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$ll t%pes of bein&s ma% serve deities. In &eneral, a deit% onl% accepts minions 'ho have accomplished some &reat deed in
service to the deit%. #uch minions usuall% have the same ali&nment as the deit%. o minion(s ali&nment is opposed to the
patron deit%(s ali&nment on either the la')chaos a*is or the &ood)evil a*is.
$ divine pro*% spea,s and acts on behalf of the divine bein&. -hen the demand for a deit%(s presence is too hi&h, the deit%
ma% use pro*ies.
+ro*ies are divine minions invested 'ith a small portion of the deit%(s po'er. $ deit% ma% invest 1 ran, of its po'er
.reducin& its divine ran, accordin&l%/ in a sin&le servant for as lon& as the deit% chooses. The minion must be ph%sicall%
present for the deit% to perform the investiture. -hile so invested, the pro*% &ains an% salient divine abilities held b% the
patron deit% as 'ell as the po'ers and abilities of a ran, 1 demi&od. -ithout the re0uisite abilit% scores or divine ran,s, the
pro*% ma% not be able to use all those po'ers and abilities. $ deit% ma% have more than one pro*%, but it must lose 1 divine
ran, for each pro*% it invests. $ deit% can retrieve a sin&le divine ran, as a standard action, and doin& so it does not re0uire
the ph%sical presence of the pro*%.
#ome spirits demonstrate their devotion to their deit% b% travelin& to the deit%(s home plane. Those that survive the 1ourne%
across the planes become servants of their deit%. -hile a fe' ma% remain disembodied spirits, most become petitioners
throu&h the divine 'ill of their patron deit%.
In &eneral, petitioners appear in the form that the% had 'hen the% died, thou&h the% ma% be remade b% deities to fit the nature
of their particular afterlife. In &eneral, petitioners 'ho become divine servants are creatures that ori&inall% had at least 1
Intelli&ence and 1 -isdom.
The follo'in& creature t%pes ma% become petitioners dependin& on the deit%2 aberrations, animals, dra&ons, fe%, &iants,
humanoids, ma&ical beasts, monstrous humanoids, and plants, oo3es, and vermin 'ith sufficient abilit% scores. Constructs
and undead are not usuall% made into petitioners, thou&h the spirits of their ori&inal forms ma% be. !lementals and outsiders
tend to meld 'ith their native planes, and as such do not become petitioners. Their spirits ma% still be called bac, from the
dead, ho'ever.
The template presented belo' is for +Cs, not pla%er characters. If dead characters 'ho are petitioners are later restored to
life .once a&ain becomin& pla%er characters/, the% for&et an% of their e*periences as petitioners.
Creatin& a +etitioner
4+etitioner5 is a template that ma% be added to an% creature as determined b% the nature of the campai&n .referred to
hereafter as the base creature/. The creature(s t%pe chan&es to outsider, and the creature uses all the base creature(s statistics
and special abilities e*cept as noted here.
Hit Dice: Chan&e to 6d7. 8etain bonus hit points.
AC: atural $rmor Class, De*terit%, and si3e bonuses or penalties appl%. $rmor bonuses are not applicable.
Attacks: 9ase attac, bonus is reduced to :6, sub1ect to modifications for si3e and #tren&th.
Special Attacks: $ petitioner loses all supernatural and spell;li,e attac,s, but retains normal and e*ceptional attac,s.
Special Qualities: $ petitioner loses all supernatural and spell;li,e abilities, but retains e*ceptional abilities. In addition, it
&ains the follo'in& 0ualities.
"ental Immunit%2 $ll petitioners are immune to mind;affectin& effects.
Other Immunities2 Dependin& on its nature, the petitioner is immune to t'o of the follo'in& effects2 acid, cold, electricit%,
fire, poison, petrifaction, or pol%morphin&. These immunities are applied similarl% to all petitioners of a particular plane or
8esistances2 Dependin& on the nature of the petitioner(s plane, the petitioner &ains resistance 60 a&ainst t'o of the follo'in&
effects2 acid, cold, electricit%, or fire.
+lanar Commitment2 +etitioners cannot leave the plane the% inhabit. The% are teleported one hundred miles in a random
direction if an attempt is made to force them to leave.
$dditional #pecial <ualities2 +articular planes ma% provide additional benefits for petitioners of those planes. T%pical
additional special 0ualities ma% include an% one of the follo'in&.
= Dama&e reduction >?silver and spell resistance >.
= Continuous ma&ic circle a&ainst evil.
= @ast healin& 1.
= Dama&e reduction 10?ma&ic.
= #pell resistance 10.
= $dditional 6d7 Ait Dice.
= 8emove all immunities and resistances e*cept immunit% to mind;affectin& effects. $dd acid, cold, electricit%, fire, and
poison resistance >.
#uch modifications are the result of the nature of the plane or the po'erful bein&s 'ithin it.
Saves: 9ase savin& thro' bonuses are :B.
Abilities: #ame as the base creature. #ome cosmolo&ies or deities ma% set a ma*imum of 17 for petitioner abilit% scores.
$bilities hi&her than that are reduced to the ma*imum.
Skills: +etitioners have no s,ills. +revious s,ills are lost.
Feats: +etitioners have no feats. +revious feats are lost.
Climate/Terrain: $n% land and under&round .'ithin the same plane/.
Organization: #ame as the base creature.
Challenge ating: 1.
Treasure: one.
Alignment: #ame as the native plane.
A!vancement: one.
!*ceptional +etitioners
The deities ma% choose particular servants for specific tas,s that ma% retain the ,no'led&e of their previous selves. These
e*ceptional petitioners retain the feats and s,ills the% had in life, but are other'ise limited as for the petitioners of their plane.

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