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Parent FAQs

1 to 1 iPad Program 2015


What is a one-to-one program?

Cne-Lo-one (1 Lo 1) learnlng provldes every sLudenL and
Leacher access Lo hls or her own moblle devlce ln a wlreless
envlronmenL allowlng sLudenLs Lo learn aL Lhelr own pace and
ablllLy levels. Cne-Lo-one lnlLlaLlves have galned momenLum
worldwlde, and are lncreaslngly seen as a key Lo Lransformlng
educaLlon and beLLer preparlng sLudenLs Lo succeed ln a global

ln a 1 Lo 1 program, sLudenLs' access Lo a personal moblle
devlce (such as an lad) and Lhe lnLerneL enables Lhem Lo be
self-dlrecLed and recelve hlghly personallsed lnsLrucLlon.
1eachers can creaLe personallsed learnlng opporLunlLles for
each chlld, addresslng hls or her unlque needs. SLudenLs use
Lhelr personal devlces Lo research, compleLe homework and
academlc coursework, access readlng maLerlal, manage noLes
and calendars, problem-solve, collaboraLe on Leam pro[ecLs
and communlcaLe vla emall. AL Lhe same Llme, Lhey galn
valuable 21sL cenLury skllls LhaL wlll be beneflclal LhroughouL
Lhelr llves and careers.

1hese lrequenLly Asked CuesLlons Lry Lo address some of Lhe
mosL common quesLlons parenLs have ln relaLlon Lo a 1 Lo 1

1 to 1 devices and student

Why iPads instead of computer labs?

1eachers reporL LhaL when devlces are locaLed ln labs, Lhey
use Lechnology less ofLen for lnsLrucLlon because of Lhe
dlfflculLy of schedullng Llme ln Lhe lab and LransporLlng
sLudenLs Lhere.

More wldespread access Lo Lechnology makes lL posslble for
sLudenLs and Leachers ln schools Lo LranslLlon from occaslonal,
supplemenLal use of compuLers for lnsLrucLlon Lo more
frequenL, lnLegral use of Lechnology across a mulLlLude of
seLLlngs. rovldlng sLudenLs wlLh ublqulLous access Lo
wlrelessly connecLed devlces has Lhe poLenLlal Lo Lransform
learnlng envlronmenLs and lmprove sLudenLs' learnlng

lurLhermore, access Lo personal dlglLal learnlng devlces aL
home makes lL posslble for sLudenLs Lo access a wlder array of
resources Lo supporL Lhelr learnlng aL a Llme LhaL sulLs
Lhemselves and Lhelr famlly, Lo communlcaLe wlLh peers and
Lhelr Leachers as Lhey need Lo, and Lo become fluenL ln Lhelr
use of Lhe Lechnologlcal Lools of Lhe 21sL cenLury workplace.

Why iPads instead of laptops?

SLudenLs aL SL CaLherlne's already have access Lo shared
lapLops. As a personal devlce, we belleve Lhe lad ls well
sulLed Lo Lhe needs of sLudenLs ln mlddle Lo upper prlmary
years. lL ls llghLer, more moblle, more robusL and durable
wlLh few moveable parLs. WlLh no hlnged screen, whlch may
acL as a barrler, Lhe lad faclllLaLes more collaboraLlve
acLlvlLles. 1he lad camera ln parLlcular, an lnvaluable Lool for
learnlng, can be used ln more versaLlle ways Lhan a lapLop
camera, as Lhe lad ls more easlly handled and manlpulaLed.

1he lad offers sLudenLs aL Lhls level all of Lhe necessary
learnlng managemenL Lools, communlcaLlon and creaLlon
Lools, access Lo lnformaLlon and learnlng appllcaLlons, aL less
Lhan half Lhe cosL of a lapLop. lL ls also easy Lo manage from a
Lechnlcal perspecLlve wlLh a very lnLulLlve operaLlng sysLem,
maklng lL more accesslble Lo sLudenLs wlLh less experlence or
confldence ln navlgaLlng a compuLer operaLlng sysLem.

Will students use their iPads too much
for schoolwork?

1he lad wlll complemenL Lhe exlsLlng school currlculum by
provldlng an approprlaLe dlglLal learnlng Lool ln balance wlLh
LradlLlonal learnlng Lools.

1he goals of Lhe currlculum are supporLed, noL supplanLed, by
Lhe use of 1 Lo 1 devlces. SLudenLs wlll use Lhelr lads when
approprlaLe, where Lhey serve a real purpose, for lnsLance, ln
research, record keeplng, daLa analysls and generaLlng

Wlreless access wlll allow for '[usL-ln-Llme' learnlng where
sLudenLs can search for lnformaLlon or collaboraLe wlLh oLhers
ln a real-Llme conLexL. SLudenLs wlll be able Lo access Lhelr
school flles aL home and be able Lo collaboraLe wlLh Lhelr
peers on pro[ecLs.

How can 1 to 1 devices improve
students learning?

WlLh greaLer access Lo real-Llme lnformaLlon, dlglLal learnlng
resources, educaLlonal apps and collaboraLlve workspaces,
sLudenLs experlence hlgher levels of moLlvaLlon and
engagemenL ln Lhelr learnlng.

1yplcally sLudenLs experlence lnlLlal lmprovemenL ln areas
such as organlsaLlonal and Lechnologlcal skllls, revlslon,
wrlLlng and edlLlng work. WlLh Lhe developmenL of
presenLaLlons and oLher mulLlmedla pro[ecLs, sLudenLs
experlence subsequenL lmprovemenL ln analyLlcal,
presenLaLlon and speaklng skllls.

lnvolvemenL ln 'vlrLual workspaces' creaLes opporLunlLles for
collaboraLlon and communlcaLlon, lmprovlng relaLlonshlps ln
Parent FAQs
1 to 1 iPad Program 2015

Lhe classroom Lhrough a greaLer level of lnLeracLlon beLween
sLudenLs, Lhelr peers and Lhelr Leachers.

A neLworked envlronmenL, where lL ls easy Lo share
developlng work and research wlLh peers and Leachers, ls Lhe
envlronmenL sLudenLs wlll llve and work ln durlng furLher
schoollng and LhroughouL Lhelr fuLure.

SLudenLs worklng LogeLher and provldlng soluLlons Lo real-
world problems wlll creaLe llnks beyond Lhe classroom and
move levels of Lhlnklng beyond a slmple knowledge
framework Lo complex analysls and evaluaLlon.

lncreased levels of learnlng boLh ln and ouL of school wlLh an
emphasls on hlgher-order Lhlnklng, creaLlve Lhlnklng and
expresslon wlll be promoLed.

Will learning outcomes be evaluated

SLudenLs wlll conLlnue Lo be evaluaLed agalnsL Lhe AusLrallan
naLlonal Currlculum. 1he devlces complemenL Lhe exlsLlng
school currlculum by provldlng dlglLal learnlng Lools LhaL llnk
ln wlLh planned classroom acLlvlLles. Wlreless access aL school
wlll fosLer collaboraLlon and Leamwork, allowlng sLudenLs Lo
search for lnformaLlon LogeLher and share Lhe learnlng

How will 1 to 1 devices be used in the

Curs ls a Lechnology-rlch world and sLudenLs are lmmersed ln
dlglLal Lechnology ln Lhelr ouL-of-school llves. 1he use of
devlces ln Lhe classroom wlll evolve over Llme as sLudenLs and
Leachers become more famlllar and Lherefore beLLer able Lo
opLlmlse Lhe advanLage of Lhelr use Lo supporL Leachlng and
learnlng ln Lhe classroom.

SLaff and sLudenLs wlll collaboraLe and use Lhe devlce as a Lool
LhaL develops Lhe sLudenL as lnformaLlon seeker, analyser and
evaluaLor, problem-solver and declslon maker. 1hey wlll use
programs Lo creaLe ways ln whlch Lo communlcaLe Lhelr
flndlngs and become publlshers of Lhelr own work.

What about safe Internet use?

SLudenLs are offered a devlce Lo faclllLaLe 'anyLlme/anywhere'
learnlng. 1eachers wlll supervlse sLudenLs as Lhey would for
any learnlng acLlvlLy as Lhey creaLe and malnLaln a safe,
comforLable and learnlng-focused classroom. ApproprlaLe use
of Lhe lnLerneL servlce wlLhln Lhe 8CL neLwork ls closely
monlLored by a fllLerlng sysLem LhaL allows for lnapproprlaLe
conLenL blocklng by a regularly updaLed llsL of caLegorles and
slLes. 1hls does noL apply Lo use of devlces ouLslde of Lhe
school neLwork.

LducaLlon and supporL are lmporLanL for malnLalnlng
accepLable use of devlces, parLlcularly ln relaLlon Lo lnLerneL
access. Llke moblle phones, emall and messaglng sysLems can
be used for unaccepLable purposes and Lo bully oLhers. lL ls
essenLlal LhaL all members of Lhe communlLy, sLudenLs,
parenLs and sLaff are aware of Lhls poLenLlal and also of Lhe
school's 8ullylng and AccepLable use pollcles. Any lncldenL of
bullylng or unaccepLable use wlll be lnvesLlgaLed and dealL
wlLh ln accordance wlLh Lhese pollcles.

1he school wlll provlde parenLs wlLh a copy of A arenL's
Culde Lo lnLerneL SafeLy" produced by Lhe AusLrallan
CovernmenL's neL AlerL (AusLralla's lnLerneL safeLy advlsory
body), whlch conLalns furLher useful lnformaLlon, advlce and
resources for parenLs.

What about handwriting?

PandwrlLlng wlll conLlnue Lo have a place ln Lhe classroom as
well as Lhe use of Lhe keyboard.

Wont students be able to cheat by
using the spell checker?

1he spell checker ls a Lool Lo allow sLudenLs lmmedlaLe
feedback on Lhe correcL spelllng of words Lhey use. lL
supplemenLs Lhe exlsLlng school spelllng program, buL does
noL replace lL.

What if students play on the devices
during the school day instead of going
outside during break times?

1he devlces wlll provlde addlLlonal supporL for sLudenL
learnlng, and Lherefore sLudenLs wlll be supervlsed, as Lhey
would be for any learnlng acLlvlLy. use of 1 Lo 1 devlces durlng
break Llmes wlll be resLrlcLed Lo conLlnuaLlon of classroom
learnlng acLlvlLles and llmlLed Lo Lhe school llbrary space, and
where use can be supervlsed. SLudenLs wlll add Lhelr names Lo
a reglsLer when uslng Lhe devlce ln Lhe llbrary aL break Llmes.
lf Lhls use ls deemed excesslve over Llme, approprlaLe
resLrlcLlons can be negoLlaLed beLween Lhe class Leacher and
Lhe sLudenLs' parenLs.

How will parents continue to be informed
about integration of 1 to 1 devices into
the curriculum?

SL CaLherlne's newsleLLer, 'ConLacL', wlll provlde updaLes Lo
Lhe whole school communlLy abouL Lhe 1 Lo 1 rogram. lor
famllles of sLudenLs ln Lhe 1 Lo 1 classes, parenL lnformaLlon
evenlngs ln Lhe flrsL week of Lhe school year wlll asslsL parenLs
wlLh Lhe managemenL and use of Lhe devlce aL home. ?ear
level blogs wlll keep famllles regularly updaLed abouL how Lhe
devlces are belng used aL school.
Parent FAQs
1 to 1 iPad Program 2015


Student safety and online
Will children be safe carrying 1 to 1

Cverseas research has shown LhaL lnsurance companles reporL
very few lncldenLs whlle sLudenLs Lravel Lo and from school.
SLudenLs should be speclflcally warned noL Lo Lake Lhe devlces
ouL ln publlc (lncludlng on publlc LransporL), and Lo carry Lhem
ln a proLecLlve case or cover, whlch should be placed wlLhln
Lhelr school bags.

Are these devices going to add to the
heavy loads students carry from home to

1he devlce has been dellberaLely chosen for a number of
reasons, lncludlng lLs welghL speclflcaLlons. 1he devlce wlll
allevlaLe Lhe need for sLudenLs Lo carry calculaLors, blbles,
oLher LexLbooks and a large number of exerclse books, furLher
reduclng Lhe welghL of lLems sLudenLs need Lo carry Lo school.
1he devlce should noL be packed lnLo Lhe boLLom of an
overslzed backpack wlLh oLher books and lLems, because Lhls
can lead Lo a compresslon fracLure of Lhe screen.

Will the student files on the device be

SLudenLs can expecL Lhelr devlce Lo be perlodlcally lnspecLed
and monlLored for approprlaLe usage. School personnel may
requesL access Lo Lhe browser hlsLory as well as any and all
flles belonglng Lo Lhe sLudenL resldenL on Lhe lad as well as
sLored on Coogle urlve, SharepolnL slLes, uropboxes and 8CL
web based drlves. SLudenLs and parenLs need Lo be aware LhaL
flles sLored locally or on ShareolnL slLes and 8CL web based
drlves are noL prlvaLe.

Hardware and Apps
Who manages installing the apps?

1he lad wlll be managed by Lhe sLudenL wlLh supporL from
Lhe parenLs. 1he school wlll provlde lnformaLlon guldellnes for
famllles on recommended procedures, lncludlng sLep-by-sLep
lnsLrucLlons and face-Lo-face workshop opporLunlLles.

arenLs wlll consenL Lo creaLlon of an Apple lu for Lhe sLudenL.
Apps can be lnsLalled Lo Lhe Apple lu elLher from a home
compuLer (uslng l1unes) or dlrecLly from Lhe devlce. Lven lf
Lhe devlce ls losL or damaged, or apps lnadverLenLly deleLed,
apps can be relnsLalled aL no exLra charge, as Lhe Apple lu
accounL holder owns Lhem and a purchase record remalns

Which apps are required?

A compleLe llsL of Lhe apps requlred wlll be publlshed wlLh
school book llsLs ln 1erm 4. 1here may be addlLlonal apps
requlred from Llme Lo Llme. 1eachers wlll make every aLLempL
Lo provlde a compleLe llsL each Lerm and Lo maxlmlse Lhe
noLlce glven Lo parenLs lf new lnsLallaLlons are requlred durlng
Lerm. CosLs for requlred apps wlll be kepL Lo a mlnlmum and
LoLal cosL of requlred apps wlll noL exceed $30 over Lhe flrsL
year. 1o furLher reduce app cosLs for parenLs, Lhe school wlll
purchase all requlred pald apps Lhrough Apple's volume
urchaslng rogram (v). v reduces llcense cosLs for llsLed
apps by 30 and ls avallable Lo reglsLered educaLlonal
lnsLlLuLlons purchaslng 20 or more llcenses ln one LransacLlon.
Cnce apps are purchased vla v, redempLlon codes wlll be
supplled Lo sLudenLs by emall. arenLs pay an 'app levy'
Lhrough Lhe school book llsL Lo cover Lhe cosL of Lhese pald
apps and sLudenLs wlll reLaln ownershlp of Lhe apps, on Lhelr
Apple lu.

Which iPad model is preferred?

Any full-slzed lad model - CeneraLlon 2 or laLer. 1he lad
musL have:
luncLlonlng cameras (fronL and rear faclng)
8aLLery llfe whlch lasLs for Lhe school day
8esLrlcLlons (SeLLlngs > Ceneral) conflgured for safe
use. lnformaLlon abouL opLlmal seLLlngs wlll be
provlde Lo parenLs as well as opLlonal lnformaLlon
meeLlngs durlng whlch parenLs wlll be Laken sLep by
sLep Lhrough Lhls process.
3C or Cellular capablllLy ls nC1 permlLLed aL school

rovlded a slgned copy of Lhe Access ConsenL lorm for lC1
8esources" (conLalned wlLhln Lhe 2013 arenL Pandbook -
ollcy and Culdellnes) has been reLurned Lo school, a wlreless
cerLlflcaLe wlll be lnsLalled on each sLudenL's lad durlng Lhe
flrsL weeks of Lhe 2013 school year, Lo allow lnLerneL access
vla Lhe SL CaLherlne's wlreless neLwork whlle Lhe devlce ls aL

SLudenLs wlll have day-Lo-day responslblllLy for Lhe devlce
lncludlng managemenL and care, boLh aL school and aL home.

What Warranty and Support Options are

8eyond lnlLlal conflguraLlon and seLup of Lhe devlce, Lhe
school cannoL provlde Lechnlcal supporL. Lvery lad comes
wlLh compllmenLary Lelephone Lechnlcal supporL for 90 days
from your lad purchase and a one-year llmlLed warranLy. 1hls
does noL lnclude damage Lo Lhe lad screen.

Parent FAQs
1 to 1 iPad Program 2015

lamllles purchaslng Lhe lad upfronL may opL Lo purchase an
exLenslon of Lhls servlce coverage Lo Lwo years from Lhe lad
purchase daLe. lf you need repalr servlce, Apple offers several
servlce opLlons. ?ou can read more lnformaLlon abouL
AppleCare roLecLlon for lad here:

Should the device be password-

1he lad can be conflgured Lo lock when Lhe screen Lurns off.
1he user ls Lhen prompLed for a 4-dlglL passcode before Lhe
devlce can be unlocked and ready for use. SeLLlng of a
passcode ls compulsory whlle Lhe lad ls used aL school.
asscode proLecLlon ensures LhaL only Lhe owner can access
Lhe lad. A passcode-proLecLed devlce may also help proLecL
sLudenLs' personal lnformaLlon ln lncldenLs of loss or LhefL
ouLslde Lhe school.

Apple lu holders auLomaLlcally galn access Lo lCloud. Cne of
Lhe feaLures of lCloud, llnd My lhone" enables Lhe accounL-
holder Lo locaLe a devlce lf lL ls losL or mlsplaced, as long as
Lhe devlce ls Lurned on and connecLed Lo a wlreless neLwork.
lurLher lnformaLlon abouL how Lo enable Lhls feaLure wlll be
Where do the devices go when not in

When noL ln use, Lhe devlces should be sLored ln a sLudenL's
classroom Lldy Lray. Classrooms are locked when classes are
noL occupylng Lhe room. An unaLLended devlce around
bulldlngs or school grounds wlll be plcked up lmmedlaLely by a
sLaff member and LreaLed as a losL lLem.

What about flat batteries? Will students
plug in in the classrooms?

SLudenLs are expecLed Lo charge Lhe devlce overnlghL and Lo
brlng lL fully charged Lo school each day. Chargers are Lo
remaln aL home. lully charged lad baLLerles wlll noL need Lo
be recharged durlng Lhe school day. 1here may be a spare
charger avallable ln Lhe classroom for emergency slLuaLlons
buL remalnlng LeLhered Lo Lhe wall whlle uslng Lhe lad could
be deLrlmenLal Lo sLudenLs' full lnvolvemenL ln class acLlvlLles.
Charglng Lhe lad ready for school ls parL of Lhe responslble
use expecLed of 1 Lo 1 sLudenLs. 1hls ls noL a parenL's

What about equipment breakdown or if a
student forgets to bring their iPad to

AlLhough lads are robusL and rellable, Lhe reallLy ls LhaL
someLlmes Lhlngs wlll go wrong. Pardware faulLs covered
under warranLy should be repalred wlLhln several days.
arenLs wlll arrange warranLy repalrs dlrecLly wlLh Apple, noL
Lhrough Lhe school.

1he school wlll provlde a bank of spare hoL swap" lads,
lnsLalled wlLh all requlred apps, whlch can be slgned ln and
ouL of servlce when a sLudenL's lad requlres repalr. 1hls
means LhaL a sLudenL may have access Lo an lad aL all Llmes,
alLhough any flles sLored locally on Lhelr personal devlce wlll
noL be accesslble durlng servlce perlods.

1he school wlll noL provlde a devlce Lo sLudenLs who have
forgoLLen Lo brlng Lhelr own Lo school. Llke any oLher
requlred resource, lf lL ls noL avallable durlng school acLlvlLles
Lhe sLudenL's lnvolvemenL, engagemenL and progress may be
deLrlmenLally affecLed. ueveloplng good organlsaLlonal hablLs
ls an lmporLanL aspecL of learnlng managemenL. Agaln, Lhls ls
a responslblllLy of sLudenLs, noL Lhelr parenLs.

Home use of devices
The school monitors usage at school,
but who monitors it at home?

Pome use ls Lhe responslblllLy of parenLs. CuLslde of school
hours, parenLs have full auLhorlLy Lo monlLor devlce usage.
Lxamples of Lhls may lnclude:
Lncourage use ln a famlly room and noL ln Lhe
8esLrlcL use aL cerLaln Llmes of Lhe evenlng or
Advlse noL Lo Lake Lhe lad on long Lrlps
lrequenLly examlne Lhe documenLs and oLher
conLenLs of Lhe devlce, and
keep Lhe Apple lu password secure, prevenLlng Lhe
sLudenL from lnsLalllng apps or maklng ln-app

How can students access the Internet
from home?

8CL does noL supply home lnLerneL connecLlon. 1here ls no
mandaLed expecLaLlon LhaL lnLerneL access ls avallable aL
home. lf Lhere ls exlsLlng wlreless lnLerneL provlslon aL home,
a devlce can be easlly conflgured for access. Apple's Lechnlcal
phone supporL can asslsL parenLs wlLh seLLlng up wlreless
access and prlnLlng aL home.

How is the Internet to be used at home?

Lxamples of home use for whlch lnLerneL access would be
requlred lnclude:
uslng onllne collaboraLlve spaces such as class blogs,
wlkls and cloud sLorage faclllLles
uslng emall
use of apps whlch requlre lnLerneL connecLlon Lo
enable funcLlonallLy
Parent FAQs
1 to 1 iPad Program 2015

CompleLlon of homework uslng onllne resources.

Lxamples of home use for whlch lnLerneL access would noL be
requlred lnclude:
uslng any of Lhe lWork apps, e8ooks whlch are
already lnsLalled, noLe-Laklng or pdf annoLaLlon apps
uslng oLher apps whlch do noL requlre lnLerneL
Worklng wlLh audlo, plcLure or vldeo flles
What sort of protective case or cover
should I use for the iPad?

lor school-owned lads hlred ouL Lo famllles, a robusL
proLecLlve case wlll be provlded. 1hls case musL remaln on Lhe
lad aL all Llmes.

lf Lhe famlly owns Lhe lad, Lhe cholce of case ls compleLely up
Lo Lhe parenL/s and chlld. A wlde range of cover cholces wlll
make lL easler for chlldren Lo recognlse Lhelr own devlce ln Lhe
classroom. When purchaslng, conslder how Lhe cover wlll
proLecL Lhe lad base and screen from scraLches. roLecLlve
fllms can be applled Lo Lhe screen buL Lhese Lend Lo scraLch
more easlly Lhan Lhe glass and have Lo be carefully applled or
Lhe bubbles LhaL form can deLracL from Lhe clarlLy of Lhe
screen lmage.

lL ls lmporLanL LhaL Lhe lad cover does noL lnhlblL Lhe
funcLlonlng of cameras and speakers. Poles for Lhe cameras
should be large enough Lo avold Lhe cover shadlng or
obscurlng Lhe camera lens. ldeally Lhe cover should be able Lo
fold away for easy manlpulaLlon of Lhe lad, wlLhouL obscurlng
Lhe rear camera. AdequaLe and reasonably prlced lad covers
can be purchased onllne. Many lad covers conLaln magneLs
LhaL acLlvaLe Lhe screen when opened and swlLch lL off when
closed, whlch can help conserve baLLery charge. lL can be
helpful Lo read revlews of dlfferenL covers before decldlng
whlch feaLures wlll besL sulL your chlld's needs.

Do I need to purchase any peripherals?

?our chlld wlll deflnlLely need earbuds or earphones. no oLher
perlpherals are requlred for school use. 8lueLooLh keyboards
can be qulLe expenslve and can make Lhe lad heavy and
unwleldy. lf sLudenLs wlsh Lo Lype long documenLs, Lhey wlll
be able Lo access a lapLop compuLer aL school for Lhese Lasks.
A sLylus can someLlmes come ln handy for accuraLe wrlLlng
and drawlng, buL lL ls cerLalnly noL a requlremenL for school.
Also, a sLylus can be very easlly mlsplaced so we would prefer
LhaL lf purchased, Lhese lLems sLay aL home. 1he school wlll
provlde a few for sLudenLs Lo use aL school lf Lhe need arlses.

Should I have my childs iPad engraved?

A sLlcky label on Lhe back of Lhe lad and a clearly named
cover should be adequaLe means of ldenLlfylng lad owners.
unless engravlng ls done Lhrough Apple, Lhls may vold any
warranLy on Lhe devlce. arenLs are advlsed Lo keep a record
of Lhe lad's serlal number.

Which iPad model do I need?

lor famllles opLlng Lo hlre Lhe lad Lhrough Lhe school, one
model only wlll be selecLed and made avallable by Lhe school.
1hls model ls yeL Lo be conflrmed.

lor Lhose famllles who opL Lo purchase an lad up fronL,
whlchever model ls chosen, once Lhe lad ls placed ln lLs cover
Lhere wlll be no easlly dlscernable dlfference beLween models.
lease be wary of purchaslng lads second-hand as Lhere ls no
guaranLee LhaL care has been Laken Lo opLlmlse baLLery
llfespan. Also, lf purchaslng onllne from a source ouLslde
AusLralla, you may flnd a cheaper prlce buL Lhere may be no
valld warranLy ln Lhls counLry.

Many famllles may opL Lo use an already-owned lad. lL ls
lmporLanL LhaL, durlng school Lerms aL leasL, Lhe sLudenL has
full access Lo Lhe devlce for learnlng acLlvlLles and LhaL famlly-
owned games or recreaLlonal maLerlal are removed Lo
poLenLlal avold dlsLracLlons.

lor full parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe 1 Lo 1 program, your chlld requlred
an lad wlLh Wl-ll, funcLlonlng fronL and rear cameras and a
mlnlmum of 6 hours baLLery llfe (Lhe lengLh of a school day). lf
you choose Lo purchase a 3C or cellular model raLher Lhan
Wl-ll only", please ensure LhaL no slm card ls lnserLed for use
aL school.

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Tom Bentley, DEMOS
! ! !

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