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The concept of transference of merit

According to all the religion, the accumulation of merit is important for the next life
because we believe in rebirth. Apart from this human world there are a large number of
world such as hell, and heaven, the world of spirit and the world of Brahma. As we
believe in rebirth our rebirth will be decided by the actions we done in this world.
These actions we called Kamma. That is why we all need to perform good religion
actions and gather merit for a good life of the next world. However, the Buddha had said
you are the architect of your own fate because it is only the human beings who have the
opportunity of acquiring merit. The animals can not do it. t is said that this concept
become to appear when the !ing of Kosala who dreamed a dream that his relations were
crying to obtain more merit in order to ma!e their next birth happily.
"e believe that after the death the soul of the death will be flowed for a certain period
without being reborn. #o the King reli$$$$$$$$$$$$$. To offer some
more merit because the merit they have acquired is not sufficient to be born in a good
life. This is given in the Tilo!a #utta of Kudda sutta in Khudda!a %i!aya. This appears to
be an incidence that happens during the lifetime of the Buddha. However, in early
Buddhism the concept of transference of merit appears to be not common believe. t is
believe that will the appearance of &ahayana Buddhism. The concept given grand or
All the religions say that the rebirth is determined conduct and action in the birth. The
action can be done that is samsara, the cycle. f you do good action good result we
function. The important of the concept in relilion is very important because the believe
will lead the people to perform religious rites and rituals. They thin! that their deer one
can be released by way of transference merit, not only for themselves but also for other.
"ho will perform good religious function which good help the religion to exist and
As a devotee of any religious especially in Buddhism they perform various types of pu'a
with the intention of acquiring merit to themselves and also transferring to other because
not person life can be born in the worldly life. t is difficult to measure the among of
merit. %obody is satisfied with the acquiring of merit. n your life the ma!ing merit is
done large number of types as you measure among of merit your come to the temple
and worship the Buddha, dhamma and sangha. This ma!es the religions and Buddhist
mon!s action because when the devotees go to the temple the Buddhist mon!s go to
active in performing the religion function. n this manner the devotees should be happy.
#o through the life the devotee go to the temple because desire merit will never end.
The concept of transference of merit appears to be in &ahayana. However, this concept is
very important for the continues and maintains of the religion. The concept have created
with the intention of ma!ing the Buddhist devotees good people and religious which
value and benefit and entire society. The intention of religious leaders to build up a
concept li!e this is to ma!e the devotees attached to the religion.

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