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Republic of the Philippines

A.C. No. !"# Ma$ch %%& %"""
MANUE' N. CAMACHO& co(plainant&
VITU+& ..2
Respon-ent la34e$s stan- in-icte- fo$ a )iolation of the Co-e of P$ofessional Ethics& specificall4 Canon 5 the$eof& )i62
A la34e$ shoul- not in an4 3a4 co((unicate upon the sub7ect of cont$o)e$s4 3ith a pa$t4 $ep$esente- b4 counsel& (uch less shoul- he un-e$ta8e to ne9otiate o$ co(p$o(ise the (atte$ 3ith hi(& but shoul- onl4 -eal 3ith his counsel. It is
incu(bent upon the la34e$ (ost pa$ticula$l4 to a)oi- e)e$4thin9 that (a4 ten- to (islea- a pa$t4 not $ep$esente- b4 counsel an- he shoul- not un-e$ta8e to a-)ise hi( as to la3.
Att4. Manuel N. Ca(acho file- a co(plaint a9ainst the la34e$s co(p$isin9 the Pan9ula4an an- Associates 'a3 Offices& na(el4& Atto$ne4s 'uis Mein$a-o C. Pan9ula4an& Re9ina D. ,al(o$es& Cathe$ine V. 'au$el& an- He$be$t .oa:uin P. ,ustos.
Co(plainant& the hi$e- counsel of so(e e;pelle- stu-ents f$o( the AMA Co(pute$ Colle9e <=AMACC=>& in an action fo$ the Issuance of a 0$it of P$eli(ina$4 Man-ato$4 In7unction an- fo$ Da(a9es& -oc8ete- Ci)il Case No. /?5#?@"A5 of the
Re9ional T$ial Cou$t& ,$anch #!& of /ue6on Cit4& cha$9e- that $espon-ents& then counsel fo$ the -efen-ants& p$ocu$e- an- effecte- on sepa$ate occasions& 3ithout his 8no3le-9e& co(p$o(ise a9$ee(ents <=Re?A-(ission A9$ee(ents=> 3ith
fou$ of his clients in the afo$e(entione- ci)il case 3hich& in effect& $e:ui$e- the( to 3ai)e all 8in-s of clai(s the4 (i9ht ha)e ha- a9ainst AMACC& the p$incipal -efen-ant& an- to te$(inate all ci)il& c$i(inal an- a-(inist$ati)e p$ocee-in9s file-
a9ainst it. Co(plainant a)e$$e- that such an act of $espon-ents 3as unbeco(in9 of an4 (e(be$ of the le9al p$ofession 3a$$antin9 eithe$ -isba$(ent o$ suspension f$o( the p$actice of la3.
In his co((ent& Atto$ne4 Pan9ula4an ac8no3le-9e- that not one of his co?$espon-ents ha- ta8en pa$t in the ne9otiation& -iscussion& fo$(ulation& o$ e;ecution of the )a$ious Re?A-(ission A9$ee(ents co(plaine- of an- 3e$e& in fact& no lon9e$
connecte- at the ti(e 3ith the Pan9ula4an an- Associates 'a3 Offices. The Re?A-(ission A9$ee(ents& he clai(e-& ha- nothin9 to -o 3ith the -is(issal of Ci)il Case /?5#?@"A5 an- 3e$e e;ecute- fo$ the sole pu$pose of effectin9 the
settle(ent of an a-(inist$ati)e case in)ol)in9 nine stu-ents of AMACC 3ho 3e$e e;pelle- the$ef$o( upon the $eco((en-ation of the Stu-ent Disciplina$4 T$ibunal. The stu-ents& na(el4& Ian De;te$ Ma$:ue6& Al(i$a O. ,asalo& Neil .ason R.
Salce-o& Melissa 1. Do(on-on& Mel4-a ,. De 'eon& 'eila D. .o)en& Si9no$elli A. Santia9o& Michael E7e$cito& an- Cleo ,. Villa$ei6& 3e$e all (e(be$s of the E-ito$ial ,oa$- of DATA'INE& 3ho appa$entl4 ha- cause- to be publishe- so(e
ob7ectionable featu$es o$ a$ticles in the pape$. The @?(e(be$ Stu-ent Disciplina$4 T$ibunal 3as i((e-iatel4 con)ene-& an- afte$ a se$ies of hea$in9s& it foun- the stu-ents 9uilt4 of the use of in-ecent lan9ua9e an- unautho$i6e- use of the
stu-ent publication fun-s. The bo-4 $eco((en-e- the penalt4 of e;pulsion a9ainst the e$$in9 stu-ents.
The -enial of the appeal (a-e b4 the stu-ents to D$. A(able R. A9uilu6 V& AMACC P$esi-ent& 9a)e $ise to the co((ence(ent of Ci)il Case No. /?5#?@"A5 on Bth Ma$ch B55# befo$e the Re9ional T$ial Cou$t& ,$anch #!& of /ue6on Cit4.
0hile the ci)il case 3as still pen-in9& lette$s of apolo94 an- Re?A-(ission A9$ee(ents 3e$e sepa$atel4 e;ecute- b4 an-Co$ in behalf of so(e of the e;pelle- stu-ents& to 3it2 'ette$ of Apolo94& -ate- %# Ma4 B55#& of Neil .ason Salce-o&
assiste- b4 his (othe$& an- Re?A-(ission A9$ee(ent of %% .une B55# 3ith the AMACC P$esi-entD lette$ of apolo94& -ate- @B Ma$ch B55#& of M$s. Ve$onica ,. De 'eon fo$ he$ -au9hte$ Mel4-a ,. De 'eon an- Re?A-(ission A9$ee(ent of "5
Ma4 B55# 3ith the AMACC P$esi-entD lette$ of apolo94& -ate- %% Ma4 B55#& of 'eila .o)en& assiste- b4 he$ (othe$& an- Re?A-(ission A9$ee(ent of %% Ma4 B55# 3ith the AMACC P$esi-entD lette$ o$ apolo94& -ate- %% Septe(be$ B55#& of Cleo
Villa$ei6 an- Re?A-(ission A9$ee(ent of B" Octobe$ B55# 3ith the AMACC P$esi-entD an- lette$ of apolo94& -ate- %" .anua$4 B55#& of Michael E7e$cito& assiste- b4 his pa$ents& an- Re?A-(ission A9$ee(ent of %@ .anua$4 B55# 3ith the
AMACC P$esi-ent.
1ollo3in9 the e;ecution of the lette$s of apolo94 an- Re?A-(ission A9$ee(ents& a Manifestation& -ate- "E .une B55#& 3as file- 3ith the t$ial cou$t 3he$e the ci)il case 3as pen-in9 b4 Atto$ne4 Re9ina D. ,al(o$es of the Pan9ula4an an-
Associates 'a3 Offices fo$ -efen-ant AMACC. A cop4 of the (anifestation 3as fu$nishe- co(plainant. In his Resolution& -ate- B .une B55#& .u-9e 'ope6 of the /ue6on Cit4 Re9ional T$ial Cou$t the$eupon -is(isse- Ci)il Case No. /?5#?
On B5 .une B555& the ,oa$- of +o)e$no$s of the Inte9$ate- ,a$ of the Philippines <=I,P=> passe- Resolution No. FIII?55?BE@& thus2
RESO'VED to ADOPT an- APPROVE& as it is he$eb4 ADOPTED an- APPROVED& the Repo$t an- Reco((en-ation of the In)esti9atin9 Co((issione$ in the abo)e?entitle- case& he$ein (a-e pa$t of this ResolutionCDecision as Anne; =A=&
an-& fin-in9 the $eco((en-ation full4 suppo$te- b4 the e)i-ence on $eco$- an- the applicable la3s an- $ules& 3ith an a(en-(ent Att4. Mein$a-o Pan9ula4an is suspen-e- f$o( the p$actice of la3 fo$ SIF <E> MONTHS fo$ bein9 $e(iss in his
-ut4 an- DISMISSA' of the case a9ainst the othe$ Respon-ents fo$ the4 -i- not ta8e pa$t in the ne9otiation of the case.
It 3oul- appea$ that 3hen the in-i)i-ual lette$s of apolo94 an- Re?A-(ission A9$ee(ents 3e$e fo$(ali6e-& co(plainant 3as b4 then al$ea-4 the $etaine- counsel fo$ plaintiff stu-ents in the ci)il case. Respon-ent Pan9ula4an ha- full 8no3le-9e
of this fact. Althou9h a3a$e that the stu-ents 3e$e $ep$esente- b4 counsel& $espon-ent atto$ne4 p$ocee-e-& nonetheless& to ne9otiate 3ith the( an- thei$ pa$ents 3ithout at the )e$4 least co((unicatin9 the (atte$ to thei$ la34e$& he$ein
co(plainant& 3ho 3as counsel of $eco$- in Ci)il Case No. /?5#?@"A5. This failu$e of $espon-ent& 3hethe$ b4 -esi9n o$ because of o)e$si9ht& is an ine;cusable )iolation of the canons of p$ofessional ethics an- in utte$ -is$e9a$- of a -ut4 o3in9
to a collea9ue. Respon-ent fell sho$t of the -e(an-s $e:ui$e- of hi( as a la34e$ an- as a (e(be$ of the ,a$.
The alle9ation that the conte;t of the Re?A-(ission A9$ee(ents cente$s onl4 on the a-(inist$ati)e aspect of the cont$o)e$s4 is belie- b4 the ManifestationB 3hich& a(on9 othe$ thin9s& e;plicitl4 containe- the follo3in9 stipulationD )i62
B. A(on9 the nine <5> si9nato$ies to the co(plaint& fou$ <> of 3ho( assiste- b4 thei$ pa$entsC9ua$-ian al$ea-4 e;ecute- a Re?A-(ission A9$ee(ent 3ith AMACC P$esi-ent& AMA,'E R. A+UI'UG V ac8no3le-9in9 9uilt fo$ )iolatin9 the AMA
COMPUTER CO''E+E MANUA' 1OR DISCIP'INAR* ACTIONS an- a9$ee- a(on9 othe$s to te$(inate all ci)il& c$i(inal an- a-(inist$ati)e p$ocee-in9s 3hich the4 (a4 ha)e a9ainst the AMACC a$isin9 f$o( thei$ p$e)ious -is(issal.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
@. Conse:uentl4& as soon as possible& an U$9ent Motion to 0ith-$a3 f$o( Ci)il Case No. /?5#?@"A5 3ill b4 file- the(.BH3phiB
The Cou$t can onl4 thus concu$ 3ith the I,P In)esti9atin9 Co((ission an- the I,P ,oa$- of +o)e$no$s in thei$ fin-in9sD ne)e$theless& the $eco((en-e- si;?(onth suspension 3oul- appea$ to be so(e3hat too ha$sh a penalt4 9i)en the
ci$cu(stances an- the e;planation of $espon-ent.
0HERE1ORE& $espon-ent Att4. 'uis Mein$a-o C. Pan9ula4an is o$-e$e- SUSPENDED f$o( the p$actice of la3 fo$ a pe$io- of THREE <@> MONTHS effecti)e i((e-iatel4 upon his $eceipt of this -ecision. The case a9ainst the othe$
$espon-ents is DISMISSED fo$ insufficienc4 of e)i-ence.
'et a cop4 of this -ecision be ente$e- in the pe$sonal $eco$- of $espon-ent as an atto$ne4 an- as a (e(be$ of the ,a$& an- fu$nishe- the ,a$ Confi-ant& the Inte9$ate- ,a$ of the Philippines an- the Cou$t A-(inist$ato$ fo$ ci$culation to all cou$ts
in the count$4.BH3phiB.nIt
Republic of the Philippines
A.C. No. AB! .ul4 B& %""@
ATT*. RAMON P. RE*ES& co(plainant&
ATT*. VICTORIANO T. CHION+ .R.& $espon-ent.
'a34e$s shoul- t$eat each othe$ 3ith cou$tes4& -i9nit4 an- ci)ilit4. The bic8e$in9 an- the hostilit4 of thei$ clients shoul- not affect thei$ con-uct an- $appo$t 3ith each othe$ as p$ofessionals an- (e(be$s of the ba$.
The Case
,efo$e us is a S3o$n Co(plaintB file- b4 Att4. Ra(on P. Re4es 3ith the Office of the ,a$ Confi-ant of this Cou$t& see8in9 the -isba$(ent of Att4. Victo$iano T. Chion9 .$. fo$ )iolation of his la34e$Js oath an- of Canon ! of the Co-e of
P$ofessional Responsibilit4. Afte$ the Thi$- Di)ision of this Cou$t $efe$$e- the case to the Inte9$ate- ,a$ of the Philippines <I,P>& the I,P Co((ission on ,a$ Discipline $esol)e- to suspen- hi( as follo3s2
=; ; ; KCLonsi-e$in9 that $espon-ent is boun- b4 his oath 3hich bin-s hi( to the obli9ation that he 3ill not 3ittin9l4 o$ 3illin9l4 p$o(ote o$ sue an4 9$oun-less& false o$ unla3ful suit& no$ 9i)e ai- no$ consent to the sa(e. In a--ition& Canon ! of
the Co-e of P$ofessional Responsibilit4 p$o)i-es that a la34e$ shall con-uct hi(self 3ith cou$tes4& fai$ness an- can-o$ to3a$-s his p$ofessional collea9ues& an- shall a)oi- ha$assin9 tactics a9ainst opposin9 counsel. In i(plea-in9 co(plainant
an- P$osecuto$ Salan9a in Ci)il Case No. !!& 3hen it 3as appa$ent that the$e 3as no le9al 9$oun- to -o so& $espon-ent )iolate- his oath of office as 3ell as the abo)e?:uote- Canon of the Co-e of P$ofessional Responsibilit4& K$Lespon-ent is
he$eb4 SUSPENDED f$o( the p$actice of la3 fo$ t3o <%> 4ea$s.=%
The 1acts
In his Co(plaint& Att4. Re4es alle9es that so(eti(e in .anua$4 B55!& his se$)ices 3e$e en9a9e- b4 one Gon99i Fu&@ a Chinese?Tai3anese& in a business )entu$e that 3ent a3$4. Fu in)este- P@""&""" on a Cebu?base- fishball& te(pu$a an-
seafoo- p$o-ucts facto$4 bein9 set up b4 a ce$tain Chia Hsien Pan& anothe$ Chinese?Tai3anese $esi-in9 in Ga(boan9a Cit4. E)entuall4& the fo$(e$ -isco)e$e- that the latte$ ha- not establishe- a fishball facto$4. 0hen Fu as8e- fo$ his (one4
bac8& Pan beca(e hostile& (a8in9 it necessa$4 fo$ the fo$(e$ to see8 le9al assistance.
Fu& th$ou9h he$ein co(plainant& file- a Co(plaint fo$ estafa a9ainst Pan& 3ho 3as $ep$esente- b4 $espon-ent. The Co(plaint& -oc8ete- as IS 5!.?AB55"& 3as assi9ne- to Assistant Manila Cit4 P$osecuto$ Pe-$o ,. Salan9a& 3ho then issue- a
subpoena fo$ Pan to appea$ fo$ p$eli(ina$4 in)esti9ation on Octobe$ %# an- %5& B55!. The latte$ neithe$ appea$e- on the t3o sche-ule- hea$in9s no$ sub(itte- his counte$?affi-a)it. Hence& P$osecuto$ Salan9a file- a C$i(inal Co(plaint fo$
estafa a9ainst hi( befo$e the Re9ional T$ial Cou$t <RTC> of Manila.A On Ap$il !& B555& the Manila RTC issue- a 0a$$ant of A$$estE a9ainst Pan.
The$eafte$& $espon-ent file- an U$9ent Motion to /uash the 0a$$ant of A$$est.# He also file- 3ith the RTC of Ga(boan9a Cit4 a Ci)il Co(plaint fo$ the collection of a su( of (one4 an- -a(a9es as 3ell as fo$ the -issolution of a business
)entu$e a9ainst co(plainant& Fu an- P$osecuto$ Salan9a.
0hen conf$onte- b4 co(plainant& $espon-ent e;plaine- that it 3as Pan 3ho ha- -eci-e- to institute the ci)il action a9ainst Att4. Re4es. Respon-ent clai(e- he 3oul- su99est to his client to -$op the ci)il case& if co(plainant 3oul- (o)e fo$ the
-is(issal of the estafa case. Ho3e)e$& the t3o la34e$s faile- to $each a settle(ent.
In his Co((ent! -ate- .anua$4 %#& %"""& $espon-ent a$9ue- that he ha- sho3n no -is$espect in i(plea-in9 Att4. Re4es as co?-efen-ant in Ci)il Case No. !!. He clai(e- that the$e 3as no basis to conclu-e that the suit 3as 9$oun-less& an-
that it ha- been institute- onl4 to e;act )en9eance. He alle9e- that P$osecuto$ Salan9a 3as i(plea-e- as an a--itional -efen-ant because of the i$$e9ula$ities the latte$ ha- co((itte- in con-uctin9 the c$i(inal in)esti9ation. Specificall4&
P$osecuto$ Salan9a ha- $esol)e- to file the estafa case -espite the pen-enc4 of PanJs Motion fo$ an Oppo$tunit4 to Sub(it Counte$?Affi-a)its an- E)i-ence&5 of the appealB" to the 7ustice sec$eta$4& an- of the Motion to Defe$CSuspen-
On the othe$ han-& co(plainant 3as i(plea-e-& because he alle9e-l4 conni)e- 3ith his client <Fu> in filin9 the estafa case& 3hich the fo$(e$ 8ne3 full4 3ell 3as baseless. Acco$-in9 to $espon-ent& the i$$e9ula$ities co((itte- b4 P$osecuto$
Salan9a in the c$i(inal in)esti9ation an- co(plainantJs conni)ance the$ein 3e$e -isco)e$e- onl4 afte$ the institution of the collection suit.
The Thi$- Di)ision of this Cou$t $efe$$e- the case to the I,P fo$ in)esti9ation& $epo$t an- $eco((en-ation.B% The$eafte$& the ,oa$- of +o)e$no$s of the I,P passe- its .une %5& %""% Resolution.B@
Repo$t an- Reco((en-ation of the I,P
In he$ Repo$t an- Reco((en-ation&B Co((issione$ Mila9$os V. San .uan& to 3ho( the case 3as assi9ne- b4 the I,P fo$ in)esti9ation an- $epo$t& a)e$$e- that co(plainant an- P$osecuto$ Salan9a ha- been i(plea-e- in Ci)il Case No. !!
on the sole basis of the C$i(inal Co(plaint fo$ estafa the4 ha- file- a9ainst $espon-entJs client. In his Co((ent& $espon-ent hi(self clai(e- that =the $eason ; ; ; 3as ; ; ; the i$$e9ula$ities of the c$i(inal in)esti9ationCconni)ance an-
conse:uent -a(a9es.=
Co((issione$ San .uan (aintaine- that the collection suit 3ith -a(a9es ha- been file- pu$posel4 to obtain le)e$a9e a9ainst the estafa case& in 3hich $espon-entJs client 3as the -efen-ant. The$e 3as no nee- to i(plea- co(plainant an-
P$osecuto$ Salan9a& since the4 ha- ne)e$ pa$ticipate- in the business t$ansactions bet3een Pan an- Fu. I(p$ope$ an- hi9hl4 :uestionable 3as the inclusion of the p$osecuto$ an- co(plainant in the ci)il case institute- b4 $espon-ent on the
alle9e- p$o--in9 of his client. Ve$il4& the suit 3as file- to ha$ass co(plainant an- P$osecuto$ Salan9a.
Co((issione$ San .uan hel- that $espon-ent ha- no 9$oun- to i(plea- P$osecuto$ Salan9a an- co(plainant in Ci)il Case No. !!. In so -oin9& $espon-ent )iolate- his oath of office an- Canon ! of the Co-e of P$ofessional Responsibilit4.
The I,P a-opte- the in)esti9atin9 co((issione$Js $eco((en-ation fo$ his suspension f$o( the p$actice of la3 fo$ t3o <%> 4ea$s.
This Cou$tJs Rulin9
0e a9$ee 3ith the I,PJs $eco((en-ation.
'a34e$s a$e license- office$s of the cou$ts 3ho a$e e(po3e$e- to appea$& p$osecute an- -efen-D an- upon 3ho( peculia$ -uties& $esponsibilities an- liabilities a$e -e)ol)e- b4 la3 as a conse:uence.BA Me(be$ship in the ba$ i(poses upon
the( ce$tain obli9ations. Man-ate- to (aintain the -i9nit4 of the le9al p$ofession& the4 (ust con-uct the(sel)es hono$abl4 an- fai$l4. Mo$eo)e$& Canon ! of the Co-e of P$ofessional Responsibilit4 p$o)i-es that =KaL la34e$ shall con-uct hi(self
3ith cou$tes4& fai$ness an- can-o$ to3a$-s his p$ofessional collea9ues& an- shall a)oi- ha$assin9 tactics a9ainst opposin9 counsel.=
Respon-entJs actions -o not (easu$e up to this Canon. Ci)il Case No. !! 3as fo$ the =collection of a su( of (one4& -a(a9es an- -issolution of an un$e9iste$e- business )entu$e.= It ha- o$i9inall4 been file- a9ainst Spouses Fu& but 3as
late$ (o-ifie- to inclu-e co(plainant an- P$osecuto$ Salan9a.
The A(en-e- an- Supple(ental Co(plaintsBE alle9e- the follo3in92
=%#. The in)esti9atin9 p$osecuto$ -efen-ant Pe-$o Salan9a 8no3in9l4 an- -elibe$atel4 $efuse- an- faile- to pe$fo$( his -ut4 en7oine- b4 the la3 an- the Constitution to affo$- plaintiff Chia Hsien Pan -ue p$ocess b4 )iolatin9 his $i9hts un-e$ the
Rules on p$eli(ina$4 in)esti9ationsD he also falsel4 (a-e a Ce$tification un-e$ oath that p$eli(ina$4 in)esti9ation 3as -ul4 con-ucte- an- plaintiff K3asL -ul4 info$(e- of the cha$9es a9ainst hi( but -i- not ans3e$D he (aliciousl4 an- ; ; ;
pa$tiall4 $ule- that the$e 3as p$obable cause an- file- a C$i(inal Info$(ation fo$ estafa a9ainst plaintiff Chia Hsien Pan& 8no3in9 full4 K3ellL that the p$ocee-in9s 3e$e fatall4 -efecti)e an- null an- )oi-D ; ; ;D
=%!. Sai- assistant p$osecuto$& 8no3in9 also that plaintiff Chia Hsien Pan file- sai- appeal an- (otion to -efe$ fo$ the )ali- 9$oun-s state- the$ein -elibe$atel4 $efuse- to co$$ect his e$$o$s an- consente- to the a$$est of sai- plaintiff un-e$ an
in)ali- info$(ation an- 3a$$ant of a$$est.
=%5. Defen-ant Att4. Ra(on Re4es& 8no3in9 that the suit of -efen-ant Gon9oi Fu is baseless conni)e- 3ith the latte$ to ha$ass an- e;to$t (one4 f$o( plaintiff Chia Hsien Pan b4 sai- c$i(inal p$osecution in the (anne$ cont$a$4 to la3& (o$als
an- public polic4& $esultin9 to the a$$est of sai- plaintiff an- causin9 plaintiffs 9$a)e i$$epa$able -a(a9esK.L=B#
0e concu$ 3ith the I,P that the a(en-(ent of the Co(plaint an- the failu$e to $eso$t to the p$ope$ $e(e-ies st$en9then co(plainantJs alle9ation that the ci)il action 3as inten-e- to 9ain le)e$a9e a9ainst the estafa case. If $espon-ent o$ his
client -i- not a9$ee 3ith P$osecuto$ Salan9aJs $esolution& the4 shoul- ha)e use- the p$ope$ p$oce-u$al an- a-(inist$ati)e $e(e-ies. Respon-ent coul- ha)e 9one to the 7ustice sec$eta$4 an- file- a Motion fo$ Reconsi-e$ation o$ a Motion fo$
Rein)esti9ation of P$osecuto$ Salan9aJs -ecision to file an info$(ation fo$ estafa.
In the t$ial cou$t& a Motion to Dis(iss 3as a)ailable to hi( if he coul- sho3 that the estafa case 3as file- 3ithout basis. Mo$eo)e$& he coul- ha)e institute- -isba$(ent p$ocee-in9s a9ainst co(plainant an- P$osecuto$ Salan9a& if he belie)e- that
the t3o ha- conspi$e- to act ille9all4. As a la34e$& $espon-ent shoul- ha)e a-)ise- his client of the a)ailabilit4 of these $e(e-ies. Thus& the filin9 of the ci)il case ha- no 7ustification.
The lac8 of in)ol)e(ent of co(plainant an- P$osecuto$ Salan9a in the business t$ansaction sub7ect of the collection suit sho3s that the$e 3as no $eason fo$ thei$ inclusion in that case. It appea$s that $espon-ent too8 the estafa case as a
pe$sonal aff$ont an- use- the ci)il case as a tool to $etu$n the incon)enience suffe$e- b4 his client. His actions -e(onst$ate a (isuse of the le9al p$ocess. The ai( of e)e$4 la3suit shoul- be to $en-e$ 7ustice to the pa$ties acco$-in9 to la3& not
to ha$ass the(.B!
'a34e$s shoul- t$eat thei$ opposin9 counsels an- othe$ la34e$s 3ith cou$tes4& -i9nit4 an- ci)ilit4. A 9$eat pa$t of thei$ co(fo$t& as 3ell as of thei$ success at the ba$& -epen-s upon thei$ $elations 3ith thei$ p$ofessional b$eth$en. Since the4 -eal
constantl4 3ith each othe$& the4 (ust t$eat one anothe$ 3ith t$ust an- $espect. An4 un-ue ill feelin9 bet3een clients shoul- not influence counsels in thei$ con-uct an- -e(eano$ to3a$- each othe$. Mutual bic8e$in9& un7ustifie- $ec$i(inations an-
offensi)e beha)io$ a(on9 la34e$s not onl4 -et$act f$o( the -i9nit4 of the le9al p$ofession&B5 but also constitute hi9hl4 unp$ofessional con-uct sub7ect to -isciplina$4 action.
1u$the$(o$e& the 'a34e$Js Oath e;ho$ts la3 p$actitione$s not to =3ittin9l4 o$ 3illin9l4 p$o(ote o$ sue an4 9$oun-less& false o$ unla3ful suit& no$ 9i)e ai- no$ consent to the sa(e.=
Respon-ent clai(s that it 3as his client 3ho insiste- in i(plea-in9 co(plainant an- P$osecuto$ Salan9a. Such e;cuse is fli(s4 an- unacceptable. 0hile la34e$s o3e enti$e -e)otion to the inte$ests of thei$ clients& thei$ office -oes not pe$(it
)iolation of the la3 o$ an4 (anne$ of f$au- o$ chicane$4.%" Thei$ $en-ition of i(p$ope$ se$)ice in)ites ste$n an- 7ust con-e(nation. Co$$espon-in9l4& the4 a-)ance the hono$ of thei$ p$ofession an- the best inte$ests of thei$ clients 3hen the4
$en-e$ se$)ice o$ 9i)e a-)ice that (eets the st$ictest p$inciples of (o$al la3.%B
The hi9hest $e3a$- that can be besto3e- on la34e$s is the estee( of thei$ p$ofessional b$eth$en. This estee( cannot be pu$chase-& pe$functo$il4 c$eate-& o$ 9aine- b4 a$tifice o$ cont$i)ance. It is bo$n of sha$p contests an- th$i)es -espite
conflictin9 inte$ests. It e(anates solel4 f$o( inte9$it4& cha$acte$& b$ains an- s8ill in the hono$able pe$fo$(ance of p$ofessional -ut4.%%
0HERE1ORE& $espon-ent is foun- 9uilt4 as cha$9e- an- is he$eb4 SUSPENDED fo$ t3o <%> 4ea$s f$o( the p$actice of la3& effecti)e i((e-iatel4.
Republic of the Philippines
A.M. No. %B5 Septe(be$ %5& B5E%
CASIANO U. 'APUT& petitione$&
'A,RADOR& ..2
This is an o$i9inal co(plaint file- 3ith this Cou$t cha$9in9 $espon-ents 3ith unp$ofessional an- unethical con-uct in solicitin9 cases an- int$i9uin9 a9ainst a b$othe$ la34e$& an- p$a4in9 that $espon-ents be -ealt 3ith acco$-in9l4.
The facts 3hich le- to the filin9 of this co(plaint a$e as follo32 In Ma4& B5A%& petitione$ 3as $etaine- b4 Nie)es Rillas V-a. -e ,a$$e$a to han-le he$ case <Sp. P$oc. No. %?.> in the Cou$t of 1i$st Instance of Cebu& entitle- =Testate Estate of
Maca$io ,a$$e$a=. ,4 .anua$4& B5AA& petitione$ ha- conte(plate- the closin9 of the sai- a-(inist$ation p$ocee-in9s an- p$epa$e- t3o plea-in9s2 one& to close the p$ocee-in9s an- -ecla$e Nie)es Rillas V-a. -e ,a$$e$a as uni)e$sal hei$ an-
o$-e$ the -eli)e$4 to he$ of the $esi-ue of the estate an-& secon-& a notice fo$ the $en-ition of final accountin9 an- pa$tition of estate. At this point& ho3e)e$& the a-(inist$at$i; Nie)es Rillas V-a. -e ,a$$e$a $efuse- to counte$si9n these t3o
plea-in9s an- instea- a-)ise- petitione$ not to file the(. So(e 3ee8s late$& petitione$ foun- in the $eco$-s of sai- p$ocee-in9s that $espon-ent Att4. 1o$tunato Patalin9hu9 ha- file- on .anua$4 BB& B5AA a 3$itten appea$ance as the ne3 counsel
fo$ Nie)es Rillas V-a. -e ,a$$e$a. On 1eb$ua$4 A& B5AA petitione$ )olunta$il4 as8e- the cou$t to be $elie)e- as counsel fo$ M$s. ,a$$e$a. On 1eb$ua$4 #& B5AA& the othe$ $espon-ent& Att4. 1$ancisco E. 1. Re(oti9ue& ente$e- his appea$ance& -ate-
1eb$ua$4 A& B5AA.
Co(plainant he$e alle9es that the appea$ances of $espon-ents 3e$e unethical an- i(p$ope$ fo$ the $eason that the4 ha- nu$se- the -esi$e to $eplace the petitione$ as atto$ne4 fo$ the estate an- the a-(inist$at$i; an-& ta8in9 a-)anta9e of
he$ 9oo-3ill& int$i9ue- a9ainst the p$epa$ation of the final in)ento$4 an- accountin9 an- p$o--e- M$s. ,a$$e$a not to consent to petitione$Ms -ecision to close the a-(inist$ation p$ocee-in9sD that befo$e thei$ appea$ance& the4 b$ou9ht petitione$Ms
client to thei$ la3 office an- the$e (a-e he$ si9n fou$ -ocu(ents captione- =Re)ocation of Po3e$ of Atto$ne4= an- sent the sa(e b4 (ail to se)e$al co$po$ations an- establish(ents 3he$e the Estate of Maca$io ,a$$e$a is o3ne$ of ce$tificates of
stoc8s an- 3hich -ocu(ents pu$po$te- to -isautho$i6e the petitione$ f$o( fu$the$ collectin9 an- $ecei)in9 the -i)i-en-s of the estate f$o( sai- co$po$ations& 3hen in fact an- in t$uth the $espon-ents full4 8ne3 that no po3e$ of atto$ne4 o$
autho$it4 3as 9i)en to the petitione$ b4 his client& the $espon-ents (oti)e bein9 to e(ba$$ass petitione$ to the officials& la34e$s an- e(plo4ees of sai- co$po$ations& pictu$in9 hi( as a -ishonest la34e$ an- no lon9e$ t$uste- b4 his client N all
3ith the pu$pose of st$ainin9 the $elationship of the petitione$ an- his client& Nie)es Rillas V-a. -e ,a$$e$aD an- that Att4. Patalin9hu9 ente$e- his appea$ance 3ithout notice to petitione$.
In ans3e$& $espon-ent Att4. Patalin9hu9 state- that 3hen he ente$e- his appea$ance on .anua$4 BB& B5AA the a-(inist$at$i; Nie)es Rillas V-a. -e ,a$$e$a ha- al$ea-4 lost confi-ence in he$ la34e$& the he$ein petitione$& an- ha- in fact
al$ea-4 3ith he$ a plea-in9 -ate- .anua$4 BB& B5AA& entitle- =Discha$9e of Counsel fo$ the A-(inist$ation an- Motion to Cite Att4. Casiano 'aput=& 3hich she he$self ha- file- 3ith the cou$t.Ba3phOl.nPt
In ans3e$& $espon-ent Att4. Re(oti9ue state- that 3hen he file- his appea$ance on 1eb$ua$4 #& B5AA& the petitione$ has al$ea-4 3ith-$a3n as counsel.
Afte$ sepa$ate ans3e$s 3e$e file- b4 the $espon-ents& the Sup$e(e Cou$t $efe$$e- the case to the Solicito$ +ene$al fo$ in)esti9ation& $epo$t an- $eco((en-ation. The Solicito$ +ene$al $eco((en-e- the co(plete e;one$ation of
It appea$s an- it 3as foun- b4 the Solicito$ +ene$al that befo$e $espon-ent Att4. 1o$tunato Patalin9hu9 ente$e- his appea$ance& the 3i-o3 a-(inist$at$i; ha- al$ea-4 file- 3ith the cou$t a plea-in9 -ischa$9in9 the petitione$ Att4. Casiano
'aput. If she -i- not fu$nish Att4. 'aput 3ith a cop4 of the sai- plea-in9& it 3as not the fault of Att4. Patalin9hu9 but that of the sai- 3i-o3. It appea$s that the $eason 3h4 M$s. ,a$$e$a -is(isse- petitione$ as he$ la34e$ 3as that she -i- not t$ust
hi( an4 lon9e$& fo$ one ti(e she foun- out that so(e -i)i-en- chec8s 3hich shoul- ha)e been sent to he$ 3e$e sent instea- to petitione$& (a8in9 he$ feel that she 3as bein9 cheate- b4 petitione$. Mo$eo)e$& she foun- that 3ith-$a3als f$o( the
Philippine National ,an8 an- ,an8 of the Philippine Islan-s ha)e been (a-e b4 petitione$ 3ithout he$ p$io$ autho$it4.
0e see no i$$e9ula$it4 in the appea$ance of $espon-ent Att4. 1o$tunato Patalin9hu9 as counsel fo$ the 3i-o3D (uch less can 3e consi-e$ it as an actual 9$abbin9 of a case f$o( petitione$. The e)i-ence as foun- b4 the Solicito$ +ene$al
sho3s that Att4. Patalin9hu9Ms p$ofessional se$)ices 3e$e cont$acte- b4 the 3i-o3& a 3$itten cont$act ha)in9 been (a-e as to the a(ount to be 9i)en hi( fo$ his p$ofessional se$)ices.
Petitione$Ms )olunta$4 3ith-$a3al on 1eb$ua$4 A& B5AA& as counsel fo$ M$s. ,a$$e$a afte$ Att4. Patalin9hu9 ha- ente$e- his appea$ance& an- his <petitione$Ms> filin9 al(ost si(ultaneousl4 of a (otion fo$ the pa4(ent of his atto$ne4Ms fees&
a(ounte- to an ac:uiescence to the appea$ance of $espon-ent Att4. Patalin9hu9 as counsel fo$ the 3i-o3. This shoul- estop petitione$ f$o( no3 co(plainin9 that the appea$ance of Att4. Patalin9hu9 3as unp$ofessional.
Much less coul- 3e hol- $espon-ent Att4. Re(oti9ue 9uilt4 of unp$ofessional con-uct inas(uch as he ente$e- his appea$ance& -ate- 1eb$ua$4 A& B5AA& onl4 on 1eb$ua$4 #& sa(e 4ea$& afte$ M$s. ,a$$e$a ha- -ispense- 3ith petitione$Ms
p$ofessional se$)ices on .anua$4 BB& B5AA& an- afte$ petitione$ ha- )olunta$il4 3ith-$a3n his appea$ance on 1eb$ua$4 A& B5AA.
0ith $espect to the p$epa$ation b4 Att4. Patalin9hu9 of the $e)ocations of po3e$ of atto$ne4 as co(plaine- of b4 petitione$& the Solicito$ +ene$al foun- that the sa(e -oes not appea$ to be p$o(pte- b4 (alice o$ inten-e- to hu$t
petitione$Ms feelin9s& but pu$el4 to safe9ua$- the inte$est of the a-(inist$at$i;. E)i-entl4& petitione$Ms p$i-e 3as hu$t b4 the issuance of these -ocu(ents& an- felt that he ha- been pictu$e- as a -ishonest la34e$D fo$ he file- a case befo$e the Cit4
1iscal of Cebu a9ainst Att4. Patalin9hu9 an- the 3i-o3 fo$ libel an- falsification. It 3as sho3n& ho3e)e$& that the case 3as -is(isse-.
No sufficient e)i-ence ha)in9 been sub(itte- to sustain the cha$9es& these a$e he$eb4 -is(isse- an- the case close-.
K,. M. No. B"@E. .une B"& %""@L
DONNA MARIE S. A+UIRRE& co(plainant& )s. ED0IN '. RANA& $espon-ent.
The Case
,efo$e one is a-(itte- to the Philippine ,a$& he (ust possess the $e:uisite (o$al inte9$it4 fo$ (e(be$ship in the le9al p$ofession. Possession of (o$al inte9$it4 is of 9$eate$ i(po$tance than possession of le9al lea$nin9. The p$actice of la3 is a
p$i)ile9e besto3e- onl4 on the (o$all4 fit. A ba$ can-i-ate 3ho is (o$all4 unfit cannot p$actice la3 e)en if he passes the ba$ e;a(inations.
The 1acts
Respon-ent E-3in '. Rana <Q$espon-entR> 3as a(on9 those 3ho passe- the %""" ,a$ E;a(inations.
On %B Ma4 %""B& one -a4 befo$e the sche-ule- (ass oath?ta8in9 of successful ba$ e;a(inees as (e(be$s of the Philippine ,a$& co(plainant Donna Ma$ie A9ui$$e <Qco(plainantR> file- a9ainst $espon-ent a Petition fo$ Denial of A-(ission to
the ,a$. Co(plainant cha$9e- $espon-ent 3ith unautho$i6e- p$actice of la3& 9$a)e (iscon-uct& )iolation of la3& an- 9$a)e (is$ep$esentation.
The Cou$t allo3e- $espon-ent to ta8e his oath as a (e(be$ of the ,a$ -u$in9 the sche-ule- oath?ta8in9 on %% Ma4 %""B at the Philippine Inte$national Con)ention Cente$. Ho3e)e$& the Cou$t $ule- that $espon-ent coul- not si9n the Roll of
Atto$ne4s pen-in9 the $esolution of the cha$9e a9ainst hi(. Thus& $espon-ent too8 the la34e$Js oath on the sche-ule- -ate but has not si9ne- the Roll of Atto$ne4s up to no3.
Co(plainant cha$9es $espon-ent fo$ unautho$i6e- p$actice of la3 an- 9$a)e (iscon-uct. Co(plainant alle9es that $espon-ent& 3hile not 4et a la34e$& appea$e- as counsel fo$ a can-i-ate in the Ma4 %""B elections befo$e the Municipal ,oa$-
of Election Can)asse$s <QM,ECR> of Man-aon& Masbate. Co(plainant fu$the$ alle9es that $espon-ent file- 3ith the M,EC a plea-in9 -ate- B5 Ma4 %""B entitle- 1o$(al Ob7ection to the Inclusion in the Can)assin9 of Votes in So(e P$ecincts
fo$ the Office of Vice?Ma4o$. In this plea-in9& $espon-ent $ep$esente- hi(self as Qcounsel fo$ an- in behalf of Vice Ma4o$alt4 Can-i-ate& +eo$9e ,unan&R an- si9ne- the plea-in9 as counsel fo$ +eo$9e ,unan <Q,unanR>.
On the cha$9e of )iolation of la3& co(plainant clai(s that $espon-ent is a (unicipal 9o)e$n(ent e(plo4ee& bein9 a sec$eta$4 of the San99unian9 ,a4an of Man-aon& Masbate. As such& $espon-ent is not allo3e- b4 la3 to act as counsel fo$ a
client in an4 cou$t o$ a-(inist$ati)e bo-4.
On the cha$9e of 9$a)e (iscon-uct an- (is$ep$esentation& co(plainant accuses $espon-ent of actin9 as counsel fo$ )ice (a4o$alt4 can-i-ate +eo$9e ,unan <Q,unanR> 3ithout the latte$ en9a9in9 $espon-entJs se$)ices. Co(plainant clai(s that
$espon-ent file- the plea-in9 as a plo4 to p$e)ent the p$ocla(ation of the 3innin9 )ice (a4o$alt4 can-i-ate.
On %% Ma4 %""B& the Cou$t issue- a $esolution allo3in9 $espon-ent to ta8e the la34e$Js oath but -isallo3e- hi( f$o( si9nin9 the Roll of Atto$ne4s until he is clea$e- of the cha$9es a9ainst hi(. In the sa(e $esolution& the Cou$t $e:ui$e-
$espon-ent to co((ent on the co(plaint a9ainst hi(.
In his Co((ent& $espon-ent a-(its that ,unan sou9ht his Qspecific assistanceR to $ep$esent hi( befo$e the M,EC. Respon-ent clai(s that Qhe -eci-e- to assist an- a-)ice ,unan& not as a la34e$ but as a pe$son 3ho 8no3s the la3.R
Respon-ent a-(its si9nin9 the B5 Ma4 %""B plea-in9 that ob7ecte- to the inclusion of ce$tain )otes in the can)assin9. He e;plains& ho3e)e$& that he -i- not si9n the plea-in9 as a la34e$ o$ $ep$esente- hi(self as an Qatto$ne4R in the plea-in9.
On his e(plo4(ent as sec$eta$4 of the San99unian9 ,a4an& $espon-ent clai(s that he sub(itte- his $esi9nation on BB Ma4 %""B 3hich 3as alle9e-l4 accepte- on the sa(e -ate. He sub(itte- a cop4 of the Ce$tification of Receipt of Re)ocable
Resi9nation -ate- %! Ma4 %""B si9ne- b4 Vice?Ma4o$ Napoleon Relo;. Respon-ent fu$the$ clai(s that the co(plaint is politicall4 (oti)ate- consi-e$in9 that co(plainant is the -au9hte$ of Sil)est$e A9ui$$e& the losin9 can-i-ate fo$ (a4o$ of
Man-aon& Masbate. Respon-ent p$a4s that the co(plaint be -is(isse- fo$ lac8 of (e$it an- that he be allo3e- to si9n the Roll of Atto$ne4s.
On %% .une %""B& co(plainant file- he$ Repl4 to $espon-entJs Co((ent an- $efute- the clai( of $espon-ent that his appea$ance befo$e the M,EC 3as onl4 to e;ten- specific assistance to ,unan. Co(plainant alle9es that on B5 Ma4 %""B
E(il4 Estipona?Hao <QEstipona?HaoR> file- a petition fo$ p$ocla(ation as the 3innin9 can-i-ate fo$ (a4o$. Respon-ent si9ne- as counsel fo$ Estipona?Hao in this petition. 0hen $espon-ent appea$e- as counsel befo$e the M,EC& co(plainant
:uestione- his appea$ance on t3o 9$oun-s2 <B> $espon-ent ha- not ta8en his oath as a la34e$D an- <%> he 3as an e(plo4ee of the 9o)e$n(ent.
Respon-ent file- a Repl4 <Re2 Repl4 to Respon-entJs Co((ent> $eite$atin9 his clai( that the instant a-(inist$ati)e case is Q(oti)ate- (ainl4 b4 political )en-etta.R
On B# .ul4 %""B& the Cou$t $efe$$e- the case to the Office of the ,a$ Confi-ant <QO,CR> fo$ e)aluation& $epo$t an- $eco((en-ation.
O,CJs Repo$t an- Reco((en-ation
The O,C foun- that $espon-ent in-ee- appea$e- befo$e the M,EC as counsel fo$ ,unan in the Ma4 %""B elections. The (inutes of the M,EC p$ocee-in9s sho3 that $espon-ent acti)el4 pa$ticipate- in the p$ocee-in9s. The O,C li8e3ise
foun- that $espon-ent appea$e- in the M,EC p$ocee-in9s e)en befo$e he too8 the la34e$Js oath on %% Ma4 %""B. The O,C belie)es that $espon-entJs (iscon-uct casts a se$ious -oubt on his (o$al fitness to be a (e(be$ of the ,a$. The
O,C also belie)es that $espon-entJs unautho$i6e- p$actice of la3 is a 9$oun- to -en4 his a-(ission to the p$actice of la3. The O,C the$efo$e $eco((en-s that $espon-ent be -enie- a-(ission to the Philippine ,a$.
On the othe$ cha$9es& O,C state- that co(plainant faile- to cite a la3 3hich $espon-ent alle9e-l4 )iolate- 3hen he appea$e- as counsel fo$ ,unan 3hile he 3as a 9o)e$n(ent e(plo4ee. Respon-ent $esi9ne- as sec$eta$4 an- his $esi9nation
3as accepte-. 'i8e3ise& $espon-ent 3as autho$i6e- b4 ,unan to $ep$esent hi( befo$e the M,EC.
The Cou$tJs Rulin9
0e a9$ee 3ith the fin-in9s an- conclusions of the O,C that $espon-ent en9a9e- in the unautho$i6e- p$actice of la3 an- thus -oes not -ese$)e a-(ission to the Philippine ,a$.
Respon-ent too8 his oath as la34e$ on %% Ma4 %""B. Ho3e)e$& the $eco$-s sho3 that $espon-ent appea$e- as counsel fo$ ,unan p$io$ to %% Ma4 %""B& befo$e $espon-ent too8 the la34e$Js oath. In the plea-in9 entitle- 1o$(al Ob7ection to the
Inclusion in the Can)assin9 of Votes in So(e P$ecincts fo$ the Office of Vice?Ma4o$ -ate- B5 Ma4 %""B& $espon-ent si9ne- as Qcounsel fo$ +eo$9e ,unan.R In the fi$st pa$a9$aph of the sa(e plea-in9 $espon-ent state- that he 3as the
Q<U>n-e$si9ne- Counsel fo$& an- in behalf of Vice Ma4o$alt4 Can-i-ate& +EOR+E T. ,UNAN.R ,unan hi(self 3$ote the M,EC on B Ma4 %""B that he ha- Qautho$i6e- Att4. E-3in '. Rana as his counsel to $ep$esent hi(R befo$e the M,EC an-
si(ila$ bo-ies.
On B Ma4 %""B& (a4o$alt4 can-i-ate E(il4 Estipona?Hao also Q$etaine-R $espon-ent as he$ counsel. On the sa(e -ate& B Ma4 %""B& E$l4 D. Hao info$(e- the M,EC that QAtt4. E-3in '. Rana has been autho$i6e- b4 RE1ORMA 'M?PPC as
the le9al counsel of the pa$t4 an- the can-i-ate of the sai- pa$t4.R Respon-ent hi(self 3$ote the M,EC on B Ma4 %""B that he 3as ente$in9 his Qappea$ance as counsel fo$ Ma4o$alt4 Can-i-ate E(il4 Estipona?Hao an- fo$ the RE1ORMA 'M?
PPC.R On B5 Ma4 %""B& $espon-ent si9ne- as counsel fo$ Estipona?Hao in the petition file- befo$e the M,EC p$a4in9 fo$ the p$ocla(ation of Estipona?Hao as the 3innin9 can-i-ate fo$ (a4o$ of Man-aon& Masbate.
All these happene- e)en befo$e $espon-ent too8 the la34e$Js oath. Clea$l4& $espon-ent en9a9e- in the p$actice of la3 3ithout bein9 a (e(be$ of the Philippine ,a$.
In Philippine 'a34e$s Association ). A9$a)a&KBL the Cou$t eluci-ate- that2
The p$actice of la3 is not li(ite- to the con-uct of cases o$ liti9ation in cou$tD it e(b$aces the p$epa$ation of plea-in9s an- othe$ pape$s inci-ent to actions an- special p$ocee-in9s& the (ana9e(ent of such actions an- p$ocee-in9s on behalf of
clients befo$e 7u-9es an- cou$ts& an- in a--ition& con)e4ancin9. In 9ene$al& all a-)ice to clients& an- all action ta8en fo$ the( in (atte$s connecte- 3ith the la3& inco$po$ation se$)ices& assess(ent an- con-e(nation se$)ices conte(platin9 an
appea$ance befo$e a 7u-icial bo-4& the fo$eclosu$e of a (o$t9a9e& enfo$ce(ent of a c$e-ito$Ms clai( in ban8$uptc4 an- insol)enc4 p$ocee-in9s& an- con-uctin9 p$ocee-in9s in attach(ent& an- in (atte$s of estate an- 9ua$-ianship ha)e been
hel- to constitute la3 p$actice& as -o the p$epa$ation an- -$aftin9 of le9al inst$u(ents& 3he$e the 3o$8 -one in)ol)es the -ete$(ination b4 the t$aine- le9al (in- of the le9al effect of facts an- con-itions. <A A(. .u$. p. %E%& %E@>. <Italics
supplie-> ; ; ;
In Ca4etano ). Monso-&K%L the Cou$t hel- that Qp$actice of la3R (eans an4 acti)it4& in o$ out of cou$t& 3hich $e:ui$es the application of la3& le9al p$oce-u$e& 8no3le-9e& t$ainin9 an- e;pe$ience. To en9a9e in the p$actice of la3 is to pe$fo$( acts
3hich a$e usuall4 pe$fo$(e- b4 (e(be$s of the le9al p$ofession. +ene$all4& to p$actice la3 is to $en-e$ an4 8in- of se$)ice 3hich $e:ui$es the use of le9al 8no3le-9e o$ s8ill.
Ve$il4& $espon-ent 3as en9a9e- in the p$actice of la3 3hen he appea$e- in the p$ocee-in9s befo$e the M,EC an- file- )a$ious plea-in9s& 3ithout license to -o so. E)i-ence clea$l4 suppo$ts the cha$9e of unautho$i6e- p$actice of la3.
Respon-ent calle- hi(self QcounselR 8no3in9 full4 3ell that he 3as not a (e(be$ of the ,a$. Ha)in9 hel- hi(self out as QcounselR 8no3in9 that he ha- no autho$it4 to p$actice la3& $espon-ent has sho3n (o$al unfitness to be a (e(be$ of the
Philippine ,a$.K@L
The $i9ht to p$actice la3 is not a natu$al o$ constitutional $i9ht but is a p$i)ile9e. It is li(ite- to pe$sons of 9oo- (o$al cha$acte$ 3ith special :ualifications -ul4 asce$taine- an- ce$tifie-. The e;e$cise of this p$i)ile9e p$esupposes possession of
inte9$it4& le9al 8no3le-9e& e-ucational attain(ent& an- e)en public t$ustKL since a la34e$ is an office$ of the cou$t. A ba$ can-i-ate -oes not ac:ui$e the $i9ht to p$actice la3 si(pl4 b4 passin9 the ba$ e;a(inations. The p$actice of la3 is a
p$i)ile9e that can be 3ithhel- e)en f$o( one 3ho has passe- the ba$ e;a(inations& if the pe$son see8in9 a-(ission ha- p$actice- la3 3ithout a license.KAL
The $e9ulation of the p$actice of la3 is un:uestionabl4 st$ict. In ,elt$an& .$. ). Aba-&KEL a can-i-ate passe- the ba$ e;a(inations but ha- not ta8en his oath an- si9ne- the Roll of Atto$ne4s. He 3as hel- in conte(pt of cou$t fo$ p$acticin9 la3
e)en befo$e his a-(ission to the ,a$. Un-e$ Section @ <e> of Rule #B of the Rules of Cou$t& a pe$son 3ho en9a9es in the unautho$i6e- p$actice of la3 is liable fo$ in-i$ect conte(pt of cou$t.K#L
T$ue& $espon-ent he$e passe- the %""" ,a$ E;a(inations an- too8 the la34e$Js oath. Ho3e)e$& it is the si9nin9 in the Roll of Atto$ne4s that finall4 (a8es one a full?fle-9e- la34e$. The fact that $espon-ent passe- the ba$ e;a(inations is
i((ate$ial. Passin9 the ba$ is not the onl4 :ualification to beco(e an atto$ne4?at?la3.K!L Respon-ent shoul- 8no3 that t3o essential $e:uisites fo$ beco(in9 a la34e$ still ha- to be pe$fo$(e-& na(el42 his la34e$Js oath to be a-(iniste$e- b4 this
Cou$t an- his si9natu$e in the Roll of Atto$ne4s.K5L
On the cha$9e of )iolation of la3& co(plainant conten-s that the la3 -oes not allo3 $espon-ent to act as counsel fo$ a p$i)ate client in an4 cou$t o$ a-(inist$ati)e bo-4 since $espon-ent is the sec$eta$4 of the San99unian9 ,a4an.
Respon-ent ten-e$e- his $esi9nation as sec$eta$4 of the San99unian9 ,a4an p$io$ to the acts co(plaine- of as constitutin9 unautho$i6e- p$actice of la3. In his lette$ -ate- BB Ma4 %""B a--$esse- to Napoleon Relo;& )ice? (a4o$ an- p$esi-in9
office$ of the San99unian9 ,a4an& $espon-ent state- that he 3as $esi9nin9 Qeffecti)e upon 4ou$ acceptance.RKB"L Vice?Ma4o$ Relo; accepte- $espon-entJs $esi9nation effecti)e BB Ma4 %""B.KBBL Thus& the e)i-ence -oes not suppo$t the cha$9e
that $espon-ent acte- as counsel fo$ a client 3hile se$)in9 as sec$eta$4 of the San99unian9 ,a4an.
On the cha$9e of 9$a)e (iscon-uct an- (is$ep$esentation& e)i-ence sho3s that ,unan in-ee- autho$i6e- $espon-ent to $ep$esent hi( as his counsel befo$e the M,EC an- si(ila$ bo-ies. 0hile the$e 3as no (is$ep$esentation& $espon-ent
nonetheless ha- no autho$it4 to p$actice la3.
0HERE1ORE& $espon-ent E-3in '. Rana is DENIED a-(ission to the Philippine ,a$.
Republic of the Philippines
A.M. No. P?55?B%!# .anua$4 %E& %""B
ATT*. MISAE' M. 'ADA+A& ,$anch Cle$8 of Cou$t& Re9ional T$ial Cou$t& ,$anch B@@& Ma8ati Cit4& $espon-ent.
In a 'ette$& -ate- Au9ust @B& B55!& $espon-ent Att4. Misael M. 'a-a9a& ,$anch Cle$8 of Cou$t of the Re9ional T$ial Cou$t of Ma8ati& ,$anch B@@& $e:ueste- the Cou$t A-(inist$ato$& .ustice Alf$e-o '. ,enipa4o& fo$ autho$it4 to appea$ as p$o bono
counsel of his cousin& Na$cisa Nal-o6a 'a-a9a& in C$i(inal Case No. !!!A& entitle- =People )s. Na$cisa Nal-o6a 'a-a9a= fo$ 1alsification of Public Docu(ent pen-in9 befo$e the Met$opolitan T$ial Cou$t of /ue6on Cit4& ,$anch ".B 0hile
$espon-entMs lette$?$e:uest 3as pen-in9 action& 'isa Pa4o4o An-$es& the p$i)ate co(plainant in C$i(inal Case No. !!!A& sent a lette$ to the Cou$t A-(inist$ato$& -ate- Septe(be$ %& B55!& $e:uestin9 fo$ a ce$tification 3ith $e9a$- to
$espon-entMs autho$it4 to appea$ as counsel fo$ the accuse- in the sai- c$i(inal case.% On Septe(be$ #& B55!& the Office of the Cou$t A-(inist$ato$ $efe$$e- the (atte$ to $espon-ent fo$ co((ent.@
In his Co((ent& -ate- Septe(be$ B& B55!& $espon-ent a-(itte- that he ha- appea$e- in C$i(inal Case No. !!!A 3ithout p$io$ autho$i6ation. He $easone- out that the factual ci$cu(stances su$$oun-in9 the c$i(inal case co(pelle- hi( to
han-le the -efense of his cousin 3ho -i- not ha)e enou9h $esou$ces to hi$e the se$)ices of a counsel -e pa$teD 3hile& on the othe$ han-& p$i)ate co(plainant 3as a (e(be$ of a po3e$ful fa(il4 3ho 3as out to 9et e)en 3ith his cousin.
1u$the$(o$e& he $ationali6e- that his appea$ance in the c$i(inal case -i- not p$e7u-ice his office no$ the inte$est of the public since he -i- not ta8e a-)anta9e of his position. In an4 case& his appea$ances in cou$t 3e$e co)e$e- b4 lea)e
applications app$o)e- b4 the p$esi-in9 7u-9e.BH3phiB.nIt
On Dece(be$ !& B55!& the Cou$t issue- a Resolution -en4in9 $espon-entMs $e:uest fo$ autho$i6ation to appea$ as counsel an- -i$ectin9 the Office of the Cou$t A-(inist$ato$ to file fo$(al cha$9es a9ainst hi( fo$ appea$in9 in cou$t 3ithout the
$e:ui$e- autho$i6ation f$o( the Cou$t.A On .anua$4 %A& B555& the Cou$t A-(inist$ato$ file- the instant a-(inist$ati)e co(plaint a9ainst $espon-ent fo$ )iolatin9 Sec. #<b><%> of Republic Act No. E#B@& othe$3ise 8no3n as the =Co-e of Con-uct
an- Ethical Stan-a$-s fo$ Public Officials an- E(plo4ees&= 3hich p$o)i-es2
Sec. #. P$ohibite- Acts an- T$ansactions. T In a--ition to acts an- o(issions of public officials an- e(plo4ees no3 p$esc$ibe- in the Constitution an- e;istin9 la3s& the follo3in9 shall constitute p$ohibite- acts an- t$ansactions of an4 public
official an- e(plo4ee an- a$e he$eb4 -ecla$e- to be unla3ful2
; ; ;
<b> Outsi-e e(plo4(ent an- othe$ acti)ities $elate- the$eto. T Public officials an- e(plo4ees -u$in9 thei$ incu(benc4 shall not2
; ; ;
<%> En9a9e in the p$i)ate p$actice of thei$ p$ofession unless autho$i6e- b4 the Constitution o$ la3& P$o)i-e-& that such p$actice 3ill not conflict o$ ten- to conflict 3ith thei$ official functionsD
In ou$ Resolution& -ate- 1eb$ua$4 5& B555& 3e $e:ui$e- $espon-ent to co((ent on the a-(inist$ati)e co(plaint.
In his Co((ent& $espon-ent e;plaine- that he an- Ms. 'a-a9a a$e =close bloo- cousins= 3ho belon9 to a =po3e$less fa(il4= f$o( the i(po)e$ishe- to3n of ,acaua9& Su$i9ao -el No$te. 1$o( chil-hoo- until he finishe- his la3 -e9$ee& Ms.
'a-a9a ha- al3a4s suppo$te- an- 9ui-e- hi( 3hile he loo8e- up to he$ as a (ento$ an- an a-)ise$. ,ecause of thei$ close $elationship& Ms. 'a-a9a sou9ht $espon-entMs help an- a-)ice 3hen she 3as cha$9e- in C$i(inal Case No. !!!A fo$
falsification b4 the p$i)ate co(plainant& 'isa Pa4o4o An-$es& 3hose onl4 pu$pose in filin9 the sai- c$i(inal case 3as to =see8 )en9eance= on he$ cousin. He e;plaine- that his cousinMs -isco$- 3ith Ms. An-$es sta$te- 3hen the latte$Ms husban-&
SPO Pe-$o An-$es& left the con7u9al ho(e to cohabit 3ith Ms. 'a-a9a. Du$in9 the cou$se of thei$ illicit affai$& SPO An-$es an- Ms. 'a-a9a be9ot th$ee <@> chil-$en. The bi$th ce$tificate of thei$ el-est chil- is the sub7ect of the falsification
cha$9e a9ainst Ms. 'a-a9a. Respon-ent state- that since he is the onl4 la34e$ in thei$ fa(il4& he felt it to be his -ut4 to accept Ms. 'a-a9aMs plea to be he$ counsel since she not ha)e enou9h fun-s to pa4 fo$ the se$)ices of a la34e$.
Respon-ent also pointe- out that in his se)en <#> 4ea$s of untainte- 9o)e$n(ent se$)ice& initiall4 3ith the Co((ission on Hu(an Ri9hts an- no3 3ith the 7u-icia$4& he ha- pe$fo$(e- his -uties 3ith honest4 an- inte9$it4 an- that it 3as onl4 in
this pa$ticula$ case that he ha- been a-(inist$ati)el4 cha$9e- fo$ e;ten-in9 a helpin9 han- to a close $elati)e b4 9i)in9 a f$ee le9al assistance fo$ =hu(anita$ian pu$pose.= He ne)e$ too8 a-)anta9e of his position as b$anch cle$8 of cou$t since
the :uestione- appea$ances 3e$e (a-e in the Met$opolitan T$ial Cou$t of /ue6on Cit4 an- not in Ma8ati 3he$e he is hol-in9 office. He st$esse- that -u$in9 the hea$in9s of the c$i(inal case& he 3as on lea)e as sho3n b4 his app$o)e- lea)e
applications attache- to his co((ent.
In ou$ Resolution& -ate- .une %%& B555& 3e note- $espon-entMs co((ent an- $efe$$e- the a-(inist$ati)e (atte$ to the E;ecuti)e .u-9e of the Re9ional T$ial Cou$t of Ma8ati& .u-9e .osefina +ue)a$$a?Salon9a& fo$ in)esti9ation& $epo$t an-
In he$ Repo$t& -ate- Septe(be$ %5& B555& .u-9e Salon9a (a-e the follo3in9 fin-in9s an- $eco((en-ation2
The$e is no :uestion that Att4. Misael 'a-a9a appea$e- as counsel fo$ an- in behalf of his cousin& Na$cisa Nal-o6a 'a-a9a& an accuse- in C$i(inal Case No. !?!!A fo$ =1alsification of Public Docu(ents= befo$e the METC of /ue6on Cit4. It is
also -enie- that the appea$ance of sai- $espon-ent in sai- case 3as 3ithout the p$e)ious pe$(ission of the Cou$t.
An e;a(ination of the $eco$-s sho3s that -u$in9 the occasions that the $espon-ent appea$e- as such counsel befo$e the METC of /ue6on Cit4& he 3as on official lea)e of absence. Mo$eo)e$& his P$esi-in9 .u-9e& .u-9e Napoleon Inotu$an 3as
a3a$e of the case he 3as han-lin9. That the $espon-ent appea$e- as p$o bono counsel li8e3ise cannot be -enie-. His cousin?client Na$cisa 'a-a9a he$self positi)el4 -ecla$e- that the $espon-ent -i- not $ecei)e a sin9le centa)o f$o( he$.
Helpless as she 3as an- $espon-ent bein9 the onl4 la34e$ in the fa(il4& he a9$ee- to $ep$esent he$ out of his co(passion an- hi9h $e9a$- fo$ he$.
It (a4 not be a(iss to point out& this is the fi$st ti(e that $espon-ent e)e$ han-le- a case fo$ a (e(be$ of his fa(il4 3ho is li8e a bi9 siste$ to hi(. He appea$e- fo$ f$ee an- fo$ the pu$pose of settlin9 the case a(icabl4. 1u$the$(o$e& his
P$esi-in9 .u-9e 3as a3a$e of his appea$ance as counsel fo$ his cousin. On top of this& -u$in9 all the 4ea$s that he has been in 9o)e$n(ent se$)ice& he has (aintaine- his inte9$it4 an- in-epen-ence.
In the li9ht of the fo$e9oin9& it appea$in9 that the $espon-ent appea$e- as counsel fo$ his cousin 3ithout fi$st secu$in9 pe$(ission f$o( the Cou$t& an- consi-e$in9 that this is his fi$st ti(e to -o it couple- 3ith the fact that sai- appea$ance 3as not
fo$ a fee an- 3as 3ith the 8no3le-9e of his P$esi-in9 .u-9e& it is he$eb4 $espectfull4 $eco((en-e- that he be REPRIMANDED 3ith a ste$n 3a$nin9 that an4 $epetition of such act 3oul- be -ealt 3ith (o$e se)e$el4.E
0e a9$ee 3ith the $eco((en-ation of the in)esti9atin9 7u-9e.
Respon-ent is cha$9e- un-e$ Sec. #<b><%> of the Co-e of Con-uct an- Ethical Stan-a$-s fo$ Public Officials an- E(plo4ees 3hich p$ohibits ci)il se$)ants f$o( en9a9in9 in the p$i)ate p$actice of thei$ p$ofession. A si(ila$ p$ohibition is foun-
un-e$ Sec. @A& Rule B@! of the Re)ise- Rules of Cou$t 3hich -isallo3s ce$tain atto$ne4s f$o( en9a9in9 in the p$i)ate p$actice of thei$ p$ofession. The sai- section $ea-s2
SEC. @A. Ce$tain atto$ne4s not to p$actice. T No 7u-9e o$ othe$ official o$ e(plo4ee of the supe$io$ cou$ts o$ of the Office of the Solicito$ +ene$al& shall en9a9e in p$i)ate p$actice as a (e(be$ of the ba$ o$ 9i)e p$ofessional a-)ise to clients.
Ho3e)e$& it shoul- be cla$ifie- that =p$i)ate p$actice= of a p$ofession& specificall4 the la3 p$ofession in this case& 3hich is p$ohibite-& -oes not pe$tain to an isolate- cou$t appea$anceD $athe$& it conte(plates a succession of acts of the sa(e
natu$e habituall4 o$ custo(a$il4 hol-in9 oneMs self to the public as a la34e$.
In the case of People )s. Villanue)a&# 3e e;plaine- the (eanin9 of the te$( =p$i)ate p$actice= p$ohibite- b4 the sai- section& to 3it2
0e belie)e that the isolate- appea$ance of Cit4 Atto$ne4 1ule -i- not constitute p$i)ate p$actice& 3ithin the (eanin9 an- conte(plation of the Rules. P$actice is (o$e than an isolate- appea$ance& fo$ it consists in f$e:uent o$ custo(a$4 action& a
succession of acts of the sa(e 8in-. In othe$ 3o$-s& it is f$e:uent habitual e;e$cise <State )s. Cotne$& B%#& p. B& !# San. !E& % 'RA& N.S. #E!>. P$actice of la3 to fall 3ithin the p$ohibition of statute has been inte$p$ete- as custo(a$il4 o$
habituall4 hol-in9 oneMs self out to the public& as a la34e$ an- -e(an-in9 pa4(ent fo$ such se$)ices <State )s. ,$4an& S. E. A%%& 5! N. C. E& E#>. The appea$ance as counsel on one occasion& is not conclusi)e as -ete$(inati)e of
en9a9e(ent in the p$i)ate p$actice of la3. The follo3in9 obse$)ation of the Solicito$ +ene$al is note3o$th42
=Essentiall4& the 3o$- p$i)ate p$actice of la3 i(plies that one (ust ha)e p$esente- hi(self to be in the acti)e an- continue- p$actice of the le9al p$ofession an- that his p$ofessional se$)ices a$e a)ailable to the public fo$ a co(pensation& as a
sou$ce of his li)elihoo- o$ in consi-e$ation of his sai- se$)ices.=
1o$ one thin9& it has ne)e$ been $efute- that Cit4 Atto$ne4 1ule ha- been 9i)en pe$(ission b4 his i((e-iate supe$io$& the Sec$eta$4 of .ustice& to $ep$esent the co(plainant in the case at ba$& 3ho is a $elati)e.!
,ase- on the fo$e9oin9& it is e)i-ent that the isolate- instances 3hen $espon-ent appea$e- as p$o bono counsel of his cousin in C$i(inal Case No. !!!A -oes not constitute the =p$i)ate p$actice= of the la3 p$ofession conte(plate- b4 la3.
Nonetheless& 3hile $espon-entMs isolate- cou$t appea$ances -i- not a(ount to a p$i)ate p$actice of la3& he faile- to obtain a 3$itten pe$(ission the$efo$ f$o( the hea- of the Depa$t(ent& 3hich is this Cou$t as $e:ui$e- b4 Section B%& Rule FVIII
of the Re)ise- Ci)il Se$)ice Rules& thus2
Sec B%. No office$ o$ e(plo4ee shall en9a9e -i$ectl4 in an4 p$i)ate business& )ocation& o$ p$ofession o$ be connecte- 3ith an4 co((e$cial& c$e-it& a9$icultu$al& o$ in-ust$ial un-e$ta8in9 3ithout a 3$itten pe$(ission f$o( the hea- of the
Depa$t(ent2 P$o)i-e-& That this p$ohibition 3ill be absolute in the case of those office$s an- e(plo4ees 3hose -uties an- $esponsibilities $e:ui$e that thei$ enti$e ti(e be at the -isposal of the +o)e$n(entD P$o)i-e-& fu$the$& That if an e(plo4ee
is 9$ante- pe$(ission to en9a9e in outsi-e acti)ities& ti(e so -e)ote- outsi-e of office hou$s shoul- be fi;e- b4 the a9enc4 to the en- that it 3ill not i(pai$ in an4 3a4 the efficienc4 of the office$ o$ e(plo4ee2 An- p$o)i-e-& finall4& That no
pe$(ission is necessa$4 in the case of in)est(ents& (a-e b4 an office$ o$ e(plo4ee& 3hich -o not in)ol)e $eal o$ appa$ent conflict bet3een his p$i)ate inte$ests an- public -uties& o$ in an4 3a4 influence hi( in the -ischa$9e of his -uties& an- he
shall not ta8e pa$t in the (ana9e(ent of the ente$p$ise o$ beco(e an office$ of the boa$- of -i$ecto$s.5
Respon-ent ente$e- his appea$ance an- atten-e- cou$t p$ocee-in9s on nu(e$ous occasions& i.e.& Ma4 ?BA& B55!& .une B!& B55!& .ul4 B@& B55! an- Au9ust A& B55!& as bo$ne out b4 his o3n a-(ission. It is t$ue that he file- lea)e applications
co$$espon-in9 to the -ates he appea$e- in cou$t. Ho3e)e$& he faile- to obtain a p$io$ pe$(ission f$o( the hea- of the Depa$t(ent. The p$esi-in9 7u-9e of the cou$t to 3hich $espon-ent is assi9ne- is not the hea- of the Depa$t(ent
conte(plate- b4 la3.BH3phiB.nIt
0HERE1ORE& in )ie3 of the fo$e9oin9& $espon-ent Att4. Misael M. 'a-a9a is he$eb4 REPRIMANDED 3ith a ste$n 3a$nin9 that an4 $epetition of such act 3oul- be -ealt 3ith (o$e se)e$el4.
Republic of the Philippines

+.R. No. B@5%!B Septe(be$ %5& B555
ARSENIO SA'AGAR& et al.& $espon-ents.
R E S O ' U T I O N

Consi-e$in9 $espon-entsM =Motion to E;pun9e All Plea-in9s 1ile- b4 Att4. 1ile(on A. Manan9an 3ith Motion to Hol- Hi( in Conte(pt of Cou$t an- to Dis(iss the Petition= an- sai- Att4. Manan9anMs a-(ission at the hea$in9 this (o$nin9&
Septe(be$ %5& B555& that he is not a la34e$ entitle- to p$actice la3 in the Philippines& an- that he is the sa(e =1ile(on A. Manan9an= 3ho 3as foun- b4 this Cou$t in +.R. No. !%#E" <1ile(on Manan9an ). Cou$t of 1i$st Instance of Nue)a
Vi6ca4a& ,$anch %!> -eci-e- on Au9ust @"& B55"& to be in $ealit4 An-$es Culana9 3ho is not a (e(be$ of the Philippine ,a$& but -espite these facts he has continue- to (is$ep$esent hi(self to be an atto$ne4?at?la3 an- has appea$e- as
counsel fo$ petitione$s in this case& =Att4. 1ile(on A. Manan9an& 3ho is in $ealit4 An-$es Culana9& is he$eb4 -ecla$e- 9uilt4 of in-i$ect conte(pt of this Cou$t. 0he$efo$e& he is he$eb4 sentence- to th$ee <@> (onths i(p$ison(ent to be se$)e- at
the Hea-:ua$te$s of the National ,u$eau of In)esti9ation& Taft A)enue& Manila& until fu$the$ o$-e$s f$o( this Cou$t.BH3phiB.nIt
Republic of the Philippines

A.M. No. SDC?5#?%?P 1eb$ua$4 %& B55#
SOPHIA A'A0I& co(plainant&
ASHAR* M. A'AU*A& Cle$8 of Cou$t VI& Sha$iMa Dist$ict Cou$t& Ma$a3i Cit4& $espon-ent.

Sophia Ala3i 3as <an- p$esu(abl4 still is> a sales $ep$esentati)e <o$ coo$-inato$> of E.,. Villa$osa U Pa$tne$s Co.& 't-. of Da)ao Cit4& a $eal estate an- housin9 co(pan4. Asha$i M. Alau4a is the incu(bent e;ecuti)e cle$8 of cou$t of the th
.u-icial Sha$iMa Dist$ict in Ma$a3i Cit4& The4 3e$e class(ates& an- use- to be f$ien-s.
It appea$s that th$ou9h Ala3iMs a9enc4& a cont$act 3as e;ecute- fo$ the pu$chase on install(ents b4 Alau4a of one of the housin9 units belon9in9 to the abo)e (entione- fi$( <he$eafte$& si(pl4 Villa$osa U Co.>D an- in connection the$e3ith& a
housin9 loan 3as also 9$ante- to Alau4a b4 the National Ho(e Mo$t9a9e 1inance Co$po$ation <NHM1C>.
Not lon9 afte$3a$-s& o$ (o$e p$ecisel4 on Dece(be$ BA& B55A& Alau4a a--$esse- a lette$ to the P$esi-ent of Villa$osa U Co. a-)isin9 of the te$(ination of his cont$act 3ith the co(pan4. He 3$ote2
. . I a( fo$(all4 an- officiall4 3ith-$a3in9 f$o( an- notif4in9 4ou of (4 intent to te$(inate the Cont$actCA9$ee(ent ente$e- into bet3een (e an- 4ou$ co(pan4& as $ep$esente- b4 4ou$ Sales A9entCCoo$-inato$& SOPHIA A'A0I& of 4ou$
co(pan4Ms b$anch office he$e in Ca9a4an -e O$o Cit4& on the 9$oun-s that (4 consent 3as )itiate- b4 9$oss (is$ep$esentation& -eceit& f$au-& -ishonest4 an- abuse of confi-ence b4 the afo$esai- sales a9ent 3hich (a-e sai- cont$act )oi- ab
initio. Sai- sales a9ent actin9 in ba- faith pe$pet$ate- such ille9al an- unautho$i6e- acts 3hich (a-e sai- cont$act an One$ous Cont$act p$e7u-icial to (4 $i9hts an- inte$ests. He then p$ocee-e- to e;poun- in consi-e$able -etail an- :uite
ace$bic lan9ua9e on the =9$oun-s 3hich coul- e)i-ence the ba- faith. -eceit& f$au-& (is$ep$esentation& -ishonest4 an- abuse of confi-ence b4 the unsc$upulous sales a9ent . . .D= an- close- 3ith the plea that Villa$osa U Co. =a9$ee fo$ the
(utual $escission of ou$ cont$act& e)en as I info$( 4ou that I cate9o$icall4 state on $eco$- that I a( te$(inatin9 the cont$act . . . I hope I -o not ha)e to $eso$t to an4 le9al action befo$e sai- one$ous an- (anipulate- cont$act a9ainst (4 inte$est
be annulle-. I 3as actuall4 foole- b4 4ou$ sales a9ent& hence the nee- to annul the cont$o)e$sial cont$act.=
Alau4a sent a cop4 of the lette$ to the Vice?P$esi-ent of Villa$osa U Co. at San Pe-$o& +usa& Ca9a4an -e O$o Cit4. The en)elope containin9 it& an- 3hich actuall4 3ent th$ou9h the post& bo$e no sta(ps. Instea- at the $i9ht han- co$ne$ abo)e
the -esc$iption of the a--$essee& the 3o$-s& =1$ee Posta9e ? PD %E&= ha- been t4pe-.
On the sa(e -ate& Dece(be$ BA& B55A& Alau4a also 3$ote to M$. 1e$(in T. A$6a9a& Vice?P$esi-ent& C$e-it U Collection +$oup of the National Ho(e Mo$t9a9e 1inance Co$po$ation <NHM1C> at Salce-o Villa9e& Ma8ati Cit4& $epu-iatin9 as
f$au-ulent an- )oi- his cont$act 3ith Villa$osa U Co.D an- as8in9 fo$ cancellation of his housin9 loan in connection the$e3ith& 3hich 3as pa4able f$o( sala$4 -e-uctions at the $ate of P&@@!."" a (onth. A(on9 othe$ thin9s& he sai-2
. . . <T>h$ou9h this 3$itten notice& I a( te$(inatin9& as I he$eb4 annul& cancel& $escin- an- )oi-e-& the =(anipulate- cont$act= ente$e- into bet3een (e an- the E.,. Villa$osa U Pa$tne$ Co.& 't-.& as $ep$esente- b4 its sales a9entCcoo$-inato$&
SOPHIA A'A0I& 3ho (aliciousl4 an- f$au-ulentl4 (anipulate- sai- cont$act an- unla3full4 secu$e- an- pu$sue- the housin9 loan 3ithout (4 autho$it4 an- a9ainst (4 3ill. Thus& the cont$act itself is -ee(e- to be )oi- ab initio in )ie3 of the
atten-in9 ci$cu(stances& that (4 consent 3as )itiate- b4 (is$ep$esentation& f$au-& -eceit& -ishonest4& an- abuse of confi-enceD an- that the$e 3as no (eetin9 of the (in-s bet3een (e an- the s3in-lin9 sales a9ent 3ho conceale- the $eal
facts f$o( (e.
An-& as in his lette$ to Villa$osa U Co.& he na$$ate- in so(e -etail 3hat he too8 to be the ano(alous actuations of Sophia Ala3i.
Alau4a 3$ote th$ee othe$ lette$s to M$. A$6a9a of the NHM1C& -ate- 1eb$ua$4 %B& B55E& Ap$il BA& B55E& an- Ma4 @& B55E& in all of 3hich& fo$ the sa(e $easons al$ea-4 cite-& he insiste- on the cancellation of his housin9 loan an- -iscontinuance
of -e-uctions f$o( his sala$4 on account the$eof. a He also 3$ote on .anua$4 B!& B55E to Ms. Co$a6on M. O$-oVe6& Hea- of the 1iscal Mana9e(ent U ,u-9et Office& an- to the Chief& 1inance Di)ision& both of this Cou$t& to stop -e-uctions f$o(
his sala$4 in $elation to the loan in :uestion& a9ain asse$tin9 the ano(alous (anne$ b4 3hich he 3as alle9e-l4 -upe- into ente$in9 into the cont$acts b4 =the sche(in9 sales a9ent.= b
The upshot 3as that in Ma4& B55E& the NHM1C 3$ote to the Sup$e(e Cou$t $e:uestin9 it to stop -e-uctions on Alau4aMs UH'P loan =effecti)e Ma4 B55E.= an- be9an ne9otiatin9 3ith Villa$osa U Co. = fo$ the bu4?bac8 of . . . <Alau4aMs> (o$t9a9e.
an- . . the $efun- of . . <his> pa4(ents.= c
On lea$nin9 of Alau4aMs lette$ to Villa$osa U Co. of Dece(be$ BA& B55A& Sophia Ala3i file- 3ith this Cou$t a )e$ifie- co(plaint -ate- .anua$4 %A& B55E N to 3hich she appen-e- a cop4 of the lette$& an- of the abo)e (entione- en)elope bea$in9
the t4pe3$itten 3o$-s& =1$ee Posta9e ? PD %E.= B In that co(plaint& she accuse- Alau4a of2
B. =I(putation of (alicious an- libelous cha$9es 3ith no soli- 9$oun-s th$ou9h (anifest i9no$ance an- e)i-ent ba- faithD=
%. =Causin9 un-ue in7u$4 to& an- ble(ishin9 he$ hono$ an- establishe- $eputationD=
@. =Unautho$i6e- en7o4(ent of the p$i)ile9e of f$ee posta9e . . .D= an-
. Usu$pation of the title of =atto$ne4&= 3hich onl4 $e9ula$ (e(be$s of the Philippine ,a$ (a4 p$ope$l4 use.
She -eplo$e- Alau4aMs $efe$ences to he$ as =unsc$upulous s3in-le$& fo$9e$& (anipulato$& etc.= 3ithout =e)en a bit of e)i-ence to cloth <sic> his alle9ations 3ith the essence of t$uth&= -enouncin9 his i(putations as i$$esponsible& =all concoctions&
lies& baseless an- couple- 3ith (anifest i9no$ance an- e)i-ent ba- faith&= an- asse$tin9 that all he$ -ealin9s 3ith Alau4a ha- been $e9ula$ an- co(pletel4 t$anspa$ent. She close- 3ith the plea that Alau4a =be -is(isse- f$o( the senice& o$ be
app$op$iatel4 -escipline- <sic> . . .=
The Cou$t $esol)e- to o$-e$ Alau4a to co((ent on the co(plaint& Confo$(abl4 3ith establishe- usa9e that notices of $esolutions e(anate f$o( the co$$espon-in9 Office of the Cle$8 of Cou$t& the notice of $esolution in this case 3as si9ne- b4
Att4. Alf$e-o P. Ma$asi9an& Assistant Di)ision Cle$8 of Cou$t. %
Alau4a fi$st sub(itte- a =P$eli(ina$4 Co((ent= @ in 3hich he :uestione- the autho$it4 of Att4. Ma$asi9an to $e:ui$e an e;planation of hi(& this po3e$ pe$tainin9& acco$-in9 to hi(& not to =a (e$e Asst. Di). Cle$8 of Cou$t in)esti9atin9 an
E;ecuti)e Cle$8 of Cou$t.= but onl4 to the Dist$ict .u-9e& the Cou$t A-(inist$ato$ o$ the Chief .ustice& an- )oice- the suspicion that the Resolution 3as the $esult of a =st$on9 lin8= bet3een Ms. Ala3i an- Att4. Ma$asi9anMs office. He also a)e$$e-
that the co(plaint ha- no factual basisD Ala3i 3as en)ious of hi( fo$ bein9 not onl4 =the E;ecuti)e Cle$8 of Cou$t an- e;?officio P$o)incial She$iff an- Dist$ict Re9ist$a$.= but also =a scion of a Ro4al 1a(il4 . . .=
In a subse:uent lette$ to Att4. Ma$asi9an& but this ti(e in (uch less a99$essi)e& e)en obse:uious tones& A Alau4a $e:ueste- the fo$(e$ to 9i)e hi( a cop4 of the co(plaint in o$-e$ that he (i9ht co((ent the$eon. E He state- that his acts as
cle$8 of cou$t 3e$e -one in 9oo- faith an- 3ithin the confines of the la3D an- that Sophia Ala3i& as sales a9ent of Villa$osa U Co. ha-& b4 falsif4in9 his si9natu$e& f$au-ulentl4 boun- hi( to a housin9 loan cont$act entailin9 (onthl4 -e-uctions of
P&@@@.B" f$o( his sala$4.
An- in his co((ent the$eafte$ sub(itte- un-e$ -ate of .une A& B55E& Alau4a conten-e- that it 3as he 3ho ha- suffe$e- =un-ue in7u$4& (ental an9uish& sleepless ni9hts& 3oun-e- feelin9s an- untol- financial suffe$in9&= consi-e$in9 that in si;
(onths& a total of P%E&"%!.E" ha- been -e-ucte- f$o( his sala$4. # He -ecla$e- that the$e 3as no basis fo$ the co(plaintD in co((unicatin9 3ith Villa$osa U Co. he ha- (e$el4 acte- in -efense of his $i9hts. He -enie- an4 abuse of the f$an8in9
p$i)ile9e& sa4in9 that he 9a)e P%"."" plus t$anspo$tation fa$e to a subo$-inate 3ho( he ent$uste- 3ith the (ailin9 of ce$tain lette$sD that the 3o$-s2 =1$ee Posta9e ? PD %E&= 3e$e t4pe3$itten on the en)elope b4 so(e othe$ pe$son& an a)e$(ent
co$$obo$ate- b4 the affi-a)it of Absa(en C. Do(ocao& Cle$8 IV <subsc$ibe- an- s3o$n to befo$e $espon-ent hi(self& an- attache- to the co((ent as Anne; .>D ! an- as fa$ as he 8ne3& his subo$-inate (aile- the lette$s 3ith the use of the
(one4 he ha- 9i)en fo$ posta9e& an- if those lette$s 3e$e in-ee- (i;e- 3ith the official (ail of the cou$t& this ha- occu$$e- ina-)e$tentl4 an- because of an honest (ista8e. 5
Alau4a 7ustifie- his use of the title& =atto$ne4&= b4 the asse$tion that it is =le;icall4 s4non4(ous= 3ith =Counsello$s?at?la3.= a title to 3hich Sha$iMa la34e$s ha)e a $i9htful clai(& a--in9 that he p$efe$s the title of =atto$ne4= because =counsello$= is
often (ista8en fo$ =councilo$&= =8onsehal= o$ the Ma$anao te$( =consial&= connotin9 a local le9islato$ behol-en to the (a4o$. 0ithal& he -oes not consi-e$ hi(self a la34e$.
He plea-s fo$ the Cou$tMs co(passion& alle9in9 that 3hat he -i- =is e;pecte- of an4 (an un-ul4 p$e7u-ice- an- in7u$e-.= B" He clai(s he 3as (anipulate- into $eposin9 his t$ust in Ala3i& a class(ate an- f$ien-. BB He 3as in-uce- to si9n a
blan8 cont$act on Ala3iMs assu$ance that she 3oul- sho3 the co(plete- -ocu(ent to hi( late$ fo$ co$$ection& but she ha- since a)oi-e- hi(D -espite =nu(e$ous lette$s an- follo3?ups= he still -oes not 8no3 3he$e the p$ope$t4 N sub7ect of his
suppose- a9$ee(ent 3ith Ala3iMs p$incipal& Villa$osa U Co. N is situate-D B% He sa4s Ala3i so(eho3 9ot his +SIS polic4 f$o( his 3ife& an- althou9h she p$o(ise- to $etu$n it the ne;t -a4& she -i- not -o so until afte$ se)e$al (onths. He also
clai(s that in connection 3ith his cont$act 3ith Villa$osa U Co.& Ala3i fo$9e- his si9natu$e on such pe$tinent -ocu(ents as those $e9a$-in9 the -o3n pa4(ent& clea$ance& la4?out& $eceipt of the 8e4 of the house& sala$4 -e-uction& none of 3hich
he e)e$ sa3. B@
A)e$$in9 in fine that his acts in :uestion 3e$e -one 3ithout (alice& Alau4a p$a4s fo$ the -is(issal of the co(plaint fo$ lac8 of (e$it& it consistin9 of =fallacious& (alicious an- baseless alle9ations.= an- co(plainant Ala3i ha)in9 co(e to the Cou$t
3ith unclean han-s& he$ co(plicit4 in the f$au-ulent housin9 loan bein9 appa$ent an- -e(onst$able.
It (a4 be (entione- that in cont$ast to his t3o <%> lette$s to Assistant Cle$8 of Cou$t Ma$asi9an <-ate- Ap$il B5& B55E an- Ap$il %%& B55E>& an- his t3o <%> ea$lie$ lette$s both -ate- Dece(be$ BA& B55E N all of 3hich he si9ne- as =Att4. Asha$4 M.
Alau4a= N in his Co((ent of .une A& B55E& he -oes not use the title but $efe$s to hi(self as =DATU ASHAR* M. A'AU*A.=
The Cou$t $efe$$e- the case to the Office of the Cou$t A-(inist$ato$ fo$ e)aluation& $epo$t an- $eco((en-ation. B
The fi$st accusation a9ainst Alau4a is that in his afo$esai- lette$s& he (a-e =(alicious an- libelous cha$9es <a9ainst Ala3i> 3ith no soli- 9$oun-s th$ou9h (anifest i9no$ance an- e)i-ent ba- faith& $esultin9 in =un-ue in7u$4 to <he$> an- ble(ishin9
he$ hono$ an- establishe- $eputation.= In those lette$s& Alau4a ha- 3$itten inte$ alia that2
B> Ala3i obtaine- his consent to the cont$acts in :uestion =b4 9$oss (is$ep$esentation& -eceit& f$au-& -ishonest4 an- abuse of confi-enceD=
%> Ala3i acte- in ba- faith an- pe$pet$ate- . . . ille9al an- unautho$i6e- acts . . . p$e7u-icial to . . <his> $i9hts an- inte$estsD=
@> Ala3i 3as an =unsc$upulous <an- =s3in-lin9=> sales a9ent= 3ho ha- foole- hi( b4 =-eceit& f$au-& (is$ep$esentation& -ishonest4 an- abuse of confi-enceD= an-
> Ala3i ha- (aliciousl4 an- f$au-ulentl4 (anipulate- the cont$act 3ith Villa$osa U Co.& an- unla3full4 secu$e- an- pu$sue- the housin9 loan 3ithout . . <his> autho$it4 an- a9ainst . . <his> 3ill&= an- =conceale- the $eal facts . . .=
Alau4aMs -efense essentiall4 is that in (a8in9 these state(ents& he 3as (e$el4 actin9 in -efense of his $i9hts& an- -oin9 onl4 3hat =is e;pecte- of an4 (an un-ul4 p$e7u-ice- an- in7u$e-&= 3ho ha- suffe$e- =(ental an9uish& sleepless ni9hts&
3oun-e- feelin9s an- untol- financial suffe$in9& consi-e$in9 that in si; (onths& a total of P%E&"%!.E" ha- been -e-ucte- f$o( his sala$4. BA
The Co-e of Con-uct an- Ethical Stan-a$-s fo$ Public Officials an- E(plo4ees <RA E#B@> inte$ alia enunciates the State polic4 of p$o(otin9 a hi9h stan-a$- of ethics an- ut(ost $esponsibilit4 in the public se$)ice. BE Section of the Co-e
co((an-s that =<p>ublic officials an- e(plo4ees . . at all ti(es $espect the $i9hts of othe$s& an- . . $ef$ain f$o( -oin9 acts cont$a$4 to la3& 9oo- (o$als& 9oo- custo(s& public polic4& public o$-e$& public safet4 an- public inte$est.= B# Mo$e than
once has this Cou$t e(phasi6e- that =the con-uct an- beha)io$ of e)e$4 official an- e(plo4ee of an a9enc4 in)ol)e- in the a-(inist$ation of 7ustice& f$o( the p$esi-in9 7u-9e to the (ost 7unio$ cle$8& shoul- be ci$cu(sc$ibe- 3ith the hea)4
bu$-en of $esponsibilit4. Thei$ con-uct (ust at all ti(es be cha$acte$i6e- b4& a(on9 othe$s& st$ict p$op$iet4 an- -eco$u( so as to ea$n an- 8eep the $espect of the public fo$ the 7u-icia$4.= B!
No3& it -oes not appea$ to the Cou$t consistent 3ith 9oo- (o$als& 9oo- custo(s o$ public polic4& o$ $espect fo$ the $i9hts of othe$s& to couch -enunciations of acts belie)e- N ho3e)e$ since$el4 N to be -eceitful& f$au-ulent o$ (alicious& in
e;cessi)el4 inte(pe$ate& insultin9 o$ )i$ulent lan9ua9e. Alau4a is e)i-entl4 con)ince- that he has a $i9ht of action a9ainst Sophia Ala3i. The la3 $e:ui$es that he e;e$cise that $i9ht 3ith p$op$iet4& 3ithout (alice o$ )in-icti)eness& o$ un-ue ha$(
to an4oneD in a (anne$ consistent 3ith 9oo- (o$als& 9oo- custo(s& public polic4& public o$-e$& sup$aD o$ othe$3ise state-& that he =act 3ith 7ustice& 9i)e e)e$4one his -ue& an- obse$)e honest4 an- 9oo-
faith.= B5 Ri9hteous in-i9nation& o$ )in-ication of $i9ht cannot 7ustif4 $eso$t to )itupe$ati)e lan9ua9e& o$ -o3n$i9ht na(e?callin9. As a (e(be$ of the Sha$iMa ,a$ an- an office$ of a Cou$t& Ala3i is sub7ect to a stan-a$- of con-uct (o$e st$in9ent
than fo$ (ost othe$ 9o)e$n(ent 3o$8e$s. As a (an of the la3& he (a4 not use lan9ua9e 3hich is abusi)e& offensi)e& scan-alous& (enacin9& o$ othe$3ise i(p$ope$. %" As a 7u-icial e(plo4ee& it is e;pecte- that he acco$- $espect fo$ the pe$son
an- the $i9hts of othe$s at all ti(es& an- that his e)e$4 act an- 3o$- shoul- be cha$acte$i6e- b4 p$u-ence& $est$aint& cou$tes4& -i9nit4. His $a-ical -e)iation f$o( these saluta$4 no$(s (i9ht pe$haps be (iti9ate-& but cannot be e;cuse-& b4 his
st$on9l4 hel- con)iction that he ha- been 9$ie)ousl4 3$on9e-.
As $e9a$-s Alau4aMs use of the title of =Atto$ne4&= this Cou$t has al$ea-4 ha- occasion to -ecla$e that pe$sons 3ho pass the Sha$iMa ,a$ a$e not full?fle-9e- (e(be$s of the Philippine ,a$& hence (a4 onl4 p$actice la3 befo$e Sha$iMa cou$ts. %B
0hile one 3ho has been a-(itte- to the Sha$iMa ,a$& an- one 3ho has been a-(itte- to the Philippine ,a$& (a4 both be consi-e$e- =counsello$s&= in the sense that the4 9i)e counsel o$ a-)ice in a p$ofessional capacit4& onl4 the latte$ is an
=atto$ne4.= The title of =atto$ne4= is $ese$)e- to those 3ho& ha)in9 obtaine- the necessa$4 -e9$ee in the stu-4 of la3 an- successfull4 ta8en the ,a$ E;a(inations& ha)e been a-(itte- to the Inte9$ate- ,a$ of the Philippines an- $e(ain (e(be$s
the$eof in 9oo- stan-in9D an- it is the4 onl4 3ho a$e autho$i6e- to p$actice la3 in this 7u$is-iction.
Alau4a sa4s he -oes not 3ish to use the title& =counsello$= o$ =counsello$?at?la3& = because in his $e9ion& the$e a$e pe7o$ati)e connotations to the te$(& o$ it is confusin9l4 si(ila$ to that 9i)en to local le9islato$s. The $atiocination& )ali- o$ not& is of
no (o(ent. His -isinclination to use the title of =counsello$= -oes not 3a$$ant his use of the title of atto$ne4.
1inall4& $espectin9 Alau4aMs alle9e- unautho$i6e- use of the f$an8in9 p$i)ile9e& %% the $eco$- contains no e)i-ence a-e:uatel4 establishin9 the accusation.
0HERE1ORE& $espon-ent Asha$i M. Alau4a is he$eb4 REPRIMANDED fo$ the use of e;cessi)el4 inte(pe$ate& insultin9 o$ )i$ulent lan9ua9e& i.e.& lan9ua9e unbeco(in9 a 7u-icial office$& an- fo$ usu$pin9 the title of atto$ne4D an- he is 3a$ne-
that an4 si(ila$ o$ othe$ i(p$op$iet4 o$ (iscon-uct in the futu$e 3ill be -ealt 3ith (o$e se)e$el4.
Republic of the Philippines
Dece(be$ #& B5%!
1elipe -el Rosa$io in his o3n behalf.
Cit4 1iscal +ue)a$a fo$ the +o)e$n(ent.

MA'CO'M& ..2
The supple(enta$4 $epo$t on ba$ e;a(ination i$$e9ula$ities of the fiscal of the Cit4 of Manila& -ealin9 3ith the case of 1elipe -el Rosa$io& has been lai- befo$e the cou$t fo$ consi-e$ation an- action. It is $eco((en-e- b4 the cit4 fiscal that 1elipe
-el Rosa$io be o$-e$e- to su$$en-e$ his ce$tificate of atto$ne4 an- that he be fo$e)e$ p$ohibite- f$o( ta8in9 the ba$ e;a(ination. An ans3e$ to the $epo$t has been pe$(itte- to be (a-e& in 3hich the cou$t is as8e- to -isapp$o)e the $epo$t an- to
-i$ect the settin9 asi-e of the suspension to p$actice la3 b4 the $espon-ent& he$etofo$e o$-e$e- b4 the cou$t.
1elipe -el Rosa$io 3as a can-i-ate in the ba$ e;a(ination 3ho faile- fo$ the secon- ti(e in B5%A. He p$esente- hi(self fo$ the succee-in9 ba$ e;a(ination in B5%E an- a9ain 3as unable to obtain the $e:ui$e- $atin9. Then on Ma$ch %5& B5%#&
he autho$i6e- the filin9 of a (otion fo$ the $e)ision of his pape$s fo$ B5%A base- on an alle9e- (ista8e in the co(putation of his 9$a-es. The cou$t& actin9 in 9oo- faith& 9$ante- this (otion& an- a-(itte- 1elipe -el Rosa$io to the ba$& but 3ith
7ustices -issentin9. Subse:uentl4& -u$in9 the 9ene$al in)esti9ation of ba$ e;a(ination (atte$s bein9 con-ucte- b4 the cit4 fiscal& this case 3as ta8en up& 3ith the $esult that a c$i(inal cha$9e 3as lo-9e- in the Cou$t of 1i$st Instance of Manila
a9ainst .uan Villaflo$& a fo$(e$ e(plo4ee of the cou$t an- 1elipe -el Rosa$io. Villaflo$ plea-e- 9uilt4 to the info$(ation an- 3as sentence- acco$-in9l4. Del Rosa$io plea-e- not 9uilt4& an- at the conclusion of the t$ial 3as ac:uitte- fo$ lac8 of
The ac:uittal of 1elipe -el Rosa$io upon the c$i(inal cha$9e is not a ba$ to these p$ocee-in9s. The cou$t is no3 actin9 in an enti$el4 -iffe$ent capacit4 f$o( that 3hich cou$ts assu(e in t$4in9 c$i(inal cases. It is as8in9 a 9$eat -eal of the
(e(be$s of the cou$t to ha)e the( belie)e that 1elipe -el Rosa$io 3as totall4 una3a$e of the ille9al (achinations cul(inatin9 in the falsification of public -ocu(ents& of 3hich he 3as the sole beneficia$4. In-ee-& the con)iction of .uan Villaflo$ in
itself -e(onst$ates that 1elipe -el Rosa$io has no le9al $i9ht to his atto$ne4Ms ce$tificate. 0hile to a-(it 1elipe -el Rosa$io a9ain to the ba$ e;a(ination 3oul- be tanta(ount to a -ecla$ation of p$ofessional pu$it4 3hich 3e a$e totall4 unable to
p$onounce. The p$actice of the la3 is not an absolute $i9ht to be 9$ante- e)e$4 one 3ho -e(an-s it& but is a p$i)ile9e to be e;ten-e- o$ 3ithhel- in the e;e$cise of a soun- -isc$etion. The stan-a$-s of the le9al p$ofession a$e not satisfie- b4
con-uct 3hich (e$el4 enables one to escape the penalties of the c$i(inal la3. It 3oul- be a -is9$ace to the .u-icia$4 to $ecei)e one 3hose inte9$it4 is :uestionable as an office$ of the cou$t& to clothe hi( 3ith all the p$esti9e of its confi-ence&
an- then to pe$(it hi( to hol- hi(self out as a -ul4 autho$i6e- (e(be$ of the ba$. <In $e Te$$ell KB5"@L& % Phil.& %EED People e; $el. Colo$a-o ,a$ Association )s. Tho(as KB5"EL& @E Colo.& B%ED B" Ann. Cas.& !!E an- noteD People )s. Macaule4
KB5"#L& %@" Ill.& %"!D E; pa$te 0all KB!!%L& B"# U. S.& %EA.>
The $eco((en-ation containe- in the special $epo$t pe$tainin9 to 1elipe -el Rosa$io is app$o)e-& an- 3ithin a pe$io- of ten -a4s f$o( $eceipt of notice& the $espon-ent shall su$$en-e$ his atto$ne4Ms ce$tificate to the cle$8 of this cou$t.
Republic of the Philippines
+.R. No. @A5@ Ma$ch %@& B5"#
C.0. NE* an- .UAN +ARCIA ,OS/UE& -efen-ants.
Atto$ne4?+ene$al A$aneta fo$ plaintiff.
C.0. Ne4 fo$ -efen-ants.
TRACE*& ..2
This p$ocee-in9 is to punish the -efen-ants fo$ conte(pt.
In the 4ea$ B5"% this cou$t -eci-e- that the -efen-ant& .. +a$cia ,os:ue& 3as not entitle- to a-(ission to p$actice la3 in the Philippine Islan-s& upon the 9$oun- that afte$ the chan9e of so)e$ei9nt4 he ha- electe- to $e(ain a Spanish sub7ect
an- as such 3as not :ualifie- fo$ a-(ission to the ba$ <In $e ,os:ue& B Phil. Rep.& !!>& an- an o$-e$ 3as ente$e- acco$-in9l4.
In the 4ea$ B5" he (a-e an a$$an9e(ent 3ith the -efen-ant Ne4& a p$acticin9 atto$ne4& to ca$$4 on business to9ethe$& sen-in9 out a ci$cula$ si9ne- =Ne4 U ,os:ue&= statin9 that the4 ha- establishe- an office fo$ the 9ene$al p$actice of la3 in all
the cou$ts of the Islan-s an- that ,os:ue 3oul- -e)ote hi(self especiall4 to consultation an- office 3o$8 $elatin9 to Spanish la3. The pape$ 3as hea-e- ='a3 Office N Ne4 U ,os:ue. .uan +. ,os:ue& 7u$isconsulto espaVol N C.0. Ne4&
abo9a-o a(e$icano.=
Since that ti(e the -efen-ant ,os:ue has not pe$sonall4 appea$e- in the cou$ts& an- 3ith one e;ception& occu$in9 th$ou9h an ina-)e$tance& pape$s f$o( the office 3e$e si9ne- not 3ith the fi$( na(e alone no$ 3ith an4 -esi9nation of the fi$( as
atto$ne4s& but 3ith the 3o$-s =Ne4 U ,os:ue N C.0. Ne4& abo9a-o.=
On t3o occasions& one on Ma4 B& B5"A& an- the othe$ on Septe(be$ BA& B5"E& this cou$t $efuse- to consi-e$ petitions so sin9e- 3ith the na(es of the -efen-ants an- the p$actice bein9 $epeate-& on the %n- -a4 of Octobe$& B5"E& o$-e$e- the
pape$s sent to the Atto$ne4?+ene$al to ta8e app$op$iate action the$eon& an- he the$eupon institute- this p$ocee-in9.
The -efen-ants -isclai( an4 intentional conte(pt& an- -efen- thei$ acts as bein9 3ithin the la3.
Section B"% of the Co-e of Ci)il p$oce-u$e& p$o)i-in9 that e)e$4 plea-in9 (ust be subsc$ibe- b4 the pa$t4 o$ his atto$ne4& -oes not pe$(it& an- b4 i(plication p$ohibits& a subsc$iption of the na(es of an4 othe$ pe$sons& 3hethe$ a9ents o$
othe$3iseD the$efo$e a si9natu$e containin9 the na(e of one neithe$ a pa$t4 no$ an atto$ne4 3as not a co(pliance 3ith this section& no$ 3as it ai-e- b4 the too ob)ious subte$fu9e of the a--ition of the in-i)i-ual na(e of a license- atto$ne4. The
ille9alit4 in this instance 3as a99$a)ate- b4 the fact that one of the a9ents so na(e- 3as a pe$son $esi-in9 in these Islan-s to 3ho( this cou$t ha- e;p$essl4 -enie- a-(ission to the ba$. The pape$s in :uestion 3e$e i$$e9ula$ an- 3e$e p$ope$l4
$e7ecte-. 0e $efuse to $eco9ni6e as a p$actice an4 si9natu$e of na(es appen-e- to plea-in9s o$ othe$ pape$s in an action othe$ than those specifie- in the statute. A si9natu$e b4 a9ents a(ounts to a si9nin9 b4 non?:ualifie- atto$ne4s& the
office of atto$ne4 bein9 o$i9inall4 one of a9enc4. <In $e Coope$& %% N.*.& E#.> 0e -o not& ho3e)e$& (ean to -iscountenance the use of a suitable fi$( -esi9nation b4 pa$tne$s& all of 3ho( ha)e been -ul4 a-(itte- to p$actice.
It is to be note- that 3e a$e not no3 consi-e$in9 an application fo$ the suspension o$ $e(o)al of the -efen-ant Ne4 f$o( his office as atto$ne4. The -efen-ant ,os:ue& not bein9 an office$ of the cou$t& coul- not be p$ocee-e- a9ainst in that 3a4&
an- p$obabl4 fo$ that $eason the Atto$ne4?+ene$al institute- this fo$( of p$ocee-in9.
Shoul- eithe$ of these -efen-ants be thus punishe- fo$ conte(ptW
Section %@% of the Co-e of Ci)il P$oce-u$e -esc$ibes conte(pt as follo3s2
B. Disobe-ience of o$ $esistance to a la3ful 3$it& p$ocess& o$-e$& 7u-9(ent& o$ co((an- of a cou$t& o$ in7unction 9$ante- b4 a cou$t o$ 7u-9eD
%. Misbeha)io$ of an office$ of the cou$t in the pe$fo$(ance of his official -uties o$ in his official t$ansactions.
0he$e the la3 -efines conte(pt& the po3e$ of the cou$ts is $est$icte- to punish(ent fo$ acts so -efine-. <E; pa$te Robinson& !E U.S.& A"A.>
As to the fi$st sub-i)ision of this section& no -i$ect o$-e$ o$ co((an- of this cou$t has been -isobe4e- o$ $esiste- b4 the -efen-ant Ne4. The onl4 o$-e$ that the -efen-ant ,os:ue can ha)e -isobe4e- is the one -en4in9 hi( the $i9ht to p$actice
la3. This o$-e$& ho3e)e$& 3as -i$ectl4 bin-in9 upon hi(& not3ithstan-in9 p$ocee-in9s ta8en fo$ its $e)ie3& an- an4 hope on his pa$t of ulti(atel4 $e)e$sin9 it fu$nishe- no e;cuse fo$ its )iolation. E)en ha- he been entitle- un-e$ the statute to
p$actice la3 3ithout an4 license f$o( the cou$t an- 3ithout an application to it& 4et its o$-e$ (a-e on his o3n petition. A (an-ate of the cou$t& 3hile in fo$ce& (ust be obe4e-. The i$$e9ula$ si9natu$e to pape$s& thou9h affi;e- b4 his associate& ha-
his autho$i6ation an- constitutes a substantial atte(pt to en9a9e in p$actice. Mo$eo)e$ the fi$( ci$cula$ in settin9 fo$th the establish(ent of an office fo$ the 9ene$al p$actice of la3 in all the cou$ts of the Islan-s& a(ounte- to an asse$tion of his
$i9ht an- pu$pose& not effecti)el4 :ualifie- b4 the a--ition that he 3oul- -e)ote hi(self to consultation an- office 3o$8 $elatin9 to Spanish la3. Spanish la3 pla4s an i(po$tant pa$t in the e:uip(ent of a la34e$ in the A$chipela9o& stan-in9 on a
-iffe$ent footin9 f$o( the la3 of othe$ fo$ei9n count$ies& in $e9a$- to 3hich a s8ille- pe$son (i9ht as a callin9& a-)ise 3ithout p$acticin9 la3. The fact state- on the ci$cula$ that he 3as a Spanish la34e$ -i- not a(ount to a -isclai(e$ of his
p$ofessional cha$acte$ in the Islan-s. In-epen-ent of statuto$4 p$o)isions& a fo$ei9ne$ is not b4 $eason of his status -is:ualifie- f$o( p$acticin9 la3. One of the (ost e(inent A(e$ican a-)ocates 3as an alien ba$$iste$ a-(itte- to the ba$ afte$ a
contest in the cou$t of Ne3 *o$8 State. <In $e Tho(as A--is E((ett& % CainMs Cases& @!E.> Conse:uentl4 the con-uct of the -efen-ant ,os:ue a(ounts to -isobe-ience of an o$-e$ (a-e in a p$ocee-in9 to 3hich he 3as a pa$t4.
Un-e$ the secon- sub-i)ision of the section cite-& ,os:ue is ob)iousl4 not ans3e$able& inas(uch as he 3as not an office$ of the cou$t. On the othe$ han-& un-e$ this sub-i)ision& the -efen-ant Ne4& as an a-(itte- atto$ne4& is liable if his
con-uct a(ounte- to (isbeha)io$. 0e a$e of the opinion that it -i-. In the offense of ,os:ue in hol-in9 hi(self out as a 9ene$al p$actitione$ Ne4 pa$ticipate-& an- fo$ the i(p$ope$ si9natu$e of the plea-in9s he 3as chiefl4 an- pe$sonall4
$esponsible. It is i(possible to sa4 that the si9natu$e itself 3as a )iolation of the la3& an- 4et hol- 9uiltless the (an 3ho $epeate-l4 3$ote it. Mo$eo)e$ 3e $e9$et to a-- that his pe$sistent an- $ash -is$e9a$- of the $ulin9s of the cou$t has not
co((en-e- hi( to ou$ in-ul9ence& 3hile the offensi)e cha$acte$ of ce$tain pape$s $ecentl4 file- b4 hi( fo$bi-s us f$o( p$esu(in9 on the hope of his )olunta$il4 confo$(in9 to the custo(a$4 stan-a$- of (e(be$s of the ba$.
The 7u-9(ent of the cou$t is that each of the -efen-ants is fine- in the su( of %"" pesos& to be pai- into the office of the cle$8 of this cou$t 3ithin ten -a4s& 3ith the costs -e oficio. So o$-e$e-.
Republic of the Philippines

+.R. No. BBB# Au9ust %%& B55
1IVE . TAFI an-Co$ .UAN S. ARMAMENTO& petitione$s&
E-9a$-o +. 1e$nan-e6 fo$ petitione$s.
R E SO ' U T I O N

RE+A'ADO& ..2
Petitione$s 1i)e . Ta;i an-Co$ .uan S. A$(a(ento file- this special ci)il action fo$ ce$tio$a$i to annul the -ecision B of $espon-ent National 'abo$ Relations Co((ission <N'RC> o$-e$in9 petitione$s to pa4 p$i)ate $espon-ents Do(in9o Mal-i9an
an- +ilbe$to Sabsalon thei$ accu(ulate- -eposits an- ca$ 3ash pa4(ents& plus inte$est the$eon at the le9al $ate f$o( the -ate of p$o(ul9ation of 7u-9(ent to the -ate of actual pa4(ent& an- B"X of the total a(ount as an- fo$ atto$ne4Ms fees.
0e ha)e 9i)en -ue cou$se to this petition fo$& 3hile to the c4nical the -e (ini(is a(ounts in)ol)e- shoul- not i(pose upon the )aluable ti(e of this Cou$t& 3e fin- the$ein a nee- to cla$if4 so(e issues the $esolution of 3hich a$e i(po$tant to
s(all 3a9e ea$ne$s such as ta;icab -$i)e$s. As 3e ha)e he$etofo$e $epeate-l4 -e(onst$ate-& this Cou$t -oes not e;ist onl4 fo$ the $ich o$ the po3e$ful& 3ith thei$ $epute- (onu(ental cases of national i(pact. It is also the Cou$t of the poo$ o$
the un-e$p$i)ile9e-& 3ith the actual :uoti-ian p$oble(s that beset thei$ in-i)i-ual li)es.
P$i)ate $espon-ents Do(in9o Mal-i9an an- +ilbe$to Sabsalon 3e$e hi$e- b4 the petitione$s as ta;i -$i)e$s % an-& as such& the4 3o$8e- fo$ -a4s 3ee8l4 on a %?hou$ shiftin9 sche-ule. Asi-e f$o( the -ail4 =boun-a$4= of P#""."" fo$ ai$?
con-itione- ta;i o$ PA"."" fo$ non?ai$?con-itione- ta;i& the4 3e$e also $e:ui$e- to pa4 P%"."" fo$ ca$ 3ashin9& an- to fu$the$ (a8e a PBA."" -eposit to ans3e$ fo$ an4 -eficienc4 in thei$ =boun-a$4&= fo$ e)e$4 actual 3o$8in9 -a4.
In less than (onths afte$ Mal-i9an 3as hi$e- as an e;t$a -$i)e$ b4 the petitione$s& he al$ea-4 faile- to $epo$t fo$ 3o$8 fo$ un8no3n $easons. 'ate$& petitione$s lea$ne- that he 3as 3o$8in9 fo$ =Mine of +ol-= Ta;i Co(pan4. 0ith $espect to
Sabsalon& 3hile -$i)in9 a ta;icab of petitione$s on Septe(be$ E& B5!@& he 3as hel- up b4 his a$(e- passen9e$ 3ho too8 all his (one4 an- the$eafte$ stabbe- hi(. He 3as hospitali6e- an- afte$ his -ischa$9e& he 3ent to his ho(e p$o)ince to
In .anua$4& B5!#& Sabsalon 3as $e?a-(itte- b4 petitione$s as a ta;i -$i)e$ un-e$ the sa(e te$(s an- con-itions as 3hen he 3as fi$st e(plo4e-& but his 3o$8in9 sche-ule 3as (a-e on an =alte$nati)e basis&= that is& he -$o)e onl4 e)e$4 othe$
-a4. Ho3e)e$& on se)e$al occasions& he faile- to $epo$t fo$ 3o$8 -u$in9 his sche-ule.
On Septe(be$ %%& B55B& Sabsalon faile- to $e(it his =boun-a$4= of P#""."" fo$ the p$e)ious -a4. Also& he aban-one- his ta;icab in Ma8ati 3ithout fuel $efill 3o$th P@""."". Despite $epeate- $e:uests of petitione$s fo$ hi( to $epo$t fo$ 3o$8& he
a-a(antl4 $efuse-. Afte$3a$-s it 3as $e)eale- that he 3as -$i)in9 a ta;i fo$ =,ula8la8 Co(pan4.=
So(eti(e in B5!5& Mal-i9an $e:ueste- petitione$s fo$ the $ei(bu$se(ent of his -ail4 cash -eposits fo$ % 4ea$s& but he$ein petitione$s tol- hi( that not a sin9le centa)o 3as left of his -eposits as these 3e$e not e)en enou9h to co)e$ the a(ount
spent fo$ the $epai$s of the ta;i he 3as -$i)in9. This 3as alle9e-l4 the p$actice a-opte- b4 petitione$s to $ecoup the e;penses incu$$e- in the $epai$ of thei$ ta;icab units. 0hen Mal-i9an insiste- on the $efun- of his -eposit& petitione$s te$(inate-
his se$)ices. Sabsalon& on his pa$t& clai(e- that his te$(ination f$o( e(plo4(ent 3as effecte- 3hen he $efuse- to pa4 fo$ the 3ashin9 of his ta;i seat co)e$s.
On No)e(be$ %#& B55B& p$i)ate $espon-ents file- a co(plaint 3ith the Manila A$bit$ation Office of the National 'abo$ Relations Co((ission cha$9in9 petitione$s 3ith ille9al -is(issal an- ille9al -e-uctions. That co(plaint 3as -is(isse-& the
labo$ a$bite$ hol-in9 that it too8 p$i)ate $espon-ents t3o 4ea$s to file the sa(e an- such un$easonable -ela4 3as not consistent 3ith the natu$al $eaction of a pe$son 3ho clai(e- to be un7ustl4 t$eate-& hence the filin9 of the case coul- be
inte$p$ete- as a (e$e afte$thou9ht.
Respon-ent N'RC concu$$e- in sai- fin-in9s& 3ith the obse$)ation that p$i)ate $espon-ents faile- to cont$o)e$t the e)i-ence sho3in9 that Mal-i9an 3as e(plo4e- b4 =Mine of +ol-= Ta;i Co(pan4 f$o( 1eb$ua$4 B"& B5!# to Dece(be$ B"&
B55"D that Sabsalon aban-one- his ta;icab on Septe(be$ B& B55"D an- that the4 )olunta$il4 left thei$ 7obs fo$ si(ila$ e(plo4(ent 3ith othe$ ta;i ope$ato$s. It& acco$-in9l4& affi$(e- the $ulin9 of the labo$ a$bite$ that p$i)ate $espon-entsM se$)ices
3e$e not ille9all4 te$(inate-. It& ho3e)e$& (o-ifie- the -ecision of the labo$ a$bite$ b4 o$-e$in9 petitione$s to pa4 p$i)ate $espon-ents the a3a$-s state- at the be9innin9 of this $esolution.
Petitione$sM (otion fo$ $econsi-e$ation ha)in9 been -enie- b4 the N'RC& this petition is no3 befo$e us i(putin9 9$a)e abuse of -isc$etion on the pa$t of sai- public $espon-ent.
This Cou$t has $epeate-l4 -ecla$e- that the factual fin-in9s of :uasi?7u-icial a9encies li8e the N'RC& 3hich ha)e ac:ui$e- e;pe$tise because thei$ 7u$is-iction is confine- to specific (atte$s& a$e 9ene$all4 acco$-e- not onl4 $espect but& at ti(es&
finalit4 if such fin-in9s a$e suppo$te- b4 substantial e)i-ence. @ 0he$e& ho3e)e$& such conclusions a$e not suppo$te- b4 the e)i-ence& the4 (ust be st$uc8 -o3n fo$ bein9 3hi(sical an- cap$icious an-& the$efo$e& a$$i)e- at 3ith 9$a)e abuse of
Respon-ent N'RC hel- that the PBA."" -ail4 -eposits (a-e b4 $espon-ents to -ef$a4 an4 sho$ta9e in thei$ =boun-a$4= is co)e$e- b4 the 9ene$al p$ohibition in A$ticle BB of the 'abo$ Co-e a9ainst $e:ui$in9 e(plo4ees to (a8e -eposits& an-
that the$e is no sho3in9 that the Sec$eta$4 of 'abo$ has $eco9ni6e- the sa(e as a =p$actice= in the ta;i in-ust$4. Conse:uentl4& the -eposits (a-e 3e$e ille9al an- the $espon-ents (ust be $efun-e- the$efo$.
A$ticle BB of the 'abo$ Co-e p$o)i-es as follo3s2
A$t. BB. Deposits fo$ loss o$ -a(a9e. N No e(plo4e$ shall $e:ui$e his 3o$8e$ to (a8e -eposits f$o( 3hich -e-uctions shall be (a-e fo$ the $ei(bu$se(ent of loss of o$ -a(a9e to tools& (ate$ials& o$ e:uip(ent supplie- b4 the e(plo4e$&
e;cept 3hen the e(plo4e$ is en9a9e- in such t$a-es& occupations o$ business 3he$e the p$actice of (a8in9 -eposits is a $eco9ni6e- one& o$ is necessa$4 o$ -esi$able as -ete$(ine- b4 the Sec$eta$4 of 'abo$ in app$op$iate $ules an-
It can be -e-uce- the$ef$o( that the sai- a$ticle p$o)i-es the $ule on -eposits fo$ loss o$ -a(a9e to tools& (ate$ials o$ e:uip(ents supplie- b4 the e(plo4e$. Clea$l4& the sa(e -oes not appl4 to o$ pe$(it -eposits to -ef$a4 an4 -eficienc4 3hich
the ta;i -$i)e$ (a4 incu$ in the $e(ittance of his =boun-a$4.= Also& 3hen p$i)ate $espon-ents stoppe- 3o$8in9 fo$ petitione$s& the alle9e- pu$pose fo$ 3hich petitione$s $e:ui$e- such unautho$i6e- -eposits no lon9e$ e;iste-. In othe$ case& an4
balance -ue to p$i)ate $espon-ents afte$ p$ope$ accountin9 (ust be $etu$ne- to the( 3ith le9al inte$est.
Ho3e)e$& the un$ebutte- e)i-ence 3ith $e9a$- to the clai( of Sabsalon is as follo3s2
B5!# P B&"@."" P AE#."" P B&""".""
B5!! #%"."" #E"."" %"".""
B5!5 E!E."" B@"."" B&A"".""
B55" E"A."" A#".""
B55B BEA."" %&@"".""
P @&A#5."" P &@%#."" P %&#"".""
The fo$e9oin9 accountin9 sho3s that f$o( B5!#?B55B& Sabsalon 3as able to 3ith-$a3 his -eposits th$ou9h )ales o$ he incu$$e- sho$ta9es& such that he is e)en in-ebte- to petitione$s in the a(ount of P@&!."". 0ith $espect to Mal-i9anMs
-eposits& nothin9 3as (entione- :uestionin9 the sa(e e)en in the p$esent petition. 0e acco$-in9l4 a9$ee 3ith the $eco((en-ation of the Solicito$ +ene$al that since the e)i-ence sho3s that he ha- not 3ith-$a3n the sa(e& he shoul- be
$ei(bu$se- the a(ount of his accu(ulate- cash -eposits. A
On the (atte$ of the ca$ 3ash pa4(ents& the labo$ a$bite$ ha- this to sa4 in his -ecision2 =Anent the issue of ille9al -e-uctions& the$e is no -ispute that as a (atte$ of p$actice in the ta;i in-ust$4& afte$ a tou$ of -ut4& it is incu(bent upon the -$i)e$
to $esto$e the unit he has -$i)en to the sa(e clean con-ition 3hen he too8 it out& an- as clai(e- b4 the $espon-ents <petitione$s in the p$esent case>& co(plainant<s> <p$i)ate $espon-ents he$ein> 3e$e (a-e to shoul-e$ the e;penses fo$
3ashin9& the a(ount -ole- out 3as pai- -i$ectl4 to the pe$son 3ho 3ashe- the unit& thus 3e fin- nothin9 ille9al in this p$actice& (uch (o$e <sic> to consi-e$ the a(ount pai- b4 the -$i)e$ as ille9al -e-uction in the conte;t of the la3.= E <0o$-s in
pa$entheses a--e-.>
Conse:uentl4& p$i)ate $espon-ents a$e not entitle- to the $efun- of the P%"."" ca$ 3ash pa4(ents the4 (a-e. It 3ill be note- that the$e 3as nothin9 to p$e)ent p$i)ate $espon-ents f$o( cleanin9 the ta;i units the(sel)es& if the4 3ante- to sa)e
thei$ P%"."". Also& as the Solicito$ +ene$al co$$ectl4 note-& ca$ 3ashin9 afte$ a tou$ of -ut4 is a p$actice in the ta;i in-ust$4& an- is& in fact& -ictate- b4 fai$ pla4.
On the last issue of atto$ne4Ms fees o$ se$)ice fees fo$ p$i)ate $espon-entsM autho$i6e- $ep$esentati)e& A$ticle %%% of the 'abo$ Co-e& as a(en-e- b4 Section @ of P$esi-ential Dec$ee No. BE5B& states that non?la34e$s (a4 appea$ befo$e the
N'RC o$ an4 labo$ a$bite$ onl4 <B> if the4 $ep$esent the(sel)es& o$ <%> if the4 $ep$esent thei$ o$9ani6ation o$ the (e(be$s the$eof. 0hile it (a4 be t$ue that +uille$(o H. Pulia 3as the autho$i6e- $ep$esentati)e of p$i)ate $espon-ents& he 3as a
non?la34e$ 3ho -i- not fall in eithe$ of the fo$e9oin9 cate9o$ies. Hence& b4 clea$ (an-ate of the la3& he is not entitle- to atto$ne4Ms fees.
1u$the$(o$e& the statuto$4 $ule that an atto$ne4 shall be entitle- to ha)e an- $eco)e$ f$o( his client a $easonable co(pensation fo$ his se$)ices # necessa$il4 i(po$ts the e;istence of an atto$ne4?client $elationship as a con-ition fo$ the $eco)e$4
of atto$ne4Ms fees& an- such $elationship cannot e;ist unless the clientMs $ep$esentati)e is a la34e$. !
0HERE1ORE& the :uestione- 7u-9(ent of $espon-ent National 'abo$ Relations Co((ission is he$eb4 MODI1IED b4 -eletin9 the a3a$-s fo$ $ei(bu$se(ent of ca$ 3ash e;penses an- atto$ne4Ms fees an- -i$ectin9 sai- public $espon-ent to
o$-e$ an- effect the co(putation an- pa4(ent b4 petitione$s of the $efun- fo$ p$i)ate $espon-ent Do(in9o Mal-i9anMs -eposits& plus le9al inte$est the$eon f$o( the -ate of finalit4 of this $esolution up to the -ate of actual pa4(ent the$eof.
Republic of the Philippines
A.C. No. ABEB Ap$il B& %""
ISIDRA TIN+?DUMA'I& co(plainant&
ATT*. RO'ANDO S. TORRES& $espon-ent.
R E S O ' U T I O N
In a Co(plaint?Affi-a)itB file- on %% Octobe$ B555 3ith this Cou$t& co(plainant Isi-$a Tin9?Du(ali cha$9es $espon-ent Att4. Rolan-o S. To$$es 3ith p$esentation of false testi(on4D pa$ticipation in& consent to& an- failu$e to a-)ise a9ainst& the
fo$9e$4 of co(plainantJs si9natu$e in a pu$po$te- Dee- of E;t$a7u-icial Settle(entD an- 9$oss (is$ep$esentation in cou$t fo$ the pu$pose of p$ofitin9 f$o( such fo$9e$4& the$eb4 )iolatin9 his oath as a la34e$ an- the canons of le9al an- 7u-icial
The co(plainant is one of the si; chil-$en of the late spouses .ulita Re4nante an- Vicente Tin9. He$ siblin9s a$e Ma$celina T. Ri)e$aD Mi$ia( T. Sa$iaD 1elicisi(a T. To$$es& 3ho is (a$$ie- to he$ein $espon-entD Vicente Tin9& .$.D an- Eliseo Tin9.
Thei$ pa$ents -ie- intestate an- left se)e$al pa$cels of lan-& to 3it2
a> One half of 'ot BA!E of the San 1$ancisco -e Malabon Estate& containin9 an a$ea of @&5"! s:ua$e (ete$s (o$e o$ less& an- co)e$e- at that ti(e b4 TCT No. <T?E%"@> RT?B5BAB of the Re9ist$4 of Dee-s of Ca)iteD
b> 'ot BE"@ of the San 1$ancisco -e Malabon Estate& containin9 an a$ea of BE&"#@ s:ua$e (ete$s& (o$e o$ less& an- co)e$e- at that ti(e b4 TCT No. <T?E%A> RT?#E!! of the Re9ist$4 of Dee-s of Ca)iteD
c> 'ot BE"A of the San 1$ancisco -e Malabon Estate& containin9 an a$ea of %%&B@B s:ua$e (ete$s& (o$e o$ less an- co)e$e- at that ti(e b4 TCT No. T? B!E5 of the Re9ist$4 of Dee-s of Ca)ite.
Acco$-in9 to the co(plainant& the $espon-ent too8 a-)anta9e of his $elationship 3ith he$ an- he$ b$othe$s an- use- his p$ofession to -ep$i)e the( of 3hat 3as la3full4 -ue the( e)en if it in)ol)e- the co((ission of an ille9al& unla3ful& o$
i((o$al act. She att$ibutes to the $espon-ent the follo3in9 acts o$ o(issions2
B. The $espon-ent pa$ticipate- in& consente- to& an- faile- to a-)ise a9ainst& the pe$7u$4 co((itte- b4 his 3ife 1elicisi(a an- his siste$?in?la3 Mi$ia( 3hen the4 e;ecute- a Dee- of E;t$a7u-icial Settle(ent of Estate -ate- BB No)e(be$ B5!E&
3he$ein the t3o (a-e it appea$ that the4 3e$e the sole hei$s of the late spouses .ulita Re4nante an- Vicente Tin9& 8no3in9 full4 3ell that the sa(e 3as false. He p$esente- that -ocu(ent to the Re9iste$ of Dee-s of Ca)ite fo$ the t$ansfe$ of the
title o)e$ 'ot No. BA!E in the na(es of his 3ife an- Mi$ia(. The lot 3as late$ sol- to Antel Hol-in9s Inc. fo$ PB&B5A&"". Pa4(ent 3as al$ea-4 (a-e to& an- $ecei)e- b4& 1elicisi(a an- Mi$ia(.
%. The $espon-ent pa$ticipate- in& consente- to& an- faile- to a-)ise a9ainst& the fo$9e$4 of co(plainantJs si9natu$e in a pu$po$te- Dee- of E;t$a7u-icial Settle(ent -ate- B# Ma$ch B55A in)ol)in9 'ot BE"@ 3hen he 8ne3 that she 3as in Ital4 at
that ti(e 3o$8in9 as an o)e$seas cont$act 3o$8e$. He e)en p$esente- the falsifie- -ocu(ent to the Re9iste$ of Dee-s of Ca)ite to t$ansfe$ the title o)e$ the p$ope$t4 in fa)o$ of his 3ife 1elicisi(a an- siste$?in?la3 Ma$celina. The fo$9e$4 o$
falsification 3as (a-e to enable the( to sell 'ot BE"@ to Antel Hol-in9s& Inc. Pa4(ent 3as $ecei)e- an- (isapp$op$iate- b4 1elicisi(a an- Ma$celina.
@. In 'RC Rec. No. A5E entitle- In Re2Petition fo$ .u-icial Reconstitution of the O$i9inal Cop4 an- O3ne$Js Duplicate Cop4 of TCT No. T?B!E5 Co)e$in9 'ot No. BE"A of the Re9ist$4 of Dee-s fo$ the P$o)ince of Ca)ite& file- b4 co(plainantJs
siste$s Ma$celina an- 1elicisi(a on % Octobe$ B55A& the $espon-ent (a-e 9$oss (is$ep$esentation an- offe$e- false testi(on4 to the effect that Ma$celina an- 1elicisi(a a$e the onl4 chil-$en an- le9al hei$s of the late spouses Vicente Tin9
an- .ulita Re4nante fo$ the pu$pose of obtainin9 a ne3 title in thei$ na(es. 0ith the $econstitute- title& an- 3ith the e;p$ess confo$(it4 of the $espon-ent& 1elicisi(a an- Ma$celina 3e$e able to sell 'ot BE"A to Antel Hol-in9s& Inc.& fo$
P%&%B@&B"" an- p$ofite- f$o( the sale to the e;clusion of thei$ othe$ siblin9s. Pa$tial pa4(ent 3as e)en $ecei)e- pen-in9 the $econstitution p$ocee-in9s.
. On %" No)e(be$ B55E& the $espon-ent (a-e 9$oss an- false (is$ep$esentations fo$ the pu$pose of p$ofitin9 the$ef$o( 3hen he $e:ueste- the bu4e$ th$ou9h a ce$tain M$s. On9 to $elease the full pa4(ent fo$ 'ot BE"A un-e$ the p$etense that
the o$-e$ of $econstitution 3oul- be $elease- 3ithin a (onth 3hen he 8ne3 that it 3oul- be i(possible because he p$esente- e)i-ence in the $econstitution case onl4 on B% Au9ust B55#. To facilitate the $elease of the (one4& he e)en use- the
statione$4 of the Philippine National ,an8& of 3hich he 3as an e(plo4ee.
In his Co((ent&% the $espon-ent -enies the alle9ations of the co(plaint an- asse$ts that he -i- not ta8e a-)anta9e of his p$ofession to -ep$i)e an4 of the co?hei$s of his 3ife of the estate left b4 his pa$ents?in?la3.
Insofa$ as 'ot BA!E is conce$ne-& the $espon-ent affi$(s that 1elicisi(a an- Mi$ia( 3e$e not (oti)ate- b4 an4 -esi$e to solel4 p$ofit f$o( the sale. Neithe$ can he be faulte- b4 the e;ecution of the Dee- of E;t$a7u-icial Settle(ent -ate- B#
Ma$ch B55A in)ol)in9 'ot BE"@ because he ha- no pa$t in the e;ecution of the -ocu(ent. All the 3hile he belie)e- in 9oo- faith that the Tin9 siste$s ha- al$ea-4 a9$ee- on ho3 to -ispose of the sai- lot. If e)e$ co(plainantJs si9natu$e 3as
affi;e- on that -ocu(ent& it 3as -one in 9oo- faith.
The $espon-ent a-(its that he 3as the counsel of Ma$celina Tin9 Ri)e$a& et. al.& in 'RC Case No. A5E fo$ the $econstitution of TCT No. T?B!E5. The false testi(on4 of Ma$celina in that case that she an- 1elicisi(a 3e$e the onl4 chil-$en of
spouses Vicente Tin9 an- .ulita Re4nante coul- not be faulte- on hi( because such 3as a clea$ o)e$si9ht. Mo$eo)e$& the sale of 'ot BE"A to Antel Hol-in9s& Inc.& 3as the -ecision of Ma$celina an- his 3ife. His confo$(it4 th$ou9h his si9natu$e
3as p$o?fo$(a because the p$ope$t4 3as a pa$aphe$nal p$ope$t4 of Ma$celina an- his 3ife. Anent his alle9e- 9$oss an- false (is$ep$esentation that the o$-e$ of $econstitution 3oul- be $elease- b4 the en- of No)e(be$ B55E& suffice it to sa4
that the assu$ance 3as (a-e b4 the Cle$8 of Cou$t& M$. Rosau$o Mo$abe. ,esi-es& petitions fo$ $econstitution a$e usuall4 unconteste- an- 9$ante- b4 cou$ts.
1inall4& the $espon-ent belie)es that co(plainant inten-e- to ha$ass hi( in bo(ba$-in9 hi( 3ith nu(e$ous la3suits& i.e.& this a-(inist$ati)e caseD Ci)il Case No. TM?!AA fo$ =Annul(ent of Docu(ents& Titles& an- Recon)e4ance plus Da(a9es=D
an- a c$i(inal case fo$ Estafa an- 1alsification of Public Docu(ents.
In he$ $epl4& the co(plainant -enies the p$esence of to8a o$ )e$bal 3ill alle9e-l4 (a-e b4 he$ (othe$ an- alle9e-l4 i(ple(ente- b4 thei$ el-est b$othe$ Eliseo in )ie3 of the follo3in9 ci$cu(stances2 <B> he$ (othe$ (et a su--en -eath in B5E#D
an- pa$tition of the p$ope$ties in total -is$e9a$- of thei$ fathe$ 3as (o$all4 $ep$ehensible& since the latte$ 3as still ali)eD <%> 3hen thei$ (othe$ -ie-& fou$ of the siblin9s 3e$e still (ino$s inclu-in9 $espon-entJs 3ife he$selfD <@> on A 1eb$ua$4 %"""&
Eliseo 3$ote his siblin9s& in $esponse to the p$e)ious lette$ of 1elicisi(a& Ma$celina& an- Mi$ia(& -en4in9 the e;istence of a to8a. She fu$the$ states that the $espon-ent 3as not (e$el4 a passi)e onloo8e$ but& as he a-(itte-& the a-(inist$ato$ of
the p$ope$ties of the Tin9 spouses.
On B .une %"""& this Cou$t $efe$$e- the case to the Inte9$ate- ,a$ of the Philippines <I,P> fo$ in)esti9ation& $epo$t& an- $eco((en-ation o$ -ecision.@
On 5 .anua$4 %""@& afte$ -ue hea$in9 an- consi-e$ation of the issues p$esente- b4 both pa$ties& In)esti9atin9 Co((issione$ Mila9$os V. San .uan of the Co((ission on ,a$ Discipline of the I,P foun- the actuations of the $espon-ent to be
)iolati)e of Rules B."B an- B."% of Canon B an- Rule B"."B of Canon B" of the Co-e of P$ofessional Responsibilit4. Thus she $eco((en-e- that the $espon-ent be -isba$$e- f$o( the p$actice of la3.
In its Resolution No. FV?%""@?@@@A of %B .une %""@& the ,oa$- of +o)e$no$s of the I,P app$o)e- an- a-opte- Co((issione$ San .uanJs $epo$t& but $e-uce- the penalt4 to suspension f$o( the p$actice of la3 fo$ si; 4ea$s.
0e full4 a9$ee 3ith the In)esti9atin9 Co((issione$ in he$ fin-in9s of facts an- conclusion of culpabilit4. The $espon-ent has sufficientl4 -e(onst$ate- that he is (o$all4 an- le9all4 unfit to $e(ain in the e;clusi)e an- hono$able f$ate$nit4 of the
le9al p$ofession. In his lon9 4ea$s as a la34e$& he (ust ha)e fo$9otten his s3o$n ple-9e as a la34e$. It is ti(e once a9ain that the Cou$t inculcate in the hea$ts of all la34e$s that ple-9eD thus2
I& YYYYYY & -o sole(nl4 s3ea$ that I 3ill (aintain alle9iance to the Republic of the PhilippinesD I 3ill suppo$t its Constitution an- obe4 the la3s as 3ell as the le9al o$-e$s of the -ul4 constitute- autho$ities the$einD I 3ill -o no falsehoo-& no$
consent to its co((issionD I 3ill not 3ittin9l4 o$ 3illin9l4 p$o(ote o$ sue an4 9$oun-less& false o$ unla3ful suit no$ 9i)e ai- no$ consent to the sa(eD I 3ill -ela4 no (an fo$ (one4 o$ (alice& an- 3ill con-uct (4self as a la34e$ acco$-in9 to the
best of (4 8no3le-9e an- -isc$etion 3ith all 9oo- fi-elit4 as 3ell to the cou$ts as to (4 clientsD an- I i(pose upon (4self this )olunta$4 obli9ation 3ithout an4 (ental $ese$)ation o$ pu$pose of e)asion.
This oath to 3hich all la34e$s ha)e subsc$ibe- in sole(n a9$ee(ent to -e-icate the(sel)es to the pu$suit of 7ustice is not a (e$e ce$e(on4 o$ fo$(alit4 fo$ p$acticin9 la3 to be fo$9otten afte$3a$-sD no$ is it (e$e 3o$-s& -$ift an- hollo3& but a
sac$e- t$ust that la34e$s (ust uphol- an- 8eep in)iolable at all ti(es. ,4 s3ea$in9 the la34e$Js oath& the4 beco(e 9ua$-ians of t$uth an- the $ule of la3& as 3ell as inst$u(ents in the fai$ an- i(pa$tial -ispensation of 7ustice.E This oath is fi$(l4
echoe- an- $eflecte- in the Co-e of P$ofessional Responsibilit4& 3hich p$o)i-es2
CANON B N A la34e$ shall uphol- the constitution& obe4 the la3s of the lan- an- p$o(ote $espect fo$ la3 an- fo$ le9al p$ocesses.
Rule B."B N A la34e$ shall not en9a9e in unla3ful& -ishonest& i((o$al o$ -eceitful con-uct.
Rule B."% N A la34e$ shall not counsel o$ abet acti)ities ai(e- at -efiance of the la3 o$ at lessenin9 confi-ence in the le9al s4ste(.
. . .
CANON # N A la34e$ shall at all ti(es uphol- the inte9$it4 an- -i9nit4 of the le9al p$ofession& an- suppo$t the acti)ities of the Inte9$ate- ,a$.
Rule #."@ N A la34e$ shall not en9a9e in con-uct that a-)e$sel4 $eflects on his fitness to p$actice la3& no$ shoul- he& 3hethe$ in public o$ p$i)ate life& beha)e in a scan-alous (anne$ to the -isc$e-it of the le9al p$ofession.
. . .
CANON B" N A la34e$ o3es can-o$& fai$ness an- 9oo- faith to the cou$t.
Rule B"."B N A la34e$ shall not -o an4 falsehoo-& no$ consent to the -oin9 of an4 in cou$tD no$ shall he (islea- o$ allo3 the cou$t to be (isle- b4 an4 a$tifice.
All of these un-e$sco$e the $ole of a la34e$ as the )an9ua$- of ou$ le9al s4ste(. 0hen the $espon-ent too8 the oath as a (e(be$ of the le9al p$ofession& he (a-e a sole(n p$o(ise to so stan- b4 his ple-9e. In this co)enant& $espon-ent
(ise$abl4 faile-.
The $eco$-s sho3 that 1elicisi(a an- Mi$ia( state- in the E;t$a7u-icial Settle(ent of Estate -ate- BB No)e(be$ B5!E that the4 a$e the chil-$en of .ulita Re4nante an- thus a-7u-icate- onl4 bet3een the( 'ot No. BA!E to the e;clusion of thei$
othe$ siblin9s.# The$e 3as conceal(ent of the fact that the$e 3e$e othe$ co(pulso$4 hei$s to the estate of the -ecease-. Si9nificantl4& the $espon-ent is the b$othe$?in?la3 of co(plainant. ,ein9 (a$$ie- to co(plainantJs siste$& he 8ne3 of his
3ifeJs siblin9s. In fact& he -ecla$e- that the co(plainant sta4e- 3ith the( 3hile she 3as in the Philippines.! *et& the $espon-ent p$esente- that -ocu(ent to the Re9iste$ of Dee-s of +ene$al T$ias& Ca)ite& to effect the t$ansfe$ of the title of the
lot in :uestion in the na(e of his 3ife an- his siste$?in?la3 Mi$ia(.
It also bea$s notin9 that the $espon-ent 3as consulte-5 $e9a$-in9 the falsification of co(plainantJs si9natu$e in the E;t$a7u-icial Settle(entB" -ate- B# Ma$ch B55A in)ol)in9 'ot BE"@& 3hich contains a pu$po$te- 3ai)e$ b4 the co(plainant of
he$ $i9ht o)e$ the p$ope$t4. Ma$celina a-(itte- that she si9ne- co(plainantJs na(e in that -ocu(ent.BB Such act of counte$feitin9 the co(plainantJs si9natu$e to (a8e it appea$ that the co(plainant ha- pa$ticipate- in the e;ecution of that
-ocu(ent is tanta(ount to falsification of a public -ocu(ent.B%
Instea- of a-)isin9 Ma$celina to secu$e a 3$itten special po3e$ of atto$ne4 an- a9ainst co((ittin9 falsification& he p$esente-B@ such -ocu(ent to the Re9ist$4 of Dee-s to secu$e a ne3 title fo$ the lot in fa)o$ of Ma$celina an- his 3ife.B He
hi(self& the$efo$e& (a4 also be hel- liable fo$ 8no3in9l4 usin9 a falsifie- -ocu(ent to the -a(a9e of the co(plainant an- he$ othe$ co?hei$s.BA Notabl4& he also a-(itte- in an affi-a)it -ate- %% Ma4 B55A that he p$epa$e- the le9al -ocu(ents
fo$ the t$ansfe$ of 'ot BE"@.BE
Respon-ent -i- not a-)ise his 3ife an- his siste$s?in?la3 f$o( -oin9 acts 3hich a$e cont$a$4 to la3. He (ust ha)e 8ept in (in- the fi$st an- fo$e(ost -ut4 of a la34e$& 3hich is to (aintain alle9iance to the Republic of the Philippines& uphol- the
Constitution& an- obe4 the la3s of the lan-. The Co-e of P$ofessional Responsibilit4 un-e$sco$es the p$i(ac4 of such -ut4 b4 p$o)i-in9 as its canon that a la34e$ shall uphol- the Constitution& obe4 the la3s of the lan-& an- p$o(ote $espect fo$
la3 an- le9al p$ocesses.B# 1o$ a la34e$ is the se$)ant of the la3 an- belon9s to a p$ofession to 3hich societ4 has ent$uste- the a-(inist$ation of la3 an- the -ispensation of 7ustice.B! As such& he shoul- (a8e hi(self (o$e an e;e(pla$ fo$
othe$s to e(ulate.B5 He shoul- not& the$efo$e& en9a9e in unla3ful& -ishonest& i((o$al& o$ -eceitful con-uct.%" He (a8es hi(self unfit to $e(ain in the p$ofession 3ho co((its an4 such unbeco(in9 act o$ con-uct.%B
Respon-entJs a$9u(ent that the non?-ecla$ation b4 his 3ife an- his siste$? in?la3 Ma$celina of the othe$ siblin9s in 'RC Rec. No. A5E fo$ the $econstitution of title in)ol)in9 'ot BE"A 3as a (e$e o)e$si9ht -oes not -ese$)e c$e-ence in )ie3 of
the follo3in9 ci$cu(stances2 1i$st& the petition clea$l4 na(es onl4 1elicisi(a an- Ma$celina as the petitione$s 3hen the$e 3e$e si; siblin9s 3ho 3e$e hei$s of the unpa$titione- lot.%% Secon-& -u$in9 the hea$in9 of sai- case 3hen the $espon-ent
as8e- Ma$celina 3hethe$ she has b$othe$s an- siste$s othe$ than 1elicisi(a& the latte$ sai- none. The t$ansc$ipt of that hea$in9 $ea-s2
/ Ma-a(e 0itness& a$e 4ou the onl4 chil- o$ -au9hte$ of the -ecease- Sps. Vicente Tin9& .$. an- .ulita Re4nanteW
A No& si$. 0e a$e t3o& 1elicisi(a To$$es an- I.
/ Do 4ou ha)e othe$ b$othe$s an- siste$sW
A None& si$.%@
The $espon-ent allo3e- Ma$celina to co((it a c$i(e b4 9i)in9 false testi(on4% in cou$t& an- he ne)e$ co$$ecte- the sa(e -espite full 8no3le-9e of the t$ue facts an- ci$cu(stances of the case.%A Mo$eo)e$& in 8no3in9l4 offe$in9 in e)i-ence
such false testi(on4& he hi(self (a4 be punishe- as 9uilt4 of false testi(on4.%E
Mo$eo)e$& un-e$ Canon B" of the Co-e of P$ofessional Responsibilit4& a la34e$ o3es can-o$& fai$ness& an- 9oo- faith to the cou$t. He shall =not -o an4 falsehoo-& no$ consent to the -oin9 of an4 in cou$tD no$ shall he (islea- o$ allo3 the cou$t to
be (isle- b4 an4 a$tifice.=%# This Rule 3as clea$l4 an- openl4 )iolate- b4 the $espon-ent 3hen he pe$(itte- Ma$celina to falsel4 testif4 that she ha- no siblin9s asi-e f$o( 1elicisi(a an- 3hen he offe$e- such testi(on4 in the petition fo$
$econstitution of the title in)ol)in9 'ot BE"A.
The $espon-ent (ust ha)e fo$9otten that as an atto$ne4 he is an office$ of the cou$t calle- upon to assist in the a-(inist$ation of 7ustice. 'i8e the cou$t itself& he is an inst$u(ent to a-)ance its cause. 1o$ this $eason& an4 act on his pa$t that
obst$ucts an- i(pe-es the a-(inist$ation of 7ustice constitutes (iscon-uct an- 7ustifies -isciplina$4 action a9ainst hi(.%!
It (a4 not be a(iss to (ention that to fu$the$ suppo$t the $econstitution& he offe$e- in e)i-ence an Affi-a)it of 'oss& 3hich 3as e;ecute- b4 Ma$celina an- nota$i6e- b4 hi(. Du$in9 the hea$in9 of this a-(inist$ati)e case& Ma$celina a-(itte- that
he$ state(ent in that affi-a)it that the title 3as in he$ possession 3as false& as she 3as ne)e$ in possession of the title%5 an- 3oul- not& the$efo$e& 8no3 that the sa(e 3as lost.
Mo$eo)e$& in a lette$ -ate- %" No)e(be$ B55E a--$esse- to a ce$tain M$s. On9& the $espon-ent $e:ueste- the $elease of A"X of the $e(ainin9 balance fo$ the sale of 'ot BE"A& $ela4in9 to Antel Hol-in9s& Inc.& th$ou9h M$s. On9 that he 3as
assu$e- b4 the Cle$8 of Cou$t that the o$-e$ -i$ectin9 the $econstitution of title fo$ 'ot BE"A 3oul- be $elease- 3ithin the (onth.@" Respon-entJs info$(ation 3as (islea-in9 because he p$esente- e)i-ence onl4 on B% Au9ust B55#& o$ al(ost a
4ea$ afte$ he sent the lette$.@B Such act& the$efo$e& sho3s lac8 of can-o$ an- honest4 on the pa$t of the $espon-ent.
Respon-entJs acts o$ o(issions $e)eal his (o$al fla3s an- -oubtless b$in9 intole$able -ishono$ to the le9al p$ofession. The4 constitute 9$oss (iscon-uct fo$ 3hich he (a4 be -isba$$e- o$ suspen-e- pu$suant to Section %#& Rule B@! of the
Rules of Cou$t& 3hich p$o)i-es2
Sec. %#. Disba$(ent o$ suspension of atto$ne4s b4 Sup$e(e Cou$tD 9$oun-s the$efo$. ?? A (e(be$ of the ba$ (a4 be -isba$$e- o$ suspen-e- f$o( his office as atto$ne4 b4 the Sup$e(e Cou$t fo$ an4 -eceit& (alp$actice& o$ othe$ 9$oss
(iscon-uct in such office& 9$ossl4 i((o$al con-uct& o$ b4 $eason of his con)iction of a c$i(e in)ol)in9 (o$al tu$pitu-e& o$ fo$ an4 )iolation of the oath 3hich he is $e:ui$e- to ta8e befo$e the a-(ission to p$actice& o$ fo$ a 3illful -isobe-ience of
an4 la3ful o$-e$ of a supe$io$ cou$t& o$ fo$ co$$uptl4 o$ 3illfull4 appea$in9 as an atto$ne4 fo$ a pa$t4 to a case 3ithout autho$it4 to -o so. The p$actice of solicitin9 cases at la3 fo$ the pu$pose of 9ain& eithe$ pe$sonall4 o$ th$ou9h pai- a9ents o$
b$o8e$s& constitutes (alp$actice.
In the -ete$(ination of the i(posable -isciplina$4 sanction a9ainst an e$$in9 la34e$& 3e ta8e into account the p$i(a$4 pu$pose of -isciplina$4 p$ocee-in9s& 3hich is to p$otect the a-(inist$ation of 7ustice b4 $e:ui$in9 that those 3ho e;e$cise this
i(po$tant function shall be co(petent& hono$able& an- $eliable (en in 3ho( cou$ts an- clients (a4 $epose confi-ence.@% 0hile the assess(ent of 3hat sanction (a4 be i(pose- is p$i(a$il4 a--$esse- to ou$ soun- -isc$etion& the sanction
shoul- neithe$ be a$bit$a$4 o$ -espotic& no$ (oti)ate- b4 pe$sonal ani(osit4 o$ p$e7u-ice. Rathe$& it shoul- e)e$ be cont$olle- b4 the i(pe$ati)e nee- to sc$upulousl4 9ua$- the pu$it4 an- in-epen-ence of the ba$.@@
Thus& the sup$e(e penalt4 of -isba$(ent is (ete- out onl4 in clea$ cases of (iscon-uct that se$iousl4 affect the stan-in9 an- cha$acte$ of the la34e$ as an office$ of the cou$t an- (e(be$ of the ba$. 0e 3ill not hesitate to $e(o)e an e$$in9
atto$ne4 f$o( the estee(e- b$othe$hoo- of la34e$s 3he$e the e)i-ence calls fo$ it.@ Ve$il4& 9i)en the peculia$ factual ci$cu(stances p$e)ailin9 in this case& 3e fin- that $espon-entJs 9$oss (iscon-uct calls fo$ the se)e$ance of his p$i)ile9e to
p$actice la3 fo$ life& an- 3e the$efo$e a-opt the penalt4 $eco((en-e- b4 the In)esti9atin9 Co((issione$.
IN VIE0 O1 A'' THE 1ORE+OIN+& 3e fin- $espon-ent Att4. Rolan-o S. To$$es 9uilt4 of 9$oss (iscon-uct an- )iolation of the la34e$Js oath& as 3ell as Canons B an- B" of the Co-e of P$ofessional Responsibilit4& the$eb4 $en-e$in9 hi(
un3o$th4 of continuin9 (e(be$ship in the le9al p$ofession. He is thus o$-e$e- DIS,ARRED f$o( the p$actice of la3& an- his na(e is o$-e$e- st$ic8en off the Roll of Atto$ne4s& effecti)e i((e-iatel4.
'et copies of this Resolution be fu$nishe- the Office of the ,a$ Confi-ant& 3hich shall fo$th3ith $eco$- it in the pe$sonal files of the $espon-entD all the cou$ts of the PhilippinesD the Inte9$ate- ,a$ of the Philippines& 3hich shall -isse(inate copies
the$eof to all its Chapte$sD an- all a-(inist$ati)e an- :uasi?7u-icial a9encies of the Republic of the Philippines.
Republic of the Philippines
+.R. No. '?%%@%" .ul4 %5& B5E!
HON. +RE+ORIO 'ANTIN& .u-9e of the Cou$t of 1i$st Instance of Manila&
RICARDO P. HERMOSO an- the CIT* SHERI11 O1 MANI'A& $espon-ents.
C$ispin D. ,ai6as an- Associates fo$ petitione$s.
Isi-$o T. Al(e-a fo$ $espon-ents.
This is a (otion fo$ pa$tial $econsi-e$ation of this Cou$tMs -ecision of Ma4 %%& B5E!& specificall4 -i$ecte- a9ainst the follo3in9 obse$)ation the$ein (a-e2
0e feel co(pelle- to obse$)e that -u$in9 the p$ot$acte- liti9ation belo3& the petitione$s $eso$te- to a se$ies of actions an- petitions& at so(e sta9es alte$natin9l4& abette- b4 thei$ counsel& fo$ the sole pu$pose of th3a$tin9 the e;ecution of a
si(ple (one4 7u-9(ent 3hich has lon9 beco(e final an- e;ecuto$4. So(e of the actions 3e$e file-& onl4 to be aban-one- o$ 3ith-$a3n. The petitione$s an- thei$ counsel& fa$ f$o( )ie3in9 cou$ts as sanctua$ies fo$ those 3ho see8 7ustice& ha)e
t$ie- to use the( to sub)e$t the )e$4 en-s of 7ustice.
Co$olla$il4& this Cou$t assesse- t$eble costs a9ainst the petitione$s& to =be pai- b4 thei$ counsel.=.
The he$ein (o)ants& Att4s. C$ispin D. ,ai6as an- A. N. ,olinas& counsels fo$ the petitione$s& 3hile sub(ittin9 to the 7u-9(ent on the (e$its& see8 $econsi-e$ation of the -ecision in so fa$ as it $eflects a-)e$sel4 upon thei$ =p$ofessional con-uct=
an- con-e(ns the( to pa4 the t$eble costs a-7u-9e- a9ainst thei$ clients.
At fi$st blush& the (otion fo$ $econsi-e$ation p$esents a se(blance of (e$it. Afte$ (atu$e -elibe$ation an- patient $ep$obin9 into the $eco$-s of the case& ho3e)e$& 3e a$e of the fi$(e$ con)iction that the p$ot$acte- liti9ation& allu-e- to in the
abo)e?:uote- po$tion of ou$ -ecision& 3as -esi9ne- to cause -ela4& an- the acti)e pa$ticipation of the petitione$sM counsels in this a-)entu$e is patent.
Afte$ No)e(be$ BA& B5E% 3hen the Cou$t of Appeals $en-e$e- 7u-9(ent sustainin9 Da(aso Pe$e6M position 3ith $espect to the e;tent of the le)4& the subse:uent p$ocee-in9s inte$pose- alte$natin9l4 b4 the petitione$ spouses 3e$e ob)iousl4
:ui;otic (aneu)e$s e;pecte- to be o)e$th$o3n b4 the cou$ts but calculate- to -ela4 an e;ecution lon9 o)e$-ue.
Ha- the petitione$s an- thei$ counsels se$iousl4 belie)e- that the le)ie- sha$es of stoc8 3e$e con7u9al p$ope$t4& 3h4 -i- the4 not a-opt this position f$o( the )e$4 sta$t& o$& at the latest& in CA?+.R. %55E%?R& 3he$ein Da(aso Pe$e6 challen9e-
the le9alit4 of the le)4Ms co)e$a9e& in o$-e$ to en- the liti9ation 3ith $easonable -ispatchW The4 chose& ho3e)e$& to attac8 the e;ecution in a piece(eal fashion& causin9 the postpone(ent of the p$o7ecte- e;ecution sale si; ti(es. Mo$e than ei9ht
4ea$s afte$ the finalit4 of the 7u-9(ent ha)e passe-& an- the sa(e has 4et to be satisfie-.
In a -ete$(ine- effo$t to p$olon9 the liti9ation& the Pe$e6 spouses& as $ep$esente- b4 thei$ counsels& sou9ht the issuance of p$eli(ina$4 in7unctions to $est$ain the e;ecution of the final 7u-9(ent in ci)il case @5"# f$o( cou$ts 3hich -i- not ha)e
7u$is-iction an- 3hich 3oul-& as e;pecte-& initiall4 o$ ulti(atel4 -en4 thei$ p$a4e$. 1o$ instance& afte$ Da(aso Pe$e6 bo3e- out te(po$a$il4 f$o( the scene follo3in9 the $en-ition of the afo$e(entione- Cou$t of Appeals -ecision& his 3ife&
Me$ce-e6& Ruth Cobb?Pe$e6& int$u-e- into the cont$o)e$s4 an- as8e- fo$ an e; pa$te 3$it of p$eli(ina$4 in7unction f$o( the Cou$t of 1i$st Instance of Ri6al in connection 3ith ci)il case #A@% 3hich she file- 3ith the sai- cou$t& 8no3in9 full4 3ell
that the basic ci)il case @5"# 3as -eci-e- b4 the Cou$t of 1i$st Instance of Manila <,$anch VII p$esi-e- b4 the $espon-ent .u-9e 'antin>& 3hich latte$ cou$t 3as the p$ope$ fo$u( fo$ an4 action $elati)e to the e;ecution. .u-9e Eulo9io Mencias
of the Cou$t of 1i$st Instance of Ri6al& loo8in9 to Acosta )s. Al)en-ia <'?BA5!& Octobe$ @B& B5E">& 3hich hel- that cou$ts of fi$st instance ha)e no po3e$ to $est$ain acts outsi-e thei$ te$$ito$ial 7u$is-ictions& lifte- on Octobe$ & B5E@ the e; pa$te
3$it 3hich he p$e)iousl4 issue- en7oinin9 the $espon-ent she$iff f$o( ca$$4in9 out the e;ecution sale. It is clea$& ho3e)e$& that M$s. Pe$e6 an- he$ counsels& the (o)ants& 8ne3 o$ ou9ht to ha)e 8no3n befo$ehan- that the Cou$t of 1i$st Instance
of Ri6al -i- not ha)e 7u$is-iction to issue the 3$it 3hich M$s. Pe$e6 he$self sou9ht& an-& anticipatin9 the $ecall of the 3$it i(p$o)i-entl4 issue-& on Septe(be$ @& B5E@& a (onth befo$e the sai- 3$it 3as actuall4 lifte-& file- in the basic ci)il case
@5"# an u$9ent (otion to lift the 3$it of e;ecution issue- on Au9ust BA& B5EB& alle9in9 as 7ustification the con7u9al natu$e of the le)ie- sha$es of stoc8 an- the pe$sonal natu$e of Da(aso Pe$e6M 7u-9(ent -ebt& the )e$4 sa(e $easons a-)ance-
in ci)il case #A@% 3hich 3as then still pen-in9 in the Cou$t of 1i$st Instance of Ri6al. Inci-entall4& M$s. Pe$e6 faile- to a--uce an4 e)i-ence in suppo$t of he$ afo$esai- u$9ent (otion& as in fact neithe$ she no$ he$ counsels appea$e- -u$in9 the
sche-ule- hea$in9& p$o(ptin9 the $espon-ent 7u-9e to issue the follo3in9 o$-e$2
0hen the u$9ent (otion to $ecall o$ lift 3$it of e;ecution 3as calle- this (o$nin9 fo$ hea$in9& counsel fo$ the (o)ant -i- not appea$ -espite the fact that he ha- been -ul4 notifie- of the (otion fo$ hea$in9. In )ie3 the$eof the cou$t assu(es that
he is 3ai)in9 his $i9ht to p$esent e)i-ence in suppo$t of his u$9ent (otion to $ecall o$ lift 3$it of e;ecution. Sai- u$9ent (otion is the$efo$e -ee(e- sub(itte- fo$ $esolution.
Despite the $ecall of the afo$e(entione- 3$it of in7unction b4 .u-9e Mencias on a -isclai(e$ of 7u$is-iction <since the e;ecution sou9ht to be en7oine- 3as o$-e$e- b4 anothe$ t$ibunal>& M$s. Pe$e6& no3 assiste- b4 he$ husban- 3ho ha- sta9e- a
co(ebac8& p$a4e- fo$ the issuance of anothe$ in7unction& this ti(e f$o( ,$anch FFII of the Cou$t of 1i$st Instance of Manila <not the sa(e ,$anch 3hich issue- the cont$o)e$te- 3$it of e;ecution>& in connection 3ith ci)il case #A@%& then still
pen-in9 in the Cou$t of 1i$st Instance of Ri6al. As (ost p$obabl4 anticipate- ane3 b4 the Pe$e6 spouses an- thei$ counsels& .u-9e Ali8pala& p$esi-in9 7u-9e of ,$anch FFII& on No)e(be$ !& B5E@ -enie- the p$eli(ina$4 in7unction sou9ht& on the
9$oun-& a(on9 othe$s& that he ha- no po3e$ to inte$fe$e b4 in7unction 3ith the 7u-9(ent o$ -ec$ee of a cou$t of concu$$ent o$ coo$-inate 7u$is-iction. On the )e$4 -a4 the in7unction 3as -enie-& Da(aso Pe$e6& as if e;pectin9 the $e)e$sal f$o(
.u-9e Ali8pala& 3as al$ea-4 p$epa$e- 3ith anothe$ =$e(e-4&= as in fact on that -a4& No)e(be$ !& B5E@& he file- in the basic ci)il case @5"# an =U$9ent Motion fo$ Reconsi-e$ation= of the o$-e$ of Octobe$ B5& B5E@& 3hich -enie- his 3ifeMs
abo)e?(entione- (otion to $ecall the cont$o)e$te- 3$it of e;ecution.
The fo$e9oin9 (otion& fa$ f$o( se$iousl4 see8in9 the $econsi-e$ation of the o$-e$ of Octobe$ B5& B5E@& 3hich in the fi$st place Da(aso Pe$e6 coul- not le9all4 -o fo$ he 3as not e)en a pa$t4 to the -enie- =U$9ent Motion to Recall 0$it of
E;ecution= <file- b4 his 3ife alone>& 3as (e$el4 an offe$ to $eplace the le)ie- stoc8s 3ith suppose- cash -i)i-en-s -ue to the Pe$e6 spouses as stoc8hol-e$s in the Republic ,an8.B As a (atte$ of fact& 3hen the (otion 3as set fo$ hea$in9 on
Dece(be$ %B& B5E@& the counsels fo$ Da(aso Pe$e6 p$o(ise- to p$o-uce the sai- cash -i)i-en-s 3ithin fi)e -a4s& but the p$o(ise 3as ne)e$ fulfille-.% Conse:uentl4& the $espon-ent .u-9e on .anua$4 & B5E& -enie- the sai- (otion fo$
The abo)e e;position of the ci$cu(stances $elati)e to the p$ot$acte- liti9ation clea$l4 ne9ates the a)o3al of the (o)ants that =in none of the )a$ious inci-ents in the case at ba$ has an4 pa$ticula$ counsel of petitione$s acte- 3ith -elibe$ate
afo$ethou9ht to -ela4 the enfo$ce(ent of the 7u-9(ent in Ci)il Case No. @5"#.= 1$o( the ch$onolo94 of antece-ent e)ents& the fact beco(es inescapable that the Pe$e6 spouses& coache- b4 thei$ counsels& ha- sallie- fo$th on a st$ate9e( of
=$e(e-ies= p$o7ecte- to foil the la3ful e;ecution of a si(ple (one4 7u-9(ent. It is e:uall4 ob)ious that the4 fo$esha-o3e- thei$ o3n $e)e$sals in the =$e(e-ies= the4 )entu$e- to a-opt& such that e)en befo$e& one $e(e-4 ha- been e;hauste-&
the4 inte$pose- anothe$ until the case $eache- this Cou$t fo$ the secon- ti(e. @ Mean3hile& 7ustice 3as -ela4e-& an- (o$e than one (e(be$ of this Cou$t a$e pe$sua-e- that 7ustice 3as p$acticall4 3a4lai-.
The (o)ants also conten- that e)en this Cou$t sanctions the afo$esai- ci)il cases #A@% an- AA%5% as the =p$ope$ $e(e-4= 3hen 3e sai- that.
In $ealit4& 3hat the4 attac8e- is not the 3$it of e;ecution& the )ali-it4 an- $e9ula$it4 of 3hich a$e unchallen9e-& but the le)4 (a-e b4 the $espon-ent She$iff. In this $e9a$-& the $e(e-4 is not the $ecall of the 3$it& but an in-epen-ent action to
en7oin the She$iff f$o( p$ocee-in9 3ith the p$o7ecte- sale& in 3hich action the con7u9al natu$e of the le)ie- stoc8s shoul- be establishe- as a basis fo$ the subse:uent issuance of a pe$(anent in7unction& in the e)ent of a successful clai(.
Inci-entall4& in the cou$se of the p$ot$acte- liti9ation& the petitione$s ha- al$ea-4 a)aile- of this $e(e-4 in ci)il cases #A@% an- AA%5%& onl4 to aban-on it as the4 incessantl4 sou9ht othe$& an- often si(ultaneous& -e)ices of th3a$tin9 satisfaction
of the 7u-9(ent -ebt. <E(phasis supplie-> .
An- because of this state(ent& the4 no3 counte$ that the sai- cases coul- not be b$an-e- as ha)in9 been institute- fo$ -ela4.
The $efe$ence 3e (a-e to ci)il cases #A@% an- AA%5% in the abo)e?:uote- state(ent (ust not be consi-e$e- out of conte;t. 0e sai- that the petitione$s inci-entall4 ha- al$ea-4 a)aile- of the su99este- $e(e-4 onl4 in the sense that sai- ci)il
cases #A@% an- AA%5% 3e$e appa$entl4 institute- to p$o)e the con7u9al natu$e of the le)ie- sha$es of stoc8s in :uestion. 0e use- the 3o$- inci-entall4 a-)ise-l4 to sho3 that in thei$ incessant sea$ch fo$ -e)ices to th3a$t the cont$o)e$te-
e;ecution& the4 acci-entall4 stu(ble- on the su99este- $e(e-4. ,ut the sai- ci)il cases 3e$e -efinitel4 not the =p$ope$ $e(e-4= in so fa$ as the4 sou9ht the issuance of 3$its of p$eli(ina$4 in7unction f$o( the Cou$t of 1i$st Instance of Ri6al an-
the Cou$t of 1i$st Instance of Manila <,$anch FFII> 3he$e ci)il cases #A@% an- AA%5% 3e$e file- $especti)el4& fo$ the sai- cou$ts -i- not ha)e 7u$is-iction to $est$ain the enfo$ce(ent of the 3$it of e;ecution issue- b4 the Cou$t of 1i$st Instance of
Manila <,$anch VII> un-e$ the settle- -oct$ines that Cou$ts a$e 3ithout po3e$ to $est$ain acts outsi-e of thei$ te$$ito$ial 7u$is-iction o$ inte$fe$e 3ith the 7u-9(ent o$ -ec$ee of a cou$t of concu$$ent o$ coo$-inate 7u$is-iction. A Ho3e)e$& the $ecall
an- the -enial of the 3$its of p$eli(ina$4 in7unction in ci)il cases #A@% an- AA%5% -i- not a(ount to the te$(ination o$ -is(issal of the p$incipal action in each case. Ha- the Pe$e6 spouses -esi$e- in ea$nest to continue 3ith the sai- cases the4
coul- ha)e -one so. ,ut the fact is that M$s. Pe$e6 p$acticall4 aban-one- ci)il case #A@% 3hen she institute- the abo)e (entione- u$9ent (otion to $ecall 3$it of e;ecution in the basic ci)il case @5"#& ancho$e- on the sa(e 9$oun-s 3hich she
a-)ance- in the fo$(e$ case& until the sai- ci)il case #A@% 3as -is(isse- on No)e(be$ 5& B5E@& upon he$ o3n (otion. Anent ci)il case AA%5%& the Pe$e6 spouses )i$tuall4 -ese$te- the sa(e 3hen the4 institute- the he$ein petition fo$ ce$tio$a$i
3ith u$9ent 3$it of p$eli(ina$4 in7unction base- on the sa(e 9$oun-s p$offe$e- in the sai- ci)il case N until the latte$ 3as also -is(isse- on Ma$ch %"& B5E& 3ith the consent of the pa$ties because of the pen-enc4 then of the afo$esai- petition
fo$ ce$tio$a$i.
The (o)ants fu$the$ conten- that =If the$e 3as -ela4& it 3as because petitione$sM counsel happene- to be (o$e asse$ti)e ... a :ualit4 of the la34e$s <3hich> is not to be con-e(ne-.=
A counselMs asse$ti)eness in espousin9 3ith can-ou$ an- honest4 his clientMs cause (ust be encou$a9e- an- is to be co((en-e-D 3hat 3e -o not an- cannot countenance is a la34e$Ms insistence -espite the patent futilit4 of his clientMs position&
as in the case at ba$.
It is the -ut4 of a counsel to a-)ise his client& o$-ina$il4 a la4(an to the int$icacies an- )a9a$ies of the la3& on the (e$it o$ lac8 of (e$it of his case. If he fin-s that his clientMs cause is -efenseless& then it is his boun-en -ut4 to a-)ise the latte$ to
ac:uiesce an- sub(it& $athe$ than t$a)e$se the incont$o)e$tible. A la34e$ (ust $esist the 3hi(s an- cap$ices of his client& an- te(pe$ his clientMs p$opensit4 to liti9ate. A la34e$Ms oath to uphol- the cause of 7ustice is supe$io$ to his -ut4 to his
clientD its p$i(ac4 is in-isputable.
The (o)ants finall4 state that the =Petitione$s ha)e se)e$al counsel in this case but the pa$ticipation of each counsel 3as $athe$ li(ite- i(pl4in9 that the -ecision of this Cou$t o$-e$in9 that =t$eble costs a$e assesse- a9ainst the petitione$s&
3hich shall be pai- b4 thei$ counsel= is not clea$. The 3o$- =counsel= (a4 be eithe$ sin9ula$ o$ plu$al in const$uction& so that 3hen 3e sai- =counsel= 3e (eant the counsels on $eco$- of the petitione$s 3ho 3e$e $esponsible fo$ the ino$-inate
-ela4 in the e;ecution of the final 7u-9(ent in the basic ci)il case @5"#& afte$ the Cou$t of Appeals ha- $en-e$e- its afo$e(entione- -ecision of No)e(be$ BA& B5E%. An- it is on $eco$- that the (o)ants a$e such counsels. Att4. ,olinas& upon his
o3n a-(ission& =ente$e- his appea$ance in the case at ba$ about the ti(e the Cou$t of 1i$st Instance of Manila -is(isse- the petitione$sM Petition fo$ Relief in Ci)il Case No. @5"#&= o$ about Au9ust @& B5EB an- e)en p$io$ to the Cou$t of Appeals
-ecision abo)e?(entione-. Att4. ,ai6as clai(s that he =beca(e petitione$sM counsel onl4 in Octobe$& B5E@ 3hen he file-& 3ith Att4. A.N. ,olinao& .$. Ci)il Case No. AA%5% befo$e the Cou$t of 1i$st Instance of Manila p$esi-e- b4 the Hon. .u-9e
Ali8pala althou9h it appea$s on $eco$- that the u$9ent (otion to $ecall 3$it of e;ecution file- b4 M$s. Pe$e6 in the basic ci)il case @5"# on Septe(be$ @& B5E@& 3as o)e$ the si9natu$e of one Rub4 Gai-a of the la3 fi$( of =C$ispin ,ai6as U
Associates= as counsel fo$ M$s. Pe$e6. It is to be $ecalle- that the sai- u$9ent (otion is the sa(e (otion -iscusse- abo)e& 3hich& cu$iousl4 enou9h& ante-ate- b4 at least one (onth the liftin9 of the 3$it of p$eli(ina$4 in7unction issue- in ci)il
case #A@%.
ACCORDIN+'*& the (otion fo$ pa$tial $econsi-e$ation is -enie-. Ou$ -ecision of Ma4 %%& B5E! is he$eb4 (o-ifie- in the sense that Att4s. C$ispin D. ,ai6as an- A.N. ,olinao& .$. shall pa4 7ointl4 an- se)e$all4 the t$eble costs assesse- a9ainst
the petitione$s.
Republic of the Philippines
A.C. No. A@#5 Ma4 5& %""@
0A'TER T. *OUN+& co(plainant&
R E S O ' U T I O N
On Dece(be$ %5& %"""& Att4. 0alte$ T. *oun9 file- a Ve$ifie- Affi-a)it?Co(plaint fo$ -isba$(ent a9ainst Att4s. Ceasa$ +. ,atue9as& Mi9uelito Na6a$eno V. 'lantino an- 1$an8lin /. Susa fo$ alle9e-l4 co((ittin9 -elibe$ate falsehoo- in cou$t an-
)iolatin9 the la34e$Ms oath.B
Co(plainant is the p$i)ate p$osecuto$ in C$i(inal Case No. ""?B!#E%# fo$ Mu$-e$& entitle- =People of the Philippines )e$sus C$isanto A$ana& .$.=& pen-in9 befo$e the Re9ional T$ial Cou$t of Manila& ,$anch %#. On Dece(be$ B@& %"""&
$espon-ents ,atue9as an- 'lantino& as counsel fo$ accuse-& file- a Manifestation 3ith Motion fo$ ,ail& alle9in9 that the =accuse- has )olunta$il4 su$$en-e$e- to a pe$son in autho$it4. As such& he is no3 un-e$ -etention.=% Upon pe$sonal
)e$ification 3ith the National ,u$eau of In)esti9ation <N,I> 3he$e accuse- A$ana alle9e-l4 su$$en-e$e-& co(plainant lea$ne- that he su$$en-e$e- onl4 on Dece(be$ B& %"""& as sho3n b4 the Ce$tificate of Detention e;ecute- b4 Att4. Ro9elio
M. Ma(aua9& Chief of the Secu$it4 Mana9e(ent Di)ision of the N,I.
Respon-ent Susa& the ,$anch Cle$8 of Cou$t of RTC of Manila& ,$anch %#& calen-a$e- the (otion on Dece(be$ BA& %""" -espite the fo$e9oin9 i$$e9ula$it4 an- othe$ fo$(al -efects& na(el4& the lac8 of notice of hea$in9 to the p$i)ate
co(plainant& )iolation of the th$ee?-a4 notice $ule& an- the failu$e to attach the Ce$tificate of Detention 3hich 3as $efe$$e- to in the Motion as Anne; =B=.
Respon-ents file- thei$ $especti)e co((ents& -ecla$in9 that on Dece(be$ B@& %"""& upon lea$nin9 that a 3a$$ant of a$$est 3as issue- a9ainst thei$ client& the4 file- the Manifestation 3ith Motion fo$ ,ail 3ith the t$ial cou$t. Then the4 i((e-iatel4
fetche- the accuse- in Ca)ite an- b$ou9ht hi( to the N,I to )olunta$il4 su$$en-e$. Ho3e)e$& -ue to hea)4 t$affic& the4 a$$i)e- at the N,I at %2"" a.(. the ne;t -a4D hence& the ce$tificate of -etention in-icate- that the accuse- su$$en-e$e- on
Dece(be$ B& %""". The4 a$9ue- that the$e 3as neithe$ unethical con-uct no$ falsehoo- in the sub7ect plea-in9 as thei$ client has )olunta$il4 su$$en-e$e- an- 3as -etaine- at the N,I. As $e9a$-s the lac8 of notice of hea$in9& the4 conten- that
co(plainant& as p$i)ate p$osecuto$& 3as not entitle- to an4 notice. Ne)e$theless& the4 fu$nishe- the State an- Cit4 p$osecuto$s copies of the (otion 3ith notice of hea$in9 the$eof. Mo$eo)e$& the hea$in9 of a (otion on sho$te$ notice is allo3e-
un-e$ Rule BA& Sec. <%> of the Rules of Cou$t.@
1o$ his pa$t& $espon-ent Susa a$9ues in his co((ent that he 3as no lon9e$ in cou$t 3hen his co?$espon-ents file- the Manifestation 3ith Motion fo$ ,ail. Ms. Teofila A. PeVa& Cle$8 III& $ecei)e- the sai- Motion an- notice- that it 3as set fo$
hea$in9 on Dece(be$ BA& %""" an- the Ce$tificate of Detention 3as not attache-. Ho3e)e$& the p$esi-in9 7u-9e inst$ucte- he$ to $ecei)e the Motion sub7ect to the p$esentation of the Ce$tificate of Detention befo$e the hea$in9. Thus& the
inclusion of the Motion in the cou$tMs calen-a$ on Dece(be$ BA& %""" 3as autho$i6e- b4 the p$esi-in9 7u-9e an-& thus& 3as -one b4 $espon-ent Susa in faithful pe$fo$(ance of his (iniste$ial -ut4.
In a Resolution -ate- Au9ust B@& %""B& the instant case 3as $efe$$e- to the Inte9$ate- ,a$ of the Philippines fo$ in)esti9ation& $epo$t an- $eco((en-ation o$ -ecision.
On Dece(be$ #& %""B& the In)esti9atin9 Co((issione$& Rebecca Villanue)a?Maala& sub(itte- he$ $epo$t an- $eco((en-ation as follo3s2
0HERE1ORE& the fo$e9oin9 p$e(ises consi-e$e-& it is $espectfull4 $eco((en-e- that Att4. Ceasa$ +. ,atue9as an- Att4. Mi9uelito Na6a$eno V. 'lantino be suspen-e- f$o( the p$actice of thei$ p$ofession as a la34e$C(e(be$ of the ,a$ fo$ a
pe$io- of si; <E> (onths f$o( $eceipt he$eof. The co(plaint a9ainst Att4. 1$an8lin /. Susa& upon the othe$ han-& is he$eb4 $eco((en-e- -is(isse- fo$ lac8 of (e$it.A
The fo$e9oin9 Repo$t an- Reco((en-ation 3as a-opte- an- app$o)e- b4 the I,P?Co((ission on ,a$ Discipline in Resolution No. FV?%""%?""& to 3it2
RESO'VED to ADOPT an- APPROVE& as it is he$eb4 ADOPTED an- APPROVED& the Repo$t an- Reco((en-ation of the In)esti9atin9 Co((issione$ of the abo)e?entitle- case& he$ein (a-e pa$t of this ResolutionCDecision as Anne; =A=D
an-& fin-in9 the $eco((en-ation full4 suppo$te- b4 the e)i-ence on $eco$- an- the applicable la3s an- $ules& an- in )ie3 of $espon-entsM co((ission of -elibe$ate falsehoo-& Att4. ,atue9as an- Att4. 'lantino a$e he$eb4 SUSPENDED f$o( the
p$actice of la3 fo$ si; <E> (onths. The co(plaint a9ainst Att4. Susa is he$eb4 DISMISSED fo$ lac8 of (e$it.E
0e a9$ee 3ith the fin-in9s an- $eco((en-ations of the In)esti9atin9 Co((issione$. Respon-ents ,atue9as an- 'lantino a$e 9uilt4 of -elibe$ate falsehoo-.
A la34e$ (ust be a -isciple of t$uth.# He s3o$e upon his a-(ission to the ,a$ that he 3ill =-o no falsehoo- no$ consent to the -oin9 of an4 in cou$t= an- he shall =con-uct hi(self as a la34e$ acco$-in9 to the best of his 8no3le-9e an- -isc$etion
3ith all 9oo- fi-elit4 as 3ell to the cou$ts as to his clients.=! He shoul- bea$ in (in- that as an office$ of the cou$t his hi9h )ocation is to co$$ectl4 info$( the cou$t upon the la3 an- the facts of the case an- to ai- it in -oin9 7ustice an- a$$i)in9 at
co$$ect conclusion.5 The cou$ts& on the othe$ han-& a$e entitle- to e;pect onl4 co(plete honest4 f$o( la34e$s appea$in9 an- plea-in9 befo$e the(.B" 0hile a la34e$ has the sole(n -ut4 to -efen- his clientMs $i9hts an- is e;pecte- to -ispla4
the ut(ost 6eal in -efense of his clientMs cause& his con-uct (ust ne)e$ be at the e;pense of t$uth.BB
The Cou$t (a4 -isba$ o$ suspen- a la34e$ fo$ (iscon-uct& 3hethe$ in his p$ofessional o$ p$i)ate capacit4& 3hich sho3s hi( to be 3antin9 in (o$al cha$acte$& in honest4& p$obit4& an- 9oo- -e(eano$& thus p$o)in9 un3o$th4 to continue as an
office$ of the cou$t.B%
E)i-entl4& $espon-ent la34e$s fell sho$t of the -uties an- $esponsibilities e;pecte- f$o( the( as (e(be$s of the ba$. Anticipatin9 that thei$ Motion fo$ ,ail 3ill be -enie- b4 the cou$t if it foun- that it ha- no 7u$is-iction o)e$ the pe$son of the
accuse-& the4 c$aftil4 conceale- the t$uth b4 alle9in9 that accuse- ha- )olunta$il4 su$$en-e$e- to a pe$son in autho$it4 an- 3as un-e$ -etention. Ob)iousl4& such a$tifice 3as a -elibe$ate $use to (islea- the cou$t an- the$eb4 cont$ibute to
in7ustice. To 8no3in9l4 alle9e an unt$ue state(ent of fact in the plea-in9 is a conte(ptuous con-uct that 3e st$on9l4 con-e(n. The4 )iolate- thei$ oath 3hen the4 $eso$te- to -eception.
Respon-ents conten- that thei$ alle9ation of the accuse-Ms -etention 3as (e$el4 a state(ent of an ulti(ate fact 3hich still ha- to be p$o)e- b4 e)i-ence at the hea$in9 of the Motion. That the4 3e$e able to sho3 that thei$ client 3as al$ea-4
un-e$ the custo-4 of the N,I at the hea$in9 hel- on Dece(be$ BA& %""" -oes not e;one$ate the(. The fact $e(ains that the alle9ation that the accuse- 3as in the custo-4 of the N,I on Dece(be$ B@& %""" 3as false.
In Co(ia )s. Antona& 3e hel-2
It is of no (o(ent that the accuse- e)entuall4 su$$en-e$e- to the police autho$ities on the sa(e -ate =tentati)el4= sche-ule- fo$ the hea$in9 of the application fo$ bail. To ou$ (in-& such supe$)enin9 e)ent is of no bea$in9 an- i((ate$ialD it -oes
not absol)e $espon-ent 7u-9e f$o( a-(inist$ati)e liabilit4 consi-e$in9 that he shoul- not ha)e acco$-e- $eco9nition to the application fo$ bail file- on behalf of pe$sons 3ho& at that point& 3e$e -e)oi- of pe$sonalit4 to as8 such specific affi$(ati)e
$elief f$o( the cou$t.B@
In this 7u$is-iction& 3hethe$ bail is a (atte$ of $i9ht o$ -isc$etion& $easonable notice of hea$in9 is $e:ui$e- to be 9i)en to the p$osecuto$ o$ fiscal& o$ at least& he (ust be as8e- fo$ his $eco((en-ation.B
In the case at ba$& the p$osecution 3as se$)e- 3ith notice of hea$in9 of the (otion fo$ bail t3o -a4s p$io$ to the sche-ule- -ate. Althou9h a (otion (a4 be hea$- on sho$t notice& $espon-ents faile- to sho3 an4 9oo- cause to 7ustif4 the non?
obse$)ance of the th$ee?-a4 notice $ule. Ve$il4& as la34e$s& the4 a$e obli9e- to obse$)e the $ules of p$oce-u$e an- not to (isuse the( to -efeat the en-s of 7ustice.BA
1inall4& 3e a$e in acco$- 3ith the In)esti9atin9 Co((issione$ that $espon-ent cle$8 of cou$t shoul- not be (a-e a-(inist$ati)el4 liable fo$ inclu-in9 the Motion in the calen-a$ of the t$ial cou$t& consi-e$in9 that it 3as autho$i6e- b4 the p$esi-in9
7u-9e. Ho3e)e$& he is $e(in-e- that his a-(inist$ati)e functions& althou9h not in)ol)in9 the -isc$etion o$ 7u-9(ent of a 7u-9e& a$e )ital to the p$o(pt an- soun- a-(inist$ation of 7ustice.BE Thus& he shoul- not hesitate to info$( the 7u-9e if he
shoul- fin- an4 act o$ con-uct on the pa$t of la34e$s 3hich a$e cont$a$4 to the establishe- $ules of p$oce-u$e.
0HERE1ORE& in )ie3 of the fo$e9oin9& $espon-ent Att4s. Ceasa$ +. ,atue9as& Mi9uelito Na6a$eno V. 'lantino a$e foun- 9uilt4 of co((ittin9 -elibe$ate falsehoo-. Acco$-in9l4& the4 a$e SUSPENDED f$o( the p$actice of la3 fo$ a pe$io- of si;
<E> (onths 3ith a 3a$nin9 that a $epetition of the sa(e o$ si(ila$ act 3ill be -ealt 3ith (o$e se)e$el4.
'et a cop4 of this Resolution be attache- to the pe$sonal $eco$-s of Att4s. Ceasa$ +. ,atue9as an- Mi9uelito Na6a$eno V. 'lantino in the Office of the ,a$ Confi-ant an- copies the$eof be fu$nishe- the Inte9$ate- ,a$ of the Philippines.
Republic of the Philippines

A-(inist$ati)e Case No. BA#B Septe(be$ %@& B555
PARA'UMAN ,. A1URON+& co(plainant&
ATT*. AN+E' +. A/UINO& $espon-ent.
R E S O ' U T I O N

PARDO& ..2
The case befo$e the Cou$t is a )e$ifie- lette$?co(plaint fo$ -isba$(ent& file- on Dece(be$ %%& B5#A& b4 Pa$alu(an ,. Afu$on9 a9ainst Att4. An9el +. A:uino& fo$ filin9 f$i)olous ha$ass(ent cases to -ela4 the e;ecution of a final -ecision&
co((ittin9 falsehoo- in an U$9ent Motion fo$ Postpone(ent& an- (is$ep$esentin9 hi(self as an atto$ne4 fo$ the Citi6ens 'e9al Assistance Office.BH3phiB.nIt
The antece-ent facts sho3 that on Ap$il %& B5#& Pa$alu(an Afu$on9 file- a co(plaint fo$ e7ect(ent 3ith the Cit4 Cou$t of Manila fo$ non?pa4(ent of $entals a9ainst Victo$ino 1lo$es. B The cou$t $en-e$e- 7u-9(ent on Ma4 %#& B5# in fa)o$ of
petitione$ Pa$alu(an Afu$on9. The cou$t then issue- a 3$it of e;ecution on 1eb$ua$4 B#& B5#A& 3hich 3as se$)e- on Victo$ino 1lo$es in Ma$ch B5#A.
1acin9 e)iction f$o( the lan- he 3as occup4in9& Victo$ino 1lo$es sou9ht the assistance of the Citi6ens 'e9al Assistance Office. His case 3as assi9ne- to Att4. An9el +. A:uino& an e(plo4ee of sai- office at the ti(e.
On Ap$il @& B5#A& Att4. An9el +. A:uino file- 3ith the Cit4 Cou$t of Manila a Petition fo$ Relief f$o( .u-9(ent 3ith p$a4e$ fo$ the issuance of a $est$ainin9 o$-e$. % On Ma4 5& B5#A& the petition& afte$ -ue hea$in9& 3as -is(isse- fo$ ha)in9 been
file- out of ti(e.
Att4. A:uino subse:uentl4 file- on Ma4 %5& B5#A& 3ith the Cou$t of 1i$st Instance of Manila a Petition fo$ Ce$tio$a$i an- P$ohibition. @ The cou$t set the p$e?t$ial confe$ence on Dece(be$ B%& B5#A.
Not3ithstan-in9 the fact that he 3as sepa$ate- f$o( the Citi6ens 'e9al Assistance Office on Octobe$ B& B5#A& Att4. An9el +. A:uino file- on Dece(be$ BB& B5#A& an U$9ent Motion fo$ Postpone(ent& si9nin9 his na(e as counsel fo$ Victo$ino
1lo$es an- in-icatin9 the a--$ess of the Citi6ens 'e9al Assistance Office at #BA +asta(bi-e& Sa(paloc& Manila as his office a--$ess.
In the afo$esai- U$9ent Motion fo$ Postpone(ent& Att4. A:uino state- that he 3oul- be unable to atten- the p$e?t$ial confe$ence sche-ule- on Dece(be$ B%& B5#A& at 52"" a.(.& of Ci)il Case No. 5#5#E because he nee-e- to atten- the hea$in9
of a Habeas Co$pus Case befo$e the .u)enile an- Do(estic Relations Cou$t that sa(e -a4 an- hou$.
Ho3e)e$& a ce$tification f$o( the Cle$8 of Cou$t of the .u)enile an- Do(estic Relations Cou$t state- that a -ecision ha- been $en-e$e- on the afo$e(entione- special p$ocee-in9s case& an- that the$e 3as no hea$in9 in connection 3ith the case
on Dece(be$ B%& B5#A& fo$ the$e 3as nothin9 (o$e to be -one in the p$ocee-in9s an- the sa(e 3as -ecla$e- close- an- te$(inate-. A
Thus& on Dece(be$ %%& B5#A& Pa$alu(an Afu$on9 file- a co(plaint E 3ith this Cou$t fo$ -isba$(ent a9ainst Att4. An9el +. A:uino.
Acco$-in9 to co(plainant& app$op$iate puniti)e sanction shoul- be (ete- to Att4. An9el +. A:uino fo$ filin9 f$i)olous ha$ass(ent cases in the fo$( of Ci)il Case Nos. 5#%EA an- 5#5#E& an- fo$ 9i)in9 false alle9ations in his U$9ent Motion fo$
Co(plainant e(phasi6e- that 3hen Ci)il Case No. 5#5#E 3as set fo$ p$e?t$ial on Dece(be$ B%& B5#A& at 52"" a.(.& $espon-ent falsel4 $ep$esente- that on the sa(e -ate an- hou$& he 3oul- atten- the hea$in9 also on sai- -ate an- ti(e of
Special P$ocee-in9s No. D?""@%E& entitle- =In the Matte$ of the Petition fo$ the Issuance of a 0$it of Habeas Co$pus of 'o$-eli6a V. Sohn$e4=.
Co(plainant fu$the$ conten-e- that Att4. An9el +. A:uino (is$ep$esente- hi(self as an atto$ne4 of the Citi6ens 'e9al Assistance Office& usin9 the na(e an- a--$ess of sai- Office to postpone the p$e?t$ial hea$in9 of Ci)il Case No. 5#5#E& on
Dece(be$ B%& B5#A& -espite the fact that he ha- been sepa$ate- f$o( office at the ti(e.
On 1eb$ua$4 B@& B5#E& $espon-ent file- 3ith this Cou$t his Ans3e$ # to the co(plaint -en4in9 the cha$9es a9ainst hi(& conten-in9 that such acts ha- been -one 3ithout (alice.
He a-(itte-& ho3e)e$& that at the ti(e of the p$e?t$ial of Ci)il Case No. 5#5#E set on Dece(be$ B%& B5#A& he 3as no lon9e$ connecte- 3ith the Citi6ens 'e9al Assistance Office& fo$ he 3as =inclu-e- as one of the e(plo4ees pu$9e- b4 the
P$esi-ent in a list publishe- in the ne3spape$s last Octobe$ B& B5#A.= ! *et& he $easone-& =Not 3antin9 to $e(o)e the case f$o( the Citi6ens 'e9al Assistance Office b4 appea$in9 as p$i)ate counsel fo$ the petitione$ an- still unable to 3ait fo$
(4 $einstate(ent 3hich I 3as info$(e- 3as fo$thco(in9& I -eci-e- to file a (otion to postpone the p$e?t$ial confe$ence of the case.=
He also conce-e- that& =In o$-e$ to 9i)e (o$e =fo$ce= to (4 (otion fo$ postpone(ent& I in-icate- the$ein that I ha- to atten- the hea$in9 of anothe$ case befo$e the .u)enile an- Do(estic Relations Cou$t.= 5
He fu$the$ a-(itte- that the filin9 of the (otion 3ith the facts so state- =(i9ht ha)e cause- so(e -ela4=& but 7ustifies such act b4 statin9 that =such filin9 3as p$o(pte- b4 so(e ci$cu(stances 3hich 3e can consi-e$ as ine)itable an-
una)oi-able at the (o(ent.= He a--s& =If I shall be 9i)en anothe$ chance to continue han-lin9 the case& I p$o(ise that this (ista8e shall ne)e$ be
$epeate-.= B"
In a Repl4 file- on Ap$il E& B5#E& BB co(plainant asse$te- that Att4. An9el +. A:uino 3as -ecla$e- 9uilt4 of conte(pt of cou$t an- co$$espon-in9l4 fine- b4 this Cou$t in a Decision B% -ate- 1eb$ua$4 %E& B5#E& fo$ (a8in9 false alle9ations in his
U$9ent Motion fo$ Postpone(ent.
On Ma4 @& B5#E& this Cou$t $efe$$e- the case to the Solicito$ +ene$al fo$ in)esti9ation& $epo$t an- $eco((en-ation. The pa$ties a9$ee-& ho3e)e$& to hol- the case in abe4ance until the te$(ination of Ci)il Case No. 5#5#E. B@
Effecti)e .une B& B5!!& all cases pen-in9 in)esti9ation b4 the Office of the Solicito$ +ene$al 3e$e t$ansfe$$e- to the Inte9$ate- ,a$ of the Philippines ,oa$- of +o)e$no$s fo$ in)esti9ation an- -isposition as p$o)i-e- in the Re)ise- Rules of Cou$t.
On Ma4 %%& B55#& the I,P Co((ission on ,a$ Discipline sub(itte- a Repo$t& BA fin-in9 that $espon-ent Att4. An9el +. A:uino faile- to pe$fo$( his -uties e;pecte- of an atto$ne4 as p$o)i-e- un-e$ the e;istin9 Canons of P$ofessional Ethics an-
Section %" of Rule B@! of the Rules of Cou$t in fo$ce at the ti(e of the co((ission of the acts in :uestion. In)esti9atin9 Co((issione$ Pla$i-el C. .ose $eco((en-e- that $espon-ent be penali6e- 3ith si; <E> (onths suspension.
On .ul4 %E& B55#& the ,oa$- of +o)e$no$s of the I,P $esol)e- to a-opt an- app$o)e the $epo$t an- $eco((en-ation of the In)esti9atin9
Co((issione$. BE
0e a9$ee.
The Re)ise- Rules of Cou$t p$o)i-es that it is the -ut4 of an atto$ne4 to counsel o$ (aintain such actions o$ p$ocee-in9s onl4 as appea$ to hi( to be 7ust& an- such -efenses onl4 as he belie)es to be honestl4 -ebatable un-e$ the la3. B# The
-ecision in Ci)il Case No. %@BAA% ha- $eache- finalit4 an- e;ecution of such -ecision 3as bein9 effecte-. Respon-ent Att4. A:uino shoul- not ha)e file- a petition fo$ ce$tio$a$i consi-e$in9 that the$e 3as no appa$ent pu$pose fo$ it than to -ela4
the e;ecution of a )ali- 7u-9(ent.
1u$the$(o$e& $espon-ent co((itte- falsehoo- 3hen he state- in his U$9ent Motion fo$ Postpone(ent that he ha- to atten- the hea$in9 of a special p$ocee-in9s case the sa(e -a4 as the p$e?t$ial of Ci)il Case No. 5#5#E. Respon-ent hi(self
a-(itte- that he onl4 inclu-e- such state(ent =in o$-e$ to 9i)e (o$e Mfo$ceM= to the U$9ent Motion fo$ Postpone(ent. Such act )iolates the Canons of P$ofessional Ethics 3hich obli9es an atto$ne4 to a)oi- the conceal(ent of the t$uth f$o( the
cou$t. A la34e$ is (an-ate- not to (islea- the cou$t in an4 (anne$.
In this case& Att4. A:uino state- false alle9ations in his (otion fo$ postpone(ent 3hich -ela4e- the e;ecution of a )ali- -ecision. It is 3o$th4 to note that the lo3e$ cou$t co$$ectl4 -ecla$e- $espon-ent in conte(pt of cou$t fo$ con-uct ten-in9&
-i$ectl4 o$ in-i$ectl4& to i(pe-e& obst$uct& o$ -e9$a-e the a-(inist$ation of 7ustice& in )iolation of Section @ <->& Rule #B of the Re)ise- Rules of Cou$t. B!
Mo$eo)e$& Att4. A:uino pu$posel4 allo3e- the cou$t to belie)e that he 3as still e(plo4e- 3ith the Citi6ens 'e9al Assistance Office 3hen in fact he ha- been pu$9e- f$o( sai- office. That he 3as a3aitin9 $einstate(ent to the sa(e position at the
ti(e -oes not $e(o)e the fact that he 3as (is$ep$esentin9 hi(self to the cou$t. ,4 -oin9 so& he has )iolate- his -ut4 to e(plo4& fo$ the pu$pose of (aintainin9 the causes confi-e- to hi(& such (eans onl4 as a$e consistent 3ith t$uth an- hono$&
an- ne)e$ see8 to (islea- the 7u-9e o$ an4 7u-icial office$ b4 an a$tifice o$ false state(ent of fact o$ la3. B5 He coul- ha)e -ele9ate- the case to anothe$ la34e$ in the sa(e office.
0HERE1ORE& the Cou$t he$eb4 fin-s $espon-ent Att4. An9el +. A:uino 9uilt4 of (alp$actice an- SUSPENDS hi( f$o( the p$actice of la3 fo$ si; <E> (onths co((encin9 upon $eceipt of notice he$eof.
'et this -ecision be sp$ea- in the pe$sonal $eco$- of $espon-ent in this Cou$t an- copies the$eof fu$nishe- the Inte9$ate- ,a$ of the Philippines 3hich shall p$o)i-e all its chapte$s 3ith copies the$eof& an- the Office of the Cou$t A-(inist$ato$
3hich shall fo$th3ith p$o)i-e 3ith copies the$eof all othe$ cou$ts th$ou9h the $especti)e p$esi-in9 .ustices an- E;ecuti)e .u-9es.BH3phiB.nIt
Republic of the Philippines
+.R. No. '?@ABB@ Ma$ch %A& B5#A
EU+ENIO CUARESMA& petitione$&
MARCE'O DA/UIS& PHHC& CESAR NAVARRO& NICANOR +UEVARRA& She$iff of /ue6on Cit4 o$ his Deput4 an- .UD+E PACI1ICO P. DE CASTRO& $espon-ents. ATTORNE* MACARIO O. DIRECTO& $espon-ent.
R E S O ' U T I O N

1ERNANDO& ..2VZ[.\]3ph^B
The p$e-ica(ent in 3hich $espon-ent Maca$io O. Di$ecto& a (e(be$ of the Philippine ba$& no3 fin-s hi(self is one of his o3n (a8in9. In a petition fo$ ce$tio$a$i file- 3ith this Cou$t on behalf of one Eu9enio Cua$es(a& he inclu-e- the follo3in9
cate9o$ical alle9ations2 =. That 4ou$ petitione$ has no 8no3le-9e of the e;istence of sai- case <Ci)il Case No. B%B#E& C1I of Ri6al& /ue6on Cit4 ,$anch> afo$ecite- bet3een the $espon-ents Ma$celo Da:uis& PHHC& an- Cesa$ Na)a$$o& an-
3he$ein the $espon-ent .u-9e& K9a)eL -ue cou$se to the co(plaint& an- the sub7ect (atte$ in liti9ationD A. That on Ma4 %E& B5#%& the $espon-ent .u-9e issue- an o$-e$ of -e(olition& o$-e$in9 the $espon-ent She$iff of /ue6on Cit4 o$ his -eput4
to -e(olish the house of 4ou$ petitione$ etc.& an- on the sa(e -a4 Ma4 %E& B5#%& the She$iff of /ue6on Cit4 th$ou9h his -eput4 K9a)eL th$ee <@> -a4s to 4ou$ petitione$ to $e(o)e his house o$ face -e(olition& ... DE ... #. That 4ou$ petitione$ 3as
not 9i)en a -a4 in cou$t to p$esent his si-e of the case& in )iolation of la3& an- of the -ictu( of -ue p$ocess of the constitution& ... = B The$eafte$& afte$ $eceipt of the co((ents of $espon-ents& it tu$ne- out& as set fo$th in a $esolution of this Cou$t
of Au9ust & B5#%& =that petitione$ 3as full4 a3a$e of the e;istence of sai- ci)il case because on Dece(be$ B& B5#B Att4. Maca$io Di$ecto& as counsel of petitione$& a--$esse- to $espon-ent Ma$celo Da:uis a lette$ 3hich in-icates that both
counsel an- petitione$ 3e$e a3a$e of the e;istence of the case. It also appea$s that& befo$e $espon-ents Ma$celo Da:uis an- Cesa$ Na)a$$o file- a (otion fo$ a 3$it of Possession in Ci)il Case No. /?B%B#E& petitione$ Eu9enio Cua$es(a& alon9
3ith the othe$ occupants of the lot in :uestion& 3as 9i)en thi$t4 <@"> -a4s notice to )acate the p$e(ises 3hich pe$io- 3as e)en e;ten-e- fo$ anothe$ thi$t4 <@"> -a4s& but that& -espite that notice& petitione$ Eu9enio Cua$es(a $efuse- to )acate
the lot in)ol)e- in the case. It fu$the$ appea$s that on Ma4 @& B5#%& Att4. Maca$io Di$ecto& as counsel fo$ petitione$& file- a (otion fo$ inte$)ention in the afo$e(entione- Ci)il Case No. /?B%B#ED an- on Ma4 B@& B5#%& sa(e counsel file- a (otion
to :uash o$ $ecall the 3$it of e;ecution& an- an opposition to the issuance of a 3$it of -e(olition. On Ma4 %%& B5#%& $espon-ent .u-9e Pacifico -e Cast$o issue- an o$-e$ -en4in9 the (otion to inte$)ene as 3ell as the (otion to :uash o$ $ecall
the 3$it of e;ecution.= % It 3as then set fo$th in such $esolution that the$e 3as no t$uth to the alle9ation that on Ma4 %#& B5#%& the -ate of the filin9 of the petition fo$ ce$tio$a$i in the p$esent case& petitione$ ha- no 8no3le-9e of the e;istence of
Ci)il Case No. B%B#E.
Respon-ent Maca$io O. Di$ecto 3as then 9i)en ten -a4s to sho3 cause 3h4 no -isciplina$4 action shoul- be ta8en a9ainst hi( fo$ -elibe$atel4 (a8in9 false alle9ations in such petition. The$eafte$& on Au9ust BE& B5#%& ca(e a plea-in9 3hich he
entitle- Co(pliance. This is his e;planation2 =0hat 4ou$ petitione$ honestl4 (eant 3hen he alle9e- that he KhasL no 8no3le-9e of the e;istence of sai- Ci)il Case No. B%B#E& C1I of Ri6al& /ue6on Cit4 ,$anch& 3as f$o( the ti(e the plaintiff
Ma$celo Da:uis institute- the sai- case in .une B5E! up to an- afte$ the ti(e the Cou$t issue- the -ecision in the 4ea$ B5#". The plaintiff Ma$celo Da:uis ente$e- into a con-itional cont$act of sale of the lot in)ol)e- in sai- Ci)il Case No. B%B#E
3ith the PHHC. The$e 3e$e fou$ <> pu$chase$s& the plaintiff& t3o othe$s& an- 4ou$ petitione$. ,ecause of the $e:ui$e(ent of the PHHC that onl4 one of the( shoul- ente$ into the cont$act& Ma$celo Da:uis 3as chosen b4 the othe$s to ente$ into
the sa(e. Since this 3as a sale on install(ent basis& b4 a9$ee(ent of all the pu$chase$s& -ul4 ac8no3le-9e- b4 the PHHC& the (onthl4 -ues of the petitione$ an- the t3o othe$s& 3e$e $e(itte- to Ma$celo Da:uis& 3ho in tu$n $e(its the sa(e to
the PHHC. In .une B5E! plaintiff Ma$celo Da:uis institute- Ci)il Case No. B%B#E in the C1I of /ue6on Cit4. 1$o( .une B5E! up to the ti(e an- afte$ the -ecision 3as issue- b4 the cou$t& plaintiff Ma$celo Da:uis ne)e$ info$(e- 4ou$ petitione$ of
the sai- case.= @ He $eite$ate- in a late$ pa$a9$aph that all he 3ante- to con)e4 3as that his 8no3le-9e of the afo$esai- ci)il case ca(e onl4 afte$ the -ecision 3as issue-. He close- his Co(pliance 3ith the plea that if the$e 3e$e an4 (ista8e
co((itte-& =it ha- been an honest one& an- 3oul- sa4 in all since$it4 that the$e 3as no -elibe$ate atte(pt an- intent on his pa$t of (islea-in9 this Hono$able Cou$t& honestl4 an- totall4 una3a$e of an4 false alle9ation in the petition.=
The abo)e e;planation len-s itself to the suspicion that it 3as a (e$e afte$thou9ht. It coul- )e$4 3ell be that afte$ his attention 3as calle- to the (isstate(ents in his petition& he -eci-e- on such a )e$sion as a 3a4 out. That is (o$e than a ba$e
possibilit4. The$e is the assu(ption thou9h of 9oo- faith. That is in his fa)o$. Mo$eo)e$& 7u-9in9 f$o( the a383a$-l4 3o$-e- petition an- e)en his co(pliance :uite in-icati)e of eithe$ ca$elessness o$ lac8 of p$oficienc4 in the han-lin9 of the
En9lish lan9ua9e& it is not un$easonable to assu(e that his -eficienc4 in the (o-e of e;p$ession cont$ibute- to the inaccu$ac4 of his state(ents. 0hile a (e$e -isclai(e$ of intent ce$tainl4 cannot e;culpate hi(& still& in the spi$it of cha$it4 an-
fo$bea$ance& a penalt4 of $ep$i(an- 3oul- suffice. At least& it 3oul- se$)e to i(p$ess on $espon-ent that in the futu$e he shoul- be (uch (o$e ca$eful in the p$epa$ation of his plea-in9s so that the least -oubt as to his intellectual honest4 cannot
be ente$taine-. E)e$4 (e(be$ of the ba$ shoul- $eali6e that can-o$ in the -ealin9s 3ith the Cou$t is of the )e$4 essence of hono$able (e(be$ship in the p$ofession.
0HERE1ORE& Atto$ne4 Maca$io O. Di$ecto is $ep$i(an-e-. 'et a cop4 of this $esolution be sp$ea- on his $eco$-.
Republic of the Philippines

+.R. No. '?%A%5B .anua$4 @"& B5#B
'acsina& 'onto8 an- Pe$e6 an- 'uis 1. A:uino fo$ petitione$s.
1$ancisco -e los Re4es fo$ $espon-ent Cou$t of In-ust$ial Relations.
A$aneta& Men-o6a an- Papa fo$ othe$ $espon-ents.

Appeal& b4 ce$tio$a$i to $e)ie3 a -ecision an- a $esolution en banc of the Cou$t of In-ust$ial Relations -ate- Au9ust B#& B5EA an- Octobe$ %"& B5EA& $especti)el4& in Case BE5!?U'P.
The Insula$ 'ife Assu$ance Co.& 't-.& E(plo4ees Association?NATU& 1+U Insu$ance +$oup 0o$8e$s U E(plo4ees Association?NATU& an- Insula$ 'ife ,uil-in9 E(plo4ees Association?NATU <he$einafte$ $efe$$e- to as the Unions>& 3hile still
(e(be$s of the 1e-e$ation of 1$ee 0o$8e$s <110>& ente$e- into sepa$ate collecti)e ba$9ainin9 a9$ee(ents 3ith the Insula$ 'ife Assu$ance Co.& 't-. an- the 1+U Insu$ance +$oup <he$einafte$ $efe$$e- to as the Co(panies>.
T3o of the la34e$s of the Unions then 3e$e 1elipe Ena7e an- Ra(on +a$ciaD the latte$ 3as fo$(e$l4 the sec$eta$4?t$easu$e$ of the 110 an- actin9 p$esi-ent of the Insula$ 'ifeC1+U unions an- the Insula$ 'ife ,uil-in9 E(plo4ees Association.
+a$cia& as such actin9 p$esi-ent& in a ci$cula$ issue- in his na(e an- si9ne- b4 hi(& t$ie- to -issua-e the (e(be$s of the Unions f$o( -isaffiliatin9 3ith the 110 an- 7oinin9 the National Association of T$a-e Unions <NATU>& to no a)ail.
Ena7e an- +a$cia soon left the 110 an- secu$e- e(plo4(ent 3ith the Anti?Du((4 ,oa$- of the Depa$t(ent of .ustice. The$eafte$& the Co(panies hi$e- +a$cia in the latte$ pa$t of B5AE as assistant co$po$ate sec$eta$4 an- le9al assistant in
thei$ 'e9al Depa$t(ent& an- he 3as soon $ecei)in9 P5"" a (onth& o$ PE"" (o$e than he 3as $ecei)in9 f$o( the 110. Ena7e 3as hi$e- on o$ about 1eb$ua$4 B5& B5A# as pe$sonnel (ana9e$ of the Co(panies& an- 3as li8e3ise (a-e chai$(an
of the ne9otiatin9 panel fo$ the Co(panies in the collecti)e ba$9ainin9 3ith the Unions.
In a lette$ -ate- Septe(be$ BE& B5A#& the Unions 7ointl4 sub(itte- p$oposals to the Co(panies fo$ a (o-ifie- $ene3al of thei$ $especti)e collecti)e ba$9ainin9 cont$acts 3hich 3e$e then -ue to e;pi$e on Septe(be$ @"& B5A#. The pa$ties
(utuall4 a9$ee- an- to (a8e 3hate)e$ benefits coul- be a9$ee- upon $et$oacti)el4 effecti)e Octobe$ B& B5A#.
The$eafte$& in the (onths of Septe(be$ an- Octobe$ B5A# ne9otiations 3e$e con-ucte- on the UnionMs p$oposals& but these 3e$e sna99e- b4 a -ea-loc8 on the issue of union shop& as a $esult of 3hich the Unions file- on .anua$4 %#& B5A! a
notice of st$i8e fo$ =-ea-loc8 on collecti)e ba$9ainin9.= Se)e$al conciliation confe$ences 3e$e hel- un-e$ the auspices of the Depa$t(ent of 'abo$ 3he$ein the conciliato$s u$9e- the Co(panies to (a8e $epl4 to the UnionsM p$oposals en toto so
that the sai- Unions (i9ht consi-e$ the feasibilit4 of -$oppin9 thei$ -e(an- fo$ union secu$it4 in e;chan9e fo$ othe$ benefits. Ho3e)e$& the Co(panies -i- not (a8e an4 counte$?p$oposals but& instea-& insiste- that the Unions fi$st -$op thei$
-e(an- fo$ union secu$it4& p$o(isin9 (one4 benefits if this 3as -one. The$eupon& an- p$io$ to Ap$il BA& B5A!& the petitione$ Insula$ 'ife ,uil-in9 E(plo4ees Association?NATU -$oppe- this pa$ticula$ -e(an-& an- $e:ueste- the Co(panies to
ans3e$ its -e(an-s& point b4 point& en toto. ,ut the $espon-ent Insula$ 'ife Assu$ance Co. still $efuse- to (a8e an4 counte$?p$oposals. In a lette$ a--$esse- to the t3o othe$ Unions b4 the 7oint (ana9e(ent of the Co(panies& the fo$(e$ 3e$e
also as8e- to -$op thei$ union secu$it4 -e(an-& othe$3ise the Co(panies =3oul- no lon9e$ consi-e$ the(sel)es boun- b4 the co((it(ent to (a8e (one4 benefits $et$oacti)e to Octobe$ B& B5A#.= ,4 a lette$ -ate- Ap$il B#& B5A!& the $e(ainin9
t3o petitione$ unions li8e3ise -$oppe- thei$ -e(an- fo$ union shop. Ap$il %A& B5A! then 3as set b4 the pa$ties to (eet an- -iscuss the $e(ainin9 -e(an-s.
1$o( Ap$il %A to Ma4 E& B5A!& the pa$ties ne9otiate- on the labo$ -e(an-s but 3ith no satisfacto$4 $esult -ue to a stale(ate on the (atte$ of sala$4 inc$eases. On Ma4 B@& B5A! the Unions -e(an-e- f$o( the Co(panies final counte$?p$oposals
on thei$ econo(ic -e(an-s& pa$ticula$l4 on sala$4 inc$eases. Instea- of 9i)in9 counte$?p$oposals& the Co(panies on Ma4 BA& B5A! p$esente- facts an- fi9u$es an- $e:ueste- the Unions to sub(it a 3o$8able fo$(ula 3hich 3oul- 7ustif4 thei$
o3n p$oposals& ta8in9 into account the financial position of the fo$(e$. 1o$th3ith the Unions )ote- to -ecla$e a st$i8e in p$otest a9ainst 3hat the4 consi-e$e- the Co(paniesM unfai$ labo$ p$actices.
Mean3hile& ei9ht4?se)en <!#> unionists 3e$e $eclassifie- as supe$)iso$s 3ithout inc$ease in sala$4 no$ in $esponsibilit4 3hile ne9otiations 3e$e 9oin9 on in the Depa$t(ent of 'abo$ afte$ the notice to st$i8e 3as se$)e- on the Co(panies. These
e(plo4ees $esi9ne- f$o( the Unions.
On Ma4 %"& B5A! the Unions 3ent on st$i8e an- pic8ete- the offices of the Insula$ 'ife ,uil-in9 at Pla6a Mo$a9a.
On Ma4 %B& B5A! the Co(panies th$ou9h thei$ actin9 (ana9e$ an- p$esi-ent& the $espon-ent .ose M. Olbes <he$einafte$ $efe$$e- to as the $espon-ent Olbes>& sent to each of the st$i8e$s a lette$ <e;hibit A> :uote- )e$bati( as follo3s2
0e $eco9ni6e it is 4ou$ p$i)ile9e both to st$i8e an- to con-uct pic8etin9.
Ho3e)e$& if an4 of 4ou 3oul- li8e to co(e bac8 to 3o$8 )olunta$il4& 4ou (a42
B. A-)ise the nea$est police office$ o$ secu$it4 9ua$- of 4ou$ intention to -o so.
%. Ta8e 4ou$ (eals 3ithin the office.
@. Ma8e a choice 3hethe$ to 9o ho(e at the en- of the -a4 o$ to sleep ni9hts at the office 3he$e co(fo$table cots ha)e been p$epa$e-.
. En7o4 f$ee coffee an- occasional (o)ies.
A. ,e pai- o)e$ti(e fo$ 3o$8 pe$fo$(e- in e;cess of ei9ht hou$s.
E. ,e su$e a$$an9e(ents 3ill be (a-e fo$ 4ou$ fa(ilies.
The -ecision to (a8e is 4ou$s N 3hethe$ 4ou still belie)e in the (oti)es of the st$i8e o$ in the fai$ness of the Mana9e(ent.
The Unions& ho3e)e$& continue- on st$i8e& 3ith the e;ception of a fe3 unionists 3ho 3e$e con)ince- to -esist b4 the afo$esai- lette$ of Ma4 %B& B5A!.
1$o( the -ate the st$i8e 3as calle- on Ma4 %B& B5A!& until it 3as calle- off on Ma4 @B& B5A!& so(e (ana9e(ent (en t$ie- to b$ea8 th$u the UnionsM pic8et lines. Thus& on Ma4 %B& B5A! +a$cia& assistant co$po$ate sec$eta$4& an- Vicente Abella&
chief of the pe$sonnel $eco$-s section& $especti)el4 of the Co(panies& t$ie- to penet$ate the pic8et lines in f$ont of the Insula$ 'ife ,uil-in9. +a$cia& upon app$oachin9 the pic8et line& tosse- asi-e the placa$- of a pic8ete$& one Paulino ,u9a4D a
fi9ht ensue- bet3een the(& in 3hich both suffe$e- in7u$ies. The Co(panies o$9ani6e- th$ee bus?loa-s of e(plo4ees& inclu-in9 a photo9$aphe$& 3ho 3ith the sai- $espon-ent Olbes& succee-e- in penet$atin9 the pic8et lines in f$ont of the Insula$
'ife ,uil-in9& thus causin9 in7u$ies to the pic8ete$s an- also to the st$i8e?b$ea8e$s -ue to the $esistance offe$e- b4 so(e pic8ete$s.
Alle9in9 that so(e non?st$i8e$s 3e$e in7u$e- an- 3ith the use of photo9$aphs as e)i-ence& the Co(panies then file- c$i(inal cha$9es a9ainst the st$i8e$s 3ith the Cit4 1iscalMs Office of Manila. Du$in9 the pen-enc4 of the sai- cases in the fiscalMs
office& the Co(panies li8e3ise file- a petition fo$ in7unction 3ith -a(a9es 3ith the Cou$t of 1i$st Instance of Manila 3hich& on the basis of the pen-enc4 of the )a$ious c$i(inal cases a9ainst st$i8in9 (e(be$s of the Unions& issue- on Ma4 @B&
B5A! an o$-e$ $est$ainin9 the st$i8e$s& until fu$the$ o$-e$s of the sai- cou$t& f$o( stoppin9& i(pe-in9& obst$uctin9& etc. the f$ee an- peaceful use of the Co(paniesM 9ates& ent$ance an- -$i)e3a4 an- the f$ee (o)e(ent of pe$sons an- )ehicles to
an- f$o(& out an- in& of the Co(paniesM buil-in9.
On the sa(e -ate& the Co(panies& a9ain th$ou9h the $espon-ent Olbes& sent in-i)i-uall4 to the st$i8e$s a lette$ <e;hibit ,>& :uote- he$eun-e$ in its enti$et42
The fi$st -a4 of the st$i8e 3as last %B Ma4 B5A!.
Ou$ position $e(ains unchan9e- an- the st$i8e has (a-e us e)en (o$e con)ince- of ou$ -ecision.
0e -o not 8no3 ho3 lon9 4ou inten- to sta4 out& but 3e cannot hol- 4ou$ positions open fo$ lon9. 0e ha)e continue- to ope$ate an- 3ill continue to -o so 3ith o$ 3ithout 4ou.
If 4ou a$e still inte$este- in continuin9 in the e(plo4 of the +$oup Co(panies& an- if the$e a$e no c$i(inal cha$9es pen-in9 a9ainst 4ou& 3e a$e 9i)in9 4ou until % .une B5A! to $epo$t fo$ 3o$8 at the ho(e office. If b4 this -ate 4ou ha)e not 4et
$epo$te-& 3e (a4 be fo$ce- to obtain 4ou$ $eplace(ent.
,efo$e& the -ecisions 3as 4ou$s to (a8e.
So it is no3.
Inci-entall4& all of the (o$e than B%" c$i(inal cha$9es file- a9ainst the (e(be$s of the Unions& e;cept th$ee <@>& 3e$e -is(isse- b4 the fiscalMs office an- b4 the cou$ts. These th$ee cases in)ol)e- =sli9ht ph4sical in7u$ies= a9ainst one st$i8e$ an-
=li9ht coe$cion= a9ainst t3o othe$s.
At an4 $ate& because of the issuance of the 3$it of p$eli(ina$4 in7unction a9ainst the( as 3ell as the ulti(atu( of the Co(panies 9i)in9 the( until .une %& B5A! to $etu$n to thei$ 7obs o$ else be $eplace-& the st$i8in9 e(plo4ees -eci-e- to call off
thei$ st$i8e an- to $epo$t bac8 to 3o$8 on .une %& B5A!.
Ho3e)e$& befo$e $ea-(ittin9 the st$i8e$s& the Co(panies $e:ui$e- the( not onl4 to secu$e clea$ances f$o( the Cit4 1iscalMs Office of Manila but also to be sc$eene- b4 a (ana9e(ent co((ittee a(on9 the (e(be$s of 3hich 3e$e Ena9e an-
+a$cia. The sc$eenin9 co((ittee initiall4 $e7ecte- !@ st$i8e$s 3ith pen-in9 c$i(inal cha$9es. Ho3e)e$& all non?st$i8e$s 3ith pen-in9 c$i(inal cha$9es 3hich a$ose f$o( the b$ea8th$ou9h inci-ent 3e$e $ea-(itte- i((e-iatel4 b4 the Co(panies
3ithout bein9 $e:ui$e- to secu$e clea$ances f$o( the fiscalMs office. Subse:uentl4& 3hen p$acticall4 all the st$i8e$s ha- secu$e- clea$ances f$o( the fiscalMs office& the Co(panies $ea-(itte- onl4 so(e but a-a(antl4 $efuse- $ea-(ission to @
officials an- (e(be$s of the Unions 3ho 3e$e (ost acti)e in the st$i8e& on the 9$oun- that the4 co((itte- =acts ini(ical to the inte$est of the $espon-ents&= 3ithout ho3e)e$ statin9 the specific acts alle9e-l4 co((itte-. A(on9 those 3ho 3e$e
$efuse- $ea-(ission a$e E(iliano Tabason-$a& )ice p$esi-ent of the Insula$ 'ife ,uil-in9 E(plo4eesM Association?NATUD 1lo$encio Iba$$a& p$esi-ent of the 1+U Insu$ance +$oup 0o$8e$s U E(plo4ees Association?NATUD an- Isa9ani Du Ti(bol&
actin9 p$esi-ent of the Insula$ 'ife Assu$ance Co.& 't-. E(plo4ees Association?NATU. So(e % of the abo)e nu(be$ 3e$e ulti(atel4 notifie- (onths late$ that the4 3e$e bein9 -is(isse- $et$oacti)el4 as of .une %& B5A! an- 9i)en sepa$ation pa4
chec8s co(pute- un-e$ Rep. Act B#!#& 3hile othe$s <ten in nu(be$> up to no3 ha)e not been $ea-(itte- althou9h the$e ha)e been no fo$(al -is(issal notices 9i)en to the(.
On .ul4 %5& B5A! the CIR p$osecuto$ file- a co(plaint fo$ unfai$ labo$ p$actice a9ainst the Co(panies un-e$ Republic Act !#A. The co(plaint specificall4 cha$9e- the Co(panies 3ith <B> inte$fe$in9 3ith the (e(be$s of the Unions in the
e;e$cise of thei$ $i9ht to conce$te- action& b4 sen-in9 out in-i)i-ual lette$s to the( u$9in9 the( to aban-on thei$ st$i8e an- $etu$n to 3o$8& 3ith a p$o(ise of co(fo$table cots& f$ee coffee an- (o)ies& an- pai- o)e$ti(e& an-& subse:uentl4& b4
3a$nin9 the( that if the4 -i- not $etu$n to 3o$8 on o$ befo$e .une %& B5A!& the4 (i9ht be $eplace-D an- <%> -isc$i(inatin9 a9ainst the (e(be$s of the Unions as $e9a$-s $ea-(ission to 3o$8 afte$ the st$i8e on the basis of thei$ union (e(be$ship
an- -e9$ee of pa$ticipation in the st$i8e.
On Au9ust & B5A! the Co(panies file- thei$ ans3e$ -en4in9 all the (ate$ial alle9ations of the co(plaint& statin9 special -efenses the$ein& an- as8in9 fo$ the -is(issal of the co(plaint.
Afte$ t$ial on the (e$its& the Cou$t of In-ust$ial Relations& th$ou9h P$esi-in9 .u-9e A$senio Ma$tine6& $en-e$e- on Au9ust B#& B5EA a -ecision -is(issin9 the UnionsM co(plaint fo$ lac8 of (e$it. On Au9ust @B& B5EA the Unions seasonabl4 file-
thei$ (otion fo$ $econsi-e$ation of the sai- -ecision& an- thei$ suppo$tin9 (e(o$an-u( on Septe(be$ B"& B5EA. This 3as -enie- b4 the Cou$t of In-ust$ial Relations en banc in a $esolution p$o(ul9ate- on Octobe$ %"& B5EA.
Hence& this petition fo$ $e)ie3& the Unions conten-in9 that the lo3e$ cou$t e$$e-2
B. In not fin-in9 the Co(panies 9uilt4 of unfai$ labo$ p$actice in sen-in9 out in-i)i-uall4 to the st$i8e$s the lette$s (a$8e- E;hibits A an- ,D
%. In not fin-in9 the Co(panies 9uilt4 of unfai$ labo$ p$actice fo$ -isc$i(inatin9 a9ainst the st$i8in9 (e(be$s of the Unions in the (atte$ of $ea-(ission of e(plo4ees afte$ the st$i8eD
@. In not fin-in9 the Co(panies 9uilt4 of unfai$ labo$ p$actice fo$ -is(issin9 officials an- (e(be$s of the Unions 3ithout 9i)in9 the( the benefit of in)esti9ation an- the oppo$tunit4 to p$esent thei$ si-e in $e9a$- to acti)ities un-e$ta8en
b4 the( in the le9iti(ate e;e$cise of thei$ $i9ht to st$i8eD an-
. In not o$-e$in9 the $einstate(ent of officials an- (e(be$s of the Unions& 3ith full bac8 3a9es& f$o( .une %& B5A! to the -ate of thei$ actual $einstate(ent to thei$ usual e(plo4(ent.
I. The $espon-ents conten- that the sen-in9 of the lette$s& e;hibits A an- ,& constitute- a le9iti(ate e;e$cise of thei$ f$ee-o( of speech. 0e -o not a9$ee. The sai- lette$s 3e$e -i$ecte- to the st$i8in9 e(plo4ees in-i)i-uall4 N b4
$e9iste$e- special -eli)e$4 (ail at that N 3ithout bein9 cou$se- th$ou9h the Unions 3hich 3e$e $ep$esentin9 the e(plo4ees in the collecti)e ba$9ainin9.
The act of an e(plo4e$ in notif4in9 absent e(plo4ees in-i)i-uall4 -u$in9 a st$i8e follo3in9 unp$o-ucti)e effo$ts at collecti)e ba$9ainin9 that the plant 3oul- be ope$ate- the ne;t -a4 an- that thei$ 7obs 3e$e open fo$ the( shoul- the4 3ant to
co(e in has been hel- to be an unfai$ labo$ p$actice& as an acti)e inte$fe$ence 3ith the $i9ht of collecti)e ba$9ainin9 th$ou9h -ealin9 3ith the e(plo4ees in-i)i-uall4 instea- of th$ou9h thei$ collecti)e ba$9ainin9 $ep$esentati)es. <@B A(. .u$. AE@&
citin9 N'R, ). Mont9o(e$4 0a$- U Co. KCA 5thL B@@ 1%- E#E& BE A'R B"A>
In-ee-& it is an unfai$ labo$ p$actice fo$ an e(plo4e$ ope$atin9 un-e$ a collecti)e ba$9ainin9 a9$ee(ent to ne9otiate o$ to atte(pt to ne9otiate 3ith his e(plo4ees in-i)i-uall4 in connection 3ith chan9es in the a9$ee(ent. An- the basis of the
p$ohibition $e9a$-in9 in-i)i-ual ba$9ainin9 3ith the st$i8e$s is that althou9h the union is on st$i8e& the e(plo4e$ is still un-e$ obli9ation to ba$9ain 3ith the union as the e(plo4eesM ba$9ainin9 $ep$esentati)e <Melo Photo Suppl4 Co$po$ation )s.
National 'abo$ Relations ,oa$-& @%B U.S. @@%>.
In-ee-& so(e such si(ila$ actions a$e ille9al as constitutin9 un3a$$ante- acts of inte$fe$ence. Thus& the act of a co(pan4 p$esi-ent in 3$itin9 lette$s to the st$i8e$s& u$9in9 thei$ $etu$n to 3o$8 on te$(s inconsistent 3ith thei$ union (e(be$ship&
3as a-7u-9e- as constitutin9 inte$fe$ence 3ith the e;e$cise of his e(plo4eesM $i9ht to collecti)e ba$9ainin9 <'i9hte$ Publishin9& CCA #th& B@@ 1%- E%B>. It is li8e3ise an act of inte$fe$ence fo$ the e(plo4e$ to sen- a lette$ to all e(plo4ees
notif4in9 the( to $etu$n to 3o$8 at a ti(e specifie- the$ein& othe$3ise ne3 e(plo4ees 3oul- be en9a9e- to pe$fo$( thei$ 7obs. In-i)i-ual solicitation of the e(plo4ees o$ )isitin9 thei$ ho(es& 3ith the e(plo4e$ o$ his $ep$esentati)e u$9in9 the
e(plo4ees to cease union acti)it4 o$ cease st$i8in9& constitutes unfai$ labo$ p$actice. All the abo)e?-etaile- acti)ities a$e unfai$ labo$ p$actices because the4 ten- to un-e$(ine the conce$te- acti)it4 of the e(plo4ees& an acti)it4 to 3hich the4 a$e
entitle- f$ee f$o( the e(plo4e$Ms (olestation.B
Mo$eo)e$& since e;hibit A is a lette$ containin9 p$o(ises of benefits to the e(plo4ees in o$-e$ to entice the( to $etu$n to 3o$8& it is not p$otecte- b4 the f$ee speech p$o)isions of the Constitution <N'R, ). Clea$fiel- Cheese Co.& Inc.& %B@ 1%-
#">. The sa(e is t$ue 3ith e;hibit , since it containe- th$eats to obtain $eplace(ents fo$ the st$i8in9 e(plo4ees in the e)ent the4 -i- not $epo$t fo$ 3o$8 on .une %& B5A!. The f$ee speech p$otection un-e$ the Constitution is inapplicable 3he$e
the e;p$ession of opinion b4 the e(plo4e$ o$ his a9ent contains a p$o(ise of benefit& o$ th$eats& o$ $ep$isal <@B A(. .u$. AD N'R, )s. Clea$fiel- Cheese Co.& Inc.& %B@ 1%- #"D N'R, )s. +oi94 Co.& %BB 1%- A@@& @A A'R %- %%>.
In-ee-& 3hen the $espon-ents offe$e- $einstate(ent an- atte(pte- to =b$ibe= the st$i8e$s 3ith =co(fo$table cots&= =f$ee coffee an- occasional (o)ies&= =o)e$ti(e= pa4 fo$ =3o$8 pe$fo$(e- in e;cess of ei9ht hou$s&= an- =a$$an9e(ents= fo$ thei$
fa(ilies& so the4 3oul- aban-on the st$i8e an- $etu$n to 3o$8& the4 3e$e 9uilt4 of st$i8e?b$ea8in9 an-Co$ union?bustin9 an-& conse:uentl4& of unfai$ labo$ p$actice. It is e:ui)alent to an atte(pt to b$ea8 a st$i8e fo$ an e(plo4e$ to offe$
$einstate(ent to st$i8in9 e(plo4ees in-i)i-uall4& 3hen the4 a$e $ep$esente- b4 a union& since the e(plo4ees thus offe$e- $einstate(ent a$e unable to -ete$(ine 3hat the conse:uences of $etu$nin9 to 3o$8 3oul- be.
'i8e3ise )iolati)e of the $i9ht to o$9ani6e& fo$( an- 7oin labo$ o$9ani6ations a$e the follo3in9 acts2 the offe$ of a Ch$ist(as bonus to all =lo4al= e(plo4ees of a co(pan4 sho$tl4 afte$ the (a8in9 of a $e:uest b4 the union to ba$9ainD 3a9e
inc$eases 9i)en fo$ the pu$pose of (ollif4in9 e(plo4ees afte$ the e(plo4e$ has $efuse- to ba$9ain 3ith the union& o$ fo$ the pu$pose of in-ucin9 st$i8in9 e(plo4ees to $etu$n to 3o$8D the e(plo4e$Ms p$o(ises of benefits in $etu$n fo$ the st$i8e$sM
aban-on(ent of thei$ st$i8e in suppo$t of thei$ unionD an- the e(plo4e$Ms state(ent& (a-e about E 3ee8s afte$ the st$i8e sta$te-& to a 9$oup of st$i8e$s in a $estau$ant to the effect that if the st$i8e$s $etu$ne- to 3o$8& the4 3oul- $ecei)e ne3
benefits in the fo$( of hospitali6ation& acci-ent insu$ance& p$ofit?sha$in9& an- a ne3 buil-in9 to 3o$8 in.%
Citin9 pa$a9$aph A of the co(plaint file- b4 the actin9 p$osecuto$ of the lo3e$ cou$t 3hich states that =the office$s an- (e(be$s of the co(plainant unions -eci-e- to call off the st$i8e an- $etu$n to 3o$8 on .une %& B5A! b4 $eason of the
in7unction issue- b4 the Manila Cou$t of 1i$st Instance&= the $espon-ents conten- that this 3as the (ain cause 3h4 the st$i8e$s $etu$ne- to 3o$8 an- not the lette$s& e;hibits A an- ,. This asse$tion is 3ithout (e$it. The ci$cu(stance that the
st$i8e$s late$ -eci-e- to $etu$n to 3o$8 ostensibl4 on account of the in7uncti)e 3$it issue- b4 the Cou$t of 1i$st Instance of Manila cannot alte$ the int$insic :ualit4 of the lette$s& 3hich 3e$e calculate-& o$ 3hich ten-e-& to inte$fe$e 3ith the
e(plo4eesM $i9ht to en9a9e in la3ful conce$te- acti)it4 in the fo$( of a st$i8e. Inte$fe$ence constitutin9 unfai$ labo$ p$actice 3ill not cease to be such si(pl4 because it 3as susceptible of bein9 th3a$te- o$ $esiste-& o$ that it -i- not p$o;i(atel4
cause the $esult inten-e-. 1o$ success of pu$pose is not& an- shoul- not& be the c$ite$ion in -ete$(inin9 3hethe$ o$ not a p$ohibite- act constitutes unfai$ labo$ p$actice.
The test of 3hethe$ an e(plo4e$ has inte$fe$e- 3ith an- coe$ce- e(plo4ees 3ithin the (eanin9 of subsection <a> <B> is 3hethe$ the e(plo4e$ has en9a9e- in con-uct 3hich it (a4 $easonabl4 be sai- ten-s to inte$fe$e 3ith the f$ee e;e$cise of
e(plo4eesM $i9hts un-e$ section @ of the Act& an- it is not necessa$4 that the$e be -i$ect e)i-ence that an4 e(plo4ee 3as in fact inti(i-ate- o$ coe$ce- b4 state(ents of th$eats of the e(plo4e$ if the$e is a $easonable infe$ence that anti?union
con-uct of the e(plo4e$ -oes ha)e an a-)e$se effect on self?o$9ani6ation an- collecti)e ba$9ainin9. <1$ancisco& 'abo$ 'a3s B5AE& Vol. II& p. @%@& citin9 N'R, ). 1o$-& C.A.& B5!& B#" 1%- #@A>.
,esi-es& the lette$s& e;hibits A an- ,& shoul- not be consi-e$e- b4 the(sel)es alone but shoul- be $ea- in the li9ht of the p$ece-in9 an- subse:uent ci$cu(stances su$$oun-in9 the(. The lette$s shoul- be inte$p$ete- acco$-in9 to the =totalit4 of
con-uct -oct$ine&=
... 3he$eb4 the culpabilit4 of an e(plo4e$Ms $e(a$8s 3e$e to be e)aluate- not onl4 on the basis of thei$ i(plicit i(plications& but 3e$e to be app$aise- a9ainst the bac89$oun- of an- in con7unction 3ith collate$al ci$cu(stances. Un-e$ this
=-oct$ine= e;p$essions of opinion b4 an e(plo4e$ 3hich& thou9h innocent in the(sel)es& f$e:uentl4 3e$e hel- to be culpable because of the ci$cu(stances un-e$ 3hich the4 3e$e utte$e-& the histo$4 of the pa$ticula$ e(plo4e$Ms labo$ $elations o$
anti?union bias o$ because of thei$ connection 3ith an establishe- collate$al plan of coe$cion o$ inte$fe$ence. <Rothenbe$9 on Relations& p. @#& an- cases cite- the$ein.>
It (ust be $ecalle- that p$e)ious to the petitione$sM sub(ission of p$oposals fo$ an a(en-e- $ene3al of thei$ $especti)e collecti)e ba$9ainin9 a9$ee(ents to the $espon-ents& the latte$ hi$e- 1elipe Ena9e an- Ra(on +a$cia& fo$(e$ le9al
counsels of the petitione$s& as pe$sonnel (ana9e$ an- assistant co$po$ate sec$eta$4& $especti)el4& 3ith att$acti)e co(pensations. Afte$ the notice to st$i8e 3as se$)e- on the Co(panies an- ne9otiations 3e$e in p$o9$ess in the Depa$t(ent of
'abo$& the $espon-ents $eclassifie- !# e(plo4ees as supe$)iso$s 3ithout inc$ease in sala$4 o$ in $esponsibilit4& in effect co(pellin9 these e(plo4ees to $esi9n f$o( thei$ unions. An- -u$in9 the ne9otiations in the Depa$t(ent of 'abo$& -espite the
fact that the petitione$s 9$ante- the $espon-entsM -e(an- that the fo$(e$ -$op thei$ -e(an- fo$ union shop an- in spite of u$9in9s b4 the conciliato$s of the Depa$t(ent of 'abo$& the $espon-ents a-a(antl4 $efuse- to ans3e$ the UnionsM
-e(an-s en toto. Inci-entall4& Ena9e 3as the chai$(an of the ne9otiatin9 panel fo$ the Co(panies in the collecti)e ba$9ainin9 bet3een the fo$(e$ an- the Unions. Afte$ the petitione$s 3ent to st$i8e& the st$i8e$s 3e$e in-i)i-uall4 sent copies of
e;hibit A& enticin9 the( to aban-on thei$ st$i8e b4 in-ucin9 the( to $etu$n to 3o$8 upon p$o(ise of special p$i)ile9es. T3o -a4s late$& the $espon-ents& th$u thei$ p$esi-ent an- (ana9e$& $espon-ent .ose M. Olbes& b$ou9ht th$ee t$uc8loa-s of
non?st$i8e$s an- othe$s& esco$te- b4 a$(e- (en& 3ho& -espite the p$esence of ei9ht ent$ances to the th$ee buil-in9s occupie- b4 the Co(panies& ente$e- th$u onl4 one 9ate less than t3o (ete$s 3i-e an- in the p$ocess& c$ashe- th$u the pic8et
line poste- in f$ont of the p$e(ises of the Insula$ 'ife ,uil-in9. This $esulte- in in7u$ies on the pa$t of the pic8ete$s an- the st$i8e?b$ea8e$s.lH3phOB.VPt Then the $espon-ents b$ou9ht a9ainst the pic8ete$s c$i(inal cha$9es& onl4 th$ee of 3hich
3e$e not -is(isse-& an- these th$ee onl4 fo$ sli9ht (is-e(eano$s. As a $esult of these c$i(inal actions& the $espon-ents 3e$e able to obtain an in7unction f$o( the cou$t of fi$st instance $est$ainin9 the st$i8e$s f$o( stoppin9& i(pe-in9&
obst$uctin9& etc. the f$ee an- peaceful use of the Co(paniesM 9ates& ent$ance an- -$i)e3a4 an- the f$ee (o)e(ent of pe$sons an- )ehicles to an- f$o(& out an- in& of the Co(paniesM buil-in9s. On the sa(e -a4 that the in7unction 3as issue-&
the lette$& E;hibit ,& 3as sent N a9ain in-i)i-uall4 an- b4 $e9iste$e- special -eli)e$4 (ail N to the st$i8e$s& th$eatenin9 the( 3ith -is(issal if the4 -i- not $epo$t fo$ 3o$8 on o$ befo$e .une %& B5A!. ,ut 3hen (ost of the petitione$s $epo$te- fo$
3o$8& the $espon-ents th$u a sc$eenin9 co((ittee N of 3hich Ra(on +a$cia 3as a (e(be$ N $efuse- to a-(it E@ (e(be$s of the Unions on the 9$oun- of =pen-in9 c$i(inal cha$9es.= Ho3e)e$& 3hen al(ost all 3e$e clea$e- of c$i(inal
cha$9es b4 the fiscalMs office& the $espon-ents a-a(antl4 $efuse- a-(ission to @ officials an- union (e(be$s. It is not& ho3e)e$& -ispute- that all?non?st$i8e$s 3ith pen-in9 c$i(inal cha$9es 3hich a$ose f$o( the b$ea8th$ou9h inci-ent of Ma4
%@& B5A! 3e$e $ea-(itte- i((e-iatel4 b4 the $espon-ents. A(on9 the non?st$i8e$s 3ith pen-in9 c$i(inal cha$9es 3ho 3e$e $ea-(itte- 3e$e +ene$oso Abella& En$i:ue +ui-ote& E(ilio Ca$$eon& Antonio Castillo& 1e-e$ico ,a$$etto& Manuel
Chui-ian an- Nesto$ Cip$iano. An- -espite the fact that the fiscalMs office foun- no p$obable cause a9ainst the petitionin9 st$i8e$s& the Co(panies a-a(antl4 $efuse- a-(ission to the( on the p$ete;t that the4 co((itte- =acts ini(ical to the
inte$est of the $espon-ents&= 3ithout statin9 specificall4 the ini(ical acts alle9e-l4 co((itte-. The4 3e$e soon to a-(it& ho3e)e$& that these alle9e- ini(ical acts 3e$e the sa(e c$i(inal cha$9es 3hich 3e$e -is(isse- b4 the fiscal an- b4 the
Ve$il4& the abo)e actuations of the $espon-ents befo$e an- afte$ the issuance of the lette$s& e;hibit A an- ,& 4iel- the clea$ infe$ence that the sai- lette$s fo$(e- of the $espon-ents sche(e to p$eclu-e if not -est$o4 unionis( 3ithin the(.
To 7ustif4 the $espon-entsM th$eat to -is(iss the st$i8e$s an- secu$e $eplace(ents fo$ the( in o$-e$ to p$otect an- continue thei$ business& the CIR hel- the petitione$sM st$i8e to be an econo(ic st$i8e on the basis of e;hibit <Notice of St$i8e>
3hich states that the$e 3as a =-ea-loc8 in collecti)e ba$9ainin9= an- on the st$en9th of the suppose- testi(onies of so(e union (en 3ho -i- not actuall4 8no3 the )e$4 $eason fo$ the st$i8e. It shoul- be note- that e;hibit & 3hich 3as file- on
.anua$4 %#& B5A!& states& inte$ alia2
Thi$t4 <@"> -a4s f$o( $eceipt of this notice b4 the Office& this KsicL unions inten-s to 9o on st$i8e a9ainst
Pla6a Mo$a9a& Manila
Pla6a Mo$a9a& Manila
Pla6a Mo$a9a& Manila .
fo$ the follo3in9 $eason2 DEAD'OCS IN CO''ECTIVE ,AR+AININ+...
Ho3e)e$& the e(plo4ees -i- not sta9e the st$i8e afte$ the thi$t4?-a4 pe$io-& $ec8one- f$o( .anua$4 %#& B5A!. This si(pl4 p$o)es that the $eason fo$ the st$i8e 3as not the -ea-loc8 on collecti)e ba$9ainin9 no$ an4 lac8 of econo(ic concessions.
,4 lette$ -ate- Ap$il BA& B5A!& the $espon-ents cate9o$icall4 state- 3hat the4 thou9ht 3as the cause of the =Notice of St$i8e&= 3hich so fa$ as (ate$ial& $ea-s2
@. ,ecause 4ou -i- not see fit to a9$ee 3ith ou$ position on the union shop& 4ou file- a notice of st$i8e 3ith the ,u$eau of 'abo$ Relations on %# .anua$4 B5A!& citin9 _-ea-loc8 in collecti)e ba$9ainin9M 3hich coul- ha)e been fo$ no
othe$ issue than the union shop.= <e;hibit !& lette$ -ate- Ap$il BA& B5A!.>
The st$i8e too8 place nea$l4 fou$ (onths f$o( the -ate the sai- notice of st$i8e 3as file-. An- the actual an- (ain $eason fo$ the st$i8e 3as& =0hen it beca(e c$4stal clea$ the (ana9e(ent -ouble c$osse- o$ 3ill not ne9otiate in 9oo- faith& it is
tanta(ount to $efusal collecti)el4 an- consi-e$in9 the unfai$ labo$ p$actice in the (eanti(e bein9 co((itte- b4 the (ana9e(ent such as the su--en $esi9nation of so(e unionists an- K3hoL beca(e supe$)iso$s 3ithout inc$ease in sala$4 o$
chan9e in $esponsibilit4& such as the coe$cion of e(plo4ees& -eci-e- to -ecla$e the st$i8e.= <tsn.& Oct. B& B5A!& p. B.> The t$uth of this asse$tion is a(pl4 p$o)e- b4 the follo3in9 ci$cu(stances2 <B> it too8 the $espon-ents si; <E> (onths to
consi-e$ the petitione$sM p$oposals& thei$ onl4 e;cuse bein9 that the4 coul- not 9o on 3ith the ne9otiations if the petitione$s -i- not -$op the -e(an- fo$ union shop <e;h. #& $espon-entsM lette$ -ate- Ap$il #& B5A!>D <%> 3hen the petitione$s
-$oppe- the -e(an- fo$ union shop& the $espon-ents -i- not ha)e a counte$?offe$ to the petitione$sM -e(an-s. Sec. B of Rep. Act !#A $e:ui$e- the $espon-ents to (a8e a $epl4 to the petitione$sM -e(an-s 3ithin ten -a4s f$o( $eceipt the$eof&
but instea- the4 as8e- the petitione$s to 9i)e a =3ell $easone-& 3o$8able fo$(ula 3hich ta8es into account the financial position of the 9$oup co(panies.= <tsn.& Sept. !& B5A!& p. E%D tsn.& 1eb. %E& B5E5& p. 5.>
II. E;hibit H i(pose- th$ee con-itions fo$ $ea-(ission of the st$i8e$s& na(el42 <B> the e(plo4ee (ust be inte$este- in continuin9 his 3o$8 3ith the 9$oup co(paniesD <%> the$e (ust be no c$i(inal cha$9es a9ainst hi(D an- <@> he (ust
$epo$t fo$ 3o$8 on .une %& B5A!& othe$3ise he 3oul- be $eplace-. Since the e)i-ence sho3s that all the e(plo4ees $epo$te- bac8 to 3o$8 at the $espon-entsM hea- office on .une %& B5A@& the4 (ust be consi-e$e- as ha)in9 co(plie- 3ith the
fi$st an- thi$- con-itions.
Ou$ point of in:ui$4 shoul- the$efo$e be -i$ecte- at 3hethe$ the4 also co(plie- 3ith the secon- con-ition. It is not -enie- that 3hen the st$i8e$s $epo$te- fo$ 3o$8 on .une %& B5A!& E@ (e(be$s of the Unions 3e$e $efuse- $ea-(ission because
the4 ha- pen-in9 c$i(inal cha$9es. Ho3e)e$& -espite the fact that the4 3e$e able to secu$e thei$ $especti)e clea$ances @ officials an- union (e(be$s 3e$e still $efuse- $ea-(ission on the alle9e- 9$oun- that the4 co((itte- acts ini(ical to the
Co(panies. It is be4on- -ispute& ho3e)e$& that non?st$i8e$s 3ho also ha- c$i(inal cha$9es pen-in9 a9ainst the( in the fiscalMs office& a$isin9 f$o( the sa(e inci-ents 3hence the c$i(inal cha$9es a9ainst the st$i8e$s e)ol)e-& 3e$e $ea-il4
$ea-(itte- an- 3e$e not $e:ui$e- to secu$e clea$ances. This is a clea$ act of -isc$i(ination p$actice- b4 the Co(panies in the p$ocess of $ehi$in9 an- is the$efo$e a )iolation of sec. <a> <> of the In-ust$ial Peace Act.
The $espon-ents -i- not (e$el4 -isc$i(inate a9ainst all the st$i8e$s in 9ene$al. The4 sepa$ate- the acti)e f$o( the less acti)e unionists on the basis of thei$ (ilitanc4& o$ lac8 of it& on the pic8et lines. Unionists belon9in9 to the fi$st cate9o$4 3e$e
$efuse- $ea-(ission e)en afte$ the4 3e$e able to secu$e clea$ances f$o( the co(petent autho$ities 3ith $espect to the c$i(inal cha$9es file- a9ainst the(. It is si9nificant to note in this connection that e;cept fo$ one union official 3ho -ese$te-
his union on the secon- -a4 of the st$i8e an- 3ho late$ pa$ticipate- in c$ashin9 th$ou9h the pic8et lines& not a sin9le union office$ 3as ta8en bac8 to 3o$8. Disc$i(ination un-oubte-l4 e;ists 3he$e the $eco$- sho3s that the union acti)it4 of the
$ehi$e- st$i8e$s has been less p$o(inent than that of the st$i8e$s 3ho 3e$e -enie- $einstate(ent.
So is the$e an unfai$ labo$ p$actice 3he$e the e(plo4e$& althou9h autho$i6e- b4 the Cou$t of In-ust$ial Relations to -is(iss the e(plo4ees 3ho pa$ticipate- in an ille9al st$i8e& -is(isse- onl4 the lea-e$s of the st$i8e$s& such -is(issal bein9
e)i-ence of -isc$i(ination a9ainst those -is(isse- an- constitutin9 a 3ai)e$ of the e(plo4e$Ms $i9ht to -is(iss the st$i8in9 e(plo4ees an- a con-onation of the fault co((itte- b4 the(.= <Ca$los an- 1e$nan-o& 'abo$ an- Social 'e9islation& p.
E%& citin9 Phil. Ai$ 'ines& Inc. ). Phil. Ai$ 'ines E(lo4ees Association& '?!B5#& Oct. @B& B5A!.>
It is note3o$th4 that N pe$haps in an anticipato$4 effo$t to e;culpate the(sel)es f$o( cha$9es of -isc$i(ination in the $ea-(ission of st$i8e$s $etu$nin9 to 3o$8 N the $espon-ents -ele9ate- the po3e$ to $ea-(it to a co((ittee. ,ut the
$espon-ent Olbes ha- chosen Vicente Abella& chief of the pe$sonnel $eco$-s section& an- Ra(on +a$cia& assistant co$po$ate sec$eta$4& to sc$een the unionists $epo$tin9 bac8 to 3o$8. It is not -ifficult to i(a9ine that these t3o e(plo4ees N
ha)in9 been in)ol)e- in unpleasant inci-ents 3ith the pic8ete$s -u$in9 the st$i8e N 3e$e hostile to the st$i8e$s. Nee-less to sa4& the (e$e act of placin9 in the han-s of e(plo4ees hostile to the st$i8e$s the po3e$ of $einstate(ent& is a fo$( of
-isc$i(ination in $ehi$in9.
Dela4e- $einstate(ent is a fo$( of -isc$i(ination in $ehi$in9& as is ha)in9 the (achine$4 of $einstate(ent in the han-s of e(plo4ees hostile to the st$i8e$s& an- $einstatin9 a union official 3ho fo$(e$l4 3o$8e- in a unioni6e- plant& to a 7ob in
anothe$ (ill& 3hich 3as i(pe$fectl4 o$9ani6e-. <Mo$abe& The 'a3 on St$i8es& p. #@& citin9 Sunshine Minin9 Co.& # N'R, B%A%D Cle)elan- 0o$ste- Mills& @ N'R, AAD e(phasis supplie-.>
E:uall4 si9nificant is the fact that 3hile the (ana9e(ent an- the (e(be$s of the sc$eenin9 co((ittee a-(itte- the -isc$i(ination co((itte- a9ainst the st$i8e$s& the4 tosse- bac8 an- a$oun- to each othe$ the $esponsibilit4 fo$ the
-isc$i(ination. Thus& +a$cia a-(itte- that in e;e$cisin9 fo$ the (ana9e(ent the autho$it4 to sc$een the $etu$nin9 e(plo4ees& the co((ittee a-(itte- the non?st$i8e$s but $efuse- $ea-(ission to the st$i8e$s <tsn.& 1eb. E& B5E%& pp. BA?B5& %@?%5>.
Vicente Abella& chai$(an of the (ana9e(entMs sc$eenin9 co((ittee& 3hile a-(ittin9 the -isc$i(ination& place- the bla(e the$efo$ s:ua$el4 on the (ana9e(ent <tsn.& Sept. %"& B5E"& pp. #?!& B?B!>. ,ut the (ana9e(ent& spea8in9 th$ou9h the
$espon-ent Olbes& hea- of the Co(panies& -isclai(e- $esponsibilit4 fo$ the -isc$i(ination. He testifie- that =The -ecision 3hethe$ to accept o$ not an e(plo4ee 3as left in the han-s of that co((ittee that ha- been e(po3e$e- to loo8 into all
cases of the st$i8e$s.= <tsn.& Sept. E& B5E%& p. B5.>
Of cou$se& the $espon-ents N th$ou9h Ra(on +a$cia N t$ie- to e;plain the basis fo$ such -isc$i(ination b4 testif4in9 that st$i8e$s 3hose pa$ticipation in an4 alle9e- (iscon-uct -u$in9 the pic8etin9 3as not se$ious in natu$e 3e$e $ea-(issible&
3hile those 3hose pa$ticipation 3as se$ious 3e$e not. <tsn.& Au9. & B5EB& pp. !?5& AE>. ,ut e)en this -istinction bet3een acts of sli9ht (iscon-uct an- acts of se$ious (iscon-uct 3hich the $espon-ents conten- 3as the basis fo$ eithe$
$einstate(ent o$ -ischa$9e& is co(pletel4 shatte$e- upon a cu$so$4 e;a(ination of the e)i-ence on $eco$-. 1o$ 3ith the e;ception of Pascual Es:uillo 3hose -is(issal sent to the othe$ st$i8e$s cite- the alle9e- co((ission b4 the( of si(ple
=acts of (iscon-uct.=
III. Anent the thi$- assi9n(ent of e$$o$& the $eco$- sho3s that not a sin9le -is(isse- st$i8e$ 3as 9i)en the oppo$tunit4 to -efen- hi(self a9ainst the suppose- cha$9es a9ainst hi(. As ea$lie$ (entione-& 3hen the st$i8in9 e(plo4ees
$epo$te- bac8 fo$ 3o$8 on .une %& B5A!& the $espon-ents $efuse- to $ea-(it the( unless the4 fi$st secu$e- the necessa$4 clea$ancesD but 3hen all& e;cept th$ee& 3e$e able to secu$e an- subse:uentl4 p$esent the $e:ui$e- clea$ances& the
$espon-ents still $efuse- to ta8e the( bac8. Instea-& se)e$al of the( late$ $ecei)e- lette$s f$o( the $espon-ents in the follo3in9 ste$eot4pe- teno$2
This 3ill confi$( the te$(ination of 4ou$ e(plo4(ent 3ith the Insula$ 'ife?1+U Insu$ance +$oup as of % .une B5A!.
The te$(ination of 4ou$ e(plo4(ent 3as -ue to the fact that 4ou co((itte- acts of (iscon-uct 3hile pic8etin9 -u$in9 the last st$i8e. ,ecause this (a4 not constitute sufficient cause un-e$ the la3 to te$(inate 4ou$ e(plo4(ent 3ithout pa4& 3e
a$e 9i)in9 4ou the a(ount of PB&5@".@% co$$espon-in9 to one?half (onth pa4 fo$ e)e$4 4ea$ of 4ou$ se$)ice in the +$oup Co(pan4.
Sin-l4 ac8no3le-9e $eceipt of the chec8 3e a$e sen-in9 he$e3ith.
Ve$4 t$ul4 4ou$s&
<S9-.> .OSE M. O',ES
P$esi-ent& Insu$ance 'ife
Actin9 P$esi-ent& 1+U.
The $espon-ents& ho3e)e$& a-(itte- that the alle9e- =acts of (iscon-uct= att$ibute- to the -is(isse- st$i8e$s 3e$e the sa(e acts 3ith 3hich the sai- st$i8e$s 3e$e cha$9e- befo$e the fiscalMs office an- the cou$ts. ,ut all these cha$9es e;cept
th$ee 3e$e -$oppe- o$ -is(isse-.
In-ee-& the in-i)i-ual cases of -is(isse- office$s an- (e(be$s of the st$i8in9 unions -o not in-icate sufficient basis fo$ -is(issal.
E(iliano Tabason-$a& )ice?p$esi-ent of the petitione$ 1+U Insu$ance +$oup 0o$8e$s U E(plo4ees Association?NATU& 3as $efuse- $einstate(ent alle9e-l4 because he -i- not $epo$t fo$ -ut4 on .une %& B5A! an-& hence& ha- aban-one- his
office. ,ut the o)e$3hel(in9 e)i-ence a--uce- at the t$ial an- 3hich the $espon-ents faile- to $ebut& ne9ates the $espon-entsM cha$9e that he ha- aban-one- his 7ob. In his testi(on4& co$$obo$ate- b4 (an4 othe$s& Tabason-$a pa$ticula$l4
i-entifie- the (ana9e(ent (en to 3ho( he an- his 9$oup p$esente- the(sel)es on .une %& B5A!. He (entione- the $espon-ent OlbesM sec$eta$4& De Asis& as the one 3ho $ecei)e- the( an- late$ -i$ecte- the( N 3hen Olbes $efuse- the( an
au-ience N to 1elipe Ena9e& the Co(paniesM pe$sonnel (ana9e$. He li8e3ise cate9o$icall4 state- that he an- his 9$oup 3ent to see Ena9e as -i$ecte- b4 OlbesM sec$eta$4. If Tabason-$a 3e$e not tellin9 the t$uth& it 3oul- ha)e been an eas4
(atte$ fo$ the $espon-ents to p$o-uce De Asis an- Ena9e N 3ho testifie- an43a4 as 3itnesses fo$ the $espon-ents on se)e$al occasions N to $ebut his testi(on4. The $espon-ents -i- nothin9 of the 8in-. Mo$eo)e$& Tabason-$a calle- on .une
%B& B5A! the $espon-entsM attention to his non?a-(ission an- as8e- the( to info$( hi( of the $easons the$efo$& but instea- of -oin9 so& the $espon-ents -is(isse- hi( b4 thei$ lette$ -ate- .ul4 B"& B5A!. Ele(enta$4 fai$ness $e:ui$e- that befo$e
bein9 -is(isse- fo$ cause& Tabason-$a be 9i)en =his -a4 in cou$t.=
At an4 $ate& it has been hel- that (e$e failu$e to $epo$t fo$ 3o$8 afte$ notice to $etu$n& -oes not constitute aban-on(ent no$ ba$ $einstate(ent. In one case& the U.S. Sup$e(e Cou$t hel- that the ta8in9 bac8 of si; of ele)en (en constitute-
-isc$i(ination althou9h the fi)e st$i8e$s 3ho 3e$e not $einstate-& all of 3ho( 3e$e p$o(inent in the union an- in the st$i8e& $epo$te- fo$ 3o$8 at )a$ious ti(es -u$in9 the ne;t th$ee -a4s& but 3e$e tol- that the$e 3e$e no openin9s. Sai- the Cou$t2
... The ,oa$- foun-& an- 3e cannot sa4 that its fin-in9 is unsuppo$te-& that& in ta8in9 bac8 si; union (en& the $espon-entMs officials -isc$i(inate- a9ainst the latte$ on account of thei$ union acti)ities an- that the e;cuse 9i)en that the4 -i- not
appl4 until afte$ the :uota 3as full 3as an afte$thou9ht an- not the t$ue $eason fo$ the -isc$i(ination a9ainst the(. <N'R, ). Mac8a4 Ra-io U Tele9$aph Co.& @" U.S. @@@& A! Sup. Ct. 5"& !% '. E-. B@!B> <Mathe3s& 'abo$ Relations an- the
'a3& p. #%A& #%!>
The $espon-entsM alle9ation that Tabason-$a shoul- ha)e $etu$ne- afte$ bein9 $efuse- $ea-(ission on .une %& B5A!& is not pe$suasi)e. 0hen the e(plo4e$ puts off $einstate(ent 3hen an e(plo4ee $epo$ts fo$ 3o$8 at the ti(e a9$ee-& 3e
consi-e$ the e(plo4ee $elie)e- f$o( the -ut4 of $etu$nin9 fu$the$.
Si;to Ton9os 3as -is(isse- alle9e-l4 because he $e)eale- that -espite the fact that the Co(panies spent (o$e than P!"&""" fo$ the )acation t$ips of officials& the4 $efuse- to 9$ant union -e(an-sD hence& he bet$a4e- his t$ust as an au-ito$ of
the Co(panies. 0e -o not fin- this alle9ation con)incin9. 1i$st& this accusation 3as e(phaticall4 -enie- b4 Ton9os on the 3itness stan-. +on6ales& p$esi-ent of one of the $espon-ent Co(panies an- one of the officials $efe$$e- to& too8 a t$ip
ab$oa- in B5A!. E;chan9e cont$ols 3e$e then in fo$ce& an- an out9oin9 t$a)elle$ on a co(bine- business an- )acation t$ip 3as allo3e- b4 the Cent$al ,an8& pe$ its Ci$cula$ A% <Notification to Autho$i6e- A9ent ,an8s> -ate- Ma4 5& B5A%& an
allocation of `B&""" o$ onl4 P%&"""& at the official $ate of t3o pesos to the -olla$& as poc8et (one4D hence& this 3as the onl4 a(ount that 3oul- appea$ on the boo8s of the Co(panies. It 3as onl4 on .anua$4 %B& B5E%& pe$ its Ci$cula$ B@@
<Notification to Autho$i6e- A9ent ,an8s>& that the Cent$al ,an8 lifte- the e;chan9e cont$ols. Ton9os coul- not the$efo$e ha)e $e)eale- an a(ount bi99e$ than the abo)e su(. An- his co(petence in fi9u$es coul- not be -oubte- consi-e$in9 that
he ha- passe- the boa$- e;a(inations fo$ ce$tifie- public accountants. ,ut assu(in9 a$9uen-o that Ton9os in-ee- $e)eale- the t$ue e;penses of +on6alesM t$ip N 3hich the $espon-ents ne)e$ -enie- o$ t$ie- to
-isp$o)e N his state(ents clea$l4 fall 3ithin the sphe$e of a unionistMs $i9ht to -iscuss an- a-)e$tise the facts in)ol)e- in a labo$ -ispute& in acco$-ance 3ith section 5<a><A> of Republic Act !#A 3hich 9ua$antees the unt$a(elle- e;e$cise b4
st$i8in9 e(plo4ees of the $i9ht to 9i)e =publicit4 to the e;istence of& o$ the fact in)ol)e- in an4 labo$ -ispute& 3hethe$ b4 a-)e$tisin9& spea8in9& pat$ollin9 o$ b4 an4 (etho- not in)ol)in9 f$au- o$ )iolence.= In-ee-& it is not onl4 the $i9ht& it is as 3ell
the -ut4& of e)e$4 unionist to a-)e$tise the facts of a -ispute fo$ the pu$pose of info$(in9 all those affecte- the$eb4. In labo$ -isputes& the co(batants a$e e;pecte- to e;pose the t$uth befo$e the public to 7ustif4 thei$ $especti)e -e(an-s. ,ein9 a
union (an an- one of the st$i8e$s& Ton9os 3as e;pecte- to $e)eal the 3hole t$uth on 3hethe$ o$ not the $espon-ent Co(panies 3e$e 7ustifie- in $efusin9 to acce-e to union -e(an-s. Afte$ all& not bein9 one of the supe$)iso$s& he 3as not a pa$t
of (ana9e(ent. An- his state(ent& if in-ee- (a-e& is but an e;p$ession of f$ee speech p$otecte- b4 the Constitution.
1$ee speech on both si-es an- fo$ e)e$4 faction on an4 si-e of the labo$ $elation is to (e a constitutional an- useful $i9ht. 'abo$ is f$ee ... to tu$n its publicit4 on an4 labo$ opp$ession& substan-a$- 3a9es& e(plo4e$ unfai$ness& o$ ob7ectionable
3o$8in9 con-itions. The e(plo4e$& too& shoul- be f$ee to ans3e$ an- to tu$n publicit4 on the $eco$-s of the lea-e$s of the unions 3hich see8 the confi-ence of his (en ... <Concu$$in9 opinion of .ustice .ac8son in Tho(as ). Collins& @%@ U.S.
ABE& A#& EA Sup. Ct. @BA& !5 '. E-. @".> <Mathe3s& 'abo$ Relations an- the 'a3& p. A5B.>
The $espon-ents also alle9e that in $e)ealin9 ce$tain confi-ential info$(ation& Ton9os co((itte- not onl4 a bet$a4al of t$ust but also a )iolation of the (o$al p$inciples an- ethics of accountanc4. ,ut no3he$e in the Co-e of Ethics fo$ Ce$tifie-
Public Accountants un-e$ the Re)ise- Rules an- Re9ulations of the ,oa$- of Accountanc4 fo$(ulate- in B5A& is this state-. Mo$eo)e$& the $elationship of the Co(panies 3ith Ton9os 3as that of an e(plo4e$ an- not a client. An- 3ith $e9a$- to
the testi(onies of .uan Ra4(un-o an- Antolin Ca$illo& both )ice?p$esi-ents of the T$ust Insu$ance A9encies& Inc. about the alle9e- utte$ances (a-e b4 Ton9os& the lo3e$ cou$t shoul- not ha)e 9i)en the( (uch 3ei9ht. The fi$( of these
3itnesses 3as ne3l4 establishe- at that ti(e an- 3as still a =9ene$al a9enc4= of the Co(panies. It is not the$efo$e a(iss to conclu-e that the4 3e$e (o$e incline- to fa)o$ the $espon-ents $athe$ than Ton9os.
Pacifico Ne$& Paulino ,u9a4& .ose +a$cia& Na$ciso DaVo& Vicente Alsol an- He$(eni9il-o Ra(i$e6& opine- the lo3e$ cou$t& 3e$e const$ucti)el4 -is(isse- b4 non?$ea-(ission alle9e-l4 because the4 not onl4 p$e)ente- Ra(on +a$cia& assistant
co$po$ate sec$eta$4& an- Vicente Abella& chief of the pe$sonnel $eco$-s section of the Co(panies& f$o( ente$in9 the Co(paniesM p$e(ises on Ma4 %B& B5A!& but the4 also cause- b$uises an- ab$asions on +a$ciaMs chest an- fo$ehea- N acts
consi-e$e- ini(ical to the inte$est of the $espon-ents. The Unions& upon the othe$ han-& insist that the$e is co(plete lac8 of e)i-ence that Ne$ too8 pa$t in pushin9 +a$ciaD that it 3as +a$cia 3ho elbo3e- his 3a4 th$ou9h the pic8et lines an-
the$efo$e Ne$ shoute- =Close up&= 3hich the pic8ete$s -i-D an- that +a$cia tosse- Paulino ,u9a4Ms placa$- an- a fi9ht ensue- bet3een the( in 3hich both suffe$e- in7u$ies. ,ut -espite these conflictin9 )e$sions of 3hat actuall4 happene- on
Ma4 %B& B5A!& the$e a$e 9$oun-s to belie)e that the pic8ete$s a$e not $esponsible fo$ 3hat happene-.lH3phOB.VPt The pic8etin9 on Ma4 %B& B5A!& as $epo$te- in the police blotte$& 3as peaceful <see Police blotte$ $epo$t& e;h. @ in CA?+.R. No.
%A55B?R of the Cou$t of Appeals& 3he$e Ne$ 3as ac:uitte->. Mo$eo)e$& althou9h the Co(panies -u$in9 the st$i8e 3e$e hol-in9 offices at the ,otica ,oie buil-in9 at Escolta& ManilaD Tuason ,uil-in9 at San Vicente St$eet& ManilaD an- A4ala& Inc.
offices at Ma8ati& Ri6al& +a$cia& the assistant co$po$ate sec$eta$4& an- Abella& the chief of the pe$sonnel $eco$-s section& $epo$te- fo$ 3o$8 at the Insula$ 'ife ,uil-in9. The$e is the$efo$e a $easonable su99estion that the4 3e$e sent to 3o$8 at the
latte$ buil-in9 to c$eate such an inci-ent an- ha)e a basis fo$ filin9 c$i(inal cha$9es a9ainst the petitione$s in the fiscalMs office an- appl4in9 fo$ in7unction f$o( the cou$t of fi$st instance. ,esi-es& un-e$ the ci$cu(stances the pic8ete$s 3e$e not
le9all4 boun- to 4iel- thei$ 9$oun-s an- 3ith-$a3 f$o( the pic8et lines. ,ein9 3he$e the la3 e;pects the( to be in the le9iti(ate e;e$cise of thei$ $i9hts& the4 ha- e)e$4 $eason to -efen- the(sel)es an- thei$ $i9hts f$o( an4 assault o$ unla3ful
t$ans9$ession. *et the police blotte$& about a-)e$te- to& attests that the4 -i- not $eso$t to )iolence.
The heate- alte$cations an- occasional blo3s e;chan9e- on the pic8et line -o not affect o$ -i(inish the $i9ht to st$i8e. Pe$suasi)e on this point is the follo3in9 co((enta$42 .
0e thin8 it (ust be conce-e- that so(e -iso$-e$ is unfo$tunatel4 :uite usual in an4 e;tensi)e o$ lon9 -$a3n out st$i8e. A st$i8e is essentiall4 a battle 3a9e- 3ith econo(ic 3eapons. En9a9e- in it a$e hu(an bein9s 3hose feelin9s a$e sti$$e- to
the -epths. Risin9 passions call fo$th hot 3o$-s. Hot 3o$-s lea- to blo3s on the pic8et line. The t$ansfo$(ation f$o( econo(ic to ph4sical co(bat b4 those en9a9e- in the contest is -ifficult to p$e)ent e)en 3hen cool hea-s -i$ect the fi9ht.
Violence of this natu$e& ho3e)e$ (uch it is to be $e9$ette-& (ust ha)e been in the conte(plation of the Con9$ess 3hen it p$o)i-e- in Sec. B@ of Act %5 USCA Sec. BE@& that nothin9 the$ein shoul- be const$ue- so as to inte$fe$e 3ith o$ i(pe-e o$
-i(inish in an4 3a4 the $i9ht to st$i8e. If this 3e$e not so& the $i9hts affo$-e- to e(plo4ees b4 the Act 3oul- in-ee- be illuso$4. 0e acco$-in9l4 $ecentl4 hel- that it 3as not inten-e- b4 the Act that (ino$ -iso$-e$s of this natu$e 3oul- -ep$i)e a
st$i8e$ of the possibilit4 of $einstate(ent. <Republic Steel Co$p. ). N. '. R. ,.& B"# 1%- #%& cite- in Mathe3s& 'abo$ Relations an- the 'a3& p. @#!>
Hence the inci-ent that occu$$e- bet3een Ne$& et al. an- Ra(on +a$cia 3as but a necessa$4 inci-ent of the st$i8e an- shoul- not be consi-e$e- as a ba$ to $einstate(ent. Thus it has been hel- that2
1ist?fi9htin9 bet3een union an- non?union e(plo4ees in the (i-st of a st$i8e is no ba$ to $einstate(ent. <Telle$& 'abo$ Disputes an- Collecti)e ,a$9ainin9& Vol. II& p. !AA citin9 Stac8pole Ca$bon& Co. E N'R, B#B& enfo$ce- B"A 1%- BE#.>
1u$the$(o$e& assu(in9 that the acts co((itte- b4 the st$i8e$s 3e$e t$ans9$essions of la3& the4 a(ount onl4 to (e$e o$-ina$4 (is-e(eano$s an- a$e not a ba$ to $einstate(ent.
In cases in)ol)in9 (is-e(eano$s the boa$- has 9ene$all4 hel- that unla3ful acts a$e not ba$ to $einstate(ent. <Telle$& 'abo$ Disputes an- Collecti)e ,a$9ainin9& I-.& p. !A& citin9 1o$- Moto$ Co(pan4& %@ N'R, No. %!.>
1inall4& it is not -ispute- that -espite the pen-enc4 of c$i(inal cha$9es a9ainst non?st$i8in9 e(plo4ees befo$e the fiscalMs office& the4 3e$e $ea-il4 a-(itte-& but those st$i8e$s 3ho ha- pen-in9 cha$9es in the sa(e office 3e$e $efuse-
$ea-(ission. The $einstate(ent of the st$i8e$s is thus in o$-e$.
K0Lhe$e the (iscon-uct& 3hethe$ in $einstatin9 pe$sons e:uall4 9uilt4 3ith those 3hose $einstate(ent is oppose-& o$ in othe$ 3a4s& 9i)es $ise to the infe$ence that union acti)ities $athe$ than (iscon-uct is the basis of his Ke(plo4e$L ob7ection&
the ,oa$- has usuall4 $e:ui$e- $einstate(ent.= <Telle$& sup$a& p. !A@& citin9 the Thi$- Annual Repo$t of N'R, KB5@!L& p. %BB.>
'astl4& the lo3e$ Cou$t 7ustifie- the const$ucti)e -is(issal of 1lo$encio Iba$$a alle9e-l4 because he co((itte- acts ini(ical to the inte$est of the $espon-ents 3hen& as p$esi-ent of the 1+U 0o$8e$s an- E(plo4ees Association?NATU& he a-)ise-
the st$i8e$s that the4 coul- use fo$ce an- )iolence to ha)e a successful pic8et an- that pic8etin9 3as p$ecisel4 inten-e- to p$e)ent the non?st$i8e$s an- co(pan4 clients an- custo(e$s f$o( ente$in9 the Co(paniesM buil-in9s. E)en if this 3e$e
t$ue& the $eco$- -iscloses that the pic8et line ha- been 9ene$all4 peaceful& an- that inci-ents happene- onl4 3hen (ana9e(ent (en (a-e incu$sions into an- t$ie- to b$ea8 the pic8et line. At an4 $ate& 3ith o$ 3ithout the a-)ice of Iba$$a&
pic8etin9 is inhe$entl4 e;plosi)e. 1o$& as pointe- out b4 one autho$& =The pic8et line is an e;plosi)e f$ont& cha$9e- 3ith the e(otions an- fie$ce lo4alties of the union?(ana9e(ent -ispute. It (a4 be (a$8e- b4 colo$ful na(e?callin9& inti(i-atin9
th$eats o$ spo$a-ic fi9hts bet3een the pic8ets an- those 3ho pass the line.= <Mathe3s& 'abo$ Relations an- the 'a3& p. #A%>. The pic8et line bein9 the natu$al $esult of the $espon-entsM unfai$ labo$ p$actice& Iba$$aMs (iscon-uct is at (ost a
(is-e(eano$ 3hich is not a ba$ to $einstate(ent. ,esi-es& the onl4 e)i-ence p$esente- b4 the Co(panies $e9a$-in9 Iba$$aMs pa$ticipation in the st$i8e 3as the testi(on4 of one Ro-olfo Enca$nacion& a fo$(e$ (e(be$ of the boa$- of -i$ecto$s of
the petitione$ 1+U Insu$ance +$oup 0o$8e$s an- E(plo4ees Union?NATU& 3ho beca(e a =tu$ncoat= an- 3ho li8e3ise testifie- as to the union acti)ities of Att4. 'acsina& Rica$-o Villa$uel an- othe$s <anne; C& Decision& p. %#> N anothe$ (atte$
3hich e(phasi6es the $espon-entsM unfai$ labo$ p$actice. 1o$ un-e$ the ci$cu(stances& the$e is 9oo- 9$oun- to belie)e that Enca$nacion 3as (a-e to sp4 on the act)ities of the union (e(be$s. This act of the $espon-ents is consi-e$e-
un7ustifiable inte$fe$ence in the union acti)ities of the petitione$s an- is unfai$ labo$ p$actice.
It has been hel- in a 9$eat nu(be$ of -ecisions at espiona9e b4 an e(plo4e$ of union acti)ities& o$ su$)eillance the$eof& a$e such instances of inte$fe$ence& $est$aint o$ coe$cion of e(plo4ees in connection 3ith thei$ $i9ht to o$9ani6e& fo$( an-
7oin unions as to constitute unfai$ labo$ p$actice.
... =Nothin9 is (o$e calculate- to inte$fe$e 3ith& $est$ain an- coe$ce e(plo4ees in the e;e$cise of thei$ $i9ht to self?o$9ani6ation than such acti)it4 e)en 3he$e no -ischa$9es $esult. The info$(ation obtaine- b4 (eans of espiona9e is in )aluable
to the e(plo4e$ an- can be use- in a )a$iet4 of cases to b$ea8 a union.= The unfai$ labo$ p$actice is co((itte- 3hethe$ the espiona9e is ca$$ie- on b4 a p$ofessional labo$ sp4 o$ -etecti)e& b4 officials o$ supe$)iso$4 e(plo4ees of the e(plo4e$&
o$ b4 fello3 e(plo4ees actin9 at the $e:uest o$ -i$ection of the e(plo4e$& o$ an e;?e(plo4ee...= <Telle$& 'abo$ Disputes an- Collecti)e ,a$9ainin9& Vol. II& pp. #EA?#EE& an- cases cite-.> .
IV. The lo3e$ cou$t shoul- ha)e o$-e$e- the $einstate(ent of the officials an- (e(be$s of the Unions& 3ith full bac8 3a9es f$o( .une %& B5A! to the -ate of thei$ actual $einstate(ent to thei$ usual e(plo4(ent. ,ecause all too clea$
f$o( the factual an- en)i$on(ental (ilieu of this case& couple- 3ith settle- -ecisional la3& is that the Unions 3ent on st$i8e because of the unfai$ labo$ p$actices co((itte- b4 the $espon-ents& an- that 3hen the st$i8e$s $epo$te- bac8 fo$ 3o$8
N upon the in)itation of the $espon-ents N the4 3e$e -isc$i(inato$il4 -is(isse-. The (e(be$s an- officials of the Unions the$efo$e a$e entitle- to $einstate(ent 3ith bac8 pa4.
K0Lhe$e the st$i8e 3as in-uce- an- p$o)o8e- b4 i(p$ope$ con-uct on the pa$t of an e(plo4e$ a(ountin9 to an Munfai$ labo$ p$actice&M the st$i8e$s a$e entitle- to $einstate(ent 3ith bac8 pa4. <Rothenbe$9 on 'abo$ Relations& p. B!.>
KALn e(plo4ee 3ho has been -is(isse- in )iolation of the p$o)isions of the Act is entitle- to $einstate(ent 3ith bac8 pa4 upon an a-7u-ication that the -ischa$9e 3as ille9al.= <I-.& citin9 0ate$(an S. S. Co$p. ). N. '. R. ,.& BB5 1%- #E"D N. '. R.
,. ). Richte$Ms ,a8e$4& B" 1%- !#"D N. '. R. ,. ). Southe$n 0oo- P$ese$)in9 Co.& B@A 1. %- E"ED C. +. Conn& 't-. ). N. '. R. ,.& B"! 1%- @5"D N. '. R. ,. ). A(e$ican Mf9. Co.& B"E 1%- EBD N. '. R. ,. ). Sentuc84 1i$e ,$ic8 Co.& 55 1%- 55.>
An- it is not a -efense to $einstate(ent fo$ the $espon-ents to alle9e that the positions of these union (e(be$s ha)e al$ea-4 been fille- b4 $eplace(ents.
K0Lhe$e the e(plo4e$sM =unfai$ labo$ p$actice= cause- o$ cont$ibute- to the st$i8e o$ 3he$e the Mloc8?outM b4 the e(plo4e$ constitutes an =unfai$ labo$ p$actice&= the e(plo4e$ cannot successfull4 u$9e as a -efense that the st$i8in9 o$ loc8?out
e(plo4ees position has been fille- b4 $eplace(ent. Un-e$ such ci$cu(stances& if no 7ob sufficientl4 an- satisfacto$il4 co(pa$able to that p$e)iousl4 hel- b4 the a99$ie)e- e(plo4ee can be foun-& the e(plo4e$ (ust -ischa$9e the $eplace(ent
e(plo4ee& if necessa$4& to $esto$e the st$i8in9 o$ loc8e-?out 3o$8e$ to his ol- o$ co(pa$able position ... If the e(plo4e$Ms i(p$ope$ con-uct 3as an initial cause of the st$i8e& all the st$i8e$s a$e entitle- to $einstate(ent an- the -is(issal of
$eplace(ent e(plo4ees 3he$e)e$ necessa$4D ... . <I-.& p. %% an- cases cite-.>
A co$olla$4 issue to 3hich 3e no3 a--$ess ou$sel)es is& f$o( 3hat -ate shoul- the bac8pa4 pa4able to the unionists be co(pute-W It is no3 a settle- -oct$ine that st$i8e$s 3ho a$e entitle- to $einstate(ent a$e not entitle- to bac8 pa4 -u$in9 the
pe$io- of the st$i8e& e)en thou9h it is cause- b4 an unfai$ labo$ p$actice. Ho3e)e$& if the4 offe$ to $etu$n to 3o$8 un-e$ the sa(e con-itions 7ust befo$e the st$i8e& the $efusal to $e?e(plo4 o$ the i(position of con-itions a(ountin9 to unfai$ labo$
p$actice is a )iolation of section <a> <> of the In-ust$ial Peace Act an- the e(plo4e$ is liable fo$ bac8pa4 f$o( the -ate of the offe$ <C$o(3ell Co((e$cial E(plo4ees an- 'abo$e$s Union )s. Cou$t of In-ust$ial Relations& '?B5##!& Decision&
Sept. @"& B5E& B% SCRA B%D I-.& Resolution on (otion fo$ $econsi-e$ation& B@ SCRA %A!D see also Mathe3s& 'abo$ Relations an- the 'a3& p. #@" an- the cite- cases>. 0e ha)e li8e3ise $ule- that -isc$i(inato$il4 -is(isse- e(plo4ees (ust
$ecei)e bac8pa4 f$o( the -ate of the act of -isc$i(ination& that is& f$o( the -ate of thei$ -ischa$9e <C$o(3ell Co((e$cial E(plo4ees an- 'abo$e$s Union )s. Cou$t of In-ust$ial Relations& sup$a>.
The $espon-ents notifie- the petitione$ st$i8e$s to $epo$t bac8 fo$ 3o$8 on .une %& B5A!& 3hich the latte$ -i-. A 9$eat nu(be$ of the(& ho3e)e$& 3e$e $efuse- $ea-(ission because the4 ha- c$i(inal cha$9es a9ainst the( pen-in9 befo$e the
fiscalMs office& althou9h non?st$i8e$s 3ho 3e$e also facin9 c$i(inal in-ict(ents 3e$e $ea-il4 $ea-(itte-. These st$i8e$s 3ho 3e$e $efuse- $ea-(ission on .une %& B5A! can thus be cate9o$i6e- as -isc$i(inato$il4 -is(isse- e(plo4ees an- a$e
entitle- to bac8pa4 f$o( sai- -ate. This is t$ue e)en 3ith $espect to the petitione$s .ose Pilapil& Paulino ,u9a4& .$. an- .ose +a$cia& .$. 3ho 3e$e foun- 9uilt4 onl4 of (is-e(eano$s 3hich a$e not consi-e$e- sufficient to ba$ $einstate(ent <Telle$&
'abo$ Disputes an- Collecti)e ,a$9ainin9& p. !A>& especiall4 so because thei$ unla3ful acts a$ose -u$in9 inci-ents 3hich 3e$e p$o)o8e- b4 the $espon-entsM (en. Ho3e)e$& since the e(plo4ees 3ho 3e$e -enie- $ea-(ission ha)e been out of
the se$)ice of the Co(panies <fo$ (o$e than ten 4ea$s> -u$in9 3hich the4 (a4 ha)e foun- othe$ e(plo4(ent o$ othe$ (eans of li)elihoo-& it is onl4 7ust an- e:uitable that 3hate)e$ the4 (a4 ha)e ea$ne- -u$in9 that pe$io- shoul- be -e-ucte-
f$o( thei$ bac8 3a9es to (iti9ate so(e3hat the liabilit4 of the co(pan4& pu$suant to the e:uitable p$inciple that no one is allo3e- to en$ich hi(self at the e;pense of anothe$ <Macleo- U Co. of the Philippines ). P$o9$essi)e 1e-e$ation of 'abo$&
5# Phil. %"A KB5AAL>.
The lo3e$ cou$t 9a)e ino$-inate si9nificance to the pa4(ent to an- acceptance b4 the -is(isse- e(plo4ees of sepa$ation pa4. This Cou$t has $ule- that 3hile e(plo4e$s (a4 be autho$i6e- un-e$ Republic Act B"A% to te$(inate e(plo4(ent of
e(plo4ees b4 se$)in9 the $e:ui$e- notice& o$& in the absence the$eof& b4 pa4in9 the $e:ui$e- co(pensation& the sai- Act (a4 not be in)o8e- to 7ustif4 a -is(issal p$ohibite- b4 la3& e.9.& -is(issal fo$ union acti)ities.
... 0hile Republic Act No. B"A% autho$i6es a co((e$cial establish(ent to te$(inate the e(plo4(ent of its e(plo4ee b4 se$)in9 notice on hi( one (onth in a-)ance& o$& in the absence the$eof& b4 pa4in9 hi( one (onth co(pensation f$o( the
-ate of the te$(ination of his e(plo4(ent& such Act -oes not 9i)e to the e(plo4e$ a blan8et autho$it4 to te$(inate the e(plo4(ent $e9a$-less of the cause o$ pu$pose behin- such te$(ination. Ce$tainl4& it cannot be (a-e use of as a cloa8 to
ci$cu()ent a final o$-e$ of the cou$t o$ a sche(e to t$a(ple upon the $i9ht of an e(plo4ee 3ho has been the )icti( of an unfai$ labo$ p$actice. <*u Si 'a(& et al. ). Nena Micalle$& et al.& 55 Phil. 5" KB5AEL.>
1inall4& 3e -o not sha$e the $espon-entsM )ie3 that the fin-in9s of fact of the Cou$t of In-ust$ial Relations a$e suppo$te- b4 substantial an- c$e-ible p$oof. This Cou$t is not the$efo$e p$eclu-e- f$o( -i99in9 -eepe$ into the factual (ilieu of the
case <Union of Philippine E-ucation E(plo4ees ). Philippine E-ucation Co(pan4& 5B Phil. 5@D 'u Do U 'u *( Co$po$ation ). Philippine?'an-?Ai$?Sea 'abo$ Union& BB SCRA B@ KB5EL>.
V. The petitione$s <BA of the(> as8 this Cou$t to cite fo$ conte(pt the $espon-ent P$esi-in9 .u-9e A$senio Ma$tine6 of the Cou$t of In-ust$ial Relations an- the counsels fo$ the p$i)ate $espon-ents& on the 9$oun- that the fo$(e$ 3$ote
the follo3in9 in his -ecision sub7ect of the instant petition fo$ ce$tio$a$i& 3hile the latte$ :uote- the sa(e on pa9es 5"?5B of the $espon-entsM b$ief2 .
... Sa4s the Sup$e(e Cou$t in the follo3in9 -ecisions2
In a p$ocee-in9 fo$ unfai$ labo$ p$actice& in)ol)in9 a -ete$(ination as to 3hethe$ o$ not the acts of the e(plo4ees conce$ne- 7ustifie- the a-option of the e(plo4e$ of -isciplina$4 (easu$es a9ainst the(& the (e$e fact that the e(plo4ees (a4 be
able to put up a )ali- -efense in a c$i(inal p$osecution fo$ the sa(e acts& -oes not e$ase o$ neut$ali6e the e(plo4e$Ms $i9ht to i(pose -iscipline on sai- e(plo4ees. 1o$ it is settle- that not e)en the ac:uittal of an e(plo4ee of the c$i(inal cha$9e
a9ainst hi( is a ba$ to the e(plo4e$Ms $i9ht to i(pose -iscipline on its e(plo4ees& shoul- the act upon 3hich the c$i(inal cha$9e- 3as base- constitute ne)e$theless an acti)it4 ini(ical to the e(plo4e$Ms inte$est... The act of the e(plo4ees no3
un-e$ consi-e$ation (a4 be consi-e$e- as a (iscon-uct 3hich is a 7ust cause fo$ -is(issal. <'ope6& S$.& et al. )s. Ch$onicle Publication E(plo4ees AssMn. et al.& +.R. No. '?%"B#5?!B& Dece(be$ %!& B5E.> <e(phasis supplie->
The t3o pe$tinent pa$a9$aphs in the abo)e?cite- -ecision a 3hich containe- the un-e$sco$e- po$tions of the abo)e citation $ea- ho3e)e$ as follo3s2
Diffe$entl4 as $e9a$- the -is(issal of O$lan-o A:uino an- Ca$(elito Vicente& 3e a$e incline- to uphol- the action ta8en b4 the e(plo4e$ as p$ope$ -isciplina$4 (easu$e. A $ea-in9 of the a$ticle 3hich alle9e-l4 cause- thei$ -is(issal $e)eals that
it $eall4 contains an insinuation albeit subtl4 of the suppose- e;e$tion of political p$essu$e b4 the Manila Ch$onicle (ana9e(ent upon the Cit4 1iscalMs Office& $esultin9 in the non?filin9 of the case a9ainst the e(plo4e$. In $e7ectin9 the e(plo4e$Ms
theo$4 that the -is(issal of Vicente an- A:uino 3as 7ustifie-& the lo3e$ cou$t consi-e$e- the a$ticle as =a $epo$t of so(e acts an- o(issions of an Assistant 1iscal in the e;e$cise of his official functions= an-& the$efo$e& -oes a3a4 3ith the
p$esu(ption of (alice. This bein9 a p$ocee-in9 fo$ unfai$ labo$ p$actice& the (atte$ shoul- not ha)e been )ie3e- o$ 9au9e- in the li9ht of the -oct$ine on a publishe$Ms culpabilit4 un-e$ the Penal Co-e. 0e a$e not he$e to -ete$(ine 3hethe$ the
e(plo4eesM act coul- stan- c$i(inal p$osecution& but onl4 to fin- out 3hethe$ the afo$esai- act 7ustifies the a-option b4 the e(plo4e$ of -isciplina$4 (easu$e a9ainst the(. This is not sustainin9 the $ulin9 that the publication in :uestion is
:ualifie- p$i)ile9e-& but e)en on the assu(ption that this is so& the e;e(ptin9 cha$acte$ the$eof un-e$ the Penal Co-e -oes not necessa$il4 e$ase o$ neut$ali6e its effect on the e(plo4e$Ms inte$est 3hich (a4 3a$$ant e(plo4(ent of -isciplina$4
(easu$e. 1o$ it (ust be $e(e(be$e- that not e)en the ac:uittal of an e(plo4ee& of the c$i(inal cha$9es a9ainst hi(& is a ba$ to the e(plo4e$Ms $i9ht to i(pose -iscipline on its e(plo4ees& shoul- the act upon 3hich the c$i(inal cha$9es 3as
base- constitute ne)e$theless an acti)it4 ini(ical to the e(plo4e$Ms inte$est.
In the he$ein case& it appea$s to us that fo$ an e(plo4ee to publish his =suspicion&= 3hich actuall4 a(ounts to a public accusation& that his e(plo4e$ is e;e$tin9 political p$essu$e on a public official to th3a$t so(e le9iti(ate acti)ities on the
e(plo4ees& 3hich cha$9e& in the least& 3oul- sull4 the e(plo4e$Ms $eputation& can be nothin9 but an act ini(ical to the sai- e(plo4e$Ms inte$est. An- the fact that the sa(e 3as (a-e in the union ne3spape$ -oes not alte$ its -elete$ious cha$acte$
no$ shiel- o$ p$otect a $ep$ehensible act on the 9$oun- that it is a union acti)it4& because such en- can be achie)e- 3ithout $eso$t to i(p$ope$ con-uct o$ beha)io$. The act of the e(plo4ees no3 un-e$ consi-e$ation (a4 be consi-e$e- as a
(iscon-uct 3hich is a 7ust cause fo$ -is(issal.aa <E(phasis ou$s>
It is plain to the na8e- e4e that the E" un?un-e$sco$e- 3o$-s of the pa$a9$aph :uote- b4 the $espon-ent .u-9e -o not appea$ in the pe$tinent pa$a9$aph of this Cou$tMs -ecision in '?%"B#5?!B. Mo$eo)e$& the fi$st un-e$sco$e- sentence in the
:uote- pa$a9$aph sta$ts 3ith =1o$ it is settle- ...= 3he$eas it $ea-s& =1o$ it (ust be $e(e(be$e- ...&= in this Cou$tMs -ecision. 1inall4& the secon- an- last un-e$line- sentence in the :uote- pa$a9$aph of the $espon-ent .u-9eMs -ecision& appea$s
not in the sa(e pa$a9$aph of this Cou$tMs -ecision 3he$e the othe$ sentence is& but in the i((e-iatel4 succee-in9 pa$a9$aph.
This appa$ent e$$o$& ho3e)e$& -oes not see( to 3a$$ant an in-ict(ent fo$ conte(pt a9ainst the $espon-ent .u-9e an- the $espon-entsM counsels. 0e a$e incline- to belie)e that the (is:uotation is (o$e a $esult of cle$ical ineptitu-e than a
-elibe$ate atte(pt on the pa$t of the $espon-ent .u-9e to (islea-. 0e full4 $eali6e ho3 sa--le- 3ith (an4 pen-in9 cases a$e the cou$ts of the lan-& an- it is not -ifficult to i(a9ine that because of the p$essu$e of thei$ )a$ie- an- (ultifa$ious
3o$8& cle$ical e$$o$s (a4 escape thei$ notice. Upon the othe$ han-& the $espon-entsM counsels ha)e the p$i(a facie $i9ht to $el4 on the :uotation as it appea$s in the $espon-ent .u-9eMs -ecision& to cop4 it )e$bati(& an- to inco$po$ate it in thei$
b$ief. An43a4& the i(po$t of the un-e$sco$e- sentences of the :uotation in the $espon-ent .u-9eMs -ecision is substantiall4 the sa(e as& an- faithfull4 $eflects& the pa$ticula$ $ulin9 in this Cou$tMs -ecision& i.e.& that =KNLot e)en the ac:uittal of an
e(plo4ee& of the c$i(inal cha$9es a9ainst hi(& is a ba$ to the e(plo4e$Ms $i9ht to i(pose -iscipline on its e(plo4ees& shoul- the act upon 3hich the c$i(inal cha$9es 3e$e base- constitute ne)e$theless an acti)it4 ini(ical to the e(plo4e$Ms
,e that as it (a4& 3e (ust a$ticulate ou$ fi$( )ie3 that in citin9 this Cou$tMs -ecisions an- $ulin9s& it is the boun-en -ut4 of cou$ts& 7u-9es an- la34e$s to $ep$o-uce o$ cop4 the sa(e 3o$-?fo$?3o$- an- punctuation (a$8?fo$?punctuation (a$8.
In-ee-& the$e is a salient an- saluta$4 $eason 3h4 the4 shoul- -o this. Onl4 f$o( this T$ibunalMs -ecisions an- $ulin9s -o all othe$ cou$ts& as 3ell as la34e$s an- liti9ants& ta8e thei$ bea$in9s. This is because the -ecisions $efe$$e- to in a$ticle ! of
the Ci)il Co-e 3hich $ea-s& =.u-icial -ecisions appl4in9 o$ inte$p$etin9 the la3s o$ the Constitution shall fo$( a pa$t of the le9al s4ste( of the Philippines&= a$e onl4 those enunciate- b4 this Cou$t of last $eso$t. 0e sai- in no unce$tain te$(s in
Mi$an-a& et al. )s. I(pe$ial& et al. <## Phil. B"EE> that =KOLnl4 the -ecisions of this Hono$able Cou$t establish 7u$isp$u-ence o$ -oct$ines in this 7u$is-iction.= Thus& e)e$ p$esent is the -an9e$ that if not faithfull4 an- e;actl4 :uote-& the -ecisions
an- $ulin9s of this Cou$t (a4 lose thei$ p$ope$ an- co$$ect (eanin9& to the -et$i(ent of othe$ cou$ts& la34e$s an- the public 3ho (a4 the$eb4 be (isle-. ,ut if infe$io$ cou$ts an- (e(be$s of the ba$ (eticulousl4 -ischa$9e thei$ -ut4 to chec8 an-
$echec8 thei$ citations of autho$ities culle- not onl4 f$o( this Cou$tMs -ecisions but f$o( othe$ sou$ces an- (a8e ce$tain that the4 a$e )e$bati( $ep$o-uctions -o3n to the last 3o$- an- punctuation (a$8& appellate cou$ts 3ill be p$eclu-e- f$o(
actin9 on (isinfo$(ation& as 3ell as be sa)e- p$ecious ti(e in fin-in9 out 3hethe$ the citations a$e co$$ect.
Happil4 fo$ the $espon-ent .u-9e an- the $espon-entsM counsels& the$e 3as no substantial chan9e in the th$ust of this Cou$tMs pa$ticula$ $ulin9 3hich the4 cite-. It is ou$ )ie3& nonetheless& that fo$ thei$ (ista8e& the4 shoul- be& as the4 a$e
he$eb4& a-(onishe- to be (o$e ca$eful 3hen citin9 7u$isp$u-ence in the futu$e. ACCORDIN+'*& the -ecision of the Cou$t of In-ust$ial Relations -ate- Au9ust B#& B5EA is $e)e$se- an- set asi-e& an- anothe$ is ente$e-& o$-e$in9 the $espon-ents
to $einstate the -is(isse- (e(be$s of the petitionin9 Unions to thei$ fo$(e$ o$ co(pa$ati)el4 si(ila$ positions& 3ith bac83a9es f$o( .une %& B5A! up to the -ates of thei$ actual $einstate(ents. Costs a9ainst the $espon-ents.
Republic of the Philippines

A.M. No. RT.?5"?!@ Septe(be$ %A& B55!
ATT*. ANTONIO T. +UERRERO& co(plainant&
HON. ADRIANO VI''AMOR& $espon-ent.
A.M. No. RT.?5"?EB# Septe(be$ %A& B55!
+EOR+E CAR'OS& co(plainant&
HON. ADRIANO VI''AMOR& $espon-ent.

/UISUM,IN+& ..2
In a s3o$n lette$?co(plaint B a--$esse- to this Cou$t th$ou9h the Cou$t A-(inist$ato$& -ate- Ma$ch !& B55"& Att4. Antonio +ue$$e$o cha$9es .u-9e A-$iano Villa(o$ of the Re9ional T$ial Cou$t at Na)al& Sub?P$o)ince of ,ili$an& 'e4te& ,$anch BE&
3ith se$ious (iscon-uct& i9no$ance of the la3& 8no3in9l4 $en-e$in9 an un7ust 7u-9(ent& (isfeasance& (alfeasance an- ne9lect of -ut4 fo$ issuin9 an O$-e$ % -ate- Dece(be$ BB& B5!# -ecla$in9 the co(plainant an- one +eo$9e Ca$los 9uilt4 of
-i$ect conte(pt.
In a sepa$ate )e$ifie- co(plaint& in)ol)in9 e;actl4 the sa(e inci-ent& +eo$9e Ca$los also cha$9es .u-9e A-$iano Villa(o$ 3ith substantiall4 the sa(e offenses. @
,4 $esolution -ate- 1eb$ua$4 A& B55B& this Cou$t $efe$$e- to Associate .ustice Cancio C. +a$cia of the Cou$t of Appeals the co(plaint of Att4. +ue$$e$o& -oc8ete- as A-(inist$ati)e Matte$ <A.M.> RT. 5"?!@& fo$ in)esti9ation& $epo$t an-
$eco((en-ation. This 3as follo3e- b4 anothe$ $esolution& pu$suant to 3hich the $eco$-s of the case $elatin9 to Ca$losM co(plaint& -oc8ete-& as A.M. RT.?5"?EB#& 3e$e fo$3a$-e- to sai- in)esti9ato$ fo$ consoli-ation 3ith A.M. RT. 5"?!@.
The sai- a-(inist$ati)e (atte$s ha)e no3 to be $esol)e- in )ie3 of $espon-entMs pen-in9 clai(s& fo$ 9$atuit4 9$ante- b4 this Cou$t pe$ its Resolution -ate- Ap$il B%& B55& 3hich $ea-s as follo3s2
A.M. No. RT.?5"?# <Cle(encio C. Sabitsana& .$. )s. .u-9e A-$iano Villa(o$& Re9ional T$ial Cou$t& ,$anch BE& Na)al& 'e4te> an- A.M. No. RT.?5"?E"E <Cle(encio C. Sabitsana& .R. )s. .u-9e A-$iano Villa(o$& Re9ional T$ial Cou$t& ,$anch BE&
Na)al& 'e4te>. N Actin9 on the plea fo$ (e$c4 an- co(passion& -ate- 1eb$ua$4 %& B55& file- b4 counsel fo$ $espon-ent 7u-9e& an- it appea$in9 that the Cou$t in its pe$ cu$ia( $esolution& -ate- 1eb$ua$4 #& B55%& a(en-e- the -ispositi)e po$tion
of its -ecision& -ate- Octobe$ & B55B& b4 allo3in9 .u-9e Villa(o$ to en7o4 all )acation an- sic8 lea)e benefits that he has ea$ne- -u$in9 the pe$io- of his 9o)e$n(ent se$)ice an- in the $esolution of Ma4 BB& B55@& -enie- the (otion fo$
$econsi-e$ation file- b4 the $espon-ent fo$ ha)in9 been file- late& an- althou9h the Cou$t 3ill not con-one the 3$on9-oin9s of an4 (e(be$ of the bench& neithe$ 3ill it ne9ate an4 (o)e to $eco9ni6e an- $e(une$ate thei$ len9th4 Se$)ice in the
9o)e$n(ent& (o$e so& if this 3ill 9$eatl4 benefit the last -a4s of thei$ $e(ainin9 life& the Cou$t Resol)e- to +RANT fo$(e$ .u-9e A-$iano Villa(o$ a 9$atuit4 e:ui)alent to %AX of his $eti$e(ent benefits. The pa4(ent of this benefit& ho3e)e$& shall
be sub7ect to the a)ailabilit4 of fun-s an- the usual clea$ance $e:ui$e(ents. This $ulin9 is p$o hac )ice an- is not a p$ece-ent fo$ othe$ cases.
As 9lea(e- f$o( the $epo$t b4 the In)esti9atin9 .ustice& the antece-ent facts of the p$esent consoli-ate- cases a$e as follo3s2
So(eti(e in No)e(be$ B5E!& one +lo$ia Pascubillo file- a co(plaint a9ainst +eo$9e Ca$los fo$ :uietin9 of title. Doc8ete- as Ci)il Case No. ,?"BE! in the Re9ional T$ial Cou$t at Na)al& 'e4te& the case en-e- in a co(p$o(ise a9$ee(ent
app$o)e- b4 the cou$t 3he$eb4 Ca$los a9$ee- to -eli)e$ possession of the p$ope$t4 in :uestion to Pascubillo 3ho& in tu$n& un-e$too8 to pa4 the fo$(e$ the su( of PA&"""."" as pu$chase p$ice. 1o$ so(e $eason o$ anothe$& the 7u-9(ent b4
co(p$o(ise $e(aine- -o$(ant fo$ fi)e <A> 4ea$s.
On No)e(be$ %@& B5##& +lo$ia Na)al& nee Pascubillo& file- befo$e the Re9ional T$ial Cou$t at Na)al& 'e4te& Ci)il Case No. ,?"@5! a9ainst Ca$los fo$ $e)i)al an- enfo$ce(ent of the 7u-9(ent in Ci)il Case No. ,?"BE!. In tu$n& Ca$los file- C$i(inal
Cases Nos. N?5!5& N?55"& N?55B& N?55% an- N?55@ fo$ :ualifie- theft a9ainst Na)al an- he$ helpe$s. These c$i(inal cases& li8e Ci)il Case No. ,?"@5!& 3e$e $affle- to the sala of .u-9e Villa(o$.
Due to the pen-enc4 of Ci)il Case No. ,?"@5!& .u-9e Villa(o$ ha- the c$i(inal cases a$chi)e-& notin9 in his O$-e$s A of .anua$4 & B5! that both sets of cases ha)e fo$ thei$ sub7ect the sa(e pa$cel of lan-.
E)entuall4& .u-9e Villa(o$ $en-e$e- 7u-9(ent in Ci)il Case No. ,?"@5!& -ecla$in9 Na)al to be the la3ful o3ne$Cpossesso$ of the lan- bein9 -ispute-& an- o$-e$in9 Ca$los to )acate the sa(e.
1o$th3ith& Ca$los (o)e- to $eacti)ate the a$chi)e- afo$ecite- c$i(inal cases. Actin9 on the (otion of the accuse-& .u-9e Villa(o$ -is(isse- the cases. As he obse$)e- in his -is(issal o$-e$ -ate- Dece(be$ A& B5!E& Na)al an- he$ helpe$s
cannot be hel- liable fo$ :ualifie- theft fo$ 9athe$in9 coconuts on a piece of lan- of 3hich Na)al is the o3ne$. E
Mean3hile& Ca$los appeale- the -ecision in Ci)il Case No. ,?"@5!. Du$in9 the pen-enc4 of the appeal& .u-9e Villa(o$ issue- an o$-e$ 9$antin9 e;ecution 3hich Ca$los& in -ue ti(e& challen9e- th$ou9h a petition fo$ ce$tio$a$i befo$e this Cou$t.
The case 3as ce$tifie- to the Cou$t of Appeals an- -oc8ete- as CA?+.R. SP No. B%"BB. In its Decision -ate- Octobe$ #& B5!#& a(en-in9 its ea$lie$ -ecision of .ul4 %& B5!#& the Cou$t of Appeals affi$(e- 3ith (o-ification the o$-e$ of
i((e-iate e;ecution issue- b4 .u-9e Villa(o$. 'ate$& this Cou$t& in +.R. No. !B!%E& $esol)e- to -en4 the petition fo$ $e)ie3 file- b4 Ca$los fo$ failu$e to sho3 that the Appellate Cou$t co((itte- $e)e$sible e$$o$ in sustainin9 the t$ial cou$tMs o$-e$
9$antin9 e;ecution pen-in9 appeal. #
On .ul4 %!& B5!#& Ca$los file- 3ith this Cou$t an a-(inist$ati)e case a9ainst .u-9e Villa(o$& -oc8ete- as A.M. RT. !#?B"A cha$9in9 the latte$ 3ith ha)in9 issue- an ille9al o$-e$ an- un7ust -ecision p$incipall4 in the afo$e(entione- c$i(inal
cases an- in Ci)il Case No. ,?"@5!. In its En ,anc Resolution -ate- No)e(be$ %B& B5!!& as $eite$ate- in anothe$ $esolution of .anua$4 %E& B5!5& this Cou$t -is(isse- the sai- a-(inist$ati)e case fo$ bein9 p$e(atu$e but =3ithout p$e7u-ice to
$efilin9 shoul- the Sup$e(e Cou$t -ecision late$ in +.R. !B!%E 3a$$ants its $efilin9.= !
Dissatisfie- 3ith the outco(e of his a-(inist$ati)e case& Ca$los& th$ou9h Att4. Antonio +ue$$e$o& file- 3ith the Re9ional T$ial Cou$t of Cebu a ci)il action fo$ -a(a9es a9ainst .u-9e Villa(o$. In his co(plaint& -oc8ete- as CE,?E#!& an- $affle- to
,$anch %B p$esi-e- b4 then .u-9e .uanito ,e$na-& Ca$los alle9e- that .u-9e Villa(o$ 8no3in9l4 $en-e$e- an un7ust 7u-9(ent 3hen he -is(isse- the fi)e c$i(inal cases a9ainst Na)al an- he$ co?accuse-.
The su((ons in Ci)il Case No. CE,?E#! 3as se$)e- on .u-9e Villa(o$ on Dece(be$ B"& B5!#. The follo3in9 -a4& instea- of ans3e$in9 the co(plaint& .u-9e Villa(o$ issue- in C$i(inal Cases Nos. N?"5!5 to "55@ an o$-e$ -ecla$in9 Ca$los
an- his la34e$& Antonio +ue$$e$o 9uilt4 of -i$ect conte(pt fo$ =-e9$a-in9 the $espect an- -i9nit4 of the cou$t th$ou9h the use of -e$o9ato$4 an- conte(ptuous lan9ua9e befo$e the cou$t&= 5 In full& the conte(pt o$-e$ $ea-s2
It is in-ee- unfo$tunate an- $e9$ettable that +eo$9e Ca$los an- his counsel& Att4. Antonio T. +ue$$e$o ha)e b$ushe- asi-e the 3a$nin9 of this Cou$t not to (ista8e its (a;i(u( tole$ance as 3ea8ness. Once a9ain& the4 ha)e -efile- this Cou$t
3ith abusi)e& offensi)e an- -is$espectful lan9ua9e in thei$ co(plaint fo$ Da(a9es& Ci)il Case CE, E#!& RTC& #th .u-icial Re9ion& Cebu Cit4 a9ainst the he$ein p$esi-in9 7u-9e fo$ -is(issin9 the afo$e(entione- cases on Dece(be$ A& B5!E.
Neithe$ +eo$9e Ca$los& the p$i)ate p$osecuto$ o$ public p$osecuto$ :uestione- the sai- -is(issal in the p$ope$ fo$u(. It 3as onl4 on Dece(be$ @& B5!# that +eo$9e Ca$los an- his counsel Att4. Antonio T. +ue$$e$o 3hen the4 file- ci)il case CE,
E#! pe$e(pto$il4 labelle- the -is(issal as =un7ust -ecision.=
An- in thei$ co(plaint the4 alle9e-2
Pa$. B%. That the -is(issal of c$i(inal cases Nos. "5!5& "55"& "55B& "55% an- "55@ fo$ :ualifie- theft 3as a$$i)e- at ce$tainl4 3ithout ci$cu(spection N 3ithout an4 (o$al o$ le9al basis N a case of 8no3in9l4 $en-e$in9 un7ust 7u-9(ent
since the -is(issal 3as tanta(ount to ac:uittal of the accuse- +lo$ia P. Na)al 3ho is no3 be4on- the $each of c$i(inal an- ci)il liabilit4 N all because the -efen-ant Hon. A-$iano R. Villa(o$ 3as bent bac83a$-s 3ith his e4es an- (in- 3ilfull4
close- un-e$ these ci$cu(stances 3hich -e(an-e- the sc$utin4 of the 7u-icial (in- an- -isc$etion f$o( bias& . . .
Pa$. B. ,4 the stan-a$- of a public official an- a p$i)ate pe$son the con-uct of -efen-ant Hono$able .u-9e N not onl4 shoc8in9& but appallin9 N in 9i)in9 the plaintiff befo$e his cou$t the $un?a$oun- is at the )e$4 least -istasteful& -ist$essin9
an- (o$tif4in9 an- (o$al -a(a9es the$efo$ 3oul- 3a$$ant on this 8in- of $ep$ehensible beha)io$ . . . .
Pa$. BA. That the afo$ecite- (anifestl4 (alicious actuations& -efen-ant 7u-9e shoul- also )isit upon hi( . . . fo$ $e-ucin9 plaintiff his a9oni6in9 )icti( of his -is-ain an- conte(pt fo$ the fo$(e$ 3ho not onl4 to$n asun-e$ an- spu$ne- but also
hu(iliate- an- spitefull4 sco$ne-.
The fo$e9oin9 speciall4 chosen lan9ua9e b4 +eo$9e Ca$los an- Att4. +ue$$e$o is 3hat Dean Poun- aptl4 te$(e- as =Epithetical .u$isp$u-ence=. An- to pa$aph$ase then Chief .ustice ,en96on in 'a9u(ba4 ). Co(elec <BE SCRA B#A> the
e(plo4(ent of inte(pe$ate lan9ua9e se$)es no pu$pose but to -et$act the fo$ce of the a$9u(ent. That is to put as its (il-est a 3ell?-ese$)e- $ep$oach to such p$opensit4. A (e(be$ of the ba$ 3ho has 9i)en )ent to such e;p$essions of ill 3ill&
not to sa4 (ale)olence& bet$a4s 9$oss -is$espect not onl4 to the a-)e$se pa$t4& but also to this T$ibunal <Su$i9ao Mine$al Rese$)ation ,oa$- ). Clo$ibel& @B SCRA B>.
These epithets un-e$(ines <sic> the -i9nit4 of the cou$t. It <sic> aff$onts its (a7est4 an- puts <sic> it in -is$epute an- -is$espect. Not onl4 a$e the4 unfoun-e- an- unsubstantiate-. The4 constitute -i$ect conte(pt o$ conte(pt in facie cu$iae
su((a$il4 punishable 3ithout hea$in9.
The Cou$t fin-s +eo$9e Ca$los an- Att4. Antonio T. +ue$$e$o +UI'T* be4on- $easonable -oubt of Di$ect Conte(pt of Cou$t an- sentences both to an i(p$ison(ent of fi)e <A> -a4s an- to pa4 a fine of 1i)e Hun-$e- <PA"".""> Pesos.
;;; ;;; ;;;
Ca$los an- Att4. +ue$$e$o afte$3a$-s 3ent to this Cou$t on a petition fo$ ce$tio$a$i 3ith a p$a4e$ fo$ p$eli(ina$4 in7unction a9ainst .u-9e Villa(o$. On No)e(be$ B@& B5!5& this Cou$t& in +.R. No. !%%@!?%& p$o(ul9ate- a -ecision annullin9 the
conte(pt o$-e$ B".
On Ma$ch !& B55"& Att4. +ue$$e$o file- this instant case. Ei9ht (onths late$& Ca$los follo3e- 3ith his co(plaint.
Co(plainant Att4. +ue$$e$o& 7oine- fo$ the (ost pa$t b4 co(plainant Ca$los& alle9e- that the $espon-ent 7u-9e issue- the conte(pt o$-e$ <a> as an inci-ent of C$i(inal Case Nos. N?5!5 to N?55@ 3hich ha)e lon9 been te$(inate-& <b> 3ithout
info$(in9 the( of the cha$9e& <c> 3ithout a hea$in9& o$ at least a sho3 cause o$-e$ to -ete$(ine 3hethe$ thei$ alle9e- conte(ptuous utte$ances constitute -i$ect o$ in-i$ect conte(pt& an- <-> 3ithout follo3in9 the p$esc$iption of Rule #B of the
Rules of Cou$t on conte(pt. Co(plainant Att4. +ue$$e$o a--s that the suppo$tin9 cases cite- b4 the $espon-ent in his o$-e$ N $efe$$in9 to 'a9u(ba4 )s. COME'EC BB an- Su$i9ao Mine$al Rese$)ation ,oa$- )s. Clo$ibel B% a$e conte;tuall4 not
at all in point. Thus& it is conten-e- that $espon-ent is i9no$ant of the la3 an-Co$ has 8no3in9l4 $en-e$e- an un7ust 7u-9(ent. It is also conten-e- that $espon-ent stan-s liable fo$ se$ious (iscon-uct fo$ a-7u-9in9 co(plainants 9uilt4 of -i$ect
conte(pt -espite thei$ non?p$esence in cou$t. B@
In his co((ent& $espon-ent sub(its that the )a$ious $e)e$ses encounte$e- b4 the co(plainants befo$e his cou$t an- the appellate cou$ts i(pelle- the( to institute thei$ co(plaint as a (easu$e of ha$ass(ent. B He& ho3e)e$& ancho$s his
-efense on the follo3in9 te$se line2 0hat happene- 3as an e$$o$ in 7u-9(ent. BA In connection 3ith this (ain postu$e& $espon-ent sub(itte- a Manifestation of Supe$)enin9 Sup$e(e Cou$t Decision BE& attachin9 the$e3ith a cop4 of the
-ecision p$o(ul9ate- on No)e(be$ B@& B55B b4 this Cou$t in the consoli-ate- cases of Hon. .u-9e A-$iano Villa(o$ )s. Hon. .u-9e ,e$na$-o 'I. Salas U +eo$9e Ca$los an- Hon. .u-9e A-$iano Villa(o$ )s. Antonio +ue$$e$o U Hon. Pea$4 +.
Aleona$ B#. In the -ecision& this Cou$t sai-2
No3he$e in this Cou$tMs -ecision annullin9 .u-9e Villa(o$Ms o$-e$ of -i$ect conte(pt <+.R. Nos. !%%@!?%& No)e(be$ B@& B5!5> can the$e be foun- a -ecla$ation that the e$$oneous o$-e$ 3as $en-e$e- (aliciousl4 o$ 3ith conscious an-
-elibe$ate intent to co((it an in7ustice. In fact& a p$e)ious o$-e$ of -i$ect conte(pt issue- b4 .u-9e Villa(o$ a9ainst Ca$losM fo$(e$ counsel 3as sustaine- b4 this Cou$t <.a4nes C. Abba$ientos& et al. )s. .u-9e Villa(o$& +.R. No. !%%@#& .une B&
At (ost& the o$-e$ of -i$ect conte(pt 3hich 3e nullifie- (a4 onl4 be consi-e$e- an e$$o$ of 7u-9(ent fo$ 3hich .u-9e Villa(o$ (a4 not be hel- c$i(inall4 o$ ci)ill4 liable to the $espon-ents.
A 7u-9e is not liable fo$ an e$$oneous -ecision in the absence of (alice o$ 3$on9ful con-uct in $en-e$in9 it <,a$$oso )s. A$che& E# SCRA BEB>.
In)esti9atin9 .ustice +a$cia $eco((en-s the -is(issal of the co(plaints a9ainst $espon-ent 7u-9e. This Cou$t a9$ees 3ith this $eco((en-ation.
0ith $e9a$- to the cha$9e of (alfeasance& (isfeasance& ne9lect of -ut4& o$ (iscon-uct& co(plainants ha)e not establishe- a p$i(a?facie case a9ainst $espon-ent 7u-9e. Afte$ a ca$eful e;a(ination of the $eco$-s of this case& the Cou$t concu$s
3ith the fin-in9s of the in)esti9atin9 .ustice that the acts o$ o(ission alle9e-l4 constitutin9 an4 of these offenses ha)e eithe$ not been spelle- out 3ith -efinite specificit4& o$ the causal connection bet3een the 9i)en actCo(ission an- the
$esultin9 offenseCs not lo9icall4 -e(onst$ate-.
The othe$ cha$9es& na(el4 i9no$ance of the la3 an- issuin9 an un7ust 7u-9(ent& -ese$)e consi-e$ation& since the -i$ect conte(pt o$-e$ of the $espon-ent 7u-9e& un-e$ the atten-in9 ci$cu(stances it 3as issue-& appea$s to be clea$l4 e$$oneous.
The suppose-l4 conte(ptuous lan9ua9e use- in a plea-in9 3as not sub(itte- to $espon-ent& but file- in anothe$ cou$t p$esi-e- b4 anothe$ 7u-9e statione- in Cebu lite$all4 (iles a3a4 f$o( 3he$e $espon-ent hol-s cou$t in 'e4te. As this Cou$t
$ule- in An9 )s. Cast$o2 B!
Use of -is$espectful o$ conte(ptuous lan9ua9e a9ainst a pa$ticula$ 7u-9e in plea-in9s p$esente- in anothe$ cou$t o$ p$ocee-in9 is in-i$ect& not -i$ect& conte(pt as it is not tanta(ount to a (isbeha)io$ in the p$esence of o$ so nea$ a cou$t o$
7u-9e as to inte$$upt the a-(inist$ation of 7ustice.
Ho3e)e$& a-(inist$ati)e liabilit4 fo$ i9no$ance of the la3 an-Co$ 8no3in9l4 $en-e$in9 an un7ust 7u-9(ent -oes not i((e-iatel4 a$ise f$o( the ba$e fact of a 7u-9e issuin9 a -ecisionC$esolutionCo$-e$ late$ a-7u-9e- to be e$$oneous. B5 Othe$3ise&
pe$haps no 7u-9e& ho3e)e$ co(petent& honest o$ -e-icate- he (a4 be& can e)e$ hope to $eti$e f$o( the 7u-icia$4 3ith an unble(ishe- $eco$-. %"
1o$ liabilit4 to attach fo$ i9no$ance of the la3& the assaile- o$-e$& -ecision o$ actuation of the 7u-9e in the pe$fo$(ance of official -uties (ust not onl4 be foun- e$$oneous but& (ost i(po$tantl4& it (ust also be establishe- that he 3as (o)e- b4
ba- faith& -ishonest4& hat$e-& o$ so(e othe$ li8e
(oti)e. %B Si(ila$l4& a 7u-9e 3ill be hel- a-(inist$ati)el4 liable fo$ $en-e$in9 an un7ust 7u-9(ent N one 3hich is cont$a$4 to la3 o$ 7u$isp$u-ence o$ is not suppo$te- b4 e)i-ence N 3hen he acts in ba- faith& (alice& $e)en9e o$ so(e othe$ si(ila$
(oti)e. In fine& ba- faith is the 9$oun- fo$ liabilit4 in eithe$ o$ both offenses. %%
Con)e$sel4& a cha$9e fo$ eithe$ i9no$ance of the la3 o$ $en-e$in9 an un7ust 7u-9(ent 3ill not p$ospe$ a9ainst a 7u-9e actin9 in 9oo- faith. Absent the ele(ent of ba- faith& an e$$oneous 7u-9(ent cannot be the basis of a cha$9e fo$ an4 sai-
offenses& (e$e e$$o$ of 7u-9(ent not bein9 a 9$oun- fo$ -isciplina$4 p$ocee-in9s.
1$o( the $eco$- befo$e us 3e a9$ee 3ith the fin-in9 of the in)esti9atin9 .ustice that $espon-ent& in issuin9 his e$$oneous conte(pt o$-e$& 3as not (o)e- b4 ill?3ill o$ b4 an i(pulse to -o an in7ustice. To be su$e& co(plainants ha)e not p$esente-
e)i-ence o$ offe$e- lo9ical a$9u(ents ten-in9 to sho3 that ba- faith acco(panie- the issuance of the conte(pt o$-e$. It ou9ht to be $e(e(be$e- that ba- faith is not p$esu(e- an- he 3ho alle9es the sa(e has the onus of p$o)in9 it. In this
$e9a$-& co(plainants ha)e not -ischa$9e- that bu$-en of p$oof sufficientl4.
Shoul- a ci$cu(stance ten- to beclou- the bona fi-es of $espon-entMs actuation& it coul- onl4 $efe$ to the st$aine- $elationship e;istin9 bet3een hi( an- co(plainants b$ou9ht about b4 the cu(ulati)e effect of the $e)e$ses Ca$los encounte$e- in
$espon-entMs sala& on one han-& an- the filin9 b4 co(plainant Ca$los& th$ou9h Att4. +ue$$e$o& of the -a(a9e suit a9ainst $espon-ent& on the othe$. %@ The te;t of the conte(pt o$-e$& ho3e)e$& 4iel-s no in-ication that $espon-ent& in (ista8enl4
citin9 co(plainants fo$ -i$ect conte(pt& 3as p$e)aile- upon b4 pe$sonal ani(osit4 o$ b4 a -esi$e to e;act $e)en9e. On the cont$a$4& $espon-ent st$esse- in his o$-e$ that he obse$)e- =(a;i(u( tole$ance= in -ealin9 3ith co(plainants& p$e)ious
le9al s8i$(ishes not3ithstan-in9.
The fact that $espon-ent -i- not acco$- co(plainants a hea$in9 no$ info$(e- the( befo$ehan- of the cha$9es $elati)e to the conte(pt inci-ent cannot& 3ithout (o$e& be in-icati)e of ba- faith o$ (alice. 1o$& $espon-ent labo$e- un-e$ the
i(p$ession& (ista8en as it tu$ne- out to be& that co(plainants co((itte- an act constitutin9 -i$ect conte(pt su((a$il4 punishable. % Assu(in9& as $espon-ent -i- assu(e& that co(plainants -i- in-ee- co((it an act punishable b4 -i$ect
conte(pt& then a fo$(al hea$in9 3oul- ha$-l4 be necessa$4.
Nee-less to un-e$sco$e& the utili6ation b4 $espon-ent of the lon9?te$(inate- c$i(inal cases as the )ehicle fo$ his conte(pt o$-e$ fo$(e- a pa$t of his e$$o$. ,a- faith& ho3e)e$& cannot be infe$$e- f$o( this pa$ticula$ e$$o$& pe$ se.
Inci-entall4& the in)ocation in the conte(pt o$-e$ of the cases 'a9u(ba4 an- Clo$ibel is not at all (isplace- as co(plainants no3 u$9e. To be su$e& $espon-ent cite- these cases not so (uch to suppo$t the p$op$iet4 of the conte(pt o$-e$ as to
accentuate the pe$nicious effect of the use of inte(pe$ate lan9ua9e in plea-in9s on the o$-e$l4 a-(inist$ation of 7ustice.
In all& the assaile- act of the $espon-ent 7u-9e appea$s to be a case of e$$o$ of 7u-9(ent not sub7ect to -isciplina$4 action. The -ecision of this Cou$t in the consoli-ate- cases of Hon. .u-9e A-$iano Villa(o$ )s. Hon. .u-9e ,e$na$-o 'l. Salas U
+eo$9e Ca$los an- Hon. .u-9e A-$iano Villa(o$ )s. Antonio +ue$$e$o U Hon. Pea$4 +. Aleona$ %A conce-es as (uch. In the -ecision& this Cou$t hel-2
At (ost& the o$-e$ of -i$ect conte(pt 3hich 3e nullifie- (a4 onl4 be consi-e$e- as e$$o$ of 7u-9(ent fo$& 3hich .u-9e Villa(o$ (a4 not be hel- c$i(inall4 o$ ci)ill4 liable to the $espon-ents Khe$ein co(plainantsL.
0hile the :uote- po$tion of the fo$e9oin9 $ulin9 spea8s onl4 of e;e(ption f$o( c$i(inal o$ ci)il liabilit4& the$e is no $eason not to inclu-e f$o( its $each a-(inist$ati)e liabilit4 as 3ell. Afte$ all& this Cou$t ha- occasion to $ule that2
KAL 7u-9e (a4 not be a-(inist$ati)el4 cha$9e- fo$ (e$e e$$o$s of 7u-9(ent in the absence of sho3in9 of an4 ba- faith& (alice o$ co$$upt pu$pose. %E
Mo$eo)e$& it is settle- that 7u-9es cannot be hel- to account c$i(inall4& ci)ill4& o$ a-(inist$ati)el4 fo$ an e$$oneous -ecision $en-e$e- b4 the( in 9oo- faith. %#
In su(& the$e is no le9al basis no$ con)incin9 e)i-ence& to suppo$t the p$oposition that the $espon-ent 7u-9e& in issuin9 his cont$o)e$sial conte(pt o$-e$& acte- in ba- faith o$ 3ith ill?3ill o$ (alice as to 7ustif4 hol-in9 hi( liable fo$ an e$$o$ in
0HERE1ORE& he$ein a-(inist$ati)e co(plaints a9ainst .u-9e A-$iano Villa(o$ a$e he$eb4 DISMISSED.
Republic of the Philippines
VICENTE SOTTO .anua$4 %B& B55
In $e VICENTE SOTTO& fo$ conte(pt of cou$t.
Vicente Sotto in his o3n behalf.
1ERIA& ..2
This is a p$ocee-in9 fo$ conte(pt of ou$ cou$t a9ainst the $espon-ent Att4. Vicente Sotto& 3ho 3as $e:ui$e- b4 thei$ Cou$t on Dece(be$ #& B5!& to sho3 cause 3h4 he shoul- not be punishe- fo$ conte(pt to cou$t fo$ ha)in9 issue- a 3$itten
state(ent in connection 3ith the -ecision of this Cou$t in In $e An9el Pa$a6o fo$ conte(pt of cou$t& 3hich state(ent& as publishe- in the Manila Ti(es an- othe$ -ail4 ne3spape$s of the localit4& $ea-s as follo3s2
As autho$ of the P$ess 1$ee-o( 'a3 <Republic Act No. A@.> inte$p$ete- b4 the Sup$e(e Cou$t in the case of An9el Pa$a6o& $epo$te$ of a local -ail4& 3ho no3 has to suffe$ @" -a4s i(p$ison(ent& fo$ his $efusal to -i)ul9e the sou$ce of a ne3s
publishe- in his pape$& I $e9$et to sa4 that ou$ Hi9h T$ibunal has not onl4 e$$oneousl4 inte$p$ete- sai- la3& but that it is once (o$e puttin9 in e)i-ence the inco(petenc4 of na$$o3 (in-e-ness o the (a7o$it4 of its (e(be$s& In the 3a8e of so
(an4 (in-e-ness of the (a7o$it4 -elibe$atel4 co((itte- -u$in9 these last 4ea$s& I belie)e that the onl4 $e(e-4 to put an en- to so (uch e)il& is to chan9e the (e(be$s of the Sup$e(e Cou$t. To his effect& I announce that one of the fi$st
(easu$es& 3hich as its ob7ects the co(plete $eo$9ani6ation of the Sup$e(e Cou$t. As it is no3 constitute-& a constant pe$il to libe$t4 an- -e(oc$ac4. It nee- be sai- lou-l4& )e$4 lou-l4& so that e)en the -eaf (a4 hea$2 the Sup$e(e Cou$t )e$4 of
to-a4 is a fa$ c$4 f$o( the i(p$e9nable bul3a$8 of .ustice of those (e(o$able ti(es of Ca4etano A$ellano& Victo$ino Mapa& Manuel A$aullo an- othe$ lea$ne- 7u$ists 3ho 3e$e the hono$ an- 9lo$4 of the Philippine .u-icia$4.
Upon his $e:uest& the $espon-ent 3as 9$ante- ten -a4s (o$e besi-es the fi)e o$i9inall4 9i)en hi( to file his ans3e$& an- althou9h his ans3e$ 3as file- afte$ the e;pi$ation of the pe$io- of ti(e 9i)en hi( the sai- ans3e$ 3as a-(itte-. This Cou$t
coul- ha)e $en-e$e- a 7u-9(ent fo$ conte(pt afte$ consi-e$in9 his ans3e$& because he -oes not -en4 the authenticit4 of the state(ent as it has been publishe-. ,ut& in o$-e$ to 9i)e the $espon-ent a(ple oppo$tunit4 to -efen- hi(self o$ 7ustif4
the publication of such libelous state(ent& the case 3as set fo$ hea$in9 o$ o$al a$9u(ent on .anua$4 & the hea$in9 bein9 late$ postpone- to .anua$4 B"& B55. As the $espon-ent -i- not appea$ at the -ate set fo$ hea$in9& the case 3as
sub(itte- fo$ -ecision.
In his ans3e$& the $espon-ent -oes not -en4 ha)in9 publishe- the abo)e :uote- th$eat& an- inti(i-ation as 3ell as false an- calu(nious cha$9es a9ainst this Sup$e(e Cou$t. ,ut he the$ein conten-s that un-e$ section B@& A$ticle VIII of the
Constitution& 3hich confe$s upon this Sup$e(e Cou$t the po3e$ to p$o(ul9ate $ules conce$nin9 plea-in9& p$actice& an- p$oce-u$e& =this Cou$t has no po3e$ to i(pose co$$ectional penalties upon the citi6ens& an- that the Sup$e(e Cou$t can
onl4 i(pose fines an- i(p$ison(ent b4 )i$tue of a la3& an- has to be p$o(ul9ate- b4 Con9$ess 3ith the app$o)al of the Chief E;ecuti)e.= An- he also alle9es in his ans3e$ that =in the e;e$cise of the f$ee-o( of speech 9ua$antee- b4 the
Constitution& the $espon-ent (a-e his state(ent in the p$ess 3ith the ut(ost 9oo- faith an- 3ith no intention of offen-in9 an4 of the (a7o$it4 of the hono$able (e(be$s of this hi9h T$ibunal& 3ho& in his opinion& e$$oneousl4 -eci-e- the Pa$a6o
caseD but he has not attac8e-& o$ inten-e- to attac8 the honest4 o$ inte9$it4 of an4 one.M The othe$ a$9u(ents set fo$th b4 the $espon-ent in his -efenses obse$)e no consi-e$ation.
Rules E of the $ules p$o(ul9ate- b4 this cou$t -oes not punish as fo$ conte(pt of cou$t an act 3hich 3as not punishable as such un-e$ the la3 an- the inhe$ent po3e$s of the cou$t to punish fo$ conte(pt. The p$o)isions of section B an- @ of
sai- Rule E a$e a (e$e $ep$o-uction of section %@B an- %@% of the ol- Co-e of Ci)il P$oce-u$e& Act No. B5"& a(en-e-& in connection 3ith the -oct$ine lai- -o3n b4 this Cou$t on the inhe$ent po3e$ if the supe$io$ cou$ts to punish fo$ conte(pt is
se)e$al cases& a(on9 the( In $e Sell4& @A Phil.& 5. That the po3e$ to punish fo$ conte(pt is inhe$ent in all cou$ts of supe$io$ statue& is a -oct$ine o$ p$inciple unifo$(l4 accepte- an- applie- b4 the cou$ts of last $eso$t in the Unite- States&
3hich is applicable in this 7u$is-iction since ou$ Constitution an- cou$ts of 7ustice a$e patte$ne- as e;poun-e- in A(e$ican .u$isp$u-ence is as follo3s2
The po3e$ of inflictin9 punish(ent upon pe$sons 9uilt4 of conte(pt of cou$t (a4 be $e9a$-e- as an essential ele(ent of 7u-icial autho$it4& IT is possesse- as a pa$t of the 7u-icial autho$it4 9$ante- to cou$ts c$eate- b4 the Constitution of the
Unite- States o$ b4 the Constitutions of the se)e$al states. It is a po3e$ sai- to be inhe$ent in all cou$ts 9ene$al 7u$is-iction& 3hethe$ the4 a$e State o$ 1e-e$alD such po3e$ e;ists in cou$ts of 9ene$al 7u$is-iction in-epen-entl4 of an4 special
e;p$ess 9$ant of statute. In (an4 instances the $i9ht of ce$tain cou$ts of t$ibunals to punish fo$ conte(pt is e;p$essl4 besto3e- b4 statue& but such statuto$4 autho$i6ation is unnecessa$4& so fa$ as the cou$ts of 9ene$al 7u$is-iction a$e conce$ne-&
an- in 9ene$al a--s nothin9 statuto$4 autho$it4 (a4 be necessa$4 as conce$ns the infe$io$ cou$ts statuto$4 autho$it4 (a4 be necessa$4 to e(po3e$ the( to act. <Conte(pt& B% .u$.& pp. B!& B5.>
In confo$(it4 3ith the p$inciple enunciate- in the abo)e :uotation f$o( A(e$ican .u$isp$u-ence& this Cou$t& in In $e Sell4& hel- the follo3in92
The publication of a c$iticis( of a pa$t4 o$ of the cou$t to a pen-in9 cause& $espectin9 the sa(e& has al3a4s been consi-e$e- as (isbeha)io$& ten-in9 to obst$uct the a-(inist$ation of 7ustice& an- sub7ects such pe$sons to conte(pt p$ocee-in9s.
Pa$ties ha)e a constitutional $i9ht to ha)e thei$ fai$l4 in cou$t& b4 an i(pa$tial t$ibunal& uninfluence- b4 publications o$ public cla(o$. E)e$4 citi6en has a p$ofoun- pe$sonal inte$est in the enfo$ce(ent of the fun-a(ental $i9ht to ha)e 7ustice
a-(iniste$e- b4 the cou$ts& un-e$ the p$otection an- fo$(s of la3& f$ee f$o( outsi-e coe$cion o$ inte$fe$ence. An4 publication& pen-in9 a suit& $eflectin9 upon the upon cou$t& the pa$ties& the office$s of the cou$t& the counsel& etc.& 3ith $efe$ence to
the suit& o$ ten-in9 to influence the -ecision of the cont$o)e$s4& is conte(pt of cou$t an- is punishable. The po3e$ to punish fo$ conte(pt is inhe$ent in all cou$t. The su((a$4 po3e$ to co((it an- punish fo$ conte(pt ten-in9 to obst$ucte- o$
-e9$a-e the a-(inist$ation of 7ustice& as inhe$ent in cou$ts as essential to the e;ecution of thei$ po3e$s an- to the (aintenance of thei$ autho$it4 is a pa$t of the la3 of the lan-. <In $e Sell4& @A Phil.& 5& 5A.>
Me$e c$iticis( o$ co((ent on the co$$ectness o$ 3$on9ness& soun-ness o$ unsoun-ness of the -ecision of the cou$t in a pen-in9 case (a-e in 9oo- faith (a4 be tole$ate-D because if 3ell foun-e- it (a4 enli9hten the cou$t an- cont$ibute to
the co$$ection of an e$$o$ if co((itte-D but if it is not 3ell ta8en an- ob)iousl4 e$$oneous& it shoul-& in no 3a4& influence the cou$t in $e)e$sin9 o$ (o-if4in9 its -ecision. Ha- the $espon-ent in the p$esent case li(ite- hi(self to as state(ent that
ou$ -ecision is 3$on9 o$ that ou$ const$uction of the intention of the la3 is not co$$ect& because it is -iffe$ent f$o( 3hat he& as p$oponent of the o$i9inal bill 3hich beca(e a la3 ha- inten-e-& his c$iticis( (i9ht in that case be tole$ate-& fo$ it coul-
not in an4 3a4 influence the final -isposition of the Pa$a6o case b4 the cou$tD inas(uch as it is of 7u-icial notice that the bill p$esente- b4 the $espon-ent 3as a(en-e- b4 both Houses of Con9$ess& an- the clause =unless the cou$t fin-s that
such $e)elation is -e(an-e- b4 the inte$est of the State= 3as a--e- o$ inse$te-D an- that& as the Act 3as passe- b4 Con9$ess an- not b4 an4 pa$ticula$ (e(be$ the$eof& the intention of Con9$ess an- not that of the $espon-ent (ust be the one
to be -ete$(ine- b4 this Cou$t in appl4in9 sai- act.
,ut in the abo)e?:uote- 3$itten state(ent 3hich he cause- to be publishe- in the p$ess& the $espon-ent -oes not (e$el4 c$itici6e o$ co((ent on the -ecision of the Pa$a6o case& 3hich 3as then an- still is pen-in9 $econsi-e$ation b4 this Cou$t
upon petition of An9el Pa$a6o. He not onl4 inten-s to inti(i-ate the (e(be$s of this Cou$t 3ith the p$esentation of a bill in the ne;t Con9$ess& of 3hich he is one of the (e(be$s& $eo$9ani6in9 the Sup$e(e Cou$t an- $e-ucin9 the (e(be$s&
$eo$9ani6in9 the Sup$e(e Cou$t an- $e-ucin9 the (e(be$s of .ustices f$o( ele)en to se)en& so as to chan9e the (e(be$s of this Cou$t 3hich -eci-e- the Pa$a6o case& 3ho acco$-in9 to his state(ent& a$e inco(petent an- na$$o3 (in-e-& in
o$-e$ to influence the final -ecision of sai- case b4 this Cou$t& an- thus e(ba$$ass o$ obst$uct the a-(inist$ation of 7ustice. ,ut the $espon-ent also attac8s the honest4 an- inte9$it4 of this Cou$t fo$ the appa$ent pu$pose of b$in9in9 the .ustices
of this Cou$t into -is$epute an- -e9$a-in9 the a-(inist$ation of 7ustice& fo$ in his abo)e?:uote- state(ent he sa4s2
In the 3a8e of so (an4 blun-e$s an- in7ustices -elibe$atel4 co((itte- -u$in9 these last 4ea$s& I belie)e that the onl4 $e(e-4 to put an en- to so (uch e)il& is to chan9e the (e(be$s of the Sup$e(e Cou$t. To this effect& I announce that one of
the fi$st (easu$es& 3hich I 3ill int$o-uce in the co(in9 con9$essional sessions& 3ill ha)e as its ob7ect the co(plete $eo$9ani6ation of the Sup$e(e Cou$t. As it is no3 the Sup$e(e Cou$t of to-a4 constitutes a constant pe$il to libe$t4 an-
To hu$l the false cha$9e that this Cou$t has been fo$ the last 4ea$s co((ittin9 -elibe$atel4 =so (an4 blun-e$s an- in7ustices&= that is to sa4& that it has been -eci-in9 in fa)o$ of one pa$t4 8no3in9 that the la3 an- 7ustice is on the pa$t of the
a-)e$se pa$t4 an- not on the one in 3hose fa)o$ the -ecision 3as $en-e$e-& in (an4 cases -eci-e- -u$in9 the last 4ea$s& 3oul- ten- necessa$il4 to un-e$(ine the confi-ence of the people in the honest4 an- inte9$it4 of the (e(be$s of this
Cou$t& an- conse:uentl4 to lo3e$ o$ -e9$a-e the a-(inist$ation of 7ustice b4 this Cou$t. The Sup$e(e Cou$t of the Philippines is& un-e$ the Constitution& the last bul3a$8 to 3hich the 1ilipino people (a4 $epai$ to obtain $elief fo$ thei$ 9$ie)ances
o$ p$otection of thei$ $i9hts 3hen these a$e t$a(ple- upon& an- if the people lose thei$ confi-ence in the honest4 an- inte9$it4 of the (e(be$s of this Cou$t an- belie)e that the4 cannot e;pect 7ustice the$ef$o(& the4 (i9ht be -$i)en to ta8e the
la3 into thei$ o3n han-s& an- -iso$-e$ an- pe$haps chaos (i9ht be the $esult. As a (e(be$ of the ba$ an- an office$ of the cou$ts Att4. Vicente Sotto& li8e an4 othe$& is in -ut4 boun- to uphol- the -i9nit4 an- autho$it4 of this Cou$t& to 3hich he
o3es fi-elit4 acco$-in9 to the oath he has ta8en as such atto$ne4& an- not to p$o(ote -ist$ust in the a-(inist$ation of 7ustice. Respect to the cou$ts 9ua$antees the stabilit4 of othe$ institutions& 3hich 3ithout such 9ua$ant4 3oul- be $estin9 on a
)e$4 sha84 foun-ation.
Respon-entMs asse$tion in his ans3e$ that =he (a-e his state(ent in the p$ess 3ith the ut(ost 9oo- faith an- 3ithout intention of offen-in9 an4 of the (a7o$it4 of the hono$able (e(be$s of this hi9h T$ibunal&= if t$ue (a4 (iti9ate but not e;e(pt
hi( f$o( liabilit4 fo$ conte(pt of cou$tD but it is belie- b4 his acts an- state(ents -u$in9 the pen-enc4 of this p$ocee-in9. The $espon-ent in his petition of Dece(be$ BB& alle9es that .ustice +$e9o$io Pe$fecto is the p$incipal p$o(ote$ of this
p$ocee-in9 fo$ conte(pt& con)e4in9 the$eb4 the i-ea that this Cou$t acte- in the case th$ou9h the insti9ation of M$. .ustice Pe$fecto.
It is t$ue that the constitutional 9ua$ant4 of f$ee-o( of speech an- the p$ess (ust be p$otecte- to its fullest e;tent& but license o$ abuse of libe$t4 of the p$ess an- of the citi6en shoul- not be confuse- 3ith libe$t4 in its t$ue sense. As i(po$tant as
the (aintenance of an un(u66le- p$ess an- the f$ee e;e$cise of the $i9ht of the citi6en& is the (aintenance of the in-epen-ence of the 7u-icia$4. As .u-9e Hol(es )e$4 app$op$iatel4 sai- U. S )s Sullens <B5%5>& @E 1e-. <%n->& %@"& %@!& %@52
=The a-(inist$ation of 7ustice an- the f$ee-o( of the p$ess& thou9h sepa$ate an- -istinct& a$e e:uall4 sac$e-& an- neithe$ shoul- be )iolate- b4 the othe$. The p$ess an- the cou$ts ha)e co$$elati)e $i9hts an- -uties an- shoul- coope$ate to
uphol- the p$inciples of the Constitution an- la3s& f$o( 3hich the fo$(e$ $ecei)es its p$e$o9ati)es an- the latte$ its 7u$is-iction. The $i9ht of le9iti(ate publicit4 (ust be sc$upulousl4 $eco9ni6e- an- ca$e ta8en at all ti(es to a)oi- i(pin9in9 upon
it. In a clea$ case 3he$e it is necessa$4& in o$-e$ to -ispose of 7u-icial business unha(pe$e- b4 publications 3hich $easonabl4 ten- to i(pai$ the i(pa$tialit4 of )e$-icts& o$ othe$3ise obst$uct the a-(inist$ation of 7ustice& this cou$t 3ill not hesitate
to e;e$cise its un-oubte- po3e$ to punish fo$ conte(pt. This Cou$t (ust be pe$(itte- to p$ocee- 3ith the -isposition if its business in an o$-e$l4 (anne$ f$ee f$o( outsi-e inte$fe$ence obst$ucti)e of its constitutional functions. This $i9ht 3ill be
insiste- upon as )ital to an i(pa$tial cou$t& an-& as a last $eso$t& as a in-i)i-ual e;e$cises the $i9ht of self?-efense& it 3ill act to p$ese$)e its e;istence as an unp$e7u-ice- t$ibunal. . . .=
It is also 3ell settle- that an atto$ne4 as an office$ of the cou$t is un-e$ special obli9ation to be $espectful in his con-uct an- co((unication to the cou$ts& he (a4 be $e(o)e- f$o( office o$ st$ic8en f$o( the $oll of atto$ne4s as bein9 9uilt4 of
fla9$ant (iscon-uct <B# '. R. A. KN.S.L& A!E& A5>.
In )ie3 of all the fo$e9oin9& 3e fin- the $espon-ent Att4. Vicente Sotto 9uilt4 of conte(pt of this Cou$t b4 )i$tue of the abo)e?:uote- publication& an- he is he$eb4 sentence- to pa4& 3ithin the pe$io- of fifteen -a4s f$o( the p$o(ul9ation of this
7u-9(ent& a fine of PB&"""& 3ith subsi-ia$4 i(p$ison(ent in case of insol)enc4.
The $espon-ent is also he$eb4 $e:ui$e- to appea$& 3ithin the sa(e pe$io-& an- sho3 cause to this Cou$t 3h4 he shoul- not be -isba$$e- fo$( p$acticin9 as an atto$ne4?at?la3 in an4 of the cou$ts of this Republic& fo$ sai- publication an- the
follo3in9 state(ents (a-e b4 hi( -u$in9 the pen-enc4 of the case a9ainst An9el Pa$a6o fo$ conte(pt of Cou$t.
In his state(ent to the p$ess as publishe- in the Manila Ti(es in its issue of Dece(be$ 5& B5!& the $espon-ent sai- =The Sup$e(e Cou$t can sen- (e to 7ail& but it cannot close (4 (outhD = an- in his othe$ state(ent publishe- on Dece(be$
B"& B5!& in the sa(e pape$& he state- a(on9 othe$s2 =It is not the i(p$ison(ent that is -e9$a-in9& but the cause of the i(p$ison(ent.= In his Ri6al -a4 speech at the Abellana Hi9h School in Cebu& publishe- on .anua$4 @& B55& in the Manila
Dail4 ,ulletin& the $espon-ent sai- that =the$e 3as (o$e f$ee-o( of speech 3hen A(e$ican .ustices sat in the T$ibunal than no3 3hen it is co(pose- of ou$ count$4(enD= $eite$ate- that =e)en if it succee-s in placin9 hi( behin- ba$s& the cou$t
can not close his (outh&= an- a--e-2 =I 3oul- consi-e$ i(p$ison(ent a p$ecious he$ita9e to lea)e fo$ those 3ho 3oul- follo3 (e because the cause is noble an- loft4.= An- the Manila Ch$onicle of .anua$4 A publishe- the state(ent of the
$espon-ent in Cebu to the effect that this Cou$t =acte- 3ith (alice= in citin9 hi( to appea$ befo$e this Cou$t on .anua$4 3hen =the (e(be$s of this Cou$t 8no3 that I ca(e he$e on )acation.= In all sai- state(ents the $espon-ent (is$ep$esents
to the public the cause of the cha$9e a9ainst hi( fo$ conte(pt of cou$t. He sa4s that the cause is fo$ c$itici6in9 the -ecision of this Cou$t in sai- Pa$a6o case in -efense of the f$ee-o( of the p$ess& 3hen in t$uth an- in fact he is cha$9e- 3ith
inten-in9 to inte$fe$e an- influence the final -isposition of sai- case th$ou9h inti(i-ation an- false accusations a9ainst this Sup$e(e Cou$t. So o$-e$e-.
Mo$an& C...& Pa$as& Pablo& Pe$fecto& ,en96on& ,$iones& Tuason& Monte(a4o$ an- Re4es& ...& concu$.
Sepa$ate Opinions
PER1ECTO& ..& concu$$in92
Respon-ent publishe- in the Manila ne3spape$s of Sun-a4& Dece(be$ A& B5!& a 3$itten state(ent in $elation 3ith the -ecision $en-e$e- b4 this Cou$t sentencin9 An9el Pa$a6o to @" -a4s i(p$ison(ent fo$ conte(pt.
On Dece(be$ #& B5!& consi-e$in9 the state(ent as =inten-e- not onl4 to inti(i-ate the (e(be$s of this Cou$t o$ influence the final -isposition of sai- <Pa$a6o> case& but also to -e9$a-e an- )ilif4 the a-(inist$ation of 7ustice&= this Cou$t
a-opte- a $esolution o$-e$in9 $espon-ent to sho3 cause 3ithin fi)e -a4s 3h4 he shoul- not be punishe- fo$ conte(pt& =3ithout p$e7u-ice to ta8in9 fu$the$ action a9ainst hi( as atto$ne4.=
Alle9in9 to be suffe$in9 f$o( (4olo9enous leu8e(ia& 3ith (o-e$atel4 se)e$e ane(ia& an- that his ph4sician ha- a-)ise- hi( to ha)e =absolute $est an- to a)oi- an4 fo$( of (ental an- ph4sical st$ain fo$ a fe3 3ee8s&= $espon-ent p$a4e- fo$ a
BA?-a4 e;tension to file his ans3e$. He 3as 9$ante- a B"?-a4 e;tension.
In the $esolution of Dece(be$ B@& B5!& 9$antin9 sai- e;tension& this Cou$t b$an-e- as false $espon-entMs alle9ations the effect that he ha- fo$(al cha$9es pen-in9 in this Cou$t a9ainst M$. .ustice Pe$fecto an- that the latte$ is the =(o)in9
spi$it= of these conte(pt p$ocee-in9s.
T3o -a4s afte$ the e;pi$ation of the B"?-a4 e;tension 9$ante- to hi(& $espon-ent file- his ans3e$. The belate- filin9 of sai- ans3e$ 3as o)e$loo8e- b4 this Cou$t in o$-e$ not to -ep$i)e $espon-ent of the benefits of his ans3e$. 1ile- out of ti(e&
-ue to his une;plaine- fault& it coul- le9all4 ha)e been $e7ecte-.
In sai- ans3e$& -ate- Dece(be$ %& B5!& $espon-ent $epeate- one of his alle9ations 3hich& in the $esolution of Dece(be$ B@& B5!& this Cou$t ha- al$ea-4 -ecla$e- to be false.
Respon-ent has not -enie- that he is the autho$ of the state(ent fo$ 3hich he has been su((one- to ou$ ba$ fo$ conte(pt an- he has not -enie- the co$$ectness of the te;t publishe- in the Manila Ch$onicle an- othe$ -ail4 ne3spape$s an-
3hich is $ep$o-uce- in the $esolution of this Cou$t of Dece(be$ #& B5!.
In his state(ent& $espon-ent -oes not li(it hi(self to sa4in9 that this T$ibunal has e$$oneousl4 inte$p$ete- Republic Act No. A@& but alle9es that sai- e$$oneous inte$p$etation =is once (o$e puttin9 in e)i-ence the inco(petenc4 o$ na$$o3?
(in-e-ness of the (a7o$it4 of its (e(be$s&= couple- 3ith this s3eepin9 an- calu(nious accusation2
In the 3a8e of so (an4 blun-e$s an- in7ustices -elibe$atel4 co((itte- -u$in9 these last 4ea$s& I belie)e that the onl4 $e(e-4 to put an en- to so (uch e)il& is to chan9e the (e(be$s of the Sup$e(e Cou$t.
To fittin9l4 c$o3n this -asta$- i(putation of -elibe$atel4 co((ittin9 blun-e$s an- in7ustice& $espon-ent 3oul- bull4 the (e(be$s of this Cou$t& b4 (a8in9 the follo3in9 inti(i-atin9 announce(ent2
To this effect& I announce that one of the fi$st (easu$es& 3hich I 3ill int$o-uce in the co(in9 con9$essional sessions& 3ill ha)e as its ob7ects the co(plete $eo$9ani6ation of the Sup$e(e Cou$t.
The$e a$e othe$ $heto$ical passa9es in $espon-entMs state(ent& ai(e- to e(phasi6e the nuclea$ i-eas of the state(ent& to the effect that the (a7o$it4 of the (e(be$s of the Sup$e(e Cou$t a$e inco(petent an- na$$o3?(in-e- an- 9uilt4 of =so
(an4 blun-e$s an- in7ustices -elibe$atel4 co((itte-= an- that the autho$ 3ill int$o-uce in the co(in9 con9$essional sessions a (easu$e =to chan9e the (e(be$s of the Sup$e(e Cou$t= an- to effect a =co(plete $eo$9ani6ation of the Sup$e(e
A(on9 such (a;i(i6in9 e;p$essions inten-e- to st$ess the (ain i-eas an- pu$poses of the state(ent a$e the follo3in92
B. As it is no3 constitute-& the Sup$e(e Cou$t of to-a4 constitutes a constant pe$il to libe$t4 an- -e(oc$ac4.
%. It nee- be sai- lou-l4& )e$4 lou-l4 so that e)en the -eaf (a4 hea$2 The Sup$e(e Cou$t if to-a4 is fa$ c$4 f$o( the i(p$e9nable bul3a$8 of .ustice of those (e(o$able ti(es of Ca4etano A$ellano& Victo$iano Mapa& Manuel A$aullo an- othe$
lea$ne- 7u$ists 3ho 3e$e the 9lo$4 of the Philippine 7u-icia$4.
@. The $epo$te$& 3ho is e$$oneousl4 con)icte- of conte(pt an- un7ustl4 sentence- to @" -a4s i(p$ison(ent b4 the Sup$e(e Cou$t& shoul- be i((e-iatel4 an- spontaneousl4 pa$-one- b4 the E;ecuti)e Po3e$& to se$)e as lesson in la3 to the
(a7o$it4 of the (e(be$s of that Hi9h T$ibunal.
. That sentence is intole$able& an- shoul- be p$oteste- b4 all ne3spape$s th$ou9hout the count$4& un-e$ the c$4 of =The p$ess -e(an-s bette$ :ualifie- 7ustices fo$ the Sup$e(e Cou$t.=
The$e can be no :uestion that $espon-ent 8no3in9l4 publishe- false i(putations a9ainst the (e(be$s of this Cou$t. He accuse- the( of such -ep$a)it4 as to ha)e co((itte- =blun-e$s an- in7ustices -elibe$atel4.= He has (aliciousl4 b$an-e-
the( to be inco(petent& na$$o3?(in-e-& pe$pet$ato$s of e)il& =a constant pe$il to libe$t4 an- -e(oc$ac4&= to be the opposite of those 3ho 3e$e the hono$ an- 9lo$4 of the Philippines 7u-icia$4& to be nee-in9 a lesson in la3& to be $en-e$in9 an
intole$able sentence& to be nee-in9 $eplace(ent b4 bette$ :ualifie- 7ustices.
Respon-ent has not p$esente- an4 e)i-ence o$ offe$e- an4 to suppo$t his slan-e$ous i(putations& an- no sin9le 3o$- can be foun- in his ans3e$ sho3in9 that he e)e$ belie)e- that the i(putations a$e base- on fact.
Respon-ent appea$s to belon9 to the class of in-i)i-uals 3ho ha)e no co(punction to $eso$t to falsehoo- of falsehoo-s. The $eco$- of this case in-icates that the p$actice of falsehoo-s see(s to be habitual in $espon-ent& an- this is p$o)e-
3hen he $eite$ate- in his ans3e$ one of his alle9ations in a p$e)ious petition 3hich 3e$e p$onounce- b4 this Cou$t to be false in its $esolution in its $esolution of Dece(be$ @& B5!.
Mo$e than thi$t4 4ea$s a9o& usin9 the 3o$-s of $espon-ent hi(self& in =those (e(o$able ti(es of Ca4etano A$ellano& Victo$ino Mapa& an- Manual A$aullo an- othe$ lea$ne- 7u$ists 3ho 3e$e the 9lo$4 of the Philippines 7u-icia$4= an- 3hen it 3as
the =i(p$e9nable bul3a$8 of .ustice&= the Sup$e(e Cou$t p$onounce- $espon-ent 9uilt4 of falsehoo-s th$ee ti(es2 fi$st& in case in 3hich he 3as sentence- to 4ea$s an- % (onths of p$ision co$$eccional fo$ c$i(inall4 ab-uctin9 A:uilina
Vas:ue6& a 9i$l less then B! 4ea$s of a9e& an- to pa4 he$ a -o3$4 of PA"" an- to suppo$t the offsp$in9 of his $elations 3ith he$ <U. S. )s. Sotto& 5 Phil.& %@B>D secon-& in a sentence of -isba$(ent as a blac8(aile$ <In $e Sotto& @! Phil.& A@%>D an-
thi$-& in p$ison sentence fo$ false libel <U. S. )s. Sotto& @! Phil.& EEE>. The fi$st an- the last sentences bea$ the si9natu$e of Chief .ustice Ca4etano A$ellano hi(self.
In the fi$st case the Sup$e(e Cou$t foun- that onl4 on .ul4 %5& B5"E& Vicente Sotto 3$ote a lette$ to A:uilina Vas:ue6& p$otestin9 his lo)e fo$ he$ an- u$9in9 he$ to lea)e he$ house an- 9o 3ith hi(D on the afte$noon of Au9ust B& B5"E& Sotto (a-e
an a$$an9e(ent 3ith 'uis C$isolo9o fo$ the $entin9 of his house since that ni9ht 3hen Sotto 3ent 3ith A:uilina into the $oo( of the house& 3he$e she passe- the ni9htD Sotto ha- tol- C$isolo9o that he 3ante- the house fo$ a fo$est$4 $an9e$ 3ho
3as 7ust a$$i)in9 f$o( ,oholD Sotto -i- not lea)e the $oo( until the (i--le of the ni9htD A:uilina t$ansfe$$e- to a house in Sa(ba9 3he$e Sotto b$ou9ht )a$ious house8eepin9 utensilsD -u$in9 the follo3in9 -a4s an- ni9hts A:uilina 3as )isite- b4
On Au9ust B"& B5"E& a co(plaint 3as file- a9ainst Vicente Sotto an- Pio Datan& cha$9in9 the( 3ith the c$i(e of $apto. As a -efense& $espon-ent offe$e- e)i-ence to sho3 that on Au9ust A& B5"E& a le9al (a$$ia9e 3as celeb$ate- bet3een
A:uilina an- the accuse- Pio Datan& SottoMs 3ashe$(an an- acco(plice in c$i(e. Upon the e)i-ence& the Sup$e(e Cou$t p$onounce- the celeb$ation of the alle9e- (a$$ia9e to be false. The ce$tificate of (a$$ia9e offe$e- as e)i-ence in suppo$t
of the clai( that the (a$$ia9e too8 place ha- been -ecla$e- a fo$9e$4.
It is not necessa$4 to 9i)e the -etails of the 3hole -is9ustin9 affai$& 3he$ein the $e)oltin9 an- siniste$ natu$e of an in-i)i-ual is pictu$e- in bol- $elief 3ith so(e of its u9liest featu$es. The (o$e that 4ea$s of i(p$ison(ent i(pose- upon the
accuse- -i- not $efo$( hi(. It onl4 se$)e- to e(phasi6e the be9innin9 of alon9 ca$ee$ of falsehoo-s an- slan-e$s al$ea-4 spannin9 (o$e than " 4ea$s& soon nea$in9 half of a centu$4.
Respon-ent also chose not to -en4 his inti(i-atin9 announce(ent to int$o-uce in the co(in9 sessions of Con9$ess& a(on9 the fi$st (easu$es& one fo$ the chan9e of the (e(be$s of the Sup$e(e Cou$t an- fo$ the latte$Ms co(plete
He has not e;plaine- o$ 7ustifie- 3h4 he has to inti(i-ate the (e(be$s of the Sup$e(e Cou$t 3ith chan9e an- $eo$9ani6ation& an- 3h4& to (a8e the inti(i-ation (o$e -$ea-ful& he ha- to announce the ho$$ible cou$se of sub)e$tin9 an- t$a(plin9
-o3n the Constitution& as all 3ho can $ea- an- un-e$stan- the fun-a(ental la3 8no3 that it is be4on- the po3e$s of Con9$ess to $eo$9ani6e an- chan9e the (e(be$ship of the Sup$e(e Cou$t.
,ecause the announce(ent is hi9hl4 sub)e$si)e& bein9 ai(e- at sha8in9 the )e$4 foun-ations of this Republic& it coul- ha)e been no less te$$ible than fo$ the $espon-ent to ha)e announce- an intention to attain his pu$poses b4 $eso$tin9 to
open $ebellion. The fact that $espon-ent is a la34e$ an- a senato$ a99$a)ates his flaunte- pu$pose to assault the )e$4 Constitution he has s3o$n to obe4 an- -efen-.
0e ha)e -e)ote- consi-e$able ti(e to $espon-entMs ans3e$.
As fi$st -efense& $espon-ent alle9es that he (a-e the 3$itten p$ess state(ent& not as a la34e$ o$ as a p$i)ate citi6en& but as a senato$. He a)e$s a senato$ shoul- ha)e a(ple libe$t4 to -iscuss public affai$s an- shoul- not be anno4e- 3ith
conte(pt p$ocee-in9s.
No3 la3 o$ )ali- autho$it4 has been in)o8e- in suppo$t of the theo$4& unless 3e coul- countenance a fictitious (a;i( that $espon-ent is the so)e$ei9n. The theo$4 lac8s e)en the (e$it of no)elt4. 'on9 befo$e the clai( of $espon-ent that&
because he is a senato$& he is abo)e the la3& Mussolini& Hitle$ an- all the t4$ants an- -ictato$s 3ho p$ece-e- the( since the -a3n of histo$4 ha- al3a4s clai(e- that the4 3e$e abo)e the4 la3 an- acte- as if the4 3e$e $eall4 so. Unfo$tunatel4
fo$ $espon-ent& senato$s a$e c$eatu$es of the Constitution an- the Constitution (a8es the( a(enable to la3.
As a secon- -efense& $espon-ent alle9es that& not ha)in9 appea$e- eithe$ as atto$ne4 o$ a 3itness in the Pa$a6o case& he cannot be hel- eithe$ fo$ -i$ect o$ fo$ in-i$ect conte(pt.
The -efense is base- on sta$8 i9no$ance of the la3 on the sub7ect.
Respon-ent alle9es& as thi$- -efense& that he (a-e his state(ent 3ith =ut(ost 9oo- faith&= 3ith =no intention of offen-in9 an4 of the (a7o$it4 of the hono$able (e(be$s of the Hi9h T$ibunal&= an- that he has not attac8e- no$ inten-e- to attac8
the honest4 o$ inte9$it4 of an4 one.
This alle9ation lac8s since$it4 in )ie3 of his i(putation& a(on9 se)e$al othe$s e:uall4 false an- calu(nious& that the (a7o$it4 (e(be$s of the Sup$e(e Cou$t ha)e co((itte- (an4 blun-e$s an- in7ustices -elibe$atel4.= The slan-e$ous
i(putation can onl4 be att$ibute- to ba- faith.
As anothe$ -efense& $espon-ent :uestions the )ali-it4 of the penal p$o)isions of Rule E& i(pl4in9 that sai- penalties a$e not p$oce-u$al in natu$e& an- in)o8in9 the p$o)isions of section B@ of A$ticle VIII of the Constitution& li(itin9 the $ule?
(a8in9 po3e$ of the Sup$e(e Cou$t to (atte$s of plea-in9& p$actice& an- p$oce-u$e in cou$ts& an- to the a-(ission to the p$actice of la3.
Respon-entMs contention can be easil4 -ispose- of b4 :uotin9 the follo3in9 p$o)isions of Act No. B5"2
SEC. %@B. 0hat Conte(pts of Cou$t (a4 be Punishe- Su((a$il4. N A cou$t of 1i$st Instance o$ a 7u-9e of such cou$t at cha(be$s& (a4 punish su((a$il4& b4 fine not e;cee-in9 t3o hun-$e- pesos& o$ b4 i(p$ison(ent not e;cee-in9 ten -a4s&
o$ both& a pe$son 9uilt4 of (isbeha)io$ in the p$esence of o$ so nea$ the cou$t o$ 7u-9e as to obst$uct a-(inist$ation of 7ustice& inclu-in9 the $efusal of a pe$son p$esent in cou$t to be s3o$n as a 3itness o$ to ans3e$ as a 3itness 3hen la3full4
SEC. %@%. 0hat Othe$ Acts a$e Conte(pts of Cou$t. N A pe$son 9uilt4 of an4 of the follo3in9 act an4 be punishe- as fo$ conte(pt2
B. Disobe-ience of o$ $esistance to a la3ful 3$it& p$ocess& o$-e$& 7u-9(ent of co((an- of a cou$t& o$ in7unction 9$ante- b4 a cou$t o$ 7u-9eD
%. Misbeha)io$ of an office$ of the cou$t in the pe$fo$(ance of his official -uties& o$ in his official t$ansactionsD
@. A failu$e to obe4 a subpoena -ul4 se$)e-D
. The $escue& o$ atte(pte- $escue& of a pe$son o$ p$ope$t4 in the custo-4 of an office$ b4 )i$tue of an o$-e$ o$ p$ocess of the cou$t hel- b4 hi(.
A. The pe$sons -efeate- in a ci)il action conce$nin9 the o3ne$ship o$ possession of $eal estate 3ho& afte$ bein9 e)icte- b4 the she$iff f$o( the $ealt4 un-e$ liti9ation in co(pliance 3ith 7u-9(ent $en-e$e-& shall ente$ o$ atte(pt to ente$ upon the
sa(e fo$ the pu$pose of e;ecutin9 acts of o3ne$ship o$ possession o$ 3ho shall in an4 (anne$ -istu$b possession b4 the pe$son 3ho the she$iff place- in possession of sai- $ealit4.
SEC. %@A. T$ial of the Cha$9e. N Upon the -a4 fi;e- fo$ the t$ial& the cou$t shall p$ocee- to in)esti9ate the cha$9e an- shall hea$ an4 ans3e$ o$ testi(on4 3hich the accuse- (a4 (a8e o$ offe$.
SEC. %@E. Punish(ent if 1oun- +uilt4. N The cou$t shall then -ete$(ine 3hethe$ the accuse- is 9uilt4 off the conte(pt cha$9e-D an-& if it be a-7u-9e- that he is 9uilt4& he (a4 be fine- not e;cee-in9 one thousan- pesos& o$ i(p$isone- not
(o$e than si; (onths& o$ both. If the conte(pt consist in the )iolation of an in7unction& the pe$son 9uilt4 of such conte(pt (a4 also be o$-e$e- to (a8e co(plete $estitution to the pa$t4 in7u$e- b4 such )iolation.
The$efo$e& e)en on the false h4pothesis that penalties fo$ conte(pt a$e not p$oce-u$al in natu$e& cou$ts of 7ustice (a4 i(pose sai- penalties& if not un-e$ Rule E& un-e$ the p$o)isions of Act No. B5".
The po3e$ to punish fo$ conte(pt is inhe$ent in cou$ts of 7ustice. It sp$in9s f$o( the )e$4 natu$e of thei$ functions. 0ithout such po3e$& cou$ts of 7ustice 3oul- be unable to pe$fo$( effecti)el4 thei$ functions. The4 function b4 o$-e$s. E)e$4
-ecision is a co((an-. The po3e$ to punish -isobe-ience to co((an- is essential to (a8e the co((an-s effecti)e.
Respon-ent is in e$$o$ in (aintainin9 that the Sup$e(e Cou$t has no po3e$ to enact Rule E& He is co$$ect in callin9 it 7u-icial le9islation althou9h he fails to $e(e(be$ that 7u-icial le9islation in (atte$s of 7u-icial p$actice an- p$oce-u$e is
e;p$essl4 autho$i6e- b4 section B@ of A$ticle VIII of the Constitution.
As a last -efense& $espon-ent in)o8es the constitutional f$ee-o( of the p$ess& 3hich inclu-es the $i9ht to c$itici6e 7u-9es in cou$t p$ocee-in9s.
Respon-ent& un-oubte-l4& (isses the point& an- his citations about sai- f$ee-o(& 3ith 3hich 3e full4 a9$ee& ha)e absolutel4 no bea$in9 on the :uestion in)ol)e- in these p$ocee-in9s.
No one& an- the (e(be$s of the Sup$e(e Cou$t 3oul- be the last to -o so& has e)e$ -enie- $espon-ent the f$ee-o( of the p$ess an- his f$ee-o( to c$itici6e ou$ p$ocee-in9s& this Cou$t an- its (e(be$s. Respon-entMs state(ent 9oes (uch
fu$the$ than (e$e c$iticis( of ou$ -ecision an- the (a7o$it4 (e(be$s of this Cou$t. The state(ent is an atte(pt to inte$fe$e 3ith the a-(inist$ation of 7ustice& to (isca$$4 an- -efeat 7ustice& b4 t$a((ellin9 the f$ee-o( of action of the (e(be$s of
the Sup$e(e Cou$t& b4 bull4in9 the( 3ith the (enace of chan9e& $eo$9ani6ation& an- $e(o)al& upon the false accusation that the4 ha)e been co((ittin9 =blun-e$s an- in7ustices -elibe$atel4&= an- the (enacin9 action constitutes a fla9$ant
)iolation of the Constitution. Such a thin9 is not co)e$e- b4 the f$ee-o( of the p$ess o$ b4 the f$ee-o( to c$itici6e 7u-9es an- cou$t p$ocee-in9s& as no one in his senses has e)e$ concei)e- that such f$ee-o( inclu-e an4 fo$( of e;p$esse-
9an9te$is(& 3hethe$ o$al o$ 3$itten.
The f$ee-o( of the p$ess is not in)ol)e- in these p$ocee-in9s. To asse$t othe$3ise is to (islea-. 0hat is at sta8e in these p$ocee-in9s is the inte9$it4 of ou$ s4ste( of a-(inist$ation of 7ustice an- the in-epen-ence of the Sup$e(e Cou$t an- its
f$ee-o( f$o( an4 outsi-e inte$fe$ence inten-e- to obst$uct it o$ to un-ul4 s3a4 it one 3a4 o$ anothe$.
The f$ee-o( of the p$ess is one of the causes 3hich 3e ha)e al3a4s en-ea$e-. The $epeate- p$osecution an- pe$secutions 3e ha)e en-u$e- in the past fo$ its sa8e N 3e ha)e been haile- to cou$t ei9ht ti(es& N a$e conclusi)e e)i-ence of
the fi$( stan- 3e ha)e ta8en as -efen-e$ of such f$ee-o(. It can be seen f$o( official $eco$-s that e)e$4 ac:uittal han-e- -o3n to us b4 the Sup$e(e Cou$t ha- been a ne3 step fo$3a$- an- ne3 t$iu(ph fo$ the f$ee-o( of the p$ess. <U. S. )s.
Pe$fecto& % Phil.& BB@ Sept. 5& B5%BD U.S. )s. Pe$fecto& @ Phil.& A!& Ma$ch & B5%%D U. S. )s. Pe$fecto& @ Phil.& !!#& Ma$ch & B5%%.> That stan- has $e(aine- the sa(e& as can be sho3n in ou$ 3$itten opinion in anothe$ conte(pt p$ocee-in9s
in the ,en ,$illantes case& 3hich faile- to att$act public attention at the ti(e.
A(on9 the facts 3hich 3e cannot i9no$e in -eci-in9 this case& a$e the follo3in92
B. That this is not the fi$st ti(e $espon-ent has been b$ou9ht to a cou$t of 7ustice& fo$ a 9$a)e (isbeha)io$ an- fo$ pe$pet$atin9 sta$8 falsehoo-s. In a -ecision b4 the Sup$e(e Cou$t of Septe(be$ E& B5B!& $espon-ent 3as $e(o)e- f$o( the office
of atto$ne4?at?la3 an- incapacitate- f$o( e;e$cisin9 the le9al p$ofession. He 3as foun- 9uilt4 of2
<a> 'ac8 of fi-elit4 to clientsD
<b> ,lac8(ailin9& b4 abusin9 his position as -i$ecto$ of a ne3spape$ 3hose colu(ns he use- to blac8en the $eputation of those 3ho $efuse- to 4iel- to -e(an-s (a-e b4 hi( in his business as la34e$D
<c> Publication of (alicious an- un7ustifiable insinuations a9ainst the inte9$it4 of a 7u-9e 3ho ha- fine- hi( fo$ the c$i(e of libelD
<-> +i)in9 false testi(on4 o$ pe$7u$4. <@! Phil.& A@%.>
%. On Septe(be$ %& B5B!& the Sup$e(e Cou$t sentence- $espon-ent to i(p$ison(ent fo$ libel& fo$ bes(i$chin9 the honest4 of th$ee p$i)ate in-i)i-uals& 'ope S. Santos& .ose Tu$iano Santia9o an- He$(ene9il-o C$u6 3ith false cha$9es. <@!
Phil.& EEE.>
@. Afte$ ha)in9 been cite- fo$ conte(pt in these p$ocee-in9s& $espon-ent& in o$-e$ to pose as a (a$t4$ fo$ the f$ee-o( of the p$ess& 3a9e- a ca(pai9n of )itu$pe$ation a9ainst the Sup$e(e Cou$t. He (a-e $epeate- p$ess state(ents an-
-eli)e$e- speeches in his ho(e p$o)ince to sho3 that he cannot e;pect 7ustice f$o( the Sup$e(e Cou$t& that the Sup$e(e Cou$t 3ill i(p$ison hi(& that he 3ill be i(p$isone- fo$ the sa8e of the f$ee-o( of the p$ess& the$eb4 posin9 as a false
(a$t4$ fo$ it.
. In his pe$secuto$4 obsession& $espon-ent 3oul- (a8e all belie)e that& cont$a$4 to fact& the 3$ite$ of this opinion is the (o)in9 spi$it behin- these conte(pt p$ocee-in9s an- that the Sup$e(e Cou$t is actin9 (e$el4 as a tool. Appa$entl4&
$espon-ent 3as i$8e- b4 his failu$e to sit e)en fo$ a sin9le (o(ent in the Senate Electo$al T$ibunal& because of ou$ ob7ection. The publicit4 9i)en to ou$ ob7ection has e;pose- the ille9alit4 of $espon-entMs -esi9nation (a-e b4 the Senate
P$esi-ent as& un-e$ section BB of A$ticle VI of the Constitution& the po3e$ to choose Senato$s fo$ the Electo$al T$ibunal belon9s to the Senate& an- not to its p$esi-in9 office$. At the ba$ of public opinion& the Senate P$esi-ent an- $espon-ent
appea$e- eithe$ to be i9no$ant of the Constitution o$ to be bent on fla9$antl4 )iolatin9 it.
A. Respon-ent is the nu(be$ of the bill 3hich 3as enacte- into Republic Act No. A@& but the pu$poses of his bill 3e$e th3a$te- b4 an a(en-(ent int$o-uce- b4 the Senate& -en4in9 the p$i)ile9e 9$ante- the$ein 3hen in conflict 3ith the inte$est of
the Senate. Respon-entMs bill 3as fo$ an absolute p$i)ile9e. ,ecause the (a7o$it4 -ecision of the Sup$e(e Cou$t ha- (a-e his failu$e patent& $espon-ent too8 occasion to 9i)e )ent to his 9$u-9e a9ainst the Sup$e(e Cou$t& 3he$ein& of the BA
cases he ha- since libe$ation& he lost all e;cept th$ee& as can be seen in the $eco$-s of the follo3in9 cases2
'?%@& 1ilo(ena Do(iit Cabilin9 )s. The P$ison Office$ of the Milita$4 P$ison of /ue6on Cit4
'?%B%& Na$cisa -e la 1uente )s 1e$nan-o .u9o& etc. et al.
'?%#& Monsi9. Canilo Diel )s. 1eli; Ma$tine6& etc. et al.
'?@"B& In the (atte$ of the petition of Ca$los Palanca to be a-(itte- a Citi6en of the Philippines
<As a(icus cu$iae
'?@"#& Eufe(ia E)an9elista et al. )s. Rafael Maninan9
'?A55& A(alia Ro-$i9ue6 )s. Pio E. Valencia et al.
'?B%"B& Vicente Sotto )s. T$ibunal -el Pueblo et al.
'?B%!#& On9 Sit )s. E-(un-o Piccio et al.
'?B@EA& Vitaliano .u$a-o )s. Ma$celo 1lo$es
'? BA"5& Ta9a8otta Sotto )s. 1$ancisco Ena9e
'?BAB"& ,e$na$-a *baVe6 -e Sabi-o et al. )s. .uan V. ,o$$o(eo et al.
'?B5@!& Vicente Sotto )s. C$isanto A$a9on et al.
'?B5EB& The People of the Philippines )s. Antonio -e los Re4es
'?%"B& /ui$ico Abeto )s. Sote$o Ro-as
'?%@#"& Voltai$e Sotto )s. Rafael Din9lasan et al.
Upon the $eco$-s of his p$e)ious cases in B5B! an- of these p$ocee-in9s& it is ine)itable to conclu-e that 3e ha)e befo$e us the case of an in-i)i-ual 3ho has lo3e$e- hi(self to unfatho(able -epths of (o$al -ep$a)it4& N a -espicable habitual
lia$& unsc$upulous )ilifie$ an- slan-e$e$& un$epente- blac89ua$- an- blac8(aile$& sha(eful an- sha(eless libele$& un(in-ful of the p$inciples of -ecenc4 as all ha$-ene- c$i(inals. He is a -is9$ace to the hu(an species. He is a sha(e to the
A9hast at the baseness of his cha$acte$& 3e felt& at fi$st blush& the i(pulse of ac:uittin9 hi(& as his conte(ptible con-uct& cul(inatin9 in the p$ess state(ent in :uestion& see(e- co(patible onl4 3ith the co(plete i$$esponsibilit4 of
schi6oph$enics& i-iots& o$ those suffe$in9 f$o( -o--e$4.
His $epeate- p$ess $eleases in 3hich he t$ie- to focus public attention to the (ost ha$(less pa$t of his state(ent& 3he$ein he accuses the (a7o$it4 of the Sup$e(e Cou$t of inco(petenc4 o$ na$$o3?(in-e-ness& ha)e sho3n& ho3e)e$& that
$espon-ent is not co(pletel4 -e)oi- of pe$sonal $esponsibilit4& as he is a3a$e that he has no possible -efense fo$ alle9in9 that the (e(be$s of the Sup$e(e Cou$t ha)e co((itte- =blun-e$s an- in7ustices -elibe$atel4&= fo$ 3hich $eason he has
3i-el4 publici6e- his e;pectation that he 3ill be sentence- in this case to i(p$ison(ent& a penalt4 that& b4 his $epeate- public utte$ances& he hi(self 9i)es the i(p$ession that he is con)ince- he -ese$)es.
Ve$il4 he -ese$)es to be sentence- to si; (onths i(p$ison(ent& the (a;i(u( allo3e- b4 Rule E& an- such penalt4 3oul- not be hea)4 enou9h because of the atten-ance of se)e$al a99$a)atin9 ci$cu(stances& na(el4& the falsehoo-s he
$eso$te- to in this case& his insolence afte$ he 3as cite- fo$ conte(pt& the fact that he is a la34e$ an- a Senato$& the fact that he has al$ea-4 been sentence- to i(p$ison(ent fo$ falsel4 libelin9 th$ee p$i)ate in-i)i-uals& the fact that (o$e than @"
4ea$s a9o he ha- been -isba$$e- as a blac8(aile$& the fact that (o$e than " 4ea$s a9o he 3as sentence- to be 7aile- fo$ (o$e than 4ea$s as an ab-ucto$. The (a7o$it4 of this Cou$t has sentence- a 4oun9 an- hu(ble ne3spape$(an to @"
-a4s i(p$ison(ent onl4 fo$ $efusin9 to ans3e$ a :uestion. The offense co((itte- b4 $espon-ent is (uch 9$a)e$ than a (e$e $efusal to ans3e$ a :uestion.
0e concu$& ho3e)e$& in the -ecision i(posin9 upon $espon-ent a fine of PB&""" 3ith subsi-ia$4 i(p$ison(ent an- o$-e$in9 hi( to sho3 cause 3h4 he shoul- not be co(pletel4 -ep$i)e- of the p$i)ile9e of p$acticin9 the p$ofession of a la34e$.
Hi9h $easons of hu(anit4 $est$aine- us f$o( sen-in9 $espon-ent to p$ison& unless he shoul- )olunta$il4 choose to ente$ the$ein& instea- of pa4in9 the fine. He is ol- an-& acco$-in9 to his ph4sician& suffe$in9 f$o( (4olo9enous leu8e(ia 3ith
(o-e$atel4 se)e$e ane(ia& $e:ui$in9 absolute an- a)oi-ance of an4 f$o( of (ental an- ph4sical st$ain& an- 3e -o not 3ish to en-an9e$ $espon-entMs life b4 sen-in9 hi( to p$ison& an- thus causin9 hi( the (ental an- ph4sical st$ains 3hich his
ph4sician a-)ise- hi( to a)oi-. Althou9h the continue- e;istence of $espon-ents is (o$e ha$(ful than beneficial to ou$ Republic an- to hu(an societ4& 3e ha)e to be consistent 3ith ou$ abi-ance b4 the in7unction of the Se$(on on the Mount2
=Thou shalt not 8ill.= <Matth.& Chapte$ A& pa$a9$aph %B.> Althou9h thei$ se9$e9ation f$o( the societ4 of -ecent (en is a-)isable because of the -an9e$s of co$$upti)e conta(ination& e)en the li)es of (o$al lepe$s ha)e to be spa$e-. Afte$ all& the
hea)iest punish(ent fo$ an e)il-oe$ is the inhe$ent sti9(a of sha(e of his e)il-oin9s.
'et it be clea$ that 3e a$e not punishin9 $espon-ent because 3e 3ant to cu$tail his f$ee-o( of the p$ess& but because of his 3anton inte$fe$ence in the in-epen-ence of the Sup$e(e Cou$t his o)e$t atte(pt to -ep$i)e us of ou$ f$ee-o( of
7u-9(ent in a pen-in9 case& his s3ashbuc8lin9 b$a)a-o to inti(i-ate the (e(be$s of this Cou$t to s3a4 thei$ -ecision in fa)o$ of a liti9ant.
The f$ee-o( of the p$ess is not in the least in)ol)e- in these p$ocee-in9s. The offensi)e state(ents has not been publishe- b4 $espon-ent as a ne3spape$(an& e-ito$ o$ 7ou$nalist. He -oes not appea$ to be a (e(be$ of the staff of an4 one of
the ne3spape$s 3hich publishe- his state(ent. 0e -i- not e)en (olest sai- ne3spape$s. Thei$ e-ito$s ha)e not been cite- fo$ conte(pt. 0e -i- not inte$fe$e 3ith thei$ f$ee-o( to publish the scu$$ilous state(ent.
If $espon-ent has not atte(pte- b4 his b$o3beatin9 to un-e$(ine an- o)e$th$o3 the )e$4 foun-ations of ou$ 7u-icial s4ste( an- actuall4 sou9ht to -efeat an- (isca$$4 the a-(inist$ation of 7ustification in a pen-in9 liti9ation& 3e 3oul- ce$tainl4
ha)e abstaine- f$o( su((onin9 hi( (e$el4 fo$ c$itici6in9& insultin9 an- slan-e$in9 the (e(be$s of the Cou$t. Afte$ all his $eputation fo$ lac8 of )e$acit4& (alice an- unsc$upulosit4 is 3ell?8no3n in official $eco$-s b$an-in9 hi( 3ith the in-elible
sti9(a of infa(4.
His blatant posin9& the$efo$e& in this case as a (a$t4$ fo$ the f$ee-o( of the p$ess& as pa$t of his s4ste(atic ca(pai9n of falsehoo-s an- slan-e$s -i$ecte- a9ainst the Sup$e(e Cou$t& is an i(postu$e that onl4 i9no$ants& bloc8hea-s an- othe$
(ental pach4-e$(s can s3allo3.
It ta8es too (uch eff$onte$4 fo$ such a cha$acte$ as $espon-ent to pose as a (a$t4$ an- no less than fo$ the sa8e of a sac$e- cause& the f$ee-o( of the p$ess& 3hich no one has no (uch -ishono$e- 3ith his blac8(ailin9 p$actices an- b4 his
lon9 list of cases in the cou$ts of 7ustice& sta$tin9 as fa$ bac8 as B5"B. <.ulia )s. Sotto& % Phil.& %#D U. S. )s. Sotto& 5 Phil.& %@BD In $e Sotto& @! Phil.& A@%D U. S. )s. Sotto& @! Phil.& EEED R.+. No. %"BD U. S. )s. Sotto& R.+. No. BB"E#D U. S. )s.
Sotto& R.+. No. B%!D U. S. )s. Vicente Sotto& R.+. No. BE""D People )s. Vicente Sotto& R.+. No. %@E@.>
Respon-ent belon9s to that 9an9 of unp$inciple- politicians hea-e- b4 a Senate P$esi-ent 3ho t$a(ple- -o3n the popula$ 3ill b4 the a$bit$a$4 an- unconstitutional suspension of Senato$s Ve$a& Dio8no an- Ro(e$o <Ve$a )s. A)elino& ## Phil.&
B5%>& 3ho issue- the false ce$tification as to the )otin9 of the con9$essional $esolution $e9a$-in9 the infa(ous Pa$it4 A(en-(ent& thus pe$pet$atin9 falsification of public -ocu(ent <Mabana9 )s. 'ope6 Vito& #! Phil.& B>& 3ho (u66le- the people
b4 o$-e$in9& in usu$pation of e;ecuti)e po3e$s (a4o$s all o)e$ the count$4 not to allo3 the hol-in9 of public (eetin9s 3hich the opposition ha- o$9ani6e- to -enounce the f$au-s in the elections of No)e(be$ BB& B5# <Cip$iano C. P$i(icias& as
+ene$al Ca(pai9n Mana9e$ of the Coalesce- Mino$it4 Pa$ties )s. Vale$iano E. 1u9oso& as Ma4o$ of the Cit4 of Manila& !" Phil.& #B> 3ho 3antonl4 )iolate- the Constitution b4 inte$fe$in9 3ith the (ana9e(ent of the fun-s of the Senate Electo$al
T$ibunal <Suanes )s. The Chief Accountant of the Senate& !B Phil.& !B5>& 3ho& a9ain in )iolation of the fun-a(ental la3& usu$pe- the e;clusi)e po3e$s of the Senate 3hen he -esi9nate- $espon-ent to sit in the Senate Electo$al T$ibunal& an-
3ho c$o3ne- his (is-ee-s b4 enunciatin9 on Satu$-a4& .anua$4 BA& B55& the (ost i((o$al political philosoph4 N that of open tole$ation of $ac8ets& 9$aft an- co$$uption in public office.
Acco$-in9 to Ri6al& the )icti(s i((olate- in the alta$ of 9$eat i-eals& to be acceptable& ha)e to be noble& spotless an- pu$e. The4 shoul-& the$efo$e& be as noble an- pu$e as Soc$ates& Ch$ist& .oan of A$c& 'incoln& ,onifacio& Mabini& +an-hi an-
Ri6al hi(self. Then an- onl4 then 3ill (a$t4$-o( be hallo3e- an- 9lo$ifie- because it is 3ill 3o$th4 of the efful9ent 9$an-eu$ of sac$e- i-eals. =Hate ne)e$ p$o-uces an4thin9 but (onste$s an- c$i(e c$i(inals^= 'o)e alone $eali6es 3on-e$ful
3o$8s& )i$tue alone can sa)e^ Re-e(ption p$esupposes )i$tue& )i$tue sac$ifice& an- sac$ifice lo)e^ Pu$e an- spotless (ust the )icti( be that the sac$ifice (a4 be acceptable^= <El 1ilibuste$is(o.>
Respon-ent co(plains in his ans3e$ that he is not acco$-e- fai$ -ealin9 because the 3$ite$ of this opinion has not abstaine- f$o( ta8in9 pa$t in this case. The co(plaint is absolutel4 9$oun-less. It is base- on t3o false p$e(ises& concocte- b4
$espon-ent to (a8e it appea$ that he is a )icti( of pe$secution& an- on a conclusion& also false& because base- on the t3o false p$e(ises.
Respon-ent alle9es that the$e a$e pen-in9 in the Sup$e(e Cou$t ce$tain cha$9es he file- a9ainst the 3$ite$ an- that the un-e$si9ne- is the =(o)in9 spi$it= behin- these p$ocee-in9s. ,oth t$u(p?up alle9ations a$e false& an- the Sup$e(e Cou$t
has -ecla$e- it to be so in its $esolution of Dece(be$ B@& B5!.
The $eco$-s of the Sup$e(e Cou$t sho3 that no such cha$9es ha)e been file-. Respon-ent ou9ht to 8no3& if he can $ea- an- un-e$stan- the Constitution& that if he has an4 cha$9e to file a9ainst a 7ustice of the Sup$e(e Cou$t to see8 his
ouste$& he has to file it 3ith the House of Rep$esentati)es& the onl4 a9enc4 autho$i6e- b4 the fun-a(ental la3 to institute i(peach(ent p$ocee-in9s.
If the House of Rep$esentati)es shoul- institute it& the $espon-ent 3ill ha)e the oppo$tunit4 to sit in 7u-9(ent as a senato$ as& un-e$ the Constitution& the Senate is the sole t$ibunal on cases of i(peach(ent.
No 7ustice 3ith full sense of $esponsibilit4 shoul- co((it a -e$eliction of official -ut4 b4 inhibitin9 hi(self in a case upon i(a9ina$4 o$ fab$icate- 9$oun-s. The (e(be$s of the Sup$e(e Cou$t a$e not such (o$al 3ea8lin9s as to easil4 4iel- to
-ishonest appeals to a false sense of -elicac4. A co3a$-l4 su$$en-e$ to 9$oun-less challen9es of unsc$upulous pa$ties is unbeco(in9 to a 7u-9e& an- (uch (o$e to a .ustice of the Hi9hest T$ibunal of the Republic.
It is t$ue that& afte$ $espon-ent ha- faile- to sit in the Senate Electo$al T$ibunal& because 3e ob7ecte- to the -esi9nation issue- to hi( b4 Senate P$esi-ent A)elino on constitutional 9$oun-s& he $e:ueste- the Chief .ustice to $elie)e us one of the
(e(be$s of the Senate Electo$al T$ibunal& an- $espon-ent 3oul- (a8e it appea$ that fo$ his (o)e 3e a$e p$e7u-ice- a9ainst hi(.
He is absolutel4 3$on9. His $e:uest to the Chief .ustice -i- not -istu$b us the least. The Constitution -oes not 9$ant an4one the po3e$ to oust& $eplace& o$ -is(iss an4 (e(be$ of the Senate Electo$al T$ibunal& 7u-icial o$ senato$ial& -u$in9 his
te$( of office in the T$ibunal. Althou9h an ille9al substitution has been (a-e once in the case of Senato$s Sebastian an- Cuenco& such p$ece-ent -i- not (a8e constitutional 3hat is unconstitutional& an- the Chief .ustice of the Sup$e(e Cou$t
has (a-e clea$ his stan- to uphol- the Constitution b4 statin9 it in blac8 an- 3hite in the -ecision he penne- in the Suanes case '?%E". Respon-entMs failu$e 3as so ob)ious fo$ us to (in- his (o)e.
Afte$ all& shoul- 3e 3aste ti(e an- ene$94 b4 ente$tainin9 an4 8in- of p$e7u-ice a9ainst $espon-ent& 3hen the$e a$e so (an4 9$eat (in-s& beautiful cha$acte$s& an- 3on-e$ful pe$sonalities that a$e -e(an-in9 ou$ attention an- 3hose spi$itual
co(panionship (a8es life en7o4ableW
If 3e ha- ente$taine- an4 p$e7u-ice a9ainst $espon-ent& 3e 3oul- ha)e (ete- out to hi( the penalt4 of i(p$ison(ent 3hich he 3ell -ese$)es &3ithout (in-in9 the ill conse:uences it (a4 entail to his health an- life an- 3ithout hee-in9 the
p$o(ptin9s of ou$ pit4 an- sense of hu(anit4. 1o$tunatel4& )e$4 (an4 4ea$s ha)e al$ea-4 elapse- since 3e ac:ui$e- the state of (in- 3ith 3hich 3e can 7u-9e thin9s an- pe$sons 3ith an open an- f$ee conscience& t$ul4 e(ancipate- f$o( the
shac8les of an4 p$e7u-ice. The hateful e)ents -u$in9 the .apanese occupation 3e$e the best (4celiu( fo$ spa3nin9 an- the choicest fe$tili6e$s fo$ 9$o3in9 p$e7u-ices a9ainst +ene$als *a(ashita an- Ho((a& to the e;tent of 7ustif4in9 an4
(easu$e o$ action that 3oul- spell thei$ -oo(. I((e-iate (e(be$s of ou$ fa(il4 an- ou$sel)es en-u$e- a9oni6in9 suffe$in9s an- so(e of ou$ nea$ $elati)es 3e$e li:ui-ate- un-e$ thei$ $e9i(e. ,ut 3hen *a(ashita an- Ho((a ca(e to this
Sup$e(e Cou$t& see8in9 $e(e-4 a9ainst the absu$-l4 ini:uitous p$oce-u$e follo3e- b4 the (ilita$4 co((issions 3hich t$ie- the(& so ini:uitous that it close- to the .apanese 9ene$als all chances of fai$ t$ial& no scintilla of p$e7u-ice p$eclu-e- us
f$o( castin9 the lone )ote inten-e- to 9i)e the( the $e(e-4 an- 7ustice the4 sou9ht fo$& not3ithstan-in9 the fact that *a(ashita an- Ho((a& appea$e-& in the 9ene$al consent of ou$ people& to be )e$itable (onste$s of c$uelt4 an- (u$-e$.
Ce$tainl4& $espon-ent 3oul- not p$eten- ha)in9 9i)en us& if e)e$& st$on9e$ 9$oun-s fo$ p$e7u-ice than *a(ashita an- Ho((a& o$ that he is 3o$se than both of the(.
0e a$e not to en- this opinion 3ithout e;p$essin9 ou$ stea-fast a--iction to the follo3in9 p$opositions2
B. The in-epen-ence of the 7u-icia$4 f$o( outsi-e inte$fe$ence o$ obst$uction is essential to the effecti)el4 of its functions so that it can affo$- p$otection to fun-a(ental $i9hts inclu-in9 the f$ee-o( of the p$ess& a9ainst enc$oach(ents an- ille9al
%. The f$ee-o( of the p$ess inclu-es the $i9ht to co((ent on pen-in9 7u-icial cases an- the $i9ht to c$itici6e the public an- p$i)ate life of all public office$s& 3ithout an4 e;ception.
@. The f$ee-o( of the p$ess -oes not& ho3e)e$& safe9ua$- an4 publication inten-e- to bull4 cou$ts an- 7u-9es in o$-e$ to s3a4 thei$ 7u-9(ent on pen-in9 cases& an- such inte$fe$ence an- obst$uction shoul- be p$o(ptl4 an- -$asticall4 chec8e-
fo$ the sa8e of an effecti)e a-(inist$ation of 7ustice.
. T$ibunal shoul- be p$o(pt in stoppin9 the th$eatenin9 an- b$o3beatin9 tactics of s3a99e$in9 political $uffians an- cutth$oats ben- on th3a$tin9 the scale of 7ustice& as the opposin9 alte$nati)e to such a ste$n 7u-icial attitu-e is su$$en-e$e- to
7u-icial ana$ch4.
A. Cou$ts of 7ustice anneale- to face an- e)e$ $ea-4 to -eal )i9o$ousl4 3ith atte(pts to tu$n the( into puppets of -o(inee$in9 3oul-?be -ictato$s a$e essential in (aintainin9 the $ei9n of la3 an- 9ua$anteein9 the e;istence of an o$-e$l4 societ4.
This opinion has been 3$itten to (o-if4 an- cla$if4 ou$ stan- in concu$$in9 in the -ecision.
Republic of the Philippines
+.R. No. #BBE5 Dece(be$ %%& B5!!
.OSE D. SAN+A'AN+ an- 'UT+ARDA D. SAN+A'AN+& petitione$s& 1E'IF C. +ASTON an- DO'ORES R. +ASTON& .OSE V. ,RIONES an- A'ICIA R. ,RIONES& an- ,E'?AIR VI''A+E ASSOCIATION& INC.& inte$)eno$s?petitione$s&
+.R. No. #@#E Dece(be$ %%& B5!!
,E'?AIR VI''A+E ASSOCIATION& INC.& petitione$&
+.R. No. #E@5 Dece(be$ %%&B5!!
,E'?AIR VI''A+E ASSOCIATION& INC.& petitione$&
+.R. No. #!B!% Dece(be$ %%& B5!!
,E'?AIR VI''A+E ASSOCIATION& INC.& petitione$&
COURT O1 APPEA'S& DO'ORES 1I''E*& an- .. ROMERO U ASSOCIATES& $espon-ents.
+.R. No. !%%!B Dece(be$ %%& B5!!
,E'?AIR VI''A+E ASSOCIATION& INC& petitione$&
San9co& Anastacio& Castane-a U Du$an 'a3 Office fo$ petitione$s U p$i)ate inte$)eno$s? petitione$s.
Raul S. Sison 'a3 Offices fo$ inte$)eno$?petitione$ ,el?Ai$ Villa9e Association& Inc. Renato '. Dela 1uente fo$ $espon-ent A4ala Co$po$ation.
+.R. No. '?#@#E2
Raul S. Sison 'a3 Offices fo$ petitione$.
Se$9io '. +ua-i6 fo$ p$i)ate $espon-ents.
+.R. No. '?#E@52
Raul S. Sison 'a3 Offices fo$ petitione$.
+$uba& Tanli(co 'a(so an- Apuhin 'a3 Offices fo$ $espon-ents.
+.R. No. '?#!B!%2
1un8 U Associates fo$ petitione$s.
Tee To(as U Associates fo$ $espon-ents.
+.R. No. '?!%%!B2
1un8 U Associates fo$ petitione$.
Castillo& 'a(an& Tan U Associates fo$ p$i)ate $espon-ents.

,efo$e the Cou$t a$e fi)e consoli-ate- petitions& B -oc8ete- as +.R. Nos. #BBE5& #@#E& #E@5& #!B!%& an- !%%!B he$eof& in the natu$e of appeals <b4 ce$tio$a$i un-e$ Rule A of the Rules of Cou$t> f$o( fi)e -ecisions of the Cou$t of Appeals&
-en4in9 specific pe$fo$(ance an- -a(a9es.
The p$ocee-in9s 3e$e co((ence- at the fi$st instance b4 .ose San9alan9& 7oine- b4 his 3ife 'ut9a$-a San9alan9& both $esi-ents of No. BB" .upite$ St$eet& Ma8ati& Met$o Manila <+.R. No. #BBE5> to enfo$ce b4 specific pe$fo$(ance $est$icti)e
ease(ent upon p$ope$t4& specificall4 the ,el? Ai$ Villa9e sub-i)ision in Ma8ati& Met$o Manila& pu$suant to stipulations e(bo-ie- in the -ee-s of sale co)e$in9 the sub-i)ision& an- fo$ -a(a9es. 'ate$& the San9alan9s 3e$e 7oine- b4 1eli; +aston&
a $esi-ent of No. E .upite$ St$eet of the sa(e (unicipalit4& an- b4 M$. an- M$s. .ose an- Alicia ,$iones& both of No. EE .upite$ St$eet. Pen-in9 fu$the$ p$ocee-in9s& the ,el?Ai$ Villa9e Association& Inc. <,AVA>& an inco$po$ate- ho(eo3ne$sM
association& ente$e- its appea$ance as plaintiff?in?inte$)ention.
,AVA itself ha- b$ou9ht its o3n co(plaints& fou$ in nu(be$& li8e3ise fo$ specific pe$fo$(ance an- -a(a9es to enfo$ce the sa(e M-ee- $est$ictions.M <See +.R. Nos. #@#E& #E@5& #!B!%& an- !%%!B.>
I. +.R. No. #BBE5
The facts a$e state- in the -ecision appeale- f$o(. 0e :uote2
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
<B> ,el?Ai$ Villa9e is locate- no$th of ,uen-ia A)enue e;tension <no3 Sen. +il .. Pu4at A)e.> ac$oss a st$etch of co((e$cial bloc8 f$o( Reposo St$eet in the 3est up to Go-iac St$eet in the east& 0hen ,el?Ai$ Villa9e 3as planne-& this
bloc8 bet3een Reposo an- Go-iac St$eets a-7oinin9 ,uen-ia A)enue in f$ont of the )illa9e 3as -esi9nate- as a co((e$cial bloc8. <Copu4oc TSN& p. B"& 1eb. B%& B5!%>.
<%> ,el?Ai$ Villa9e 3as o3ne- an- -e)elope- into a $esi-ential sub-i)ision in the B5A"s b4 Ma8ati De)elop(ent Co$po$ation <he$einafte$ $efe$$e- to as MDC>& 3hich in B5E! 3as (e$9e- 3ith appellant A4ala Co$po$ation.
<@> Appellees?spouses San9alan9 $esi-e at No. BBO .upite$ St$eet bet3een Ma8ati A)enue an- Reposo St$eetD appellees?spouses +aston $esi-e at No. E .upite$ St$eet bet3een Ma8ati A)enue an- Go-iac St$eetD appellees?spouses
,$iones $esi-e at No. EE .upite$ St$eet also bet3een Ma8ati A)enue an- Go-iac St$eetD 3hile appellee ,el?Ai$ Villa9e Association& Inc. <he$einafte$ $efe$$e- to as ,AVA> is the ho(eo3ne$sM association in ,el?Ai$ Villa9e 3hich ta8es ca$e of the
sanitation& secu$it4& t$affic $e9ulations an- 9ene$al 3elfa$e of the )illa9e.
<> The lots 3hich 3e$e ac:ui$e- b4 appellees San9alan9 an- spouse +aston an- spouse an- ,$iones an- spouse in B5E"& B5A# an- B5A!& $especti)el4& 3e$e all sol- b4 MDC sub7ect to ce$tain con-itions an- ease(ents containe- in
Dee- Rest$ictions 3hich fo$(e- a pa$t of each -ee- of sale. The pe$tinent p$o)isions in sai- Dee- Rest$ictions& 3hich a$e co((on to all lot o3ne$s in ,el?Ai$ Villa9e& a$e as follo3s2
The o3ne$ of this lotCs o$ his successo$s in inte$est is $e:ui$e- to be an- is auto(aticall4 a (e(be$ of the ,el?Ai$ Association an- (ust abi-e b4 such $ules an- $e9ulations lai- -o3n b4 the Association in the inte$est of the sanitation& secu$it4
an- the 9ene$al 3elfa$e of the co((unit4.
The association 3ill also p$o)i-e fo$ an- collect assess(ents& 3hich 3ill constitute as a lien on the p$ope$t4 7unio$ onl4 to liens of the 9o)e$n(ent fo$ ta;es an- to )olunta$4 (o$t9a9es fo$ sufficient consi-e$ation ente$e- into in 9oo- faith.
Sub7ect to such a(en-(ents an- a--itional $est$ictions& $ese$)ations& se$)itu-es& etc.& as the ,el? Ai$ Association (a4 f$o( ti(e to ti(e a-opt an- p$esc$ibe& this lot is sub7ect to the follo3in9 $est$ictions2
a. This lotCs shall not be sub-i)i-e-. Ho3e)e$& th$ee o$ (o$e lots (a4 be consoli-ate- an- sub-i)i-e- into a lesse$ nu(be$ of lots p$o)i-e- that none of the $esultin9 lots be s(alle$ in a$ea than the s(allest lot befo$e the consoli-ation
an- that the consoli-ation an- sub-i)ision plan be -ul4 app$o)e- b4 the 9o)e$nin9 bo-4 of the ,el?Ai$ Association.
b. This lotCs shall onl4 be use- fo$ $esi-ential pu$poses.
c. Onl4 one sin9le fa(il4 house (a4 be const$ucte- on a sin9le lot& althou9h sepa$ate se$)antsM :ua$te$s o$ 9a$a9e (a4 be built.
-. Co((e$cial o$ a-)e$tisin9 si9ns shall not be place-& const$ucte-& o$ e$ecte- on this lot. Na(e plates an- p$ofessional si9ns of ho(eo3ne$s a$e pe$(itte- so lon9 as the4 -o not e;cee- !" ; " centi(ete$s in si6e.
e. No cattle& pi9s& sheep& 9oats& -uc8s& 9eese& $ooste$s o$ $abbits shall be (aintaine- in the lot& e;cept that pets (a4 be (aintaine- but (ust be cont$olle- in acco$-ance 3ith the $ulin9s of the Association. The te$( =petsM inclu-es
chic8ens not in co((e$cial :uantities.
f. The p$ope$t4 is sub7ect to an ease(ent of t3o <%> (ete$s 3ithin the lot an- a-7acent to the $ea$ an- si-es the$eof not f$ontin9 a st$eet fo$ the pu$pose of -$aina9e& se3a9e& 3ate$ an- othe$ public facilities as (a4 be necessa$4 an-
-esi$ableD an- the o3ne$& lessee o$ his $ep$esentati)e shall pe$(it access the$eto b4 autho$i6e- $ep$esentati)es of the ,el?Ai$ Association o$ public utilit4 entities fo$ the pu$poses fo$ 3hich the ease(ent is c$eate-.
9. This lot shall not be use- fo$ an4 i((o$al o$ ille9al t$a-e o$ acti)it4.
h. The o3ne$ an-Co$ lessee of this lotCs shall at all ti(es 8eep the 9$ass cut an- t$i((e- to $e-uce the fi$e ha6a$- of the p$ope$t4.
;;; ;;; ;;;
The fo$e9oin9 $est$ictions shall $e(ain in fo$ce fo$ fift4 4ea$s f$o( .anua$4 BA& B5A#& unless soone$ cancelle- in its enti$et4 b4 t3o thi$-s )ote of (e(be$s in 9oo- stan-in9 of the ,el?Ai$ Association. Ho3e)e$& the Association (a4& f$o( ti(e to
ti(e& a-- ne3 ones& a(en- o$ abolish pa$ticula$ $est$ictions o$ pa$ts the$eof b4 (a7o$it4 $ule.
The fo$e9oin9 $est$ictions (a4 be en7oine- an-Co$ enfo$ce- b4 cou$t action b4 the ,el?Ai$ Association& o$ b4 the Ma8ati De)elop(ent Co$po$ation o$ its assi9ns& o$ b4 an4 $e9iste$e- o3ne$ of lan- 3ithin the boun-a$ies of the ,el?Ai$ Sub-i)ision
<Sub?-i)ision plan PSD?5%%E an- 'ot #?,& Ps-?#!!> o$ b4 an4 (e(be$ in 9oo- stan-in9 of the ,el?Ai$ association.= <E;h. B ?bD E;h. %%& Anne; =,=>. <AppellantMs ,$ief& pp. ? E>
<A> 0hen MDC sol- the abo)e?(entione- lots to appelleesM p$e-ecesso$s?in?inte$est& the 3hole st$etch of the co((e$cial bloc8 bet3een ,uen-ia A)enue an- .upite$ St$eet& f$o( Reposo St$eet in the 3est to Go-iac St$eet in the east&
3as still un-e)elope-. Access& the$efo$e& to ,el?Ai$ Villa9e 3as opene- to all 8in-s of people an- e)en ani(als. So in B5EE& althou9h it 3as not pa$t of the o$i9inal plan& MDC const$ucte- a fence o$ 3all on the co((e$cial bloc8 alon9 .upite$
St$eet. In B5#"& the fence o$ 3all 3as pa$tl4 -est$o4e- b4 t4phoon =*olin9.= The -est$o4e- po$tions 3e$e subse:uentl4 $ebuilt b4 the appellant. <Copu4oc TSN& pp. @B?@& 1eb. B%& B5!%>. 0hen .upite$ St$eet 3as 3i-ene- in B5#% b4 @.A (ete$s&
the fence o$ 3all ha- to be -est$o4e-. Upon $e:uest of ,AVA& the 3all 3as $ebuilt insi-e the boun-a$4 of the co((e$cial bloc8. <Copu4oc TSN& pp. #& 1eb. B%&B5!%>.
<E> 0hen the appellant finall4 -eci-e- to sub-i)i-e an- sell the lots in the co((e$cial bloc8 bet3een ,uen-ia an- .upite$& ,AVA 3$ote the appellant on Ma4 5& B5#%& $e:uestin9 fo$ confi$(ation on the use of the co((e$cial lots. The
appellant $eplie- on Ma4 BE& B5#%& info$(in9 ,AVA of the $est$ictions inten-e- to be i(pose- in the sale an- use of the lots. A(on9 these $est$ictions a$e2 that the buil-in9 shall ha)e a set bac8 of B5 (ete$sD an- that 3ith $espect to )ehicula$
t$affic alon9 ,uen-ia A)enue& ent$ance onl4 3ill be allo3e-& an- alon9 .upite$ St$eet an- si-e st$eets& both ent$ance an- e;it 3ill be allo3e-.
<#> On .une @"& B5#%& appellant info$(e- ,AVA that in a fe3 (onths it shall sub-i)i-e an- sell the co((e$cial lots bo$-e$in9 the no$th si-e of ,uen-ia A)enue E;tension f$o( Reposo St$eet up to Go-iac St$eet. Appellant also info$(e-
,AVA that it ha- ta8en all p$ecautions an- 3ill i(pose upon the co((e$cial lot o3ne$s -ee- $est$ictions 3hich 3ill ha$(oni6e an- blen- 3ith the -e)elop(ent an- 3elfa$e of ,el?Ai$ Villa9e. Appellant fu$the$ applie- fo$ special (e(be$ship in
,AVA of the co((e$cial lot o3ne$s. A cop4 of the -ee- $est$ictions fo$ the co((e$cial lots 3as also enclose-. The p$opose- -ee- $est$ictions shall inclu-e the B5 (ete$ set bac8 of buil-in9s f$o( .upite$ St$eet& the $e:ui$e(ent fo$ pa$8in9 space
3ithin the lot of one <B> pa$8in9 slot fo$ e)e$4 se)ent4 fi)e <#A> (ete$s of office space in the buil-in9 an- the li(itation of )ehicula$ t$affic alon9 ,uen-ia to ent$ance onl4& but allo3in9 both )ehicula$ ent$ance an- )ehicula$ e;it th$ou9h .upite$
St$eet an- an4 si-e st$eet.
In its lette$ of .ul4 B"& B5#%& ,AVA ac8no3le-9e- the abo)e lette$ of appellant an- info$(e- the latte$ that the application fo$ special (e(be$ship of the co((e$cial lot o3ne$s in ,AVA 3oul- be sub(itte- to ,AVAMs boa$- of 9o)e$no$s fo$
<!> On Septe(be$ %A& B5#%& appellant notifie- ,AVA that& afte$ a ca$eful stu-4& it 3as finall4 -eci-e- that the hei9ht li(itation of buil-in9s on the co((e$cial lots shall be inc$ease- f$o( B%.A (ete$s to BA (ete$s. Appellant fu$the$
info$(e- ,AVA that .upite$ St$eet shall be 3i-ene- b4 @.A (ete$s to i(p$o)e t$affic flo3 in sai- st$eet. ,AVA -i- not $epl4 to sai- lette$& but on .anua$4 %%& B5#@& ,AVA 3$ote a lette$ to the appellant info$(in9 the latte$ that the Association ha-
assesse- the appellant& as special (e(be$ of the association& the a(ount of P"&#5A."" <base- on !B&A5" s:ua$e (ete$s at P.A" pe$ s:ua$e (ete$> $ep$esentin9 the (e(be$ship -ues to the co((e$cial lot o3ne$s fo$ the 4ea$ B5#@& an-
$e:ueste- the appellant to $e(it the a(ount 3hich its boa$- of 9o)e$no$s ha- al$ea-4 inclu-e- in its cu$$ent bu-9et. In $epl4& appellant on .anua$4 @B& B5#@ info$(e- ,AVA that -ue to the 3i-enin9 of .upite$ St$eet& the a$ea of the lots 3hich
3e$e accepte- b4 the Association as (e(be$s 3as $e-uce- to #E&#%E s:ua$e (ete$s. Thus& the co$$espon-in9 -ues at P.A" pe$ s:ua$e (ete$ shoul- be $e-uce- to P@!&@E@."". This a(ount& the$efo$e& 3as $e(itte- b4 the appellant to ,AVA.
Since then& the latte$ has been collectin9 (e(be$ship -ues f$o( the o3ne$s of the co((e$cial lots as special (e(be$s of the Association. As a (atte$ of fact& the -ues 3e$e inc$ease- se)e$al ti(es. In B5!"& the co((e$cial lot o3ne$s 3e$e
al$ea-4 bein9 cha$9e- -ues at the $ate of P@."" pe$ s:ua$e (ete$. <Do(in9o& TSN& p. @E& Ma$ch B5& B5!">. At this $ate& the total (e(be$ship -ues of the co((e$cial lot o3ne$s a(ount to P%@"&B#!. "" annuall4 base- on the total a$ea of
#E&#%E s:ua$e (ete$s of the co((e$cial lots.
<5> Meanti(e& on Ap$il & B5#A& the (unicipal council of Ma8ati enacte- its o$-inance No. !B& p$o)i-in9 fo$ the 6onification of Ma8ati <E;h. B!>. Un-e$ this O$-inance& ,el?Ai$ Villa9e 3as classifie- as a Class A Resi-ential Gone& 3ith its
boun-a$4 in the south e;ten-in9 to the cente$ line of .upite$ St$eet <E;h. B!?A>.
Thus& Chapte$ III& A$ticle B& Section @."@& pa$. 1. of the O$-inance p$o)i-es2
1. ,el?Ai$ Villa9e a$ea& as boun-e- on the N b4 Pola$is an- Me$ce-es st$eets an- on the NE b4 Est$ella St$eetD on the SE b4 Epifanio -e los Santos A)enue an- on the S0 b4 the cente$ line of .upite$ St$eet. Then boun-e- on the N b4 the
aban-one- MRR Pasi9 'ineD on the E b4 Ma8ati A)enueD on the S b4 the cente$ line of .upite$ St$eet an- on the 0 b4 the cente$ line of Reposo St$eet.= <E;h. B!?A>
Si(ila$l4& the ,uen-ia A)enue E;tension a$ea 3as classifie- as A-(inist$ati)e Office Gone 3ith its boun-a$4 in the No$th?No$th East E;ten-in9 also up to the cente$ line of .upite$ St$eet <E;h. B!b>.
Thus& Chapte$ III& A$ticle I& Section @."A& pa$. C. of the O$-inance p$o)i-es2
C. The ,uen-ia A)enue E;tension a$eas& as boun-e- on the N?NE b4 the cente$ line of .upite$ St$eet& on the SE b4 Epifanio -e los Santos A)enueD on the S0 b4 ,uen-ia A)enue an- on the N0 b4 the cente$ line of Reposo St$eet&
then on the NE b4 Malu9a4 St$eetD on the SE b4 ,uen-ia A)enue an- on the 0 b4 A4ala A)enue E;tension.= <E;h. B!?,>
The Resi-ential Gone an- the A-(inist$ati)e Office Gone& the$efo$e& ha)e a co((on boun-a$4 alon9 the cente$ line of .upite$ St$eet.
The abo)e 6onin9 un-e$ O$-inance No. !B of Ma8ati 3as late$ follo3e- un-e$ the Co(p$ehensi)e Gonin9 O$-inance fo$ the National Capital Re9ion a-opte- b4 the Met$o Manila Co((ission as O$-inance !B ?"B on Ma$ch B& B5!B <E;h. B5>.
Ho3e)e$& un-e$ this o$-inance& ,el?Ai$ Villa9e is si(pl4 boun-e- in the South?Southeast b4 .upite$ St$eet?not an4(o$e up to the cente$ line of .upite$ St$eet <E;h. ,>. 'i8e3ise& the bloc8-eep st$ip alon9 the no$th3est si-e of ,uen-ia A)enue
E;tension f$o( Reposo to EDSA 3as classifie- as a Hi9h Intensit4 Co((e$cial Gone <E;h. B5?c>.
Thus& the Gonin9 Dist$ict ,oun-a$ies ?Ma8ati& in Anne; , of the O$-inance p$o)i-es2
R?I?'o3 Intensit4 Resi-ential
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
. ,el?Ai$ B& @&
,oun-e- on the No$th ?? ..P. Ri6al an- A(apola St.
South ? Roc83ell
No$th3est ? P. ,u$9os
Southeast ? .upite$
South3est ? Epifanio -e los Santos A)e. <EDSA>
A. ,el?Ai$ %
,oun-e- on the No$th3est ? ..P. Ri6al
South3est ? Ma8ati A)enue
South ??? .upite$
Southeast ?? Pasi9 'ine
East ? South A)enue= <E;h. B5?b>
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
C?@?Hi9h Intensit4 Co((e$cial Gone
%. A bloc8 -eep st$ip alon9 the no$th3est si-e of ,uen-ia A)e. E;t. f$o( Reposo to EDSA.= <E;h& B5?c>
Un-e$ the abo)e 6onin9 classifications& .upite$ St$eet& the$efo$e& is a co((on boun-a$4 of ,el?Ai$ Villa9e an- the co((e$cial 6one.
<B"> Mean3hile& in B5#%& ,AVA ha- installe- 9ates at st$ate9ic locations ac$oss .upite$ St$eet 3hich 3e$e (anne- an- ope$ate- b4 its o3n secu$it4 9ua$-s 3ho 3e$e e(plo4e- to (aintain& supe$)ise an- enfo$ce t$affic $e9ulations in the
$oa-s an- st$eets of the )illa9e. <Villa)icencio& TSN& pp& %%?%A& Oct. @"& B5!"D ,AVA Petition& pa$. BB& E;h. B#>.
Then& on .anua$4 B#& B5##& the Office of the Ma4o$ of Ma8ati 3$ote ,AVA -i$ectin9 that& in the inte$est of public 3elfa$e an- fo$ the pu$pose of easin9 t$affic con9estion& the follo3in9 st$eets in ,el?Ai$ Villa9e shoul- be opene- fo$ public use2
A(apola St$eet ? f$o( Est$ella St$eet to Me$ce-es St$eet
A(apola St$eet ?7unction of Pal(a St$eet 9ate 9oin9 to .. Villena St$eet
Me$ce-es St$eet ?? f$o( EDSA to I(el-a A)enue an- A(apola 7unction
Go-iac St$eet ? f$o( Me$ce-es St$eet to ,uen-ia A)enue
.upite$ St$eet ?? f$o( Go-iac St$eet to Reposo St$eet connectin9 Met$opolitan A)enue to Pason9 Ta(o an- V. C$u6 E;tension inte$section
Neptune St$eet ? f$o( Ma8ati A)enue to Reposo St$eet O$bit St$eet ? f$o( 1. Gobel?Can-ela$ia inte$section to .upite$ St$eet
Paseo -e Ro;as ? f$o( Me$ce-es St$eet to ,uen-ia A)enue <E;h. B#& Anne; A& ,AVA Petition>
On 1eb$ua$4 B"& B5##& ,AVA 3$ote the Ma4o$ of Ma8ati& e;p$essin9 the conce$n of the $esi-ents about the openin9 of the st$eets to the 9ene$al public& an- $e:uestin9 specificall4 the in-efinite postpone(ent of the plan to open .upite$ St$eet to
public )ehicles. <E;h. B#& Anne; ,& ,AVA Petition>.
Ho3e)e$& ,AVA )olunta$il4 opene- to the public A(apola& Me$ce-es& Go-iac& Neptune an- Paseo -e Ro;as st$eets. <E;h. B#?A& Ans3e$ of Ma8ati pa$. @?#>.
'ate$& on .une B#&B5##& the ,a$an9a4 Captain of ,el?Ai$ Villa9e 3as a-)ise- b4 the Office of the Ma4o$ that& in acco$-ance 3ith the a9$ee(ent ente$e- into -u$in9 the (eetin9 on .anua$4 %!& B 5##& the Municipal En9inee$ an- the Station
Co((an-e$ of the Ma8ati Police 3e$e o$-e$e- to open fo$ public use .upite$ St$eet f$o( Ma8ati A)enue to Reposo St$eet. Acco$-in9l4& he 3as $e:ueste- to a-)ise the )illa9e $esi-ents of the necessit4 of the openin9 of the st$eet in the inte$est
of public 3elfa$e. <E;h. B#& Anne; E& ,AVA Petition>.
Then& on .une B"& B5##& the Municipal En9inee$ of Ma8ati in a lette$ a--$esse- to ,AVA a-)ise- the latte$ to open fo$ )ehicula$ an- pe-est$ian t$affic the enti$e po$tion of .upite$ St$eet f$o( Ma8ati A)enue to Reposo St$eet <E;h. B#& ,AVA
Petition& pa$. B>.
1inall4& on Au9ust B%& B5##& the (unicipal officials of Ma8ati conce$ne- alle9e-l4 opene-& -est$o4e- an- $e(o)e- the 9ates const$ucte-Clocate- at the co$ne$ of Reposo St$eet an- .upite$ St$eet as 3ell as the 9atesCfences locate-Cconst$ucte-
at .upite$ St$eet an- Ma8ati A)enue fo$cibl4& an- then opene- the enti$e len9th of .upite$ St$eet to public t$affic. <E;h. B#& ,AVA Petition& pa$s. BE an- B#>.
<BB> ,efo$e the 9ates 3e$e?$e(o)e-& the$e 3as no pa$8in9 p$oble( o$ t$affic p$oble( in .upite$ St$eet& because .upite$ St$eet 3as not allo3e- to be use- b4 the 9ene$al public <Villa)icencio& TSN& pp. %?%A& Oct. @"& B5!">. Ho3e)e$&
3ith the openin9 of Go-iac St$eet f$o( Est$ella St$eet to .upite$ St$eet an- also the openin9 to the public of the enti$e len9th of .upite$ St$eet& the$e 3as a t$e(en-ous inc$ease in the )olu(e of t$affic passin9 alon9 .upite$ St$eet co(in9 f$o(
EDSA to Est$ella St$eet& then to Go-iac St$eet to .upite$ St$eet& an- alon9 the enti$e len9th of .upite$ St$eet to its othe$ en- at Reposo St$eet. <Villa)icencio& TSN& pp. @"?@%& Oct. @"& B5!">.
In the (eanti(e& the pu$chase$s of the co((e$cial lots bet3een .upite$ St$eet an- ,uen-ia A)enue e;tension ha- sta$te- const$uctin9 thei$ $especti)e buil-in9s in B5#?B5#A. The4 -e(olishe- the po$tions of the fence o$ 3all stan-in9 3ithin
the boun-a$4 of thei$ lots. Man4 of the o3ne$s const$ucte- thei$ o3n fences o$ 3alls in lieu of the 3all an- the4 e(plo4e- thei$ o3n secu$it4 9ua$-s. <TSN& p. !@& 1eb. %"&B5!BD TSN& pp. A@?AD #%?#& Ma$ch %"&B5!BD TSN& pp. A?AA& .ul4 %@&
<B%> Then& on .anua$4 %#& B5#!& appellant -onate- the enti$e .upite$ St$eet f$o( Met$opolitan A)enue to Go-iac St$eet to ,AVA <E;h. #>? Ho3e)e$& e)en befo$e B5#!& the Ma8ati Police an- the secu$it4 fo$ce of ,AVA 3e$e al$ea-4 the
ones $e9ulatin9 the t$affic alon9 .upite$ St$eet afte$ the 9ates 3e$e opene- in B5##. Sancianco TSN& pp. %E?@"& Oct. %&B5!B>.
In Octobe$& B5#5& the fence at the co$ne$ of O$bit an- Neptune St$eets 3as opene- an- $e(o)e- <,AVA Petition& pa$. %%& E;h. B#>. The openin9 of the 3hole st$etch of O$bit St$eet f$o( ..P. Ri6al A)enue up to I(el-a A)enue an- late$ to .upite$
St$eet 3as a9$ee- to at the confe$ence atten-e- b4 the P$esi-ent of ,AVA in the office of the Station Co((an-e$ of Ma8ati& sub7ect to ce$tain con-itions& to 3it2
That& (aintenance of O$bit St. up to .upite$ St. shall be shoul-e$e- b4 the Municipalit4 of Ma8ati.
That& st$eet li9hts 3ill be installe- an- (aintenance of the sa(e alon9 O$bit St. f$o( ..P. Ri6al A)e. up to .upite$ St. shall be un-e$ta8en b4 the Municipalit4.
That fo$ the secu$it4 of the $esi-ents of San Mi9uel Villa9e an- ,el?Ai$ Villa9e& as a $esult of the openin9 of O$bit St$eet& police outposts shall be const$ucte- b4 the Municipalit4 of Ma8ati to be hea-e- b4 pe$sonnel of Station No. & in close
coo$-ination 3ith the Secu$it4 +ua$-s of San Mi9uel Villa9e an- ,el?Ai$ Villa9e.= <C1. E;h. @ to Counte$?Affi-a)it& of Station Co((an-e$& Rupe$to Acle p. %A@& $eco$-s>= <O$-e$& Ci)il Case No. @5!& E;h. B#?c>.
<B@> Thus& 3ith the openin9 of the enti$e len9th of .upite$ St$eet to public t$affic& the -iffe$ent $esi-ential lots locate- in the no$the$n si-e of .upite$ St$eet cease- to be use- fo$ pu$el4 $esi-ential pu$poses. The4 beca(e& fo$ all pu$poses&
co((e$cial in cha$acte$.
<B> Subse:uentl4& on Octobe$ %5& B5#5& the plaintiffs?appellees .ose D. San9alan9 an- 'ut9a$-a D. San9alan9 b$ou9ht the p$esent action fo$ -a(a9es a9ainst the -efen-ant?appellant A4ala Co$po$ation p$e-icate- on both b$each of
cont$act an- on to$t o$ :uasi?-elict A supple(ental co(plaint 3as late$ file- b4 sai- appellees see8in9 to au9(ent the $eliefs p$a4e- fo$ in the o$i9inal co(plaint because of alle9e- supe$)enin9 e)ents 3hich occu$$e- -u$in9 the t$ial of the case.
Clai(in9 to be si(ila$l4 situate- as the plaintiffs?appellees& the spouses 1eli; C. +aston an- Dolo$es R. +aston& .ose V. ,$iones an- Alicia R. ,$iones& an- the ho(eo3ne$sM association <,AVA> inte$)ene- in the case.
<BA> Afte$ t$ial on the (e$its& the then Cou$t of 1i$st Instance of Ri6al& Pasi9& Met$o Manila& $en-e$e- a -ecision in fa)o$ of the appellees the -ispositi)e po$tion of 3hich is as follo3s2
0HERE1ORE& 7u-9(ent is he$eb4 acco$-in9l4 $en-e$e- as follo3s2
Defen-ant is o$-e$e- to pa4 to the plaintiffs?spouses San9alan9 the follo3in9 -a(a9es2
B. The su( of PA""&"""."" as actual an- conse:uential -a(a9esD
%. The su( of P%&"""&"""."" as (o$al -a(a9esD
@. The su( of PA""&"""."" as e;e(pla$4 -a(a9esD
. The su( of PB""&"""."" as atto$ne4Ms feesD an-
A. The costs of suit.
Defen-ant is o$-e$e- to pa4 to the spouses 1eli; an- Dolo$es +aston& the follo3in9 -a(a9es2
B . The su( of P""&"""."" as conse:uential -a(a9esD
% The su( of PA""&"""."" as (o$al -a(a9esD
@ The su( of PA""&"""."" as e;e(pla$4 -a(a9es2
The su( of PA"&"""."" as atto$ne4Ms feesD an-
A The costs of suit.
Defen-ant is o$-e$e- to pa4 to the spouses .ose an- Alicia ,$iones& the follo3in9 -a(a9es2
B . The su( of P""&"""."" as conse:uential -a(a9esD
% The su( of PA""&"""."" as (o$al -a(a9esD
@ The su( of PA""&"""."" as e;e(pla$4 -a(a9esD
The su( of PA"&"""."" as atto$ne4Ms feesD an-
A The costs of suit.
Defen-ant is o$-e$e- to pa4 inte$)eno$ ,AVA& the follo3in9 -a(a9es2
B. The su( of P""&"""."" as conse:uential -a(a9esD
%. The su( of PA""&"""."" as e;e(pla$4 -a(a9esD
@. The su( of PA"&"""."" as atto$ne4Ms feesD an-
. The costs of suit.
The abo)e -a(a9es a3a$-e- to the plaintiffs an- inte$)eno$s shall bea$ le9al inte$est f$o( the filin9 of the co(plaint.
Defen-ant is fu$the$ o$-e$e- to $esto$eC$econst$uct the pe$i(ete$ 3all at its o$i9inal position in B5EE f$o( Reposo St$eet in the 3est to Go-iac St$eet in the east& at its o3n e;pense& 3ithin SIF <E> MONTHS f$o( finalit4 of 7u-9(ent.
<Reco$- on Appeal& pp. ""?"B> %
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
On appeal& the Cou$t of Appeals @ $en-e$e- a $e)e$sal& an- -ispose- as follo3s2
ACCORDIN+'*& fin-in9 the -ecision appeale- f$o( as not suppo$te- b4 the facts an- the la3 on the (atte$& the sa(e is he$eb4 SET ASIDE an- anothe$ one ente$e- -is(issin9 the case fo$ lac8 of a cause of action. 0ithout p$onounce(ent as
to costs.
II. +.R. No. #@#E
This petition 3as si(ila$l4 b$ou9ht b4 ,AVA to enfo$ce the afo$esai- $est$ictions stipulate- in the -ee-s of sale e;ecute- b4 the A4ala Co$po$ation. The petitione$ o$i9inall4 b$ou9ht the co(plaint in the Re9ional T$ial Cou$t of Ma8ati& A p$incipall4
fo$ specific pe$fo$(ance& plaintiff Kno3& petitione$L alle9in9 that the -efen-ant Kno3& p$i)ate $espon-entL Teno$io allo3e- -efen-ant KTeno$ioMs co?p$i)ate $espon-entL +on6al)es to occup4 an- con)e$t the house at A" .upite$ St$eet& ,el?Ai$ Villa9e&
Ma8ati& Met$o Manila& into a $estau$ant& 3ithout its 8no3le-9e an- consent& an- in )iolation of the -ee- $est$ictions 3hich p$o)i-e that the lot an- buil-in9 the$eon (ust be use- onl4 fo$ $esi-ential pu$poses upon 3hich the p$a4e- fo$ (ain $elief
3as fo$ Mthe -efen-ants to pe$(anentl4 $ef$ain f$o( usin9 the p$e(ises as co((e$cial an- to co(pl4 3ith the te$(s of the Dee- Rest$ictions.= E The t$ial cou$t -is(isse- the co(plaint on a p$oce-u$al 9$oun-& i.e.& pen-enc4 of an I-entical
action& Ci)il Case No. @%@E& entitle- =,el?Ai$ Villa9e Association& Inc. ). .esus Teno$io.= The Cou$t of Appeals # affi$(e-& an- hel-& in a--ition& that .upite$ St$eet =is classifie- as Hi9h -ensit4 co((e$cial <C?@> 6one as pe$ Co(p$ehensi)e
Gonin9 O$-inance No. !B?"B fo$ National Capital Re9ion&= ! follo3in9 its o3n $ulin9 in AC?+.R. No. EEE5& entitle- =,el?Ai$ Villa9e Association& Inc. )s. H4?'an- Realt4 U De)elop(ent Co$po$ation& et al.=
III. +.R. No. #E@5
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Defen-ants?spouses E-ua$-o V. Ro(ual-e6& .$. an- ,uena Tioseco a$e the o3ne$s of a house an- lot locate- at B"! .upite$ St.& Ma8ati& Met$o Manila as e)i-ence- b4 T$ansfe$ Ce$tificate of Title No. @@%@5 of the Re9ist$4 of Dee-s of Ri6al.
The fact is un-ispute- that at the ti(e the -efen-ants ac:ui$e- the sub7ect house an- lot& se)e$al $est$ictions 3e$e al$ea-4 annotate- on the $e)e$se si-e of thei$ titleD ho3e)e$& fo$ pu$poses of this appeal 3e shall :uote he$eun-e$ onl4 the
pe$tinent ones& to 3it2
<b&> This lotCshall be use- onl4 fo$ $esi-ential pu$poses.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
IV. Te$( of Rest$iction
The fo$e9oin9 $est$iction<s> shall $e(ain in fo$ce fo$ fift4 4ea$s f$o( .anua$4 BA& B5A#& unless soone$ cancelle- in its enti$et4 b4 t3o?thi$-s )ote of the (e(be$s in 9oo- stan-in9 of the ,el?Ai$ Association. Ho3e)e$& the Association (a4 f$o( ti(e
to ti(e& a-- ne3 ones& a(en- o$ abolish pa$ticula$ $est$ictions o$ pa$ts the$eof b4 (a7o$it4 $ule.
Du$in9 the ea$l4 pa$t of B5#5& plaintiff note- that ce$tain $eno)ations an- const$uctions 3e$e bein9 (a-e b4 the -efen-ants on the sub7ect p$e(ises& fo$ 3hich $eason the -efen-ants 3e$e a-)ise- to info$( the plaintiff of the 8in- of const$uction
that 3as 9oin9 on. ,ecause the -efen-ants faile- to co(pl4 3ith the $e:uest of the plaintiff& the latte$Ms chief secu$it4 office$ )isite- the sub7ect p$e(ises on Ma$ch %@& B5#5 an- foun- out that the -efen-ants 3e$e puttin9 up a ba8e an- coffee
shop& 3hich fact 3as confi$(e- b4 -efen-ant M$s. Ro(ual-e6 he$self. The$eafte$& the plaintiff $e(in-e- -efen-ants that the4 3e$e )iolatin9 the -ee- $est$iction. Despite sai- $e(in-e$& the -efen-ants p$ocee-e- 3ith the const$uction of the ba8e
shop. Conse:uentl4& plaintiff sent -efen-ants a lette$ -ate- Ap$il @"& B5#5 3a$nin9 the( that if the4 3ill not -esist f$o( usin9 the p$e(ises in :uestion fo$ co((e$cial pu$poses& the4 3ill be sue- fo$ )iolations of the -ee- $est$ictions.
Despite the 3a$nin9& the -efen-ants p$ocee-e- 3ith the const$uction of thei$ ba8e shop. 5
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
The t$ial cou$t B" a-7u-9e- in fa)o$ of ,AVA. On appeal& the Cou$t of Appeals BB $e)e$se-& on the st$en9th of its hol-in9 in AC?+.R. No. EEE5 ea$lie$ $efe$$e- to.
,AVA then ele)ate- the (atte$ to the Cou$t b4 a petition fo$ $e)ie3 on ce$tio$a$i. The Cou$t B% initiall4 -enie- the petition =fo$ lac8 of (e$it& it appea$in9 that the conclusions of the $espon-ent Cou$t of Appeals that p$i)ate $espon-entsM ba8e an-
coffee shop lies 3ithin a co((e$cial 6one an- that sai- p$i)ate $espon-ents a$e $elease- f$o( thei$ obli9ations to (aintain the lot 8no3n as B"! .upite$ St$eet fo$ $esi-ential pu$poses b4 )i$tue of O$-inance No. !B of the Municipalit4 of Ma8ati
an- Co(p$ehensi)e Gonin9 O$-inance No. !B?"B of the Met$opolitan Manila Co((ission& a$e in acco$- 3ith la3 an- 7u$isp$u-ence&= B@ fo$ 3hich ,AVA sou9ht a $econsi-e$ation. Pen-in9 $esolution& the case 3as $efe$$e- to the Secon- Di)ision
of this Cou$t& B an- the$eafte$& to the Cou$t En ,anc en consulta. BA Pe$ ou$ Resolution& -ate- Ap$il %5& B5!!& 3e consoli-ate- this case 3ith +.R. Nos. #@#E an- !%%!B. BE
IV. +.R. No. #!B!%.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
The case ste((e- f$o( the leasin9 b4 -efen-ant Dolo$es 1ille4 of he$ buil-in9 an- lot situate- at No. %"A Reposo St$eet& ,el?Ai$ Villa9e Ma8ati& Met$o Manila to he$ co?-efen-ant& the a-)e$tisin9 fi$( .. Ro(e$o an- Associates& in alle9e-
)iolation of -ee- $est$ictions 3hich stipulate- that 1ille4Ms lot coul- onl4 be use- fo$ $esi-ential pu$poses. Plaintiff sou9ht 7u-9(ent f$o( the lo3e$ cou$t o$-e$in9 the -efen-ants to =pe$(anentl4 $ef$ain= f$o( usin9 the p$e(ises in :uestion =as
co((e$cial= an- to co(pl4 3ith the te$(s of the -ee- $est$ictions.
Afte$ the p$ope$ p$ocee-in9s& the cou$t 9$ante- the plaintiff the sou9ht fo$ $elief 3ith the a--itional i(position of e;e(pla$4 -a(a9es of PA"&"""."" an- atto$ne4Ms fees of PB"&"""."". The t$ial cou$t 9a)e e(phasis to the $est$icti)e clauses
containe- in 1ille4Ms -ee- of sale f$o( the plaintiff& 3hich (a-e the con)e$sion of the buil-in9 into a co((e$cial one a )iolation.
Defen-ants no3 see8 $e)ie3 an- $e)e$sal on th$ee <@> assi9n(ents of e$$o$s& na(el42
Appellants ancho$ thei$ appeal on the p$oposition that the ,el?Ai$ Villa9e a$ea& cont$a$4 to plaintiff? appelleeMs p$etension of bein9 a st$ictl4 $esi-ential 6one& is in fact co((e$cial an- cha$acte$i6e the $est$ictions containe- in appellant 1ille4Ms
-ee- of sale f$o( the appellee as co(pletel4 out(o-e-& 3hich ha)e lost all $ele)ance to the p$esent?-a4 $ealities in Ma8ati& no3 the p$e(ie$ business hub of the nation& 3he$e the$e is a p$olife$ation of nu(e$ous co((e$cial ente$p$ises
establishe- th$ou9h the 4ea$s& in fact e)en 3ithin the hea$t of so?calle- =$esi-ential= )illa9es. Thus& it (a4 be sai- that appellants base thei$ position on the ine;o$able (a$ch of p$o9$ess 3hich has $en-e$e- at nau9ht the continue- efficac4 of
the $est$ictions. Appellant on the othe$ han-& $elies on a $i9i- inte$p$etation of the cont$actual stipulations a9$ee- upon 3ith appellant 1ille4& in effect a$9uin9 that the $est$ictions a$e )ali- a- infinitu(.
The lo3e$ cou$t :uite p$ope$l4 foun- that othe$ co((e$cial establish(ents e;ist in the sa(e a$ea <in fact& on the sa(e st$eet> but i9no$e- it 7ust the sa(e an- sai-?
The fact that -efen-ants 3e$e able to p$o)e the e;istence of se)e$al co((e$cial establish(ents insi-e the )illa9e -oes not e;e(pt the( f$o( liabilit4 fo$ )iolatin9 so(e of the $est$ictions e)i-entl4 choosin9 to acco$- p$i(ac4 to cont$actual
stipulation. B#
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
The Cou$t of Appeals B! o)e$tu$ne- the lo3e$ cou$t& B5 li8e3ise base- on AC?+.R. No. EEE5. The $espon-ent Cou$t obse$)e- also that .. Ro(e$o U Associates ha- been 9i)en autho$it4 to open a co((e$cial office b4 the Hu(an Settle(ents
Re9ulato$4 Co((ission.
V. +.R. No. !%%!B
The facts of this case ha)e been base- on stipulation. 0e :uote2
COMES NO0& the Pa$ties& assiste- b4 thei$ $especti)e counsel an- to this Hono$able Cou$t& $espectfull4 ente$ into the follo3in9 stipulations of facts& to 3it2
B. The pa$ties a-(it the pe$sonal ci$cu(stances of each othe$ as 3ell as thei$ capacities to sue an- be sue-.
%. The pa$ties a-(it that plaintiff ,AVA fo$ sho$t> is the le9all4 constitute- ho(eo3ne$sM association in ,el?Ai$ Sub-i)ision& Ma8ati& Met$o Manila.
@. The pa$ties a-(it that -efen-ant Violets Moncal is the $e9iste$e- o3ne$ of a pa$cel of lan- 3ith a $esi-ential house const$ucte- the$eon situate- at No. B" .upite$ St$eet& ,el?Ai$ Villa9e& Ma8ati& Met$o ManilaD that as such lot o3ne$&
she is a (e(be$ of the plaintiff association.
. The pa$ties a-(it that -efen-ant Ma7al De)elop(ent Co$po$ation <Ma7al fo$ sho$t> is the lessee of -efen-ant MoncalMs house an- lot locate- at No. B" .upite$ St$eet.
A. The pa$ties a-(it that a -ee- $est$ictions is annotate- on the title of -efen-ant Moncal& 3hich p$o)i-es& a(on9 othe$s& that the lot in :uestion (ust be use- onl4 fo$ $esi-ential pu$posesDM that at ti(e Moncal pu$chase- he$ afo$esai-
lot in B5A5 sai- -ee- $est$ictions 3as al$ea-4 annotate- in the sai- title.
E. The pa$ties a-(it that 3hen Moncal lease- he$ sub7ect p$ope$t4 to Ma7al& she -i- not secu$e the consent of ,AVA to lease the sai- house an- lot to the p$esent lessee.
#. The pa$ties a-(it that alon9 .upite$ St$eet an- on the sa(e si-e 3he$e MoncalMs p$ope$t4 is locate-& the$e a$e $estau$ants& clinics place(ent o$ e(plo4(ent a9encies an- othe$ co((e$cial o$ business establish(ents. These
establish(ents& ho3e)e$& 3e$e sue- b4 ,AVA in the p$ope$ cou$t.
!. The pa$ties a-(it that at the ti(e Moncal pu$chase- the sub7ect p$ope$t4 f$o( the Ma8ati De)elop(ent Co$po$ation& the$e 3as a pe$i(ete$ 3all& $unnin9 alon9 .upite$ St$eet& 3hich 3all 3as const$ucte- b4 the sub-i)ision o3ne$D
that at that ti(e the 9ates of the ent$ances to .upite$ St$eet 3e$e close- to public t$affic. In sho$t& the enti$e len9th of .upite$ 3hich 3as insi-e the pe$i(ete$ 3all 3as not then open to public t$affic
5. The pa$ties a-(it that subse:uent the$eto& A4ala to$e -o3n the pe$i(ete$ 3all to 9i)e 3a4 to the co((e$cial buil-in9 f$ontin9 ,uen-ia A)enue <no3 +il .. Pu4at A)enue>.
B". The pa$ties a-(it that on Au9ust B%& B5##& the Ma4o$ of Ma8ati fo$cibl4 opene- an- $e(o)e- the st$eet 9ates const$ucte- on .upite$ St$eet an- Reposo St$eet& the$eb4 openin9 sai- st$eets to the public.
BB. The pa$ties a-(it plaintiffs lette$s of Octobe$ B"& %@ an- @B& B5!D as 3ell as -efen-antsM lette$s?$epl4 -ate- Octobe$ B# an- %5& B5!. %"
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
The t$ial cou$t %B -is(isse- the petitione$Ms co(plaint& a -is(issal affi$(e- on appeal& %% Acco$-in9 to the appellate cou$t& the openin9 of .upite$ St$eet to hu(an an- )ehicula$ t$affic& an- the co((e$ciali6ation of the Municipalit4 of Ma8ati in
9ene$al& 3e$e ci$cu(stances that ha- (a-e co(pliance b4 Moncal 3ith the afo$esai- =-ee- $est$ictions= =e;t$e(el4 -ifficult an- un$easonable&= %@ a -e)elop(ent that ha- e;cuse- co(pliance alto9ethe$ un-e$ A$ticle B%E# of the Ci)il Co-e.
VI. The cases befo$e the Cou$tD the Cou$tMs -ecision.
In b$ief& +.R. Nos. #@#E& #E@5& #!B!%& an- !%%!B a$e effo$ts to enfo$ce the =-ee- $est$ictions= in :uestion a9ainst specific $esi-ents <p$i)ate $espon-ents in the petitions> of .upite$ St$eet an- 3ith $espect to +.R. No. #!B!%& Reposo St$eet.
The p$i)ate $espon-ents a$e alle9e- to ha)e con)e$te- thei$ $esi-ences into co((e$cial establish(ents <a $estau$ant in +.R. No. #@#E& a ba8e$4 an- coffee shop in +.R. No. #E@5& an a-)e$tisin9 fi$( in +.R. No. #!B!%D an- a const$uction
co(pan4& appa$entl4& in +.R. No. !%%!B> in )iolation of the sai- $est$ictions. %
Thei$ (othe$ case& +. R. No. #BBE5 is& on the othe$ han-& a petition to hol- the )en-o$ itself& A4ala Co$po$ation <fo$(e$l4 Ma8ati De)elop(ent Co$po$ation>& liable fo$ tea$in9 -o3n the pe$i(ete$ 3all alon9 .upite$ St$eet that ha- the$efo$e close-
its co((e$cial section f$o( the $esi-ences of ,el?Ai$ Villa9e an- ushe$in9 in& as a conse:uence& the full =co((e$ciali6ation= of .upite$ St$eet& in )iolation of the )e$4 $est$ictions it ha- autho$e-.
As 0e in-icate-& the Cou$t of Appeals -is(isse- all fi)e appeals on the basis p$i(a$il4 of its $ulin9 in AC?+.R. No. EEE5& =,el?Ai$ Villa9e& Inc. ). H4?'an- Realt4 De)elop(ent Co$po$ation& et al.&= in 3hich the appellate cou$t e;plicitl4 $e7ecte-
clai(s un-e$ the sa(e M-ee- $est$ictions= as a $esult of O$-inance No. !B enacte- b4 the +o)e$n(ent of the Municipalit4 of Ma8ati& as 3ell as Co(p$ehensi)e Gonin9 O$-inance No. !B"B p$o(ul9ate- b4 the Met$opolitan Manila Co((ission&
3hich t3o o$-inances alle9e-l4 allo3e- the use of .upite$ St$eet both fo$ $esi-ential an- co((e$cial pu$poses. It 3as li8e3ise hel- that these t3in (easu$es 3e$e )ali- as a le9iti(ate e;e$cise of police po3e$.
The Cou$t of AppealsM $eliance on O$-inance Nos. !B. an- !B"B is no3 assaile- in these petitions& pa$ticula$l4 the San9alan9& et al. petition.
Asi-e f$o( this fun-a(ental issue& the petitione$s li8e3ise $aise p$oce-u$al :uestions. +.R. No. #BBE5& the (othe$ case& be9ins 3ith one.
B. +.R. No. #BBE5
In this petition& the follo3in9 :uestions a$e specificall4 put to the Cou$t2
Ma4 the Hono$able Inte$(e-iate Appellate Cou$t $e)e$se the -ecision of the t$ial cou$t on issues 3hich 3e$e neithe$ $aise- b4 A*A'A in its Ans3e$s eithe$ to the Co(plaint o$ Supple(ental Co(plaint no$ specificall4 assi9ne- as one of the
alle9e- e$$o$s on appealW %A
Ma4 the Hono$able Inte$(e-iate Appellate Cou$t a$bit$a$il4 i9no$e the -ecisi)e fin-in9s of fact of the t$ial cou$t& e)en if uncont$a-icte- an-Co$ -ocu(ente-& an- p$e(ise- (ainl4 on its o3n unsuppo$te- conclusions totall4 $e)e$se the t$ial cou$tMs
-ecisionW %E
Ma4 the Hono$able Inte$(e-iate Appellate Cou$t -is$e9a$- the t$ial cou$tMs -ocu(ente- fin-in9s that $espon-ent A4ala fo$ its o3n self?inte$est an- co((e$cial pu$poses cont$i)e- in ba- faith to -o a3a4 3ith the .upite$ St$eet pe$i(ete$ 3all it
put up th$ee ti(es 3hich 3all 3as $eall4 inten-e- to sepa$ate the $esi-ential f$o( the co((e$cial a$eas an- the$eb4 insu$e the p$i)ac4 an- secu$it4 of ,el Ai$ Villa9e pu$suant to $espon-ent A4alaMs e;p$ess continuin9 $ep$esentation an-Co$
co)enant to -o soW %#
The fi$st :uestion $ep$esents an attac8 on the appellate cou$tMs $eliance on O$-inances Nos. !B an- !B?"B& a (atte$ not suppose-l4 ta8en up at the t$ial o$ assi9ne- as an e$$o$ on appeal. As a $ule& the Cou$t of Appeals <then the Inte$(e-iate
Appellate Cou$t> (a4 -ete$(ine onl4 such :uestions as ha)e been p$ope$l4 $aise- to it& 4et& this is not an infle;ible $ule of p$oce-u$e. In He$nan-e6 ). An-al& %! it 3as state- that =an unassi9ne- e$$o$ closel4 $elate- to an e$$o$ p$ope$l4
assi9ne-& o$ upon 3hich the -ete$(ination of the :uestion $aise- b4 the e$$o$ p$ope$l4 assi9ne- is -epen-ent& 3ill be consi-e$e- b4 the appellate cou$t not3ithstan-in9 the failu$e to assi9n it as e$$o$.= %5
In ,a:ui$an ). Cou$t of Appeals& @" 3e $efe$$e- to the = (o-e$n t$en- of p$oce-u$e . . . acco$-in9L the cou$ts b$oa- -isc$etiona$4 po3e$= @B an- in 3hich 3e allo3e- consi-e$ation of (atte$s =ha)in9 so(e bea$in9 on the issue sub(itte- 3hich
the pa$ties faile- to $aise o$ the lo3e$ cou$t i9no$eK-L. @% An- in V-a. -e .a)ellana ). Cou$t of Appeals& @@ 3e pe$(itte- the consi-e$ation of a Mpatent e$$o$M of the t$ial cou$t b4 the Cou$t of Appeals un-e$ Section #& of Rule AB& of the Rules of
Cou$t& @ althou9h such an e$$o$ ha- not been $aise- in the b$ief. ,ut 3hat 3e note is the fact that the A4ala Co$po$ation -i- $aise the 6onin9 (easu$es as affi$(ati)e -efenses& fi$st in its ans3e$s @A an- secon-& in its b$ief& @E an- sub(itte- at
the t$ial as e;hibits. @# The$e is acco$-in9l4 no cause fo$ co(plaint on the pa$t of the petitione$s fo$ A4alaMs )iolation of the Rules. ,ut 3hile the$e 3as $eason fo$ the consi-e$ation& on appeal& of the sai- 6onin9 o$-inances in :uestion& this Cou$t
ne)e$theless fin-s as inaccu$ate the Cou$t of AppealsM hol-in9 that such (easu$es& ha- =in effect& K(a-eL .upite$ St$eet ... a st$eet 3hich coul- be use- not onl4 fo$ $esi-ential pu$poses&= @! an- that =KIt lost its cha$acte$ as a st$eet fo$ the
e;clusi)e benefit of those $esi-in9 in ,el?Ai$ Villa9e co(pletel4.= @5
A(on9 othe$ thin9s& the$e is a $eco9nition un-e$ both O$-inances Nos. !B an- ! B?"B that .upite$ St$eet lies as the boun-a$4 bet3een ,el?Ai$ Villa9e an- A4ala Co$po$ationMs co((e$cial section. An- since B5A#& it ha- been consi-e$e- as a
boun-a$4 not as a pa$t of eithe$ the $esi-ential o$ co((e$cial 6ones of A4ala Co$po$ationMs $eal estate -e)elop(ent p$o7ects. Thus& the ,el?Ai$ Villa9e AssociationMs a$ticles of inco$po$ation state that ,el?Ai$ Villa9e is Mboun-e- on the NE.& f$o(
A(apola St.& to -e los Santos A)e.& b4 Est$ella St.& on the SE f$o( E;t$ella St.& to Pe-est$ian 'ane b4 E. De los Santos A)e.& on the S0.& f$o( Pe-est$ian 'ane to Reposo St.& b4 .upite$ St$eet
. . . . " Hence& it cannot be sai- to ha)e been =fo$ the e;clusi)e benefit= of ,el?Ai$ Villa9e $esi-ents.
0e co(e to the pe$i(ete$ 3all then stan-in9 on the co((e$cial si-e of .upite$ St$eet the -est$uction of 3hich opene- the st$eet to the public. The petitione$s conten- that the openin9 of the tho$ou9hfa$e ha- opene-& in tu$n& the floo-9ates to
the co((e$ciali6ation of ,el?Ai$ Villa9e. The 3all& so the4 alle9e& 3as -esi9ne- p$ecisel4 to p$otect the peace an- p$i)ac4 of ,el?Ai$ Villa9e $esi-ents f$o( the -in an- up$oa$ of (e$cantile pu$suits& an- that the A4ala Co$po$ation ha- co((itte-
itself to (aintain it. It 3as the opinion of the Cou$t of Appeals& as 3e sai-& that A4alaMs liabilit4 the$efo$& if one e;iste-& ha- been o)e$ta8en b4 the passa9e of O$-inances Nos. !B an- !%?"B& openin9 .upite$ St$eet to co((e$ce.
It is ou$ $ulin9& 3e $eite$ate& that .upite$ St$eet lies as a (e$e boun-a$4& a fact ac8no3le-9e- b4 the autho$ities of Ma8ati an- the National +o)e$n(ent an-& as a sc$utin4 of the $eco$-s the(sel)es $e)eals& b4 the petitione$s the(sel)es& as the
a$ticles of inco$po$ation of ,el?Ai$ Villa9e Association itself 3oul- confi$(. As a conse:uence& .upite$ St$eet 3as inten-e- fo$ the use b4 both ?the co((e$cial an- $esi-ential bloc8s. It 3as not o$i9inall4 const$ucte-& the$efo$e& fo$ the e;clusi)e
use of eithe$ bloc8& least of all the $esi-ents of ,el?Ai$ Villa9e& but& 3e $epeat& in fa)o$ of both& as -istin9uishe- f$o( the 9ene$al public.
0hen the 3all 3as e$ecte- in B5EE an- $ebuilt t3ice& in B5#" an- B5#%& it 3as not fo$ the pu$pose of ph4sicall4 sepa$atin9 the t3o bloc8s. Acco$-in9 to A4ala Co$po$ation& it 3as put up to enable the ,el?Ai$ Villa9e Association =bette$ cont$ol of
the secu$it4 in the a$ea& B an- as the A4ala Co$po$ationMs =sho3 of 9oo-3ill = % a )ie3 3e fin- acceptable in the p$e(ises. 1o$ it cannot be -enie- that at that ti(e& the co((e$cial a$ea 3as )acant& =open fo$ KsicL ani(als an- people to ha)e
access to ,el?Ai$ Villa9e.= @ The$e 3as hence a necessit4 fo$ a 3all.
In an4 case& 3e fin- the petitione$sM theo$4& that (aintainin9 the 3all 3as a (atte$ of a cont$actual obli9ation on the pa$t of A4ala& to be pu$e con7ectu$e. The $eco$-s -o not establish the e;istence of such a pu$po$te- co((it(ent. 1o$ one& the
sub-i)ision plans sub(itte- -i- not (ention an4thin9 about it. 1o$ anothe$& the$e is nothin9 in the =-ee- $est$ictions= that 3oul- point to an4 co)enant $e9a$-in9 the const$uction of a 3all. The$e is no $ep$esentation o$ p$o(ise 3hatsoe)e$ the$ein
to that effect.
0ith the const$uction of the co((e$cial buil-in9s in B5#& the $eason fo$ 3hich the 3all 3as built? to secu$e ,el?Ai$ Villa9e f$o( inte$lope$s ha- natu$all4 cease- to e;ist. The buil-in9s the(sel)es ha- p$o)i-e- fo$(i-able cu$tains of secu$it4 fo$
the $esi-ents. It shoul- be note- that the co((e$cial lot bu4e$s the(sel)es 3e$e fo$ce- to -e(olish pa$ts of the 3all to 9ain access to .upite$ St$eet& 3hich the4 ha- afte$ all e:ual $i9ht to use.
In fine& 3e cannot hol- the A4ala Co$po$ation liable fo$ -a(a9es fo$ a co((it(ent it -i- not (a8e& (uch less fo$ alle9e- $eso$t to (achinations in e)a-in9 it. The $eco$-s& on the cont$a$4& 3ill sho3 that the ,el?Ai$ Villa9e Association ha- been
info$(e-& at the )e$4 outset& about the i(pen-in9 use of .upite$ St$eet b4 co((e$cial lot bu4e$s. 0e :uote2
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
B. E;h. I of appellee& the (e(o$an-u( of M$. Ca$(elo Calua9& P$esi-ent of ,AVA& -ate- Ma4 B"& B5#%& info$(in9 the ,AVA ,oa$- of +o)e$no$s an- ,a$$io Council (e(be$s about the futu$e use of .upite$ St$eet b4 the lot o3ne$s
f$ontin9 ,uen-ia A)enue. The use of .upite$ St$eet b4 the o3ne$s of the co((e$cial lots 3oul- necessa$il4 $e:ui$e the -e(olition of the 3all alon9 the co((e$cial bloc8 a-7oinin9 .upite$ St$eet.
%. E;h. . of appellee& the (inutes of the 7oint (eetin9 of ,AVA ,oa$- of +o)e$no$s an- the ,el?Ai$ ,a$$io Council 3he$e the (atte$ that =,uen-ia lot o3ne$s 3ill ha)e e:ual $i9hts to use .upite$ St$eet&= an- that A4alaMs =plans about the
sale of lots an- use of .upite$ St$eet= 3e$e p$ecisel4 ta8en up. This confi$(s that f$o( the sta$t ,AVA 3as info$(e- that the co((e$cial lot o3ne$s 3ill use .upite$ St$eet an- that necessa$il4 the 3all alon9 .upite$ St$eet 3oul- be -e(olishe-.
@. E;h. B"& the lette$ of M$. De(et$io Copu4oc to the P$esi-ent of ,AVA& -ate- Ma4 BE& B5#%& e;p$essl4 statin9 that )ehicula$ ent$ance an- e;it to the co((e$cial lots 3oul- be allo3e- alon9 .upite$ an- si-e st$eets.
. E;hs. %#& %#?A& %#?,& the lette$ of Att4. Sal)a-o$ .. 'o$a4es -ate- .une @"& B5#%& 3ith enclose- cop4 of p$opose- $est$iction fo$ the co((e$cial lots to ,AVA. He p$opose- $est$iction a9ain e;p$essl4 state- that =Vehicula$ ent$ances
an- e;its a$e allo3e- th$u .upite$ an- an4 si-e st$eets.=
A. E;h. ' of appellee& the (inutes of the (eetin9 of the (e(be$s of ,AVA& -ate- Au9ust %E& B5#%& 3he$e it is state- =Recentl4& A4ala Co$po$ation info$(e- the ,oa$- that the lots f$ontin9 ,uen-ia A)enue 3ill soon be offe$e- fo$ sale&
an- that futu$e lot o3ne$s 3ill be 9i)en e:ual $i9hts to use .upite$ St$eet as 3ell as (e(be$s of the Association.=
E. E;h. %A& the lette$ of Att4. 'o$a4es -ate- Septe(be$ %A& B5#%& info$(in9 ,AVA of the 3i-enin9 of .upite$ St$eet b4 @.A (ete$s to i(p$o)e t$affic flo3 in sai- st$eet to benefit both the $esi-ents of ,el?Ai$ an- the futu$e o3ne$s of the
co((e$cial lots.
The petitione$s cannot successfull4 $el4 on the alle9e- p$o(ise b4 De(et$io Copu4oc& A4alaMs (ana9e$& to buil- a =KfLence alon9 .upite$ 3ith 9ate fo$ ent$ance an-Co$ e;it A as e)i-ence of A4alaMs alle9e- continuin9 obli9ation to (aintain a 3all
bet3een the $esi-ential an- co((e$cial sections. It shoul- be obse$)e- that the fence $efe$$e- to inclu-e- a =9ate fo$ ent$ance an- o$ e;it= 3hich 3oul- ha)e -efeate- the pu$pose of a 3all& in the sense the petitione$s 3oul- put in one& that is to
sa4& an i(penet$able ba$$ie$. ,ut as A4ala 3oul- point out subse:uentl4& the p$opose- fence 3as not const$ucte- because it ha- beco(e unnecessa$4 3hen the co((e$cial lot o3ne$s co((ence- const$uctions the$eon.
,e that as it (a4& the Cou$t cannot )isuali6e an4 pu$po$te- obli9ation b4 A4ala Co$po$ation to 8eep the 3all on the st$en9th of this suppose- p$o(ise alone. If t$ul4 A4ala p$o(ise- an4thin9 assu(in9 that Capu4oc 3as autho$i6e- to bin- the
co$po$ation 3ith a p$o(ise it 3oul- ha)e been 3ith $espect to the fence. It 3oul- not ha)e establishe- the p$e?e;istin9 obli9ation alle9e- 3ith $espect to the 3all.
Obli9ations a$ise& a(on9 othe$ thin9s& f$o( cont$act. E If A4ala& then& 3e$e boun- b4 an obli9ation& it 3oul- ha)e been pu$suant to a cont$act. A cont$act& ho3e)e$& is cha$acte$i6e- b4 a =(eetin9 of (in-s bet3een t3o pe$sons . # As a
consensual $elation& it (ust be sho3n to e;ist as a fact& clea$l4 an- con)incin9l4. ,ut it cannot be infe$$e- f$o( a (ish(ash of ci$cu(stances alone -isclosin9 so(e 8in- of an =un-e$stan-in9&= 3hen especiall4& those -ispa$ate ci$cu(stances
a$e not the(sel)es inco(patible 3ith contentions that no acco$- ha- e;iste- o$ ha- been $eache-. !
The petitione$s cannot si(pl4 assu(e that the 3all 3as the$e fo$ the pu$pose 3ith 3hich the4 no3 9i)e it& b4 the ba$e coinci-ence that it ha- -i)i-e- the $esi-ential bloc8 f$o( the co((e$cial section of ,el?Ai$. The bu$-en of p$oof $ests 3ith
the( to sho3 that it ha- in-ee- been built p$ecisel4 fo$ that ob7ecti)e& a p$oof that (ust satisf4 the $e:ui$e(ents of ou$ $ules of e)i-ence. It cannot be (a-e to stan- on the st$en9th of plain infe$ences.
This li8e3ise ans3e$s the petitione$sM secon- :ue$4& 3hethe$ o$ not the Cou$t of Appeals ha- =a$bit$a$il4 i9no$e<-> the -ecisi)e fin-in9s of the t$ial cou$t.= 5 i.e.& fin-in9s pointin9 to alle9e- acts pe$fo$(e- b4 the A4ala Co$po$ation p$o)in9 its
co((it(ent to (aintain the 3all abo)esai-. Specificall4& the petitione$s $efe$ to& a(on9 othe$ thin9s2 <B> A4alaMs alle9e- announce(ent to ,el? Ai$ Villa9e Association (e(be$s that =Kthe pe$i(ete$ 3all alon9 .upite$ St$eet 3ill not be
-e(olishe-&= A" <%> A4alaMs alle9e- co((it(ent =-u$in9 the pen-enc4 of the case in the t$ial cou$t= to $esto$e the 3allD <@> alle9e- assu$ances b4 Copu4oc that the 3all 3ill not be $e(o)e-D <> alle9e- cont$i)ances b4 the co$po$ation to (a8e the
association a-(it as (e(be$s the co((e$cial lot bu4e$s 3hich p$o)i-e- the( e:ual access to .upite$ St$eetD an- <A> A4alaMs -onation to the association of .upite$ St$eet fo$ =p$i)ate use= of ,el?Ai$ $esi-ents. AB
E!% <B5"@>& 3he$e it 3as hel- that =3hethe$ the plaintiffs se$)ices 3e$e solicite- o$ 3hethe$ the4 3e$e offe$e- to the -efen-ant fo$ his assistance& inas(uch as these se$)ices 3e$e accepte- an- (a-e use of b4 the latte$& 3e (ust consi-e$ that
the$e 3as a tacit an- (utual consent as to the $en-ition of se$)ices.= <At E!E.> In that case& the -efen-ant ha- eno$(ousl4 benefitte- f$o( the se$)ices that entitle- the plaintiff to co(pensation on the theo$4 that no one (a4 un7ustl4 en$ich
hi(self at the e;pense of anothe$ <Solutio in-ebiti> The facts of this case -iffe$.
As 3e state-& the A4ala Co$po$ationMs alle9e- con-uct p$io$ to o$ -u$in9 the p$ocee-in9s belo3 a$e not necessa$il4 at 3a$ 3ith clai(s that no co((it(ent ha- been in fact (a-e.
0ith $espect to A4alaMs alle9e- announce(ent befo$e the association& the Cou$t -oes not a9$ee that A4ala ha- cate9o$icall4 assu(e- as an obli9ation to (aintain the 3all =pe$petuall4&= i.e.& until the 4ea$ %""# <the e;pi$ation -ate un-e$ the
=-ee- $est$ictions.=> The$e is nothin9 in its state(ent that 3oul- ba$e an4 co((it(ent. In connection 3ith the confe$ence bet3een the pa$ties =-u$in9 the pen-enc4= of the t$ial& it is to be note- that the A4ala Co$po$ation -enies ha)in9 3a$$ante-
the $esto$ation of the sai- 3all the$ein. 0hat& on the othe$ han-& appea$s in the $eco$-s is the fact that A4ala -i- (a8e that p$o(ise& but p$o)i-e- that the Ma4o$ allo3e- it. It tu$ne- out& ho3e)e$& that the Ma4o$ bal8e- at the I-ea. A% ,ut
assu(in9 that A4ala -i- p$o(ise to $ebuil- the 3all <in that confe$ence>& it -oes not see( to us that it -i- conse:uentl4 p$o(ise to (aintain it in pe$petuit4.
It is unfai$ to sa4& as the t$ial cou$t -i-& that the A4ala ha- =cont$i)e- to (a8e futu$e co((e$cial lot o3ne$s special (e(be$s of ,AVA an- the$eb4 ac:ui$e e:ual $i9ht 3ith the $e9ula$ (e(be$s the$eof to use .upite$ St$eet A@ since& as 3e state-&
the co((e$cial lot bu4e$s ha)e the $i9ht& in an4 e)ent& to (a8e use of .upite$ St$eet& 3hethe$ o$ not the4 a$e (e(be$s of the association. It is not thei$ (e(be$ships that 9i)e the( the $i9ht to use it. The4 sha$e that $i9ht 3ith ,el?Ai$ $esi-ents
f$o( the outset.
The ob7ecti)e of (a8in9 the co((e$cial lot o3ne$s special (e(be$s of the ,el?Ai$ Villa9e Association 3as not to acco$- the( e:ual access to .upite$ St$eet an- infe$entiall4& to 9i)e the( the $i9ht to 8noc8 -o3n the pe$i(ete$ 3all. It 3as&
$athe$& to $e9ulate the use of the st$eet o3in9 p$ecisel4 to the =planne-= natu$e of A4alaMs -e)elop(ent p$o7ect& an- $eal estate -e)elop(ent in 9ene$al& an- this coul- best be -one b4 placin9 the co((e$cial lot o3ne$s un-e$ the associationMs
Mo$eo)e$& A4alaMs o)e$tu$es 3ith the association conce$nin9 the (e(be$ship of co((e$cial lot bu4e$s the$ein ha)e been sho3n to be neithe$ pe$fi-ious no$ unethical no$ -e)ious <pa$aph$asin9 the lo3e$ cou$t>. 0e :uote ane32
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
<#> On .une @"& B5#%& appellant info$(e- ,AVA that in a fe3 (onths it shall sub-i)i-e an- sell the co((e$cial lots bo$-e$in9 the no$th si-e of ,uen-ia A)enue E;tension f$o( Reposo St$eet up to Go-iac St$eet. Appellant also info$(e-
,AVA that it ha- ta8en all p$ecautions an- 3ill i(pose upon the co((e$cial lot o3ne$s -ee- $est$ictions 3hich 3ill ha$(oni6e an- blen- 3ith the -e)elop(ent an- 3elfa$e of ,el?Ai$ Villa9e. Appellant fu$the$ applie- fo$ special (e(be$ship in
,AVA of the co((e$cial lot o3ne$s. A cop4 of the -ee- $est$ictions fo$ the co((e$cial lots 3as also enclose-. The p$opose- -ee- $est$ictions shall inclu-e the B5 (ete$ set bac8 of buil-in9s f$o( .upite$ St$eet& the $e:ui$e(ent fo$ pa$8in9 space
3ithin the lot of one <B> pa$8in9 slot fo$ e)e$4 se)ent4 fi)e <#A> (ete$s of office space in the buil-in9 an- the li(itation of )ehicula$ t$affic alon9 ,uen-ia to ent$ance onl4& but allo3in9 both )ehicula$ ent$ance an- )ehicula$ e;it th$ou9h .upite$
St$eet an- an4 si-e st$eet.
In its lette$ of .ul4 B"& B5#%& ,AVA ac8no3le-9e- the abo)e lette$ of appellant an- info$(e- the latte$ that the application fo$ special (e(be$ship of the co((e$cial lot o3ne$s in ,AVA 3oul- be sub(itte- to ,AVAMs boa$- of 9o)e$no$s fo$
<!> On Septe(be$ %A&B5#%& appellant notifie- ,AVA that& afte$ a ca$eful stu-4& it 3as finall4 -eci-e- that the hei9ht li(itation of buil-in9s on the co((e$cial lots shall be inc$ease- f$o( B%.A (ete$s to BA (ete$s. Appellant fu$the$
info$(e- ,AVA that .upite$ St$eet shall be 3i-ene- b4 @.A (ete$s to i(p$o)e t$affic flo3 in sai- st$eet. ,AVA -i- not $epl4 to sai- lette$& but on .anua$4 %%& B5#@& ,AVA 3$ote a lette$ to the appellant info$(in9 the latte$ that the Association ha-
assesse- the appellant& as special (e(be$ of the association& the a(ount of P"&#5A."" <base- on !B&A5" s:ua$e (ete$s at P.A" pe$ s:ua$e (ete$> $ep$esentin9 the (e(be$ship -ues of the co((e$cial lot o3ne$s fo$ the 4ea$ B5#@& an-
$e:ueste- the appellant to $e(it the a(ount 3hich its boa$- of 9o)e$no$s ha- al$ea-4 inclu-e- in its cu$$ent bu-9et. In $epl4& appellant on .anua$4 @B& B5#@ info$(e- ,AVA that -ue to the 3i-enin9 of .upite$ St$eet& the a$ea of the lots 3hich
3e$e accepte- b4 the Association as (e(be$s 3as $e-uce- to #E&#%E s:ua$e (ete$s. Thus& the co$$espon-in9 -ue at P.A" pe$ s:ua$e (ete$ shoul- be $e-uce- to P@!&@E@."". This a(ount& the$efo$e& 3as $e(itte- b4 the appellant to ,AVA.
Since then& the latte$ has been collectin9 (e(be$ship -ues f$o( the o3ne$s of the co((e$cial lots as special (e(be$s of the Association. As a (atte$ of fact& the -ues 3e$e inc$ease- se)e$al ti(es. In B5!"& the co((e$cial lot o3ne$s 3e$e
al$ea-4 bein9 cha$9e- -ues at the $ate of P@."" pe$ s:ua$e (ete$. <Do(in9o& TSN& p. @E& Ma$ch B5& B5!">. At this $ate& the total (e(be$ship -ues of the co((e$cial lot o3ne$s a(ount to P%@"&B#!."" annuall4 base- on the total a$ea of #E&#%E
s:ua$e (ete$s of the co((e$cial lots. A
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
The alle9e- un-e$ta8in9& finall4& b4 A4ala in the -ee- of -onation <o)e$ .upite$ St$eet> to lea)e .upite$ St$eet fo$ the p$i)ate use of ,el?Ai$ $esi-ents is belie- b4 the )e$4 p$o)isions of the -ee-. 0e :uote2
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
IV. That the offe$ (a-e b4 the DONOR ha- been accepte- b4 the DONEE sub7ect to the con-ition that the p$ope$t4 3ill be use- as a st$eet fo$ the use of the (e(be$s of the DONEE& thei$ fa(ilies& pe$sonnel& 9uests& -o(estic help
an-& un-e$ ce$tain $easonable con-itions an- $est$ictions& b4 the 9ene$al public& an- in the e)ent that sai- lots o$ pa$ts the$eof cease to be use- as such& o3ne$ship the$eof shall auto(aticall4 $e)e$t to the DONOR. The DONEE shall al3a4s
ha)e Reposo St$eet& Ma8ati A)enue& an- Paseo -e Ro;as open fo$ the use of the 9ene$al public. It is also un-e$stoo- that the DONOR shall continue the (aintenance of the st$eet at its e;pense fo$ a pe$io- of th$ee 4ea$s f$o( -ate he$eof.=
<Dee- of Donation& p. E& E;h. #> AA
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
The -onation& on the cont$a$4& 9a)e the 9ene$al public e:ual $i9ht to it.
The Cou$t cannot then sa4& acceptin9 the )e$acit4 of the petitione$sM facts= enu(e$ate- abo)e& that the A4ala Co$po$ation (a4 be hel- liable fo$ specific pe$fo$(ance of a -e(an-able obli9ation& let alone -a(a9es.
The Cou$t a--s that A4ala can ha$-l4 be hel- $esponsible fo$ the alle9e- -ete$io$ation of =li)in9 an- en)i$on(ental con-itions= AE of the ,el?Ai$ a$ea& as a conse:uence of =A4alaMs autho$i6e- -e(olition of the .upite$ pe$i(ete$ 3all in B5#?
B5#A. = A# 0e a9$ee 3ith A4ala that until B5#E& =the$e 3as peace an- :uiet= at .upite$ St$eet& as the petitione$sM <San9alan9& +aston& an- ,$iones> co(plaints a-(it. Hence& the -e9ene$ation of peace an- o$-e$ in ,el?Ai$ cannot be asc$ibe- to
the -est$uction of the 3all in B5# an- B5#A.
0hat A4ala sub(its as the $eal cause 3as the openin9 of .upite$ St$eet to )ehicula$ t$affic in B5##.& A! ,ut this 3as upon o$-e$s of the Ma4o$& an- fo$ 3hich the ho(eo3ne$sM association ha- p$ecisel4 file- suit <Ci)il Case No. @55!> A5 to
contest the act of the Ma4o$.
This li8e3ise -isposes of the thi$- :uestion p$esente-. The petitione$sM $eliance on A4alaMs alle9e- con-uct <p$o)in9 its alle9e- co((it(ent>& so 3e ha)e $ule-& is not 3ell?ta8en. A4alaMs alle9e- acts -o not& b4 the(sel)es& $eflect a co((it(ent
to (aintain the 3all in -ispute. It cannot be the$efo$e sai- that the Cou$t of Appeals =a$bit$a$il4 i9no$e<-L= E" the lo3e$ cou$tMs fin-in9s. P$ecisel4& it is the -ut4 of the appellate cou$t to $e)ie3 the fin-in9s of the t$ial 7u-9e& be the4 of fact o$ la3. EB
It is not boun- b4 the conclusions of the 7u-9e& fo$ 3hich $eason it (a8es its o3n fin-in9s an- a$$i)es at its o3n conclusions. Unless a 9$a)e abuse of -isc$etion (a4 be i(pute- to it& it (a4 accept o$ $e7ect the lo3e$ t$ibunalMs -ete$(inations an-
$el4 solel4 on the $eco$-s.
Acco$-in9l4& the Cou$t affi$(s the Cou$t of AppealsM hol-in9 that the A4ala Co$po$ation& in its -ealin9s 3ith the petitione$s& the ,el?Ai$ Villa9e Association in pa$ticula$& ha- =acte- 3ith 7ustice& 9a)e the appellees Kpetitione$sL thei$ -ue an-
obse$)e- honest4 an- 9oo- faith.= E% =The$efo$e& un-e$ both A$ticles B5 an- %B of the Ci)il Co-e& the appellant KA4alaL cannot be hel- liable fo$ -a(a9es.= E@
%. +.R. Nos. #@#E& #E@5& #!B!%& U !%%!B
Ou$ -ecision also $esol)es& :uite anticli(acticall4& these co(panion cases. ,ut 3e -o so fo$ )a$ious othe$ $easons. In the San9alan9 case& 3e absol)e the A4ala Co$po$ation p$i(a$il4 o3in9 to ou$ fin-in9 that it is not liable fo$ the openin9 of
.upite$ St$eet to the 9ene$al public. Insofa$ as these petitions a$e conce$ne-& 3e li8e3ise e;culpate the p$i)ate $espon-ents& not onl4 because of the fact that .upite$ St$eet is not co)e$e- b4 the $est$icti)e ease(ents base- on the =-ee-
$est$ictions= but chiefl4 because the National +o)e$n(ent itself& th$ou9h the Met$o Manila Co((ission <MMC>& ha- $eclassifie- .upite$ St$eet into hi9h -ensit4 co((e$cial <C?@> 6one& E pu$suant to its O$-inance No. !B?"B. Hence& the
petitione$s ha)e no cause of action on the st$en9th alone of the sai- =-ee- $est$ictions.
In )ie3 the$eof& 3e fin- no nee- in $esol)in9 the :uestions $aise- as to p$oce-u$e& since this -isposition is sufficient to $esol)e these cases.
It is not that 3e a$e sa4in9 that $est$icti)e ease(ents& especiall4 the ease(ents he$ein in :uestion& a$e in)ali- o$ ineffecti)e. As fa$ as the ,el?Ai$ sub-i)ision itself is conce$ne-& ce$tainl4& the4 a$e )ali- an- enfo$ceable. ,ut the4 a$e& li8e all
cont$acts& sub7ect to the o)e$$i-in9 -e(an-s& nee-s& an- inte$ests of the 9$eate$ nu(be$ as the State (a4 -ete$(ine in the le9iti(ate e;e$cise of police po3e$. Ou$ 7u$is-iction 9ua$antees sanctit4 of cont$act an- is sai- to be the =la3 bet3een
the cont$actin9 pa$ties& EA but 3hile it is so& it cannot cont$a)ene Mla3& (o$als& 9oo- custo(s& public o$-e$& o$ public polic4. EE Abo)e all& it cannot be $aise- as a -ete$$ent to police po3e$& -esi9ne- p$ecisel4 to p$o(ote health& safet4& peace& an-
enhance the co((on 9oo-& at the e;pense of cont$actual $i9hts& 3hene)e$ necessa$4. In O$ti9as U Co.& 'i(ite- Pa$tne$ship ). 1eati ,an8 an- T$ust Co.& E# 3e a$e tol-2
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
%. 0ith $e9a$- to the contention that sai- $esolution cannot nullif4 the cont$actual obli9ations assu(e- b4 the -efen-ant?appellee $efe$$in9 to the $est$ictions inco$po$ate- in the -ee-s of sale an- late$ in the co$$espon-in9 T$ansfe$
Ce$tificates of Title issue- to -efen-ant?appellee it shoul- be st$esse-& that 3hile non?i(pai$(ent of cont$acts is constitutionall4 9ua$antee-& the $ule is not absolute& since it has to be $econcile- 3ith the le9iti(ate e;e$cise of police po3e$& i.e.&
=the po3e$ to p$esc$ibe $e9ulations to p$o(ote the health& (o$als& peace& e-ucation& 9oo- o$-e$ o$ safet4 an- 9ene$al 3elfa$e of the people.M In)a$iabl4 -esc$ibe- as =the (ost essential& insistent& an- illi(itable of po3e$s= an- =in a sense& the
9$eatest an- (ost po3e$ful att$ibute of 9o)e$n(ent&= the e;e$cise of the po3e$ (a4 be 7u-iciall4 in:ui$e- into an- co$$ecte- onl4 if it is cap$icious& 3hi(sical& un7ust o$ un$easonable& the$e ha)in9 been a -enial of -ue p$ocess o$ a )iolation of
an4 othe$ applicable constitutional 9ua$antee. As this Cou$t hel- th$ou9h .ustice .ose P. ,en9son in Philippine 'on9 Distance Co(pan4 )s. Cit4 of Da)ao& et al. police po3e$ Mis elastic an- (ust be $esponsi)e to )a$ious social con-itionsD it is
not confine- 3ithin na$$o3 ci$cu(sc$iptions of p$ece-ents $estin9 on past con-itionsD it (ust follo3 the le9al p$o9$ess of a -e(oc$atic 3a4 of life.M 0e 3e$e e)en (o$e e(phatic in V-a. -e +enuino )s. The Cou$t of a9$a$ian Relations& et al.&
3hen 0e -ecla$e-2 =0e -o not see 3h4 public 3elfa$e 3hen clashin9 3ith the in-i)i-ual $i9ht to p$ope$t4 shoul- not be (a-e to p$e)ail th$ou9h the stateMs e;e$cise of its police po3e$.=
Resolution No. %#& B5E" -ecla$in9 the 3este$n pa$t of Hi9h 3a4 A& no3 E. -e los Santos A)enue <EDSA& fo$ sho$t> f$o( Sha3 ,oule)a$- to the Pasi9 Ri)e$ as an in-ust$ial an- co((e$cial 6one& 3as ob)iousl4 passe- b4 the Municipal Council
of Man-alu4on9& Ri6al in the e;e$cise of police po3e$ to safe9ua$- o$ p$o(ote the health& safet4& peace& 9oo- o$-e$ an- 9ene$al 3elfa$e of the people in the localit4. .u-icial notice (a4 be ta8en of the con-itions p$e)ailin9 in the a$ea& especiall4
3he$e 'ots Nos. A an- E a$e locate-. The lots the(sel)es not onl4 f$ont the hi9h3a4D in-ust$ial an- co((e$cial co(ple;es ha)e flou$ishe- about the place. EDSA& a (ain t$affic a$te$4 3hich $uns th$ou9h se)e$al cities an- (unicipalities in the
Met$o Manila a$ea& suppo$ts an en-less st$ea( of t$affic an- the $esultin9 acti)it4& noise an- pollution a$e ha$-l4 con-uci)e to the health& safet4 o$ 3elfa$e of the $esi-ents in its $oute. Ha)in9 been e;p$essl4 9$ante- the po3e$ to a-opt 6onin9
an- sub-i)ision o$-inances o$ $e9ulations& the (unicipalit4 of Man-alu4on9& th$ou9h its Municipal Council& 3as $easonabl4& if not pe$fectl4& 7ustifie- un-e$ the ci$cu(stances& in passin9 the sub7ect $esolution. E!
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Un-oubte-l4& the MMC O$-inance $ep$esents a le9iti(ate e;e$cise of police po3e$. The petitione$s ha)e not sho3n 3h4 3e shoul- hol- othe$3ise othe$ than fo$ the suppose- =non?i(pai$(ent= 9ua$ant4 of the Constitution& 3hich& as 3e ha)e
-ecla$e-& is secon-a$4 to the (o$e co(pellin9 inte$ests of 9ene$al 3elfa$e. The O$-inance has not been sho3n to be cap$icious o$ a$bit$a$4 o$ un$easonable to 3a$$ant the $e)e$sal of the 7u-9(ents so appeale-. In that connection& 3e fin- no
$e)e$sible e$$o$ to ha)e been co((itte- b4 the Cou$t of Appeals.
0HERE1ORE& p$e(ises consi-e$e-& these petitions a$e DENIED No p$onounce(ent as to costs.

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