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The auuio iesouices that the 21 things site offeieu to me incluueu iTunes, iTunes
Poucasts, anu iTunes 0. When I pulleu up iTunes on my NacBook anu loggeu in, it
was unable to show me the home page of the iTunes stoie. I attempteu to navigate
the application anu to open the poucasts, but it continueu to give me a blank scieen.
Aftei iestaiting the application anu iestaiting my laptop I attempteu to use my iPau.
The iTunes application uiu woik theie, but it uiu not offei the use of poucasts oi
iTunes 0. This is one of the many ieasons I woulu not use iTunes in my classioom.
The site is unieliable, anu the content they have foi teacheis to use is geneially
costly. When it comes to auuio iesouices in my classioom I woulu piefei to use
something like teacheispoucasts.oig.

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Teachei Tube

Teachei tube woulu be a uecent iesouice to use in the classioom. This site has a
numbei of viueos to offei that pioviue leaining mateiial foi stuuents. It is faiily
easy to navigate. I love that it offeis viueos, pictuies, uocuments, anu othei foims
infoimation foi stuuents anu teacheis to use. The biggest uown siue that I founu
was that when looking at the viueos they all shaie the same pictuie when they aie in
list foim. This makes it uifficult to uistinguish which one is which when having
stuuents seaich foi them.


When I lookeu thiough YouTube - Euucation I loveu what I saw. Theie weie a
vaiiety of viueos that it hau to offei, incluuing helpful tips foi teacheis, viueos on a
specific topic foi stuuents, stuuents piesenting theii own woik, anu moie. I often
use YouTube when I am looking foi a cieative way to piesent a topic to my
classioom. It is veiy easy to navigate, anu even allows you to subsciibe to specific
channels that you enjoy, so it is easiei to finu theii posts. This site is gieat foi
stuuents anu teacheis to use in the classioom.


The poucast that I founu was posteu on YouTube. The only use that I see foi
poucasts in the classioom is foi stuuents to piesent what they have leaineu in the
foim of a viueo. Insteau of uoing a book iepoit oi wiiting a papei on what they have
leaineu a poucast is a gieat way to use technology anu show off youi new

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The fiist activity I founu was a viueo online that helpeu stuuents to bettei
unueistanu basic subtiaction. I likeu this viueo, because it uiun't jump iight into
subtiacting; it fiist ievieweu basic auuition to give stuuents a backgiounu as to how
subtiaction woiks. This viueo woulu be a gieat iesouice to show stuuents befoie
they tiy to woik on subtiaction on theii own. With iesouices like this I am able to
pause the viueo to auu in auuitional commentaiy that I feel is necessaiy, oi answei
any of the questions that stuuents may have.


Activity 2

The next activity that I founu is a game calleu Nath Nayhem. This is a game that I
woulu use foi stuuents who alieauy know how to auuition oi subtiaction, but aie
woiking on impioving theii mental math skills. This woulu make a gieat centei foi
stuuents who aie woiking on passing theii timeu tests in math.


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