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Workload Profile Assessment for VNX and Clariion


Table of Contents
Product ............................................................................................................... 1
Description - How to start Analyzer in Unisphere ...................................................... 1
Resolution ........................................................................................................... 1
Description - How to Collect SPCollects via Unisphere ............................................... 4
Resolution ........................................................................................................... 4
Package for upload to miTrend ............................................................................... 5
Creating An Assessment ....................................................................................... 5
Single Arrray ........................................................................................................... 5
Multiple Arrrays ......................................................................................................... 6
NAR via Command Line ......................................................................................... 7
SP Collect via Command Line ................................................................................. 8

Unisphere for VNX or Clariion

For miTrend Assessment, data collection is only needed from one SP because the data
from contains information from both SPs.
Description - How to start Analyzer in Unisphere
Data logging screen is dimmed (grayed out).
Unisphere software won't allow access to Analyzer data logging if Unisphere is initiated
through the IP of the Celerra Control Station.

The IP of the CLARiiON storage processor (SP) must be used to initiate/start Unisphere.

1. Select the S/N needed from the list (if more then one is managed by Unisphere).

Workload Profile Assessment for VNX and Clariion

2. Go to the properties of the VNX/CLARiiON and enable the Statistic Data logging.

3. From "Monitoring" select Analyzer and then Select "Performance Data Logging."

Workload Profile Assessment for VNX and Clariion

4. In the "Data Logging" screen adjust settings as needed and start the Analyzer
collection by Selecting Start.

Workload Profile Assessment for VNX and Clariion

Description - How to Collect SPCollects via Unisphere

To collect the SPCollects via the Unishere GUI, follow these steps:

1. Log in to the CLARiiON via Unisphere.
2. On the Dashboard screen, select the CLARiiON system you wish to generate
SPCollects from.
3. On the System Information screen there is a Task panel containing SPA Tasks
and SPB Tasks.
4. To generate SPCollects for SPA:
1. Select Generate Diagnostic Files from the SPA Tasks panel.
2. A confirmation window will appear, select Yes to start the SPCollect script
3. Select OK to confirm the task successfully starts.
5. The SPCollect script may take several minutes to complete. To verify the SPCollect
creation for SPA:
1. Select Get Diagnostic Files from the SPA Tasks panel.
2. The SPA File Transfer Manager window will appear.
3. Enlarge the SPA File Transfer Manager window and resize the Files On
SP panel for easier browsing.
4. Select twice on the Date column in the Files On SP panel to show the most
recently created files first. Enlarge the Name column so that the full file
names can be read.
5. If the SPCollect script is still running, you will see a file of the format
{SERIAL NO}_SPx_YYYY-MM-DD_HH_MM_SS_runlog.txt which
corresponds to the array serial number, SP id and the date and time (GMT)
that the SPCollect script was started on the SP.
6. Wait a few minutes and Select on Refresh to update the Files On SP
7. When the SPCollect script has completed the Files On SP panel will show a
file of the format
{SERIAL NO} which
corresponds to the array serial number, SP id and the date and time (GMT)
that the SPCollect script was started on the SP.

6. To retrieve the SPCollects from SPA:
1. In the SPA File Transfer Manager window from step 5 above, Select on
the required SPCollect zip file in the Files On SP panel.
2. In the Destination Directory panel, select the destination directory on the
local host that the SPCollect should be transferred to.
3. Select on the Transfer button at the bottom of the File On SP panel to begin
the file transfer operation.

Workload Profile Assessment for VNX and Clariion

4. A confirmation window will appear, select Yes to start the transfer
5. The Transfer Status panel will report the results of the file transfer
6. Select OK to close the SPA File Transfer Manager window and return the
System Management screen.

Package for upload to miTrend
Per array, package NAR files and SP Collects into one compressed folder (ZIP or 7Z).
!!! Never package more than one array into the same compressed folder !!!
Creating An Assessment
One NAR from either SPA or SPB contains data for both filer Storage Processors

1. Log into
2. Select on New Assessment
3. Fill out the New Assessment Form
If you have already done an assessment for this customer, select the customers
name from the Copy From Recent drop down box
4. Select CLARiiON / VNX from the Device Type drop down box
Device Type = Supported Platforms

Single Arrray

1. Select Browse (PC) or Choose File (Mac)
2. Navigate to the folder with the compressed file (ZIP or .7Z)
3. Select Open (PC) or Choose (Mac)
4. Select Upload
You will see the uploaded file

5. Select Ok on the Uploaded Complete window
6. Select Next
7. Select Submit on the New Assessment Review and Save page
8. Select Ok on the Warning pop up window
9. Select OK on the Success : Assessment Submitted window

Workload Profile Assessment for VNX and Clariion


Multiple Arrrays

1. Select Browse or Choose File
2. Navigate to the folder with the compressed file (ZIP or .7Z)
3. Select Open or Choose
4. Select the Plus symbol to add another NAR file
5. Navigate to the folder with the compressed file (ZIP or .7Z)
6. Select Open or Choose
7. Select Upload
Select Ok on the Uploaded Complete window
You will see the uploaded files

8. Select Next
9. Select Submit on the New Assessment Review and Save page
10. Select Ok on the Warning window
11. Select OK on the Success : Assessment Submitted window

Workload Profile Assessment for VNX and Clariion

NAR via Command Line
1. Edit the batch file and change the location to a drive letter to a proper location on
the server for storing the NAR files
a. Example
<Drive Letter> to C

Open a command prompt on the management workstation.

cd c:\program files\emc\navisphere cli

For /f tokens=2-4 delims=/ %%a in (date /t) do (set date=%%a-%%b-%%c)
For /f tokens=1-3 delims=: %%a in (time /t) do (set time=%%a-%%b-%%c)

NaviSECCli.exe -h -user -password -scope 0 analyzer -archiveretrieve -file %date%-%time%-
Serial#-SPA.nar -Location <Drive Letter>:\EMC_NAR_Files

Workload Profile Assessment for VNX and Clariion

SP Collect via Command Line
Open a command prompt on the management workstation.
Type cd c:\program files\emc\navisphere cli

Start the SPcollect script
naviseccli -h <SP_IP_address> spcollect

This will list the files created by SPcollect.
navicli -h <SP_IP_address> managefiles -list

This will display the files that can be moved from the SP to the management station.
navicli -h <SP_IP_address> managefiles -retrieve

Index Size in KB Last Modified Filename
0 3 06/14/04 11:02:15 DeletedVolume.txt
1 515 05/26/04 10:44:16 ktdump-040526-144415.txt
2 532 05/26/04 11:20:33 ktdump-040526-152033.txt
3 431 05/26/04 12:37:12 ktdump-040526-163711.txt
4 415 05/26/04 16:12:46 ktdump-040526-201246.txt
5 737 06/14/04 17:35:41 ktdump-040614-213541.txt
6 727 06/17/04 14:52:34 ktdump-040617-185234.txt
7 468 06/17/04 17:08:01 ktdump-040617-210801.txt
8 0 06/17/04 17:08:50 ktdump_log.txt
9 0 06/14/04 11:26:41 naviagent_Jun-14-04_15-26-37.log
10 0 06/14/04 17:38:28 naviagent_Jun-14-04_21-38-22.log
11 0 06/17/04 17:08:01 naviagent_Jun-17-04_18-55-16.log
12 0 06/25/04 07:05:16 naviagent_Jun-17-04_21-08-46.log
13 996 05/27/04 15:25:54
14 1029 05/27/04 15:39:33
15 1489 06/25/04 06:47:00
16 1205 07/01/04 14:33:52
17 1 06/25/04 07:05:13
Enter files to be retrieved with index separated by comma (1,2,3,4,5) OR by a range (1-3)
OR enter 'all' to retrieve all file OR 'quit' to quit> 13.

This will pull the index number 13 from the corresponding SP and copy it to
the c:\program files\emc\navisphere cli directory with a filename of SPA__APM00023000437_9c773_05-

, EMC, the EMC logo, [add other applicable product trademarks in alphabetical order] are
registered trademarks or trademarks of EMC Corporation in the United States and other
countries. VMware [add additional per above, if required] are registered trademarks or
trademarks of VMware, Inc., in the United States and other jurisdictions. Copyright 2011 EMC
Corporation. All rights reserved. Published in the USA. 12/14/2012

EMC believes the information in this document is accurate as of its publication date. The
information is subject to change without notice.

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