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A. Rigid Materials
Set to a rigid consistency.
Recording tooth and tissue details accurately.
Cannot be remoed !rom the mouth "ithout !racture and reassembly.
#. Plaster o! Paris
o $sed !or abutment castings and co%ings in the !abrication o! !i&ed
o Record ma&illomandobular relationshi%s.
'. Metallic O&ide Paste
o Not used as a %rimary im%ression materials.
(. Thermo%lastic Materials
(ecome %lastic at higher tem%eratures and resume their original !orm "hen
Cannot record minute details accurately because they undergo %ermanent
distortion during "ithdra"al !rom tooth and tissue undercuts.
#. Modeling Plastic
o A secondary im%ression material to record edentulous ridges in remoable
%artial denture !abrication.
'. Im%ression )a&es and Natural Resins
C. Elastic Materials
#. Reersible *ydrocolloids used !or !i&ed restorations.
'. Irreersible *ydrocolloids used !or ma+ing diagnostic casts, orthodontic
treatment casts, and master casts !or remoable %artial denture %rocedures.
-. Marca%tan Rubber.base Im%ression Materials
/. Polyether Im%ression Materials
o Polysul!ide and Silicone Materials.
o 0ood accuracy in clinical ealuation.
o Much shorter "or+ing and setting time.
1. Silicone Im%ression Materials
o More accurate and easier to use than the other elastic im%ression materials.
o *ae less %olymeri2ation shrin+age, lo" distortion, !ast recoery !rom
de!ormation, and moderately high tear strength.
An im%ression o! the %artially edentulous arch must record accurately the anatomic !orm
o! the teeth and surrounding tissue.
Materials that could be %ermanently de!ormed by remoal !rom tooth or tissue undercuts
should not be used.
The thermo%lastic im%ression materials and metallic o&ide %astes are there!ore e&cluded
!or recording the anatomic !orm o! the dental arch.
Rubber.base materials that are highly cross.lin+ed should not be used "hen large or
multi%le undercuts are %resent because these materials "ill be sub6ected to considerable
distortion u%on "ithdra"al.
Plaster o! Paris and modeling %lastic are ca%able o! recording tissue detail accurately, but
they must be sectioned !or remoal and subse7uently reassembled, "hich o!ten leads to
%ermanent de!ormation. Procedure !or Ma+ing a *ydrocolloid Im%ression
#. Select a suitable, sterili2ed, %er!orated or rim loc+ im%ression tray that is large enough to
%roide a /. to thic+ness o! the im%ression material bet"een the teeth and tissue,
and the tray.
'. (uild u% the %alatal %ortion o! the ma&illary im%ression tray "ith "a& or modeling %lastic
to ensure een distribution o! the im%ression material and to %reent the material !rom
slum%ing a"ay !rom the %alatal sur!ace.
-. The lingual !lange o! the mandibular tray may need to be lengthened "ith "a& in the
retromylohyoid area or to be e&tended %osteriorly.
/. Place the %atient in an u%right %osition.
1. )hen irreersible hydrocolloid is used, %lace the measured amount o! "ater in a clean,
dry, rubber mi&ing bo"l. Add the correct measure %o"der and stir ra%idly against the side
o! the bo"l.
8. Place the material in the tray, aoid entra%%ing air.
9. Place the im%ression material.
:. *old the tray !or - minutes "ith light !inger %ressure oer the le!t and right %remolar
;. Remoe the im%ression 7uic+ly in line "ith the long a&is o! the teeth to %reent tearing or
other distortion.
#<. Rinse the im%ression !ree o! salia "ith slurry "ater, or dust it "ith %laster, and rinse
Carr A(, Mc0iney 0P, (ro"n 5T. McCrackens Removable Partial Prosthodontics, ##
Mosby, St. Louis, '<< 8.

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