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Prayer and Meditation The Lords Prayer

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 9 | July 15, 1957

Greetings. I ring you God!s lessings, "y dear #riends.
$y dear #riends, today I would like to s%eak aout prayer and meditation. &hat is the di##erence
etween the two' $any %eo%le are not (uite clear aout it. It is always a "atter o# agreeing u%on
the "eaning o# ter"s. I should like to "ake the #ollowing distinction) Prayer is a %reli"inary ste%
to "editation. Prayer is a "atter o# thinking, "editation is %rayer with #eeling, it engages the soul
#orces as co"%ared to the thinking #orces. *o get to the second and #urther ste% you need a certain
disci%line and concentration which you learn through %rayer. $ost %eo%le are not used to e
s%iritually and "entally acti+e, yet one cannot enter into "editation unless one has #irst learned the
%reli"inary state o# concentration.
*he %erson who has walked through this #irst gateway needs ao+e all the insight that nothing can
e gained without disci%line, regular work, and the est will to gi+e each day so"e ti"e to get
closer to God, to lierate the o#ten dor"ant and hidden #orces o# the soul, and #ind the connection to
the rays o# di+ine energy. *his can ha%%en only through sel#,disci%line and regular %ractice,
%re#eraly always at the sa"e ti"e o# day. -et it is not %ossile to estalish a rule +alid #or e+eryone
without e.ce%tion. /or a #ew a "ore s%ontaneous way "ay e etter, ut only when in s%ite o# this
s%ontaneity no day is o"itted and solely ti"e and %lace +ary. 0s a rule, regularity is ad+antageous.
1u"an eings ha+e di##iculty concentrating. *i"e and again "y #riends ha+e e.%erienced that, at
#irst, their thoughts wander, that so"ething "undane gets in the way. *hen they eco"e so
dis"ayed that they cannot %ick u% the thread. 0s I ha+e o#ten said, it is i"%ortant not to let these
interru%tions other you and not to get con#used and ewildered. 2o not ask too "uch o# yoursel+es
right away, ut resu"e your %ractice in a (uiet and rela.ed "anner. 0#ter so"e ti"e you will
succeed in achie+ing a certain continuity and concentration. *his is %rayer. 2o not #orget, as
hu"ans o#ten do, to ask God again and again #or hel%. -ou do not know how "uch this will ser+e
you. &hy don!t you say) 31el% "e to learn real %rayer, or real "editation.4 0t any "o"ent, when
you are con#used, ask #or hel%. 1ere, too, the word holds true) 35nock and it shall e o%ened.4
6oncentration in %rayer is ene#icial not only as a training ut also ecause each thought uilds a
#or". &ith the thoughts o# %rayer you uild har"onious #or"s, so that the 3thought,%rayer4
acti+ates #a+orale energies e+en e#ore you ha+e learned the 3#eeling,%rayer4 or "editation. -et
thought #or"s, though they "ay not ha+e the %ower o# #eeling #or"s, can ne+ertheless "ani#est
their own greatness when co"ing #ro" a #ull heart, without sel#,dece%tion, rooted in sincere
*his is the #irst ste% on this %articular seg"ent o# the %ath) the %ure %ower o# thought through
concentration in %rayer, and the lieration o# the #eeling currents, which rings aout so"e
loosening o# the s%irit. *his then is "editation.
7nce you ha+e learned concentration in %rayer to so"e degree, %racticing regular sel#,disci%line #or
this %ur%ose, you "ay encounter the %role" o# eco"ing too "echanical. Now that you ha+e
%rogressed so #ar, you #ind yoursel# struggling not to #all into the o%%osite e.tre"e o# o+erdisci%line
where %rayer eco"es a #etter. *hen the ti"e has co"e #or you to learn to ring %rayer into the
dee%er layers o# the soul.
0t this %oint, too, hel%#ul tools are a+ailale. Prayer, as I said, is in the do"ain o# thinking. It co"es
#ro" here 8%ointing to the head9, while "editation co"es #ro" here 8%ointing to the chest9, what I
call the s%iritual #ield o# the hu"an eing. In the solar, a %erson!s entire s%iritual %icture is
i"%rinted. *hose who #ree the #eelings here and so deter"ine when and how to connect with God
eco"e, to a certain degree, "aster o+er the"sel+es y o+erco"ing their inner ostacles.
Now you "ay ask, how could you enter into this +iration. I say) 0ll inner currents di+erted into
wrong channels create ostacles. 0ll that lies unrecogni:ed and #er"ents in the suconscious is an
ostacle. &here+er you ha+e di##iculties to attune to the +iration, where+er you sense a resistance,
you can e sure o# unrecogni:ed +iolations o# the laws in your soul. ;el#,recognition, sel#,analysis,
and the digging out o# these currents are the only "eans, and to do this is not %ossile without outer
guidance, hel%, and instruction.
0%art #ro" this, one cannot estalish any general rules. It +aries #ro" one %erson to the ne.t. -ou
"ust #ind the %lace in yoursel# where you sense the +irations. It is not right to e.%ect this to
ha%%en i""ediately and e+ery ti"e. 7nce in a while s%iritual in#luences "ay li#t a hu"an eing
into a higher +iration e+en when the inner ostacles are still %resent in the soul, ut these
in#luences are rare. 0 %erson should not e+ade the issue y saying, 3I a" not always ca%ale to e
attuned< I ha+e to e in the "ood #or that.4 =ut the 3attune"ents4 should no longer e go+erned y
"oods. -ou need to control the" yoursel#, and this is not %ossile unless you culti+ate
syste"atically your s%irit and your de+elo%"ent. -ou need to eco"e "aster o# yoursel#, not e
"astered y "oods and de%end on the" #or the kind o# contact to God which %enetrates the entire
eing. *his is the %ur%ose o# this %ath, this is the goal, which, howe+er, you cannot e.%ect to attain
right away. 7n this %ath you will ad+ance to a %oint where you deter"ine yoursel# when the %ure
#orces will e ready to "o+e #reely #ro" within you. *his goal can e achie+ed only y #ollowing a
slow, laorious %ath. Pray #or hel% in this res%ect as well. >ery s%eci#ically, 6hrist will hel% you.
&hoe+er turns to hi" will recei+e hel%, #or he has %ro"ised it to you.
*here are se+eral tools to lierate the soul #orces) /or so"e it "ay e hel%#ul to re"e"er the last
ti"e they #elt a strong +iration that connected the" to God. Perha%s y con?uring it u% in their
i"agination they can reli+e it e"otionally. 7thers "ay #ind the connection easier with the hel% o# a
s%eci#ic %assage #ro" the =ile, a certain %rayer or s%iritual law. *he tools "ay +ary, and each o#
you need to e.%lore your indi+idual %oint o# connection %ersonally. =est o# all is a +ictory o+er
yoursel#, an insight into the sel# that is real, co"%lete and wholehearted. &hen you o+erco"e a
resistance you o%en yoursel# to God!s will and truth. ;uch +ictory #rees "any %owers and causes a
wonder#ul +iration that leads to "editation, e+en though in the eginning it cannot e attained
e+ery day. ;o"e other ti"e I will talk "ore aout the soul,%rayer, or "editation.
*oday I would like to #ul#ill the %ro"ise I ha+e gi+en so"e ti"e ago to share with you a #urther
inter%retation o#, or "editation on, the Lords Prayer.
I talked aout the "eaning o# this %rayer and the way to "editate aout it once e#ore. *here are so
"any %ossiilities and ways. *hen I s%oke in general ter"s. *onight I want to shed a di##erent light
on it and show you how you can "editate on the %rayer@it can easily take an hour@and #ind in it
whate+er you need at any ti"e, #or e+erything is contained in it. I will show you how the %rayer can
e a%%lied in a +ery %ersonal way and how it can sol+e all your %role"s.
7AB /0*1CB. &hen you think o# the "eaning o# these words, you %resu"aly %icture God as the
#ather o# all eings. =ut as you say the words +ery inti"ately to yoursel#, try to "editate +ery
s%eci#ically on how God!s #atherhood also a%%lies to those %eo%le you do not like, or do not care
#or, toward who" you #eel resistance, or with who" you ?ust ha%%en to e in discord. It does not
ha+e to e always a #eeling o# hatred< it is enough to e irritated with so"eody. Go into your
stillness and %onder that these %eo%le are the children o# God. 6alling yoursel# a child o# God is
?usti#ied only when you allow that the %eo%le who ring out un%leasant #eelings in you are also
God!s children, ?ust as you are. &hen you succeed in doing so, your attitude, and there#ore your
#eelings too, will undergo a sutle change and you will eco"e "ore rela.ed and #ree.
*o do this "ay at #irst e di##icult and cause resistance, ecause your #eelings are not always willing
to change. &hene+er there are strong negati+e #eelings o# any kind there has to e a tight inner
knot. *ake such a resistance as a signal that tells you how i"%ortant it is to dissol+e the inner knot.
I# you haror negati+e #eelings, so"ething in you "ust e unresol+ed, no "atter how wrong the
other %erson "ay e. 0#ter this insight co"es the will to straighten out whate+er is wrong within
you and the readiness to allow #or new recognitions, ins%irations or teachings. *hen %ractical "eans
will also e gi+en to you to #ree yoursel# #ro" the unresol+ed, negati+e state. 0sk #or it, want it@
and suddenly, as you "editate on the dee% "eaning o# these words and how to a%%ly the" in your
li#e, a hea+y %ressure will e li#ted #ro" your chest< you will #eel as i# you had een #reed o# a
*ry it also another way) =y%ass e+erything that others you in the other %eo%le and +isuali:e their
%er#ection. *ry to recogni:e how and where the di+ine s%ark "ani#ests through the". 0lways
re"e"er, whoe+er seeks, will #ind. -ou will disco+er (ualities in the" which will clearly indicate
their higher sel# and entitle the" to e regarded children o# God.
It is so i"%ortant to draw a line se%arating the higher and the lower sel#, to %in%oint what elongs to
each one. *he higher sel# is eternal, i""ortal, and is o# God. *he lower sel# is te"%oral, and not o#
the true reality. 2o not do this ?ust with others. ;tart with yoursel#. /or when you can distinguish the
two in you, it will no longer e so di##icult to lo+e your neighor, and you will #ind it "uch easier to
recogni:e so"eone you do not like as your rother or sister. -ou will then allow your higher sel# to
unite with the higher sel# o# your neighor. 0ll this is contained in the #irst two words o# the %rayer)
7ur /ather.
&17 0B* IN 1C0>CN. 1ea+en is within you, not outside. ;eek it there#ore in yoursel#, #ind your
own %er#ection, which already e.ists, though it "ay e +eiled and co+ered u%. 0nd seek 1ea+en,
seek God within the soul o# your neighor, e+en the one you re?ect. /or only thus can you #ind the
eternal, li+ing God.
10LL7&C2 =C *1- N0$C. -ou hallow the na"e o# the /ather y trying to #atho" 1is laws
and #ul#ill the". =ecause #or e+ery "odality o# li#e there e.ists a s%iritual law. &hen you are
con#used y %role"s in your li#e, it "eans that you ha+e not #ound the a%%ro%riate s%iritual law.
&hen you say, 31allowed e thy na"e,4 ask the (uestion within) 3&here are "y di##iculties, what
are "y %role"s' I "ust e +iolating a s%iritual law, e+en i# only unconsciously, ut I no longer
want to do so.4 0sk God to hel% you understand what law you are +iolating. 0sk 1i" #or an answer
and you will learn to estalish a %ersonal connection through which you will truly hallow 1is na"e.
/or when you look at your %role"s in truth, with honesty in your heart, you will also recei+e the
answer. It "ight not co"e at the sa"e "o"ent, ut i# you are alert and o%en, li#e will ring you the
*1- 5ING27$ 67$C. &hen you hallow God!s na"e y #ollowing all s%iritual laws you also
ring 1is kingdo" close to you. /or it is within you. -ou always think, i# you gi+e it a thought at
all, that God!s kingdo" is so"ewhere outside, that it will descend to your earth, and that all you
will ha+e to do is to go where God!s kingdo" has "ani#ested, and enter. *hese are the usual +ague
ideas aout the kingdo" o# God, #alse thought #or"s that you erect in your i"agination. God!s
kingdo" "ust e created within you, and this can ha%%en only when you go through this schooling
success#ully, y learning to know and to a%%ly the s%iritual laws.
*1- &ILL =C 27NC. I do not need to say "uch aout this, since I ha+e done so "any ti"es
e#ore. =ut I want to e"%hasi:e again how di##icult it is #or "ost %eo%le to a%%ly these words on the
%ersonal le+el. -ou clai" that you do not know what God!s will is and that you would #ollow it i#
only you knew what it was. I ha+e said to you that whoe+er stri+es to "ake contact with God!s
world to #ind out what God!s will is, and then to #ul#ill it unconditionally, e+en while you are still
dout#ul, will recei+e the answer. 0nd rather than trying to rack your rains aout how to #ul#ill
God!s will when you #eel unsure, turn to those areas where you do not re(uire an answer, #or the
answer will e o+ious once you egin to think.
C+eryody can e (uite sure that it "ust e God!s will to #ollow the %ath o# %er#ection, in whate+er
way it o##ers itsel# to you. -ou can e (uite sure that it "ust e God!s will that you #ace yoursel# in
honesty instead o# choosing the "ore co"#ortale way o# %ushing away what creates uneasiness, or
la"ing others and circu"stances to a+oid the necessity to seek the wrong within you.
6onte"%late what causes your inner resistance, and you can e sure that when you #eel
dishar"onious you ha+e +iolated a di+ine law. No wrongdoing or error o# another hu"an eing can
gi+e you dishar"onious #eelings i# there is not so"ething a"iss in you as well. -our answer "ust
e that you ha+e in so"e way #ailed to #ul#ill God!s will.
/or one %erson, #eelings o# dishar"ony "ight take the #or" o# general religious douts which
ulti"ately are connected to %ersonal %role"s, #or another the causes "ight e "ore directly o# a
%ersonal nature. =ut whene+er there is a #eeling o# hea+iness, o# anger, o# resistance, o# #ear, o# any
dishar"ony, you ha+e a clue that so"ething in you is not (uite in order. /or otherwise there could
not e so "uch darkness in so"e o# your li#e situations. I# you stri+e #or the answer wholeheartedly,
e+en i# it takes long to #ind out, you will get it sooner or later. &hen you %ray #or the answer in
order to #ul#ill God!s will, it "ust co"e. 2o not e a#raid o# it, #or God!s will is always wise and
lo+ing and leads to ha%%iness, e+en though the transition is a struggle. *hen ask yoursel#) 30" I
truly willing to do God!s will e+en i# I do not like it at #irst'4 I ha+e gi+en you a whole lecture
aout this su?ect and you can use it in this connection.
7N C0B*1 0; I* I; IN 1C0>CN. &hat does this "ean' &hat is 1ea+en' &hat is Carth' Is it
not a it #oolish o# you hu"an eings to say a %rayer that God!s will e done in 1ea+en, which in
so"e %eo%le!s "inds is so"ewhere outside' I# 1ea+en were outside, would it need your %rayers
that God!s will e done there' 6ould you e.ercise such in#luences there' 6ertainly not. 7# course
you can, to a certain degree, do it on Carth, in that you, through eing on the %ath o# %er#ection, y
the in#luence and light you s%read, work #or God!s kingdo" in your #ellow hu"an eings.
1ea+en is within you. It is your s%irit in its %er#ection, which waits #or the walls o# the lower sel# to
e roken through. *he God in you shall "ani#est in e+ery detail in your s%iritual as well as in your
earthly li#e. *o what e.tent is this already a reality in your li#e' In what res%ect does God not yet
%enetrate your eing, your actions, your thoughts, and your #eelings' *ry #or instance to i"agine
this) I# you were told to relin(uish so"ething to which you cling elie+ing it to e God!s will@it
could ?ust e an o%inion@would you e willing to let it go and consider that it "ay not e so' 7r
would you rather con+ince yoursel# o# the contrary, ?ust ecause you want it that way'
*ry to %in%oint in which area o# your li#e you ha+e this attitude. *hen #ace yoursel# in honesty.
&hat is "ore i"%ortant #or you) the truth, or a con+iction you ha+e clung to #or one reason or
another' I# your con+iction is right, don!t you elie+e that God will con#ir" it' =ut #irst there "ust
e a willingness to let go. &hene+er you #eel a tightening rigidity, e+en i# your o%inion is right, you
%re+ent the hea+enly kingdo" #ro" "ani#esting within you. 7n the other hand, where you are in
error, the truth cannot %enetrate. &hen the thought #or"s are #alse, God!s kingdo" cannot co"e to
GI>C A; *720- 7AB 20IL- =BC02. *his, too, is o#ten "echanically re%eated, without
attaching any "eaning to it. Peo%le assu"e e+en i# they do not clearly #or"ulate the thought, that
earning one!s daily read has nothing to do with God. =ut truly, I say to you, "y dear ones, you
cannot do anything good that is not lessed y God. &ithout God, nothing will succeed, no "atter
how hard you try again and again. 0 %erson who has had so"e s%iritual schooling can discern +ery
accurately, when he or she thinks ack on his or her li#e, what had God!s lessing and what did not.
31ow does the di##erence #eel' &here do I re%eatedly #ail' In what areas do I always ha+e
troule' &hat is the true reason #or it' &hat did I do wrong' In what res%ect do I ha+e a wrong
attitude'4 *hink aout it and surrender yoursel# to God, entirely.
=e ready to let yoursel# e guided to otain oth your earthly and your s%iritual read. *he s%iritual
read is so neglected. -ou elie+e it is less i"%ortant than the "aterial read. No, "y dear ones, the
s%iritual read is "ore i"%ortant, "uch "ore i"%ortant. /irst you need to "ake the e##ort to recei+e
s%iritual nourish"ent) desire it. *hat is the gateway through which all earthly %role"s will e
sol+ed, and not the other way around. &hoe+er yearns #or the s%iritual read has already reached a
certain le+el on the %ath.
/7BGI>C A; 7AB *BC;P0;;C;. *he %rayer says, 3/orgi+e us,4 not "e alone. *his includes all
hu"an eings, e+en those who ha+e hurt you and who" you "ay not e ale to #orgi+e co"%letely.
I# you honestly wish that God "ay #orgi+e the", then you are lierated #ro" a dark s%iritual #or" in
you, which attracts har"#ul energies and dark in#luences. *hink what these words contain) God
should not #orgi+e only you and those who" you lo+e, ut also those #or who" you still "ay haror
negati+e #eelings. 7#ten you are not e+en clear aout your own guilt. 1u"ans tend to %roduce #alse,
unhealthy, e.aggerated guilt #eelings which are not ?usti#ied.
*he inner %rocess works in the #ollowing way) -ou shy away #ro" ad"itting your guilt where it is
?usti#ied and where you could #eel a healthy, constructi+e re%entance which would ne+er drag you
down or discourage you. &hen you ask God #or #orgi+eness with this healthy re%entance and really
want to change, you will #eel that you are #orgi+en and lierated and will know that a urden has
een li#ted #ro" your shoulders. *his ha%%ens when the will to change and to carry the good
intention through is sincere and %erse+ering.
=ut o#ten you will not #ace the real guilt, %artly ecause in your conceit you want to see yoursel#
etter than you are, and %artly ecause it takes too great an e##ort to ring aout inner change. 2ee%
inside you know that this cannot ha%%en #ro" one day to the other< neither can it ha%%en without
e##ort. *he s%iritual core gi+es out signals, s%urring you on to recogni:e your guilt, ut your lower
sel# inter#eres with its %ride and la:iness, so you o#ten assu"e guilt that is not genuine. It is as i# you
said, 3;ee, I re%ent, I ad"it, ut actually, I a" not really guilty here.4 Naturally, these are
unconscious %rocesses, and they ha+e to e rought out into the daylight. *his is the di##erence
etween #alse guilt and real re%entance.
*he e.%erience o# all %eo%le who walk the s%iritual %ath has always een that those who recogni:e
their real guilt lose auto"atically not only all #alse guilt co" which %ull the" down, ut #eel
instantly relie+ed and at %eace, ecause truth always brings about liberation. *o o%en onesel# wide
and e willing to o+erco"e the resistance is a struggle. ;o %eo%le will e a#raid to ad"it the real
guilt and there#ore will rather %roduce in their unconscious all kinds o# unreal guilt #eelings, which
either do not at all a%%ly, or which co+er u% #aults which they do not want to see ecause they are
not yet ready to acce%t the"sel+es as they are, in their "o"entary i"%er#ection. Guilt co"
are unreal and there#ore ne+er lead to lieration. *hey create +icious circles, they lead to hea+iness,
sadness, whereas truth always lierates, no "atter how un%leasant it "ay #eel at #irst.
C.a"ine your own sel# in this res%ect. 7nly those who %enetrate all the layers o# a%%earance and o#
delusion will reach the real guilt. *hey will #ind in what way they ha+e +iolated one or "ore
s%iritual laws, in action or in e"otional reaction. 7nly then is it %ossile to ask God #or #orgi+eness,
which includes the re(uest to e hel%ed and shown how to change. 7nly one who is thus lierated
within can #orgi+e others totally. -ou cannot e.%ect #orgi+eness i# you are not co"%letely ready to
#orgi+e others. 0nd whoe+er has e.%erienced, co"%rehended, and #elt God!s #orgi+eness should
also e ale to #orgi+e hi"sel#. 0nd this leads to the ne.t line)
0; &C /7BGI>C *17;C &17 *BC;P0;; 0G0IN;* A;. 1ow "any %eo%le say this %rayer,
yet they do not ha+e the slightest intention to truly #orgi+e. 1ere, too, there is o#ten sel#,dece%tion.
&hile no hate "ay e le#t, resent"ent is still %resent< i# you ha+e not lierated yoursel# #ro" that,
you cannot e #ree enough to ha+e s%iritual e.%eriences. It is so di##icult #or you to achie+e
co"%lete #orgi+eness, ecause you lack the understanding o# the other %erson. *here#ore ask #or this
understanding, ask #or the insight you lack in this res%ect. I# you really want it and do not wallow in
your resent"ents, as you so o#ten do, then all this will e gi+en to you.
-ou hu"an eings do not want to understand that you cannot do it y yoursel+es. -ou need hel%.
*his is why this sentence is %art o# the %rayer. /or i# it were %ossile to do it with your will alone,
you would not need to %ray #or it. -ou do not %ray that you should e ale to "o+e #ro" one s%ot to
another< i# you ha+e healthy li"s you can do it at will. =ut you need hel% in order to e ale to
really #orgi+e. 0nd you do need hel% in order to #ace yoursel# in total honesty and to know yoursel#
without your "ask. 0nd you need hel% to "eet your resistances and to acco"%lish the inner change.
;o %ray #or it.
*his, too, has to e con#ronted) 32o I truly #orgi+e all %eo%le #ro" the otto" o# "y heart'4 &hen
you clearly see that you cannot yet (uite do this alone, you can ask #or hel%. 0nd understand that
not #orgi+ing urdens you, "akes you unha%%y, locks the light and #reedo" that you desire. Not
#orgi+ing har"s you "uch "ore than it har"s those who" you cannot #orgi+e.
LC02 A; IN 7AB *C$P*0*I7N;. I re%eat #or those #riends who ?oined our circle recently)
&hat is usually said, is 3Lead us not into te"%tation.4 *hese words gi+e rise to "isconce%tions and
can do har". /or God does not lead you into te"%tation. Bather, the "eaning is #or you to %ray that
God "ay lead you when te"%tation co"es to you< to %ray that God "ay guide you so that you can
resist it, that you ha+e the strength and the +ision to e +ictorious. I# this is what you +isuali:e, then
you can also say, 3Lead us not into te"%tation.4 *he words do not "atter so "uch unless they
con#use the conce%ts.
Now, what is te"%tation' *e"%tation is within you. It does not co"e #ro" the outside. 0nd e+en i#
it ca"e #ro" the outside, you would not yield to it i# so"ething in you were not rece%ti+e to it. /or
instance, could you e te"%ted to co""it "urder' 6ertainly not. =ut you can e te"%ted to gi+e in
to your #aults, whate+er they "ay e. *here#ore it is i"%ortant to reali:e that you can e te"%ted,
and in what way. -ou ha+e to know your #aults. List all your #aults, so that you re"e"er the".
0nd then ask again #or the strength and the hel%, #or you cannot o+erco"e the #aults on your own.
7nly in that notion lies te"%tation.
No de+il, no ;atan could get at you i# you did not ha+e so"ething in you that res%onded. &hen you
%ray that God kee% ;atan away #ro" you, you are there#ore in error. /or in you, in your lower sel#,
in the crust that en+elo%s your %er#ect sel#, lies the ger" through which you can e led into
te"%tation. *he dark #orces ser+e as instru"ents to draw it out, to ring it into your awareness, so
that you can #ight it. I# the ger" o# e+il lay dor"ant, i# it had no o%%ortunity to "ani#est, you would
not co"e one ste% nearer to %er#ection, to true liss.
=A* 2CLI>CB A; /B7$ C>IL. 1ere, too, the sa"e truth a%%lies. *he e+il is in you. I# it e.isted
only outside, it could not touch you. Put this thought into your %rayer. 0sk 6hrist to hel% you
o+erco"e te"%tation, so that you can deli+er yourself #ro" e+il. 7nly you yoursel# can do it, with
the hel% o# God, and with the hel% o# 6hrist which he has %ro"ised you. *ry it with his hel%. 2o not
try to do it alone< you are not strong enough. -ou need the will%ower, you need unceasing e##ort, ut
your %ower alone is ?ust as insu##icient as God!s, 6hrist!s, or any s%irit!s hel% would e without your
will to #ree yoursel#. -ou need oth your will%ower and the hel% o# God. -ou "ust a%%roach the
%role" #ro" oth sides) 2o your own work and you "ust ask #or s%iritual hel%, again and again.
/7B *1INC I; *1C 5ING27$. *he 5ingdo" o# God is within you. It shall elong to God and to
no one else.
*1C P7&CB. 7nly God!s %ower cleanses, deli+ers, and illu"inates the truth. It "akes you ca%ale
o# lo+e, o# understanding. It leads you to ha%%iness, and raises you u% #ro" all the darkness and
i"%er#ection that has urdened you through so "any li#eti"es, and rings you to)
*1C GL7B-, which you can attain only y #ollowing God!s will.
I could say "any "ore things aout this "ost eauti#ul o# all %rayers, which contains e+erything@
yes, e+erything@you need #or your li#e, ut there is not enough ti"e now. I ha+e gi+en you a #ew
clues, and it would e good i# e+ery one o# you who hears or reads these words would think aout
the" in their (uiet hour. Perha%s you will then recei+e #urther thoughts and #eelings aout how to
a%%ly the" +ery %ersonally in your li#e. *his then is living prayer, when the "eaning o# each word
e.%ands as the inter%retations eco"e clearer to you and you see how you already a%%ly the essence
o# the %rayer in certain areas o# your li#e and not yet in others.
I# you try to li+e in this way, you "ust eco"e ha%%y, "y dear ones, and e+entually all %role"s
will disa%%ear. *rue, they are there at #irst, ut they are the necessary "edicine. -ou will
increasingly gain "astery o+er yoursel# and conse(uently "astery o+er li#e, instead o# eing
"astered y li#e. 0sk the (uestion) 31ow ha%%y a" I'4 -ou "ay e certain that to the degree you
are ha%%y you can also "ake another one, or se+eral hu"an eings, ha%%y. 0nd also know that to
the degree that you lack ha%%iness, you cannot yet "ake others as ha%%y as one day you will, i# you
continue to #ollow this u%ward %ath. ;el#,e.a"ination aout your own ha%%iness is a si"%le little
yardstick or aro"eter on which you can "easure how "uch ha%%iness you are ale to gi+e. I# you
are #illed with the desire to "ake others ha%%y, then God will %ro+ide the o%%ortunity, and this is the
way in which you will e lessed with true ha%%iness.
0nd now, "y dear ones, I a" ready #or your (uestions.
DAC;*I7N) Is it all right #or a "ediu" to "ake a li+ing through her task' *here are di##erent
+iews aout this. 0lthough it is clear that a "ediu" has to earn a li+ing ?ust as any other %erson@
and, i# it were done in any other way, she "ight not ha+e enough ti"e to #ul#ill her task which is
o#ten a +ery i"%ortant one@yet, +arious s%iritual sources clai" that this should not ha%%en. ;o
there is a %role" here. &hat can you tell us aout this'
0N;&CB) *his is what I ha+e to say) I# e+ery "ediu" who is still in training knew that he or she
could "ake a li+ing also through this task, that is, i# such a %erson counted right #ro" the eginning
on this, there would e e+en "ore nonsense and "isuse o# this gi#t than there already is. *he
te"%tation, e+en #or a decent %erson, #ull o# good will, would e too great. *here#ore, God!s s%irits
are +ery cautious around this su?ect and it is usually good #or a hu"an eing to a%%roach this task
thinking that in no way would it lead to %ersonal gain. =ut I will add this) 0 "ediu" should ha+e
gi+en his or her ser+ice #or #ree #or at least three to #i+e years e#ore eginning to "ake a li+ing
through this task. 2uring the years o# training, God!s s%irit world has an o%%ortunity to oser+e
whether the %erson is really #it #or this task. I# not, God!s s%irits will withdraw anyhow. 0#ter all,
"oney is only one o# the "any ostacles that can cause %eo%le to #ail. &hen, howe+er, a %erson
turns out to e ca%ale o# #ul#illing such a task, "oney will no longer e a hindrance, it will not
in#luence the %erson, or taint the work. ;o at least three to #i+e years should #irst %ass.
0nd when e+erything is right, when the s%irit world does not withdraw, then guidance will co"e
#ro" the outside and there will e signs to indicate that the ti"e has co"e to acce%t "oney. It will
e ?ust as it was at an earlier stage, when the guidance suggested that the "ediu" can now channel
also #or other %eo%le to hel% the". *his took ti"e, too, de%ending on the %erson!s %rogress. >arious
3green lights4 are gi+en in the course o# training. 7# course, so"e %eo%le don!t need to earn their
li+ing through "ediu"shi% ecause they ha+e enough without it. I# not, God!s world will see to it
that the %erson in training has su##icient "eans to li+e.
In %rinci%le, to clai" that a "ediu" should not e rewarded y earning a li+ing with his or her
channeling is o# course (uite un?usti#ied, a#ter ha+ing in+ested in her %ro#ession ?ust as "uch ti"e,
e##ort, and energy as any other %ro#essional %erson@and o#ten e+en "ore. C(ually un?usti#ied
would e to i"%ly that si"%ly ecause a "ediu" acce%ts "oney the contact would not e with
God!s s%irits, that she "ust e a #raud. I# you are looking #or an argu"ent to diselie+e, you will
always #ind one@you would #ind so"ething else i# the "ediu" did not acce%t any "oney. 0#ter all,
e+en when not eing %aid, a "ediu" can ha+e contact with s%irits who are in no way connected to
God!s s%irit world. Cgo, %ower, +anity, %ride, cra+ing #or ad"iration can e ?ust as great hindrances.
;o, you see, the "atter is not that si"%le. *he truth will eco"e o+ious during the training %eriod,
and when e+erything is right, "onetary co"%ensation will e #orthco"ing without asking #or it.
*he training %eriod o# three to #i+e years, howe+er, doesn!t only "ean de+elo%ing the ca%acity to
channel, ut, "ost o# all, concentrating on walking the s%iritual %ath o# de+elo%"ent in the sense I
a" teaching it. I# this is the case, then the contact will always e under di+ine %rotection, regardless
o# e.ternal circu"stances.
7# course, a "ediu" should not re#use hel% to so"eone who is %oor and cannot a##ord to %ay. =ut it
wouldn!t e right #or so"eone who is willing to s%end "oney on other things@and o#ten on "uch
less i"%ortant things@to e.%ect the "ediu" to gi+e her ti"e and ser+ice #or #ree, unless the
"ediu" is still in training. I#, all through this ti"e, a "ediu" is working on the %ath o# sel#,
de+elo%"ent, then neither "aterial sel#,interest nor +anity or any other ostacle will stand in the
way. 7# course, no one can e+aluate the situation #ro" the outside, unless he or she knows the
"ediu" +ery well, ut the "ediu" hersel#, and God, will know the truth. 0nd that is what counts.
0 "ediu" who %ursues this kind o# training goes through a learning %eriod +ery si"ilar to a doctor
or a teacher who attends a uni+ersity #or years. 0 %hysician treats %atients also without eing %aid,
#or instance in a hos%ital while still in training, until he or she has reached the e.%ertise that enales
hi" to earn a decent li+ing as a %hysician. *hen, when he has earned his degree, he can e an
honest, conscientious and good doctor, e+en though he earns "oney with it. I# a "ediu" is really
ca%ale o# gi+ing hel%, it would e asurd to de+ote her ti"e and energy to a %ro#ession #or which
she is not trained, with which she could not e hel%#ul, and which would %re+ent her #ro" #ul#illing
the task she is est %re%ared #or. It would e as i# an e.cellently trained %hysician %ursued "edicine
only as a sideline, not eing su%%osed to earn a li+ing that way, and there#ore would ha+e to take a
di##erent kind o# ?o ?ust to earn his read.
0ny %ros%ecti+e "ediu" should, there#ore, e %re%ared to work #or (uite a long ti"e without eing
%aid. God!s world will gi+e hel% and guidance, so that "eanwhile the %erson will e %ro+ided with
what is necessary. 0nd when the ti"e co"es, God!s world will hel% again y slowly withdrawing
#ro" the "ediu" the occu%ation that was necessary until then.
0nd those who a+ail the"sel+es o# the "ediu"!s hel%, ti"e, and e##ort, should, as a "atter o#
course, wish to enale the "ediu" to earn her li+ing@e+eryone according to their "eans. *his
would e ene#icial #or the", too, in e+ery res%ect. ;o"ething "ust e wrong with your own
thinking i# you raise douts aout the "ediu" ?ust ecause o# this, and then you should e.a"ine
yoursel# and rethink your conclusion.
;o, once "ore) *he training %eriod should take at least three to #i+e years, in so"e cases e+en
longer. It de%ends entirely on the intensity and diligence with which the "ediu" %ursues his or her
s%iritual de+elo%"ent. &hen the ti"e is ri%e, then, as I said, outside e+ents will "ake it clear that a
#urther 3green light4 has een gi+en. 2o you understand, "y #riend' E-es, co"%letely.F
DAC;*I7N) -ou said in today!s lecture that when so"ething weighs hea+ily on one!s chest, we
should ask oursel+es what in us is wrong. =ut the hea+iness "ay co"e also, #or instance, #ro"
0N;&CB) *hat is %ossile. =ut the (uestion is, what kind o# grie#' 1ealthy sorrow does not #eel
like a hea+y urden. 7n the contrary, it li#ts you u%, it loosens you< I could al"ost say that des%ite
the grie# so"ething (uite wonder#ul takes %lace dee% inside. It is al"ost i"%ossile to descrie
#eelings in words, e+er, so ?ust try to understand and #eel into what I "ean, sense the di##erence
etween the tightness o# itterness and the sorrow that loosens the soul. EI understand e.actly what
you "ean.F
$y dear ones, recei+e God!s lessing through "y hands, through the hands o# the "ediu". *his
energy wants to %enetrate into you to strengthen you and li#t you u%. God!s lessing reaches all o#
"y #riends, near and #ar. =e in God.

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