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Part 1: Lower Body

Do these exercises as a circuit, performing one set of each movement after another. So you'll do one set of Exercise 1, one
set of Exercise 2, and one set of Exercise 3. That's one round. Do a total of 4 rounds.
Here's where it gets fun: Your goal is to complete one round every 6 minutes, resting as needed. Your rest after each
exercise can vary as desired as long as you finish each exercise before the end of the 6 minutes. During your rest, you can
fill the time by foam-rolling your glutes or performing a hamstring stretch.
After you complete 4 rounds, do the "finisher"a 20-repetition goblet squat challengeand then move on to Part 2: Upper
Exercise 1. Barbell Deadlift
*Do 5 reps on week 1; 4 reps on week 2; 3 reps on week 3. Then repeat this cycle for 4 to 6. Each time you lower the reps,
make sure you increase the weight.
*On the final rep of each set, hold the top position of the deadlift for 10 seconds. Be sure to keep your shoulders and rib cage
pulled down, crunch your abs, and clench your glutes.

Load a barbell and roll it against your shins. Bend at your hips and knees and grab the bar using an overhand grip, your
hands just beyond shoulder width [A]. Keeping your lower back naturally arched, drive through your heels, pull your torso
back and up, thrust your hips forward, and stand up with the barbell [B]. Pause, and slowly lower the bar back to the floor,
keeping it as close to your body as you can.
Exercise 2. Box Squat Jump
*Do 10 reps

Sit on a bench holding a pair of dumbbells at arm's length by your sides, palms in [A]. Drive through your heels as you
explode out of the seated position into a jump [B]. Land as softly as you can on the balls of your feet, and then lower yourself
back to the starting position.

Exercise 3. Band Lateral Walk
*Do 10 reps each direction
*You can also use a smaller band by placing it just below your knees.

Grab a large continuous loop band stand on one end with both feet about shoulder-width apart. Hold the other end of the
band with both hands, your palms facing downward [A]. Take small steps to your left for the prescribed number of reps [B].
Then sidestep back to your right for the equal number of reps.
The Lower Body Finisher: 20-Rep Goblet Squat Challenge
Using a heavy dumbbell that's between 50 and 100 pounds, perform a total of 20 reps of the goblet squat in however many
sets you need. Rest only 10 to 20 seconds between sets, ideally while holding the weight in the top position of the exercise
(for an extra core challenge). Once you can do 20 reps in 3 sets or less, bump the weight up by 5 pounds.

Grab a dumbbell and hold it vertically in front of your chest, cupping one end with both hands. Set your feet slightly beyond
shoulder width [A]. Keeping your back naturally arched, push your hips back, bend your knees, and lower your body until the
tops of your thighs are at least parallel to the floor; your elbows should brush the insides of your knees [B]. Pause, and push
yourself back up to the starting position.
Part 2: Upper Body
Do these exercises as a circuit, performing one set of each movement after another. So you'll do one set of Exercise 1, one
set of Exercise 2, and one set of Exercise 3. That's one round. Do a total of 4 rounds.
Here's where it gets fun: Your goal is to complete one round every 6 minutes, resting as needed. Your rest after each
exercise can vary as desired as long as you finish each exercise before the end of the 6 minutes. During your rest, you can
fill the time by foam-rolling your lats.
After you complete 4 rounds, do the "finisher"the triple set inverted rows challenge.
Exercise 1. Chinup
*Do 5 reps on week 1; 4 reps on week 2; 3 reps on week 3. Then repeat this cycle for 4 to 6. Each time you lower the reps,
make sure you increase the weight by wearing a weight vest, hanging a weight plate or kettlebelll around your waist (with a
dipping belt), or holding a dumbbell between your legs. If none of those options are available, simply bring your hands closer
together until they are touching.
*On the final rep of each set, hold the top position of the chinup for 10 seconds. Be sure to keep your shoulders and rib cage
pulled down, crunch your abs, and clench your glutes.

Grab a chinup bar using a shoulder-width, underhand grip and hang with your legs angled in front of you, feet together, and
toes pointed [A]. Pull your ribs to your elbows, raising your chin above the bar [B].
Exercise 2. Explosive Pushup
*Do 10 reps
*If this is too hard, position your hands on a sturdy elevated surface, like bench or step, and perform the same movement.

Get down on all fours with your arms straight and your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Set your feet together and
straighten your legs [A]. Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor [B]. Pause at the bottom, and then push
yourself up so forcefully that your hands leave the floor [C]. Land softly and repeat.
Exercise 3. Feet-Elevated Side Plank Hold
*Hold for 30 seconds each side
*To make it harder, extend your top armso that it's straight above your bodywhile holding a dumbbell in it.

Lie on your left side with your legs straight. Place your feet on a bench, and prop your upper body on your left elbow and
forearm. Raise your hips so your body forms a straight line from ankles to shoulders. Brace your core by contracting your
abs. Hold this position for the recommended time. Then turn around so you're lying on your right side and repeat. Make sure
you maintain a straight line, not letting your hips sag.
The Upper Body Finisher: Triple Set Inverted Rows
Perform as many inverted rows as you can, and keep track of your reps. Then rest 20 seconds. Now repeat until you've
performed 3 sets. Add up all your reps. That's the number to beat the next time you do this workout.

Secure a bar at waist height. Grab it using an overhand, shoulder-width grip and hang with your arms straight and your
hands above your shoulders [A]. Pull your chest to the bar [B].
Part 1: Lower Body
Do these exercises as a circuit, performing one set of each movement after another. So you'll do one set of Exercise 1, one
set of Exercise 2, and one set of Exercise 3. That's one round. Do a total of 4 rounds.
Here's where it gets fun: Your goal is to complete one round every 6 minutes, resting as needed. Your rest after each
exercise can vary as desired as long as you finish each exercise before the end of the 6 minutes. During your rest, you can
fill the time by foam-rolling your quadriceps or performing a hip-flexor stretch.
After you complete 4 rounds, do the "finisher"a 50-rep kettlebell swing challengeand then move on to Part 2: Upper
Exercise 1. Shoulders-Elevated Barbell Hip Thrust
*Do 10 reps on week 1; 8 reps on week 2; 6 reps on week 3. Then repeat this cycle for 4 to 6. Each time you lower the reps,
make sure you increase the weight.
*On the final rep of each set, hold the top position of the hip thrust for 10 seconds. Be sure to keep your shoulders and rib
cage pulled down, crunch your abs, and clench your glutes.
*If you can't perform this exercise with your shoulders-elevated on a bench, modify by performing the same movement while
lying on the floor.

Sit on the floor with your shoulder blades against a bench, your knees bent, and your feet flat. Place a bar across your hips;
this is the starting position [A]. Squeezing your glutes, lift your hips until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders
to your knees [B]. Lower, and repeat.
Exercise 2. Dumbbell Walking Lunge
Do 5 reps each leg

Hold a pair of dumbbells next to your hips [A]. Take a long step forward with your left foot, and lower your body until your
front knee is bent 90 degrees [B]. now push yourself forward into a standing position [C]. That's 1 rep. alternate the leg you
step forward so you're "walking" with each rep.
Exercise 3. Band-Resisted Skater Jump
5 reps each side

Attach a resistance band to a pole and, with the pole on your left, loop the band around your waist. Push your hips back as
you prepare to bound to the right [A]; then do so [B]. Do 5 reps, turn around, and repeat, this time bounding left.
The Lower Body Finisher: 50-Rep Kettlebell Swing Challenge
Select a kettlebell that challenges you for 15 to 20 reps. Now perform as many sets as you need to reach 50 total reps,
taking short 10 to 20 second rest periods between sets. Once you can get 50 reps in 5 sets or less, bump the weight up 5
pounds, or to the next heaviest kettlebell. If you don't have a kettlebell, you can modify by performing the movement with a
dumbbell instead.

Place a kettlebell on the floor in front of you. Spread your feet slightly beyond shoulder width, push your hips back, and grab
the kettlebell's handle in both hands [A]. Keeping your back naturally arched, swing the weight between your legs [B] and
then thrust your hips forward as you swing it to chest level [C]. Swing it back between your legs. That's 1 rep. Continue
swinging without returning to the starting position.
Part 2: Upper Body
Do these exercises as a circuit, performing one set of each movement after another. So you'll do one set of Exercise 1, one
set of Exercise 2, and one set of Exercise 3. That's one round. Do a total of 4 rounds.
Here's where it gets fun: Your goal is to complete one round every 6 minutes, resting as needed. Your rest after each
exercise can vary as desired as long as you finish each exercise before the end of the 6 minutes. During your rest, you can
fill the time by foam-rolling your upper and middle back or by stretching your chest.
After you complete 4 rounds, do the "finisher"the triple set close-grip pushup challenge.
Exercise 1. Barbell Push Press
*Do 5 reps on week 1; 4 reps on week 2; 3 reps on week 3. Then repeat this cycle for 4 to 6. Each time you lower the reps,
make sure you increase the weight.
*On the final rep of each set, hold the top position of the barbell push press for 10 seconds. Be sure to keep your shoulders
and rib cage pulled down, crunch your abs, and clench your glutes. You can also perform this exercise with a pair of

Grab a barbell with an overhand grip that's just beyond shoulder width, and hold it at shoulder level in front of your body [A].
Dip your knees [B], and then explosively push up with your legs as you press the barbell over your head [C]. Lower the bar,
and repeat.
Exercise 2. Chest-Supported Neutral-Grip Dumbbell Row
Do 10 reps

Set an adjustable bench to a low incline. Then grab a pair of dumbbells and lie chest down on the bench. Let the dumbbells
hang straight down from your shoulders [A]. Pull the dumbbells to the sides of your chest [B].
Exercise 3. Weighted One-Arm Carry
Walk for 30 seconds each side

Grab a dumbbell or a kettlebell in your right hand and let it hang at arm's length by your side [A]. Keep your chest up and
brace your core as you walk forward for the prescribed time [B]. Switch hands, turn around, and walk back.
The Upper Body Finisher: Triple Set Close-Hands Pushup
Perform as many close-hands pushups as you can, and keep track of your reps. Then rest 20 seconds. Now repeat until
you've performed 3 sets. Add up all your reps. That's the number to beat the next time you do this workout.

Get into a pushup position with your arms straight, and your hands directly under your shoulders, or for more of a challenge,
a little closer together [A]. Keeping your body stiff, bend your elbows and lower yourself until your chest nearly touches the
floor [B]. Pause, then push yourself back up to the starting position and repeat. Try to keep your elbows pulled close to your
body as you perform the movement.

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