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numerical choices.

This makes the PIN more vulnerable than

Existing (Apr 8, 2000)

technical attacks, but by implementation errors and management
Existing (Jun 8, 1999)

(Anderson 94) [6]. Therefore the research holds to the paradigm"that
Existing (Jan 7, 2006)

security method, algorithm, key, or procedure is entirely
Existing (Dec 15, 2012)

three categories, based on what are known as the factors of
Existing (May 25, 2008)

individual know, have or are. As there are three factors

secret information. When user provides some information to authenticate
Existing (Jan 12, 2013)

legitimate user, the system processes this information and
Existing (Aug 15, 2010)

Know assumption, in which the user types a password or PIN
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authentication. i.e. Something the individual Know" (
Existing (Apr 17, 2012)

individual Know" ( i.e. a PIN) and " Something the individual

individual Have"( i.e. a token). Most widely used forms of two
Existing (Sep 24, 2001)

of the token. Stored information is presented to the system
Existing (Jan 12, 2013)

the system (e.g. ATM card) as well as PIN code to authenticate
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authentication. This type of authentication involves using
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the smart card. The user ID read from the smart card together
Existing (Mar 26, 2013)

central database, where the biometric is decrypted and compared
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authentication, so using them together would still be single-factor
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solution used. However, it is generally held that multi-factor
Existing (Jun 15, 2006)

improves security, for example:
Existing (Feb 12, 2014)

To use the password, you need to find out the
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To use the ATM card, you need to find out the
Existing (Jun 15, 2006)

Password based online authentication is easy
Existing (Jun 15, 2006)

to customers, systems administrators and managers.
Existing (Apr 30, 2009)

People have difficulty recalling strong passwords
Existing (Apr 30, 2009)

People use passwords that are easy to remember,
Existing (Jan 21, 2014)

Some of the possible attacks are listed below.
Existing (Jun 15, 2006)

Hardware tokens are physical objects, so a customer
Existing (Jun 15, 2006)

As the hardware device is used in conjunction
Existing (Jun 15, 2006)

Hardware tokens require special software to be
Existing (Jun 15, 2006)

Management for cryptographic keys, readers, tokens
Existing (Jun 15, 2006)

If the hardware token is lost or misplaced by
Existing (Jun 15, 2006)

Software tokens are more easily copied than hardware
Existing (Jun 15, 2006)

hardware tokens. The distinctions arise from the fact that
Existing (Jun 15, 2006)

authenticate, a biometric reading is taken and matched

Usually affected by environmental conditions.
Existing (Nov 28, 2009)

Not secret and therefore vulnerable to being
Existing (Jun 15, 2006)

are defined as, "automated methods of verifying or recognizing
Existing (Jan 17, 2011)

characteristic". The term 'automated methods' refers to three

Fingerprints are unique to each finger of each
Existing (Sep 7, 2006)

Privacy concerns of criminal implications.
Existing (Sep 7, 2006)

Health or societal concerns with touching a sensor

Large amounts of existing data to allow background
Existing (Dec 23, 2005)

Face can be obstructed by hair, glasses, hats,
Existing (Dec 16, 2011)

Sensitive to changes in lighting, expression
Existing (Sep 7, 2006)

authentication, a system may measure either physical characteristics
Existing (Jan 4, 2011)

include length, width, thickness and surface area of the
Existing (Feb 12, 2010)

recording the length, width, thickness, and surface area of an
Existing (Apr 22, 2006)

guided on a plate. Hand geometry systems use a camera to capture
Existing (Apr 22, 2006)

Believed to be a highly stable pattern over the
Existing (Dec 23, 2005)

Not sufficiently distinctive for identification
Existing (Sep 7, 2006)

System requires a large amount of physical space.
Existing (Dec 23, 2005)

of the pupil, controlling the amount of light that enters
Existing (Jan 13, 2009)

Protected internal organ, less prone to injury.
Existing (Dec 23, 2005)

Difficult to capture for some individuals.
Existing (Sep 7, 2006)

Easily obscured by eyelashes, eyelids, lens and
Existing (Dec 16, 2011)

Acquisition of an iris image requires more training
Existing (Dec 23, 2005)

deny our claim. Biometric authentication includes a "one
Existing (May 20, 2012)

Circumvention: the biometric characteristic should
Existing (Jun 15, 2009)

This module processes the input sample to generate
Existing (Oct 28, 2013)

the template. If the system performs identity verification,
Existing (Oct 29, 2011)

verification, it compares the new characteristics to the
Existing (Sep 15, 2013)

one matching). A system performing identification matches
Existing (Dec 16, 2012)

This module accepts or rejects the user based on
Existing (Oct 28, 2013)

Biometrics work well only if the verifier can verify
Existing (Aug 15, 1999)

The biometric came from the genuine person at
Existing (Dec 10, 2005)

But a variety of problems hinder the ability to
Existing (Oct 29, 2012)

In this type of attack a fake biometric such as
Existing (Dec 10, 2005)

In this mode of attack a recorded signal is replayed
Existing (Sep 1, 2011)

The feature extractor is forced to produce feature
Existing (Oct 29, 2012)

The features extracted using the data obtained
Existing (Oct 29, 2012)

The matcher component is attacked to produce pre-selected
Existing (Dec 10, 2005)

Modifying one or more templates in the database,
Existing (Dec 12, 2011)

Data traveling from the stored template to the
Existing (Dec 10, 2005)
Here the final match decision is overridden by

applications, depending on perceived user profiles, the
Existing (Apr 15, 1999)

user profiles, the need to interface with other systems
Existing (Feb 1, 2002)

or databases, environmental conditions, and a host of
Existing (Feb 1, 2002)

Two primary causes of errors affect biometric data:
Existing (Nov 28, 2012)

market share, and other support factors.

the biometric, the more readily it is accepted.
Existing (Apr 15, 1999)

technology market, the possibility of identifying someone online
Existing (Feb 1, 2002)

Fingerprints have a wide variation since no two
Existing (Mar 16, 2012)

relative appearance, which is not the case in other biometrics.
Existing (Feb 2, 2012)

Fingerprints are left each time the finger contacts
Existing (Feb 1, 2001)

Availability of small and inexpensive fingerprint
Existing (Feb 2, 2012)

Availability of high recognition rate and speed
Existing (Feb 2, 2012)
be discarded. Very close ridge endings oriented anti-parallel
Existing (Dec 10, 2013)
design of a robust, simple and fast verification algorithm while
Existing (Dec 10, 2013)

are identical. Characteristics registered for fingerprint
Existing (Apr 28, 2012)

of the pattern, and the axis, which represents the vertical
Existing (May 17, 2009)

the impostor. Specifically, at a given cut-off threshold,
Existing (May 17, 2009)

cut-off threshold, false accepts are to the right of the dashed
Existing (Apr 8, 2000)

the solid line. As fingerprint accuracy improves, the area
Existing (Apr 8, 2000)

accuracy improves, the area beneath the user's distribution
Existing (Apr 8, 2000)

in a service, a user must beforehand register with the
Existing (Oct 12, 2011)

range of values. It does not change the ridge structures
Existing (Aug 16, 2011)

gray-level values, which facilitates the processing of subsequent
Existing (Oct 12, 2011)

the fingerprint. The orientation estimation is a fundamental
Existing (May 9, 2011)

of the finger. The uniqueness of a fingerprint can be determined
Existing (Jan 25, 2009)

orientation image, another important parameter that is used
Existing (Oct 12, 2011)

been determined, these parameters are used to construct the
Existing (May 10, 2010)

extraction is thinning. Thinning is a morphological operation that
Existing (Sep 13, 2013)

one pixel wide. The application of the thinning algorithm
Existing (Oct 12, 2011)

binary image. This skeleton image is then used in the
Existing (Sep 13, 2013)

authentication purposes. In order to do this either the original

a fingerprint. The capacitive method makes full use of
Existing (Apr 8, 2000)

capacitance values. The last method, which is the thermo-conductive
Existing (Apr 8, 2000)
a fingerprint. In other words, the ridges and valleys conduct
Existing (Apr 8, 2000)

of a computer, consisting of a microprocessor, memory and
Existing (May 17, 2009)

system tapping. In fact, the maximum storage capacity of
Existing (Apr 8, 2000)
2 Dimensions and locations of the contacts.
Existing (May 23, 1998)

3 Electronic signals and transmission protocols.
Existing (Feb 1, 2001)

5 Numbering system and registration procedure for
Existing (Jan 31, 2001)

operating system. The RAM is the processor's working memory
Existing (Feb 6, 2005)
the other hand, provides a series of commands to perform
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authenticate, get challenge, internal authenticate, select
envelope, get data, write binary, write record, update binary,

memory chip alone. The smart card connects to a reader with
Existing (Oct 31, 2012)

microcontroller, smart cards have the unique ability to store
Existing (Mar 2, 2006)

amounts of data, carry out their own on-card functions and
Existing (Oct 31, 2012)

identification. To provide the highest degree of confidence
Existing (Mar 9, 2011)

verification, biometric technology is considered to be
Existing (Mar 9, 2011)

system design. Combining smart card technology with biometrics
Existing (Mar 9, 2011)

and processed. Second, the live template must be compared
Existing (Mar 9, 2011)

implementation, the enrolled template is initially loaded
Existing (Mar 9, 2011)

biometric information, nor the ability to process it in any way.
Existing (Mar 9, 2011)

the smart card. The smart card then performs the matching
Existing (Mar 9, 2011)

the smart card, in the local reader, or in a central database.
Existing (Mar 9, 2011)
data integrity, authentication, non-repudiation and confidentiality
Existing (Jan 16, 2010)

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