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1. Quid est sub arbore? A) Who B) When C) What D) Where
2. In Colosseo sedent et ludos speetanl A) they sit B) he sits C) we sit D) you sit
3. Quot equos in pictura vides? A) tres B) quattuor C) quinque D) sex
4. Anucos de periculo monuit. A) he warns B) he will warn C) he has warned
D) he was warning
5. Caesar filiam amabat. A) parvae B) parvam C) parva D) parvarum
6. Spectabam ludos Olympicos cum A) amici B) amicis C) amicorum D) amicos
7. Vir est . A) boni B) bonus C) bonis D) bono
8. Echo in silvis errabat et Narcissum vidit. A) will wander B) was wandering
C) has wandered D) wanders
9. The news about the gold medal winners spread quickly and widely. A) lato B) latum
C) latus D) late
10. Puer c1amavit, "Demonstra mihi viam!" A) I shall show B) I am showing C) Show
D) I must show
11. Magister fabulam ~ paral A) tells B) will tell C) told D) to tell
12. Ad ltaliam navigabo. A) from B) to C) out of D) around
13. Cras eris in Circo Maximo. A) you have been B) you were C) you are D) you will be
14. Audivistine de Romulo et de Remo? A) with Romulus B) to Romulus C) by Romulus
D) about Romulus
15. Villae Romanae multas
D) fenestras
16. Juppiter Neptuno nuntiaviL, "Tu es rex fluviorum." A) to Neptune B) from Neptune
C) by Neptune D) with Neptune
17. He knew the names of the gods on Olympus. A) deus B) dei C) deorum D) deos
18. Trans nvum naviculis navigaverunt. A) by means of boats B) for boats C) to boats
D) out of boats
non habebant. A) fenestra B) fenestrarum C) fenestram
19. Multi in horto laborabanl A) servo B) servis C) servi D) servos
20. Videsne lunam c1aram in caelo? A) You see B) Why do you see C) Do you see
D) Did you see
21. Dea in pictura est . A) Venus B) Vesta C) Diana D) Minerva
22. The mythological hero was given twelve labors to perform as punishment for his cnme.
A) Midas B) Apollo C) Hercules D) Perseus
23. On this map the approximate location of Rome is A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
24. The prefix trans in the English word transportation means A) down B) across
C) into D) from
25. In the Roman Empire, there were many emperors; in the monarchy, there were seven
A) consuls B) kings C) dictators D) senators
26. Which of these abbreviations means "for example?" A) A.D. B) pro tem. C) e.g. D) N.B.
27. Graeci in Bello Troiano decem annos pugnabant.
A) XI B) XX C) X D) IX
28. Appia, Aurelia, and Sacra refer to Roman
A) cities B) mountains C) temples D) roads
29. Animal in hac pictura est A) ursa B) canis
C) leo D) taurus
30. The altimeter in an airplane measures
A) air pressure B) speed C) temperature D) height
Copyright 1993
Exam continued on other side
31. In what city did many people lose their lives when Mount Vesuvius erupted in A.D. 79?
A) Rome B) Athens C) Carthage D) Pompeii
32. The god associated with warfare is A) Mercury B) Mars
C) Apollo D) Vulcan
33. From the map choose A, B, C, or D as the location of Hispania.
34. Your parents wish to encourage you to work hard during this school year.
Which of the following Iriight they say? A) Labor omnia vincit
B) ad infinitum C) Cave canem D) persona non grata
35. Walking around Rome, you Iriight see the building
in this picture. A) Pantheon B) Senate House C) Temple of Jupiter
D) Colosseum
Olim agncola aquam frigidam ex puteo trahebat quod hortus
erat andus. Parvus canis latrabat et saliebat; sed
subito in puteum cecidit.- -
Agricola canem in puteo vidit. ltaque in puteum descendit
quod canem adiuvare desiderabal Ex puteo vix canem portabat
sed subito canis manum agncolae mordebat.
"Tu es parvum monstrum!" c1amaviL agricola. "Tu es ingratus!
Ego tibi cilium dono. Tibi amicus et benign us sum. Ascende
ex puteo ~!" Deinde agncola inputeum canem demisit.
Documentum fabulae: Non debes mordere manum ~ tibi cibum donat.
Aesop's Fables (adapted)
1 ex puteo = from a well; trahebat = was drawing
2 aridus = dry; latrabat = was barking; saliebat = was jumping
3 sub ito = suddenly; cecidit = fell
5 adiuvare = to help; vix = with difficulty
6 manum = hand; mordebat = bit
7 ingratus = ungrateful
8 Ascende = climb
9 ipse = yourself; deinde = then; demisit = put down
10 documentum = lesson; Non debes = you ought not; quae = which
36. Cur agncola aquam desiderabat? A) Agncola hortum irrigare desiderabat B) Aqua erat frigida C) Agncola aqUam amabat
D) Canis aquam desiderabat
37. Quis in puteum subiLo cecidit? A) agncola B) canis C) amicus D) aqua
38. Cur agncola in puteum descendit? A) Aquam frigidam desiderabat B) Canem adiuvare desiderabat C) Canis latrabat D) Canis saliebat
39. Cur agncola in puteum canem demisit? A) Canis latrabat B) Canis erat benignus et amicus C) Canis saliebat
D) Canis manum agricolae mordebat
40. What is the lesson of this story? A) Look before you leap B) You can't teach an old dog new tricks C) Don't bite the hand that feeds you
D) Don't trust flatterers
Copyright 1993'~~-~~----.
1. Numerus of stars magnus est. A) stella B) stellarum C) stellas D) stellis
2. Agncolae magnum trahebant. A) lapidis B) lapidi C) lapidem D) lapide
3. In urbe sunt cives. A) multi B) multos C) multis D) multa
4. Equus terntus a via in fugit. A) agn B) agrorum C) ager D) agrum
5. Scnbe nomen in tabula, amice. A) Write B) He is writing C) He will write D) To write
6. Multas picturas meis amicis in provinciis monstrabo. A) I showed B) I was showing C) I had shown D) I will show
7. Qui nobiscum ad forum ambulant? A) Where B) When C) Who D) Why
8. In silvis multa animalia were living. A) habitant B) habitabant C) habitabunt D) habitaverant
9. Semper laboramus. A) a ludo B) magna cum cura C) de fabulis D) in ltaliam
10. Multi gladiatores et bestiae in ludis will be seen. A) vident B) videbant C) videntur D) videbuntur
11. Hen nos miseri eramus sed hodie sumus laeLi. A) we are B) we were C) we will be D) we will have been
12. Meus frater mihi multa dona dedit. A) to me B) about me C) by me D) with me
13. Lingua Latina a multis amatur. A) by many B) through many C) from many D) after many
14. Dic mihi, . fabulam de ltalia antiqua. A) Marcus B) Marci C) Marco D) Marce
15. Esne discipulus aut discipula? A) and B) or C) not D) but
16. The angry father harshly scolded his son. A) durus B) dure C) duri D) duro
17. Non est bonum donnire in ludo. A) to sleep B) will sleep C) sleeps D) slept
18. Cives facta bona nostri ducis had praised. A) laudaverunt B) laudaverant C) laudaverint D) laudati sunt
19. Homines pedibus ambulant et aves alis volant. A) about wings B) with wings C) wings D) of wings
20. Anucae meae non sunt . A) Liiriidae B) Liiriida C) Liiriidi D) timidas
21. Taurine, porcine, and equine are English words derived from Latin words for A) rooms of the house B) hills of Rome
C) leisure activities D) animals
22. The symbol of supreme authority of the kings who ruled Rome during the Monarchy was the fasces. The term fasces refers to A) a set of laws
B) a crown and a throne C) a bundle of rods with an ax D) a golden robe with fur lining - -
23. Ubi in villa Romana erat impluvium? A) in atrio B) in culina C) in peristylio D) in cubiculo
24. The diagnosis of the patient's disease was conducted post mortem. A) in the afternoon B) in detail C) after death D) without surgery
25. Jupiter and Juno were known to the Greeks as A) Apollo and Diana B) Poseidon and Demeter C) Hermes and Artemis D) Zeus and Hera
26. Tarquinius Superbus ruled Rome during the period of government known as the A) Monarchy B) Republic C) Empire D) Dictatorship
27. After the presentation, the speaker apologized for his lapsus linguae. A) delayed arrival B) nervousness
C) running overtime D) slip of the tongue
28. The maiden Andromeda was saved by the hero Perseus from A) spending half of each year in the Underworld B) turning into a spider
C) being devoured by a sea monster D) being changed into a tree
29. Martial music is usually played A) when putting a baby to sleep B) during a wedding procession
C) at religious services D) when soldiers march
30. A Roman traveler setting out for Pompeii from the city of Rome would head A) north B) south C) northwest D) west
31. A septuagenarian is a person who is in his in age. A) thirties B) fifties C) sixties D) seventies
32. The Roman numeral MCMXCIII represents the year A) 1943 B) 1933 C) 1773 D) 1993
33. The domed building erected in honor of all gods which still stands in Rome today is the A) Acropolis B) Colosseum C) Pantheon D) Curia
34. A helmet, spear, and owl are attributes of the goddess A) Juno B) Ceres C) Minerva D) Dia.',a
35. The traditional date for the fall of the Roman Empire was 476 A.D. The abbreviation A.D. means A) after the founding of Rome
B) after the end of the Monarchy C) during the reign of Augustus D) in the year of the Lord
The Horns of the Stag
A magnificent stag learns an important lesson through an unfortunate adventure.
Olim magnus cervus advenit ad flumen magnum. Stabat ad ripam fluminis
et in aquam speetabat. Formam suam vidit! Totum corpus suum diu spectabat et
dixit: "Quam pulchra sunt mea cornua! Sed quam longa et macra sunt mea
~! Cur non pulchra sunt?"
Subito c1amores venatorum et canum audivit. Cervus erat territus et
salutem in silva celeriter petivit. Sed cornua eius mox capta sunt in ramis arborum.
Cervus stabat immobilis et timidus. Deinde advenerunt canes venatoresque eL mox cervum
occiderunt. Ante mortem cervus dixit: "Quam stultus eraml Crura mea erant utilia! Cornua mea,
quae pulchra putabam, erunt causa mortis meae:- -
Fabula nos docet: stulti homines saepe laudant inutilia nee vident ea quae sunt vero utilia.
1 cervus = stag, deer
2 suum = his own
3 cornua = horns; macra = skinny
4 crura = legs
5 venatorum = of the hunters
6 salutem = safety; ramis = branches
occiderunt= attacked; stultus = foolish utilia = useful
inutilia = useless things; ea quae = those things which
36. In lines 1 and 2, the stag stopped to A) search for something to eat B) admire his reflection in the river C) help his friend find water
D) go for a swim in the river
37. Which of his features did the stag find unattractive? A) his horns B) his face C) his ears D) his legs
38. The stag became frightened when he A) slipped into the water B) broke his leg C) heard hunters and dogs approaching D) could not find his friend
39. The stag was stopped in his flight when A) his horns were caught in the branches B) he was surrounded by water
C) he was caught in the hunter's trap D) his friends warned him of danger
40. Before the stag died A) he begged for forgiveness B) he was able to help his friends out of danger C) he was immortalized by the gods
D) he realized that he had not appreciated his best features
Copyright 1993
1. Cornelia, Gracchorum, filios amabat. A) mater B) matris C) matrem D) matre
2. Miles aut necat aut necatur. A) both...and B) either...or C) not only...but also D) neither...nor
3. Tell me, girls, the story of the Trojan War. A) Narrate B) Narratis C) Narra D) Narrant
4. Caesar is trying to cross the Rhine. A) conatur B) conamur C) conantur D) conor
5. Theseus scit monstrum in labyrintho habitare. A) lives B) will
live C) had lived D) was living
6. Multitudo hominum ad forum festinavit. A) for the men B) of men C) the man D) from the men
7. Servi in agris laborare. A) volo B) volunt C) vis D) vult
8. Cena optima a servis parata est. A) prepares B) was prepared C) did prepare D) had prepared
9. Atalanta erat celerior quam iuvenes. A) swiftest B) swiftly C) swift D) swifter
10. Dea viro viam demonstravit. A) hunc B) hoc C) huic D) hic
11. Cives praesidem creare poterant. A) are able B) had been able C) will be able D) were able
12. Let us stay in the city. A) manemus B) mansimus C) maneamus D) manebimus
13. What did King Midas want? A) Quis B) Quem C) Quid D) Quo
14. Magistro nostra nomina nuntiavimus, sed vestra non nuntiavistis. A) your B) my C) our D) their
15. Dux Romanus urbem captam liberavit. A) capturing the city B) the captured city C) captured the city D) the capture of the city
16. Hannibal Carthaginem revenit. A) from Carthage B) to Carthage C) in Carthage D) at Carthage
17. Senator maxima cum cura epistulam scribit. A) with great care B) with more care C) with the greatest care D) carefully
18. Marcus, ~ lente ambulat, semper tardus est. A) who B) whom C) whose D) what
19. Quattuor equi carrum celeriter trahebant. A) rather quickly B) very quickly C) quickly D) as quickly as possible
20. Multos canes currentes in viis vidimus. A) to run B) ran C) about to run D) running
21. The Roman general known for his conquest of Gaul was A) Caesar B) Manus C) Crassus D) Pompey
22. During the first two Punic Wars, the island of Sicily was claimed by both Rome and A) Troy B) Athens C) Carthage D) Egypt
23. A task described as facile would be A) necessary B) burdensome C) easy D) lengthy
24. Which saying applies to an athlete who is also an outstanding student? A) non compos mentis B) mens sana in corpore sano
C) persona non grata D) in loco parentis
25. Atramentum, stylus, and cera were used by the Romans for A) writing B) bathing C) dining D) cooking
26. The aged Charon and three-headed dog, Cerberus, were well-known in mythology for A) turning men into pigs B) inhabiting the Underworld
C) assigning Hercules his twelve labors D) defeating the Minotaur
27. Cicero established his reputation among the Romans as an accomplished A) orator B) general C) sculptor D) poet
28. Ariadne: Theseus :: Medea: . A) Perseus B) Aeneas C) Jason D) Achilles
29. Which of the following provinces was located east of Italy? A) Hispania B) Britannia C) Graecia D) Sicilia
30. Which of the following events took place after the death of Julius Caesar? A) Punic Wars B) reign of Romulus C) reign of Augustus
D) dictatorship of Cincinnatus
31. The cursus honorum was a term used by the Romans in A) politics B) athletics C) religion D) fine arts
32. Vinum, mensa, cibus, and antecena were most commonly found A) in the Circus Maximus B) at a banquet C) after an election D) inside a library
33. Quis erat deus mans et frater Jovis? A) Neptunus B) Mercurius C) Mars D) Apollo
34. Potential, possibility, and omnipotent all come from the Latin word that means A) put, place B) be able C) ask D) carry
35. Duodecim et sex sunt A) duodeviginti B) undeviginti C) viginti unus D) viginti
A story told by Caesar
Centurio Romanus, nomine Sexlius, in casms ~ manebat. Dies quinque iam
cibum non sumpserat. Subito Calli autemimpetum in castra fecerunt et Sexlius se forlissimum esse
praebuit. Desperata enim salulis spe, e tabemaculo sine armis exit. Videt appropinquare hostes
castraque Romana circumveniri. Itaque anna ab aliis mililibus capit atque in porta consislit.
Deinde ceteri centuriones eum sequuntur; paulisper cum Callis pugnant.
Mullis vulneribus acceplis, Sextius e pugna tractus est. Virtus huius unius reliquos sic confirmat
ut in porta stare ipsi et castra defendere audeant.
1 Centurio = a centurion, a military officer; aeger = sick
3 praebuit = showed; tabemaculo = tent
4 consistit = stands
5 paulisper = for a short lime
7 audeant = they dare
36. According to the story, what crisis occurred while Sextius was ill in his tent? A) The Romans were unable to obtain provisions.
B) The enemy attacked the camp. C) The Romans surrendered to the enemy. D) The Romans abandoned camp.
37. How did Sextius obtain weapons so he could fight? A) He took them from the altar. B) He got them from his tent.
C) He used those of his fellow soldiers. D) He found them near the gate.
38. What happened when Sextius was wounded? A) The Romans surrendered. B) He was pulled from the battle. C) He fled from the camp.
D) He kept fighting.
39. What effect did Sextius' actions have on the other Roman soldiers? . A) They closed the gate. B) They began to complain.
C) They defended the camp. D) They returned to their tents.
40. This story illustrates Sextius' A) courage B) carelessness C) caution D) compassion
Copyright 1993
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1. Parva filia cara _ est. A) mei B) me C) meo D) mihi
2. Regulus vir summae virtutis erato A) of the greatest courage B) for the greatest courage C) by the greatest courage D) from the greatest courage
3. Domus aurea _ imperator aedificavit ingens erat. A) qui B) quam C) quae D) quod
4. Cives audiverunt that Cicero had been elected consulem. A) Ciceronem delectum esse B) Cicero delectus erit C) Ciceronem deligi D) Cicero delectus est
5. Iratus puer fratri imperat ut descendat. A) as he was climbing down B) to climb down C) how he had climbed down D) if he will climb down
6. Discipuli stylis utebantur. A) had used B) are used C) will use D) were using
7. Quis est vir librum legens? A) having been read B) must be read C) about to read D) reading
8. IIIe praetor iustior quam hic est. A) for this one B) to this one C) than this one D) from this one
9. Oppido imperatori tradito, cives lacrimaverunt. A) Since the town must be handed over by the general B) When the town had been handed over to the general
C) After the general will hand over the town D) Since the general had been handed over to the town
10. Horatius scripsisse multos libros dicitur. A) to be going to write B) to have been written C) to be written D) to have written
11. De monte videre Forum we are able. A) poterimus B) poteramus C) possumus D) potuimus
12. Fulvia fidelissima patriae fuit. A) very loyal B) with loyalty C) more loyal D) loyally
13. Romani rogabant cur Caesar in Gallia _' A) fuerat B) erat C) esset D) est
14. Marce, noli loqui dum magister loquitur. A) do not speak B) I do not want to speak C) no one should speak D) let us not speak
15. Brutus clamavit, "Tyrannus occidendus est!" A) I shall kill the tyrant! B) The tyrant must be killed! C) The tyrant has been killed! D) The tyrant is dead!
16. Dictator suam opinionem habet. A) your own B) our own C) my own D) his own
17. They came to watch the parade. A) ad pompam spectandam B) spectantes pompam C) pompa spectata D) quod pompam spectaverunt
18. Si acrius pugnavissemus, hostes vicissemus. A) we shallconquer B) we were conquering C) we would conquer D) we would have conquered
19. IIIi senatores multos dies convenerunt. A) daily B) within many days C) for many days D) most of the day
20. Virgines templum in sacro loco aedificatum curaverunt. A) building B) about to be built C) going to build D) built
21. The Roman official of the Republic who had the right to remove members from the senate and control public morality was the A) consul B) tribune
C) praetor D) censor
22. Books which start halfway through the story and use flashbacks to tell what has already happened are said to begin A) ex officio B) mirabile dictu
C) in medias res D) de facto
23. The Greek king who defeated the Romans but suffered such heavy losses that he is supposed to have said, "One more such victory and I am done for!" was
A) Midas B) Pyrrhus C) Mithridates D) Hannibal
24. From which Latin word is equivalent derived? A) equus B) quis C) aequus D) aquila
25. One of the reasons that Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus, social reformers during the Republic, were killed was that
A) they attempted to redistribute land and give grain to the poor
B) they assassinated one of the consuls C) they led a slave revolt D) they collaborated with the Carthaginians
26. The three old women who spin, measure, and cut the thread of life serve as an image of A) happiness B) fate C) justice D) illness
27. _ was sent into exile by the same Roman senate that had earlier declared him "Father of the Country." A) Pompey B) Cicero C) Caesar D) Crassus
28. The naval battle fought at Actium in 31 B.C. brought about the defeat of A) Antony and Cleopatra B) Brutus and Cassius C) Marius and Sulla
D) Castor and Pollux
29. Which river is not located in Italy? A) Tiber B) Po C) Rubicon D) Rlne
30. Entertainment, continent, abstinence, and malcontent are derivatives of the Latin verb A) tingere B) tenere C)timere D) tendere
31. A Roman would expect the rostra in the Forum to be used primarily by A) money changers B) orators C) farmers D) priestesses
32. What two Roman authors expounded upon the ideas and events of their day in their published letters? A) Livy and Tacitus B) Plautus and Terence
C) Vergil and Horace D) Cicero and Pliny the Younger
While on a journey through Italy, Milo encounters an unusual oak tree.
Milo, athleta iIIustris, qui in multis Olympicis ludis victor fuerat,
exitum habuit e vita miserandum et mirandum. Milo, cum senex esset,
non iam in ludis certavit. Olim solus iter in locis Italiae silvestribus
faciens, prope viam quercum latis rimis in parte media vidit. Etiam
tunc cognoscere volens an ullae sibi reliquae vires adessent, immissis
in cavernas arboris digitis, distrahere quercum conatus est. Mediam
partem arboris distraxit. Cum iIIe autem manus laxavisset, quercus
rediit in naturam suam. Manibus Milonis inclusis, quercus
interficiendum Milonem animalibus praebuit.
Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights xv, 16 (adapted)
non iam = no longer; eertavit = competed
quercus, quercus, f. = oak; rima, rimae = crack
an = whether; sibi, i.e., to Milo
distrahere = to pull apart; conatus est = tried
laxavisset = had relaxed
praebuit = presented, offered
33. In lines 1 and 2, we learn that this is the story of Milo's A) unexpected departure from the Olympic stadium B) pitiful and strange death
C) sad farewell to family and friends D) journey to the Olympic games
34. This account takes place when Milo A) as a boy was dreaming of becoming an Olympic athlete B) was in training for the Olympic games
C) was at the peak of his athletic career D) had already passed his prime as an athlete
35. The oak tree was unusual in that A) it grew inside a cave near the road B) its roots lay almost entirely above the ground C) its trunk was cracked open
D) it no longer stood upright because of its great weight
36. In line 5, Milo used the oak tree to A) test his strength B) show off to his comrades C) pay his respects to the gods D) gather fuel for his campsite
37. Milo (line 6) attempted to A) uproot the tree B) drag the tree into the cave C) block the opening of the cave D) split the tree apart
38. To whom orwhat does ille (line 7) refer? A) Milo B) quercus C) animal D) natura
39. In lines 7 and 8, we learn that the oak A) sprang back together B) was torn apart C) fell on Milo D) became diseased
40. At the end of the story Milo A) was hailed a hero by the people B) was left prey to the wild animals C) surrendered himself as a sacrifice to the gods
D) killed the animals to survive
Copyright 1993
1. Cenabis bene, mi Fabulle. A) You dine B) You have dined C) You were dining D) You will dine
2. Persarum rege beatior eram. A) a king B) from a king C) than a king D) to a king
3. Haec fuit navium celernma. A) of the ships B) to the ships C) the ships D) than the ships
4. mum omnes risere. A) laughed at B) laughing at C) laughs at D) will laugh at
5. Oculi spectando dolent. A) having looked B) must look C) from looking D) about to look
6. Ad fontem cervus, cum bibisset, restitit. A) with B) where C) how D) when
7. Sunt mihi duo canes. A) I have two dogs B) They were my two dogs C) I wish I had two dogs D) They have my two dogs
8. Pater Aeneas haec dixil A) that thing B) she C) these things D) her
9. Fama loquetur. A) speaks B) has spoken C) may speak D) will speak
10. 0 fortunatam natam me consule Romam! A) while I was consul B) my consul C) by consulting me D) to consult me
11. Ridentem puellam amabo. A) laughs B) laughing C) must laugh D) might laugh
12. Rusticus urbanum murem mus paupere fertur accepisse cavo. A) brings B) are carried C) is said D) will bear
13. Uxor, vivamusque ut vixirnus. A) we have lived B) we live C) we shall live D) let us live
14. Hanc deam cave. A) I am aware of B) Beware of C) She is careful about D) I was careful about
15. Sic fatus, abit. A) about to speak B) having spoken C) is said D) had been spoken
16. "Ubi es, ?" dixit Daedalus. A) Icare B) Icarus C) Ican D) Icaro
17. Hoc est saxum Sisyphus volvit. A) qui B) quod C) quam D) quae
18. Noli quaerere quid futurum cras. A) est B) erat C) erit D) sit
19. Dulcius est discere quam docere. A) sweet B) sweeter C) very sweet D) sweetly
20. Hoc tanlum possum . A) dic B) dixerit C) dictus est D) dicere
21. Which goddess did not participate in the Judgment of Paris? A) Artemis B) Aphrodite C) Hera D) Athena
22. An amphora would be used for A) measuring distances B) riding horses C) storing wine D) writing letters
23. Which was not the location of a famous oracle? A) Delphi B) Delos C) Carthage D) Cumae
24. From which of the following would a poet most likely seek inspiration? A) Muses B) Graces C) Furies D) Fates
25. A young Roman might travel to Athens to study, among other things, Stoicism and Epicureanism, which were A) rhetorical techniques
B) ancient philosophies C) architectural principles D) ancient law codes
26. Maecenas, Augustus' close friend, was important for his A) literary patronage B) Iriilitary victories C) engineering feats D) scientific discoveries
27. Which name is the metrical equivalent of a dactyl? A) Anna B) Antonia C) Hostia D) Dido
28. The line atque in perpetuum, frateri ave atque vale has how many elisions? A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) 3
29. En tell us erat velut qui urbem oppugnat is an example of A) anaphora B) oxymoron C) simile D) hendiadys
30. Which word shows by its ending a smallness or fondness? A) animula B) otiosus C) addenda D) monbundus
31. The wordscelsus and sublimis are nearest in meaning to A) infandus B) novus C) gravis D) altus
32. A small amount of light passed through the aperture. A) opening B) fabric C) cloud D) foliage
Venus as Goddess of Spring
Nec Veneri tempus quam ver erat aptius ullum:
vere nitent terrae, vere remissus ager,
nunc herbae rupta tellure cacumina tollunt,
nunc tumido gemmas cortice palmes agit.
et formosa Venus formoso tempore digna est,
utque solet, Marti continuata suo est:
vere monet curvas materna per aequora puppes
ire nec hibernas iam timuisse Iriinas.
1 ver, veris, n. = spring
2 nitent = shine
3 cacumina = the blades (of grain)
4 gemmas = buds; cortice = the bark; palme8 = a sprout
6 continuata = companion to
7 monet = urges; materna = agrees with aequora
8 minas = dangers
Ovid, Fasti, iv. 125-132
33. In line 1, the poet feels that Venus' association with spring is A) foolish B) famous C) strange D) appropriate
34. The best translation of vere (line 2) is A) in spring B) than spring C) without spring D) of spring
35. Line 3 descnbes which activity? A) harvesting crops B) planting seeds C) growth of plants D) soil erosion
36. In line 4, the poet descnbes the action using the imagery of A) rainfall B) sleep C) war D) birth
37. In line 5, the poet feels that A) Venus is as beautiful as spring B) Venus is more beautiful than spring
C) Venus envies spring's beauty D) Venus looks forward to spring
38. The best translation of utque solet (line 6) is A) never B) as usual C) from sunlight D) that she knows
39. The subject of monet (line 7) is A) aequora B) Venus C) Mars D) puppes
40. Lines 7 and 8 suggest that spring is a good time for A) faririing B) walking C) sailing D) writing
Copyright 1993
Proculus appears to the people to explain the death of Romulus.
Et admiratione viri et pavore praesenti, cives cupidi erant credendi 1
narrationem Romulum non :rnortuum esse sed sublime raptum esse. 2
Et consilio etiam unius hoIriinis dicitur esse addita rei fides. Namque 3
Proculus, vir gravis, ut traditur, "Quirites," inquit, "Romulus 4
prima hodiema luce caelo repente delapsus se mihi obvium dedit Cum 5
venerabundus adstitissem, 'Abi, nuntia,' inquit, 'Romanis caelestes ita 6
velle ut mea Roma caput orbis terrarum sit; proinde rem militarem 7
colant, sciantque nullas opes humanas armis Romanis resistere posse.' 8
"Haec," inquit Proculus, "locutus sublimis abiit." Hoc consilio desiderium 9
Romuli apud plebein exercitumque lenitum est, fide immorLalitatis facta. 10
Uvy, Book i (adapted)
sublime = heavenward
consilio = speech; fides = belief
se . . . obvium dedit = he appeared
:venerabundus = in awe
lenio, -ire = lessen
1. In line 1, having lost their king, the citizenry was in a state of confusion caused by A) the enemies' withdrawal B) the desire for freedom
qan imminent attack D) awe and fear
2. cives cupidi erant credendi (line 1) is best translated A) the citizens believed he was greedy B) the citizens wanted to believe
C) the credulous citizens were eager D) the citizens trusted the man's desire
3. The gerund found in line 1 is A) praesenti B) admiratione C) cupidi D) credendi
4. The narration em (line 2) describes a A) revolt B) death C) disappearance D) riot
5. The sense of t... fides (line 3) is A) one man spoke about the tradition of belief B) one man's speech strengthened their belief
q only one man was allowed to make a speech D) only one man believed the speech
6. Vir gravis (line 4) is a(n) A) unpleasant man B) influential man C) simple man D) bitter man
7. Ut traditur (line 4) is a phrase often used by historians with the general meanirig A) as evidence of B) in ancient times
q as the story goes D) in my opinion
8. At what time did Romulus appear (line 5)? A) at dusk B) at noon C) at dawn.. D) at night
9. To whom does mihi (line 5) refer? A) Proculus B) Romulus C) Livy D) Quirites
10. 'Abi, nuntia,' (line 6) is an example of A) anaphora B) Linesis C) chiasmus D) asyndeton
11. Romanis (line 6) means A) with the Romans B) by the Romans C) to the Romans D) from th Romans
12. The best translation of caelestes (line 6) is A) gods B) stars C) clouds D) stonns
13. What does Romulus tell Proculus that the gods wish (lines 6 and 7)? A) that Romulus' body be put on display in Rome
B) that Rome be the capital of the world C) that Romulus would be the head of the Roman state
D) that the capital of the world be far from Rome
14. In lines 7 and 8, the Romans are ordered to A) maximize their human resources B) establish a religious tradition
q cultivate a knowledge of science D) cherish the art of war
15. The subject of abiit (line 9) is A) Romulus B) orbis terrarum C) Roma D) Proculus
16. Haec (line 9) is best translated A) these women B) these words q that Roman D) those men
17. desiderium Romuli (lines 9 and 10) means A) praise in behalf of Romulus B) longing for Romulus
q desire for the death of Romulus D) lack of faith in Romulus
18. What lessened the gnef of the common people and the army at this meeting (line 10)? A) their faith in the gods B) Proculus' bravery
C) their belief that Romulus has become immortal D) the presence of their new powerful army
Based on your knowledge of Roman literature, answer these questions.
19. This excerpt is taken from A) Ab Urbe Condita B) Eclogues C) De Officiis D) Annales
20. Livyand were well known historians. A)Ovid B)Vergil qPlautus D)Tacitus
Copyright 1993 Continued on reverse
Following the boar hunt, the Athenian hero Theseus
encounters the river god Achelous.
Heros Erechtheas Tritonidos ibat ad arces.
Clausit iter fecitque moras Achelous eunti
imbre tumens. "Succede meis," ait, "inclite, tectis,
Cecropide, nec te comiriitte rapacibus undis!
Ferre trabes solidas obliguaque volvere magno
murmure saxa solent. Vidi contermina ripae
cum gregibus stabula alta trahi, nec forLibus illic
profuit armentis nec equis velocibus esse.
Multa quoque hic torrens nivibus de monte solutis
corpora turbineo iuvenalia vertice mersit.
Tutior est requies, solito dum flumina currant
limite, dum tenues capiat suus alveus undas."
Adnuit Aegides, "Utarque, Acheloe, domoque
consilioque Luo," respondit et usus utroque est.
Ovid, Metamorphoses, viii. (adapted)
1 Heros = Theseus; Erechtheas = belonging to king Erechtheus;
2 Tritonidos = of Athena
3 imberi imbris = rain; inclitus, -a, -um = famous
4 Cecropidus, -a, -um = descendant of Cecrops, i.e., Athenian
5 trabs, trabis = tree; obliquus, -a, -um = downhill
6 conterminus, -a, -um = bordering upon (withdat.)
10 turbineus, -a, -um = whirling
12 limes, -itis = path; alveus, -i = riverbed
13 Aegides, -ae = Theseus; utor, uti = use
14 consilio = advice
21. In line 1, Theseus was heading back to the city of A) Thebes B) Corinth C) Delos D) Athens
22. In lines 2 and 3, Achelous hampered the journey by A) flooding the road B) starting a fire C) creating a landslide D) insulting Theseus
23. eunti (line 2) refers to A) Erechtheus B) Achelous C) Theseus D) Cecrops
24. "Succede me is, ... tectis" (line 3) is best translated A) come into my house B) stay away from my house C) destroy my house
D) build my house
25. indite (line 3) is A) vocative B) ablative C) dative D) nominative
26. What is happening in lines 5 and 6? A) The trees and rocks are rooted in solid ground B) Achelous wants to plant trees and rocks
C) The current is uprooting trees and rocks D) Theseus encounters huge trees and rocks
27. The implied subject of solent (line 6) is A) undae B) saxa C) trabes D) ripae
28. The subject of Vidi (line 6) is A) Theseus B) the young men C) the river D) Achelous
29. In lines 7 and 8, the animals A) found no safety anywhere B) rushed into the stables C) were yoked D) were consumed in the fire
30. A synonym for annentis (line 8) found in this passage is A) gregibus B) saxa C) trabes D) alveus
31. In lines 7 and 8, frtibus ...armentis ...equis velocibus is an example of the rhetorical device A) chiasmus B) hendiadys C) simile
32. In lines 9 and 10 A) young men are swept away when the snow melts B) young men climb a snow-covered mountain
C) a blizzard covers the young men D) the mountain is covered with continuously falling snow
33. The best translation for Tutior est requies (line 11) is A) I am protecting your rest B) Rest is required C) Rest is more prudent
D) He has protected your rest
34. The sense of dum tenues capiat suus alveus undas (line 12) is A) until the river becomes swollen with sediment
B) until the river dries up C) until the river overflows its banks D) until the river subsides
35. Aegides (line 13) is a(n) A) oxymoron B) patronymic C) onomatopoeia D) eupheiriism
36. The scansion of line 14 is A) DSSDDS B) SDSDSD C) DDSDDS D) DSDSSD
37. In lines 13 and 14, Theseus A) attacks Achelous B) enters Achelous' home C) scorns Achelous' advice D) is carried off by the current
38. Achelous' attiLude in this passage is A) greedy B) inviting C) sorrowful D) humble
Based on your knowledge of Latin literature, answer the following questions.
39. Ovid, the author of this selection, was banished to the Black Sea in 8 A.D. by A) Tiberius B) Agnppa C) Antony D) Augustus
40. Which of the following is Jl2I a work by Ovid? A) Mostellaria B) Fasti C) Herades D) Ars Amatoria
Copyright 1993

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