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Implementation Plan

On the first days of school students and the teacher will come up with a plan for the common
rules and expectations that will help everyone be successful in the classroom. After having come up
with the rules and expectations, the students will be provided with a written copy to take home to be
signed by both parents and students. An example of rules, expectations, and the discipline process
appear below.
When you come to class, you are expected to:
1. Be respectful of others and their things.
2. Believe you can and will succeed in this class.
3. be in your seat and ready to begin WHEN THE BELL RINGS!
4. to participate and cooperate.
5. Use class time for Spanish only.
6. Follow the school rules in this class (see CHHS Student Handbook)
7. Come to class prepared with all of your materials EVERY day.
8. Ask for permission to leave your seat, sharpen your pencil, etc.
9. Remain in your seat until you are dismissed.
10. Do your best!

CHHS Common Discipline Rules
1. All students must comply with dress code.
2. Students must wear ID badges at all times.
3. Students must be on time. NO TARDIES.
4. Classroom disruptions will not be tolerated.
5. No fighting or aggressive behavior.

1. Follow all common discipline rules.
2. Speak positively.
3. Do what is asked of you.
4. Please do not say I cant (when you mean you dont want to) or I dont speak Spanish.

Discipline Policy
1. Verbal Warning Student Conference
2. Written Warning Parental Contact
3. Parent Conference
4. Referral to Assistant Principal
*** I reserve the right to skip steps at any time and send the student straight to the Assistant Principal. ***

Students would also go through the many procedures it takes to keep a classroom running
smoothly regularly in the first few weeks. Such procedures could be things like entering the room
appropriately, turning in work, following instructions, getting the teachers attention and accepting no
for an answer, among others. These procedures would be broken into manageable and easily
understood steps for the students to follow in order to complete the appropriate behavior. The
following example of a broken out behavior is adapted from the Girls and Boys Town Model.
Getting the Teachers Attention
1) Look at the teacher.
2) Raise your hand or use the appropriate cue card for the activity. Stay calm.
3) Wait until the teacher says your name or approaches you.
4) Then, ask your question politely.

Appropriate behaviors will appear in the room so that students do not have to have them
memorized right away, it will be easy to refer to after misbehaviors, and will be pointed out frequently
through reminders before activities in which a certain behavior will be needed. Students demonstrating
the appropriate behavior will be praised and rewarded often in order to encourage appropriate
behaviors in the classroom. Though, when misbehaviors do occur students will be first gently reminded
of the appropriate behavior. If the behavior then persists, the student will begin the discipline process,
though the student will be praised for doing what he or she needs to do when they have done it.

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