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with "paganism in the raw" are the

cheapest of cheap shots. But then

again, unfounded prtggishness has al-
ways been at a discount behind the
tenured walls of our honored "institu-
tions of higher learning.")
Their violent acts must be seen in
the light of the realities they faced. It
was literally a life and death situation
(for them as well as for the benighted
people of Mexico). Ifthey failed, not
only would they die, but (and what
was just as important to these men) the
people who had been deceived by "the
old Dragon" would pertsh. Descola
remarks, "the violent acts of the Con-
quistadors. . . . though sometimes
performed 'in the name of' religion,
were never 'under the pretence of
religion." (Eidsmoe, op. cit., p. 162)
That is to say, though they might, at
times, have gone too far, the conquis-
tadors were never insincere. They had
legal warrant (from the Pope) and they
were on a crusade, not to defeat the
Mohamedans but to convert the hea-
then. Their religion was "not a pretext
but a banner." (Ibid., p. 163)
To the hypocrttes of our age who
know nothing but pretense, this seems
impossible. And the fact that most
scoff at this view of the conquistadores
says far more about the bankruptcy of
our times than it does about the sins of
those in the past. (I
accomplishment. Thus, the gifts and
graces are to be used for His glory.
2) Because it is the Spirtt who
empowers every believer in Chrtstian
life and service, personal inadequacies
should not deter or discourage us.
3) Since the gifts are sovereignly
dispensed by the Spirtt to the church,
possession or lack of a particular gift
should be no cause for prtde or regret.
4) The fact that no one person has
all of the gifts of the Spirtt reveals to us
the need for the unity of the church,
the fellowship of the body, etc., forthe
full spiritual development of the
individual and the corporate
5) The fact that we can come to the
Spirtt in prayer encourages us to pray
for His sanctifying work in us, both
individually and corporately. Prayer
for guidance, a greater understanding
of His inspired Word, the advancement
of His Kingdom, etc., should be a part
of our daily walk with God.
"Come gracious Spirit, heavenly dove,
With light and comfort from above;
Be Thou our guardian, Thou our guide;
O'er every thought and step preside.
The light of truth to us display,
And make us know and choose Thy way;
Plant holy fear in every heart,
That we from God may ne'er depart.
Lead us to holiness, the road
Which we must take to dwell with God;
Lead us to Christ, the living way,
Nor let us from His presence stray."
(Simon Browne) n
16 THE COUNSEL of Chalcedon December, 1993

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