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Developing Country Studies www.iiste.

ISSN 2224-607X (Pper! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!
$ol.4% No.&"% 20&4

Contributions of Cooperative Movement to Alleviation of Poverty
among Rural Women: Case Study of Oriade Local Government in

(rs. (ry (odupe )sornti% P*D
Deprt+ent o, -.ono+i.s% /de0unle /1sin 2niversity% /0ung3 /0o0o% #ndo Stte% Nigeri

Poverty is r+pnt in Nigeri espe.illy +ongst rurl wo+en% w*i.* *s t*ere,ore ,,e.ted t*e 6ulity o, li,e o,
rurl wo+en. It is now widely re.ogni7ed t*t poverty is worldwide pro3le+ t*t ,,e.ts +ostly rurl wo+en
in t*e w*ole world. 8*e reser.* study investigted t*e i+p.t o, Coopertive (ove+ent on poverty llevition
in #ride 9o.l :overn+ent. Dt ws sour.ed ,ro+ 3ot* se.ondry nd pri+ry 8*e se.ondry sour.e
in.ludes relevnt te;t 3oo0s nd lerned 1ournls. 8*e pri+ry sour.e involves t*e d+inistrtion o, stru.tured
6uestionnire on 200 rndo+ly sele.ted wo+en in t*e study re. 8*e des.riptive +et*od o, nlysis involved
t*e use o, t3les% si+ple per.entges. 8*e 6untittive nlysis e+ployed ws t*e 9ogit regression nlysis. 8*e
study s*owed t*t .oopertive +ove+ents *ve signi,i.nt in,luen.e on poverty redu.tion +ongst rurl wo+en
in #ride 9o.l :overn+ent. /lso t*t .oopertive +ove+ent will led to e.ono+i. position o, t*e
respondents. . (oreover study s*owed t*t respondent is li0ely to poverty 3y using t*e lon gotten ,ro+
t*e .oopertive

to pur.*se ssets nd invest in 3usiness nd *e is li0ely to re+in poor 3y not pur.*sing ssets
even w*en *e 3elongs nd 3ene,its ,ro+ t*e .oopertive +ove+ent. 8*e study .on.ludes t*t .oopertive
+ove+ent *s 3een identi,ied to 3e one o, t*e 0ey plyers in t*e , industry t*t *s positively ,,e.ted
t*e lives o, rurl .o++unity dwellers. 8*e study t*ere,ore re.o++ends t*t .oopertive so.iety s*ould lso
en.ourge t*eir +e+3ers to use t*e +oney gotten ,ro+ t*e .oopertive to 3uy +ore o, ssets insted o, using in
+inly on .onsu+ption.
!ey"ords4 Poverty% <url wo+en% .oopertive +ove+ent

)or de.des% poverty *s 3e.o+e glo3l issue nd +1or .ontending ,or.e ginst t*e p.e o, develop+ent in
t*e less developed .ountries. Poverty *s 3een des.ri3ed s t*e 3si. +ldy o, t*e less developed .ountries
(:erld (ier% 200& !. :enerlly% poverty is 6uite de*u+ni7ing s t*e poor l.0s in,luen.e% is lowly estee+ed%
*s li+ited rnge o, e.ono+i. nd opportunities nd ,or +ost ti+es su,,ers psy.*ologi.l de,et.
2n,ortuntely% t*e poor re generlly lo.ted in t*e rurl res w*ere t*ey re pri+rily engged in gri.ulture
nd gri.ulturlly relted .tivities (8odro% 2006!. (ost i+portntly% wo+en +0e up su3stntil +1ority o,
t*e world=s poor. >o+en nd .*ildren e;perien.e t*e *rs*est o, deprivtion. 8*ey re +ore li0ely to 3e poor
nd +lnouris*ed nd less li0ely to re.eive +edi.l .len wter% snittion nd ot*er 3ene,its (Irene%
&??0@ Audit* Bru.e nd Disy Dwyerreds% &?CC nd Dine -ldon%&??'!. /+ong ot*er t*ings% ,ro+ NBS (&???!
reports% rurl poverty *s in.resed 3ot* in dept* nd severity possi3ly due to t*e in.rese in rurl *ouse*old si7e
nd /woye+i (20&0! s*owed t*t '2.2D o, ,e+le *eded *ouse*olds were poor w*ile 3out "'.6D o, +le
.ounterprts were poor indi.ting t*t t*e in.iden.e o, poverty ws *ig*est round +le-*eded *ouse*olds in
t*e rurl Nigeri. 8*eir study lso s*owed t*t t*e .*r.teristi.s o, t*e ,+ily *eds su.* s
gender% edu.tion% ge nd o..uption re i+portnt deter+innts o, in.iden.e o, poverty in t*e rurl res. /lso
t*e study est3lis*ed t*t t*e in.iden.e o, poverty ws *ig*est in Nort* -stern Nigeri w*ile Sout* >est *s
t*e lest.
8*e rurl res re .*r.teri7ed 3y vi.ious .y.le o, poverty% s*owing low in.o+e% low produ.tivity% low
svings% low .pitl ,or+tion nd low invest+ent. /+ong ot*er t*ings% t*e rurl res e;perien.ed
e.ono+i.% .ulturl% politi.l nd environ+entl deprivtion. Bsi. in,rstru.turl su.* s ele.tri.ity% wter%
de6ute *elt* ,.ilities re o,ten 3sent in su.* res. (ost i+portntly% is t*e l.0 o, ..ess to .redit ,or t*e
, o, t*eir 3usiness nd ,or+ .tivities.
#,tenti+es% rurl dwellers ,ind it di,,i.ult to ..ess .redit ,.ilities ,ro+ t*e ,or+l , se.tors due to t*eir
in3ility to produ.e re6uired .ollterl se.urities. 9ons ,ro+ t*e se.tor re o,ten ..o+pnied wit* *ig* interest
rtes w*i.* +0e su.* lons unpro,it3le ,or t*e poor s+ll *olders.
9ittle wonder% +ost rurl wo+en *ve resorted into ,r+ing .oopertive so.ieties to 3ridge t*e , gp.
(ost wo+en in t*e rurl res engge in petite 3usiness nd ,r+ wor0s s t*eir +1or o, survivl.
:iven t*t t*e ,or+l , institutions *ve re,used to provide , ssistn.e due to stri.t .onditions%
t*e .oopertive so.ieties *ve redily provided good lterntive +ens o, i+proving t*e 6ulity o, li,e o, t*e
rurl wo+en. 8*e ,ollowing 6uestions t*ere,ore .o+e to +ind
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Pper! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!
$ol.4% No.&"% 20&4

- Es +e+3ers*ip o, .oopertive so.ieties *elped t*e wo+en to i+prove t*eir 3usiness per,or+n.eF
- >*t re t*e e,,e.ts o, .oopertive +ove+ent in poverty in t*e study reF
- /nd does .oopertive +ove+ent ply signi,i.nt role in i+proving t*e 6ulity o, li,e o, t*e rurl wo+enF
8*is study t*ere,ore .onsider t*e 3ove 6uestion nd in t*e pro.ess i+s t e;+ining t*e di+ension o, poverty
+ong rurl wo+en o, #ride 9o.l :overn+ent o, #sun Stte nd t*e relevn.e o, .oopertive +ove+ent on
poverty llevition +ong rurl wo+en in t*e study re.

Revie" of Literature
Poverty *s 3een seen s *ydr-*eded .on.ept t*t +ens di,,erent t*ings to di,,erent people under di,,erent
dispenstions. It is generlly sso.ited wit* .ondition under w*i.* people live. It is esier to identi,y t*e
di+ension o, poverty t*n giving strig*t line de,inition o, w*t poverty is. Poverty is seen s stte o,
involuntry deprivtion t*t person% *ouse*old nd so.iety +y 3e su31e.ted to (#gwu+i0e% 200&% #dusol%
200&@ #1o &??"@ (dingu% &???@ nd -n1l+ nd B+ide % &??7! w*ile ot*ers see it s in3ility to +eet 3si.
+teril needs su.* s ,ood% wter% .lot*ing% s*elter% edu.tion nd *elt* nd lso l.0 o, non-+teril needs
su.* s prti.iption% identity% dignity% sel, estee+% ,reedo+ nd sustenn.e
Poverty .n 3e re,le.ted in di,,erent di+ensions. /..ordingly to A*in1n (2006!% Sen (&???! nd >orld Bn0
(200&!% t*e ,ollowings re t*e re,le.tions o, poverty.
- 9.0 o, ,reedo+ o, .tion nd .*oi.e
- 9.0 o, de6ute ,ood nd s*elter% edu.tion nd *elt*
- $ulner3ility to ill-*elt*% nturl dissters.
- 8*e poor is e.ono+i.lly disdvntged in t*t s*e *s li+ited rnge o, nd e.ono+i.s
- 8*e poor is powerless% voi.eless nd l.0s in,luen.e nd o, low sttus.
Poverty .n 3e +esured in di,,erent. 8*e +ost i+portnt ones .n 3e grouped into t*ree
- In.o+e
- /ssets G +oney t *nd % se.urities% rel esttes% +oney in 3n0s
- +etri.s G *elt*% nutrition% in,nt i++ortlity% snittion ..essi3ilities to wter%
ele.tri.ity% edu.tion% de.ent .lot*ing% ,reedo+% sel, estee+ nd ot*er spe.ts o, *u+n well 3eing.
Eowever% w*t re used to +esure poverty vries depending on t*e level o, develop+ent nd
vil3ility o, dt. /s sour.ed ,ro+ in,oplese..o+% dt on t*e ,irst .tegory o, in,or+tion is redily
vil3le% reli3le nd relevnt espe.illy in t*e developed .ountries.
(oreover% in.o+e ine6ulity is t*e +1or underlying issue in poverty in su.* .ountries. 8*e under t*e
t*ird .tegory re 6uite relevnt in t*e 8*ird world .ountries. )+ilies t*t *ve ..ess to t*e+ re .onsidered
well o,, w*eres su.* people in developed .ountries re .onsidered poor 3e.use t*ey *ve little else nd t*ose
t*ings t*t re essentils in developed .ountries. )or e;+ple% *ouse wit*out plu+3ing is not leglly ,it ,or
dwelling. Pu3li. edu.tion is .o+pulsory ,or .*ildren nd t*ere re *elt* nd ,ood progr++es t*t gurnteed
de6ute levels o, *elt* .re% environ+entl snittion nd nutrition. 8*is study dopts t*e t*ird .tegory o, o, poverty.
Coopertive +ove+ent dted 3.0 to &C?4 w*en t*e <o.*dle -6uit3le Pioneers So.iety ws est3lis*ed in
<o.*dle% -nglnd. -ver sin.e t*en% t*e +ove+ents *ve spred to ll .ountries o, t*e world under di,,erent
n+es. In Nigeri% t*e +ove+ent strted +ong t*e Horu3s under t*e .on.ept o, Ig3e Dide ( 1oint *unting!%
1oint ,r+ing% ,is*ing et.. ll t*ese were .pture #we. #we is nor+lly +ong peer groups ,or .o++unity
servi.e% personl wor0 or ,or t*e py+ent o, 3ridl pri.e to in-lws. >it* t*e in.rese in develop+ent% t*e
prin.iple o, #we *s +oved ,ro+ rendering p*ysi.l l3our to t*t o, , .oopertive under t*e n+e -g3e
/l1ese0u (sso.ition o, people w*o do not .onsu+e ll t*eir in.o+e!. 8*e 3.0ground o, .oopertive
+ove+ent .old 3e tr.ed to t*e trditionl svings nd lons syste+. 8*e +ove+ent strted in t*e gri.ulturl
se.tor nd lte spred to ot*er se.tors. 8ody% .oopertive +ove+ent is .o++on p*eno+enon in t*e
Nigerin so.iety G t*e rel old servi.e se.tors.
8*e +ost i+portnt ,.t is t*t rurl wo+en *ve 3een t*e pro+inent +e+3ers o, .oopertive so.ieties
everyw*ere. In Nigeri tody% t*e +1or ,or+s o, .oopertive so.ieties in.lude
- Consu+ers= .oopertive so.ieties
- Produ.e .oopertive so.ieties
- /gri.ulturl .oopertive so.ieties
- Eousing .oopertive so.ieties
- /rtisn nd industril .oopertive so.ieties
- Credit nd t*ri,t .oopertive so.ieties
- Pro,essionl .oopertive so.ieties
8*e , o, t*is study is on t*e e,,e.t o, t*ri,t .oopertive so.ieties on poverty o, wo+en in t*e study
re. 8*e t*ri,t .oopertive so.iety is one in w*i.* +e+3ers .ontri3ute portion o, t*eir in.o+e 3e,ore t*ey
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Pper! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!
$ol.4% No.&"% 20&4

*ve ..ess to lons. (e+3ers re usully people w*ose in.o+es re t*e s+e. 8*e role o, .oopertive
+ove+ents in i+proving t*e lots o, rurl dwellers .nnot 3e over e+p*si7ed. )ro+ /3dul-H0een (20&2!% t*e
,ollowing dvntges .ould 3e identi,ied
- (o3ili7tion nd distri3ution o, .pitl
- Cretion o, e+ploy+ent nd in.o+e generting opportunity
- / ,oru+ ,or edu.tion nd trining nd solidrity s.*e+es to .ter ,or une;pe.ted e;penses relting to
illness% wel,re% det* et.
- Eelp to in.rese t*e produ.tivity nd in.o+es o, s+ll s.le ,r+ers t*roug* .olle.tive negotition o,
3etter ,or t*eir produ.ts% seeds% ,ertili7er% trnsport nd storge% nd e;pnsion o, +r0et=s
In our .onte+porry ti+es% +ost 3usiness depends on lons ,ro+ .oopertive so.ieties. 8*is study t*ere,ore
.onsiders t*e e,,e.ts o, su.* so.ieties on poverty llevition +ong rurl wo+en. 8*is is deprture ,ro+ ot*er
studies t*t .onsidered t*e generl e,,e.ts o, .oopertive so.ieties.

i% Area of Study
8*e study ws in .ondu.ted #ride 9o.l :overn+ent o, #sun Stte. #ride is 9o.l :overn+ent re in t*e
nort*estern prt o, #sun stte. It is predo+inntly o..upied 3y t*e I1es people@ its .pitl is I1e3u-Aes. >o+en
in towns li0e Ipetu I1es% I0e1i Ile% nd I0e1i-/r0e1i wor0 re +t wevers. 8*is is derived ,ro+ lo.l long grss
.lled I-niI in t*e lo.l dile.t. It *s n re o, 46" 0+
nd popultion o, &4C%6&7 t t*e 2006 .ensus. 8*ere
re tourist=s sites su.* s #lu+inrin >ter )lls +ong ot*ers. 8*e predo+innt e.ono+i. .tivity t*ey engge
in is .ultivtion o, .o.o. 8*ey pr.ti.e .oopertive +ove+ent t*roug* J-susuK.
ii% Sources of data& sampling met$od and sample si'e
8*e study e+ployed 3ot* pri+ry nd se.ondry o, dt. Pri+ry sour.e involved t*e use o, well
stru.tured 6uestionnire to o3tin relevnt in,or+tion ,ro+ respondents in t*e study re. Se.ondry
e+ployed were relevnt 1ournls nd te;t3oo0s. Dt ws .olle.ted ,ro+ 200 rndo+ly sele.ted wo+en ,ro+
two villges n+ely I1e3u-Aes nd I0e1i-/r0e1i. 8*e .*oi.e o, t*e two villges ws 3sed on t*e populrity o,
.oopertive +ove+ent in t*e re. 8*e in,or+tion on vri3les su.* s ge@ in.o+e@ se;@ edu.tionl sttus@
+1or o..uption nd so+e sele.ted o, poverty.
iii% Met$od of analysis
8*e study used des.riptive nd 6untittive sttisti.s to nly7e t*e in,or+tion .olle.ted ,ro+ respondents in
t*e study re. Des.riptive sttisti.s used were ,re6uen.y distri3ution% .*ts% t3les nd per.entges. Luntittive
+et*od used ws t*e 3inry logisti. liner regression nlysis. 8*e *ypot*esis ws nly7ed vi evlution o,
relevnt sttisti.s sso.ited wit* t*e nu+eri.l vlues o, +odel pr+eters vis-M-vis t*eir .riti.l vlues
.ontined in t*e t3les.
iv% Model specification
The binary logistic model specified for the study is as follows.
ln(ODDS) = ln
= a + bX ..1
P =
ODDS is !
= N



>*ere P
P t*e pro33ility o, it* 3ene,iting ,ro+ .oopertive +ove+ent
P ve.tor o, e;plntory vri3les
>*en si+pli,ied% t*e +odel 3e.o+es4

P g (I
! % nd Ii = bu + (bjX
P t*e o3served response ,or t*e it* o3servtion (i.e. t*e 3inry vri3le%
P 2 (yes! ,or using t*e lon
gotten to pur.*se ssets% nd i+prove t*eir stndrd o, living nd
P &(no! ,or #t*erwise

underlying nd o3served sti+ulus inde; ,or t*e
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Pper! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!
$ol.4% No.&"% 20&4

g = is t*e ,un.tionl reltions*ip 3etween t*e ,ield o3servtion (H
! nd t*e sti+ulus inde; (I
! w*i.*
deter+ines t*e pro33ility o, poverty.
8*e logit +odel ssu+es t*e underlying sti+ulus inde; (I
! is rndo+ vri3le% w*i.* predi.ts t*e pro33ility
o, poverty. 8*ere,ore% ,or t*e it* o3servtion (n individul rurl wo+n in .oopertive +o+ent!4
Ii = In
bu + (bjX
= e



>*ere P
P t*e pro33ility o,
t* using t*e lon to .6uire ssets% nd i+prove t*eir stndrd o, living
P ve.tor o, e;plntory vri3les
P /ssets .6uired. (Hes% no!
P Sour.e >ter (well% rin% 3ore*ole% pipe 3orne wter% stre+!
P Coo0ing (et*ods (Stove% Col Pot% :s nd )irewood!
P 8ype o, energy sour.e (Rerosine% )ire wood% :s!
P Eouse*old )eeding Pttern (&4&40% &404&% 04&40% &4&4&% 0404&!

(ata analysis and interpretation
Age (istribution of Respondents%
)able *: (istribution of Respondents by Age
/ge rnge )re6uen.y Per.ent Cu+ultive Per.ent
Below or 20 2 &.0 &.0
2& G '0 '0 &".0 &6.0
'& G 40 "6 2C.0 44.0
4& G "0 6? '4." 7C."
/3ove "& 4' 2&." &00.0
8otl 200 &00.0
Source: +ield survey ,-.*/0 1 2 /3%*
8*e t3le 3ove s*ows t*t 2 o, t*e respondents representing &D re 3elow or 20 yers o, ge% '0 respondents
representing &"D ,ll 3etween t*e rnges o, 2&-'0 yers. "6 o, t*e+ representing 2CD ,ll 3etween '&-40 yers%
6? o, t*e+ representing '4."D ,ll 3etween 4&-"0 yers w*ile 4' o, t*e+ representing 2&."D re 3ove "" yers.
8*is i+plies t*t +1ority o, t*e respondents ,ll wit*in t*e ge rnge o, '&-40 yers nd 2&-'0 yers. 8*e t3le
s*ows t*t 3out 77D o, totl respondents re 3etween 2& nd "0 yers old i+plying t*t +1ority re still wit*in
t*eir e.ono+i.lly .tive yers. 8*e +en ge stood t '6 yers.
Se4 (istribution of Respondents%
)able - (istribution of Respondents by Marital Status
(ritl Sttus )re6uen.y Per.ent Cu+ultive Per.ent
Single &4 7.0 7.0
(rried &"4 77.0 C4.0
Divor.ed ' &." C"."
Seprted & ." C6.0
>idowed 2C &4.0 &00.0
8otl 200 &00.0
Source: +ield survey ,-.*/0
8*e 3ove t3le s*ows t*t &4 representing (7D! o, t*e respondents were singles% &"4 representing (77."D! o,
t*e respondents were +rried% ' representing (&."D! o, t*e respondents were divor.ed% & representing (0."D! o,
t*e respondents were seprted% w*ile 2C representing (&4D! o, t*e respondents were widowed. 8*e t3le s*ows
t*ere re +ore +rried in t*e respondents.
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Pper! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!
$ol.4% No.&"% 20&4


5ducational (istribution of Respondents%
)able / (istribution of Respondents by 5ducational 6ualification
)re6uen.y Per.ent Cu+ultive Per.ent
No )or+l -du.tion 7 '." '."
Pri+ry S.*ool '6 &C.0 2&."
SSC- "& 2"." 47.0
#NDSNC- 4" 22." 6?."
ENDSB.S. 6& '0." &00.0
8otl 200 &00.0
Source: +ield survey ,-.*/0
)ro+ t*e 3ove t3le% it s*ows t*t 7 ('."D! o, t*e respondents *ve no ,or+l edu.tion% '6 (&CD! o, t*e
respondents *ve 6uli,i.tion t pri+ry s.*ool% "& (2"."D! o, t*e respondents *ve SSC- s *ig*est
edu.tionl 6uli,i.tion% 4" (22."D! o, t*e respondents *ve 6uli,i.tion t #NDSNC- w*ile 6&('0."D! o, t*e
respondents *ve ENDSB.S. w*i.* .onstitute t*e lrgest group. :iven t*t +1ority o, t*e respondents (7C."D!
re literte% t*ere is t*e possi3ility o, 3etter usge lons o3tined ,ro+ t*e .oopertive so.iety% ll t*ings 3eing
(istribution of Respondents by t$eir coo7ing met$ods Coo7ing met$ods used
)A8L5 9 R5SPO(5)S: COO!#G M5);O(S
)re6uen.y Per.ent Cu+ultive Per.ent
Rerosene stove &0" "2." "2."
Col pot '' &6." 6?.0
:s .oo0er 44 22.0 ?&.0
)ire wood &C ?.0 &00.0
8otl 200 &00.0
Source: +ield survey ,-.*/0
8*e 3ove revels t*t "2."D o, t*e respondents use 0erosene stove to .oo0% &6."D o, t*e respondents use .ol
pot to .oo0% 22D o, t*e respondents use gs .oo0er to .oo0 w*ile ?D o, t*e respondents still use ,ire wood to
)A8L5 < R5SPO(5)S: +55(#G PA))5R
)re6uen.y Per.ent Cu+ultive Per.ent
&4 &4 0 ?.0 4." 4."
&4 04 & 2' &&." &6.0
&4 &4 & &6C C4.0 &00.0
8otl 200 &00.0
Source: +ield survey ,-.*/0
)ro+ t*e 6uestion 3ove it ws s*own t*t 4."D ,eeding pttern is &4 &4 0% &&."D ,eeding=s pttern is &4 04 &%
w*ile C4D ,eeding=s pttern is &4 &4 &. Study ,urt*er s*owed t*t &4D o, t*e respondents usully in.lude -gg%
+et% 3ens% soy 3en in t*eir +el% 2'D o, t*e respondents o,ten in.lude -gg% +et% 3ens% soy 3en in t*eir
+el% '&D o, t*e respondents in.lude -gg% +et% 3ens% soy 3en in t*eir +el t ti+es w*ile 0."D o, t*e
respondents don=t in.lude -gg% +et% 3ens% soy 3en in t*eir +el t ll.
)A8L5 3 )ypes of $ouses by Respondents
)re6uen.y Per.ent Cu+ultive Per.ent
(ud *ouse ' &." &."
Bunglow 40 20.0 2&."
Duple; " 2." 24.0
).e +e I ,.e you &7 C." '2."
)lt &'" 67." &00.0
8otl 200 &00.0
Source: +ield survey ,-.*/0
8*e t3le 3ove revels t*t &."D o, t*e respondents live in +ud *ouse% 20D o, t*e respondents live in
3unglow% 2."D o, t*e respondents live in duple;% C."D o, t*e respondents live in ,.e +e nd ,.e you
prt+ent w*ile 67."D o, t*e respondents live in ,lt. Study lso reveled t*t 66D o, t*e respondents lived in
rented *ouses w*ile '4D owned *ouses.
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Pper! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!
$ol.4% No.&"% 20&4

)A8L5 = Sources of "ater

)re6uen.y Per.ent Cu+ultive Per.ent
>ell 24 &2.0 &2.0
Bore*ole '7 &C." '0."
Pipe 3orne wter &'7 6C." ??.0
Stre+ 2 &.0 &00.0
8otl 200 &00.0
Source: +ield survey ,-.*/0
8*e 6uestion 3ove revels t*t &2D o, t*e respondents= sour.e o, wter is well% &C."D o, t*e respondents=
sour.e o, wter is 3ore*ole% 6C."D o, t*e respondents= sour.e o, wter is pipe 3orne wter% w*ile &D o, t*e
respondents= sour.e o, wter is stre+.
)A8L5 > #ncome (istribution of Respondents
)re6uen.y Per.ent Cu+ultive Per.ent
Below or N"0%000 '6 &C.0 &C.0
N "0%00&- N &00%000 C? 44." 62."
/3ove N &00%00& 7" '7." &00.0
8otl 200 &00.0
Source: +ield survey ,-.*/0
)A8L5 ? Respondents: mont$ly contributions to t$e Society%
)re6uen.y Per.ent Cu+ultive Per.ent
Below or N "%000 '' &6." &6."
N "%00& - N &0%000 4? 24." 4&.0
N &0%00& - N &"%000 C2 4&.0 C2.0
N &"%00& - N 20%000 '' &6." ?C."
/3ove N 20%00& ' &." &00.0
8otl 200 &00.0
Source: +ield survey ,-.*/0
8*e 3ove s*ows t*t &6."D o, t*e respondents .ontri3ute 3elow or PNP"%000% 24."D o, t*e respondents
.ontri3ute 3etween PNP"%00& to PNP&0%000% 4&D o, t*e respondents .ontri3ute 3etween PNP&0%00& to
PNP&"%000% &6."D o, t*e respondents .ontri3ute 3etween PNP&"%00& to PNP20%000% w*ile &."D o, t*e
respondents .ontri3ute 3ove PNP20%00&. 8*e +1or 3ene,its derived ,ro+ t*e so.iety s reveled 3y +e+3ers
re ..essi3ility to lons (7CD! nd sense o, 3elonging (2CD!.
/3out C'D o, t*e respondents *ve o3tined lons w*ile &7D *ve not s t*e ti+e o, t*is study. 8*e
lon repy+ent period rnged 3etween si; +ont*s nd one yer depending on t*e +ount .olle.ted. (1ority o,
t*ose t*t .olle.ted lons (2C."D! invested it in 3usiness% 2'D nd 26."D used ,or 3uilding t*e pur.*se o, .r
respe.tively w*ile "D used it ,or personl purposes.
(ost o, t*e respondents .li+ed to *ve invested t*eir svings in trding% non-trding nd gri.ulturlly
relted ventures. /3out 4&.7D o, totl respondents reli7ed over '"0%000 s in.o+e ,ro+ t*eir 3usinesses
w*ile &?.4D erned less t*n "0%000 nir nd 'C.?D *d 3etween "0%000 nd '"0%000 nir. Ninety per.ent o,
t*e respondents reported t*t t*ey *ve su.* in.o+e to .6uire ssets.
Logistic regression analysis of t$e contribution of cooperative movement to poverty alleviation amongst
rural "omen
8*e 3inry regression +odel ws used to deter+ine t*e .ontri3ution o, .oopertive +ove+ent on +1or
+i.roe.ono+i. vri3les nd o, poverty% nd t*e result is presented in t*e t3le 3elow
)A8L5 *.: @ariables in t$e 5Auation
B S.-. >ld d, Sig. -;p(B!
Step &

/ssets -26.'04 7222.2'? .000 & .??7 .000

Sour.e >ter -4C.6?4 2702.C72 .000 & .?C6 .000
(et*od o, .oo0ing &0.604 &67'.6&" .000 & .??" 402CC.C47
-nergy sour.e 6.&4' &"44.&6' .000 & .??7 46".260
)eed pttern -67."6" 42&4.&"" .000 & .?C7 .000
Constnt 42'.&?& 2400&.46C .000 & .?C6 6.&62-&C'
<esults ,ro+ t*e t3le 3ove revels t*t .oopertive +ove+ent *d signi,i.nt reltions*ip nd positive
reltions*ip wit* poverty su.* s +et*od o, .oo0ing nd energy sour.e. 8*ese result +ens t*t
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Pper! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!
$ol.4% No.&"% 20&4

.oopertive tends to i+prove t*e .oo0ing +et*ods o, t*e wo+en 3e.use t*e +oney gotten ,ro+ t*eir svings
ws used to 3uy +odern 0it.*en wres. So lso t*e nlysis revels to t*t .oopertive +ove+ent *d negtive
reltions*ip wit* poverty li0e /ssets% sour.e o, wter% )eeding pttern. 8*ese result +ens t*t
.oopertive +ove+ent *s not i+proved t*e Sour.e o, wter% /ssets nd )eeding pttern o, *ouse*olds in t*e
study re.
8*e $ri3les in t*e -6ution output s*ows us t*t t*e regression e6ution is 9n(#DDS! P 42'.&?& -
26.'04/ssets - 4C.6?4 Sour.e >ter O &0.604 (et*od o, .oo0ing O 6.&4' -nergy sour.e - 67."6" )eeding
/s indi.tor ,or poverty t*is study .onsidered t*e ssets o, respondents% t*e sour.e o, wter o, respondents%
+et*od o, .oo0ing o, respondents% energy sour.e o, t*e respondents% nd t*eir ,eeding pttern. 8*e +odel
revels t*e i+p.t o, e.* vri3le on poverty redu.tion% t*e vlue o, t*e .onstnt ter+ (inter.ept! is 42'.&?&.
8*is si+ply i+plies t*t i, ll t*e e;plntory vri3les re *eld .onstnt% poverty will re+in 42'.&?&. 8*us%
t*is is t*e utono+ous vlue o, t*e poverty in t*e study re.
In t*e .onte;t o, t*e .o+puted elsti.ity (i.e. .oe,,i.ients o, t*e e;plntory vri3les!% t*e result suggested t*t%
*olding t*e e,,e.ts o, ot*er vri3les .onstnt% unit in.rese in ssets would .use poverty to redu.e 3y 26.'04%
unit i+prove+ent in provision o, good wter will .use poverty to redu.e 3y 4C.6?4. Si+ilrly% unit
i+prove+ent in ,eeding pttern will .use poverty to redu.e 3y 67."6". But% loo0ing t +et*od o, .oo0ing it ws
s*own t*t +et*od o, .oo0ing does not redu.e poverty s i+prove+ent in .oo0ing +et*od would .use poverty
to in.rese 3y &0.604@ lso i+prove+ent in energy sour.e would .use poverty to in.rese 3y 6.&4'.
>e .n now use t*is +odel to predi.t t*e odds t*t respondent is not poor 3e.use *e=s in .oopertive
+ove+ent. 8*e odds predi.tion e6ution is@
O3;& O3;2 O3;' O3;4 O3;"
>*ere our T= is .onstnt nd T3= t*e vlue o, vri3les used (83le 4.2.6
$ri3les in t*e -6ution! I, t*e respondent is 3le to use t*e +ount gotten to pur.*se ssets nd i+prove in
stndrd o, living (HesP 2!% t*en t*e #DDS is N
42'.&?& - 26.'04(2! - 4C.6?4(2! O &0.604(2! O 6.&4' (2! - 67."6" (2!
P4."C'. 8*t tells
us t*t t*e +odel predi.ts t*t t*e odds o, poverty re 4."C'ti+es *ig*er ,or people w*o 3ene,it ,ro+
lon nd use t*e lon gotten ,ro+ t*e .oopertive

to pur.*se ssets% nd i+prove t*eir stndrd o, living s *e is
to re+ining poor 3y not pur.*sing ssets nd i+prove in stndrd o, living even w*en *e 3elong nd 3ene,its
,ro+ t*e .oopertive +ove+ent.I, our respondent is not 3le to use t*e lon gotten to pur.*se ssets% nd
i+prove t*eir stndrd o, living (NoP&!% t*en our #DDS is N
42'.&?& - 26.'04(&! - 4C.6?4(&! O &0.604(&! O 6.&4' (&! - 67."6" (&!
P0.00&. 8*t tells us t*t t*e +odel predi.ts t*t t*e odds o, re+ining poor is 0.00& ti+es *ig*er ,or people
w*o 3ene,it ,ro+ lon 3ut did not use t*e +oney gotten ,ro+ .oopertive +ove+ent to pur.*se ssets% nd
i+prove t*eir stndrd o, living.
;ypot$esis )esting using t$e Logistic Linear Regression Analysis
8*e *ypot*esis tested is s given 3elow.
o :
Coopertive +ove+ent is not signi,i.nt ,.tor in poverty redu.tion in t*e study re
/s s*own in t3le 4.2.2.% given t*e 3se rtes o, t*e two .ses (&66S200 P C'D 3ene,ited ,ro+ .oopertive
+ove+ent nd dd to t*eir ssets% &7D w*o did not 3ene,its ,ro+ .oopertive +ove+ent did not *ve +u.*
ssets!% nd no ot*er in,or+tion% t*e 3est strtegy is to predi.t% ,or every .se% t*t t*e respondents will *ve
+ore ssets. 2sing t*t strtegy% we would 3e .orre.t C'D o, t*e ti+e to sy .oopertive +ove+ent do redu.e
poverty in rurl re.
)able ** Classification )able

Eve you ever o3tined lon ,ro+
t*e so.ietyF
Corre.t Hes No
Step 0 Eve you ever o3tined
lon ,ro+ t*e so.ietyF
Hes &66 0 &00.0
No '4 0 .0
#verll Per.entge C'.0
. Constnt is in.luded in t*e +odel.
3. 8*e .ut vlue is ."00
/s s*own in t3le &2.% given t*e 3se rtes o, t*e two .ses (&66S200 P C'D 3ene,ited ,ro+ .oopertive
+ove+ent nd dd to t*eir ssets% &7D w*o did not 3ene,its ,ro+ .oopertive +ove+ent did not *ve +u.*
ssets!% nd no ot*er in,or+tion% t*e 3est strtegy is to predi.t% ,or every .se% t*t t*e respondents will *ve
+ore ssets. 2sing t*t strtegy% we would 3e .orre.t C'D o, t*e ti+e to sy .oopertive +ove+ent do redu.e
poverty in rurl re.

Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Pper! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!
$ol.4% No.&"% 20&4


)able *- @ariables in t$e 5Auation
B S.-. >ld d, Sig. -;p(B!
Step 0 Constnt -&."C6 .&CC 70.?"& & .000 .20"
Considering t3le &'% t*e predi.ted odds o, people w*o re in .oopertive +ove+ent nd o3tin lon ,ro+ t*e
.oopertive will 3e 0.20". Sin.e '4 *ve not 3ene,ited ,ro+ .oopertive +ove+ent nd &66 o, our respondents
*ve 3ene,ited ,ro+ t*e .oopertive 3y o3tining lon nd% our o3served odds re '4S&66 P .20".
)able */ Omnibus )ests of Model Coefficients
C*i-s6ure d, Sig.
Step & Step &76.07" 6 .000
Blo.0 &76.07" 6 .000
(odel &76.07" 6 .000
8*e t3le o, #+ni3us 8ests o, (odel Coe,,i.ients presented in t3le 4.2.4 gives C*i-S6ure o, &76.07" on 6 df%
not signi,i.nt 3eyond .000.
(ecision rule
<e1e.t E
i, .onstnt=s P-vlue U #+ni3us 8ests= P-vlue.
>*ere our P-vlue is 0.0&
Sin.e% .onstnt=s P-vlueP 0.0& (gotten ,ro+ 83le 4.2.' $ri3les in t*e -6ution! is greter t*n #+ni3us
8ests= P-vlueP0.000 (gotten ,ro+ 83le 4.2.4 #+ni3us 8ests o, (odel Coe,,i.ients!% we re1e.t E
it .n 3e dedu.ed t*t +e+3ers*ip o, .oopertive so.iety is signi,i.nt ,.tor in poverty redu.tion in t*e study
Model Summary
)able *9
Step -2 9og li0eli*ood Co; V Snell < S6ure Ngel0er0e < S6ure
& &&0.0&4

."4? .6"0
. -sti+tion ter+inted t itertion nu+3er " 3e.use pr+eter esti+tes .*nged 3y less t*n .00&.
(odel Su++ry t3le s*ows t*t t*e -2 9og 9i0eli*ood sttisti. is &&0.0&4. 8*is sttisti. +esures *ow poorly
t*e +odel predi.ts t*e de.isions -- t*e s+ller t*e sttisti. t*e 3etter t*e +odel. 8*e Co; V Snell R
vlue o,
0."4? s*ows t*t t*e .oopertive lons .olle.ted ..ounted ,or 3out "4.?D o, ssets pur.*sed% nd
i+prove+ent in t*e stndrd o, living 3y t*e respondents% w*ile t*e re+ining 4".&D o, totl vritions re
e;plined 3y ot*er vri3les not in.luded in t*e +odel.

Summary of +indings& Conclusion and Recommendations
Summary of findings
8*e study investigted t*e .ontri3ution o, .oopertive +ove+ent on poverty llevition +ong rurl
wo+en% in #ride lo.l govern+ent. Stru.tured 6uestionnire ws used to in,or+tion ,ro+ 200 rndo+ly
sele.ted wo+en in t*e study re. Dt ws nlysed t*roug* t*e 3inry logisti. regression nlysis. 8*e
nlysis reveled t*t +ost respondents re in t*eir e.ono+i.lly .tive yers wit* +en ge o, '6 yers.
/3out ?'D o, t*e respondents were edu.ted. 8*e test o, *ypot*esis s*owed t*t .oopertive +e+3ers*ip ws
signi,i.nt ,.tor in poverty redu.tion in t*e study re. (odel Su++ry t3le ,urt*er s*ows t*e Co; V Snell
vlue to 3e 0."4? w*i.* e;plined t*t t*e .oopertive lons .olle.ted ..ounted ,or 3out "4.?D o, ssets
pur.*sed 3y t*e respondents% w*ile t*e re+ining 4".&D o, totl vritions were not e;plined 3y t*e +odel.
<esults o, t*e 3inry logisti. +odel s*owed t*t .oopertive lon i+prted negtively on ssets% o, wter
nd pttern o, ,eeding w*ile it *s positive i+p.t on +et*od o, .oo0ing nd o, energy. 8*e study
s*owed t*t respondent is li0ely to poverty t 0.&2" odd 3y using t*e lon gotten ,ro+ t*e .oopertive

to pur.*se ssets% invest nd do 3usiness nd *e is li0ely to re+in poor 3y not pur.*sing ssets even w*en *e
3elong nd 3ene,its ,ro+ t*e .oopertive +ove+ent. /nd% respondent is 2.''" ti+es +ore li0ely to re+in in
poverty 3y not using t*e +oney gotten ,ro+ .oopertive +ove+ent to pur.*se ssets% invest nd do 3usiness.
i. 8*e odds were .onverted to pro33ilities% t*e +odel predi.ts t*t (0.700! 70D o, people in .oopertive
+ove+ent will .ontinue to use t*e +ount gotten to pur.*se ssets% invest nd do 3usiness. /nd% (0.&&&! &&D
o, people prti.ipting in .oopertive +ove+ent will not use t*e +ount gotten to pur.*se ssets% invest nd do
3usiness% nd so +y ,ind it di,,i.ult to poverty. Con.lusively one .n s,ely sy t*t t*ere is signi,i.nt
reltions*ip 3etween .oopertive +ove+ent nd poverty llevition in t*e study re. 8*is t*ere,ore
re.o++ends t*t t*e govern+ent s*ould enlig*ten nd edu.te people 3out t*e dvntges o, .oopertive
+ove+ent in i+proving stndrd o, living. /lso t*e .oopertive so.iety s*ould lso en.ourge t*eir +e+3ers to
use t*e +oney gotten ,ro+ t*e .oopertive to 3uy +ore o, ssets insted o, using it +inly on .onsu+ption.
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Pper! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!
$ol.4% No.&"% 20&4


/3dul-H0en (u,utu (20&2!. C*r.teristi.s% stru.tures% types% dvntges% pro3le+s nd prospe.ts o,
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