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Question 1.1.

(TCO 6) The goals of leadership for quality include improving: (Points : 5)

all of the above

Question 2.2. (TCO 6) Which of the following is an important step in executing a
strategy? (Points : 5)
Build Capabilities
Identify advocates and resisters
All of the above

Question 3.3. (TCO 3) The framework for company-wide quality control (CWQC) in Japan is
provided by _____. (Points : 5)
the Shewhart Award
the Grant Award
the Deming Prize
the Baldrige Award

Question 4.4. (TCO 3) ISO 9001 provides specific requirements for _____. (Points : 5)
terms and definitions used
a quality management system
improving quality
outgoing quality levels

Question 5.5. (TCO 1) Which of the following is a criticism of the product-based definition of
quality? (Points : 5)
Quality is often mistakenly assumed to be related to price.
Not all products are fit for use.
Consumers frequently confuse products with services.
Product-based quality cannot be defined precisely; you just know it when you see it.

Question 6.6. (TCO 1) During the Middle Ages, quality was built into the final product. This
approach to quality was lost with the advent of _____. (Points : 5)
engineering schools
craft guilds
the Industrial Revolution

Question 7.7. (TCO 1) _____ is credited with developing control charts. (Points : 5)
Eli Whitney
Frederick W. Taylor
Walter Shewhart
W. Edwards Deming

Question 8.8. (TCO 2) Which of the following organizations does not have a role to play in
assuring quality in a manufacturing firm? (Points : 5)
Product design
None of the above

Question 9.9. (TCO 2) Services are generally _____ intensive, whereas manufacturing is more
_____ intensive. (Points : 5)
labor, equipment
quality, quantity
input, output
profit, cost

Question 10.10. (TCO 2) A key element of total quality is:

(Points : 5)
obsession with quality
worker healthcare
legal services
inventory management

Question 11.11. (TCO 2) Systems thinking can be applied to the analysis of _____. (Points : 5)
manufacturing processes but not service processes
service processes but not manufacturing processes
any organizations
neither manufacturing processes nor service processes

Question 12.12. (TCO 3) Companies have found that the real value of the Malcolm Baldrige
Award is in the ______. (Points : 5)
winning an award
gaining prestige
providing good advertising

Question 13.13. (TCO 5) Bill designs and maintains the inventory management software that
his coworker John uses when customers call the company to place an order for merchandise.
Bill is John's _____. (Points : 5)
internal customer
external customer
internal supplier
external supplier

Question 14.14. (TCO 5) Moments of truth are instances when which of the following
occurs? (Points : 5)
Checking the Validity of your conclusions
Speculating about the results
Analyze the results
A new competitor enters the market with higher quality.

Question 15.15. (TCO 7) Which of the following is not considered a hard measure of the
effectiveness of human-resource management? (Points : 5)
Loss of control
Both of the above
None of the above

Question 16.16. (TCO 4) The need to remove barriers to pride in workmanship is associated
with which of the following individuals? (Points : 5)

Question 17.17. (TCO 4) Which of the following represents a point of disagreement between
Deming and Juran? (Points : 5)
Upper management requires training and experience in managing for quality.
Change can be accomplished within the organization's existing structure.
Commitment by top management is a necessity.
Employees need to know who uses their products.

Question 18.18. (TCO 8) A distinguishing feature of quality circles is that (Points : 5)
Quality circles are subcommittees of problem-solving teams.
Quality circles work on pre-chosen problems.
Quality circles do not meet regularly.
are voluntary

Essay Questions:

1. (TCO 4) Explain the term cost of poor quality. (Points : 30)

2. (TCO 1) Explain the advantages to an organization of adopting
ISO 9000 International Standards for Quality Management
Systems. (Points : 30)

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