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Project Report
Recruitment and Selection Process: A
Comparison between a Manufacturing and
Services sector.
Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of
SESSION: 2014-2015
Name - Poonam
Re! No! " 12#C$NL0%&'
Na+na-. " 12'001
(Affiliated to Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak
!his is to "ertify that the pro#e"t report entitled Recruitment and Selection
Process: A Comarison !et"een Manu#acturin$ and Ser%ices sector&submitted
by Poonam is a bonafide pie"e of work "ondu"ted under my dire"t supervision $
guidan"e% &o part of this work has been submitted for any other degree of any
other university% !he data sour"es have been duly a"knowledged% 't may be
"onsidered for evaluation in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of
degree of (a"helor of (usiness Administration%
'Ac(nowledging t)e debt is not eas* for us as we are indebted to
so man* people+.
, ta(e t)is opportunit* in e-pressing t)e fact t)at t)is project
report is t)e result of incredible amount of encouragement. co/
operation. and moral support t)at , )ave received from ot)ers.
)ords alone "annot e*press my deep sense of gratitude to Mr' Ra(ee% )*att+ who
provided me an opportunity to be a part of &+, for my training% !heir valuable
guidan"e $ support made this pro#e"t work an enlightening edu"ational
' would also like to e*press my gratitude from the "ore of my heart to my Mentor
Mr% '%S% -adav+ who helped me in "oordinating my entire pro#e"t% !heir
"onsistent support and "ooperation showed the way towards the su""essful
"ompletion of pro#e"t%
' would like to e*press my deep sense of gratitude to all the members of
.oba"hievers, who dire"tly or indire"tly helped me during my pro#e"t work%
A!stract/ 'n this resear"h paper, a study hs been made on the re"ruitment and sele"tion pro"esses
between the two different se"tors, i%e0 Manufa"turing se"tor and Servi"es se"tor% !he study
indi"ates various te"hniques used by the two "ompanies, that is, 1udos 2hemi"al ,imited, that is
a manufa"turing "ompany and 3irasat4e41halsa whi"h belongs to the servi"es se"tor% !he study
made under observation "omprises of the servi"es and guidan"e of a re"ruitment agen"y "alled
.oba"hievers, that is fun"tioning from its offi"e at 2handigarh, to provide #ob opportunities to the
dserving "andidates, in mostly areas in 5un#ab%
Inde. Terms/ Re"ruitment, Sele"tion
!he two "ompanies undertaken in the pro#e"t study "omprises of a manufa"turing firm named
KUDOS CHEMICAL LIMITED and a servi"ing unit named /IRASAT0E0KHALSA' !he
former is having a "hemi"al base and is in the business of manufa"turing 7"affeine8%
!he latter is a servi"e unit, having the stru"ture of a theme museum, in whi"h the "ulture of
5un#ab has been depi"ted in a versatile manner% (oth of the "ompanies need an adequate base of
employees, who "an "arry out the various fun"tions int the firms% Due to the different nature of
the working aspe"ts of these two firms, the re"ruitment and the sele"tion pro"ess of both the
firms are entirely different%
!he only area in whi"h the re"ruitment pro"ess of these two firms "on"ides is that both the firms
seeks out the help of re"ruitment agen"ies to find the appropriate and deserving "andidates for
their firms% !he pro#e"t report, hereby, in"ludes my work at su"h a re"ruitment agen"y named
71O)ACHIE/ERS8 under whi"h ' studied the re"ruitment and sele"tion pro"esses of various
firms and prepared my pro#e"t report on the "omparison between the re"ruitment and sele"tion
pro"ess of a manufa"turing firm and a servi"e firm%
!he pro"ess of re"ruitment begins with the sending of the 7.ob des"ription8 by the "ompany% !he
#ob des"ription is "omprising of the following requirements/
23 Position %acant
!his very first point, "larifies to the re"ruiter, for whi"h required position, the "andidate is
needed% !he re"ruiter then make use of the data that is available to him, or "reates new data of
the "andidates% Sin"e ' undergone the training in a #ob "onsultan"y, there was pre4re"orded data
already available% !hus, the re"ruiter "an "onta"t the person and "an make him attend the
s"heduled interview for the required post%
43 E.aminin$ t*e 1o! descrition
!he .ob des"ription provided by the "ompany tells the re"ruiter, the "omplete insight of the
position va"ant and also provides the knowledge of what the "ompany is seeking in the required
"andidate% Understanding the "omplete .D (.ob des"ription only "an help the re"ruiter to move
to the ne*t step% 'f the re"ruiter fails to understand the need of the "ompany from the .D
provided, then all of the steps undertaken by the re"ruiter would turn out to be a failure%
53 -indin$ t*e re6uired candidate
!he ma#or work of the re"ruiter begins here% !he "ompanies are loaded with many
responsibilities, due to whi"h they put the pressure of the re"ruitment and sele"tion of the
required "andidates on a #ob "onsultan"y firm% Sin"e these firms basi"ally, are into the business
of re"ruiting only, so they are having mu"h broader aspe"t and determination for the a""ess and
sele"tion of the #ob seekers, plus the #ob providers%
9ere, there are some ma#or tools that a re"ruiter put to use to, in order to generate new data,
whi"h "omprises of the required "andidates relevant to the given #ob des"ription%
71O) PORTALS&+ usually "alled 75:R!A,S8, in midst of re"ruiters, are the ma#or sour"e of
providing the data required for the relative #ob des"ription% !he re"ruiter have the a""ess to these
portals, by paying an amount to these portals% !hese portals "ontains the data of "andidates from
almost every part of the world, ranging from a wider aspe"t of qualifi"ations and e*perien"es%
!hese #ob portals have some very famous names among them% 7,AUKRI'COM&+
7S9'&;%2:M8 and 7M:&S!;R%2:M8 are some of the ma#or #ob portals that are having the
bio4data of millions of "andidates% !he #ob4seeking "andidates upload their resumes on these
portals, so as to open up their profiles to the re"ruiter and to update themselves by the latest and
the relevant opportunities in the market%
!he #ob portals have a spe"ifi" area "alled the 7;M5,:-;R<S =:&;8 , through whi"h the
re"ruiter "an make his>her personal a""ount and "an post the relevant #ob and "an send invites to
the desired and qualified "andidates% !he desired "andidates "an then reply to the message sent
by the re"ruiter, through his>her own message%
!hese #ob portals provides a very effi"ient method of posting the #ob by the employer or
re"ruiter% !he re"ruiter "an post the #ob through the 7Sear"h45ost8 method or he >she "an simply
sear"h for the desired "andidates through 7advan"ed sear"h8 and "an find out the resumes of
various "andiadates% !hese portals have a spe"ial feature in whi"h some of the portals give the
"onta"t number of the "andidate to the employer without "harging any fee, and some portals do
not provide this offer to the employer%
73 Inter%ie"in$ t*e candidate
After the "andidates has been shortlisted by the re"ruiter, the "andidates are "alled for the
interview% +or this purpose, the re"ruiter prepare a logi"al approa"h to make the "andidate,
understand the #ob for whi"h the "andidate is required and also interview him>her on the basis of
their qualifi"ation and e*perien"es%
'n some of the "ases, the re"ruiter is the only one who "ondu"ts the interview by himself% An
another aspe"t when the re"ruitment pro"ess is handed over to a re"ruiting agen"y, the "andidates
are "alled upon and interviewed by the agen"y people only% !he "ompany always would have
foretold the re"ruiter about the kind of "andidates required, for a spe"ifi" #ob%
83 1o! Anal9sis
!he ne*t and the foremost part of the #ob pro"edure is 7.ob analysis8% )hen the re"ruiter finally
get the required "andidate, then he>she has to prepare an analyti" form of the work, the employee
has to do% !his "omplete pro"ess is "alled 7.ob analysis8% .ob analysis, basi"ally, is the pro"edure
for determining the duties and skill requirements of a #ob and the kind of person who should be
hired from it%% (Referen"e/ 9uman resour"e Management,66
.ob analysis further furthur produ"es information that is to be used for writing .ob Des"riptions%
.ob analysis is furthur ne"essary to support several human resour"e management a"tivities% 'n
"ase of re"ruitment and sele"tion pro"ess, #ob analysis provides information about what the #obs
entails and what human "hara"teristi"s are required to perform these a"tivities% !his information,
in the form of #ob des"riptions and spe"ifi"ations, helps managers de"ide what sort of people to
re"ruit and hire%
.ob des"ription is again a produ"t of #ob analysis% .on des"ription is a list of a #ob<s duties,
responsibilities, reporting relationships, working "onditions and supervisory responsibilities% .ob
des"ription then furthur helps in training and development pro"ess, be"ause it lists the #ob<s
spe"ifi" duties and requisite skills%
!hus #ob analysis, is a a basi" tool that is required bby the re"ruiter in making the "andidate
understand the #ob "arefully and properly% 2ertain other a"tivities related to human resour"es like
5erforman"e Appraisal, "ompensation and ,egal "omplian"es are also dependent on the .ob
analysis pro"edure%
'n this manner, the whole re"ruitment and sele"tion pro"ess from the side of a re"ruitment agen"y
is done%
,o" t*e 6uestion arises t*at i# t*e "*ole recruitment rocess $oes t*rou$* suc* a
s9stematic+ simli#ied and ste0"ise manner+ t*en "*9 do comanies *ire recruitment
a$encies #or t*is urose:
!he answer to this problem lies in several layers% !he "ompanies relies on the re"ruitment
agen"ies for a number of reasons, that they "n fulfill by simply hiring a re"ruitment agen"y,
rather doing it themselves% Some of the reasons for their hiring the re"ruiters are0
23 To sa%e t*e time doin$ t*e recruitment'
Sin"e the re"ruitment pro"ess is a very prolonged and time4"onstraint a"tivity, that requires keen
observation and insight of the "andidate<s perspe"tive, qualifi"ation and approa"h towards the
#ob, so the "ompany, by hiring a re"ruitment agen"y, save that time of theirs, to a""omplish some
other task% !he 9R department of a "ompany deals with a lot many a"tivities related to legal
"omplian"e of the "ompany, the "ompensation methods and pro"edures for the employees et"% so
the time for hiring the new "andidates be"ome a tough #ob for the department, as su"h they have
to devote their time for a prolonged and a "areful approa"h of finding the right "andidate for the
va"ant position in the organi@ation% So the organi@ation finds it easier to hire a re"ruitment
agen"y for the purpose of the re"ruitment and sele"tion of the "andidates%
!he re"ruitment agen"y, having its due attention and business approa"h towards hiring the right
"andidates for the right #ob, pay its full and foremost attention towards the hiring of the
"andidates% !hus, by saving the time of the organi@ation, they also provide the required
"andidates for being the employees for the parti"ular organi@ation%
43 Con%enience o# coordination
)hen it "omes to the "onvenien"e of "oordination within the organi@ation and the re"ruitment
agen"y, it be"omes mu"h more easier to "oordinate with ea"h other regarding the .ob
des"riptions, the interview handling and the final sele"tion of the "andidates% !he "ompany finds
it easier to "onne"t with the re"ruiters to dis"uss only a few important points on the re"ruitment
pro"ess and not on the entire sele"tion pro"ess% !hus, it be"omes easier for the organi@ation to
"oordinate with the agen"y, rather than handling the prolonged pro"ess of sele"tion themselves%
Also, the organi@ation "an keep a "he"k on the a"tivities of the re"ruitment agen"y by employing
an individual to maintain and re"ord the progress made by the agen"y and to prevent any sort of
misunderstanding regarding any #ob "onstraint%
!he "oordination pro"ess between the organi@ation and the re"ruitment agen"y, is a ma#or fa"tor
of the su""essful "ompletion of the re"ruitment and sele"tion pro"ess of the "andidates% So, it has
to be very a""urate and must be in due agreements within the two firms% Due to this "onvenien"e,
the organi@ation put their steps forward in hiring a re"ruitment agen"y rather than handing this
pro"ess by themselves%
53 Relacement Polic9
A signifi"ant and most prominently, a plus4point feature, why an organi@ation depends mu"h on a
re"ruitment agen"y for hiring employees for them, is the 7R;5,A2;M;&! 5:,'2-8% Many of
the re"ruitment agen"ies (also the one in whi"h ' worked in provide this unique feature% !o be
stated, the re"ruitment agen"ies works the way like the "andidate who is seeking a #ob and is
interested in the posted #ob by the re"ruiter on the portals, has to first register him>herself in that
parti"ular agen"y% !he agen"y has their "harges from the "andidates for the registration purpose%
After the "andidate is registered in the agen"y, the interview is done by the re"ruiter or the
"andidate is sent to the 9R manager of the organi@ation for the interview purpose% 'f the
"andidate got sele"ted in the interview, the agen"y "harges for their part in the sele"tion pro"ess%
!hese "harges are of two different aspe"ts%
a 'f the "ompany needed a "andidate for a va"ant position in their organi@ation and
proposes a .D for the same, then after the sele"tion of the "andidate, the re"ruitment
agen"y "harges its salary part from the "ompany itself% !he agen"y then, do not take any
amount from the employee<s end%
b 'f the "andidate is seeking a #ob in a reputed organi@ation and "onta"ts the re"ruitment
agen"y for the desired #ob, then the "ompany sends the "andidate in a parti"ular "ompany
for interview and if he>she gets sele"ted there, then the agen"y "harges its part from the
employee<s end and not from the "ompany<s end%
!his is how the re"ruitment agen"ies work% &ow, for the point mentioned above, if a "andidate
who is sele"ted for the #ob and is pla"ed in the organi@ation, de"lines from the #ob or leaves it
due to some valid reason, within a given time of probation of the organi@ation, then again the
position of that parti"ular personnel would be left va"ant% 9ere "omes the role of the re"ruitment
agen"y again% A""ording to the repla"ement poli"y, if su"h an employee, who is provided to the
organi@ation by that agen"y, leaves the organi@ation within a given time of probation, then the
re"ruitment agen"y is R;S5:&S'(,; for hiring another "andidate fir the same position, without
"harging any amount from the "ompany<s end%
Due to this repla"ement poli"y, it be"ome an advantage for the organi@ation to hire a "andidate
from the due help of a re"ruitment agen"y and not by themselves as the "han"es of getting a good
"andidate from the one who is purely into the business of re"ruiting, is very high% And also, the
organi@ation do not have to allo"ate its time in sear"hing for an another effi"ient "andidate for
the #ob, by again investing money on the whole pro"edure again%
!hus, the repla"ement poli"y is also a ma#or fa"tor, why an organi@ation hires a re"ruitment
agen"y for hiring their employees%
&ow that it is "lear, that why organi@ations rely mu"h on hiring "andidates from the re"ruitment
agen"y<s side and not by themselves, we "an now move on to the part that indi"ates some spe"ial
"hara"teristi"s of the re"ruitment agen"ies% Due to these "hara"teristi"s, the re"ruitment agen"ies
are "onsidered to be the effi"ient "hoi"e of the organi@ations for hiring "andidates for them, and
also by the "andidates to provide better options for the #ob opportunities%
23 Act as Intermediates'
!here are several instan"es when a #ob4seeking "andidate "annot a""ess the interview dates of an
organi@ation from the data available on the sites of the organi@ation% !he general data available
on these sites are only the overview of what the organi@ation do, and what progress they have
made in the present% Most of the sites only talk about the a"hievements of the organi@ation%
'nspite of all this, very few "ompanies have sites in whi"h an option to upload the resumes by the
"andidates interested for #ob, is available% !he "ompany also have a reason, &:! to put that
option on its websites to avoid spam and unwanted "omments%
&ow, the diffi"ulty arises that neither the person who need the #ob, is able to upload his>her
resume on the "ompany<s website, nor the "ompany is having any resume or data of any
personnel that is required for some va"ant post in the "ompany%
!hus, in su"h "ases the re"ruitment agen"ies a"t as intermediates between the #ob4seeking
"andidate and the organi@ation% !hese agen"ies have their tie4ups with the "ompanies and thus
after re"eiving the appropriate .D, starts sear"hing for the required "andidates% !hus, the
"andidate who is having the required qualifi"ation but was unable to get a""ess to the "ompany,
"an also rea"h to interview desk, through the help of the re"ruitment agen"ies%
As a result bothof the sides purpose is served% And the re"ruitment agen"y get to a"t as the
intermediates between he two sides%
43 Can aroac* #or colla!orations%
!he re"ruitment agen"ies, as are in the business of open re"ruiters, so they "an approa"h any
organi@ations for the tie4up% !o "larify this point, it is well known, that many of the organi@ations
have rivalries among them or even "ompanies have "ut throat "ompeten"ies between them% Due
to this thing, these organi@ations do not "ommuni"ate with ea"h other%
(ut sin"e ea"h side of the business groups want good "andidates for their organi@ations, so they
indulge in tie4ups with the re"ruitment agen"ies% 't is the #ob of the re"ruitment agen"ies then to
make "andidates available to all the business groups, without "reating any favoritism and to work
without having any influen"e of any organi@ation%
Moreover, the re"ruitment agen"ies are not bound by any sort of restri"tion by their
"ollaborators, not to approa"h any of the business units for business purpose% !hese agen"ies "an
approa"h to the organi@ations that are having a small business unit to that of a large one, ranging
from manufa"turing se"tors to servi"e se"tors and from the government 4owned organi@ations to
the private players of the market also%
!he range of these agen"ies also depends on the si@es of them% Some re"ruitment agen"ies runs
in a larger unit offi"es and some of them operates from smaller offi"es% Most of the agen"ies still
have the work pro"ess in them as manual, that is "andidates re"ords et"% are kept as manual files
and data are maintained in registers or folders% (ut now on, the re"ruitment agen"ies are taking a
broader range, operating in big offi"es and the work pro"ess there is also shifting from manual to
"omputeri@ed% !hat is, the data entry of the "andidates are done in "omputers and spe"ial
softwares are "reated that "an a""ess the in"oming .D<s from the "ompanies and "an sear"h the
suitable mat"hing "andidates from the available data%
!he "andidates are "onta"ted immediately through an ;4mail or a message to the "onta"t
numbers of the "andidates and there are less "han"es of spam or missing entry and also the
"han"es of a missed "andidate, de"reases to a large e*tent%
53 Cut t*e cometencies'
!his is "riti"al point to be mentioned and e*plained in the report, but is the e*treme feature of
the agen"ies also% Sin"e, the re"ruitment agen"ies have tie4ups with many organi@ations and also
deals with the business groups who are having rivalries or tough "ompeten"ies among them, so at
many times, one organi@ation "an approa"h the re" ruitment agen"y to get the employees of some
other organi@ation to #oin a ##ob in their own organi@ations, at more pay4pa"kages than the
previous ones%
Among all of the strategies that an organi@ation applies to make its venture su""essful, this is
also one of the strategies of the "ompany to "ut the "ompeten"y given to them by other
"ompanies% Sin"e every organi@ation is well aware of the deserving assets of the other
organi@ation, the organi@ations at many times tries to "ut this "ompetition by hiring those
employees of the others who are solely responsible for the su""ess of any pro#e"t, by offering
higher pay4pa"kages to these employees% 'f the employee is "ommitted to the organi@ation,
he>she do not a""ept the offer but many "ases are there, in whi"h this thing happen%
&ow, the part of the re"ruitment agen"y "omes like, that one organi@ation "annot approa"h the
employees of the other, dire"tly% So they do it through the re"ruitment agen"y% !he agen"y, on the
behalf of the other organi@ation approa"h those desired employees and make an offer to them, for
the higher pa"kage for the shift in #obs plus the organi@ations%
!hus, being a rather "riti"al point to be mentioned here, it is a point that is also a "hara"teristi"
of the re"ruitment agen"ies though being a disputable one%
73 Pro%ide candidates a !roader ran$e o# oortunities%
!he re"ruitment agen"ies are having a larger range of dealing with different agen"ies% % !hese
agen"ies "an approa"h to the organi@ations that are having a small business unit to that of a large
one, ranging from manufa"turing se"tors to servi"e se"tors and from the government 4owned
organi@ations to the private players of the market also%
Sin"e both the "ompanies and the "andidates with qualifi"ation, need ea"h other, but only due to
the la"k of "oordination, a better talent and a better #ob opportunity is lost, both of the sides has
to suffer% &ow, due to the role played by the re"ruitment agen"ies in the midst of them, the ##ob4
seeker gets a btter #ob opportunity for themselves a""ording to their qualifi"atiAon and
e*perien"e, at the same time the organi@ation also gets a better employee for their work who "an
lead the "ompany to su""ess in the "oming future%
As the range of the agen"ies are very broad, the "andidates also get a""ess to various other
opportunities whi"h they "an work up depending on "ertain abilities of them% Many of the
re"ruitment agen"ies have the #ob a""ess to more than 6 or B pla"es% !hey "an provide the
deserving "andidates a whole lot of openings to their "areer%
4'2'23 )ACK;ROU,D O- THE COMPA,<
)ebsite of the "ompany/
1UD:S 2hemi"al ,imited is a manufa"turing "ompany whi"h is in the business of
manufa"turing 7S<,THETIC CA--IE,E&+ a substan"e that is "ommonly found in various
produ"ts like 2offee et"%, 2hemi"als, 5otassium 2hloride, 2austi" Soda 5ills, Aluminium
Sulphates, 9ydro"hlori" A"ids, and Sulphuri" A"ids in 'ndia% the "ompany is lo"ated at
Derabassi, near 2handigarh%
!he "ompany is operating in a huge plant situated at Derabassi,near 2handigarh% &early 6CAA
employees are already working on the rolls of the "ompany% !he 9R department of the "ompany
has an a"tive group of 6D members, who handles the entire works like re"ruiting and sele"ting
the employees, regulating and "ontrolling the attrition rate, managing payrolls et"%
!he 2ompany is dealing in the making of various "hemi"als, thus having a huge "hemi"al base%
!he re"ruitment pro"ess for the required "andidates is usually "ondu"ted by the re"ruitment
agen"y% !he "ompany, as mentioned, is having the business of manufa"turing "hemi"als, so the
main requirement of the "andidates is from the field of "hemi"al ba"kground%
2urrently, the "ompany is also undertaking other pro#e"ts in whi"h it is in"luding
pharma"euti"als bran"h and therefore, in"ludes the re"ruitment and sele"tion of "andidates
having degree in pharma"y%
1udos "hemi"al limited, as the name suggests, is a "hemi"al manufa"turing "ompany, whi"h
deals in the produ"tion of Syntheti" 2affeine, 2hemi"als, 5otassium 2hloride, 2austi" Soda
5rills, Aluminium Sulphates, 9ydro"hlori" A"ids, and Sulphuri" A"ids in 'ndia% !he "ompany is
having its huge "hemi"al base, operating in a signifi"antly great operating unit fun"tional at
derabassi, near 2handigarh%
+or its fun"tioning, the "ompany basi"ally requires persons who have "omplete knowledge of the
"hemi"al field% 72hemi"al ;ngineers8 are in a great demand in this manufa"turing unit%
2andidates who are having either a diploma or degree in "hemi"al field, are always required in
the plant% !he "ompany generally starts off with the initial post of an e*e"utive and moves over
!he manufa"turers of these "hemi"als have a great deal of bonding with the other "hemi"al
manufa"turers% !he "lients of this "ompany are also distributed in every part of 'ndia% !he
produ"ts manufa"tured in this unit goes to the manufa"turers of various other produ"ts, like
syntheti" "affeine goes up in the produ"tion of "offee, "ho"olates et"% and hydro"hlori" a"id goes
to the manufa"turers of salt produ"tion%
!hus, this unit deals in "hemi"als and therefore many manufa"turers dealing in similar or
somewhat different produ"ts%
1UD:S 2hemi"al ,imited is a privately owned "ompany, whi"h is having all of its business
into the manufa"turing of "hemi"als like Syntheti" 2affeine, 2hemi"als, 5otassium
2hloride, 2austi" Soda 5rills, Aluminium Sulphates, 9ydro"hlori" A"ids, and Sulphuri"
A"ids in 'ndia%
&o doubt, every "ompany believes to have a stable employee who "an work upto his> her
fullest, also by being stable% Stability in a "ompany usually states that the person should not
swit"h to some other organi@ation in between an estimated period of probation%
Sin"e the "ompany is liable to provide training to the freshly employed "andidates for the
pres"ribed work, the employee must get the training before he>she "an think of promotion%
Fenerally, the employees are mu"h more "on"erned about their designation and the also the
salary e*pe"tations of these "andidates are very high% 1eeping this thought is not purely
in"orre"t but first of all, the "andidate has to qualify himself for the wishes of his own% !hat
is why, this is also in the norms of the "ompany to start from an initial moderate salary
a""ording to the qualifi"ation and e*perien"e of the "andidate, and to provide him training of
the work that he>she is supposed to do in the "ompany%
!he organi@ation "he"ks the stability ot the personnel by allotting a time period of probation%
&ow in this time, the "ompany trains the employee and also "heks the stability%
Many "ases are there in whi"h the "andidates appearing for #ob interview, already have work
e*perien"e, that is, they have worked in an already running organi@ation%so, the "han"es of
their #ob shifting are many more, in"luding the salary issues% )hile interviewing su"h a
"andidate, the re"ruiter keeps a "he"k on the "andidate<s last work lo"ation and the field in
whi"h he worked in% if the re"ruiter finds out that that the "andidate is shifting his>her #ob
very qui"kly and frequently within ?4G months, then the thought always "ome a"ross the
re"ruiter that su"h a "andidate would not be stable in an organi@ation for a longer period of
time% Many re"ruiters avoid hiring su"h an employee be"ause if the employee leaves an
organi@ation, then the organi@ation also suffers% !he organi@ation then, has to find a new
employee, shortlist "andidates, "ondu"ts interviews and moreover, have to in"ur e*penditure
on the training and development pro"edure of the new employee%
!hus, the stability of an employee is an important fa"tor, whi"h the organi@ation and the
re"ruiter keeps in mind while employing a "andidate, so that the organi@ation do not serve a
loss again, and the re"ruiter keeps this thing in mind due to the norms of the 7Repla"ement
'n most of the "ases, while sending the .D<s (.ob Des"ription to the re"ruiter, the
organi@ations also mentions the initial pay pa"kages that has to be offered to the deserving
"andidates% 't is mentioned in the norms of the organi@ation, what salary has to be given to
the employees a""ording to their qualifi"ation and e*perien"es%
!here are some spe"ial norms of the organi@ation a""ording to whi"h the salaries of the
employees has been de"ided by the 9R Department of the organi@ation, keeping in mind the
legal "omplian"e of the "ompany% !he 9R department mentions the salary pa"kages that has
to be given to the employees of various s"ales and e*perien"es%
!he re"ruiter, while interviewing the "andidates, keep in mind the salary norms% 'f the
re"ruiter after interviewing the "andidate, finds him>her eligible for the required #ob, then the
last step is to dis"uss the .ob lo"ation and the salry pa"kages% !he re"ruiter has to offer the
"andidate the set amount of salary pa"kage that "omes along with the .D sent to him by the
organi@ation itself% &ow, again a""ording to the qualifi"ation and e*perien"e of the employee,
the salary gets "hanged%
'f the "andidate is a fresher in his>her field then, the salary pa"kage initially begins from Rs%
HAAA>4 and then grows as the "andidate works his way forward in the "ompany% 1udos
2hemi"als ,imited has "ertain set norms for the "andidates a""ording to their e*perien"e, and
their qualifi"ations%
'f the "andidate is having diploma in the field of "hemi"al engineering, then the "andidate has
to start at Rs% GAAA initially% 'f the "andidate is a graduate having a degree in the required
field, then the inintial salary pa"kage is Rs% HAAA for him% And the "andidate who is having an
e*perien"e in the required field, the starting salary pa"kage is Rs 6AAAA46BAAA, initially%
As per about in"entives, the "ompany is responsible for the transportation fa"ilities for the
"andidates% !he "ompany provides the "andidates with in"rements, a""ording to the time4
span of the work and the quality and amount of work that is to be done bby the "andidate in
his> her allo"ated period of time%
;very organi@ation has a spe"ifi" period of probation for the newly hired employees% !his
probation period is usually "alled 7!raining 5eriod8 in the employees generally% !he
probation period is set by the organi@ation in order to train the new employees and to see the
skills of the qualifi"ation they have%
1udos 2hemi"al ,imited is generally having a probation period of 6 year, for its newly hired
employees% Sin"e, the plant operating is very large and there are a number of works that are
ongoing in a line, so the "ompany has to train is employees about every work that is in
pro"ess% Sin"e, the "andidates are already from the "hemi"al engineering ba"kground so the
"ompany fa"es a quite minor problem to train the "andidates as they do not have to start off
from the beginning%
!he probation period is also having another important fa"tor indulged in it% Sometimes the
employee hired does not find the #ob "omforting or the the "ompany feels that the hired
"andidate is not upto the mark or is having some problem while ad#usting with the #ob% !he
probation period de"ides this very thing% !he "ompany gets to see the knowledge and skills
of the employee and the employee also gets a hint of how his>her "areer would go, being in
su"h an organi@ation%
1udos, however gives and takes a time of 6 year to get a "omplete insight of the employee,
and also provides the "andidate with the adequate time to think and get through with his>her
#ob pro"ess% 'f in this period of time, the employee wants to quit the #ob, he>she "an do that%
!he "ompany does not impose any responsibility on him> her until then% (ut on"e the
"andidate "omes :&4R:,,S, then unlike the previous employees, the newly hired
employees also "omes into the "omplian"e of the "ompany and they have to give a E months
noti"e, before they resigns from the #ob%
'n the probation period, the "ompany provides the interns with a parti"ular amount of money,
that is "alled, stipend, as the employees are under training period% !he proper salary amont are
not given to them until they "omplete their training period and be"ome permanent employees of
the "ompany% So, again gets time to "he"k the stability of the newly hired employee, working as
an intern in the "ompany%
)ithin the probation period, as the organi@ation be"omes aware of the skills and knowledge of
the employee and have also put a test to the learned up knowledge of the employee, to testing,
the probation period helps the organi@ation to set the salary pa"kage for the "andidates% &o
doubt, the skillful "andidates a"quire better salary pa"kages after their good performan"es in this
probation period and few employees gets sa"ked due to their poor performan"e in this probation
!his is why, the probation period is ne"essary as well as important both for the employee as well
as the organi@ation%
Another signifi"ant, yet most important, differentiation "omes in the R;2RU'!M;&!
5R:2;SS in the organi@ation% Sin"e, 1udos 2hemi"al ,imited is a manufa"turing unit, so that<s
why the re"ruiter has to keep in mind, the work ba"kground and the qualifi"ation of the
"andidate in mind% )hile doing the re"ruitment, we see to it that the organi@ation was mainly
having the demand of "hemi"al ba"kground people% So, before we begin the re"ruitment pro"ess,
we have to "ompletely understand the .D re"eived from the "ompany% 9alf of the pro"ess is
"ompleted at the end of the re"ruiter, if we understand the .D "ompletely%
Also, the "ompany<s also requires different "ategories of employees% Sometimes the requirement
is of the diploma holders and sometimes the requirement is of degree holders% So, "andidates are
"alled a""ording to their qualifi"ation and their e*perien"e% !hen begin the interview pro"ess%
!he re"ruiter "alls the "andidate, reminding him> her to bring his>her resumes or 238S% we then
take an interview of the "andidate as per his>her qualifi"ation as mentioned in their resumes% !he
questions asked generally, are related to their field and relative to the aptitude of the "andidate%
'f in some "ases, the organi@ation demands to interview the "andidates themselves, then the
re"ruiter<s #ob is to shortlist the "andidatesand send the deserving and interested "andidates list
and the soft "opies of their shortlisted resumes, to the 9R of the organi@ation%
'n 1udos 2hemi"al ,imited, the interview is "ondu"ted by the 9R manager of the "ompany, but
the s"reening of the "andidate is done at .oba"hievers only (.oba"hievers is the re"ruitment
agen"y here, in whi"h my training was done% At .oba"hievers, the "andidates are "alled along
with their resumes and the s"reening is done initially% !hen, the shortlisted "andidates are then
sent to the "ompany lo"ated at Derabassi% !here, the final interview of the "andidates are done by
the 9R manager of the "ompany% !hereafter the "andidates are sele"ted a""ordingly by the 9R
manager of the "ompany%
!he sele"ted "andidates<s name and date of #oining of the #ob is then sent to the re"ruitment
agen"y(.oba"hievers, in this "ase% !he "ompany then provide the agen"y with the amount that
has to be submitted to the agen"y as their fee for the work%
After that, the agen"y also keeps a re"ord of the "andidate<s work profile and the satisfa"tion
level of his>her #ob there% !his is due to the reason, be"ause in "ase if the "andidate quits the #ob
in the probation period or within E months, then the agen"y has to re4re"ruit another "andidate at
the same pla"e, keeping in mind the 7Repla"ement 5oli"y8%
!hus, the training and the development of the newly hired employee, is bkept on re"ord by both
the re"ruitment agen"y as well as the organi@ation%
'nterviews are the most popular methods for obtaining #ob4related information% !hey may range
from "ompletely unstru"tured interviews to highly stru"tured ones in whi"h #ob analysts follow
detailed questionnaires in asking their questions% (Referen"e/ 9uman Resour"e Management, 66
edition, "h ?
'nterview "ondu"tion, is a point of differentiation, be"ause of its mode of "ondu"t and by whom
the interview is being "ondu"ted% 'n this study, this point "ame under observation due to the
following two points/
a3 Mode O# Conduct
!he mode of "ondu"tion of the interview is again of two types/ Stru"tured and Unstru"tured
Unstru"tured 'nterview is an unstru"tured "onversational4style interview in whi"h the interviewer
pursues points of interest as tey "ome up in response to questions% 'n these interviews, the
managers do not follow a set pattern
Unlike the unstru"tured interviews, the stru"ture d interviews are having a set pattern, that is the
interview follows a sequen"e of questions% !hese are su"h kind of interviews that are based on
"arefully sele"ted #ob4oriented questions with predetermined answers that interviewers ask of all
&ow, mentioning this point was the main "ause of understanding the differentiation of it% 'n
1udos "hemi"al ,imited, the interview approa"h shifts from unstru"tured to stru"ted, depending
on the need of the #ob4profile of the "andidate% ;*plain this point, the "andidate may or may not
be asked questions related to his field% 9e>she may fa"e an unstru"tured interview in whi"h
questions about his previous #ob, reason to leave that #ob and about the previous "ompany<s
management, "an be asked in the beginning of the interview%
!his is how, the interview<s mode of "ondu"t is important%
!3 Panel o# inter%ie"ers
!his point differentiates the interview mode in su"h a manner, that the differentiation "ould be
done at this point%
'n 1udos 2hemi"al ,imited, generally the interview is taken by the 9R manager of the "ompany%
Sin"e, the 9R department of the "ompany is quite broad and effi"ient, thus the team of members
of the department, are sometimes in the panel made for the interview purpose% !he "ompany
gives the re"ruiter, the authority to "ondu"t a s"reening of the "andidates prior to the interview%
!hus the re"ruiter at first, have to short list various "andidate on the basis of their qualifi"ation
and e*perien"e, and then also have to "ondu"t a short s"reening based upon the field to whi"h the
"andidates belong%
!he "andidates are asked questions about their "ode of "ondu"t in the previous "ompany, if they
have worked somewhere else before% Also, the re"ruiter asks question "he"king the stability of
the "andidate, that is, whether the "andidate is having a positive attitude towards the #ob or
he>she is #ust doing the #ob for money purpose, be"ause su"h a "andidate would not be loyal to
the "ompany, as per ther "ompany norms%
After the s"reening of the "andidates, the re"ruiter sends the deserving "andidates to the
"ompany for the final interview purpose% !he "ompany has its full team of 9R department who
are in the pro"ess of re"ruitment and sele"tion and handles the interviews of the shortlisted
"andidates very effe"tively a""oding to their needs and skills required int the "andidates%
After the sele"tion of the "andidates, the information is sent ba"k to the re"ruiter about how
many of the shortlisted "andidates are sele"ted and the amount in"urred by the re"ruitment
"ompany is being given to them by the "ompany%
!his point is also a part of the differentiation% !he designation provided by 71udos 2hemi"al
,imited8 to the newly hired employees is of a 75rodu"tion ;*e"utive8% After the training of the
"andidates are done, then the newly hired employees work in the organi@ation on the post of a
produ"tion e*e"utive% !he salary pa"kages of the employees are also given a""ording to the s"ale
of the employees and their designations in the "ompany%
At first, all of the newly employeed "andidates work on the designation of 75rodu"tion
;*e"utives8 and then work there way out% !he designations keep on shifting as the employee
work profi"iently and attains promotion during his>her work period% !he employees also have to
work in the departments suited to their profiles, as the re"ruiter and 9R department feels to put
the "andidate into%
!he "ompany is having many divisions like Iuality 2ontrol, Resear"h and Development and
many others% !he "andidates are having their spe"iali@ation in some of these fields but after the
interview, the organi@ation de"ides in whi"h division the "andidate has to be pla"ed%
Also, the organi@ation also provides a way of 7.ob ;nri"hment8% +or doing this, the "ompany
keeps shifting the positions of the employees so that they may not feel fatigue while doing the
same work everyday%
Sin"e all of the employees have got the training about starting of a work during their training
period, so the employees do not fa"e any problem in the beginning of the work% And in the way
ahead, the employees have their supervisors, who introdu"e the new pro#e"ts and the work to be
done, so that the employees do not have to fa"e any problem, while performing the shift in the
!he organi@ations are having different in"remental poli"ies for the employees% ;very employee
gets his>her in"rement based on B fa"tors/
a3 Time Period o# t*e candidate in t*e or$ani?ation'
!he "andidate is employeed as a fresh "andidate when he>she starts off with an initial salary that
is to be "onsidered as the stipend of these "andidates% !he employees when have the time period
in"reasing ont heir a""ount, then the organi@ation a""ording to their legal "omplian"e, starts
giving off the in"rements to their employees%
!he "andidates also due to the pro"ess of #ob enri"hment when have the "ontinuous shifts in
work and starts be"oming the important assets of the organi@ation, then the in"remental poli"ies
again goes to a different s"ale for the "andidates%
!he organi@ation sees to it that the in"rement poli"ies of the organi@ation is in full re"ognition
and due "onsent of the owners and the employees% !he organi@ation always "lear its norms to all
of the "andidates an tell the "andidates beforehand that what amount of in"rement they would
re"eive after a due interval of time% !he "andidates are having knowledge about how mu"h time
they have to spend working in an organi@ation in order to get an in"rement%
!3 E.erience o# t*e emlo9ee
!he "andidate is having in"remental poli"ies keeping in mind their e*perien"e fa"tors also% !he
e*perien"e of the "andidates is also a fa"tor that ensures some e*tra in"entives to the employees%
'f an employee have worked already in an organi@ation, then he>she re"eives a "ertain amount of
e*tra in"entive added upto their salary pa"kages%
!hus, e*perien"e of the employees also is a fa"tor that is of signifi"an"e to the in"remental
poli"ies of the "andidates%
&ow, these are some of the points of differentiation, that are in the respe"t of the "ase of
differen"e between the re"ruitmenmt pro"ess and here, the re"ruitment pro"ess in a
manufa"turing unit, 1UD:S 29;M'2A, ,'M'!;D is dis"ussed%
&ow, that the re"ruitment pro"ess in a manufa"turing unit is dis"ussed, we "an now move to the
re"ruitment pro"ess in the servi"es se"tor
+or the servi"e se"tor, ' have resear"hed on 3'RASA!4;419A,SA, the histori"al theme
museum, that is lo"ated in Anandpur Sahib, 5un#ab%
3'RASA!4;419A,SA is a histori"al museum, depi"ting the "ulture and religion of 5un#ab in a
very beautiful manner, 3irasat4e41halsa is a museum of the Sikhs lo"ated in the holy town,
Anandpur Sahib, near 2handigarh, the "apital of the state of 5un#ab% !he museum "elebrates GAA
years of the Sikh history and the EAAth anniversary of the birth of 1halsa, based on the s"riptures
written by the tenth and last guru, Sri Furu Fobind Singh #i% 3irasat4e41halsa is "on"eived as a
repository of the ri"h heritage of the 1halsa its history and "ulture of the 5un#ab so as to inspire
visitors with the vision of the Furus, emphasi@ing the eternal message of the great gurus for the
whole mankind%
!owards the end of the fifteenth "entury, in the 5un#ab region of &orthern 'ndia, Furu &anak
Dev founded a faith rooted in the "ore values of universalism, liberalism, and humanism% !he
nine Furus who followed 9im built upon and "onsolidated 9is tea"hings, thereby establishing
Sikhism not only as a belief system but also as a way of life% !he year 6JJJ marked the
!er"entenary of the (irth of the 1halsa% !o "ommemorate this event, the 2hief Minister of
5un#ab S% 5arkash Singh (adal laid forth the outlines of a magnifi"ient edifi"e to be known as
3irasat K e K 1halsa at Sri Anandpur Sahib.
!he 9eritage 2omple* is inspired by the ri"h natural and ar"hite"tural heritage of Sri Anandpur
Sahib, while also drawing heavily from Sikh and regional ar"hite"ture% 2ontrary to the tradition
of domes whi"h "rown the sa"red Sikh sites, the roofs of the Museum are "on"ave4shaped
re"eptors fa"ing the sky% Sheathed in stainless steel, they refle"t the sun<s light towards the
Furudwara and the +ort%
After thirteen years of "onstru"tion it has been inaugurated on &ovember BG, BA66% 't has opened
for publi" on &ovember BH, BA66%
?%63 )ACK;ROU,D
/irasat0e0K*alsa (formerly known as K*alsa Herita$e Memorial Comle. is a museum
lo"ated inAnandpur Sahib%
!he museum gives an insight to the events that took pla"e
in 5un#ab five hundred years ago whi"h gave birth to Sikhism and finally the 1halsa 5anth% !he
museum will throw light on the vision of the Furus, the eternal message of pea"e and
brotherhood whi"h they delivered to the whole mankind and the ri"h "ulture and heritage of
!he museum is intended to "ommemorate GAA years of Sikh history and the EAAth
anniversary of the 1halsa, the s"riptures written by the 6Ath and last Furu of Sikhism, Furu
Fobind Singh, founder of modern Sikhism%
After thirteen years of "onstru"tion it has been inaugurated on &ovember BG, BA66% 't has opened
for publi" on &ovember BH, BA66%
Stru"ture of the Museum
!here are two "omple*es at ea"h side of a ravine, "onne"ted by a "eremonial bridge/
!he smaller, western "omple* in"ludes an entran"e pia@@a, an auditorium with ?AA
seating4"apa"ity, two4story resear"h and referen"e library and "hanging e*hibition galleries%
!he eastern "omple* "ontains a round memorial building as well as e*tensive, permanent
e*hibition spa"e, "onsisting of two "lusters of galleries that try to evoke the fortress
ar"hite"ture of the region (most evident in a nearby Furudwara and form a dramati"
silhouette against the surrounding "liff terrain% !he gathering of the galleries in groups of
five refle"ts the +ive 3irtues, a "entral tenet of Sikhism%
!he buildings are "onstru"ted of poured4in4pla"e "on"rete0 some beams and "olumns remain
e*posed, though a great deal of the stru"tures will be "lad in a lo"al honey4"olored stone% !he
rooftops are stainless steel4"lad and e*hibit a double "urvature/ they gather and refle"t the sky
while a series of dams in the ravine "reate pools that refle"t the entire "omple* at night%
3irasat4e41halsa is, as foretold, is a histori"al museum, that is in the business of art and
preservan"e of "ulture and basi"ally belongs to the servi"es se"tor% !his museum is to enlighten
the visitors about the 1halsa 5anth and also as to inspire visitors with the vision of the Furus,
emphasi@ing the eternal message of the great gurus for the whole mankind%
!he museum is into the business of servi"es and deals into 5ubli" Relations and Development%
!he 9eritage "omple* is having all of the events of the past, that are depi"ted in a very
des"riptive and visual manner, to all of the visitors that "ome in the museum%
'n 3irasat4e41halsa, the people ranging from the lo"al "ivilians to the delegates from outside
'ndia, visits and are keen to know about the history and religion of 5un#ab% As foretold,the
inauguration of this museum is done by the 2hief Minister of 5un#ab, the delegates from the
publi" se"tor, visits the pla"e to see the past events of the "ulture and to remain atta"hed with the
roots of their religion%
!he area of business of 3irasat4e41halsa, is into servi"es se"tor% As people fromall of the "ountry
and outside, usually visits the pla"e, so the management of the organi@ation keeps a keen
observation on the 5ubli" Management% )hole of the business of this "omple* is totally on the
basis of 5ubli" Relations and managing the visits and interests of various "ategories of people
visiting there%
3irasat4e41halsa is a Fovernment :wned organi@ation% (uilt by keeping the governmental
orders to display the religion based events to the people, the government undertake of the events
that are undergoing in the heritage "omple*% !he "omple* is dealing with all the lo"al people to
the foreign delegates,all over the world and the government of 'ndia is responsible for
maintaining the the 9eritage 2omple*, for the proper fun"tioning and smooth ongoing of
business there%
!he heritage "omple* is having virtual visual events, for e*ample if a person wishes to see the
event of 7.allianwala (agh Massa"re8, and he visits the lo"ation, then the pla"e is having the
fa"ilities of 3isual 5ro#e"tors, who "an make the s"ene of the massa"re ,'3; to the visitors%
Su"h is the pro"essing of the 9eritage 2omple*%
'n order to maintain this "omple*, the Fovernment of 'ndia is solely responsible for all of the
pro"eedings going on there% )henever there is an offi"ial meeting taking pla"e or some foreign
delegates are arriving to visit the 9eritage "omple*, the arrangements are made that are to be
governed by the Fovernment of 'ndia itself%
&o doubt, every "ompany believes to have a stable employee who "an work upto his> her
fullest, also by being stable% Stability in a "ompany usually states that the person should not
swit"h to some other organi@ation in between an estimated period of probation%
Sin"e the "ompany is liable to provide training to the freshly employed "andidates for the
pres"ribed work, the employee must get the training before he>she "an think of promotion%
Fenerally, the employees are mu"h more "on"erned about their designation and the also the
salary e*pe"tations of these "andidates are very high% 1eeping this thought is not purely
in"orre"t but first of all, the "andidate has to qualify himself for the wishes of his own% !hat
is why, this is also in the norms of the "ompany to start from an initial moderate salary
a""ording to the qualifi"ation and e*perien"e of the "andidate, and to provide him training of
the work that he>she is supposed to do in the "ompany%
!he organi@ation "he"ks the stability ot the personnel by allotting a time period of probation%
&ow in this time, the "ompany trains the employee and also "heks the stability%
Many "ases are there in whi"h the "andidates appearing for #ob interview, already have work
e*perien"e, that is, they have worked in an already running organi@ation%so, the "han"es of
their #ob shifting are many more, in"luding the salary issues% )hile interviewing su"h a
"andidate, the re"ruiter keeps a "he"k on the "andidate<s last work lo"ation and the field in
whi"h he worked in% if the re"ruiter finds out that that the "andidate is shifting his>her #ob
very qui"kly and frequently within ?4G months, then the thought always "ome a"ross the
re"ruiter that su"h a "andidate would not be stable in an organi@ation for a longer period of
time% Many re"ruiters avoid hiring su"h an employee be"ause if the employee leaves an
organi@ation, then the organi@ation also suffers% !he organi@ation then, has to find a new
employee, shortlist "andidates, "ondu"ts interviews and moreover, have to in"ur e*penditure
on the training and development pro"edure of the new employee%
!hus, the stability of an employee is an important fa"tor, whi"h the organi@ation and the
re"ruiter keeps in mind while employing a "andidate, so that the organi@ation do not serve a
loss again, and the re"ruiter keeps this thing in mind due to the norms of the 7Repla"ement
!alking about the 9eritage 2omple*, the stability of the "andidate is also ne"essary be"ause
whenever the delegates from outside 'dia, that is, foreign delegates "ome to visit the 9eritage
2omple*, they demand the same employee, who served them the last time they visited% Due
to their personal favourites also, the stability of the employees is a noti"eable fa"tor in this
Sin"e this is a government #ob on adho" basis, the salary pa"kages "an be a differential fa"tor, in
this "ase%
'n most of the "ases, while sending the .D<s (.ob Des"ription to the re"ruiter, the organi@ations
also mentions the initial pay pa"kages that has to be offered to the deserving "andidates% 't is
mentioned in the norms of the organi@ation, what salary has to be given to the employees
a""ording to their qualifi"ation and e*perien"es%
!here are some spe"ial norms of the organi@ation a""ording to whi"h the salaries of the
employees has been de"ided by the 9R Department of the organi@ation, keeping in mind the
legal "omplian"e of the "ompany% !he 9R department mentions the salary pa"kages that has to
be given to the employees of various s"ales and e*perien"es%
!he re"ruiter, while interviewing the "andidates, keep in mind the salary norms% 'f the re"ruiter
after interviewing the "andidate, finds him>her eligible for the required #ob, then the last step is
to dis"uss the .ob lo"ation and the salry pa"kages% !he re"ruiter has to offer the "andidate the set
amount of salary pa"kage that "omes along with the .D sent to him by the organi@ation itself%
&ow, again a""ording to the qualifi"ation and e*perien"e of the employee, the salary gets
&ow, being a governmental #ob in the servi"es se"tor, the initial salary of the employee ranges
from BGk to EAk, initially% !he employees has to deal with the people ranging from lo"al to
important delegations% !hat<s why, the employees has to be very good at publi" relations and
know very profi"iently, how to deal with different kinds of people%
&ow, as obvious, sin"e the 9eritage "omple* is in 5un#ab, depi"ting the "ulture and religion of
5un#ab, so it is required that the employees must be able to "ommuni"ate with the people in
different languages, be it ;nglish, 9indi and 5un#abi% Sin"e most of the visitors are from 'ndia
only, so the employees "an make them well understand th different events displayed there, in
9indi as well as 5un#abi, and for the foreign delegates, the employees prefer to "ommuni"ate in
;nglish, in order to make them understand every aspe"t of the events that are displayed%
Also due to this, the salary pa"kages of the newly employed "andidates are de"ided%
A""ordingly, the employees when gets promoted to a furthur designation, the salary pa"kages
gets in"reased thereafter%
;very organi@ation has a spe"ifi" period of probation for the newly hired employees% !his
probation period is usually "alled 7!raining 5eriod8 in the employees generally% !he
probation period is set by the organi@ation in order to train the new employees and to see the
skills of the qualifi"ation they have%
3irasat4e41halsa is having a probation period of E months% Sin"e the qualifi"ation of the
"andidates who apply for this #ob is to have a (%S" degree in Aviation, 9ospitality and
Management and have to apply for the #ob in publi" relations department, so the organi@ation
has to make the employee aware of all the virtual and visual events that are ongoing in the
9eritage 2omple*% So the organi@ation puts its "areful and ne"essary steps in training the
newly hired employees%
!he probation period is also having another important fa"tor indulged in it% Sometimes the
employee hired does not find the #ob "omforting or the the "ompany feels that the hired
"andidate is not upto the mark or is having some problem while ad#usting with the #ob% !he
probation period de"ides this very thing% !he "ompany gets to see the knowledge and skills
of the employee and the employee also gets a hint of how his>her "areer would go, being in
su"h an organi@ation%
Sin"e the probation period of 3irasat4e41halsa is only E months, soo the organi@ation do keep
the trainies on some initial stipend, and provides them with th de"ided amount of salary on"e
the probation period is off% (ut the salary at the time of probation, is also "omparable to that
of the original salary%
)ithin the probation period, as the organi@ation be"omes aware of the skills and knowledge of
the employee and have also put a test to the learned up knowledge of the employee, to testing,
the probation period helps the organi@ation to set the salary pa"kage for the "andidates% &o
doubt, the skillful "andidates a"quire better salary pa"kages after their good performan"es in this
probation period and few employees gets sa"ked due to their poor performan"e in this probation
!his is why, the probation period is ne"essary as well as important both for the employee as well
as the organi@ation%
!he re"ruitment pro"edure is yet another feature of the whole pro"ess, and that too an important
one% Sin"e, 3irasat4e41halsa is in the servi"es se"tor, the .D sent to the re"ruitment agen"y, is
having the requirement of "andidates that are having the (%S" degree in Aviation, 9ospitality and
Management, be"ause in this business, the employees must be having "ommand in dealing with
people and should have the required skills of management%
So, the .D also "larifies so mu"h things about the "andidates required for the #ob%
'n 1halsa 9eritage "omple* also, the final re"ruitment is done by the organi@ation only, so the
re"ruiter<s main #ob is to shortlist various "andidates and hen send them to the organi@ation for
the final interview%
'n su"h "ase, the organi@ation demands to interview the "andidates themselves, then the
re"ruiter<s #ob is to shortlist the "andidatesand send the deserving and interested "andidates list
and the soft "opies of their shortlisted resumes, to the 9R of the organi@ation%
!he re"ruiter then shortlist the "andidates and send them to the organi@ation, that is dire"tly to
the venue at Anandpur Shib where the final interviews are to be held% 'n this way the pro"ess of
re"ruitment goes on in this "ase%
!he sele"ted "andidates<s name and date of #oining of the #ob is then sent to the re"ruitment
agen"y(.oba"hievers, in this "ase% !he "ompany then provide the agen"y with the amount that
has to be submitted to the agen"y as their fee for the work%
After that, the agen"y also keeps a re"ord of the "andidate<s work profile and the satisfa"tion
level of his>her #ob there% !his is due to the reason, be"ause in "ase if the "andidate quits the #ob
in the probation period or within E months, then the agen"y has to re4re"ruit another "andidate at
the same pla"e, keeping in mind the 7Repla"ement 5oli"y8%
!hus, the training and the development of the newly hired employee, is bkept on re"ord by both
the re"ruitment agen"y as well as the organi@ation%
'nterviews are the most popular methods for obtaining #ob4related information% !hey may range
from "ompletely unstru"tured interviews to highly stru"tured ones in whi"h #ob analysts follow
detailed questionnaires in asking their questions% (Referen"e/ 9uman Resour"e Management, 66
edition, "h ?
'nterview "ondu"tion, is a point of differentiation, be"ause of its mode of "ondu"t and by whom
the interview is being "ondu"ted% 'n this study, this point "ame under observation due to the
following two points/
a3 Mode O# Conduct
!he mode of "ondu"tion of the interview is again of two types/ Stru"tured and Unstru"tured
Unstru"tured 'nterview is an unstru"tured "onversational4style interview in whi"h the interviewer
pursues points of interest as tey "ome up in response to questions% 'n these interviews, the
managers do not follow a set pattern
Unlike the unstru"tured interviews, the stru"ture d interviews are having a set pattern, that is the
interview follows a sequen"e of questions% !hese are su"h kind of interviews that are based on
"arefully sele"ted #ob4oriented questions with predetermined answers that interviewers ask of all
&ow talking about 3irasat4e41halsa, the mode of "ondu"ting the interview is totally Stru"tured,
that is the interviewer follows a set pattern of questions and follows the rules of the interview
pro"essing in a stru"tured way% Sin"e, the interview "ondu"tion is having the set questions and
the interviewer is also having the predetermined answers to a spe"ifi" question that is to be asked
by him% So, th e interview goes on in a "omplete stru"tured manner%
a3 Panel o# inter%ie"ers
!his point differentiates the interview mode in su"h a manner, that the differentiation "ould be
done at this point%
Unlike 1udos "hemi"al ,imited, 3irasat4e41halsa is having the interviewers from the rank of
'AS designations% Sin"e the #ob profile of the "andidates to be employed for the #ob is to deal
with the lo"al people to the offi"ials of quite higher ranks% So the final interview of the deserving
"andidates who has been sent by the re"ruiter after the s"reening, is usually taken by the people
of 'AS designations%
!he "andidates are asked questions about their "ode of "ondu"t in the previous "ompany, if they
have worked somewhere else before% Also, the re"ruiter asks question "he"king the stability of
the "andidate, that is, whether the "andidate is having a positive attitude towards the #ob or
he>she is #ust doing the #ob for money purpose, be"ause su"h a "andidate would not be loyal to
the "ompany, as per ther "ompany norms%
After the sele"tion of the "andidates, the information is sent ba"k to the re"ruiter about how
many of the shortlisted "andidates are sele"ted and the amount in"urred by the re"ruitment
"ompany is being given to them by the "ompany%
'n 3irasat4e41halsa, the designations provided in the organi@ation are of a 5ubli" Relations
:ffi"er most usually "alled 5R:, and is having the #ob responsibilities of dealing with the
people, whether they are lo"al "ivilians or the foreign delegates%
So, the designations in this "ase is having the differentiation point, at the "ase of Designations
provided by the newly hired employees% !he "andidates re"eives their training about the publi"
dealing only and gets promoted in their dealing with the people of higher s"ales, that is ,
attending the foreign delegates and other government offi"ials%
!he organi@ations are having different in"remental poli"ies for the employees% ;very employee
gets his>her in"rement based on B fa"tors/
a3 Time Period o# t*e candidate in t*e or$ani?ation'
!he "andidate is employed as a fresh "andidate when he>she starts off with an initial salary that is
to be "onsidered as the stipend of these "andidates% !he employees when have the time period
in"reasing ont heir a""ount, then the organi@ation a""ording to their legal "omplian"e, starts
giving off the in"rements to their employees%
!he "andidates also due to the pro"ess of #ob enri"hment when have the "ontinuous shifts in
work and starts be"oming the important assets of the organi@ation, then the in"remental poli"ies
again goes to a different s"ale for the "andidates%
!he organi@ation sees to it that the in"rement poli"ies of the organi@ation is in full re"ognition
and due "onsent of the owners and the employees% !he organi@ation always "lear its norms to all
of the "andidates an tell the "andidates beforehand that what amount of in"rement they would
re"eive after a due interval of time% !he "andidates are having knowledge about how mu"h time
they have to spend working in an organi@ation in order to get an in"rement%
!3 E.erience o# t*e emlo9ee
!he "andidate is having in"remental poli"ies keeping in mind their e*perien"e fa"tors also% !he
e*perien"e of the "andidates is also a fa"tor that ensures some e*tra in"entives to the employees%
'f an employee have worked already in an organi@ation, then he>she re"eives a "ertain amount of
e*tra in"entive added upto their salary pa"kages%
!hus, e*perien"e of the employees also is a fa"tor that is of signifi"an"e to the in"remental
poli"ies of the "andidates%
&ow as that the points of differentiation are dis"ussed, an important point whi"h is the another
important se"tion in the work pro"ess of the re"ruitment agen"ies nowadays is 7:utsour"ing8%
So, this pro"ess has to be dis"ussed fully in order to "ompletely understand the working pro"ess
of the re"ruitment agen"ies%
Outsourcin$ is the pro"ess of "ontra"ting an e*isting business pro"ess whi"h an organi@ation
previously performed internally to an independent organi@ation, where the pro"ess is pur"hased
as a servi"e% !hough this pra"ti"e of pur"hasing a business fun"tionNinstead of providing it
internallyNis a "ommon feature of any modern e"onomy, the term outsour"ing be"ame popular
in Ameri"a near the turn of the B6st "entury% An outsour"ing deal may also involve transfer of the
employees involved to the outsour"ing business partner%
:utsour"ing is "ontra"ting with another "ompany or person to do a parti"ular fun"tion% Almost
every organi@ation outsour"es in some way% !ypi"ally, the fun"tion being outsour"ed is
"onsidered non4"ore to the business% An insuran"e "ompany, for e*ample, might outsour"e its
#anitorial and lands"aping operations to firms that spe"iali@e in those types of work sin"e they are
not related to insuran"e or strategi" to the business% !he outside firms that are providing the
outsour"ing servi"es are third4party providers, or as they are more "ommonly "alled, servi"e
Although outsour"ing has been around as long as work spe"iali@ation has e*isted, in re"ent
history, "ompanies began employing the outsour"ing model to "arry out narrow fun"tions, su"h
as payroll, billing and data entry% !hose pro"esses "ould be done more effi"iently, and therefore
more "ost4effe"tively, by other "ompanies with spe"iali@ed tools and fa"ilities and spe"ially
trained personnel%
2urrently, outsour"ing takes many forms% :rgani@ations still hire servi"e providers to handle
distin"t business pro"esses, su"h as benefits management% (ut some organi@ations outsour"e
whole operations% !he most "ommon forms are information te"hnology outsour"ing ('!: and
business pro"ess outsour"ing ((5:%
Although the definition of outsour"ing in"ludes both foreign or domesti" "ontra"ting,
the term
is sometimes used e*"lusively referring to the former% !he more "lear term for this is offshoring,
whi"h is des"ribed as 7a "ompany taking a fun"tion out of their business and relo"ating it to
another "ountry,8
whether the e*ternal "ountry is physi"ally offshore or not%
:utsour"ing "an offer greater budget fle*ibility and "ontrol% :utsour"ing lets organi@ations pay
for only the servi"es they need, when they need them% 't also redu"es the need to hire and train
spe"iali@ed staff, brings in fresh engineering e*pertise, and redu"es "apital and operating
!he pro"ess of outsour"ing generally en"ompasses four stages/ 6 strategi" thinking, to develop
the organi@ationOs philosophy about the role of outsour"ing in its a"tivities0 B evaluation and
sele"tion, to de"ide on the appropriate outsour"ing pro#e"ts and potential lo"ations for the work
to be done and servi"e providers to do it0 E "ontra"t development, to work out the legal, pri"ing
and servi"e level agreement (S,A terms0 and ? outsour"ing management or governan"e, to
refine the ongoing working relationship between the "lient and outsour"ing servi"e providers%
:ne of the biggest "hanges in the early B6st "entury "ame from the growth of groups of people
using online te"hnologies to use outsour"ing as a way to build a viable servi"e delivery business
that "an be run from virtually anywhere in the world% !he preferential "ontra"t rates that "an be
obtained by temporarily employing e*perts in spe"ifi" areas to deliver elements of a pro#e"t
purely online means that there is a growing number of small businesses that operate entirely
online using offshore "ontra"tors to deliver the work before repa"kaging it to deliver to the end
user% :ne "ommon area where this business model thrives is in provided website "reating,
analysis and marketing servi"es% All elements "an be done remotely and delivered digitally and
servi"e providers "an leverage the s"ale and e"onomy of outsour"ing to deliver high value
servi"es at redu"ed end4"ustomer pri"es%
Reasons o# outsourcin$
!he most "ommon reasons why "ompanies de"ide to outsour"e in"lude "ost redu"tion and "ost
savings, the ability to fo"us its "ore business, a""ess to more knowledge, talent and e*perien"e,
and in"reased profits%
Many "ompanies de"ide to outsour"e be"ause it "ut "osts su"h as labor "osts, regulatory "osts,
and training "osts% +oreign "ountries tend to have workers who will "omplete the same amount of
work as in the United States, but for less than half the salary that an Ameri"an employee will
% !his motivates "ompanies to outsour"e overseas to find foreign workers who are willing
to work for these lower wages% !he "ompany "an spend up to half the usual "ost to train these
workers to be"ome e*perts in a different "ountry
% ,ower regulatory "osts are an addition to
"ompanies saving money when outsour"ing% 2omparing the "osts to employing a worker in the
United States to a worker in 2hina, it is noti"ed that an employer in the U%S% has to pay higher
2ompanies are able to fo"us their money and resour"es more towards improving the "ore aspe"ts
of its business when outsour"ed% +or e*ample an insuran"e "ompany may outsour"e its
lands"aping fun"tions to a servi"e provider that spe"iali@es in lands"aping sin"e it is irrelevant to
the "ore operations of insuran"e% !he lands"aping is performed by an e*pert outsour"ed
organi@ation and the insuran"e "ompany "an fo"us on doing what it spe"iali@es in% !his allows
the outsour"ing "ompany to build onto its "ore fun"tions that keep the business running
% Another e*ample is that "ompanies and publi" entities su"h as a publi" s"hool
distri"t that outsour"es fun"tions, su"h as their payroll offi"es to "ompanies
like AD5 or 2eridian, whi"h spe"iali@e in payroll fun"tions%
'n the "ase of outsour"ing, firms may find that workers in other "ountries "an provide better
"ustomer support than their domesti" "ounterparts% +or e*ample, an online "offee shop owner
who moved his "alling "enter to the 5hilippines found that his "ustomers re"eived better
"ustomer support from workers in this "ountry%
Revenue and profit plays a large role in the reason for a "ompany outsour"ing% Sin"e the "osts
are "heaper in different "ountries for a "orporation to run it, as well as to train the employees,
this saves the "ompany a large sum of money% More profit "omes in when the vendors are able to
pur"hase produ"ts at a less e*pensive rate and "ontinue to sell them at a reasonable pri"e for
"onsumers% !he pri"es are redu"ed for servi"es as well as produ"ts when pur"hased at a "heaper
(efore outsour"ing an organi@ation is responsible for the a"tions of all their staff and liable for
their a"tions% )hen these same people are transferred to an outsour"er they may not "hange desk
but their legal status has "hanged% !hey are no longer dire"tly employed or responsible to the
organi@ation% !his "auses legal, se"urity and "omplian"e issues that need to be addressed through
the "ontra"t between the "lient and the suppliers% !his is one of the most "omple* areas of
outsour"ing and requires a spe"ialist third party adviser%
)hen "ompanies offshore servi"es, even though it may not be the "ore parts of the business,
those #obs leave the home "ountry for foreign "ountries%
% :utsour"ing may in"rease the risk of
leakage, redu"e "onfidentiality, as well as introdu"e additional priva"y and se"urity "on"erns%
2ompanies are able to provide servi"es and produ"ts to "onsumers at a "heaper pri"e while still
having a large margin for profit% !his profit margin benefits both the "ompany as well as the
"onsumer% !he "heaper pri"es lead to an in"rease a "ompany<s e"onomy% Although losing #obs
hurts the e"onomy be"ause more "iti@ens be"ome unemployed, the "heaper pri"es allows
"ustomers to pur"hase more produ"ts and servi"es whi"h helps to rebuild an e"onomy%
'n all "ases, outsour"ing su""ess depends on three fa"tors/ e*e"utive4level support in the "lient
organi@ation for the outsour"ing mission0 ample "ommuni"ation to affe"ted employees0 and the
"lientOs ability to manage its servi"e providers% !he outsour"ing professionals in "harge of the
work on both the "lient and provider sides need a "ombination of skills in su"h areas as
negotiation, "ommuni"ation, pro#e"t management, the ability to understand the terms and
"onditions of the "ontra"ts and servi"e level agreements (S,As, and, above all, the willingness
to be fle*ible as business needs "hange%
!he "hallenges of outsour"ing be"ome espe"ially a"ute when the work is being done in a
different "ountry (offshored, sin"e that involves language, "ultural and time @one differen"es%
!he re"ruitment agen"y, in whi"h ' worked, that is, 1o!ac*ie%ers, is having a tie4up with an
another re"ruitment agen"y named as ;RETIS I,DIA, whi"h is having this :utsour"ing
pro"ess, a"tive in their agen"y% !he former organi@ation mentioned in the report, that is, 1UD:S
29;M'2A, ,'M'!;D, is having a number of its employees on the rolls of FR;!'S% !he
"hemi"al engineers that are working in 1UD:S, are firstle employed on the rolls of Fretis, and
after a spe"ifi" interval of time, the employees "ome :&4R:,,S of the "ompany%
)hile the employees remains :++4R:,,S, that is :&4R:,,s of Fretis, all of the ne"essary
things like making of the salaries, maintaining the attendan"e registers, keeping the re"ords of
ea"h and every employee, is the responsibility of Fretis%
Also, there are "ertain disadvantages also% )hile the employees remain :++4R:,,S for the
"ompany, the employees are profi"iently deployed of all the in"entives and perks that an
employee who is :&4R:,,s of the "ompany is being provided with%
!hus, outsour"ing is the newest rage of the re"ruitment agen"ies, that are "oming into a new
understanding and business with the organi@ations as to provide the organi@ations with the
required "andidates, maintaining the re"ords of the newly hired employees and also keep the
employees on their rolls, so as "oming to a newly developed understanding with the
organi@ations, parti"ipating and sharing half of the re"ruitment<s workload to themselves%
!hus, the pro"ess of :utsour"ing is bringing the re"ruitment agen"ies and the organi@ations,
mu"h "loser and and are making them more understandable to ea"h other%
6 www% 1udos"hemieltd%in
B www%virasat4e4khalsa%org
E 9uman Resour"es Management, 66
;dition, "hapter ?%

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