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Vitellogenesis in the parthenogenetic caryophyllidean tapeworm Atractolytocestus huronensis

Anthony, 1958, parasitizing the carp Cyprinus carpio L., has been eamined using light
!L"# and transmission electron microscopy and cytochemical staining with periodic
acid$thiosemicarbazide%sil&er proteinate 'or glycogen. (t was 'ound that 'ormation o'
&itellocytes shares the same basic patterns in lower tapeworms with parthenogenetic
and normal reproduction. )ach &itelline 'ollicle o' A. huronensis consists o' &itellocytes at
&arious stages o' de&elopment and an interstitial tissue. *ro+ections o' the interstitial tissue
surround each &itellocyte and etend as a cytoplasmic sheath on the 'ollicular
periphery. (n contrary to other )ucestoda, interstitial tissue o' A. huronensis includes
numerous electron$dense &esicles o' &arious sizes. "aturing and mature &itellocytes contain
&itelline material in the 'orm o' single small shell globules, which may gradually 'use and
gi&e rise to the large shell globule clusters. ,hell globule clusters are o' two types in A .
huronensis. Additional &itelline material is represented by single -lamellar. granules
and glycogen in the cytoplasm o' mature &itellocytes. /he ultrastructural 'eatures o'
&itello genesis and0or &itellocyte in A. huronensis are compared with that in other
caryophyllideans and0or 1eodermata.
Vitellogenesis adalah proses ter+adinya pengendapan 2uning telur pada tiap$tiap indi&idu. 3al ini
menyebab2an ter+adinya perubahan pada gonad. 4mumnya pertambahan berat gonad pada i2an
betina sebesar 15$156 dari berat tubuh dan i2an +antan sebesar 5$156 dari berat tubuh.
*engamatan 2ematangan gonad dila2u2an dengan dua cara 7 yaitu secara histologi dan
mor'ologi. 8asar yang diguna2an untu2 menentu2an ting2at 2ematangan gonad dengan cara
mor'ologi adalah bentu2, u2urang pan+ang dan berat, warna dan per2embangan isi gonad yang
dapat dilihat. 8ari penelitian histologi a2an di2etahui anatomi per2embangan gonad secara +elas
dan lebih mendetail. *er2embangan gonad i2an betina lebih banya2 diperhati2an daripada i2an
+antan 2arena per2embangan diameter telur yang terdapat dalam gonad lebih mudah dilihat
daripada sperma yang terdapat di dalam testis.
/he monozoic caryophyllidean tapeworm Atractolytocestus huronensis Anthony, 1958, an
intestinal parasite o' the carp, Cyprinus carpio L., has recently been introduced into
)urope !"a+oros et al. 955:7 ;ros et al. 955<7 =appe et al. 955>#. /he cestode attracts
attention o' parasitologists because o' its peculiar taonomic position within the order
Caryophyllidea. ?ones and "ac2iewicz ! 19>9# disco&ered that A. huronensis is @uite
distinct 'rom other caryophyllideans o' its own 'amily, the Lytocestidae, in that it is a
triploid species !:nA9<# which reproduces parthenogenetically. 4p to now, no in'ormation
is a&ailable on &itellogenesis and &itellocyte ultrastructure o' tapeworms with
parthenogenetic reproduction. (n addition, limited data are a&ailable on &itellogenesis in the
Caryophyllidea, one o' the basal groups o' the )ucestoda. ;ut o' 155 species o' 'our
currently recognized 'amilies !"ac2iewicz 199<#, only si members belonging to the two
'amilies were studied, namely Archigetes sieboldi, Caryophyllaeus laticeps,
Caryophyllaeides 'ennica , Blaridacris catostomi, Cenyonia &irilis !Caryophyllaeidae#,
and =hawia armeniaca !Lyto$cestidae# !*oddubnaya et al. 955:7 ;rtner$,chDnbach 191:
Ewiders2i et al. 955<a7 "ac2iewicz 19>87 Ewiders2i and "ac2iewicz 19F>7 Ewiders2i et al.
955<b, 9559#. /he present study aims, there'ore, to pro&ide missing in'ormation on
&itellogenesis o' A. huronensis with parthenogenetic reproduction. 4ltrastructural
eamination o' the cytological changes accompanying de&elopment o' &itelline cells may
contribute to better understanding o' biology o' this parasite.
/he in&asi&e monozoic tapeworm Atractolytocestus huronensis, a speci'ic parasite o' common
carp, was originally 'ound and described in the 1orth American continent. (t has been introduced
to )urope and reported in se&eral countries in the last 15 years, as well. (n the current study,
tapeworms 'rom one 1orth American !4,A# and 'i&e )uropean localities !4nited =ingdom04=,
,lo&a2ia, 3ungary, Croatia, and Gomania# were sub+ected to molecular analyses in order to
determine the le&el o' intrapopulation and intraspeci'ic molecular &ariation and to assess
interrelationships among American and )uropean populations o' the parasite. *artial se@uences
!>F9 bp# o' the mitochondrial cytochrome c oidase subunit ( !co1# re&ealed the presence o'
only two co1 haplotypes, in accordance with the nonnati&e character o' the populations. /he
'irst haplotype was common 'or all tapeworms 'rom the Continental )urope !,lo&a2ia, 3ungary,
Croatia, and Gomania#7 no di''erences were determined either within or among respecti&e A.
huronensis populations. /he second co1 haplotype was characterized in all indi&iduals 'rom the
4,A and 4=, indicating their close genetic relationship. Hoth haplotypes di''ered in three
nucleotide positions !99.>6 identity# which did not change the amino acid se@uence. /he co1
data imply that introduction o' the parasite to )urope was probably the result o' two independent
e&ents directed to the 4= and Continental )urope. /he &ery close genetic relationship between
Hritish and American A. huronensis was re'lected also by similar ribosomal internal transcribed
spacer 9 !(/,9# se@uence structure7 considerable intragenomic (/,9 &ariability was detected in
all indi&iduals o' both geographic populations. 8i&ergent (/,9 copies were mostly induced by
di''erent numbers o' short repetiti&e moti's within the se@uences, allowing their assortment into
two (/,9 &ariants.
Caryophyllidean cestodes are uni@ue among tapeworms in respect to morphology, host relations,
and e&olutionary status. 8espite detailed studies on li'e cycles. /here continues to be much
speculation regarding the relationship o' caryophyllidean cestodes to the more 'amiliar polyzoic
Cytological studies were begun in the hope o' shedding light on the relationship o'
caryophyllideans to strobilate cestodes as well as assisting in the analysis o' comple taonomic
problems at the generic and speci'ic le&els. /wo species within the 'amily Caryophyllaeidae ha&e
pre&iously been studied cytologically.

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