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(B.Tech., B.Arch.,B.Plan)

MANIT, Bhopal 462 051
Ph.0755-4051000, 4052000, 5206006, 07, 2670327, 416, 417, 2671275

Fifth Semester
Subject Scheme oI Studies
Periods per week
Lecture Studio
PLA 311 Urban Finance 3 0 3
PLA 312 Planning Practice 2

2 3 3
PLA 313 Rural Planning 3 0 3
PLA 314 Settlement Geography 3 0 3
Elective 1 2 3 3
PLA 315 Urban InIrastructure Planning 0 6 3
PLA 316 Planning studio 5 (Area/
Zonal Planning)
0 10 5

Total credit 23

Sixth Semester
Subject Periods per week Credits
Lecture Studio
PLA 321 Urban Design 2 3 3
PLA 322 Regional Planning 3 0 3
PLA 323 Housing 2 3 3
PLA 324 Disaster Planning &
2 3 3
PLA 325 Urban conservation 3 0 3
Elective 2 0 6 3
PLA 326 Planning studio 6
(Development plan
0 10 5

Total credit 23

Department Electives
PLA 331 Utility, Services Planning and management
PLA 332 Planning Ior InIormal Sector PLA 333 Environmental Impact Assessments
PLA 334 Energy EIIicient Planning

Seventh Semester
Subject Periods per week Credits
Lecture Studio
PLA 411 Planning Legislation and
ProIessional practice
3 0 3
PLA 412 Urban Management 3 0 3
PLA 413 Remote sensing and GIS 3 0 3
Elective 3 2 3 3
PLA 414 Project Iormulation and
2 3 3
PLA 415 Dissertation 0 6 3
PLA 416 Training 0 0 2
PLA 417 Planning studio 7
(block sub regional plan)
0 10 5

Total credit 23

Eighth Semester
Subject Periods per week Credits
Lecture Studio
PLA 421 Urban Governance 3 0 3
PLA 422 Real estate planning &
2 3 3
Elective 4 2 3 3
PLA 423 Thesis / Dissertation 0 22 9
PLA 424 General ProIiciency 0 0 2

Total credit 23
Department Electives
PLA 431 Metropolitan Planning and development PLA 432 Planning Ior special area
PLA 433 Sustainable urban development PLA 434Public Private Partnership
PLA 435 International Iinance PLA 436 Planning and human values


Fifth Semester
Nature and composition oI income and expenditure, limitations and need Ior revenue enhancements;
Expenditure control methods and mechanisms; Budgetary allocation Irom Central and State Governments
Ior urban development; Assistance Irom Ioreign donors and Multi National agencies; Non-traditional
sources oI Iunding; Market access; Pool Iinance and prerequisite conditions Ior accessing non-traditional
Types oI partnership approaches; Privatization oI civic services; public private partnership mechanisms;
Types oI contracts and ownerships; Emerging cost eIIect technology interventions; User charged projects;
Pricing oI services.
Role oI state government and urban local bodies; City's challenge Iund; Urban reIorms; Implications on
resources, incentive Iund and state level pooled Iinance development Iund.
Better Iinance management, management process; Accounting and budgeting, asset management,
receivables management, cost centre approach; Computerization as tool Ior resource enhancement; Role
oI Management InIormation Systems.
Financial operating plan, city corporate plan; Development oI urban indicators; InIrastructure pricing and
Iinancing - Iinancing mechanisms in addition to tax and grants; private public partnerships like BOT,
BOOT, BOLT etc.; Impact Iee, subsidies.


Role oI Town and country planning organization at central level and town and country planning
department at state level. Actors Iraming public planning policies;
InIluences oI various stakeholders on policy Iormulation; Implementation oI public policies
Types, Iunctions and spatial jurisdictions oI development authorities; Reasons Ior the establishment oI
development authorities; Place oI development authorities in local government
Working oI building bye-laws in planning practice; Requirements Ior grant oI building permissions;
Streamlining the development control regulations; Making development control regulations work Ior the
poor. UDPFI Guidelines; National Building Code and its implementation
Meaning and types oI coordination; Mechanisms oI coordination; Case examples oI coordination Irom
planning practice
History oI privatization oI planning; Special Economic Zones; Retail sector developments; InIrastructure
development by the private sector.
The assessment oI the training done during vacation will be examined.
Village as an organic entity; physical, social, and economic structure oI village; village problems related
to cultivated land, cultivable land, waste land, Ilooding and water logging, utilities and services, poverty
and distress; rural urban relationship-, complementarities, continuation and dichotomy; problems related
to rural-urban migration.
Transhumance, accessibility oI villages, inter-village communication, delivery oI social services, rural
reconstruction and related programmes, improvement oI rural sanitation, hygiene and drainage; Panchayat
raj institutions; district block and village administration.
Norms, principles and strategies Ior rural development; aIIorestation, soil conservation and wild liIe
preservation; planning Ior sustainable agriculture; rural development programmes.
Endowments; types oI resources, exhaustive and replenishible resources development; utilization and
conservation oI national, technological and human resources; resource management, recycling oI
resources and resource equilibrium; water resource management, waste land management; rural
industrialisation and use oI non- conventional energy in rural development; major resource development
programmes in India; case studies oI resource development projects in agriculture, Iorestry, minerals,
water, manpower, etc.
Community development, community development and rural planning; basic principles oI selI-help
techniques and role oI voluntary organisations in community development; appropriate technologies,
innovation and entrepreneurship
Nature and scope oI settlement geography, origin, setting evolution and structure oI human settlements:
man, environment and society; social economic and political consequences oI geographical conditions;
physical Ieatures and its eIIect on urban and rural communities.
Census classiIication, urban, rural census size classes: theories oI settlement systems, primate city
settlement system. rank size rule relationship; central place settlement systems, Iundamental concepts,
concepts oI hierarchy, concept oI complimentary area. range oI goods; (dynamics oI central places.
settlement systems in at developing economy.
Types, patterns, morphology, house types, comparative study oI origin and growth oI settlements in
ancient and modern times rural housing problems and policies.
City structure, new towns and cities, environmental impact oI planned and unplanned growth, rural -
urban Iringe.
Rural and urban continuum, settlements as a hierarchy; areas oI inIluences, areas oI dominance, distance
decay eIIect.
1. Urban Geography Pacione M

2. Economic geography Truman Hartshorn
3. Made simple series klowness and J. Waring
Department Elective
Familiarizing to CPHEEO manual and guidance SurIace and ground water sources, quality and quantity,
location oI sources and water intakes, area requirements oI the components oI water intakes; Water
requirement Ior diIIerent land uses, Iactors aIIecting water demand, per capita requirement and its
relationship with population sizes, variation oI water consumption; seasonal & hourly, peak Iactor;
demand oI water Ior Iire Iighting; Water treatment system, location and space requirements; Components
oI water distribution systems, water storage location, capacity, Iire Iighting components, Iire hydrants
location, spacing, pressure requirement in pipe; Pumps types, eIIiciency, head loss, pump selection
criteria, site selection and space requirements Ior pump house; Planning oI water supply system,
organizations and their jurisdictions, basic design guide line and layout oI water supply distribution
system; Financing water supply system, public and private partnership oI providing water; Legal aspects
and government policy Ior urban and rural water supply, Design oI Water harvesting systems;
Government initiatives Ior water harvesting system and case study discussion
Methods oI sanitations, advantages and limitations; On-site detention, design procedure Ior on-site
detention, OII-site and on-site technology up gradation; Low cost appropriate technologies Ior sanitation;
Quantity oI sewage, standards Ior Indian cities; Sanitary sewer system network and layout, data needs and
procedure oI planning; Sewer appurtenances; sewer liIt station, sewer pumping and Iorced main
manholes; Sewage disposal methods and their advantages and disadvantages, location criteria and
capacity; Case study oI innovative approaches oI sewage disposal in urban area; Approaches Ior Iinancing
and cost recovery Ior sewer system.
Solid waste management Ior Indian cities, issues and database, quantity oI solid waste and its character;
Methods oI solid waste managements, collection and transportation, disposal oI solid waste; Land Iilling
and composting, pre and post treatment; Indore and Bangalore methods, incineration, pyrolysis and
recycling park; Area requirements, location and cost aspects oI diIIerent methods oI solid waste disposal
systems; Community participation and involvement oI Non Governmental Organizations or NGOs in
eIIicient solid waste management.
Building construction and services by Sushilkumar&
Water, Concept oI basic needs; Iormulation oI objectives, norms and standards; Planning Ior water
supply;Source oI supply, source analysis, quality and quantity; Issues related to transmission oI water,,
treatment methods, sequence, beneIits; Distribution systems suitable in large city, small town;basic
requirements, design guidelines; Technological options Ior water supply; Aspects oI water, distribution in
Iar Ilung areas; Standards and locations Ior pumping stations; Water supply projects, Iinancing and
management; Legal rights, water pricing, water pollution.
Sewage and Sanitation, Biological/ Environmental/ Cultural concepts in environmental sanitation; Low
cost sanitation, options: biogas, SulabhSauchalaya, etc.; Basic inIormation, alternative disposal systems
and, conditions oI use; Principles oI sewage system layout; Collection,, transportation and treatment
oIsewage; Principles oI water bound disposal system, storm water drainage systems; DiIIerent methodsoI
sewage treatments; Issues related to development parameters. Solid waste: basic principles,
generation, characteristics, collection, collection, disposal, management oI city waste; Environmental
issues oI garbage disposal; Alternative technological innovations, conversion oI garbage into usable
Iorms. Fire Protection and ElectricityPlanning Ior Iire protection services and space standards; Locational
criteria, implications on land use and density. Planning Ior electriIication, general scenario, services and
space standards oItransIormers; Locational criteria, load Iorecasting. Institutional arrangements Ior
municipal services, sector issues and assessments, Iinancing systems, administrative set-up, peoples

participation Regional InIrastructure PlanningRegional poverty and basic needs; Basic needs approach to
the provision oI inIrastructure and networks; Regional inIrastructure and network systems: Physical
(roads, irrigation system, water supply, sanitation, drainage, watershed management, Iire services,
telecommunication, energy, electricity, solid waste disposal, etc.); Social (health and education) and
economics (banking, marketing and public distribution systems); Diagnosis oI issues, methodology, role
oI regional planner.
Issues in Regional InIrastructure Planning Planning and programming approaches Ior regional
inIrastructure and network systems;Environmental, social and economic impacts oI inIrastructure and
network systems; Integratedplanning organization and management oI regional inIrastructure and network
systems; Economiccosting oI regional networks and services; Pricing and cost recovery Ior district
networks andservices.
The diIIerent approaches to plan making; the concepts oI master plan, comprehensive development plan -
the structure plan, the sector plan, the area / zonal plan, and other types oI plan making processes
Relationship oI higher order plans with lower order plans
The approach to developing the area l zonal plan in the Iramework oI a given master plan
The study and development oI the relevant planning standards Ior diIIerent land uses
Detailing oI speciIic sites in the proposed area / zonal plans, covering diIIerent land uses .
Sixth semester
Urban design as interIace between architecture and planning; city as a three dimensional entity; Study oI
volumes and open spaces at all spatial levels; A brieI historic review oI the development oI the urban
design discipline and principles
Elements oI Urban Design: Urban Iorm as determined by inter play oI masses, voids, building typology;
scale, harmony, symmetry, color, texture, light and shade,; dominance, height, urban signage and
graphics; organization oI spaces and their articulation in the Iorm oI squares, streets, vistas and Iocal
points; image oI the city and its components such as edges, paths, landmarks, street Ieatures, sky line,
etc,; urban transportation.
Physical and Non Physical Determinants oI Urban Forms Activity and the morphology oI places; Iorm,
size and structure oI cities and the related geometry co related with their determinants; case studies oI
urban design characteristics oI cities in India and abroad; related issues Ior public intervention.
Control oI Urban Design Urban design and its control; Control oI visual pollution; Agencies responsible
Ior ensuring better urban design, their roles, powers and limitations.
Contemporary Practices Townscape policies, building byelaws and regulations Ior existing and emerging
areas oI development; Special rules Ior heritage and hill areas
1. Urban Pattern Gallion
2. The city Losangels& urban theory Allenj scot,
3. City shaped urban pattern meaning through history SpirokostoI
Concept oI regional planning: nature, objectives, levels and aims; Concept oI a region, types, and
Regional interaction: Rank Size Rule, Settlement patterns, Central place theory; Loschian theory;
Regional networks.
Regional development; Balanced and unbalanced development; Under-development; Regional multiplier,
input-output model; Linear programming applications; Cumulative causation theory; Core-periphery
model; Growth poles and centres
Regional planning processes: IdentiIication oI plan objectives; collection, classiIication and analysis oI
data; Norms and standards Ior regional planning; Formulation oI alternative plan proposals with respect to

population distribution, location oI new regional economic activities, inIrastructure, plan implementation,
Selected case studies in regional development: Rajasthan Canal Area, South-East Resource Region,
Western Ghats Region, etc.; District Planning; Metropolitan regions: National Capital Region, Mumbai
N1etropolitan Region, etc.
1. Regional planning Ior urban spaces AD Walk, Urban
2. Regional planning reader Birch E, Glasson
SigniIicance oI housing in National Development Goals; Equity and eIIiciency parameters oI housing;
Current issues in housing
Existing Housing Statistics; deIinitions; urban and rural housing statistics; Introduction to concepts oI
Housing Shortage, Housing Need, quantitative andqualitative aspects oI housing; Housing Demand -
Understanding current methods oI demand assessment; Knowledge oI data sources and their use and
interpretation; census, NSSO and other data; Limitations oI existing methods oI assessments.
Understanding oI Iactors aIIecting residential location, theoretical knowledge oI ecological, neo-classical,
institutional approach to housing; Housing subsystems and their characteristics: Iormal and non-Iormal
housing; Process oI Public and private sector housing development process; policy context, actors and
their interrelationships; Inner city housing, Slums, Squatter housing, Unauthorized Housing; Role oI
diIIerent institutions in housing; International agencies, NGOs, State, Financing Organizations, Private
developers, cooperatives.
Factors determining residential densities; Densities, costs and development control regulations; Housing
designs parameters and their relationship to costs; Housing design and climate; Housing Ior disaster prone
areas. Communities; its characteristics and housing; socio-economic implication oI slums, clearance/
improvement oI slum; sites and services schemes, squatter upgrading, incremental approach
Understanding and evaluation oI Housing Policy and programmes in India; Iive year plans, Central
government policy; Policy Iramework Ior urban and rural housing; Comparative policy analysis; Housing
Ior the low income groups; Cooperative housing, objectives and principles; management and Iinancing oI
housing projects; investment in housing in public and private sectors.
The architectural oI aIIordable housing by Sam Davis Urban housing Iorm by JingminJhou
Basic Concepts oI Disaster Management, Disaster deIinitions, concept and perceptions; diIIerent types
oI disasters; recent initiatives at
national and state level; Kyoto Framework oI disaster mitigation and management; Disaster management
policy national and states; Disaster Management Act national and states, Disaster Management
Mechanisms, Disaster management mechanisms national, state and district levels; select global
practices; disaster and development; physical planning and disaster management plans; various role
players in disaster management NGOs / CBOs and Armed Forces; Community Based Disaster
Preparedness (CBDP), Disaster Risk Mitigation Natural Disasters physical phenomenon, causes and
consequences mitigation and management practices cyclones, Iloods, earthquakes, landslides etc.;
causes and risk mitigation strategies at the Master Plan Ior industrial, chemical and biological disasters;
land use planning, building bye laws and disaster saIe construction practices Ior diIIerent types oI
disasters, Disaster Preparedness Forecasting and early warming systems Ior various types oI disasters;
communication and inIormation technology in disaster management; disaster education and awareness;
documentation and case studies on natural disasters. Urbanization, land requirements, social and
aIIordability issues oI land use, Climate change and its implications in disaster mitigation
Post Disaster Management and Cross Cutting Issues, Post disaster management; rehabilitation and
reconstruction oI disaster aIIected areas; urban, disaster mitigation; natural resource management Ior

disaster saIe habitation; relationship between, disaster and environment; saIe hill area development
guidelines and coastal zone regulations IorsaIe habitation; human settlement planning Ior consequence
mitigation oI global warming and climate change.
Overview and introduction oI the basic concepts oI conservation; values, attitudes and principles Ior
judging the conservation importance oI sites, areas and related typology; scope and basic technique oI
urban conservation; Urban renewal as apart oI metropolitan plan; identiIication oI urban renewal areas;
conservation, rehabilitation and redevelopment urban renewal policies and strategies
Economic, Financial and Management Aspects
Economic and spatial implications oI urban renewal programs, mobilization oI resources; incentive
zoning - management oI urban renewal areas
Conservation and Development Economic and social aspects oI conservation, traIIic and management
issues; Conservation policies - case studies
Slums Clearance and improvement schemes, planning aspects, land management, social economic issues,
public participation, government schemes and their critical evaluation
Legal and Administrative Aspects
National and international experience in implementing urban renewal programs; Legal and administrative
aspects, archaeological acts/ charters pertaining to conservation, development and conservation; Case
studies oI proposals Ior urban conservation oI sites/ areas in India and abroad
1. Urban conservation Nahoumcuhen
Department Elective
Dimensions oI urban poverty, magnitude oI problem, urban poverty alleviation programmes; impact oI
macro-economic structural adjustment policies on poor urban households.
Development oI the concept oI basic needs; identiIication oI basic needs and their provision Ior various
target groups and inIormal sectors; standards Ior basic needs, NGO'g and voluntary organisations
associated with provision oI basic needs.
Community planning approach, low cost alternatives and institutional reIorms approach.
Characteristics oI migrants and their association with growth oI inIormal sector; socio-economic
deprivation and inIormal sector; development oI inIormal sector concept
Study oI major aspects; spontaneous living and working, their characteristics and Iunctions in urban
context, actions Ior improvement; appraisal oI the role oI government, private and voluntary
organisations; existing management; their organisational set-up and limitations; planning and
development oI urban settlements in respect oI the spontaneous growth; case studies Irom India and other
developing countries.
1. Urban InIormal sector in Asia ILO publications
Role oI Environmental Impact Assessment in the planning and decision making process; DeIinitionand
need, evolution and objectives, tasks and scope.Methods oI Environmental Impact Assessment;
Advantages and limitations; Case studies Irom Indiaand abroad on projects oI various types covering
diIIerent levels oI planningAssessment oI impacts on land use, Urban and regional; Assessment oI
impacts on resources (includingair, water, Ilora and Iauna); Case studies Irom India and abroad on
projects oI various types coveringdiIIerent levels oI planning Assessment oI social and health impacts;
Case studies Irom India and abroad on projects oI varioustypes covering diIIerent levels oI
planningPublic - private - peoples participation in Environmental Impact Assessments: deIinition and
concepts,objectives, techniques, advantages and limitation; PRA techniques; Case studies Irom India

andabroad on projects oI various types covering diIIerent levels oI planning; Practical exercises
onEnvironmental Impact Assessments
1. Introduction to EIA John Glassoy
This is advance course in area oI energy conscious Architecture. Building design in response to various
climates and its impact upon requirements oI energy in building.Assessment oI energy in buildings using
computer soItware.Low energy strategies and guidelines.Non- conventional energy sources and system
integrated building design. Building energy management system and energy audit oI buildings using
computer soItware
1. Energy EIIicient planning EIraimgil
2. Energy Planning & Urban Iorm Susan E. Owens
The study shall involve understanding oI contents oI various types oI development plans and explore their
Ioci IdentiIication and preparation oI secondary source inIormation oI the towns or cities selected Ior the
study .
Visit to the case study area, collection oI primary and secondary data and inIormation on various aspects
such as demography, social, economic, housing, transportation, etc.; conduct oI primary and secondary
Analysis and synthesis oI data and inIormation collected on various aspects; projections oI population and
workIorce; trends and issues identiIication
Preparation oI policies and proposals with diIIerent scenarios and identiIication oI priorities and action
areas; phasing and monitoring; governance structures Ior implementation; land use plan and the plan
document Note: Each student will be required to undertake training and planning (or related) during
summer vacation. The exact period and place oI training will be decided in consultation with the
coordinator in charge oI training
Seventh Semester
Sources oI law (custom, legislation and precedent); meaning oI the term oI law, legislation, ordinance,
bill, act, regulations and bye-laws; signiIicance oI law and its relationship to planning; beneIits oI
statutory backing Ior planning schemes; eminent domain and police powers.
Concepts and contents oI Indian Constitution; provisions regarding property rights; evolution oI planning
legislation and overview oI legal tools connected with urban planning and development; model town
planning laws
Introduction, scope and relevance oI various laws and acts relevant to planning; Model Town and Country
Planning Acts, Development Authorities Act, 73rd and 74th Constitution (Amendment) Acts; Municipal
Acts, Environmental and Pollution Control Acts, etc.; Case studies.
Introduction to Land Acquisition Act, 1984, Historical background, need, advantages, Limitations;
Relevance in today's context; Case studies highlighting nature oI contention, parties in dispute and the
decisions in speciIic planning dispute.
Special purpose bodies Ior plan implementation such urban metropolitan development authorities,
improvement trusts, water and sewerage boards, housing boards, slum improvement, clearance boards,
transport undertakings; regional development boards.
1. Legislation and Planning practice Namavati
Urban development as a decision making process and corporate activity; Application oI management
techniques in urban planning and development

Urban development bodies; urban development authorities: background, Iunctions, powers, organization
structure and resources, Case studies; Role oI NGOs and private organizations in urban development,
relationships with local and state governments.
Financing urban development projects; Sources oI Iunding: cost recovery, cost subsidization, medium and
long term Iinancing; Private investments in urban development projects: prospects and limitations;
Municipal Iinancing: sources oI revenue and items oI expenditure; Financial resource mobilization Ior
urban development particularly Ior municipal/ local bodies.
Decision-making; deIinition, Ieatures, Iactors, essentials and hindrances in sound decision-making;
structure oI decisions and types oI decisions; theories oI decision- making: rational theory, incremental
theory, systems theory, game theory, conIlict theory, Herbert Simon's contribution in decision making;
decision makers and decision making bodies related to urban and regional planning at national, state and
local level.
Planner's Iunctions as a leader, urban development manager, public bureaucrat, policy analyst and social
reIormer; approaches to study leadership; trait-approach, behavioural approach and situational approach;
role oI the planner in the decision- making process; generalists vs. specialist competitions and copyrights.
Fundamentals oI valuation, ownership oI land, compound interest theory, calculating oI present value,
concepts oI economic rents and social rents, property taxes, sinking Iund, annuity, depreciation, valuation
tables; Legislative Iramework-rent control, land acquisition, easements and their eIIects on properties.
Income capitalization methods, land and building method and other methods oI valuation; Purpose oI
valuation; Valuation Ior wealth tax, income tax, capital gains tax, property tax, giIt tax, etc.
Tenders, contracts, arbitration, schedule oI rates Ior construction; Materials, labour and equipment Ior
land development, unit and mode oI measurements, rate analysis; Formulations oI project proposals and
outline; Preparation oI and response to Notice Inviting Tenders, Expression oI Interest, Terms oI
ReIerence, Penalty clauses, etc.
Basic remote sensing, platIorm, sensors, and introduction to sensors, basic principal & methods oI photo
interpretation and techniques oI data collection through satellite data. ClassiIication techniques using
satellite data
Digital image processing, enhancement techniques in urban inIormation extraction
Aerial photography as a tool Ior collection oI data and preparation oI maps, its application in planning and
preparation Ior a project, orientation concept and methodology transIormation and adjustment techniques.
Experiments in lab, Instruction Ior making overlays Computation oI photo scale Orientation oI a stereo
pair under a mirror stereoscope Recognition on aerial photograph oI objects indicated on ground
photographs Detection oI deIined objects, Description and identiIication oI objects. Use oI auxiliary
Ieatures Ior object identiIication Systematic scanning oI a photograph, and object identiIication.
IdentiIication oI land use with a given classiIication Monitoring urban changes, Mosaic preparation
Base map preparation & elementary data analysis using satellite data Experiments in lab, Instruction Ior
making overlays ClassiIication preparation Interpretation & delineation oI various land use on satellite
data products
GIS techniques and their application in planning Iield NOTE: Sessional work shall consist oI term paper,
small project Iormulation using satellite data and analytical report preparation through GIS, seminars
1. Concepts and techniques oI GIS CP.LO
Department Elective
Introduction to metropolis and related concepts, growth and scale; Complexities: social, economic,
physical and administrative; Metropolitanisation in India: general trends and distribution; Issues and
problems in metropolitan planning and development

Area oI inIluence, service area oI a metropolis; Metropolis as a primate city; Concept oI degree oI
primacy; Metropolitan region and delineation techniques; Metropolitan regional structures:
characteristics, components and spatial patterns
Metropolitan centralization and decentralization processes; Concepts oI ring and satellite towns, counter-
magnets; Forms and concepts Ior metropolitan planning and development: Sheet, Galaxy, Core, Star,
Ring and Multi-nucleated; Merits and demerits; EIIicient Iunctioning oI metropolis
Metropolitan planning: spatial planning studies and surveys; Concepts and techniques oI preparation oI
metropolitan city plans; Metropolitan planning and development strategies at regional and settlement
levels; Tools and constraints in the implementation oI metropolitan development plan in terms oI
administration, legal and Iinancial aspects; Role and Iunction oI public participation.
Metropolitan planning and development in India; Appraisal oI planning and development eIIorts in case
oI some oI the metropolises, viz. Kolkata, Mumbai, Delhi and Chennai, etc
1. Cities urbanization and urban system K Siddharth& S Mukherjee
Location oI Special areas, special areas in diIIerent countries. Typology oI Iormal and Iunctional special
areas, (Coastal areas, Hill areas, Export Processing Zone , Special Economic Zones Free Trade Zones
(FTZ), Export Processing Zones (EPZ), Free Zones (FZ), Industrial Estates (IE), Free Ports, Urban
Enterprise Zones etc.)
Process oI Iormation oI Special areas/ zones.characteristics oI special areas, role oI special zones in
Organisation oI Special areas Institutional structure oI special areas -government, and Private.Quasi-
government agencies Laws and acts rules and regulations Ior special Areas.Land acquisition Ior special
Basic services and transport.Medical and education Iacilities. Systems Ior PerIormance monitoring oI
Special areas
Capital investments, Ioreign investments, Public, Private Partnership in special areas and zones.
Changing perspectives in man-environment relationship with Iocus on issues oI population, urbanization,
resource depletion and pollution; limits to growth vis-a-vis sustainable economy; growth and
environmental imperatives oI developing vs. developed countries; deIinitions, concepts and parameters in
sustainable development with particular reIerence to Brundtland Commission, Agenda 21, Eco-City
approach, etc.
Application oI ecological principles in sustainability: energy and resource cycles, Iood webs, ecological
pyramids and evolution and succession oI natural ecosystems; Carrying Capacity based planning:
concept, parameters and indicator measures, models and case studies in urban and regional development;
Environmental Impact and Strategic Environmental. Assessment Ior urban areas; Ecological Footprint
Analysis oI cities; Sustainable LiIestyle Assessment and behavioral modiIications at household levels.
Land capability and suitability analysis in location and planning oI urban land uses; implications oI urban
Iorm, density, land use pattern and transportation system in land and energy conservation
Urban interIerence in hydrological cycle, with particular reIerence to water pollution, water resources,
drainage and natural ecosystems; urban water treatment, recycling and harvesting; use oI non-
conventional energy sources in urban development.
Sources, types and eIIects oI air pollution and solid waste disposal in cavities, urban industrial processes
and land use and transportation implications in air and solid waste pollution; norms, standards, laws,
organizations and policies in urban air quality control and solid waste management; examples oI best
1. Sustainability & cities Peter newman&JeIIrican,

2. Sustainable urban development Cooper I
The concept oI projects, Importance oI project Iormulation, appraisal and management; reasons Ior
shortIall in its perIormance; scientiIic management, liIe cycle oI project; detailed project report, and
Ieasibility studies; techniques oI Iinancial appraisal, payback period, IRR, DCF, NPV, CBR.
Project Iormulation: deIinition, objectives; Stages oI project Iormulation and their signiIicance;
Methodology Ior project identiIication and Iormulation; Feasibility studies, input analysis, Iinancial cost-
beneIit analysis, social-cost beneIit analysis; Project appraisal and report.
Project Iormulation: deIinition, objectives; Need Ior project appraisal; Project Iormulation: deIinition,
objectives; Stages oI project Iorm Network analysis; CPM, PERT, resource levelling and allocation, time-
cost trade oII aspects; Bar charts, Milestones, Standard oriented cost control techniques; Techno-
economic analysis oI projects.
Project implementation, stages oI implementation, Teamwork, actors in project implementation; Project
monitoring: meaning objectives and signiIicance; Monitoring techniques: integrated reporting,
Milestones, time and cost overrun and under runs, unit index techniques.
Project evaluation: meaning, objectives, scope, stages, approach and steps, LiIe oI a project; Techniques
oI project evaluation: input analysis, Iinancial cost-beneIit analysis, social-cost beneIit analysis; case
studies in urban and regional development projects.
1. Project Iormulation Prasnna Chandra
Objective oI subject Dissertation is to enlighten students on the Iundamentals oI Research methods beIore
attempting Iinal year Project Thesis.
Basics oI research
Basic research principles and research methods, Report writing skills
First phase oI dissertation allows students to identiIy the broad area / Iield oI Planning oI their interest in
which they may intend to do the research. This is to be done by studying and reproducing the brieI oI
technical papers in the Iorm oI report review.
Second phase allows the students to do the study oI sample example oI research already done by choosing
the speciIic aspect / area relevant to broader Iield they have selected in Iirst phase. This exercise involves
the writing oI report / review oI book / journal dedicated to that speciIic aspect or area. This review
writing is aimed to understand the method oI collecting data (survey methods), analysis oI data (statistics
and mathematical Iormulas), drawing inIerences and conclusion as attempted by the author oI the book /
report writer
Third phase is the writing oI detailed dissertation report. Students are expected to choose their own topic
oI research by reIerring the area / Iield already identiIied in other two phases.
The training done during semester break will be assessed
Understanding the role and relevance oI regional planning; state oI art, role oI planning at district and sub
district level, critical appraisal oI district/ sub district plans.Formulation oI goals, objectives,
methodology, identiIication oI data sources, analysis oI data available, survey and preparation oI
schedules. Field work: visit to the Iield study area; conducting surveys, collection oI data Irom secondary
sources, sectorally and block wise. Detailed data analysis, identiIication oI potential thrust areas and
development issues, both sectorally and block wise. Appropriate alternate strategy planning, settlement
development strategy and programmes. Formulation oI sectoralprioritisation and Iinancial allocation
(block wise); Iinal recommendations Ior a district/sub district development plan.

Eighth Semester

Meaning oI governance and government; Scope oI governance, evolution oI concept oI governance;
Theories oI local government; History oI urban local bodies in India, Evolution oI modern urban local
governments during British rule; Decentralization oI local government; Recommendations oI various
committees;Politics and progress oI decentralization.
Government, governing and governance; Determinants and indicators oI good governance; Citizens
charter and other instruments; Decision making processes; Need Ior openness and transparency; People's
participation, collaborative management; Local governance.
Evolution oI development and management systems; Scope oI development management at the National,
state and local levels; Hierarchy oI urban settlements institutions and organizations; Stakeholders, their
perceptions and role in urban management
Processes oI urbanization, developmental conIlicts, resource constraints, systems deIiciencies; Urban
poverty and exclusion Irom development process; Sustainable development; Impact oI globalization and
economic reIorms; Social diversities; DeIects in planning approaches, multiplicity oI organizations and
74th Constitutional amendments - XII schedule, decentralization oI powers and Iunctions; Local and
participatory planning, bottom up, decentralized and integrated planning processes; Planning, governance
and spatial strategy; Best practices oI planning and quality oI governance.
1. Urban Governance Gordan McLeod
Economic concepts oI land, objectives and scope oI land economics; relevance Ior spatial planning;
economic principles oI land uses; economic rent, land use and land values, market mechanism and land
use pattern.
Process, cost oI development, source oI Iinance, and Iinancial calculation Ior real estate
development.Valuation oI land and property- Discounted Cash Flow Method, Development Method etc.
Valuation, value and purpose oI valuation; DeIinition and importance oI valuation land and buildings;
Factors aIIecting property and land value at a city and clarity level .
Heterogeneity and imperIections, valuation oI real property - principles and practices; private ownership
and social control oI land; disposal oI land; land development charges and betterment levy; land use
restrictions, compensation and requisition taxation oI capital gain on land versus public ownerships,
economic aspects oI land policies at various levels oI decision making. Legal, Iiscal and administrative
measures oI land value; Betterment; Scrap value, salvage value, outgoings; Capitalized value oI
buildings; appreciation, methods oI calculating depreciation
Analysis oI location oI speciIic uses like residential, industrial, commercial and institutional in the light oI
location theories in intra-regional and inter-regional context; Techniques oI cost beneIit analysis oI urban
development programme.
Case studies oI real estate development in public, private, partnership sectors; Real estate as Iacilitator oI
development; Development oI real estate as a tool Ior controlling land and property prices; Transaction
and renting oI real estate, Lease deeds/ sale deeds, sale documents, registration; Mortgage and pledging.
1. Land development Linda
Department Elective
The urban environment; existing attributes and changing scenario; Problems associated with urban
environmental services.
Public-Private Partnerships in delivery oI urban environmental services; Recent trends oI increasing
private participation; Possible partners and their possible roles. Possible Iorms oI partnerships such as

contracting out, BOT, joint venture, concessions and community led inIormal partnership approaches;
Strengths and weaknesses oI PPPs and their Iunding structures
Preconditions Ior partnerships; Advantages oI collaborating; Making groups and partnerships eIIective;
Methods oI promoting participation; Using partnerships Ior improving urban environmental services in
small and medium size cities; Meeting the needs oI the urban poor through public-private partnerships.
Processes, procedures and mechanisms in partnerships: regulations and administrative procedures,
competitive bidding, due diligence technique, regulatory authority. Transaction cost; Use oI municipal
bonds Ior raising public investment; Capacity building oI municipalities Ior undertaking partnership
Global Financial Environment, Globalization and its impact. WTO and its impact.
Understanding Exchange Rates, Foreign Exchange Market, Introduction to Currency Futures and Options.
Nature, scope and signiIicance oI international Iinance, Working oI multinationals
International Project Appraisal, Role oI Iinancing agencies such as World Bank, IMF,
SDR.Understanding Financial Risk.Introduction to risk mitigation.
Nature oI Values: The value-crisis in the contemporary Indian Society; The nature oI values: the value
spectrum Ior a good liIe; The Indian system oI values.Values and Science and Technology Material
development and its values; the challenge oI science and technology; Values in planning proIession,
research and education
Types oI Values, Psychological values integrated personality; mental health; Societal values the
modern search Ior a good society; justice, democracy, rule oI law, values in the Indian constitution;
Aesthetic values perception and enjoyment oI beauty; Moral and ethical values; nature oI moral
Spiritual values; diIIerent concepts; secular spirituality; Relative and absolute values; Human values
humanism and human values; human rights; human values as Ireedom, creativity, love and wisdom.
Ethics, Canons oI ethics; ethics oI virtue; ethics oI duty; ethics oI responsibility; Work ethics;
ProIessional ethics; Ethics in planning proIession, research and education.
Values and Managements, Management by values proIessional excellence; inter-personal relationships
at work place; leadership and team building; conIlict resolution and stress management, management oI
The thesis project shall include an individuals work on Planning topic selected by the students and
approved by the department. workprogramme and thesis manual shall be supplied by the department.
Each student is required to prepare terminal project on a subject concerning urban, rural or regional
development as approved by the Department. The terminal project will provide an opportunity to the
student to synthesize the knowledge and skills acquired through the learning oI various theories and
practices during the course.
General ProIiciency is meant Ior developing co-curricular activities in individual student. By this they are
encouraged to participate in ASP / NASP activities, NSS, NCC, Debates, Dramas, Paper presentations,
Sports and Games etc. at Dept./College/ University level.
Note: Study tour during winter semester break will be conducted Ior 6
semester students to a city Ior
urban design, renewable and conservation study.

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