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The Resurrection
Up to this point in history it could be said, Out of death comes death.
Now a new message rings loud and clear, Out of death comes life!
Do you remember playing with a Jack-in-the-Box as a child? You would turn a crank on the side of this small metal
toy (usually as the tune Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush kept time with your movement). As the song
neared the end, you would slow your cranking and begin to wince. You knew what was coming. You had done this
a hundred times before. But there was still a sense of odd anticipation.
All of a sudden, with a slight rotation of the crank, the top of the box would flip open with a loud snap, and a
spring-loaded head would pop up. Every single time Jack popped out of the box, you would be startled. But then
you would press Jacks head down, click the lid of the box shut, and begin cranking again.
As we read chapter 27 of The Story, we watch the disciples respond with stunned amazement at the resurrection
of Jesus. He had told them, repeatedly, that he would die and rise again on the third day. He had assured them
that death could not hold him down. But when Jesus popped out of the grave, the disciples were as shocked as a
child with a Jack-in-the-Box!
Talk About It
Tell about something you knew was going to happen, but were still surprised and amazed when it actually did.
Video Teaching Notes
As you watch the video segment for session 27, use the following outline to record anything that stands out to
The disciples feel the sting of the Lower Story
[Your Notes]
An empty tomb: he is risen
[Your Notes]
Resurrection appearances
[Your Notes]
Jesus commissions his followers before returning to the Upper Story
[Your Notes]
Video Discussion
1. Tell about a person you were close with who has passed away. How is that persons life still impacting yours?
[Your Response]
2. Mary stood outside the empty tomb weeping until Jesus revealed himself to her (John 20:10 18; The Story,
pp. 383 384). What did Jesus teach her about himself? Tell about a moment when your eyes were opened,
with greater clarity, and you came to know Jesus in a deeper way than you had before that moment.
[Your Response]
Jesus is not finished. He is alive. But his work is
finished. The way has been made open for all people,
all nations, just as he promised Abraham, to receive
the blessing of eternal life with God.
3. On the road to Emmaus the resurrected Jesus taught two men the truth of the Old Testament Scriptures (Luke
24:13 49; The Story, pp. 384 386). How does understanding the first part of The Story (the Old Testament)
help us understand the rest of it (the New Testament)?
[Your Response]
4. Thomas was not willing to believe Jesus was alive until he saw him with his own eyes (John 20:24 29; The
Story, p. 386). When Jesus revealed himself to Thomas, how did he seek to meet Thomas right where he was
and help him move toward faith? How has God met you similarly?
[Your Response]
5. The risen Jesus met the disciples while they were out fishing (John 21:1 19; The Story, pp. 386 388). How
did Peter respond when he realized it was Jesus? What did Jesus do to restore Peter and set him back on course
to live a life of service?
[Your Response]
At the end of Jesus interaction with Peter, he said, Follow me! the same words he spoke when he first called
Peter. Tell how Jesus has called you to follow him and one way you are seeking to live out this calling.
[Your Response]
6. Before Jesus ascended back to the Upper Story of heaven, he called his followers to specific tasks (Matthew
28:16 20; The Story, p. 388). What did Jesus call them (and us) to do and what is Gods part and our part in
this mission?
[Your Response]
7. Where in your life are you feeling the sting of Lower Story pain but also experiencing Upper Story joy? How
does focusing on Jesus resurrection and the assurance of our own bring hope and strength in lifes tough times?
[Your Response]
8. When we understand the message of The Story and enter a restored relationship with God, we want to share it
with others. Who is one person you are praying will enter a relationship with Jesus and how are you seeking to
reach out to him or her? How can your group members encourage you in this relationship and support you in
[Your Response]
9. Scan movements 1 5 of The Story in the Getting Started section. Tell group members which movement has
best helped you understand Gods passionate heart for people who are wandering far from him. As you do this,
read or recite the words of that movement to the group.
[Your Response]
We will no longer have to stand before the gravesides of people we have loved and grieve with no hope. If
they embrace this free gift of forgiveness for themselves, they too will not be finished.
We will see each other again in the garden of God to come.
Closing Prayer
As you take time to pray, here are some ideas to get you started:
Thank God for people you love who have passed away but still influence your walk of faith because of their
great example.
After the resurrection some people had a hard time recognizing Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to
see Jesus with clarity.
Pray that God will use you in his mission to make disciples of all nations.

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