. )n
in.enti.e* !reati.e mind.
[&.7.1?] 'enus to midpoint 8ranus/Pluto
$reati.e po%er* the thrust to bring the ne% in art* a !onstant longing for the ne%.
[,.7.1?] Mars to midpoint 8ranus/Pluto
-normous energ"* fanati!ism* !oer!ion* .iolen!e and destru!tion. #he stage of bending and brea9ing .
[/.7.1?] 0upiter to midpoint 8ranus/Pluto
So!ial aspirations* for so!ial impro.ement* the pursuit of religious and/or philosophi!al ob3e!
Immense su!!ess potential.
[5.7.1?] Saturn to midpoint 8ranus/Pluto
-goism* self-%ill* tenden!" to%ards auto!rati! leadership. -+posure to e+tremel" great pressures b" others4
toppled from the position.
[7.7.1?] 8ranus to midpoint 8ranus/Pluto
1.erturning the status 6uo4 !reating ne% perspe!
[<.7.1?] =eptune to midpoint 8ranus/Pluto
S"mpatheti! understanding of other people* the 9no%ledge of human nature* deep stud" of a sub3e!t of
spe!ial interest* the in!lination to del.e into the supernatural realm. Pe!uliar ner.ous state %hen e+!ited.
[1?.7.1?] Pluto to midpoint 8ranus/Pluto
Intensifi!ation of ego-a%areness4 attainment of great goals through great effort and through struggle and
[11.7.1?] =ode to midpoint 8ranus/Pluto
)n untiring* !ontinuall" a!ti.e partner. #eam%or9 pa"ing off* but oneCs o%n ego is put first in line.
[1?1.7.1?] )s! to midpoint 8ranus/Pluto
Feing pla!ed in an unusual or restless en.ironment. )ppli!ations of for!e* an a!!ident.
[11?.7.1?] M.$. to midpoint 8ranus/Pluto
Pruden!e* .ision* aspiration for inno.ation and reforms* mobilit"* the instant grasp and e+ploitation of"
[for.7.1?] Bortuna to midpoint 8ranus/Pluto
[1.7.11] Sun to midpoint 8ranus/=ode
In!lination to .iolen!e e.en at the slightest !ause* be!oming upset and e+!ited along %ith others.
[2.7.11] Moon to midpoint 8ranus/=ode
#he displa" of 6ui!9 enthusiasm for other people* !onta!ts %ith other people* %hi!h are terminated 6ui!9l".
[.7.11] Mer!ur" to midpoint 8ranus/=ode
) 6ui!9 grasp and !omprehension of things* the speed" assessment of" situation* the state of being
united in thoughts %ith others* a sudden understanding bet%een people. #he tenden!" to !riti!ise others4 a
fast-tra.elling ne%s.
[&.7.11] 'enus to midpoint 8ranus/=ode
Sudden atta!hments* romanti! or 3ust li9e-minded.
[,.7.11] Mars to midpoint 8ranus/=ode
@etting e+!ited easil" in the presen!e of others* 6uarrelling* feeling tense4 an a+e to grind and
gaining support. Disputes and .iolen!e.
[/.7.11] 0upiter to midpoint 8ranus/=ode
) great li9ing to ta9e part in so!ial fun!tions and gatherings* the tenden!" to see9 ad.antage %ith the help
of others. #he big opportunit" !omes to those demanding it.
[5.7.11] Saturn to midpoint 8ranus/=ode
Diffi!ulties en!ountered together %ith others4 the a!!eptan!e of !ontrols b" group .ote. #he ending of an
asso!iation or a union.
[7.7.11] 8ranus to midpoint 8ranus/=ode
Meetings %ith unusual people pa" off4 sudden relationships.
[<.7.11] =eptune to midpoint 8ranus/=ode
Feing easil" influen!ed or impressed or de!ei.ed b" others.
[1?.7.11] Pluto to midpoint 8ranus/=ode
#he strong need to be influential4 being persuasi.e4 ro!9ing the boat and people appro.e the motion. 1r>
!oming under the spell or influen!e of others.
[11.7.11] =ode to midpoint 8ranus/=ode
Shared e+perien!es are parti!ularl" re%arding.
[1?1.7.11] )s! to midpoint 8ranus/=ode
Sudden ne% asso!iations.
[11?.7.11] M.$. to midpoint 8ranus/=ode
#eam%or9 pa"s off4 professional re!ognition.
[for.7.11] Bortuna to midpoint 8ranus/=ode
[1.7.1?1] Sun to midpoint 8ranus/)s!
Ph"si!al unrest* mobilit"* ner.ousness. )n en.ironment %hi!h is full of danger. $o-operation in the sphere of
te!hnolog" and/or industr".
[2.7.1?1] Moon to midpoint 8ranus/)s!
) highl" emotional disposition* 6ui!9 !hanges of mood triggered b" the en.ironment4 needs s"mpath"*
support and
[.7.1?1] Mer!ur" to midpoint 8ranus/)s!
=er.ous planning4 fault-finding* the tenden!" to interfere into"thing4 abilit" to sum up !onditions or
!ir!umstan!es 6ui!9l"4 organising abilit". Sudden ne%s4 te!hnologi!al or industrial progress.
[&.7.1?1] 'enus to midpoint 8ranus/)s!
Feing se+"4 sho%ing oneself in an e+!iting fashion4 emphasising indi.idual ne% loo9s of an" 9ind. #he
desire to beautif" oneCs en.ironment as 6ui!9l" as possible. #he tenden!" to ta9e the line of least resistan!e
%ith regard to the gro%th of an atta!hment.
[,.7.1?1] Mars to midpoint 8ranus/)s!
Ma9ing things happen rau!ousl"4"-!are attitude. )!ti.e inter.ention in oneCs en.ironment.
Parti!ipating in the reshaping of the te!hnologi!al or industrial sphere.
[/.7.1?1] 0upiter to midpoint 8ranus/)s!
$oming into !onta!t %ith others 6ui!9l" and enthusiasti!all"4 a fortunate re-arrangement of the
en.ironment4 su!!essful !ooperation or team %or9.
[5.7.1?1] Saturn to midpoint 8ranus/)s!
#he!oming of sudden diffi!ulties 3ointl" %ith others. 1r> being hindered and oppressed b" others.
[7.7.1?1] 8ranus to midpoint 8ranus/)s!
Ma3or ne% start4 high probabilit" of geographi! relo!ation.
[<.7.1?1] =eptune to midpoint 8ranus/)s!
Suffering emotionall" from restless people. #he sudden undermining of asso!iations.
[1?.7.1?1] Pluto to midpoint 8ranus/)s!
#he desire to attain su!!ess e.en under the most diffi!ult !ir!umstan!es* the use of for!e.
[11.7.1?1] =ode to midpoint 8ranus/)s!
@etting li9e-minded people on board4 the bringing about of sudden !hanges 3ointl" %ith others.
[1?1.7.1?1] )s! to midpoint 8ranus/)s!
Sho%!ase opportunit" for indi.idualit"4 sho% off time.
[11?.7.1?1] M.$. to midpoint 8ranus/)s!
Ma3or !hange potential in 3ob status* %ith parents* or through the spouseCs 3ob position or famil". $hanging
ob3e! in life and !onstantl" sear!hing for ne% stimuli and !onta!ts.
[for.7.1?1] Bortuna to midpoint 8ranus/)s!
[1.7.11?] Sun to midpoint 8ranus/M.$.
-motional and ph"si!al unrest and mobilit". Strong illumination of indi.idualit"4 getting %hat one deser.es4
eagerness for a!hie.ement4 ner.ous dri.e.
[2.7.11?] Moon to midpoint 8ranus/M.$.
Prominent shift of dire!tion for emotional fulfilment4 e+!itement about ma9ing a ne% bid for!ement
in life. Irritabilit"* a 6ui!9 !hange of mood* a 6ui!9 temper.
[.7.11?] Mer!ur" to midpoint 8ranus/M.$.
-+!itement in !onne!tion %ith ne% thoughts and ideas or in e+pe!tation of !hange.
[&.7.11?] 'enus to midpoint 8ranus/M.$.
) 6ui!9 response to the stimulation of the senses* arousing ph"si!al desire in others* !"* possible
promis!uit". ) sudden desire* pro!reation* birth.
[,.7.11?] Mars to midpoint 8ranus/M.$.
#he tenden!" to be!ome .iolent 6ui!9l"* temperamental dri.e for ego re!ognition4 being argumentati.e and
!hallenging. #he attainment of importan!e and authorit" through the displa" of unusual energ". Huarrels*
a!!ident* in3ur"* operation.
[/.7.11?] 0upiter to midpoint 8ranus/M.$.
1ptimism* the 3o"ful realisation of plans* the abilit" to resol.e tensions fortunatel".
[5.7.11?] Saturn to midpoint 8ranus/M.$.
Possible rebuff in oneCs bid for re!ognition4 to temper oneCs egotisti! beha.iour. @aining soberness
and !oming do%n to earth again4 the desire to part 6ui!9l"4 being fired.
[7.7.11?] 8ranus to midpoint 8ranus/M.$.
)n e+traordinar" time of life4 probable re-organisation of famil" life in the earl" home4 dramati! ad3ustment
of 3ob status as an adult* !hange of profession possible4 sudden !hange of dire!tion in pra!ti!all""
department of life4 indi.idualit" reigns4 geographi! relo!ation.
[<.7.11?] =eptune to midpoint 8ranus/M.$.
$"4 e+pe!ting re!ognition4 %ithdra%al if frustrated. #he feeling of being po%erless* unable to obtain
[1?.7.11?] Pluto to midpoint 8ranus/M.$.
#he restless and energeti! pursuit of oneCs ob3e!* fanati! ambition. threatens the
ner.ous s"stem.
[11.7.11?] =ode to midpoint 8ranus/M.$.
$limbing others to fulfill oneCs o%n needs for re!ognition. #he su!!essful elimination of !ompetition*
tension %ithin a !ommunit"* a he!ti! famil" life* upsets and 6uarrels.
[1?1.7.11?] )s! to midpoint 8ranus/M.$.
Sudden ad3ustments to mu!h of life4 !hange that has far-rea!hing signifi!an!e.
[11?.7.11?] M.$. to midpoint 8ranus/M.$.
)ssertion is re!ognised4 strong de.elopmental tensions for 3ob and so!ial position.
[for.7.11?] Bortuna to midpoint 8ranus/M.$.
[1.7.for] Sun to midpoint 8ranus/Bortuna
[2.7.for] Moon to midpoint 8ranus/Bortuna
[.7.for] Mer!ur" to midpoint 8ranus/Bortuna
[&.7.for] 'enus to midpoint 8ranus/Bortuna
[,.7.for] Mars to midpoint 8ranus/Bortuna
[/.7.for] 0upiter to midpoint 8ranus/Bortuna
[5.7.for] Saturn to midpoint 8ranus/Bortuna
[7.7.for] 8ranus to midpoint 8ranus/Bortuna
[<.7.for] =eptune to midpoint 8ranus/Bortuna
[1?.7.for] Pluto to midpoint 8ranus/Bortuna
[11.7.for] =ode to midpoint 8ranus/Bortuna
[1?1.7.for] )s! to midpoint 8ranus/Bortuna
[11?.7.for] M.$. to midpoint 8ranus/Bortuna
[for.7.for] Bortuna to midpoint 8ranus/Bortuna
[1.<.1?] Sun to midpoint =eptune/Pluto
$reati.e enterprise4 possible drain on the s"stem through!e4 rationalisation rules
realism. Pe!uliar illnesses %hi!h ma" be hard to diagnose.
[2.<.1?] Moon to midpoint =eptune/Pluto
-+treme !" possible4 high"4 big mood s%eeps and flu!tuations4 ps"!hi! e+perien!es.
[.<.1?] Mer!ur" to midpoint =eptune/Pluto
Preo!!upation %ith out-of-the-%orld thoughts and e+perien!es4 !ommuni!ations are other than the"
appear4 de!eption as a strateg"4 ner.ous irritabilit"4 loss of !entring.
[&.<.1?] 'enus to midpoint =eptune/Pluto
$"* pe!uliar or inspired art4 respe!t for m"sti!ism4 intense lo.e fantas"4 sensualit"4!e
%ith an"thing pleasant.
[,.<.1?] Mars to midpoint =eptune/Pluto
) la!9 of energ"* the misfortune to be used as a tool for other peopleCs interests* a la!9 of resistan!e and
stamina. #he tenden!" to su!!umb to e+ternal po%ers* being utilised as a medium.
[/.<.1?] 0upiter to midpoint =eptune/Pluto
) general lo.e of humanit"* uni.ersal and all-embra!ing lo.e* a pea! disposition* a high degree of
inner !ognition and realisation. 2app" spiritual e+perien!es* su!!ess in metaph"si!al resear!h.
[5.<.1?] Saturn to midpoint =eptune/Pluto
@rie.ous emotional suffering* pessimism* self-torment.
[7.<.1?] 8ranus to midpoint =eptune/Pluto
) propensit" or flair for unusual* ad.enturous* m"sti!al and supernatural e+perien!es. 2"per-sensiti.e
ner.es4 possibl" aberrant beha.iour.
[<.<.1?] =eptune to midpoint =eptune/Pluto
#he supernatural4 other realms seem to be in.ol.ed %ith oneCs life4 unusual problems* pe!uliar e+perien!es4
possible !on!erns about death matters4 !reati.e enterprise.
[1?.<.1?] Pluto to midpoint =eptune/Pluto
-normous intensifi!ation of"4 possible loss of the frame of realit"4 possible introdu!tion of drugs
and/or al!ohol d"sfun!tionall".
[11.<.1?] =ode to midpoint =eptune/Pluto
Sharing other-%orldliness and !uriosit" %ith others4 group stud" pro3e!ts. Inherited ps"!hi!al or
metaph"si!al talents.
[1?1.<.1?] )s! to midpoint =eptune/Pluto
#he tenden!" to surround oneself %ith the air of m"sti!ism. Feing pla!ed in a pe!uliar en.ironment.
[11?.<.1?] M.$. to midpoint =eptune/Pluto
)n intensified and purified soul-life* high spiritual aspirations* self-9no%ledge* m"sti!al e+perien!es.
[for.<.1?] Bortuna to midpoint =eptune/Pluto
[1.<.11] Sun to midpoint =eptune/=ode
See9ing to establish !onta!ts %ith others through artisti! or spiritual e+!hange. 1r> #he inabilit" to e+plain
oneCs ideas to others* feeling misunderstood.
[2.<.11] Moon to midpoint =eptune/=ode
#he la!9 of adaptabilit" and !ommunit" spirit. Feing ostra!ised.
[.<.11] Mer!ur" to midpoint =eptune/=ode
Imagination shared %ith others4 e+pe!ting too mu!h from others4 being let do%n b" o!!urren!es4 the
tenden!" to ma9e se!ret arrangements %ith others and also to de!ei.e or let do%n others.
[&.<.11] 'enus to midpoint =eptune/=ode
'agueness about emotional .alues4 suspi!ion4 promis!uit".
[,.<.11] Mars to midpoint =eptune/=ode
$harisma4 resour!eful adaptation to others. Disharmon" %hen %or9ing or %ith other people* the
inabilit" to adapt.
[/.<.11] 0upiter to midpoint =eptune/=ode
Spiritual bonds %ith others. -+ploiting others or being e+ploited b" others.
[5.<.11] Saturn to midpoint =eptune/=ode
-motional hurt through de!eption* unfaithfulness* dupli!it".
[7.<.11] 8ranus to midpoint =eptune/=ode
Self-%illed disrupt group ideas.
[<.<.11] =eptune to midpoint =eptune/=ode
Possible brea9do%n of relationships4 sense of being out of the group. 1r> bound together through spiritual
[1?.<.11] Pluto to midpoint =eptune/=ode
Diffi!ult" blending personal .ie%s %ith those of other people.
[11.<.11] =ode to midpoint =eptune/=ode
Meeting %ith others interested in paranormal dimensions.
[1?1.<.11] )s! to midpoint =eptune/=ode
)ppearing strange to others4 being duped.
[11?.<.11] M.$. to midpoint =eptune/=ode
#a9ing a position off the mainstream of life.
[for.<.11] Bortuna to midpoint =eptune/=ode
[1.<.1?1] Sun to midpoint =eptune/)s!
Pro3e!tion of aestheti!s* !"4 the arts as a profession4 sensiti.ities are used for gain or there is
dis!omfort and frustration.
[2.<.1?1] Moon to midpoint =eptune/)s!
@reat"4 open to hurt4 easil" de!ei.ed. -motional suffering* an unfa.ourable relationship %ith the
female se+.
[.<.1?1] Mer!ur" to midpoint =eptune/)s!
@reat imagination4 spe!ial per!eptions4 a%are of spe!ial le.els of intera!tion %ith others4 open to
de!eption4 in!lination to s!heming* perhaps mali!ious.
[&.<.1?1] 'enus to midpoint =eptune/)s!
Sensual image4 longing to understand lo.e and share it.
[,.<.1?1] Mars to midpoint =eptune/)s!
$harisma possible4 fighting for oneCs .ision4 disputes about ethereal premises. Primiti.e and instin!ti.e
urges %rongl" e+pressed* unpleasantness in team%or9.
[/.<.1?1] 0upiter to midpoint =eptune/)s!
@ood fortune is assumed4 oneCs pea!eful nature. #he misfortune to lose oneCs good lu!9* good name*
possessions or mone" through others4 or the urge to !heat others or the tenden!" to be !heated b" others.
[5.<.1?1] Saturn to midpoint =eptune/)s!
Aoss of get-up-and-go energ"4 pull-ba!94 feeling out of the group4 the misfortune to be hindered* harmed or
defamed b" others.
[7.<.1?1] 8ranus to midpoint =eptune/)s!
2oping for lu!94 someda" oneCs boat !omes in. Sudden troubles through others.
[<.<.1?1] =eptune to midpoint =eptune/)s!
2igh"4 impressionabilit"4 spiritual pro3e!tion4 loss of ego.
[1?.<.1?1] Pluto to midpoint =eptune/)s!
Beelings of an oppressi.e en.ironment4 diffi!ult" tuning in. 2arm or damage through de!eit* libel or mali!e
!oming from other people.
[11.<.1?1] =ode to midpoint =eptune/)s!
2urt through others4 de!eption* rumour.
[1?1.<.1?1] )s! to midpoint =eptune/)s!
@aining a!!eptan!e for oneCs spe!ialness.
[1?1.<.1?1] M.$. to midpoint =eptune/)s!
Re!ognition for aestheti!s* or being alone in oneCs spe!iall" sensiti.e realm. Aa!9 of resistan!e and stamina*
being under the influen!e of others.
[for.<.1?1] Bortuna to midpoint =eptune/)s!
[1.<.11?] Sun to midpoint =eptune/M.$.
Illumination of aestheti!s and !" in the 3ob or in the so!ial life4 possible dis!ontent %ith life-position
and the !" to begin the !hange4 rea!hing for the .ision. Ph"si!al disguise* the putting on of an a!t*
the hiding of oneCs !hara!ter b" the preten!e of 6ualities one has not got. Inde!isi.eness* inabilit" to ma9e
up oneCs mind.
[2.<.11?] Moon to midpoint =eptune/M.$.
2igh"4 artisti! e+pression dominates. Ban!iful imaginings* a dream" nature.
[.<.11?] Mer!ur" to midpoint =eptune/M.$.
Imagination4 losing orientation to the mainstream4 rumour. Drong per!eption and ob3e!* the %rong
3udgement of things obser.ed or per!ei.ed* the tenden!" to a!!ept other peopleCs influen!es in oneCs
[&.<.11?] 'enus to midpoint =eptune/M.$.
Idealised lo.e out in the open4 holding high the image of %hat lo.e should be. #he feigning or pretending of
parti!ular feelings* the simulation of lo.e.
[,.<.11?] Mars to midpoint =eptune/M.$.
$harisma for professional gain through the arts4 personal artisti! flair4 sensual image4 pla"ing the role. #he
tenden!" to a!t %ithout !lear understanding or purpose* the desire to bring %rong ideas into realisation4
the desire to harm other people.
[/.<.11?] 0upiter to midpoint =eptune/M.$.
#he 3o" of e+pe!tation* the tenden!" to dream of happiness and good fortune* the preten!e of happiness
and good lu!9* dreaming* hoping* feeling sure someho% that all %ill be %ell. #he in!lination to put all oneCs
eggs into one bas9et4 spe!ulation.
[5.<.11?] Saturn to midpoint =eptune/M.$.
#he feeling of being %iped out4 needing to !orre!t oneCs past mista9es %ith honest* open* !lear statements
and plans. ) la!9 of !larit"* inse!urit"* un!ertaint"* the tenden!" to %orr". Suffering from !onse6uen!es of
%rong a!tions* the inabilit" to get oneCs losses.
[7.<.11?] 8ranus to midpoint =eptune/M.$.
Intense impatien!e4 self-righteousness4 !". Aa!9 of !larit"* the desire to bring ideas to realisation at
all !osts.
[<.<.11?] =eptune to midpoint =eptune/M.$.
'er" important time in life4 there !an be the sense of ego disappearan!e4 the identit" someho% gets lost in
situations through disregard or through drugs and/or al!ohol in emotional defensi.eness4 possible su!!ess
through the arts* imagination* aestheti!s4 pe!uliar states in the earl" home life4 3ob .agaries for the adult.
[1?.<.11?] Pluto to midpoint =eptune/M.$.
#he supernatural as a professional fo!us4 strange happenings in the 3ob or in the home.
[11.<.11?] =ode to midpoint =eptune/M.$.
Diffi!ult relationships4 pe!uliarities.
[1?1.<.11?] )s! to midpoint =eptune/M.$.
#he tenden!" to li.e in oneCs o%n fogg" realm4 defensi.e against inse!urit".
[11?.<.11?] M.$. to midpoint =eptune/M.$.
)!!entuation of !" on the 3ob4 disruption in the home life4 being pushed aground4 feeling lost4 losing
[for.<.11?] Bortuna to midpoint =eptune/M.$.
[1.<.for] Sun to midpoint =eptune/Bortuna
[2.<.for] Moon to midpoint =eptune/Bortuna
[.<.for] Mer!ur" to midpoint =eptune/Bortuna
[&.<.for] 'enus to midpoint =eptune/Bortuna
[,.<.for] Mars to midpoint =eptune/Bortuna
[/.<.for] 0upiter to midpoint =eptune/Bortuna
[5.<.for] Saturn to midpoint =eptune/Bortuna
[7.<.for] 8ranus to midpoint =eptune/Bortuna
[<.<.for] =eptune to midpoint =eptune/Bortuna
[1?.<.for] Pluto to midpoint =eptune/Bortuna
[11.<.for] =ode to midpoint =eptune/Bortuna
[1?1.<.for] )s! to midpoint =eptune/Bortuna
[11?.<.for] M$ to midpoint =eptune/Bortuna
[for.<.for] Bortuna to midpoint =eptune/Bortuna
[1.1?.11] Sun to midpoint Pluto/=ode
#he urge to impose oneCs %ill on others.
[2.1?.11] Moon to midpoint Pluto/=ode
Rea!hing for the big pi!ture4 ma9ing the big s!ene emotionall"4 ambition is magnified4 or there is too mu!h
fear for an" a!tion.
[.1?.11] Mer!ur" to midpoint Pluto/=ode
#he desire to dominate other people intelle!tuall" or mentall". #he abilit" to e+er!ise a !ompelling and
magneti!all" po%erful influen!e upon the !ommunit" at large.
[&.1?.11] 'enus to midpoint Pluto/=ode
)n unusual po%er of attra!tion to other people4 possible tragi! melodrama.
[,.1?.11] Mars to midpoint Pluto/=ode
-+hibition of personal po%er4 t"rann". #he desire to dominate others. 1r> the misfortune to be pla!ed in
somebod" elseCs hands and po%er.
[/.1?.11] 0upiter to midpoint Pluto/=ode
Bor!ing oneself into a position of po%er* desire to obtain po%er b" for!e through help of others* the
attainment of great gains through others.
[5.1?.11] Saturn to midpoint Pluto/=ode
) la!9 of adaptabilit"* tru!ulen!e* re.olt* the fighting against oppression. ) .iolent termination of
[7.1?.11] 8ranus to midpoint Pluto/=ode
@reat upsets %ithin a !ommunit"* emotional suffering through separation. Intense need for re!ognition4
publi!it"* !rush the opposition.
[<.1?.11] =eptune to midpoint Pluto/=ode
#he attainment of su!!ess %ithin a !ommunit" b" means of lies and fraud* the po%er of the half-truth* %in
at an" !ost.
[1?.1?.11] Pluto to midpoint Pluto/=ode
Identifi!ation %ith a large group4 ma9ing .er" important !onta!ts4 a life-signifi!ant relationship.
[11.1?.11] =ode to midpoint Pluto/=ode
=e% asso!iations of signifi!an!e and importan!e.
[1?1.1?.11] )s! to midpoint Pluto/=ode
#he desire to gain influen!e upon the publi!.
[11?.1?.11] M.$. to midpoint Pluto/=ode
#he fre6uent dependen!e of oneCs future upon asso!iations and !onta!ts %ith others4 asso!iations %ith
others are sine 6ua non of su!!ess.
[for.1?.11] Bortuna to midpoint Pluto/=ode
[1.1?.1?1] Sun to midpoint Pluto/)s!
) ruthless !ondu!t %ith regard to people* the attainment of respe!t and esteem through ph"si!al pro%ess
and strength. Seeing a %hole ne% .enue for de.elopment and su!!ess4 full steam ahead.
[2.1?.1?1] Moon to midpoint Pluto/)s!
-ither a strong emotional response to oneCs en.ironment. 1r> %ielding a po%erful ps"!hi! influen!e upon
[.1?.1?1] Mer!ur" to midpoint Pluto/)s!
Domination of others mentall"4 the thrust of intelle!t. Suggestion* h"pnosis.
[&.1?.1?1] 'enus to midpoint Pluto/)s!
-motionalism used to e+!ite others4 lo.e relationship4 propaganda.
[,.1?.1?1] Mars to midpoint Pluto/)s!
Ruthless energ" deplo"ment4 !ourage4 foolhardiness and daring* the tenden!" to e+pose oneself to danger.
In3ur"* a!!ident.
[/.1?.1?1] 0upiter to midpoint Pluto/)s!
Dri.e to ma3or su!!ess4 a po%erful and generous personalit". ) large gain* or %indfall or bount"4 a
fa.ourable turn in oneCs life.
[5.1?.1?1] Saturn to midpoint Pluto/)s!
2igh potential for great diffi!ult" and loss4 oppressi.e dealings %ith others.
[7.1?.1?1] 8ranus to midpoint Pluto/)s!
) fre6uent !hange of en.ironment4 e+traordinar" in!idents and upsets.
[<.1?.1?1] =eptune to midpoint Pluto/)s!
Suffering from the a!tion of bad* mali!ious and de!eitful people4 the e+perien!ing of a most a%9%ard and
unfortunate situation. Something paranormal influen!es situations4 fight against rumour4 .ision to fulfill4
embarrassment to trans!end.
[1?.1?.1?1] Pluto to midpoint Pluto/)s!
-+tremel" important time of life4 dramati! !hanges of perspe!ti.e are possible4 identit" transformation4
geographi! relo!ation4 ta9ing !ommand of things4 a life milestone.
[11.1?.1?1] =ode to midpoint Pluto/)s!
#he sharing of the same destin" together %ith other people. #he tenden!" to enter into unusual
[1?1.1?.1?1] )s! to midpoint Pluto/)s!
#he use of personal po%er and persuasion.
[11?.1?.1?1] M.$. to midpoint Pluto/)s!
Po%er and authorit" and su!!ess attained.
[for.1?.1?1] Bortuna to midpoint Pluto/)s!
[1.1?.11?] Sun to midpoint Pluto/M.$.
#he desire to obtain po%er and authorit". #he abilit" to stand on oneCs o%n feet* the po%er of oneCs o%n
personalit" in the attainment of su!!ess. #he potential for a ma3or life-!hange is illumined4 %anting to
spread oneCs %ings and fl"4 getting on %ith e+!itement.
[2.1?.11?] Moon to midpoint Pluto/M.$.
Inner greatness* the abilit" to e+er!ise a great influen!e upon others on a!!ount of oneCs o%n inner
6ualities4 leadership through su!h po%er.
[.1?.11?] Mer!ur" to midpoint Pluto/M.$.
) great mind* the attainment of re!ognition and fame in the sphere of s!ien!e. #hin9ing big* re!ognition of
intelligen!e* great po%ers of suggestion.
[&.1?.11?] 'enus to midpoint Pluto/M.$.
)n unusual po%er of attra!tion and also unusuall" strong atta!hment.
[,.1?.11?] Mars to midpoint Pluto/M.$.
) great for po%er* the urge to dominate other people. #he misfortune to be for!ed into an
un!ongenial o!!upation. ) !risis in oneCs !areer.
[/.1?.11?] 0upiter to midpoint Pluto/M.$.
8nusual s!ope of re%ard* unusual ob3e! and unusual su!!esses. #he possession of finan!ial po%er.
[5.1?.11?] Saturn to midpoint Pluto/M.$.
#he !onspi!uous threat of loss4 potential s!andal4 ma3or business re.ersal4 hard* hard %or94 !ir!umstan!es
of death or berea.ement.
[7.1?.11?] 8ranus to midpoint Pluto/M.$.
Restlessness* enduran!e* pruden!e* organising abilit". ) sudden attainment of oneCs plans and aspirations
%ith irresistible po%er. Sudden o!!upational !hanges.
[<.1?.11?] =eptune to midpoint Pluto/M.$.
Pe!uliar ob3e! in life* m"sti! .isions* a purified and refined soul-life* great imagination. Drong ideas* the
ta9ing of a %rong path.
[1?.1?.11?] Pluto to midpoint Pluto/M.$.
-+tremel" important time of life. Dramati! !hanges of outloo9 are pra!ti!all" assured4 identit"
transformation is possible4 3ob ad3ustment is ma3or4 professional de.elopments are signifi!ant4 parental
ad3ustments in the earl" home are personall" signifi!ant4 separations4 a life milestone.
[11.1?.11?] =ode to midpoint Pluto/M.$.
Aeadership of group of people.
[1?1.1?.11?] )s! to midpoint Pluto/M.$.
@etting an important position* perhaps fame and re!ognition.
[11?.1?.11?] M.$. to midpoint Pluto/M.$.
Re!ognition and the ultimate po%er position are probable4* past mista9es !an be opened to .ie%
and threaten ruin.
[for.1?.11?] Bortuna to midpoint Pluto/M.$.
[1.1?.for] Sun to midpoint Pluto/Bortuna
[2.1?.for] Moon to midpoint Pluto/Bortuna
[.1?.for] Mer!ur" to midpoint Pluto/Bortuna
[&.1?.for] 'enus to midpoint Pluto/Bortuna
[,.1?.for] Mars to midpoint Pluto/Bortuna
[/.1?.for] 0upiter to midpoint Pluto/Bortuna
[5.1?.for] Saturn to midpoint Pluto/Bortuna
[7.1?.for] 8ranus to midpoint Pluto/Bortuna
[<.1?.for] =eptune to midpoint Pluto/Bortuna
[1?.1?.for] Pluto to midpoint Pluto/Bortuna
[11.1?.for] =ode to midpoint Pluto/Bortuna
[1?1.1?.for] )s! to midpoint Pluto/Bortuna
[11?.1?.for] M$ to midpoint Pluto/Bortuna
[for.1?.for] Bortuna to midpoint Pluto/Bortuna
[1.11.1?1] Sun to midpoint =ode/)s!
2elpful so!ial !onta!ts4 gregariousness4 an entertaining personalit".
[2.11.1?1] Moon to midpoint =ode/)s!
-motional bonds %ith others4 s"mpath"4 !aring for others.
[.11.1?1] Mer!ur" to midpoint =ode/)s!
-ntertainment* gossip* e+!hanging ideas* ne%s* tra.elling to meetings.
[&.11.1?1] 'enus to midpoint =ode/)s!
Pleasantness4 affe!tionate asso!iations.
[,.11.1?1] Mars to midpoint =ode/)s!
Dor9ing for the !ommon good4 the doer.
[/.11.1?1] 0upiter to midpoint =ode/)s!
So!iabilit"4 humanitarianism4 !ongenialit".
[5.11.1?1] Saturn to midpoint =ode/)s!
Pre.ailing %ith realism and %isdom4 !onser.atism.
[7.11.1?1] 8ranus to midpoint =ode/)s!
) perpetual desire for !ompan"4 all for the a.ant-garde4 unusual asso!iations4 upbeat %a"s of doing things
%ith other people.
[<.11.1?1] =eptune to midpoint =ode/)s!
Ma9ing relationships %ith others %ith sensiti.ities and e.en interests in the paranormal4 impressionabilit".
Dissolution of asso!iations.
[1?.11.1?1] Pluto to midpoint =ode/)s!
Po%er-pla"s %ith others for personal!ement4 also the bad lu!9 of being for!ed to li.e together %ith
un!ongenial people4 strange or fated asso!iations.
[11.11.1?1] =ode to midpoint =ode/)s!
Personal relationships be!ome prominent.
[1?1.11.1?1] )s! to midpoint =ode/)s!
Personal relationships be!ome prominent.
[11?.11.1?1] M.$. to midpoint =ode/)s!
Sense of !ommunit".
[for.11.1?1] Bortuna to midpoint =ode/)s!
[1.11.11?] Sun to midpoint =ode/M.$.
#he importan!e of !onta!ts and friends for su!!ess.
[2.11.11?] Moon to midpoint =ode/M.$.
#he !hallenge and fulfilment of sharing emotions %ith others4 sharing and !aring.
[.11.11?] Mer!ur" to midpoint =ode/M.$.
#he e+!hange of ideas for personal gain.
[&.11.11?] 'enus to midpoint =ode/M.$.
#he urge to re.eal oneCs innermost feelings and in!linations in personal asso!iations. #he !apa!it" to lo.e
%ith oneCs %hole heart.
[,.11.11?] Mars to midpoint =ode/M.$.
#eam spirit* getting things done together4 fighting to uphold !ommon ideas and prin!iples.
[/.11.11?] 0upiter to midpoint =ode/M.$.
) lo.e of 3oll" parties and entertainment4 !hur!h group4 togetherness.
[5.11.11?] Saturn to midpoint =ode/M.$.
Feing !omfortable in the lonerCs position4 being the serious person in the group4 respe!t4 !onser.atism.
[7.11.11?] 8ranus to midpoint =ode/M.$.
#he sudden e+perien!e4 possible rashness4 being seen as Ean"4 problems inno.ation %ith others.
[<.11.11?] =eptune to midpoint =ode/M.$.
#he tenden!" to impra!ti!alit" %hen dealing %ith others. Separation !aused through the pro!ess of
sobering and !oming do%n to earth again. Possible loss.
[1?.11.11?] Pluto to midpoint =ode/M.$.
1rganising* e+er!ising leadership* great a!hie.ements shared %ith others.
[11.11.11?] =ode to midpoint =ode/M.$.
Feing re!ognised.
[1?1.11.11?] )s! to midpoint =ode/M$
2armonious together4 establishing oneCs o%n home.
[11?.11.11?] M.$. to midpoint =ode/M.$.
Feing re!ognised.
[for.11.11?] Bortuna to midpoint =ode/M.$.
[1.11.for] Sun to midpoint =ode/Bortuna
[2.11.for] Moon to midpoint =ode/Bortuna
[.11.for] Mer!ur" to midpoint =ode/Bortuna
[&.11.for] 'enus to midpoint =ode/Bortuna
[,.11.for] Mars to midpoint =ode/Bortuna
[/.11.for] 0upiter to midpoint =ode/Bortuna
[5.11.for] Saturn to midpoint =ode/Bortuna
[7.11.for] 8ranus to midpoint =ode/Bortuna
[<.11.for] =eptune to midpoint =ode/Bortuna
[1?.11.for] Pluto to midpoint =ode/Bortuna
[11.11.for] =ode to midpoint =ode/Bortuna
[1?1.11.for] )s! to midpoint =ode/Bortuna
[11?.11.for] M$ to midpoint =ode/Bortuna
[for.11.for] Bortuna to midpoint =ode/Bortuna
[1.1?1.11?] Sun to midpoint )s!/M.$.
#he relationship bet%een bod" and soul* a personCs attitude to other persons. #he man in his sphere of life
and a!". @oing together* together* attitude to the male prin!iple in general. #he 6uest to be oneCs
o%n person. #o do %ell b" oneCs self-image.
[2.1?1.11?] Moon to midpoint )s!/M.$.
1neCs personal attitude as go.erned b" feeling* the see9ing of !ordial understanding %ith others* a person
guided primaril" b" instin!t. Sho%ing others ho% one feels about things.
[.1?1.11?] Mer!ur" to midpoint )s!/M.$.
-+!hange of thoughts* the use of oneCs !riti!al fa!ulties. ) fran9 dis!ussion bet%een people* !ooperation in
the s!ientifi! or !ommer!ial sphere.
[&.1?1.11?] 'enus to midpoint )s!/M.$.
) sense of beaut"* the desire to ha.e harmon" and beaut" in oneCs surroundings* art interests. $omfort.
[,.1?1.11?] Mars to midpoint )s!/M.$.
#he indi.idual in a!tion* a positi.e attitude to%ards oneCs famil" and oneCs !olleagues. Su!!essful team-
%or9. Indi.idual talent put into a!tion.
[/.1?1.11?] 0upiter to midpoint )s!/M.$.
#he optimist* the desire for gaiet" and so!ial entertainment %ithin the famil" !ir!le. #he abilit" to share 3o"
and merriment together %ith others* the abilit" to ma9e oneself popular %ith other people. 0o" and
[5.1?1.11?] Saturn to midpoint )s!/M.$.
#he inhibited t"pe* feelings of inferiorit"* moods of depression. 1r> austerit" as important part of maturit"
and reliabilit". $omfortable in oneCs !onser.atism. Separation* mourning and berea.ement.
[7.1?1.11?] 8ranus to midpoint )s!/M.$.
-+!itabilit"* emotionalism* 6ui!9 response* ad.enturism. Sudden e+perien!es* e+!itements or upsets* a
spoiling of oneCs plans.
[<.1?1.11?] =eptune to midpoint )s!/M.$.
Positi.e pi!tures> idealisation* spiritualit"* 6uiet. #he good lu!9 of being in an uplifting !ompan". =egati.e
pi!tures> -motional suffering* feeling ill at ease in oneCs !ir!le* the need to hide oneCs true nature b"
feigning* simulating or pretending. #he misfortune to be surrounded b" de!eitful or bad people* the pain of
[1?.1?1.11?] Pluto to midpoint )s!/M.$.
)n unusual person in unusual surroundings* a fas!inating personalit". #he po%er to e+er!ise a strong
influen!e upon people in oneCs en.ironment.
[11.1?1.11?] =ode to midpoint )s!/M.$.
)n obliging person* the see9ing of !onta!ts %ith other people. =e% fa!es in oneCs en.ironment.
[1?1.1?1.11?] )s! to midpoint )s!/M.$.
Identit" a%areness.
[11?.1?1.11?] M.$. to midpoint )s!/M.$.
Identit" a%areness.
[for.1?1.11?] Bortuna to midpoint )s!/M.$.
Au!9"* fortunate balan!e %ithin oneCs inner self.
[1.1?1.for] Sun to midpoint )s!/Bortuna
)bilit" to pro3e!t oneself fa.ourabl". ) turn of lu!9 for the better.
[2.1?1.for] Moon to midpoint )s!/Bortuna
Innate 9na!9 for presenting oneself in a pleasing manner. Sleep%al9erCs lu!9.
[.1?1.for] Mer!ur" to midpoint )s!/Bortuna
[&.1?1.for] 'enus to midpoint )s!/Bortuna
[,.1?1.for] Mars to midpoint )s!/Bortuna
[/.1?1.for] 0upiter to midpoint )s!/Bortuna
[5.1?1.for] Saturn to midpoint )s!/Bortuna
[7.1?1.for] 8ranus to midpoint )s!/Bortuna
[<.1?1.for] =eptune to midpoint )s!/Bortuna
[1?.1?1.for] Pluto to midpoint )s!/Bortuna
[11.1?1.for] =ode to midpoint )s!/Bortuna
[1?1.1?1.for] )s! to midpoint )s!/Bortuna
[11?.1?1.for] M$ to midpoint )s!/Bortuna
[for.1?1.for] Bortuna to midpoint )s!/Bortuna

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