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features, gives a list of shon-cut

keys, and provides information on

ordering supplies (such as pre-printed
checks or other Parsons products) to
be used with MoneyCounts 7.0, Par-
sonstechnicalsuppon, program copy-
right, and so fonh.
If you have a computer and you use
money in any way, I highly recom-
mend this program. If you do not have
a computer, I know you use money
(even though I cannot figure out why
you would read a computer software
review!). Use some of that money to
get a computer -- and then get this fine
Parsons product. You will find it ex-
tremely helpful.
sale. It also provides for the produc-
tion of a number of important letters:
confimlation of employment, letters
of acceptance, and credit and collec-
tion letters.
Those of you who have an earlier
version of It's Legal will recognize all
of these possibilities. New to version
2.0 are forms for health care power of
attorney and several consumer letters,
Alsonewto this version is an on-screen
glossary written for those without le-
gal training. The glossary is accessed
by a hot-key (Alt+Pl) for easy and
quick access.
The guidelines are simple to follow
and the forms easy to use. Menus may
be accessed by arrow, mouse, or typ-
ing the highlighted letter for each se-
lection. For the more technical needs,
It's Legal provides enormous assis-
tance. Por the more mundane pur-
poses (e.g., consumer letters), this pro-
gram saves much time and efron. An
imponant and helpful feature is the
automatic back-up upon exiting the
program. Pile safety is vital!
Of course, throughout the manual
there are encouragements to seek a
skilled lawyer on technical questions,
but the program's design provides
forms that are legal in all states (as of
the date of production). A very helpful
It's Legal 2.0. Parsons Technology. I ~
1-800-223-6925. System require- own good. Each heading is then di-
ments: IBM PC, XT, AT or compatible. vided into numerous subheadings ex-
Either a hard-drive (preferred) or two plained in readable style in brief chap-
floppys (of no less than 360K each). Book Review ters. Individual chapters can be read
S12K RAM (minimum). MS/PC DOS with much edification in one sitting.
2.11 or higher. Burroughs writes to our heans, al-
The Evil oj Evils or The Exceeding ways setting before us the greatness of
A long-held maxim says that noth- s' ,r. I "S b ] . hB hs obedience and the awfulness of sin. He
ing is cenain in life other than death Il!.rU nessoJ' In y eremla urroug
Soli Deo Gloria 213 W. Vincent St. observes, "when the Scriptures speak of
and taxes. And since we live in a
ligOnier, Pa.lS6S8199234Spp. $22.95. God's people beingafflicted,yet itspeaks
lawyer-based society rather than a of them as most honorable, and in an
Ia b d
. ty I Id dd In God's good providence, this book
w- ase SOCle, wou a an excellent condition, notwithstanding
" all' h' < '1' . is back in print after almost 350 years.
a ltlon me to t IS lami 13r maxlm: their afflictions, But when it speaks of
"And'f dith '11 h (It was first pUblished in 1654). Weare
I you e Wl out aWl, not ing some in great prosperity but wicked, it
. ha h I I fu living in a day when we are seeing an
IS more sure t n w 0 esa e con sion speaks of them as most contemptible
d f
increasing hatred for Biblical Christian-
an economic rustration or your and vile." (p. 109)
heirs . Speaking of wills, we might ity in our culture and sadly within
concur with Karl Maulden: "Don't leave many churches. Christians have been He wntes the following regarding
home without one." and, I believe, will increasingly, be put Christ's suffenng. "The afflictions that
ina position where theirfaithful,loving Christ endured, though they were not
ParsonsTechnologyhasonceagain stand for the truth will lead to verbal everywaythesamewiththedamnedin
created a solid, versatile; easy-to-use abuse, hindrances to promotions, job heJl,yet certainly there was the wrath of
program. It's Legal is a mUlti-purpose loss, and perhaps even jail terms. Thus God as really and truly upon Christ as
program that allows you to produce a Christians are often faced with compro- truly upon the damned in hell, as reaJly,
hostoflegal documents. With this fine mise and giving in to temptation rather though 1 say not in every kind, in the
program you can produce simplewiUs, than holding fast to the claims of the samewayandrnanner.And, therefore,
living wills, grant general and special Gospel and its implications for all of life. see that Chrtst was capable of that evil,
powers of attorney and exercise the Thus Burroughs' book is exceed- of the wrath of the Almighty upon His
revocation of powers of attorney, gen- ingly imponant for our own day. soul, and yet not capable of sin. He was
erate board minutes, draw-up tempo- Through seven major headings the au- willing to undergo that, and yet not to
rary guardianship cenificates, employ- thor reminds the reader that sin is far have the least guilt of sin applied to
ment agreements, consulting agree- worse thananyaffiictionthat rnanmight Him." (pp. 7-8)
ments, promissory notes, real estate choose to place on us, and is totally This book is filled with Scripture,
leases, equipment leases, and bills of opposite to God and is opposed to our Christcenteredness, calls to repentance
June, 1993 ~ TIlE COUNSEL of Chalcedon 't 31
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Sponsored by: American Vision & I.C.E.
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New Books by Ken Gentry
He Shall Have Dominion
A Postmillenial Eschatology 600 pp. Indexes. hb $19.95
Lord of the Saved
Getting to the Heart of the Lordship Dehate l04pp. Scripture index. Soft cover $6.95
God's Law in the Modern World
The Revelance of Old Testament Law Today 71 pp. Scripture index. Soft Cover $f.95
Kenneth L. Gentry,]r.
46 Main St.
Conestee, SC 29636
32 THE COUNSEL of Chalcedon June, 1993
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