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3'*4',5 6.7
8y Kathy Ver Eecke

" & 2012

40 entrepreneurs
tell you how to get hired today 2
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob

MosL advlce abouL [ob seeklng ls
orlenLed around blg companles. 1he
noLlon of a sLandard resume, of mass
malllngs, of deallng wlLh P8 deparLmenLs-even Lhe ldea of
lnLervlews-ls all bullL around Lhe lorLune 300.

Alas, Lhe lorLune 300 has been responslble for a neL loss of [obs over
Lhe lasL LwenLy years. All Lhe growLh (!"# %&'( )*+, -.!"-* ,& /*,
.0(*#1 0+ 2(&3 -&34!"0*+ %&'56* 4(&)!)7% "*6*( .*!(# &28 9"# :.*"
,.* .0(*( 0+ !7+& ,.* &:"*(; ,.* ('7* !(* 6*(% #022*(*",."

- SeLh Codln blog, Pow Lo CeL a !ob wlLh a Small Company"
Seth Godin 3
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob
8.' 9.,4 :*'"#4;< 6.7 3#*4="> When It comes to gettIng a job wIth a startup, you
better not be usIng the same oId, tIred job search tactIcs your dad used twenty years ago. Cause
you know where that wIII get youZ SIttIng on the same oId couch, wIth your same oId tIred dad. (No
oIIense Dad.)

As Seth CodIn says, when It comes to gettIng a job wIth a startup, the ruIes are dIIIerent. EverythIng
about the company Is dIIIerent. StartIng at the top, wIth the entrepreneur. WhIch Is where you
shouId start, wIth the entrepreneur. To get a startup job you must understand the mIndset oI the
entrepreneur boss; understand what they are, and what aren`t, IookIng Ior Irom a potentIaI hIre.

You may be surprIsed by what you dIscover, IIke the Iact that they`re IookIng Ior prospectIve
empIoyees to contact them dIrectIy regardIess oI the IeveI oI job you`re appIyIng Ior. ReaIIy.

And you may be surprIsed by what they`re !"# IookIng Ior, IIke resumes. They hate them. ReaIIy.

8ut don`t take my word Ior It. Let the IoIIowIng 40 entrepreneurs teII you exactIy what you shouId
and shouIdn`t do to get a job wIth a startup. !"#/ 0. 0#' '"*' ?.7> 4
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob
!*7&# .@ A./'#/'
3#='(./ BC 3'*&D E#
Entrepreneur tIp #1 - Steven Sashen CEO, FeeI the WorId, nc.
Entrepreneur tIp #2 - Arjun Dev Arora - Founder, Retargeter
Entrepreneur tIp #3 - ]ay EIKaake CEO, Sweet Tooth Rewards
Entrepreneur tIp #4 - CaroIIne CaIIaway PresIdent, 8oIt PubIIc ReIatIons
Entrepreneur tIp #5 - 8rooke 8rasweII PrIncIpaI, CanWeNetwork, LLC
Entrepreneur tIp #6 - PameIa O`Hara CEO, 8atchbook

3#='(./ FC 3".GH I./;' !#&&
Entrepreneur tIp #7 - SandIp SIngh Founder and CEO, Co Cet FundIng
Entrepreneur tIp #8 - ]ake Cohen CoIounder, PrIvy
Entrepreneur tIp #9 - Raj Sheth CoIounder & CEO, RecruIter 8ox
Entrepreneur tIp #10 - AIex SchIII CoIounder & CEO, Fetchnotes
Entrepreneur tIp #11 - Kenny Kadar Founder and CEO, NIght Tap
Entrepreneur tIp #12 - Anthony FeInt Founder, Pen.Io
Entrepreneur tIp #13 - Larry KIm Founder and CTO, WordStream
Entrepreneur tIp #14 - Karen Fuqua - PresIdent, Fuqua & AssocIates 3
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob

3#='(./ FC J.K# E#H J.K# E2 A.)5*/2
Entrepreneur tIp #15 - TIIIany ]ames CEO, UndercoverWear
Entrepreneur tIp #16 - PatrIck C. 8rown Founder, Occam EducatIon
Entrepreneur tIp #17 - Raj Sheth CoIounder & CEO, RecruIter 8ox
Entrepreneur tIp #18 - YaeI Levey Founder, dream8CLY
Entrepreneur tIp #19 - 8ryant Quan CEO, SIIckdeaIs, nc.
Entrepreneur tIp #20 - MIke AstrInger Founder and CEO, Human CapItaI ConsuItants, nc.

3#='(./ LC M# :&#N(7&#
Entrepreneur tIp #21 - Dana MarIowe PrIncIpaI Partner, AccessIbIIIty Partners, LLC
Entrepreneur tIp #22 - Robert C. Rose Founder & Exec Producer, AM TeIIAVIsIon Croup
Entrepreneur tIp #23 - 8rett 8rohI CEO, Scrubadoo
Entrepreneur tIp #24 - ]ohn Max MIIIer CEO, CrandSIam AIIey, nc.
Entrepreneur tIp #25 - ]ennIIer Ryan MotIvatIng Force, Create New Order, nc.
Entrepreneur tIp #26 - Shara SenderoII CoIounder and CEO, ntern SushI
Entrepreneur tIp #27 - Sam ZIetz - CEO, AmerIcan 8ancard 6
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob
3#='(./ OC 3'*/- ,5 P 3'*/- Q,'
Entrepreneur tIp #28 - KarI DePhIIIIps CoIounder, The Content Factory
Entrepreneur tIp #29 - 8rennan WhIte CoIounder and ManagIng DIrector, PandemIc Labs
Entrepreneur tIp #30 - Todd DavIs CEO, LIIeIock
Entrepreneur tIp #31 - CraIg 8Ioem Founder & CEO,
Entrepreneur tIp #32 - 8rIan LeventhaI - CoIounder & CEO, 8rookIyn WInery
Entrepreneur tIp #33 - ]ustIn PaImer Founder & CEO, MedSaverCard
Entrepreneur tIp #34 - Martha McCarthy CoIounder & ManagIng Partner, The SocIaI LIghts, LLC
Entrepreneur tIp #35 - MIke ScanIIn - CEO, 8orn to SeII
Entrepreneur tIp #36 - SukI Shah CoIounder and CEO, CetHIred

3#='(./ RC 3*K# * !4##
Entrepreneur tIp #37 - Reese Pacheco, coIounder & CEO
Entrepreneur tIp #38 - Chuck DIetrIch, CEO SIIderocket
Entrepreneur tIp #39 - 8randt Page, Founder & CEO Launch Leads
Entrepreneur tIp #40 - MIchaeI 8rooks, Founder LIIeKraze

LastIy - Scott MItcheII, CEO oI OrganIc SaIon Systems 7
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob
S/'4#54#/#,4< *4# 7,<2. Don`t have tIme to go to
the bathroom, busy. So II you want to get theIr
attentIon, you need to get In Iront oI them. Know
where they IIve onIIne. Tweet them. Track theIr Facebook
tImeIIne. Attend the conIerences they attend. Then get In theIr Iace and teII them why you
want to work Ior them. And then teII them agaIn. RepeatedIy.

Sound IIke the begInnIngs oI a restraInIng orderZ You`d be surprIsed; check out what these
sIx entrepreneurs say about It.

!(5 TBC 3'#K#/ 3*<"#/ U CEO, FeeI the WorId, nc.
"Keep beatIng down the door untII they say YES. n Iact, we won't hIre anyone unIess they repeatedIy
ask to work Ior us. 8eggIng Is even better. And II you don't IIt what we're IookIng Ior, we'II IInd
somethIng Ior you... II you ask oIten enough. EnthusIasm Is the most Important job skIII that we
Iook Ior. EvangeIIsm Is an even better one."
stalk me 8
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob
!(5 TFC 14?,/ I#K 14.4* U Founder & CEO, Retargeter
"Make the eIIort to actuaIIy connect wIth us.The networkIng component Is the most Important
pIece [oI gettIng a startup job]. Whether that`s goIng to MeetUps, events, conIerences, gettIng
Introduced through IrIend`s oI IrIends.that`s probabIy the best and easIest way to get a job wIth a

!(5 TLC 6*2 S&VW**D# U CEO, Sweet Tooth Rewards
"Engage the companyJentrepreneur on TwItter, and make commentary about what they do (make It
posItIve). Once the company responds to engagement, ask Ior a meetIng over coIIee. We don't have
tIme to go over resumes and appIIcatIons. We hate It. Click to share this tip: Facebook | tweet

!(5 TOC A*4.&(/# A*&&*G*2 U PresIdent, 8oIt PubIIc ReIatIons
"FoIIow me on TwItter and RT what you IInd InterestIng; IIke my company on Facebook and
comment on InterestIng posts; connect wIth me on LInkedn; Ieave comments on my bIog; send me
a handwrItten note, maybe congratuIatIng me on the startup or recent success; IInd out what
organIzatIons 'm a part oI and attend the events; drop me emaIIs wIth InterestIng artIcIes; and 9
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob
personaIIy deIIver your resume to my oIIIce (II have one). I know someone Is hungry Ior a job at
MY startup, not just a job, he or she Is goIng to have a reaIIy good shot wIth aII oI the above."

!(5 TRC M4..D# M4*<G#&& U PrIncIpaI, CanWeNetwork, LLC
"The appIIcant aggressIveIy pursues me, Is persIstent and brIeI. A three IIne emaII: Hey 8rooke, Saw
your company on, have IncredIbIe success In x or y (or wIII work wIth the same
passIon and tIreIess eIIort as you) can have three mInutes oI your tIme, don't need much notIce.
Here Is my IInked In proIIIe. (TIp #2: we are aIways hIrIng someone great.)"

!(5 TXC Y*)#&* Q;Z*4* U CEO, 8atchbook
"Engage. Startups are smaII, IastmovIng, and socIaIIy adept companIes. Spend some tIme gettIng to
know the Iounders or key empIoyees on TwItter. I possIbIe, go to the same events as startups and
meet the Iounders IIrst hand. StrIke up conversatIons and buIId reIatIonshIps. When there Is
an openIng that you are a good IIt Ior, you wIII aIready be haIIway In the door. EngagIng has the
Important sIde beneIIt oI heIpIng you IdentIIy startups you wouId want to work at. CettIng aIong
wIth coworkers and IeeIIng the vIbe oI the cuIture Is extremeIy Important, so when you aIready
know each other, even a IIttIe, It reaIIy heIps." Click to share this tip: Facebook | tweet 10
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob
1='(./< <5#*D. And they speak Ioudest when
they`re speakIng specIIIcaIIy about the startup you
want to work Ior. Sure, you`re a great person wIth a
sparkIIng personaIIty, but reaIIy, thIs job search Is not
about you. Startups want to hear you taIk about them;
specIIIcaIIy what you can do Ior them.

UnIIke IntervIewIng Ior corporate jobs, where It`s aII about what you`ve done In the past, wIth
startups It`s aII about what you can do In the Iuture, Ior thIs company, In thIs moment. n
thIs moment, aII eIght oI these entrepreneurs are IookIng to be Impressed.
Click to share this tip: Facebook | tweet

!(5 T[C 3*/-(5 3(/0" U Founder and CEO, Co Cet FundIng
"SoIve a probIem Ior a company that they dIdn't know exIsted. For exampIe, teII them why you
beIIeve specIIIc changes to a IandIng page wIII Improve conversIons. I you're a codIng specIaIIst,
provIde them wIth a snIppet oI code that IIxes an unusuaI CSS Issue you've spotted. 8y doIng thIs
show, dont tell 11
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob
you prove that you have a genuIne Interest In the company and the skIIIs to soIve probIems straIght
away and on your own InItIatIve somethIng aII busy startups are IookIng Ior."
Click to share this tip: Facebook | tweet

!(5 T\C 6*D# A."#/ U CoIounder, PrIvy
"Do a Iunny stunt that Is reIevant to the busIness and attentIon gettIng. ExampIe, Ior us (we heIp
busInesses pubIIsh and seII custom oIIers Irom theIr onIIne propertIes), desIgn somethIng that says
we just bought a promotIon Ior the greatest (enter your desIred job tItIe) ever. Send It to us and
make It Iook cooI. We'II notIce and II your skIIIs match your desIred job, we'II hIre you."

8CnuS 1l: know when a sLarLup ls growlng, Lhey're hlrlng

l'm ofLen asked how Lo flnd sLarLup [obs. Chuck uleLrlch, CLC of SllderockeL and Llp #38 on Lhls llsL,
offered Lhls addlLlonal Llp on Lhe Loplc.
Companles LhaL are growlng are always hlrlng,
even lf Lhe [ob llsLlngs aren'L Lhere. So lf you're passlonaLe abouL geLLlng a speclflc
[ob, don'L walL for Lhe llsLlng. uo someLhlng creaLlve and enLrepreneurlal Lo geL your
sLory ln fronL of Lhe rlghL people."
Click to share this tip: facebook | tweet 12
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob
!(5 T]C ^*? 3"#'" U CoIounder & CEO, RecruIter 8ox
"The one thIng that wIII make me turn my head: TeII me somethIng about my busIness that do not
know. That wIII teII me that you wIII be ImmedIateIy vaIuabIe In takIng some Ioad oII, and makIng a
contrIbutIon." Click to share this tip: facebook | tweet

!(5 TB_C 1&#N 3="(@@ U CoIounder & CEO, Fetchnotes
"My IavorIte hIrIng story thus Iar was when someone sIgned up Ior our beta, used our product and
then emaIIed us a IIst oI Ieedback (posItIve AND negatIve), and then mentIoned he was a web
deveIoper and wouId Iove to work wIth us. We responded wIth a request to IntervIew hIm that day,
and now he does most oI our Irontend work!"

!(5 TBBC W#//2 W*-*4 U Founder and CEO, NIght Tap
"One tIp that Ior gaInIng empIoyment at a startup, Is to ImmedIateIy oIIer Ideas to Improve
the companyJexpand the revenue stream. Startups are not IookIng Ior order takers who are goIng
to do exactIy what the Iounders want, and nothIng more. Startups want Independent thInkers who
can dream outsIde the box and have the abIIIty to take a vIsIon and buIId upon It. We need peopIe 13
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob
who are goIng to hIt the ground runnIng and demonstratIng that you have Ideas to ImmedIateIy
heIp the busIness wIII get a startup`s attentIon more than anythIng eIse." Click to share: facebook | tweet

!(5 TBFC 1/'"./2 :#(/' U Founder, Pen.Io
"My one tIp: Code speaks Iouder than a resume. A IInk to a portIoIIo or a CIthub proIIIe teIIs me
more about the candIdate then any resume can."

!(5 TBLC J*442 W() U Founder and CTO, WordStream
"The job searcher shouId thInk about the paIn poInt oI the startup and seek to IIII It. ThIs teIIs me
that they are startup mInded, ready to present theIr skIII, and a probIem soIver."

!(5 TBOC W*4#/ :,`,* U PresIdent, Fuqua & AssocIates
"FIgure out what are the unIque characterIstIcs that you wouId brIng to the organIzatIon and then
do somethIng that wouId demonstrate thIs. ThIs couId be In the Iorm oI voIunteerIng your tIme to
work on a specIIIc project or perhaps contrIbutIng a pIece oI InteIIectuaI property Ior the
organIzatIon Ior Iree. ThIs wouId dIstInguIsh you as a candIdate whose actIons are contrIbutory In
nature, whIch Is somethIng that Is extremeIy attractIve to a startup wIth IImIted resources." 14
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob
!"# @*<'#<' G*2 '. */ #/'4#54#/#,4;<
"#*4' (< '. "#*4' '"# =.)5*/2> NothIng wIII
get you a startup job Iaster. Not the perIect
skIIIset. Not the perIect reIerences. NothIng. Prove
you`re passIonate about what the company Is doIng and
the company wIII be passIonate about hIrIng you.

!(5 TBRC !(@@*/2 6*)#< U CEO, UndercoverWear
"The One ThIng that wouId get my attentIon ImmedIateIy Is: PassIon. PassIon about MY Company
and MY vIsIon. TheIr PassIon MUST equaI My PassIon!"

!(5 TBXC ^2*/ a..-*&& U Owner, PInnacIe TutorIng
"As the owner oI two busInesses, can teII you that the bIggest Iear have wIth empIoyees Is that
they wIII sImpIy not care as much about the company as do. My recommendatIon Is to show your
wIIIIngness to commIt to the project beyond a paycheck. ThIs doesn't sImpIy mean sayIng, 'II work
overtIme. On your resume and cover Ietter, 'm IookIng Ior some evIdence that you go beyond the
love me, love
my company 13
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob
stated mInImums oI your posItIon. Show addItIonaI projects, exceeded standards, voIunteered
expansIon oI your posItIon. Startups are hungry, and need hungry peopIe."

!(5 TB[C Y*'4(=D A> M4.G/ U Founder, Occam EducatIon
"PassIon. Startups requIre passIonate empIoyees even more so than Iarger companIes because the
hoursJresponsIbIIItIes are not aIways justIIIed by the saIarIes. ProducIng a mock marketIng pIan
prIor to an IntervIew or voIunteerIng servIces on an InternshIp basIs to demonstrate your vaIue
are two ways candIdates dIstInguIsh themseIves as *truIy* passIonate candIdates."

!(5 TB\C 9*#& J#K#2 U Founder, dream8CLY
"My one tIp wouId be to demonstrate passIon Irom the getgo about the probIem the startup Is
tryIng to soIve. The most ImpressIve candIdates are those that have appIIed oII theIr own bat, many
tImes wIthout an open posItIon even beIng advertIsed, and who make a strong argument Ior why
my company and our probIem needs them to come on board. I thIs Is demonstrated up Iront, and
can see that the candIdate understands what we are tryIng to achIeve and Is passIonate about
wantIng to heIp soIve that probIem, then 'II aIways caII them In Ior an IntervIew." 16
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob
!(5 TB]C M42*/' b,*/ U CEO, SIIckdeaIs, nc.
"Every sIngIe person that we have and wIII ever hIre has to be IamIIIar wIth our company. DurIng our
earIIer years as a startup, the greatest advantage we had was beIng the pIoneers In our space and II
our empIoyees dIdn't beIIeve In our Idea, then we wouId not have been as successIuI as we are now.
Our empIoyees are our bIggest assets and Innovators and we had to know that we were aII on the
same page In terms oI goaIs Ior the company and our users. So, my top tIp Ior gettIng a job wIth
startup Is deIInIteIy knowIng and truIy beIIevIng In whatever startup It Is."

!(5 TF_C E(D# 1<'4(/0#4 U Founder and CEO, Human CapItaI ConsuItants, nc.
"Prove that you get the cuIture. Most Founders and peopIe workIng In startups can see rIght
through someone who Is just taIkIng. You have to IuIIy commIt that you want to work In a startup,
that you understand both the sacrIIIces and potentIaI Iongterm rewards and that thIs Is what you
reaIIy want In your career. You have to be wIIIIng and abIe to IIve It and express that passIon to the
Founder and hIsJher team. Even II your technIcaI skIIIs are not rIght on target prove to the
Founder that you get It, that you are the rIght cuIturaI IIt Ior a startup and that you are commItted
and chances are you wIII be successIuI IandIng a job In a startup." Click to share: facebook | tweet 17
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob
J..D 0..- (/ "*'<H ),&'(5&# "*'<> I
you`re IookIng Ior a job wIth a cIear job
descrIptIon, start IookIng somewhere eIse. Most
startup jobs won`t come wIth cIearIy deIIned job
descrIptIons, not because the entrepreneur hates aII
thIngs HR (they do), or because they don`t have tIme to wrIte a descrIptIon (they don`t).
There usuaIIy aren`t cIearIy deIIned job descrIptIons, because there usuaIIy aren`t cIearIy
deIIned jobs. n a startup, everyone does everythIng. Prove you understand that, and that
you`re up Ior the chaIIenge oI wearIng many hats.

!(5 TFBC I*/* E*4&.G# U PrIncIpaI Partner, AccessIbIIIty Partners, LLC
"FIexIbIIIty Is wIthout a doubt one oI the most Important characterIstIcs Iook Ior when 'm IookIng
at new empIoyees. A Iot oI job seekers are IookIng to IuIIIII a specIIIc nIche or need In a company,
but need someone who can IIt a bunch oI roIes. WIthIn a startup, you don`t have an accountIng,
bIIIIng, or HR department at your dIsposaI. wouId hIghIy recommend that a job seeker specIIIcaIIy
state they're wIIIIng to adapt to new roIes at any whIm and demonstrate theIr abIIIty to wear a Iot oI
be flexible 18
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob
hats. ThIs goes a Iot Iurther than IIstIng competencIes wIth generIc programs or other thIngs that
are nIce, but not useIuI In a Iastpaced startup."

!(5 TFFC ^.7#4' +> ^.<# U Founder & Exec Producer, AM TeIIAVIsIon Croup
"Here you go.It's very, very sImpIe. Startups are IookIng Ior peopIe wIth entrepreneurIaI skIIIs.the
kInd oI person who doesn't Iook at a gIg as a 95 responsIbIIIty, but one who wIII pItch In and do
whatever Is needed; Irom takIng out the garbage to contrIbutIng to a marketIng pIan to heIpIng to
wrIte a human resource manuaI. Startups are chaotIc and usuaIIy don't have buIItIn poIIcIes
and procedures, or II they do, they quIckIy outgrow them. They need empIoyees who are IIexIbIe
and wIIIIng to do whatever, whenever to make a company succeed and IdeaIIy treat the busIness as
II It were theIr own. A person shouId have done theIr research and come In wIth Ideas on how
they specIIIcaIIy can contrIbute to a company's success."

!(5 TFLC M4#'' M4."& U CEO, Scrubadoo
"CandIdates shouId aIways emphasIze that they are eager and wIIIIng to heIp out and work In every
area oI the company, not just the area they specIaIIze In. Our IInance person aIways has to pItch In
durIng marketIng meetIngs etc. t`s aII hands on deck Ior everythIng here. We aII wear a Iot oI hats." 19
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob
!(5 TFOC 6."/ E*N E(&&#4 U CEO, CrandSIam AIIey, nc.
"VertIcaI In taIent, broad In desIre. n order to get a job wIth a startup, you need to possess the
taIent needed by the startup but be wIIIIng to do anythIng and Iearn anythIng. Startups do NOT
IoIIow a specIIIc path. n today`s Iastpaced worId, products pIvot many tImes once they are
reIeased and an empIoyee needs to be open mInded to goIng wIth that IIow oI change. (And, there
wIII be days you need to mop the IIoor and take out the trash.)" Click to share this tip: facebook | tweet

!(5 TFRC 6#//(@#4 ^2*/ U ProIessIonaI OrganIzer MotIvatIng Force, Create New Order, nc.
"The number one tIp that wIII get my assIstant hIsJher new job Is to assure me that anythIng need
them to do, they wIII do. need a person who can catch and throw at the same tIme wIth the
posItIve energetIc attItude a IastgrowIng busIness IIke mIne needs. I attItude, IoyaIty and resIIIency
waIks through the door, the rest Is sImpIy traInIng."

!(5 TFXC 3"*4* 3#/-#4.@@ U CoIounder and CEO, ntern SushI
"To get notIced by a startup, you have to rIse above the stack oI resumes pIIed sky hIgh on the
hIrIng manager's desk. Sure you're a young, creatIve IndIvIduaI, rIpe wIth ambItIon, Iresh Ideas and
unseen taIents-now the trIck Is to communIcate that to empIoyers. Startups rareIy have the 20
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob
resources Ior quantIty so they Iocus on quaIIty; they are IookIng Ior candIdates that can wear many
hats so showcase your versatIIIty and abIIIty to probIemsoIve. DescrIbe an experIence where you
succeeded despIte aII odds. Startups aIso hunt Ior creatIve mInds, so thInk outsIde the box and
present yourseII In a way onIy you can. I you don't, enjoy the vIew Irom the mIddIe oI the dauntIng
pIIe oI resumes."

!(5 TF[C 3*) c(#'d U CEO, AmerIcan 8ancard
"The number one way to get attentIon oI a startup smaII busIness owner Promote the Iact that you
are wIIIIng to work InItIaIIy Ior a saIary sIgnIIIcantIy beIow market and you are IIexIbIe to handIe
muItIpIe tasks whIIe workIng Iong hours. Most Iounders oI startups are Iorced to wear muItIpIe hats
and work Iong hours because they are typIcaIIy undercapItaIIzed. PeopIe hIre peopIe that remInd
them oI themseIves and II you exude these traIts, the Iounder wIII be more IncIIned to hIre you
because they wIII vIew you as a resource that can take a Iot oII oI theIr pIate and more ImportantIy
they can aIIord you. ThIs Is a great way to get your Ioot In the door and then II the company Is
successIuI you are weIIposItIoned to capItaIIze on the company's success." 21
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob
^#*=" .,' */- 04*7 '"#)> CettIng the
entrepreneur`s attentIon Is haII the battIe. The
other haII Is provIng that you 'get It` and are
wIIIIng to do It.whatever 'It` Is. Cet the
entrepreneur`s attentIon by IIndIng a unIque way to stand
out In the crowd. Keep theIr attentIon by provIng you understand that you`ve onIy got theIr
attentIon Ior a Iew mInutes. Do that by gettIng to the heart oI the matter, teIIIng them what
you can do Ior them, why you want to do It (hInt: because you Iove theIr company), and that
you`re ready to get started ImmedIateIy.

!(5 TF\C W*4( I#Y"(&&(5< U CoIounder, The Content Factory
"My one tIp Ior gettIng hIred at a startup Is thIs: stand out Irom the crowd, because you're probabIy
competIng wIth at Ieast a dozen other peopIe Ior the job. 've seen peopIe put Images In theIr
resumes, wrIte quIrky cover Ietters and even demonstrate theIr socIaI medIa prowess by
houndIng us on TwItter untII we IInaIIy caved In and granted an IntervIew. I you don't stand out,
you'II be Iumped wIth everyone In the mIddIe oI the same pIIe (and none oI those peopIe ever get
hIred)." Click to share this tip: facebook | tweet
stand up and
stand out 22
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob
!(5 TF]C M4#//*/ a"('# U CoIounder and ManagIng DIrector, PandemIc Labs
"EmaII the Iounder out oI the bIue. As a Iounder, heJshe wIII aIways check emaIIs (they couId be
IncomIng Ieads!). So send an emaII dIrectIy to them. n your emaII be Iess IormaI, more
honestJdIrectJInterested. Founders oI companIes are generaIIy brutaI prIorItIzers and wIII deIete
your emaII II It IeeIs boIIerpIate or borIng In the IIrst sentence (or even In the overaII IookJsIze oI
the emaII)."

!(5 TL_C !.-- I*K(< U CEO, LIIeIock
"Demonstrate the abIIIty to be dIsruptIve In a prevIous organIzatIon. Do not try to seII yourseII, but
dIscuss more what your experIence has been and what traIts you have deveIoped Irom It."

!(5 TLBC A4*(0 M&.#) U Founder & CEO,
"TIp: Knock on the door and show ambItIon, passIon and a get It done attItude. had one Intern
who IIteraIIy drove 45 mIn to the oIIIce knocked on the door and nIceIy asked II she couId troubIe
me Ior 15 mInutes oI my tIme. ObvIousIy, It wouId be a probIem II everyone dId thIs but In a worId
oI emaII and socIaI medIa thIs young woman made an ImpressIon and receIved 15 mInutes oI my
tIme." 23
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob
!(5 TLFC M4(*/ J#K#/'"*& - CoIounder & CEO, 8rookIyn WInery
"What we`ve Iearned Is that our successIuI empIoyees "get It" . they understand OUR busIness and
can show us that durIng the IntervIew."

!(5 TLLC 6,<'(/ Y*&)#4 U Founder & CEO, MedSaverCard
"At startups, hIrIng Is crucIaI and rIsky because every person matters. HeIp take the rIsk out oI
hIrIng you by oIIerIng your servIces to them Ior Iree or at a Iowcost. I they're a growIng company
and they IIke your work, odds are they'II IInd a posItIon Ior you very quIckIy."

!(5 TLOC E*4'"* E=A*4'"2 - CoIounder & ManagIng Partner, The SocIaI LIghts, LLC
"We recentIy posted a new posItIon and are gettIng IIooded wIth resumes and cover Ietters. Most oI
them get a mere gIance, but those that have cIearIy done theIr homework get much more attentIon.
AppIIcants that puII InIormatIon Irom our tweets, bIog posts, cIIent IIst and case studIes to pepper
theIr cover Ietter (and demonstrate that they actuaIIy know what we do), In addItIon to why they are
a great IIt Ior our company, get to the keep pIIe (or In our case, Dropbox IoIder). CreatIve emaII
subject IInes get bonus poInts!" 24
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob
!(5 TLRC E(D# 3=*/&(/ U CEO, 8orn to SeII
"ExpIaIn that you know that In a startup there Is nowhere to hIde and everyone has to puII theIr
weIght. You are excIted about the Iact that your personaI, IndIvIduaI contrIbutIons wIII have a dIrect
Impact on the success or IaIIure oI the company. And, don`t ask about the vacatIon poIIcy durIng
the IntervIew." Click to share this tip: facebook | tweet

!(5 TLXC 3,D( 3"*" - CoIounder and CEO, CetHIred
"Entrepreneurs at startups are IookIng Ior Iresh perspectIves and Ior candIdates who can quIckIy
Iook at a company, determIne what that company needs to be successIuI, and then do It. Even an
empIoyee wIth no IormaI traInIng, but soIId transIerabIe skIIIs, can drastIcaIIy Improve
the productIvIty and InnovatIon wIthIn your organIzatIon. And so, create a muItImedIa resume that
IuIIy encompasses your past work experIence to heIp dIIIerentIate you Irom other job seekers.
AppIy Ior jobs that you are Interested In and passIonate about. oIten entrepreneurs wIII hear
you out II you can taIk about a specIIIc probIem that needs soIvIng In theIr Industry, and how you
are the person to soIve It, despIte IormaI traInIng." 23
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob
a.4-< ./ 5*5#4 *4# ?,<' G.4-< ./ 5*5#4.
Every entrepreneur `ve IntervIewed has toId me the
same thIng; they don`t want to see your resume.
What`s wrong wIth your resumeZ WeII, unIess you
were empIoyee #1 at a very hot startup, there`s nothIng on
that pIece oI paper that wIII a). get the attentIon oI a hIrIng entrepreneur or b). even get
read. When It comes to resumes, entrepreneurs say "bIah, bIah, bIah." ( kId you not, that`s a
dIrect quote.) Here`s what eIse they say about resumes.

!(5 TL[C ^##<# Y*="#=. - CoIounder & CEO
"Shoot us an emaII but don`t send me your resume. Send me somethIng you`ve buIIt. Send me a
project you`ve worked on. We had one guy appIy and he sent us a pIcture oI a gIant IIsh he`d
caught. He saId ' IIke to go IIshIng and here`s somethIng caught Iast summer,` and rIght away
thought ' get that guy.` So, send us somethIng InterestIng." Click to share: facebook | tweet

save a tree 26
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob
!(5 TL\C A",=D I(#'4(=" - CEO SIIderocket
" can read a resume beIore an IntervIew and when get In there, nothIng In that resume reaIIy
stood out, maybe 'II remember the Iast company they worked at, but It's IIke bIah, bIah, bIah, bIah
bIah. They`re aII the same they have company names and tItIes but It reaIIy doesn't teII you

!(5 TL]C M4*/-' Y*0# - Founder & CEO Launch Leads
"We've Iound that sometImes peopIe are reaIIy good saIesman oI theIr resume, but aren't the rIght
IIt Ior the job...We hIre attItude and personaIIty over resume experIence every tIme. n the earIy
days [oI hIs startup] we thought we had to Iook at resumes and degrees and such, but Ior our
busIness, the attItude, the personaIIty and the work ethIc Is more Important."

!(5 TO_C E(="*#& M4..D< - Founder LIIeKraze
" spend about 10 Ior 15 seconds on a resume. t`s not about the resume. t's not about buIIdIng a
perIect Iormat and usIng a sampIe Iormat, and It's not about that; It's about who you are and what
you've done. 'm IookIng Ior the hustIe Iactor, prove to me you can hustIe and you're past most oI
the other candIdates." 27
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob
1/- &*<'&2H Scott MItcheII the CEO oI OrganIc SaIon Systems,
summed It aII up so perIectIy he deserves hIs own page. Read It, then
read It agaIn beIore you taIk to, or IntervIew Ior, any startup job. There`s goId In these words.

"Let me know that you`re IookIng Ior a purpose and not a job.
want to know that you wIII work as Iong as It takes to accompIIsh what we're here to do.
want to know that you want to beIIeve In our vIsIon, our ethos, our goaIs, and our mIssIon.
want to know that you are commItted to aIIgnIng your personaI growth rate wIth the company's growth
want to know that you'II be a good partner to me and my coIIeagues.
want to know that you have moxI, wIII be InnovatIve, wIII provIde me wIth you IuII eIIort, are not Interested
In moonIIghtIng, and wIII make thIs crItIcaI tIme count.
want to know that you'II take rIsks, but onIy weII caIcuIated ones.
want to know that you'II be InnovatIve In some cased whIIe beIng a good soIdIer In others.
want to know that we're goIng to be In thIs together.
I you want me to IeeI thIs way, don't aIIow me to thInk you're IookIng Ior a job. Everyone Is IookIng Ior a
job. Let me know you're IookIng Ior a purpose to be passIonate about. That, more than anythIng eIse, wIII
make me spend tIme on attractIng and recruItIng and seIIIng you on what we're doIng. There Is no pIace In
my startups Ior cIock punchers."
not leastly 28
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob
a"*' '. -. /#N'>
So, you`ve read aII 40 tIps and you`re wonderIng what to do nextZ My suggestIon, read them

Most job seekers who hear these tIps Ior the IIrst tIme don`t beIIeve them. None oI the
peopIe coach that come Irom a corporate background beIIeve them. 8ut IIke Seth CodIn
saId, the ruIes are compIeteIy dIIIerent when you`re tryIng to get a job wIth a startup. And
dIIIerent can be dIIIIcuIt to grasp.

So, read the tIps agaIn. Read them untII they start to IeeI IIke normaI job search behavIor to
you. Reach out to a CEO dIrectIy to ask Ior a jobZ UntII you can say "HeII yeah, that`s what
`m gonna do," keep readIng the tIps. StaIk startup Iounders and staII at events and onIIneZ
Keep readIng untII your naturaI response Is "untII see a restraInIng order, you betcha."

1/- *7.K# *&&, remember what the underIyIng message was In aII oI these tIps: startup
Iounders want to know that you`re passIonate about #$%&' company. PassIonate enough to 29
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob
staIk them, to stand out above the crowd, to go beyond a mere a resume, to do whatever job
you have to do just to get In the door.

PassIonate enough to be a startup empIoyee.

I you have any questIons about these tIps, IeeI Iree to ask. My contact InIo Is beIow. And
pIease, Iet me know how your job search Is goIng. `d Iove to hear your story.

Kathy Ver Eecke
WorkIngForWonka } TwItter } Facebook 30
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob

354#*- '"# G.4-. (PIease)
ThIs 30page report Is Iree because thInk It wIII heIp peopIe, but every
bIogger needs heIp spreadIng the word. `m reIyIng on you. I you know anyone
who wouId beneIIt Irom these tIps pIease send them thIs IInk: hLLp://
where they can sIgn up Ior the ebook and get occasIonaI extra tIps to heIp
them get a startup job, succeed In that job, and know the sIgns they shouId
run screamIng Irom a startup job. Or, you can share vIa TwItter or Facebook:
Want to share vIa FacebookZ CIIck here.
Want to share the ebook vIa TwItterZ CIIck here.

Thanks Ior sharIng, apprecIate your support!
Kathy 31
1he ulLlmaLe Culde Lo CeLLlng Any SLarLup !ob
17.,' '"# 1,'".4
Kathy Ver Eecke works wIth startups In the earIy stages oI busIness deveIopment; where the
good stuII happens. HeIpIng wIth busIness strategy, brandIng, product deveIopment,
consumer messagIng, saIes strategy, socIaI medIa and pubIIc reIatIons.

And, oI course, Investor reIatIons. Yeah, a Iot oI Investor reIatIons.

She`s an awardwInnIng marketIng veteran wIth over twenty years oI experIence, both
domestIc and abroad. She's been InvoIved In the successIuI Iaunches oI everythIng Irom an
EngIIshIanguage magazIne In ]apan to DVDs desIgned to entertaIn dogs.

She hates taIkIng about herseII In the thIrd person.

For ways to work wIth her, ah, me..Iook here.

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