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Title Page
Table Of Contents
I. Executie !u""a#$
!%o#t su""a#$ of t%e ca"&aign
II. Resea#c% 'ig%lig%ts
Choose only most important fndings from 100
person survey and highlights of interviews with at
least fve KOLs (key opinion leaders.
III. !ituation Anal$sis
Industry nalysis
!es"ri#es the needs of the #usiness and the
"ustomers$ ma%or trends a&e"ting the industry$
signif"ant and important "ompanies$ industry si'e
(growing$ de"lining$ et"($ and other relevant industry
fa"ts and insights
)*O+ nalysis
A !(OT anal$sis of t%e business eni#on"ent can be
&e#fo#"e) b$ o#gani*ing t%e eni#on"ental facto#s as
follo+s, T%e fi#"-s inte#nal att#ibutes can be classe) as
strengths an) weaknesses .T%e exte#nal eni#on"ent
&#esents opportunities an) threats.
I,. -nvironment nalysis
Competitive nalysis
!es"ri#e the keys to )u""ess of the leading #rands$
"riti"al Issues fa"ing the #rands$ "ompetitive
di&eren"es$ uni.ue selling propositions of
"ompetitors$ review of "ompetitive advertising and
promo strategies$ et".
.. Ta#get Ma#/et Anal$sis
P#i"a#$ an) !econ)a#$
De"og#a&%ics0 Ps$c%og#a&%ics an) Geog#a&%ics
Desc#ibe conce&tual ta#get "a#/et
.I. Ma#/eting 1#ief Desc#i&tion
Desc#ibes t%e tangible an) intangible att#ibutes of t%e
&#o)uct o# se#ice0 t%e 1#an) na"e0 !co&e of &#o)uct line0
(a##ant$0 Pac/aging0 ot%e#s
Desc#ibe &#icing st#ateg$0 ex&ecte) olu"e0 an) )ecisions
fo# t%e follo+ing &#icing a#iables0 suc% as List &#ice0
Discounts0 Pa$"ent te#"s an) financing o&tions0 Leasing
o&tions0 etc. 2if a&&licable30 ot%e#s
Desc#ibe )ist#ibution c%annels0 suc% as )i#ect0 #etail0
)ist#ibuto#s 4 inte#"e)iates0 Logistics0 inclu)ing
t#ans&o#tation0 +a#e%ousing0 ot%e#s
Desc#ibes &ast an) cu##ent A)e#tising an) &#o"otion
effo#ts0 Public #elations an) P#o"otional &#og#a"s0 ot%e#s
.II. Ca"&aign P#o&osal 2Ob5ecties an) !t#ategies3
C#eatie 2+it% 1ig I)ea conce&t )efine)3
Me)ia 2+it% "e)ia &lan0 bu)get an) sc%e)ule3
.III. Conclusion
A. Co"&an$ P#ofile
Co"&an$ 'isto#$
Mission .ision an) Goals
(o#/ Cultu#e an) Et%ics
O#gani*ational !t#uctu#e
1. Exte#nal Eni#on"ent of t%e Co"&an$
Desc#ibes /e$ facto#s in PE!T anal$sis ,
Political an) legal eni#on"ent
Econo"ic eni#on"ent
!ocial an) cultu#al eni#on"ent
Tec%nological eni#on"ent
C. !u#e$ Results
!a"&le 6uestionnai#e
Resea#c% P#esentation 2)iscussion an) anal$sis of #esults3
!u""a#$ an) Conclusion
D. Inte#ie+ 7ull T#ansc#i&ts
E. Relate) Resea#c% an) Lite#atu#e
At least fie #elate) a#ticles f#o" boo/s0 ne+s&a&e#s0 online
ne+s "e)ia0 "aga*ines0 t#a)e &ublications0 etc.
7. In)ii)ual Pe#sonal Lea#ning Ex&e#ience
Ke$ lea#ning f#o" t%e class an) g#ou& +o#/
One &age0 A#ial font0 signe) b$ stu)ent 4 &a#ent
To&ic !election

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