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by P. Cappa and SA. Sciuto
AT difference between the set calibration tem-
perature and the measured value;
difference between the calibration voltage and
the value measured by the digitai voltmeter;
resistance of the thermistor in the multi-
generic temperature measured by the data ac-
quisition contro! system;
temperature calibration value;
temperature of the cold junction of the ther-
temperature of the hot junction of the ther-
T MEAS temperature measured by the data acquisition
contro! system dependently on the calibra-
tion value;
sum of the voltages corresponding to the
temperatures of the cold and the hot junc-
voltage corresponding to the temperature
calibration value;
VcAL,,. voltage applied by the universal source;
V CALme.. voltage measured by the digitai voltmeter;
voltage corresponding to the cold junction
V HJ voltage corresponding to the hot junction-
v voltage measured by the integrating digitai
P. Cappa (SEM Member) is Associated Professar and S.A. Sciuto
(SEM member) is Research Associate, Department of Mechanics and
Aeronautics, University of Rome "La Sapienza," Rome, ltaly.
Thermocouples, as it is well
known, have been used widely in the utility industries,
nuclear power station, etc. because they are simple to
use, inexpensive, versatile, durable, relatively accurate
sensors and, finally, low-impedence device.
Thermocouples and the associated system are usually
calibrated l) by establishing a reference temperature at
their cold junctions by means of an ice bath, or an iso-
thermal block monitored with another thermal sensor, or
a solid-state heat pump;
2) by impressing to their hot
junctions one or more known temperatures by means of
calibration fumaces. Another possible methodology is
based on a special thermocouple called "self-calibrat-
ing. "
For this thermocouple, the hot junction is located
near an incapsulated meta!, so that a single calibration
point is made possible when the temperature reaches the
phase of transition of the meta!.
Moreover, many portable, multifunction micropro-
cessor-based digitai calibrators are recently commer-
cially available:
.4 these units can be easily carried to any
user location for on site calibrations. The calibrator mea-
sures the cold junction temperature and, depending on
the selected thermocouple type and the simulated tem-
perature, provides a DC signa!.
A commerciai calibrator is available at the laboratory
of the Department of Mechanics and Aeronautics of the
University of Rome "La Sapienza" but the metrological
performances (accuracy: (0.1% of reading + 0.5C))
are judged insufficient for the purpose of this work, which
consists in the dynamic characterization of a transducer
recently proposed,S-
called duplex gage, that measures
both specimen' s surface temperature and surface strains.
The duplex gage is based on two electrical resistance
strain gages: one is temperature compensated for the test
materia!, the latter for a materia! with a different coef-
Experlmental Tecbnlques 19
ficient of linear expansion. In preliminary experimental
analysis some specimens were equipped with duplex gages
and were subjected to static and quasi-static temperature
variations: a comparative examination of theoretical and
experimental results showed satisfactory agreement.
In the incoming research project, it is planned the ex-
amination of the duplex gage performances when dy-
namic strain and temperature variations are imposed.
In order to check the temperature measurement ca-
pabilities, the thermocouples will be applied on the spec-
imen surface and an automatic digitai data acquisition
system, with software compensation of non-linear ther-
mocouple outputs, will be used even though, for ex-
ampie, Shubba and Ramesh
designed a simple analogue
fourth-order polynomial curve-fitting circuit capable of
assuring an error of 0.1 oc in the temperature ranges
of O to 400C and 400 to 1000C, dependently on the
adopted coefficients of the polynomials.
Thus, it appears the necessity of a preliminary met-
rological characterization of the automatic thermocouple
instrumentation system.
The main objectives of the present work are then:
l . the development of a simple and programmable
calibration procedure capable of assuring selecta-
ble intervals of uncertainties, for example, up to
a vaiue of 0.02C;
2. the determination of the dependence of the met-
rological performances of an automatic thermo-
couple data acquisition system on the chosen in-
tegration time of the utilized digitai voltmeter.
The automatic digitai data acquisition and contro) sys-
tem, examined the present work, can be schematized as
a relay multiplexer equipped with a reference junction
whose temperature is monitored by means of a thermis-
tor, a programmable integrating digitai voltmeter and a
mainframe controller, which has built-in intelligence ca-
pabilities. These devices are connected via backplane.
The software compensation technique implemented in
the data acquisition and contro) system can be schema-
tized as it follows:
l. the data acquisition and contro) system measures
the resistance RT of the thermistor placed on the
isotherrnal block, determines the cold junction
temperature T c
an d, depending o n the thermo-
couple type, converts it in a reference voltage Vc
2. it measures the hot junction voltage VHJ of the
3. i t computes the voltage V = V c
+ V HJ and con-
verts it to the corresponding temperature value
Unfortunately, the global metrological performances
of the system are documented by the manufacturer only
20 September /October 1994
for operating temperatures that lie in the range of 18 to
28C. Furthermore, the available data for the global sys-
tem accuracy (:5 0.8C) are only relative to an inte-
gration time of the integrating voltmeter equa) to 0.1 and
1.0 number of power line cycles, that means multipies
of base cycle time (i.e. 0.002 s and 0.02 s, respectiveiy,
with the European frequency of 50Hz).
The previous observations are the reasons for per-
forming a calibration of the system with an accuracy of
:::; 0.02C in an ordinary laboratory where, during the
tests, the ambient temperature changes in an uncontroll-
able manner from about 22 to 26C, and with different
integration times for the integrating voltmeter, which af-
fect speed, accuracy and resolution of the measurement
and the noise rejection capabilities.
The adopted calibration procedure is simply based on
a programmable universal source with the following per-
formances when operating in high resolution at l V range:
resolution of l J.LV and accuracy of (0.0007 percent of
reading + 15 J.LV).
The universal source is controlled by means of a dig-
itai voitmeter with the following characteristics when
operating at a range of 100 mV: maximum resolution of
10 nV and accuracy of (0.0003 percent of reading +
0.05 J.LV). To monitor the environmental temperature,
with a giobal accuracy of 0.1 C, a platinum resistance
thermometer (PRT) is placed near the system. The de-
vices are interfaced by means of the IEEE-488 bus to a
computer that controls the measurement instruments,
stores and analyzes the data. Figure l shows a block
diagram of the utilized experimental setup.
After having been started, the calibration program asks
for some experimental inputs referred to: l) the calibra-
tion procedure, as thermocouple type, temperature cal-
ibration range, incrementai temperature value, required
maximum inaccuracy value associated to the simulated
temperature value; 2) the parameter related to the inte-
grating voitmeter, the integration time. Afterwards, the
calibration program provides for an autocalibration of the
digitai voltmeter.
Then, for each selected temperature calibration value
TcAL the experimental procedure can be schematized as
it follows:
l. the controller measures T cJ of the thermistor
mounted on the isothermal connector block, con-
verts this value in V cJ by means of the appropriate
2. the controller evaluates the calibration voltage V c AL
and sets the universal source to force VcAL;
3. the universal source applies a VcALapp;
4. the controller compares the actual voltage
VcALm. .. measured by the digitai voltmeter, and its
set value VcAL; using the answer, depending on the
.lV= VcAL - VcALme., it regulates a new value for
the voltage applied by the universal source, until
V CALme,. is such that .l V is Iess or equal to the de-
sired precision;
Fig. 1-Schematic of the experimental setup
5. the integrating digitai voltmeter measures V
v. TcJ
and the data acquisition and contro! system auto-
matically determines the temperature T MEAs ac-
tually measured;
6. finally the controller compares TcAL and TMEAs
The tests were performed so that the calibration pro-
cedure: l) simulates a cromel-alumel thermocouple in a
range of O to 200C; 2) accepts a maximum difference
<lV ::5 0.6 J.LV, which is the maximum ccuracy value of
the digitai voltmeter, i.e. <lT ::5 0.02C in terms of tem-
perature; and finally, 3) examines six integration time
values, respectively equa) to 0.5, l, 2, 4, 8 and 16 times
base cycle time (i.e. 0.01 s, 0.02s, 0.04s, 0.08s, 0.16s
and 0.32s, respectively), for the integrating voltmeter.
Each test was repeated five times and the obtained re-
sults for the examined integration time values are plotted
in Figs. 2a-f; in Fig. 3 the test area temperature varia-
tions are depicted.
From an overall inspection of the data shown, a few
generai observations can be made.
Firstly, the maximum and the minimum values of <lT
appear to be almost independent from the selected in-
tegration time and significantly Iess than the data avail-
able from the manufacturer (<lT ::5 0.8C for an op-
erating range of 18 to 28C). Moreover, an unpredictable
<lT range of 0.06C was observed for a value of 0.5
times base cycle time that is Iess than the <lT measured
for the other integration time values. It appears to be
relevant to point out that the only difference in the in-
.,.._ --
tegrating voltmeter setup, between an integration time
equal to 0.5 times base cycle time and the other set val-
ues, consists in the different number of converted digits
which changes from 5 l/2 to 6 1/2, respectively.
Secondly, when the integration time increases the data
scatter among nominally identica! tests decreases. This
behavior is evidently caused by a direct dependence of
the accuracy on the chosen integration time.
In addition, with reference to the experimental data
reported in Figs. 2 and 3, it is possible to notice that the
observed results do not appear to be affected by the test
area temperature variations; in fact, different tests have
been carried out in different days and, obviously, with
different environmental temperature conditions.
Moreover, some considerations should be made about
the ranges of variations of <l T at simulated temperatures
of 20 an d 190C, w h ere reduced data scatters are ob-
served. The main cause of this relation between <l T val-
ues and T CAL could be attributed to the software com-
pensation method implemented in the data acquisition
and contro) system because, in fact, the operating ranges
of the devices are the same (IV, 100 mV, 30 mV, for
the universal source, the digitai voltmeter and the inte-
grating digitai voltmeter, respectively) forali the simu-
lated temperature values.
From the presented data it is possible to conclude that,
for the experimental setup examined here, a reduction of
the integration time appears not to significantly affect the
obtainable global system accuracy.
Experlmental Technlques ll


!6 ...
IT e.ooe-02
l o .......

l\ . .
_;7 .... \! i
\_,--' \,
\ ---- TllltNo.1
\/ TaltNo.2
Calibrallon Temperatura ('CJ
Callb<ation Temperatura ('CJ
Tempnil\n lnacc:urlcyw. TiM
Csllbrallon Temperatura ('CJ

-- TllltND.4

-- TeetNo.4
----- TeltNo.3

.. &{ i \e/ /s
::: '\., ... /, ... "":!,,/ . '
1- -I.OIE-02
i ........
Callbration Temperature ("C)
TMI No2 i
! --- TlltNo.3
-- TlltNo41

li18CCUf8CV 't'l CllbrltiDn Templratln Il 0.02s lnlel11tiln Tlme

l """"l
! --- TeltNo.3!
l-- TUio4
Calibratlon Temperatura ('Cj 1--TIIIINo.S
! =
R R ' B 8 e ! ! ! !
Cslibrallon Temperatura ['CJ
. ..... T .. No.2
--- TNoJ
-- TeMNo4
L._ T811No5 j
Fig. 2-Differences between the calibration temperature and the measured temperature as a function of the calibration temperature at
different integration times for the integrating voltmeter
_: :::-< :.--------------
----T. No.1
--- TeltNo.J
Slmulatad Temperatura ('CJ
T ..
Fig. 3-Test area temperature variations as a function of the ca/
ibration temperature
ll September /October 1994
This experimental analysis permitted us to draw the
following conclusions:
l. the simple calibration procedure described bere,
based on devices generally available in laborato-
ries, has been shown to be effective for the ex-
perimental analysis of the metrological perfor-
mances of systems for the measurement of
thermocouple outputs;
2. the calibration tests conducted on an automatic
digitai data acquisition control system in a labo-
ratory environment, allowed the choice of the op-
timal configuration of the integration voltmeter de-
pending on the required measurement speed and
The support of the Department of Mechanics and
Aeronautics of the University of Rome "La Sapienza"
is greatly appreciated.
l. Haruyama, T. and Yoshizaki, R., "A (J'C Bath for the Reference
Junctions of the Thermocouples by Using a So/id-state Heat Pump,"
Journal of Physics E: Scientific lnstrumentation, 19, 691-692 ( 1986 ).
2. Ruppe/l, F.R., "Modeling a Self-Calibrating Thermocouple for V se
in a Smart Temperature Measurement System," IEEE Transaction on
lnstrumentation and Measurement, 39 (6), 898-90/ (December 1990).
3. INTECH Staff, "Calibration Goes Digitai," INTECH, 86-87 (Sep-
tember 1989).
4. Langan, P.E. and lronside, D.S., "Calibration Ensures Accurate
Temperature Measurement/Control, INTECH, 61-64 (October 1989).
5. Cappa, P., De Rita, G., McConnell, K.G. and Zachary, L.W.,
"Using Strain Gages to Measure Both Strain and Temperature," EX-
PERIMENTAL MECHANICS, 230-233 (September 1992).
6. Cappa, P., McConnell, K.G. and Zachary, L.W., "An Experi-
mental Analysis of the Accuracy and Precision of a Temperature/
Strain Transducer Based on Electrical Resistance Strain Gages," VII
lnternational Congress on Experimental Mechanics, Las Vegas, NV
692-698 (lune 8-11, 1992).
7. Cappa, P., Sciuto, S.A. McConnell, K.G. and Zachary, L.W.,
"Verification of the Duplex Gage Using Variable Strains and Tem-
perature," Society for Experimental Mechanics Spring Conference,
1993, Dearborn, MI, 7-9 Giugno, 81-87.
8. Shubba, V. and Ramesh. T.G., "Precision Analogue Lineariser
for Thermocouples," Journal of Physics E: Scientific lnstrumentation,
19 916-918, ( 1986).
9. IEC Publication 584-1, Bureau Centrai de la Commission Elec-
trotechnique lnternational, 3 Rue Varambe, Geneve, Suisse.
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