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We Paddle offers another opportunity to

experience Australias most exciting ocean

paddling event if you missed January!


Thursday November 27
Sunday November 30
The Doctor in Perth is Australias most exciting paddling event from
Rottnest Island to Sorrento Beach covering 27kms (or vice versa
depending on wind conditions).
The races plan to start at Rottnest Island and finish at Sorrento Beach,
however should the winds be blowing easterly then the course may be
reversed. The event has a two day window to allow for the best ocean
racing conditions.

/ 30
November 2014
Rottnest Island Sorrento Beach, Perth

Pellentesque viverra. Ut sed odio. Class aptent taciti
sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per
inceptos hymenaeos. Donec porttitor venenatis felis.
Vivamus orci. Vestibulum rutrum tincidunt ante.
Integer non sem. Donec enim diam, sagittis at, mattis nec,
ultricies vitae, diam. Donec euismod turpis et diam. Nunc
non nulla. Duis nec tortor. Nulla facilisi. In ligula lectus,
nonummy nec, pulvinar id, pulvinar ac, nisl. Pellentesque
purus. Proin tristique tempus turpis. Ut id lectus. Nulla
Mauris nonummy turpis id nisl. Fusce sit amet purus.
Donec commodo, lorem id sodales congue, nulla lacus
commodo mi, vel volutpat tortor augue id quam. Donec sit
amet massa. Fusce at nulla. Aenean faucibus odio eget
tortor. Pellentesque tellus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus
et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Etiam nisl elit, venenatis consequat, auctor non, sagittis
sed, arcu. Sed arcu ipsum, fringilla ac, blandit a, lobortis
vel, risus. Proin pulvinar malesuada metus. Pellentesque
gravida fermentum nibh. Sed libero neque, feugiat eget,
condimentum eu, tempor in, erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum
primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia
Curae; Pellentesque tristique adipiscing lacus.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque vel augue.
Suspendisse id quam a tellus laoreet viverra. Sed
dignissim mattis ligula. Quisque vel neque vitae purus
dapibus tristique. Nullam sed urna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. estibulum ante ipsum
primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia
Curae; Sed leo quam, pretium non, blandit eget, tincidunt
a, augue. Donec ut massa.

We Paddle



Not Included:
Meals and alcohol

Flare compulsory to be carried
on craft. Available for purchase
through We Paddle

Tie down straps for your craft
required for the barge to Rottnest
Island. Available for purchase
through We Paddle

Pre or Post event accommodation

Single Supplement for solo

Items of a personal nature such
as drinks, laundry, dry cleaning,
Optional Extras ask us for details:
Car Hire
Roof rack hire
Airport Transfers
Training and breathing programs
to enhance performance
Airport transfers

We Paddle
Tel: + 61 425 739 918
ALL INCLUSIVE price per person AUD $1,495 (Twin Share) or
AUD $995 without flights

Price Includes:
Flights - Return economy class
airfares to Perth (ex Melbourne)
Includes airline taxes and 1 piece
of checked baggae up to 15kg.
For other cities please ask for
Accommodation - 3 nights
accommodation in 1BR spa
apartment at the Quality Resort
Sorrento Beach on a twin share
Craft Hire Ski hire for single craft.
Double skis / craft may incur an
additional charge
Craft transportation and Rottnest
Ferry Ticket one way paddlers
ferry ticket including boat
transport and landing fee on
Rottnest Island
Race Entry Entry fee for The

BOOKING TERMS & CONDITIONS: All Inclusive Packages a $1000 deposit is required at time of
booking to secure both flights and accommodation. The Balance of payment is due 30 days prior to departure.
Airfares quoted are based on a Y class fare and are ex MELBOURNE. Should airfare class be unavailable at
time of booking, the next available class will be offered and may be subject to a surcharge on existing fare.
Without flights Package a $500 deposit is required at the time of booking to secure accommodation. The
balance of payment is due 30 days prior to departure. Cancellations Airfares: Refunds on the all-inclusive
package are subject to Airline cancellation terms and conditions. Accommodation: Deposit paid is fully
refundable from time of booking until 7 days prior to departure when full payment is required. Triple share is
available at additional cost. Please enquire at time of booking. All prices are subject to change.

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