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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&

7" * + !1", IJAFRC All Ri,hts Reserved ---#i.afrc#or,

/ard-are and $imulation 0erspective $tudy on 1ireless
$ensor %et-or2s#
Andhe Dharani
, Shantharam Nayak
, Manjuprasad B
Associate Professor, Dept of MCA,
Professor,Dept of S!,
"esearch Scho#ar, Dept of S!
"$%$ Co##e&e of !n&ineerin&, Ban&a#ore, NDA
, shantaram(nayak'yahoo$com

A 3 $ 4 R A C 4
1ireless $ensor %et-or2s is current trends in -ireless communication -ith variety of real time
applications# 4hese -ireless sensors are the core of internet of thin,s (Io4) and 5i, data# 6ue to
limited resources it is necessary to utili7e the 5attery and memory of these sensors in an efficient
manner# 4his motivates the studyin, of 5asic hard-are concepts li2e radio technolo,y, channels
and pro,rammin, lan,ua,es -ith simulation tools for developin, an efficient protocol# 4his -or2
aims to study the sensor net-or2s -ith these points of vie- so that it -ould ,ive a clear idea of
the nodes for desi,nin, a protocol for 1$%s#
Inde8 4erms9 $ensor %et-or2, Cali5ration, :i,5ee, 3luetooth, Io4, 3i, 6ata#

I# I%4R;6<C4I;%
)ire#ess sensor net*orks +)SN, are often characteri-ed .y unattended se#f/or&ani-ation of an
rechar&ea.#e nodes$ 0o pro#on& the net*ork #ifespan of )SNs, c#uster/.ased routin& protoco#s are often
used to o.tain #oad .a#ance and to reduce communication 1o#ume in a distri.uted manner$ 0hese
net*ork is a distri.uted ad/hoc net*ork comprised of a #ar&e of sensor nodes e2uipped *ith
capa.i#ities of computin&, storin& and communicatin& 31,24$ 0he sensors nodes are usua##y .attery
operated and are dep#oyed in an unattended manner to &ather and process information *ithout human
inter1ention$ 0herefore ener&y efficiency is the major concern in accessin& the data captured .y the
sensor net*orks$ A simp#e centra#i-ed method is to send a## co##ected data to the .ase station for stora&e$

0he ener&y consumption in sensor nodes happens *ith transmission, reception and data a&&re&ation, .y
reducin& any of this process *ithout affectin& the norma# function of the net*ork the #ifetime of the
net*ork can .e increased$ 0he ma5imum amount of po*er is uti#i-ed in data transmission from nodes to
c#uster head and .ase station$ C#usterin& is one of the efficient methods to increase the #ifetime of )SN .y
efficient uti#i-ation of ener&y$ 0a.#e/1 sho*s the sensor node profi#e$

A sensor is just a same component of the nodes, the sensor nodes are the co##ection of one to many
sensor, .attery source as a primary po*er supp#y and a secondary po*er supp#y can .e used *hich *i##
har1ests po*er from the en1ironment such as so#ar pane#s added to the node dependin& on the
appropriateness of the en1ironment *here the sensor *i## .e dep#oyed$ Dependin& on the app#ication
and the type of sensors used, actuators may .e incorporated in the sensors, memory, and contro##er for
processin&, transducers for communication purpose and in additiona# some nodes *i## come *ith
e5terna# memory and other interfaces$

II# /AR61AR= $0=CIFICA4I;%

International Journal of
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As discussed in the section/ a .#ock dia&ram of the sensor node is sho* in 6i&$1, this node as t*o sensin&
components and it is possi.#e to ha1e mu#tip#e sensor #ike this of different types$

0he .#ock dia&ram of the sensor nodes just sho*s the #o&ica# representation of the 1arious components
and these components can .e main#y c#assified into 3 modu#es$ )SNs are composed of character
em.edded systems that are competent374 of interactin& *ith 1a
throu&h some sensin& components ca##ed sensors, after sensin& ho* the nodes shou#d operate on the
co##ected data and ho* to process the information #oca##y, and #ast ho* to communicatin& this
information *ire#ess#y *ith their nei&h.ors$ So .ased on
3 indi1idua# components$ 0he 3 major components of nodes are8
International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"#

+ !1", IJAFRC All Ri,hts Reserved

a .#ock dia&ram of the sensor node is sho* in 6i&$1, this node as t*o sensin&
components and it is possi.#e to ha1e mu#tip#e sensor #ike this of different types$
4a5le(18 Sensor Node Profi#e$
ure 19 3loc2 6ia,ram ;f 4he $ensor %ode

0he .#ock dia&ram of the sensor nodes just sho*s the #o&ica# representation of the 1arious components
and these components can .e main#y c#assified into 3 modu#es$ )SNs are composed of character
em.edded systems that are competent374 of interactin& *ith 1arious e1ents occurred in dep#oyed area
throu&h some sensin& components ca##ed sensors, after sensin& ho* the nodes shou#d operate on the
co##ected data and ho* to process the information #oca##y, and #ast ho* to communicatin& this
th their nei&h.ors$ So .ased on this perspecti1e the nodes can .e c#assifi
3 indi1idua# components$ 0he 3 major components of nodes are8
Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&
a .#ock dia&ram of the sensor node is sho* in 6i&$1, this node as t*o sensin&

0he .#ock dia&ram of the sensor nodes just sho*s the #o&ica# representation of the 1arious components
and these components can .e main#y c#assified into 3 modu#es$ )SNs are composed of character
rious e1ents occurred in dep#oyed area
throu&h some sensin& components ca##ed sensors, after sensin& ho* the nodes shou#d operate on the
co##ected data and ho* to process the information #oca##y, and #ast ho* to communicatin& this
the nodes can .e c#assifiedinto
International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&

7> * + !1", IJAFRC All Ri,hts Reserved ---#i.afrc#or,

A# Radio modules for 1ireless Communication9

0his is components p#ays a 1ita# ro#e in nodes for communication purposes and this components consists
of a circuit .oard *ith the pro&ramma.#e memory *here the app#ication codes are em.edded$ A modu#e
usua##y consists of a microcontro##er, transcei1er, po*er source, memory unit, and fe* 9!Ds$ 6i&$2 sho*s
a samp#e of this modu#e from Memsic ris:Mica *hich has more usa&e ratin&s .y the researchers

Fi,ure 8 "adio M;D<9!S 3=4

Current#y there are *ide 1arieties of p#atforms ha1e .een de1e#oped #ike Mica2 3>4, Cricket 3?4, Mica@ 3>4,
ris 3>4, 0e#os 3>4, SunSP;0 3A4, and mote2 3>4$

3# $ensor 3oard9

A sensor .oard is major components of sensin& *hich sense the different types of e1ents dependin& upon
the types of sensor used$ 0his .oard is usua##y mounted on the radio modu#e# 0he sensor .oard may a#so
inc#ude a prototypin& area, *hich is used to connect additiona# custom made sensors$ 0he 1arious types
of sensor .oards a1ai#a.#e in the markets inc#ude the M0S3BB:7BB and MDA1BB:3BB 3>4 *hich is used in
the Mica fami#y of motes or radio modu#es$

Fi,ure &8 Sensor node 3=4

0ypica##y the sensor nodes come *ith defau#t sensor #ike thermistor for temperature and photoce## for
#i&ht sensin&$

Cali5ration8 0his process of con1ertin& a ra* data into specific type$ 0his process actua##y happens *ith
the chan&es in resistance #e1e# of the thermistor on increase in temperature #ike this some sensor may
ca#i.rate *hen there is different in 1o#ta&e$ 0herefore ca#i.ration is 1ery important *hi#e usin& a custom

C# 0ro,rammin,?Interface 3oard9

0his .oard pro1ides a mu#tip#e interfaces inc#udin& !thernet, )i6i, <SB, or seria# ports for connectin&
different motes to centra# machine$ <sin& this .oard one can f#ash our pro&rams into radio modu#es and it
shou#d .e done .y usin& #o*est port of the system$ 0hese .oards are used either to pro&ram the motes as
*e##s as to co##ect the data other nodes$ Some of the pro&rammin& .oards inc#ude the MB>1B, MB>2B
3=4, and MB?BB 3>4$
International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&

77 * + !1", IJAFRC All Ri,hts Reserved ---#i.afrc#or,

Fi,ure "9 nterface Board3=4

1# @eneral $pecification of the sample $ure CrossA 6B'! @ate-ay %odes CDE

i# Features9

)ire#ess :; de1ice *ith four discrete inputs, four discrete outputs, t*o ana#o& +B/2B mA, inputs, and
t*o ana#o& +B/2B mA, outputs
C1B to 3B% dc po*er input
6re2uency Doppin& Spread Spectrum +6DSS, techno#o&y and 0ime Di1ision Mu#tip#e Access
+0DMA, contro# architecture com.ine to ensure re#ia.#ity
0ranscei1ers pro1ide t*o/*ay communication .et*een the Eate*ay and other Node, inc#udin&
fu##y ackno*#ed&ed data transmission
9ost "6 #inks are detected and re#e1ant outputs set to user/defined conditions
!5terna# or interna# antenna

Fi,ure)8 6eatures of DF=B S!NS;" N;D! 3G4
# %ecessity of /ard-are 0erspective study on 1$%s9
0his study *i## he#ps to desi&n an efficient protoco# for .attery, memory, process mana&ement of the
sensor de1ices$ By this one can &et an idea of ho* e5act#y the sensor nodes can .e confi&ured for specific
types of app#ication or data co##ection$ 0his *i## focus on the #imitations that are imposed on the sensors
*hen desi&nin& a protoco# *ithout kno*in& the sensors capacity$ Ne5t section focuses on the simu#ation
part of *ire#ess sensor net*orks$

0o-er 9
C1B to 3B% dc
0o-er ConsumptionF
9ess than 1$7 ) at 27% dc
Gountin, 8
1B or M> +M>
hard*are inc#uded,
G) fasteners H
Ga8# 4i,htenin, 4orIue
B$>? N:m +> in:#.f,
Case Gaterial9
B$2? k& +B$>A #.$,
Indicators F
0*o 9!D, .i/co#or
0*o Push Buttons
Si5 Character 9CD
=8ternal Ca5le @lands
6our PE/A type, ;ne 1:2
NP0 type
Ca5le @lands, Ga8 4i,htenin, 4orIue9
B$>? N:m +> in:#.f,

International Journal of
7' * + !1", IJAFRC All Ri,hts Reserved
III# $IG<JA4I;% C;%C=04$
0his section aims to e5p#ore the features of different simu#ation too#s a1ai#a.#e for de1e#opin& protoco#s
for )SNs$
0he need of simu#ation for )SNs8
Cost9 !1ery one cannot .e a.#e to *ork *ith the hard*are .ecause of the .ud&et needed for set up a
hard*are p#atform
;utcomes9 t is difficu#t to *ork direct#y *ith the hard*are *ith predictin& the resu#ts of the
$cala5ility8 t is difficu#t to test our protoco#s for more of nodes$ n e5treme conditions one
may check the resu#ts of the protoco#s for 1B
nodes$ So sca#a.i#ity is the issues for *orkin& on hard*are p#atf

1# Various simulation tools -hich are compati5le for 1$%s are9

3# ;G%=4KK9 0his tool is availa.#e in proprietary as *e## academic 1ersion, .ut in academic 1ersion it
has #imited feature$ 0his uses .asic modu#es CCC for pro&rammin& purposes *ith N!D struc
174$0here are many frame*orks #ike MiFiM, Casta#ia for )SNs simu#ation *ith an !c#ipse .ased
nte&rated De1e#opment !n1ironment$ S
concepts can &o *ith this too#$

C# 4;$$IG9 t is a part of 0iny ;S is desi&ned to run on sma## sensors$ 0iny ;S 31>4 is a #i&ht*ei&ht
operatin& system specifica##y desi&ned for #o*
systems *ritten in the nesC *hich reduce the code si-e that is
section/,$ 0he ad1anta&e of usin& nesC is due to its pro&ram structure as discusses .e#o*$
of simu#ation can .e done at the node side to &et the rea# time performance of sensor for different
types of data co##ection$
Fi,ure >
6# AVR;RA9 AVR;RA 31B, 1?4 is a micro
micro contro##er *hich supports Mica2 and Mica@ mote$

=# J($im9 0his too# 31A, 1=4 inc#udes 1arious
propa&ation modu#es supportin& protoco# stack inc#udin& A;D%$ And it uses 0c# scripts and ja1a for
pro&rammin&$ 0his simu#ation can .e used *ith different radio and propa&ation mode# *hich are
.ui#t/in *ith a1ai#a.#e routin& protoco#s$
International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"#

+ !1", IJAFRC All Ri,hts Reserved

0his section aims to e5p#ore the features of different simu#ation too#s a1ai#a.#e for de1e#opin& protoco#s
!1ery one cannot .e a.#e to *ork *ith the hard*are .ecause of the .ud&et needed for set up a
t is difficu#t to *ork direct#y *ith the hard*are *ith predictin& the resu#ts of the
8 t is difficu#t to test our protoco#s for more of nodes$ n e5treme conditions one
may check the resu#ts of the protoco#s for 1B/>B nodes .ut it may not possi.#e for testin& 1BBB of
nodes$ So sca#a.i#ity is the issues for *orkin& on hard*are p#atform$
Various simulation tools -hich are compati5le for 1$%s are9
a.#e in proprietary as *e## academic 1ersion, .ut in academic 1ersion it
has #imited feature$ 0his uses .asic modu#es CCC for pro&rammin& purposes *ith N!D struc
174$0here are many frame*orks #ike MiFiM, Casta#ia for )SNs simu#ation *ith an !c#ipse .ased
nte&rated De1e#opment !n1ironment$ So one *ho ha1in& stron& .ack&round in o.jects oriented

t is a part of 0iny ;S is desi&ned to run on sma## sensors$ 0iny ;S 31>4 is a #i&ht*ei&ht
operatin& system specifica##y desi&ned for #o*/po*er *ire#ess sensors$ 0his ;S is an app#ications and
systems *ritten in the nesC *hich reduce the code si-e that is f#ashed to radio modu#es +discussed in
,$ 0he ad1anta&e of usin& nesC is due to its pro&ram structure as discusses .e#o*$
of simu#ation can .e done at the node side to &et the rea# time performance of sensor for different

>8 Pro&ram Structure of C, CCC and nesC31>4

31B, 1?4 is a micro/contro##er .inaries too#s for the pro&rams coded for A%"
micro contro##er *hich supports Mica2 and Mica@ mote$
0his too# 31A, 1=4 inc#udes 1arious sensor net*ork packa&es containin& .attery, radio,
propa&ation modu#es supportin& protoco# stack inc#udin& A;D%$ And it uses 0c# scripts and ja1a for
0his simu#ation can .e used *ith different radio and propa&ation mode# *hich are
th a1ai#a.#e routin& protoco#s$
Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&
0his section aims to e5p#ore the features of different simu#ation too#s a1ai#a.#e for de1e#opin& protoco#s
!1ery one cannot .e a.#e to *ork *ith the hard*are .ecause of the .ud&et needed for set up a
t is difficu#t to *ork direct#y *ith the hard*are *ith predictin& the resu#ts of the
8 t is difficu#t to test our protoco#s for more of nodes$ n e5treme conditions one
>B nodes .ut it may not possi.#e for testin& 1BBB of
a.#e in proprietary as *e## academic 1ersion, .ut in academic 1ersion it
has #imited feature$ 0his uses .asic modu#es CCC for pro&rammin& purposes *ith N!D structures 31B/
174$0here are many frame*orks #ike MiFiM, Casta#ia for )SNs simu#ation *ith an !c#ipse .ased
o one *ho ha1in& stron& .ack&round in o.jects oriented
t is a part of 0iny ;S is desi&ned to run on sma## sensors$ 0iny ;S 31>4 is a #i&ht*ei&ht
po*er *ire#ess sensors$ 0his ;S is an app#ications and
f#ashed to radio modu#es +discussed in
,$ 0he ad1anta&e of usin& nesC is due to its pro&ram structure as discusses .e#o*$ 0his type
of simu#ation can .e done at the node side to &et the rea# time performance of sensor for different

contro##er .inaries too#s for the pro&rams coded for A%"
sensor net*ork packa&es containin& .attery, radio,
propa&ation modu#es supportin& protoco# stack inc#udin& A;D%$ And it uses 0c# scripts and ja1a for
0his simu#ation can .e used *ith different radio and propa&ation mode# *hich are
International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&

7D * + !1", IJAFRC All Ri,hts Reserved ---#i.afrc#or,

F# $=%$= 31G48 nc#udes .attery and po*er mode#s, MAC #ayers +=B2$11, as *e## as net*ork protoco#s
+A;D%, DS", SS", SD",

@# GA4JA3 $IG<JI%L9 0his too# 31B, 2B4 pro1ides a &ood frame*ork for simu#atin& )SNs focusin& on
channe# modu#ation and si&na# processin& point of 1ie*$ t pro1ides a &ood set of #i.raries and many
"6 too#s for communication purpose *ith neura# net*ork, fu--y #o&ic too#s for simu#ation$ Mat#a.
pro1ides an #ar&e set of function *hich can .e used for desi&nin& protoco#s accordin& to the user

/# =m$tar9 !mStar 321, 224 is an en1ironment for )SNs .ui#t from 9inu5/c#ass de1ices$ t is #ess
constrained in computationa# po*er and data stora&e si-e so that they can hand#e more comp#e5
tasks such as ima&e and audio processin&$ !mStar consists of simu#ation and emu#ation too#s, *hich
uti#i-e a modu#ar, .ut not strict#y #ayered, architecture$

I# $ha-n9 Sha*n 323, 274 is customi-a.#e )SNs simu#ators .ased on an a#&orithmic approach$ 0he
primary desi&n &oa#s are to achie1e sca#a.i#ity and support for e5treme#y #ar&e net*orks$ Current#y
there are se1era# imp#ementations for the transmission mode# pro1ided such as Pure CSMA H
CSMA:CA, +S#otted, A#oha, "andom Drop etc$

# %ecessary of simulation 0erspective study9 0his study is .ased on the sur1ey of the 1arious
simu#ation too#s used .y the researchers in this area$ 0his section focused on#y on some of the major
simu#ation too#s *hich are *ide#y used in )SNs$ Based on the stron& pro&rammin& domain one can
choose the suita.#e too#s for imp#ementin& or desi&nin& an efficient protoco# in )SNs$

IV# C;%CJ<$I;%

0his re1ie* focused on the .asic hard*are and simu#ation perspecti1e study on the )ire#ess Sensor
Net*orks$ t is difficu#t to imp#ement or desi&n the protoco#s *ithout the idea of core concepts of sensor
nodes$ 0his *ork comes *ith a statement of the feasi.#e so#ution that can .e app#ied to reso#1e the
pro.#ems associated *ith resources constrained sensor de1ices$ 0he o1era## conc#usion can .e stated as,
to imp#ement or desi&n an efficient protoco# in )SNs there is a need of kno*in& the .asic concepts of
sensor net*orks #ike node confi&uration and suita.#e a1ai#a.#e too#s for )SNs$

V# R=F=R=%C=$
C1E Iu5ia Iao, Fueyan 0an&, and !e/Pen& 9im, Jn/Net*ork Processin& of Nearest Nei&h.or Kueries
for )ire#ess Sensor Net*orks,L Schoo# of Computer !n&ineerin& ,Nanyan& 0echno#o&ica#
<ni1ersity Sin&apore ?3GAG=$
CE E$ Pottie$ )ire#ess inte&rated net*ork sensors$ Communications of the ACM 73 +2BBB,, pa&es >1M
C&E Non&*oo Sun& Daeyoun& Oim, JSensor Profi#e "e2uirements for Sensor Net*ork Capa.i#ity
nformation in the epc&#o.a# Net*ork,L Oorea Ad1anced nstitute of Science and 0echno#o&y
C"E an 6 Akyi#di- and Mehmet Can %arun, )ire#ess sensor Net*orks, )i##ey SBN8GA=/B7AB/B3?B1/
3, Au&ust 2B1B,
International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&

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C)E $ 6$ Akyi#di-, 0$ Me#odia, and O$ Cho*dury$ A sur1ey on *ire#ess mu#timedia sensor net*orks
Computer Net*orks, 78??GM?=?, Nu#y 2BB?$
C>E $ 6$ Akyi#di-, 6$ Brunetti, and C$ B#a-2ue- nano net*orkin&8 A ne* communication paradi&m$
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C1DE ;pen Systems 9a.oratory at <ni1ersity of ##inois at <r.ana/Champai&n$ 3;n#ine4$ A1ai#a.#e8
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C!E MA09AB )e. Site8 http8::***$math*orks$com
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CE !#son, N$, Bien, S$, J!mstar8 An en1ironment for de1e#opin& *ire#ess em.edded systems soft*are,L
Center for !m.edded Net*orked Sensin& +C!NS, 0echnica# "eport, 1o#$ G
International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&

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C&E S*armnet project$ 3;n#ine4$ A1ai#a.#e8 http8:sha*n$sourcefor&e$net:, 2B12$
C"E Oroe##er, A$, Pfisterer, D$, JSha*n8 A ne* approach to simu#atin& *ire#ess sensor net*orks,L Ar5i1
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