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Welcome Back!
Hello and welcome to lesson five of Financial Freedom Fighter.
This is where we start to get serious.
As you know, many people are not serious about their financial freedom. They hold all
sorts of crazy and irrational ideas about money and how it is made.
The Popular View of Time and Money
For the vast majority of people, after they've paid their basic bills, they believe money is
fashion (clothes, shoes, trinkets)
luxuries and treats
eating out
drink and cigarettes (or other drugs)
the latest consumer junk
And if that doesn't make you weep, here's what they think
any spare time is for:
relaxing or sitting around
watching television
chatting to mates
drinking and eating out

All of these things are fine in moderation and in their place of course. But this list
consumes 100% of their money and 100% of their time outside of work and sleep.
Many of these people moan that they never get a break; that the
rich continue to get rich and the government should do
something about it.
They rarely examine their own lives to see if maybe something is lacking.
You have proved that you are differentand that means you have a fair shot at getting
I never get the breaks.
People who make money
are just lucky.

Make the most of this praise because it will probably be lesson 12 before I get around to
congratulating you again!
Don't get too pleased with yourself though! After all,
the amount of money you have invested is less than the
price of a latte once a week (for a year) at Starbucks! So
you're not quite in the big league yetalthough it is my
aim to get you there.
So lets mush-on with the lesson...
A Quick Revision
The first thing I want to do is to remind you that your objective should be to make
between one and three million pounds in the near future.
If you recall, you need one million to buy yourself freedom from financial slavery,
because the income generated by that amount will give you a comfortable income, without
touching the capital, and so you need never work again.
You need another million to buy yourself a decent house, a nice car and a few toys. I
have never met anybody who could resist splashing out on toys as soon as they get some
serious money. I certainly did. I will assume that you too will be unable to resist the
The third million can be used either as extra security (e.g. to generate a larger unearned
income) or used to help family and friends and/or invested into projects which help other
people and about which you are passionate. It can also be any combination of those three.
Two Ways to Become Rich
The next thing to remind you of is that there are really only two ways of becoming
1. Luck (the lottery, other games of chance, inheritance etc.)
2. Taking a risk with time and money. Another way of
putting this is that you plant seeds and hope they will grow
and multiply your initial investment. A seed always
requires time and/or money. It usually requires both, although
some passive investments only require money and a modicum
of time to manage them.
It's also true to say that the less money you have the more

Is normal paid work really so
much different to this?
time you have to put in, and the more money you have the less time you usually have
to put in to get the multiplying effect working for you.
Let's unpack that...
If you are completely flat broke and maxed-out on everything without a single penny of
available capital, and you are unable to borrow any more money, then you have just one
alternative. You need to work in a conventionally paid job in order to amass enough
seedcorn capital.
In other words if you don't have money you have to put in time.
Alternatively, imagine you have 10 million. An opportunity comes along offering to
pay 20% over one year and requires an investment of 1 million to get in. You are a
wealthy woman or man and decide to invest the million. Its a success, and after one year
you have made 200,000.
Heres the key point: it has involved virtually none of your time.
Straight away we have identified an important wealth principle. It is very hard (I think I
would go so far as to say impossible) to become wealthy by working in a salaried position,
even if the salary is very high.
When you work for a living you are effectively prostituting
your life for a few pounds an hour.
Okay it may be work you enjoy and there's nothing wrong with that, but we're talking
about making up to 3 million here and most of us can't do that by working for somebody
So right away we identify the main purpose of
conventional work. For the ordinary broke person,
the purpose of work is quite simply to pay the bills.
There is no thought or intention of becoming wealthy,
it is just a question of surviving month after month,
year after year.
But this lesson is not aimed at the ordinary broke
person. It is aimed at someone who wishes to become
financially freeto become a wealthy man or woman. I'm hoping that's you.
If this is you, the purpose of work is twofold:
1. To pay the bills (everyone has to do that, me included).

2. To generate seedcorn capital which you will use in a variety of ways in an attempt to
multiply it up.
Please note this multiplying stunt always entails risking the
seedcorn capital.
I will have a lot more to say about that in the next lesson.
Eventually the aim is to get to a stage where you have sufficient money so that you can
plant seeds which require very little tending from you (that means no work!). It's fair to
say that in the beginning your seeds may require a fair bit of tending (time and effort), but
as you become wealthy the amount of time you invest in your seedlings should fall
The ultimate objective is to have enough money invested across
several ideas (usually no more than 20, and typically 10 or so)
most of which generate a passive income for you.
Please dont read any further until you understand that I have just revealed, in one
sentence, the biggest secret of the wealthy.
Remember, passive income means you do not have to put any time into generating the
money. As Barry is fond of saying Your money is sweating so that you dont have to.
Here are some numbers to get you to see the potential:
1,000,000 invested across several schemes generating 20% a year gives you a 200,000
a year income without touching the capital. Thats nearly 17,000 a month coming in
and you still have the million untouched!
5,000,000 invested across several schemes generating a mere 10% a year gives you a
500,000 a year income without touching the capital. That's 40,000 a monthand you
don't need to do a single stroke of work for that.
I'm not trying to dazzle you with numbers. 5,000,000 is not really such a huge amount
these days. I promise you it would not even buy you admission to the very outer fringes of
the superrich! You wouldn't get invited to their parties. If you were down to your last
5,000,000 these people would pity you and consider you broke.
I'm wondering how you're feeling about the numbers we have just discussed? In
particular the 20% and 10% I've mentioned. It may be that you're thinking 20% is an
impossibly high return and that you would be very lucky indeed to get that!

In reality, accounts like this often LOSE you
money at a steady rate each year (when you
factor-in tax and inflation).
If you're thinking like this you're
thinking like a broke person! Such people
have been trained to believe that 3% a year
from a Building Society is an acceptable
return on investment!
As we have seen in the previous lesson
such a return is actually a loss when you
factor in taxation and inflation; but this is
what ordinary people have been trained to
expect and accept without bleating.
You are not an ordinary person. At least I hope youre not otherwise you wont have the
slightest hope of making 1 million!
(Aside: consider the message in the above advert. The keyword is relax. See how
happy and smiley she is to be getting 3%? The message is imploring you to hand over
your money to these people and then to take your eye off the ball. You don't have to do
anything except relax (lie around, entertain yourself, have fun and so on). Meanwhile they
will take that money and get it sweating for them. They will make a very great deal of
money out of your laziness and financial stupidity. While you are relaxing they will
be cashing-in. Your reward? In real terms they guarantee that your money will steadily
lose value year on year! The masses rush to get into these deals in their tens of millions!)
What is a Decent Return on Investment?
Let's look at that 20% for a moment. Supposing I said to you Give me 1 million and I
will put it to work in something I know about which I guarantee will generate 500 a day
profit. You would be forgiven for being disappointed. You gave me one million quid and
the best I could do is to generate 30% of the profit of the average tiny corner shop or third-
rate takeaway restaurant!
I'm certainly hoping you wouldn't say to me Sorry, that's way too good to be true, it
must be some sort of scam. There's no way Im letting you near my million!
Yet 500 a day is close to 20% annual return on your money.
My point here is that 20% is very achievable. In fact it is a laughably small return on
your investment when you think about it. Really, one should be looking to double up that
sort of money over a year. In other words if you lend me a million, I should be able to use
it to make another million over a 12 month period. So that would be a 100% return on
your investment.
I want you to start thinking very differently. In many ways that's all this course is about.

Getting out of the rufus-doofus mindset and thinking a lot
smarter and a lot bigger.
For example, I have just had a look at a few of my passive investments and here are the
Investment A: 50,000. This has made 12% in 3 months. So thats 48% a year.
Investment B: 20,000. This has made 40% in 7 months. (68% a year.)
Investment C: 20,000. This has made 36% in 6 months. (72% a year.)
Investment D: 400,000. This has made 62% in 24 months. (31% a year.)
I could carry on listing dozens of similar investments with similar returns (and yes, of
course the odd one which is losing money, for as we shall see, we MUST lose money from
time to time otherwise we are not taking any worthwhile risks).
The point is not to brag. Its to show you that 20% is at the bottom end of what you
should be looking for.
If you invested just 50,000 and achieved a mere 20% a year (compounded up) for ten
years, can you guess what that would be worth?
The answer is 309,000!!! Now you know why the rich get richer. I also hope you are
feeling a little sick about the laughable, insulting rates you are offered in conventional
(Aside: I get really annoyed when I hear the stock phrase The rich get richer and the
poor get poorer. Only half of that saying is true. The rich DO get richer, for reasons we
will discover together and get working for you! But the poor often get richer too, but at a
far slower rate of course. I think what people mean is that the GAP sometimes widens. But
this does not mean the poor get poorer!)
Just jumping back for a moment, I think it is remarkably gratifying to know there are
only two ways of getting wealthy: luck and this business of investing/risking seedcorn
capital. I think that makes life very easy.
Alas, it's also not a message that people want to hear! In this course you will be told the
truth by millionaires who really do know what they're talking about. However, we're not
promising that the truth will be palatable!
The message people want to hear is:
Get rich for NO effort whatsoever, NO work, NO investment,
and NO money down.

Ah, if only real life was like this!
Which brings me neatly on to...
Business Opportunities
If you take nothing else from this lesson, I am going to give you a way to save yourself a
large amount of money (way more than 10x the
price of this course).
It may be that you never subscribe to the worst
sort of business opportunities. If so, congratulate
yourself. But if you've been on the path of
financial freedom for any length of time you are
likely to have spent a considerable amount of
money in the pursuit of your dream.
That means you have probably bought some
manuals, DVDs or attended a seminar. I'm hoping you're not going to be stunned when I
tell you something.
Many (but not all) of the people selling these schemes are
primarily concerned with the amount of money they can make
from you, and only secondarily concerned with your success.
Shock horror! Hold the front page!
Remember, I've just said that people want a lot of money but are not prepared to sacrifice
anything, do anything or risk anything. It is no coincidence therefore that the bottom end
business opportunity offers you... lots of money, without having to do anything for it,
and at absolutely no risk to yourself!
In other words, they serve up what people want to hear.
There are some good ones out there, which if you apply yourself, it is possible to make a
nice little business from. But they are few and far between. And none of them is easy or
risk-free that I can absolutely promise you.
Most of them are not terribly useful, and so I would advise you to save your money and
put it into your Seedcorn Capital Fund. There are no instant businesses, no cash
without effort, no moneymaking robots working in the background whilst you sit with
your feet up watching TV.
If only!
Again I'm being hard on you, but I want you to know the truth. You see, buying business
opportunities, or motivational materials, or attending contentless rah-rah seminars are all

Dude... awesome... I can really feel the
money flowing my way!
part of the problem of pretending you are taking action to become financially free
rather than actually becoming so.
I'm not saying don't educate yourself. A really good seminar with powerful content is
worth attending. By all means read a book or two on goal-setting or motivation. That's not
what I'm talking about. I'm talking about spending thousands of pounds and amassing a
collection of so-called moneymaking materials. This collection is a substitute for you
actually doing something.
Putting it bluntly, you feel that if you have spent all this money on all this stuff you
MUST somehow be on the path to financial freedom!
Actually you could be further off the path than if you had never bought any of it!
I expect I have stung you a little bit with that. The truth can hurt but it will also set you
Heres a Secret Forget The Secret!
Whilst I'm on the subject, my particular
scorn is reserved for the purveyors of
mystical wealth such as The Secret and
suchlike. There are 100 clones.
These products are devoured by the non-
serious. They are buying a message which is
much loved by those who have absolutely no
intention of taking action to secure their
financial freedom.
The message is some variation of Think
and Grow Rich. In other words it is the idea that merely by thinking rich thoughts or
visualising living in a mansion, then somehow the universe will respond to your
vibrations and bring you the riches you seek.
Millions of people believe some version of this fantasy.
When people come to see me for consultations, they are often believers in some version
of this nonsense.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying anything against having a positive mental attitude,
setting goals, clipping pictures of your dream house, or getting your brain thinking about
what it is you want. All this is brilliant and essential stuff for your financial freedom
plan. By all means know the house you want to live in and the model of car you want to

drive. Have a set of written goals and read them out loud from time to time. It's all good
But... it aint the meat and potatoes.
I'm talking about the idea that you can sit alone in a darkened room and channel wealth
to yourself. You cannot. I'm talking about the notion that all you need to do is visualise
what you want and the bountiful universe will provide it without you having to do a
damn thing to make it happen. This is arrant nonsense which only fools believe.
Again I hope you can see how this fits in perfectly with what people want. They want a
lot of money, for no effort, no sacrifice and no risk. This mystical wealth model fits
the bill perfectly and this is why millions of people buy into it.
Unfortunately it has virtually zero effect on their wealth. The people selling you these
products are laughing at you.
If you want to be wealthy you have to wise-up and that starts
right now.
That means taking action to make this wealthy life happen for you.
I honestly believe you should give it your absolute best shot from here on in. There are
no guarantees of course and it may be that despite your very best efforts you don't ever
achieve great wealth. You know what? I don't consider that to be a failure.
There's an old saying that if you reach for the stars you may not get them but you
certainly won't come back with a handful of mud. I love that saying. If you shoot for great
wealth and don't manage to achieve it, I bet you anything you end up wealthier than you
are now, and you will have had a fantastic time striving to be all you are capable of being.
If it doesn't work out for you, the fall-back position is a simpler life. This is not a failure,
it could be just financial freedom on a lower level.
Failure is working hard in some dreary job for a modest salary
and never achieving either financial freedom, or getting the
buzz which comes from giving it a serious try.
You will always regret not trying, I promise you won't regret trying and failing (if that's
what happens to you).
There is another way in which you can fail. Failure is achieving financial freedom
(getting the 3 million or whatever) becoming a wealthy man or woman... but still flogging
yourself to get more for reasons you don't understand.

In other words I believe you have failed if you never realise when you have arrived at
your goal!
Okay lets move on to some practical ways of making money. The first of which is...
How to Make Your Fortune From Information Publishing
Throughout the 12 months of your Beyond Wealth apprenticeship our total focus is
going to be on practical ways of making money. Barry Tyler and I are going to be telling
you real ways of gaining financial freedom. None of what we say is theory.
Information publishing is just such an ideait has made me a wealthy man so I do speak
on this subject from practical experience.
I hope it is obvious to you that one of the several ways to become wealthy is to run a
business. This is not the only way of course (for example, targeted passive investments
can also make very good money and we will be discussing those).
But most people don't know which business to run and so I wrote The System manual as
a free bonus. Everyone wants to know how I made my money, and so this manual explains
in very clear detail the exact business I ran to make my millions. That business is
information publishing. You do not have to follow the idea laid down in The System
manual. I offer it to you just for you to look over. It is just one of the great ideas we
will share with you in the Beyond Wealth programme.
I have written a lot about information publishing elsewhere and will not be saying very
much about it in the Beyond Wealth materials. I will confine my comments to The System
manual and the following brief overview in case this is something you want to run with.
After that I will not mention it again.
I have personally made three million profit from information publishing. It is
arguably the easiest way ever devised to become wealthy. It is something which can be
done by anyone of any age and any ability. It is a fun, simple and ridiculously profitable
business. It may or may not be for you, but it is just something to consider.
Here are the basics for you to make your own decision...
What is Information Publishing?
This is surely the best business in the worldselling manuals, CDs, DVDs, newsletters
and courses through the post or on the Internet.
The good news is that you can still get on board this lucrative gravy train. And heres the
amazing thing


You do NOT need to be a writer!
You do NOT need to be a recognized expert!

You do NOT need to invest much more than pocket change' to get started!
Sounds too good to be true?
Other people are doing it right now and making a lot of money from it and theres still
plenty of room left in this idea.
After all, just one product you can easily create in a few days could make you
thousands of pounds a month for the rest of your life.
Can You See the Potential of This?
Many people are getting quietly wealthy selling simple manuals, DVDs and CDs through
the post or on the Internet.
Maybe the one thing thats been holding you back is that you dont think of yourself as
a writer. Thats great! You dont need to be!
One closely guarded secret is that most of the multi-millionaire publishers get others to
do the writing for them.
How can you do this? Simple. All you need to do is compose a one-
page briefing with bullet points or chapter headings. Then go to (or similar sites) and post your project. E.g. 60,000
words wanted on How to Talk to Your Parrot And Have it Talk
Back! You will be inundated with writers all desperate to earn a
crust and undercutting each other to do the work for you.
Or, Google your subject, and avoiding plagiarism, compile a mass
of stuff from the web. Your job is then to edit or rewrite far easier than writing from
Dont fancy the editing? No problem. Again, Elance will provide you with an editor.
Using this method you could have your very own information
product in a couple of weeks. I know people who have cranked-
out a decent product over a weekend!
The truth is that people right now are desperate for information and will pay good money
for the right material.

This is not a guess. I have made millions from this. In fact, if you think about it, you are
reading an information product right now. It cost 167. If we sell 10,000 units, thats 1.6
million pounds worth of sales!
But wait! Maybe youre thinking: Hold on! Doesnt this work both ways? Cant people
get all this information from a library or from the Internet for free? Why would they pay
ME for it?
Answer. Yes they can. But this misses the point!
Time is money and people would rather pay YOU to have (say) a manual which
summarises everything they need to know in one handy volume. (Just like you paid for
Beyond Wealth.)
People cannot, in general, be bothered to look stuff up for themselves. We have hundreds
of libraries in the country, but how many people have a library card? Less than 5%!!!
Using the information in The System manual you could soon be on your way to having a
top-selling product of your very own by getting others to do the work for you and
they will thank you for using their work to make yourself wealthy. Each time you create
such a product, you could be enjoying a massive 30k+ a year per product!
What Sort of Products?
Okay, were talking about the information publishing business. But what sorts of
products do we actually sell?
Here are the most common ones.
Manuals: Usually this will be a minimum of 32 pages and a
maximum of 128 pages. (Tip, always make your manual a multiple of 8
or 16 pages as this makes printing a lot cheaper.)
The typical price of such a manual is 37 - 197.
The actual cost to print it would be about 2-4. Then you need to add postage, a jiffy
bag, handling etc. So lets say 7 all-in. That leaves 30 - 190 pure
Sell 1,000 and thats 30,000.00 - 190,000.00 in your
Sell 10,000 (achievable) and thats 300,000.00 worst case!!! From
ONE manual.

And you can sell your manual for any price you like - 69.96, 97.00 even 297. It
depends what information it contains.
CDs: These are wonderful products! Great for audio programmes.
You can sell a 4-CD set for well whatever you like really. But lets
say 59.95 just for example.
Each CD will cost you about 1. Thats duplicated, printed and in a case!
So your product cost is 4! Again lets add another 3 for postage and so
on and that leaves you 53 per product as profit.
Sell 5,000 sets? Thats 265,000.00 before you take off your marketing costs! Again,
from just one product! Farfetched? Not at all, I have done this several times.
I hope you understand that 5,000 sets is not a lot. I mean, Im not being silly here and
saying: Wow! Look what happens if you sell a MILLION sets of these! You wont sell
a million. No way. Or even 100,000. But 5,000 10,000? Thats achievable.
DVDs: Increasingly these are the current hot product. They have a high perceived value
(people are used to paying 15 each for a DVD so if you sell a set of 5 for 49.95 this
seems like good value).
Amazingly, the cost to produce a DVD is not far from the cost to produce a CD lets
say 1.25p all-in.
So you can see the fabulous profit potential here.
What About Real Books Like
Heres my view.
Forget all about paperback and hardback books. Theres
not much money in them. (The Beyond Wealth book is
an exception. Can you work out why?)
Instead, put your content into a MANUAL.
I wonder if you can guess before reading on
Its because of the perceived value of a book. What do you pay for a paperback book?
3.95? A fiver? Even a hardback is about 14.95. So when you come along and ask

One of my seminars.100 people at
3,000 a ticket? Ill leave you to do
the sums!
49.95 for your paperback, people are incredulous. Theres NO WAY theyre going to
fork-out nearly fifty quid for a lousy paperback!
Are you kidding???
But think about this for a moment. A manual often contains fewer words than a typical
paperback! So you can see that format is the important thing.
Newsletters are also another source of potential
profits for you. But ideally a newsletter has to be
topical and timely and also written by an expert.
It must also have readable and useful content
no waffle. You have doubtless seen your share of
pointless, contentless newsletters (e.g. from your
local car dealership or restaurant).
There are other methods of delivering
information and making serious money not least of all... the live seminar. But I dont
want to scare you by making you think you have to stand up in front of a crowd and talk.
Most people rate public speaking and death
as the two things they fear most in that
However, the live seminar is an amazing
way of making a fortune. A series of
carefully targeted seminars can, in fact, buy
your financial freedom in one hit.
Again I know my subject. I once gave a
series of seminars at 3,000 a ticket! People
were happy to pay that amount and even gave
me rave reviews to use as testimonials.
But the basic information publishing staples are CDs, manuals and DVDs all incredibly
cheap to produce and with unbelievably high mark-ups.
Now please don't run away with the idea that this is going to be easy. If making big
money was easy every roofus-doofus in the country would be doing it. But if I was
starting again from scratch, information publishing would be the thing I would revert to as
it is a great starter business.
Start-up costs are really low and you do not need staff or premises. The mark-ups are
insanely high and the items are easy to deliver. It really does tick a lot of the boxes for a
good business.

Okay I'll leave it at that for the moment because there is plenty more information in The
System manual if you are interested in taking this further.
A Word About Luck
Since one of the two ways of becoming wealthy is luck, I feel I should at
least mention this.
There is a statistically finite, but minute chance that you will make your
million either by being left it in your sick aunts will, or by winning the lottery or
If this happens then that's absolutely fantastic because effectively you have been handed
free money. That could be an enormous boost in life because you don't have to work for it.
The trouble comes if one relies on this as a method of becoming wealthy. Of course it
isnt any kind of method whatsoever. It is just a wild-eyed wish. By all means do the
lottery if it gives you a bit of fun. It is after all not very expensive. But in no way must you
rely on this as your ticket to freedom. The chances of your winning are vanishingly small
(really, ridiculously tiny).
Although I have just dismissed luck with an airy wave of my hand I do want to talk
about one aspect of luck other than the lottery winning, sick aunt kind.
In my long experience of making money, and in speaking to other millionaires, I would
be lying to you if I said that luck had absolutely nothing to do with it. There is an
element of luck in making money. Please note that I said element. If it was the whole
story there would be no point in a course like this.
Luck comes in two forms as you know. Good luck and bad luck. And it's all related to
planting those seeds.
Let's get agricultural and use real seed planting as
an analogy. A farmer plants 10 seeds. He invests in
the seeds, he tends, hoes and waters the seedlings.
He does nothing wrong. But just before harvest a
hurricane arrives and rips all 10 seedlings from the
ground and destroys them. It was a very unusual
and rare event which he could not have foreseen. It
was just bad luck.
The moral here is that despite all your work and preparation,
bad luck can prevent you from succeeding.

An example of bad luck might be a sudden illness, or a business failing through no fault
of your own, or an investment going sour which you could not have foreseen.
Now let's look at good luck. A farmer plants 10 seeds. He invests in the seeds, he tends,
hoes and waters the seedlings. Years of experience tell him that only seven of those
seedlings will thrive to become tall plants. That's okayhe's used to that. A 70% yield is
just fine; he can make great profits from that. But this year he is astonished. The amount
of rain and sunshine are just perfect, almost textbook. He can't recall a year like this. All
10 seedlings flourish and he makes a lot more profit he would normally expect.
It was just good luck.
The take home for us is that we have limited resources of time and money because we
are limited human beings. To become rich we need to invest these limited resources in
some projects. There are probably upwards of 100 million projects you could get involved
withand you're going to choose just 10 (or so)!
Without my pushing the analogy any further, I hope you can see that there is a certain
amount of luck involved in those 10 projects coming good out of the millions of possible
projects out there. Yes of course we prepare, we invest, we tend, we hoe, we water. We do
the absolute best we can to nurture our projects, but still there is a smattering of luck
involved. You can be in the right investment at the right time not due to any real skill on
your part, just dumb luck.
You can accidentally bump into the very person who can power-boost your idea to the
moon. Without that person you would have limped along for years. Luck.
You don't need me to multiply the examples unnecessarily.
Please understand that I am not saying luck is everything. It is only a small part of the
wealth equation. The masses believe its all about luckthats why they do the lottery.
Its why they support draconian taxation of the rich (after all, the rich just got lucky so
they should be forced to share their windfall).
In order to be rich you need to do what rich people doplant
many seeds and nurture them.
By the way, I hope youve spotted why it is we plant 10 (or so) seeds. It's precisely
because of this random factor of good and bad luck! Really we only need one successful
seed to become rich, but if we put all our resources into just one seed, we could get
unlucky and lose everything. So instead we plant 10 or more.
In fact there are two reasons why we plant so many seeds...

1. As I have said, to average out the effects of good and bad luck. If one seed goes down
due to pure bad luck, another will thrive due to pure good luck. The rest will be largely
unaffected by luck.
2. Although we like to think of ourselves as pretty smart investors, I've got some bad news
for you. Often we don't really know whether a seed will thrive or not! It's sometimes a bit
of a wild guess on our part. Okay maybe wild guess is a bit strong; let's be kind to
ourselves and say educated hunch. We examine the idea to the best of our ability, we
assess the risk as best as we can, we look at the upside and downside, we do our due
diligence and... then we pretty much plunge-in and hope.
For example right now I have hundreds of thousands of pounds in each of several wealth
generating passive investments. (Remember, passive investments are the ones which do
not require any work input from youthe money grows without your input.)
How certain am I that that they will come good? It's hard to quantify, but Im definitely
less than 50% certain. However, the key point is that I'm in the game. I have a real
genuine shot at making many millions of pounds more. In contrast, if you're not in the
game you have absolutely zero chance of making serious money.
I do mean that... absolutely no chance whatsoever (excluding luck).
So as we come to the end of this lesson I hope you have taken on board these really vital
wealth principles. Here they are restated...
1. There is only one serious way of becoming wealthy: we invest chunks of seedcorn
capital into various ventures.
2. We tend and nurture these ventures as best we can.
3. Our seedcorn capital and time are at risk. This is hugely important and something
that the broke masses are utterly unable to accept. They are unwilling to risk
anything at all to get wealthy. Neither time nor money. They are willing to risk
huge amounts of money and vast swathes of time in things like entertainment,
resting and consuming.
4. We plant a lot of seeds to iron out good and bad luck and because, if the truth is
really told, we can't predict in advance which of the seeds will go on to make us
wealthy. Its a statistics thingwe hope 7 out of 10 will come good, but we cannot
predict in advance which 7.
5. To become a wealthy person you MUST get comfortable with this idea of
controlled risk.
Because this concept of controlled risk is such a vital wealth principle, I will be kicking
off next months lesson with this subject and getting you to look at your own risk

You cannot move from where you are now, to where you want
to be without looking at your attitude to risk.
By the way, you are almost certainly taking huge risks at the moment both with your
time and with your money, but you probably believe that these risks are non-existent or
acceptably small.

Actually the opposite is true.

Similarly you have probably been trained to believe that the sort of risks I will be talking
about are unacceptable. Again nothing could be further from the truth.

It's these sorts of erroneous beliefs which keep the poor people poor. Exposing these
lies for what they are allows you to move yourself out of poverty mentality and into
wealth mentality. I do want to assure you that rich people laugh loud and long at the
pathetic beliefs of poor people. They're not being unkind, it is just that the beliefs which
poor people hold are so hilarious (and sad of course).

Finally, a parting thought. These lessons are all about ACTION. It wont be enough for
you to just read these words of wisdom and do nothing. So for your homework this lesson
I want you to consider a very important question and write down the answer.
The question is: What are you willing to give up in order to become wealthy?
I will say no more at this point, but please dont skip this simple task.

I have lots of very exciting information for you next time!

See you next lesson.

Stuart Goldsmith

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