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Chapter 0

There are currently nine national magic university attached

highschools throughout the state.
The first highschool is in Kanto (Tokyo). The second highschool is in
Kinki (Hyougo). The third highschool is in Hokuriku (Ishikawa). The
fourth highschool is in Tokai (Shizuoka). The fifth highschool is in
Tohoku (Miyagi). The sith highschool is in San!in (Shimane). The
seventh highschool is in Shikoku (Kochi). The eighth highschool is in
Hokkaido. The ninth highschool is in Kyushu (Kumamoto).
These are the only magic highschools in the country. It does not refer
to the fact that there are only nine highschools attached to the nine
national magic universities" #ut rather that they are the sole nine
highschools teaching magic as the main curriculum.
To tell the truth" the government is more than keen to increase the
num#er of magic highschools. They are una#le to do so #ecause they
cannot secure enough mages who go on to #ecome teachers.
The first" second and third highschools acce$t %&& new students a
year. The other si can take another '&& each.
In total" that!s '%&& entrants. This is the limit to the new num#er of
mages that can #e $roduced $er year. It!s a$$roimately e(ual to the
num#er of youth with eligi#le levels of magic that a$$ears in the
)ut at the same time it!s thought that if more am$le educational
o$$ortunities could #e $rovided" the $ossi#ility that even more youth
with late #udding magical talent could #e discovered is not
The reality however is that the running of *ust these nine magic
highschools fully stretches the human resources of this country.
Therefore the only way to address this deficit is to take these '%&&
freshmen a year" train them as much as $ossi#le" and raise their level
to the ma. In doing so the num#er of mages will gradually increase"
and in the future it is e$ected that this $ositive s$iral will eventually
fi the dearth of teachers.
+ne of the measures taken for that are com$etitions at the school level
#etween the nine magic highschools" to fuel the as$irations of the
students. The largest of these is the summer ,ine School -om$etition.
It!s a nationwide magic highschool magic tournament.
.very year a selection of magic highschool students from across the
country meet" $utting their $ride on the line" and unfold a story of
frustration and glory.
/ith a huge crowd including not only government officials and those
interested in magic #ut #usinesses" overseas com$anies" researchers
and scouts" this is the greatest stage for magic highschool students to
This year too" soon" the curtains of that momentous event will #e
raised again.
Chapter 1
The year %&01 23" mid 4uly.
The week after the first semester!s finals were over for the ,ational
Magic 5niversity affiliated 6irst High" the students devoted all their
energy towards $re$aring for the ,ine Schools -om$etition during the
summer. However" he 7 Tatsuya Shi#a that is" was com$letely out of
tune with such school s$irit. This was $artially due to the fact that his
logical nature overrode his emotions. That #eing said" the $rimary
reason for his #eing at school today was #ecause the faculty had
summoned him for a meeting in regards to his eam scores.
89eo...... /hy is everyone here:8
Having finally esca$ed from the 6aculty ;oom" Tatsuya found his
classmates Sai*ou 9eonhart" -hi#a .rika" and Shi#ata Mizuki waiting
for him outside.
Tatsuya!s little sister Miyuki was $art of the Student -ouncil" which
was currently in the middle of $re$arations for the ,ine Schools
-om$etition in the School -ouncil ;oom" so she wasn!t there.
2s if to re$lace Miyuki" Miyuki!s classmates Mitsui Honoka and
Kitayama Shizuku were there with worried e$ressions.
The 6aculty ;oom was located on the teacher!s floor" which was
se$arate from where the students usually attended classes.
However" that did not mean students did not $ass #y.
;egardless of whether the $assers#y were of the same grade or even
u$$erclassmen" everyone snuck glances over at the five $eo$le
surrounding Tatsuya.
/hich was only natural.
They stood out. 2 lot.
This was not a distinction reserved for today!s situation" this was
always the case.
Tatsuya had #een a$$ointed to the <u#lic Morals -ommittee even as a
-ourse % student and" through his numerous accom$lishments during
recruitment week" had $roved that his selection was no fluke"
ultimately resulting in his fame s$reading across cam$us. /hile his
single=handed annihilation of the terrorist organization had not #een
$u#licized" his outstanding success during recruitment week was
enough to garner (uite a lot of attention from his classmates and even
female u$$erclassmen.
.rika was a $u#licly acknowledged #eauty.
+wing to her constant $roimity to Miyuki and .rika" Mizuki!s
a$$earance seemed to $ale slightly in com$arison. That #eing said" her
elegant and refined #eauty was rated (uite highly among male
3es$ite #eing constantly ridiculed #y .rika (or may#e 8constantly
#ickering8 would #e #etter)" 9eo!s >ermanic features and su$er#
athletic a#ilities identified him as 8someone worth noting8 among the
female $o$ulation (the 8$ure 4a$anese style8 that 9eo refers to would
#e #lack=haired and #lack=eyed).
2s for Honoka and Shizuku" they were two su$er# students even
among the 'st ?ear -ourse ' students. Their a$$earance would easily
(ualify within the #oundaries of cuteness (Strictly in terms of
a$$earance" Tatsuya would #e the most mundane).
/hether they wanted to or not" a grou$ that transcended the -ourse '
and % #oundary and socialized together naturally drew etra attention.
.ven so" $ossi#ly #ecause this cohort!s 'st ?ear ;e$resentative"
Student -ouncil mem#er and far famed #eauty Miyuki wasn!t here"
there were actually significantly fewer onlookers than usual.
However" the $eo$le who $aid these glances no heed whatsoever were
une$ectedly close #y.
6or eam$le" this man right here.
8It should #e us asking what you!re u$ to" right: /hy did you get
called to the 6aculty ;oom:8
Hearing 9eo!s (uestion" Tatsuya immediately understood.
It a$$eared that his friend was concerned on his #ehalf. 6or a moment"
Tatsuya contem$lated fa#ricating a reason to divert them" #ut he
changed his mind u$on reflecting that they deserved his honesty.
8The teachers interrogated me a#out the technical skills $ortion of the
Hearing this" 9eo s(uinted his eyes in dis$leasure.
8......Interrogate sounds a tad sus$icious. So what did they ask a#out:8
89ong story short" they wanted to know if I was tanking the test.8
.rika was the first to e$ress her outrage at Tatsuya!s answer.
8/hat the heck: Tatsuya=kun doesn!t #enefit in the slightest for doing
that. +nly a moron would ask that.8
.rika!s o#servation was not wrong" so Tatsuya could only smile #ack
wryly. It was another story altogether if someone cheated to get a
higher score" #ut there was no $oint in intentionally getting a lower
score. This sus$icion was *ust as ridiculous as .rika surmised.
8However" I can understand why the teachers think this way.8
Shizuku!s soft words #ewildered Mizuki.
8Tatsuya=kun!s scores are *ust that astounding.8
Tatsuya did not $reen at Honoka!s answer" #ut #eing overly hum#le
might elicit a negative reaction as well. 5na#le to decide #etween the
two" Tatsuya could only smile wryly again.
6or 6irst High 7 the final eams for magic high schools included
magic theory eaminations #ased on recall and technical skills
+n the other hand" language arts" math" science" sociology and other
mundane to$ics were graded #ased on daily homework. This was an
institution that focused on high (uality training for Magicians" so from
the school!s $ers$ective" having the students focus too much on
su#*ects outside of magic was redundant (Tatsuya and com$any make
the distinction #etween Magicians and Magic 2rtificers only #ecause
their training naturally #ranches out in two directions. ,ormally"
society will lum$ Magic 2rtificers into the same category as
Magicians" #ut will not use 8Magic 2rtificers8 to refer to Magic
;esearchers who cannot use magic).
In terms of magic theory" the mandatory classes covered the
foundations of magic learning and magic theory on the test@ two
additional to$ics were $icked from the electives magic geometry"
magic languages" magic #otany" and magic architecture@ as well as one
selected from either magic history and magic systems theory" for a
total of five to$ics.
Magic technical skills were measured through a$$lication a#ility (the
s$eed of magic design)" magic tolerance (the scale of the Magic
Se(uence)" interference a#ility (strength of rewriting .idos) as well as
the com#ined Magic <ower given from the culmination of all three"
thus resulting in four scores.
Students with su$erlative scores would have their names and ranking
$u#licly announced on the cam$us we#site.
The 'st ?ear students! results had already #een announced.
Those who had earned the highest com#ined scores #etween magic
theory and technical skills were com$letely as e$ected.
6irst <laceA Shi#a Miyuki.
Second <laceA Mitsui Honoka.
Third <laceA Kitayama Shizuku only a few $oints #ehind.
The first three were all names from -lass 2" and it wasn!t until 6ourth
$lace that a male student named 8Tomitsuka8 from -lass ) a$$eared.
)eyond that" familiar names included Morisaki at ,inth <lace. The
first twenty s$ots were all -ourse ' students.
2 glance at the Technical Skills $ortion would yield the same result.
/hile the $lacements swa$$ed around a little" the first twenty $laces
were still occu$ied #y -ourse ' students.
Strictly s$eaking" 6irst <lace was Miyuki" Second <lace was Shizuku"
Third <lace was Morisaki" 6ourth was Honoka. -om#ined score
notwithstanding" -lass 2 dominated the Technical Skills $ortion to the
etent that it caused their teachers considera#le headache (-lass
distri#ution was su$$osed to #e s$lit evenly through 2 to 3" so this
sort of academic showing o#viously revealed that -lass 2 gras$ed the
materials for the first semester much #etter than the other three).
However" if #ased solely on the Magic Theory $ortion" an entirely
different and astounding $icture revealed itself.
6irst <laceA -lass . Shi#a Tatsuya.
Second <laceA -lass 2 Shi#a Miyuki.
Third <laceA -lass . ?oshida Mikihiko.
Honoka was fourth" Shizuku at tenth" Mizuki at seventeenth" .rika in
twentieth" while 9eo and Morisaki fell out of the rankings.
/hen se$arating -ourse ' and % students" the difference in technical
skills $layed a heavy role. However" the general consensus was that
students that scored $oorly on technical skills would also have a hard
time gras$ing the theory as well. )ecause of all the com$le conce$ts"
it was very hard to understand the theory without $erceiving it
.ven so" two of the to$ three were -ourse % students.
That alone was an un$recedented situation" yet Tatsuya!s
accom$lishment was even more amazing. His average from the theory
$ortion 7 not the total 7 was easily a dozen $oints higher than the
second $lace score" leaving him in sole and undis$uted $ossession of
6irst <lace.
8.ven if theory and technical skills are two different things" there
should #e a limit.8
8)ut I don!t #elieve Tatsuya=kun would tank his score.8
2fter Shizuku o#*ectively e$ressed her o$inion" Mizuki countered
#ack in a dis$leased tone.
8+f course Shizuku knows that.8
8)ut the teachers aren!t like us" since we know what kind of $erson
Tatsuya=kun is.8
Honoka and .rika #oth started to smooth things over.
8?eah" they only know us from the other side of the terminal
4ust as 9eo said" this was a ma*or deficiency in modern education.
.ven if modern teachers $ersonally came to the lecture hall like
teachers from the $revious century" it still wouldn!t guarantee that they
could fully understand their students.
To address this $ro#lem" the school had created o$inion #oes to
re$lace last century!s office hours system.
8......How a#out asking Haruka=chan:8
-ounselors handled the situations where students were unsatisfied
with the school or other on=cam$us incidents. 3iscounting whether the
la#el 8Haruka=chan8 was a$$ro$riate" the suggestion itself #ore merit"
#ut Tatsuya shar$ly shook his head.
8I talked with +no=sensei yesterday. In truth" she informed me a#out
all the ma*or (uestions they would ask today.8
8Such an unrelia#le teacher.8
83on!t #e that way. ,ew counselors don!t $ossess much in terms of
authority anyways.8
It was Tatsuya!s turn to smile gently and comfort the irritated .rika.
8......Tatsuya=kun must!ve #een even harsher than me" right:8
2s .rika guessed" Tatsuya!s words were considera#ly more
.rika!s $recise retort caused 9eo to elicit a strange noise.
8....../hat is it:8
.rika s(uinted as she asked.
8This woman is actually ca$a#le of saying something serious.8
9eo widened his eyes as he softly muttered to himself.
.rika smacked him with a rolled u$ note$ad.
2s a matter of fact" even in an age where digital information was so
common" note$ads were still $revalent. .s$ecially for magic=#ased
schools" during the teaching of magic languages" the very motion of
8writing8 was in itself an im$ortant act. Since teachers $rimarily used
$ictures and diagrams in magic geometry" using a note$ad to record
the drawings was vastly easier com$ared to using a terminal" so magic
high school students were more likely to carry note$ads than students
from normal schools. That #eing said" the eact reason why .rika
carried around a note$ad des$ite not #eing in class remained a
9eo was una#le to dodge the incoming #low from the note$ad and
crouched down" holding his head in $ain. It wasn!t like he was *ust
sitting there taking the hits without trying to resist" #ut currently"
.rika!s smiting s$eed was much greater than 9eo!s evasion s$eed" so
(:) in this situation" whenever he unilaterally decided to #utt in" he
would #e unilaterally smote.
8......?ou violence addict" my head isn!t a drumB8
9eo lodged a serious $rotest" which was casually ignored #y .rika.
<ro#a#ly due to the fact that this scene had endlessly re$eated itself
over the last three months" Mizuki only let out a hel$less smile and
left them to it" rather than $anicking like she had in the #eginning.
2lso" she used this to redirect the tangent #ack to the original to$ic"
avoiding any $ossi#le escalation of the conflict.
8Tatsuya=kun" did you solve the teachers! misunderstanding:8
8/ell" yes" on some level.8
8+n some level:8
2t Mizuki!s concise (uestion" Tatsuya su$$lied further details with an
unwilling e$ression on his face.
8The teachers understand that I wasn!t intentionally getting them
wrong" #ut they still advised me to transfer.8
8/hy: /hy would they do that:8
Mizuki and Honoka #oth shouted out with their faces com$letely $ale"
while the other three wore similar e$ressions.
82mong the ,ine Schools" 6ourth High is renowned for their s$ecialty
in Magic ;esearch" so the teachers suggested I transfer there. I
declined" of course.8
Two $eo$le let out sighs of relief" while two others looked furious.
The former two were Mizuki and Honoka" the latter 9eo and .rika.
The last mem#er of this conversation wore an unreada#le $oker face.
8......So if someone doesn!t ecel in technical skills" then they should
*oin a school that doesn!t em$hasize technical skills at all" isn!t that
com$letely self=contradictory for a school: I can understand if
someone!s grades were #ad and they couldn!t kee$ u$ in class" #ut
that!s o#viously not the case with Tatsuya.8
8<ro#a#ly #ecause he!s an eyesore. May#e Tatsuya=kun knows more
a#out magic than the teachers themselves.8
8;ela" you two.8
If left alone" 9eo and .rika would only feed off each other!s fury" so
Tatsuya ste$$ed in to etinguish them.
8It!s *ust as 9eo said" #arely $assing is still $assing" so there!s nothing
that would necessitate a transfer. It!s $ossi#le that the teachers only
had my #est interests at heart. ;egardless" even if that was the case"
these #est interests $ossess no em$athy" and are solely in $lace to
$rotect themselves.8
Tatsuya!s soft tone did nothing to cover his acidic assessment" causing
the originally furious $air to shrink away. This was $recisely the
cooling effect that Tatsuya aimed for" and while the method may #e
called vile" #ut alas" the result was not the most ideal.
82t the end of the day" I think that teachers shouldn!t #e mistaken in
the first $lace.8
4ust as everyone was hesitant towards what to say net" Shizuku s$oke
u$ in a singular manner that was neither su$$ortive nor critical. 6rom
the way her comment relaed the tension caused #y Tatsuya!s mocking
words" the overall effect would $ro#a#ly #e categorized as su$$ortive.
86ourth High doesn!t scoff at technical skills" #ut when com$ared to
the com#at=centric magic that would #e e$ressed in the ,ine Schools
-om$etition" they are more interested in further intricate techni(ues"
the more com$le and $rocedures the #etter.8
8Is that so: Shizuku=chan" you know (uite a lot a#out this.8
8That!s #ecause my cousin studies at 6ourth High.8
Hearing Shizuku!s answer to Mizuki" Honoka and the other four
$eo$le said 8So that!s how it is8 as they nodded. >iven that this came
from a student attending 6ourth High" this should #e a relia#le source
of information.
2s everyone $rofessed agreement to these words" they also s$routed
considera#le mistrust towards the teacher that summoned Tatsuya.
However" this grou$ of individuals wouldn!t focus their attentions on a
stranger (the teacher) who wasn!t with them at the time.
8S$eaking of which" it!s almost time for the ,ine Schools
-om$etition" right:8
9eo $ro#a#ly recalled what Shizuku was saying earlier" to which
Tatsuya nodded at his in(uiry.
8Miyuki is already com$laining. There are a lot of things to account
for" including vehicles" tools" and uniforms.8
8Isn!t Miyuki=chan also $artici$ating in the com$etition: That sounds
Mizuki wasn!t #eing overly $olite" #ut she was honestly concerned on
Miyuki!s #ehalf.
8However" Miyuki should #e a#le to cruise during the newcomers!
com$etition" so the $re$aration work should #e more intensive.8
.rika re$lied in a manner that half su$$orted and half refuted the
earlier sentiment.
83on!t #e overconfident. The scion of the Ichi*ou 6amily started
attending Third High this year.8
Shizuku!s o#*ection was a little off the mark. The official and
newcomers com$etitions in the ,ine Schools -om$etition were
se$arated #y gender" so there was no way Miyuki would go against the
young master from the Ichi*ou 6amily.
That #eing said" no one intentionally retorted at this.
8Is that so......8
8?ou say Ichi*ou" as in Ichi*ou from the Ten Master -lans:8
6rom their heartfelt e$ressions of sur$rise" this a$$eared to #e the
first time .rika and 9eo found out that someone in their year was
descended from the Ten Master -lans. Mizuki didn!t seem too
astounded" may#e she knew something a#out the 8scion of the Ichi*ou
8That might #e a tough o$$onent. That #eing said" Shizuku you sure
know a lot.8
8Shizuku is a die hard fan of !Monolith -ode!" so she watches the ,ine
Schools -om$etition every year" right:8
Honoka" who knew Shizuku as well as she knew herself" answered
.rika!s (uestion.
8......Hm" yeah.8
Hearing Honoka answer for her" the normally e$ressionless Shizuku
nodded in slight em#arrassment. Honoka owed Tatsuya a favor" so it
wasn!t sur$rising for her to #e interested in Tatsuya. However" Shizuku
was different@ she only knew Tatsuya #ecause her #est friend Honoka
was interested in him" as well as the fact that he was Miyuki!s older
#rother. Initially" Shizuku had only commented from the $eri$hery" #ut
gradually she had lowered her guard and started e$ressing herself
8,ow that you mention it" #esides the 2ll=4a$anese and the
International 5niversity Intramural" !Monolith -ode! can only #e seen
at the ,ine Schools -om$etition.8
Standing diagonally across from the em#arrassed Shizuku" Tatsuya
nodded u$on hearing Honoka!s answer" wearing an e$ression that
signified that he understood that sentiment.
,ine Schools -om$etition was an inter=school com$etition #etween
high schools affiliated with magic universities. In other words" it was
an internal com$etition that ha$$ened to #e o$en for $u#lic viewing.
That was #ecause the ,ine Schools -om$etition was one of the few
stages that $rovided magic com$etition as entertainment.
.very year" a total of '%&& students entered their first year at the nine
magic high schools.
In com$arison" there were anywhere #etween '%&& and '1&& young
men and women of age '1 every year who develo$ed enough magic
talent to #e acce$ted.
In other words" for the youths that manifested magic talent" if they
aimed to #ecome Magicians or Magic 2rtificers" almost every single
one of them would enter one of the nine magic high schools.
So the magic com$etitions at the high school level" #esides ken*utsu"
martial arts" and a few others" were com$letely mono$olized #y the
nine magic high schools.
In order to allow the general $u#lic to #etter understand and #ecome
invested in magic com$etitions" as well as to further society!s
acknowledgement of magic" the ,ine Schools -om$etition had
#ecome one of the few ma*or events to $ro$agate these ideas.
8+ur toughest o$$onent this year is going to #e Third High" right:8
Knowing this to #e Shizuku!s area of e$ertise" .rika s$ecifically
asked for her o$inion. In res$onse" Shizuku sim$ly nodded ha$$ily.
82nd this year you!re not in the audience" #ut one of the contestants"
Shizuku was Second <lace in technical skills for their year@ so even if
the official roster hadn!t #een $u#licized yet" Shizuku was like Miyuki
in that they were guaranteed to #e selected.
Hearing Mizuki!s (uestion" Shizuku (uietly nodded in res$onse" her
face illuminated with motivation.
2fter finals were over" Tatsuya s$ent almost every afternoon in the
HD of the <u#lic Morals -ommittee.
Immediately after summer vacation" the election for the new Student
-ouncil <resident would #e held.
2fter a new <resident was elected" a new <u#lic Morals -ommittee
would #e selected" along with its new corres$onding -hief #ased on
the new elections.
2ccording to tradition...... More like according to #ad ha#its" there had
never #een a smooth transfer #etween -hiefs of the -ommittee. More
often than not" the unorganized activities record and current mem#ers
were tossed to the incoming -hief to handle.
That #eing said" when Mari took over as -hief during her first year"
there was no $ro#lem with the transfer the following year. However"
the %nd ?ear students in her <u#lic Morals -ommittee had insufficient
e$erience" so Mari wished to minimize the confusion during the
transfer of $ower #etween -hiefs.
7;egarding all the documents necessary for the transfer" Mari tossed
that res$onsi#ility to Tatsuya.
8I!m starting to think I!m a goody two=shoes......8
82 goody two=shoes that!s #ad to the core: I think this dual nature of
yours is (uite interesting.8
This comment was overly $ertinent" rendering Tatsuya una#le to re$ly.
8However" this time I!m very grateful for your good side" since
without your hel$" we would only #e re$eating $ast disasters.8
Mari comforted him in this way $ro#a#ly #ecause she felt a little
guilty seeing Tatsuya silently $lugging away at his work.
?et" Tatsuya did not $ossess s$lit $ersonalities" nor was he merely
hel$ing to organize the material. He was the only one organizing the
These words achieved no comforting effect whatsoever.
8.ven so" you!ve started $re$aring for the transfer very early:8
Tatsuya asked a $iercing (uestion without sto$$ing his hands from
their work.
The documents he was $re$aring would #e com$leted in a week.
If no further in$ut of additional details was needed" this would create a
two month #uffer zone.
2lso" there was no guarantee that ma*or events or incidents would not
occur during this time $eriod.
This wasn!t the ty$e of material that should #e created as soon as
8+nce we start $re$aring for the ,ine Schools -om$etition" we won!t
have the time to com$ile this. There!s a mountain of things to do" from
verifying the roster" training" ad*usting e(ui$ment" gathering and
analyzing data" to devising strategies.8
2ll these things had nothing to do with Tatsuya.
8....../hen is the ,ine Schools -om$etition going to #e held:8
That #eing said" cutting off the conversation here would #e awkward"
so Tatsuya focused all his attention #ack onto data organization as he
asked this.
8Ten days" from 2ugust Erd to the '%th.8
8That!s (uite a long time.8
8Hm: ?ou!ve never seen it:8
8?es" since I!ve always #een #usy with errands during summer
Tatsuya!s answer thoroughly confounded Mari.
8)ut according to Mayumi" your little sister goes to see it every year"
to the $oint that she even remem#ers what events we com$eted in......8
Tatsuya almost #urst out laughing.
8,o" it!s not like we!re attached at the hi$ EF1 days a year......
+ccasionally we move se$arately as well.8
8.h: ......,o" that!s true. It!s *ust that whenever we see the two of you"
it!s like you!re always with each other.8
8S$eaking of which" we!re usually on our own at school.8
2fter Tatsuya o#*ectively $ointed this out" even if Mari!s e$ression
revealed her incom$rehension" she nevertheless still acce$ted it.
8If that!s the case" no wonder you were com$letely lost when I started
talking a#out the $re$arations for the ,ine Schools -om$etition.8
8?es" to #e honest" I don!t even know what com$etitions are #eing
held. I only know a#out !Monolith -ode! and !Mirage )at!.8
/hile it was true that he was multitasking #etween making
conversation and creating the data files" this only served as a refresher
for Tatsuya. 2nd for Mari" who was currently idle 7 or more like the
one who didn!t want to do anything 7 this was a good way to $ass the
time" so Tatsuya was more talkative than usual.
8That!s #ecause those two are the most famous......8
Mari tilted her head" as if she didn!t know where to start. She held her
fist #efore her mouth" as if she were a#out to cough (#ut didn!t actually
make the coughing sound).
8The contests in the ,ine Schools -om$etition focus on the events in
athletic magic contests that re(uire more Magic <ower.8
8This I know.8
Tatsuya re$lied without sto$$ing his fingers from working.
8In the $ast" they would change the events every com$etition" #ut
recent years have seen the same contests every year.
There are si contestsA !Monolith -ode!" !Mirage )at!" !Icicle
3estruction!" !S$eed Shooting!" !-rowd )all!" and !)attle )oard!.
Ken*utsu" -hinese magic martial arts and other com#at related
contests" as well as athletic com$etitions like gymnastics and
#asket#all are held at a different event.8
83oesn!t !-rowd )all! and !)attle )oard! rely heavily on $hysical
8?es. Magicians are only human" so there!s no reason to undervalue
$hysical ca$a#ilities. .ven in ' on ' duels #etween Magicians" there
are cases where the individual with the su$erior $hysical a#ilities has
emerged victorious. I!m sure I don!t need to ela#orate on this $oint.8
8That!s true.8
Tatsuya knew this very well" so his agreement with Mari!s words was
truly heartfelt.
8+f the si contests" only !Monolith -ode! is a team event" the other
five are solo acts.8
8Isn!t !-rowd )all! a two man show:8
8This is where the ,ine Schools -om$etition gets evil. In order to
em$hasize the im$ortance of Magic <ower" this contest has a solo
$erformance rule. I have a #ooklet that summarizes the rules" want to
take a look:8
8Sure" I!ll take a look later.8
Tatsuya sto$$ed ty$ing and acce$ted a small #ooklet from Mari.
8Huh" a hard co$y. How strange.8
82nything related to the ,ine Schools -om$etition wouldn!t #e
sur$rising. Girtual terminals would hurt the Magic <ower!s conce$tual
foundation. +n the other hand" #esides Magicians" there are very few
$eo$le that actually use su#stantial terminal devices" and the num#er
of Magicians using virtual terminals has also increased.8
8I see" so that!s why the ,ine Schools -om$etition uses hard co$ies
instead of terminal devices.8
8.h: So Tatsuya=kun $refers the usage of virtual terminals:8
She $ro#a#ly heard the critical elements in Tatsuya!s undertone.
/ith Mari!s normally #rash manner and her amusing tendency to #e
8$oor at organizing8" it was easy to forget that she was a very
$erce$tive individual.
Tatsuya took this under consideration and selected his words 7
without sto$$ing his ty$ing motions 7 more $rudently.
8There is some #asis that virtual terminals negatively im$act
Magicians that have not reached maturity. .s$ecially for students
under twenty that are still develo$ing their $ower" I think they should
avoid using virtual models. )ut for adult Magicians whose Magic
<ower has #een fully develo$ed" I don!t feel that there!s any reason to
sto$ them from using virtual models.8
8......That!s another way to look at it. 6orcing adults to a#andon the
efficiency gained from virtual models sim$ly #ecause it $oses harm to
children seems a little overkill.8
There was a #rief lull in the conversation. Tatsuya was #usy reviewing
the information he in$utted on the screen" so he had no way of
discerning Mari!s current e$ression" #ut he guessed that she would #e
considering his earlier comment.
,o matter how ridiculously she usually acted" there was no way for
her to disguise her inner sense of righteousness.
6or some reason" that fact caused Tatsuya to smile a #it.
8....../e!ve drifted off to$ic.8
Mari seemed to have arrived at some conclusion of her own #efore she
turned the conversation #ack to the ,ine Schools -om$etition without
any forewarning.
8The com$etition is se$arated into the +fficial and ,ewcomer
3ivisions" each re(uiring '& men and women" for a grand total of H&.
+nly 'st ?ear students may $artici$ate in the ,ewcomer 3ivision
while the +fficial 3ivision has no restrictions. That #eing said" each
contestant may $erform only in two contests" so no 'st ?ear student
has ever com$eted in the +fficial 3ivision. .ven if it wasn!t in the
rules" there!s no way for 'st ?ear students to stand u$ against the
fire$ower of a %nd or Erd ?ear student.
5ntil last year" the ,ewcomers 3ivision was not se$arated #y gender"
#ut from this year onward" #oth the +fficial and ,ewcomers 3ivision
will #e. 2lso until last year" no 'st ?ear female student had to com$ete
in multi$le contests" #ut that may #e unavoida#le this year.8
Mari!s words were out of concern for Miyuki" which was o#vious
without naming her aloud.
-ontinuously $artici$ating in magic com$etitions was etremely
taing on the female #ody. .ven though Miyuki had undergone
training #eyond that of a normal $erson" her $hysical stature was #y
nature more fee#le. It would $ro#a#ly #e #est that he $rovided as
much aid as he could" Tatsuya thought.
8+f the si contests" four are not gender s$ecific. !Monolith -ode! is
men only and !Mirage )at! is women only...... Since !Monolith -ode! is
the only event where live com#at is guaranteed" it!s not sur$rising that
the event is men only.8
Mari might have #een saying this" #ut her facial e$ression clearly
didn!t agree.
2ccording to the information Tatsuya gathered from the <u#lic Moral
-ommittee" Mari!s magic s$ecialized in anti=$ersonnel com#at" so she
must have resented #eing ecluded from this $articular event.
8The maimum num#er of $artici$ants $er contest is three from each
school" with men and women calculated se$arately. So including the
+fficial and ,ewcomers 3ivision" 1 men and women have to select
two of the five events while the other five can $artici$ate only in one.
2s for deciding who com$etes in which events" that is #ased on
whether skilled contestants should only focus on emerging victorious
in one event" or maimizing $rofit #y a$$lying for two events@ and
then there is considering where the o$$osing aces will go" and who
they will go u$ against...... Since this is a team=#ased com$etition" all
of these details are very im$ortant.8
8+f course.8
8)esides the contestants" the ,ine Schools -om$etition allows each
school to #ring four $eo$le as tactical advisers" #ut not every school
takes advantage of this o$tion. +ur school always #rings the
maimum amount of $ersonnel each year" #ut schools such as Third
High o$t to waive the tactical su$$ort when com$eting" relying solely
on their contestants to decide their tactics.8
8?et" ironically" they are our toughest o$$onent.8
8/e!ve only lost to them twice" once three years ago and the other
time seven years ago. The ,ine 2rts -om$etition switched to a
summer format ten years ago. Since then" there have #een 0
com$etitions. +ur school was the cham$ion 1 times" Third High twice"
and Second High and ,inth High have each won once.8
8I #elieve this year!s goal is for a three=$eat:8
8That!s right. 6or us Erd ?ear students" securing the cham$ionshi$ is
the true victory.8
-urrently" the Erd ?ear students at 6irst High were known collectively
as 8the strongest era8.
Saegusa Mayumi" 4uumon*i Katsuto" /atana#e Mari.
Two of them were directly connected to the Ten Master -lans" while
the third $ossessed similar talent.
4ust the fact that all three of them were in the same year at the same
school was an amazing coincidence. In addition" the cam$us also
#oasted several students that were (ualified for ;ank 2 in high school
(they were una#le to o#tain their licenses due to limited e$erience"
#ut their raw a#ility alone was sufficient for their ranking #ased on
international standards).
.ven #efore the official roster for the ,ine Schools -om$etition had
#een announced" 6irst High was already seen as the favorite to re$eat
as cham$ions.
.ven if the underground gam#lers were using the ,ine Schools
-om$etition as a setting" no one was taking odds for 6irst High 7
that!s how overwhelmingly $owerful their grou$ was.
8I hear that if everything goes according to $lan" our school!s victory
is a foregone conclusion:8
8<ro#a#ly. There are no concerns on the contestants! end. .ven taking
the ,ewcomers 3ivision into consideration" as long as there!s no
ma*or misha$" we should win off the $oints from the +fficial 3ivision.
If there were any real concerns" I!d say it would #e engineers.8
8.ngineers: ?ou mean $eo$le res$onsi#le for -23 maintenance:8
8.actly" ece$t the official term from the ,ine Schools -om$etition
is Technicians. The -23s used at the ,ine Schools -om$etition must
#e universally ada$ta#le" so only models that fit the criteria are
allowed. +n the other hand" there are only restrictions on the hardware
itself" there are no restrictions on software. How well individual -23s
can #e synchronized to the a$$ro$riate contestant and whether the
maintenance can #ring out the contestant!s maimum $otential are
a#solutely decisive in determining victory.8
How fast an 2ctivation Se(uence initializes was entirely reliant on the
-23!s hardware" #ut the efficiency of Magic Se(uences was heavily
influenced #y the design of the -23!s software. >iven that a single
second could s$ell the difference #etween victory and defeat in
athletic com$etitions" a $ro$erly devised software $rogram was of
vital im$ortance.
)y no means did this im$ly that the more intricate the design was or
the more $rocesses that were used" the #etter the software #ecomes.
Software that sur$assed the $rocessing $ower would cause more harm
than good #y o#structing the hardware itself.
>iven that there was a glass ceiling for hardware" the selection and
allocation of software #ecame even more im$ortant.
Tatsuya #elieved that" under these conditions" the com$etition results
could change dramatically #ased on the engineers! skills.
8;ight now" there!s a dearth of talented engineers in Erd ?ear when
com$ared to (ualified contestants. Mayumi and 4uumon*i are ca$a#le
of maintaining their own -23s so they won!t have $ro#lems during
the com$etition" #ut......8
In other words" Mari did not ecel in this category.
Tatsuya accurately read the inference #ehind Mari!s vague words #ut"
$recisely #ecause he understood" he chose to say nothing.
He allowed his attention to drift away from Mari!s small talk and focus
#ack onto the data files.
Im$rovements in central control of $u#lic transit had led to the
com$lete overhaul of the trolley system" with trolley cars #ecoming
the $rimary source of $u#lic trans$ortation within the city $ro$er. The
cars on the tracks were com$letely controlled #y a central o$erating
room in order to ensure safety" ease of access" and the a#ility to
com#at the high volume demanded.
+n the other hand" the advancement of the $u#lic trans$ortation
system had not $roceeded as $lanned. The $rogram for connecting all
the highways had already #een in$utted into the system" #ut most of
the normal roads and e$ressways within city limits were still
controlled #y the city and had not reached a national level.
In com$arison" the 2I for driver assistance had im$roved dramatically.
2s long as they hadn!t #een illegally modified" modern cars were
inca$a#le of causing accidents even if they tried (Katsuto!s car was
a#le to directly im$act )lanche!s HD #ecause that was a military
Gehicles e$orted to other nations also $ossessed the same 2I system"
allowing smaller countries to also #enefit from this system even
though they didn!t have the ca$a#ility to develo$ it themselves" which
in turn lowered the fre(uency of accidents even further. 6rom an
international stand$oint" individual control systems trum$ed central
control systems.
3es$ite this" there was still a $rice to $ay. ,ew drivers 7 or to $ut it
#luntly" #ad drivers 7 wouldn!t run the risk of causing accidents" #ut
it was easier for them to cause traffic *ams. .ven if consecutive
crashes could #e avoided" there was no avoiding situations where
everyone slammed on the #rakes" so this result was only natural.
To $revent this 7 at least on the outside 7 even if there wasn!t a
$ressing need for safety" driver!s licenses were still mandatory.
,et to his new electric #ike" Tatsuya was waiting for his little sister
to arrive.
Tatsuya had $urchased this #ike after o#taining his license in early
2$ril. Though the $urchase was strictly for $ractical $ur$oses rather
than *oy rides" the #ike had still accrued considera#le mileage. .ven
so" Tatsuya regularly maintained the #ike every day" so even after two
months" the #ike was still in mint condition.
8+nii=sama" sorry for the wait.8
5$on hearing the voice" Tatsuya shifted his gaze over as the headlights
illuminated his sister!s slim #ody.
Miyuki!s long hair was done u$ in a #un while she wore a #iker!s suit
in the same fashion as Tatsuya!s own. The custom fit suit hugged her
curves" hinting at the fullness of her womanly charms.
2s Tatsuya $ut the helmet on Miyuki!s head" Miyuki smoothly lifted
her chin. His little sister!s seemingly natural motion caused Tatsuya to
wryly grin" #ut he still #uckled on the chin stra$ for her.
Miyuki shrank her neck as if ticklish" to which Tatsuya res$onded with
a smile as he $ut on his own helmet #efore clim#ing a#oard.
He took out his goggles" then motioned Miyuki to hold on tight.
Tatsuya verified that Miyuki was holding on to his waist and that she
was $ressed against his #ack #efore ad*usting his goggles and raising
the out$ut of the continuous motion device (e(uivalent to the gas
$edal of motor vehicles).
The electric #ike that the si#lings rode s$ed away #eneath the night
Their destination was ?akumo!s tem$le.
However" the one training tonight was Miyuki and not Tatsuya.
Miyuki had already #een selected as a $artici$ant in the ,ine Schools
-om$etition" so additional $re$aration was necessary.
The events in the ,ine Schools -om$etition heavily em$hasized the
need for magic talent" #ut at the same time did not wholly ignore
$hysical characteristics. In the 8)attle )oard8 event" contestants with
faster reflees and a #etter sense of #alance held the advantage" while
the 8-rowd )all8 event re(uired a good #alance #etween tactics and
6or Miyuki" who ecelled in S$eed and 6reezing Magics" 8Icicle
3estruction8 was almost s$ecifically designed to show off her talents.
6orget the ,ewcomers 3ivision" she could $ro#a#ly cruise to victory
even in the +fficial 3ivision.
However" with the individual contests s$lit #y gender causing the
num#er of events to increase" Miyuki was also going to $artici$ate in
the 8Mirage )at8 event" where she would have to 8use a #at to s$lit
o$en the #alls of light floating in the air8.
Miyuki also received martial training from ?akumo alongside Tatsuya"
so her frail frame #elied her su$er# $hysical status. .ven so" given that
there weren!t many o$$ortunities lately for her to eercise" this
training served as a $recaution for the main event.
Tatsuya turned off the engine near the entrance #efore $ushing the
vehicle into the tem$le. 2fter leaving the vehicle in the tem$le garage"
the two of them went to greet ?akumo.
2t this hour" ?akumo should #e doing night training with his disci$les.
4ust as they e$ected" as they a$$roached the darkened do*o" they
could detect various concealed $resences" as well as the occasional
footste$ that couldn!t #e com$letely muffled and the sounds of #odies
hitting the floor.
Tatsuya slowly $ried o$en the ancient doors to avoid distracting the
disci$les from training.
.ven though the door o$ened without a sound" a kunai still came
flying towards them. Tatsuya used the #lade=$roof and #ullet=$roof
*acket to deflect it #efore $ulling out a lead #all concealed in his #iker
suit and firing #ack.
However" Tatsuya!s 8mar#le8 (a ty$e of concealed wea$on that is
hurtled using finger force alone" from the same system as 8$oint #all8)
didn!t seem like it hit the target.
8Tatsuya" it looks like your mar#les haven!t im$roved much. 3on!t
think magic is enough to cut it" you need to $ractice your $ro*ectile
wea$ons as well. However" you made the correct decision in
deflecting the kunai rather than catching it.8
There was no detecta#le $resence" only the voice.
Tatsuya didn!t aim right in front of him where the voice came from"
#ut instead fired a second mar#le towards the rightmost wall.
8+h ho:8
2ccom$anying this sur$rised shout" a force ri$$led outwards from the
s$ot Tatsuya aimed at.
Tatsuya (uickly $ut an arm around Miyuki and s$rang #ackwards.
2 s$lit second later" a $itch #lack sword wave slashed down vertically
from the ceiling a#ove" #arely missing Tatsuya!s #ack #y a hair as he
covered his little sister.
Tatsuya (uickly ste$$ed forward with one foot.
2 #okken $ainted com$letely #lack was rendered com$letely still with
Tatsuya firmly stam$ing on it.
?akumo a#andoned the idea of striking a second time as he let go of
his immo#ile wea$on.
8......Sensei" you have such an interesting way of greeting $eo$le.8
8......I should #e the one saying that. /asn!t your mar#le filled with
killing intent:8
Master and disci$le faced one another in the darkness" #efore
simultaneously #reaking out into evil laughter.
Tucked inside Tatsuya!s #osom" Miyuki was #lushing furiously.
Thankfully" that was difficult to discern in the surrounding darkness
7 at least that was what Miyuki thought" #ut Tatsuya had already
noticed due to #eing in contact with her stiff #ody" while ?akumo had
detected this through her erratic #reathing.
Somewhere within the tem$le illuminated #y torches in the four
corners" in a $lace usually reserved for homa ceremonies (this tem$le
should #e under Hisanyama!s *urisdiction" #ut Tatsuya and Miyuki
have never seen ?akumo chant sutras or $ray to )uddha)" the area was
faintly lit #y #lue light" with or#s glowing with a dim red light softly
dancing in the sky.
)ecause this was a tem$le" any ignorant $asser#y may mistake this
scene for the $resence of s$irits" #ut fortunately there was no one else
2 slender" long shadow $assed through the #lue light" and one or# of
light vanished into nothing.
Two or#s" three or#s" the difference in color started to increase.
That mesmerizing figure was chasing the floating or#s at an energetic
and une$ected $ace" then swiftly #isecting them with the short rod in
her hand.
2fter s$litting thirty or#s" Tatsuya signaled Miyuki to take a #reak.
Inside" the interior only contained a s(uare #arrier drawn with
(uicklime that measured a#out '' meters on the side 7 the raw $ower
necessary to only draw four white lines to form a #arrier was nothing
short of astounding 7 Tatsuya #rought a large tea cu$ towards where
?akumo was standing as he #rought down the seals.
,ormally" Miyuki was the one res$onsi#le for #ringing tea to the
$anting ?akumo" #ut Tatsuya took over that duty today.
That was #ecause tonight Miyuki was in a similar state while standing
on the other side of the white line.
8Sensei" thank you. ,ot *ust for lending the location" #ut also for
training my little sister as well.8
2fter handing the tea to ?akumo" Tatsuya #owed dee$ly in gratitude"
to which ?akumo nodded generously.
8There!s a colossal difference #etween attacking illusions and striking
actual targets. Miyuki is also one of my cute students" so there!s no
way I would decline to hel$.8
There was $ro#a#ly too much em$hasis on the word 8cute8" #ut
Tatsuya decided to let it slide until after the ,ine Schools
Illusion magic was one area where 8nin*itsu8 ecelled" to the $oint that
the s$eed" accuracy" and movements of the illusions sur$assed those
created #y modern magics. Modern magic had the advantage in terms
of s$eed of activation and variety of s$ells availa#le" #ut within
s$ecialized $arameters" there were many areas that could not com$are
with 2ncient Magic.
Tatsuya only had access to a few magics" so he was una#le to use
?akumo!s illusion 8/ill +!wis$8 to re$lace $ro*ectors.
8Miyuki" should we sto$ here:8
Tatsuya asked as he handed a drink to his sister who was still $anting"
#ut Miyuki shook her head and took a si$ to wet her throat.
8If sensei is okay" I want to continue.8
8I don!t mind" though shouldn!t Tatsuya also give !/ill +!wis$! a try:8
8,o" I...... will $ass.8
Tatsuya could a$$roimately guess the reason #ehind ?akumo!s smirk.
Tatsuya #riefly entertained the idea of s$oiling ?akumo!s fun" #ut
refrained after taking into account that Miyuki!s training took
8Is that so" eh" oh well.8
?akumo revealed a truly regretful e$ression" #ut that wasn!t enough
to hide his mischievous smirk.
Seeing this" Tatsuya was certain that declining the earlier offer was the
right choice.
?akumo transformed his evil smirk into a kind and a$$roacha#le smile
as he turned #ack to face Miyuki.
8Then let!s #egin.8
8?es" sensei.8
Miyuki #owed to signal that she was $re$ared to continue.
Tatsuya had long since recovered their res$ective tea cu$s.
4ust as Miyuki stood in the middle of the s(uare anchored #y #onfires
and ?akumo was a#out to start casting illusions......
8/ho!s there:8
2nother $erson!s $resence entered the scene.
The one who called out was Tatsuya.
,o" the order was actually reversed.
To su$$lement the training" Tatsuya linked his sensory a#ility to the
information dimension" allowing him to (uickly catch wind of a
foreign element #eing introduced into the area. The moment Tatsuya
challenged the silent $atch of darkness" another $erson!s $resence
a#ru$tly materialized.
82h" Haruka.8
?akumo greeted the $resence in an unconcerned manner.
Tatsuya and Miyuki were #oth familiar with this name.
The figure that walked into the flickering light $ossessed a much more
mature aura than Miyuki.
She was the counselor from the Magic 5niversity affiliated 6irst High
7 +no Haruka.
9ikely due to the fact that she was wearing the same dark #odysuit
that Miyuki was wearing" it seemed that the curves of her chest and
waist were more accentuated than usual.
2s Miyuki followed the direction of Tatsuya!s gaze" a trace of concern
flashed across her features. However" #efore she could nudge her
#rother with her el#ow" she noticed the cold" steely gaze in her
#rother!s eyes and swiftly regained her com$osure.
The reason why Tatsuya was carefully scrutinizing Haruka!s #ody was
to ascertain Haruka!s $hysical ca$a#ilities.
8Tatsuya" no need to #e so wary" Haruka is also one of my students.8
8)ut you weren!t nearly as kind during my training as com$ared to
Haruka!s voice was slightly mocking" which *arred against her
dangerous a$$earance that could easily #e swallowed in the darkness.
8That #eing said" I know that sensei is another story" #ut to think that I
was discovered #y Shi#a=kun" has my techni(ue regressed so much:8
8Haruka" lying to yourself isn!t a good ha#it. If you lie too often" you
will lose track of your own thoughts as well.8
8Shi#a=kun said the same thing to me.8
8+h" looks like I said something unnecessary. 2nyways" let!s set this
aside for now. Haruka!s cloaking was almost $erfect" so there!s no
need to stress a#out that. If you really think that your skills have
regressed" that is.8
Haruka revealed a model $erfunctory smile and acce$ted ?akumo!s
hinted gaze.
She shouldn!t #e a#le to get off that easily" nor should she have
$lanned to do so in the first $lace.
Seeing ?akumo!s smirking e$ression" this was $ro#a#ly how the two
of them normally interacted.
8Tatsuya didn!t detect your $resence normally. He has a $air of s$ecial
!eyes! that are different from ours" so if you want to fool him" you need
to disguise your $resence rather than try to hide it.8
8I see...... I!ll take that under advisement.8
8It!s your turn to answer my (uestion.8
The two of them were acting out a master and disci$le discussion
using Tatsuya as the su#*ect. 5na#le to harness his irritation" Tatsuya
intentionally #roke in with a dis$leased tone.
8Hm...... It is unfair to give only Haruka information. ?ou don!t mind"
right" Haruka:8
?akumo intentionally let out a 8Hm......8 sound to create an o$ening"
#ut given his current attitude" it was o#vious that he was calculating
when Tatsuya would interru$t them. In res$onse to ?akumo turning
the conversation towards her" Haruka immediately shrugged her
shoulders and re$liedA
8.ven if I said no" you guys would $ro#a#ly discuss this when I!m not
here" right:8
.ssentially" Haruka had already given u$ on hiding.
8Since the $erson in (uestion has given her consent" then I!ll go
ahead...... Haruka is an investigator for <u#lic Safety.8
?akumo!s e$lanation was very sim$le" as *ust this alone would #e
sufficient. .ven so" Tatsuya ho$ed that ?akumo would take it a ste$
8Hm: ?ou don!t look very sur$rised.8
However" ?akumo $osed a (uestion of his own.
It a$$eared that he was e$ecting the Shi#a si#lings to #e astonished.
,ot *ust Tatsuya" #ut even Miyuki acce$ted Haruka!s real identity
without #atting an eyelid" which sur$rised ?akumo considera#ly" or
$erha$s it would #e more a$$ro$riate to say that it disa$$ointed
?akumo considera#ly.
8I have my own information network" so I know that +no=sensei isn!t
military. ;uling that out" the only $ossi#ilities were <u#lic Safety
(<olice 3e$artment of <u#lic Safety)" Internal 2ffairs (-a#inet
2gency of 3ata Su$ervision)" or foreign s$y.8
Tatsuya!s answer caused ?akumo to furrow his #rows.
8;ather than saying information network" it!s more like !he! $rovided
you with that information. Is that okay:...... >iven his $osition" he
may #e dishonora#ly discharged for leaking confidential information
to a high school student.8
That #eing said" ?akumo!s $erfectly calm e$ression clearly showed
that he wasn!t overly concerned.
8In terms of $osition" sensei is roughly the same...... So" +no=sensei is
<u#lic Safety!s undercover agent in the guise of a counselor to
investigate the anti=government activities centered around )lanche
within the 6irst High cam$us" did I get that right so far:8
Tatsuya asked this to verify his hy$othesis regarding Haruka.
)ut Haruka res$onded with the definite negative.
8It!s true that I!m <u#lic Safety!s undercover agent" #ut I didn!t
disguise myself as a counselor. In chronological order" my current
su$erior a$$roached me while I was thinking a#out #ecoming a
counselor" and I #ecame a s$ecial investigator for <u#lic Safety after I
arrived at 6irst High. Two years ago" I s$ent one year under ?akumo=
sensei" so Tatsuya=kun is actually my senior.8
8.ven though you only studied for one year" your cloaking a#ility is
(uite $roficient.8
8That is my magic s$ecialty" even if I can!t use any other magic. This
is also the reason why my su$erior rates me highly.8
8......I see" you!re a )S ()orn S$ecialized) Magician:8
8I dislike that term.8
Haruka $outed and turned her head like a young school girl throwing a
tantrum" causing Tatsuya to #reak into a smile.
)S Magicians" also known as )S a#ility users" could also #e called
innate a#ility users or innate magic s$ecialists. This was #ecause they
ecelled at a $articular a#ility" #ut #ecause of this etreme
s$ecialization" they were una#le to use magic techni(ues like other
Magicians of the same level.
2s could #e seen from the malicious la#el 8the '&' tricks of )S
users8" )S Magicians occu$ied a lower social stratum than normal
Magicians" #ut their uni(ue a#ility was $ractically im$ossi#le for
other $eo$le to imitate. .ven if someone could accom$lish this" they
were una#le to re$licate the same level of (uality )S users were
ca$a#le of. If $ro$erly matched with their s$ecialty" they often
out$erformed the generic 8omni$otent8 Magicians.
8;ather than #eing a *ack of all trades" I!d rather #e a master of one.
However" that!s a matter of Haruka=sensei!s $ers$ective.8
2s soon as Tatsuya said this" he realized that the student and counselor
$ositions had #een reversed. However" given that this was off cam$us
and they certainly weren!t in class at this hour" this shouldn!t have #een
a $ro#lem.
<ro#a#ly noticing the same thing" Haruka sto$$ed her tantrum" #ut she
was still unha$$y with the situation.
8Shi#a=kun" this was a s$ecial circumstance" #ut my identity as a
secret investigator remains highly classified" so $lease don!t tell
anyone else.8
Tatsuya!s immediate reaction was that there was little meaning in
doing so.
If she was only an undercover agent for <u#lic Safety" the Ten Master
-lans would know anyways.
.rika" whose family had close ties with the $olice" likely knew
9ikewise" Tatsuya had long since caught on to the fact that Haruka
was an agent of some kind" he *ust hadn!t #een certain which
organization she was affiliated with.
It was entirely $ossi#le that Haruka was the only one who #elieved her
identity was a secret" #ut Tatsuya didn!t ver#alize this.
He merely re$lied to the re(uest in this fashionA
8I understand" I!ll kee$ it under wra$s. Though it might #e
$resum$tious to ask for this in return" #ut if something similar to what
occurred in 2$ril is on the horizon" could you let me know the details
ahead of time:8
8......That!s fine. 9et!s go with that mutually #eneficial relationshi$.8
The two of them shook hands" each nursing their own agenda.
It went without saying that #esides magic" magic high schools still
fielded a full curriculum.
This included $hysical education" which involved using com$etition
to light the flames of youthful ardor to ridiculous levels" a scene that
had yet to change.
Today!s class activity was foot#all.
The encyclo$edia!s entry was as followsA This is a s$ort derived from
soccer" with similar rules" that is $layed on a field surrounded #y a
large #o with numerous tiny holes in it. The only nota#le differences
are that $layers wear a head $rotector" and head and hand contact are
$rohi#ited (2lso" the com$etition format where $layers 8com$ete in a
trans$arent #o8 was one of the defining characteristics of $ost=%&I&
23 athletics.)
+ccasionally" this contest was also held with magic involved" #ut
generally magic was ruled out" and today was no ece$tion.
6oot#all was $layed with a lightweight" highly resilient #all that
#ounced off the walls and ceiling. The #all re#ounded left and right at
high s$eeds" much like a $ing $ong #all" as $layers chased after it in
order to make the shot against the o$$osing goal. It was a s$ort that
demanded #oth incredi#le agility and considera#le strength. In
addition" the highly stimulating eercise was a $o$ular s$ort for
The female students from 'st ?ear -lasses . and 6 were currently
taking a #reak and" com$letely ignoring their own curriculum" were
#usy cheering on the male students.
8Move" move" get outta my wayB8
9eo was charging towards the #all that no one was covering.
The #all used in foot#all was highly dynamic" so it was etremely
difficult to dri##le with it" hence that action was rarely seen.
>enerally" the five $layers on a team used the walls or ceiling to make
$asses" so the energy e$ended #y recovering the #all often decided
victory or defeat.
-rossing the entire field" 9eo $assed the #all to Tatsuya in midfield
with the force of a shot.
If he tried to tra$ the #all with his chest or a#domen he might #e
knocked to the floor" so Tatsuya kicked the #all directly u$wards"
allowing the #all to lose some its force from the re#ound on the ceiling
#efore tra$$ing it neatly #eneath his foot.
2fter receiving this $ass with machine=like efficiency" Tatsuya sent the
#all careening off the wall" using the re#ound to $ass the #all.
2long the ais of the re#ound stood another slim youth. ;ather than
calling him slender" he may have #een more accurately descri#ed as
well=#uilt. -urrently" he fearlessly received Tatsuya!s high=s$eed $ass
in one motion.
2nd immediately shot on the enemy goal.
The electric chime signaled the goal" accom$anied #y the cheers of the
watching female students.
8That guy isn!t #ad.8
9eo #luntly $raised the youth as he stood net to Tatsuya.
8?es" accurate $rediction of the flight $ath" and his a$$earance #elies
his agility.8
Tatsuya was faintly sur$rised #y the #oy!s $hysical a#ilities" which
sur$assed his e$ectations. They had #een in the same class for E
months" so today wasn!t the first time they were in $hysical education
together. Tatsuya $reviously #elieved that he had an accurate gras$ of
the #oy!s a#ilities on some level" and his earlier $ass was ad*usted
accordingly" #ut this $erson 7 ?oshida Mikihiko!s actions showed
that he was more than meets the eye.
There were only a mere %1 students in class" so it was natural that
everyone knew each other!s names.
2lso" Tatsuya knew more than *ust a name.
?oshida Mikihiko came from a $restigious family renowned for
2ncient Magic 7 he was a direct descendant of the ?oshida 6amily.
The ?oshida 6amily $ossessed a ,on=Systematic 2ncient Magic
called 8S$irit Magic8" and it was rumored that they $assed on their
traditional methods of training as well. >iven that it was a traditional
method of $ractice" arduous la#or was $ro#a#ly at the center of it. If
so" mem#ers of that family would naturally $ossess highly ca$a#le
$hysical s$ecifications.
The cause of Tatsuya!s sur$rise was that Mikihiko!s a$$earance gave
no hint of this whatsoever.
S$ecialists that ecelled in concealing their $ower always $o$ u$ in
the most une$ected $laces......
/ith that in mind" Tatsuya sent the incoming $ass s$iraling towards
the enemy goal.
/ith Tatsuya and com$any dominating the floor" their team easily
cruised to a crushing victory.
Tatsuya returned to the o#servation area and sat down with 9eo near
?oshida Mikihiko.
8,icely done.8
)y the time Tatsuya s$oke u$" his #reathing had #ecome $erfectly
8?ou guys as well.8
4ust like Tatsuya" ?oshida Mikihiko!s #reathing wasn!t ragged.
Tatsuya hadn!t formed social links with every classmate" likely
#ecause his $ersonality was the ty$e that usually ignored others. This
caused a $ortion of his $eers to see him as a cold individual. So only
a#out half of 'st ?ear -lass . was willing to converse with him.
However" Mikihiko was even more etreme in his aloofness and"
including himself" Tatsuya had never seen him s$eak with any of their
mutual $eers. +n enrollment day" he was the first one to leave the
classroom #y himself. .ven 9eo" who moved in social circles much
#roader than Tatsuya did" only nodded to Mikihiko in $assing until
8?oshida" you!re $retty good. 3on!t take this the wrong way" #ut I was
(uite sur$rised.8
Mikihiko!s $erformance seemed to have reminded 9eo of something"
so he asked Tatsuya 7 Tatsuya etended the greeting first" #ut it was
9eo who had suggested it 7 to sit near Mikihiko.
9eo!s welcoming tone might cause some $eo$le to think he was #eing
overly familiar.
That #eing said" it seemed that Mikihiko warmed to 9eo!s direct
8I don!t like it when $eo$le refer to me #y my family name" so *ust call
me #y name.8
)efore" he never re$lied in such a friendly manner.
8+kay" then call me 9eo.8
.ven if the num#er of those full class activities from the $revious
generation had decreased" it was still strange to have this sort of
conversation E months into the school year.
Mikihiko!s school life was *ust like that" caused #y the towering wall
he erected #etween himself and the rest of the class.
May#e this was only #rought on #y the ehilaration following
strenuous eercise" causing him to #e in a more generous mood" #ut
this most definitely was an ecellent o$$ortunity.
8May I call you Mikihiko too: ?ou can of course refer to me as
8+kay" Tatsuya.8
Mikihiko re$lied in a comforta#le tone" #ut his e$ression was slightly
82ctually" I wanted to talk to you a long time ago.8
Im$ressions are a curious thing. Sometimes first im$ressions are
im$ermuta#le regardless of what you do" #ut other times a single
sentence is sufficient to dramatically change an im$ression you held
until this moment.
In Tatsuya!s mind" Mikihiko!s im$ression turned from 8anti=social8 to
8/hat a coincidence" that makes two of us.8
They entered the school as -ourse % students 7 re$lacements" #ut
were still a#le to secure the to$ and third scores in their entire year.
.ven if the school em$hasized technical skills" it was im$ossi#le for
the two of them not to take interest in the other.
8......Somehow" I feel ecluded.8
The thing was" first ignoring the fact that Mikihiko didn!t know them
very well" 9eo didn!t think Tatsuya was interested in this classmate
solely on the strength of his scores. ;ather" 9eo noticed that there was
something odd #etween the two of them" thus leading to the feeling of
However" Mikihiko!s net sentence swiftly dis$elled that notion.
89eo" you worry too much" I wanted to talk to you too.8
The reason was not #ecause of any real conversation" #ut #ecause
Mikihiko was at heart a kind $erson" as could #e seen from his
comforting words.
8,o matter how you slice it" anyone with the $atience to deal with
.rika is a rare find indeed.8
It was Mikihiko!s turn to emotionally e$ress himself.
8......That!s a little hard to swallow.8
9eo!s face grew longer the more he heard Mikihiko talk a#out .rika
like they were a cou$le" which caused #oth Tatsuya and Mikihiko to
#urst out laughing. However" Tatsuya had a few reservations a#out
Mikihiko!s comment as he recalled the reason why Mikihiko drew his
attention in the first $lace.
8So Mikihiko" you knew .rika a while #ack:8
There was no ulterior motive #ehind this (uestion. So when Tatsuya
saw Mikihiko!s 85h ohB8 e$ression" he (uickly changed the su#*ect.
8Kind of" I guess we!re childhood friends:8
8.rika" why the (uestion mark at the end:8
>iven that the $erson in (uestion was $resent" Tatsuya!s concerns
(uickly faded.
8/e met when we were ten" so technically we!re not childhood
friends. To to$ it off" not only has he #een avoiding me in class" we
haven!t seen each other outside of cam$us for the last si months.8
.rika!s answer to Mizuki!s (uestion suddenly thrust her into the
middle of Tatsuya and com$any!s conversation.
8Hey" Tatsuya=kun" what do you think:8
2fterwards" .rika suddenly sought Tatsuya!s o$inion in her normal as=
she=$leases manner.
8This should count as childhood friends" right:8
+n some level" given the way Tatsuya res$onded with no hesitation
whatsoever" the same charge could #e leveled at him.
?et" the reason why 9eo and Mikihiko were una#le to utter a single
word wasn!t #ecause they were struck s$eechless #y .rika #arging in
without any consideration to others. Their widened eyes clearly
testified to this $oint.
In %&01 23" fashion and $ro$er decorum demanded that any trace of
e$osed flesh #e covered in $u#lic. Since school was considered a
$u#lic environment" even if it was in summer" women were still
o#ligated to wear *ackets and a colorless" im$enetra#le $air of tights or
leggings #eneath their dresses.
That #eing said" these rules didn!t a$$ly to athletic uniforms" so
athletic clu#s suffered no $enalty or criticism for revealing their hands
or legs with their uniform" and $hysical education classes were also
not #ound #y this rule. 6or eam$le" Tatsuya and the other male
students were currently wearing shorts that did not etend to their
knees while Mizuki was wearing a fairly long $air of rhythm $ants"
which was the standard uniform for $hysical education.
+n the other hand" .rika was......
)oth of her legs were com$letely uncovered.
6rom the thighs down" everything was revealed to the sweltering
summer air. Her $ants had no length to s$eak of whatsoever. 6inally"
the T=shirt she wore #arely etended over the $ants" giving the
im$ression she was wearing only her underwear.
Her tight thighs showed no signs of coarse muscle" its reddish tint
caused #y the sun only served to em#ellish and accentuate its original
white cali#er.
8.rika" why are you dressed like thatB8
Mikihiko finally reclaimed his wits as his voice s$iked" though the
unavoida#le #lush on his face had nothing to do with the 5G rays the
sun was giving off. There were $lenty of o$$ortunities to see a $air of
legs outside of school" so it wasn!t like Mikihiko was a com$lete
$rude" #ut the 8co(uettish8 air that .rika!s legs were giving off was
enough to cause almost any of her male $eers to lose their com$osure.
8/hat" this is the traditional women!s athletic uniform.8
It was o#vious with a single glance what state Mikihiko!s mind was
currently in" ece$t .rika never mentioned it at all as she tilted her
head sideways and re$lied #ack with a sur$rised e$ression on her
face. It certainly didn!t look like she was dressed like that solely to
tease her childhood friend.
8That!s traditional:8
That #eing said" the man of the hour thought this was all to tease him"
as could #e seen from Mikihiko!s face that colored even more in fury.
8Is that so: I thought this was some uni(ue design for the rhythm
Tatsuya inter*ected to change the $ace and to $revent .rika from
unintentionally $ouring more fuel on the fire.
8This isn!t a $air of rhythm $ants.8
Saying this only changed the victim from Mikihiko to Tatsuya" #ut one
glance at Tatsuya!s stoic face was sufficient to tell that he far sur$assed
Mikihiko in com$osure and $atience. ,o" it might #e more a$$ro$riate
to say that Tatsuya wasn!t sensitive enough to fall for .rika!s
8)ut" these aren!t tennis #riefs either" right:8
8.ven I!m not interested in wearing *ust the #riefs and not the skirt.
These are called #loomers.8
8)loomers: Sounds like #rooms" did they used to wear that while
83on!t #e stu$idB 3idn!t I *ust say these are athletic uniforms for
It was difficult to tell if Tatsuya was intentionally $laying ignorant"
which $ut .rika in an awkward $osition.
8S$eaking of #loomers" are those it:8
9eo finally came around.
83uring the 2ge of Immorality" when female high school students
received allowances from middle aged men to......8
......However" regardless of whether it was 9eo or .rika" this was
undou#tedly a #ad time for him to recover.
8Idiot" shut u$B8
)eet red" .rika e$loded in outrage. 2t the same time" she raised one
foot and furiously kicked 9eo in the shin.
9eo #ent over and gra##ed his shin in $ain" while .rika $ranced
around holding one foot.
This ver#al and $hysical echange looked to have ended in mutual
defeat (:).
-om$ared to the earlier 7 Tatsuya and com$any 7 contest" this one
went #ack and forth.
)oth sides re$eatedly claimed the lead from the other.
The two teams were of e(ual strength" #ut were restricted to the
cali#er of high school students.
There were very few female students watching" since they had their
own lessons and could only ditch for so long. +n to$ of that" $hysical
education classes differed from magic technical skills class in that
most $hysical education classes had instructors availa#le (the
difference in raw num#er of teachers availa#le #etween magic classes
and normal classes could #e seen here).
8I can!t #elieve you. Is your #rain stuffed with that ty$e of nonsense:8
,ow" only .rika and Mizuki were $resent to watch the #oys! contest.
8Shut u$" that!s what the #ooks say.8
2t .rika!s scornful look" 9eo realized that his $osition was rather
#leak" so he re$lied rather fli$$antly and never dared to look her in the
,ot striking someone while they!re down was one of .rika!s merits.
8I have no idea what #ooks you!re reading...... S$eaking of which"
Miki was looking at me in the same way. Is this really that arousing:8
May#e she was *ust easily distracted.
8.rika...... I think you!d #e #etter off wearing rhythm $ants too.8
>iven Mizuki!s reluctant tone" she $ro#a#ly #elonged to the 8I think
#ut can!t say8 category.
8That!s true...... It!s not as flei#le as I imagined" and a little too tight
2t that" two male students (uickly turned around" #ut thankfully (:)
.rika didn!t notice.
8HmJ. /hen I dug this u$ in the ca#inet" I thought that no one had
worn this and the measurements were $erfect" #ut I think I!ll go with
Mizuki!s suggestion and change #ack to rhythm $ants.8
8?eah" I think that!s for the #est.8
This wasn!t eactly what Mizuki was aiming for" #ut she nodded in
em$hasis regardless.
Mizuki was half a #eat late on the u$take" #ut from a certain
$ers$ective that suited her $ersonality $erfectly.
8)y the way" .rika" who is !Miki!:8
/ith his head still turned" Mikihiko!s shoulders grew tense" #ut .rika
didn!t notice as she leisurely $ointed at his #ack (.ven if she did
notice" would she have o$ted for a different action: This remains a
$rofound mystery).
8)ecause he!s Mikihiko" hence Miki.8
Mikihiko s$un around almost at the same time .rika uttered those
8/hat do you mean !hence!:8
It looked like Mikihiko was una#le to ignore this 8nickname8.
8/hy do you ask: Miki is short for Mikihiko.8
8I!ve said this countless timesB 3on!t call me such a feminine nameB8
5nfortunately" .rika seemed inured to such scolding given the way it
#ounced off her.
8.h: So you $refer Hiko=kun:8
.rika!s face ado$ted a 8/hy didn!t you say so earlier:8 look as she
rounded on Mikihiko.
8/hy is this ha$$eningB 3on!t unilaterally decide to shorten other
$eo$le!s namesB8
8So you want me to call you Mikihiko: .hJ...... Mikihiko Mikihiko
Mikihiko Mikihiko...... That!s too #ig a mouthful" I don!t want to call
you that.8
Mikihiko wasn!t the only one who thought this was ridiculous.
83on!t you feel em#arrassed #y it:8
8/hat do you mean em#arrassed:8
.rika suddenly #ent at the waist.
.rika #rought her face directly in front of the sitting Mikihiko and
softly murmured his name with a melodious voice.
His fury forci#ly overwritten #y other emotions" Mikihiko was struck
8....../ho is that:8
,ot *ust the $erson in (uestion" even 9eo was wavering. Duite the
im$ressive destructive $ower.
8/ell: Isn!t it em#arrassing:8
.rika!s hair seemed to grow at an accelerated rate@ she had entered
school with her hair cro$$ed short" #ut after three short months it had
already grown to shoulder length. She tucked her hair #ehind one ear
and revealed a delighted smile.
,o matter how o#stinate Mikihiko was" even he wasn!t a#le to (uell
his wavering heart.
8In...... In that case......8
82h" stuttering......8
Mizuki softly whis$ered. Her $ersonality was $ro#a#ly the more
merciless one.
6ortunately" Mikihiko didn!t have the ecess mental ca$acity to hear
Mizuki!s words.
84ust call me #y my family nameB8
8.h: I thought Miki hated other $eo$le calling him #y that:8
That comment had #een made too rashly.
Mikihiko!s face tightened.
His red" $anicked face and attitude were the same as #efore.
In addition" there was a dee$ sense of shame tucked #eneath the anger.
However" Tatsuya felt that Mikihiko currently hid dark emotions that
#ordered on hatred.
8.rika" isn!t it time for you to go:8
2t the risk of #eing a #usy#ody" Tatsuya inter$osed on this
conversation and directed .rika!s attention onto himself. Tatsuya
discreetly $ointed #ehind him where the coach (the $hysical education
teacher) was glaring over at them.
8ShitB Tatsuya=kun" see you aroundB8
8.h: .rika" wait for meB8
.rika hurriedly took off" with Mizuki (uickly following.
Tatsuya waved at their retreating #acks with a wry smile on his face.
2fter an awkward $eriod of silence......
8Sorry for dragging you in.8
Mikihiko s$oke in a soft tone with his head #owed. He a$$eared to
have dee$ rooted issues with his family and" while he consciously
knew that they eisted" there were still momentary la$ses in his self
8May#e my interference wasn!t needed.8
Tatsuya!s words weren!t merely for comfort" #ut were s$oken from the
heart. 6rom what had *ust trans$ired" this o#viously wasn!t the first
time this had occurred" and .rika!s actions may have #een to
intentionally $rovoke Mikihiko. 2llowing #uried frustration and inner
emotions to vent may #e the #est $ossi#le way to $revent emotional
8,o" that!s hardly the case" es$ecially since we!re still in class.8
However" the reason Mikihiko s$oke of was eactly the reason why
Tatsuya interfered. 2ny course of action had a $ro$er time and $lace"
es$ecially since Tatsuya didn!t want to #ecome mired in Mikihiko......
+r may#e .rika and Mikihiko!s ongoing issue.
8That #eing said" Tatsuya is certainly a calm one.8
Mikihiko a#ru$tly changed the to$ic" $ossi#ly #ecause he shrewdly
detected Tatsuya!s 8not interested in getting entangled8 mood.
8/hat #rought this u$:8
>iven the conversation u$ until this $oint" Tatsuya understood that
Mikihiko might $ortray a certain attitude in class" #ut he was actually
very sensitive to others! moods and emotions. It was *ust that this
change was too a#ru$t" to the $oint that any sense of logic was lost.
8/hat do you mean what......8
Mikihiko hadn!t $ro$erly formulated his thoughts #efore s$eaking u$"
so he wasn!t a#le to $ro$erly convey his meaning.
8/ell...... I mean" you saw what .rika was wearing" yet you didn!t #at
an eyelid.8
.ven so" his eam$le was still too vague" or (uite a stretch.
8......I was somewhat sur$rised at her dress" #ut surely it wasn!t
e$osed enough to (ualify for that much of a reaction: I thought that it
was certainly more conservative than a swimsuit or rhythm gear.8
Tatsuya!s real thoughts were more along the lines of 8what the hell is
this guy talking a#out8" #ut considering today was the first time they
were formally introduced to Mikihiko" and due to the confrontational
nature of those words" Tatsuya elected to res$ond in a more neutral
fashion. 2nyone who overheard this conversation would certainly
think that Tatsuya was going on a tangent.
8?ou don!t care #ecause it was less $rovocative than swimsuits or
rhythm gear: Somehow that *ust strikes me in the wrong way.8
6rom a youthful $ers$ective" 9eo!s criti(ue was right on the mark.
.ven though Mikihiko raised the (uestion in the first $lace" even 9eo
was offering his own a#rasive o$inion.
8......Tatsuya" you!ve wilted too much. ?ou no longer $ossess the
hallmark of youth.8
<ossi#ly #ecause they #oth suffered .rika!s teasing (:)" the two of
them mutually selected Tatsuya to #e their net target.
8Tatsuya isn!t wilted" the #ar is set too high for him. /ith such a
#eautiful little sister" the ma*ority of normal girls wouldn!t #e a#le to
attract his attention.8
8Hm...... ?ou!re $ro#a#ly right" given that this is Miyuki=san we!re
talking a#out: /hen I saw her for the first time during the enrollment
ceremony" I wasn!t *ust staring dum#ly" I was honestly shocked. I can!t
#elieve someone so #eautiful actually eists in the world.8
8Ho: Tatsuya" he!s got an eye on your cute little sister. 2s her #rother"
what do you have to say:8
9eo wore a mischievous smile as he interrogated Tatsuya" #ut the
$erson who answered wasn!t the currently #eset Tatsuya" #ut
Mikihiko" who had *ust #een #etrayed (:) #y his comrade.
83on!t #e like that" you!re reading too much into it. I was *ust talking
a#out it and I have no $lans to take the net ste$" since *ust thinking
a#out it makes me shake in my #oots. If I was looking for a girlfriend"
I!d ho$e I could find a more relaing and easy=going $artner.8
Mikihiko!s words led to 9eo nodding dee$ly in agreement 7 nodding
so dee$ly that his actions looked intentionally eaggerated.
8?ou!re right. ,ot only that" a hardcore #ro=con is hard enough" #ut to
get $ast the invinci#le sis=con older #rother...... The #ar is *ust too
89eo...... It looks like we need to have another in=de$th conversation.8
85h" no. That would #e too terrifying. I don!t want to $ut my life on
the line for something like this.8
Tatsuya!s heavy gaze caused 9eo to (uiver in an over#lown fashion.
2nyone could tell that 9eo was acting" #ut a $ortion of the shaking
seemed to #e genuine" a $oint that aroused great interest from
Mikihiko as he gazed at the two of them.
9eo was taller than Tatsuya #y a margin.
His lim#s were also thicker and stronger.
6rom his $erformance during their team com$etition" their agility
should #e roughly e(ual.
Tatsuya was rumored to have studied under a famous nin*itsu sensei"
#ut was he really that ca$a#le in a fight:
.nough to overcome his deficit in Magic <ower:
Mikihiko wasn!t aware why he drew Tatsuya!s interest" #ut he knew
from the get go why he was interested in Tatsuya.
Mikihiko was interested in the reason #ehind Tatsuya!s $rowess. He
was a newly enrolled -ourse % student that could go toe to toe against
-ourse ' students and trium$h. Mikihiko wanted to know how
Tatsuya o#tained such $ower.
6or Mikihiko" he earnestly wanted to find a way for him to #ridge the
ga$ in Magic <ower.
2 re$lacement for the 8$ower8 he lost a year ago.
5$ until one year ago" Mikihiko was held to #e a $rodigy" the star of
tomorrow that the ?oshida family rested their ho$es and dreams on.
/ithin the various magics of the ?oshida family that had #een $assed
down" one of the core techni(ues lay in 8Summoning Magic8" a skill
that Mikihiko $ossessed enough talent in to ecli$se even his older
#rother who had inherited the family mantle.
6rom early adolescence until that accident" Mikihiko had always seen
himself as one of the strong" and was thus una#le to acce$t his fall
from grace.
He knew he was #eing overly anious" and he also realized he was
withdrawing himself. That feeling of #eing $owerless was sa$$ing
away his energy" forcing himself dee$er and dee$er into the corner.
This $ast year" he had #een relentlessly $ursuing knowledge of the
He had also #een $racticing martial arts that he had hitherto #een
lukewarm towards.
.ven so" he was still una#le to fill that sense of loss.
So once he learned that Tatsuya was also a student with inferior
technical skills and im$erfect magic a#ility" yet was still a#le to
overcome u$$erclassmen that #oasted greater Magic <ower" there was
no way Mikihiko could not #e drawn towards Tatsuya.
2 close com#at techni(ue ca$a#le of overcoming a deficiency in
Magic <ower:
Mikihiko wanted to let Tatsuya and 9eo com$ete against one another
so he could see with his own eyes.
Su#consciously" he also wanted to challenge Tatsuya at one $oint.
That was $ro#a#ly the reason.
Hearing his name suddenly called" Mikihiko fell into a com#at crouch.
Seeing his reaction" #oth Tatsuya and 9eo forced a smile.
8<lease" is there a need for such a murderous reaction:8
8/hat is it: I was going to say you!ve suddenly gone (uiet" then you
fall into that stance:8
82h" no...... I!m sorry" it was nothing.8
Mikihiko could only a$ologize shamefacedly. He originally wasn!t
ade$t at social interaction.
The rare friendly atmos$here turned tense and" even though Tatsuya
and 9eo #oth tried to lighten the mood" the original cheer never
returned even when class ended.
6or high schools attached to magic universities" the ,ine Schools
-om$etition held in summer and the Thesis -om$etition held in fall
were ma*or events. The etravagance of the ,ine Schools -om$etition
largely overshadowed the Thesis -om$etition" making it the single
greatest event on the calendar.
The ,ine Schools -om$etition was an intramural contest #ased on
athletic magic com$etitions ()esides magic com$etitions" there were
riddle events" ta#le to$ games" timed maze challenges" and even
treasure hunts). 6irst High also had clu#s for every occasion" #ut since
com$etition was fiercest around the ,ine Schools -om$etition itself"
$artici$ants were not only selected from clu#s" #ut anyone deemed
ca$a#le of winning was selected as a $artici$ant.
Thanks to this" $re$arations for the ,ine Schools -om$etition $assed
from the -lu#s Management >rou$ to the Student -ouncil.
8.ven so" it!s not like we can ignore the official $artici$ants from the
clu#s. 4ust deciding who goes on the final roster is going to #e a ma*or
.ven Mayumi" who usually mesmerized everyone with her radiant
smile" seemed to wilt a little today.
The fingers that held the cho$sticks in her #ento seemed #oneless as
;ecently" Miyuki was also very #usy" #ut the <resident not only had to
handle eecutive tasks" #ut other tiresome tasks that were not $resent
given her usually sunny mood.
8Thankfully due to 4uumon*i!s $owerful assistance in this matter" we
finally have a roster nailed down.8
Today!s lunch and show was Mayumi endlessly com$laining a#out
this and that" #ut it looked like the curtains were finally coming down.
Tatsuya!s stomach wasn!t weak enough to #e u$set #y such trivialities"
#ut always eating lunch with this as the #ackground music would have
an adverse effect on the nerves" so Tatsuya heaved a small sigh of
relief when Mayumi sto$$ed grouching.
8However" the engineer $ro#lem far outweighs the $artici$ant
......+r not.
8/e still don!t have the right headcount:8
Mayumi $owerlessly nodded at Mari!s in(uiry.
8The ma*ority of our students aim to #e Magicians" so talented
$ersonnel generally gravitate towards technical skills...... +ur Erd ?ear
students are $articularly worrisome" with our num#ers in the Magic
2rtificer de$artment reaching dangerous lows. In %nd ?ear we have
ca$a#le $eo$le such as 2=chan and Isori=kun" #ut our num#ers are still
8Isori" eh...... That guy s$ecializes in geometry" so he!s stronger in
theory rather than maintenance" right:8
8/e!re long $ast the $oint of caring a#out these things.8
It was etremely rare to see #oth Mayumi and Mari sigh" which said a
lot a#out how serious things were 7 although using this to evaluate
how serious the situation was would #e slightly wrong.
8.ven if 4uumon*i and I hel$ out" there!s a limit to how much we can
82ren!t the two of you our $rimary $artici$ants as well: If you!re too
#usy worrying a#out other $eo$le!s -23s and allow that to affect your
own events" that!s not something we can *oke around with.8
8......If Mari could maintain her own -23" that would lessen the
#urden a lot.8
8......?eah" we!re in trou#le.8
May#e due to ehaustion or some other reason" Mari avoided
Mayumi!s earnest gaze and looked elsewhere.
The atmos$here in the Student -ouncil ;oom was #orderline
hazardous to $sychological well #eing.
In order to return to the classroom 7 that is" evacuate the $remises"
Tatsuya signaled Miyuki with a look" then sought a $ro$er o$ening.
8;in=chan" can you hel$ as an engineer:8
.ven with the chaos surrounding the $re$arations for the ,ine School
-om$etition" Suzune still hung around in the Student -ouncil ;oom
during lunch and was someone Mayumi never failed to invite.
8That!s im$ossi#le. My skills would only ham$er ,aka*ou and the
)ut was coldly re#uffed each time.
/ith the a$ologies to the currently de$ressed Mayumi" #ut this was
the $erfect o$$ortunity to #eat a retreat.
Tatsuya glanced meaningfully at Miyuki" then rose7
8Then...... How a#out we ask Shi#a=kun:8
74ust as Tatsuya rose" his esca$e $lan was ruthlessly derailed #y
2zusa!s une$ected attack.
Mayumi" who originally had her head slum$ed on the ta#le" a#ru$tly
lifted her head and let out an unintelligi#le sound.
2zusa" who u$ until this moment had #een venting her irritation at the
large flatscreen terminal in front of her 7 $ro#a#ly dee$ in the middle
of homework 7 softly sighed as she hit the $ower #utton on her
terminal and raised her head.
8I heard that Miyuki=chan!s -23 is maintained #y Shi#a=kun. I!ve
seen it #efore" and its s$ecs rival those of a first=class cor$orate
Mayumi *um$ed out of her chair.
Her face was suffused with vitality" as if that earlier de*ected scene
never ha$$ened.
8)lind s$ot......B8
The gaze Mayumi directed towards Tatsuya was like a hawk eyeing its
new found $rey.
That alone was sufficient for Tatsuya to give u$ halfway.
8?ou!re right...... I can!t #elieve I didn!t think of that" how careless.8
,ow that Mari had *oined the fray" he was u$ a creek without a
8S$eaking of which" he also handled the reserve -23s the -ommittee
owns...... )ut since he!s the only one using them" I never thought a#out
;esistance was futile. Tatsuya was a#out 0&K ready to give u$ at this
$oint" #ut surrendering without a fight was against his $rinci$les" so
Tatsuya attem$ted a tiny 7 most likely fruitless 7 resistance.
8.arlier I heard the -hief talk a#out the im$ortance of -23
technicians" #ut there!s no $recedent for a 'st ?ear technician" is
8.verything has to start somewhere.8
8Traditions are made to #e overturned.8
Mayumi and Mari immediately returned fire at a furious rate.
8The two of you may #e !$rogressive thinkers!" #ut won!t the other
$artici$ants #alk at this: I!m a 'st ?ear -ourse % student" this would
leave a negative im$ression on many $eo$le.8
This was a little self=de$reciating coming from him" #ut that didn!t
mean it wasn!t true.
86or -23 maintenance" mutual trust #etween Magician and 2rtificer
is etremely im$ortant. 2 -23!s maimum $erformance is dictated #y
the level of the user!s mental state. 5sing a $erson like me to maintain
-23s would lead to severe $artici$ant #acklash" so I don!t think I!m a
good candidate......8
Tatsuya!s logic also had its own merits" causing Mayumi and Mari to
echange a glance.
However" regardless of what Tatsuya said" the two of them had already
seen through his facade.
In order to deliver the final #low to the lazy (:) underclassman that
didn!t want to take the hot $otato and force him to *oin" the two of
them were visually confirming the order of attack (ver#al $ersuasion).
2t this time" they received some une$ected reinforcements.
8I was ho$ing that +nii=sama could work with my -23 while I!m
$artici$ating in the ,ine Schools -om$etition...... Is that okay:8
Tatsuya froze at Miyuki!s com$letely une$ected #etrayal (:).
In a Shakes$earean drama" Tatsuya!s mood would undou#tedly mirror
that of -aesar as he was assassinatedA 8.t tu" Miyuki ()rutus)......B8
8.actlyB Having a trustworthy and com$etent technician near#y is
a#solutely integral for $artici$ants to rely on. /ell said" Miyuki=
Mayumi immediately followed u$ on the attack.
8?es" if +nii=sama *oined the Technician Team" not only I" #ut Mitsui=
san and Kitayama=san could set our minds at ease.8
This is the first time that Tatsuya learned those two were entering the
,ewcomers 3ivision as $artici$ants" #ut he considered them to #e the
e$ected candidates.
7This was also him trying to esca$e from reality.
+#viously" the #attle had #een decided.
The $re$aration meeting held after school in the -lu# Management
-enter would decide whether Tatsuya officially *oins the roster.
There might #e a tiny ray of ho$e" #ut Tatsuya had long since given
The moment Miyuki assented" Tatsuya had nowhere to run. 5nder the
assum$tion that his confirmation was in serious *eo$ardy" he actually
had to work hard towards ensuring he was nominated and acce$ted 7
these were all within his calculations.
,o matter what" the situation was utterly de$ressing.
2t times like these" $eo$le tended to retreat into areas they ecel in.
.ven if he had an outside chance to #e nominated" he still took the
time to reflect on what he could do" what areas he ecelled at" and re=
eamined his own sense of worth to $ro$erly restore his internal
#alance as a means of self com$ensation.
<ossi#ly due to the #uild u$ of considera#le stress" it was rare for
Tatsuya to fall into this sort of self com$ensatory tra$.
Two=thirds of the lunch $eriod had already $assed. Miyuki was
engrossed in dealing with the $iles of documents and homework"
while Tatsuya" who was currently idle while waiting for Miyuki"
removed the silver -23 from the shoulder holster and started
eamining the modules in the cartridge" the #uttons for switching
2ctivation Se(uences" and other mova#le $arts.
82h" you #rought the Silver Horn today as well.8
5ntil now" 2zusa was com$letely focused on her homework" #ut her
shar$ eyes caught Tatsuya!s movement as she inched forward.
Tatsuya slowly shifted his gaze" not towards Mayumi or Mari" #ut
Suzune accurately inter$reted Tatsuya!s silent in(uiry as she ade$tly
used her #rows and the shrugging of her shoulders to e$ress a
hel$less emotion. In other words" the current 2zusa had com$letely
lost interest in her homework.
8?es" I $urchased a new holster" so I would like to get used to it as
soon as $ossi#le.8
Is this what they meant #y 8#eing furious after receiving three in the
morning" then ha$$y when receiving four in the evening8: Tatsuya
was mentally considering this somewhat o#*ective #ut also very rude
train of thought as he shifted his gaze #ack onto 2zusa and res$onded
in a gentle manner (To su$$lement" Tatsuya was thinking of what it
meant to $lay fast and loose).
2zusa!s eyes shone #rilliantly as she a$$roached him. It seemed that
she was not only interested in the -23 itself" #ut the su$$lementary
e(ui$ment as well.
8.h" is it okay if I took a look:8
Truthfully s$eaking" 2zusa generally avoided 7 more like was
terrified of Tatsuya. <recisely #ecause of this im$ression" Tatsuya
wanted to smile wryly. However" given the way 2zusa was #ouncing
around like a small animal and una#le to calm down" he $ro#a#ly
shouldn!t treat her too $oorly.
This may #e a form of $o$ularity 7 Tatsuya thought as he removed
the *acket he wore even in the heat of summer 7 with #uilt=in cooling
systems" of course 7 and took off the shoulder holster #efore handing
it to 2zusa.
8/owJ It!s an original model for the Silver series.
Such an amazing trim would draw incredi#le lines when drawing and
Something that didn!t *ust cater to high technical skills #ut also a
design that also took the user!s skill into account.
2h" I worshi$ your genius" Silver=sama......8
2fter she received the holster" 2zusa was ha$$y enough to almost ru#
her face against it.
Tatsuya was #arely a#le to maintain his $oker face.
2fter 2zusa meticulously went over every centimeter of the holster 7
or may#e finally satisfied herself7 she returned it to Tatsuya with a
$leased smile on her face.
8Shi#a=kun is also a fan of the Silver series: If #ased only on $rice and
s$ecs" the Maimilian S$eed Shooter" ;uss Ty$e=6" or even Sagittarius
series develo$ed #y 69T (6our 9eaves Technology) are #etter deals"
#ut the individual customization of the Silver series is so good that no
one cares a#out the $riceB8
Tatsuya recalled that Mari once descri#ed 2zusa as a 83evice=taku8.
2t the time" he was considerate enough to consider this an
eaggeration" #ut after witnessing her #ehavior today" he reflected that
such a nickname was $ro#a#ly inevita#le.
6rom Tatsuya!s $ers$ective" if the contrast #etween $rice and
$erformance 7 efficiency" in other words" was too low" then
satisfaction would also dro$. .ven if that was the case" true
$erformance may differ from official documentation. Sim$ly $ut"
(ualitative $erformance that could not #e converted into numerical
format was also very im$ortant. If one could #e 8satisfied8 without
making this sort of analysis" Tatsuya considered that to #e nothing
more than #rand loyalty.
That #eing said" that was a matter of $ersonal values" so if she said she
was satisfied" he had no reason to rain on her $arade.
8,o" I actually have a few connections" so I can #uy Silver Series at a
discount thanks to my work as a #eta tester.8
The moment Tatsuya said this" Miyuki!s shoulders visi#ly shook a
little as she faced the other way towards the terminal" #ut no one
8.hJB ;eally:8
The word 8envy8 was stam$ed all over 2zusa!s face.
This time" even Tatsuya!s e$ression revealed a little s$asm.
8......,et time I test the new model" would you like me to get you one
as well:8
9ike" really" really:
There was no way for him to fit in a res$onse.
2fter Tatsuya was finally a#le to nod in assent" 2zusa gra##ed his
em$ty left hand with #oth of her own and shook it u$ and down.
8......2=chan" rela a little #it.8
Mayumi couldn!t watch any longer" tem$orarily sto$$ing her work on
the $ile of documents to s$eak to 2zusa.
2zusa suddenly sto$$ed.
6illed with tre$idation" she looked at her hands.
Her hands were tightly wound around Tatsuya!s hand. 2zusa felt this
not only with her sense of touch" #ut confirmed it visually as well.
She slowly raised her head towards Tatsuya" then (uickly dodged
Tatsuya!s e$ressionless gaze and looked #ack at her hands.
2zusa let go and *um$ed #ack as if her hands had gras$ed fire.
8Sorry" sorry" sorry......B8
86lushed face8 wasn!t sufficient to descri#e 2zusa!s current state" since
her face was red to the root of her ears. She re$eatedly #owed towards
Tatsuya in a$ology.
Tatsuya was starting to get really worried that 2zusa would kee$
#owing until she was dizzy" and glanced towards Mayumi for hel$.
8......2=chan" you can sto$ now. Tatsuya=kun is a little overwhelmed
right now.8
Mayumi was $ro#a#ly thinking along the same lines as Tatsuya" so she
didn!t add to the mayhem (not without cause) and focused on
comforting 2zusa.
2zusa took a dee$ #reath as she was instructed and finally managed to
settle down.
Mayumi let out a hel$less sigh #efore turning #ack to her work.
2zusa turned an em#arrassed smile towards Tatsuya and (uickly
turned solemn.
8Then" Shi#a=kun wouldn!t ha$$en to know Taurus Silver in $erson:8
She asked in this manner.
7It went without saying that she was doing so to cover her
5nfortunately" this (uestion was a very difficult one to answer for
8......,o" I!m not entirely certain.8
.lectric clamors rang out from near the wall.
The workstation that Miyuki was using activated the alarm #y
.veryone hits a ty$o every once in a while" #ut it was etremely rare
for Miyuki to erroneously activate the alarm.
)oth Mayumi and Suzune wore an 8.h:8 e$ression while looking at
Miyuki who was facing the wall" #ut Miyuki soldiered onward as if
nothing had ha$$ened" so the two of them didn!t ask any further and
returned to their res$ective $iles.
8......Miyuki=chan actually made a mistake" how strange.8
8+ccasionally" yes.8
In com$arison" Tatsuya!s res$onse was overly level" #ut 2zusa didn!t
notice as she returned to the original 7 the recent conversation.
8,o matter how much he hides himself" the $eo$le in the same la#
should know something" right: 5nless" he invented everything #y
8......,o" I!m certain that would #e im$ossi#le.8
8I think so too. +h yeah" Shi#a=kun" can!t you use your !connections! at
the la# to get some more information:8
8......,o" the connections I s$oke of aren!t in that category...... 2lso"
69T kee$s most of their cor$orate secrets under wra$" so I think it!s
highly unlikely to get anything out of the la# technicians.8
8+hJ that!s true......8
8......I!m sure sen$ai already knows" #ut using Informational
Mani$ulative +utersystematic=ty$e magic to uncover secrets is a
82h: ,ah...... ,o way" why would I think...... a#out that kind of
Tatsuya looked at 2zusa with his eyes half closed" causing 2zusa!s
already $etite #ody to shrink even further.
8......It!s okay" as long as sen$ai is clear on that $oint" I *ust wanted to
remind you.8
83on!t...... don!t worry a#out it" of course I know a#out something like
that" 2h" ha ha ha......8
Seeing that 2zusa wasn!t making a meta$hor and actually #reaking out
into a cold sweat" Tatsuya took his foot off the gas.
8S$eaking of which" why is ,aka*ou=sen$ai so interested in Taurus
Silver!s real identity:8
The -23 2zusa used wasn!t 69T!s #rand either. .ven though she
o#viously wasn!t a Silver Series user" why did she care so much a#out
the identity of the develo$er:
6or Tatsuya" this was a $erfectly natural (uestion.
6rom 2zusa!s e$ression" she was com$letely dum#founded that
Tatsuya even asked this (uestion.
8+f course I care" Tatsuya=kun" I mean" do you not:
This is Taurus Silver.
The first $erson in the world to develo$ the !9oo$ -ast System!"
raising the s$eed of 2ctivation Se(uences for S$ecialized -23s #y
twenty $ercent" he also reduced the varia#ility of wireless models
from E $ercent to less than ' $ercent. Taurus Silver is *ust that
2lso" rather than guarding his secrets for $ersonal $rofit" he o$enly
$u#licizes his findings for the #etterment of the magical community as
a whole" which makes Taurus Silver even more incredi#le.
He is called the genius engineer that advanced -23 software
technology #y ten years within one short year" so I think that no one
who aims to #e a Magic 2rtificer would #e uninterested in him.8
This over#earing $ressure that was almost synonymous to scolding
forced Tatsuya to shrink #ack. He was com$letely caught off guard #y
how much the world had #uilt u$ 8Taurus Silver8.
8.cuse my ignorance. 2s a user" I!m not dissatisfied with the Silver
series" I *ust wasn!t aware that it had such glowing reviews......8
82h...... That makes sense" Shi#a=kun is a tester" so for you" Silver
series isn!t all that rare...... Hence why you have a different outlook
than I do.8
2zusa didn!t com$letely understand" #ut allowed herself to #e
8Hey" hey" Shi#a=kun" let me ask you" what do you think Taurus Silver
is like:8
2 $urely in(uisitive gaze.
/anting to change the su#*ect" Tatsuya re$lied #ack trying to stall for
8/ell...... I wonder how shocking would it #e if he turned out to #e a
4a$anese teenager like us.8
+nce again" electric clamors rang out from near the wall.
Miyuki continued to sit in a $osture with her #ack com$letely straight
as she toiled away.
7)ut she didn!t allow anyone to see her current e$ression.
8S$eaking of which" 2=chan.8
8?es" <resident" what is it:8
In the end" Mayumi finally etended a hel$ing hand towards Tatsuya"
who was almost una#le to handle 2zusa. This might #e a little #iased"
#ut this was the first time Tatsuya felt like Mayumi was someone
de$enda#le. 2t any rate" Mayumi!s stance was that she wanted 2zusa
to hurry #ack to her work on the Student -ouncil.
8/eren!t you su$$osed to finish your homework #efore the end of
However" even if this was lending a hand to Tatsuya" this was
undou#tedly the knell of doom for 2zusa...... That descri$tion might
#e a hy$er#ole" #ut 2zusa!s e$ression was *ust so. The very fact that
she was engrossed in talking a#out Taurus Silver was likely a way for
her to esca$e from reality.
6rom the way 2zusa tearfully im$lored Mayumi for hel$" she was
likely doomed.
83on!t make such an em#arrassing sound.8
Mayumi smiled wryly and turned her gaze from the com$leted
inventory invoice towards 2zusa.
8I can hel$ a little #it" so what!s your assignment:8
Mari directed a 8?ou!re $am$ering her too much8 gaze towards
Mayumi" who $rom$tly ignored it 7 more like $retended not to see it
as she smiled towards 2zusa.
8I!m sorry...... It!s a re$ort on the !Three >reat <uzzles of /eight
Systemic Magic!......8
2t this" Suzune" Mari" and Tatsuya immediately turned their gazes on
the glum 2zusa.
9ike a deer in the headlights" 2zusa shrank into a #all in terror. Her
tearful eyes and terrified movements gave the im$ression that
everyone was #ullying her" at which Tatsuya turned his eyes away"
with Suzune mirroring his thoughts and actions.
+nly Mari still stared at 2zusa.
8Ho ho......8
Mari watched 2zusa with dee$ interest" though she was more focused
on the flat screen terminal in 2zusa!s hands.
8I was wondering what was $uzzling the annual to$ 1 honor student
,aka*ou and it turned out to #e this.8
8Isn!t this the to$ic they ask every year:8
2fter Mari s$oke" Mayumi continued with an uncom$rehending
82=chan" what!s this year!s $rom$t:8
)ecause the $rom$ts were routine" there were already enough $rom$ts
that the school was inca$a#le of creating new ideas. This wasn!t *ust
homework" it was also one of the $rimary essay to$ics for magic
university entrance eams. 2 cursory search would reveal a #ountiful
harvest of model answers to this $rom$t.
8The su#*ect of the homework involves how to solve the #ottlenecks
of the !Three >reat <uzzles!. The first two I get" #ut I am una#le to
e$lain the reason why >eneralized 6lying=Ty$e Magic hasn!t #een
successfully develo$ed......8
Hearing this" Suzune nodded with an 8I understand8 e$ression on her
8In other words" 2zusa=kun is una#le to acce$t the currently $ro$osed
/ith Suzune a#le to e$ress her inner thoughts for her" 2zusa nodded
8The foundation for magic that can defy gravity and allow the
$hysical #ody to float into the air has already #een laid down #y the
6our >reat Systemic and the .ight Ma*or Ty$es of Modern Magic and
has already entered the $ractical $hase.8
8?es" though in*ury caused #y free fall remains one of the ma*or
dangers for Magicians.8
2zusa shifted her gaze to Mayumi" who su$$orted her argument.
8Magicians ade$t in S$eed and /eight Magics are already ca$a#le of
lea$ing dozens of yards at a time" and the world record is held #y a
Magician who lea$t over '&& yards in one try. The record for landing
is even greater" with some Magicians a#le to dro$ %&&& meters
successfully without any e(ui$ment.8
8If that!s the case" why is 6lying=Ty$e Magic...... 6ree movement in
the sky still elusive...... ;ight:8
8To #e $recise" >eneralized 6lying=Ty$e Magic that anyone can use
remains elusive. There are a handful of 2ncient Magic users that can
freely fly through the sky.8
Suzune added a few details to Mayumi!s e$lanation.
Hearing this" 2zusa shook her head" though this was $ro#a#ly an
involuntary action.
8That ty$e of magic a$$roaches the uni(ue a#ilities of )S Magicians.
Since it can!t #e shared" it can!t really #e called a techni(ue.
Theoretically" you can use S$eed and /eight Systemic Magic to
nullify the effect of gravity and soar into the sky. In reality" long *um$
and floating magic have already #een develo$ed" so why can!t we
8/ouldn!t higher level reference tomes contain the answer to this
Mayumi visually interrogated 2zusa as to why she couldn!t acce$t the
answer chronicled in the #ooks.
8Magic Se(uences must include an end $oint" as the effect of
overwriting reality is sustained until the ending conditions are met.
/hile a target o#*ect is under the effect of magic" if you want to cause
a different ty$e of magic to manifest on the target" you need to use
magic that has su$erior $henomena interference a#ility.
/hen using 6lying=Ty$e Magic" every time you ad*ust s$eed or
height" you aren!t *ust overwriting the original magic with a new one"
you also need a stronger $henomena interference a#ility. 2 single
Magician is only a#le to se$arate the $henomena rewriting a#ility into
ten segments" so he or she can only ad*ust the flying status ten times
#efore hitting their limit.
......This is the $u#licly acknowledged hurdle to why there!s no
$ractical solution to 6lying=Ty$e Magic" right:8
Mayumi didn!t ruminate very long #efore nodding her assent to
2zusa!s long=winded e$lanation.
8/hat" 2=chan" you!ve done your research. ?ou!ve organized all your
arguments" so what!s the $ro#lem:8
82ccording to this line of thinking" the $ro#lem lies in the fact that
new magic needs to constantly overwrite the currently active magic"
correct: If that!s the case" I think that it would #e easier to cancel the
current magic than activate the new magic.8
)y now" 2zusa had com$letely shaken off the earlier tearful
e$ression" and was now $lunging ahead at a feverish $ace. Suzune
calmly asked 2zusa the net (uestionA
8The theory is sound" #ut from a $ractical stand$oint how would you
cancel the active magic:8
8/hy don!t you insert a condition for ending the magic during the
design of the Magic Se(uence: In other words" #y $reem$tively
entering a small Magic Se(uence into the active Magic Se(uence" this
can #e turned into the ending condition for the magic.8
2zusa was immersed in her theory while" conversely" Suzune was
calmly stating her counter argument.
85nfortunately" Magic Se(uences are una#le to affect other Magic
Se(uences. Magic Se(uences can only #e used to affect the
Information )ody" even if two ty$es of magic are #oth trying to
influence the same Information )ody" only the one with the stronger
interference strength would actually manifest" as Magic Se(uences
don!t $ossess a strong versus weak relationshi$.
-ounter magic that can dissolve Magic Se(uences do eist" #ut that!s
high level magic that directly influences the Information )ody. This
would #e okay at the e$erimental level" currently there no Magicians
who can freely wield $ractical levels of -ounter Magic.8
8Is that so......8
)y the time students reached the second semester of their second year"
6oundations of Magic class would $rogress to 2$$lications of Magic.
This class started with conce$ts surrounding 8-ounter Magic8 7
magic that nullifies o$$osing magic 7 which was what Suzune was
e$laining right now. ,ormally" this was something that was taught
during the first semester of Erd ?ear" which was why 2zusa wasn!t
familiar with the su#*ect. That #eing said" to hear the term 8-ounter
Magic8 and not #e ho$elessly lost" 2zusa!s knowledge was #road
8However" this is still a worthwhile theory.8
2zusa!s emotions #ounced #etween zealous and gloomy. Suzune
smiled at her in a gentle and comforting manner.
8To cancel magic the moment its effects manifest" I #elieve this is the
correct a$$roach.8
8That!s true. )ecause of the need to rewrite the activated magic" the
necessary interference strength #ecomes a vicious cycle.8
6ollowing Suzune" Mayumi also su$$orted 2zusa!s theory.
8,o one has $ro$osed this until this $oint" #ut if a new magic can #e
activated the moment the currently active magic is sto$$ed from
affecting the $henomenon" then there shouldn!t #e a need for stronger
interference strength...... >iven that the target is flying in the air" the
delay #etween magics must #e reduced to zero" so if a S$ecialized
-23 was used" then in theory the net magic should #e activated
#efore the target starts dro$$ing......8
Mayumi seemed to #e muttering to herself" then a#ru$tly made an
8.h:8 sound as she turned her head.
8)ut if it!s *ust removing the effects of magic" shouldn!t someone have
attem$ted this long ago: In the end" this is like working with !Lone
Interference! after the fact.8
2t Mayumi!s (uestion" Suzune $ulled u$ the search function on the
$u#lic workstation located in the Student -ouncil ;oom.
8>ive me a second...... 9ast year" .ngland attem$ted a massive
e$eriment #ased on the same conce$tual design the <resident s$oke
of. They wanted to use !<ost=.vent Lone Interference! to create a
$ractical 6lying=Ty$e Magic.8
Suzune swiftly located the news articles on magic that contained the
information she wanted.
8Then" the result was:8
The in(uiring voice was a little high $itched 7 likely caused #y the
ecitement #u##ling out of her" which $roved that Mayumi was still a
high school student #eyond all dou#t.
8-om$lete failure. 2ccording to the re$ort" in com$arison to the
normal situation where magic is re$eatedly used" this method only
served to increase the demand for interference strength at a geometric
8......Is that so......8
2t Suzune!s re$ort that so #etrayed (:) her ho$es" Mayumi droo$ed in
83id they cite a reason:8
8,o" the article wasn!t that detailed. <resident" why do you think it
/hen asked #y Suzune" Mayumi $ointed her inde finger at her chin
and let out a 8HmB8 sound as she considered this.
8The $revious magic should!ve sto$$ed functioning #y then......
Tatsuya=kun" what do you think:8
The reason Mayumi had asked Tatsuya was to #uy time for her to
organize her thoughts.
She didn!t actually e$ect him to answer.
8The .nglish e$eriment $rovided #y Ichihara=sen$ai has a #asic
conce$tual error.8
Thus" Tatsuya!s decisive answer com$letely caught Mayumi offguard.
8....../here is the error:8
2stounded" Mayumi was #arely a#le to ask her (uestion. ,either
#oastful nor $roud" Tatsuya calmly #egan his e$lanation.
8Magic Se(uences that have not fulfilled their ending re(uirements
will naturally fade with time" #ut will remain with the target
Information )ody. /hen a new magic nullifies the $revious magic!s
effects" the $revious magic looks to #e canceled" #ut in reality is
merely #eing overwritten.8
Mayumi" Suzune" 2zusa" and even Mari were now staring at Tatsuya
outright" #ut Tatsuya remained unmoved #y the $ressure of their gaze.
He remained e$ressionless and his tone did not change in the
89et!s assume the $revious magic is called Magic Se(uence 2" while
Magic Se(uence ) is used to nullify the other one.
/ith the activation of Magic Se(uence )" Magic Se(uence 2 loses its
$henomenon effect a#ility. However" even if Magic Se(uence 2 loses
its effect" it still remains with the target!s Information )ody.
)oth Magic Se(uences 2 and ) are still acting on the target!s
Information )ody" it!s *ust that only the effects of Magic Se(uence )
are visi#le. 4ust as Ichihara=sen$ai said" Magic Se(uences can only
affect the Information )ody and are una#le to affect one another. This
is true even in Lone Interference. 5nless the original Magic Se(uence
is itself nullified" using -ounter Magic would yield the same result.8
8......So the .nglish e$eriment used unnecessary magic that was not
$art of 6lying=Ty$e Magic:8
Tatsuya nodded his assent to Mayumi!s (uestion" then continued his
8In other words" every time you make ad*ustments in flight" you
would rewrite the Magic Se(uence again. In order to maintain flight"
the etra rewrites would $ile on" so of course you would ra$idly hit
the u$$er limit for $henomenon interference a#ility. The .nglish
scholar who designed this e$eriment must have #een mistaken on the
nature of -ounter Magic.8
The $orta#le terminal that Tatsuya wore in his #reast $ocket chose this
moment to start vi#rating" signaling the first warning #ell for the end
of the lunch $eriod.
8Miyuki" let!s return to class.8
8?es" +nii=sama.8
Miyuki" whose #ack was to them the entire time" rose immediately
u$on #eing called.
Her voice" e$ression and movements were *ust as gentle and graceful
as usual.
Hence Mayumi" Suzune" Mari" and 2zusa hadn!t noticed.
-ouldn!t have noticed.
/hen Miyuki had #een seated #efore the workstation" her #ack was
ramrod straight with $ride" and her fingers fairly danced across the
key#oard in $leasure.
The $re$aration meeting for the ,ine Schools -om$etition held in the
-lu# Management Head(uarters was suffused with a nervous aura
from the onset.
Students with outstanding $erformance in the events would receive
etra credit for their classes. 4ust for #eing one of the official
$artici$ants" students would receive no homework" etra days off and
guaranteed straight 2!s.
,ot only did this a$$ly to $artici$ants" #ut to the students selected as
engineers as well.
Thanks to the school $utting such a high em$hasis on the ,ine
Schools -om$etition" the students selected as the re$resentatives for
the ,ine Schools -om$etition received such incredi#le rewards. Thus"
it was unsur$rising that the com$etition was $articularly fierce for the
last few slots on the official roster during this meeting.
7If Tatsuya had #een merely a #ystander" he would $ro#a#ly have
viewed the mied feelings of the surrounding students in a
com$assionate light. However" he was there as a candidate with a
giant target on his #ack" so he could only de$ressingly kee$ himself
from sighing aloud while $raying for this circus to end (uickly.
It was not that he was wholly uninterested in the ,ine Schools
The desire to measure one!s $ersonal skills against other Magicians
(sa$lings) of similar age was markedly different from the hunger he
e$erienced while staying in his father!s la# and the su#se(uent desire
to #ring a#out $ractical u$grades to -23s" #ut Tatsuya still had that
much left in him.
Tatsuya was 8constructed8 to have less emotion than the average
$erson" #ut he was still at that headstrong age" so no matter what value
his $eers assigned him" he wasn!t shriveled enough to com$letely not
However" at the same time he had to deal with the $ride" *ealousy"
vanity" disgust" and other related emotions in this meeting. That was
what truly filled him with melancholy.
Se$arate from his thoughts 7 of course 7 the seats in the conference
room were gradually filled. /hen the last seat was occu$ied" Mayumi
stood #efore the chairman!s $odium.
8Then" let!s start the selection meeting for the ,ine Schools
-om$etition roster.8
The meeting for u$$erclassmen" clu# leaders for the various
$artici$ating clu#s" Student -ouncil mem#ers (Miyuki remained on
station in the Student -ouncil ;oom) and the -lu# Management
>rou$ mem#ers who received the internal notification that they were
$ossi#le candidates for $artici$ant or engineer slots officially #egan.
Tatsuya sat with the various candidates in the visitors section to the
2ny organization that eceeded a certain size would naturally contain
#igots that swiftly identified Tatsuya as an outsider.
2s e$ected" not long after the meeting #egan" someone asked what a
'st ?ear -ourse % student was doing here.
That certainly did not im$ly that no one looked u$on Tatsuya kindly.
There were actually a sur$rising num#er of favora#le o$inions.
The u$$erclassmen differed from the 'st ?ear students in that they
knew Tatsuya was a s$ecial -ourse % student in addition to #eing a
formida#le asset to the <u#lic Morals -ommittee.
3es$ite this" there were still more o$$osing than su$$orting" often in
the form of negative emotions rather than o#*ective logic" which
caused the meeting to deadlock and waste more valua#le time.
8In summation......8
Suddenly" a solemn voice dominated the conference room.
The voice was not $articularly loud" yet all the s(ua##les (uickly died
away as everyone focused on the s$eaker.
4uumon*i Katsuto" who had hitherto remained silent" cast his gaze
across the room #efore starting to s$eakA
8In my o$inion" the $ro#lem lies in that everyone is unfamiliar with
what level of skill Shi#a $ossesses. If so" the most efficient solution is
to su#mit that to a live test.8
The s$acious room was dead silent.
This would #ring a#out a sim$le and effective result that no one would
#emoan" #ut #ecause of the risk involved" no one had dared to $ro$ose
this course of action.
8......That!s not a #ad suggestion" #ut how do we go a#out it in a
$ractical manner:8
8Sim$ly having him $erform a maintenance right now would suffice.8
Mari #roke the silence with her (uestion" to which Katsuto $rovided a
sim$le answer.
82llow me to #e the guinea $ig.8
The -23s currently on the market must #e intricately synchronized
with their res$ective user after maintenance.
.ven if ten Magicians used the same model" there were ten different
methods to ad*ust their -23s.
The 2ctivation Se(uences $rovided #y the -23 would #e directly
a#sor#ed into the Magician!s su#conscious domain.
In other words" a Magician!s mental state was com$letely defenseless
against their own -23.
;ecent -23 models were e(ui$$ed with a function that im$roved
2ctivation Se(uence $rocessing" #ut at the same time made it easier
for them to affect the user!s mental status.
If there was a $ro#lem during maintenance" not only would magic
efficiency decrease" other side effects would include discomfort"
headaches" dizziness" vomiting" or even ma*or harm such as
hallucinations or mental scarring. Thus" the higher the -23!s
ca$a#ility" the more skilled the maintenance needed to #e.
6or Magicians" voluntarily yielding their -23 to #e maintained #y an
2rtificer whose strength was unknown $osed a su#stantial risk.
.ven if it was Katsuto!s own suggestion" his willingness to offer
himself as a test su#*ect showed considera#le courage.
8,o" I was the one who recommended him" so I should take that role.8
Mayumi immediately re(uested to take res$onsi#ility likely out of a
sense of duty" #ut from another $ers$ective" this likely im$lied that she
didn!t wholly trust Tatsuya" which was something that Tatsuya easily
read #etween the lines to his discomfort.
8/ait" $lease let me do it.8
That #eing said" the fact that Kirihara was willing to $inch hit caused
Tatsuya considera#le shock 7 the mettle dis$layed #y this man was
certainly comforting.
The school!s -23 maintenance facility o$en to faculty and students
was located in the Technical Skills )uilding.
However" this time they weren!t using the $reset maintenance devices
in the <ractical Skills )uilding" #ut #ringing the mo#ile maintenance
devices used in the ,ine Schools -om$etition to the conference room
to conduct their test.
The -23 in (uestion was also one that (ualified under the regulations
of the ,ine Schools -om$etition.
Seeing as how the $re=com$etition $re$arations $roceeded so
smoothly #oth in materials and $rocedure" the continuously delayed
selection $rocess was a $articularly glaring issue.
Tatsuya sat #efore the maintenance device with Kirihara on the other
side 7 #ut the two of them couldn!t see one another. The mem#ers of
the Student -ouncil and various clu#s leaders crowded around
The first ste$ involved activating the school device" a $rocess where
many malicious gazes were focused on Tatsuya!s hand movements@
#ut Tatsuya was long accustomed to working with much more
com$le devices than the school device" so this was a $rocedure he
could have com$leted flawlessly in his slee$. He ade$tly com$leted
the $re$arations and ado$ted a $oker face to ward off the a#horring
8My task involves co$ying Kirihara=sen$ai!s -23 schematics onto the
com$etition=use -23" making any necessary ad*ustments without
changing the 2ctivation Se(uence" am I correct:8
Tatsuya once again verified the test!s contents.
8?es" sorry for #othering you.8
Tatsuya on seeing Mayumi nodding shook his head slightly. ,ot
nodding" shaking.
8....../hat is it:8
8I wouldn!t advise directly co$ying the schematics onto a different
model -23...... )ut there!s nothing for it" so let!s $ut safety as the first
Mayumi wasn!t the only one dum#founded. 8-o$ying -23
schematics8 was a sim$le task that occurs when users changed
machines" so many $eo$le were also wondering why Tatsuya viewed
this as a $ro#lem.
However" the Technician Team centered around 2zusa knew eactly
why Tatsuya asked this (uestion. The team mem#ers either nodded
slightly in agreement or smirked as they $re$ared to en*oy Tatsuya!s
Tatsuya didn!t say anything else and $lunged into the maintenance.
6irst" he connected Kirihara!s -23 to the maintenance device.
The schematics re$lication $rocess was semi=automatic" so there was
no way to gauge the difference in skill here.
However" Tatsuya didn!t *ust dum$ the schematics re$lica directly into
the calculation device of the com$etition=use -23" #ut stored it into
the $rocessing area of the maintenance device" a move that caused
(uite a few $eo$le to raise their eye#rows.
,et he measured Kirihara!s $ersonal $sion oscillation nature.
6ollowing Tatsuya!s instructions" Kirihara $ut the headset on his head"
then $laced #oth hands on the eamination #oard.
This was also normal $rocedure@ if this was an automatic maintenance
device" the ste$s re(uired were to connect the -23 then read the
$sion waves and the $rocess would automatically com$lete itself.
>enerally" students that used the school devices for $ersonal
maintenance would ado$t that $recise $rocedure.
+n the other hand" not relying on automatic maintenance and
manually making minute ad*ustments to the -23!s +S showed an
engineer!s true strength.
8Thank you sen$ai" you can take it off now.8
Tatsuya indicated that the measurements were concluded and Kirihara
removed the headset.
+rdinarily" the net ste$ involved connecting the -23 that needed to
#e modified" then making any ad*ustments #eyond the automatic
recommendations. This re(uired a $reset -23 to #e $re$ared in
advance" then co$ying all the data onto the destination -23.
4ust a#out everyone in the audience thought that Tatsuya messed u$
the $rocedure.
2s if to $rove this $oint" Tatsuya stared at the monitor without moving
a muscle.
However" he didn!t give off the air of someone who was ho$elessly
lost #ecause of a misste$.
His gaze was focused to a terrifying degree without giving a hint of
that unsteady feeling.
5na#le to contain her curiosity" 2zusa $oked her head around
Tatsuya!s #ody to glance at the monitor.
Her voice let out an awkward sound that was wholly incom$ati#le
with her youthful image.
Tatsuya was com$letely unaffected #y this interru$tion.
Mayumi and Mari didn!t dare to ask what was going on" so they #oth
came to 2zusa!s side to look at the monitor 7 and were #arely a#le to
contain their gas$s.
The monitor didn!t dis$lay the e$ected measurement results and
gra$hs" #ut was filled with character strings scrolling across at high
The two of them were only a#le to $ick out a few num#ers here and
there" #ut their eyes were wholly una#le to kee$ u$ with the scrolling
The num#ers a#ru$tly came to a sto$.
;oughly a few dozen seconds had ela$sed" which was less than 1
minutes since Tatsuya started staring at the screen.
2fter the character strings sto$$ed scrolling" Tatsuya immediately
$lugged in the com$etition=use calculation device and swiftly started
hitting the key#oard.
Many windows started o$ening and closing.
+nly 2zusa noticed that one of the o$ened windows was the original
document with the recorded measurement results" while another
window was the original document that contained the re$licated -23
schematics on the maintenance device.
Gery few $eo$le recognized how insanely advanced the $rocedure
unfolding #efore their eyes truly was" since the ma*ority of the
audience was held s$ell#ound at the unheard of s$eed at which
Tatsuya was hitting the key#oard. .ven so" 2zusa #elieved that the
truly astounding $art was the techni(ue Tatsuya dis$layed when he
was directly reading the nature of the $sion oscillations from the
original document.
/ith that method" the engineer could $erfectly allocate the resources
within the $arameters of the calculation device to #est suit the
measurement results reflected in the maintenance device. This was a
com$letely manual $rocess wholly inde$endent of the automatic
$rocesses $rovided #y the system.
)efore 2zusa!s gaze" the settings tem$orarily stored in the work area
were steadily #eing rewritten in a flash.
The original document still remained on the main screen" #ut 2zusa
was #arely a#le to detect the modified settings.
This definitely fell within the #oundaries of safety. He was really
adhering to 8safety is the first $riority8 condition.
This way" it would lower the user!s risk from relying on automatic
maintenance" and $rovide 2ctivation Se(uences that eceeded
automatic maintenance in efficiency.
There was a#solutely no need for a $ractical test.
This 'st ?ear student!s skill far sur$assed anyone in the Technician
2zusa made u$ her mind right there that she was going to drag
Tatsuya onto the team no matter what" o#*ections #e damned.
5nder the condition 8without changing the 2ctivation Se(uence8 the
maintenance (uickly came to an end.
He was so fast that the audience wasn!t thoroughly entertained.
The net $art was the actual live test.
5nnoticed #y others" Kirihara!s e$ression was slightly nervous and
tense" #ut fell within the e$ected #oundaries.
In reality" there was no incident" nor was there anything that could
even #e remotely called an accident.
The -23 Tatsuya modified was 8com$letely the same8 as Kirihara!s
#eloved -23.
8Kirihara" how do you feel:8
8,o $ro#lem at all" it!s *ust like I!m using my own -23" there!s no
incom$ati#le feeling at all.8
Kirihara immediately answered Katsuto!s (uestion.
.veryone was $erfectly clear that this was not an inflated evaluation
#ased on friendshi$. >iven Kirihara and Tatsuya!s $ast history 7
Kirihara was forci#ly su#dued #y Tatsuya during the ken*utsu clu#!s
$erformance during recruitment week in 2$ril 7 $eo$le who knew
the $articulars were aware that there!s no way Kirihara would $rotect
Tatsuya. However" even ecluding this 8misunderstanding8" everyone
who saw the way the magic invocated knew that the -23 was
functioning $erfectly smoothly.
That #eing said" 8a#le to smoothly invoke magic8 was a fairly low
criterion and it was hard to see any further results.
8......9ooks like he has the fundamentals down" #ut this isn!t enough to
(ualify him to #e one of the school re$resentatives.8
8Time s$ent was $retty average" nothing s$ecial.8
8He didn!t follow $ro$er $rocedure" #ut there may #e some reason
#ehind that......8
5nsur$risingly" the %nd ?ear $artici$ants were the first to react
negatively to this seemingly normal result.
The #acklash wasn!t solely from Tatsuya!s un$recedented nomination"
#ut also since he was s$ecifically $icked #y the <resident" everyone
su#consciously e$ected him to floor them all with some outstanding
techni(ue" so naturally higher e$ectations led to greater
8I fully su$$ort #ringing Shi#a=kun onto the teamB8
2#andoning her usual cowed e$ression" 2zusa furiously countered.
8/hat he *ust dis$layed #efore our eyes was a techni(ue that far
sur$asses our wildest dreams as high school students. 4ust the very
fact that he doesn!t need to use automatic maintenance and is a#le to
do this entirely manually is already a feat that I cannot accom$lish.8
8.......ven if his techni(ue was amazing" #ut what!s the $oint if it!s
such a mundane result......:8
8It only looks mundane" #ut the contents are com$letely differentB To
#e a#le to com$letely a#ide within the safety $arameters at no loss of
efficiency is an incredi#le accom$lishmentB8
8,aka*ou" rela a little #it...... ;ather than staying confined within the
safety $arameters" wouldn!t it #e #etter to take a few chances to raise
the efficiency rate:8
8That!s...... #ecause they suddenly want to test......8
3e#ate wasn!t one of her strong suits" so her vigor (uickly diminished.
4ust as 2zusa was floundering" a male student raised his hand to #e
recognized" which swiftly #rought everyone!s attention onto him.
8Kirihara!s $ersonal model #oasts su$erior $erformance to the
com$etition=use models" #ut even with this difference" the user was
still una#le to detect any difference" so I #elieve this techni(ue
deserves high $raise.8
8.h: ......Hattori=kun:8
+ut of the #lue" the one who came to the rescue was Hattori.
8<resident" I also su$$ort Shi#a *oining the Technician Team.8
Mayumi was entirely una#le to mask her startled e$ression.
.ven faced with the somewhat negative reaction on $art of his #eloved
(:) <resident and ecluding his $ersonal thoughts" Hattori continued
fearlessly (on the outside) and graciously etolled his o$inion.
8The ,ine Schools -om$etition is an event that affects the very
re$utation of our school" so we should send the #est and strongest
candidates" without $lacing too much em$hasis on who they are. The
engineer!s *o# is to su$$ort the $artici$ants so that they can focus
eclusively on the events themselves. 4ust as ,aka*ou said" for
Kirihara to say !there!s no incom$ati#le feeling!" I must admit that is a
*o# done admira#ly well. /ith our current des$erate lack of engineers"
this isn!t the time to #emoan that !he!s a 'st ?ear student! or !this is
Hattori!s words were saturated with ver#al #ar#s" #ut he strenuously
defended his heart=felt $osition.
However" the very fact that Hattori threw in on Tatsuya!s side was a
large enough #low to rock the meeting.
8I also think that Hattori!s o$inion #ears merit.
The talent Shi#a $ut on dis$lay is more than enough to (ualify him as
one of the school re$resentatives.
I also su$$ort Shi#a *oining the Technician Team.8
/ith the o$$osition stunned into silence and Katsuto!s $u#lic
declaration of su$$ort" Tatsuya!s nomination was certain.
Chapter 2
2fter the si#lings shared their customary dinner together" the
tele$hone $icked this $recise moment to start ringing.
S$eaking of which" as everyone knows" almost all modern tele$hones
were e(ui$$ed with 8we# cams8" a detail that third rate social
commentators never failed to decry" saying that they aren!t
tele8$hones8 #ut tele8screens8 or some related #ut meaningless
su#*ect. .ven with this $ro*ected function #rought into fruition" they
are still referred to as 8tele$hones8.
7 )ack on to$ic 7
Miyuki was currently in the kitchen cleaning u$.
She wasn!t adamant on doing the dishes herself since she could $ass
them to the H2;" #ut their household wasn!t e(ui$$ed with the EH
(Humanoid Home Hel$er" or sim$ly 8Housework ro#ot8) that had *ust
hit the market for mass consum$tion. The two of them unanimously
agreed that having a $air of ro#ot arms etending from the ceiling was
more of a hassle than anything" so they were #etter off cleaning u$
after themselves.
7 Miyuki said that if they were too lazy to do even this" their fitness
would ra$idly decrease.
7 +nce again" #ack on to$ic 7
Sim$ly $ut" this was the reason why Tatsuya $icked u$ the $hone"
though occasionally 7 that!s how it was.
89ong time no see...... 3id you intend to do that:8
8....../ait a minute" I have no idea what you!re talking a#out...... 9ong
time no see" S$ecial 9ieutenant.8
+nscreen was a familiar face wearing a very sur$rised e$ression.
8It!s #een two months since we last s$oke" #ut...... If you!re using that
title" does that mean this is an encry$ted transmission: I can!t #elieve
you can ta$ into the civilian line every time.8
8It!s not that easy" S$ecial 9ieutenant. -om$ared to the standards of an
average household" isn!t the security surrounding your house a little
too tight:8
8That!s #ecause there are a lot of hackers active recently" and the
household servers have sensitive information stored within them.8
8,o wonder. /e were almost traced on our end.8
8?ou deserved that. 2s long as you don!t delve too dee$ly into the
data#ase" the defense system shouldn!t activate.8
8I think this serves as an ecellent warning shot for my newest
+nscreen" the face that had #een #a$tized into coarse leather #y long
e$osure to sunlight and gun$owder revealed a mischievous smile.
2s he saw this smile" Tatsuya reflected that the man hadn!t aged a day
since three years ago.
)ased on his rank and de$artment" he must deal with a myriad of
details daily" #ut he never #etrayed any trace of ehaustion...... 2s
these thoughts chased one another around in his mind" Tatsuya
suddenly recalled that the one on the other side of the line 7 The
2rmy!s '&' Inde$endent Magic=.(ui$$ed )attalion -+ Ma*or
Kazama Haruno#u didn!t like to waste unnecessary time on small talk.
8Ma*or" what!s on the agenda today:8
8That!s right" let!s cut the small talk. )usiness first.8
8<lease go ahead.8
8Today we com$leted modifications on the !Third .ye!. /e u$graded
some com$onents to the latest models and u$dated the software" so I
would like you to test it out.8
The '&' was $ronounced 8+ne Lero +ne8" and not 8+ne Hundred and
This was a $rimarily magic=#ased e$erimental detachment that was
se$arate from the normal chain of command. In addition" the
Inde$endent Magic=.(ui$$ed )attalion was also res$onsi#le for the
develo$ment of cutting edge e(ui$ment.
-om$ared to regular military classification" the security clearance for
this detachment was five to si levels higher. 2ccordingly" a regular
high school student had no #usiness interacting with such a division"
to the $oint that he or she would #e wholly ignorant of its eistence.
However" due to certain classified events" Tatsuya was actually an
official mem#er of Kazama!s division.
85nderstood. I will re$ort in first thing tomorrow.8
8....../ait a second" this isn!t so im$ortant that you need to take a day
off from school.8
8,o" net weekend I $lan to visit the la# to test out a new calculation
82lthough I!m in no $osition to say so...... )ut ever since you entered
high school" youMve #een leading a decisively non=student=like
8I dislike your im$ression" #ut there!s nothing I can do a#out it.8
8That!s true...... ,o matter how #usy we get" there!s nothing we can do
a#out it. In that case" meet u$ at the old $lace tomorrow morning. I!m
sorry I won!t #e there" #ut I will contact Sanada ahead of time.8
Tatsuya saluted in acce$tance" while Kazama re$eated that action on
the screen.
This ty$e of salute went entirely against regulations" #ut since Tatsuya
was an irregular" the standards were slightly relaed.
8,et su#*ect. S$ecial 9ieutenant" rumors say that you are *oining this
summer!s ,ine Schools -om$etition:8
Tatsuya hesitated for a s$lit second" #ut given the circumstances" the
fact that he only hesitated for a 8s$lit second8 was (uite an
It was less than three hours after he had #een confirmed as a mem#er
of the Technician!s Team.
Knowing that asking was fruitless" Tatsuya $ut a lid on his curiosity
and refrained from asking how the Ma*or got the word.
8The arena is located in southeast sector of the 6u*i .ercise >rounds"
so this is only customary...... That #eing said" Tatsuya" stay on your
Kazama!s everyday s$eech was already a#ru$t" #ut today!s seemed
even more so than usual.
He wasn!t referring to Tatsuya #y rank" surname" or alias" #ut calling
him directly #y name" which signified that he was warning Tatsuya as
an old friend rather than a su$erior officer. 2fter o#taining the
information interce$ted #y the military!s intelligence network" he
wasn!t alerting the $olice or the general $u#lic" #ut a mere high school
student without any social standing. This was highly odd.
Tatsuya focused all his attention as he continued to listen.
8There are sus$icious circumstances surrounding that area" with signs
that we have illegal aliens in the area.8
83id someone infiltrate the military!s eercise grounds:8
8Duite lamenta#le indeed. 2lso" several witnesses claimed seeing .ast
2sian mem#ers of an international crime syndicate in the area" which
did not occur this time last year. )ased on the timing" it!s very likely
they have something $lanned for the ,ine Schools -om$etition.8
It!s *ust a high school intramural com$etition...... Tatsuya was a#out to
say this aloud" #efore switching to another tack.
.ven if they were high school students" this country!s elite young
Magicians were a#out to $u#licly com$ete against one another.
6or eam$le" if there was a ma*or terrorist attack using e$losives
during the awards ceremony" that would severely im$act this country!s
talented $ersonnel.
8?ou mentioned an international crime syndicate:8
This was not the same ty$e of organization as )lanche ($retending to
#e an anti=magic $olitical organization) that Tatsuya encountered in
2$ril. If this was a criminal syndicate" then they shouldn!t have any
interest in causing unnecessary harm. Terrorism was another thing
altogether. Kazama was a soldier" so he shouldn!t have had any
e$erience dealing with international crime syndicates.
How did he figure out their identity:
8I asked Mi#u to give me a hand. ?ou $ro#a#ly know him.8
8The father of 6irst HighMs ?ear % student Mi#u Sayaka:8
8.actly. 2fter retiring from the military" Mi#u transferred to Internal
2ffairs (-a#inet 2gency of 3ata Su$ervision). He!s currently -hief of
6oreign 2ffairs" s$ecifically international crime syndicates.8
8......I!m sur$rised.8
Tatsuya wasn!t merely $arroting #ack" he was honestly sur$rised.
Tatsuya was astounded that the Ma*or would reveal the identity of one
of his sources of intelligence over the tele$hone so easily@ the -a#inet
2gency of 3ata Su$ervision generally remained neutral #etween
$olitics and the military so they weren!t $articularly friendly with the
military" yet the Ma*or sim$ly asked them for assistance in a clear=cut
manner" which also amazed Tatsuya. However" what floored Tatsuya
the most was that the daughter of a foreign intelligence e$ert actually
#ecame the accom$lice to a terrorist organization affiliated with
foreign countries and the father who was the chief of foreign affairs
merely turned a #lind eye to the situation. Salutary neglect" much:
8-riminal syndicates and underground terrorist cells are handled #y
different de$artments. Tunnel vision on their own affairs is a common
fallacy in government agencies.8
The reason why Kazama was a#le to accurately mirror Tatsuya!s
thoughts" rather than due to their long friendshi$" was more #ecause
Kazama could also read #etween the lines and thus resonate with
8However" information from areas within his e$ertise is trustworthy.
2ccording to Mi#u!s calculations" these might #e mem#ers from the
criminal syndicate #ased out of Hong Kong called !,o Head 3ragon!.
-urrently" their o#*ective remains unknown and we will let you know
as soon as this changes.8
8Thank you" Ma*or.8
8I won!t see you tomorrow" #ut we may meet u$ at 6u*i.8
8I look forward to that meeting.8
89ikewise...... Ho" we talked too long. The new rookie is starting to
$anic" so it!s a#out time for me to hang u$.8
The we# $olice $ro#a#ly detected traces of the network invasion.
)ased on this assum$tion" it was too am#iguous for Tatsuya to tell
whether he should $raise the skills of the we# $olice or lament over
the skills of Kazama!s su#ordinates.
8Make sure to greet your sensei for me.8
Tatsuya wasn!t a#le to re$ly #efore the screen turned #lank.
8That was $ro#a#ly a #road hint that I should make contact with
Then" how much was he su$$osed to reveal: The face of his sensei
who owned the title of head monk" #ut was more a$$ro$riately
descri#ed as 8im$oster8 floated into Tatsuya!s mind as he slightly
8+nii=sama" if you don!t mind" would you like some tea......:8
Sometime after closing the door leading to the living room" Miyuki!s
voice came floating in.
She a$$eared to #e trying to avoid eavesdro$$ing on the conversation"
so she waited in the kitchen until Tatsuya finished his conversation.
+riginally" Miyuki occu$ied a much more $rivileged $osition than
Tatsuya and $ossessed the right to listen in on any military or foreign
secrets" #ut the little sister never eercised that right #efore her elder
Tatsuya silently $added towards the kitchen and o$ened the door
#efore Miyuki could ask again.
2s e$ected" Miyuki stood there stiffly with her eyes wide o$en" with
a tray that had a tea kettle and some silverware and snacks $erched on
8......+nii=sama" $lease don!t scare me like that" you could!ve said
something...... I can!t #elieve you moved silently *ust to laugh at
Miyuki!s terrified e$ression. +nii=sama is #ullying me.8
8Sorry" sorry.8
Miyuki turned her head aside with a huff. Tatsuya smiled as he took
the tray from her hands while a$ologizing every ste$ of the way.
8)ut I wasn!t trying to #ully you" I *ust thought that you were carrying
something heavy so I rushed over. I certainly don!t want my cute little
sister to haul around heavy o#*ects.8
8......I know very well that this is a fa#rication...... )ut I!ll *ust let +nii=
sama mislead me this one time.8
.ven if she maintained her dis$leased e$ression" the corners of her
mouth relaed slightly.
It only took one word from +nii=sama to calm her down.
)ut Miyuki was $erfectly willing.
8;ed tea today:8
8?es" I #ought some ecellent summer etract and I thought
occasionally having tea would #e nice.8
Tatsuya nodded in res$onse to Miyuki and returned to the ta#le #efore
sam$ling the tea cu$.
8Muscatel" (uite rare...... It must!ve taken you some time and effort to
get this" right:8
8,o" it was really a coincidence...... 2s long as +nii=sama is ha$$y"
then that is the highest $raise for Miyuki.8
Tatsuya slowly took a si$ and let out a satisfied smile. Seeing this"
Miyuki smiled with a ha$$iness that welled from the #ottom of her
8Hm" the tea is ecellent and the #utter #iscuits look delicious. 3id
Miyuki #ake these:8
8?es" though...... They don!t look very nice.8
8,onsense" I don!t mind at all" they taste wonderful.8
Miyuki ducked her head in em#arrassment" #ut the sight of her +nii=
sama raising the #utter #iscuits and en*oying them was enough to
$rom$t her to raise her head and smile in ha$$iness.
Tatsuya didn!t #ring u$ the to$ic of Kazama!s conversation" and
Miyuki didn!t ask.
Tatsuya was #usy sam$ling his little sister!s e(uisitely $re$ared
snacks and meticulously $urchased tea. 6or Miyuki" *ust the sight of
her +nii=sama!s satisfied e$ression was more than enough
com$ensation for any arduous task.
There!s no need to re$eat this" #ut Miyuki was the $u#licly
acknowledged honor student.
,ot only was she talented #eyond all #elief" #ut she also was
etremely diligent.
)esides taking care of her +nii=sama!s day=to=day life" she also
studied until late in the night.
Today also" she studied until near midnight #efore shutting off the
electric monitor and storing it in the ta#le.
She wasn!t ehausted yet.
2ccording to her e$erience" it was hard to fall aslee$ when going to
#ed in this stimulated state. This could #e (uickly remedied with the
slee$ing device" #ut +nii=sama frowned u$on using the technology
that nearly N&K of the country uses. Since Tatsuya o#*ected to this
technology" Miyuki would have no reason to use it.
Then let!s make another cu$ of tea to change the mood" Miyuki
It was totally worth it for her to hunt down the #est (uality Muscatel"
as evidenced #y her +nii=sama!s delight with the tea. Sim$ly reflecting
on +nii=sama!s smile was more than enough for her to have a
wonderful dream" #ut if she could see it one more time" and may#e
even have +nii=sama ru# her head" then that would #e even #etter.
Miyuki was *ust heading to the kitchen" when a sudden thought
crossed her mind when she sto$$ed in front of the mirror.
Miyuki nodded slightly" then a slightly mischievous smirk formed on
her face.
8+nii=sama" this is Miyuki" I!m coming in with tea.8
8<erfect" come in.8
Miyuki would #ring tea or coffee around this time every night and her
#rother would usually thank her in an a$ologetic manner" #ut tonight
he seemed to #e waiting for her to a$$ear" which slightly #ewildered
;egardless" if +nii=sama was waiting for her" that was definitely
something that $leased her.
8I was *ust a#out to go get you78
7He got only that far #efore silence forci#ly swallowed the net
/hen she saw her +nii=sama turn around on the chair and stare
fiatedly at her" Miyuki felt a small shiver of satisfaction run through
her. She carried the tray with one hand while the other lightly clutched
the hem of the skirt as she $layfully curtseyed.
8............2h" is this the uniform for !6airy 3ance!:8
8Indeed" +nii=sama knows very well.8
The miniskirt was formed #y layers u$on layers of dazzling colors that
floated together and $erfectly matched the tights that covered her
#eautiful legs along with the #right" leather #oots.
The outer garment was o$en down on the #ack" made of a translucent
material whose thickness was hard to tell. The lines were not
em#roidered" #ut naturally created #y the fa#ric itself" allowing it to
$erfectly com$lement the #osom.
)eneath the outer garment was a shirt in the same vein as the leggings.
,o" may#e it wasn!t a shirt and $air of leggings" #ut an entire long=
sleeved s$ande. If there wasn!t the outer covering" it could very well
have #een mistaken for a figure skater!s uniform.
2 $air of hair decorations with wings s$routing out the sides held her
long silky hair in $lace" connected #y a long thick #and seen on most
-onsidering air resistance and chest $rotection" this gorgeous uniform
was undou#tedly the uniform used for 8Mirage )at8 7 also known as
86airy 3ance8" one of the most antici$ated magical events in the ,ine
Schools -om$etition.
8How does it look:8
Miyuki $laced the tray on a near#y ta#le #efore s$inning around with
a smile.
.ven though the softly flowing miniskirt was very short" when
matched with the fluttering hair dancing in the air it created an aura of
im$ossi#le grace.
83evastatingly cute" suits you $erfectly" and your timing is ecellent.8
Miyuki sto$$ed twirling when she faced Tatsuya and gra##ed with
#oth hands the hem of her skirt in a dee$ curtsey as Tatsuya
com$limented her.
8Thank you +nii=sama for your $raise......:8
Miyuki was '&&K certain that her elder #rother would $raise her" so
she only $re$ared one res$onse" as one res$onse was all that was
However" she was una#le to com$rehend what Tatsuya!s last words
referred to" so she altered her res$onse to include a (uestion mark at
the end.
Miyuki straightened her legs and waist #efore 8looking u$8 to the
seated Tatsuya.
4ust as she was a#out to direct her gaze towards the usual height to
in(uire the meaning of 8your timing is $erfect8" Miyuki (uickly
realized something was wrong.
She *ust as (uickly gras$ed the reason.
.ven though Tatsuya was seated" his gaze was still level to his normal
standing height.
Miyuki swiftly glanced downwards" then swallowed hard.
The chair that was su$$osed to #e #eneath him 7 was gone.
Tatsuya!s right leg was crossed over his left and his right el#ow was
directly $er$endicular ato$ the right knee" like he was stretching the
u$$er half of his #ody forward...... 2s he sat in mid air.
8I also wanted Miyuki to test out this calculation device.8
Tatsuya maintained this $osition as he slid towards Miyuki until he
was roughly an arm!s length away #efore sto$$ing. He then uncrossed
his legs and straightened his feet much like how he would rise from a
/ith this series of motions" his $hysical #ody naturally returned to
8......6lying=Ty$e Magic...... Sustained >ravity=-ontrol Ty$e Magic
has #een com$letedB8
She was only distracted for a s$lit second.
Miyuki nearly $ounced on her #rother as she seized his hand in *oy.
8+nii=sama" congratulationsB8
This was one of the magics that Tatsuya had #een researching for
some time.
2mong the 6our >reat Systemic and the .ight Ma*or Ty$es of magic"
the first category is the 8S$eedOMass8 System.
This was mor$hed out of the sim$lest of Su$er <owers" commonly
acknowledged to #e most #asic magic in modern systemic magic.
That #eing said" while 6lying=Ty$e Magic is theoretically $ossi#le
under the S$eedOMass Systems 7 Sustained >ravity=-ontrol Magic"
even though the #asic $ro$osal eisted since the early days of modern
magic" it was never successfully develo$ed in official channels #efore
this day.
Today during lunch" 6lying=Ty$e Magic was the su#*ect of
considera#le de#ate. Modern magic!s general consensus was that
while the theory was sound" the $ractical a$$lication was im$ossi#le.
.ven so" another cornerstone of modern magic laws was overturned
#efore Miyuki!s eyes.
8+nce again +nii=sama has turned the im$ossi#le $ossi#leB To #e a#le
to witness this turning $oint in history" and the fact that the $erson
who accom$lished this towering achievement is my elder #rother" I
am etremely $roud to #e called your sisterB8
Her hands tightly clas$ing Tatsuya!s right hand" Miyuki looked ready
to throw her arms around him" while Tatsuya gently covered his
sister!s hands with his left.
8Thank you" Miyuki. 2lthough they didn!t intend to use it solely
towards flying" 2ncient Magic has already reached this level of flying
ca$a#ility" #ut today we took another #ig ste$ towards realizing the
8The flying a#ilities of 2ncient Magic can only #e used #y a small
minority of Magicians and are a uni(ue a#ility that de$ends on the
su#*ect" right: However" isn!t +nii=sama!s 6lying=Ty$e Magic usa#le
#y anyone with sufficient Magic <ower:8
82t $resent" I have set that as the first o#*ective. I ho$e Miyuki will
hel$ me test this.8
83elighted toB8
Miyuki!s eyes shone as she nodded (uickly.
2fter listening to the instructions" Miyuki looked towards the newly
maintained -23 in her left hand.
4ust like Miyuki!s regular -23" this was a model sha$ed like a mo#ile
However" the dimensions were much smaller than Miyuki!s originally
tiny model and could #e comforta#ly o#scured within her slender
The only similarity was the overall sha$e of the mo#ile terminal
This -23 was a S$ecialised -alculation 3evice.
Miyuki wasn!t familiar with S$ecialized models" #ut the o$eration was
sim$le enough.
There was only a $ower switch and" once activated" the -23 would
automatically a#sor# $sions from the user in order to continuously
fuel the 2ctivation Se(uence until the $ower was ehausted. +n some
level" this was a fairly #ar#aric item.
However" the $sion consum$tion rate for the device had #een lowered
to the a#solute minimum.
The $ur$ose #ehind the design was to minimize the stress $laced on
the user.
8)egin test.8
Her throat (uivered slightly from the overwhelming nervousness she
The fact that her hand wasn!t trem#ling was enough for Miyuki to
want to congratulate herself.
.ven if the test failed" +nii=sama wouldn!t #lame her.
;ather" +nii=sama would likely redesign the 86lying -alculation
3evice8 from scratch.
She refused to allow her own inade(uacies increase her #rother!s
Miyuki thum#ed the -23!s $ower switch.
She knew without looking that the calculation device was currently
a#sor#ing her #ody!s $sions.
.ven so" the amount was small enough that she had to $ay etra
attention to detect it.
It was only at a slightly elevated level com$ared to the normal loss of
ecess $sions.
)y the time she realized this" the 2ctivation Se(uence had already
#een stored into the Magic -alculation 2rea.
Though she was forewarned #y Tatsuya!s instructions" the tiny scale of
the 2ctivation Se(uence still caught her #y sur$rise.
/ith Miyuki!s technical a#ility" she was a#le to eecute dozens of
co$ies of the same 2ctivation Se(uence with ease.
.ven if the scale was tiny" every critical detail was recorded within.
Miyuki felt that this was an 2ctivation Se(uence com$letely stri$$ed
of anything unnecessary to #oost efficiency to the ma.
The varia#les were in$utted into the 2ctivation Se(uence" #eginning
Magic Se(uence construction.
>enerally" Magicians wouldn!t $ay attention to these $hases.
Magicians would ty$ically use language" formulas or images to
$ro$erly formulate the desired $henomenon change" then dive into the
The Magic -alculation 2rea!s *o# was to transform the imagined
reality into data for the Magic Se(uence. The 8varia#les8 in the
2ctivation Se(uence refer to the $ortions that must #e created from
the Magician!s imagination.
Magicians can feel the 2ctivation Se(uences that have #een a#sor#ed
into their $hysical #ody" *ust as they are a#le to sense the Magic
Se(uence #eing constructed within them. However" the construction
$rocess for Magic Se(uences is $artially involuntary and is not su#*ect
to conscious interference.
If this wasn!t the case" #ased on human limits of understanding and
com$rehension of data" there would #e no way to create Information
)odies ca$a#le of influencing reality.
Miyuki imaged herself floating to the ceiling!s height.
2ll of a sudden" the #ounds of gravity disa$$eared.
Her five senses lost touch with her environment as if her #ody had
$hased out of reality" causing Miyuki to $anic slightly.
That #eing said" Miyuki!s soul was filled with a delight that far
eceeded that $altry sense of $anic.
She never knew flying was such a li#erating e$erience.
She was almost envious of the astronauts that strode across the stars
with I&K of this feeling.
She also $itied them for having to wear cum#ersome s$ace suits in
order to en*oy such $leasure.
Miyuki earnestly wished to leave this narrow #asement and freely soar
through the skies.
8How is it: Is the 9oo$ System too stressful:8
Her #rother!s voice (uickly $ulled Miyuki!s mind #ack to earth.
Miyuki was terri#ly em#arrassed that she was engrossed in the
$leasure of flight during such a critical e$eriment.
.ven so" this wasn!t the time for self=loathing.
Miyuki" you have to ste$ u$ 7 Miyuki mentally scolded herself
#efore answering her #rother!s (uestion.
8,o $ro#lems whatsoever. There are no headaches or sense of
8.cellent. ,et is gradual $arallel motion" get used to slowly
accelerating yourself" then fly as you $lease.8
Miyuki followed her #rother!s instructions and imagined herself
slowly floating $arallel to the ground.
The tiny 2ctivation Se(uence automatically s$read out and co$ied
itself" constructing the Magic Se(uence that changed the direction of
gravity to $arallel motion.
The design #ehind 6lying=Ty$e Magic revolved around using the
9oo$ System to continuously invoke magic.
2ccording to this $rocess" as long as new conce$tual ideas are not
introduced into the -alculation 2rea" the varia#les would continuously
mirror the original values.
/ith the 2ctivation Se(uence added into the self=re$licating ,on=
Systematic Magic data near the final stages of the Magic Se(uence
construction $rocess and allowing the 2ctivation Se(uence to #e
a$$lied to the Magic -alculation 2rea" even if the -23 is not #eing
o$erated" the same Magic Se(uence can still #e invoked 7 using the
9oo$ System" that is. Thus" the same 2ctivation Se(uence"
construction of the Magic Se(uence" and the data varia#les can #e
endlessly $lugged in. This is the truth #ehind 6lying=Ty$e Magic.
Taurus Silver!s magnum o$us 7 89oo$ System8" was the $erfect
com$lement to the 6light -alculation 3evice that Tatsuya invented.
8Is the magic dis*ointed:8
8,ot at all. 2s e$ected of +nii=sama" the timing is sim$ly $erfect.8
The key to this system lies in recording the eact times the magic
Humans are unsuited for such $recise num#er management" so
machines were a#solutely necessary to fill this ga$.
If the design stu##ornly refused to take anything #esides magic into
account" then the system would #e sim$ly im$ossi#le.
Miyuki continued to follow Tatsuya!s directions and incrementally
raised the s$iraling s$eed.
She used the limited s$ace within the #asement to the maimum
etent. She turned" maneuvered" and fli$$ed as she danced in the air.
The softly floating skirt and long" silky hair followed the outstretched
#ody to dis$lay a#solutely #eautiful curves.
2t some $oint" Tatsuya forgot to o#*ectively analyze the situation and
sim$ly stood there mesmerized at the wholly une$ected fairy dance.
6our 9eaves Technology (the literal translation is 86our 9eaves
Technology8" #ut the official com$any records and #rand name
intentionally used only 86our 9eaves8) 7 often shortened to 69T" had
a -23 develo$ment center situated in the #oondocks" nearly two
hours away from Tatsuya!s house #y $u#lic transit (it was only one
and a half hours #y electric #ike" #ut they chose to use $u#lic transit
#ecause of the rain). Tatsuya had long since familiarized himself with
this route and" $recisely #ecause he was overly familiar" the long and
arduous ride only served to irritate him.
8?es" +nii=sama" what is it:8
8......,ever mind" I a$ologize. It was nothing.8
5nlike the la#s near the main cor$orate head(uarters" whenever
Tatsuya came to this la#" Miyuki usually tagged along as well" so she
was $ro#a#ly *ust as familiar with this route. )ut des$ite the dismal
weather" her outlook remained much like they were on a $icnic"
causing Tatsuya to in(uire to the reason #ehind that.
The reason he cut himself short after starting to ask was #ecause when
Tatsuya thought a#out it" he felt that this was a rather odd (uestion.
+f course" Miyuki was (uite confused" #ut her sunny dis$osition
(uickly returned" to the $oint that she was almost humming in *oy.
However" the two of them had already entered the research la#" so she
didn!t actually make any sounds.
This was the hu# for all cor$orate related technical research" the
verita#le #eating heart of 69T itself" with all the security that
accom$anied it. ,ot only were there cameras watching every angle"
the num#er of de$loyed security $ersonnel was also astounding.
.ven so" no one halted Tatsuya and Miyuki.
They didn!t even #other to check in at the counter #efore walking
down the window=less corridors that led to the dee$est $art of the
6inally" the two of them arrived at a room with one wall that was
covered in windows from the ceiling to the floor.
+n the other side of the windows" a dee$ chasm etended nearly half a
floor #eneath the earth that was large enough to house a hangar.
2cross this o$en s$ace was another room with the same o#servation
This was the -23 testing center.
+ver a dozen engineers and researchers were #ustling a#out the office
de#ating or mani$ulating various measuring devices.
82h" young masterB8
.ven though everyone was #uried in work" someone greeted Tatsuya
the moment he ste$$ed into the o#servation room.
/hich was (uite rare 7 this was $ro#a#ly the only $lace 7 since
everyone!s greeting was etended towards Tatsuya and not Miyuki.
The name 8young master8 was initially a$$lied to Tatsuya #ecause he
was the son of one of the cor$orate higher u$s with the a#ility to enter
as he $leased" #ut was now the res$ected title directed towards their
future leader.
Tatsuya was slightly em#arrassed #y this moniker and wished that
they would sto$ referring to him as such" #ut he knew that everyone
called him that out of genuine friendshi$" so he didn!t force the issue.
8Sorry for the #other" where!s 3irector 5shiyama:8
The res$ectful gazes directed towards her #rother made Miyuki glow
with $leasure" causing no end of $eo$le 7 there were very few males
ca$a#le of resisting Miyuki!s smile 7 to get distracted from their
work. Tatsuya allowed Miyuki to accom$any him as he interrogated
the first researcher in the white la# coat who greeted him.
The voice that answered this (uestion came from far #ehind the
89ooking for me" Mister:8
2 tall #ut hardly fragile=looking engineer wearing gray work clothes
threaded through the crowd.
83irector" my a$ologies for visiting when you!re so #usy.8
8/ait" Mister" $lease don!t say that.8
Tatsuya!s res$ectful greeting caused the engineer named 5shiyama to
color and shake his head.
8It is your right to act casual" #ut these men are your su#ordinates" so
there!s no need to #e overly hum#le like this.8
8,ot so" everyone here was recruited #y our father" so they hardly
answer to me......8
8/hat are you saying. ?ou are the far famed !Mr. Silver! himself and
we are honored to serve #eneath you.8
.very engineer and researcher who heard 5shiyama!s voice nodded in
This was 6our 9eaves Technology!s -23 3evelo$ment Erd 3ivision.
The develo$ment team that created what the world called the 8Silver
-urrently" it is $u#licly acknowledged that the 8Silver Series8 is the
defining work of 69T!s technical a#ilities. +nce seen as re#els and
renegades" the sur$lus em$loyees from the technical de$artment that
made u$ the Erd 3ivision now held considera#le sway in 69T after the
advent of the Silver Series.
Thus" the engineers and researchers here swore eternal loyalty to one
of the core develo$ers 7 Tatsuya" who was 8half8 of Taurus Silver.
8Seriously though" I think that you" !Mr. Taurus!" are the actual leader
of this grou$" right: It!s #ecause you were always reluctant to acce$t
the directorshi$ that Erd 3ivision still doesn!t have managers and
grou$ leaders.8
8<lease don!t say that" I!m not ca$a#le of #eing !Mr.! or !Taurus!" I!m
*ust an ordinary engineer who does the grunt work so that your
ingenious theories can #e facilitated. I!m the one who cannot stand the
fact that my name is $laced alongside the original develo$er. I!m not
that #razen. It!s *ust that the young master is still an underage student"
so your $atent would #e a difficult issue" hence why I had to throw my
name into the ring.8
8....../ithout 5shiyama=san!s skills" the !9oo$ System! would #e
im$ossi#le to realize. I am not nearly as ca$a#le in terms of hardware
knowledge" $erformance" and creativity" so regardless of whether its
skills or theory" the only thing that matters is that we are a#le to
com$lete a model ca$a#le of mass consum$tion" correct:8
82hJ Sto$" *ust sto$. There!s no way I can #eat the young master in a
de#ate" so let!s get down to #usiness. ?ou didn!t *ust $o$ in to see us"
did you:8
2s 5shiyama scratched his head in surrender" Tatsuya relaed his
solemn e$ression and let out a deli#erate smile.
8+K" 5shiyama=san" today!s test su#*ect is this.8
Tatsuya intentionally ke$t his tone and motions casual as he $ulled out
a -23 sha$ed like a smart $hone. 5shiyama stared at it for more than
'& seconds without #linking at all.
This was the T=N model -23 that 5shiyama $re$ared for Tatsuya for
a s$ecific reason.
To u$load software into the test model meant that......
8Is that...... the 6light -alculation 3evice:8
5shiyama!s hands shook as he took the -23 from Tatsuya!s hands.
8?es" the testing hardware that I had 5shiyama=san make is already
loaded with the 2ctivation Se(uence for Sustained >ravity=-ontrol
Ty$e Magic. /ith this test model it was easy to access and mani$ulate
the system" making it very easy to use.8
8Then the test......8
82s usual" only Miyuki and I have tested it" #ut we don!t rate as
normal Magicians.8
.veryone $resent" and it wasn!t *ust one or two either" who overheard
them sucked in a #reath and tensely stared at 5shiyama!s hands.
8......2kira" how many T=N Models do we have in the la#:8
6inally" 5shiyama used a fairly calm tone to ask his su#ordinate.
5$on getting the answer 8ten8" his half closed eyes a#ru$tly s$rang
83amnB +nly ten: /hy weren!t they re$lacedB
/hat: +rder them later" gra# every model we currently have $lugged
into the maintenance machines and co$y the system the young master
Hiroshi" summon all the testersB /hat: Someone is on #reak:
I don!t give a damnB
3rag them here #y the neck if you have toB
.veryone else" sto$ whatever you!re doing and $re$are for $recise
3o you guys understand: This is 6lying=Ty$e MagicB This will change
the history of magic itselfB8
He was $ro#a#ly using the internal #roadcast.
,ot *ust in this room" even the testing room on the o$$osite side #urst
into action as even the researchers on #reak started working.
This indoor -23 testing facility rivals a large gym in terms of area
and height. The communication line hung down from the ceiling and
was attached to the #ack of the testing $ersonnel.
The line also dou#led as a lifeline if needed.
6loating=Ty$e Magic has already #ecome wides$read and this facility
had also tested that #efore" #ut 6lying=Ty$e Magic was on a whole
different level than 6loating=Ty$e Magic" to the etent that their actual
designs were fundamentally different. It was also different from
lea$ing and slow=motion descent" a hitherto unknown magic.
The tester!s face was $ale with aniety.
,ew magics were usually created from already familiar magics" #ut no
one knows where danger may #e lurking.
There have #een $recedents where Magicians lost their lives due to
tiny #ugs in the 2ctivation Se(uence.
If they were using a #rand new and (until now) un$recedented magic"
no amount of caution was enough.
The surface changed to a shock=a#sor#ing material and" once the
sus$ension test was cleared" the $re$arations were finally com$lete.
8Start the test.8
2fter evacuating to the o#servation room 7 not *ust for the safety of
the o#servers" #ut for the testers as well 7 5shiyama gave the order
to #egin.
6rom #elow" it was im$ossi#le to see what kind of e$ression the
tester wore as he $ut on his safety helmet.
However" the tester" who had amassed etensive e$erience as the
$rimary tester #efore reaching age E&" visi#ly clenched his teeth.
.ven so" he thum#ed the -23!s $ower switch without any hesitation.
8-onfirm lift off.8
82ccording to the measurements" there is no reverse force $utting
$ressure on the ground.8
)efore the naked eye could make any confirmation" the $ersonnel at
the various measuring devices were already re$orting in.
8.rrors in u$ward acceleration within acce$ta#le $arameters.8
8-23 $erformance is sta#le.8
The tester!s #ody was gradually rising.
,ow" they could clearly see that his feet had left the ground.
The line was sagging" $roving that the tester was not hanging from the
sus$ension device.
Inside the o#servation room" ecluding the sounds of the machines
$rocessing data and re$orting #ack" there wasn!t even the sound of
clothes rustling.
.veryone forgot to move as they stared at either the scene #efore their
eyes or the values dis$layed on the measuring devices.
85$ward acceleration still dro$$ing...... and zero" now maintaining
rising velocity.8
The tester gradually rose until he was level with the E meter high
o#servation room.
85$ward acceleration entering negatives...... 5$ward velocity has
reached zero" confirmed immo#ile.8
5$ until this moment" this was still within the #oundaries of what
6loating=Ty$e Magic could accom$lish.
8Testing $arallel acceleration.8
Someone...... More like everyone held their #reath.
8Halt acceleration" #egin ' meterOsecond $arallel movement.8
/ithout waiting for the measurement re$orts" it was o#vious to the
naked eye that the tester was currently moving in the air.
8It!s moving......8
8He can fly......8
The incredulous words only served to confirm that the sight #efore
everyone!s eyes was reality.
8This is Tester P' to o#servation deck" I!m currently walking in the
air...... )elay that...... I!m flying" I!m free......8
The sur$rising transmission from the s$eakers released the emotions
sus$ended #y everyone!s amazement.
8/e did itB8
8-ongratulations" young masterB8
The o#servers shouted in *oy.
The tester was freely tracing flight $aths in the sky.
+nly Tatsuya remained immune to the fiery emotions of the $eo$le
around him as he calmly o#served the e$ressions around him and
acce$ted their delirious well wishes.
82re you all morons......:8
5shiyama gestured hel$lessly at the testers that s$rawled on the
ground due to magic overuse.
This test ran massively over schedule and continued until all 0 testers
were down and out for the count.
It wasn!t that there was a $ro#lem with the $rocess" it was #ecause the
testers didn!t want to sto$.
2t their re(uest" the communications line that also served as a life line
was swa$$ed for wireless communications so they could go
com$letely off scri$t and $lay hide and seek.
8How can you use Sustained=Ty$e Magic for so longB8
Modern magic is almost always activated in an instant or over a short
$eriod of time.
>enerally" magics with sustained effects are only valid within a
s$ecific time" so there are very few Magicians who can use magics
that re(uire constant activation. 6or eam$le" 8Sonic )lade8 #elongs
to the Sustained=Ty$e Magic category" #ut in reality" most users
refresh the activation after each strike.
5ntil recently" magic that re(uires re$etitive activation was seen as
uni(ue a#ilities for select Magicians and it wasn!t until the
introduction of the 89oo$ -ast8 system that the automatic re$lication
of 2ctivation Se(uences in the Magic -alculation 2rea #ecame
availa#le to the general $u#lic.
8?ou are res$onsi#le for your own actions" I!m not handing out
worker!s com$.8
Thankfully" no tester ehi#ited sym$toms of magic de$rivation.
Since this remained within the #oundaries of hilarity" 5shiyama
snorted at the $rotests and walked towards Tatsuya" who was staring
intently at the test results.
8Is there any area you!re concerned a#out:8
/hen Tatsuya turned around" his e$ression was a far cry from
8Honestly" the areas for im$rovement are limitless...... )ut #ased on
the current status" the stress for continuously eecuting 2ctivation
Se(uences is still overly high.8
6or some reason" a knowing e$ression crossed 5shiyama!s face as he
heard this and he glanced at Tatsuya and Miyuki" who was standing
#ehind her #rother.
8+f course" when com$ared to Hime=sama or the young master" these
Magicians have a fairly limited $sion count.8
)y Magic <ower standards" Tatsuya was on the tail end of Magicians.
However" Magic <ower standards fluctuate with the advancement of
magic and the $assage of time.
6or eam$le" thirty years ago 2ctivation Se(uences weren!t as well
understood as they are today" so the transition from 2ctivation
Se(uences to the construction of Magic Se(uences was so slow that it
cannot #e com$ared to today. Magic Se(uence efficiency was also
$retty low and" when com$ared to the current day and age" it re(uired
several times more $sions to construct an e(ually effective Magic
2t that time" the standards for $ower of Magicians em$hasized the
$sion count within the Magician!s #ody (which included #oth the
$hysical #ody and the mental 8#ody8) rather than focusing on the
s$eed of Magic Se(uence construction. )y the old standards" #oth
Tatsuya and Miyuki!s $sion count would rate as to$ tier.
Thanks to the im$rovements in 2ctivation Se(uences" Magic
Se(uences and -23s" a limited $sion count wouldn!t cause the same
$ro#lems with magic invocation. .cluding 8,on=Systematic Magic8
techni(ues that directly released $sions" a high $sion count is only
seen as a #eautiful decoration now.
That #eing said" the use of 2ctivation Se(uence and construction of
Magic Se(uences still consumes $sions and" even if each consum$tion
is a small amount" hundreds or thousands of incremental amounts still
add u$ to considera#le stress on the Magician.
8/e have to streamline the design for the -23!s automatic $sion
a#sor$tion to make it more efficient......8
8......9et me handle that. If we rely more on the hardware $ortion than
software" that should lessen the load somewhat. /e could $ro#a#ly set
the timing mechanism as a feed#ack loo$ as well.8
5shiyama said this after a moment!s consideration" which Tatsuya
res$onded to with a knowing smile.
8I was *ust a#out to discuss that with you.8
8I!m honored.8
)oth of them revealed the eact same smile.
/hile there were a few hardware modifications still remaining" all in
all the technical $ortion yielded a satisfactory result. Today!s most
im$ortant gain was the verification that the average Magician is a#le
to eecute 6lying=Ty$e Magic with a -23 o#taina#le on the general
There was no time to waste. 2fter organizing the results of this
e$eriment" net week he would $u#licize the details regarding
6lying=Ty$e Magic under the name Taurus Silver. S$eed was more
im$ortant than (uality here" #ecause the im$acts of 8first in the world8
and 8second in the world8 were com$letely different. 86irst8 was also
an incredi#ly $owerful tool for dissemination.
+n the other hand" the -23s s$ecifically designed for 6lying=Ty$e
Magic would have to #e o#*ectively redesigned from scratch" so they
would $ro#a#ly hit the market around Se$tem#er (the end of the first
half of the fiscal year).
/ith these two o#*ectives esta#lished" the meeting ad*ourned.
Tatsuya headed to the rest area to collect the waiting Miyuki and
#egan the long trek home.
3es$ite all the work that needed to #e done...... more like he
adamantly insisted on sending them off" 5shiyama scratched his head
in an awkward manner.
8I!m terri#ly sorry" I did contact the Gice <resident" #ut......8
;egardless of whether it was during the e$eriment or after the
confirmation of success" the G< in charge of all 69T ;Q3 divisions
7 Tatsuya and Miyuki!s father never showed u$ at all" a detail that
5shiyama couldn!t get over.
83on!t worry a#out it. It!s our day off anyways" and even if he!s at
work" he should #e at cor$orate head(uarters.8
Honestly" from Tatsuya!s $oint of view" not seeing him was $ro#a#ly
for the #est.
2s a matter of fact" Miyuki didn!t want to see him at all.
However" that was $ro#a#ly too much information for 5shiyama.
5shiyama knew that the si#lings! father not only held an im$ortant
$osition in 69T" #ut was also the ma*ority shareholder. .ven if
5shiyama was a key develo$mental engineer" the skeletons in the
manager!s closet should #e ke$t far away from em$loyees.
/ith this in mind" Tatsuya used this ecuse as a res$onse" #ut that
only served to dee$en 5shiyama!s guilty e$ression.
8......,o" the G< is actually here today......8
.ven though Tatsuya!s #ack was facing Miyuki" he could still feel his
sister!s emotional tur#ulence as she frowned.
Tatsuya himself actually let out a #reath.
Thank goodness they didn!t run into their father.
82s the G<" he $ro#a#ly doesn!t have the time to check every site
$ersonally. I hardly think that he looks down u$on ;Q3.8
8,o" that I understand. 2lso" the G< allocated a larger #udget to us
Tatsuya intentionally steered the conversation #ack on its head and
turned around to comfort 5shiyama. It was a shame that he had to
treat the even more nervous 5shiyama like this" #ut Tatsuya also didn!t
want dwell on this su#*ect.
2s usual" fate had other ideas.
2fter the si#lings said their good#yes to 5shiyama and left the
research la#s" they encountered the $eo$le they least wanted to meet at
the corridor leading to the threshold of the main area.
89ong time no see" Miyuki +*ou=sama.8
2s the three family mem#ers silently stared at one another" the first to
s$eak was actually the fourth $erson $resent. This man was known to
Tatsuya and Miyuki" #ut the em$hasis was on 8known8 and not
8It!s #een awhile" 2oki=san. I would like to say long time no see as
well" #ut I!m not the only $erson $resent.
+tou=sama" you look well" thank you for your $hone call last time" #ut
I think that occasionally greeting your own son isn!t grounds for
divine retri#ution" is it:8
The smooth and lova#le voice was tinged with #ar#s" #ut her
o$$onent!s skin and defenses were $roof against the rose!s thorns.
8+*ou=sama" forgive this one!s im$ertinence" #ut this 2oki serves as
the #utler and financial manager for the ?otsu#a 6amily. ?our re(uest
for me to greet a $altry attendant is against our house rules.8
8He is my +nii=sama.8
Miyuki was striving to maintain her calm tone" #ut Tatsuya was very
clear that she was reaching her #reaking $oint.
82gain" forgive this one!s im$ertinence" everyone in the house
earnestly wishes for +*ou=sama to inherit the ?otsu#a 6amily. He!s
only +*ou=sama!s guardian" and thus stands on an entirely different
level than your own.8
8Hold" 2oki=san" I understand that inter*ecting here is considered
#oorish" #ut choose your words carefully.8
4ust as Miyuki was a#out to #reakdown and scream" Tatsuya coldly
overrode his sister!s words.
His voice was chilling to the etreme.
.ven such contem$t found no $urchase on Tatsuya!s will.
Tatsuya!s heart was 8forged8 this way.
;ather than affronted" Tatsuya was more concerned that Miyuki would
hurt herself #eing enraged on his #ehalf.
8It doesn!t matter. 2lthough you are a mere attendant" you are still
Miya=sama!s son" so I am forced to overlook this #reach of decorum.8
So Tatsuya had no time to deal with his o$$onent!s haughty attitude.
8.arlier" you claimed that all who serve the ?otsu#a 6amily wish for
Miyuki to #e the net head of the ?otsu#a 6amily. I do #elieve this is
an unfair charge to the other candidates" correct:8
In order to avoid letting Miyuki #e su#*ected to the negativity
$ro*ected towards him any longer" Tatsuya must continuously $ress
the attack" forcing the o$$onent to yield without allowing Miyuki to
inter*ect in any way.
8I #elieve our aunt has not selected a successor" unless you are telling
me that you are $rivy to our aunt!s decision:8
The shrewd and ca$a#le gentleman in the $rime of his years that
looked more like a lawyer than a #utler was stunned into silence #y
the siteen year old youth!s in(uiry.
8If her will is decided" then I need to #egin $re$arations for Miyuki
immediately. This is an ecellent o$$ortunity today" so I would #e
most inde#ted to you if you can verify this.8
Tatsuya!s voice was $erfectly even" without a single rise or $itch in his
8......Maya=sama has not made a decision.8
2oki answered with a suffering e$ression on his face.
Tatsuya intentionally widened his eyes to e$ress his amazement.
8This is astoundingB The fourth #utler of the ?otsu#a 6amily actually
$assed on his $ersonal wishes in the guise of the family directive
towards the candidates for succession: If so" who here is the one who
violated the house rules:8
Tatsuya $retended to sigh as 2oki glared furiously at him" his face
com$letely red. Tatsuya *udged that 2oki!s $osition was now
untena#le" so he $re$ared to de$art with a victorious message.
5nfortunately" that *udgment was too naive.
8......That was no assum$tion. 2s we all serve the ?otsu#a 6amily" it is
a common feeling that we all $ossess. .ven though we cannot see
heart to heart" as long as we aim for the same goal" then we are all on
the same wavelength.8
This was a fa#ricated ecuse that a#andoned all theory and logic.
.ven so" his o$$onent still $re$ared the for#idden $oison for the last
8?ou!re nothing more than a heartless" false Magician. ?ou wouldn!t
#e a#le to understand.8
The moment 2oki s$at out this malicious sentiment" the walls were
suddenly covered in frost.
The air conditioning kicked into overdrive trying to restore the ra$idly
falling tem$erature.
Swirls of cold air congregated around Miyuki!s feet.
However" Tatsuya reached out with one finger on his left hand and"
accom$anied #y the sound of a cassette $layer rewinding at high s$eed
7 a hallucination that only $eo$le that can sense magic can hear 7
the cold air vanished.
Miyuki!s face alternated #etween angry red and green #efore turning
com$letely $ale. Tatsuya gathered his sister into his #osom with one
hand #efore directing a chilling gaze that cut like a #lade towards
8My mother was the very one who created this !heartless fake
Magician!" the older sister of the ?otsu#a 6amily!s current head
?otsu#a Maya" she who was called ?otsu#a and now Shi#a Miya.
She used the for#idden ,on=Systematic Magic !Mental 3esign
Interference!" forci#ly altering the area in the consciousness" most
likely to create strong emotions called the lim#ic system #y in$utting a
Magic -alculation Model" creating an artificial Magician. The one
who designed this e$eriment was ?otsu#a Maya" who had recently
#een a$$ointed the head of the ?otsu#a 6amily" while the one who
conducted this e$eriment on her si year old son that had no magic
skills was Shi#a Miya.
In other words" to a$$ly the word !im$oster! to me as the target of the
e$eriment is to call the magic e$eriment conducted #y the current
head of the ?otsu#a 6amily and her older sister as a fake. I!m sure you
are aware of the conse(uences:8
Tatsuya gently held his #eloved little sister who was so##ing into his
chest. +n the other hand" he continued to mercilessly $ress the attack
on 2oki" who was res$onsi#le for driving his little sister into this state.
8Tatsuya" sto$.8
Tatsuya!s father" who had remained silent until now 7 Shi#a Tatsurou"
covered for the immo#ile 2oki who had #een cowed into silence and
ste$$ed forward to halt Tatsuya.
83on!t s$eak $oorly of your mother.8
)ut his words were com$letely off to$ic.
This was $ro#a#ly done to avoid irritating the main house and to
$rotect himself.
This cor$oration was secretly funded #y the ?otsu#a 6amily" so even
though he was the ma*ority shareholder thanks to the stocks from his
deceased wife" the actual $ower of attorney still remained in the hands
of the ?otsu#a 6amily" hence it wasn!t sur$rising for him to s$eak
softly around them" #ut......
Tatsuya almost #roke into laughter.
8Tatsuya" it!s not that I don!t understand why you #ear hatred towards
your mother......8
2nd" this father couldn!t even read Tatsuya!s e$ression.
Tatsuya truly #elieved that" for the sake of everyone!s mutual mental
health" it was #est to leave as (uickly as $ossi#le.
.ven so" Tatsuya felt that he needed to add one etra comment #efore
8+tou=san" you misunderstand" I don!t hate my mother.8
8Is...... Is that so......8
That was all that was necessary.
There was no need to tell him the words Tatsuya didn!t say.
Tatsuya!s heart did not $ossess the a#ility to 8hate8.
He could not feel any strong emotions like fury" des$air" envy" hatred"
disgust" gluttony" lust" sloth" and...... love.
,ever would he forget himself in anger.
,either would he wallow in des$air.
,or struggle with envy.
5nknown to hatred" nor known to disgust.
+r fall in love with women.
To hunger" #ut not gluttonous.
To arouse" #ut not lustful.
To tire" #ut not slothful.
The uni(ue magic that only his mother $ossessed in the entire world
erased all the strongest emotions and urges from his heart.
He did not hate his mother.
,or was he furious.
That was #ecause he was 8una#le8 to enrage and 8una#le8 to hate.
The only 8emotion8 they left for him was intentionally left #ehind to
#ind him to the ?otsu#a 6amily with a chain forged of duty.
+f course" this was not filial $iety.
2nd so" Tatsuya cradled the so##ing Miyuki as they left the $remises
without a word of good#ye.
Chapter 3
+ne of the advantages of having a set classroom at school was that it
fostered #uilding inter$ersonal relationshi$s.
;egional $roimity and #lood relations are #oth $owerful im$etus for
develo$ing #onds and" regardless of whether they are official or
unofficial organizations" serve to differentiate and categorize grou$s
within grou$s.
6or the $ractical a$$lication of this sentiment......
8Morning" Shi#a. I heard a#out it already" nice going.8
8Morning" Shi#a=kun" great *o#.8
8>ood morning" Shi#a=kun" I!m rooting for you.8
8Hey" go for it" Shi#a.8
......2nd so" even students who normally weren!t very close to him
were voluntarily #ridging out towards him through greetings and
words of encouragement.
2s soon as Tatsuya entered the classroom on Monday" he received a
string of su$$ort from his classmates.
The reason why they did this was naturalA Tatsuya was selected as one
of the re$resentatives for the ,ine Schools -om$etition.
8The gra$evine is (uite active.8
8?e$. This was only decided last week and there hasn!t even #een an
official announcement yet.8
8?eah" so where did they get the news:8
9eo" Mizuki" and .rika did not a$$ear to #e feigning ignorance" so
they $ro#a#ly weren!t the cul$rits.
However" it!s not like those res$onsi#le were issued gag orders either.
2t the time" only u$$erclassmen attended the meeting" so they likely
heard the news from their clu# leaders.
8S$eaking of which" didn!t they make the announcement today:8
.rika tilted her head to one side and asked" at which Tatsuya nodded
in a solemn manner.
Including the technician team" the official roster for the ,ine Schools
-om$etition was finalized last 6riday.
The original timeta#le called for the roster to #e finalized two weeks
ago" so they were o#viously several ste$s #ehind.
The fact that the contestants were already decided may have #een a
#lessing in disguise" since all the com$etition=use -23s and uniforms
that usually took the longest time to $re$are had already #een
assem#led. The only #ottleneck was that #ecause the engineering
candidates hadn!t #een settled" all of the maintenance and testing work
was yet to #e done.
Miyuki was a contestant herself" #ut owing to the constant stream of
$re$aration work she was entirely unavaila#le. 6or her" Tatsuya was
willing to sacrifice anything" #ut still couldn!t dis$el the notion that he
was #eing railroaded.
8I think 1th $eriod will #e changed to an assem#ly" right:8
Mizuki said this as she gazed at the terminal screen set into the ta#le
#efore them that listed today!s class schedule.
2ll grades shared the same schedule with three $eriods in the morning
and two in the afternoon.
.ven so" #esides la#s" technical skills" and $hysical education classes"
standardized classes (classes set as $rogression goals) advanced
according to the student!s own $ace. Modern schools allowed for
$ersonalized education to #e dis$layed on the terminal screens in class
and did not heavily restrict start and end times.
In modern schools" the higher the grade level" the less em$hasis was
$laced on determining class time and #reak time. The fact that the
school changed the entire 1th $eriod into an assem#ly to $ro$erly send
off the re$resentatives was a clear sign of how highly the school
viewed this event.
8Tatsuya=kun will also #e onstage during the ceremony" correct:8
8Hm" yeah......8
Tatsuya stammered out a re$ly to Mizuki!s (uestion #ecause this was
$recisely the $oint of contention that $lagued him.
82nd Tatsuya is the only 6irst ?ear student" right:8
4ust as 9eo said" the only 6irst ?ear student acce$ted into the
technician team was Tatsuya.
.$erience in -23 maintenance was a#solutely necessary" so
naturally u$$erclassmen should #e the ones selected for the technician
team" ece$t that Tatsuya!s skills were vastly different from the
+f course" when taking into consideration that he was a $ioneering
e$ert in the develo$ment of -23 software" he would definitely #e
over(ualified for serving as an engineer in a high school com$etition.
)ut" regardless of whether they were in his year or higher grades" no
one was aware of this detail.
+nly his sister Miyuki knew.
8Those -ourse ' students look soJ veryJ aggrieved.8
The -ourse ' students were still smarting from the results of the finals
and this selection would only serve to throw more oil on the fire. This
was #latantly o#vious even without .rika ver#alizing it.
8)ut all the contestants are -ourse ' students......8
That was Tatsuya!s $ers$ective.
Since all the contestants for the ,ewcomers 3ivision were -ourse '
students and Tatsuya was only an auiliary mem#er" no one on the
outside would comment on this.
7)ut for the $eo$le in (uestion" this was insufficient to comfort the
other -ourse ' students that aimed to #ecome Magic 2rtificers.
Tatsuya was rarely in a $osition that aroused *ealousy.
He also lacked the a#ility to envy others.
His life e$eriences were not rich enough for him to o#serve all the
minute details.
8There!s nothing they can do a#out it. 4ealousy alone isn!t a good
enough reason.8
So when he heard Mizuki!s $iercing comment" Tatsuya was una#le to
formulate a re$ly.
8;ela" this time no one is going to throw stones or magic at you.8
2t .rika!s overly etreme method of comforting him" Tatsuya could
only smile wryly.
2fter Hth $eriod" Tatsuya re$orted on time to the #ackstage" where he
was handed a thin *acket #y Miyuki" who arrived #efore him.
8This is:8
6or all intents and $ur$oses" this was a normal *acket" #ut Tatsuya still
wanted to verify that.
8This is the uniform for the technician team. <lease $ut that on during
the ceremony in $lace of the actual uniform.8
The one who answered was Mayumi.
7/ith the e$ected answer.
Mayumi herself was wearing a western=styled s$orts *acket.
That was $ro#a#ly the uniform for contestants.
Miyuki" who was still in her school uniform" let out an e$ectant smile
as she held out the *acket to Tatsuya with #oth hands.
2 #rief" mischievous urge flashed across his mind" #ut Tatsuya knew
that resistance was futile.
Tatsuya frankly removed the *acket of his school uniform and hung it
on the coat hanger $re$ared ahead of time.
,et" he slightly #ent his knees and allowed Miyuki to hel$ him $ut
on the *acket.
Standing #ehind him" Miyuki tugged the *acket over her #rother!s
shoulders #efore loo$ing to the front and ad*usting the collar and
sleeves. 2fterwards" she took a ste$ #ack to glance over her #rother!s
torso and letting out a wide" satisfied smile.
Tatsuya was largely aware of why his sister was in such a fantastic
Her ha$$iness was likely caused #y the school em#lem em#roidered
over the *acket!s left #reast.
The em#lem was styled after a flower with eight $etals.
Miyuki!s uniform had the same em#lem over the same location.
The em#lem of 6irst High.
2nd not a re$lacement either" #ut the sym#ol of a -ourse ' student.
8+nii=sama" that suits you $erfectly......8
The intramural com$etition uniforms were largely the same as the
normal ones" which was natural since it was only intended to identify
which school the contestants #elonged to.
However" in Miyuki!s eyes" Tatsuya!s a$$earance was finally restored
to its rightful state.
Tatsuya honestly couldn!t care less #ut it was $recisely #ecause he
didn!t care that he didn!t want to s$oil the mood. There was still some
time until the commencement of the ceremony" so Tatsuya waited
around wearing the uniform for the technician team.
Miyuki was com$letely mesmerized #y the dashing figure Tatsuya cut
in his uniform. She remained standing there without tiring in her
uniform. Tatsuya gazed around him #ut failed to catch sight of
Miyuki!s western s$ort *acket. .ven with the co$ious amount of time
remaining" Tatsuya still felt that she should get ready as soon as
83on!t you need to change:8
8I!m serving as the ceremonial assistant.8
Hearing Tatsuya!s (uestion" Miyuki sna$$ed out of her mesmerized
e$ression to re$ly with her usual smile on her face.
In other words" this was the only time that Miyuki was ecluded from
the $artici$ant standing and served instead as the re$resentative for the
send=off $arty...... 2t least that!s how Tatsuya inter$reted Miyuki!s
8Is that so" that!s (uite a heavy res$onsi#ility.8
8<lease don!t remind me.......8
There was no way she would shrink at such a marginal duty" #ut she
still em$loyed that weak tone and faltering gaze" $rom$ting Tatsuya to
smile softly and lay a hand on his sister!s head.
7The surrounding onlookers directed cold gazes towards the two of
The team mem#ers res$onsi#le for organizing the so=called send off
ceremony got the event started on time" and everything $roceeded
according to $lan.
.ven if Tatsuya stood onstage" there would #e no stones or magic
hurtled his way 7 that was a given.
However" for him" this was a very foreign location.
The $artici$ants and engineers assem#led into two lines. 2mong the
technician team" only Tatsuya was an underclassman. 2ll the others
were u$$erclassmen" which naturally lent the feeling that he was the
odd man out.
Thanks to Tatsuya!s $erformance during the selection meeting" he was
s$ared the outright hostile or contem$tuous gazes on stage.
That #eing said" it wasn!t like the gazes were friendly. 6avora#le
evaluation does not e(uate to a favora#le im$ression.
;egardless of how they looked at it" his acce$tance onto the team was
an un$recedented elevation and s$ecial treatment.
To to$ it all off" Tatsuya was $resently gar#ed in the *acket with the
coveted eight $etal flower em#lem em#roidered on it.
Surely someone must consider this offensive" which inevita#ly led to
further #acklash that he could do nothing a#out. )eneath the luminous
lights" Tatsuya calmly thought a#out this as if he wasn!t the $rinci$al.
3uring this time" they were introducing each contestant in turn on
Mayumi was the master of ceremonies.
5$on #eing called" each $artici$ant would receive a s$ecial medal that
concealed the I3 crystal needed to enter the com$etition arena.
To im$rove the $resentation" Miyuki was res$onsi#le for $resenting
the medal to each individual.
4ust the contestants alone num#ered H& $eo$le (ecluding Miyuki and
Mayumi there were EI)" so this was a very time=consuming $rocess"
#ut $ro#a#ly owing to her ecellent u$#ringing" Miyuki maintained a
sweet smile throughout as she smoothly $inned the medals onto each
In such an etreme $roimity that they could feel her #reath" no male
student was immune to Miyuki!s smile as they des$erately tried to
fight their #lushing and shaky e$ressions.
If that was the case" this scene would undou#tedly rouse the ire of the
entire female student #ody" #ut even the female students that received
the medals had succum#ed to flushed faces or faltering gazes" so no
one in the audience (es$ecially the u$$erclassmen) was irked and
instead smiled in agreement.
The medals were not *ust $resented to the $artici$ants" #ut to the
auiliary team as well.
2fter the tactical advisory team was introduced" it was finally the
technical su$$ort team!s turn.
8Somehow I feel a little nervous.8
Someone net to him suddenly s$oke to him" causing Tatsuya to
slightly turn his head.
The male student to his flank also turned his head slightly" catching
Tatsuya!s gaze directly.
The level of Tatsuya!s sight was slightly higher.
If he recalled correctly" this was the ?ear % student named Isori Kei.
+f course" he was a -ourse ' student (and Tatsuya was the only
-ourse % student onstage anyways).
He was one of the very few that were o$enly friendly to Tatsuya.
This handsome youth $ossessed a mild tem$erament and" cou$led
with his slender figure" if he echanged the $ants for a dress" would
$erfectly fit the descri$tion of a 8tall female student8. However" he
was also 6irst <lace in Magic Theory for the ?ear % class as well as
one of the foremost Magicians with technical skills.
2s Tatsuya re=eamined his 8#eauty8 at close range" he got the distinct
im$ression that one shouldn!t *udge a #ook #y its cover.
They were still on stage" so the conversation ended there.
However" even for a slower individual like Tatsuya" to #e a#le to find
one shining light of friendliness in this murky ocean of negativity was
enough to lessen the gloomy emotions welling u$ in his heart.
2s he felt his de$ression lighten" he had the ecess energy to survey
the audience.
Since there wasn!t any assigned seating in the audience" the student
#ody naturally s$lit into two" with the -ourse ' students in front and
the -ourse % students in the rear.
That #eing said" a few outsiders had managed to infiltrate the front
They $ro#a#ly detected Tatsuya!s gaze.
.rika vigorously waved at him from her seat in the third row from the
front" which was close enough to #e called front row seating.
Tatsuya was thoroughly astounded #y this.
Taking a closer look" Mizuki sat net to .rika" with 9eo on her other
side and Mikihiko occu$ying 9eo!s other flank. .ven the faces #ehind
them were all familiar.
In sheer defiance of the disa$$roving looks sent their way #y the
surrounding -ourse ' students" 6irst ?ear -lass . stormed the front of
seating and claimed a section for themselves.
2s Tatsuya was drawn to their courageous actions" Miyuki arrived in
front of him with a small cart #efore her.
+f the H& contestants" H tactical advisors" I technicians and removing
the master of ceremonies and assistant" there were a total of 1& $eo$le
on stage. 6orty=nine of them had already received their medals.
9ast" #ut not least" it was finally the 1&th $erson!s turn.
In other words" Tatsuya was u$ net.
Mayumi loudly $roclaimed his name.
/as Tatsuya over thinking too much" or did she $lace etra em$hasis
on his name:
Tatsuya ste$$ed forward to acknowledge the announcement.
Miyuki revealed a #rilliant" melting smile 7 enough to cause Tatsuya
to #e worried a#out his sister!s mental status 7 and stood #efore
Miyuki cli$$ed the medal onto Tatsuya!s *acket.
2t the same time" thunderous a$$lause #roke forth.
There was no need for any visual confirmation.
It was .rika and 9eo leading the rest of his classmates in a$$lause.
To Mayumi and Miyuki" who were res$onsi#le for directing the
ceremony" this was an un$lanned for ruckus.
However" *ust as the 6irst ?ear -ourse ' students were a#out to hush
the cla$$ing......
Mayumi and Miyuki seized the initiative to start cla$$ing from the
wings of the stage.
2fter introducing the last re$resentative" the entire assem#ly started
This $erfectly coincided with the a$$lause for the entire team" which
s$read throughout the auditorium.
2fter the conclusion of the colors ceremony" the entire cam$us was
com$letely focused on $re$aring for the ,ine Schools -om$etition.
/ith the events they would #e $artici$ating in settled" Miyuki s$ent
every day $racticing with Shizuka and Honoka until the last second
#efore the cam$us closed.
Tatsuya needed to $erform -23 maintenance at the same time he was
assisting Miyuki with her tasks" so he was also occu$ied until late in
the day.
)oth .rika and 9eo were affiliated with athletic clu#s" so they were
also drafted to hel$ deal with the myriad tasks that needed doing.
Mizuki was the only one in the literary clu#s" so this week she usually
waited #y herself for everyone else to finish.
9ast week!s colors ceremony filled her with aniety.
.ven though there was no assigned seating" it still took a lot of
courage to disregard that uns$oken rule.
There was no way she could do that alone" though the situation was
more like if .rika hadn!t #een there" none of their classmates would!ve
taken the $lunge either.
Mizuki acknowledged her own introverted and cowering $ersonality"
so she was dou#ly im$ressed #y and envious of her friend.
()ut why was .rika striving so hard like that......:)
Mizuki was forci#ly dragged along #y .rika into $artici$ating.
+f course" she wanted to su$$ort Tatsuya as well" #ut reflecting on the
situation" she would #e more than satisfied with a$$lauding from the
.rika was inclined towards reckless #ehavior" so her ulterior motive
may also #e to taunt the -ourse ' students.
2t the same time" .rika was a flighty individual that usually didn!t
think things through.
In Mizuki!s eyes" she was someone who loved to get in on the action"
#ut rarely was the source of any trou#lesome #usiness. This could #e
easily e$lained if it only involved her #est friends like Mizuki" #ut to
#e motivated enough to involve all of their classmates" this didn!t seem
to fit a $ractical *oker!s state of mind.
(So .rika is really like that towards Tatsuya...... ;ight......:)
6rom Mizuki!s $ers$ective" the male who hit it off the #est with .rika
was 9eo.
.rika also had an etensive #ack story with Mikihiko" who took Third
<lace in the Theoretical $ortion of their eams.
)ut Mizuki felt that .rika held something s$ecial for Tatsuya that
weighed far differently than the others.
6or some reason" Mizuki refused to assign this feeling .rika had a
s$ecific definition in her mind.
She arrived at the school entrance less than 1 minutes ago.
The time was too short for her to claim that she was tired of waiting.
However" this was more than enough time to *olt her thinking.
/ithout any conscious effort" an assortment of things flowed through
Mizuki!s mind.
This situation would $erfectly fit the criteria for #eing distracted.
2nd so" with her sense unfocused towards any single $oint" she s$read
her senses outward and detected a foreign wavelength.
Mizuki $ondered this for eactly one second.
Then she made u$ her mind to remove her glasses.
Instantly" a tidal wave of flowing colors came rushing in.
Her vision was filled with colorful lights from a myriad shades.
Mizuki tem$orarily sustained the $ain in her eyes #rought on #y the
ecess stimulation.
6or her" the act of removing her glasses was like walking from $itch
darkness into the sun!s radiant rays.
The things she usually avoided looking at suddenly #ecame visi#le.
The sur$lus data gave her a rudderless feeling as her ocular nerves and
#rain were overloaded #y $rocessing all this information.
If this ha$$ened to the average $erson" they might!ve #een knocked
unconscious #y this information deluge" #ut for her" this was 8another
world8 that had #een #y her side since #irth.
.ven $eo$le that were suddenly e$osed #efore the $owerful rays of
the sun swiftly ada$ted after a short $eriod of time.
6or $eo$le with dark $u$ils suita#le for intense light" this time would
#e even shorter.
2ll Mizuki had to do was #link two or three times and her eyes
ad*usted to #e a#le to see a $sion light several dozen times stronger
than what the average Magician $erceives as well as the $ushion light
that average Magicians couldn!t even identify.
Mizuki cautiously re$laced her glasses into the carrying case" then
directed her gaze towards the odd vi#ration from earlier.
She swiftly found the fre(uency that allowed her to $enetrate the anti=
s$irit light lens.
The $ushion signal that $ossessed a wavering #ut regular #eat like
,ow" even the source of the light could #e easily seen.
Mizuki advanced towards the Technical Skills )uilding where the
vi#ration originated from as if drawn to it.
The closer she got to the Technical Skills )uilding" the more she felt
the see$ing cold air in the surrounding environment.
This was the middle of summer" and even if the setting sun was
$artially #locked #y the neigh#oring hills and cut a horizon that was
not altogether 8curved8" the tem$erature was still more than high
enough to #e sweating.
This was an illusion.
8Something8 was $retending to #e cold air" tucked within the folds of
the warm summer air.
This 8something8 seemed to order Mizuki to turn #ack.
9ike threatening her to desist her advance.
However" her feet did not come to a halt.
9ogic demanded that she turn #ack" #ut Mizuki was a mem#er of the
magic community and destined to walk side #y side with magic" so
Mizuki!s instincts instructed her to use her $air of 8eyes8 to ascertain
what this something was.
There were very few $eo$le in the Technical Skills )uilding" so there
were no sounds of friction or loud laughter.
The overhead lights on the ceiling maintained a degree of #rightness
that made for comforta#le #rowsing of tiny letters.
4ust as usual.
,o" this was a school for magic instruction and this was the Technical
Skills )uilding fre(uented #y many individuals.
If an incident had occurred" it couldn!t have gone unnoticed #y the
instructors and u$$erclassmen.
In com$arison to ordinary high schools" magic high schools had no
$lace for ghost stories or ur#an legends.
Since no alarm was triggered" that meant that the unusual situation
that Mizuki detected was the $roduct of magic.
+therwise 7 the true s$iritual manifestation that could not #e
detected #y modern magic.
2n ominous feeling wra$$ed around her heart and caused her #ack to
(uiver" #ut Mizuki $ressed forward as if #eing herded in or dragged in
without her control.
2s Mizuki was led u$stairs" she noticed a faint" $leasant smell
lingering in the air.
She had encountered this fragrance during Magic Medicine class.
The fragrance was a com#ination of many incense woods that
$roduced a sedative effect.
She $ursed the $ulse towards the medicine la#s.
The irregular $ushion lights seemed to #e caused #y a certain student!s
magical e$eriment.
2fter verifying that this wasn!t a true s$iritual manifestation" Mizuki
let out a sigh of relief.
2nd so" the sense of curiosity that was lurking #ehind her wall of
unease $eeked its head out.
+ne of the fundamental lessons first taught in Magic Technical Skills
class is that one must never intrude on another $erson!s magic
e$eriment site without $ermission. 5nannounced guests run the risk
of accidentally triggering the magic area and may even cause the
magic to s$ontaneously #urst out of control. The school has re$eatedly
reminded them that it is etremely dangerous and foolish for
Magicians=in=training 7 such as new students like them 7 to #arge
into magic e$eriments unannounced.
However" the current Mizuki had com$letely forgotten that warning.
Mizuki!s misdirected sense of caution $rom$ted her to surre$titiously
sneak over and nudge a small crack in the door.
She meticulously avoided making any noise and $eeked into the
room!s interior from the crack.
In that instant7
Mizuki was #arely a#le to swallow her scream of terror.
,o" rather than #eing one of terror" it was sim$ly a scream of sur$rise.
Inside the medicine la#" there were many #lue" sky #lue" and dark #lue
or#s dancing through the air.
.ach or# had an inde$endent 8strength8 and 8consciousness8.
Mizuki knew through 8visual confirmation8 that all things in the
natural order $ossessed differing strengths that did not tilt towards any
$articular direction" #ut maintained a constant state of flu. Mizuki
was (uite familiar with scenes of 8strength8=#ased natural $henomena
that congregated as floating or#s. In her 8eyes8" the myriad details of
the world were similar to the $ushion flow that the human
consciousness released.
However" this was the first time Mizuki felt that the floating
congregates $ossessed a 8consciousness8.
Is this what they call s$irits 7 she thought.
Mizuki was dee$ly moved #y this" enough to a#andon all other
2nd the $erson who summoned these s$irits was7
-om$letely a#andoning any caution whatsoever" Mizuki softly
This was an entirely su#conscious action.
.ven so" the one whose name was called was no $ushover.
.s$ecially #ecause he was situated in a $rivate location where no one
would $ass #y and the fact that someone witnessed his secret 8magic8.
8/ho!s thereB8
2 com$letely refleive in(uiry.
His words were laced with the fury of #eing discovered" causing the
8consciousness8 in the 8or#s8 to react.
2s the or#s swarmed forward" Mizuki screamed and clenched her eyes
Simultaneously" a 8strong gust8 a$$roached from her flank" forcing
her to duck down.
)ut this was a flow of $sions that would neither distur# a hair nor
rustle her dress.
The gust swe$t #ack the swarming or#s and $rotected Mizuki" #ut she
had no way of knowing with her eyes closed.
Trem#ling with tre$idation" Mizuki slowly o$ened her eyes to find
Mikihiko hatefully glaring at Tatsuya" who calmly acce$ted this gaze
without e$ression.
8......Mikihiko" rela" I don!t want to throw down with you here.8
2t Tatsuya!s sudden a$$earance" Mizuki could only stare with wide
eyes from her kneeling $osition. )efore her" Tatsuya had two em$ty
hands raised #efore him.
This was universal for #oth Magicians and mundanes" a sign that the
$erson in (uestion did not wish to fight.
Mikihiko revealed a thoroughly astounded e$ression and his enmity
vanished at the same moment" as if it had never a$$eared in the first
This (uickly dis$elled the tense atmos$here. Mizuki finally shed her
frozen $osture and rose with a crestfallen Mikihiko in front of her.
8......Tatsuya" my a$ologies" I didn!t mean to do that.8
Mikihiko looked like a lost child without a home.
2ll of a sudden" Mizuki felt the urge to 8comfort him8" #ut was
anious #ecause she couldn!t find the a$$ro$riate words.
6ortunately" they managed to avoid the awkward $eriod of silence.
8I don!t mind" so $ut your mind at ease. 2t the end of the day" it was
Mizuki!s fault for disru$ting the caster!s concentration during the
magic invocation $hase.8
8.h: Me:8
Mizuki hurriedly turned around only to find Tatsuya mischievously
smirking at her and (uickly realized that he wasn!t really scolding her.
8,o" it!s not her fault.8
However" Mikihiko didn!t see it that way.
/hen he re*ected Tatsuya!s comment" he s$oke in a fairly ra$id
This was $ro#a#ly #ecause Tatsuya!s comment hit too close to home"
causing him to $anic slightly.
8It is only #ecause of my own inade(uacy that I would #ecome frantic
at *ust #eing called #y name...... 2lso" I!m sorry I forgot something
very im$ortant. Thanks" Tatsuya. Thanks to you" I didn!t accidentally
hurt Shi#ata=san.8
8She would #e fine even if I didn!t do anything. 4ust then" that was
S$irit Magic right:8
Mikihiko nodded at Tatsuya!s (uestion" #ut hesitated for some reason.
8)ased on the )uddhist s$irits of heaven and earth" our family calls it
!3ivine .arth Magic!.8
.ven so" Mikihiko stuck #y his guns" $ro#a#ly #ecause this was a non=
negotia#le $oint for Magicians.
S$irit Magic is a ty$e of 2ncient Magic which uses inde$endent
Information )odies commonly called 8s$irits8 to interact with other
Information )odies. Magic studies often refers to this magic as 8S$irit
Magic8" #ut also shortens s$irits to S) (S$iritual )eing)" #ut users
generally refer to them as 8s$irits8.
8I don!t have the a#ility to identify s$irits" #ut I do know that you!re
the one controlling the rite. +n to$ of that" Mizuki actually managed
to #y$ass the dis$ersal ward" so it would #e fairly difficult for her not
to sur$rise you.8
8How did you know a#out the ward...... +h right" Tatsuya also studied
2ncient Magic" so you would know if a rite is effective or not......
9ooks like you are truly out...... ,o" you!ve sur$assed the limits of my
8?ou can go ahead and say !outrageous!.8
Tatsuya s$oke in a teasing manner" to which Mikihiko re$lied with a
wry smile 7 the tense corners of his mouth relaed.
82t any rate...... ,o matter how much you don!t want other $eo$le to
see you" I think that setting a ward within the school la#s also (ualifies
as an outrageous action.8
Their com#ined laughter com$letely erased the $reviously tense
84ust now" were you using summoning magic on natural s$irits: This
is the first time I!ve seen it.8
8......Hiding anything at this $oint is fruitless. Tatsuya is correct" I was
using water s$irits to $ractice summoning magic.8
Mikihiko gathered the #urning incense wood from the ta#le stove and
answered Tatsuya.
)eside him" Mizuki was using a cleaning cloth to wi$e away the ashes
that stuck to the ta#leto$.
+f course" Mikihiko wanted to $olitely decline this gesture" #ut
Mizuki!s diligence $roved $articularly stu##orn on this $oint.
8/ater s$irits...... 5nfortunately" I only know that they are the
congregations of $ushions...... Mizuki" what did you see:8
8.h: 2h" me too" the only thing I saw were #lue=colored or#s.8
Hearing Tatsuya!s (uestion" Mizuki made a vague smile and shook her
hands in a wavy manner #efore her.
)ecause Mizuki was still holding the wet cleaning rag in her hand as
she did this" a small $ortion of the murky water s$lashed onto
Mikihiko!s face" #ut she was wholly unaware #ecause the (uestion
caught her com$letely off=guard.
2s Mikihiko himself...... he also seemed unaware.
His eyes were wide o$en as his e$ression tensed.
8-olored......: ?ou can see differences in color......:8
8That" uh...... ?es.8
Mizuki didn!t understand why Mikihiko wore (from Mizuki!s
$ers$ective) a terrified e$ression" so she answered #ack in a
(uavering voice.
86or eam$le...... #lue" sky #lue" or dark #lue...... 2hB8
Mizuki didn!t dare to look Mikihiko in the eye" so she didn!t stare
directly at him as she re$lied. However" she let out a small cry u$on
noticing the small dro$lets of water on Mikihiko!s face.
8S=s=sorryB That...... +h" right" handkerchief" handkerchief.8
Mizuki scram#led to get her handkerchief from the school #ag to wi$e
Mikihiko!s face.
However" Mikihiko roughly gra##ed her etended hand.
2nd dragged the terrified Mizuki right #efore him.
Mikihiko caught the off #alance Mizuki and stared at her eyes from
such a close $roimity that it seemed like he was a#out to kiss her.
85h...... This......8
Mizuki was so confused and frantic that she was incoherent" #ut
Mikihiko didn!t seem to notice that.
Mikihiko *ust ke$t staring without #atting an eyelid" while the
$anicking Mizuki didn!t dare to turn around.
/ithout any warning" the two of them *ust continued to stare at one
8......If this was a consensual scene then I!d have to ecuse myself" #ut
otherwise that may #e a slight $ro#lem.8
The two of them froze like they had forgotten how to #reathe" #ut"
likely recovering u$on hearing Tatsuya!s innocuous voice" (uickly
s$rang a$art.
8......I a$ologize.8
8<lease...... <lease don!t say it like that...... I!m the one who should
Duite the conundrum.
It was fairly o#vious why Mikihiko was asking for forgiveness 7 that
was #orderline seual harassment" and he shouldn!t com$lain even if
he got sla$$ed in the face 7 #ut why was Mizuki also a$ologizing:
Most likely out of $anic. Tatsuya also felt that the atmos$here was
$utting him off as well.
8......Miyuki" .rika and 9eo are already at the rendezvous" so if you
feel like staying" we can head #ack first.8
8.h: 2h" Tatsuya=kun" so that!s why you came looking for me......
/ait" ahB8
Mizuki seemed to take half a second to $rocess what Tatsuya told her
(more like she took half a second to do this from her $ers$ective)" let
out a cry of shock" then la$sed #ack into silence. ,o" she likely had
something she wanted to say" #ut her frozen mouth was inca$a#le of
uttering words. It a$$eared that her distress had caused a #lockage in
the s$eech area of her #rain.
2t any rate" this should only #e a tem$orary set#ack 7 Tatsuya
thought as he $ut this in the rear view mirror 7 alas" his e$ression
was a far cry from his usual 8$oker face8 7 as he directed his view
towards Mikihiko.
8So" Mikihiko" what was that all a#out:8
Tatsuya started to dissect Mikihiko!s astounding action with
considera#le interest.
8Sorry" I was *ust so shocked......8
Mikihiko let out a small sigh of relief at the change in to$ic and
(uickly took this o$$ortunity to res$ond to Tatsuya!s (uery.
8/ait" there!s no need to a$ologize to me. /hy were you so
Hearing Tatsuya!s words" Mikihiko once more #owed towards Mizuki.
8I!m terri#ly sorry.
That was #ecause I never thought someone could tell the difference in
color #etween s$irits......
2t the thought that you might $ossess crystal eyes" I sim$ly couldn!t
sit still and lost control of myself......
I know this *ust sounds like an ecuse" #ut I definitely didn!t $lan
anything nefarious.
I truly *ust wanted to verify that fact.8
Mikihiko!s earnest a$ology achieved the desired effect@ Mizuki!s
frazzled state returned to normal.
4ust as he said" this was only an ecuse.
This was entirely on Mikihiko and his unrestrained curiosity and had
nothing to do with Mizuki.
.ven so" at Mikihiko!s des$erate e$lanation" Mizuki res$onded with
#oth a warm and gentle gaze" signifying that she had already forgiven
8?oshida=kun" it!s alright" I was *ust sur$rised" that!s all.8
2fter saying this" Mizuki revealed a sweet and relaing smile and
(uickly added" 8)ut that would #e terri#ly em#arrassing" so $lease
don!t do that again.8
His face com$letely flushed" Mikihiko nodded vigorously.
It looked like the earlier attem$ted seual harassment had reached a
$eaceful conclusion and Tatsuya!s satire never occurred" #ut Tatsuya
didn!t want to dwell on that too much.
8S$eaking of which" Mikihiko" why are you sur$rised:8
Seeing the two of them return to normal" Tatsuya resumed the earlier
8)ased on what you said" the a#ility to identify the colors of the s$irits
is etremely rare:8
Tatsuya $ossessed the a#ility to deci$her $sion information #odies" #ut
did not view the information #ody as an image during his analysis" so
he wasn!t aware whether color identification was s$ecial or not. ,o"
the a#ility to identify $ushion information #odies was definitely rare"
#ut Tatsuya could not com$rehend why 8color identification8 had any
s$ecial meaning.
2t Tatsuya!s (uestion" Mizuki also looked at Mikihiko with the same
look in her eyes. She $ro#a#ly had the same (uestion as well.
82lso" what do you mean #y crystal eyes: If convenient" can you
e$lain that to us:8
Mizuki!s eyes clearly showed that she wanted to know as well.
8......?eah" it!s not like the information is any sort of secret.8
Mikihiko!s #rief delay #efore answering clearly hinted that what he
was a#out to say wasn!t so sim$le. Tatsuya detected that Mikihiko
occasionally showed la$ses of irres$onsi#ility...... that #ordered on
self=destructive im$ulses.
8S$irits have colors" and we as Summoning Magicians rely on these
colors to identify the different ty$es of s$irits.8
That #eing said" Mikihiko seemed very sincere as he #egan to e$lain
the nuances of Summoning and didn!t give off an irres$onsi#le feeling.
8.ven so" it!s not like we can actually see the s$irit!s color.8
Mizuki was confounded.
Tatsuya also didn!t follow" #ut he didn!t immediately ask and merely
used his eyes to signal Mikihiko to continue.
8In reality" s$irits don!t $ossess set colors at all. The colors that the
Magician 8sees8 change de$ending on what system or style they
#elong to.
Take my style for eam$leA water s$irits are #lue.
)ut in .uro$e" the local style claims that water s$irits are $ur$le.
+n the mainland" the dominant o$inion is that the color is a dark #lue=
ish hue that is almost #lack.
This wasn!t #ecause the vi#rations of the s$irits differed #ased on
location and magic.
It was #ecause the Magicians used different methods of identification"
hence why they !see! different colors.8
8......In other words" they aren!t identified #y sight" #ut through magic
recognition of the vi#rations:8
In order to #etter identify the s$irits" we use colors to categorize the
?ou could say that we!ve em#ellished the s$irits a little.
So" we each have a method of identifying s$irit colors.
In my style" water s$irits are #lue" fire s$irits are red" earth s$irits are
yellow" and wind s$irits are green.
,o difference in shade or #rightness.
/e all a$$ly the same color in our minds" so there!s no discre$ancy in
So all water s$irits are strictly #lue.
2ccording to this identification system" it!s im$ossi#le to see sky #lue
or dark #lue water s$irits.8
8......)ut Mizuki saw them.8
8She $ro#a#ly felt the discre$ancy in hue due to the strength and
nature of the water s$irits and !truly! saw the s$irits color.
My style refers to those ty$es of eyes as !crystal eyes!.
This term is likely used #y other styles under different circumstances"
#ut for our style" they refer to the eyes that can see !god!.
;umors say that those who can see the colors of the s$irits are also
a#le to see where s$irits s$ring forth and congregate" as well as the
!divine s$irits! of the natural order and the key to accessing those
To us" the $eo$le with crystal eyes are mikos that can connect to the
divine s$irit systems.8
8In other words" Mizuki is eactly the $erson you guys are looking
8?es...... )ut there!s no need to worry. -urrently" I don!t have the
$ower to stand against !god!. If it was the me from a year ago" I might
have arrogantly claimed her for myself" the current me $ossesses
neither the desire nor the mettle to try. That #eing said" I also won!t
reveal to other Magicians that she!s such a critical individual for
divine magics. .ven if it!s my own #rother" I could never #ear to
sim$ly watch as others ascended to the heights of 3ivine .arth Magic.
I won!t tell anyone a#out Shi#ata=san!s crystal eyes.8
Mikihiko!s gaze was unyielding.
6lecks of madness danced *ust #elow the surface.
Tatsuya read that as a metamor$hosis of his original $ossessiveness.
This wasn!t 8claimed for himself8" #ut 8refusal to allow anyone else to
do so8.
Mikihiko was staring at Mizuki with those kinds of eyes.
8......That!s true" I will also kee$ this a secret.8
)ased solely on the fact that neither 8wished for their friend to #e
used8" Tatsuya and Mikihiko could agree.
So he signaled his agreement #y nodding his head.
Signaled to Mikihiko.
2nd to Mizuki as well.
Mizuki wore an o$en e$ression of astonishment at Tatsuya!s motion
and (uickly res$onded with a $lacating smile without com$rehending
the reason #ehind it.
Chapter 4
August 1st.
The de$arture date for the ,ine Schools -om$etition finally arrived.
+taru!s .ighth High and Kumamoto!s ,inth High would leave earlier
due to their res$ective locations" whereas 6irst High" conveniently
located on the eastern outskirts of Tokyo" usually de$arted for the
com$etition dormitories the day #efore the contest #egins.
;ather than attaching any strategic im$ortance to this" it was mainly
#ecause the remote schools had $riority access to the training
The official com$etition arena was restricted until the day of the
com$etition" so there was no real reason to arrive earlier7
8That!s how it is.8
8Is that so...... 2t any rate" thank you for your sim$le e$lanation.8
Tatsuya wanted to ask Mari" in a tone laden with sarcasm" if there was
any reason she was telling him all this" #ut he $atiently waited for her
to finish her e$lanation and (uickly shook his head to dis$el this
ridiculous im$ulse that wouldnMt serve anyone.
The two of them were s$eaking #eneath the #lazing sun reigning in
the middle of the #lue summer sky. .actly why were they making
themselves more heated on this hot and humid day: .ven if you asked
him" Tatsuya had no answer for that one.
This was not in his interest.
This eclamation was accom$anied #y the music of sandals lightly
ta$$ing on the $avement. 9ooking towards the sound!s source" Mari
let out a sigh and smiled #eneath her $arasol while Tatsuya"
com$letely heedless of the sun #eating down on him" wordlessly
checked off the last mem#er of the roster on his terminal device.
7+ne and a half hours late" everyone was finally here.
8Mayumi" you!re so slow.8
8Sorry" sorry.8
)oth the re$rimand and the a$ology were *ust as concise.
The two of them $roceeded to em#ark onto the #us as if nothing had
2t least" until Mayumi came off the #us em$ty=handed.
8......3id you forget something:8
Tatsuya asked" slightly concerned that his $oker face was sli$$ing.
S$are change of clothes" cosmetics and other living su$$lies 7
Miyuki was o#viously the one who taught him that cosmetics were a
must=have for overnight stays 7 have already #een #undled into the
storage com$artment" and the checklists mailed from each of the
contestants! families have already #een matched with the luggage" so
nothing was missing.
.ven if something was left #ehind" the dormitories had $lenty of
s$ares. This was at most a two hour #us tri$" so there shouldn!t #e a
need for much luggage.
8,o" it!s not that...... Tatsuya=kun" I a$ologize that you had to wait so
long for me.8
8<lease don!t concern yourself with that. IMm well aware of your
Mayumi wasn!t tardy #ecause of some $re$osterous reason like
overslee$ing or getting the time wrong.
Three hours ago" she suddenly sent word that she would #e late due to
family #usiness.
In her message" Mayumi asked for everyone to de$art without her and
that she would meet them at the destination later. Still" the Erd ?ear
students unanimously agreed to wait for her" so they asked Mayumi to
get here as soon as she could.
This wasn!t #ecause she was net in line for the Saegusa 6amily.
She had two older #rothers.
.ven if she was a direct descendant from the Ten Master -lans"
Mayumi was the little sister who was still in high school" so there
were very few cases where she was res$onsi#le for handling family
#usiness. That #eing said" the very fact that the family recalled her the
day of the school!s official event clearly hinted that this was etremely
6rom Mayumi!s $ers$ective" if the other students set off on time" she
could get there at a more leisurely $ace rather than hurrying along.
However" since everyone 7 Tatsuya actually disagreed in $rivate 7
was set on waiting for her" Mayumi was forced to $ick u$ the $ace.
Thus" Tatsuya was not going to call her out for #eing one or two hours
8Isn!t it too hot:8
8It!s still in the morning" so it!s +K" and this tem$erature isn!t #ad at
Tatsuya was the only 'st ?ear student in the auiliaries" so he was
res$onsi#le for roll call.
There were H& contestants" H strategic advisors" and I technicians.
+f the '% $eo$le that were not contestants" only Tatsuya was a 'st
?ear student.
+f course" there were other auiliary mem#ers #esides these '%
$eo$le. ,ot counting the strategy and technician team" there were also
%& volunteers that $erformed all the #usywork" #ut they already
de$arted for the $remises" so there wasn!t even a faculty mem#er
$resent. +nly the drivers and the official $artici$ants were taking the
#us and four cargo vehicles.
8)ut you!re sweating like a horse...... /ait" what: ?ou!re not really
sweating that much.8
8,o" I have at least enough magic to ward off the sweat...... #ut I!m not
gross enough to not sweat at all during the summer.8
He was using magic to $urify the sweat and releasing it through the
skin and clothes.
Tatsuya!s intrinsic magic 83issolution8" in terms of categorization
#elongs to a derivative of Se$aration Magic. It was a com#ination of
8>ather8" 83is$erse8" 82#sor#8" and 8;elease8" #ut to #e honest"
8;elease8 $ro#a#ly made u$ the highest $ercentage.
Thus" he was more ade$t at ;elease Systematic Magic.
8?ou actually used the word gross......8
The word wasn!t $articularly odd" #ut Mayumi smiled #rilliantly" as if
encountering something es$ecially comical.
Must #e the season.
2t this moment" Tatsuya thought her smile was as radiant as the sun.
This must have #een a hallucination #rought on #y the sun" the
tem$erature" and the humidity.
......The #est evidence came from the way Mayumi!s smile
instantaneously switched to her usual teasing smile.
8)y the way" Tatsuya=kun" what do you think of this:8
The 8this8 that she s$oke of...... must #e the same one Tatsuya had on
his mind.
Mayumi was referring to the summer dress that she wore.
She used #oth hands to hold the large=#rimmed hat and $osed" making
it very hard to misunderstand.
They were only checking in to the dorms today and there were no
official activities.
<ro#a#ly #ecause of this" even if it!s a school activity" there was no
o#ligation to wear school uniforms.
The 'st ?ear students including Tatsuya were all gar#ed in their
uniforms" #ut less than half the %nd ?ear students were in uniform"
while almost all the Erd ?ear students were in casual clothes.
/ith that in mind" taking into account how modern decorum frowned
u$on skin that was not covered in clothing" the ma*ority of the
students were dressed like Mari in long sleeved tunics and $ants that
were easy to move in.
+ne nota#le ece$tion was a %nd ?ear female student named -hiyoda.
She was wearing shorts and long socks that etended to her thighs@ it
was hard to tell if it was a wardro#e suita#le for summer. 2s for Isori"
-hiyoda seemed to have forced him to wear $ants that only etended
to mid shin with longer socks as well" *ust as if they were a cou$le
(which" in fact" they were).
2mong this grou$" Mayumi!s a$$earance was very cons$icuous.
2s a matter of fact" she was 8etremely cons$icuous8.
)oth her arms and shoulders were revealed in her summer dress.
The length was also a#ove her knees.
Her #are legs were matched with a $air of high heeled sandals.
Her skin was lightly #rowned" $ro#a#ly #ecause she a$$lied an anti=
5G and infrared $rotection layer. Taking this into account" she
technically wasn!t revealing anything" #ut this skin coloring only
served to hel$ $eo$le think that she had #een sun#athing.
8It suits sen$ai very well.8
2 daring summer outfit em#roidered with flowers truly suited
Mayumi $erfectly.
8Is that so......: Thank you.8
The sur$rised tone cou$led with a #ashful e$ression was also a killer
8......If only you were slightly em#arrassed while com$limenting me"
then that would #e $erfect.8
The young lady who was % years older than Tatsuya etended #oth
arms straight onto her hi$s and leaned forward to look u$wards at him.
Though $etite" she still $ossessed average measurements around the
#osom and" once s(ueezed #y #oth arms" a lovely cleavage could #e
2t this $oint" it almost seemed intentional.
8......9ooks like a lot of hard work.8
<resently" Tatsuya had no way of knowing what $ressing #usiness had
detained Mayumi" #ut she most likely accrued considera#le stress.
8<resident" it!s time to go. <lease catch some shut=eye during the ride.8
7Tatsuya chose to e$lain himself this way.
8/ait" uh...... Tatsuya=kun: Have you misunderstood something:8
Tatsuya!s attitude suddenly switched to a comforting one and"
com#ined with his com$assionate gaze" threw Mayumi for a loo$.
8......Seriously" Tatsuya=kun actually thought IMm #i$olar. How rude.8
In the moving #us" Mayumi angrily $uffed out her cheeks" while
Suzune" who was sitting #eside her in the aisle seat" watched her
8I o#viously wanted him to sit net to me" #ut he fled to another car.8
S$eaking of which" as a technician team mem#er" Tatsuya was
su$$osed to sit in the storage vehicles" so from an o#*ective $oint of
view 7 or may#e from a su$erficial $ers$ective" he wasn!t avoiding
8/ho does he think I am......8
8That was the correct decision.8
8.h" ;in=chan" what did you *ust say:8
Mayumi continued her lively com$laints" to which Suzune calmly
retorted #ack.
Mayumi was wearing a sweet smile" #ut her eyes were not smiling.
.ven though she was wearing such a terrifying smile and su$erficially
7 and only su$erficially 7 asked in a cheerful tone" this didn!t
im$act Suzune!s calm e$ression in the slightest.
8I said he made the correct decision" otherwise he might suffer at the
<resident!s hands.8
8/ait a minute" that!s too muchB 2renMt you taking this a little too
Suzune!s utterly serious assessment caused cracks to a$$ear in
Mayumi!s steady facade.
8There are very few male students that can resist the <resident!s
#eauty" and that #eauty has a $owerful magic of its own.8
9ikely #ecause Suzune!s e$ression was overly serious as she said
this" Mayumi wasn!t certain if she was #eing honest or sim$ly $oking
fun at her 7 however" for someone who aimed to #e a Magician to
say 8#eauty has magic8" this was most likely a *oke at her e$ense.
8Still" I hear that Shi#a=kun ecels at nullifying other $eo$le!s magic"
so the <resident!s magical a$$earance cannot entrance him.8
.ven if she only heard the sound" Mayumi knew for some reason that
Suzune said 8magical a$$earance8 and not 8magic eyes8. (T9 noteA
magic eyes and magical a$$earance sound the same in 4a$anese.)
Mayumi finally realized that she was #eing teased.
8+K" +K" <resident" $lease rela.8
8?ou donMt have the right to tell me thatB8
Her good friend maintained her $erfectly serious demeanor des$ite
Mayumi edging closer with an outraged e$ression on her face" so the
only thing she could do was turn her #ack to Suzune and throw a small
tantrum #y herself in the corner.
Seeing her #ody hunched together from the side at a certain angle
would lead to7
85h...... <resident" are you feeling unwell......:8
The voice from across the aisle where Suzune sat was #oth worried
and nervous.
82h: ,o" it!s not that......8
6or Mayumi" this was an une$ected misunderstanding.
2s she was hesitating" Hattori" who had s$ecifically come over to
check u$ on her" misinter$reted the situation even further" or rather"
her reaction sim$ly reinforced his $reconce$tion.
8Shi#a mentioned earlier that the <resident looked tired. 9ooks like he
wasn!t far off the mark. If that guy knew where the #oundaries
were...... ,o" this isn!t the time for that su#*ect.8
85h" Hanzou=kun. I *ust said" I!m not feeling sick......8
8I know the <resident doesn!t want us to worry and I understand that I
should res$ect that" #ut forcing yourself #eyond your limits wouldn!t
do us any favors.8
Hattori was com$letely serious 7 he was earnestly concerned a#out
Mayumi!s $hysical condition as he watched her.
The reason he was #lushing was likely #ecause of Mayumi!s slightly
outrageous sitting $osture" where her thighs were slightly visi#le
around the edges of the summer dress. However" #oth her legs were
neatly $laced together.
8Gice <resident Hattori" where are you looking:8
6or the record" Hattori was com$letely focused on Mayumi!s face.
He did not look anywhere else" #ut at the same time" this meant 7 he
was des$erately trying to not look anywhere else.
He originally came over out of concern for Mayumi" #ut he hurriedly
averted his gaze 7 likely out of guilt that he did look in that direction"
causing Hattori to look incredi#ly out of sorts.
......>iven that this alone was enough for him to #e guilty and
wavering to this degree" only served to $rove that he was an honest
and innocent teenager.
8Ichihara=sen$aiB I didn!t look there...... ,o" uh" I *ust wanted to offer
the <resident a #lanket......8
5nfortunately" his innocent teenager image only served to #e the
$erfect $rey for his sen$ais.
8Gice <resident Hattori wanted to #ring the <resident a #lanket: Then
#y all means" go ahead.8
Suzune revealed an understanding e$ression as she rose and used her
eyes to signal Hattori to hurry u$.
2s for Mayumi" she $itched in #y $retending to avert her eyes out of
em#arrassment and used #oth her hands to cover her slightly e$osed
/ith a s$read #lanket in #oth hands" Hattori was rendered com$letely

2 definite trace of mischief could #e seen in Mayumi!s eyes.
9ooks like Mayumi has #ecome even harder to control than ever.
......Shi#a=kun made the right decision 7 Suzune thought to herself.
He washed his hands of the whole deal.
8/hat the heck are those guys doing......:8
Hattori was frozen in $lace" Mayumi was watching with e$ectation
dancing in her eyes" and Suzune was calmly watching from the
sidelines. This awkward three=way caused Mari to sigh and comment
in a hel$less tone.
2s usual" Hattori was dancing to Mayumi!s tune. 2fter verifying this"
Mari sat #ack down after rising from her seat (as a matter of fact" her
seat was facing Suzune and com$any!s $osition from across the aisle).
Mari didn!t say this aloud" #ut she too was concerned on Mayumi!s
#ehalf" #ut her ina#ility to do anything was more $ronounced.
8.h...... 4ust like old times......8
Mari secretly sus$ected that Hattori was under a lot of stress due to
Mayumi!s constant teasing" which in turn #rought a#out his harsh
attitude towards -ourse % students" and that led to Mayumi!s
headaches regarding her Gice <resident!s actions and created a vicious
cycle. This was something that did not sit well with her.
That #eing said" Mari also knew that Mayumi!s stress level was far
heavier than hers.
Mari!s family #oasted considera#le history 7 rumor said that they
were descended from >eneral /atana#e Tsuna from the $eaceful eras"
although no one knew if this was true 7 #ut #ased on the current
standings" they were #arely on the fringes of the 8Hundred 6amilies8.
Mari didn!t know if it was #ecause of a mutation" if her genes ski$$ed
a generation or she sim$ly didn!t inherit the #loodline" #ut at any rate
she was the only one in her family with vaunted magic talent. Thus"
even though her family had great ho$es for her" Mari didn!t have to
concern herself with the family rivalries that were a#undant in magical
+n the other hand" the Saegusa and ?otsu#a 6amilies currently
dominated the u$$er echelons of the Ten Master -lans and while
Mayumi wasn!t the net head" she was still a direct descendant and the
eldest girl" so even though she was still a high school student" there
had #een (uite a few marriage $ro$osals even #efore she reached high
school (which were not rumors" #ut grounded in fact).
2s for Mayumi herself" even com$ared with the other Magicians
within the Ten Master -lans" she still $ossessed 8outstanding8 magical
talent. She was the su#*ect of intense scrutiny" the verita#le rising star
of tomorrow among $ure #loods.
+n to$ of that" she was also the Student -ouncil <resident" which only
added to the things on her $late.
,o matter how resilient her $ersonality was" her days were #y no
means a walk in the $ark.
She!s only $laying a little #it" Mari thought" so leniency is $ro#a#ly
the #est a$$roach.
/hile she was considering this" Mari did not add in 8from a friend!s
$ers$ective8" likely #ecause she also $ossessed a slightly shameful
teasing side to her. )ut if someone actually said that to her face" Mari
would $ro#a#ly knock them to the floor.
7)ack on to$ic"
5nless the ruckus got out of hand" she wasn!t going to interfere 7
Hattori seemed to #e a willing $artici$ant anyways 7 so after making
that somewhat one=sided decision" Mari directed her gaze out the
She sat in the aisle seat of a two $erson row.
So she had to look at the $erson sitting in the window seat.
8......Mari=sen$ai" what!s u$:8
2n e(ually listless female student asked Mari after noticing her gaze.
8Hm: ,o" Kanon" I!m *ust looking outside.8
Mari transferred her focal $oint from outside to the %nd ?ear student
sitting net to her" -hiyoda Kanon" who was wearing a handsome
smile that was $articularly $o$ular among female students.
She was an underclassman that Mari es$ecially favored and Mari was
actively $re$$ing her to #e the net <u#lic Morals -ommittee -hief.
Thanks to Tatsuya (if he heard this" he would strongly $rotest that he
was coerced and not asked)" Mari had already $re$ared the transfer
documents *ust for her. If it wasn!t Kanon" Mari likely wouldn!t even
They were #oth of the Hundred 6amilies" #ut Kanon #elonged to the
-hiyoda 6amily near the $innacle. Talented Magicians from
$restigious families were the true re$resentation of 8Hundred
Here" the 8Hundred 6amilies8 didn!t actually mean the num#er #roke
one hundred.
4ust as the hundreds digit followed the tens digit" the same meaning
a$$lied in that they were 8families that were second only to the Ten
Master -lans8.
In addition" the Ten Master -lans did not consist of only ten families.
There were a total of %I families worthy of the name the Ten Master
-lans" and whoever $ossessed the strongest magic (notice that this
was not the most talented" #ut the strongest)" the to$ ten would #e
collectively known as the Ten Master -lans.
Mayumi!s Saegusa 6amily always #oasted a large num#er of talented
Magicians" whereas the ?otsu#a 6amily $ossessed one of the strongest
Magicians in the modern era. The 83emon 9ord of the 6ar .ast8" the
8Midnight Dueen8" ?otsu#a Maya was the current head of house"
which caused #oth families to #e acknowledged as the twin aces of the
Ten Master -lans.
-urrently" the Ten Master -lans consisted of 8Ichi*ou8" 86utatsugi8"
8Mitsuya8" 8?otsu#a8" 8Itsuwa8" 8Mutsudzuka8" 8Saegusa8"
8?atsushiro8" 8Kudou8" and 84uumon*i8" which *ust ha$$ened to
num#er from one to ten chronologically. However" this was the first
time this had occurred since the Ten Master -lans had #een formed"
and there have #een situations where one or two num#ers were either
du$licated or missing altogether.
The strongest of the strong #ecame the Ten Master -lans" with the
other 'I families as re$lacements" followed closely #y the authentic
8Hundred 6amilies8.
Kanon #elonged to the -hiyoda 6amily" which was one of the
Hundred 6amilies. Kanon!s direct attack $ower rivaled Mari herself
and if she had a wea$on in hand" her fire$ower could match Magicians
from the Ten Master -lans themselves. ,o wonder she had the magic
worthy of the name of the -hiyoda 6amily.
However" the crowning difference from Mayumi was that Kanon
wasn!t listless #ecause she was overwhelmed with family #usiness.
Hearing Mari!s res$onse" Kanon softly said 8Is that so8 and directed
her gaze outside" followed with a lazy 8Heh......8 sigh.
This ridiculous res$onse only irritated Mari further.
Kanon turned around again" #ut this time she smiled in a fashion
com$letely different from #efore.
5nfortunately" the imitation $aled #efore the original" as Mari smiled
#ack in an e(ually radiant manner 7 from a female $ers$ective.
8It!s at most two more hours to the dorms" can you not wait for that
8Hey" that!s meanB I!m not a child" I can wait for a $altry two or three
2t Mari!s casual (uestion" Kanon was suddenly fired u$ like she was
another $erson.
Her middle length hair #o##ed as she $outed and com$lained.
8)ut" #ut" I thought we would #e on the #us together today" so it!s +K
if I!m a little u$set.8
8Haven!t you guys #een together...... .ven if you!re engaged" counting
the time you two have #een together" that!s $ro#a#ly longer than !that
$air! of Shi#a si#lings" right:8
8It!s im$ossi#le to share a #us tri$ these days" so I was really looking
forward to it. I mean" last year I was all alone. 2nd when com$ared
with si#lings" of course engaged cou$les share more time togetherB8
8+f courseB8
Kanon $uffing out her chest 7 which was slightly insulting and not
altogether flattering R declared this to which Mari secretly sighed
This underclassman was usually decisive and de$enda#le with a
strong and active $ersonality" which were (ualities Mari admired in
the young lady" #ut......
(.very time" the moment she gets to Isori it!s like she!s someone else
8S$eaking of which" why does the technician team have to hitch a
different rideB It!s not like they can do anything during the ride" so
why are they in a se$arate carB This #us has enough seats for all of us"
and even if that wasn!t the case" we could still charter a dou#le=decker
Kanon seemed to have seized u$on the $ro$er venue and started to
loudly vent her frustration. 2t this" Mari could only sigh again.
+n the #us" there was another young woman who also shared Kanon!s
7This young lady did not make a fuss like Kanon" which only served
to increase her friends! tre$idation.
8......5h" Miyuki" would you like some tea......:8
8Honoka" thank you. However" I!m sorry" #ut I!m not thirsty right now.
I!m not like +nii=sama" who was ordered out into the hot sun to stand
Her voice was #oth calm and gentle.
4ust like the chill that someone would feel u$on gazing at the fine
layer of frost that covered the landsca$e.
82h" uh" you!re right.8
Honoka (uickly agreed as someone on the other side of the aisle
shar$ly nudged her flank.
(/hy are you reminding her of her #rotherB)
(It!s not like I meant to do thatB)
Honoka and Shizuku weren!t tele$athic #ut were still a#le to
communicate with their eyes #ecause may#e they #oth wanted to 8do
something8 for the silently fuming Miyuki:
8.......Seriously" since we know who was going to #e late" there was no
reason for him to wait outside the #us...... /hy is +nii=sama always
doing so much......8
Miyuki finally started to mutter aloud" which only increased the
terrifying tension around her.
Honoka wanted to flee.
2t the very least" she wanted to switch $laces with Shizuku.
)ut if she switched seats at this *uncture" she would surely incur
Miyuki!s wrath.
7Scratch that" Miyuki wouldn!t actually do anything to her friends"
#ut the dangerous feeling surrounding her was enough to cause $eo$le
to let one!s imagination run wild (s$eaking of which" the 'st ?ear
female student sitting net to Shizuku was huddled in a #all and
kee$ing her eyes glued outside).
8......2nd he!s sitting in a tiny storage vehicle crowded with
e(ui$ment...... 2t least during the tri$" I had ho$ed +nii=sama could
get some $ro$er rest......8
Shizuku glanced at the terrified Honoka and sighed.
Shizuku #elieved that Miyuki omitted the three words 8net to me8 (in
other words" Shizuku mentally ad*usted this to #e 8+nii=sama could
get some $ro$er rest net to me8)" #ut she said something com$letely
8Still" Miyuki" this is where I think your older #rother is amazing.8
Shizuku took the o$$ortunity of starting a conversation to switch seats
with Honoka.
Honoka clas$ed #oth her $alms together in thanks" #ut Shizuku
couldn!t see this with her #ack to her and Miyuki didn!t notice this
Miyuki was wholly unaware that someone else had caught her
muttering to herself" so she was una#le to immediately react.
Shizuku seized the o$ening to kee$ s$eaking" com$letely shattering
her normally stoic image.
8.ven if he waited on the #us" I don!t think anyone would actually
com$lain a#out it" #ut your #rother dutifully fulfilled his mission to
!verify all contestants had #oarded!. It!s true that this seems like an
unim$ortant chore" #ut he didn!t take this #oring task lightly and was
a#le to maintain his com$osure even though something une$ected
ha$$ened" which isn!t easy at all. Miyuki!s #rother is really amazing.8
It was thanks to Shizuku!s $ersonality that she was a#le say such a
mushy comment aloud. Honoka was more the ty$e to think those
thoughts in the $rivacy of her mind.
8......?ou!re right" +nii=sama is the nicest $erson in the oddest areas.8
6inally" Miyuki was a#le to contain her em#arrassment and the icy
$ressure around them faded as well.
Hiding #ehind Shizuku" Honoka made a victory sign with her hand.
/ith a few ece$tions" human #eings chose only to see things they
wish to see.
More likely" 8they chose to ignore o#*ects that they did not want to
6or #iological organisms" #ad news from the five senses was usually
more vital than good news. +#*ects and situations that were
dis$leasing often caused harm to the $hysical #ody" so identifying
these threats were integral to survival.
However" humans often avert their eyes from what they do not wish to
6or eam$le" even knowing that a wea$on of mass destruction was
currently aimed at them" they still chose to ignore this as$ect of
This was es$ecially true for citizens of first world countries that are so
removed from struggling for survival in their day to day activities.
.ven without this eaggerated eam$le" there were countless
eam$les every day where $eo$le $retend not to see things that are
re$ulsive and $retend that they didn!t eist.
7Such as" the sheer killing intent emanating from a #eautiful young
Miyuki" who had returned to her usual serene grace" was surrounded
#y male students.
/ho" until this moment" did not dare to a$$roach.
Miyuki was gorgeous enough to cause anyone to sto$ in their tracks"
so no one dared to crowd her too much" #ut whenever an o$$ortunity
$resented itself someone would immediately try to strike u$ a
conversation. The ma*ority of these offenders were 'st ?ear students"
with the occasional %nd or Erd ?ear student.
6inally" Mari couldn!t stand it any longer and forci#ly relocated
Miyuki and the other two to sit #ehind her.
Thus" with Miyuki and the now tran(uil Kanon" much ha$$ier after
venting" occu$ying the two window seats" Mari sitting #eside Kanon"
and Katsuto holding down the fort #ehind Miyuki" $eace finally
returned to the #us (Mayumi was slee$ing soundly" likely satisfied
after thoroughly teasing Hattori).
/hile it was $leasura#le to s$eak with $eo$le of the same gender"
there was something missing.
The two young ladies who shared this thought #oth a#sently watched
the scenery $assing #y.
So Miyuki and Kanon were the first two to discover the situation.
8/atch outB8
Kanon was the one who shouted out.
6ollowing her voice" *ust a#out everyone in the car looked out the
window on one side of the #us.
6rom the o$$osite direction" a large vehicle 7 this was a smaller #us
used for leisurely $ursuits 7 was sliding towards them on the ground"
scattering s$arks everywhere.
Someone shouted that the tires #urst.
2nother agitated $assenger claimed that the tires fell off.
There was no sense of danger in their voices.
There was a central divider #etween the two sides of the highway"
further fortified #y a $rotective #arrier.
)asically" there was no way for the accident to s$read over here.
In their young and ine$erienced eyes" this disaster on the other side
was only something to stimulate them.
2 stimulation 7 that lasted for one second.
Someone shrieked.
May#e more than one $erson.
This was hardly their fault.
The large vehicle suddenly s$un as it collided with the central divider
and" for some reason" fli$$ed into the air towards them.
The #us slammed on the #rakes" sending everyone careening forward.
The screams of $ain were likely caused #y the students who ignored
the safety regulations and failed to #uckle their seat #elts.
The #us sto$$ed.
Thankfully" they sto$$ed short of im$act.
However" the fallen vehicle was still sliding towards the #us while
89et me shove it #ackB8
There was no $anic a#oard the #us" which was something worthy of
)ut that only served to worsen the situation.
/ithout warning" several instances of magic shot forward and all tried
to a$$ly the $henomenon rewriting a#ility at the same time on the
same o#*ect.
The only thing this would achieve would #e to scram#le all the magics
against each other and do nothing to $revent the incoming disaster.
8?ou idiots" sto$ nowB8
Mari (uickly realized this.
6ortunately" everyone was still in the activation $rocess and had not
finished yet.
So everyone was forced to recall their half=formed magic" leaving a
few $recious seconds for some sort of meaningful defense.
They needed a $owerful magic to instantly rewrite the current
.veryone gathered on #oard were the sa$lings and seeds of future
Magicians" #ut they were all ca$a#le of doing this.
However 7 if they were a#le to logically follow Mari!s orders" they
wouldn!t have tried to recklessly use magic.
2lso" in order to overwrite the original effects of the magic and
achieve the desired result" they had to use a stronger magic to forci#ly
overwrite the currently activated magic7
Mari summoned a Magician ca$a#le of $erforming this feat.
Katsuto was currently readying his magic.
)ut Mari almost des$aired at seeing his $ale and agitated visage.
Mari understood as well.
This $ocket of s$ace where Magic Se(uences were running amok was
*ust like what would ha$$en during 8-alculation Interference8.
.ven Katsuto had no way of handling #oth the oncoming im$act and
roaring flames at the same time......
89eave the flames to meB8
The slim and #eautiful figure of a 'st ?ear student rose near the
Her magic was already $re$$ed and ready.
Seeing this" Katsuto immediately started designing the Magic
Se(uence for a fortifying #arrier.
?et" regardless of how incredi#ly talented she was" was this 'st ?ear
student a#le to use her magic in this verita#le storm of $sions7:
6or a second" Mari thought she was hallucinating.
She was a Magician fully ca$a#le of understanding magic" #ut she still
(uestioned her own senses there.
4ust as Miyuki was a#out to invoke her magic with the flaming metal
hulk #earing down on them......
The ram$aging Magic Se(uences all disa$$eared in an instant.
2s if waiting for this moment to occur" Miyuki immediately activated
her magic.
She wasn!t freezing the flaming vehicle nor cutting off the air su$$ly
to suffocate the driver (though in this case" the chance that the driver
survived was remote)" she was efficiently using magic to dramatically
lower the tem$erature to etinguish the flames.
Mari could not hel$ #ut a$$laud her choice of action.
2t the same time" this $roved that Mari!s magic $erce$tion a#ility was
working normally.
Katsuto s$read out the $rotective #arrier magic 7 this was a
Movement=Ty$e Systematic Magic that creates a force field that
renders any o#*ect that enters its #oundaries immo#ile 7 causing the
already ruined vehicle to crum$le u$on im$act. Mari looked elsewhere
when she heard the sound of im$act (Mari trusted that Katsuto!s magic
would #e a#le to hold the incoming vehicle).
/hat the heck *ust ha$$ened:
The interfering remnants of Magic Se(uences suddenly disa$$eared
*ust #efore magic was a$$lied to avoid the accident" #ut what the heck
caused that:
/as it Mayumi!s magic:
Mari immediately re*ected this notion that floated into her head.
It was true that Mayumi was a#le to handle the ram$ant Magic
However" Mayumi!s -ounter Magic (magic de$loyed s$ecifically
against magic) was sha$ed like $sion #ullets that used co$ies of Magic
Se(uences to tear them a$art.
That ty$e of magic couldn!t com$letely annihilate every Magic
Se(uence down to the last iota.
If Mayumi!s magic was synonymous to $recision anti=aircraft guns"
then the earlier magic (if it was magic at all) was something that
would have car$et #om#ed the entire district. ,ot a single $illar would
#e left standing" steel would turn molten" the foundations and cement
would scatter everywhere from the e$losions" rendering this entire
area into com$lete ru##le 7 that was how violent that attack was.
/hile Mari and Katsuto were #oth frozen #efore the $rimal chaos of
the ram$aging Magic Se(uences" Miyuki seemed to know from the
start that this situation would fade and activated her magic without any
3id she know who cast that 8magic8:
Hold on" was that magic......:
8Is everyone alright:8
Mari was staring at the storage vehicle 7 currently $arked #ehind
them 7 that was following them" and only recovered herself and
turned around u$on hearing Mayumi!s steady voice.
8That was cutting it a little close" #ut there!s no need for concern.
4uumon*i and Miyuki=chan!s ecellent $erformances saved us from
disaster. 2nyone who!s hurt #etter realize how im$ortant safety #elts
are" so make sure to #uckle u$ net time.8
Mayumi added 8so long as there isn!t a net time8 with a smile"
causing laughter to fill the #us.
.veryone shook off the intense aniety and terror and resumed a more
relaed e$ression.
84uumon*i" thanks" you!re *ust as de$enda#le as ever.8
8,o...... Thanks to the fire (uickly #eing etinguished" I could focus
solely on sto$$ing the vehicle. 2lso" did Saegusa get rid of the
ram$ant Magic Se(uences:8
Hearing Katsuto!s (uestion" Mayumi!s eyes drifted awkwardly.
82hB I only noticed after the #us sto$$ed......8
S$eaking of which" Mayumi was slee$ing u$ until the moment of the
Katsuto also realized this" so he only raised an eye#row slightly #ut
made no further comment 7 Katsuto was undou#tedly the most
honora#le $erson among the student #ody leaders.
82h" Miyuki=chan as well. ?our eecution was flawless. ?ou were
a#le to use such a narrow window to construct a $erfect Magic
Se(uence. That!s an accom$lishment that even us Erd ?ear students
would #e hard $ressed to emulate.8
Katsuto and Mari #oth nodded in agreement at Mayumi!s words.
2ll three of them knew very well that #eing a#le to correctly choose
the a$$ro$riate magic and modulate it under such critical
circumstances was no small feat.
Mayumi!s $raise caused Miyuki to #lush dee$ly.
8<resident" I am honored #y your $raise. However" thanks to Ichihara=
sem$ai!s $owerful assistance in halting the #us" I had sufficient time to
construct the Magic Se(uence" otherwise even I!m afraid that I may
have hurried my move in such a trying condition. Ichihara=sem$ai"
thank you.8
Miyuki gravely #owed in thanks" to which Suzune silently nodded in
Kanon" who was sitting in front of Miyuki" turned around in her chair
with an utterly go# smacked e$ression.
Mari was also una#le to hide her astonishment.
4ust as Miyuki said" there was no way the #us could!ve come to a halt
in time with the #rakes alone.
The moment the driver slammed on the #rakes" it wasn!t hard to
imagine someone also using S$eed Magic to hel$ out.
)ut Mari only noticed everyone using magic to sto$ the incoming
vehicle and was wholly ignorant of Suzune casting magic to sto$ the
/hile everyone was $reoccu$ied with visually confirming the danger"
she accurately made the correct res$onse.
Suzune!s $roficiency in magic was said to rival Mari and com$any"
and today she more than sustained that re$utation. 2lso" Miyuki was
the only one who detected Suzune!s magic while everyone else
remained ignorant@ her talent was truly awe=ins$iring.
8In com$arison" you......8
8+wB Mari=sem$ai" why did you hit me:8
Suddenly #eing knocked ato$ the head" Kanon com$lained tearfully.
8Stuff it" Kanon" do you have any right to com$lain: Morisaki and
Kitayama #oth $anicked and used magic to com$licate the situation"
#ut that!s only to #e e$ected since they!re 'st ?ear students. )ut
what!s the deal with you as a %nd ?ear student $anicking firstB8
85h" #ut my reaction was the fastest" I *ust didn!t e$ect anyone else to
overla$ on magic......8
Kanon!s e$lanation caused #oth Morisaki and Shizuku to droo$ in
Duite a few others revealed awkward e$ressions.
86astest isn!t always #etterB 2t least evaluate the situation first" then
make some sort of rudimentary communication #etween each other to
avoid am#iguity" alright: +n to$ of that" #ased on the fact that you still
didn!t deactivate your magic even after noticing the conflicting
situation $roves that you had already lost your o#*ectivity.8
8......I was wrong" I!m sorry.8
Seeing Kanon!s de*ected state" Mari didn!t go any further.
.ven with this lecture" without the re(uisite training and e$erience" it
was very difficult to remain calm under those circumstances.
/hen taking that into account" it was even more amazing that Miyuki
was a#le to clearly communicate her decision to etinguish the flames.
This wasn!t something that relied on talent alone. 5sually" geniuses
tend to try and stick out too much" which actually hurts more since it
com$romises communication.
)y this definition" Kanon $ossessed an eem$lary genius mentality.
Miyuki must have gone through etensive and arduous training.
Her serene $atience in waiting for the #us to resume moving was
$erfectly suited for her e$eriences" or com$letely unsuita#le at the
same time.
8S$eaking of which" Shi#a.8
Mari called Tatsuya #y name" #ut referred to Miyuki #y surname.
>enerally" she $referred to address others #y surname and only called
closer com$anions such as Mayumi" Kanon" and mem#ers of the
<u#lic Morals -ommittee #y their name. To her" Tatsuya was someone
who she was es$ecially close to.
83o you know how those Magic Se(uences...... ,o" never mind" don!t
worry a#out it" you $erformed magnificently.8
82h: Thank you for your com$liment.8
+riginally" Mari wanted to ask the (uestion 83o you know who used
-ounter Magic to erase those Magic Se(uences:8
In the middle" she ruminated on whether she wanted to know the
6or some reason" Mari felt that the answer would cause devastating
damage to 8certain8 o#*ects in her immediate vicinity.
+utside the window" the male students from the technician team
descended from the storage vehicles and commenced rescue
That #eing said" the all=terrain vehicle not only violently struck the
$rotective #arrier and fli$$ed through the air" it was also a#laze as
There was no chance the driver survived.
There were no women $resent" likely #ecause the male students
wished to s$are them from the sight of the #urning cor$se.
.ven though the fire was $ut out" the $ossi#ility that the ethanol=#ased
gasoline would re=ignite was not zero.
)ehind the Erd ?ear students trying to cut out the door" a 'st ?ear
student was using a camera to record the evidence.
;ealizing that her eyes were continuously following his #ack" Mari
swiftly averted her gaze.
2fter the incident" including the time s$ent during $olice interviews
and assisting with clean u$ so that the #us could $ass" roughly E&
minutes ela$sed since the incident ended. 6igure in the delay from the
start of the tri$" the grou$ arrived at the dorms shortly after noon.
6rom a strictly com$etitive stand$oint" most of the contestants that
ecel during the ,ine Schools -om$etition eventually *oin the
To safeguard their source of talented Magicians" the military heavily
invested in the ,ine Schools -om$etition in #oth the com$etition
arena and the dormitories. Hotels $reviously reserved for government
officials during ins$ection or visiting foreign dignitaries and their
followers were instead allocated for students and related $ersonnel
during the ,ine Schools -om$etition.
That #eing said" it wasn!t like the situation was all=encom$assing.
In the end" the hotel was a military #uilding" so there was no valet
$arking or suites. 5sually" the soldiers on duty at this location would
#e res$onsi#le for these missions" #ut the ,ine Schools -om$etition
was a high school event" so the students were res$onsi#le for carrying
their own luggage. The larger devices were left in the storage vehicles
for easy access so they didn!t have to #e removed" #ut the smaller tools
and -23s had to #e shifted from the vehicles to the individual rooms
for maintenance.
2 certain 'st ?ear student from the technician team (uickly
accom$lished his o#*ectives" $ushed a cart full of luggage forward and
was accom$anied #y a smiling female student walking net to him" a
sight that caused Hattori to shake his head with a heavy e$ression on
his face.
8Hattori" what!s u$: Take a look at your hangdog e$ression.8
)ehind him" a warm voice struck u$ a conversation.
8Kirihara...... ,ah" it!s nothing.8
Hattori turned around and verified that the man was indeed his good
friend #ased on his voice" and refleively res$onded with a vague
8;eally: 2t least you look like something!s awry.8
He $ro#a#ly noticed himself.
Hattori didn!t continue to deny Kirihara!s words and let out a
masochistic smirk.
8I!ve...... lost some confidence.8
8+h $lease" the com$etition is the day after tomorrow" what!s with the
doom and gloom:8
Kirihara was only res$onsi#le for 8-rowd )all8 on the second day" #ut
Hattori was scheduled for 8)attle )oard8 on the first and third days as
well as 8Monolith -ode8 on the ninth and tenth days.
Hattori was on a different com$etition tier than Kirihara and was one
of the $rimary aces for the %nd ?ear cohort.
If his status was anything short of ecellent" this would severely
im$act the overall team strategy.
Thus" it was sur$rising for Kirihara to $anic at this stage.
8So why are you so de$ressed:8
In Kirihara!s eyes" Hattori >you#u was a studious young man #ursting
with confidence" or may#e someone who worked arduously to earn
that confidence.
4ust in his second year alone" Hattori $ossessed the strength *ust
second to the #ig three. This distinction was not earned on talent
alone" although this did feed his arrogance 7 a $oint that his friend
didn!t try to defend 7 and was the su#*ect of much misinter$retation"
#ut his diligence matched his a#undant talent at the highest level. 2t
least" that was how Kirihara had always seen Hattori.
Hard working" talented and accom$lished. /ith these three under his
#elt" there was no reason why he should suddenly lose the wind in his
89ooks like you haven!t noticed" how I envy you......8
8/hat is this: 2re you insinuating that I!m stu$id:8
8,o" #ut I do think you!re slow.8
Hattori!s usual mocking smile that was easily misunderstood #y others
He a$$eared to have recovered his #alance.
That Hattori was a#le to im$rove his mood #y digging Kirihara $ut a
sour taste in Kirihara!s mouth" #ut at least he wasn!t worried any more.
8......This isn!t like you" right: /hat eactly has dragged you down
Kirihara asked again with the full intention of returning the favor.
Hattori was not dull enough to misunderstand his friend!s clumsy
8That earlier incident......8
82hJ" that was too close.8
8?eah" and if nothing ha$$ened" I think a lot of $eo$le would!ve #een
hurt or even lost their lives.8
8)ut didn!t the <resident and com$any handily deal with it: Isn!t
worrying a#out noneistent in*uries a sign of general aniety: This
sort of reverse thinking is harmful to mental health.8
Kirihara!s forthright comment caused Hattori to laugh lightly.
8Kirihara" I really envy your a#ility to let it go" #ut that!s not what I!m
Hattori sto$$ed for a moment then shook his head again.
8......2t the time" I couldn!t do anything at all.8
8That!s #ecause if you acted without thinking" that would only worsen
the situation. I think that holding #ack shows that you maintained a
level head during a crisis.8
Kirihara!s words were meant to #e comforting and not su$erficial li$
service at all. 6rom his o#*ective analysis of the situation" Hattori also
acknowledged his words.
.ven so" Hattori!s e$ression remained heavy.
8However...... Shi#a=san ado$ted the correct choice of action. She
chose the a$$ro$riate task #ased on her e$ertise and did not forget to
alert everyone of her actions. .ven if the conflicting Magic Se(uences
did not suddenly disa$$ear #efore she invoked her magic" she should
have #een a#le to team u$ with >rou$ 9eader 4uumon*i to handle the
82t the time" -hief /atana#e also didn!t act. >iven that Shi#a=san
s$ecializes in 6reezing=Ty$e Magic" isn!t this *ust a matter of magic
8/atana#e=sen$ai!s e$ertise lies in anti=$ersonnel com#at" so she was
holding #ack as a method of self=restraint for the #enefit of the whole.
In that situation" I am a#le to accom$lish more o#*ectives.
......,o" the (uestion at hand isn!t a#out Magic <ower. /atana#e=
sen$ai instantly made the correct assessment that she was not the
correct $erson to do the *o# and called on >rou$ 9eader 4uumon*i to
assist. )efore she even said anything" >rou$ 9eader 4uumon*i already
realized that this was a situation he would #e called u$on and was
already constructing his Magic Se(uence. They also came to the
conclusion that *ust the >rou$ 9eader alone was insufficient to com#at
this threat" #ut didn!t $anic and use magic ha$hazardly. Shi#a=san
calmly determined what she could do and ver#alized this to everyone.
The $ro#lem is not *ust a#out strong or weak Magic <owers or the
a#ility to use diverse or $owerful magics or sim$ly a technical issue"
#ut as a Magician" are you a#le to use the a$$ro$riate magic in the
right circumstances 7 yes" the $ro#lem isn!t !magic! talent" #ut the
!Magician!s! talent. There is no dou#t her Magic <ower is staggering
and on $ure strength alone there!s an I&K chance I would lose to her.
However" until today" I!ve never worried a#out that $oint" #ecause a
Magician!s (uality is not measured solely #y the level of their Magic
<ower. )ut 7 when com$ared to my underclassman" I am not only
lacking magic talent" #ut also in talent as a Magician...... This is
thoroughly de$ressing.8
Hattori once more turned a glum e$ression while Kirihara ado$ted a
8what am I going to do with you8 look.
82hJ that!s a matter of life e$eriences" and that!s where I think that
$air of si#lings are $articularly s$ecial.8
His evaluation was not on 8her8 #ut 8that $air of si#lings8" catching
Hattori off guard and causing him to look at Kirihara in a (uizzical
8That #rother of hers...... I!m guessing heMs offed someone #efore.8
Hattori!s incredulous voice carried a note of shock.
8?es" he!s killed someone #efore" and not *ust one or two $eo$le.8
8......?ou don!t actually mean homicide" do you: ?ou!re referring to
actual com#at e$erience:8
8He does give $eo$le that feeling...... ?ou know that my dad was in
the marines right:8
8?eah" I remem#er he had #een de$loyed to Tsushima Island several
This felt like an a#ru$t change in to$ic" #ut Hattori didn!t dwell on this
$oint and continued with Kirihara!s conversation.
83ad was only a cor$oral" #ut on the other hand" #ecause he was a
low=ranking officer" he was de$loyed to the front lines where he got to
know a lot of soldiers who s$ent their days in the trenches.
+ccasionally" some of 3ad!s old war #uddies would come over to my
house" and they give off a com$letely different vi#e from normal
$eo$le. ;egardless of whether it!s ken*utsu or shooting" no matter how
much we train in com#at tactics and martial techni(ues" the sheer
killing intent given off #y soldiers who have killed in the heat of
com#at differs from athletes that haven!t. 3o you know the details
#ehind the incident in 2$ril:8
2nother change in to$ic.
8/hy did you #ring this u$...... I heard that was caused #y anti=magic
terrorists. I only know that the terrorist cell was cleared out #y
Hattori was dis$leased with the a#ru$t change in direction #ut ke$t a
lid on his annoyance. Instinctively" he felt this was all connected.
8Is that so...... Then I can!t go into too much detail...... 2lthough since
it!s you" I think I can take it to this level. I was $resent at the
su$$ression of the terrorists" as well as the Shi#a si#lings.8
8I can understand why you would ask that" #ut that!s the truth. There" I
think I saw Shi#a 7 the older Shi#a!s natural instinct.8
8,atural instinct:8
-om$ared to Kirihara!s current words" his voice also carried a tinge of
tre$idation" which caused Hattori to immediately fire #ack a (uestion.
8?es" natural instinct" or at least a $art of it. It was terrifying. He had
the same (uality the soldiers on the front line had #ut his killing intent
was several times more intense" like a thick coating of killing intent
covering him like a great coat. He was dangerous enough to cause a
shiver to run down my s$ine" enough to make me wonder what a guy
like thatMs doing in high school.8
Kirihara!s mouth may have said this" #ut his e$ression seemed very
8......There should #e no way to hide his age.8
Hattori was feigning naivety. This slightly off=tangent im$ression was
a #etter gauge of his astonishment than the e$ression on his face.
8This only goes to show that age doesn!t e(uate to e$eriences.8
Kirihara could understand why his friend was so stunned" #ut #ecause
he had also #een in the same $osition he didn!t make light of Hattori!s
tangent and only smiled wryly in re$ly.
Hattori looked to ask again" #ut this time there was a #latant hesitation
in his voice.
8......Shi#a=san as well:8
This hesitation was largely #orn from an 8una#le to #elieve8 mentality.
+n the other hand" Kirihara seemed immune to this thought 7
$ro#a#ly heavily influenced #y his girlfriend since s$ring 7 and
answered his friend!s (uestion in a frank manner.
8I didn!t witness eactly what the sister did" #ut given that the older
#rother was willing to #ring her to the com#at zone" she definitely isn!t
an ordinary girl. ?ou know from today that the most #eautiful rose has
her own thorns" #ut not only that" she!s $ro#a#ly more like the $eacock
that $ossesses #oth the shar$ talons and malevolent #eak ca$a#le of
hunting $oisonous ser$ents" right: <ursuing her is like having a death
wish. Ignorance is #liss" eh:8
Kirihara!s last two sentences weren!t for Hattori!s ears" #ut a su#tle
hint for the ha$less male students surrounding Miyuki on the car.
8)ut I never thought that the Hattori with !that kind of $ersonality!
would say something like this.8
Hattori was still digesting all of this information while Kirihara sent a
#emused smirk his way.
8....../hat do you mean:8
The hidden meaning #ehind Kirihara!s smirk ru##ed Hattori the wrong
way" $rom$ting his dis$leased re*oinder.
However" Kirihara!s delighted smirk was not diminished in the
82 Magician!s (uality is not measured #y their Magic <ower alone"
eh: /ouldn!t the <resident #e very $leased u$on hearing that you
$ersonally said those words:8
Hattori glared darkly at Kirihara.
?et" Kirihara maintained his #right smile" no" thanks to Hattori!s
overreaction" his smile grew even wider" which caused Hattori to #e
the first one to turn aside.
89et!s ta#le (uality for the moment" #ut Magic <ower is definitely not
the only indicator of strength.8
Hattori took a ste$ forward without any warning at all" clearly
signifying his intent to leave Kirihara #ehind. Still" Kirihara ignored
this #latant $rotest and followed Hattori!s footste$s as he continued.
8The difference #etween )looms and /eeds lies in the difference in
technical scores on the entrance eam. -ertainly there are -ourse '
students who $rogress ra$idly" #ut there are also $eo$le stagnating as
well. Take -hiyoda for eam$le" she!s com$letely different than her
arrogant self last summer who rested her laurels on talent. The -ourse
% students are the same" and" so long as they don!t self destruct" surely
some of them would #ecome stronger: ......,o" this isn!t $ure
s$eculation" there are (uite a few !ca$a#le! guys in -ourse % right now"
and dou#ly more so in this year!s #atch. +h #y the way" I!m not saying
this *ust #ecause I lost to the older Shi#a.8
Hattori!s shoulders shook violently.
Seeing this" Kirihara thought" 8+h right" this guy also got his ass
handed to him on a $latter.8
82t any rate" I admit that he!s stronger than me right now. )ut even if
that guy is a$$roaching cheating levels in terms of strength" I don!t
$lan on always admitting defeat. I will continue to train myself and
trium$h the net time I challenge him. If I give u$ solely #ecause I!m
not as ca$a#le now" then I!m always a loser.
-urrently" many -ourse % students give u$ #ecause they!re not as
ca$a#le as others" hence why they!ve never im$roved. /e have no
o#ligation to acce$t them as our e(uals. +n the other hand" for those
that seek greater strength and #etter themselves along the way" we
have no reason to scorn them either.8
Hattori still had no res$onse as he (uickly advanced towards his own
room without a word.
Kirihara shrugged and turned to see the $air of si#lings who were the
to$ic of their discussion.
,ot far #ehind Kirihara" the younger Shi#a was solemnly watching her
older #rother.
Seeing this" Kirihara thought" 89et!s ho$e nothing trou#lesome
2nd $rom$tly mocked himself for this random thought.
Kirihara!s $remonition headed in the direction he least desired and
struck his fragile #ut earnest ho$e.
8Then" according to +nii=sama" that earlier incident was not
His sister frowned as she asked this (uestion" to which Tatsuya su#tly
nodded in re$ly as he $ushed the cart forward.
8The vehicle!s tra*ectory was too unnatural and the investigation
yielded the e$ected results. There were remnants of magic left on the
Tatsuya modulated his volume to avoid eavesdro$$ers and Miyuki
emulated her older #rother!s soft tones.
8)ut I didn!t see anything......8
/hile the literal meaning of those words were a denial" Miyuki never
dou#ted her #rother for a moment.
She had a front row seat to the 8accident8 from the start.
2nd until the last moment" she never felt a trace of the other side using
Her #rother was different. Miyuki could only see the 8$resent8" #ut all
of the 8$ast8 were within her #rother!s $urview.
Miyuki knew that if her #rother had determined 8there were
remnants8" then that was the truth of the matter.
82t the time" they used small scale magic within the tightest time
frames $ossi#le" which is a high level techni(ue designed to avoid
leaving remnant $sions from the Magic Se(uence at the scene. +ur
o$$onent was likely an agent who had undergone s$ecialized training"
which is all the more $itiful given that he was a sacrifice.8
82...... sacrifice:8
That sentence had an ominous meaning" causing Miyuki!s voice to #e
weaker than she intended.
8Magic was used three times during the incident" first the magic that
#urst the tire" second the magic that caused the vehicle to s$in" and the
last to a$$ly force diagonally u$wards in order to use the $rotective
railing as a launch $ad.
2ll three were cast within the vehicle in order to hide the fact that they
used magic. In reality" most of the Magicians on hand didn!t detect
this" including you as well. !2t the time!" I was also unaware" that!s
how well this was $layed. .s$ecially the last techni(ue" for the
Magician to #e a#oard a s$inning vehicle and still #e a#le to $in$oint
the eact moment of im$act with the railing must have re(uired
intense training.8
8Then" the one who used magic was......8
8The cul$rit is the Magician in the driver!s seat. In other words" a
suicide attack.8
Miyuki sto$$ed short and lowered her head.
Her shoulders were slightly trem#ling.
8How des$ica#le......B8
This was not an e$ression of sadness" #ut fury.
His sister did not #ear a misguided sense of com$assion towards the
criminal" #ut a dee$ sense of anger at the mastermind who gave the
order. Satisfied" Tatsuya nodded.
8-riminals and terrorists originally are the scum of the .arth" and their
leaders are rarely the ty$e to gam#le with their own lives" which can
easily #e seen from this eam$le. There would #e no end if we
#ecame enraged every time this occurred. )esides" I!m more
concerned with the intent #ehind all of this.8
Tatsuya gently $atted his sister!s #ack a few times to comfort her" then
resumed $ushing the cart forward.
Miyuki swiftly followed #ehind.
72nd sto$$ed not ten ste$s away.
2 young lady sitting on a couch near the wall waved at them. She
wore a $air of shorts and #raided sandals that showed off her toned
legs" as well as a vest that clearly revealed #oth shoulders.
Tatsuya also came to a sto$ alongside Miyuki and glanced over at his
friend who then sto$$ed waving and rose from the sofa. She
a$$arently mistook this location for a tro$ical #each resort.
8It!s #een a week" how have you guys #een:8
8Hm" not #ad...... S$eaking of which" .rika" why are you here:8
8To cheer you guys on" of course.8
2fter a short echange of greetings" Miyuki asked in a #ewildered
manner" to which .rika re$lied frankly.
+f course" Miyuki antici$ated this sort of answer #ut was also una#le
to acce$t it.
8)ut the com$etition starts two days from now.8
8?e$" I know.8
.rika!s $ersonality veered towards that of a mischievous child who
delighted in teasing others" often making it very hard to get to the
8Miyuki" I!m leaving first. .rika" see you around.8
Tatsuya immediately elected to a#andon further (uestioning and"
leaving Miyuki and .rika in the lo##y" moved the overflowing $ush
cart towards the room reserved for the technician team.
82h" uh" see you later...... Hold it" at least let me say hi:8
8Sorry" the sen$ais from the technician team are waiting for +nii=
sama. So why are you here two days early:8
Miyuki a$ologized on #ehalf of her #rother #efore asking further.
8Tonight!s the meet and greet" right:8
Miyuki waited for .rika to re$ly" #ut she felt that no matter how long
she waited" she still wouldn!t get a full answer" so Miyuki was forced
to change the su#*ect.
8I should $ro#a#ly caution you. 5nrelated $ersonnel are not $ermitted
access to the dinner" and that includes students.8
82h" don!t worry" we got that covered.8
82h: ?ou said......8
8.rika" the key to the room...... .h" Miyuki=chan:8
Miyuki wanted to ask 8?ou said something a#out having it covered:8"
#ut was interru$ted #y a voice of an a$$roaching young lady.
8Mizuki" you came too:8
8Miyuki=chan" good afternoon...... /hat is it:8
Mizuki heard Miyuki (uestioning .rika and warmly greeted her" #ut
noticed that Miyuki was staring at her in $lace of a greeting" causing
her to smile awkwardly.
8......Duite cons$icuous.8
85h...... really:8
Mizuki glanced at herself uneasily. Today" she was wearing an u$$er
garment with thin shoulder stra$s $lus a skirt that was several inches
higher a#ove the knees. 6or some $eo$le" she was $ro#a#ly more
tem$ting than .rika.
+n first im$ulse" Miyuki thought something like 83id everyone
mistake this for a summer resort:8.
8.rika said not to dress too conservatively" so......8
8Is that so......8
Miyuki wanted to say a few choice words to .rika" #ut seeing her
feign ignorance and turn her head" Miyuki gave this u$ as a lost cause.
Miyuki could now sym$athize why her #rother often sighed when
dealing with .rika.
8Mizuki" I!m saying this for your #enefit" #ut you might want to get
changed. The getu$ is adora#le and suits you $erfectly" #ut I think
there!s a #etter time and $lace.8
However" Miyuki didn!t *ust smile and nod. Her $ersonality was
slightly more righteous than her #rother" and more o#stinate as well.
8Is that...... so: ......;eally:8
8?es" you should.8
Mizuki $eered at .rika as she asked her" while Miyuki also watched
.rika as she nodded in assent.
8.hJ ;eallyJ:8
.rika finally sto$$ed $lay acting and disagreed with a huff.
8S$eaking of room keys" where are you guys staying:8
......This time" it was Miyuki!s turn to ignore that sally.
Mizuki answered while .rika was fuming #y the side" #ut she didn!t
$ress Miyuki.
3uring the $ast four months" .rika learned from their mutual
interactions that this #eautiful young lady that looked like she would
show leniency towards even #ugs $ossessed a strong and ruthless
8I can!t #elieve there are #arred rooms...... ,o" even more im$ortantly"
it!s amazing how the hotel actually let you guys stay. I thought
ordinary $eo$le are #arred from access......8
8Here!s where you call on your connections.8
Her mood restored" .rika revealed the answer without any guilt
whatsoever" forcing Miyuki to #urst into laughter.
8That!s the -hi#a 6amily for you.8
/hile her tone was still *oking" Miyuki was in no way $aying
su$erficial $raise" #ut actually touching u$on the truth.
4ust as the Ten Master -lans #ear the num#ers one through ten in their
names" the $rimary families within the Hundred 6amilies such as
-hiyoda" Isori" all #ore num#ers #eyond '' in their names. The size of
the num#er had no correlation with the strength of the family" #ut the
very fact that one $ossessed a num#er in their surname directly
e(uated to a su$erior #loodline and was an ecellent indicator of an
individual!s $otential as a Magician. Magical families that have a
num#er in their names are collectively known as the 8,um#ered
6amily System8 (This is only one way of estimating a#ility. .ven in
6irst High!s Student -ouncil" only Mayumi herself came from the
8,um#ered 6amily System8).
.rika came from the -hi#a 6amily" which was one of the $rimary
families within the 8,um#ered 6amily System8.
The -hi#a 6amily was renowned for using $ersonal S$eed and /eight
Magic in close (uarters com#at. The -hi#a 6amily!s strength lay not
in the fact they could ade$tly use s$ells" #ut in the new system they
$ioneered for the training and develo$ment of close com#at
<resently" of the Magicians serving as $olicemen or infantry in the
military" it was rumored that half of them were directly trained under
the -hi#a 6amily!s system. This was the case for the navy and air
force as well. 2ny unit that could encounter close com#at situations
often $etitioned the -hi#a 6amily for training.
If solely de$endent on connections within active duty troo$s" the
-hi#a 6amily!s influence may ecli$se that of the Ten Master -lans.
8)ut is that +K: I thought .rika loathed using the family as
8I dislike other $eo$le sim$ly seeing me as a !daughter of the -hi#a
6amily!. -onnections are made to #e used" it!s your loss if you ignore
If this was anyone else" this answer could cause a com#ative
atmos$here" #ut #ecause the two others were Miyuki and Mizuki" they
didn!t take it to heart.
8Hehe" you!re right. ,ow" I should go organize my luggage. I don!t
know how you guys are a $art of this" #ut I!ll see you at dinner.8
Miyuki walked towards the elevator with .rika waving at her and
Mizuki looking on.
8Hey" .rika" can!t you carry your own #ags:8
8Shi#ata=san" I have your #aggage over here. I a$ologize for #ringing
it without $ermission" #ut there were too many $eo$le at the counter.8
Halfway there" Miyuki heard two young men call out to .rika and
+ne of the voices was familiar" #ut the other was com$letely foreign.
So it wasn!t two girls" #ut two $airs of men and women.
Miyuki secretly smiled without sto$$ing or turning her head.
S$eaking of which" why is it that Miyuki!s #us arrived two days #efore
the com$etition #egins:
That was #ecause of the #an(uet #eing held in the evening.
Since this was a high school event after all" no alcoholic #everages
were served. The #uffet=style #an(uet without any $rearranged seating
for the contestants a#out to #attle it out was almost like a miniature
o$ening ceremony. -om$ared to the festive aura of the $revious years"
aniety reigned su$reme this year.
8In reality" I really didn!t want to attend......8
2s the Student -ouncil <resident" this was something that Mayumi
couldn!t and shouldn!t say" so Tatsuya $olitely struck that from the
Technician teams were auiliary mem#ers" #ut counted as official
mem#ers for the $ur$oses of actual on site activities" so they were also
o#ligated to attend. Tatsuya" who was ill at ease with rece$tion events
like #an(uets" $rivately agreed with Mayumi!s sentiment.
The dress code for the #an(uet was each school!s uniforms" so they
didn!t have to worry on that account. That #eing said" the #orrowed
suit didn!t fit him very well" which raised his resistance towards
8Should we have $urchased a new one......:8
His fidgeting had #een noticed after all.
Miyuki furrowed her #rows in concern as she watched Tatsuya.
8It!s nothing" don!t worry a#out it. Sorry for making you worry.8
This se(uence thoroughly shamed Tatsuya" as it was getting difficult
to tell who the older si#ling was. In addition" this was an official event
with mandatory attendance" so one shouldn!t com$lain that they were
uncomforta#le or dis$leased.
8,o" +nii=sama" $lease don!t say that.8
She $ro#a#ly noticed the minute ad*ustments to Tatsuya!s e$ression
and realized that he had wi$ed out his de$ressed mood.
Miyuki smiled ha$$ily.
8+K" those si#lings over there can sto$ flirting.8
The slightly teasing words caused Tatsuya to glance aside 7 strictly
s$eaking" he had to glance downwards 7 to see Mayumi stifling her
smile as she watched them.
8I can!t #elieve you said flirting...... /hat!s this:8
+n the Internet" Tatsuya had read that some young women have #een
afflicted with a malady that causes them to see all interactions
#etween different genders as romantic interactions. Truth #e told"
Tatsuya had several $eo$le around him suffering from the same
illness" so he really didn!t want to #roach that su#*ect.
However" Mayumi seemed to #e u$ to her old tricks and only wanted
to needle him a little.
Tatsuya had long since accustomed himself to not receiving a straight
answer" #ut still used his eyes to $rom$t Mayumi to res$ond.
)ut Mayumi!s gaze wasn!t resting on Tatsuya" rather on someone
#eside him.
2t the sight of her trying not to #urst out into laughter" Tatsuya
followed her line of sight and......
8Miyuki...... /hy are you so em#arrassed all of a sudden:8
His sister ducked her head in shame.
8.veryone" let!s go.8
Mayumi retracted her teasing attitude and urged everyone onward" her
mood ecellent for some unknown reason.
+n some level" Tatsuya was irritated that he had turned into a device
for mood im$rovement" #ut u$on seeing Mayumi!s retreating figure
move away with lighthearted footste$s" he suddenly thought 82h"
forget it8.
+f the $eo$le $artici$ating in the ,ine Schools -om$etition" there
were EF& contestants alone and over H&& mem#ers if the auiliaries
were added in.
+n the surface" the attendance of all mem#ers is mandatory" #ut there
were many who found some reason to decline.
.ven so" this was still a large scale fellowshi$ event that well
eceeded E&& $eo$le.
The meeting area had to #e large enough to accommodate the large
num#er of guests and servants.
2s e$ected" *ust the hotel!s em$loyees and the su$$ort from the local
#ase were not sufficient to cover everything. There were also many
tem$orary em$loyees that were o#viously teenagers s$ecifically hired
for this event walking around in servant uniforms" which was not
sur$rising in the least.
However 7 finding a familiar face among these tem$orary em$loyees
definitely constituted a sur$rise.
2fter a short keynote s$eech 7 thankfully this s$eech was short
enough not to induce #oredom 7 Tatsuya immediately headed for the
dining area when a familiar voice rang out #ehind him.
/hen a familiar voice asked 8/ould you like a drink:8" Tatsuya
turned around to find .rika holding a serving tray carrying drinks with
one hand.
8So that!s what you meant #y having it covered......8
82h" you heard from Miyuki: So" sur$rised:8
.rika flashed a $leased smile while Tatsuya had no ecess $rocessing
$ower to come u$ with a witty retort" so he merely nodded in
8I can!t #elieve you actually infiltrated here...... )elay that" it!s *ust like
you to do this.8
2fter all" that!s *ust what this kind of $lace is.
.ven if they hired hourly interns" they wouldn!t easily hire high school
+ther than that" there!s an age restriction as well. .ven with a #an(uet
where alcoholic #everages are for#idden" they wouldn!t rela the
restrictions either. 2ctually" most of the servants and waitresses
circulating the area looked to #e in their twenties.
He should $ro#a#ly say 8as e$ected of the -hi#a 6amily8.
)ut she a$$eared to have used her connections in the wrong $lace.
8)y the way......8
8Hm: /hat!s u$:8
8,ever mind......8
Tatsuya!s tone was muddled" which was entirely unlike him.
2fter all" it!s $ro#a#ly im$olite to say 8)y the way" you!ve changed a
lot8 in front of the $erson in (uestion.
.rika should also #e aware that her age was a little different.
Her makeu$ was considera#ly more mature.
.ven at close range" she looked to #e the same age as the other
5sually" .rika gave off the im$ression that she was a lively and
#eautiful young lady that matched her age $erfectly" #ut her slim
figure was also $erfectly suited for a more mature look.
(2nd only her......:)
Tatsuya noticed to his dismay that his thoughts were slightly
.rika didn!t come alone.
Mizuki should also #e here.
Mizuki disliked $laces with too many $eo$le so it was hard to say that
she was suited for dealing with customers" so would she #e a#le to
serve in this ty$e of situation:
8Hey" .rika" your dress is adora#le. I see what you meant #y you had
it handled.8
Miyuki *oined the conversation and conveniently covered for the lull
in the conversation due to Tatsuya!s silence.
8That!s how it is. /ell" isn!t this cute: )ut Tatsuya=kun seems
unwilling to comment on it.8
.rika twirled left and right" causing the Gictorian=style servant
uniform with a miniskirt to lightly dance #ack and forth with an
unha$$y tone in her voice.
/ith Tatsuya suddenly under siege" his naturally agile mind
immediately #egan to formulate a retaliation" #ut Miyuki #eat him to
8.rika" it!s useless to ask +nii=sama for these things.8
Miyuki smiled and shook her head and" com$ared to Tatsuya" it was
.rika who was taken a#ack as she watched Miyuki.
Miyuki!s comment was not covering for Tatsuya nor denying her
words" which com$letely sur$rised .rika.
7However" that was only .rika *um$ing to conclusions too early.
8+nii=sama wouldn!t #e affected #y eternal a$$earances like a
woman!s clothes" #ut admires our innate (ualities" so in this ty$e of
situation s$ecial uniforms hold no interest to him whatsoever.8
Tatsuya #elieved that Miyuki!s assessment was #oth overly high and
overly low.
In this case" Tatsuya was concerned a#out his other friends 7
es$ecially Mizuki" so he wasn!t $aying attention to .rika!s gar#. +f
course" he is also ca$a#le of $raising women!s fashion and" if the
wardro#e was overly ris(uS" he certainly wouldn!t know where to
7,o" in this situation" the $ro#lem isn!t the clothes themselves" #ut
the $ersonality that lay #eneath the clothes.
8+h" so that!s how it is" Tatsuya=kun isn!t interested in cos$lay.8
8This is cos$lay:8
8I don!t think so" #ut I think the guys see me this way.8
The two young maidens left the reticent Tatsuya #y the wayside and
ke$t going.
8)y guys you mean Sai*ou=kun:8
8That guy isn!t even ca$a#le of voicing such an o$inion. Miki was the
one who said this was cos$lay" #ut I have already sternly chastised
him for that.8
The last sentence that hinted of danger was clearly im$rinted in
Tatsuya!s ears.
?et Miyuki didn!t seem to understand.
/hen the $erson one is s$eaking with suddenly s$routs a stranger!s
nickname" it was only natural for Miyuki to fiate on that.
8....../ho is that:8
2t Miyuki!s (uestion" .rika let out an 82h8 e$ression.
8That!s right" Miyuki wouldn!t know.8
.rika softly said and #ailed #efore anyone could sto$ her.
8,ice moves" looks like she has a great sense of #alance......8
Seeing .rika weave through the crowd with tray in hand and without
s$illing a dro$" Tatsuya was honestly im$ressed.
Miyuki thought this comment was a little off to$ic" #ut she continued
8/hat is going on:8
2ctually" Miyuki didn!t e$ect a straight answer.
It was only #ecause she was out of the loo$ that she actually asked.
However" her #rother actually $rovided her with a clear answer.
8She!s going to look for Mikihiko.
?ou!ve $ro#a#ly heard the name ?oshida Mikihiko:8
8That!s +nii=sama!s classmate" correct:8
Miyuki recalled that this name created huge controversy during the
announcement for the finals! scores.
8He grew u$ with .rika. Miyuki $ro#a#ly hasn!t met Mikihiko" so she
likely wanted to introduce the two of you:8
,o wonder" that does seem like something .rika would do.
Including taking off without saying another word.
8Miyuki" there you are.8
8Tatsuya=kun is also here.8
2s the si#lings glanced towards the direction .rika vanished off to" a
$air of female students struck u$ a conversation.
8Shizuku" were you looking for me:8
8Honoka" Shizuku...... ?ou two are always together:8
S$eaking of which" Tatsuya had always seen the two of them moving
in concert" so this (uestion was only out of curiosity and had no intent
of $ro#ing dee$er.
8That!s #ecause we!re friends" so we have no reason to #e a$art.8
8That!s right.8
Shizuku answered without any sense of shame" which caused Tatsuya
to chuckle wryly at his foolish (uestion.
Starting last month" Tatsuya started to refer to the two of them #y
The one who 8demanded8 he do so was Honoka" #ut from Tatsuya!s
$ers$ective" he was $ressured into acce$ting #y Shizuku!s
over$owering silence.
82nd the others:8
Miyuki was the one who asked.
)ut her tone was slightly odd.
8+ver there.8
In the direction that Honoka $ointed" a crowd of male students (uickly
looked elsewhere.
The 'st ?ear female students in the re$resentation team also stood
frozen in the same $lace.
8They $ro#a#ly want to a$$roach Miyuki" #ut wonMt dare with
Tatsuya=kun lurking near#y.8
8/hat is this" am I a watchdog now......:8
Shizuku!s s$eculation elicited a hel$less sigh from Tatsuya.
There was a high chance she was correct" so he couldn!t *ust laugh it
8.veryone must #e in the dark a#out how to a$$roach Tatsuya=kun.8
Honoka!s words were meant to #e comforting" #ut Tatsuya knew this
was highly $ossi#le.
He was self=conscious of the fact that he was an 8outlier8.
5sually" he was the one who should initiate contact with others"
8)ullshit" everyone here is a student of 6irst High and also on the
same team......8
This #om#shell was dro$$ed #y a new voice.
Kanon *oined Tatsuya!s grou$ with a glass (without alcohol of course)
held in one hand.
2lso holding a glass" Isori was following right #ehind her.
8Kanon" even though they know #etter" the #ody still refuses to o#ey"
that!s *ust human nature.8
8Kei" that kind of o#stinacy is only allowed in certain venues.8
Kanon and Isori referred to each other directly #y name.
2fter all" since they were already engaged" doing so was $erfectly
8)oth of you raise good $oints" #ut currently there is an even easier
Tatsuya sus$ected that #oth of them were also #usy#odies" #ut if he
got dragged into a de#ate over such a trivial su#*ect" he would #e (uite
unha$$y with himself.
5nwilling to interfere with the cou$le!s conversation" Tatsuya sought
to deal with this as soon as $ossi#le.
8Miyuki" you should meet u$ with the rest" teamwork is very
8)ut +nii=sama......8
8See me in the evening" the only roommate I have is a machine.8
)asically" contestants and auiliaries are assigned dou#le rooms" #ut
Tatsuya is the only 'st ?ear student and a -ourse % student to #oot"
therefore Mayumi made this decision so 8there would #e no cause for
concern8 and where heMd #e 8res$onsi#le for watching the machinery8"
and assigned a two #ed" dou#le room (one $erson in a dou#le room)
for Tatsuya to stay.
8Honoka and Shizuku too" dro$ #y if you have the time.8
Miyuki was still somewhat $eeved" #ut she knew very clearly why
Tatsuya said this.
8......I understand. Then" +nii=sama" see you in the evening.8
8/e!ll call u$on you a little later.8
8See you later.8
Miyuki" Honoka" and Shizuku answered in se(uence. Tatsuya felt a
dis$leased gaze swee$ over him as he smiled and waved good#ye to
the three of them" forcing him to turn around.
8/hat a mature interaction" #ut I think that!s only delaying the issue.8
Tatsuya and Kanon!s relationshi$ did not eceed that of casual
Kanon had no reason to comment on Tatsuya!s $ersonal relationshi$s"
#ut Tatsuya knew Kanon s$oke u$ out of chivalry" so he o$ted to face
this directly.
83elaying is fine. That!s #ecause this (uestion doesn!t need to #e
solved immediately" and time is the #est solution to some $ro#lems.8
Kanon wasn!t a#le to re$ly" #ut given her unwilling e$ression" this
young lady was not the ty$e to give u$ easily.
8Kanon" Shi#a=kun is right" s$eed is not the #est solution to everything
in the world.8
8Still" you are definitely lacking some youthful airs.8
Isori!s comment was meant to #reak the ice rather than directly hel$
Tatsuya" #ut was ruined #y someone else cutting into the conversation.
Towards Mari" who had *ust entered the conversation" Tatsuya didn!t
refute her words and merely nodded.
8Isori" ,aka*ou is looking for you.8
?et" Mari seemed to have taken Tatsuya!s reaction in account ahead of
time and (uickly got to the heart of the matter. 9ooks like she wasn!t
here *ust to mess around with him.
8.cuse me" where is ,aka*ou=san:8
8Storage vehicle P'. The GI<s are a#out to s$eak" so (uickly finish
what you need to do and drag ,aka*ou #ack here. The unim$ortant
GI<s are one thing" #ut it would #e terri#le for the school!s re$utation
if we missed the <atriarch!s words.8
8That!s true" I understand.8
8Mari=sen$ai" we!re heading out.8
Isori followed his orders and (uickly de$arted the $remises with
Kanon naturally on his heels. Seeing the two of them leave" Mari
turned around to face Tatsuya.
89ooks like the measurements are $erfect.8
84ust a little tight under the arms.8
Mari commented as she took in the suit that Tatsuya was wearing and
Tatsuya res$onded while looking down at himself.
8,othing we can do a#out that" since this is a #acku$. .ven if the
measurements are the same" there!s no way to take all the individual
differences into consideration. If you wore a larger size" the waist
would look terri#ly large.8
8That!s true" so there is nothing I can do.8
Mari!s words sounded like she was smiling wryly while her tone
sounded like she was shrugging 7 although she didn!t actually make
those motions 7 so Tatsuya mirrored her as well.
8/ouldn!t it #e #etter to $urchase a new one:8
There was no ill intent #ehind Mari!s words.
8It!s too wasteful to #uy a new suit only to wear it twice. If this was a
cloth em#lem that could #e removed when worn then it would #e fine"
#ut this......8
2s he said this" Tatsuya glanced downwards at his left #reast.
2t the em#lem with the eight $etals.
This was a meeting with other schools" so it was integral to identify
one another #ased on school em#lem 7 hence why Tatsuya was
forced to wear this uniform.
8Might not *ust #e twice. There!s the thesis com$etition in the fall" so
there!s no way of guaranteeing that you won!t get $romoted to -ourse
Mari was smiling as she said this" #ut her eyes were dead serious.
Tatsuya scowled as he re$liedA
8.ven if I am selected for the thesis com$etition" wearing my own
uniform shouldn!t #e a $ro#lem. 6urthermore" there!s no way I can get
$romoted to -ourse '" #ecause to this day there!s no $recedent or even
a rule for it.8
Tatsuya!s words drew a laugh out of Mari.
8<recedent: I think your current status is already un$recedented"
right: History has never seen a -ourse % student like you" so you
cannot deny the $ossi#ility #y saying there!s no $recedent for it.
;ather than saying un$recedented" you should aim to #ecome that
!$recedent! and $ave the way for future underclassmen like you.8
Seeing Tatsuya!s $ained e$ression" Mari once more #urst into
delighted laughter.
8/ell" I!m off to find the #rass from the other schools" want to *oin
8......,o thanks" .rika should #e looking for me.8
The moment Tatsuya #rought u$ .rika" a flicker of dou#t flashed
across Mari!s eyes.
This should $ro#a#ly #e saved for future ammunition" eh: Such a
thought crossed Tatsuya!s mind" #ut the two of them shared a
considera#le history" so this was $ro#a#ly ina$$ro$riate for *oking.
Tatsuya silently watched Mari de$art.
8.h: /here!s Miyuki:8
4ust as Tatsuya $redicted" .rika returned with Mikihiko in tow.
8I sent her #ack to the other students. She!ll dro$ #y my room later this
evening" so introductions can #e made there.8
82h" +K.8
The first half of TatsuyaMs words was directed towards .rika" the latter
to Mikihiko.
;ather than #eing one of regret" Mikihiko!s reaction was more like a
sigh of relief.
8......,o need to force yourself.8
He wasn!t immediately aware that Tatsuya was s$eaking to him.
Hence why Mikihiko!s reaction was half a #eat slow.
8Hold on" it!s not like thatB It!s true I!m a little nervous" #ut......8
8.wJ >uys *ust love to show off in front of cute girls.8
8.rika is *ust as #eautiful" es$ecially today.8
8.h: /ait a minute" sto$ that......8
Towards the teasing .rika" Tatsuya struck first #y using her own
tactics against her" then urged Mikihiko onward.
8Tatsuya" you...... ,o" I!m *ust em#arrassed to #e wearing this at my
first meeting.8
Mikihiko stuttered to a sto$ then ado$ted an ehausted e$ression as
he shook his head.
Hearing this" Tatsuya carefully scrutinized Mikihiko and .rika!s
uniforms again.
Mikihiko was wearing a white collared shirt $aired with a #lack
#owtie and vest.
.rika was wearing a #lack dress that swished #ack and forth with her
white a$ron and headdress.
Sim$ly $ut" they weren!t #utler and serving girl" they were servant and
serving girl.
8I don!t think that!s strange" don!t all the em$loyees wear that:8
2ll the servants in the room were wearing similar clothes as Mikihiko.
8See" Miki is too self=conscious.8
8My name is Mikihiko.8
It was #latantly o#vious from their tone and e$ressions that they had
#een down this road #efore.
Mikihiko seemed very uncomforta#le in his current suit. This was
$ro#a#ly #ecause he came from a traditional family and detested
dressing u$ as a servant.
8S$eaking of which" where are the other two:8
Tatsuya really wanted to know why they were working here" #ut
ultimately decided against it.
83o you really think 9eo would #e a good waiter:8
8He should at least know how to control himself......8
Tatsuya tried to su#tly defend his friend" #ut .rika!s laughing
e$ression didn!t falter.
8Mizuki said she didn!t like this uniform" may#e she!s like Miki in this
8My name is MikihikoB8
8?eah" yeah" yeahJ8
;ather $eeved" Mikihiko voiced his $rotest" to which .rika casually
agreed #efore turning #ack to Tatsuya.
8+wing to these reasons" the two of them are working #ehind the
scenes. 9eo is doing manual la#or in the kitchen and Mizuki is in
charge of the dishes.8
Tatsuya didn!t know 8which reasons8 those were" #ut was a#le to
follow .rika!s meaning. <ro#a#ly.
8)ecause #oth of them are good with machinery.8
8?eah" their a$$earances are very deceiving.8
In the modern age" no matter if it was dock work or dish washing"
man$ower was very rarely directly a$$lied.
Including all the details" machines could re$lace all manual la#or.
Sim$ly $ut" the two of them were res$onsi#le for o$erating the
automatic systems in the kitchen.
8I was originally on su$$ort as well" so why did you call me out
<ossi#ly #ecause Mikihiko was unlike Tatsuya in this regard" as the
$erson in (uestion he was una#le to understand why and also
unwilling to acce$t as well.
83idn!t I e$lain many times that it must!ve #een a clerical error:8
8That!s not an e$lanationB8
8+K" +K" sto$ fussing. /e!re only interns" #ut we!re still on the clock.
9ook" the tray over there is em$ty.8
8.......rika" I!ll get you for this later.8
Mikihiko left that #ehind as he walked over to the ta#les" #ut in
Tatsuya!s ears" those words weren!t 8serious8 at all.
8<lainly" it was Mikihiko who forgot in the first $lace......8
.rika grudgingly said this as she watched him leave" #ut it was hard to
deci$her her mood #ased on her voice and e$ression.
?et" Tatsuya #elieved those weren!t .rika!s true feelings.
8......I don!t know if there are any ulterior motives" #ut shouldn!t you
go easier on him:8
.rika didn!t seem to com$rehend Tatsuya!s meaning" so she took a
while to res$ond.
8......There isn!t any real ulterior motive. )ut you!re right" I am #eing a
little s$iteful. I knew that Miki wasn!t good in this ty$e of situation"
#ut I still......8
8/anted to annoy him:8
8HmJ I guess: He #eats around the #ush too much" which irritates me
whenever I see him like that. ,ow I can understand why he can!t smile
o$enly" #ut I cannot acknowledge why he refuses to get angry...... That
is #eing stu##orn to the etent of four=legged animals.8
8How kind of you.8
8<lease sto$.8
Tatsuya was sim$ly sym$athizing with her words without any other
intentions" #ut was taken a#ack #y .rika!s une$ectedly fierce
83idn!t I *ust say I was #eing a little s$iteful: Miki and I aren!t here of
our own volition" we!re forced to #e here #y our elders. .ven if I look
like I!m #eing kind" in reality we!re *ust in the same #oat.8
Her stu##orn attitude was undou#tedly #orn of an o#stinate heart.
8......I!ll ski$ the details. ,ot like I can do anything with the answers
anyways" so I!ll *ust $retend I didn!t hear that.8
Tatsuya wasn!t a#out to ste$ into that minefield yet.
8Sorry" *ust don!t ask...... )y the way" Tatsuya=kun.8
.rika didn!t hold it against Tatsuya for not comforting her.
8/hat is it:8
8Tatsuya=kun...... is very detached.8
Her tone and words were com$lete o$$osites of one another and were
not critical in the slightest.
8......That was (uite the a#ru$t change in to$ic.8
8)ut" I!m very thankful that you!re so detached...... I think. ?ou!re not
too gentle" so I can safely vent all I want. ,or do you $ity me" so I
don!t feel em#arrassed...... Thank you.8
The last two words were so (uiet that they almost couldn!t #e heard.
Seeing .rika flee towards the near#y ta#les" Tatsuya thoughtA
everyone has their own trou#les.
6or a #uffet with no designated seating for u$wards of H&& $eo$le" the
cuisines could not #e set in one central location. The #uffet s$rawled
over the entire #allroom of the hotel!s to$ floor" with three ta#les set
#y the two walls and in the center in the front" middle" and rear for a
total of 0 ta#les. -uisines suita#le for teenagers were constantly #eing
re$lenished on the serving ta#les.
Historically" the students from each school usually congregated around
one of the ta#les.
That #eing said" only small fry (:) were a#le to focus on eating" #ut
the #rass from each school weren!t so relaed.
2t Mayumi!s signal" Miyuki #id farewell to her $eers and moved with
the Student -ouncil.
2s Mayumi and Suzune were greeting the leadershi$ from the other
schools 7 and engaged in ruthless s$ying" Miyuki was carefully
scrutinizing her #rother" who was watching .rika" from #ehind them.
She didn!t make any noise or reveal any e$ression" #ut inwardly
Miyuki esteemed Tatsuya more than anyone else (not only did Miyuki
res$ect Tatsuya more than anyone else" she also rated him higher than
anyone else).
She knew her #rother wasn!t $erfect 7 #ut still #elieved that her
#rother was" on some level" su$erhuman.
Miyuki also knew that her #rother $ossessed many glaring flaws.
+ne of these flaws was that he was una#le to #elieve other $eo$le!s
good will towards him.
This can #e $artially #lamed on his dullness" in that he was una#le to
com$rehend goodwill directed towards him.
More im$ortantly" Tatsuya honestly (uestioned why $eo$le would
think $ositively of him.
+n some level" this was inevita#le.
)ecause his own $arents neglected to $our this emotion called 8love8
into him" and even $ersonally stri$$ed 8love8 from his mind.
Miyuki knew it would take a miracle for her #rother to return her
.ven so" seeing an adora#le classmate (even in Miyuki!s eyes" .rika
was an undenia#le #eauty) dis$lay an almost affectionate 7 Miyuki
#elieved this might #e 8love8 7 towards him" Tatsuya still watched
her go" #ehind that unyielding mask of logic" causing Miyuki!s heart to
ache more than #e at ease.
Miyuki #elieved that her #rother didn!t even notice the gaze she was
directing towards him.
+r may#e he noticed that she was watching him.
)ut Tatsuya definitely wasn!t a#le to com$rehend what feelings
Miyuki was holding inside 7 once she thought of this" Miyuki
2nd grew more furious.
7This way" she must scold him sternly in order to calm down.
7Her #rother!s overly dim $ersonality would definitely #e a
stum#ling stone on his $ath to develo$ing meaningful social relations.
7?es" this was for her #rother" a scolding #orn of love.
)eneath the #eatific smile normally seen on statues" Miyuki made this
......There was no way she could have remained ignorant of the looks
she drew from her surroundings" #ut may#e no one could understand
the real her.
Mayumi and com$any were (on the outside) chatting freely with the
Student -ouncil mem#ers from Third High" who were likely the
stiffest o$$osition to 6irst High!s cam$aign.
In the rear" the 'st ?ear students from Third High were whis$ering to
one another.
If they were eavesdro$$ing on their sen$ais! analysis of com#at
strength and strategy" then they would #e worthy of the militant nature
of Third High and even move their u$$erclassmen to tears" #ut......
8Ichi*ou" look" isn!t that girl rad:8
8/ho the heck says rad these days...... In which generation did you
attend high school:8
8Shut u$" I wasn!t asking you. So" Ichi*ou" what do you think:8
8/hy are you so ecited...... It!s no use" that level of #eauty is out of
your league" so don!t #other trying.8
8Man" would you (uit it" even if I can!t" Ichi*ou should #e no $ro#lem"
right: )ecause Ichi*ou!s got the looks and #rains and is a mem#er of
the Ten Master -lans to #oot" surely we can get on his coattails"
8I!m amazed you can s$eak so #razenly with a straight face......8
In reality" they were conversing in this manner 7 which was very
much like regular highschoolers.
8Masaki" what is it:8
However" the male student in the center of the grou$ did not res$ond
to the enthusiastic endorsement and focused all his attention on the
female student in (uestion.
Instead of focusing on his charming visage" his handsome aura stood
out and $erfectly matched the descri$tion of a 8young and handsome
warrior8 in the archaic fashion. Standing near 'I& cm in height with a
thick set of shoulders" com$act waist and slender legs...... 'st ?ear
student Ichi*ou Masaki of Third High was *ust as his teammates
descri#ed" a man whose $hysical a$$earance was (uite $o$ular with
the ladies.
)ewildered" Masaki looked towards the $erson who called his name.
The other $erson was also a male 'st ?ear student from Third High
whose #uild was well=trained #ut not overly tall.
8......>eorge" do you know who she is:8

8>eorge8 was a nickname" as his outer a$$earance was thoroughly
2sian and his real name Kichi*ou*i Shinkurou was $urely 4a$anese.
5$on hearing Masaki!s (uestion" this student immediately re$lied
without further consideration.
8Hm: +h" I think you can tell from the uniform" she!s a 'st ?ear
student from 6irst High. Her name is Shi#a Miyuki" and she!s
$artici$ating in !Icicle 3estruction! and !6airy 3ance!" so she must #e
the 'st ?ear ace from 6irst High.8
8/hew" so #oth talented and #eautiful" eh:8
Ichi*ou Masaki ignored his teammate who was #ending #ack in a
comical fashion and muttered to himself.
8Shi#a Miyuki" eh.....8
This sound caused the male student known as >eorge to turn a curious
eye on Masaki.
8It!s (uite rare for Masaki to show interest in the ladies" isn!t it:8
The other students e$ressed their agreement.
8,ow that you mention it" that!s (uite right.8
8/ith Ichi*ou!s merits" usually the ladies a$$roach him directly" so he!s
usually not the $ursuing one" right:8
8?ou have no idea how many $eo$le are *ealous of this fellow.8
This surrounding environment gradually turned into one where 8single
men were starting to get angry8" #ut Masaki remained silent.
He would continue to o#serve Miyuki during several uno#trusive
His gaze $ossessed considera#le warmth.
2s the GI<s #egan s$eaking" the high school students that were the
focal $oint of the day sto$$ed what they were doing and $aid overly
serious attention to the adults s$eaking 7 or $retended to do so at any
2fter .rika returned to her station" Tatsuya had no one left to s$eak
with and finally o#tained a modicum of $eace.
4ust taking in the famous figures from the magic community was a
sufficient way to s$end the time.
Some he #eheld for the first time" others had only #een seen on TG.
+f course" there were also $eo$le he had met #efore or sat with in the
same room" #ut not conversed with.
2mong these $eo$le" the one who held most of Tatsuya!s interest was
the elder from the Ten Master -lans known as the 8<atriarch8.
Kudou ;etsu.
He was one of the most im$ortant figures from the Ten Master -lans
in the %'st century and" until around twenty years ago" was
acknowledged to #e one of the strongest Magicians in the world.
2fter this elder" once renowned as one of the strongest" retired from
the front lines" he rarely a$$eared in $u#lic events #ut for some reason
chose to a$$ear every year at the ,ine Schools -om$etition. This
detail was $u#lic knowledge.
9ikewise" Tatsuya had never met this man" #ut had seen him on video.
In his heart" Tatsuya discovered an ecitement akin to witnessing a
historical figure striding into the light.
2fter the various GI<s finished encouraging or lecturing the crowd" it
was finally .lder Kudou!s turn.
He must #e over 0& years old now.
How much of that once astonishing Magic <ower still remained:
3id he $ossess a $hysical #ody still ca$a#le of wielding magic:
2s Tatsuya considered this" the master of ceremonies formally
introduced the elder!s name.
,ot *ust Tatsuya" every high school student held their #reath as they
waited for .lder Kudou to take the stage.
The a$$earance of this famous figure made Tatsuya forget to #reathe
The $erson who a$$eared #eneath the congregated lights was a young"
#londe woman wearing a formal gown.
This immediately threw the audience into an u$roar.
Tatsuya was not the only one shocked #y this.
This incredi#ly une$ected turnout caused discussions to #reak out
throughout the audience.
/asn!t .lder Kudou su$$osed to take the stage:
/hy was a young woman a$$earing in his $lace:
3id something ha$$en" forcing her to s$eak in his $lace:
(7,o" that!s not it.)
Tatsuya finally realized the truth.
The woman wasn!t the only $erson on stage.
2n elderly man stood #ehind her.
.veryone!s attention was only drawn towards the outwardly
ca$tivating young lady.
(7Sensory Interference Magic.)
The elder likely invoked a large scale magic that covered the entire
meeting $lace.
)y using an o#vious distraction to ca$ture everyone!s attention" this
sort of 8change8 doesn!t (ualify as $henomenon rewriting" as it was a
8$henomenon8 that occurred naturally.
The magic!s scale was large enough to im$act everyone $resent at the
same time" yet su#tle enough to esca$e detection.
(So this was the man once called the strongest...... ,o" the 8Sly
/arlock8 hailed as the 8$innacle8 and 8craftiest8 7 the magic of
Kudou ;etsu......)
He must have noticed Tatsuya!s gaze.
The elder #ehind the young woman cracked a smile.
2 smile that would not #e out of $lace on a mischievous young man.
The woman in the formal gown ste$$ed aside after receiving the
elder!s (uiet instructions.
2s the s$otlight fell u$on the elder" a huge commotion s$read
throughout the crowd.
2lmost everyone #elieved .lder Kudou materialized out of thin air.
The elder!s eyes once more locked onto Tatsuya.
Tatsuya su#tly returned the greeting with his eyes.
The elder!s eyes dis$layed a very satisfied smile.
86irst of all" allow me to e$ress my sincere a$ologies for creating this
.ven discounting the micro$hone!s $resence" his voice remained loud
and clear 7 in definite contrast to his advanced age.
8This was *ust a small sideshow that was more like a magic trick than
true magic" #ut #ased on my o#servations" only five $eo$le detected
the truth #ehind the facade. In other words......8
Many high school students were dee$ly drawn into the elder!s words
and intent #ehind his words.
8If I was a terrorist $lanning to destroy you all and smuggled chemical
wea$ons or e$losives under the guise of a visitor" only five $eo$le
would #e a#le to reach out and deny me. That!s *ust how it is.8
The elder!s words did not $ossess any $articular em$hasis or
However" a different sort of stillness envelo$ed the meeting area.
8To our youth studying magic.
Magic is a means" magic itself is not the end goal.
I created this little game ho$ing to remind everyone of this very $oint.
The magic I *ust used was on a large scale" #ut low in strength.
)y Magic <ower standards" this #elongs to lower level magic.
?et" everyone succum#ed to this weak magic and could not discover
my $resence" des$ite knowing that I would a$$ear.
It is vital that you continue to train in magic.
?ou must diligently raise your Magic <ower without relent.
Still" *ust this is insufficient. I $ray that everyone here carves that into
their hearts.
2n ina$$ro$riately used large magic cannot com$are to a meticulously
$re$ared and eecuted small magic.
;emem#er" everyone" the ,ine Schools -om$etition that #egins two
days from now is a #attlefield that is fought with magic" as well as a
#attlefield where the use of magic is e(ually im$ortant.
To our youth studying magic.
I highly antici$ate what #rilliant schemes you will dis$lay in this
The audience #urst into a$$lause.
5nfortunately" this a$$lause didn!t s$read throughout the audience.
2mong the #emused #ut cla$$ing teenagers" Tatsuya was also
a$$lauding. .ce$t" he differed from other youths in that he wore a
(uiet smile.
To $ro$ose that the use of magic was more im$ortant than the level of
magic ran counter to everything the u$$er strata of modern magic
society was es$ousing. The value of magic comes from its $ro$er use"
which hinted that magic should only #e seen as an inde$endent tool.
This old Magician stood near the $innacle of magical society within
the country" #ut still advised everyone to go against the norms
esta#lished #y modern magic society. 6rom another $ers$ective" this
attitude was very irres$onsi#le" #ecause his influence was enough to
shake the foundations of modern magic society.
If Kudou ;etsu!s s$eech was only em$ty words" Tatsuya would have
#alked" yet this elder used a sim$le and easy to understand method to
demonstrate his $oint. He used a su$erlative techni(ue far #eyond
Tatsuya!s means to use magic as a flei#le and agile tool.
7So this is the 8<atriarch8......
Kokonoe ?akumo" Kazama Haruno#u" as well as this Kudou ;etsu"
this country still contained many Magicians that Tatsuya needed to
learn from. Surely there were many other su#*ects worthy of study"
ece$t Tatsuya didn!t know of them yet. This was something he
couldn!t learn in the 69T research la#s.
2nd he thought high school would #e #oring.
Tatsuya ruminated on this at the same time.
The #an(uet was held two days #efore the main event to $reserve one
day for the contestants to $ro$erly rest and rela.
The technician team and the tactical advisors were #usy with the final
leg of the $re$arations" *ust as the contestants were using their own
methods to mentally and $hysically $re$are themselves for the start of
the com$etition tomorrow.
That #eing said" the 'st ?ear students would com$ete on the fourth
day of the event" so at this stage ecitement and resounding feelings
far outweighed aniety. 6rom an age $ers$ective" they were the ones
who usually de$arted on tri$s with their $eers.
2fter dinner" Miyuki" Honoka" and Shizuku also visited Tatsuya!s
room" #ut since Tatsuya was engaged in ad*usting the 2ctivation
Se(uences" they (uickly called it a night and returned to their own
rooms. The itinerary for the +fficial and ,ewcomers 3ivisions
differed" so two 'st ?ear students usually shared a room. Honoka and
Shizuku were roommates" while Miyuki shared a room with a young
lady named Takigawa Kazumi from -lass -. However" since Kazumi!s
$ersonality was geared towards athletic clu# activities and she usually
s$ent her days with the sem$ais from her clu#" Miyuki s$ent most of
her time with Honoka and Shizuku in their room.
The hour hand on the clock (for some reason" all the clocks in the
hotel were this ty$e) $ointed towards the ;oman numeral 8T8" and the
ma*ority of the high school contestants who were waiting for
tomorrow to #egin had already turned in. <recisely #ecause they
understood this" not *ust Miyuki and com$any" #ut all their teammates
and 'st ?ear students from the other schools knew to remain (uiet and
not cause a ruckus. .ven so" their overa#undant energies rendered
them una#le to slee$ $eacefully like their older $eers.
The only thing that three girls would do while #urning the midnight
oil would #e talking to one another.
There are of course ece$tions to this rule. 6rom outward
a$$earances" Miyuki and Shizuku should #elong to the 8ece$tions8
category" #ut were une$ectedly 8ordinary8.
The recent to$ics were all related to the ,ine Schools -om$etition"
and not all girl talk revolved around fashion and romance" #ut since
these to$ics fre(uently cut into the conversation" it was all #ut
2s mentioned earlier" the time was a$$roaching '& o!clock" #ut it
wasn!t lights out in the hotel yet. Hence why when someone knocked
on the door" there was no cause for alarm or sus$icion.
82h" I!ll get that.8
The knocking caused all three to rise and Honoka" who was closest to
the door" halted the other two.
8>ood eveningB8
8Hey" .imi" everyone" what!s u$:8
The $erson #ehind the door was a ca$tivating $etite girl with red hair
that shone with a ru#y=like luster. She was 2kechi .imi" one of
Miyuki!s teammates" with four other students #ehind her. In other
words" 6irst High!s ,ewcomers 3ivision /omen!s Team was almost
all gathered here.
85h" you know" there!s an onsen here.8
8......Sorry" you need to s$eak $lainly.8
Honoka didn!t understand why .imi was so ha$$y as she said this.
8,ow that you mention it" this hotel has an artificial onsen #eneath it.8
)ut Miyuki (uickly gras$ed .imi!s meaning.
8?es" as e$ected of Miyuki" you!re #rilliantB8
8......I!m sorry" #ut hearing you say that hardly fills me with *oy.8
.imi meant no harm" #ut after #eing $raised so leisurely (:)" Miyuki
felt a headache oncoming.
2s Miyuki $ressed her tem$le" .imi made an 8.h:8 e$ression as she
tilted her head to one side.
8It!s nothing" don!t worry a#out it. So what a#out this onsen:8
2t Miyuki!s urging" .imi #roke into an innocent smile.
8So" let!s go to the onsenB8
.imi!s sudden 7 at least in Miyuki!s ears 7 words caused Miyuki
and Honoka to glance at one another.
Honoka seemed to share Miyuki!s misgivings.
8Is that +K: This is a military facility.8
?et" the $erson who re$resented the three of them and asked .imi was
Shizuku situated in the rear.
This wasn!t an ordinary hotel 7 it was one of the facilities attached to
the S36!s eercise grounds. )esides the facilities arranged ahead of
time" most of the other areas should have restricted access.
8I tried asking for $ermission and received it. /e!re +K until ''.8
.imi easily alleviated Shizuku!s concerns.
82s e$ected of .imi.8
Honoka couldn!t refrain from saying softly.
8?ou should say" thanks for the o$$ortunity" rightB8
2las" such words had no effect on the ecstatic .imi.
8/ait" I remem#er that swimsuits are re(uired in the onsen. I didn!t
#ring one.8
8That!s also no $ro#lem" as the hotel will lend us #athing ro#es as well
as towels.8
.imi easily fielded Miyuki!s $ractical concerns.
>iven this level of $re$aration" Miyuki and com$any had no further
reasons to refuse. Honestly" all three of them were slightly interested
in the 7 al#eit artificial 7 onsen.
8Then allow us to accom$any you. 9et me get some clothes" you guys
go ahead.8
Hearing Miyuki!s re$ly" .imi nodded ha$$ily.
8+K" take your time" no need to hurry.8
Miyuki lightly raised a hand and tem$orarily #id adieu to her
The underground #athhouse (artificial onsen) was com$letely
mono$olized #y 6irst High!s female 'st ?ear students.
It!s not like they reserved the entire area" more like there weren!t any
other guests" so they were in com$lete control from '& to ''.
The large #athhouse was similar to $u#lic #athhouses in that they were
intended for similar $ur$oses.
However" while this underground artificial onsen was called a large
#athhouse" in reality it could only hold '& $eo$le or so. The onsen was
originally designed to hel$ treat muscle and *oint $ain from etensive
eercise and heated the salty reisen that ran #eneath the hotel to form
this medical facility. The $rimary users were usually higher ranking
officers (and middle=aged to #oot)" and it was never intended to #e
o$en to the $u#lic. +wing to the fact that only those under the doctor!s
orders could visit during s$ecified hours" anyone entering had to rinse
themselves off in the shower area and don a swimsuit or #athing ro#e
#efore entering.
7)esides their grou$" no other grou$ a$$eared to have a$$lied for
6emale #athing ro#es were literally 8mini=coats that reached mid=thigh
without any $ants8. Though may#e descri#ing them as 8#athing ro#es
the length of mini=skirts without the #elt8 sounded seier: The lack of
a #elt certainly made it easier to rela in the onsen" #ut $rovided even
less sense of security than a swimsuit.
8/....../hat is it:8
2nyone wearing this would undou#tedly #e too ashamed to a$$ear
#efore anyone of the o$$osite gender" #ut everyone here was a girl and
trustworthy teammates on to$ of that. However" at .imi!s e$losive
#reath" Honoka was overcome #y a sense of shame and alertness as if
a man had seen her.
She couldn!t hel$ #ut wra$ her arms tightly around the front of her
.imi!s eyes were glued in that direction 7 Honoka!s #osom.
8How sur$rising" Honoka cuts a great figureB8
.imi gradually advanced.
Honoka ke$t retreating.
Her #ack (uickly encountered the wall of the #athing area.
8/hat is it:8
The $redatory aura that swirled around .imi was almost enough to
make Honoka scream.
8-an I take a look:8
8+f course notB8
.imi!s eyes were laughing" so she was o#viously messing around. The
(uestion was how far she would take the *oke.
Honoka (uickly glanced around the #athing area for hel$. Her
teammates were either relaing in the onsen or sitting on the edge
soaking their feet. .veryone around her had the same smiling eyes
.imi did" with one ece$tion.
8/hat!s the matter" after all" Honoka!s #ust is huge.8
8Is that the $ro#lem hereB8
.imi!s eyes remained smiling" #ut Honoka could see something
lurking in her eyes that told her this wouldn!t end in a *oking manner.
8Shizuku" save meB8
Honoka couldn!t hel$ #ut a$$eal for hel$ from Shizuku" 8the one
Shizuku slowly rose.
8So what:8
2fter saying this" she left the #athing area.
2t her #est friend!s #etrayal" Honoka screamed in $ain.
Instantly" Shizuku lowered a sorrowful gaze towards her own chest.
82fter all" Honoka!s #ust is huge.8
2fter leaving these incriminating words" she turned and headed into
the sauna.
The #athing area was filled with Honoka!s shrieks.
(/hat are they fighting over now:)
Miyuki could not com$rehend what was causing the sounds of water
s$lashing everywhere in the #athing area as she continued to shower.
She had already washed off the sweat and dust of the day" #ut still
went through the motions and activated the 8<ersonal /asher8 in the
shower to thoroughly rinse herself off (from the collar down) #efore
$utting on her #athing ro#e. She wra$$ed a towel around her silky hair
to hold it in $lace and finally $added into the #athing area that finally
(uieted down. 2t this moment" every teammate in the area locked their
gaze on Miyuki!s figure.
8/....../hat!s wrong:8
Miyuki shrank #ack as she came to a halt" #ut no one re$lied.
The num#er of looks never changed.
8.veryone" sto$" Miyuki is straightB8
6or some reason" Honoka said this in a solemn and stirring voice"
which shattered the unnatural silence.
Honoka!s words were too vague for Miyuki to com$rehend its
82hJ Sorry" sorry" accidentally lost track of myself.8
Sitting in the innermost corner #y the edge of #ath was a young lady
from -lass 3 named Satomi Su#aru who s$oke in a gentlemanly tone
that would not seem out of $lace on a young man. This allowed
Miyuki to finally make the connection regarding what Honoka was
talking a#out and also understand eactly what the looks directed her
way signified.
8Hold on...... /e!re all girls here" what are you talking a#out:8
Miyuki frantically said and tugged her ro#e towards the inside of her
thighs. This movement actually once more ignited the tense
atmos$here within the #athhouse.
The moisture left over from the shower interacted with the steam let
off #y the onsen" causing the thin fa#ric to cling tightly to the #ody"
revealing Miyuki!s feminine curves as well as the vi#rant twin or#s on
her chest.
The front collar revealed flesh that was dyed to a faint $ink.
.tending #eneath the short hem of the ro#es was a $air of
im$ecca#le" dazzling" and #eautiful legs.
.s$ecially in Miyuki!s condition" even com$ared to #eing com$letely
unclothed" even in a #athing ro#e that was far less revealing than her
swimsuit" this #rewed an irresisti#ly lova#le charisma.
8......2re all girls" yeah" I understand" #ut......8
8I don!t know how to say this...... )ut if it!s Miyuki that!s +K.8
.veryone whis$ered in $rofound agreement.
8That!s enoughB ,ow you!re *ust going too far.8
.ven at this disadvantage" Miyuki #ravely strode into the #ath.
She gracefully sank into #ath and stretched out her legs under
everyone!s un#linking gaze.
2s she lowered herself to a sitting $osition" the water reached neck
height. The front collar swayed to the movement of the water and" for
an instant" Miyuki!s na$e was revealed.
Somewhere" a collective gas$ could #e heard.
This awkward atmos$here was neither *oking nor was it intended to
cause a scene.
If this continues" Miyuki!s chastity might #e in danger.
8Miyuki" I!m with youB8
6ortunately" Honoka s$lashed down #eside Miyuki" disru$ting the
s$ider!s we# that was closing around the #utterfly.
8If you don!t sto$ now" everyone here runs the risk of #athing in frigid
5$on hearing this threat" all their teammates finally ado$ted serious
e$ressions and turned away from watching Miyuki.
.ven with their eyes elsewhere" they were still consciously drawn to
<lainly" there were many young girls $resent" #ut no one ventured to
+n the other hand" Miyuki wanted to $rotest to Honoka!s words" #ut
felt that rashly $roclaiming that 8she definitely wouldn!t do anything
like that8 may #e a dangerous move that would u$set the delicate
#alance" so she refrained.
8....../hat ha$$ened:8
Shizuku" who had hitherto #een staying in the sauna #y herself" asked
innocently as she #eheld the awkward atmos$here in the #athhouse.
9ikely self=reflecting after someone finally asked" the young ladies
returned to normal.
+nce the young girls ado$ted their regular #ehavior" the #athhouse
was once again filled with the sounds of talk and laughter.
The su#*ects that girls talk a#out are more than *ust fashion and
Still" fashion and romance were truly two of the most $o$ular su#*ects.
/hile soaking in the #ath" the conversation naturally turned to the
males they met during the $revious night!s #an(uet. The $rimary target
were 8#oys8" #ut included some 8men8 and a small grou$ of 8older
men8. This sounds like the #reath of their admiration s$anned a large
s$ectrum" #ut honestly that was how it wasA
87So" the #artender #ehind the counter was (uite an interesting old
8/hoa...... That guy!s totally over H&. To think that you!re interested in
middle=aged men" I think your life is over......8
8-orrection" $lease say interesting gentleman. In my eyes" high school
students are all immature kids that are com$letely unde$enda#le.8
8;eallyJ: I don!t think all the #oys our age are like that" may#e
#ecause you!ve #een seeing the wrong $eo$le:8
8?eah" Isori=sen$ai looks $retty tolerant" right: More im$ortantly" he
looks like a decent guy.8
8I feel kind of em$ty going after someone with a girlfriend already"
you know: 2lso in Isori=sen$ai!s case" his girlfriend has already
advanced to fiancSe.8
8S$eaking of de$enda#le" I guess that has to #e 4uumon*i=sen$ai:8
8,ah" 4uumon*i=sen$ai is too de$enda#le. ,ot only that" he!s also the
Ten Master -lans! future successor.8
8S$eaking of successors of the Ten Master -lans" there!s the successor
for the Ichi*ou 6amily from Third High" right:8
82h" I saw him" he!s $retty hot.8
8?eah" I know you shouldn!t *udge #oys #y outward a$$earances" #ut
it certainly doesn!t hurt if he is easy on the eyes.8
......4ust like that.
2ll of a sudden" .imi suddenly thrust the conversation #ack to
Miyuki" who was sitting in the corner of the #ath letting the (mental)
ehaustion soak out of her.
8S$eaking of Ichi*ou from Third High" he was watching Miyuki with
#urning eyes.8
.imi was s$eaking to Miyuki" #ut Miyuki was una#le to res$ond to
these words.
8.h" really:8
8May#e it was love at first sight:8
8This is Miyuki we!re talking a#out" it!s highly $ossi#le.8
8?ou should say that it would #e strange for #oys not to fall in love
with Miyuki at first sight" right:8
8May#e they knew each other from long ago.8
.veryone listening let out delighted shrieks.
8Miyuki" is that true:8
Shizuku didn!t *oin the shrieking and ado$ted a serious tone 7
Shizuku!s tone lacked the normal voice inflection" so even if she
$ersonally didn!t intend to" she still came across as #eing solemn 7 as
she asked Miyuki.
Miyuki!s res$onse wasA
8......2llow me to #e $erfectly clear" I!ve only seen Ichi*ou=kun in
$ictures and didn!t even know where he was located during the
This might (ualify as #eing callous or sheer overkill" and if Third
High had heard Miyuki!s res$onse" morale $ro#a#ly would have
$lummeted. The young girls #ursting with e$ectations were all taken
a#ack u$on hearing this answer.
.ven so" there were always $eo$le who refused to surrender.
8If that!s the case" what ty$e of guy does Miyuki like: Is it truly like
your #rother!s ty$e:8
The one who reacted to Su#aru!s words was not Miyuki" #ut Honoka
instead. Her #ody tensed momentarily" which was only detected #y
Shizuku who was sitting #eside her.
Miyuki dis$layed an incredi#ly calm attitude and an almost wordless
e$ression as she answered Su#aru.
8I have no idea where you think this is going...... )ut +nii=sama and I
are si#lings #y #lood" so I!ve never seen +nii=sama as a romantic
$artner. 2lso" I don!t #elieve there!s anyone else in the entire world
that could #e the same as +nii=sama.8
Hearing Miyuki!s re$ly" Su#aru and .imi were distinctly disa$$ointed
(Su#aru!s e$ression looked a little forced).
2fterwards" no one else (uestioned Miyuki and Tatsuya!s relationshi$.
?et" within the #ath" two girls did not fully acce$t Miyuki!s answer.
In Miyuki!s tone" Honoka and Shizuku read something entirely
different from the words 8I!ve never seen +nii=sama as a romantic
2fter Tatsuya dis$atched Miyuki and com$any #ack to their rooms 7
though he #ecame the su#*ect of their conversations with their
teammates in the underground onsen 7 he continued ad*usting the
2ctivation Se(uences in the storage vehicles.
8Shi#a=kun" it!s a#out time to call it a night.8
Hearing these words" Tatsuya glanced around to find only one other
$erson in the vehicle with him.
8It!s that late already:8
The time was roughly midnight.
Isori revealed a gender neutral smile and nodded at Tatsuya!s words
()y the way" Isori!s wardro#e and hairstyle were #oth neutral" causing
Tatsuya to sus$ect this sen$ai of his intentionally dressed in a non=
masculine manner).
8The $artici$ants Shi#a=kun is res$onsi#le for com$ete on the Hth day"
so I think it!s not a good idea to #e so tense from the start.8
8?ou!re right.8
Tatsuya was on duty for the 'st ?ear female students in S$eed
Shooting" Icicle 3estruction" and Mirage )at. This was $artially #orn
of Miyuki and com$any!s wishes" #ut also #ecause of the 'st ?ear
male students (es$ecially Morisaki) stonewalling him in defiance
(Miyuki was $artici$ating in Icicle 3estruction and Mirage )at"
Honoka in )attle )oard and Mirage )at" and Shizuku in S$eed
Shooting and Icicle 3estruction).
The 'st ?ear 3ivision 7 the ,ewcomers 3ivision was set #etween
the Hth and Ith days of the contest.
-om$ared to the auiliaries in charge of the $artici$ants com$eting
tomorrow" Tatsuya had considera#ly more time on his hands.
Kanon was set to $artici$ate in Icicle 3estruction on the %nd and Erd
days" #ut Isori was in charge of $artici$ants a$$earing on stage
8Then" sen$ai" I!m taking my leave.8
Tatsuya intentionally avoided inviting Isori to also call it (uits and left
the storage vehicle #y himself.
3es$ite #eing near midnight" evenings in the height of summer did not
have a noticea#ly lower tem$erature.
<erfect for taking a stroll in T=shirts.
Tatsuya o$ted not to head directly #ack to his room and strolled
around the $erimeter of the hotel" where he detected an oddly nervous
This $resence told him that someone was holding his #reath while
surveying the $remises.
Initially" Tatsuya thought this was a thief" #ut (uickly re*ected this line
of thinking.
2 $resence that desired to hide itself #ut was una#le to" reeked of
#loodthirsty im$ulses.
Tatsuya s$read out his senses and directly linked to the information
dimension 7 the colossal information #ody that contained the data for
the myriad o#*ects around him.
(Three $eo$le in total" located near...... The railings near the hotel
camouflaged to look like foliage.)
.ach of them carried handguns and small e$losives.
.ven if they were in the outer $eri$hery of the hotel" they were well
within areas under military *urisdiction" and the security around the
#ase definitely wasn!t that relaed. <ickets and cameras would monitor
the entrances and immediately deny all infiltrators and were es$ecially
merciless toward armed and dangerous individuals.
These guys were malefactors who had $enetrated the security
$erimeter and had even $re$ared e$losives.
3es$ite not having a -23 on hand" they were too dangerous to #e
Tatsuya soundlessly #egan to s$rint.
His senses ca$tured an ally that was also ra$idly a$$roaching the three
sus$icious individuals.
His sneaking skills were not inferior to Tatsuya!s own.
2ccording to their starting $ositions" even though the two of them
were a$$roaching the targets at similar velocity 7 Mikihiko was
going to make contact first.
2s Tatsuya s$rinted forward" he also #egan constructing su$$ort
His Magic <ower was so s$ecialized that he could only use certain
magics and" even without a -23" as long as he was using those
magics" he was e(ual to any other Magician using a -23 in terms of
s$eed" detail and strength.
Mikihiko #egan invoking his magic.
He wasn!t using a -23.
The data $rovided through the information dimension told Tatsuya
that this wasn!t an illusion" it was a conce$t.
Mikihiko $ulled out three fortune tellers 7 $ro#a#ly meant to #e
Mikihiko wasn!t $lanning on using modern magic" he was using
2ncient Magic.
)efore Tatsuya 8knew8 this" $sions flew through Tatsuya!s hands into
the develo$ing techni(ue.
Modern magic and 2ncient Magic were grounded in the same
fundamental theory" which is using interference with the 8data8
attached to an 8eistence8 and taking one ste$ further to rewrite the
The difference lay in how the interference worked and was e$ressed.
The magic system that Mikihiko used did not construct the interfering
information #ody (the Magic Se(uence) in the Magic -alculation
2rea" #ut s$lit this into three ste$sA add data into the charm in his hand
to turn it into a medium" float the now disconnected 8material8 into the
information dimension to mor$h it into 8inde$endent" non=material
information #ody8 and control it" then try to rewrite the $henomenon.
-om$ared to the a#ility of information #odies that can directly interact
with $henomena" such as information #odies from modern magic" this
system $ossessed inferior s$eed and flei#ility" #ut was less
susce$ti#le to resistance to $henomenon=rewriting. If this was
$henomenon rewriting within certain $arameters" 2ncient Magic
could accom$lish large scale effects while using less $ower than
modern magic.
6or Tatsuya" who could dissect Magic Se(uences in an instant" all of
these details flashed across his mind in a short instant.
He also noticed a trace of distress within Mikihiko!s techni(ue.
(He!s not going to make it.)
The magic Mikihiko was using had too many unnecessary hurdles"
lengthening the casting time to intolera#le degrees.
Tatsuya set the target for 8dissolution8 as the handgun in the
miscreants! hands.
The reason Mikihiko detected the $erilous $resence was #ecause he
was in the middle of magic training.
This was one of the dee$est corners in the hotel gardens.
6ar from any #uildings" he found a location in the area surrounding the
hotel where no one would come snoo$ing to #egin his daily 8training8.
8S$irits8 are an assem#lage formed from 8conce$ts8 such as 8wind"
water" fire" earth8 and are far removed from individual $henomena.
The #asic training from 3ivine .arth Magic (S$irit Magic) is to
synchronize oneself with the s$irits! senses.
6rom modern magic!s $ers$ective" s$irits are things that have #roken
away from their actual #odies and are information #odies floating in
an ocean of data.
They move a#out as a conce$t in the information world" assem#le
together as a conce$tual e$ression" and materialize in the actual
;umors say there is a way to detect these 8non=material #odies8.
Still" through contact with these ty$es of 8s$irits8" Mikihiko truly felt
that they 8eisted8 in the actual world.
This was not grounded in theory" #ut through his $erce$tion and
6or Mikihiko" s$irits truly eisted in this location and were eistences
that $ossessed consciousness. /ith this ty$e of contact" s$irits were
a#le to inform Mikihiko a#out all sorts of 8details8 and 8o#*ects8.
4ust as Mikihiko started this synchronization training" he 8learned8
that there were $eo$le on the outskirts of the hotel.
+riginally" he thought they were $eo$le out on #usiness or $atrolling
soldiers" so he didn!t $ay much attention.
It was only after the s$irits re$eatedly notified him that Mikihiko
realized this might #e a warning.
Synchronized with the s$irits" he s$read the s$irits! senses towards the
direction they warned him.
/hat he caught was a thread of 8malice8.
Mikihiko!s e$ression tightened.
6or a moment" he de#ated whether he should call for #acku$ or
engage #y himself.
Mikihiko wasn!t confident he could su$$ress any o$$onent in his
current state. He was reluctant to admit it" #ut it was true that he
wasn!t confident. Thus" he #it his li$ and elected to return to the hotel
and call it in.
However" his emotions $rotested this logical choice.
Something other than logic told him that there wasn!t enough time.
The agitation surging through his #ody was like the s$irits warning
him to 8act (uickly8.
;ather than head towards the hotel" Mikihiko charged towards the
He was worried.
He (uestioned whether he was a#le to overcome the firearms the
o$$onents were carrying.
Gery few Magicians were a#le to trium$h over firearms in etreme
close (uarters com#at.
If there was cover" magic that was unaffected #y line of sight or
o#stacles had the advantage.
In situations where cover was not availa#le" Magicians had a hard
time countering the s$eed at which a trigger could #e $ulled.
Still" Mikihiko e$elled these concerns as cowardice and forged
?esterday!s events flashed across his mind.
Mikihiko was forced to work as a servant under his father!s orders.
.rika said this was due to a clerical error" #ut Mikihiko knew the truth
#ehind the matter.
7>o and #ehold where you should #e standing.
Two nights ago" his father said that to him.
/orking as a servant was only a method to get to his o#*ective.
May#e Mikihiko!s father wanted him to see his $eers in glory to shock
him out of his current state.
May#e his father wanted to arouse an angry determination.
?et" these words and methods only lodged themselves dee$ in
Mikihiko!s soul as overwhelming humiliation.
2t this time" Mikihiko wanted to demonstrate that 8he wasn!t
The location was a night sky illuminated #y a few s$arse stars" #ut the
?oshida 6amily!s training methods included nocturnal training in $itch
.ven relying only on star light" this was no o#stacle whatsoever.
2s he closed in on the sense of malice that could now readily #e
identified as human" Mikihiko $re$ared his talismans.
Three targets re(uired three talismans.
His targets should have already noticed Mikihiko!s a$$roach.
The enmity and malice directed towards Mikihiko verified that these
three were the malefactors.
,o time to hesitate.
.nmity had already turned into killing intent.
Hesitation would lead to failure.
The targets! identification were not first $riority.
Mikihiko channeled magic $ower into the talismans and started
invoking his magic.
2 flashing light a$$eared in Mikihiko!s right hand" which twinkled in
time with the electricity formed a#ove the malefactors! heads.
9ightning would strike them in less than a second.
Still" it took less than one second to $ull the trigger.
Seeing this" Tatsuya immediately made the call and invoked the
$re$ared 8dissolution8 magic.
The three handguns in the three malefactors! hands fell a$art according
to the change in their information #odies.
Immediately afterwards7
The miniature lightning strike threw down all three of the targets.
8/ho is itB8
Mikihiko demanded in a stern voice" not towards the enemies
currently lying on the other side of the railing" #ut to the Magician
who came to his aid from #ehind.
Mikihiko understood $erfectly.
His magic wasn!t going to make it in time.
The reason he was unin*ured was #ecause another Magician offered
his aid.
This skirmish forced him to concede that his magic had lost its former
8It!s me.8
6rom Mikihiko!s #reath alone" one could tell that he suffered a terri#le
However" Tatsuya only made a #rief res$onse and didn!t sto$ #efore
vaulting onto the railing.
5sing $ersonal /eight Magic to lessen the gravitational $ull" he easily
fli$$ed over the two meter tall railing.
Mikihiko #lankly watched him leave #efore recovering himself and
$ulling out a new talisman and eecuted the same /eight Magic.
/hen Mikihiko landed on the far side of the railing" Tatsuya was
already kneeling down net to the fallen intruders.
This word contained several intermied (uestions.
.ven Mikihiko himself wasn!t sure what he wanted to ask.
8They!re not dead. /ell done.8
Tatsuya a$$eared to #e answering his (uestion regarding the intruders!
status" or he may have seen through Mikihiko!s state of $anic and
elected to answer in the least confusing manner.
Mikihiko didn!t understand why Tatsuya was $raising him.
He masochistically thought that he should #e the one who was taken
89imited visi#ility on the targets" $recision large ranged attack on
multi$le targets" even with ca$ture as first $riority" no fatal in*uries
were inflicted and only one #low was sufficient to de$rive mo#ility. I
say this rates as an ecellent com#at result.8
Tatsuya!s words were calm enough to #e called callous" #ut *ust
hearing them alone was enough to know that he was *ust #eing $olite
or comforting.
The one Mikihiko couldn!t #elieve was himself" not Tatsuya.
8......)ut my magic originally wasn!t going to make it in time and"
without Tatsuya!s #acku$" I would have #een shot.8
The words s$routed from Mikihiko!s mouth were self=derisively
#eyond his own control.
8How foolish.8
However" Tatsuya!s direct re$rimand was enough to render Mikihiko
una#le to continue #erating himself.
8!If there was no #acku$! is only an assum$tion. ?our magic was
successfully a#le to ca$ture the intruders 7 that is the only truth.8
Tatsuya!s merciless scolding and su#se(uent $oints astounded
8In reality" I did $rovide su$$ort" and your magic was successful" so
what do you mean !originally!: Mikihiko" what eactly did you think
was going to ha$$en:8
8,o matter how many o$$onents there are and how well=trained they
are" a Magician should #e a#le to trium$h without any #acku$. I
sincerely ho$e you are not o$erating under these assum$tions:8
Mikihiko suddenly felt like the #ottom of his stomach was giving out.
He understood very clearly how ridiculous the 8assum$tions8 that
Tatsuya referred to were.
?et" in the inner de$ths of his heart" did he never truly sto$ and
consider the assum$tions Tatsuya was mentioning:
8Seriously...... I!ll intentionally say this again. Mikihiko" you are very
8/hy do you re*ect yourself to this level:
/hy do you dis$arage yourself to this level:
/hat is it that so dissatisfies you:8
8.......ven if I tried to e$lain" Tatsuya" you wouldn!t understand.
There!s no $oint in talking a#out it.8
8There may #e.8
Mikihiko reacted #y throwing u$ a high wall and retreating #ehind it"
#ut Tatsuya!s ensuing words smashed the wall to #its.
This time it was Mikihiko!s turn to #e s$eechless" while Tatsuya
$ierced him with a shar$ look.
8Mikihiko" you!re concerned a#out the magic activation s$eed"
8......?ou heard that from .rika:8
8......Then how do you know:8
8?our techni(ue is too ver#ose.8
8....../hat did you say:8
8My $oint is" the $ro#lem isn!t your ca$a#ility" #ut the techni(ue itself.
This is the underlying reason why you cannot wield magic the way
you desire.8
8How would you know thatB8
Mikihiko roared.
)ecause he was in a state of $anic.
)ecause he was eas$erated.
The techni(ue he uses was a $roduct the ?oshida 6amily had refined
over many years #y incor$orating the as$ects of the traditions in
2ncient Magic and the results of modern magic.
2fter seeing it once or twice" Tatsuya immediately tossed it out as a
#lemished $roduct" which threw Mikihiko into a rage.
He always re*ected this line of thinking as a vain attem$t to esca$e
from reality" #ut after hearing Tatsuya #ring u$ this $reviously ignored
to$ic" Mikihiko $anicked.
8I do know. )ut you don!t need to force yourself to #elieve me.8
?et" Tatsuya calmly re$lied to Mikihiko!s furious out#urst" forcing
Mikihiko to res$ond with an even more wavering statement.
8....../hat did you say:8
Mikihiko used the same words as he did #efore" #ut this time the tone
was vastly different.
8I can com$rehend any magic design that I can !see!" which allows me
to read the details #ehind any 2ctivation Se(uence and to $rovide an
in=de$th analysis of the Magic Se(uence.8
Tatsuya re$lied with this outrageous answer.
Mikihiko!s $anic had hit a $eak.
He had never heard of a Magician ca$a#le of such a feat and" if
someone with this uni(ue a#ility truly eists" then half the mysteries
facing modern magic theory would #e solved in an instant.
8......2gain" you don!t need to force yourself to #elieve me.8
Tatsuya re$eated his earlier words.
Mikihiko felt like he was telling him 8what follows net is your own
89et!s ta#le this to$ic for now. Ignoring that for the moment" we still
need to deal with these guys. I!ll kee$ watch for the moment" could
you call security: +r do you want me to go:8
Honestly" with Mikihiko!s mental state right now" he was una#le to
consider whether Tatsuya!s 8confession8 was true or not" so he
des$erately clung to the life line thrown at him.
82h" I!ll go.8
85nderstood" I!ll wait here.8
Mikihiko once more activated his 89ea$ing8 techni(ue and vanished
over the railing.
+n the other hand" Tatsuya #riefly considered how to restrict the
intruders! freedom of movement" and ultimately elected to #ury them.
He could use 83issolution8 to remove the ecess dirt" so he needed to
use #oth 8Se$arate8 and 8Move8 magics. 3oing so without a -23 was
truly a tiresome task" #ut *ust like the earlier 89ea$ing8" Tatsuya had
already memorized such a sim$le Magic Se(uence and" as long as he
$erformed them se(uentially and not simultaneously" this really didn!t
$ose a $ro#lem.
Ironically" this was one advantage gleaned from the artificial virtual
Magic -alculation 2rea currently residing in his consciousness" which
was the a#ility to recall any Magic Se(uence stored in his memory.
(I!m a devious man.)
He held onto the victim!s $ers$ective" #ut viewed the #y$roduct as an
efficient tool to use.
Tatsuya smirked at his un$rinci$led self and $re$ared to invoke his
7)ut there a$$eared to #e no need for that.
2 familiar $resence a$$roached" $rom$ting Tatsuya to cancel his
Shortly after" the other $erson initiated the conversation.
8S$ecial 9ieutenant" your earlier suggestion was truly merciless.8
8Ma*or" you heard all that:8
Tatsuya didn!t detect Kazama eavesdro$$ing.
/hich was honestly not that sur$rising.
Kazama had studied under Kokonoe ?akumo longer than Tatsuya had
and was considered to #e ?akumo!s second #est student. /ithout
linking to the information dimension" Tatsuya found it very difficult to
trace Kazama!s $resence.
Tatsuya saluted in greeting" to which Kazama smirked in res$onse.
8Isn!t it rare for the usually com$letely indifferent S$ecial 9ieutenant
to do such a thing:8
89a#eling this one !com$letely indifferent! is uncalled for.8
8+r may#e you sym$athize with his $light: That young man shares
similar $ro#lems as you do.8
8This one has long since graduated from that level of concern.8
8In other words" you!re someone who!s #een around the #lock:8
8......-ould you deal with these $eo$le:8
Kazama revealed a foy smile as he mercilessly $ressed the attack and
Tatsuya" who had lost all avenues of retreat" finally managed to
change the to$ic.
89eave that to me" I!ll e$lain everything to the #ase -+.8
Still" Kazama realized that continuing to $ursue this line of
(uestioning served no $ur$ose.
He retracted his smile and solemnly nodded towards Tatsuya.
8Sorry for trou#ling you.8
8,o worries" looks like many une$ected things were added to your
$late as well.8
8True. )ut I wonder what these guys were trying to do:8
8>od knows" handling criminals isn!t in our *o# descri$tion...... ?et
they are sur$risingly ca$a#le and $roactive. Tatsuya" #e wary.8
8?es" thank you for your concern.8
8/e!ll talk in detail tomorrow at noon.8
8?es" sir" then allow this one to de$art.8
8?eah" good#ye.8
The two of them changed from su$erior and su#ordinate to two
friendly disci$les #idding each other farewell.
Chapter 5
The day after Tatsuya!s un$lanned nighttime ecursion.
The ,ine Schools -om$etition #egan without further incident.
In the net ten days" the num#er of s$ectators alone eceeded '&&"&&&
$eo$le. .ven though the location was inconvenient" at least '&"&&&
s$ectators came every day to watch the contests" and the num#er of
online viewers easily sur$assed '&& times this num#er.
/hile it couldn!t draw the same num#ers as $o$ular $rofessional
s$orts games" there was still a large num#er of $eo$le who $aid
attention to this event. That #eing said" very few $eo$le knew a#out
the details regarding last night!s incident.
The $artici$ants all $ossessed first class Magic <ower #ut were still
high school students.
The malefactors! attack ended without any meaningful
accom$lishment" so the military *udged that it would not negatively
im$act the $artici$ants. 2s such" they elected to kee$ the secret.
;ather than calling the o$ening ceremony glamorous" an orderly
im$ression was more o#vious. The magic contests were gaudy enough
in their own right" so there was no need for any additional ceremony
to em#ellish the issue" and neither were there tedious s$eeches from
dignitaries. 2fter the school songs from the nine schools were $layed
in succession" the events officially #egan.
The curtains were drawn for the net ten days" where men and women
each com$eted in 1 events for the +fficial 3ivision as well as the 1
events for men and women in the ,ewcomers 3ivision for a total of
%& events.
The 'st day!s events were the $reliminaries and elimination rounds for
8S$eed Shooting8 and the $reliminaries for 8)attle )oard8.
The difference in scheduling reflected the time needed for each event.
8+nii=sama" the <resident is a#out to take the field.8
8So our main strength is taking the stage for the first event" though I
recall /atana#e=sen$ai!s $reliminary round is the third one:8
Tatsuya and com$any headed towards the S$eed Shooting stands to
watch Mayumi!s event. 6rom the left" the order was Shizuku" Honoka"
Tatsuya" and Miyuki. They were not seated in the $artici$ants! area in
the arena $ro$er" #ut in the regular audience stands.
8S$eed Shooting8 involves using magic to destroy flying targets from
E& meters out within a limited $eriod of time. The key lies in how
accurate and how fast one could fire magic outwards" hence the name
8S$eed Shooting8.
The contest was divided into two $ortions.
In the $reliminary round" contestants advanced on individual merit
#ased on the num#er of targets destroyed within five minutes.
The $reliminary round simultaneously used four shooting galleries to
conduct si contests" with the to$ eight advancing to the .lite .ight.
2lso" only %H contestants were allowed to $artici$ate.
If all nine schools sent three contestants" there would #e a total of %N"
#ut three of the nine lost their right to $artici$ate due to their
$erformance from the $revious year and were only a#le to dis$atch
two contestants.
)esides 8Monolith -ode8" all events shared this rule.
2fter the .lite .ight" the event turned into a duel format.
There were '&& red and '&& white targets in the arena" with the total
num#er of corres$onding targets destroyed determining the victor.
8Highly destructive magics can #e used during the $reliminaries to
swiftly destroy a large num#er of targets in one go" #ut after the .lite
.ight" $recision targeting is far more im$ortant.8
Shizuku nodded at Tatsuya!s words" as Shizuku was the only one
among them to $artici$ate in the S$eed Shooting $ortion of the
,ewcomers 3ivision.
8>enerally s$eaking" most $eo$le use different magics during the
$reliminary and elimination rounds......8
8)ut <resident Saegusa is renowned for using the same magic during
these two rounds.8
In the middle of Tatsuya!s e$lanation" a young lady #ehind them cut
8Hey" Tatsuya=kun.8
8Tatsuya=kun" Miyuki=san" Honoka=san" Shizuku=san" good morning
Seated #ehind Tatsuya and com$any" from right to left" were 9eo"
.rika" Mizuki" and Mikihiko (#ut the s$eaking order was .rika" 9eo"
Mikihiko" and Mizuki).
The reason why the four of them found these s$ots was that they were
sitting in the #ack row.
82ren!t there more s$ots u$ front:8
8That!s #ecause I saw Tatsuya=kun!s grou$ sitting here" and it!s easier
to see everything from the #ack" right:8
The stands were #uilt like a series of rising stairs" with the higher
levels in the #ack.
This is an event involving shooting targets at high s$eed" so the
s$ectators in the front rows have to $ossess the same eyesight as the
.ven so" the s$ectators still crowded forward" #ecause7
8)ecause there are an amazing amount of stu$id #oys.8
.rika disdainfully declared in a way that wasn!t altogether *oking.
89ooks like there are more than teenager #oys mied in.8
Tatsuya re$lied in a sarcastic tone.
In other words" for this reason" there were no s$are seats in the front
8Is this what is called !+nee=samaJ!: How de$ressing.8
83on!t #e like that" there might #e considera#le value u$ front. .ven
for someone like me who sees the <resident on a daily #asis" she
seems like a com$letely different $erson now.8
8/hoaB Miyuki" what shall we do: ?our +nii=sama has fallen for
someone elseB8
2t .rika!s ridiculous words" Tatsuya and Miyuki could only wryly
The su#*ect of their conversation was......
8The !.lven Sni$er!" (uite the suita#le title.8
8The <resident dislikes the term" so make sure not to #ring it u$ in
front of her.8
Tatsuya!s admonishment caused Honoka to shrug in her neck.
The teenage #oys and girls s(ueezed into the front rows to admire
Mayumi" who was waiting in the first shooting gallery for the contest
to #egin.
Mayumi wore a $air of mufflers over her luminous locks of hair" a $air
of trans$arent goggles" an elastic $air of uniform $ants and an
u$turned tunic that could #e easily mistaken for a mini=suit. <aired
with a rifle=sha$ed -23 that was mandatory for all S$eed Shooting
events" this created the $erfect com#ination of cuteness and heroism as
if she was the female lead in an u$coming movie.
8There are actually $eo$le who use the <resident as the su#*ect for
Mizuki softly said this $ro#a#ly #ecause this getu$ *olted something in
her memory.
8......That!s the first I!ve heard of that.8
However" this came so far out of left field that even .rika was #arely
a#le to manage a res$onse in time.
8......Mizuki" eactly under what contet did you come #y this
knowledge: If your !interests! lie in that direction" I may have to re=
eamine our friendshi$.8
9ooks like Miyuki and .rika were thinking of the same thing. This
outwardly serious voice contained roughly '&K earnestness.
8.h: ,o" I don!t have those kinds of interestsB8
Still" Mizuki was undou#tedly the most shaken.
8It!s starting.8
Mizuki was in a full state of $anic at realizing what they were hinting
at" #ut managed to sna$ out of it and (uiet down at Tatsuya!s words.
The s$ectator stands were deathly (uiet.
The $artici$ants were wearing ear muffs" so no amount of audience
noise would affect them" #ut this was a matter of $rinci$le.
The $artici$ants raised their slender" elongated rifles that almost
looked like cane=sha$ed com$etition=use -23s" while their $oise and
concentration caused the silenced audience to gri$ the edge of their
The flashing light signaled for them to #egin.
Targets flew through the sky accom$anied #y soft firing sounds.
8They!re fast......B8
/ere the soft words that #urst out of Shizuku referring to the flight
velocity of the targets:
7+r was she referring to Mayumi!s magic that was #usy smashing
targets left and right:
Mayumi didn!t raise her head and stood stock still with her -23
aimed forward.
This event never relied on using the rifle to shoot #ullets" so there was
no need to visually line u$ with the target and the -23 never
$ossessed a muzzle or sco$e.
;ather than $resenting arms" her stance was more akin to drawing a
The targets shot forth at irregular intervals.
2 total of a hundred targets in five minutes.
+n the average" that was one target every E seconds.
-om$ared to normal shooting" this was a ridiculously fast $ace.
-om$licating the matter was that sometimes multi$le targets shot
forth within a tight interval and sometimes" five or si would fly out
after a '& second interval.
Mayumi shot down every 8individual8 target without missing a #eat.
The five minute contest was over in the #link of an eye.
8......She was $erfect.8
Mayumi removed her $rotective goggles and ear mufflers as she
smiled in res$onse to the s$ectators! a$$lause. Seeing her" Tatsuya
murmured as if he could think of nothing else to say.
8She was using su#=sonic #ullets formed from ice $articles" correct:8
Miyuki asked as she was a$$lauding" $rom$ting Tatsuya to smile and
8-orrect" I!m sur$rised you could tell.8
8......That was trivial enough that even I could see that......8
.rika retorted in a huff" causing Tatsuya to chuckle wryly.
8That!s true" seeing the same magic a hundred times certainly makes it
Someone averted their eyes in shame ($ro#a#ly #ecause they couldn!t
see it)" #ut Tatsuya elected to $retend he didn!t see them.
8+ne hundred: She didn!t miss once:8
Honoka asked Tatsuya in honest sur$rise" likely #rought a#out #y her
direct $ersonality.
8-orrect" the amazing as$ect is not the s$eed of magic invocation or
num#er of times activated" #ut the $recision entailed. .ven using
Sensory Magic at the same time" the individual still needs to use their
#rain to $rocess the data. I don!t know if it!s #ecause she!s accumulated
enough e$erience in re$eated calculations or is sim$ly that
talented...... She is truly worthy of #eing one of the direct descendants
of the Ten Master -lans.8
83id the <resident use Sensory Magic:8
Mizuki eclaimed in sur$rise" #ut the difference was that many $eo$le
mirrored her e$ression this time.
89ong ;ange Gisual Systematic Sensory Magic !Multi=+#servation! is
not meant to eamine non=material #odies or information #odies" #ut
o#serve a $hysical o#*ect from multi$le angles like a visual radar. The
<resident often uses this sort of magic.8
Tatsuya!s gaze asked 83idn!t you notice:8 to which Mizuki shook her
83uring the school assem#ly" she would use this magic to !watch!
every corner" which is a very rare a#ility...... 3on!t you think that this
level of shooting is im$ossi#le for the naked eye:8
8That!s true.8
Shizuku immediately re$lied. 3uring the com$etition" she was $utting
herself in Mayumi!s shoes and considering her o$tions in the shooting
8Still" the <resident is using S$eed=Ty$e Magic to turn air molecules
into ice $articles then a$$lying acceleration to su#=sonic levels and
using Sensory Magic at the same time" right: /ith Sensory Magic
running" and then using deceleration and acceleration #ack and forth a
hundred times" the <resident has amazing Magic <ower.8
2t this $oint" the 8Magic <ower8 9eo was talking a#out did not refer
to the 8Magic <ower8 from the technical skills assessment" #ut the
more generic contet of having the $hysical ca$acity of re$eatedly
casting s$ells.
2 common misunderstanding is that magic is an activity that
consumes energy.
<henomena are not rewritten #y #urning $hysical energy" #ut #y
editing the data surrounding the $henomena.
In order to edit the data" a Magic Se(uence formed from $sions is
re(uired" so the num#er of times magic can #e invoked is limited #y
the difference in the scale of Magic Se(uences. The 8Magic <ower8
9eo is talking a#out here" if likened to an actual conce$t" would #e
similar to the mental strain eerted on the #ody.
8The <resident is using a variant of !Hale <articles!. The original !Hale
<articles! is already a highly efficient form of magic and with the
<resident!s a#ility" she could $ro#a#ly cast this '&&& times rather than
a $altry '&& times.8
Tatsuya!s endless $raise towards Mayumi elicited com$le e$ressions
from Miyuki and the others.
They also acknowledged that Mayumi!s Magic <ower was incredi#le"
#ut hearing Tatsuya" who was usually very critical on all things magic"
give such unrestrained $raise could not hel$ #ut arouse some *ealousy.
+n the other hand" 9eo was concerned a#out something else entirely.
8.h" #ut to create ice in the heat of summer and then accelerate to
su#sonic levels should re(uire a lot of $ower. .ven if conservation of
energy doesn!t wholly a$$ly to magic" I still find it hard to #elieve
Tatsuya!s assessment that you can use such a small amount of magic to
achieve such a level of $henomena rewriting.8
8/hile it may not wholly a$$ly" that does not mean they are
Tatsuya rose and headed towards the 8)attle )oard8 s$ectator stands
while res$onding with this mysterious answer.
8/hat do you mean:8
9eo chased after Tatsuya and asked again.
8Magic is a techni(ue that involves changing $henomena and is not
limited #y conservation of energy. However" the o#*ect #eing rewritten
remains #ound #y the law of conservation of energy. 6or eam$le" if
you a$$ly S$eed Magic to an o#*ect" without using magic to maintain
its condition" the accelerated o#*ect will turn cold" since the o#*ects
own heat is #eing converted to energy of motion@ if you cast Heat
Magic on a s$eeding o#*ect" without using magic to maintain its
velocity" then the target o#*ect will slow down" since the o#*ectMs
energy of motion is #eing converted to heat. >enerally" magic strives
to avoid changing unrelated as$ects #y adding in measures to maintain
the status (uo" so there!s rarely an o$$ortunity to o#serve this in
The laws of $hysics are very difficult to circumvent and" even when
altered #y illogical forces like magic" it will attem$t to revert #ack to a
logical outcome. Thus" magic that does not #reak the law of
conservation of energy remains a !natural! $henomenon and from a
magic $ers$ective" it does not re(uire high interference strength.
?ou should understand #y now" right: The magic used to accelerate
the ice $articles is #ased on taking the heat that is removed from the
frozen $articles and converting it into the energy of $ro*ectile motion"
thus scamming the laws of $hysics. /hile this runs counter to the law
of entro$y and is something that would never occur in nature" itMs a
more logical e$lanation than sim$ly constructing ice $articles"
accelerating the ice $articles with magic" then a$$lying
8......I get the feeling that I!ve *ust #een conned.8
89eo" magic is an a#ility used to !deftly deceive the world!" remem#er
8In other words" we Magicians are con artists out to ruin the world:8
8The stronger the Magician" the more likely heMs a crook.8
Tatsuya was utterly serious as he e$lained all of this" #ut at .rika and
Shizuku!s added commentary" he could only smile in res$onse.
8)attle )oard8 was a contest where the $artici$ant used a s$indle=
sha$ed surf #oard that was %I1 cm long and 1' cm wide to navigate
an artificial waterway. The surf #oard had no $ro$ulsion of its own" so
the $artici$ants needed to use magic to arrive at the finish line. 3uring
the course" attacks on other $layers themselves or their #oards were
for#idden" #ut magic was allowed to #e cast on the water!s surface.
There was no unified set of rules for this event. This contest was
originally designed #y the navy to train Magicians" so with magic as a
$rere(uisite" it was im$ossi#le for this event to #e $o$ularized enough
to warrant a unified set of rules.
The )attle )oard $ortion of the ,ine Schools -om$etition involved
com$leting three la$s around a E km long waterway. The waterway
$ossessed straight courses and shar$ turns as well as u$hill and
waterfall $ortions.
Men and women each raced on a se$arate track" #ut there were no
nota#le differences in difficulty.
The $reliminary stage contained si rounds with four contestants each"
while the elimination stage contained two rounds with three
contestants each" with the four eliminated $layers com$eting for third
$lace. The finals were held in a duel format.
The average duration of each round was '1 minutes.
The highest s$eed may eceed E& knots 7 which is roughly 11JF&
km $er hour. 2to$ the surf #oard" the $layers had no cover against the
incoming wind. 5nlike other nautical races that could #enefit from
#eing downwind" )attle )oard was entirely against the wind. 4ust
dealing with the air resistance alone (uickly sa$$ed the $layers!
86emale contestants usually have a hard time in this event. Honoka"
how are you $hysically:8
8,o $ro#lems. +n Tatsuya=kun!s advice" I!ve #een undergoing
$hysical training. 2fter #eing selected" I!ve also lengthened my hours
of slee$.8
5nrelated to the ,ine Schools -om$etition" Tatsuya was concerned
a#out Honoka!s $hysical stamina from the first moment they met and
thus advised her to not *ust undergo magic training" #ut also $hysical
training as well. Tatsuya merely mentioned this out of hand" #ut
Honoka sur$risingly took it to heart.
8Honoka really $ut on some muscle.8
8.w" Miyuki" don!t #e like that. I don!t want to #e a female #ody
Hearing this two=sided conversation" even Tatsuya laughed aloud.
8?ou see...... .ven Tatsuya=kun laughed.8
8He!s only laughing #ecause Honoka!s s$oken in an odd manner.8
8,ow even Shizuku is saying so...... 6ine" I know when I!m #eing
ecluded. I!m not like the two of you 7 Tatsuya=kun isnMt willing to
take care of my event.8
Honoka!s sudden tantrum mystified Tatsuya so much that he couldn!t
laugh any more.
.actly why was she gunning for him now:
8......I!m res$onsi#le for Honoka!s su$$ort and maintenance during
!Mirage )at!.8
2t any rate" Tatsuya only res$onded to her literal com$laint.
8So !)attle )oard! isn!t included: <lainly" #oth of Miyuki and
Shizuku!s events are within Tatsuya=kun!s $urview......8
This seemed to have achieved the o$$osite effect.
8......Instead" I!ve hel$ed you train and strategize" so it!s not like I!m
ecluding you......8
/hile trying to *ustify himself" Tatsuya felt himself falling into a
sticky $redicament and started to stutter.
8Tatsuya=kun" Honoka=san isn!t referring to that.8
5$on seeing this" Mizuki interru$ted" #ut it didn!t sound like she
couldn!t stand this scene any longer.
8+nii=sama...... I think you!re #eing a little too slow.8
6ollowing Mizuki" it was Miyuki!s turn.
8/e!ve discovered Tatsuya=kun!s une$ected weakness.8
2nd .rika net.
Shizuku also *oined in on the attack.
5nder siege from the women" Tatsuya was struck s$eechless. He felt
that they were #eing ridiculously illogical" #ut at the same time he felt
that resistance was futile.
,ot that he got any su$$ort from the guys.
5ntil the contest #egan" Tatsuya could only $atiently endure this
/ith the waterway ready and the contestants assuming ready
$ositions" Tatsuya finally esca$ed.
+n route" he understood what Miyuki and the others were driving at.
That #eing said" understanding another!s $ro$osal was entirely
different from #eing a#le to act on it.
In the future" he needed to #e more $rudent and kee$ his mouth shut
7 Tatsuya inwardly $romised himself as he watched the four
contestants float towards the starting line.
)eing that this is on water" there!s no way to draw lines (not that
anyone could even if they wanted to).
6our $eo$le lined u$ along the $assage" with Mari standing in the
The other contestants were kneeling on one knee or #oth to $re$are to
charge" only Mari stood straight.
This scene $rimarily reflected the difference in #alance #etween the
$artici$ants" #ut from another $ers$ective" Her Ma*esty the Dueen was
lording over the other $artici$ants (not *ust the (ueen" 8Her Ma*esty8
the Dueen).
8/hoa" that woman is *ust as arrogant as usual......8
Hearing .rika!s whis$er" Tatsuya felt that she was dis$laying her
enmity 8as usual8.
Still" he had *ust vowed to 8kee$ his mouth shut8" so he refrained from
9eo and Mizuki" who were seated at .rika!s sides" also seemed
The giant screen hanging from the airshi$ in the sky dis$layed all four
of the contestants! names.
+nly Mari revealed a fearless grin.
She truly is the $erfect ty$e to $lay the antagonist!s role" Tatsuya
However" many among the female high school students would
disagree with him.
/hen the announcer res$onsi#le for identifying the $artici$ants
$roclaimed Mari!s name" the stands 7 es$ecially the front rows 7
fairly shook from feminine shrieks.
Mari waved in res$onse" which only intensified the screams.
8......9ooks like our sen$ai has a crowd of diehard fans.8
-om$ared to the young men who su$$orted Mayumi" the insanity of
this grou$ was several times more intense.
8/atana#e=sen$ai cuts a dashing figure" so I can sym$athize
Miyuki agreed from a #ystander!s $ers$ective. Ironically" after the
,ine Schools -om$etition" Miyuki would $ossess eternally loyal fans
from either gender that far outnum#ered Mayumi!s male fans and
Mari!s female fans. If she could foretell her own future" Miyuki may
resonate with the same feeling lurking #eneath Mari!s mask as she
smiled at her fans" #ut right now she couldn!t care less.
8)attle )oard8 was a contest held at the height of summer" #ut the
contestants did not wear swimsuits.
The #odysuits that tightly covered the entire #ody #ore the em#lems of
each school.
2s Mari stood a#ove the water" her hair fluttered as it hung from the
hair #and kee$ing it in $lace" $ainting a $icture that would not #e out
of $lace on the cover of a novel a#out young cavaliers.
.rika should have heard Miyuki!s words" #ut she didn!t immediately
8>et set......8
The louds$eaker sent out the signal.
2t the crack of a gun" the race was on.
8Self=detonation tactics:8
.rika murmured in dis#elief.
Tatsuya was similarly struck s$eechless.
/hen the race started" the contestant from 6ourth High detonated the
water #ehind them.
She $ro#a#ly intended to create waves to disru$t the other $layers
while riding the waves for further $ro$ulsion" #ut......
82h" she sta#ilized.8
-reating a giant tidal wave was useless if it disru$ted your own
Mari had successfully charged in the #eginning" so she wasn!t affected
#y the chaos caused #y the contestant from 6ourth High and was now
com$letely in the lead.
Mari!s surf #oard was sliding over the water!s surface.
She $ro#a#ly wasn!t using Move=Ty$e Magic to steer" #ut treated the
#oard and her $hysical #ody as one entity" or even casting magic on
two o#*ects simultaneously 7 her #ody itself and the #oard.
;egardless of which it was" this re(uired $recise target selection for
The #oard clung to the water!s surface and deftly rounded a shar$
Her sta#ility was so com$lete it was like her feet were glued to the
8So she!s re=calculating 2$$lication=Ty$e 6ortifying Magic along with
Move=Ty$e Magic.8
Tatsuya didn!t need to dissect the Magic Se(uence. He saw through
the mechanism #ased on Mari!s $osture and methods for maintaining
#alance as she coursed through the water.
86ortifying Magic:8
9eo!s ears $ricked u$ at those words and immediately asked.
This was an area that 9eo s$ecialized in" so there was no way he
wasnMt interested.
8/hat!s the target for fortification:8
8Sen$ai sta#ilized the connection #etween herself and the #oard to
avoid falling off.8
9eo ado$ted a (uestioning look $ro#a#ly #ecause he couldn!t follow
Tatsuya!s meaning.
,aturally" Tatsuya never demanded that he catch on so adroitly.
86ortifying Magic isn!t only used for strengthening an o#*ect!s
dura#ility" #ut to sta#ilize an o#*ect!s corres$onding location" do you
understand so far:8
8+f course" #ecause I use it myself.8
8/atana#e=sen$ai cast magic to sta#ilize her $osition and connected
herself to the #oard to form one o#*ect" then a$$lied Move Magic to
this now uniform !#ody! that consists of herself and the #oard. In
addition" this isn!t a sustained=ty$e magic #ut alternating #etween
6ortifying Magic and Move Magic at a$$ro$riate intervals #ased on
the changes in the terrain to deftly avoid magic overla$.8
+wing to the fact this was a magic he s$ecialized in" 9eo could
understand this was an etremely com$le techni(ue.
9eo sighed in amazement.
+n the other hand......
8?et" this method seems to #e lacking something...... True" the target
of 6ortifying Magic isn!t restricted to o#*ects formed from the same
material. Hm" given that......8
Thanks to his ha#its as an engineering $rodigy" Tatsuya fell into a
dee$ thought that would not #e out of $lace for a mad scientist.
Miyuki!s voice roused him from his contem$lation.
3uring the #rief moment where Tatsuya averted his gaze" Mari!s figure
had already disa$$eared around the #lind s$ot and was lost to sight.
Tatsuya vaguely re$lied with 8It!s nothing8 and focused his attention
#ack onto the large screen.
Mari was gliding u$ the waterways against the current.
8S$eed Magic.8
6rom her movements" she must have used a techni(ue that reversed
the vectors for acceleration.
82nd also used +scillation=Ty$e Magic" right:8
2t the same time" she em$loyed magic to create reverse waves to
lessen the water resistance.
8,icely $layed" she!s *uggling three to four magics together during re=
Tatsuya!s $raise #urst from his mouth.
,one of the magics were $articularly $owerful.
?et" the com#ined effect was unimagina#ly $owerful.
-om$ared to Mayumi" who had raised high s$eed $recision magic to
an art form to stun the audience" Mari relied on lightning fast decision
making and wide variety of tools to $aint a verita#le rain#ow of
overla$$ing magics to delight the audience.
The two of them had already far eceeded high school (uality.
2fter Mari reached the $eak" she lea$ed down the waterfall.
The moment Mari s$lashed down" an o#vious tidal wave s$lashed
The tidal wave generated #y Mari not only $ro$elled her forward" #ut
also nearly u$set the $layer in second $lace who was #ehind her.
8/hat a strategist......8
8That!s *ust a devious $ersonality revealing itself.8
.rika re$lied with an angry retort to Tatsuya!s whis$ering. Tatsuya
half agreed" so he didn!t make any $articular re#uttal. That #eing said"
8a devious $ersonality8 was high $raise for a strategist.
)efore the first la$ was even finished" Mari!s victory was all #ut
)attle )oardMs $reliminary stage was slated for today and after lunch
7 only the fourth through sith rounds were left. 2fter deciding to
watch the semifinals and finals for S$eed Shooting" Tatsuya #id
farewell to his friends.
He returned to the hotel and walked towards the rooms reserved for
higher=ranking officers. This is to fulfill the $romise he made to
Kazama last night.
Kazama held the rank of ma*or" #ut his e$eriences and the uni(ue
nature of the troo$s under his command granted him treatment a#ove
his official rank. In this suite that was normally restricted to colonels
and higher" Kazama was en*oying a (uick #reak with the officer cadre
while en*oying the tea and snacks ordered from room service.
8So you!re here" come" sit.8
Tatsuya was #rought into the room #y the soldiers on duty (not
soldiers from this #ase" #ut under Kazama!s direct command) and even
though Kazama etended a cordial invitation for him to #e seated"
Tatsuya hesitated u$on seeing who the officers were.
Tatsuya!s rank 8S$ecial 9ieutenant8 was not a 8commissioned officer8
#ut 8a non=commissioned officer recognized as a soldier #y
international standards8 ($resently" this country!s #attalions no longer
$ossessed the 8associate officer8 system). Soldiers that were not
restricted #y the military!s ranking system #ut still maintained the right
to $artici$ate on the front lines could only #e found in the Inde$endent
Magic=.(ui$$ed )attalion!s command structure during active duty.
However" even without a #uilt=in ranking system" everyone $resent
was still a su$erior officer and" more im$ortantly" an elder" so he
couldn!t casually acce$t such an invitation.
8Tatsuya" today we!re not treating you as !Strategic=-lass Magician
S$ecial 9ieutenant +oguro ;yuuya!" #ut as our good friend !Shi#a
Tatsuya!" so #eing too formal would only #e inconvenient.8
8It!s also difficult to converse with you standing all the time" so why
don!t you take a seat:8
2t this time" the two officers at the ta#le also motioned for Tatsuya to
8-a$tain Sanada" -a$tain ?anagi...... 5nderstood" $ardon my
6riendshi$ that transcended age $rom$ted Tatsuya to a#andon his
overly formal attitude to avoid #eing im$olite. 2fter a round of
greetings" he sat directly across from Kazama.
They were seated at a round ta#le.
The afternoon tea time for the Inde$endent Magic=.(ui$$ed )attalion
was for them to rela and unwind.
.ven though Tatsuya!s seat was closest to the door" the adults still
welcomed him as one of them.
86irst of all" long time no see. I know we shouldn!t use tea cu$s for
this" #ut cheers.8
8Second 9ieutenant 6u*i#ayashi" thank you.8
The female officer serving as Kazama!s ad*utant 7 more like
secretary 7 handed him a tea cu$" which Tatsuya acce$ted on a small
$late while signaling with his eyes.
Today" she was in casual clothes rather than in uniform" which gave
off the aura of 8a young secretary from a ma*or cor$oration8.
,ot *ust her" #ut everyone was in suits or casual gar# where the shirts
didn!t match the *acket.
8In reality" we met earlier" #ut let!s cut 6u*i#ayashi some slack.8
83r. ?amanaka" you don!t need to force yourself.8
8,o" I!m not that unsocia#le to ruin the moment when we raise cu$s to
cele#rate our reunion.8
8......The doctor!s *ust looking for a reason to $our some #randy into
the teacu$s" right:8
8The situation demands alcohol.8
8;eally...... I thought !doctors not treating themselves! meant
something else entirely......8
The one who leisurely re$lied to -a$tain ?anagi!s confusion was
doctor and first class healer 7 -om#at Medic ?amanaka.
Including Kazama" there were 1 $eo$le in total who shook their heads
in eas$eration" which were all the officers from the Inde$endent
Magic=.(ui$$ed )attalion who greeted Tatsuya.
8-a$tain ?anagi" Second 9ieutenant 6u*i#ayashi" it!s #een a while.
-a$tain Sanada" thanks for your recent su$$ort.8
Tatsuya started off with greeting the two he hadn!t seen for some time"
then finished with thanking -a$tain Sanada who assisted him at the
#ase last month.
8,o" I!m the one who should #e thanking you. +nly you are ca$a#le of
handling !Third .ye!s! long range $recision targeting system.8
8That!s #ecause that -23 was originally designed for this one to
use...... S$eaking of which" 3octor ?amanaka" I haven!t received the
eamination results from last time.8
8......Tatsuya" am I the only one #eing treated differently:8
83octor...... I don!t think anyone could view a doctor who directly
asked for $ermission to conduct human e$erimentation in a $ositive
6u*i#ayashi retorted at ?amanaka!s words.
?amanaka deli#erately turned his head to one side.
9aughter suffused the round ta#le.
Though they claimed that it had #een a while" in reality it!s not like
they haven!t seen each other for years.
?anagi was the one who had #een a#sent the longest at a$$roimately
si months" while Sanada and ?amanaka were last seen a#out a month
The to$ic naturally turned to a sit re$ where they conversed a#out the
criminal organization that may seek to act during the ,ine Schools
4ust as they had discussed over the $hone" the malefactors from last
night were $art of 8,o=Head 3ragon8. 5nfortunately" they still had no
information regarding the grou$!s intent and goals. That #eing said"
any one of the five $eo$le here (es$ecially ?amanaka) could easily
o#tain results if they were in charge of interrogations" #ut currently
they didn!t want to $roactively *oin the investigation.
8Still" that was (uite the show you $ut on last night" or were you
$re$ared ahead of time:8
8The Ma*or overestimates this one!s a#ilities" this one only caught
wind of their $resence while out on a stroll.8
8That late:8
8)ecause -23 maintenance ran over time.8
+wing to their similar age" the one Tatsuya s$oke with the most in this
grou$ was of course Second 9ieutenant 6u*i#ayashi. Thanks to her
military training" she $ossessed a magnificent figure that most $eo$le
dared not to look at too o$enly" yet her amica#le attitude and mundane
wardro#e and make u$ allowed Tatsuya to comforta#ly converse with
8,o wonder you!re $artici$ating as a mem#er of the technician team.
3o your teammates know a#out !Silver!:8
8,egative" that remains a secret.8
Tatsuya shook his head as he re$lied to ?amanaka!s (uestion.
8>iven the class difference" am I the only one who thinks that you
serving as a -23 engineer in a high school contest constitutes
8-a$tain Sanada" Tatsuya is a #ona fide high school student.8
Sanada grinned as he #rought u$ a legitimate com$laint. 6u*i#ayashi
smiled as well as she deflected Sanada!s comment and turned #ack to
8/hy didn!t you enter as a $artici$ant: I think that you would en*oy
considera#le success with your flash cast a#ilities. If necessary" even
ecluding !Material )urst!" you at least have !Mist 3is$ersal! to fall
#ack on.8
8,o" not only are #oth !Material )urst! and !Mist 3is$ersal! classified"
their destructive $ower also eceeds the limits set #y the com$etition.
In addition" !Material )urst! is only accessi#le with !Third .ye!.8
8)ut you #rought the !Trident! along" right:8
8That!s also against the rules" s$ecifically the ones regarding
com$etition=use -23s. 6urthermore" flash cast is one of the ?otsu#a
6amily!s secret techni(ues.8
Tatsuya smiled wryly as he refuted 6u*i#ayashi!s suggestion.
Immediately afterwards" ?anagi continued in a hel$less toneA
86u*i#ayashi...... ?ou!re actually suggesting we use Strategic=level
!3isintegration! Magic 7 !Material )urst! in a high school
com$etition. I!m calling shenanigans.8
8I also don!t #elieve that there will #e an o$$ortunity to use !Material
)urst! in the ,ine Schools -om$etition. However" in last year!s
com$etition" the scion of the 4uumon*i 6amily used !<halan! and the
young lady from the Saegusa 6amily cast !Magic Shooter!" so I don!t
think using !Mist 3is$ersal! is out of #ounds.8
86u*i#ayashi=san" the 4uumon*i 6amily!s !<halan! a#ility is defensive
magic" so there!s no destructive $ower involved. 9ikewise" the greatest
advantage in the Saegusa 6amily!s !Magic Shooter! is its sheer
flei#ility in force a$$lied" so its destructive $ower also varies. +n the
other hand" !Mist 3is$ersal! is indis$uta#ly an 2=rank magic in
destructive $ower that is a#le to reduce an o#*ect down to its
molecular level" so they cannot #e com$ared side #y side.8
82ha" -a$tain Sanada" didn!t you know: 3estructive $ower is only
measured in the events of the ,ine Schools -om$etition that could
affect the $layers themselves" so S$eed Shooting and Icicle
3estruction are not within its *urisdiction. Interestingly enough" the
hand#ook that em$hasizes safety first glosses over this $oint.8
The ,ine Schools -om$etition was changed to the current format '&
years ago. +f all the $eo$le $resent who had $artici$ated in the ,ine
Schools -om$etition" the only who had fought under the current rules
was 6u*i#ayashi" who assisted Second High in claiming the crown in
her year.
4ust as the two of them were a#out to em#ark u$on a heated de#ate
regarding their s$ecialties" Kazama halted them in their tracks.
8;egardless" we cannot reveal any magic that constitutes a military
secret #efore so many witnesses" so there!s no $oint in discussing this"
is there:8
Kazama intervened in his su#ordinates! de#ate like a man fighting off
a headache.
Suddenly" his face assumed an emotionless mask as he turned on
Tatsuya in a voice like cold steelA
8S$eaking of which" Tatsuya" you understand that if you are called
u$on to serve as a $artici$ant......8
8Ma*or" this one understands. If forced into a situation where !Mist
3is$ersal! must #e de$loyed" this one will choose to forfeit and acce$t
his defeat.8
.ven with the sword still in its sca##ard" Tatsuya could still tell the
difference #etween real #lades and #okkens. 2t any rate" seeing
Kazama!s serious attitude with a merciless #lade lurking #ehind him"
there was no way Tatsuya could misread Kazama!s intention.
Kazama and Tatsuya #oth learned from the same master and there was
a definite #ond of friendshi$ #etween the two. ?et" their mutual
a$$renticeshi$ and friendshi$ were not the first $riority in Kazama!s
mind. If necessary" Kazama would a#andon Tatsuya without any
hesitation" and Tatsuya would do likewise.
8......However" this one cannot imagine any situation where he would
#e forced to $artici$ate as a $layer.8
8That!s a mental #lock. So long as you understand the situation.8
2mong everyone else!s laughter" Kazama and Tatsuya fied each other
with an intense look and ended the conversation.
2s the saying goes" 8only >od knows8" #ut even with this in mind"
Tatsuya!s $ers$ective was the more logical $ossi#ility. )oth of them
were of one mind on that $oint.
,evertheless" neither Kazama nor Tatsuya were com$letely confident
in Tatsuya!s assessment of his own $redicament.
8Tatsuya=kun" over here" over hereB8
This was the com$etition location for the /omen!s S$eed Shooting
event. 2fter #idding farewell to Kazama!s grou$ and leaving their tea
#reak" Tatsuya returned to find the stands #ereft of s$are seats. 2s he
searched through the crowd for his friends" .rika found him first and
called out to him.
8The .lite .ight must #e that $o$ular.8
Tatsuya waded through the crowds and sat down net to .rika.
8That!s #ecause the <resident is on net 7 the other rounds don!t have
nearly as many s$ectators.8
Tatsuya!s words were only his $rivate thoughts murmured aloud" #ut
Miyuki" who was comforta#ly installed on Tatsuya!s other side"
$olitely res$onded.
This time" the sitting order was like thisA Miyuki sat #ehind 9eo"
Mizuki was #ehind .rika" Honoka #ehind Tatsuya" and Shizuku
#ehind Miyuki.
8Honoka" am I in your way:8
Tatsuya had hit a growth s$urt since entering high school and was now
nearly 'I& cm ('NI cm to #e $recise)" and even with the difference in
seating height" he was still worried that he was com$letely ecli$sing
Honoka!s view.
However" Honoka grinned as she shook her head at Tatsuya" who had
turned around to ask.
8Is that so...... )y the way" where!s Mikihiko:8
8He said he wasn!t feeling well" so went #ack to his room to rest.8
2s .rika re$lied to Tatsuya!s in(uiry" her e$ression clearly added a
8how useless8 afterthought.
8He!s likely affected #y aniety. I would $ro#a#ly faint if I wasn!t
wearing my glasses.8
Mizuki s$oke on Mikihiko!s #ehalf.
,o wonder" Tatsuya thought" this was a natural side effect for those
who with acute senses.
He was highly interested in their res$ective emotional states" #ut o$ted
to leave it #e for now.
The instant Mayumi a$$eared on the shooting $latform" a storm of
cheers shook the o#servation area.
The screens $laced around the o#servation deck flashed the words
8Silence <lease8" causing the cheers to die out immediately.
/ith the a#sence of any sound" the aniety level s$iked.
Tatsuya $itied her o$$onent a little.
;egardless of the com$etition" when facing a su$erstar" there was
always added stress and aniety.
May#e he was concerned on the o$$onent!s #ehalf.
2s if com$letely tuning out the s$ectators! cheers" Mayumi flicked the
safety off for the rifle=sha$ed -23 and $re$ared herself for the match.
The tournament used lights to signal the start of the match.
6rom the .lite .ight onwards" the contest format resorted to duels. 2
hundred red targets and a hundred white targets were fired into the air
and the victor was decided #y who destroyed more of their designated
2ctually" so long as no targets were shot forth #y the machine" the
round hadn!t started yet.
.ven so" for S$eed Shooting $layers" the five signal lights remained
the horn that sounded the commencement.
The first light flashed.
The lights gradually increased. +nce they hit the $eak" $orcelain discs
#egan filling the sky.
The white discs danced through the sky.
Mayumi!s target color was red.
The red=tinted targets all shattered the moment they entered firing
Tatsuya $rivately agreed with the sighs coming from #ehind him.
It was truly im$ressive.
6rom a strategic $ers$ective" this wasn!t the most efficient method.
)y taking down your own targets" your o$$onent wouldn!t have to
worry a#out accidentally gifting you $oints. The o$$onent could fire
at any target they could see.
However" Mayumi!s overwhelming $ower rendered this tactic moot.
Honoka let out a gas$.
Shizuku made no noise" #ut from her #reathing $atterns" she was no
less astounded.
8The !Magic Shooter!...... Is even faster than last year.8
Tatsuya!s eyes were locked onto the flying discs and nodded at
Miyuki!s words.
6or red discs o#scured #y the white discs in the sky" the ice $articles
shot through them 8from #elow8.
They weren!t homing $ro*ectiles" as no one would test their luck with
such inefficient magics.
This long range magic was attacking the red discs with ice $articles
from locations that were not o#structed #y white discs.
She wasn!t creating magic #ullets" #ut shooting them 7 hence the
name 8Magic Shooter8.
There were many magic a#ilities that could affect targets at long
In the S$eed Shooting contest" Mayumi!s use of #ullets to sni$e the
target was actually the ece$tion. Mainstream tactics involved casting
+scillation=Ty$e Magic on the discs themselves to shatter them" or
a$$lying Move=Ty$e Magic to have the discs collide into one another.
Magic is not ham$ered #y $hysical o#stacles" so discs that are usually
o#scured from sight don!t actually re(uire a s$ecial skill to destroy.
In that case" why was the so=called 8Magic Shooter8 who s$ecialized
in using magic #ullets from long distances de$loyed in this contest:
/hat was her advantage:
The answer was that this magic allowed the user to strike from the
#lind s$ots outside of her o$$onent!s casting range.
6or eam$le" assume that #oth $layers are using +scillation=Ty$e
Magic on the discs in the same S$eed Shooting round.
/hen the red and white discs are in close $roimity" the two magics
may interfere with one another and cause an un$redicta#le result R
such as fizzling altogether or releasing ultrasonic shock waves.
/hen casting magic in the same general vicinity as other Magicians
on the same long distance targets" one must carefully select the firing
$osition and then a$$ly strong interference.
The duel format for S$eed Shooting was originally designed to test
magic invocation s$eed and Magic <ower" #ut with Mayumi sni$ing
the targets from #eyond her o$$onent!s firing range" she effectively
created a $ocket of s$ace where she was casting magic without
Her o$$onent naturally en*oyed the same advantage.
In that case" the duel was decided solely on s$eed and $recision
In terms of s$eed and $recision targeting" Mayumi!s Magic <ower
ranked among the foremost in the world.
High school students sim$ly couldn!t com$are.
The first day!s round of 8S$eed Shooting8 went as everyone $redicted"
with Mayumi earning a crushing victory in the /omen!s 3ivision and
the Men!s 3ivision also securing 6irst <lace.
8-ongratulations" <residentB8
Mayumi smiled widely as she nodded to acce$t 2zusa!s $raise.
8Thank you" Mari also advanced into the semifinals.8
She shifted her gaze to the side.
8-urrently" everything is going according to $lan.8
In her line of sight" Mari nodded in res$onse.
2s the night dee$ened" after catching a #ite and some time in the #ath"
the only thing left was $ro$er rest to restore what was lost during the
day" so the female mem#ers (including the <u#lic Morals -ommittee
-hief) all congregated in Mayumi!s room.
The first day!s events were over and Mayumi still had to com$ete
tomorrow" so they could save the official cele#rations until after they
seized the crown. <resently" they only raised cu$s of *uice to cele#rate.
The reason only women were $resent was #ecause of time constraints.
Still" it wasn!t like they were $lanning on a $a*ama $arty" so even if
men were $resent it wouldn!t #e an issue.
>iven that" the reason why only women were $resent was #ecause R
8It got tense for a #it" #ut Hattori managed to $ull through.8
4ust as Mari!s lifeless words im$lied" victory for the Men!s 3ivision
was not assured. 8S$eed Shooting8 secured 6irst <lace as $redicted"
#ut the 8)attle )oard8 $reliminaries turned out to #e a hard fought
8Seems like the -23 wasn!t $ro$erly ad*usted for him. 2fter the
round" Kinoshita=sen$ai and I were #oth working on it" #ut......8
8It wasn!t finished.8
Hearing 2zusa!s words" Suzune eamined the maintenance re$orts
from all mem#ers from her terminal.
8Kinoshita!s skills aren!t #ad......8
82las" they!re not ece$tional either.8
Mayumi stuck u$ in Kinoshita!s defense" #ut could only smile #itterly
at Mari!s direct analysis. Still" 2zusa felt that this assessment was
overly critical.
8/ell...... I don!t think Kinoshita=sen$ai is at fault here. I feel that
Hattori=kun!s #een out of sorts since arriving here.8
8/hat I!m a#out to say may #e harsh" #ut it is also u$ to the technician
to take the $layer!s mental status into account.8
?et" Mari swiftly re*ected this defense.
8That may #e true...... )ut......8
Mari was right in that this was the technician!s duty" #ut the $layer
also had a res$onsi#ility towards their own mental $re$aration.
2zusa thought of this" #ut ke$t it to herself.
8+K" Mari. Sto$ $icking on 2=chan.8
Mari!s logic regarding $layers and 2zusa!s logic regarding technicians
weren!t right or wrong" #ut frankly $arallel to one another. This
re(uired the leadershi$ to intervene.
86ortunately" Hattori=kun doesn!t have to com$ete tomorrow" so it!s u$
to the two of them to work it out...... Still" now the (uestion #ecomes
what are we going to do with the $layers Kinoshita=kun is res$onsi#le
for tomorrow:8
8Kinoshita=kun is the secondary technician for the /omen!s !-rowd
)all!. Since he is the #acku$" I think that we!ll still #e +K without
8?eah...... /ith Izumi there" I think we!ll #e +K......8
8Isn!t leaving everything to Izumi too risky: There are si locations
for -rowd )all and two $eo$le a$$earing at the same location in the
first round" and three $eo$le advance during the first round" then all
three are in the second round at the same time. /hile Mayumi can
cover for herself" this scenario naturally assumes the two others
re(uire -23 maintenance. .ven if there is a larger interval #etween
rounds" we still wouldn!t have enough time #ased on our initial
estimates. /asn!t that the whole $oint for having assistant technicians
in the first $lace:8
Suzune su$$orted Mayumi!s decision #ut Mari looked reluctant. Her
$rotest was #orn of the $rofound understanding of the im$ortance of
-23 maintenance and not disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing" #ut
#ringing u$ a valid argument for de#ate. 2ssigning shorthanded
$ersonnel was *ust such a difficult task.
8/hy don!t we $ull the Men!s assistant technician" Ishida" over to
dou#le as the /omen!s assistant technician:8
The /omen!s com$etition was in the morning while the Men!s
com$etition was in the afternoon" so Suzune!s suggestion was valid
from a scheduling $oint of view" #ut Mayumi vetoed it.
8If he had to $erform maintenance during the morning and afternoon"
that!s too heavy of a workload for Ishida=kun. !-rowd )all! is the event
with the highest num#er of rounds on that day.8
8Then" can we call on Shi#a=kun" who has no $layers scheduled for
events for the net two days:8
2fter a #rief moment of consideration" Mayumi nodded in agreement
towards Suzune!s $ro$osal.
8......That might #e for the #est. Then" Miyuki=chan" can you alert
Tatsuya=kun for us:8
8+f course.8
Miyuki smiled as she nodded her head to acce$t Mayumi!s re(uest.
6or Miyuki" any o$$ortunity for her +nii=sama to shine was more than
8......,o wonder you visited at this hour.8
2lthough they were si#lings" this wasn!t the time for young ladies to
visit rooms #elonging to those of the o$$osite gender.
Tatsuya waved Miyuki to sit on the #ed and hel$lessly murmured.
8......3id I inconvenience you" +nii=sama:8
Miyuki fidgeted as she watched Tatsuya nervously.
8,o" thank you for notifying me" #ut......8
5ntil now" so long as Miyuki had that $articular look in her eyes"
Tatsuya never took a hard line with her.
8.ven at a hotel" this isn!t the time for young women to leave their
rooms #y themselves" right: 2lso" there!s #een a few incidents lately"
so sus$icious individuals may #e lurking in the corridors.8
2t the very least" this was a military facility" so the security was much
more intense than first class civilian hotels.
Miyuki felt that this was an eaggeration" #ut was very $leased that
Tatsuya was worried a#out her.
8?es" +nii=sama" I a$ologize.8
8I!m $retty sure there!s something wrong with smiling and a$ologizing
at the same time......8
Tatsuya com$lained as he also smiled. ;ather than calling his earlier
words a scolding" they didn!t even (ualify as com$laints. +n to$ of
that" Tatsuya dearly loved Miyuki" so he would never harshly
re$rimand his little sister.
82t any rate" thank you for letting me know" I!ll escort you #ack to
your room.8
Tatsuya rose from his chair #ut Miyuki frantically stood u$ and waved
her hands.
8,o" I can go #ack #y myself. Isn!t +nii=sama #usy right now: I!ve
already interru$ted your work" so I shouldn!t take u$ any more of your
8/hile I was in the middle of something" this was more for leisure
than anything else" so don!t worry a#out it.8
Tatsuya closed the lid of the note$ad terminal as if he wanted to avoid
letting his sister see it.
8)ut" wasn!t that a -23 code:8
Miyuki wasn!t fluent with hardware" #ut under Tatsuya!s influence" she
had a decent gras$ of software s$ecifications.
She was una#le to fully deci$her the meaning with *ust one glance" #ut
#ased on the serial num#ers and coding language" she could identify
the code for 2ctivation Se(uences.
8This little thing isn!t related to the com$etition itself" so there!s no
$ro#lem if I set it aside for now. 2lso" the code itself is more like a toy
than anything else.8
82...... toy:8
8I came u$ with a new idea for a close com#at wea$on" #ut there!s
almost no $ractical value in it #esides shocking the o$$onent a little.
.ven if I com$leted it" there!s no market for it.8
8If that!s the case" it still (ualifies as $ioneering new magic" right: I
don!t think +nii=sama!s inventions are $ointless.8
8<ro#a#ly reserved for entertainment $ur$oses...... 2nyways" this isn!t
$articularly im$ortant" so there!s no rush to finish. ?ou are" of course"
!first $riority!.8
8+h dear...... ;eally" +nii=sama" you actually said that I!m !more
Seeing his sister clas$ her face in #oth hands and lower her head"
Tatsuya $lainly felt something odd had occurred.
2$$arently" his earlier words had gone in a com$letely mystifying
(She got the literal meaning right" #ut somewhere a fatal language
error must have occurred......)
This confusion could not #e dis$elled immediately" #ut Tatsuya still
sna$$ed out of it faster than Miyuki.
8......9et!s head out.8
8?es" +nii=sama...... 2nd...... Miyuki is the same as +nii=sama.8
8Miyuki also sees +nii=sama as the most im$ortant $erson.8
9ooks like his sister was still out of it 7 he ho$ed.
;ight now" Tatsuya clung onto that #elief.
Chapter 6
The second day of the ,ine Schools -om$etition.
/earing the *acket of the technician team" Tatsuya stood near 6irst
High!s $avilion in the com$etition area.
Since the colors ceremony" this was the second time he wore this
*acket (only $artici$ants were $resent for the o$ening ceremony).
Including the suit he wore for the meet and greet" and this *acket" he
was una#le to dis$el that uncomforta#le feeling.
Still" Tatsuya knew that this was mandatory" so he had to get
accustomed to this.
8/hat is it: In a #ad mood:8
8,o" it!s nothing. /hy would you think so" <resident:8
Tatsuya solemnly re$lied to Mayumi!s (uestion" #ut was inwardly
Tatsuya #elieved that his $oker face was flawless" #ut was he really so
easy to read:
8HmJ I wonder why:8
8Hold on" you shouldn!t #e asking such a vague (uestion either......8
Tatsuya felt $owerless" #ut only mentally.
9ooks like the reason wasn!t #ecause he was telegra$hing his feelings
or that his #reathing $atterns gave him away.
However" Mayumi #eing a#le to $in$oint Tatsuya!s thoughts without
any warning was far more terrifying and almost threatening.
8Ignoring that for the moment" is there anything you need" <resident:8
Tatsuya set aside this matter for now 7 not like he could do anything
even if he was concerned 7 and in(uired why Mayumi sought him
out #efore the contest #egan.
84ust checking on your status...... 3id you memorize all the data:8
The decision to a$$oint Tatsuya as the assistant technician for the
/omen!s 8-rowd )all8 was made on the s$ot last night" so in order
for Tatsuya to ade(uately ad*ust the $layers! -23s" he had to
hurriedly memorize every $layer!s $sion s$ecifications.
8?es" I did.8
8?es" I did.8
2fter Tatsuya re$eated the eact same" #rief statement twice" Mayumi
stared at him with her eyes wide in shock.
8This might seem like hindsight...... )ut Tatsuya=kun is amazing. ?ou
don!t ha$$en to have instantaneous recall or $hotogra$hic memory" do
8-om$ared to you" I rather have a more ty$ical Magic <ower.8
86rom a student!s $ers$ective" that!s an im$ossi#le luury.8
+#viously" Mayumi was guaranteed a s$ot in the magic universities
without taking the entrance eams" #ut she still said this.
72ccom$anied #y her using #oth hands to ru# her $uffed u$ cheeks.
8Hm: /hat!s wrong:8
Tatsuya started massaging his tem$les using his thum# and inde
finger while Mayumi slightly tilted her head to one side.
8<resident" are you...... ,ever mind.8
Tatsuya originally wanted to say 82re you actually this way and not
acting:8" #ut forci#ly swallowed those words 7 which was a wise
8......Isn!t the contest a#out to start:8
8Indeed" let!s go.8
8I said" let!s go:8
8......?eah" you!re right.8
-23 cali#ration was for#idden while the contest was ongoing" #ut
cali#ration might #e necessary immediately after the round was over.
That!s why it was $erfectly natural for the technician to follow the
contestant around rather than waiting #y the $avilion 7 even so" there
was no need to $roceed into the court at the same time" #ut Tatsuya
walked alongside Mayumi the entire way.
8Miyuki=chan is at the o#servation deck:8
This was the first thing she said as they walked together.
8She went to watch !Icicle 3estruction!.8
Mayumi!s (uestion didn!t cause Tatsuya to think 8/hy do you ask:8"
#ut rather 8ItMs this (uestion again:8.
8So...... The two of you actually act inde$endently sometimes.8
Tatsuya was careful to kee$ his e$ression neutral and not allow his
dis$leasure to show at this answer" whereas Mayumi nodded in an
e$ressive manner.
Tatsuya felt somewhat misera#le.
8......In your eyes" are we attached at the hi$:8
His e$ression was $ro#a#ly thoroughly misera#le.
Mayumi hurriedly shook her hands in denial.
82h" no" I know that!s not the case. I know that you two are a$art
while running errands for the Student -ouncil and during class" so"
how do I $ut it...... <erce$tion" it!s all a matter of $erce$tionB8
8<resident...... 6or Magicians" $erce$tion is reality.8
The increasingly humid and heavy gaze $rom$ted Mayumi to #reak
out into an invisi#le sweat.
The heavy atmos$here $ersisted until the two of them reached the
+nce they reached the arena" Tatsuya felt that this would negatively
im$act morale" so he forci#ly reined in his e$ressions.
?et" when Mayumi took off her cooling *acket (a s$orts *acket with a
#uilt=in cooling system #ased on thermodynamics)" Tatsuya!s $oker
face almost sli$$ed.
8......2re you wearing that in the com$etition:8
Mayumi!s matter of fact nod caused Tatsuya to feel a headache
82re you really wearing that uniform during the com$etition:8
8.h" is it strange: ......3oes it not suit me:8
8............It suits you $erfectly.8
8Is that so......: Tee hee" thank you for your com$liment.8
Mayumi ha$$ily started stretching" while Tatsuya carefully scrutinized
her one more time for verification.
,o matter how he looked at it" his eyes didn!t deceive him.
<olo shirt $aired with miniskirt could only #e descri#ed as a tennis
uniform" which was more attentive to the latest fashions than
com$etitive $racticality.
9eaning slightly would cause the skirt to sway and reveal the $etticoat
8-rowd )all8 was a $hysically demanding s$ort.
The shooting device uses com$ressed air to shoot a F cm diameter #all
with low elasticity which $layers used rackets or magic to send
towards the o$$osing courts" with the num#er of goals determining the
victor. .ach round lasted three minutes in a court encased within a
trans$arent #o. .very twenty seconds" another #all would #e
introduced to the mi with a total of 0 #alls in $lay in the end" leaving
the $layers no time to catch their #reath.
<layers usually wore T=shirts and shorts" though some o$ted to wear
el#ow and knee $rotectors to hel$ with diving.
If wielding magic alone" there would #e no need for running or
wearing $rotective gear" though $layers that forgo the racket usually
wear more $rotective gear on the court.
5sually" no one would wear clothing that would leave their lim#s
(Then again" given who this is" her dictionary $ro#a#ly doesn!t contain
the word 8im$ossi#le8.)
Tatsuya arrived at this conclusion after a moment of o#servation and
acce$ted this facet of reality.
8Tatsuya=kun...... 2re you contem$lating something im$olite:8
8I wouldn!t dare. ?ou don!t need a racket:8
This $iercing accusation forced Tatsuya to sideste$ (uickly and ado$t
a more formal tone to change the to$ic.
8?eah" this is my usual style.8
6or a moment" Tatsuya thought she was referring to the 8tennis
uniform8 style" #ut Mayumi o#viously meant a style that 8only relied
on magic8.
8/hich -23 are you using:8
8This one.8
2fter Mayumi s$oke" she $ulled out a handgun=sha$ed S$ecialized
The gun #arrel was fairly short" hence it was commonly known as the
8short model8 while a select minority referred to them as the 8civilian
model8 (Tatsuya!s -23 was a 8long #arrel8" which the select minority
referred to as the 8car#ine model8).
Handgun and rifle=ty$e -23s were #oth e(ui$$ed with aim modifiers
in the gun #arrel. The 8gun #arrel8 was actually the location of the
targeting reticle for magic calculation (the relative coordinates for the
.idos within the information dimension) that functioned like a motion
The longer the gun #arrel of the -23" the greater the em$hasis $laced
on the aim modifier.
+n the other hand" for Magicians that only cared a#out the activation
s$eed of S$ecialized -23s and didn!t re(uire any aim modification"
the short model $rovided everything they could $ossi#ly want.
8I recall that the <resident usually ran >eneralized -23s:8
8That!s usually the case" #ut I!m only using one this time.8
Mayumi!s comment was very a#stract" #ut Tatsuya correctly
inter$reted this to mean 8Since this contest only re(uires one magic" I
chose a S$ecialized model8.
8Move=Ty$e Magic: +r ;everse S$eed Magic:8
8-orrect" it!s !Multi$le )ounce!.8
Mayumi was carefully stretching" so she didn!t $lay coy with Tatsuya
#efore answering his (uestion.
8Tatsuya=kun" could you give me a hand:8
8,o $ro#lem.8
Mayumi sat on the ground with #oth legs s$read and Tatsuya gently
$ushed her #ack.
/ith $ractically no resistance" her chest was $ressed against the
85sing multi$le #ounces to take advantage of the kinetic energy
vectors...... )ut wouldn!t relying only on this magic $ose a
considera#le risk: If the inelastic #alls lose momentum along the floor
or walls" you would have no way of sending them #ack to the other
Tatsuya could feel some #ody heat flowing across his $alm as he
softly whis$ered a warning.
8HmB Hm hm hm...... /hew" I also $re$ared a few other S$eed=Ty$e
Magics" #ut I never resorted to them last year.8
She s$oke nonchalantly" #ut this re(uired a significant difference in
strength to fuel this confidence.
+nce again" Tatsuya realized how incredi#ly $owerful Mayumi was
com$ared to everyone else.
8That!s fine.8
Mayumi stretched to the left and right four times then informed
Tatsuya to let go.
Tatsuya straightened and #acked off a few ste$s whereas Mayumi
closed her legs and raised a hand towards him as she looked at him.
Initially" Tatsuya wasn!t certain what Mayumi wanted" #ut once he
noticed her watching him intently with an increasingly dis$leased
e$ression" he (uickly got the message.
Tatsuya came around to her front and gras$ed her outstretched hand.
2 dainty" delicate hand.
/ith a soft tug" Mayumi rolled handily to her feet.
8Thank you.8
8,o" you!re welcome.8
Tatsuya $ersonally felt that his res$onse was very cordial" #ut for
some reason Mayumi was very ha$$y.
8HmJ /hat a novel feeling.8
That comment came out of the #lue.
Tatsuya re$lied on refle and Mayumi smiled in res$onse.
8I have older #rothers and young sisters" #ut no younger #rother.8
Tatsuya was aware of this.
5nlike the ?otsu#a 6amily that was shrouded in secrecy" the Saegusa
6amily was always in the $u#lic eye.
.very #irthday for the children drew crowds of guests to cele#rate in
grandiose fashion.
This only re(uired a cursory investigation of the mem#ers of the
Saegusa 6amily" so it wasn!t very difficult.
If he remem#ered correctly" #esides two older #rothers" she also had a
$air of twin sisters in Ith grade.
8Tatsuya=kun never treated me differently" right:8
8I $ersonally don!t #elieve I!m $retending to #e overly familiar with
the <resident......8
/ary of falling into a tra$" Tatsuya re$lied cautiously" #ut Mayumi
laughed lightly.
8That!s not what I meant. ?ou wouldn!t #e on guard against me"
flustered" or uneasy" right:8
Ignoring the first one for now" wouldn!t the latter two only occur under
conditions that Mayumi had created herself: Tatsuya thought #ut
didn!t ver#alize.
8?ou address me with the $ro$er honorifics" #ut in reality you!re not
#eing overly $olite either. I thought you were a cold $erson" #ut you
still go along with my selfish re(uests" so I think this is what it would
#e like to have a younger #rother.8
Tatsuya involuntarily widened his eyes at Mayumi.
Indeed" ecluding her height" Mayumi had a well=rounded $ersonality"
a sur$risingly feminine side and" while it was hard to notice" she did
care a#out others in her own way so she fit the #ill for an 8older sister8
?et" in all honesty" having an older sister like that would $ro#a#ly
mean a lifetime of stress.
8......Heaven knows" I only have a little sister after all.8
8That!s true.8
Mayumi smiled serenely as she gazed at Tatsuya. This smile was
enough to cause $eo$le to sus$ect she had forgotten the contest
2cutely uncomforta#le" Tatsuya looked for an o$$ortunity to esca$e.
8.cuse me" I think I should check on the other $layers! status.8
8There!s no need.8
5nfortunately" with the intercession from a third $arty" his $lan of
egress was dashed.
82ra" Izumin.8
8Saegusa...... ?ou!re still u$ to your usual name=calling.8
The $erson who looked like she was fighting off a migraine was a
female student wearing the same ty$e of *acket as Tatsuya. She was a
Erd ?ear student in the technician team 7 ;ika Izumi.
8/ould you $refer ;ika=chan:8
8?ou!re doing this on $ur$oseB .h" forget it" *ust call me Izumin.8
8So Izumi=sen$ai" what do you mean #y there!s no need:8
Tatsuya had already learned this lesson@ $laying word games with
Mayumi was a ceaseless struggle.
He com$letely disregarded Mayumi and Izumi!s echange and focused
only on the first sentence.
8Hm: +h...... Tatsuya=kun" you go ahead and take care of Saegusa!s
contest" I!ll handle the other side.8
The female student called Izumi did not e$ress a favora#le attitude
towards Tatsuya!s inclusion on the technician team.
;ather than #eing elitist" her $ro#lem likely arose from $ride.
She $ro#a#ly #elieved that she was ca$a#le of handling the situation
even without Tatsuya!s assistance.
8Is that so" I understand.8
In reality" Tatsuya really wanted to #eat a swift retreat" #ut since the
division of la#or was so clearly defined" he had no way out.
So Tatsuya nodded without making any further comment.
8Then it!s u$ to you.8
Izumi left those words as a footnote and (uickly de$arted.
8She!s not a #ad $erson......8
Mayumi euded a $owerless aura as she watched Izumi!s de$arting
figure" #ut the soft words that she s$oke for Tatsuya!s #enefit went in
one ear and out the other.
;egardless of what course of action Izumi took and how Mayumi tried
to defend her" #oth were utterly immaterial to Tatsuya.
8-rowd )all8 was a s$ort that shared many similarities with tennis and
rac(uet#all" #ut there were no serving rules.
.ach session lasted three minutes with a three minute #reak tucked in
#etween sessions" with a total of three sessions $er round (the Men!s
3ivision had five sessions).
2fter a signal announced the start of the contest" #alls shot forth #y
com$ressed air would #e released every %& seconds and an insane
flurry of #alls would ensue until the ending signal.
7>enerally" that was the case.
However" the contest unfolding #efore Tatsuya!s eyes was not so.
Mayumi!s o$$onent mirrored her in that they only chose to wield
2s e$ected of the $artici$ants who signed u$ for this contest" they
had an ece$tional gras$ of Move=Ty$e Magic.
Her o$$onent seemed to rely on $hysical movement to com$lement
her $erce$tion and hurriedly aimed the short model handgun=sha$ed
-23 that she held in #oth hands at each #all.
The #alls caught in the Move=Ty$e Magic changed direction #efore
they fell into her half of the court and flew towards Mayumi!s half of
the court in an unnatural arc 7 and re#ounded at dou#le the s$eed
once they $assed across the net.
.very #all. /ith no ece$tion.
Mayumi stood in the center of the court and held her -23 in #oth
hands #efore her chest.
2s she held her -23 as if she was $raying" Mayumi!s eyes glinted
with a mysterious light as she gazed slightly downwards.
4ust this alone was sufficient to deny her o$$onent from scoring a
single $oint.
Gisually" the distance was roughly '& cm.
That was how far her o$$onent!s #alls were allowed to invade her
Mayumi!s magic did not make any $recise ad*ustments to the #alls.
,either did she aim for her o$$onent!s #lind s$ots" #ut $urely re*ected
every #all #ack towards her o$$onent. Towards every tra*ectory that
her o$$onent altered" she retaliated from every angle with what must
#e an incredi#ly difficult magic.
?et" the only one relentlessly scoring was Mayumi.
The score was a com$lete landslide without Mayumi yielding a single
/hen the whistle sounded for the end of the first session" Mayumi!s
o$$onent $owerlessly fell to her knees on the court.
This crum#ling motion $erfectly reflected her o$$onent!s
overwhelming des$air.
Mayumi a$$eared $erfectly calm and collected as she wielded her
magic with a ma*estic flair" #ut her emotions were nowhere near as
Hearing the whistle" she couldn!t hel$ #ut let out a long sigh of relief.
3uring this contest" she felt herself fall into a #itter struggle.
She wasn!t #eing conceited" #ut she knew from a $urely o#*ective
sense that her Magic <ower far outstri$$ed her o$$onent. 2s long as
she could maintain the course" victory was assured during the net
The $ro#lem lay in the $air of eyes fied on her from the side of the
Mayumi was accustomed to the gazes of other $eo$le.
Since her youth" she had always dwelt in the $u#lic eye.
,o matter if the gazes were filled with $ure admiration or hiding dark"
*ealous" or other naked negative emotions" Mayumi dealt with it as if
they were the very oygen that surrounded her.
,evertheless" the gaze that she endured for the $ast three minutes was
altogether unlike anything she had felt #efore.
2s if every inch of her was #eneath a microsco$e.
That was not sim$ly someone seeing her naked or something like that
(though that was also a ma*or $ro#lem in and of itself).
The look that Mayumi felt from him 7 from Tatsuya" was not
something so su$erficial.
,ot *ust her skin" #ut everything #eneath 7 the flesh and #one that
made u$ her $hysical attri#utes" her consciousness" emotions" value
system" tem$erament" ha#its" ho##ies" the e$eriences that made her
who she was today" the talent and diligence that su$$orted her thus far
7 everything that constituted the $erson 8Saegusa Mayumi8 was
#eing decry$ted and #ared #eneath the sun. This $air of eyes caused
her to feel an unfamiliar sense of dread.
This was the first time Tatsuya o#served Mayumi!s contest from a
close $roimity.
Still" he should have o#served the 'st ?ear $artici$ants under his care
multi$le times during $ractice at this distance" yet none of the 'st ?ear
$artici$ants com$lained of #eing ill at ease.
Mayumi #elieved that none of the younger women could withstand
this feeling.
In that case" this feeling was either her own misconce$tion" or 7
something that only she could feel.
;ight now" she was in the middle of the three minute #reak where the
$layers would usually towel off the sweat or gra# a drink of water.
5nfortunately" her #ag containing her towel and water was net to
/alking off the court was the same as actively moving towards where
Tatsuya was waiting 7 where he lay in am#ush.
Mayumi was a little scared of leaving the court.
That #eing said" she couldn!t stay on the court either. .ven though she
hadn!t moved a muscle during the earlier session" she should definitely
take the o$$ortunity to take a #reak right now. ,ot only that" she
needed to re$lenish lost moisture and head towards the net court.
She wouldn!t have cared if she shocked the +$erations -ommittee
Mem#ers" #ut with her $osition" she couldn!t afford to worry the
students that came to cheer her on.
Mayumi took a dee$ #reath and e$elled all her unease and worry.
(6orget it" women need to #e courageousB)
Mayumi ordered her feet to start walking.
8>ood work.8
2t her underclassman handing her a towel" Mayumi felt a sense of
disa$$ointment as that nameless dread seemed to fade away like a
2s usual" any thoughts he had #eneath that serious visage were
com$letely o#scured #y the $oker face that even she couldn!t read.
This young man gave her a formless and unidentifia#le sense of dread"
#ut at the same time $rovided a miraculous sense of relief that he
would never #etray her.
Her earlier comment a#out 8having a young #rother8 was something
s$ontaneous or intended to tease Tatsuya. /hile $hrased as a *oke" on
some level it reflected Mayumi!s real thoughts.
Mayumi came to the conclusion that #eing afraid of him was
ridiculous" so she ado$ted an o#stinate attitude.
83on!t say good work yet" the contest hasn!t ended" so this isn!t the
time to rela.8
Tatsuya was on the re$resentative team" #ut he wasn!t a $artici$ant
He was only on duty #efore and after the contests and was merely a
#ystander during the events" so telling him 8this isn!t the time to rela8
was very odd" #ut Tatsuya made no mention of it des$ite noticing this.
8,o" it!s over.8
He was $ointing towards a more $ractical matter.
8The o$$osing $artici$ant is una#le to continue and" even if she was
going to enter the second session" would definitely keel over from
ehaustion in the middle. The auiliaries from the other side are also
aware of this" so this round will conclude with their surrender.8
Mayumi turned around to find the o$$osing team!s tactical advisors
discussing with the $anel of *udges a#out this eact to$ic.
The $artici$ant was s$rawled on to$ of a long chair while covered in
medical detection e(ui$ment.
8<sion ehaustion due to continuous magic invocation. Most likely a
mistaken assignment. She was a little lacking to #e your o$$onent"
8......?ou understood that much *ust from seeing that:8
8So long as I can !see clearly!.8
There was no way the $anel of *udges could hear Tatsuya s$eak" #ut
the moment he finished s$eaking" the $anel announced that Mayumi!s
o$$onent had withdrawn.
3azed" Mayumi stood stock still without #udging" an etremely rare
side of her that would normally $rom$t a laugh. ?et" Tatsuya did not
smile" merely urged Mayumi to start moving.
89et!s return to the $avilion. It!s #est to review your -23 and $re$are
for the net round.8
8?eah" you!re right" I!ll leave that to you.8
;ight now" Tatsuya was com$letely in control of the situation" #ut
Mayumi didn!t make any $ointless resistance as she followed Tatsuya
after $icking u$ her #ag.
2fter Tatsuya activated the maintenance device" Mayumi handed him
her -23 and $lo$$ed down #eside him.
,ot across from him.
Mayumi wasn!t wearing her cooling *acket that etended to her knees
so she was still in her 8tennis uniform8 that she wore for the match"
#ut this wasn!t #ecause she was in a teasing mood" rather that Tatsuya
was no longer causing her to feel unnaturally cold.
The two of them were close enough that their shoulders could ru#
against one another" #ut Tatsuya never s$ared a glance towards her
e$osed thighs.
,or was Mayumi u$set #y this.
Her concentration was com$letely devoted to the maintenance device
as well as the $ersonal -23 currently attached to the machine.
83on!t you need to measure my current status:8
8The duration was only a $altry '& to '1 minutes" so even if I could
rewrite the code" there wouldn!t #e any time to test it" so there would
#e little $oint in taking the etra time to run measurements.8
This occurred (uite often during their mutual conversation" #ut this
time Mayumi involuntarily tilted her head.
2ccording to what he *ust said" this sounded like he could get a
#all$ark estimate com$letely inde$endently of the machine......
8......?ou can tell visually:8
8+f course" surely the <resident knows as well:8
8The <resident also knows that as long as they!re Magicians" they can
tell whether magicMs activated normally or if a -23 is functioning
normally without the use of machines" right:8
8This I know.8
8+n some level" I!m *ust a little more knowledgea#le.8
Tatsuya continued to watch the scrolling character strings.
Mayumi was very interested in eactly what this 8some level8 was"
#ut she didn!t dare to distur# an engineer at work to satiate her
Tatsuya removed the -23 from the maintenance device and turned
off the $ower #efore ins$ecting the trigger and 2ctivation Se(uence
circuit" then $ersonally handed the -23 #ack to Mayumi.
4ust as he $romised" he never touched the code inside.
Mayumi $rivately heaved a sigh of relief (she thought she managed to
hide it" #ut Tatsuya saw everything)" #ut owing to some reason" after
she received the -23" she curled her finger around the trigger and $ut
it on her thigh.
8<resident...... That!s a little disconcerting" can you not $oint the
muzzle at me:8
Strictly s$eaking" a -23 doesn!t have a 8muzzle8.
9arge" rifle=sha$ed -23s are usually e(ui$$ed with image detectors
at the front that gives the im$ression of the 8muzzle8 from a laser gun"
#ut regardless of whether it was a long or short model" the 8gun
#arrel8 was made of metal.
Still" the overall design mirrored that of a real firearm" so those that
are aware of the danger guns $ose would naturally feel uncomforta#le
staring down the 8muzzle8.
82h" sorry.8
Tatsuya wasn!t certain how familiar Mayumi was with this situation"
#ut she frankly a$ologized and shifted her -23 and left the muzzle
$ointed at herself.
8I should #e the one a$ologizing for trou#ling you with such
8<lease don!t concern yourself" this is #asic manners after all. So how
is it:8
Mayumi!s (uestion was once again overly sim$lified" #ut Tatsuya had
no $ro#lems navigating through her cry$tic meaning.
8I felt that the cali#ration was well eecuted. ,o overclocking" no
unnecessary uni(ue features" it was a faithful *o# done strictly #y the
rules. There was an overem$hasis on sta#ility that led to a more
convoluted 2ctivation Se(uence in some areas" #ut taking the
<resident!s Magic <ower into consideration" I!d say this garners full
2t any rate" this wasn!t the time for needless flattery or nit$icking" so
Tatsuya #luntly made his assessment.
Tatsuya answered this (uestion with his eyes still watching the
2ctivation Se(uence dis$lay on the maintenance device" so when he
turned around 7 he discovered Mayumi in a $rofound state of
8Is that so......: Hehehe" that makes me incredi#ly ha$$y.8
The corners of her eyes were dyed $ink as she slightly averted her
eyes with a #ashful smile.
-om$ared to #lushing o#viously" this reaction was even more
8......Is that so:8
The reason why Tatsuya asked was that he was honestly lost on how
to res$ond" #ut the real (uestion lurking at the #ottom of his heart was
that Mayumi should have long #een inured to hearing such $raise on a
daily #asis.
8Indeed" to receive the com$liments of someone who usually gives
scant $raise" isn!t that something worthy of #eing ha$$y a#out:8
Tatsuya didn!t #elieve that he was a com$letely mature adult.
6rom an o#*ective stand$oint" he felt that he was still an immature
That #eing said" Mayumi!s assessment made him out to #e one of the
fringe mem#ers of society una#le to feign $oliteness" which he
thoroughly disagreed with.
8......I can #e *ust as $olite as anyone else.8
However" Tatsuya!s re#uttal only earned a sweet smile from Mayumi
that clearly said she saw through his su#terfuge.
8So you were *ust #eing $olite *ust now:8
8......,o" I wasn!t.8
Mayumi!s delighted smile struck Tatsuya in the wrong way" #ut
continuing this conversation served no $ractical $ur$ose.
2lso" there was no reason he had to res$ond in the first $lace.
5nruffled" Tatsuya calmly acce$ted Mayumi!s smile.
2mong the ,ine Schools -om$etition" 8-rowd )all8 was the event
with the most matches this day.
In terms of $ure num#er of matches" 8Monolith -ode8 was the one
s$ort among the other si that had the most matches. 8-rowd )all8
and 8Icicle 3estruction8 each had five" #ut 8Monolith -ode8 and
8Icicle 3estruction8 were s$lit across two days" whereas 8-rowd )all8
had to finish all 1 matches within half a day.
The allotted time was short" #ut the nature of the event and the fact
that each session lasted three minutes with almost continuous magic
invocation with no chance to catch a #reather com#ined to create a
situation that was in no way less arduous than the other events.
Thus" how to gauge the use of Magic <ower was a#solutely vital for
seizing the gold in this event.
The goal was" of course" two consecutive victories.
3uring the match" the $layers weren!t trying to send #ack every #all
ha$hazardly" #ut to take into account which shots should #e allowed to
score in order to $ro$erly $ace themselves.
Mayumi" who could continuously channel her magic throughout the
entire session" was undou#tedly an outlier in this situation.
.ven so" Mayumi didn!t charge forward and rely solely on her strength
in #attle.
She also ado$ted strategies of her own.
Two consecutive victories was a#solutely mandatory 7 this would
$revent $eo$le from saying 8/ait" didn!t she *ust $ower through to
)y choosing magic that was unsuited to this event #y solely
re#ounding the #alls #ack" this was to avoid ehaustion from
continuously re$licating magic 7 this also denied $eo$le from
claiming that 8She!s not actually rationing her Magic <ower" right:8
+wing to these reasons" her $hiloso$hy in #attle was to go all out from
the start without a trace of hesitation.
?et" when the second round started" Mayumi was struck #y a rare
sense of confusion.
Her status was ecellent.
4ust like earlier" half the round was already over with her o$$onent
una#le to score a single $oint during the first match.
Her confusion came from a com$letely o$$osite reason.
True" thanks to her o$$onent withdrawing from the first round" she
had more time to rest than usual.
Still" this was a tightly $acked schedule with 1 rounds crammed into
half a day.
5sually" her mental and $hysical status would #e gradually worn down
from ehaustion" #ut they would definitely not show a marked
im$rovement that even she could notice.
Thus" there must #e some reason #ehind this highly unusual
Mayumi could only think of one $ossi#le e$lanation.
2s soon as the ending whistle sounded7
Mayumi decided to interrogate her $erfidious underclassman.
8Tatsuya=kun" I thought you said you didn!t alter the 2ctivation
This was com$letely o$$osite from how the first round ended.
2s soon as the *udges confirmed the end of the round" Mayumi
stormed to where Tatsuya was on the sidelines.
Mayumi!s accusatory a$$earance caught Tatsuya #y sur$rise" #ut he
still re$lied #ack in a calm manner.
8I never touched the 2ctivation Se(uence and there shouldn!t #e any
$erformance issues" unless you noticed something wrong:8
Mayumi $ointed a finger at Tatsuya!s nose" her whole stance (uivered
like it was a#out to give off 8)ishiB8 sound.
8The efficiency of magic construction was significantly higher and"
since there was no time to change the hardware" the only $ossi#ility is
that you altered the softwareB8
8......So the efficiency coefficient wasn!t lower" #ut higher:8
Tatsuya!s clearly #efuddled (uestion took the wind out of Mayumi!s
8That!s true...... )ut......8
This would #e a whole other story if efficiency dro$$ed" #ut Mayumi
finally noticed that her attitude was wholly ridiculous for someone
coming to com$lain that her $erformance had shown marked
8;egardless" why don!t you take a seat first:8
Still wearing a #affled e$ression" Tatsuya handed her a towel" which
Mayumi acce$ted awkwardly #efore sitting down with a look of
consternation on her face.
8The efficiency coefficient rose likely #ecause the gar#age was
Tatsuya sat half a #ody length away from Mayumi and intentionally
didn!t watch her as he softly settled her down.
83on!t mess around with me. I was watching you the entire time. ?ou
didn!t take a$art the -23 for cleaning" nor did you use any cleaning
fluids" correct:8
Mayumi said $etulantly" #ut Tatsuya re$lied #ack $atiently.
8,o" I wasn!t cleaning the hardware" I was removing the unnecessary
-23 $erformance was also affected #y the user!s mental condition.
If the user didn!t trust the engineer" then this would o#viously
negatively im$act the -23!s $erformance.
Since he did act without giving $rior warning" which meant that he did
not go through the informed consent $hase" Tatsuya still felt that it
was necessary for him to give an in=de$th e$lanation.
8The <resident!s -23 had system files left over from earlier versions
of the +S" so I had these removed. /hile $revious system files rarely
accumulate these gar#age files" that doesn!t mean that they are
com$letely removed either. )y com$letely erasing these files" -23
$erformance can #e im$roved #y a few $ercentage $oints. However"
this usually would not #ring a#out an immediately noticea#le
im$rovement" hence I didn!t inform you #eforehand. This *ust goes to
show that the <resident!s senses are *ust that refined and I was #eing
overly rash.8
82h" that...... If that!s all it is" then don!t worry a#out it.8
Tatsuya!s ecessive #ow and a$ology $rom$ted Mayumi to frantically
wave #oth her hands.
8In that case" this also shows that Tatsuya=kun was dutiful in all
regards" so I should #e the one a$ologizing for sus$ecting you in the
first $lace.8
/hen Tatsuya raised his head" Mayumi was also #owing to him in
Tatsuya couldn!t hel$ #ut note how swiftly she was a#le to shift gears.
8Then" let!s end this conversation here.8
He also felt that she was someone who could readily admit her own
8?ou!re right.8
Must #e from a com$osure #orn of maturity.
8Then" Tatsuya=kun......8
.ven so" it wasn!t like she was taking the high ground either.
8/hat is it:8
8That cali#ration method...... or do you call it gar#age cleanu$: -an
you teach me later:8
,o ill intent whatsoever.
8,o $ro#lem" #ut $lease focus on your net match.8
8+f course" leave that to +nee=sanB8
2t this stage" choosing to ado$t an older sister!s attitude could make
anyone smile.
2nd so" Mayumi com$letely denied her o$$onent from scoring a
single $oint. She won every match %=& without yielding a single $oint
and took sole $ossession of the crown for the /omen!s 8-rowd )all8.
8Icicle 3estruction8" also known sim$ly as 8<illar Knock8" was held in
an outdoor arena that was '% meters long and %H meters wide. The
field was divided into two halves" each with '% ice $illars that were '
meter wide and % meters tall" with the victor destroying all the $illars
in the o$$osite field first.
Thanks to this" 8Icicle 3estruction8 re(uired $re$aration on a massive
;e(uiring hundreds of huge ice $illars that needed to #e ke$t frozen
during the height of summer" it greatly limited the num#er of arenas"
even with the military!s com$lete su$$ort.
+wing to the limits on ice $roduction" the ,ine Schools -om$etition
could only afford to $re$are two arenas for #oth the Men!s Team and
/omen!s Team for a total of H arenas. .ach of the two sites had '%
matches in the first round and si matches in the second round for a
total of 'I matches" which was the maimum limit for one day.
8,evertheless" this is a contest that severely de$letes Magic <ower. If
they held every match in one day" many of the $layers wouldn!t make
it. 6or the single elimination contest on the second day" there!s an
etremely short interval #etween each match. Thus" there is some truth
in the saying that !Icicle 3estruction is won #y those with the greatest
Tatsuya was lecturing on the details while the one listening and
nodding was Shizuku.
Miyuki was also $resent" #ut if his sister was the only one here" then
Tatsuya wouldn!t have to e$lain at this $articular time.
The three of them weren!t in the audience stands" #ut the auiliary
working area.
Their goal was to watch Kanon!s match from close $roimity to get a
first hand e$erience of what the contest was like.
Kanon was #usy discussing the final details with Isori" so this wasn!t a
good time to interru$t them.
.veryone went to watch the Men!s 8-rowd )all8 contest.
Sayaka came to cheer on Kirihara" .rika chose to accom$any her and
ro$ed Mizuki into the mi" then Mizuki invited Mikihiko to come
along" finally culminating with Mikihiko gra##ing 9eo. 2nd that!s
how it was.
2fter hearing Miyuki!s re$ort" Tatsuya maintained a 8what a
du$licitous #unch8 feeling. 2s for who among them was du$licitous"
some things are #etter left unsaid.
Kanon finally ste$$ed onto the stage.
There were two $latforms that stood four meters high at the two ends
of the arena.
The $layers had to use magic to defend the icicles in their own half of
the court while simultaneously destroying their o$$onent!s icicles.
2fter entering the arena" all restrictions on magic safety were
removed" so this was $u#licly acknowledged to #e the most intense of
all the magic contests.
2fter seeing Kanon off to the $latform" Isori turned to wave at
89et!s go too.8
Isori invited Miyuki and Shizuku" who #rought Tatsuya with them.
)ehind the $latforms where the $layers stood" there was a s$ecial
o#servation deck for su$$ort $ersonnel.
Here" there were several devices res$onsi#le for monitoring the
$layers! $hysical condition as well as a large window for viewing the
8How!s -hiyoda=sen$ai!s status:8
Tatsuya felt that it was im$olite to remain silent" so he su$$lied an
ice#reaker (uestion.
8She!s very motivated" to the $oint that I!m a little concerned that she!s
too fired u$ and will lose steam in tomorrow!s matches.8
/ith a smile on his face" Isori answered Tatsuya!s customary (uestion.
There was no trace of unease on his face.
8I heard that sen$ai won the first round in the fastest time ever
8/ell" that is Kanon!s $ersonality...... I earnestly ho$e that she would
#e a little more $rudent" so those watching over her could rela
Tatsuya was (uite interested in Isori!s wry smile and res$onse.
Tatsuya was accom$anying Mayumi all through the morning" so of
course he missed the first round in the morning.
He only knew that Kanon claimed the first round using the least
amount of time $ossi#le.
That #eing said" while the match time was very short" (uite a few of
her own icicles had fallen
8It!s starting.8
Shizuku!s soft voice $rom$ted Tatsuya to direct his gaze #ack towards
the arena.
/ith the shrill sound of the starting whistle" the earth groaned.
8Mine >enesis.8
This was no Mine 6ield" this was Mine >enesis.
The scene #efore Tatsuya!s eyes forced him to s$eak its name.
Gersatility and s$eed were the crowning advantages of Modern Magic.
,onetheless" Magicians are also human" so there are fields where they
s$ecialize at or are not ade$t at.
Since magic talent is inherited" #lood relations within a family
naturally share similar a$titudes towards magic fields.
The ?otsu#a 6amily" with each family mem#er ecelling in a uni(ue
area" was a nota#le ece$tion.
/ithin influential families" #esides everyone!s individual names"
family mem#ers that share a nota#le skill usually share a second name
as well 7 almost like a s$ecial title.
Some of the more famous ones include the 4uumon*i 6amily!s
The Ichi*ou 6amily!s 8;u$ture8.
The Saegusa 6amily did not have a system that they did not ecel at"
so they were ironically referred to as 8+mni$otent8.
The -hi#a 6amily was known as 8Magic Swordsman8 7 this title
referred more to their skills and techni(ues than any uni(ue talent the
family $ossessed" #ut was still used to refer to this family as a whole.
The -hiyoda 6amily was known as 8Mine >enesis8.
The Magicians of the -hiyoda 6amily s$ecialized in using 9ong
;ange Solid Matter +scillation Systematic Magic" $articularly when it
comes to using .arthshaker magic.
3irt" rock" sand" cement" all materials were irrelevant.
2 $owerful oscillation could #e a$$lied as long as the solid matter was
recognized as the 8.arth!s surface8. This was the true face of the
-hiyoda 6amily!s s$ecialty 8Mine -reation8" with the -hiyoda
6amily!s title derived from 8Mine -reator8 U 8Mine >enesis8.
The o$$osing field suffered vertical vi#rations that ran $er$endicular
to the e$icenter" with two icicles colla$sing each time.
Her o$$onent tried to counter with Move=Ty$e Magic 8-om$ulsory
2rrest8 in an effort to stifle any motion on $art of the o#*ect" #ut
8Mine >enesis8 continued switching targets at a s$eed that her
o$$onent was una#le to match" so #y the time five of her twelve
$illars had colla$sed" her o$$onent a#andoned all $retense of defense
and concentrated solely on the attack.
Tatsuya and the others all e$ressed their astonishment in different
ways" whereas Isori smiled wryly from the side.
2s he watched the $illars on his side colla$se without any resistance"
he shook his head hel$lessly.
8Should I commend Kanon for going all out or criticize her for #eing
overly reckless...... Her methodology revolves around going for the
*ugular #efore she gets K+!ed.8
8,o" well...... I hardly feel that this is the wrong tactic.8
Her o$$onent had switched from defense to offense" and her resistance
was suita#ly lowered.
)y the time the num#er of $illars left on her side di$$ed to si" Kanon
had already colla$sed every $illar in her o$$onent!s territory.
Kanon smiled widely as she flashed a victory signal while descending
from the $latform.
The target of her smile was" of course" Isori.
Isori!s face $lainly said 8what am I going to do with you8" #ut he was
wearing the same smile.
8How should I descri#e this......8
8Match made in heaven:8
Miyuki was reluctant to voice her o$inion" #ut Shizuku had no such
8?ou two should say that they understand one another $erfectly.8
Hearing the two of them" Tatsuya smiled wryly for a com$letely
different reason.

Still" Tatsuya also acknowledged that they were a 8match made in
The two of them had a lot of synergy.
The $layer and the auiliary" even though they didn!t ste$ onto the
stage together" the two of them were in the fight as one.
?et 7 Tatsuya thought.
If they were a $air with so much synergy" would Isori #e a#le to fulfill
his duties to the utmost when $aired with other $layers:
There were H& $layers and only I technicians.
+n average" each technician was res$onsi#le for five $layers.
Tatsuya was in charge of the 'st ?ear /omen!s Team" #ut that was still
si $eo$le" seven if you counted the the im$rom$tu addition in the
+nce they forged an intense emotional #ond with one individual
$layer" could they $ut forth their all with the other $layers:
Tatsuya was also facing that (uandary.
/ould he really go all in for Shizuku or Honoka the same way he
would for Miyuki:
8......Shi#a=kun" what!s u$:8
8,o" it!s nothing.8
It!s not like he could actually ask Isori something like 83o you work
so hard for every $layer:8.
Tatsuya re$lied #ack in com$letely inane and normal manner to
muddle through Isori!s (uestion.
2fter securing advancement to the third round" Kanon and com$any
7 with Tatsuya" Miyuki and Shizuku in tow 7 returned to the
$avilion in high s$irits" only to frown at the dour atmos$here suffusing
the cam$.
8....../hat ha$$ened:8
Isori asked Suzune" who was $ro#a#ly the only one who maintained
her usual attitude.
Suzune turned around to reveal an even more #lank emotion than
8The Men!s !-rowd #all! event didn!t $erform as e$ected 7 we!re
recalculating the odds right now.8
The standings in the ,ine Schools -om$etition were determined #y
the aggregate score from each event.
6irst <lace received 1& $oints" Second <lace received E& $oints" and
Third <lace received %& $oints.
6ourth <lace finishes in 8S$eed Shooting8" 8)attle )oard8" and
8Mirage )at8 netted '& $oints. 8-rowd )all8 and 8Icicle 3estruction8
only awarded $oints to the to$ three" so the three teams that are
eliminated in the third round each receive 1 $oints.
6or 8Monolith -ode8" 6irst <lace would receive '&& $oints" Second
<lace receives F& $oints" and Third <lace only gets H& $oints" which
makes it the single largest event in terms of $oints.
Half the $oints from the ,ewcomers 3ivision would #e added into the
This was the score #reakdown for the ,ine Schools -om$etition.
2nyone not in the to$ four or si would receive no $oints" so even if
6irst <lace was out of the (uestion" taking Second through 6ourth
$lace was still valua#le in scoring $oints to contest the overall victor.
2ccording to this #reakdown" advancing as many $layers in as many
contests as $ossi#le to the single elimination or duel $hases was one of
the keys to victory.
8,ot $erformed as e$ected means......8
8The $layers were eliminated during the first" second" and third
Isori asked with tre$idation while the voice that answered him was
(uite indifferent #y com$arison.
8/hile we held onto net year!s right to com$ete" this result was
thoroughly une$ected.8
The voice was largely indifferent likely #ecause the $erson #eing
(uestioned was struck heavily #y the news.
-om$ared to the other events" the Men!s 8-rowd )all8 lineu$ was
certainly lacking in fire$ower.
;egardless of the fact they didn!t $ossess an ace like the /omen!s
8S$eed Shooting8" 8-rowd )all8" and 8)attle )oard8 or the u$coming
Men!s 8Icicle 3estruction8 who was 8assured of victory8" they still
should $ossess enough talent to com$ete for 6irst <lace.
8The ,ewcomers 3ivision is a little harder to estimate" #ut #ased on
our current lead" if the /omen!s 8)attle )oard8" Men!s 8Icicle
3estruction8 as well as 8Mirage )at8 and 8Monolith -ode8 all seize
6irst <lace" we!re still in the clear.8
2 %nd ?ear student from the tactical advisory team made the re$ort.
Tatsuya" who was *ust listening as a #ystander" felt that this threshold
was a little high.
Including #oth the Men!s and /omen!s contests" they wanted to claim
6irst <lace in four of the si remaining events in the +fficial 3ivision.
Katsuto and Mari could #e relied on to win the gold in their res$ective
events" #ut #ased on these calculations" if any accident were to occur"
they ran the risk of morale reaching a #reaking $oint.
Still 7 this wasn!t something that Tatsuya had to concern himself
He was $ro#a#ly overste$$ing his #oundaries #y worrying a#out these
-om$ared to the $oints" Tatsuya $ersonally was more mindful a#out
something else.
Kirihara was $artici$ating in the Men!s 8-rowd )all8 event.
-ertainly" Kirihara had a reckless side to him" #ut he also $ossessed a
strong sense of duty.
He wouldn!t #e de$ressed #ecause of this turnout" would he......:
2fter the day!s events had drawn to a close" Tatsuya found Kirihara
near the hotel!s rest area close to dusk.
+utwardly" he looked $erfectly normal.
Sayaka was sitting net to Kirihara.
Kirihara was working hard to kee$ u$ a cheerful a$$earance" #ut
Tatsuya could tell at a glance that he was forcing a smile.
8Kirihara=sen$ai" thanks for your hard work.8
8Ho" so it!s Shi#a.8
+f course" Tatsuya could have chosen to $ass #y the rest area without
saying a word" #ut he didn!t do so.
8I was taken out early in the second round" and (uite #adly at that.8
He was definitely $utting on a strong front" #ut he recovered faster
than Tatsuya sus$ected.
May#e athletes were more accustomed to victory and defeat and were
more resilient when it came to dealing with the #itterness of defeat.
Tatsuya always lost when he was trading #lows with his master so he
didn!t have any real 8com$etitive8 e$erience" and could only rely on
logic to e$lain this.
Tatsuya was una#le to *udge whether this was an a$$ro$riate moment
to offer words of comfort" so he elected to s$eak the truth.
8Sen$ai was unlucky to draw Third High!s ace that was favored to win
the event in the second round and only lost #y a grand total of eight
$oints after losing three out of five matches. This favored $layer was
ehausted from the long struggle with sen$ai and was $rom$tly
eliminated in the third round" so this was a <yrrhic victory for him as
8......Man" you!re one #lunt guy.8
Tatsuya never #othered to sugarcoat the defeat and delivered a cold
analysis that didn!t smack of comfort" #ut Kirihara wasn!t angry.
8?ou never thought that I would #e de$ressed:8
Kirihara!s tone and e$ression were more teasing than anything else.
8I did" #ut I couldn!t think of any consolation.8
The scene was dead silent for a few seconds.
Kirihara suddenly #urst into laughter.
2nd he was laughing to the $oint that he was #ent over the sofa.
.nough to thoroughly discomfit Sayaka #y his side.
Tatsuya continued to watch him without any e$ression.
8Shi#a...... ?ou really are an interesting guy. 5sually" now would #e
the time to wear a totallyJ awkward e$ression and (uickly $ass me
$retending not to see me" not the time to actually sit down and talk.8
That choice 7 intentionally overlooking him 7 was also on the ta#le"
#ut Tatsuya #elieved that wordlessly $assing #y wasn!t cordial enough.
However" this time it looked like Tatsuya was #eing a 8#usy#ody8.
Tatsuya realized that he shouldn!t even #e taking how cordial he was
into consideration since that didn!t *i#e with his $ersonality" #ut......
8Still" I feel a lot #etter thanks to you. Since you said it was a !<yrrhic
victory!" then that must #e how it was. This shows that I!ve still got a
lot of $otential.8
......9ooks like that wasn!t the case.
/hether Kirihara truly #elieved that was immaterial.
9ikewise" whether this was truly the result Tatsuya was aiming for was
also immaterial.
3es$ite the outcome falling into considera#le dou#t" the #asic
$ersonnel duties did not change very much.
The ones res$onsi#le for odd *o#s and errands might claim otherwise"
#ut since Tatsuya was a mem#er of the technician team" the #rass from
6irst High wasn!t foolish enough to have him work on menial tasks
and run the risk of endangering his original duties.
2fter $re$aring for the ,ewcomers 3ivision two days from now"
dou#le checking the $hysical and mental conditions of the $layers
under his care and running a final com$ati#ility test for -23s" today!s
work schedule came to a close.
Tatsuya received a long $ackage in the mail from the hotel counter
and returned to his own room.
It wasn!t dinner time yet.
There was still am$le time left" so Tatsuya o$ted to test the item in the
He took a glance at the clock to verify when the dining hall o$ened.
There was still a significant interval until he had to meet u$ with
Tatsuya un$acked the $arcel and gazed at the contents within.
This was something he called 6our 9eaves Technology!s -23
3evelo$ment Erd 3ivision in the early hours of the morning for.
The com$onents were all universal" the sha$e eceedingly sim$le" and
was assem#led to the $oint that an automatic construction device
could do the rest #y reading the manual. .ven so" the fact that this
could #e assem#led and shi$$ed all within half a day was (uite
(I ho$e 5shiyama=san isn!t $ushing himself again......)
Should he #e saying $ushing himself" or $ushing his su#ordinates:
Tatsuya took great $ains to carefully remind them that this item was
8$artially out of curiosity8.
;egardless" Tatsuya couldn!t 8really8 turn #ack the clock" so fussing
over these details was useless at this $oint.
2fter he o$ened the $ackage and took a look inside" he found a
com#ination seal around a long" thin container. This case was usually
intended to trans$ort -23s with the dimensions of a shotgun.
Tatsuya $unched in the usual code.
There was a 8sword8 inside the #o.
The item Tatsuya removed from the #o had the outward a$$earance
of a long sword with an u$graded hand guard.
The entire length measured N& cm" and 1& cm without the hand guard
7 that was how it was sha$ed.
There was no #lade.
This did not refer to the lack of an edge" #ut the fact that this tool was
never forged to #e a 8sword8.
The literal meaning of the words seemed $aradoical" #ut a #etter
descri$tion would #e 8a metallic #okken forged to look like a long
+r may#e it was 8flat rod with an added hand guard8.
This item was $lainly not any ordinary rod.
2fter thum#ing the activation #utton and u$$ing the $sion intake" a
familiar feeling $assed across Tatsuya!s hand.
This item was in the same vein as .rika!s $olice #aton in that it was a
wea$on that concealed a -23.
The utility was even more restricted than a S$ecialized -23 and
could only $rovide one 2ctivation Se(uence. .rika!s -23 was a
S$ecialized model that retained the a#ility to switch a#ilities. In
com$arison" this was a S$ecialized -23 that $ossessed only one
function" making it a $rototy$e for 8/ea$onized Integrated -23s8.
Tatsuya measured the distance to the wall to gauge whether he should
take a test swing when someone knocked on the door. The $erfect
timing caused Tatsuya to chuckle wryly as he $laced the $rototy$e on
the ta#le.
There was some time until the arranged meeting time" #ut given that
the $resence on the other side of the door did nothing to conceal
themselves" he knew that friends had come calling.
2nd this $rototy$e suited that friend very well.
;ather than testing this himself" it would #e far more interesting to
have that guy handle it 7 Tatsuya thought as he o$ened the door.
8+nii=sama" is this a good time:8
The leader and the one who s$oke u$ first was his little sister.
Tatsuya $ushed the door o$en and #eckoned everyone inside. .rika"
who was following Miyuki" came close enough that the two of them
were almost touching.
,et" Honoka" Shizuku" Mizuki" and 9eo came in" with Mikihiko
#ring u$ the rear.
;ather than saying ladies first" it would #e more a$$ro$riate to say this
was how the $ecking order went.
Still" while this was a dou#le room for the sake of storing e(ui$ment"
it was still a s(ueeze with so many $eo$le $iling in at once.
4ust the chairs and #ed weren!t enough" someone even had to sit on the
ta#le 7 which was neatly ordered and not the least #it slo$$y" so
Tatsuya had no com$laints.
.rika was the one sitting on the ta#le" so of course she was the one
who noticed the 8sword8 on the ta#le" and it naturally aroused her
8Tatsuya=kun" is that...... a #lade re$lica: .ce$t it looks more like a
8Then an iron whi$:8
82lso negative...... I don!t think the samurai of this country would use
wea$ons like iron whi$s.8
8/ho uses the term samurai in this day and age...... Then what is
it: ......2h" is it a Houki:8
.rika fli$$ed it over and eamined #oth sides and asked again u$on
noticing the trigger on the handle.
8-orrect" to #e $recise" this is a /ea$onized Integrated -23"
commonly known as wea$onized calculation devices. The -23 is
s$ecifically attuned to use one ty$e of magic only that can also dou#le
as a close com#at wea$on that uses aforementioned magic.8
The reason why .rika made this sound wasn!t #ecause the /ea$onized
Integrated -23 was incredi#ly rare" #ut #ecause this was the first
time she saw one in the form of a 8sword8. .rika wasn!t the only one
gazing at the sword in her hand" #oth Honoka and Shizuku were
looking on with dee$ interest.
Miyuki!s faced revealed an 82h" so that!s what it was8 e$ression"
clearly #ecause she remem#ered the conversation from last night.
,either Mizuki nor Mikihiko e$ressed any interest" $ro#a#ly #ecause
they $referred familiar o#*ects rather than foreign materials.
Tatsuya glanced at the other $erson standing to the side and smiled
mischievously as he $lucked the $rototy$e from .rika!s hands.
2nd tossed it towards 9eo" who was standing off to one side with his
face averted.
8/hoaB Tatsuya" isn!t that kind of dangerous:8
In reality" 9eo was #urning to give it a go" #ut he feigned disinterest
due to his ongoing cold war against his nemesis (:) .rika" so while he
was outwardly frantic" he eagerly gra##ed hold of the sword hilt.
Tatsuya com$letely ignored his $rotest and sent a challenging smirk
his way.
8/ant to give it a try:8
8.h" me:8
9eo!s mouth s$lit into a wide grin.
To the side" .rika wore a 8This guy is easy to read......8 e$ression" to
which Tatsuya s$ared only a single glance #efore directing his
attention #ack to 9eo.
8This wea$onized calculation device was created #y merging a
striking wea$on with the 6ortifying Magic that /atana#e=sen$ai used
during the !)attle )oard! event" with the #lade also serving as a
slashing wea$on after #eing reforged" so I think this suits you very
8So Tatsuya made this:8
8Hold on.8
Mikihiko inserted himself into 9eo and Tatsuya!s conversation.
Initially" he wore an a$athetic e$ression" #ut he was $aying attention
to the entire conversation.
8/atana#e=sen$ai!s event was yesterday" so you made this in one day:
This doesn!t look like a ready=made $roduct.8
8The com$onents themselves are all common$lace. The outer frame is
also a generic alloy" so there are no s$ecial materials involved.8
8)ut this still isn!t something you can manually forge" right: ?ou
shouldn!t have that much s$are time......8
8/hy of course" I only came u$ with the design" then had a familiar
factory construct this using automatic assem#ly devices.8
Miyuki overheard the entire conversation and when she heard the term
8familiar factory8" she almost #urst into laughter. Thankfully" she
regularly $re$ared several masks for occasions like these" so she didn!t
draw any attention to herself or her #rother.
8So 9eo...... /ant to give it a try:8
Tatsuya!s words were like the sweet whis$ers of the demon
.ven while knowing something was afoot" the lure was irresisti#le.
8......+K" I!ll #e your guinea $ig.8
8He fell for it.8
Shizuku!s soft whis$er succinctly reflected everyone!s inner thoughts.
,et" Tatsuya $ulled out a HM3 with light refracting mirrors and a
s$eaker attached.
8This is the instruction manual.8
Seeing the HM3 in front of him" 9eo seemed to not com$rehend
Tatsuya!s words as a (uestion mark s$routed on his head.
8Take a look" the user!s manual for the wea$onized calculation device
is recorded within.8
82h: +h......8
This o#*ect that Tatsuya handed him (more like tossed to him)
a$$eared to have images and sound files stored on it" which included
the /ea$onized Integrated -23 instruction manuals. 9eo let out an 8I
get it now8 e$ression and acce$ted the HM3 from Tatsuya!s hands.
8This counts as a virtual terminal device" right:8
Honoka" who asked the (uestion" wasn!t the only one wondering a#out
Girtual information terminal devices $osed considera#le harm to
immature Magicians.
/ith this in mind" 6irst High for#ade students from using virtual
terminal devices.
Tatsuya himself insisted on using a material terminal device" #ut asked
his friend to use a virtual terminal device. .ven if the device was
restricted to visual and hearing" everyone held the same misgivings.
8It!s nothing that outrageous" #ut they do share some similarities.8
8......Is this +K:8
8Huh: +h...... ?ou!re referring to the harm caused #y the virtual
terminal device:8
85h...... ?eah.8
8There!s no need to worry on that account. The risks from virtual
terminal devices arise from the user!s ine$erience. If used strictly for
testing realistic conditions" then it!s actually (uite a valua#le tool.8
8I don!t follow......8
Honoka!s tone towards Tatsuya was very $olite" #ut there were traces
of Miyuki!s influence mied in.
8Magic is a skill that uses $erce$tion to tem$orarily alter reality.
Girtual terminal devices create illusions that $eo$le mistake for
Tatsuya!s e$lanations were always attentive and ehaustive" which
$ossi#ly was a refle on his $art.
8The two of them share the distinction that they $ro*ect an unnatural
$henomenon into reality. +n the other hand" #y e$eriencing the
$henomenon through the virtual terminal device" there!s no need to
e$end energy to rewrite reality" nor is there a risk for s$ell failure.
Herein also lies the risk for virtual terminal devices.8
Tatsuya tem$orarily sto$$ed at this $oint.
)ecause he felt that he was #eing overly lo(uacious.
However" his friends that were arrayed in front of him wore e(ual
$arts understanding and incom$rehension on their faces" so he felt that
his e$lanation wasn!t detailed enough and $lodded on.
8Girtual terminal devices would cause a Magician to hallucinate and
#elieve that they can effortlessly alter reality with no conse(uence.
<eo$le inca$a#le of using magic wouldn!t run into this $ro#lem in the
first $lace. Skilled Magicians would #e a#le to differentiate what they
are ca$a#le of" #ut immature Magicians may confuse the difference
#etween what they e$erienced in the virtual world with what they can
actually accom$lish and overestimate their a#ilities.
+nce immature Magicians have #ecome accustomed to altering reality
without the conce$ts of hard work or failure" they #ecome una#le to
reflect u$on why they cannot use magic to successfully rewrite reality
and lose the a#ility to think critically and the drive to do so. Hence the
$o$ular #elief that immature Magicians still studying magic
e$erience harm from using virtual terminal devices.8
Tatsuya $aused again to survey his friends! faces.
2dditional e$lanations were $ro#a#ly unnecessary" #ut he!d still
conclude as a $recaution.
8In other words" the $ro#lem lies in whether the user #elieves he or
she has accom$lished something they were $reviously una#le to.
5tilizing virtual terminal devices to test the waters isn!t a $ro#lem in
and of itself. That ty$e of virtual e$erience actually #enefits the
$lanning $hases for constructing Magic Se(uences. 2t the end of the
day" it remains etremely challenging to $ick out only the #enefits" so
I feel that a glo#al #an on virtual terminal devices made $erfect
8Is that so...... I actually learned a lot from that.8
Tatsuya felt that Honoka!s nodding was overly zealous and also
#elieved he said too much.
.ven if she heavily relied on him" he had no way of res$onding......
Those were Tatsuya!s heartfelt words.
The test for the $rototy$e calculation device was set after dinner" using
one of the outdoor com#at training facilities on the outskirts of the
,ine Schools -om$etition area.
Tatsuya didn!t make the arrangements@ .rika was the one who called
on her connections.
Since arriving here" .rika seemed to #e frivolously throwing around
her family!s influence in a self=destructive manner.
3id something ha$$en that caused her mental landsca$e to change:
S$eaking of which" Tatsuya recalled that something similar ha$$ened
during the #an(uet.
,evertheless" Tatsuya was $owerless to act regardless of how worried
he was.
His own emotions were only faVades anyways.
It was $ro#a#ly #etter to look the other way and let an engineer!s
curiosity take first $riority. This was $ro#a#ly a more honest method
to go a#out it.
Tatsuya convinced himself this way and once again warned himself
against #utting into other $eo$le!s #usiness.
89eo" do you understand the mechanics:8
,et" he had to focus all his concentration on this test.
.ven if this was something done during his leisurely time 7 even if
this was an overly sim$lified way of a$$lying modern magic 7 this
still #roke new ground for testing magic and calculation devices.
If an accident occurred due to his com$lacency" the one who would
#ear the #runt of it would #e 9eo and not Tatsuya.
85h" I think so...... )ut" am I really going to do that:8
8That8 likely referred to the demonstrated motions he saw within the
9ikely was the wrong word to use" since that was the only $ossi#ility
at this $oint.
8/e!re undergoing this test to find out.8
8?ou!re right.8
This training facility was E& minutes away from the hotel #y foot.
This would $ose no $ro#lems during the day" #ut it was night time
9ikewise" city districts would #e fine" #ut they were located in a
military training facility in the mountains.
Miyuki and .rika stu##ornly refused to coo$erate" #ut were finally
$ersuaded to remain at the hotel.
3es$ite this" Tatsuya still remained uneasy" so he called on Honoka to
watch Miyuki and Mizuki to kee$ an eye on .rika.
,ow" only Tatsuya and 9eo were $resent.
89et!s #egin.8
8>ot it.8
Initially" they weren!t going to use the slashing (more like striking)
;ight now" they needed to verify the movements of the /ea$onized
Integrated -23 without $erforming any $hysical actions.
8Starting now.8
9eo thum#ed the activation #utton on the #ottom of the hilt.
/ith a 8clang8 sound" a feathery touch crossed his fingers.
He wra$$ed his inde finger around the trigger near the to$ of the
handguard and started su$$lying $sions.
-ontrary to his $hysical im$ression" 9eo!s su$$ly of $sions wasn!t
e$losive" #ut $ossessed an inehausti#le dura#ility. -orrection"
may#e that would #e the most suita#le descri$tion for his youthful and
energetic side.
If a -23 was not cali#rated for individual use" there would #e
$ractically no assistance in constructing Magic Se(uences" so there
was a small delay as the 2ctivation Se(uence was translated into the
Magic Se(uence.
2$$roimately &.F seconds.
.ven so" this was still much swifter than during $ractical skills class.
This might #e caused #y his $ersonal e$ertise in this field of magic"
or the outstanding $erformance from the -23 and 2ctivation
;egardless of which one it was or #oth at the same time" this detail
remained unim$ortant. /hat was im$ortant right now was to o#serve
the activated magic in action and not the time necessary to activate
aforementioned magic.
9eo gas$ed" not #ecause the magic was activating" #ut #ecause the
effects of inertia far eceeded his e$ectations.
8Haha" it!s actually floating" how incredi#leB8
9eo revealed a childlike smile and swung the 8sword8 that had less
than one half of the #lade still attached.
The other half of the #lade floating in midair mimicked his motion and
swung in a similar arc.
8Three" two" one......8
9eo sto$$ed u$on hearing Tatsuya counting down.
/ith the end of the countdown" the #lade swiftly reconnected with the
8#roken8 #lade and reformed into a com$lete 8sword8.
8Tatsuya" that was a com$lete success.8
9eo was wearing a thoroughly delighted e$ression as he raised a
thum#" whereas Tatsuya mirrored his gesture.
8Still" I!m im$ressed that you could come u$ with something like this.
3etaching the #lade from the hilt" then using 6ortifying Magic to
solidify its $osition and !shoot! out the #lade. I still can!t #elieve I *ust
did that. ,ow I know 6ortifying Magic can also o$erate #y se$arating
8That is #ecause the core conce$t #ehind 6ortifying Magic is
sta#ilizing relative $ositions" and if you ignore all the stereoty$es" you
find that o#*ects don!t have to #e $hysically connected to one another.
In addition" the o$erational form of this -23 is more like !etension!
rather than #eing !shot out!.
8The #lade will only elongate in a linear fashion" since the middle
segment is em$ty s$ace.8
8I never thought a#out that" I!ll *ust treat this like a reallyJ long
4ust as 9eo said" this wea$onized calculation device wasn!t like other
long range system wea$ons that re(uired additional energy to control"
#ut was sim$ly matching the motion of the #lade while flying at a set
distance until the magic lost effect.
8S$eaking of which" why did the #lade come #ack: I didn!t activate
any other magic.8
8+h" that!s sim$le. That!s an electric current reaction=ty$e recall alloy"
so it only se$arates the moment an electric current is a$$lied to #reak
the connection.8
9eo nodded to signify his understanding" since this was a $o$ular
design in the modern era.
8So if a large force is a$$lied during the state where magic isn!t
su$$lied" this could easily #e #roken.8
8That!s not a $ro#lem" we *ust have to store it in a sca##ard when not
in use" right:8
8That!s true" shall we $erform live tests on dummies: +r test the
fluctuations during se$aration:8
8Tatsuya" while this thing is se$arated" is the length ad*usta#le:8
8That!s not im$ossi#le" #ut eceedingly difficult. -urrently" the
2ctivation Se(uence tied to the activation #utton on the hilt is set as a
constant" #ut that can #e easily changed to a varia#le. The challenge
lies in that whenever the length needs to #e ad*usted" a new magic
needs to overwrite the $revious one.8
8Is that the case: So if the return s$eed could #e increased" then there!s
no need to concern ourselves with the changing distances in #etween.
2fter all" a real sword can!t elongate itself halfway through the
slashing motion.8
8?et .rika seems to #e a#le to accom$lish that feat. /hat do you $lan
to do:8
8/ell...... 9et!s do a dummy test first.8
8>ot it.8
Tatsuya mani$ulated a control mechanism that was slightly larger than
a note$ad and called u$ three man=sized straw dolls from the ground.
8......I wonder whose ho##y this is:!
.ven though regenerating $roducts had #ecome mainstream in modern
society" the oddly outdated design still $rom$ted the two of them to
echange a hel$less glance.
8;egardless...... In terms of sheer s$ecs" they!ll do as slashing targets.8
8Straw dolls don!t have any 8s$ecs8...... )ut there!s no other choice.8
9eo sla$$ed his face lightly with his em$ty left hand to focus himself"
then fell into a stance against the straw dolls.
He thum#ed the $ower switch.
The #lade flew into the sky.
9eo swung the wea$on with all his strength.
2head of his right arm" the detached #lade #uilt u$ rotational
momentum to a res$ecta#le s$eed #efore smashing into the straw doll.
89ot of strain on the arm.8
9eo looked like his hand had gone num#" #ut he lightly swung the
restored medium length" sword=like wea$onized calculation device as
he voiced his thoughts.
8That!s #ecause while the flying $art is $hysically small and des$ite
the fact that s$eed can su$$lement strength somewhat" inertia still
remains an issue" so you need etra arm strength to com$ensate.8
8,o wonder. So in actual com#at" I would need to a$$ly more strength
into each of my swings.8
9eo acknowledged Tatsuya!s e$lanations with a nod of his head and
aimed at the net target.
2s he watched 9eo fall into another com#at stance" Tatsuya thoughtA
(Indeed" even after a$$lying an actual #lade" a slight increase in
weight would #e $erfect for com#at conditions. Still" this level of
$ower would #e a$$ro$riate for com$etition venues.)
The thought circulating in Tatsuya!s mind was the restriction on direct
contact during 8Monolith -ode8. This wea$onized calculation device
had a flying #lade" so it #y$assed this restriction.
(......,ot that there!s any connection here.)
/hile he claimed this was strictly a toy" he was still actively
considering $ractical a$$lications. Tatsuya could only secretly laugh at
Chapter 7
It!s the third day of the ,ine Schools -om$etition.
The Men and /omen!s 8Icicle 3estruction8 and 8)attle )oard8 were
#eing held today" making this the #iggest hurdle of the first half of the
,ine Schools -om$etition.
The $layers from 6irst High that had advanced thus far included two
men in 8Icicle 3estruction8" two men and women in 8)attle )oard8"
and one woman in 8Icicle 3estruction8.
This was not going according to $lan" #ut was still within the
acce$ta#le com#at $arameters.
8Hattori=sen$ai is on first for the Men!s Team" /atana#e=sen$ai is in
the second round for the /omen!s Team" -hiyoda=sen$ai is set for the
first round" and >rou$ 9eader 4uumon*i is scheduled for the third
Tatsuya felt a headache forming as he surveyed the schedule.
.ven if the start of the contest didn!t coincide $erfectly with the
schedule" he could only watch either Hattori!s or Kanon!s event.
(Though Hattori=sen$ai $ro#a#ly doesn!t want me to watch him
That #eing said" Miyuki and Hattori were #oth $art of the Student
-ouncil" so not watching Hattori!s contest was still a $ro#lem.
82h" found you" Tatsuya=kunB8
Still" Tatsuya no longer had to concern himself with this" or may#e he
no longer had to concern himself $eriod.
8<resident" what!s the matter:8
8I was ho$ing you could hel$.8
Mayumi dragged Tatsuya towards the engineering vehicles.
8+nii=sama" it!s a#out to startB8
In the end" Tatsuya #arely got away in time to catch the start of Mari!s
Mari had dro$$ed #y when Tatsuya was working and s$ecifically
reminded himA 8?ou are going to come watch me" right:8 If he stayed
away after that" even if he was *ust a little tardy and missed the
o$ening segment" he would never hear the end of it.
Tatsuya thanked his little sister and friends for saving him a s$ot" then
turned to look at the starting line.
9ooks like he made it *ust in time.
Mari was wearing her customary head#and with her hair fluttering as
she ado$ted the set $osition.
There were a total of three contestants in the semifinal round" which
would run for two matches.
The winners of the two matches would advance to the final round
where they would duel one another.
The two others were tense with aniety" #ut Mari fearlessly awaited
the starting signal.
The 8>et Set8 whistle sounded.
The audience was dead silent.
2fter a s$lit second" the second whistle rang out.
The race was on.
The first one out the gate was Mari.
5nlike the $reliminary round" the one in second was right on her
The $layer in third was only slightly further #ehind.
8They!re tough......B8
8,o wonder they!re known as !Seventh High of the /aves!.8
8I remem#er that they had the same team in last year!s finals.8
The #illowing waves on the surface were clear evidence that their
magic was interfering with one another.
>enerally" Mari would use her $osition in the lead to take advantage
of the waves to disru$t her o$$onent #ehind her" here#y achieving
greater effect than the sum of its $arts" #ut the $layer from Seventh
High ade$tly maneuvered her #oard to com$ensate for her
disadvantage in magic.
The three $layers threaded through the snaking a(ueduct and rounded
the tight corner neck to neck.
2fter $assing through there" they entered a $assage that couldn!t #e
seen from the o#servation deck" so now the action had to #e watched
through the television screens.
Tatsuya glanced towards the widescreen TG that was dis$laying the
images from the shar$ turn.
2 small oddity onscreen gra##ed his attention.
So Tatsuya accidentally missed this moment.
Screams eru$ted from the stands.
Tatsuya frantically looked #ack.
The $layer from Seventh High had com$letely lost her #alance.
8S$eed )urst:8
Someone shouted out.
That!s certainly what it looked like.
The $layer!s #oard wasn!t gri$$ing the water!s surface.
2s if in full flight" the $layer from Seventh High was gliding across
the water!s surface and was a#out to slam straight into the railing.
75nder the assum$tion that no one was in the way.
Mari" who had *ust finished decelerating and was ready to s$rint
ahead" was directly in the $ath of the tra*ectory.
Mari faced the railing.
.ven so" she still ke$t her head turned #ehind her" likely #ecause she
detected the oncoming $resence from the rear.
Her following action" could only #e descri#ed as su$erlative.
Mari canceled her forward acceleration and switched to $arallel
rotational acceleration" using the waves crashing #ack from the walls
of the a(ueduct and her own magic to s$in the #oard halfway around.
,et" she used multi$le recalculations to use two new magics and
$re$ared to receive the out of control Seventh High $layer.
6irst she used Move=Ty$e Magic to fling away the $layer!s #oard and
then a$$lied /eight=Ty$e Inertial ,eutralization Magic to $revent
herself from crashing into the railing after catching the other $layer.
This would have #een enough to avert disaster.
If the water!s surface didn!t suddenly di$.
It was only a minute difference.
However" Mari was in the middle of a high level techni(ue to achieve
a 'I& degree turnaround.
Mari wasn!t a surfing e$ert" she was *ust using su$er# magic and
$ersonal #uffing to change her stance. The moment her flotation
faded" her #alance was destroyed as well.
/hich in turn caused the activating magic to fizzle.
She successfully redirected the other $layer!s #oard that was hurtling
towards her legs.
)ut the Inertial ,eutralization Magic didn!t activate" which sent the
$layer from Seventh High careening into Mari.
The two of them slammed into the railing together.
Shrill shrieks sounded from all around the stands.
Immediately" a flag rose to signal a halt to the com$etition.
Tatsuya couldn!t hel$ #ut rise to his feet.
Mari was sandwiched #etween the railing and the $layer from Seventh
It looked like she wasn!t a#le to successfully erect any $rotective
-om$letely $ale" Miyuki was gazing u$ at him.
8I!ll go take a look" you guys stay here.8
Tatsuya had received military and guardian training since youth"
which more than (ualified him for minor surgical o$erations.
Tatsuya!s steady voice allowed Miyuki to realize that everyone going
to take a look would only add to the $anic" so she waved her hands to
signal their friends to take a seat and nodded her assent towards
Tatsuya charged down the o#servation deck and threaded through the
dense crowds as if $erforming a magic trick.
She did not wake very (uickly.
There seemed to #e a thick cloud hanging over her consciousness" so it
was difficult to gras$ her surroundings.
/hat was she doing here......:
This was the first (uestion that flashed across Mari!s mind as she
8Mari" are you awake: 3o you know who I am:8
2n evil friend 7 even at this time in the $rivacy of her mind" Mari
still didn!t a$$ly the term 8friend8 7 could #e seen in front of her
Mari knew the literal meaning of the (uestion" #ut was una#le to
com$rehend why the (uestion was asked" so she murmured in
8Mayumi" what are you talking a#out: /hy would you ask......8
7Halfway through her sentence" Mari recalled the reason why
Mayumi asked the (uestion as well as her current $redicament.
8So I!m in the hos$ital......8
8?es" the hos$ital at Susono )ase. Thank goodness...... 9ooks like
there was no mental damage.8
8How long was I out:8
There was still a dull thro##ing coming from the #ack of her head"
which allowed Mari to realize that she didn!t fall aslee$" #ut was
forcefully knocked unconscious after failing to erect defenses in time.
8Since *ust after noon. 2h" don!t get u$ yet.8
Mari wanted to sit herself u$" #ut Mayumi (uickly $ushed her #ack
She didn!t a$$ly a lot of strength" #ut Mari!s $hysical mo#ility was
reduced to less than half.
8?our ri#s are #roken and while they!ve used magic to reconnect them"
they still need some time to sta#ilize. I think you know very well that
healing magic is ultimately only an emergency measure.8
8There!s only the outward a$$earance of recovery during the
sta#ilization $eriod" rather than instantaneous recovery 7 don!t worry"
I know at least that much.8
Mari took the words right out of Mayumi!s mouth as she murmured to
herself and sank #ack down onto the #ed.
8How long will I #e out:8
82t least a week for a full recovery" though you are cleared for daily
activities after one day of #ed rest. Still" to #e on the safe side" you are
for#idden from strenuous activity for the net ten days.8
8Hey" then......B8
8?ou!ll have to withdraw from 8Mirage )at8 too. There!s nothing we
can do a#out that.8
8Is that so......8
Mari sighed and closed her eyes.
She reo$ened them after a short interval.
8/hat was the conclusion of the contest:8
8The instigator from Seventh High was #anned as $unishment with
Third and ,inth High advancing to the finals. Ko#ayakawa=san was
highly motivated" so I think we have a chance to seize Third <lace.8
8Ko#ayakawa is more than ca$a#le so long as she doesn!t mentally
handica$ herself.8
8Indeed. )y the way" the $layer from Seventh High didn!t suffer ma*or
in*uries" so your efforts weren!t wasted.8
8......It doesn!t really count as hel$ing if I!m seriously in*ured myself.8
Mari scowled as she was com$laining" though her 8$retense8 at
negativity drew a light laugh from Mayumi.
Mayumi averted her head and feigned ignorance.
8+n the Men!s Team" Hattori=kun advanced to the finals" #ut
Murakami=kun *ust #arely missed out. 4uumon*i=kun and Kanon=san
#oth advanced to the single elimination $ortion of !Icicle 3estruction!
on their res$ective sides.8
8So I!m the only one who couldn!t fulfill her end of the #argain......8
8It!s not your fault. Mari" you made the right decision. If you didn!t
halt your acceleration" you might have #een a#le to narrowly avoid the
collision and advance to the finals" #ut...... The $layer from Seventh
High would likely have suffered serious in*ury to the $oint that her life
as a Magician might #e over" that!s how dangerous her situation was.
Tatsuya=kun also concurs.8
8......Hey" why are you #ringing u$ this guy!s name now:8
8)ecause he was the one who escorted you here and stayed on station
while you were undergoing treatment.8
8/ell" of course we didn!t leave it all to Tatsuya=kun himself......
Mayumi s$orted a grin while Mari turned around with a misera#le
e$ression on her face.
It was $recisely #ecause she felt a tight knot unraveling inside her that
Mayumi!s grin irked her even more.
8,aturally" men wouldn!t #e $resent while ladies are changing" so he
o#ediently waited in the corridor while treatment was ongoing. )ut
you #etter thank him later on. He arrived $ractically at the same time
as the emergency res$onse teams and hel$ed #ring you to shore. He
also s$otted your fractures in one glance and gave the orders for
8....../ho the devil is this guy:8
Mari!s eyes were wide with amazement while Mayumi nodded dee$ly.
8How should I $ut this" he seems very ade$t at dealing with accidents
and victims...... S$eaking of which" what!s your status:8
8/hy are you asking this now...... I have a small headache" #ut that!s a
strictly $hysical in*ury" and my head is clear.8
89ooks like there!s no trauma...... In that case" let me get this over with
Mayumi $inned the still #efuddled Mari with a serious look.
8/hat!s with the sudden serious attitude:8
8Mari...... 2t that time" were you hindered #y an outsider!s magic:8
8/hat do you mean:8
84ust as Mari was a#out to catch the $layer from Seventh High" did
you lose your #alance #ecause a third $arty maliciously used magic to
disru$t the water!s surface: This is what I want to e$ress.8
5$on com$rehending the intent #ehind Mayumi!s words" Mari!s eyes
glinted with alertness.
8......4ust #efore the #oard started sinking" I did feel an odd vi#ration
near my feet" #ut I have no idea if that was caused #y magic and even
less of an idea if it was malicious...... /hy would you think that:8
8/hen you lost your #alance" the water movements were very
unnatural" to the $oint that there is sus$icion that this was caused
through illogical means like $henomenon rewriting magic. ?et" neither
$layer from the other schools used this magic" so the only remaining
$ossi#ility is that an outside third $arty cast this magic. Tatsuya=kun
also concurs. I heard that he!s re(uesting the recording from the
committee in order to analyze the fluctuations on the water!s surface.
2t least we can find out if this was actually caused #y unnatural"
foreign forces.8
8I would like to call into (uestion why a high school freshman is
ca$a#le of such an analysis" #ut let!s ta#le that for now...... Since the
other $layers and I were all using magic" why are we investigating if
there were unnatural" foreign forces at work: I for one think this is
8Tatsuya=kun said that the $layers! magic effects could #e taken into
account as well to determine if outside forces were acting on the
situation. Isori=kun also said that he would go hel$ him after the
contests were over today" so I think #etween the two of them" we can
find some meaningful answers. Mari" if you can think of anything
else" $lease let me know. This doesn!t *ust concern us 7 the overall
standings for 6irst High" this may im$act the entire ,ine Schools
-om$etition and all the magic high schools com#ined.8
2s Mari silently digested this from the #ed" Mayumi said 8I should
go8 and de$arted from the room.
,ow alone" Mari directed a solemn gaze towards the ceiling.
5$on hearing the knocking sounds" Miyuki went to o$en the door and
found a $air of %nd ?ear students waiting outside.
8<lease come in...... +nii=sama" Isori=sen$ai" and -hiyoda=sen$ai are
Miyuki!s words $rom$ted Tatsuya to sto$ ty$ing and rise from his
8Sorry for calling you here.8
8,o $ro#lem" $lease don!t worry a#out that. 2fter all" I was the one
who volunteered and couldn!t #ring the still active terminal device
over here.8
Tatsuya nodded slightly in agreement whereas Isori casually waved a
2fter thanking him again" Tatsuya turned towards Kanon.
8-hiyoda=sen$ai" congratulations on winning the gold.8
8Thank you. Since Mari=sen$ai got caught u$ in that incident" the rest
of us have to work harder on her #ehalfB8
Hot=#looded would #e the $erfect way to descri#e Kanon with her
fists clenched" causing Tatsuya to reevaluate her as dazzling.
8So" did we find anything:8
8I!ve gone through the recording once and arrived at the conclusion
that this is definitely the work of an outside $arty. Isori=sen$ai" would
you mind verifying this one more time:8
8>ot it...... 2s e$ected of Shi#a=kun" that was fast.8
Isori acce$ted the invitation and sat down while using a hand gesture
to e$ress his admiration.
There was a modest monitor (standard size" %& inches) on the ta#le
that was s$lit into two screens" one dis$laying the actual recording
itself while the other was strictly the outline of what ha$$ened.
Isori $icked u$ the visual $ointer sha$ed like a monocle with a #rain
wave su$$lementary add=on and smoothly unfurled the thin" long -=
ty$e metal frame around his head" ad*usted the monocle over his right
eye" and $laced his finger on the #uttons near the #ottom center of the
The #rain wave su$$lementary add=on and the visual $ointers were
originally intended for users to in$ut data without the need to remove
their hands from the key#oard" #ut have since $rogressed to the $oint
that direct in$ut on the key#oard has #ecome unnecessary.
However" Isori chose to use the original function" which was a $ure
su$$lement to key#oard in$ut.
The actual recording and the model images #oth started moving under
Isori!s direction.
He (uickly fast forwarded to the moment the incident occurred" then
$roceeded to $lay the se(uence in slow motion.
2#ove the model images" lines of data descri#ed the changes in the
water!s surface.
/ithin the scene in (uestion" which was when the water!s surface
di$$ed downward" an unknown (uantity arose" signifying that the
8$ower8 released could not #e e$lained #y magic interference from
the three $layers.
Isori $aused the image and turned around.
8......This is even more trou#lesome than we imagined.8
8Kei" what ha$$ened:8
8Kanon" you know that in order to $revent outsiders illegally using
magic to interfere with the com$etition" the ,ine Schools -om$etition
hired highly skilled counter magic Magicians and stationed them as
committee mem#ers all over the various arenas" then $laced cameras
all over the $lace to o#serve the situation. Since the network didn!t
catch this" I sus$ected that the cul$rit acted from a high altitude that
eceeds the security network and fired a com$ressed #lock of air
downwards to cause the di$ in the water!s surface. )ut if that were the
case" there!s no way /atana#e=sen$ai could have missed it and I also
realize this is an outrageous hy$othesis.
?et" #ased on Shi#a=kun!s analysis" the di$ in the water!s surface
originated from within the water itself. If someone utilized a Magic
Se(uence from outside the a(ueduct" the security network would
immediately $ick u$ on it. The only natural way for the water!s surface
to di$ downwards would #e a leak" so that $ossi#ility can also #e ruled
out. The only $ossi#ility remaining is that someone was hiding in the
water for this $recise moment...... )ut that!s almost im$ossi#le......8
8-ould Shi#a=kun!s analysis #e incorrect:8
Kanon!s #lunt (uestion caused Miyuki to stiffen.
However" #efore Miyuki could s$eak" Isori denied Kanon!s assertion.
8Shi#a=kun!s analysis is flawless" at least it is not within my ca$a#ility
to discern any errors.8
Isori and Kanon #oth la$sed into silence.
The silence lasted around two minutes #efore it was #roken #y more
Miyuki visually interrogated her #rother and only moved to o$en the
door after her #rother nodded in agreement.
She (uickly returned.
/ith two classmates in tow.
8Mizuki said that +nii=sama wanted them to come over......8
8Sorry for calling the two of you all the way over here.8
Tatsuya verified his sister!s (uestion and turned to the two
82llow me to introduce youA These two are my classmates ?oshida
and Shi#ata. I think you two know these two are Isori=sen$ai and
-hiyoda=sen$ai from %nd ?ear.8
Mikihiko and Mizuki were #oth a little tense and" after a (uick round
of self introductions from Isori and Kanon" Tatsuya used a concise
answer to res$ond to the five (uestioning looks sent his way.
8I asked the two of them to come and identify our cul$rit.8
This sentence alone was a little too vague for anyone to understand.
Tatsuya knew from the get go" so he ke$t e$laining without $ausing.
8/e are now eamining the $ossi#ility that /atana#e=sen$ai!s incident
was caused #y malicious interference from an outside $arty.8
This was for Mikihiko and Mizuki!s #enefit.
Mikihiko knit his #rows while Mizuki revealed an astounded
82s /atana#e=sen$ai was losing her #alance" an unnatural di$
a$$eared on the water!s surface" which disru$ted the timing for her
Inertial ,eutralization Magic and forced her to collide with the railing.
The change on the water!s surface was almost certainly caused #y
magic cast from within the water.8
Mizuki still hadn!t shaken off her astonishment.
?et" u$on hearing Tatsuya!s words" Mikihiko!s eyes took on a hard
8It is strictly im$ossi#le to cast magic on the water from outside the
stadium without detection. The $ossi#ility that this is caused #y
delayed magic is also low. )ecause if that was the case" Ko#ayakawa=
sen$ai would have detected this in the first race.8
Modern magic also had magic that activated after a set delay" #ut the
Magic Se(uence must #e 8recorded8 onto the o#*ect. +nce the delayed
magic was cast" the target o#*ect would #e under the influence of
magic rewriting and interfere with the net magic cast on the target
8If that is the case" then the only $ossi#ility remaining is that
something hidden in the water cast the magic 7 this is the conclusion
Isori=sen$ai and I arrived at.8
Tatsuya visually sought confirmation from Mikihiko and Mizuki" who
#oth nodded in understanding.
8Still" having a living" #reathing Magician su#merge themselves in
water sounds ridiculous. -urrently" neither modern magic nor 2ncient
Magic is a#le to accom$lish this feat flawlessly.8
This time" Tatsuya!s words $rom$ted Isori and Kanon to nod in
8If that!s the case" a more suita#le hy$othesis is that !something
inhuman! cast magic while hiding in the waterway.8
Isori and Kanon glanced at one another" mirroring each other!s
2fter a while" Isori finally asked.
8......Shi#a=kun thinks this may #e the work of S$irit Magic:8
Tatsuya nodded in res$onse to Isori!s words.
Magicians that use modern magic ty$ically use $sion surges to
identify magic.
)ut S)" or S$iritual )eings" are $rimarily com$osed of $ushions.
<ushions are su$$lements used to 8move8 the o#*ects around 7
$recisely like ordering s$irits around 7 this was the current dominant
It wasn!t that Magicians couldn!t identify $ushions.
?et" in ordinary circumstances" they couldn!t identify them as readily
as $sions.
6or eam$le" even though the human senses could detect infrared rays
as 8warmth8" there was no way to distinguish #etween colors the same
way they could for visi#le light.
Magicians could use their senses to identify active $ushions.
)ut had a very difficult time identifying inactive ones.
In other words" Magicians using modern magic couldn!t detect
dormant S$iritual )eings.
If they were using a S$iritual )eing $lanted ahead of time 7 a ty$e of
delayed magic using S$iritual )eings" there was a high $ro#a#ility that
they would elude the committee!s detection.
8?oshida is an e$ert on S$irit Magic and Shi#ata is es$ecially
sensitive towards $ushion light.8
8Hence why you called the two of them.8
Tatsuya once again nodded towards Isori and turned to face Mikihiko.
8Mikihiko" I would like your e$ert o$inion. Is there a way for
S$iritual Magic to delay activating for several hours and then
selectively create a di$ in the water!s surface:8
Mikihiko immediately re$lied.
8)ased on those conditions" all you would have to do is set the start of
the second race as the $rimary condition" then someone!s a$$roach as
the second condition and order the water s$irit to create a wave or
whirl$ool. .ven if s$irits are off the ta#le" a shikigami can accom$lish
that too.8
8-an you do it:8
8/ith enough time to $re$are. I cannot do that right this moment" #ut
give me half a month to $re$are and re$eatedly enter the arena to
make the arrangements" I should #e a#le to.8
8/ould you need to infiltrate the arena the day #efore:8
8,o need. 2s long as I!m familiar with the lay of the land" I can use
the ley lines to send the s$irits" which is the $oint of investigating
#eforehand. However......8
8.ven if they managed to accom$lish this" there!s almost no $ower to
s$eak of. S$irits are em$owered #y the user!s emotions and will" so if
it was set several hours #eforehand" I feel that the only thing lingering
would #e something like a $ractical *oke at #est.8
8In other words:8
8.ven if they could disru$t the water!s surface" they couldn!t use this
method to create large enough waves to disru$t /atana#e=sen$ai!s
#alance. If the $layer from Seventh High didn!t ha$$en to lose control
at the eact same time" this would #e relegated to kid!s $lay.8
6or some reason" Tatsuya gave a massive nod at Mikihiko!s words.
8That!s only under the assum$tion that it was an accident in the first
Mikihiko was una#le to follow Tatsuya!s cry$tic words" #ut Tatsuya
didn!t immediately re$ly and instead turned his gaze on Mizuki.
8Mizuki" during /atana#e=sen$ai!s incident" did you see the
movements of the S):8
8......I was wearing my glasses at the time ......Sorry.8
8<lease don!t say that. ?ou!re right" that!s my mistake. Mizuki" you
don!t have to a$ologize.8
Tatsuya #owed his head towards the glum Mizuki and Miyuki also
came over to comfort her.
8In regards to what we were *ust talking a#out......8
Tatsuya turned #ack to Mikihiko.
?et Isori and Kanon #oth knew these words were also directed
towards them.
8I feel that the loss of control from the $layer from Seventh High was
not a $ure coincidence. Take a look at this.8
Tatsuya #rought Mikihiko in front of the monitor and restarted the
model images.
He was also $aying attention to Isori and Kanon" who were $eeking
around to take a look" and sto$$ed the recording shortly #efore the
accident occurred.
8The $layer from Seventh High would normally decelerate at this
Then $roceeded to advance the recording frame #y frame.
8)ut as everyone can see" she was actually continuing to #uild u$
8......?ou!re right" that is etremely odd.8
8Indeed. 2 Magician who would make such a fundamental mistake
has no #usiness #eing in the ,ine Schools -om$etition.8
Tatsuya nodded in agreement with Isori and Kanon!s o$inions" then
returned the $lay#ack to normal s$eed.
8I sus$ect that the -23 the $layer from Seventh High was using had
#een tam$ered with.8
The room was suffused with shock.
8This is the first ma*or turn that re(uires deceleration along the entire
route. If the decelerating 2ctivation Se(uence was swa$$ed for an
accelerating 2ctivation Se(uence" an accident here is unavoida#le.
)ased on last year!s results" it is well within $redicta#le #oundaries
that /atana#e=sen$ai and the $layer from Seventh High would #e
neck to neck at this stage. If my goal was to sa#otage them" this would
#e the $erfect o$$ortunity to eliminate two favored candidates for
6irst <lace in one fell swoo$.8
8That sounds reasona#le...... )ut could they tam$er with the -23:
2nd if so" when would they do that:8
85nless there!s a traitor that snuck into Seventh High!s technician
Tatsuya slightly shook his head at Isori and Kanon!s (uestions.
82las" we have no $roof. .ven if we $etitioned Seventh High to
review their -23s" they are guaranteed to re#uff us. Still" I think
there!s an o$$ortunity to do so.8
8So there really is a traitor:8
Tatsuya once more shook his head at Kanon!s s$eculation" #ut this
time he was noticea#ly slower.
8/hile there!s no way to $ro$erly gauge this $ossi#ility...... I think
there!s a much higher chance that there is a mole in the committee.8
His words sto$$ed there.
Isori" Kanon" and Mikihiko were all struck s$eechless.
They all wore ske$tical e$ressions.
8......)ut +nii=sama" assuming there is a mole on the committee" how
and when would they tam$er with the -23s: .ach school *ealously
guards their own com$etition=use -23s......8
Miyuki would never (uestion Tatsuya!s *udgment. She was only
assuming her #rother!s hy$othesis was true and asking for the net
ste$ in the $uzzle.
Tatsuya did not re$ly directly" #ut told everyone a $u#licly known
$iece of information.
82ll -23s are guaranteed to leave each school!s control and #e turned
over to the committee once.8
Miyuki let out a gas$ since she had never thought of this. +n to$ of
that" she was the only one who gas$ed" since Isori" Kanon" Mikihiko"
and Mizuki were all struck dum#.
8Still" there!s no way of telling what their methods are" that is the truly
$uzzling area......8
4ust in case" they could not let down their guard even for an instant.
Miyuki and Tatsuya" the former who was a#out to #egin her
com$etition and the latter who was res$onsi#le for cali#rating -23s"
carved those words into their hearts.
6or the third day" 6irst High took 6irst <lace in #oth 8Icicle
3estruction8 contests" Second <lace in Men!s 8)attle )oard8" and
Third <lace in /omen!s 8)attle )oard8.
Third High took Second <lace in #oth 8Icicle 3estruction8 contests as
well as 6irst <lace in #oth 8)attle )oard8 contests" so the two schools
were much closer than the day #efore.
)efore the com$etition #egan" Mari had told Tatsuya that the
,ewcomers 3ivision shouldn!t have an im$act on the final result. In
this case" she a$$eared to #e mistaken.
Tatsuya meticulously eamined the -23s for the $layers he was
res$onsi#le for and $re$ared for tomorrow!s ,ewcomers 3ivision. It
was this moment Mayumi sent a message via terminal re(uesting his
)ewildered" he $aused his work and thought 8/hat does she need me
for at this hour:8. 2s he headed for the conference room reserved for
6irst High" he ran into Miyuki at the door.
83id the <resident call for you too" Miyuki:8
8?es" +nii=sama as well:8
Tatsuya initially considered that Isori and com$any would ask him to
come and discuss countermeasures against future sa#otage" #ut that
wouldn!t e$lain why Miyuki had also #een summoned.
89et!s go inside.8
There were some things that could only #e discerned after careful
thought" and some that couldn!t #e discerned no matter how much one
thought a#out it.
If $ondering $osed no #enefit" then taking action was the way to go.
2s the ancients say" $ointless $ondering is time wasting.
8.cuse us.8
Tatsuya didn!t want to #e mired in such tiresome thoughts 7 likewise"
he didn!t do so #y any great $rinci$le" #ut at least he didn!t needlessly
worry himself #efore o$ening the door.
Mayumi" Suzune" and Katsuto were inside 7 as well as Mari" who
should #e in #ed.
8Thanks for your hard work. 2re you ready for tomorrow:8
8,o" I still need some time.8
8Is that so...... I!m sorry" I called Tatsuya=kun as well.8
2ccording to Mayumi!s guilty words" the $rimary reci$ient of these
words was Miyuki.
8<lease" take a seat.8
The si#lings did so side #y side.
8There!s a small detail I would like to discuss with you two...... Sorry"
it!s no small thing.
I asked the two of you to come to discuss something of vital
It seemed like it had #een ages since Mayumi!s tone was so serious"
causing Tatsuya to $erk u$ a little.
8;in=chan" can you e$lain:8
So she still uses 8;in=chan8 even when in a serious mood" Tatsuya
thought as he looked towards Suzune.
8I think you two are aware of the current standings.8
This was o#viously a rhetorical (uestion on Suzune!s $art" #ut Tatsuya
and Miyuki #oth nodded anyway.
82lthough we ran into some unforeseen accidents" our school!s
running score is roughly the same as our $redictions. 5nfortunately"
Third High!s score is vastly greater than we antici$ated" so the
difference #etween us is a lot less than we had ho$ed.8
2t this $oint" #oth of the si#lings nodded to show that they
8That #eing said" we still $ossess enough of a lead. .ven if we aren!t
the overall winner for the ,ewcomers 3ivision" we can still claim the
overall victory so long as we claim 6irst <lace for the last !Monolith
-ode! and the score differential isn!t too large. However" if we fall too
far #ehind Third High" then it may come down to the !Mirage )at!
event from the +fficial 3ivision.8
.verything that Suzune detailed were all assum$tions" so was she
telling them to $erform well during the ,ewcomers 3ivision:
If that!s all it was" there should #e no need to call them at this hour......
Tatsuya was (uite confused #eneath his $oker face.
8The $oint total from the +fficial 3ivision is worth twice as much as
the ,ewcomers 3ivision" so our school!s tactical advisors have arrived
at the conclusion that we should make some sacrifices in the
,ewcomers 3ivision and channel our fire$ower into the +fficial
3ivision!s !Mirage )at!.8
Tatsuya!s #row twitched. He (uickly read #etween the lines of 8some
sacrifices in the ,ewcomers 3ivision8" thus $roducing minute
changes in his $oker face.
8?es" Tatsuya=kun" it is eactly as you surmised.8
Mayumi adroitly read the fractional changes on Tatsuya!s face and
$reem$tively res$onded.
8Miyuki=san" we ask you to re$lace Mari in !Mirage )at! for the
+fficial 3ivision. Tatsuya=kun will continue to serve as Miyuki=san!s
technician and com$ete on the ninth day.8
Mayumi!s words clashed with her earlier words" this was no
This was a declaration of what will #e done.
8)ut there are other sen$ais that are only $artici$ating in one event" so
why was I chosen as a re$lacement knowing that this would im$eril
the ,ewcomers 3ivision:8
Miyuki!s voice was steady" not over*oyed that she was suddenly
$romoted #ut staying cool and calm as she raised her net (uestion.
Her reaction $rom$ted an 8+h:8 e$ression from Mari" even Katsuto
was caught slightly off guard.
8/e #elieve this way we can maimize our gains.8
Suzune!s voice was even calmer as she re$lied.
8The #iggest reason is that we did not $re$are a #acku$ for !Mirage
Mari" who was originally the attending $layer" also *oined the ranks of
the $ersuaders.
8.ven for our school!s re$resentative $layers" asking them to suddenly
com$ete in the air during the +fficial 3ivision!s !Mirage )at! is still a
stretch. -om$ared to this" we have a #etter chance sending a 'st ?ear
student that has already trained for this. +n to$ of that78
Mari $aused here for em$hasis.
She was a young lady that loved to indulge in histrionics.
8Tatsuya=kun" your sister will trium$h even in the +fficial 3ivision"
2nd struck the weak s$ot for massive damage.
Tatsuya felt that this argument was #eing a little crafty" #ut he had no
reason to #e hum#le.
8+f course.8
Tatsuya!s certain answer was given as if he was stating a fact" causing
Mari to #reak into a grin" Katsuto to nod kindly" Mayumi to widen her
eyes" Suzune to shift her #rows slightly" and Miyuki to duck her head
in em#arrassment.
8Since everyone has esteemed us so highly" I will $ut forth my all as
an engineer. Miyuki" are you willing:8
Miyuki!s #eautiful #ack was straighter than ever as she re$lied to
Tatsuya in an elevated voice.
This $erfectly conveyed her willingness to charge into the #reach.
6irstly" allow me to dee$ly thank all those who actually choose to $ick
this #ook u$ to read.
It has #een E months since we last met" however I am sure that there
are also those Wwho are meeting me for the first time todayX" however
Wthese kindsX of words are overly used" therefore $lease forgive me for
using them as well.
,ow that Mahouka Koukou no ;ettousei volume E has #een
released into the market" and in terms of arcs its the YfirstZ of the
second arc" I must a$ologise for ending it at such a delicate stage"
though its #ecause I have tentatively set the #eginning of volume H to
#e the moment when the first years (that!s the $rotagonist grou$)
really start to liven things u$.
The net volume will #e the second arc!s YfinalZ" rest assured that
there won!t #e an YintermediateZ" however" conversely the thickness
of the volume will #e rather s$ectacular.
2lthough 3engeki )unko (2S-II Media /orks) are willing to acce$t
any level of thicknesses" however it would not #e good to do this
everytime and that is why from the net net volume onwards I will
conduct myself #etter77 I sim$ly cannot make such a $romise" as it
may #e too much for me to endure.
If you are someone who only reads the afterword after actually
finishing the volume" you will know that this arc!s main stage is the
inter=school tournament.
5sing invented magic to com$ete to decide a winner" to use magic
skills to differentiate from each other.
;ather" other than *ust the re$resentatives a#ilities" the technician
team!s skills also largely affects the chances of victory for the whole
6or this" $erha$s even more so than #all s$orts or track and field
meets" it is more akin to the relationshi$ found in racing" though
unfortunately the wonderful atmos$here that is usually found in /orld
Motorcycle -ham$ionshi$ (Moto><) or 6ormula +ne racing (6') is
not $resent here.
.....It!s really kind of $itiful that only now do I think of such things"
however I guess I can only content with adding racing elements into
the net ,ine Schools -om$etition then.
6or eam$le" using s$onsors or [[ girls and et cetera" may#e the
editor will use this as the ty$e of reference materials to focus their
research on (There is no such thing)
I will sto$ the *okes here. <erha$s some of the readers may have
already realised" the story line visualised this time is really similar to a
certain $o$ular world=class novel!s fourth entry.
However" the difference lies in the fact that that $o$ular world=class
novel!s fourth entry is a#out an individual!s com$etition" whereas my
story is a#out a team com$etition" in addition to that the forms of
magic are com$letely different" therefore the com$etition!s
circumstances is in no way similar to each other.
S$eaking of similarities" I cracked my #rains over (how to $ro$erly
create the settings of a fictional com$etition)" and *ust like a certain
$o$ular world=class novel!s..... fourth entry" may#e I should say that
the whole thing is similar to Duidditch.
There are not many changes77wrong" I should say that it has
already #ecome a modern day ty$e of a Duidditch com$etition.
/eirdly" the 2uthor=sama of a certain (story) seems to not have
cracked her mind a#out how to create such a scene" however I
certainly had a headache over this. /hat I did manage to create is not
nearly engaging and a$$ealing enough" $erha$s this is my limits as a
.ach of the com$etitions rules and regulations aren!t that difficult
(there shouldn!t #e any.....)" I ho$e that all of you will use a light and
relaed mood to Wa$$reciateX the vigorous actions of the students from
the Magic High Schools.
In the net volume 8,ine Schools -om$etition (II)8" the main
$rotagonist will finally distinguish himself in the com$etition. 2nd not
*ust in the arena" the $rotagonist will also have the o$$ortunity to fully
showcase his dark hero!s a#ilities wantonly in the outside world.
This kind of (a#normal conduct) may lead to a #i$olar dis$osition"
however I ho$e that you will continue to accom$any me onwards in
my story.
,et" this time I would also like to etend my thanks to all those who
were involved in the creation of this light novel.
M=sama" thank you giving me so many $recise suggestions" es$ecially
W/hen on a tri$" of course you need to go to an onsenX. /ithout this
suggestion" the colored illustration as well as the normal novel
illustration will not #e a#le to de$ict such a wonderful scene.
Ishida=sama" Stone=sama" I am sorry that I made so many demands.
The two of you $atiently handled all my com$licated and difficult
re(uests" and designed such #eautiful and wonderful illustrations for
me" and for that I really don!t know how I should thank you guys.
.s$ecially the female $rotaganist!s softening smile (M=sama!s name)
which caused me to s$rout for#idden feelings for my own creation!s
6urthermore" I would also like to thank the $erson in charge of the
illustrations! color schemes" Suenaga=sama" as well as all the other
hel$ers. It is all thanks to the assistance $rovided #y everyone that an
even #etter form of my light novel could #e $u#lished.
2nd most im$ortantly" I would like to e$ress my dee$est gratitude to
the readers who have $icked u$ this #ook. It is all thanks to your
su$$ort that the following volumes should also #e a#le to #e
successfully $u#lished.
/ith that" I ho$e that I will #e a#le to meet you all again in the net
volume" 8,ine Schools -om$etition (II)8.
(Satou Tsutomu)

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