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C#: Create and Manipulate Word Documents

Programmatically Using DocX

By John Atten, 14 Nov 2013

In a recent post, I extolled the virtues of a
wonderful OSS library I had found for working
with Excel data programmatically, LinqToExcel.
In that post, I also mentioned a fantastic library
for working with Word docs as well, and promised
to discuss it in my next post. This is that post.
The big pain point in working with MS Word
documents programmatically is . . . the Office
Interop. To get almost anything done with Word
(including simply pulling the text out of the
document, you pretty much need to use Interop,
which also means you have to have Word
installed on the local machine which is consuming
your application. Additionally, my understanding
is that there are issues with doing Word
automation on the server side.
Image by Mohylek - Some Rights Reserved
Interop is essentially a giant wrapper around the ugliness that is COM, and the abstraction layer is thin
indeed. If you need to automate MS Office applications, Interop (or going all the way down to the COM
level) is pretty much the only way to do it, and obviously, you need to have Office installed on the
client machine for it to work at all.
Often times though, we don't so much need to automate the office application directly so much as get
at the contents of Office file (such as Word or Excel files). Dealing with all that Interop nastiness makes
this more painful than it needs to be.
Thankfully, the open source DocX by Cathal Coffey solves both problems nicely, and unlike Interop,
presents an easy-to-use, highly discoverable API for performing myriad manipulations/extractions
against the Word document format (the .docx format, introduced as of Word 2007). Best of all, DocX
does not require that Word or any other Office dependencies be installed on the client machine!
The full source is available from Coffey's Codeplex repo, or you can add DocX to your project using
10/2/2013 - NOTE: It has been noted by several commentors on Reddit and elsewhere that the MS
official library OpenXml serves the same purpose as Docx, and after all, is the "official" library. I
disagree - the OpenXml library "does more" but is inherently more complex to use. While it most certainly
offers additional functionality not present in DocX, the DocX library creates a much simpler and more
meaningful abstraction for what I find to be the most common use-cases working with Word documents
programmatically. As always, the choice of libraries is a matter of preference, and to me, one of "Right
tool for the job."
1/23/2014 - NOTE: I mentioned in the opening paragraph the OSS project LinqToExcel, which is a
fantastic library. However, LinqToExcel takes a dependency on the Access Database Engine, which can
create issues when (for example) deploying to a remote server or other environment where administrative
privileges may be limited. I discovered another OSS library with no such dependencies. You can read
about it at Use Cross-Platform/OSS ExcelDataReader to Read Excel Files with No Dependencies
on Office or ACE
In this post, we will look at a few of the basics for using this exceptionally useful library. Know that
under the covers and with a little thought, there is a lot of functionality here beyond what we will look
at in this article.
Getting Started - Create a Word Document Using the DocX Library
Use DocX to Add Formatted Paragraphs
Find and Replace Text Using DocX -Merge Templating, Anyone?
DocX Exposes Many of the Most Useful Parts of the Word Object Model
C#: Query Excel and .CSV Files Using LinqToExcel
Additional Resources/Items of Interest
Add DocX to your project using Nuget
NOTE: When adding Nuget packages to your project, consider keeping source control bloat down by
using Nuget Package Restore so that packages are downloaded automatically on build rather than
cluttering up your repo.
As with LinqToExcel, you can add the DocX library to your Visual Studio solution using the Nuget
Package Manager Console by doing:
Install DocX using the Nuget Package Manager Console:
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PM> Install-Package DocX
Alternatively, you can use the Solution Explorer. Right-click on the Solution, select "Manager Nuget
Packages for Solution," and type "DocX in the search box (make sure you have selected "Online" in the
left-hand menu). When you have located the DocX package, click Install:
Install DocX using the Nuget Package Manager GUI in VS Solution Explorer:

Getting Started Create a Word Document Using the DocX Library
Wanna Quickly create a Word-compatible, .docx format document on the fly from your code? Do this (I
am assuming you have Word installed on your local machine):
(Note change the file path to reflect your own machine)
A Really Simple Example:
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using Novacode;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace BlogSandbox
public class DocX_Examples
public void CreateSampleDocument()
// Modify to suit your machine:
string fileName = @"D:\Users\John\Documents\DocXExample.docx";

// Create a document in memory:
var doc = DocX.Create(fileName);

// Insert a paragrpah:
doc.InsertParagraph("This is my first paragraph");

// Save to the output directory:

// Open in Word:
Process.Start("WINWORD.EXE", fileName);
Note in the above we need to add using Novacode; to our namespace imports at the top of the file.
The DocX library is contained within this namespace. If you run the code above, a word document
should open like this:
Output of Really Simple Example Code:

What we did in the above example was:
Create an in-memory instance of a DocX object with a file name passed in as part of the constructor.
Insert a DocX.Paragraph object containing some text.
Save the result to disc as a properly formatted .docx file.
Until we execute the Save() method, we are working with the XML representation of our new
document in memory. Once we save the file to disc, we find a standard Word-compatible file in our
Documents/ directory.
Use DocX to Add Formatted Paragraphs A More Useful Example
A slightly more useful example might be to create a document with some more complex formatted
Create Multiple Paragraphs with Basic Formatting:
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public void CreateSampleDocument()
string fileName = @"D:\Users\John\Documents\DocXExample.docx";
string headlineText = "Constitution of the United States";
string paraOne = ""
+ "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, "
+ "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, "
+ "promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves "
+ "and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United "
+ "States of America.";

// A formatting object for our headline:
var headLineFormat = new Formatting();
headLineFormat.FontFamily = new System.Drawing.FontFamily("Arial Black");
headLineFormat.Size = 18D;
headLineFormat.Position = 12;

// A formatting object for our normal paragraph text:
var paraFormat = new Formatting();
paraFormat.FontFamily = new System.Drawing.FontFamily("Calibri");
paraFormat.Size = 10D;

// Create the document in memory:
var doc = DocX.Create(fileName);

// Insert the now text obejcts;
doc.InsertParagraph(headlineText, false, headLineFormat);
doc.InsertParagraph(paraOne, false, paraFormat);

// Save to the output directory:

// Open in Word:
Process.Start("WINWORD.EXE", fileName);
Here, we have created some Formatting objects in advance, and then passed them as parameters to
the InsertParagraph method for each of the two paragraphs we create in our code. When the code
executes, Word opens and we see this:
Output from Creating Multiple Formatted Paragraphs

In the above, the FontFamily and Size properties of the Formatting object are self-evident. The
Position property determines the spacing between the current paragraph and the next.
We can also grab a reference to a paragraph object itself and adjust various properties. Instead of
creating a Formatting object for our headline like we did in the previous example, we could grab a
reference as the return from the InsertParagraph method and muck about:
Applying Formatting to a Paragraph Using the Property Accessors:
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// Insert the Headline and do some formatting:
Paragraph headline = doc.InsertParagraph(headlineText);
headline.Font(new System.Drawing.FontFamily("Comic Sans MS"));
This time, when the program executes, we see THIS:

Yes, yes I DID print that headline in Comic Sans. Just, you know, so you could see the difference in
There is a lot that can be done with text formatting in a DocX document. Headers/Footers, paragraphs,
and individual words and characters. Importantly, most of the things you might go looking for are
easily discoverable in other words, the author has done a great job building out his API.
Find and Replace Text Using DocX - Merge Templating, Anyone?
Of course, one of the most common things we might want to do is scan a pre-existing document, and
replace certain text. Think templating here. For example, performing a standard Word Merge is not
very doable on your web server, but using DocX, we can accomplish the same thing. The following
example is simple due to space constraints, but you can see the possibilities:
First, just for kicks, we will create an initial document programmatically in one method, then write
another method to find and replace certain text in the document:
Create a Sample Document:
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private DocX GetRejectionLetterTemplate()
// Adjust the path so suit your machine:
string fileName = @"D:\Users\John\Documents\DocXExample.docx";

// Set up our paragraph contents:
string headerText = "Rejection Letter";
string letterBodyText = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
string paraTwo = ""
+ "Dear %APPLICANT%" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
+ "I am writing to thank you for your resume. Unfortunately, your skills and "
+ "experience do not match our needs at the present time. We will keep your "
+ "resume in our circular file for future reference. Don't call us, "
+ "we'll call you. "

+ Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
+ "Sincerely, "
+ Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
+ "Jim Smith, Corporate Hiring Manager";

// Title Formatting:
var titleFormat = new Formatting();
titleFormat.FontFamily = new System.Drawing.FontFamily("Arial Black");
titleFormat.Size = 18D;
titleFormat.Position = 12;

// Body Formatting
var paraFormat = new Formatting();
paraFormat.FontFamily = new System.Drawing.FontFamily("Calibri");
paraFormat.Size = 10D;
titleFormat.Position = 12;

// Create the document in memory:
var doc = DocX.Create(fileName);

// Insert each prargraph, with appropriate spacing and alignment:
Paragraph title = doc.InsertParagraph(headerText, false, titleFormat);
title.Alignment =;

Paragraph letterBody = doc.InsertParagraph(letterBodyText, false, paraFormat);
letterBody.Alignment = Alignment.both;

doc.InsertParagraph(paraTwo, false, paraFormat);

return doc;
See the %APPLICANT% placeholder? That is my replacement target (a poor-man's merge field, if you
will). Now that we have a private method to generate a document template of sorts, let's add a public
method to perform a replacement action:
Find and Replace Text in a Word Document Using DocX:
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public void CreateRejectionLetter(string applicantField, string applicantName)
// We will need a file name for our output file (change to suit your machine):
string fileNameTemplate = @"D:\Users\John\Documents\Rejection-Letter-{0}-{1}.docx";

// Let's save the file with a meaningful name, including the
// applicant name and the letter date:
string outputFileName =
string.Format(fileNameTemplate, applicantName, DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yy"));

// Grab a reference to our document template:
DocX letter = this.GetRejectionLetterTemplate();

// Perform the replace:
letter.ReplaceText(applicantField, applicantName);

// Save as New filename:

// Open in word:
Process.Start("WINWORD.EXE", "\"" + outputFileName + "\"");
Now, when we run the code above, our output is thus:

Obviously, the preceding example was a little contrived and overly simple. But you can see the
potential . . . If our letter contained additional "merge fields, we could just as easily pass in a
Dictionary<string, string>, where the Dictionary contains one or more Key Value Pairs
containing a replacement target and a replacement value. Then we could iterate, using the Dictionary
Keys as the search string, and replace with the Dictionary values.
DocX Exposes Many of the Most Useful Parts of the Word Object Model
In this quick article, we have only scratched the surface. DocX exposes most of the stuff we commonly
wish we could get to within a Word document (Tables, Pictures, Headers, Footers, Shapes, etc.) without
forcing us to navigate the crusty Interop model. This also saves us from some of the COM de-
referencing issues which often arise when automating Word within an application. Ever had a bunch of
"orphaned" instances of Word (or Excel, etc.) running in the background, visible only in the Windows
Task Manager? Yeah, I thought so . . .
If you need to generate or work with Word documents on a server, this is a great tool as well. No
dependencies on MS Office, no need to have Word running. You can generate Word documents on the
fly, and/or from templates, ready to be downloaded.

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