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William Tyndale (1484 - 1536).

On that day when all the living stand

befoe the !"dgment seat of #es"s $hist -- the f"llness of the
%odhead indwelling the &amb and the &ion in bodily fom -- few
saints will shine moe bightly than William Tyndale. %ive all the
'edit yo" will to &"the( Wy'liffe( and the many othes( b"t when
the havest is gatheed f"ll in( ) dae say that among all the
tanslatos of that age( William Tyndale will glean the lion*s shae of
f"it. +efined by the '"'ible of ,ese'"tion( a ,odigio"s amo"nt of
William Tyndale*s tanslation s"vives to this day in o" ,i'eless
-"thoised .esion( as %od no do"bt had infallibly deemed it so fom
the fo"ndation of the wold.
-s vast as the eveen'e( ,iety( s/ill( and leaning wee in the heats
and minds of the 1611 -. Tanslatos( they ,ossessed an additional
attib"te that ained ",on them mightily fom 0eaven( vi1.( they
flo"ished in a ga'e whi'h allowed them to e'ogni1e that 2a
geate2 had gone befoe them. Th"s( they let m"'h of William
Tyndale*s wo/ shine tho"gh( and this 'an be seen by sim,ly
'om,aing Tyndale*s 1534 tanslation with that of the -"thoised
.esion. &i/e a ,e'io"s stone( the Tanslatos of 1611 too/
Tyndale*s wo/ and( with the "tmost wisdom( mastey( and ,o,iety
-- and the good hand of %od ",on them -- ,olished Tyndale*s wods
into the most san'tified and f"itf"l 3oo/ the wold has eve /nown.
Of all the boo/s and bibles that have eve e4isted( this was the 3oo/
that %od the 5athe odained above all( that %od the 6on 7"i'/ened
above all( and that %od the 0oly %host sealed with ,efe'tion.
We /now this 3oo/ by its f"its. This 3oo/ was #ohn 3"nyan*s 2right
Jerusalem blade.2 This 3oo/ was the missionay*s ma,( the ,ilgim*s
'om,ass( and the od and the staff of the geatest o"t,o"ing of the
$omfote that any age has eve seen.
The -"thoised .esion neve has and neve will be e7"aled o
s",assed. )t is meet( then( to e'ogni1e that this 3oo/ -- given by
the %od Who does whateve 0e ,leases in heaven( and in eath( in
the seas( and all dee, ,la'es -- that this 3oo/( this most val"able
teas"e( this teas"e of teas"es( the most val"able teas"e on
the fa'e of this eath today -- that this 3oo/( tho"gh indited and
'ommissioned by the 0oly 6,iit( yet its ,ages beat still with the
heat of many holy men of %od who wote and s,a/e in the 6,iit*s
san'tifying ,owe of tanslation and tansmission -- b"t none moe
so"ndly no bavely than William Tyndale.
5om 8'$l"e*s Translators Revived( we lean how nobly Tyndale
finished his 'o"se and /e,t the faith -
29aly in 1535( Tyndale( who had been 'onstantly h"nted by the
emissaies of his 9nglish ,ese'"tos( was betayed by one :hilli,s( a
tool of 6te,hen %adine( the '"el and 'afty bisho, of Win'heste.
0e s"ffeed an im,isonment of moe than eighteen months in the
'astle of .ilvode( whee he was the means of 'onveting the !ailo(
the !ailo*s da"ghte( and othes of the ho"sehold. -ll that 'onvesed
with him in the 'astle boe witness to the ,"ity of his 'haa'te;
and even the 9m,eo $hales the 5ifth*s :o'"ato-%eneal( o
'hief ,ose'"ting offi'e( who saw him thee( said that Tyndale was
-- homo doctus, pius, et bonus -- a learned, pious, and good man. )t
was 5iday( the si4th of O'tobe( 1536( when this man( of whom the
world was not worthy, and who o"ght to be famed as the noblest
and geatest benefa'to of the 9nglish a'e in all the wold( was
bo"ght foth to die. 3eing fastened to the sta/e( he 'ied o"t with a
fevent 1eal( and a lo"d voi'e -- Lord, open the eyes of the King of
England 0e was then stangled( and b"ned to ashes. Th"s de,ated
one fo whom heaven was eady; b"t fo whom eath( to this ho"(
has no mon"ment( e4'e,t the 3ible he gave to so many of he
- +oman $atholi' ,iest ema/ed( 2we wee bette witho"t %od*s law than the :o,e*s(2 to whi'h
Tyndale e,lied( 2) defy the :o,e and all his laws. )f %od s,ae my life( ee many yeas( )
will 'a"se a boy that diveth a ,lo"gh shall /now moe of the 6'i,t"e than tho"
dost.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2Tho" shalt "ndestand... that the 6'i,t"e hath b"t one sense( whi'h is the liteal sense. -nd that
the liteal sense is the oot and go"nd of all( and the an'ho that neve
faileth.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2The 6'i,t"es s,ing o"t of %od and flow "nto $hist( and wee given to lead "s to $hist. Tho" m"st
go along by the 6'i,t"e as by a line "ntil tho" 'ome at $hist( whi'h is the way*s end and
esting ,la'e.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
When the :a,al a"thoities stated that the 0ebew and %ee/ 'o"ldn*t a''"ately be tanslated into
9nglish( Tyndale es,onded( 2They will say it 'annot be tanslated into o" tong"e( it is so
"de. )t is not so "de as they ae false lias. 5o the %ee/ tong"e ageeth moe with the
9nglish than with the &atin. -nd the ,o,eties of the 0ebew tong"e ageeth a tho"sand
times moe with the 9nglish than with the &atin. The manne of s,ea/ing is both one( so
that in a tho"sand ,la'es tho" needest not b"t to tanslate it into 9nglish wod fo wod
when tho" m"st see/ a 'om,ass in the &atin and yet shall have m"'h wo/ to tanslate it
well-favo"edly( so that it have the same ga'e and sweetness( sense and ,"e
"ndestanding with it in the &atin as it hath in the 0ebew. - tho"sand ,ats bette may it
be tanslated into 9nglish than into &atin.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
25o ) 'all %od to e'od against the day we shall a,,ea befoe the &od #es"s( to give a e'/oning of
o" doings( that ) neve alteed one syllable of %od*s Wod against my 'ons'ien'e( no
wo"ld this day( if all that is in the eath( whethe it be ,leas"e( hono"( o i'hes( might
be given me.2 Translators Revived, p %&
2The nat"e of %od*s wod is to fight against hy,o'ites.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
28a/ this also( if %od send thee to the sea and ,omise to go with thee and to bing thee safe to
land( he will aise ", a tem,est against thee( to ,ove whethe tho" wilt abide by his
wod( and that tho" mayest feel thy faith and ,e'eive his goodness( fo if it wee always
fai weathe and tho" neve bo"ght into s"'h !eo,ady when'e his me'y only deliveed
thee( thy faith sho"ld be b"t a ,es"m,tion and tho" sho"ldest be eve "nthan/f"l to %od
and me'iless "nto thy neighbo.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2)f %od ,omise i'hes( the way theeto is ,ovety. Whom he loveth( him he 'hasteneth( whom he
e4alteth( he 'asteth down( whom he saveth he damneth fist. 0e bingeth no man to
heaven e4'e,t he send him to hell fist. )f he ,omise life he slayeth fist( whom he
b"ildeth( he 'asteth all down fist. 0e is no ,at'he( he 'annot b"ild on anothe man*s
fo"ndation. 0e will not wo/ "ntil all be ,ast emedy and bo"ght "nto s"'h a 'ase( that
men may see how that his hand( his ,owe( his me'y( his goodness and t"th hath
wo"ght altogethe.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2:os,eity is a ight '"se and a thing that %od giveth "nto his enemies.2 !bedience !f " #hristian
2Tib"lation fo ighteo"sness is not a blessing only. 3"t also a gift that %od giveth "nto none save his
s,e'ial fiends.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2)s it not an ha,,y thing to be s"e that tho" ae sealed with %od*s 6,iit "nto evelasting life<...
Whom %od 'hooseth to eign evelastingly with $hist him sealeth he with his mighty 6,iit
and ,o"eth stength into his heat to s"ffe affli'tions also with $hist fo beaing witness
"nto the t"th.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2&o( ,ese'"tion and advesity fo the t"th*s sa/e is %od*s s'o"ge and %od*s od and ,etaineth "nto
all his 'hilden indiffeently... -s the fathe hath always in time of 'oe'tion the od fast
in his hand( so that the od doth nothing b"t as the fathe moveth it= even so hath %od all
tyants in his hand and letteth them not do whatsoeve they wo"ld( b"t as m"'h only as he
a,,ointeth them to do and as fafoth it is ne'essay fo "s.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2&et thy 'ae be to ,e,ae thyself with all thy stength fo to wal/ whi'h way he will have thee and
to believe that he will go with thee and assist thee and stength thee against all tyants
and delive thee o"t of all tib"lation. 3"t what way o by what means he will do it( that
'ommit "nto him and to his godly ,leas"e and wisdom and 'ast that 'ae ",on
him.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2>ow thee is no othe division o heesy in the wold save man*s wisdom and when man*s foolish
wisdom inte,eteth the s'i,t"e.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
28an*s wisdom is ,lain idolaty( neithe is thee any othe idolaty than to imagine of %od afte man*s
wisdom.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2%od is that only whi'h he testifieth of himself and to imagine any othe thing of %od than that is
damnable idolaty.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2Tho" mayest heeby ,e'eive that all that is done in the wold (befoe the 6,iit of %od 'ome and
giveth "s light) is damnable sin( and the moe gloio"s the moe damnable( so that that
whi'h the wold 'o"nteth most gloio"s is moe damnable in the sight of %od( than that
whi'h the whoe( the thief and the m"dee do.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
20e now that is enewed in $hist( /ee,eth the law witho"t any law witten o 'om,"lsion of any
"le o offi'e( save by the leading of the 6,iit only; b"t the nat"al man is enti'ed and
moved to /ee, the law 'anally( with 'anal easons and woldly ,es"asions( as fo gloy(
hono"( i'hes( and dignity.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2)t is im,ossible to ,ea'h $hist e4'e,t tho" ,ea'h against -nti'hist.2 !bedience !f " #hristian
2We do not loo/ (if we have $hist*s 6,iit in "s) what is good( ,ofitable( gloio"s and hono"able fo
"s( neithe on o" own will( b"t on %od*s will only.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2The law is s,iit"al and e7"ieth the heat( and is neve f"lfilled with the deed in the sight of %od...
?ea( tho" sho"ldest feel in thine heat that all thy deeds to 'ome ae ab"ndantly
e'om,ensed aleady in $hist.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
28a/ how %od( to avenge his t"th( sendeth to the "nthan/f"l false do'tine and false mia'les to
'onfim them and to haden thei heats in the false way( that aftewad it shall not be
,ossible fo them to admit the t"th.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2)t is the same %od now that was in the old time and deliveed the fathes and the ,o,hets( the
a,ostles and othe holy saints. -nd whatsoeve he swoe to them he hath swon to
"s.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2)n $hist we ae all one thing( none bette than othe( all bethen and m"st all see/ $hist and o"
bothes* ,ofit in $hist. -nd he that hath the /nowledge whethe he be lod o /ing( is
bo"nd to s"bmit himself and seve his bethen and to give himself fo them( to win them
to $hist.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2)n many things %od hath made the men stonge than the women( not to age ",on them and to be
tyants "nto them b"t to hel, them to bea thei wea/ness. 3e 'o"teo"s theefoe "nto
them and win them "nto $hist and ove'ome them with /indness( that of love they may
obey the odinan'e that %od hath made between man and wife.2 !bedience !f " #hristian
2%ive yo" sevants /ind wods( food( aiment and leaning. 3e not bitte "nto them( ail not on
them( give them no '"el 'o"ntenan'e= b"t a''oding to the e4am,le and do'tine of
$hist( deal with them. -nd when they labo" soe 'heish them again. When ye 'oe't
them let %od*s wod be by and do it with s"'h good manne that they may see how that ye
do it to amend them only( and to bing them "nto the way whi'h %od biddeth "s wal/ in(
and not to avenge yo"selves o to wea/ yo" mali'e on them. )f at a time tho"gh
hastiness ye e4'eed meas"e in ,"nishing( e'om,ense it anothe way and ,adon them
anothe time.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
23"t as $hist biddeth "s bewae of the leaven of the :haisees( so bewae of thei 'o"ntefeited
/eys and of thei false net( whi'h ae thei taditions and 'eemonies( thei hy,o'isy and
false do'tine( wheewith they 'at'h - not so"ls "nto $hist - b"t a"thoity and i'hes "nto
themselves.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2Whosoeve vow an "nlawf"l vow( ,omise an "nlawf"l ,omise( swea an "nlawf"l oath( sinneth
against %od( and o"ght theefoe to bea/ it. 0e needeth not to s"e to +ome fo a li'ense.
5o he hath %od*s Wod( and not a li'ense only( b"t also a 'ommandment to bea/ it. They
theefoe that ae swon to be t"e "nto $adinals and 3isho,s - that is to say( false "nto
%od the /ing and the ealm - may bea/ thei oaths lawf"lly witho"t g"dge of 'ons'ien'e
by the a"thoity of %od*s Wod. )n ma/ing them they sinned( b"t in e,enting and bea/ing
them they ,lease %od highly and e'eive fogiveness in $hist.2 !bedience !f " #hristian
2To ,ea'h %od*s Wod is too m"'h fo half a man. -nd to ministe a tem,oal /ingdom is too m"'h
fo half a man also. 9ithe othe e7"ieth an whole man. One theefoe 'annot well do
both.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2:a"l saith in the ninth 'ha,te of the fist $ointhians( %od sent me b"t to ,ea'h. - teible saying
veily fo :o,es( $adinals( and 3isho,s. )f he had said woe be to me if ) fight now and
move ,in'es "nto wa( o if ) in'ease not 6aint :ete*s ,atimony (as they 'all it) it had
been a moe easy saying fo them.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
>ote= 2:ete*s ,atimony2 efeed to the .ati'an*s i'hes( es,e'ially the .ati'an b"ildings( its land
and teitoies( its teas"es( and so foth.
2@ndestand theefoe that one thing in the s'i,t"e e,esenteth dives things. - se,ent fig"eth
$hist in one ,la'e and the devil in anothe. -nd a lion doth li/ewise. $hist by leaven
signifieth %od*s Wod in one ,la'e( and in anothe signifieth theeby the taditions of the
:haisees whi'h so"ed and alteed %od*s Wod fo thei advantage.2 !bedience !f "
#hristian $an
25o 8oses ,"t in -aon*s mo"th what he sho"ld say( and -aon was 8oses* ,o,het and s,a/e( not his
own message - as the :o,e and 3isho,s do - b"t that whi'h 8oses had e'eived of %od and
deliveed "nto him. 6o o"ght evey ,ea'he to ,ea'h %od*s Wod ,"ely and neithe to
add no diminish.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2What is the 'a"se that o" 3isho,s ,ea'h the :o,e and not $hist< The -,ostles ,ea'hed not :ete(
b"t $hist. :a"l saith of himself and of his fellow -,ostles= we ,ea'h not o"selves( b"t
$hist #es"s the &od( and ,ea'h o"selves yo" sevants fo #es"s* sa/e. -nd let no man
e!oi'e in men. 5o all things ae yo"s( whethe it be :a"l( o -,ollos( o :ete( whethe
it be the wold( o life o death( whethe they be ,esent things o things to 'ome= all ae
yo"s and ye ae $hist*s and $hist is %od*s. 0e leaveth o"t ye ae :ete*s o ye ae the
:o,e*s.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
25o $hist saith to be geat in the /ingdom of %od is to do sevi'e and ta/e ,ain fo othe. @,on
whi'h "le :a"l dis,"teth saying= if they be the ministes of $hist ) am moe - in labo"s
moe ab"ndant( in sti,es above meas"e( in ,ison moe ,lenteo"sly( in death often and
so foth. )f :a"l ,ea'hed $hist moe than :ete and s"ffeed moe fo his 'ongegation(
then is he geate than :ete by the testimony of $hist. -nd in the twelfth Aof B
$ointhiansC he saith= )n nothing was ) infeio "nto the high -,ostles. Tho"gh ) be nothing(
yet the to/ens of an -,ostle wee wo"ght among yo" with all ,atien'e( with signs and
wondes and mighty deeds. 6o he ,oved his a"thoity( and not with a 3"ll fom :ete
sealed with 'old lead.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2The a"thoity that $hist gave them Athe -,ostlesC was to ,ea'h( yet not what they wo"ld imagine(
b"t what he had 'ommanded. &o( saith he( ) am with yo" all ways( even "nto the end of
the wold. 0e said not( ) go my way and lo hee is :ete in my stead( b"t sent them evey
man to a s"ndy 'o"nty( whithesoeve the 6,iit 'aied them( and went with them
himself.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
23"t as o" 3isho,s hea not $hist*s voi'e( so see they him not ,esent( and theefoe ma/e them a
god on the eath( of the /ind( ) s",,ose( of -aon*s 'alf. 5o he bingeth foth no othe
f"it b"t 3"lls.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
20e A3isho, +o'hesteC allegeth fo the :o,e*s a"thoity 6aint $y,ian( 6aint -"g"stine( -mbose(
#eome( and Oigen( of whi'h neve one /new of any a"thoity that one 3isho, sho"ld
have above anothe.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2-ll the wold /noweth that 8atin &"the slayeth no man( b"t /illeth only with the s,iit"al swod(
the Wod of %od.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2The devil believeth that $hist died( b"t not that he died fo his sins. >eithe doth any that
'onsenteth in the heat to 'ontin"e in sin( believe that $hist died fo him.2 !bedience !f
" #hristian $an
25aith is the o'/ wheeon $hist b"ildeth his 'ongegation( against whi'h saith $hist (8atthew 16)(
hell gates shall not ,evail.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2O blas,hemyD )f etenal life be d"e "nto the ,illed taditions of lo"sy fias( whee is the testament
be'ome that %od made "nto "s in $hist*s blood<2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2Whosoeve goeth abo"t to ma/e satisfa'tion fo his sins to %od-wad( saying in his heat( this m"'h )
have sinned( this m"'h will ) do again( o this wise will ) live to ma/e amends withal( o
this will ) do to get heaven withal( the same is an infidel( faithless and damned in deed
doing( and hath lost his ,at in $hist*s blood( be'a"se he is disobedient "nto %od*s
testament( and setteth ", anothe of his own imagination( "nto whi'h he will 'om,el %od
to obey.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2:a"l saith a 3isho, m"st be fa"ltless( the h"sband of one wife. >ay( saith the :o,e( the h"sband of
>O wife( b"t the holde of as many whoes as he li/eth.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2)t is not eno"gh fo them A:o,es( $adinals( and 3isho,sC to eign ove all that ae 7"i'/( b"t have
'eated them a :"gatoy( to eign also ove the dead and to have one /ingdom moe than
%od himself hath.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2The 8othe $h"'h Ai.e.( the +oman $atholi' $h"'hC and the high alta m"st have somewhat
AmoneyC in evey testament. Offeings at ,iests* fist masses. &i/ewise no man is
,ofessed( of whatsoeve eligion it be( b"t he m"st bing somewhat AmoneyC. The
hallowing( o athe 'on!"ing( of 'h"'hes( 'ha,els( altas( s",ealtas( 'hali'e vestments
and bells. Then boo/( bell( 'andlesti'/( ogans( 'hali'e( vestments( 'o,es( alta 'loths(
s",li'es( towels( basins( ewes( shi,( 'ense and all manne onaments m"st be fo"nd
them feely= they will not give a mite theeto. &ast of all what swams of begging 5ias ae
thee< The :ason sheaeth( the .i'a shaveth( the :aish :iest ,olleth( the 5ia s'a,eth
and the :adone ,aeth. We la'/ b"t a b"t'he to ,"ll off the s/in.2 !bedience !f "
#hristian $an
2The :o,e fo money 'an em,ty :"gatoy when he will.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2%od*s Wod ,etaineth "nto all men as it ,etaineth "nto all sevants to /now thei mastes* will and
,leas"e( and to all s"b!e'ts to /now the laws of thei ,in'e.2 !bedience !f " #hristian
2&et %od*s Wod ty evey man*s do'tine and whomsoeve %od*s Wod ,oveth "n'lean( let him be
ta/en fo a le,e. One s'i,t"e will hel, to de'lae anothe. -nd the 'i'"mstan'es( that
is to say( the ,la'es that go befoe and afte( will give light "nto the middle te4t. -nd the
o,en and manifest s'i,t"es will eve im,ove the false and wong e4,osition of the
da/e senten'es.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2$hist said to :ete( the last 'ha,te of #ohn( feed my shee,( not shea thy flo'/.2 !bedience !f "
#hristian $an
2-nd as fo that othe solemn do"bt( as they 'all it( whethe #"das was a :iest o no( ) 'ae not what
he then was( b"t of this ) am s"e= that he is now not only :iest( b"t also 3isho,( $adinal
and :o,e.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2+e,entan'e goeth befoe faith and ,e,aeth the way to $hist and to the ,omises. 5o $hist
'ometh not( b"t "nto them that see thei sins in the law and e,ent.2 !bedience !f "
#hristian $an
26hift in the ea is veily a wo/ of 6atan and that the falsest that eve was wo"ght and that most
hath devo"ed the faith.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
>ote= 3y 2shift in the ea2 Tyndale means the 'onfessional( i.e.( whee ,eo,le ae made to 'onfess
thei sins to a ,iest.
2- $histian man is a s,iit"al thing and hath %od*s Wod in his heat and %od*s 6,iit to 'etify him of
all things. 0e is not bo"nd to 'ome to any ea Athat is( to the 'onfessionalC.2 !bedience !f
" #hristian $an
2When a man feeleth that his heat 'onsenteth "nto the law of %od( and feeleth himself mee/(
,atient( 'o"teo"s and me'if"l to his neighbo( alteed and fashioned li/e "nto $hist(
why sho"ld he do"bt b"t that %od hath fogiven him and 'hosen him and ,"t his 6,iit in
him( tho"gh he neve 'am his sin into the :iest*s ea<2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2>evetheless the t"th is( when any man hath tes,assed against %od= if he e,ent and /nowledge
his tes,ass( %od ,omiseth him fogiveness witho"t ea shift.2 !bedience !f " #hristian
2To whom a man tes,assed( "nto him he o"ght to 'onfess( b"t to 'onfess myself "nto thee( O
-nti'hist( whom ) have not offended( ) am not bo"nd.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2They of the old law had no 'onfession in the ea. >eithe the -,ostles no they that followed many
h"nded yeas afte /new of any s"'h whis,eing.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2?ea( why ae we whi'h $hist 'ame to loose moe bo"nd than the #ews<... 0e loosed "s not fom
8oses to bind "s "nto -nti'hist*s ea. %od hath not tied $hist "nto -nti'hist*s ea(
neithe hath he ,o"ed all his me'y in thithe( fo it hath no e'od in the Old Testament(
that -nti'hist*s ea sho"ld be ,o,iatoi"m( that is( %od*s me'y stool( and that %od
sho"ld 'ee, into so naow a hole( so that he 'o"ld nowhee else be fo"nd. >eithe did
%od wite his laws( neithe yet his holy ,omises( in -nti'hist*s ea( b"t hath gaved them
with his 0oly 6,iit in the heats of them that believe( that they might have them all ways
eady at hand to be saved theeby.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
20eeby seest tho" that when they ma/e ,enan'e of e,entan'e and 'all it a sa'ament and divide it
into 'ontition( 'onfession and satisfa'tion( they s,ea/ of thei own heads and lie
falsely.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2The :o,e ta/eth a"thoity also to bind and loose in :"gatoy. That ,emit ) "nto him fo it is a
'eation of his own ma/ing. 0e also bindeth the angels. 5o we ead of :o,es that have
'ommanded the angels to set dives o"t of :"gatoy. 0owbeit ) am not yet 'etified
whethe they obeyed o no.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2The :o,e (say they) absolveth o looseth *a ,ena et a '"l,a(* that is( fom the fa"lt o tes,ass and
fom the ,ain d"e "nto the tes,ass. %od( if a man e,ent( fogiveth the offen'e only( and
not the ,ain also (say they)( so they t"neth the evelasting ,ain "nto a tem,oal ,ain( and
a,,ointeth seven yeas in :"gatoy fo evey deadly sin. 3"t the :o,e fo money fogiveth
both( and hath moe ,owe than %od and is moe me'if"l than %od... ?et %od hath
,omised $hist*s meits "nto all that e,ent so that whosoeve e,enteth is immediately
hei of all $hist*s meits and beloved of %od as $hist is. 0ow then 'ame this fo"l monste
to be lod ove $hist*s meits( as that he hath ,owe to sell that whi'h %od giveth
feely<2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2>ow witho"t a ,omise 'an thee be no faith and theefoe no !"stifying tho"gh thee be neve so
gloio"s wo/s.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2)f all the wold be against "s( %od*s Wod is stonge than the wold.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
26o that now if any man ,ea'h %od*s Wod t"ly and show the feedom and libety of the so"l whi'h
we have in $hist( o intend to estoe the /ings again "nto thei d"ties and ight and to
the oom and a"thoity whi'h they have of %od( and of shadows to ma/e them /ings in
deed( and to ,"t the wold in his ode again( then the /ings delive thei swods and
a"thoity "nto the hy,o'ites to slay him( so d"n/ ae they with the wine of the
whoe.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2Whee no ,omise of %od is( thee 'an be no faith no !"stifying( no fogiveness of sins( fo it is
moe than madness to loo/ fo anything of %od save that he hath ,omised. 0ow fa he
hath ,omised( so fa is he bo"nd to them that believe( and f"the not. To have a faith
theefoe o a t"st in anything( whee %od hath not ,omised( is ,lain idolaty and a
woshi,,ing of thine own imagination instead of %od.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2)n 'on!"ing of holy wate they ,ay that whosoeve be s,in/led theewith may e'eive health as
well of body as of so"l( and li/ewise in ma/ing holy bead and so foth in the 'on!"ations
of othe 'eemonies. >ow we see by daily e4,eien'e that half thei ,aye is "nhead( fo
no man e'eiveth health of body theeby. >o moe of li/elihood do they of
so"l.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2They ,ea'h also that wagging of the bisho,*s hand ove "s blesseth "s and ,"tteth away o" sins.
-e these wo/s not against $hist< 0ow 'an they do moe shame "nto $hist*s blood< 5o if
the wagging of the bisho,*s hand ove me be so ,e'io"s a thing in the sight of %od that )
am theeby blessed( how then am ) f"ll blessed with all s,iit"al blessing in $hist( as :a"l
saith in 9,hesians< O if my sins be f"ll done away in $hist( how emaineth thee any to
be done away by s"'h fantasies<2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2)f any man e,ent t"ly and 'ome to the faith and ,"t his t"st in $hist( then as oft as he sinneth of
failty( at the sigh of the heat is his sin ,"t away in $hist*s blood( fo $hist*s blood
,"geth eve and blesseth eve.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2&et this be s"ffi'ient as 'on'ening the sa'aments and 'eemonies( with this ,otestation( that if
any 'an say bette o im,ove this with %od*s Wod( no man shall be bette 'ontent
theewith than )( fo ) see/ nothing b"t the t"th and to wal/ in the light. ) s"bmit
theefoe this wod and all othe that ) have made o shall ma/e (if %od will that ) shall
moe ma/e) "nto the !"dgments - not of them that f"io"sly b"n all t"th - b"t of them
whi'h ae eady with %od*s Wod to 'oe't( if anything be said amiss( and to f"the %od*s
Wod.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2-ll the t"e mia'les whi'h ae of %od ae showed to move "s to hea %od*s Wod and to establish
o" faith theein and to 'onfim the t"th of %od*s ,omises( that we might witho"t all
do"bting believe them... $ontaywise the mia'les of -nti'hist ae done to ,"ll thee
fom the Wod of %od and fom believing his ,omises and fom $hist( and to ,"t thy t"st
in a man o a 'eemony wheein %od*s Wod is not.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
25o %od*s Wod tho"gh faith bingeth the 6,iit into o" heats and also life( as $hist saith (#ohn 6)=
the wods whi'h ) s,ea/ ae s,iit and life. The Wod also ,"geth "s and 'leanseth "s( as
$hist saith (#ohn 15). ?e ae 'lean by the means of the Wod( :a"l saith (1 Timothy
B).2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2The !"dgment and damnation of him that hath no l"st to hea the t"th( is to hea lies and to be
established and go"nded theein tho"gh false mia'les= and he that will not see( is
wothy to be blind( and he that biddeth the 6,iit of %od go fom him( is wothy to be
witho"t him.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2:a"l ,ea'hed not himself= he ta"ght not any man to t"st in him o his holiness o in :ete o in any
'eemony b"t in the ,omises whi'h %od hath swon only( yea( he mightily esisteth all
s"'h false do'tine both to the $ointhians( %alatians( 9,hesians and
eveywhee.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2)f :a"l wee hee and loved me (as he loved them of his time to whom he was sent and to whom he
was a sevant to ,ea'h $hist)( what good 'o"ld he do fo me o wish me( b"t ,ea'h
$hist and ,ay to %od fo me( to o,en mine heat( to give me his 6,iit and to bing me
"nto the f"ll /nowledge of $hist< @nto whi'h ,ot o haven( when ) am on'e 'ome( ) am as
safe as :a"l( fellow with :a"l( !oint hei with :a"l of all the ,omises of %od( and %od*s
t"th heaeth my ,aye as well as :a"l*s.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2They 'om,el "s to hie fias( mon/s( n"ns( 'anons( and ,iests( and to b"y thei abominable meits(
and to hie the saints that ae dead to ,ay fo "s( fo the vey saints have they made
hielings also( be'a"se that thei offeings 'ome to thei ,ofit.2 !bedience !f " #hristian
2&et "s set %od*s ,omises befoe o" eyes( and desie him fo his me'y and fo $hist*s sa/e to f"lfill
them. -nd he is as t"e as eve he was( and will do it( as well as eve he did. 5o to "s ae
the ,omises made as well as to them.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
25o nothing bingeth the wath of %od so soon and so soe on a man( as the idolaty of his own
imagination.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2:a"l (+omans 5) saith= 3e'a"se we ae !"stified tho"gh faith( we ae at ,ea'e with %od tho"gh o"
&od #es"s $hist( that is( be'a"se that %od( whi'h 'annot lie( hath ,omised and swon to
be me'if"l "nto "s and to fogive "s fo $hist*s sa/e( we believe and ae at ,ea'e in o"
'ons'ien'es( we "n not hithe and thithe fo ,adon( we t"st not in this fia no that
mon/ neithe in anything save in the Wod of %od only.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2-nti'hist t"neth the oots of the tee ",wad. 0e ma/eth the goodness of %od the ban'hes and
o" goodness the oots. We m"st be fist good( afte -nti'hist*s do'tine( and move %od
and 'om,el him to be good again fo o" goodness* sa/e= so m"st %od*s goodness s,ing o"t
of o" goodness. >ay( veily %od*s goodness is the oot of all goodness and o" goodness( if
we have any( s,ingeth o"t of his goodness.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2$hist is the 'a"se why ) love thee( why ) am eady to do the "ttemost of my ,owe fo thee( and
why ) ,ay fo thee. -nd as long as the 'a"se abideth( so long lasteth the effe't even as it
is always day( so long as the s"n shineth. Eo theefoe the wost tho" 'anst "nto me= ta/e
away my goods( ta/e away my good name( yet as long as $hist emaineth in mine heat( so
long ) love thee not a whit the less and so long at tho" as dea "nto me as mine own so"l(
and so long am ) eady to do thee good fo thine evil( and so long ) ,ay fo thee with all
mine heat. 5o $hist desieth it of me and hath deseved it of me. Thine "n/indness
'om,aed "nto his /indness is nothing at all( yea( it is swallowed ", as a little smo/e of a
mighty wind( and is no moe seen o tho"ght ",on. 8oeove that evil whi'h tho" doest to
me( ) e'eive not of thine hand( b"t of the hand of %od( and as %od*s s'o"ge to tea'h me
,atien'e and to n"t"e me. -nd theefoe have no 'a"se to be angy with thee moe than
the 'hild hath to be angy with his fathe*s od o a si'/ man with a soe o bitte medi'ine
that healeth him( o a ,isone with his fettes o he that is ,"nished lawf"lly with the
offi'e that ,"nisheth him.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2)f ) be in $hist then the love of $hist 'om,elleth me( and theefoe ) am eady to give thee mine
and not to ta/e thine fom thee= if ) be able( ) will do the sevi'e feely; if not( then if tho"
ministe to me again( that e'eive ) of the hand of %od whi'h ministeeth it to me by
thee.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2Them that ae good( ) love be'a"se they ae in $hist= and the evil( to bing them to
$hist.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2)nasm"'h as %od hath 'eated all and $hist bo"ght all with his blood( theefoe o"ght all to see/
%od and $hist in all and else nothing.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2%od hath ta/en all vengean'e into his own hand( and will avenge all "night himself= eithe by the
,owes o offi'es whi'h ae a,,ointed theeto( o else( if they be negligent( he will send
his '"ses ",on the tansgessos and destoy them with his se'et !"dgment.2 !bedience
!f " #hristian $an
2) showed yo" of the a"thoity of ,in'es( how they ae in %od*s stead and how they may not be
esisted do they neve so evil( they m"st be eseved "nto the wath of %od.
>evethelate if they 'ommand to do evil we m"st then disobey and say we ae othewise
'ommanded of %od= b"t not to ise against them.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2Eamned theefoe ae the s,iit"ality by all the laws of %od( whi'h tho"gh falsehood and disg"ised
hy,o'isy have so"ght so geat ,ofit( so geat i'hes( so geat a"thoity and so geat
libeties( and have so beggaed the lay and so bo"ght them in s"b!e'tion and
bondage.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2-s %od ma/eth the /ing head ove his ealm even so giveth he him 'ommandment to e4e'"te the
laws ",on all men indiffeently. 5o the law is %od*s and not the /ing*s. The /ing is b"t a
sevant to e4e'"te the law of %od and not to "le afte his own imagination.2 !bedience !f
" #hristian $an
2&ast of all thee findest tho" the vey 'a"se of all ,ese'"tion( whi'h is the ,ea'hing against
hy,o'isy.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2To have a faith whee %od hath not a ,omise is idolaty.2 !bedience !f " #hristian $an
2Whi'h thing only moved me to tanslate the >ew Testament. 3e'a"se ) had ,e'eived by e4,eien'e
how that it was im,ossible to establish the lay ,eo,le in any t"th( e4'e,t the s'i,t"e
wee ,lainly laid befoe thei eyes in thei mothe tong"e( that they might see the
,o'ess( ode( and meaning of the te4t.2 William Tyndale To The +eade( :entate"'h of
2)t is not eno"gh theefoe to ead and tal/ of it only( b"t we m"st also desie %od day and night
instantly to o,en o" eyes( and to ma/e "s "ndestand and feel wheefoe the s'i,t"e
was given( that we may a,,ly the medi'ine of the s'i,t"e( evey man to his own
soes.2 - :olog"e 6howing The @se Of The 6'i,t"e( :entate"'h of 153F
2The s'i,t"e is the to"'hstone that tieth all do'tines( and by that we /now the false fom the
t"e.2 - :olog"e 6howing The @se Of The 6'i,t"e( :entate"'h of 153F
26o now the s'i,t"e is a light and sheweth "s the t"e way( both what to do and what to ho,e. -nd
a defense fom all eo( and a 'omfot in advesity that we des,ai not( and feaeth "s in
,os,eity that we sin not. 6ee/ theefoe in the s'i,t"e as tho" eadest it fist the law(
what %od 'ommandeth "s to do. -nd se'ondaily the ,omises( whi'h %od ,omiseth "s
again( namely in $hist #es"s o" &od.2 - :olog"e 6howing The @se Of The 6'i,t"e(
:entate"'h of 153F
2The !"dgments of %od ae bottomless.2 - :olog"e 6howing The @se Of The 6'i,t"e( :entate"'h of
2When o" ,owe will e4tend no f"the( %od*s ,omises will wo/ all alone.2 - :olog"e 6howing The
@se Of The 6'i,t"e( :entate"'h of 153F
2)f any of %od*s 'hilden be h"t by any of his bethen( he may not avenge himself with hand o
heat. %od m"st avenge. -nd the govenos and ministes of the law that %od hath
odained to "le "s by 'on'ening o" o"twad 'onvesation of one with anothe( they
m"st avenge. )f they will not avenge( b"t athe maintain wong and be o,,essos
themselves( then m"st we tay ,atiently till %od 'ome( whi'h is eve eady to ea,
tyants off the fa'e of the eath as soon as thei sins ae i,e.2 - :olog"e 6howing The @se
Of The 6'i,t"e( :entate"'h of 153F
2Then go to and ead the stoies of the 3ible fo thy leaning and 'omfot( and see evey thing
,a'ti'ed befoe thine eyes( fo a''oding to those e4am,les shall it go with thee and all
men "ntil the wold*s end. 6o that into whatsoeve 'ase o state a man may be bo"ght(
a''oding to whatsoeve e4am,le of the 3ible it be( his end shall be a''oding as he thee
seeth and eadeth.2 - :olog"e 6howing The @se Of The 6'i,t"e( :entate"'h of 153F
2Whosoeve flieth to $hist 'an neithe hea no e'eive of %od any othe thing save me'y.2 "
'athway (nto The )oly *cripture
23y nat"e( tho"gh the fall of -dam( ae we the 'hilden of wath( heis of the vengean'e of %od by
bith( yes( and fom o" 'on'e,tion.2 " 'athway (nto The )oly *cripture
2%ood and evil go always togethe; one 'annot be /nown witho"t the othe.2 'arable !f The +ic,ed
26ome man will as/( ,eadvent"e( Why ) ta/e the labo to ma/e this wo/( inasm"'h as they will
b"n it( seeing they b"nt the gos,el< ) answe( )n b"ning the new Testament they did
none othe thing than that ) loo/ed fo= no moe shall they do( if they b"n me also( if it be
%odGs will it shall so be.2 'arable !f The +ic,ed $ammon
23elieve not evey s,iit s"ddenly( b"t !"dge them by the wod of %od( whi'h is the tial of all
do'tine( and lasteth fo eve.2 'arable !f The +ic,ed $ammon
2The nat"al man that is not bon again and 'eated anew with the 6,iit of %od( be he neve so geat
a ,hiloso,he( neve so well inst"'ted in the law( neve so soely st"died in the 6'i,t"e(
as we have an e4am,le in the :haisees( yet he 'an not "ndestand the things of the 6,iit
of %od.2 "n "nswer -nto *ir Thomas $ore.s /ialog
2)t is time to awa/e and to see evey man with his own eyes and to !"dge if we will not be !"dged of
$hist when he 'ometh to !"dge. -nd emembe that he whi'h is waned hath none e4'"se
if he ta/e no heed.2 "n "nswer -nto *ir Thomas $ore.s /ialog
20owbeit 8iste 8oe hath so long "sed his fig"es of ,oety that () s",,ose) when he es most( he
by the eason of a long '"stom believeth himself( that he saith most t"e. O else (as the
wise ,eo,le whi'h( when they dan'e na/ed in nets( believe that no man seeth them)( even
so 8iste 8oe thin/eth that his eos be so s"btly 'o"'hed that no man 'an es,y them. 6o
blind he 'o"nteth all othe men in 'om,aison of his geat "ndestanding. 3"t 'haitably( )
e4hot him in $hist to ta/e heed( fo tho"gh #"das wee wilie than his fellows to get
l"'e( yet he ,oved not most wise at the last end. >eithe tho"gh 3alaam the false
,o,het had a 'lea sight to bing the '"se of %od ",on the 'hilden of )sael fo hono"*s
sa/e( yet his 'oveto"sness did so blind his ,o,he'y that he 'o"ld not see his own end. &et
theefoe 8iste 8oe and his 'om,any awa/e betimes( ee eve thei sin be i,e( lest the
voi'e of thei wi'/edness as'end ", and awa/e %od o"t of his slee,( to loo/ ",on them
and to bow his eas "nto thei '"sed blas,hemies against the o,en t"th( and to send his
havestmen and mowes of vengean'e to ea, it.2 "n "nswer -nto *ir Thomas $ore.s
2Women be no mete vessels to "le o ,ea'h (fo both ae fobidden them)( yet hath %od endowed
them with his 6,iit at s"ndy times and shewed his ,owe and goodness ",on them and
wo"ght wondef"l things by them( be'a"se he wo"ld not have them des,ised... ?ea( and
if stoies be t"e( women have ,ea'hed sin'e the o,ening of the >ew Testament... Eo not
o" women now 'histen and ministe the sa'ament of ba,tism in time of need< 8ight
they not by as good eason ,ea'h also( if ne'essity e7"ied<2 "n "nswer -nto *ir Thomas
$ore.s /ialog
2The whole 6'i,t"e and all believing heats testify that we ae begotten tho"gh the Wod.
Wheefoe if the Wod beget the 'ongegation( and he that begetteth is befoe him that is
begotten( then is the %os,el befoe the $h"'h.2 "n "nswer -nto *ir Thomas $ore.s
2The ,ith and s"bstan'e in geneal of eveything ne'essay "nto o" so"l*s health( both of what we
o"ght to believe and what we o"ght to do( was witten, and of the mia'les done to
'onfim it( as many as wee needf"l. 6o that whatsoeve we o"ght to believe o do( that
same is witten e4,essly( o dawn o"t of that whi'h is witten.2 "n "nswer -nto *ir
Thomas $ore.s /ialog
2:"gatoy( 'onfession in the ea( ,enan'e and satisfa'tion fo sin to godwad with holy deeds( and
,aying to saints( with s"'h li/e( as dome sa'aments and 'eemonies( ae mavelo"sly
ageeable to the s",estition of the heathen... wheefoe in as m"'h as the sa'aments of
the Old Testament have signifi'ations( and in as m"'h as the sa'aments of the >ew
Testament (of whi'h mention is made that they wee deliveed "nto "s by the vey
-,ostles at $hist*s 'ommandment) have also signifi'ations( and in as m"'h as a d"mmy
'eemony edifieth not( b"t h"teth altogethe (fo if it ,ea'h not "nto me( then ) 'annot
b"t ,"t 'onfiden'e theein( that the deed itself !"stifieth me( whi'h is the denying of
$hist*s blood)( and in as m"'h as no mention is made of them Athe +oman $atholi'
sa'aments and 'eemoniesC( as well as of othe( no is /nown what is meant by them;
theefoe it a,,eaeth that the -,ostles ta"ght them not( b"t that they be the false
me'handise of wily hy,o'ites.2 "n "nswer -nto *ir Thomas $ore.s /ialog
2Who ta"ght the eagles to s,y o"t thei ,ey< 9ven so the 'hilden of %od s,y o"t thei 5athe and
$hist*s ele't s,y o"t thei &od( and ta'e o"t the ,aths of his feet and follow( yea( tho"gh
he go ",on the ,lain and li7"id wate whi'h will e'eive no ste,= and yet thee they find
o"t his foot. 0is ele't /now him( b"t the wold /noweth him not.2 "n "nswer -nto *ir
Thomas $ore.s /ialog
2%od hath 'eated "s and made "s "nto his own li/eness and o" 6avio" $hist hath bo"ght "s with
his blood. -nd theefoe ae we %od*s ,ossession of d"ty and ight and $hist*s sevants
only to wait on his will and ,leas"e and o"ght theefoe to move neithe hand no foot
no any othe membe othe AthanC heat o mind AoC othe wise than he hath a,,ointed.
%od is hono"ed in his own ,eson when we e'eive all things both good and had at his
hand and love his law with all o" heats and believe( ho,e( and long fo all that he
,omiseth.2 "n "nswer -nto *ir Thomas $ore.s /ialog
2-nd the angels of heaven ae also o" bethen and vey sevants fo $hist*s sa/e to defend "s fom
the ,owe of the devils.2 "n "nswer -nto *ir Thomas $ore.s /ialog
2The ight "se( offi'e( and hono" of all 'eat"es infeio "nto man is to do man sevi'e( whethe
they be images( eli7"es( onaments( signs( o sa'aments( holidays( 'eemonies o
sa'ifi'es.2 "n "nswer -nto *ir Thomas $ore.s /ialog
2)f ) ma/e an image of $hist o of any thing that $hist hath done fo me in a memoy( it is good and
not evil "ntil it be ab"sed... -nd this was the "se of images at the beginning and of
eli7"es also. -nd to /neel befoe the 'oss "nto the wod of %od whi'h the 'oss
,ea'hest is not evil. >eithe to /neel down befoe an image in a man*s meditations to 'all
the living of the saint to mind fo to desie %od of li/e ga'e to follow the e4am,le is not
evil. 3"t the ab"se of the thing is evil( and to have a false faith( as to bea a ,ie'e of the
'oss abo"t a man( thin/ing that so long as that it is abo"t him s,iits shall not 'ome at
him( his enemies shall do him no bodily ham( all 'a"ses shall go on his side even fo
beaing it abo"t him( and to thin/ that if it wee not abo"t him it wo"ld not be so.2 "n
"nswer -nto *ir Thomas $ore.s /ialog
2>ow am ) %od*s only and o"ght to seve nothing b"t %od and his Wod. 8y body m"st seve the "les
of this wold and my neighbo (as %od hath a,,ointed it) and so m"st all my goods( b"t my
so"l m"st seve %od only( to love his law and to t"st in his ,omises of me'y in all my
needs.2 "n "nswer -nto *ir Thomas $ore.s /ialog

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