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North American Mission Board

July, 2014
News from Randy & Ronda
And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. Luke 21:28
We trust you are doing well and enjoying the summer weather. As we say in NC, nothing could be finer than to
be in Carolina in the morning! It sure is nice to be home and enjoy the beautiful mountains that surround us. We
are blessed to have food, a home to live in and clean water to drink. We thank everyone for praying us through the
valleys and rejoicing with us on the mountaintops as we acknowledge what God hath done. We want to bring you up
to date and share a new adventure which we will talk about later in this newsletter.
Ronda and I along with a volunteer staff completed the collegiate initiative on Staten Island in April. It was an
experience we will never forget; we made many new friends and cherish our memories together. God was at work
on Staten Island; the collegiate students, volunteers, homeowners, vendors, rebuild partners, churches, and com-
munities were all touched. It always amazes us to see how far and wide the gospel reaches.
College Student: One of the college students who came to serve last year on Staten Island
ask to speak with Ronda and I when she arrived this year. Her name is Belle and when we
saw her we recognized the bright smile. Belle told us that when she was there last year, she
was not a believer but was inspired by the work and fellowship of Southern Baptist Disaster
Relief. When she went home she accepted Christ and is now
a believer and has been witnessing to her roommate.
Volunteers: The staff and volunteers who served with us on Staten Island were an
elite group of servants: cooks, carpenters, cleaners, and DR leaders who give of their
time to serve and bless others. Volunteers served from 1-6 weeks and all say they are
more blessed to give than to receive. We all grow in our faith when we work together to
accomplish Gods will. Our daily devotion together was the glue that kept us strong.
Homeowner: A home owner pulled in behind one of Disaster Relief trucks parked at a gas station and
knocked on the window. She said we had worked on her home last year and remembered the volun-
teers praying with her family. She was taking her child to the doctor and asked if our driver would pray
for her child before going to the doctor.
Pictured left, local resident Ralph Payson came almost ever day to assist us with taking down the vol-
unteer village and his wife Janet invited us to join them on family holidays for spectacular meals. They
became our new family away from home.
Zion Lutheran church had an appreciation dinner for our staff before we left. They said we may have
not told you personally but we know about the work you have done and we want to thank you. Several folks in the
community visited our site and brought coffee, cake, doughnuts, and pizza just to say thanks for helping.
Vendors: Pictured on the right, Joe was a local vendor who delivered our diesel fuel
every Monday and Friday. Joe said this was his favorite delivery site and we looked
forward to seeing him as well! We worked with several other vendors on the island
and before leaving Ronda personally visited them and thanked them. They thanked us
for being there and said they had been inspired by our Christ like attitudes. Ronda had
the opportunity to pray with a vendor named Jeane. Before leaving the office they
hugged and rejoiced over working together and having kindred spirits!
The fifth wheel
camper that we lived in
for almost a year in
New York was moved
to a campground close
to the North American
Mission Board in Al-
pharetta, GA where we
spent the month of
May. We worked at
NAMB office finaliz-
ing business from the
Sandy Rebuild project
on Staten Island.
Randy had the oppor-
tunity to assist with
training for five teams
of students who are
serving in Disaster Re-
lief all around the US
for the summer. It is
exciting to watch these
young adults serve the
to minister with friends
and family during the 2
week visit. She was able
to assist Donnas mother
Georgia with the ten-
der care for Donna while
they stayed in small
apartment inside the
hospital. We met Donna
while serving in Disaster
Relief during Hurricane
Gustav in 2008. She has
been an inspiration to
watch as her faith con-
tinues to grow in the
Lord. If you would like
to look them up on Fa-
cebook, SBDR Colle-
giate Teams
Randy completed
the last of five training
events for North Caroli-
na Baptist Men Disaster
Relief the second week
of June in Franklin, NC.
He had the opportunity
to teach evangelism to
approximately 1,900
disaster relief volun-
teers this year.
Ronda dr ove to
Louisiana to be with our
dear friend, Donna
Guillot, who had a kid-
ney transplant at Tulane
Hospital in New Orle-
ans on June 17
. She
had many opportunities
May & June 2014
A New Direction
Page 2
News from Randy & Ronda
1 Chronicles 28:20
And David said to
Solomon his son,
Be strong and of
good courage,
and do it; do not
fear nor be
dismayed, for the
LORD Godmy
Godwill be with
you. He will not
leave you nor
forsake you, until
you have finished
all the work for
the service of the
house of the
Prayer Request
To remain faithful to
our calling & walk in
His ways

To listen to the voice
of the Holy Spirit as we
begin a new ministry

August 22, 2014
Randys neck surgery &
healing to be effective &
for a quick recovery.

For the PEACE of

For many to know
Jesus Christ our Savior

For Donnas recovery
& for kidney to wake
We are excited to have been asked to help develop a new ministry within Southern
Baptist Disaster Relief. We have been praying for Gods direction and in July we
began scheduling meetings with Disaster Relief Leaders and gathering input. For
lack of an official name at this time, we will call it (Disaster Care) which will go an-
other step in ministering to people impacted by disasters, even after the recovery and
rebuild phases have been completed. Some say this has been a missing link in our
Disaster Relief efforts. Ronda and I will be working with our DR family and Nation-
al Chaplain Committee to see this ministry come to fruition.
Ronda and I are Mission Service Corps Missionaries serving with the Disaster Relief
Team at the North American Mission Board to bring help, healing and hope during a
disaster. We thank our small team of partners that make it possible for us to humbly
serve and take the gospel to people who are hurting. If you would like information on
how you can partner with us please feel free to email us at Dona-
tions can be made payable to the North American Mission Board at NAMB-MSC, PO
Box 116543, Atlanta, GA 30368-6543. Please include our account number (8922) and
our last name (Corn) in the memo section of your check. All gifts are tax deductible if
you itemize.
Donna & donor Angie
With Grateful Hearts ~ Randy & Ronda

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