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our Lng||sh speak|ng fr|end |s mov|ng to your ne|ghborhood w|th h|s]her ch||dren and wants

some |nformat|on about the |oca| schoo|.

Wr|te a |etter to h|m]her, |n your |etter
- Lxp|a|n about the schoo| and |ts fac|||t|es.
- G|ve your op|n|on about the schoo|.
- Lxp|a|n why h|s]her ch||dren w||| en[oy th|s schoo|.
uear Mark,
lL seems ages from Lhe lasL Llme LhaL we've meL one anoLher. l was so pleased when l noLlced LhaL you
have moved lnLo my area. lL's a blesslng for us Lo be close Lo you and your famlly here.
lorLunaLely, Lhls parL of clLy has beLLer condlLlon ln comparlson wlLh your prevlous locaLlon on Lhe
whole, and schoollng ls noL an excepLlon. Lspeclally for lnLelllgenL sLudenLs llke !ack Lhere are Lwo
presLlglous schools ln Lhe nelghborhood. l suggesL SmarL SLudenLs School, because my son All has
experlenced boLh schools and he he's qulLe saLlsfled wlLh Lhe laLLer one.
All always Lalks abouL excellenL faclllLles ln Lhere such as well-equlpped classrooms, laboraLorles and
workshops, faclllLles whlch oLher schools usually don'L offer. 8y Lhe way, Lhey could have lunch aL school
and as far as l know Lhe quallLy of food ls falrly good.
8esldes Lhe knowledgeable and experlenced Leachers, and welcomlng envlronmenL, l Lhlnk !ack and
All could have a greaL Llme wlLh LogeLher.
Anyway, uon'L heslLaLe Lo Louch me agaln lf you need more lnformaLlon. l really look forward Lo
meeLlng up wlLh you and your famlly and don'L forgeL Lo glve my love Lo Lhem.
8esL regardswlshes,
Many peop|e comp|a|n about stress at work. now can emp|oyers reduce the stress and what
can do emp|oyees themse|ves to so|ve th|s prob|em.
nowadays8ecenLly, Lhe level of sLress and sLraln aL workplace has lncreased Lo such an exLenL LhaL
employers usually evaluaLe Lhelr [obs' candldaLes for Lhelr ablllLles and skllls ln worklng under sLress
condlLlon. Powever, Lhere are some remedles Lo cuL Lhe pressure whlch could be Laken by boLh
employer and employee. ln Lhls essay l am golng Lo dlscuss boLh sldes' acLlons ln Lhls regard as follows.
erhaps, Lhe mosL effecLlve measure whlch could be adopLed by employers Lo relleve sLress ls LhaL
Lhey should Lo provlde a secure career. ln oLher words, provlded workers feel LhaL Lhey wlll noL face
redundancy and be assured of recelvlng a reasonable and sLeady lncome, Lhey would noL experlence
pressure proacLlvely. 1he oLher relaLed pollcy ls Laklng ouL all Lypes of lnsurances Lo provlde a safeLy neL
for all workers ln case.
Cn Lhe oLher hand, employees for Lhe sake of Lhelr healLh condlLlon should have some sLraLegles Lo
Lackle Lhe slLuaLlon. Slnce Lhey usually cannoL change Lhe essence of Lhelr work condlLlon and Lhere ls
no way ouL Lo ellmlnaLe Lhe resources of pressure aL work, , Lhus, Lhey should employ some LacLlcs Lo
reduce Lhe lLs effecLs of LhaL. 1he flrsL recommendaLlon Lo make ls LhaL Lhey should Lry Lo spend more
quallLy Llme wlLh famlly members, be lnvolved ln ouLdoor and physlcal acLlvlLles and Lake vacaLlon, Lo
reduce Lhe devasLaLlng effecLs of sLraln. lL can also be offered LhaL employees should aLLempL Lo
moderaLe Lhelr expecLaLlons and seL some lower sLandards for Lhemselves boLh aL workplace and llfe Lo
be able Lo meeL Lhem convenlenLly.
llnally, l honesLly belleve LhaL as sLress ls one of Lhe maln conLrlbuLors of deaLh Loll Lhese days, all
people wheLher ln poslLlon of employer or employee should efforL Lo allevlaLe and eradlcaLe LhaL from
Lhelr llves as much as posslble
Lst|mated 8and Score: 7.S
I rea||y ||ke you sty|e of wr|t|ng, espec|a||y the way you have arranged your paragraphs (coherence). In
order to ach|eve h|gher bandscores you shou|d work more on your |ex|ca| resources and grammar
range and a|so your cohes|on (try to use organ|z|ng words |n a way wh|ch |t attracts no attent|on).
Good Luck..

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